wrath of mother earth

Wrath of Mother Earth Anthony B. Prompt #1: General September 5, 2013 The waves crash over the sides, tossing the Fair Sea Hag to and fro; water pooling on the deck, glowing with the lashed of lighting across the darkened sky. Thunder threatens to deafen you, louder then a thousands cannons, seemingly blasting within your ears themselves. The captain clasped the ship's wheel, refusing with every fiber of his being, to allow the sea to pull his ship into it's dark abyss. The Fair Sea Hag, despite her name, was a very beautiful ship, making it easy to understand why the captain refused to surrender her to the sea. The sails whipped back an forth, the rigging strained to the breaking point, yet by some twist of luck, continuing to hold for the ship. The main mast itself seemed to bow under the strength of the wind, curved as if to shelter itself from the wind. The crew wailed of demons and gods of old, as if mother nature and any entity with power over her was angry; a storm of this ferocity could only be called mother nature's wrath, angry at the Fair Sea Hag for some sin, and she and her crew had sinned; though their sin was simply the sin of ignorance. Ignorance of what was nestled within her bowels; safe from the ripping grasps of the wind; safe from the lashes of lightening, whipping across the sky; safe within my arms. For mine was the sin mother nature truly was outraged against. My sin of pride, for taking that which was hidden carefully within the bowels of the earth; once hidden in the mist of myth and legends. For the object was the Earth's Pearl, unnaturally large and unnaturally created; for no oyster partook in the creation of this mystical gem, but rather it is said Mother Earth herself created this magnificent gem. She gave it as a gift to her faithful servants, a sign that their faith was not to go unrewarded. Her servants erected a temple in the honor of this gift, but throughout the centuries it slowly sunk into the earth; as if Mother Earth no longer considered us worth of her gift. Millennial ago, the temple was finally reclaimed,, the servants died off or forgot, and the pearl faded into obscurity. Until one day, I found the reference in the Vatican Library, and pieced together the location of the temple. I took my leave of duty, and procured the services of the Fair Sea Hag and her crew. The pearl was on the way to the Vatican Vaults, and here I was, and ordained father of his lordship, battling the false pagan gods of old. I was huddled against the corner of my cabin, my left arm clasped around the Earth's Pearl, my right hand clasped around the crucifix around my neck. The noise from outside was dulled by my praying, feverishly asking for God's guidance and protecting from those of old. A crash broke my concentration, and I saw the door was buckling in. I pressed myself farther into the corner, hoping what ever it was would leave. A few more crashes, each time I could see the door buckle more, before SNAP! The middle of the door cracked in to horizontally, both halves still held by the iron hinges, leaving a foot tall opening in the door. I expected for them to destroy more of the door, for the crew to pull me out, realizing I was the one who brought the storm upon them; yet no human came through. Instead, water started to pour in, and oddly pooling in the center of the room. As it was came, it started to raise itself, the water with a mind of it's own. I grew fearful, for there were few things it could be, and all of them would want me dead or worst. Eventually, after what seemed like eons yet was most likely a few minutes at most, the water stopped. I had the sense something was watching me, searching. “What do you want?” I asked, my voice tinged with fear and dread. The pearrrllll... A voice said, seemingly from the water. Givvvve usss the pearrrlll... I looked down, the pearl within my arms, before shifting my eyes back to the elemental, a being made up of one of the four pure elements, and choose. “My father, who art thou in heaven, hollowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Send this demon back to the depths it CAME!!!” My final words were cut off, as the elemental attacked, engulfing me and the pearl. As my vision faded, the last thing I thought was that now the Earth's Pearl rested in the hands of the sea, and this would create some tension.

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A unique short story of the very sea fighting against the forces of man.


Page 1: Wrath of Mother Earth

Wrath of Mother Earth Anthony B. Prompt #1: General September 5, 2013

The waves crash over the sides, tossing the Fair Sea Hag to and fro; water pooling on the deck, glowing with the lashed of lighting across the darkened sky. Thunder threatens to deafen you, louder then a thousands cannons, seemingly blasting within your ears themselves. The captain clasped the ship's wheel, refusing with every fiber of his being, to allow the sea to pull his ship into it's dark abyss. The Fair Sea Hag, despite her name, was a very beautiful ship, making it easy to understand why the captain refused to surrender her to the sea. The sails whipped back an forth, the rigging strained to the breaking point, yet by some twist of luck, continuing to hold for the ship. The main mast itself seemed to bow under the strength of the wind, curved as if to shelter itself from the wind.

The crew wailed of demons and gods of old, as if mother nature and any entity with power over her was angry; a storm of this ferocity could only be called mother nature's wrath, angry at the Fair Sea Hag for some sin, and she and her crew had sinned; though their sin was simply the sin of ignorance. Ignorance of what was nestled within her bowels; safe from the ripping grasps of the wind; safe from the lashes of lightening, whipping across the sky; safe within my arms. For mine was the sin mother nature truly was outraged against. My sin of pride, for taking that which was hidden carefully within the bowels of the earth; once hidden in the mist of myth and legends. For the object was the Earth's Pearl, unnaturally large and unnaturally created; for no oyster partook in the creation of this mystical gem, but rather it is said Mother Earth herself created this magnificent gem.

She gave it as a gift to her faithful servants, a sign that their faith was not to go unrewarded. Her servants erected a temple in the honor of this gift, but throughout the centuries it slowly sunk into the earth; as if Mother Earth no longer considered us worth of her gift. Millennial ago, the temple was finally reclaimed,, the servants died off or forgot, and the pearl faded into obscurity. Until one day, I found the reference in the Vatican Library, and pieced together the location of the temple. I took my leave of duty, and procured the services of the Fair Sea Hag and her crew. The pearl was on the way to the Vatican Vaults, and here I was, and ordained father of his lordship, battling the false pagan gods of old. I was huddled against the corner of my cabin, my left arm clasped around the Earth's Pearl, my right hand clasped around the crucifix around my neck. The noise from outside was dulled by my praying, feverishly asking for God's guidance and protecting from those of old.

A crash broke my concentration, and I saw the door was buckling in. I pressed myself farther into the corner, hoping what ever it was would leave. A few more crashes, each time I could see the door buckle more, before SNAP! The middle of the door cracked in to horizontally, both halves still held by the iron hinges, leaving a foot tall opening in the door. I expected for them to destroy more of the door, for the crew to pull me out, realizing I was the one who brought the storm upon them; yet no human came through. Instead, water started to pour in, and oddly pooling in the center of the room. As it was came, it started to raise itself, the water with a mind of it's own. I grew fearful, for there were few things it could be, and all of them would want me dead or worst. Eventually, after what seemed like eons yet was most likely a few minutes at most, the water stopped. I had the sense something was watching me, searching. “What do you want?” I asked, my voice tinged with fear and dread. The pearrrllll... A voice said, seemingly from the water. Givvvve usss the pearrrlll... I looked down, the pearl within my arms, before shifting my eyes back to the elemental, a being made up of one of the four pure elements, and choose. “My father, who art thou in heaven, hollowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. Send this demon back to the depths it CAME!!!” My final words were cut off, as the elemental attacked, engulfing me and the pearl. As my vision faded, the last thing I thought was that now the Earth's Pearl rested in the hands of the sea, and this would create some tension.