wp^^mm^m^ximm - eservices of prince william...

•*—"^^^ mm ^ Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm VOL. XX. No. 11. MANASSAS. VA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR €OtD lEDiffi'CONTESTl*^^''^ *^f^^"^^ SSkonkaB Na- tion in 19a0" in which the T. ...z_ 1 .'.r, i crowded church BKl church yard Thnllmfc Impirms and Con- joined, not only in voice but in Tincmg —The Saloon -MHrt Gn , (Reported for THE JOUXNAL by George C. Round) emphatic approval The york done bv Mrs n^yn and Mrs. Hill in their part of the county is marvelous. It is im possible to give too much praise M^dAYATjGREEKWlCif Wmrrttttnn mw^ r-A^i-pm Win Ban Game* RoMKJ and LTnck rk»m|4j^ W. T. O/s MEET HERE HoU,SucceMf«l and DeUchtful atEartcrnCoflete— AilopUd. Mrs. F. C. Brooke. Warrenton; 1 Crnflftl corresponding secreUry, Mr«. 1 •'**«W*' G. D. Baker, Manassas; record- ing secretary. Miss Lucy Bendall. Warrenton; treasurer, Mra^ M. 1^ xmt's''i if ever an '"^- - hrM to these \»Au>^ for their labora of I terday is reportedagreataucceaa^l^tj Bf the. Woman's Christ; ^^^r^^t^^^i^Uve on behalf of clSTl^ -^'fae races we.^ d ^ .ndl^I^^^^^^^^ IJt^l^a yesterday in a tighter grip by movtefc word- ^ve on behalf of childhood, wo- An invitation to hold the next convention at Remington was r«2.„w;»k'= ui„c^j J TO. ,1^- accepted. The sentiment seemed Greenwich s big field day yes- j The annual bi-county conven.ito favor a two-days' session in the.. Woman's Christian [ 1915 nirtiirffl inri pffi then the one which crowded Grace churek iart ntght year re- ports- cannot recall it The speakers, seven in nuniber, came fron €<rie8 district in the oeigfa- IxH-hood of Woodbine union of artiir. .r.^tnr,., manhood and mftnbood. I could j r"":" , ^,3 .'uT" ""^^1:"^ which crowded ^^ ^"^ that Judge Christian "^ «=^wd ihlT jTak-jy *teoar taught and drilled by the worthy Udmof thaterffaaixatioB. The fitst speaker wa« MidS Maggie Robinson and her topic was "Chnvtiaa\''€;itizenship." Her reata<joo_was a maryel^f effective, graeeful gesture, ap- prnpriate tn hftr tsamest por and Cri. Owpn and otban that are driving aid to the saloon could have heard those young peoirfe as we lieard tham laat wghi I believe like St Paul and Gov. m-w - CLIFTON NEWS. trajral of the duties of the voters of our K%»ublic i l o n i s Groetf was iJo. 2. ainf and his. theme ''Woe o i ^ the Ihimka^ Mak»." M<Hiis was -forcifate and be droy hometiic denundatkinB of Scripture who against the man who makes ^tting die Wtle to kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty. She gave the re^onae of a mor deierattJiebarOftfaeeoaitwho u-^,-TfT^'?^ ' l^H iwwiii ...IUIMIIIU^I t»,ii«rt. fe^ hifi holMiayH at home. had bf<!H condcuumdtoid<3fliifbf luMiJIg tiiri»ire,~'auMJBt power» fai nadi^Btent of ^^Ma^ and _, me Na 3. dkSsESa Mrs. Hodge again showed any <^»erving p^son* iii*CUfton the goed^^ie woman-eaa aeeomptish with music and expression among a dozen of our young people tak- ing lessons during the summer holidayg.—Ha- gceitol ef Thuupih Brilfiuit ProflFaoi Attend* Cor. n«»ione Laying of Betbd HidiSdhooL The new four-room high school .^. . - . « wex^ cn-c »„a xur-,,, ^Tr- '- /T^l The closiHg^tiiidictian ^^\^f^'^'fS'^^^ "^^ th^ center mshed quite a few thrills for.the!h^ £t ? ^"««« *»s one of, pronounced by Rev. Jacob Hal-j ° ^ ^ < ^ ^ ^ " ^jstrict was dedi- Round won tite IQD yard daah. with Brown of Alexandria a dose second. Round also won the 220, and Lynch- the half mile, with ease. gatnermgs or women ever held | R; I cated Tuesday last, Aui in MftnaBsap grew f ' iiassas The n numbers as the day pro- _ The convention was called to order by the president, Mea. EffliJy C. Reuad, at 10:30 a. m. and all joined in singing EESOLUTIONS ADOPTED ! SSJLi^n'*"""'^"^^^^^ ft«^VK0rl^-TS«-*eeongrafai-t^te the Bethd M e t T O d'is't St^rf^ lat« the people of Fauouier and Prince "•••—• ""M •>• jvnucu III staging fought Catharpin won the game in the morning by the soorc of 16 to 6. Brower and Reed both pitched good ball WvivBton beat Wanaiwaa in thirteen isBHigs By-the score t>f 3 to 2. Wanen- tOB scored 2 in the first inning and until the seventh neither Uaun further stonA. AUens- w<M-th for Manassas and Wood- the ringing chorus 'It'« camujgj It'i COOUOSF! The mom for,wh»ch we pray, 'We'Udake the world for Christ's own Kngdom. aoaMgUd digr." , - auouier William counties that t£e tine has come when there is no lioeaaed salooa widua our borders. RESOLVED, Second-That on behalf church, near the c o n m ooc^^ied by Dewey's store. After prayer by Rev. Mr. Jack- of the woin«iiho«id ^ "chiJdh^ ^tTur' !**°\ o^^^^ericksburg, Superin- tPndCTt_G«>rya P. »t«t». w aik MM our brothers and our BODS to so vote on Tirlnr infia day evBuiug showed BkUl and °'g»"''tight balL la tin; wiVHnlh, training and higli ideals and ef- George A^lenswgrth gn^ a dean lggl^««i f'»rj»v«r.JljTM^iOgjlggXg^ f<Ht <M the part of teacher and f<yt ^lat It ta not every teacher taaahi or hnn thr tnnti first-class moaic in a,sm^ town. Thus one anist the mere affre- date the effort MnL-^Hodge imts forth itt our midst __ Mr. Ralph ¥\ml is spepeUog hit, took second cman infldd ontr scored <m Pattie's single.' and bKMght Jrft ^afterisBr^neaa. ^ |ifaf Vwj^ livni iff imttir mrk in- ^ ' ^ •-ijAt as she gave as "AiTisioii of "^krkwmmiH^^ When ate aeriptioii of a warid redeeaaeA foam tfaa broughi the aadJencctto thedi- max flBcbe eveumg. HwrnifffH' Nn fj, Fnnk Hill 'who hail just beeooae a voCer,ai>d iw spoke in a dose argumenta- tive mama- OB ''Suasion and^ Mr. Wm. Fowler improvar»f^ ter his operatkm. JtoEtfadDgrasiaabotthMaBn MCTsrm. iZ^ Gnieo aad Fnmk boger's speBdmg a fotui that CUfton'fa^borys fed good ova* vuwiag tw« games Satoiday Cathargm. Tke day was Riom this time until the tlHr-^U'^^ teeE^ the pitehers wereBivnae. An infidd error and a dpufaie by nelEett w^n the for Warr September 22nd, that the liquor traffic shall be entir^y eliminated from the state, so that we shall no longer be responsible for the ^ i It aod-^iame and misery cauaed by that traftc- - RBSOLVED, Third-That we aak ow zrenaent itoop conducted the! congreskmen and senators to favw aob- devotianal exercises and a wel-rfS'"^ ** ' ^ states an amendnent to Mayor W. HiH Brown.—Mayor j^^^^«sorvyn. FoBrtb-Tbat oopics' of Mr. George C. Round as han been an active Brown said he had been con- nected with the town govefn- was gkd to say a great iinpivve menjtr-had taken place in condi- tions within that time^and he was witling to give t£s ladies great credit for i t 'Mere was now iiPie trouMelrom intnrii^t. the tyliig rim"a paomlMt later-3J^g<*n"t and vary few arrcsta. due«J^ one who woricer for the public schoda from their foundation. After some prdiminary remarks Itf^ Bound introduced to the audi- ence a lady npw living within half a mile of the spot and for sixty-six years a reatdrat of Prince William county. The these re«>lutioi." besent'fTrVbh^tf^ ! ^ * * ^ ? ^ OUkBiXh^KMhOt to the p^>er8 that circulate in FauquieE ^^ *""• WlUBun Clarke, who waS and E*nnce William eonntiea' or tiMB eofneulaiu be Pi.Ugid«l to PfW- ident Roop, of £:astem College, for the use of their hall and graonda during this eonventirtn ai^ *^ *hr maytrr^ tTuiasnisapd to theeitiaeoaaiiddergy. •aa-xai «Pd to the local union omr tieart^iwe The.women had aocomi^ished a ' apd he was interested Jto welcome them to our town. MIBA Flapenee Lion an h..h«lf Every body ««ljuurBBd ia a safla-- Sedfiame <rf mlad meet agant nextaAugast^——-= ' mm tissn i& mr ^Phe ddegataons from the ~^ —— BeUe- .<aed!8 commands in Geoesis. His appeu-anee and stjie reminded BM aomflhow of the time the wri- ter heard the last stmnp ^teech LiHOulu IB—ttser Ev«y stepin las *i Clear as da?. Worth was He as was^« oowd. Cathn^ pia fiKvaibed abeat 00 paotet? i^C^ftni'^tute a<m»«^ Cffl^ whiiHHng from Manaaaaayridar. Ijewever. Tbe Misses B;nck are hoose tivm .Siehmond aad Barrisen- m Lieut Soond'was In reedpt of a card tiiis morning &om Mas Eygenia H. X)sfaegrH,-who% JBafled in Some oa July 2L V< nf tfi • ' h ^ ai^w* .»fc.*J«--*- ary and the party was 4be Switzerland Angast 3. Or. and Mrs. H. L. Quarks EflKtand. under the iite of Jubr Stark was Mo. «. „^ , _ ^ _ . ^ ^.,^^ ^^ ^^^^ described "T^ American Bhie-! The republicans of the dghth 277wb«a therwere on die erel^ beard" aad it is SgtSi^am ts s»zJ^P^^^^^ *strict wiH hold a^^tepartiag for ti»e continert and that he took the laize from six eonventioa ia-'Alecancbiaat noon supplied thfir i f M»ng »«i^pnntf ja ^eakexa who evoFaae pressed^cf>^ f for-the-purpoee of eon-'paris for liw two •ij--riifsim- himhatdL E»erywwdrangdear:rideTi« thead»iaaWlityof i)^S:^jingita-reeeipt ^_— on the ears o^tbe Afftiierest ao-' ">g * candidate ia the field for The wheieabaats of each is rtitor. aearnci'^ of eniinnatieB j ConflW ftum ihis disorig to i^poadbte to state, hat relatives eharacterietae of all the i oppwe Be^^a^ny vo g g QM^ jum fajea^t, ,^ hopeftd of a *n, tfee demaerate Boadttee. anavHw v»*uwa " Hmk of, the kxal -union gave a wel- come to visitors which was re- spMided to hv Ming I^mtil*. M«.r. rill, the preadent of the B^iid union. The regular ecmuaittett were then appMniaH hy tl»>^.mfc were then appniniftH hy tl»>^.m»r ident TheI«Ba^w8s tnen called wiaeh showed a large increase the memba^ip fof tust . gn^^nog. Re- ports were made by the 4ocal pgaddanta ohoaoag ^-_ a growing interest- eveirywhefe and a large ioerdMe in memboship and an eaothusimBB for state-wid^ pro- ,. Ill hi ^^*"* _ ' Uai^l^ *Tfflg _ -— — — ..--».:, The constitu^op was read, for the inlanaatieB<n thenew rooned in Kirope with the host of Amoican toinuts detained by be lifted to the small he:;iuMl to Mrs. Brooke, of Wan^nton, flude a plea .for the state paper, Ilie Vi^^jiaia CaU, urging a wide dreuUibQa. Mrs. Harrell, of the 'emperaaee ITEMS FROM GREENWICH. bom in Gibson. Susquehmnnah consequently 92 years and^^ months dd on tiie day of de£- catioo. •'\ ICag Lade Grant day . wiffi Grace Hokzdaw. i.Satuz: MiweA MyrttelSd Mr. and Mm. William Rass. of Washingtwi. ar6 vidting Mr. TSMB; parents. Mr ««< u^ r\ Mr. Round asked the children jiueseni if UiKiLJurgiLggaiythiBf.' dse tO-fMn«»mhar tli«» frt.^ hf^ aeea the dai^ta- of a sokher at the Amoicap Revolution and a member of the' Mouiff' Vornba Chapter ef the Daughters of the Revdutimi. and probably the last remaining realdaughteri living in the state «f '~ " Her mudeo U. Ro4. Maaea faiae and Mary DuBn with Mr^ and -MFL -^-Wiliiaiir Schwab, of Baldwm'4 Riitee. Mr. F. S. DiavidffP whft ^p^t Ibe past two mooths at '^One Grove," has pecamed toiiis home ac the ilap^i~:^iaid>, whidh were attended by a crowd of ''••"^ "*"i nrirr iiiiitr a waiiiw n^eredtatiiHis were good and Jtheainging fine. The pngram was as fottowa: ^Qrgmia. name was Mair Chamlwriin and abe was one'of the youi}gest of twenty-six eh3- childrenof Wright Cfaamfiol^ a^addkr in the Gm^ectaeot line, w h o s e wanw* in HBim> pi«<ipg « iii#«y- raeriy givwi^aM Wyrtt faaMnVr^ t the Ban^S~73itmli ^^.lAh «»^^»*i^ JfeWt grrar, mtgrpttfjas a h ^ ,lie Sooday Seba^ ^ ^ L ^ •}>• -li-- Ke»- J- «- C«*e Bgnfartiop. foaadpa aad ChildreaV > be«,fiflowed±3?:a radjtation by|»«i»iiaiiiJM._^i^'thgTiiift '^^ "* pressed ! Jiand.— only time she had ever been in an automolNle. HCT huabaad. lx>ya]ty TVe Sati - DglnjiMM. UMiirtifwl Nande » Recitatiqit Bif •ed.Childrtg Doc^ ..... .Katie C«gk; aod^ume Nti£ EKiiatias.^. EBUna l l a » h i » h BedtatMB. My PMMed WVmen but a iittte aaore ao of] Worth. Jtfflttt of his eoo^etitors had apparetitly for ^ e instant or . t m a Jai^e rfat^jiaipaattWwtkl^MjHmnjt kept-stzaight on to, the end. diatrictata- . W U k I woddiMtSi GohsidavdTaM^ as disputing Hie ja^aee «f A e award made by the jwlges, a geod argument could be_pat op in the minds of the "hearersTn|" . —. ••.»-im-i^TiFvj m behalf of all the others, each (mej ^u represented at the meeting, eeeding each day i^ ^^^k tk^jP^m^ .JaatwhowiB-bep<a-jnd»i"-" 'S55?ff-i»a»^ ilie^ i a ^ *«>»* Br flirtiir i m a t v^ 7 »« Hw. Kg* Hf known, although the naaiea~<tf __ ,135 a paper as to conditions in Kan- sas, giving her ownobsavatioas and experiraiees in to the effect^ iveneas of prahibitkm which were entirely differeirt ftom the cdo- <ftaons- described bry Mr. Royal Cabdl. The ean^^^iob voted to ask rh^nearspapers ta pubBafa A diirnsdon followed as to the ctrealatiatt of good iite£atare,ti«~ Song, iagr BeHi.. Baairatia- ^mimj »A«Law .The Saaday Seteol sat in the autoaaobile of H<ML G. J. Meetze with Miss Merritt and Mis. Round where she re^ cdved all, young and old,, who ferward <»; shake her She Kaid L jf thenMRdlo Air estate ia 1 8 » rsefaani *IM1 1>^ IxKBe ^^maaed there tiB ^^^^ within the past vear^- _• —. After Mr. Round oooduded, the ladies aerved a fine diiiner. Superintendent T^kr then intro^ doced H(m. C: J. Meetze aad Cd. Robt A HtttRhiwwi. hndi of whom.au boys b^an thcsa- adtod .^*«c « — » » » ••Miiiw. speedy return. Minaassii rTlaL - " ^ • - ~ " ' '" -"^ -"-^-^»^ This plan was deUdai upon Sdwd *111 twiH. MHia 41ahau.H ^l *>^ .P'^^^^. P*^***" JgJ ondayaftenmon by the reoub- .h«* th* ™Aii. ^ s-XZ:^!*"'**?* «**« U»e «ite^5t Monday aftenmoe iqrjhe repub- !«bwit the middle «f Seiitcaaber i-^ — ^ * ^ «f »^ ^-^t*^ ,nrt iHnf itaskruiill • f l l ^ l i ^ held attke at his psat at the Om^wmlr of * %M ^ " i>«4««»4Chie«ponOetober L of M;MIW. Astoet ehaitmaa, f Little anxk*^ ia f d l ftr thdr prearied.andH.3ager,<<Hem-;Mtfety«,Undeaam _„ ^ eeeretarr. i able to take care ef «very ceuutj « the diaUio^^nd aaerg^cij KeeitatioB, BMB tbe.HamaeM of .LiTing ............. ;.'S^ Week* K«eitatMB lacK GBB Scdo. I Am So Glad My Fatlter Kedtatiaii, Tbe GcHea Kale ^^^^ ' ' ^ • ' Efabo Qmn _jS^ri ^ ^ "» the p u ^ sdwda «Jf fiaestidieD. Annie EeeitsdBBTXoBebat hi ^SOB-^ siaDe .......... Sarah MedaaBahaa Som. May GmtVejit^ on Ton ~ . . IteSud^SdMot BeenatMB VFilfie " ' Baaitati ~ ~ uew.^s. A. icoiot cnaea tiie^ aaoming Mssion with prayer m>d evei>biidy was invited td~jr^£- cheoc ea the cqiege lawn. At iipt-m,-:ti» eonveatioo le- Srto anscmbtod. More repofta eamet^^^ fram unioas not represented in the momii^. Then casse a re- p(M-t frsm Mrs. Willis, of R«n- wboBv qxdtt w d as Prinpe W3- liara boys dways do. . Miss Garrw- Leary. then gave' an affecting redtatkm entSed. 'Tve Lost My Bqy." depietinc. son had wandered from the influence of drink.. Tlie prindpd address of tlw^ oecasiuu was then ddf»<»fed >f Prot A B. ^haadkr. of (<«lls icksborg,- It was Qdved j ^ v e U ej p„ mary of the wiai KaUi: the futme. He sdd heretofore FindSow our eehoda had been waikiv ^-2 "*™^ **» "I'iree R'a." Here- ^ ^^^>»iter we mast kxk amtfori^ Qaaitetie -" I "FWeBT* wS We Sewr S i ^ e ^ B v e I Head. 2. The Hand. 3. TW __The Sgaday^Schooi ; Heart -^Bf SgiSigE a Ita. R, £ *J ^r^rilT^J^„^^l~i^ Isabd Thornton « v i ^ eST* wfidi were: L Tbe ~ The Hand. 3. The I* Pt S-r . "^>- •" *"» Hedth, and& 'M and .Jim T _ i i Z _ r ^ » — ' ^ ^ »i^»o«jci inonaan IS vistt- This district Mua Salbe Cooper iatenstiar aasounta ^Ihe oper-rTSiTIibaWiiSS; i^i^^^ Wmmmt*^^^ the Loyd Temperance i the past two tiootbs at 'LeKiutjaud the medd ujutaalaj<liwva," ymr "The teachers. 2.~9aaitary and coBvement building* and grounds with good ikaaSel 1 ^ Day" in a nusterly way. Un- law mwnet aowerer, is -^ Kir^ ^h> ..A^^ tw. - , « t > hia i^n w*ss sdjdly democratic ^ the gnert of the oralion. but un&r t i « ™ i « o f i ^ ^ t a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ « n ^ | S S a i F ^ ^ i S 5 : jiirtbe'din^ ^^^i^VS^ i friends. the ennteat this was not a point ^«<e*t headway. Mr.Carimwaal Mra. Bruce, of Pennsyiaaaia.! by in pabbTSowTMrsTBdl' tn he takf into eccoont Hiarecentftr declared the party nam- ^ l ^ t ^ , ^ . , . ^ . , , , , , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '-Qnlv Kxe«« H,V. this'weekS ^ hSTS ^ ^.^ ., ^ Waahmcton Star. vidting Mr. aad Mrt^rih^^r£?^i:J^^^JSu, '"^ ".3^ "'"•" . ' If « c h w,ird rf this synopds CornwdL a report w hi^W^^TO^fht tlSt'^yed" *- '^ WM L^rarrfuHyrniVBdinadthareid^ speech was a ooodenaation of "state-wide" arguments and de- livered with akdge hammer "^jiows un the heaila Z. A well-rouaded course of study. 4. Adaptation to the eaviroa- NOTES T. NokadprewdMd here Sunday science of his auditors. Whilfe the judges were deiiber- Rev. T. W. ating, Hon. C J. Meetze, under an excellent the -spur of th'e thrilling talks' mornings from the boys iRd gUte&t "The' Mrs. Georgia TMJSJI. of Wood- Forest," gave an anuttdly good bine, visited ha sister, MrsJioy "Tifrh. gypn for htm _i j Mdsir. Snndtj . A volunteer choir isterspersed, Miss Celia Beavers and her the program vrith splendid song, brother Austin, of Manaa8as.are ^liasEthd-Mddr i, W^n^^-^wT-^ the summa- with her auat. Mrs. ebewhere. Lucy Parr, in Alexandria. Miss M a r y Rorabaugh and brother Frank, of Albertaa,lid . are visiting frioids and relatives in Maaasaas aad Brentsville. Jiaamfnwwfj^te^esijyacnaisg^ isolorsq boy, stele a _ the readotioas longing to Mr. Hany Underwood Ti^-~~.;.»^_.>_» - •• J ""^ sUrted out in the direction TbeexercTseswereinterapersed.of Manassas. Mr. Underwood S^T'^MfSf TT ^^y}^ immediately went in punwjuTd ^'^^ AlJ^^tll:rxl} °" ^ ^K^'^ *'*«^ ^ Manassas, The caerrs gf the bt-ooanty Mr, Underwood returned wh^ oiKanuatioii weie it^-deetol M Sliding the bieydem^e aSr^ racey. a. will have a iair idea-^ ProL hicyde be^ ClaTyllef's able address. .. . ' „ ^^ ... urgmtiLutumi Tterc rg^igctea ftg i fatMing the fair w g—T^» Master Ernest Cgp^dl « ^«7.^w^i>re«itoW,JUaL - E B £ ^ Z ^ ^ : , S ^ ^ ^ " in at his home near Brentsville. Round, Manaasas: vice-president t I^^EY-ES. A choir led by Miss Haliie Se- Irttman s»ve the audience appro- pnaCemude. The day was oad. fair and Pheasant aid the dedicatioB a frraat SDcce5>fi. ' Hon. Tjson Janney. of Occo- .-quar,: Hon. W- T. CMtver. Qf_ ^Fairfax, ano many other citizens of Princ* Wjlliana and Fairfax . werp ir. attenda,;-

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Page 1: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty

• * — " ^ ^ ^ mm

^ Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm VOL. XX. No. 11.


€ O t D lEDiffi'CONTESTl*^^''^ * f " ^ SSkonkaB Na-tion in 19a0" in which the

T. ...z_ 1 .'.r, i crowded church BKl church yard Thnllmfc Impirms a n d Con- joined, not only in voice but in

Tincmg —The Saloon -MHrt Gn ,

(Reported for THE JOUXNAL by George C. Round)

emphatic approval The york done bv Mrs n^yn

and Mrs. Hill in their part of the county is marvelous. It is im possible to give too much praise


Wmrrttttnn mw^ r - A ^ i - p m W i n

Ban Game* RoMKJ and LTnck rk»m|4j^


HoU,SucceMf«l and DeUchtful atEartcrnCoflete—


Mrs. F. C. Brooke. Warrenton; 1 Crnflftl corresponding secreUry, Mr«. 1 •'**«W*' G. D. Baker, Manassas; record­ing secretary. Miss Lucy Bendall. Warrenton; treasurer, Mra M. 1^


i f ever an '"^- — - hrM to these \»Au>^ for their labora of I terday is reportedagreataucceaa^l^tj Bf the. Woman's Christ; ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ t ^ ^ ^ i ^ U v e on behalf of c l S T l ^ - 'fae races we.^ d ^ .ndl^I^^^^^^^^ IJt l a yesterday in a tighter grip by movtefc word- ^ve on behalf of childhood, wo-

An invitation to hold the next convention at Remington was

r«2.„w;»k'= ui„c^j J TO. , 1 ^ - accepted. The sentiment seemed Greenwich s big field day yes- j The annual bi-county conven.ito favor a two-days' session in

the.. Woman's Christian [ 1915

nirtiirffl inri pffi then the one which crowded Grace churek iart ntght year re­ports- cannot recall i t The speakers, seven in nuniber, came fron €<rie8 district in the oeigfa-IxH-hood of Woodbine union of

artiir. .r.^tnr,., manhood and mftnbood. I could j r"":" , ^ , 3 .'uT" " " ^ ^ 1 : " ^ which crowded ^^ ^"^ that Judge Christian " ^ «= wd ihlT jTak-jy *teoar

taught and drilled by the worthy Udmof thaterffaaixatioB.

The fitst speaker wa« MidS Maggie Robinson and her topic was "Chnvtiaa\''€;itizenship." Her reata<joo_was a maryel f effective, graeeful gesture, ap-prnpriate tn hftr tsamest por

and Cri. Owpn and otban that are driving aid to the saloon could have heard those young peoirfe as we lieard tham laat wghi I believe like St Paul and Gov.

m-w -


trajral of the duties of the voters of our K%»ublic

i l on i s Groetf was iJo. 2. ainf and his. theme ''Woe o i ^ the Ih imka^ Mak» ." M<Hiis was

-forcifate and be d r o y hometiic denundatkinB of S c r i p t u r e

who against the man who makes ^ t t i n g die W t l e to

kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was

^ t c p i e ci Miss Annie Leaty. She gave the re^onae of a mor deierattJiebarOftfaeeoaitwho u - ^ , - T f T ^ ' ? ^ ' l^H iwwiii ...IUIMIIIU^I t»,ii«rt. fe^ hifi holMiayH at home. had bf<!H condcuumd toid<3flii fbf luMiJIg tiiri»ire,~'auMJBt power» fai nadi^Btent of ^^Ma^ and _,

m e N a 3. dkSsESa

Mrs. Hodge again showed any <^»erving p^son* iii*CUfton the goed^^ie woman-eaa aeeomptish with music and expression among a dozen of our young people tak­ing lessons during the summer holidayg.—Ha- gceitol ef Thuupih

Brilfiuit ProflFaoi Attend* Cor.

n«»ione Laying of Betbd HidiSdhooL

The new four-room high school

. ^ . . - . « wex^ cn-c »„a xur-,,, t« ^Tr- ' - /T^l The closiHg^tiiidictian ^^\^f^'^'fS'^^^ "^^ th^ center mshed quite a few thrills for . the!h^ £ t ? ^ " « « « *»s one of, pronounced by Rev. Jacob Hal-j ° ^ ^ < ^ ^ ^ " ^jstrict was dedi-

Round won tite IQD yard daah. with Brown of Alexandria a dose second. Round also won the 220, and Lynch- the half mile, with ease.

gatnermgs or women ever held | R; I cated Tuesday last, Aui

in MftnaBsap grew f' iiassas The

n numbers as the day pro-_ The convention was called to order by the president, Mea. EffliJy C. Reuad, at 10:30 a. m. and all joined in singing

EESOLUTIONS ADOPTED ! SSJLi^n'*"""'^"^^^^^ ft«^VK0rl^-TS«-*eeongrafai-t^te t h e B e t h d M e t T O d ' i s ' t

S t ^ r f ^ lat« the people of Fauouier and Prince

"•••—• ""M •>• jvnucu III s t a g i n g

fought Catharpin won the game in the morning by the soorc of 16 to 6. Brower and Reed both pitched good ball WvivBton beat Wanaiwaa in thirteen isBHigs By-the score t>f 3 to 2. Wanen-tOB scored 2 in the first inning and until the seventh neither Uaun further stonA. AUens-w<M-th for Manassas and Wood-

the ringing chorus 'It'« camujgj It'i COOUOSF! The mom

for,wh»ch we pray, 'We'Udake the world for Christ's own

Kngdom. aoaMgUd digr."

, - auouier William counties that t£e t i n e has come when there is no lioeaaed salooa widua our borders.

RESOLVED, Second-That on behalf

church, near the c o n m ooc^^ied by Dewey's store.

After prayer by Rev. Mr. Jack-of the woin«iiho«id "chiJdh^ tTur' !**°\ o^^^^ericksburg, Superin-

tPndCTt_G«>rya P. »t«t». w aik MM our brothers and our BODS to so vote on

Tirlnr infia

day evBuiug showed BkUl and °'g»"''tight balL la tin; wiVHnlh, training and higli ideals and ef- George A lenswgrth gn a dean

l g g l ^ « « i f'»rj»v«r.JljTM^iOgjlggXg^

f<Ht <M the part of teacher and f<yt

^lat It ta not every teacher

taaahi or hnn thr tnnti first-class moaic in a , s m ^ town. Thus one anist the mere affre-date the effort MnL-^Hodge imts forth itt our midst __

Mr. Ralph ¥\ml is spepeUog

hit, took second cman infldd ontr scored <m Pattie's single.'

and bKMght

Jrf t

^afterisBr^neaa. ^ |ifaf Vwj^ livni iff imttir mrk

i n - ^ ' ^

•-ijAt as she gave as "AiTisioii of "^krkwmmiH^^ When ate

aeriptioii of a warid redeeaaeA foam tfaa broughi the aadJencctto thed i -max flBcbe eveumg.

HwrnifffH' Nn fj, Fnnk Hill 'who hail just beeooae a voCer,ai>d iw spoke in a dose argumenta­t ive mama- OB ''Suasion and

Mr. Wm. Fowler improvar»f^ ter his operatkm.


MCTsrm. i Z ^ Gnieo aad Fnmk

boger's speBdmg a fotui that

CUfton'fa^borys f e d good ova* v u w i a g tw« games Satoiday

Cathargm. Tke day was

Riom this time until the t l H r - ^ U ' ^ ^ teeE^ the pitehers wereBivnae. An infidd error and a dpufaie by nelEett w^n the for Warr

September 22nd, that the liquor traffic shall be entir^y eliminated from the state, so that we shall no longer be responsible for the ^ i It aod-^iame and misery cauaed by that traftc- -

„ RBSOLVED, Third-That we aak o w z r e n a e n t i t o o p c o n d u c t e d t h e ! congreskmen and senators to favw aob-

devot iana l e x e r c i s e s a n d a w e l - r f S ' " ^ ** ' ^ states an amendnent to

M a y o r W. HiH B r o w n . — M a y o r j^^^^«sorvyn. FoBrtb-Tbat oopics' of

Mr. George C. Round as han been an active

Brown said he had been con­nected with the town govefn-

was gkd to say a great iinpivve menjtr-had taken place in condi­tions within that time^and he was witling to give t£s ladies great credit for i t 'Mere was now iiPie trouMelrom intnrii^t.

the tyliig rim"a paomlMt later-3J^g<*n"t and vary few arrcsta.

due«J one who woricer for the public schoda from their foundation. After some prdiminary remarks Itf^ Bound introduced to the audi­ence a lady npw living within half a mile of the spot and for sixty-six years a reatdrat of Prince William county. The

these re«>lutioi." b e s e n t ' f T r V b h ^ t f ^ ! ^ * * ^ ? ^ OUkBiXh^KMhOt to the p^>er8 that circulate in FauquieE ^^ *""• WlUBun C l a r k e , w h o waS and E*nnce William eonntiea'

or tiMB eofneulaiu be Pi.Ugid«l to PfW-ident Roop, of £:astem College, for the use of their hall and graonda during this eonventirtn a i ^ *^ *hr m a y t r r ^ tTuiasnisapd to theeitiaeoaaiiddergy.

•aa-xai «Pd to the local union omr tieart^iwe

The.women had aocomi ished a ' apd he was interested

Jto welcome them to our town.

MIBA Flapenee Lion an h..h«lf

Every body ««ljuurBBd ia a safla--Sedfiame <rf mlad t» meet agant nextaAugast^——-= '

mm tissn i& mr ^Phe ddegataons from the ~^ —— BeUe-

.<aed!8 commands in Geoesis. His appeu-anee and stjie reminded BM aomflhow of the time the wri­ter heard the last stmnp ^teech

LiHOulu IB—ttser E v « y stepin las *i Clear a s da?.




as w a s ^ « oowd. Cathn^ pia fiKvaibed abeat 00 paotet? i ^ C ^ f t n i ' ^ t u t e a<m»«^ Cffl^

whiiHHng from Manaaaaayridar. Ijewever.

Tbe Misses B;nck are hoose tivm .Siehmond aad Barrisen-


Lieut Soond'was In reedpt of a card tiiis morning &om Mas Eygenia H. X)sfaegrH,-who%

JBafled in Some oa July 2L V< n f tfi • ' h ^ a i ^ w * .»fc.*J«--*-

ary and the party was 4be Switzerland Angast 3.

Or. and Mrs. H. L. Quarks

EflKtand. under the i i t e of Jubr Stark was Mo. «. „ ^ , _ ^ _ . ^ ^.,^^ ^^ ^^^^ described " T ^ American Bhie-! The republicans of the dghth 277wb«a therwere on die e r e l ^ beard" aad it is SgtSi^am ts s»zJ^P^^^^^ *strict wiH hold a^^tepartiag for ti»e continert and that he took the laize from six eonventioa ia-'Alecancbiaat noon • supplied thfir i f M»ng »«i pnntf ja ^eakexa who evoFaae pressed^cf>^ f for-the-purpoee of eon-'paris for liw two • i j - -r i i fs im-himhatdL E»erywwdrangdear:rideTi« thead»iaaWlityof i)^S:^jingita-reeeipt ^ _ — on the ears o^tbe Afftiierest ao-' ">g * candidate ia the field for The wheieabaats of each is rtitor. aearnci'^ of eniinnatieB j Conf lW ftum ihis disorig to i^poadbte to state, hat relatives

eharacterietae of all the i oppwe B e ^ ^ a ^ n y vo g g QM^ jum fajea^t, , ^ hopeftd of a * n , tfee d e m a e r a t e B o a d t t e e . anavHw v»*uwa " H m k

of, the kxal -union gave a wel­come to visitors which was re-spMided to hv Ming I mtil*. M«.r. rill, the preadent of the B^iid union. The regular ecmuaittett were then appMniaH hy tl»>^.mfc were then appniniftH hy tl»>^.m»r ident TheI«Ba w8s tnen called wiaeh showed a large increase

the memba^ip fof tust

. gn^^nog. Re­ports were made by the 4ocal pgaddanta ohoaoag -_ — „ a growing interest- eveirywhefe and a large ioerdMe in memboship and an eaothusimBB for state-wid^ pro-

,. I l l h i ^^*"* _ — ' Uai^l^ *Tfflg _ -— — — ..--».:, —

The constitu^op was read, for the inlanaatieB<n thenew

rooned in Kirope with the host of Amoican toinuts detained by

be lifted to the small he:;iuMl to

Mrs. Brooke, of Wan^nton, flude a plea .for the state paper, I l ie Vi^^jiaia CaU, urging a wide dreuUibQa. Mrs. H a r r e l l , of

the 'emperaaee


bom in Gibson. Susquehmnnah

consequently 92 years a n d ^ ^ months dd on tiie day of de£-catioo.

•'\ ICag Lade Grant day . wiffi Grace Hokzdaw.

i.Satuz: MiweA MyrttelSd

Mr. and Mm. William Rass. of Washingtwi. ar6 vidting Mr.

TSMB; parents. Mr ««< u^ r\

Mr. Round asked the children jiueseni if UiKiLJurgiLggaiythiBf.'

d s e tO-fMn«»mhar tli«» frt.^ hf^ aeea the dai^ta- of a sokher at the Amoicap Revolution and a member of the' Mouiff' Vornba Chapter ef the Daughters of the Revdutimi. and probably the last remaining realdaughteri living in the state «f '~ " Her mudeo

U. Ro4. Maaea faiae and Mary DuBn

with Mr and -MFL - -Wiliiaiir Schwab, of Baldwm'4 Riitee.

Mr. F. S. DiavidffP whft ^ p ^ t Ibe past two mooths at '^One Grove," has pecamed toiiis home

ac the ilap^i~:^iaid>, whidh were attended by a crowd of ''••"^ "*"i nrirr iiiiitr a waiiiw n^eredtatiiHis were good and Jtheainging fine. The pngram was as fottowa:

^Qrgmia. name was Mair

Chamlwriin and abe was one'of the youi}gest of twenty-six eh3-

c h i l d r e n o f Wright Cfaamfiol^ a^addkr in the Gm ectaeot line, whose wanw* in HBim> pi«<ipg « i i i#«y-raeriy givwi^aM W y r t t f a a M n V r ^

t the Ban^S~73itmli ^ .lAh «» »*i JfeWt grrar, mtgrpttfjas a h ^

, l i e Sooday Seba^ ^ ^ L ^ •}>• -li-- Ke»- J- «- C « * e Bgnfartiop. foaadpa aad ChildreaV >

be«, fiflowed±3?: a radjtation by|»«i»iiaiiiJM._ i 'thgTiiift '^^

"* pressed ! Jiand.— only time she had ever been in an automolNle. HCT huabaad.

lx>ya]ty TVe Sati - DglnjiMM.

UMiirtifwl Nande »

Recitatiqit B i f •ed.Childrtg

Doc^. . . . . .Katie C«gk; a o d ^ u m e N t i £ EKiiatias.^. EBUna l la»hi»h BedtatMB. My PMMed WVmen

but a iittte aaore ao of] Worth. Jtfflttt of his eoo^etitors had apparetitly for ^ e instant or . t m a Jai^e rfat^jiaipaattWwtkl^MjHmnjt kept-stzaight on to , the end. d iatr ic tata-

. W U k I w o d d i M t S i GohsidavdTaM^ as disputing Hie ja^aee «f A e award made by the jwlges, a geod argument could be_pat op in the minds of the "hearersTn|" . —. ••.»-im-i^TiFvj m behalf of all the others, each (mej ^ u represented at the meeting, eeeding each day

i^ ^^^k tk^jP^m^ . JaatwhowiB-bep<a- jnd»i"-" 'S55?ff-i»a»^ ilie^ i a ^ * « > » * B r flirtiir i m a t

v ^ 7 »« Hw. Kg* Hf known, although the naaiea~<tf

__ ,135 a paper as to conditions in Kan­sas, giving her ownobsavatioas and experiraiees in to the effect^ iveneas of prahibitkm which were entirely differeirt ftom the cdo-<ftaons- described bry Mr. Royal Cabdl. The ean^^^iob voted to ask rh^nearspapers ta pubBafa

A diirnsdon followed as to the ctrealatiatt of good iite£atare,ti«~

Song, iagr BeHi.. Baairatia-

• ^mimj » A « L a w

.The Saaday Seteol

sat in the autoaaobile of H<ML G. J. Meetze with Miss Merritt and Mis. Round where she re cdved all, young and old,, who

ferward <»; shake her She Kaid

L j f thenMRdlo Air estate ia 1 8 » rsefaani *IM1 1>^ IxKBe ^maaed there tiB ^^^^ within the past vear^- _• — .

After Mr. Round oooduded, the ladies aerved a fine diiiner. Superintendent T^kr then intro^ doced H(m. C: J. Meetze aad Cd. Robt A HtttRhiwwi. hndi of whom.au boys b^an thcsa- adtod

.^*«c « — » » » ••Miiiw. speedy return. Minaassii rTlaL - " ^ • - ~ " ' ' " -"^ -"-^-^— » ^ This plan was deUdai upon S d w d *111 twiH. MHia 41ahau.H ^l *> . P ' ^ ^ ^ ^ . P*^***" JgJ ondayaftenmon by the reoub- . h « * th* ™ A i i . ^ s - X Z : ^ ! * " ' * * ? * « * * « U»e « i t e ^ 5 t Monday aftenmoe iqrjhe repub- !«bwit the middle «f Seiitcaaber

i - ^ — ^ * ^ «f »^ ^-^t*^ ,nrt iHnf itaskruiill • f l l ^ l i ^ held a t tke at his psat at the Om^wmlr of

* %M ^ " i>«4««»4Chie«ponOetober L of M ; M I W . Astoet ehaitmaa, f Little anxk*^ ia f d l ftr thdr prearied.andH.3ager,<<Hem-;Mtfety«,Undeaam

_„ ^ eeeretarr. i able to take care ef «very ceuutj « the diaUio^^nd aaerg^cij

KeeitatioB, BMB t b e . H a m a e M of . L i T i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . ' S ^ Week*

K«eitatMB lacK G B B Scdo. I Am So Glad My Fatlter Kedtatiaii, Tbe GcHea Kale ^ ^ ^ ^

' ' • ^ • ' Efabo Qmn

_ j S ^ r i ^ ^ "» the p u ^ sdwda «Jf

fiaestidieD. Annie

EeeitsdBBTXoBebat hi ^ S O B - ^ s i a D e . . . . . . . . . . S a r a h MedaaBahaa

Som. May GmtVejit^ on Ton ~ . . I t e S u d ^ S d M o t BeenatMB VFilfie " ' Baaitati ~ ~

uew.^s. A. icoiot cnaea tiie^ aaoming Mssion with prayer m>d evei>biidy was invited td~jr^£-cheoc ea the cqiege lawn.

At iipt-m,-:ti» eonveatioo le- Srto anscmbtod. More repofta e a m e t ^ ^ ^ fram unioas not represented in the momii^. Then casse a re-p(M-t frsm Mrs. Willis, of R«n-

wboBv qxdtt w d as Prinpe W3-liara boys dways do. . Miss Garrw- Leary. then gave' an affecting redtatkm entSed. 'Tve Lost My Bqy." depietinc.

son had wandered from the influence of

drink.. Tlie prindpd address of tlw^

oecasiuu was then ddf»<»fed >f Prot A B. ^haadkr. of

(<«lls icksborg,- It was Qdved j ^ v e U ej

p„ mary of the wiai KaUi: the futme. He sdd heretofore

FindSow our eehoda had been w a i k i v ^ - 2 "*™^ **» "I'iree R'a." Here-

^ ^^^>»iter we mast kxk amtfori^ Qaaitetie -" I "FWeBT* wS

We Sewr S i ^ e ^ B v e I Head. 2. The Hand. 3. TW __The Sgaday Schooi ; Heart

-^Bf SgiSigE a

Ita. R, £ * J ^ r ^ r i l T ^ J ^ „ ^ ^ l ~ i ^ Isabd Thornton « v i ^

e S T * wfidi were: L Tbe ~ The Hand. 3. The

I* Pt S - r . " ^ > - •" *"» Hedth, a n d &

'M and .Jim T _ i i Z _ r ^ » — ' ^ ^ » i ^ » o « j c i inonaan IS v i s t t -

This district Mua Salbe Cooper iatenstiar aasounta ^Ihe o p e r - r T S i T I i b a W i i S S ; i ^ i ^ ^ ^ Wmmmt*^^^ the Loyd Temperance i the past two tiootbs at

'LeKiutjaud the medd ujutaalaj<liwva," ymr "The

teachers. 2.~9aaitary a n d coBvement

building* and grounds with good

ikaaSel 1 ^ Day" in a nusterly way. Un- law m w n e t aowerer, is - ^ — Kir ^h> ..A^^ tw. - , « t > hia i^n w*ss sdjdly democratic ^ the gnert of the

oralion. but un&r t i « ™ i « o f i ^ ^ t a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ « n ^ | S S a i F ^ ^ i S 5 : j i i r t b e ' d i n ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ V S ^ i friends. the ennteat this was not a point ^«<e*t headway. Mr.Carimwaal Mra. Bruce, of Pennsyiaaaia.! by in p a b b T S o w T M r s T B d l ' tn he t a k f into eccoont Hiarecentftr declared the party nam- ^ l ^ t ^ , ^ . , . ^ . , , , , , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '-Qnlv Kxe«« H , V . t h i s ' w e e k S ^ h S T S ^ ^.^ ., ^

Waahmcton Star. vidting Mr. aad Mrt^rih^^r£?^i:J^^^JSu, ' " ^ " . 3 ^ " '"•" . ' If « c h w,ird rf this synopds CornwdL a report w h i ^ W ^ ^ T O ^ f h t tlSt'^yed" *- ' WM L^rarrfuHyrniVBdinadthareid^

speech was a ooodenaation of "state-wide" arguments and de­livered with akdge h a m m e r

"^jiows un the heaila

Z. A well-rouaded course of study.

4. Adaptation to the eaviroa-


T. NokadprewdMd here Sunday

science of his auditors. Whilfe the judges were deiiber- Rev. T. W.

ating, Hon. C J. Meetze, under an excellent the -spur of th'e thrilling talks' mornings from the boys iRd gUte&t "The' Mrs. Georgia TMJSJI. of Wood-Forest," gave an anuttdly good bine, visited ha sister, MrsJioy "Tifrh. gypn for htm _i j Mdsir. Snndtj

. A volunteer choir isterspersed, Miss Celia Beavers and her the program vrith splendid song, brother Austin, of Manaa8as.are

^ l i a s E t h d - M d d r i , W^n^^-^wT-^ the summa- with her auat. Mrs. ebewhere. Lucy Parr, in Alexandria.

Miss M a r y Rorabaugh and brother Frank, of Albertaa,lid . are visiting frioids and relatives in Maaasaas aad Brentsville.

Jiaamfnwwfj^te^esijyacnaisg^ isolorsq boy, stele a _ „ „ the readotioas longing to Mr. Hany Underwood

Ti^-~~.;.»^_.>_» - •• J ""^ sUrted out in the direction TbeexercTseswereinterapersed.of Manassas. Mr. Underwood

S ^ T ' ^ M f S f T T ^^y}^ immediately went in punwjuTd ^'^^ AlJ^^tll:rxl} °" ^ ^K^'^ *'*«^ ^ Manassas,

The caerrs gf the bt-ooanty Mr, Underwood returned wh^ oiKanuatioii weie it^-deetol M Sliding the bieydem^e a S r ^

racey. a. will have a iair idea-^ ProL hicyde be ClaTyllef's able address.

. . . ' „ ^^ . . . urgmtiLutumi Tterc r g ^ i g c t e a ftg i fatMing t h e fair w g — T ^ » • Master Ernest C g p ^ d l « ^ « 7 . ^ w ^ i > r e « i t o W , J U a L - E B £ ^ Z ^ ^ : , S ^ ^ ^ "

in at his home near Brentsville. Round, Manaasas: vice-president t I ^ ^ E Y - E S .

A choir led by Miss Haliie Se-Irttman s»ve the audience appro-pnaCemude.

The day was oad. fair and Pheasant aid the dedicatioB a frraat SDcce5>fi.

' Hon. Tjson Janney. of Occo-.-quar,: Hon. W- T. CMtver. Qf_ ^Fairfax, ano many other citizens of Princ* Wjlliana and Fairfax

. werp ir. attenda,;-

Page 2: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty


l l lPrdl^^DiLfiflefeg^^dge F i r Otherf>rastic Reforms

Says Judge Geo. LrChristian Prominent Lawyer, Jurist and —Churchman Declar

Spirit th< on

TiMtt Animated^ t^d^ Ahoditfonists Which 1-aid^ Foundation for Civil War.

Readies To Criticisnu Of His Advocacy of —^*^—_ Local Option. ^-—

• ' <-^' * . „ , ,. • I • • , . ,*• • • • • i""i

y y i Our Fixture Display IN OUR MANASSAS BRANCH



Richmond, July 31. —ID a sting­ing reply.to the criticisms Which

"I am, and have been all my life, a citizen of Vii^nia," says

have been levelled against him because of his advocacy of Ihe prinaiplasdafflhraf hylhpVirsinia Association for Local Self Gov-emment. Jadge George L. Christian, today, publicly re-af-Ci luedlua eiMi'vlction thatVirgitiia is menaced with a real curse-iir the threatened adoptimi o£ the State-wide lstfF»„-. ,-.: •

The statement, issued in the

am mather an office liold«r AM-an (^ee seeker, &nd my highest and only amhicion is to do what

form of SLA open letto* to the peo-ple of Virtjiuia, wiviwivB with pride his association with a pa­triotic ai^ high-minded cmnpany oit citizens dedicated to the pur>-

unhamMd the basic principteg of loeal seif-govemnrent, widch prohibition threatens to destroy, 9IM1 sum-mariaea hj^ff^HI in these wwdsf

*I beUereand idwaj^fiave SellftV«d -m Locai ti^Mm. ^ am a I>eniocrat and "iiave~ftF ways voted the ' Demooaric ticketand IdBOfougiily believe in the Democratic pr iadi^ of-local s ^ - government, and hence. that each ^ui3~ every coundty and c i ty 4& the State has the ri^htamd ^oritf^njoy the pninSeg!§''oi 'idMibBmmBS for itself the P< i>cy to be par sued ia mat <^nnuuiky e n this importoit quedticm.

"I beBeve, too, in tbe three aphoriamit aw enwnciated -by Mr. Jefi^Bon:

righi Fir^ that the State has no

fnTfrnttial. m tiftamiff fo contrtrf the prrvaie opimcms of the indrvidaaL^—

'^Second,. "^m^^oiapiS^tMk makes hypocrites aad act eon-varta.

"Third, that error needs the snMwrt of the State, bat that truth wtyiAHW such &up0iaiL

Ju'djg:6 Chrieti&ii in his opening words, "and botli in war and in

defend what I believe to be the highest and best interests of my mothor State, even to the shed­ding ef blood in her beKalfe;—f

preserve the true interests oi my people. -^—-——' ~^-

"I have been vety rductant to do what s ^ e may deem a parad-ing of myself befeare tJie public. and 4 have^aaly < this because I have been per­suaded that 8<Maae good may be aceooplisbed by • soL-dmi^. I Lay a i-avded in- ItieIimoud=fa' inore that half a .oentuy, aad have becB boooFBd tiy heiLjtea^ by positicms of faoth:^ trust arf confidence, the duties of which positioils I have tried to discharge satisfactorily and witii fid^ty-I lwveyet_to t ^ e my first drink in a bwr nxMn inlSc&mbnd. and when tnr the bench i spared~ii&-effort to enforce tbe Sunday end c^her^ws against the~ saloon keepers rigidly and feariesslj- I, have tiever affiliated wi^ thiis class or been oonadered by them an a ^ in any way. It is my opinion, howevert that when-aa-lotm. keepos have bee» duly li­censed by the'State and obet the

impending canvass, and that it is the duty of every citizen to try tu avWt the eahuuity if it avert possible to do sa


•r ..-twwYfnira that tbara agft many who honestly diffo* with me on this very important ques­tion, but I cannot believe that and wherever there is a puUic tiie great body of the peopljB-of Virginia, wfto are always reaacm-a61e and conservative, have ever thou^t and inf<Htiwd thomselvca-On this matter as tiiev ouAt to do; and f f ioth^ beli«ve that when they have thou^^t uid been ];HY >erly inf<nmed, tiiey will not be misled, and thereby tcffiet, as I beHevie, a gitait injury

sag and other States that have had exp«ience with the law, uid concludes with this striking states ment: , >

l!I-aPL- firmly unmrinrfwl - that "Local Option' is the best method of dealing with it in tbe country,

For the convenience of our customers we carry in stock a large assortment of modem fixtures -Showers, Domes, Indirect and Semi-Indirect Lighting Pieces, Heating Appa­ratuses and Appliances. Discount on fixtures selected from Peters ' and similar catalogues, in small quantities, 40 per cen t from list price mentioned, and 40 and 10 per cent, off for fiomplptp outfits; special discount in larger quantities. Other catalogues on exhibit. Westingbouse Mazda


Lamps, 25c each; in large quantities, special price. A five year guarantee is furnished with all our high \

grade fixtures and complete installation. Tb listening to tRe advise of those pertaining to be

your friends, or "smart alecks," convince yourself that tJiere lsn*t a monkey in the woodpile'* and something in

you can see what you get for your money.


sentiment which lylll iuiyre the enforcem^t af the laws pertain ing to liquor. —i4H-4be citi<rej_beli€ve that the only safe and best way is the

L_^eg-aafaraiHi twni>lft^ Judge Christian refers witii

charity to the "v^iy, untrue^ un­just uid unpleasant'' thing8,that piuliiUiUuuigis have said atesf bra chamtaondup of the Local ijelt-lk>vc I and the iffindides for which it Mands and declares his purpoee to re-fziun from imitating the authors of these slanders by a dieaeait to t^e use of reorimmatioai. • :• '

"i have beoi an elder in the ^re*yterian Ghorch for many y&trs and I have iield u|d still I M ^ other officesfriftnt^ andl hppev usefolsesa in tJhe flhmtib; and whilft TfaBy mdm my nn-worthiness as a steward of the Master, I have knowingly done nothing to diagrace"nn degrade"

imposition of high license, thus plaangche business in the hands of the mo^ responable dealers who, oo-operating with the pdice -force, will ii^are t^^r&^er fftrrompwf nf f h a l a y ThJB Uflt r

IS the method now exadii^ in tiusdty^ andl doubt^ro^ipmadt if it can be improved oa.

ENTERING WtlX^IL TO" nfTtrea r.Rii.<;AnK.<i

I'lnally, 1 F^ard tins Profii-bition propaganda as tiie enter-

same risitts. totiae i»x>tection and enjoyment of thdr buaness iHop-o i y and the. othan rights of dti-zenrinp that other citizens hav&

"I UJutef iwi the butUim flf my heart,tfaat¥Bgiiua is raa»oed with a real curse in the threat-

prohifaitiop iawa invplved in t ^

my liis^ ealhng;':and I am fully convinced that m^ present pori-•hffli in this fnVaqo io ia na wjfwi ineonast^t with myflWigatinnn and duties to my X ] b « ^ uid I know this ia the oianko of others far-m<»« worthy and capable of Judlgiig than 1 an.'

Judge Ghr»tian devotes several illuminating paragrai^ to the

resiAs'of peohihition in Georgia. Alahanai. Miinp.Kah-

reforms ia other directioiis, sOcfa as tiae dueateaed crusade aq^uBSttfieoseof toSicco: It is, ia my ofHnioo, tfaejtune spirit which animated ^ e old AlK^ti<msls w h o Wd the foumlation for the^ bte war bctwcca the North and Sontfa, and who, arrording to a writer of thsf~ day, 'measured the duties and obi :ati<Mis of o th^s h y f h M r n w n c-nnmMt>m'^^ ' T


DONT BE DECEIVED Mat Qtferiag Cheap Goods. Yoa Get No More Than Yen Pay fer-GoU k Gold.



H.D.WENRICH, Jeyalernnd Optidaa

have been, am now,aid ahray s will be, opposed to aay soch q>ixit and methods. '

aewspapos that tfie great state oi Texas has had tlw wisdom to reject even the proposition to subnut these so-cawd Pxo-Ubitiaa laws to the voters aad I uuuKH bring myiHM HK-W^ lieve that Virgiiaa w31 be less wiae and conaervative. when-her people are a>a^ argaainted with the eapffjaimfii


Easteni CoDege MANASSAS, VA.


SplendRTnew buiMmes. CoC lege u 3 Univen^ Trained Teachers. Offers superior degree courses in the Arts utd Science^ LiUaatuiK. Pedagugy.Muaic fcr-pression. Business and Domestic SciaK«. Also'excellent Ftepa-ratory Department, folly eqwd to any standard H i ^ SCIMOL Speaai attentioa siven backward

Qaaa. Ifight Cpaimerc ia l

For rat* aad -'iaqiBre «l - -



B, a. D


tm^ Tlw diiMi of tt—^t 'Kifcey

Hav« made ^e i r local n y u U U w . Proof U M in the tn tMOBxvMlanM-

sas people.

MrSTK'. W. OooM^rCiMater-Bt-. iBT "MM*. Va..«ay»^"l was in poor kealth, bron^m fttMl Bf Ain* aad fevers. The trodMe atcmai to affect my kid-ne-n. Not a da; passed withoot a severe attack nf backache and pain acroaa my tepe. i was of t^n onfit for woHt. My kidney* act«i irreraiarbr

Get Oe Jontfs Prices M Jab W«i

Ice 0>4 J fake pteaisuro in amiuiuicmg' to the public that 1 have giveu my plant a tfaOTOUgh joyerfiauling and am Bowin a poation to ' — ^_Lie--_i •. •_

witi a& M O D S N IMPROVEMENTS, whit^i. flAt*Kh.fmm ftiTi-^^U iV afl floar as

ly quantity it i not new, botjs equipped

^ , " Tte water ' asory^al-fonikmes c -whfiB fux'Uiur purifUsd by diE*ilk1a<m, famishes ct^es

of ice fit to place before the most fastidious.


MARVEL FLQUR Makes more good bread- to the «ir]c than

tlours. Absc^uteiy pmjre and un-doctored-fnever bleached. Famed for its goodness. Try a sadc . '


SIIMIIIIII, ftK«% Smxm a<i Qtwr Laf Fcak


em *aH dwy roaovad tbej It has oerer M t o m e d '**

, TW ahave stateniejiJ must cajTi- con-] VtetUrfl to tbe mind of every reader. I I j O ^ ( II I ••I n i l -•—' £^rf» ^ .ka^^B.^^B J i

- a * dittinftifi for Doant Sidney' mu. the uifie that Mrs. Caokae; | kad - the remedy hacked by feMse teatimooy. .oOcail (torea. Feater-Mii-i baraCa. , Propa., Biffalo.- N. Y. -|

"Wlk^ Yoiu.Back U iaaaM-RecoAB^, ber the Name -iT-a

A ^ \ T A«t> tba Slackatooa School adapted Ike «olk>irtBt

^U Years 5222; P j ^ u l l IT_ia-Kx]vv. -Kith a tacultv a< Sa. a boardinc patronage of C « A 9 U 1 I « MS. a Btud^ttt body at 4M. and a plant worth SM«,M^

Tbe Leading Training S^hxrf for CHris in Virginia. % A « p A PA TS a^ tutwawm for tixe r«u-. inoludinr TaMe Board. # 4 f* A ^ I ^ M l I '>"m. Lights SiPiir He«l. l>»or.<jTy, Xedicai Attaa- % I S i f • *^^^»^ u-aiicT. Physical CuUure and'IVltlon In all aaHJects W * • ' » ' •- *S eiofjn jr.uaic and aiocution

Its find a aritonl with'a f»iffr recm<A. mOih K «-<* aandrrate roM* Frir c»iMtn^nf aad Ul <>. P. AU^MS. S(X3V<AO Kla<-«Moi»e. Xa.

LANSBUBGH & S&O. 420.26 JU^F^^A S i , W . . k ; ^ , K „ , | > . t - -

TTiroug^out the Store

yoa reqoire, vmCe to oa wis be a U e to sa^e coa-

Owr hvjtn bare aB a n d e Tcrjr •r

• » • •

Wkatever fork , aad

-|—akieraUe *4««aakcea«i Pica Yuta. w v


AUGUST SALES MUST BE BIG, aad die great cMtaa a r e a a r a t o a a k e Oai m o a n a recant


Oarcao^MtaataMaetderderkswia b e « l a i i t o l^J^-JPW wder« jprompt attentioa. ~ —»^ — [



Page 3: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty


©yr^tffm00arS53ffiiF . AJuU

puBusHED Evutv i-Kii.Av AFTEE«ooK BY : ^'"^ reassurancc is to be felt by friends of THE MAKASSAR JOURNAL PUBUSmNG"'?^^™^*^*^ °^* marooned in Eurc^ by the war

fcoodiikaa, iuaHmuchat; the gftVeffement ig mov^ ing promptly to provide means for their suste-

COMP^NY, t a

entered at the'Post Office at Maaaasaa. VirBnia; aa Second Claaa Mail Matter


A O V U I U O I C KATES Fifty Cent* u i o c f a (or th« fii«t inMrtkm and Twraty-«»« C « t s far

-diraettr or tiwHrf <|y, will be publiAad a t t h * JMdk.

hance and protection there, and as far as posei-hlft for their return to thk oounti r. Tho proh lem is a serious one, which will cdl for wise and effective measures. The stoppage of all credits

^'dSSl'iw^^^^Sf^"^"'^^^;^''^;,;^;,,^^^ \ ™ exchanges leaves many of the travelers in a J veritable s t i ^ of destitution, for as a rule they

_^ '- = j naove about with only a small amount of actual VA., FRIDAY, Auqugr 7. 1914. 1cash m Liutd, and depend for thelf supplies upon

their letters of credit, and travelers' checks. When payment is auapcndod on thcac they may

MANAfi8A8, W S J !

WHO MAY VOTE. There seems to exist so much unceriSnty and

of tho people ae-towfao- be absolutely poverty stricken, thouji^ they^iave

TTiiy frote in the S^ptowhef er fltaljeiwiUB>illH-| bition election, that some explanation of the law seexBfi'neee aryT •

1. All persons who were qualified to vote in the

hundreds of t.|inil«anris nf HnHara in th^ir pnplrate

m some form of exchange. Doubtless sonfM ; mt can be^Qiade sith

toot Novomber eieetBHL 2. All persons who paid their poll taxes for the

years 1911,1912 and 1913, prior to December 9, t ^ a , atnd aPB registered. ~ V ~ '

the governments in which the war has been sud­denly precipitated to grant safe conduct out of the zones of danjijFer and into neut«d^>emterv to all tourists. But when they have reached such territory they are still depencknt for means upon tha-jgpnermsity of-foreignang or oflSgiate. The

3. Those coming of age.too late to be on either of the above' lists, but who have r^^tered and X>aid the poll tax as required by law."

The misunderstanding arises over the first two' lists. " .- " .

~k p*iiiuu' wiiiriuiiii lists is entitled to vote. He may be in the first, <miy; be may.be in the aeoond, only; or he may hfi in hnt.h Tn any nf t.htfflf pv^ntg HP w a y g»<-o

For example John Jones was entitled to vote •last-November, but he failed to pay his 1913 tax hynerPTnlyr9^19L^ the ccMning election.

William Smiti did not payTus 1910,1911 and 1913 taxes in tiiae to "vote last N<!rv«mber, Mt

direct way of meeting this necessity is to supply American consuls with funds for the cashing of the credits of travelers and the supplying of the needs of^thoae who are actually, out of cash as a result «f the expenses of emezgency travel and mhwatfinrp at war prices. ' ^—!-^

There* is iw reason to appr^end-grave physi caJ peril for these tourists, even if ciaught in the war zone. As non-combatants t ^ y will natur­ally be safe-gtiarded 1^ tlKir tnra precautions ev«i as otha* ncm-combatants are protected. O f COOrae, t h e y m a y ^ Q n g h f I'TI mr nnnTifjj^^rj

L^LII il.V.M

^ £ TV- i_ rt ini« u J u- imi iMn oot poBsiWy be sttppfied to meet the d^nand at before Decanber 9,1913, be paid his 1911.1912. ^ ^ i. . ,, , • , . _ ,

" Z~ jgeamt Rvpn if there were tto atwWt-M rorf»^ and 191S taxes. He aJaa i& ^attltted-to-TOte^ The law under ^hkh the eleeticMi is held, in-

|4a«H of rof!irkei\r\fr flin UTimhfT of ydtiMj-reafly

ifc JfK 'Wff * ^ iMimher-Tbe abeve is tiie- v>T>«aT»irty«» H i f H r" **" _

\xm by tibe Attwney^<kneral, 9f^ -^H encAxrA .the judges of the electkai.

Tiip printed p(^ Bota WW pacte^ Aiy ponaW' vHx dther list, who is registerod, floay v<^e.

— v ^ — — Tlffim 1»?T REWARD. , Oofngi^ is getting ready to publicly reward

j ^ ^ " ' ^ " ' X*^^^ Panajnft r.anaT fry frrwl^ng-

them, fay name, a vote of thanks. The list of ^dat*rasa. thiis to be htowed includes, of course Ct^ Goeth^ and O ^ GtHgas. These two latter are U) be made majw-generals. - -

It k fitting that the tegisbtive refNresentafives of th^ p^"p<" "^ < fcin I I * ' ' " ' V '^ .1 lUI illii

reo(»^ an^Scial recognition.of tiie services ef tbese men. But ^cut mere distinction of a vote of thasks by-I^oi^ress, ev«a the elevation of

tk»irindee448^&at^ trauspurtation, wlucfi~can-

get bcnne ahead of scbeduk time the witfadiawai of ntuaCTomi veasffe nf laiy: rairtying prww>r wonk} predpatate a: congestknju It-is impoBsUe to wiriidiaw a doten v«'«pgfa f»T"" *y^ tra.~..^o»» tie serf iee tri, Qas seasbti of 1 ^ year witSoot af-feetii^ theusaiKb of pecqrie, e r ^ in normal cir-eumstanoes, while wit^ the state of war now pre^ Tatting, and a spirit of iBmic tdiroad, the latuah tifm h^xywnpg gw4i TC tn tmir tha T«angiTir»PB arot

izigiNiaity of not only this goverioa^t, bat tboee <rf Ekirope.—Washingtcm Star. .—i_


The one man in Europe who stands oat as de­serving pity is Francis Joseph^ empercn- of Atls-tria-Hungaiy. Jfore t^as "80, decr^Ht^ bowed down \fs a lifetime of l>ereavemenC&e is now called on to face dtel^ig^^readad aniTpairf-ingr

won^.war. . : ' •••' ~~^

Report of the Coiidition nf Tlie eport Man* (anassas, at Manassas, in the State of Virginia, Jit the doi^^lHiriA^M Jtme 30, 1914.

VUXR 14 Loans and Diaeoacta Ovardrmfta. aecurad and unaecurari.... U. S. Boada to aatura OFCMNation . U - S - B a B d a i a a M w a - C k M a l Saviaaa Pramluma on U. &. Baada Booda. Sccuiitiaa. ate. (otkar t t a a

Stoekjt Bankjnc houaa. foraitara aiad Ax<w«a Otiier Raa! Eatatc crwnad Doc frani National Baakl (aot l a a a n *

a««BU) . - --• U M ft«r S U i a a n d P n ^ M tt^;iUi;;j

P i i ^ a i a , Vraat OiM|ian>n. mat%n-ittgi Bank* ,

Oncfronaf iprDTodraaerveacaBta . . . . tt.U»-» Cbaeka and ochar oaah itama L B S «

. uaacuTiBc C ^ t a J stock Mid in. ( H , a

\,Vr 76 Surpiua fund ^ii^ Ml

" 2 2 J'^f^V^. .' X»»l» ttH £.078 <0

1 M B «

I f iUL.

Nattooal Bank notaa Dua to othar Natianal Banks ^ Dua to nial i Mill I M T B U "Jiiki mA

Bankara . ^ " " Dt»e to approvad L Dividends unpaid . ^r^'-^r-' -"-I.-^'T riitiiiiil in I iiai t '

cuau 00 LWO u

A x m t s .

n»ai n — i i i ' oectiftcatea a« dap<iait. Paatal Savings dtj»ualu. . . . Notes and UUa radiaaooDlad

" * ~ - ^ " ' * — * ' ? • * • — - ' " *-! •UB«r boiiaaad

• far

U M U .101 M


6,000 00

parar catTtBcjr. n i e k a t u H ^

Lairrvl MM.f^ «««»«»^ J- ^....i^ ril; IM n

Spaeia UI.W2 tO • ^ i h l B M l W d M M I I ^ - . Mi IB

Dna f n m U. S. Tii—Mini ,


1S.«07 M LUC W


T""!- »4a).109 « iMatrlif ivfnm rf'mtntjf or frinrr UaHiam pf •

t W a a r w o o o HirrcwsoH. Caahlar of the abova->k. da c ' '

> * 4


Sodae^id aad swoni to kate* aa tlua IWk. tiw, T l If. Jonae." —.—

Kotarn PmUie. 1 azpirea Aoctiat U . MM.

KoPT. A. HtmaipOM, C. E . N a a i L TKOC a . LJOM.

The National Bank of Manassas [

BanlrT, Lawjrar or Doctor, n i c e yoor financial easte ence may dqpenf on diwluiilStut^itMi tiwtttke


Hcm^ Iieaide New Yodi ta ta& it over and get our rates t n

Gor|;aa hnd Tiirflth'alFi m TTTIj^ gi n^rnhj nhTmn rather as notninal contrasted wiith wimt their re­cipients have done tor the nation and the worid.

AJFtfaoaywho partjdpated m tfce' con^rtt^rea of U K canal, as well as thoBe who had to do #itb its cfmceptkm and the legislatrve MPrtfem that pavai 4ho way, mmt lylynprw hirtoiy fear hrgN rewanis. As a matter of fact, we are tdo

matenahzatioi^ to who bore the burden and heat of the day.

When the canal has revoiutiontted the trade

There are insinuations in moie than <»e qnar-ter that the old man has lost the finp ftdg^ nf his judgmei^ imd is^csBtzofied by the OLO^aii^iihur p ^ t j QiatlbrjomeyeaiTa^^ haveduai-nated Austria. This party, CKwqxiaed of oebam. izig and overreaching pcfliticians, know they muist have-tiie-st-least noimnal oenaent of the old man bef<»« they embark on war. What i»essare fhey ha«e brot^fht to bearooidis and iriat tides t h ^

j ^ had hoped to end his days in peafse. Thjrof|£^-

aaiL isi p^rs^yy tjagediea.- "One^tais-fonowred on tlie

Kpcrfs 1 ^ ^ Agpy

mm^ tfS IKVfflaAiAlllQPllUeUUbiQl-WPUbntiTn^

pmptw ftf the Orv&A and ^f ^ wes^ wwt of South America; whiea, if that fawiahed eontin-gcney ehould dovokif>> th« wmal nhalfhavc dcm-'

heeb of another, giving verity to the superstition that the house of Hapsburg was undex_a cuis&,cM

He is Mie of the most pathetic figntes of hi&-When IftsihouJd be Ih at me smilii^ peace-

OD^ratedlts&oix«ne vahie in timeof war—then fol reOeat, playing mth g n a d c h i k b ^ he » i n will Amokans, a^ether ouraetves or those whojthe midrt of alarms, beaet by flattera^ the i»ey ocHne after, adequately appraise the wortc of the

Aetkm by Congress wiH merely eenpietethe: ollida} leoord. The more majectk reoM^d-irto be written bgt-the historian —

• Market Feed. Freali aad Sail Mcala.

of eveiy unacn^mioCis schemw that gains his. dtf.—TfaBea-mspaxdf

THIS is a pureh- defensive war; it has been] ever since Austria had to defend itself against i the attack ^lerm •would-make i f ft got Wg'has deci^T to enough.—Phi ladelp!^^Reet>rd. \ capital} this year.

AREN-'T yoo gbd you decided to fiist-BattimMv-Sua.

ALSO Ni^oleoB has a license to turn over, his gTTVi^ aavaral time&^^Duluth Herald.

AFTER mature deliberation President Wlison|S

Market iM AM ASS AS. ^ rrmsm nr^


Page 4: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty


- ^ wCAL - W h o

three. may vote? See page

—Elder J. N. Badger, who has been on the sick list, is improv­ing.

~ ' Mr. W. D/DulfocTtandfarrtiTy have moved into the Payne house on w«et Main street

—Mr. C. A. S. Hopkins and family are moving from Tudor Hall ta the. Button property on Grant avenue.

— - I t i a oxpoctod that Bethel High School will open in Sefrtieraher under the principalahip of Mr. Richard Haydon. ' "~-

— The standing committee of' —Mr. .'\pplejfate informs tttc^—---.',]—lipu lud trt Mumia.-^''z:l::3immirork' ofrt+rp-w*;::''; Albert Speiden, C. E. NasTi and j tem is complete with the excep-E. A. Brand, has been directed] tionof two lacKf iron elbows that tpL'iose the contract for thee'ec- j go on top of the boijers. As H/JOR^ tion of tl!« town 1)ftl4-wttiHt(r. 1. | « » f h e foundry gets th^^e here, C. A bbott^ of; Brandy. C«lt»eper| tha pumpa wili^tart. -Thepower?

, -Mr. W. N. Wenrich caught a 15-pound turtle Tuesday morn-tim uii Buij rm. HAWMS that for a hook and line?

—A communication from Hon. C. J. Meetze, iittype for this ia-sue, ia crowded out and will be published next week.

.—r^rComfort Lion was bitten b

county. Mr. Abbott's bid was

jrTtJSNESJ W . H I , For S»l« l o d • n i t t J U n e o u t » d r x r l ,

l i i a m a n t i will be pubLukxi uadai liu< b u 7 (

i«**rt ioa, tbr*« c«Dls a l iac for sub** u s r t i o a i . AdT»rtue in«nts for tfai« Up. « c « T « d u U I » s ' c l a c l i F r > a a r marmimm.

aystem le dragging. The cori-tract calls for the completion of the plant on August Ist, but be­cause of delay in shipment of cross-arms and switch board, the date will have to be set forward. There is about three weeks' work still to be done.

a wuuu BpiUBf yegWiMfty while with a party of young people camping on Occoquan run.

.. 7rTMr -W^J . 8rown in making his headquarters m (Julpeper temporarily while doing some de

4<ul work in Culpeper county.

—Mr. and Mrs. Horace D. Ashton, of Alexandria, have an­nounced the marriage of their daughter, Lola Fitz-f iagh, to Mr. Thomaa Emlia Franklin, of Washington. Th«. ^erpmnp^ t^\. p 1 a c e Jiaturday in Epiphany chapel, Washington, the Rev. Chas. F. Edwards, officiating.

— —AJarge^ town afudionce was present Monday evening at l^e' musical in the Manassas ware-rooms of the Washington MntativM a £ , a

house is complete except for the electric switch board and is a most complete, modern, up-to- i date Plant. Mr. ApplPtmM^ > i ^ For Sah>.—Two pair fine soiipd spared neither money nor pains young mules; one pair 5-year-oId to make it mechanically perfect ">'<*. In hard work, will work and all machinists that lnsi>ected • anywhere. This is not broken it, pronounce it the best that I down city stock. Must be seen could be put up. 'to be appreciated. Phone. J.W.

Hook, Independent Hill.Va. 8-7-tf — — — - ^ * For Sale. -Pa ir mat -hAH hi ir

—Mrs. Robert A. Hutchison entertained the July meeting of the bechiehem Housekeepers [ ;'"X««"' ' """ "/«»"* uiu, wmgn Club at her hospitable home inf^*""^ P*'" '** ®*ch; will sell cme southeast Manassas. The deco- i °/ ^^^ at a .r^sonable price.

daJKJRR, j Apply toCHTKeyser. Thorough

llorses, 7 and 8 yeare old, weigh

J Report of the CoDdJtioa of The P e o p l r t Ntttjonal B « n k . « t MMiMAkU.ii) the Suite off Virifinia. at

Lux* sjid f i t u r e s I J X ) OT

Overdiu I' s i; V. S Ha AH L^LUt:. . -BAnJiiflif h o u s r fu - * *

~ O t JWI ftWBT BBtStW O • nWI . -Due € r q i SiaUi —li P r i v t e Banki •nrj

I'f l>i;icount* ' t o . s f c u r t - d iirid L.!n»ir*;uroci,. 'i<lie l o ftt-iurt- c i r c u U i t J O i i iL'i^ t o i c fu r i : - I I . S . L»epo*i tB


i m »

firm. Dancing is enjoyed every evening by the younger set and Wednesday evening a Japanese tango waa held. RBtUlalB are in

sryatgl i tr—-'

flower. Miss IsabelleP""^' ^a. 8-7-3t Hutchison sang, Miss Susan Hut- Vrk„ l; - - , » . . ^• UiiBwi icuileiea ail limifutflftntalL.Ji" '^y^"^ ""*""^ ^^^^ i"-solo and Mrs. Templeton Hodge f ^ ^ Company has appointed gave several readings. A de- . . ^ ^ ' . ^"*^" Corporation

—Rev. J^ F. Burk^ will cofl-duct senriceslifTrniify, Episcopal Qjurch next Sunday at 11 «u m.. and 8 p. m. Snndav ftfhnnl

—A stiver medal declamatory contest will be held in the Occo-

uan Method ly, Augnat

mpphnrt.lO •. m.

—Mr. F. E. Garrison and fam­ily, who occupied the Presbyte-. rian m a n ^ OP Main street, have moved inta t&e i^umnon pm^

—Dr. H. L. QuaEles, who am-ductedserrkes in Fauqt»«* coun­ty last week, wiU be again in Manaasas neact Sunday f<w his

lightful two-oourse luncheon was served by Misses Emily Johnson, Ruth Round and EsteHe Holden. In addition to the meml)erB the

uests were Mr8..t. 6. Latham, and Mra. G.

A. Hutchison, of Hickory Grove; Mrs. Harry A. .Moore, of Nor­folk, and Mrs. Charles E. NicoL

local agent 8-7-tf Both old line-6re insurance

companies and mutuals repre­sented by the Karl J. Austin COEBQratiQIL A 7 - t f ' For S a I e - 1 7 pigs. Geo. L. Larsetu

Bankan*. Trust Companies, and Sav-in»a fianka

Due from ap{proved r«a«rv4' amenta . . . . Check* and other cash it«fn».. NuU* ot other National Banki Fractional papar e u r e n c y , niekela and

ccnta Lawful Monty Rt*erv« i% Bank viz:

Specie 110.833 » Leval-tendernotea 400 00

77b m

btS.b^l 06

740 00

tn u

Redemption fund with V. S. Treaaurer (6 per ceotrof cUvuUtJijii) : . . . . . . .

D o * from U. 8 . Traaaurer

ii.US 88

T.H»W •SO 00

TaUJi . . . .•ti . . .» MM.ail

— U a M LITIIIS>' -'

""5S>itai >t<^t^iidin..:. • ~. iai.«ii uu . « _ — . - - - . _ j 11,000 00/ Surpl ua fund

-jth. at 8 p. m. A ^ - , of boys and girls - frona Wcydbipe wilktwciti*—Lat evory

.-..—With bia face blown off and in a dying condition, Church Thomas, colored, was found early

wic KJKvo- Monday morning on the front m iSatiir ?P"'^, " if hnmfl nnnr Rnntmr - -- * 'Ueath resulted a feW minutes

Your praaaing nooda.—I will

j i w n » |g^y-whg anioyo good yptntkiytf come put and encourage them. Admission free. A collection will be taken to defray expensea.

Work uu the wwer syatan Ig rapidly. Thara i>

)f cmcb- to"

• Ta«aN«!iwiBtansite -Dr. W. P. Merchant, local

healtii officer, Ma be«i«in)ointed by the St)|te Boaid (rf.Hoiltfa, registnu- of yitrf ^at iat ies- ler the town ftf M i m > ^ « -

—Mr. and Mis. Qyril Wade Daltoa, of The I ^ i w . «re occ»^ pying apartmenta in the

—The dw^Iing of Nicholas Henatey. iiear BuckfaaU, waa de-

dienee of Mr. and Mra. Whitfidd NuU^iW CChtre atrwET

^Mr. John RTillett has bought

one-^ialf a o o i M land locked be­tween the coal bin and tbe Ma-ntawa Indagtrial Sohool. —

Bbeot3,UUU feet of d i » Use forms tor the Inihof tank and tbe ^rinklinig filters are being put in and tEe conent work will be started next week. Unleaa soma imlnftlrA/ f^r dfrfay

kiter. , A shotgun lay in the corn-fiftlri npiar by and it waa ai that ho had hftgw a ing the n^St by chicken tihievel^ and was struck by an accidental discharge of the weapon. By some, this was scouted aa impos­sible on account of tbe distance botwocn the poreb amT Jyt mi»-

operate my hydraulic press every Tuesday and Friday untiTfurffiCT notice. Can furnish barrels at cost W. L. Diehl, one-half mile north of Nnlroc»n|]y 7sn^f.*

For Sale.—Large work horse, 2 blooded driving mares, 2-year-

occuTBr-thte sewers ougbt to. be ready aqtm after Septonbtsr 1st

Th« boose waa inrared to tEe amount.of $300 m Mr. W. N. Lip-acomb'a Inanranee AgiP»tM»y. An oodxnld ingcm^ie Mr ' -^TT:

St speakea, of tbe same

day. One buntoed doUara' J n . Polk MJirr'a ll^orf A^ W. awJfl •tll4tw»tt «ry^ J j i ^ ^ In j.|)p

—Dr._H, U- Roop will hoM serykes i n t h e Ftesbyterian church next Sunday at tl a. m. The subject of. bis sermon^will be, "Jesus is Ccwung Again."

—Ofl aeeeoBtof tfaeai»enee of the pastor. Rev. Wm, Hart Dex-terV there wifl be iwr senriiea in t h e " G r e e n w o 6 | l Presbyterian church until, tbe second Sunday in Septanber.


» w. —Misa Florence SL Lion, who

the teacher training departmott of Eaafeeni Coflege. has be«»i


posed dhe cre^ of the lumber boat, wnicb waa sailing slowly toward Alexandria., -

—A_COW>fniimhY pj^T'" waa

—Tbere wfll ^>e-afi aH-dayiKr. vice next Sunday at tbe Lutheran churehat NekeJnille» w H b a U B F sionary sermoiiTtn di^ fofenoon and a missidnary aervioe by' tbe children in tho >ftcmoog. Evory body is invited.

—Harvey Young, the young son of Mra: William Y o n e g ; caught bis right-baisd in a feed cutto- Satimiay. Wi^ir-tbe ior jured metaber qwjbed w i Meed-ing, be waatraEi»d^ to Dr. J. M Lewis, who ampirtated the fint finger.

- T H E JOURNAL acknowledges

S e S s S S f ^ k ? * ^ ^ ""LV" ^"^^ ^"« '^^ crop wouia come ! ! ! I ! . ' ; ? ] ^ . ? A ^ r j ^ h l ? ^ the TresT equalling thi w h e ^ S

given Itffisday nrening in J u d ^ Nicol's grove, tbe bost^ses being Mrs. C. E. Nicol, Mrs. Westwood

neld, which, it was said, eould not possibly have been traveled by a man in his omdition. C(Mt>-ner Meredith and the jury viaited the scene of the accident Mcnday and will uiwl al Dfi«6W tb& afternoon to make a dedsicm. The juzy is composed of Measra. A. R Carr. A. M Wright, P. D. LipBcomte W. A. Cline, E. E. Haiti and Mibhu jBnuiu.

, ^ 0 ^ Sale;--Thoroughbred Po­land China piga, four weeka' old. C. F. M. Lewis. 7^24-3t

. s.m II Raaerved for taxea. SOD 00 National Bank Dotea ouUtandioK 26,680 00 Due to other National Banlu 1.22S U Dividends unpaM UIK 00 Individual depoaiu aabjaet to e b e e k . . . 2eK.MZ S4 Demand c«rtifieat«a of deposit. M) OS U a i t a d S l » » M < l « M U * » — . . - . - 1.000.00-Billa payaMe. inclndiiigohKgartoni Cor

money bonanrM K.000 00

Total $S6J!.811ZS Statt of Virginia, County of Prince WUliam.u :

i^&. niyiiiMiM n i » n i i » » B i Oaihtw ft Iha abora-named taaak. 4 e anlwunli awaar tliat-<k« above atatamant ia trua to the beat of m y ka«wt-ad«e and UeUeT.

G. RAYMOyfa RATCLITFE. CamiMt. snoacriBad and i w a m to before m e tkis Ttli dar

«f July , U l i . L. H . JOHES,

{sKiU. Sotaty Public.

Commact—Krtwn: A. .W. S w c i A i B . J A S . E . N B L O O H ,

n. n. niwar-D i i « e t a n .

For Sa le . -A good lO-horse-

cheap for cash. Apply to W Eustace, Calverton.

P. 7-10-€t

If that (rid borse collar don't fit trade it for a new (me at Aurtin

TffilMWORI • ."llii'iiWinT


mS^ &dc Of HBb VaC gable R e m ^ . .

day-afternoon &om a little lum­ber achoorwr several miles south TheiMCttBiLfaHnjieadly^ruiB

S^ls^feio-sr^jsA^H**^ "•» h-ithy ««u« of mat L Keys, twotty-thze^ years old, of Qnantico. became «itan-S^ed in long aea graas i s less than six feet of wat» . and was ^„u««xiuiy vaainK meQiaae lo

the body and leaves the system Kisceptible to other diseases. ~

This means tbat 70U must be constantly taking inediciae to

other has torn down. It is no small thing to have tbe

fini^ed product of dU rTwifarf cbemiat witirin gagy laefa-BiA at

rEnSnsdeUi J. F. foeazeaie. Mrs. Arms, of Wasfaington,a guest of Mr8.Nic(ri.

guests, Mrs. Mooxe and Miss Mo(Mre, of Norfolk, and Prof. B T. BL Hodge, w o e gue^s of honor. Other guests were Jotkre Niecri. Mr. HutduaMi and lb-. Covington.

but Kttle cost Polk Miller's l i ver PUls c m be

Iffocured at your drnggigts oir at

^**>«K3rhames8f7.50 and upl.^ team bamess $22.50 and np^-at Austin's. • 5.22-tf

you select your

Newttum-Trusler Hard i-Qo^- - -, - 4.3-tf

C<im save yog money nn WhiT naotal peliah iii k>m of one ddaen, or more, any size. Wso ^ 999 bahiesa i»eserver. Aiiatut * - > > 2 8 - t R -


5ale tuti cuuniiy stores fen lOc a buuu

They are a t ^ and effcctiveand not (Mi!y cure sick headache, Wli-

MBS. W . G. CevJngtBo and ber--ouMiaftt. e t c , tmt tf ta tM «c»> aDoally .serve aa a gmeral teme« k e ^ tbe system invigorated and prevait acR^ tMubtei~i» aide

. headaches, biUousness, piles, ap-- p o d k a t s , Sabda and e t b « r

—Altboogfa fM-mcfs of Prinee ln»WeB whidr.ceine fam. a dia-William and adjoimng oooni are duly grateful for the r e c « « wbesil crop' wbich they are be­ginning to have threshed, they are beginning to be no little con.-cemed about tEe fate of stand-ingcom. ' Elariy inScatioos were that the com crt^ would come

ordoed liver. ^Don't poiaon jnur ayatem with

cakrael or weaken i t with aalta or stringent liquids. "

Send for a free sahiple or Uiy-a box from foar druggist or general store now and let nature's

The c NMTtunity of a li'fa»tinw 18 hen offoeed you tp procare modern fumifaire at prices nev&r dreamed of bef<»«.

Incladed in tiiis sale, 18 fumitt irp r>f fh^ mngf

modecn design, "perfect -m to condittcw, having.


y'ckxJc Ratnrrtay.Ahgtwtj >weVer, bad its ef-

. — — s h o r t l y the crop Witt « —Mr. jt^ H T vT.<»h h«, K.»^ donhtfy ho « | aappftintmt>»

prtMftoted from the position of I T T assistant roadmaster of the Wirt-'' . ~ * charming piano recital was

the coupon you will find in each •wWff' ^w^wt 'aaac: A^oia aft Bsr D n v Company, Inc., Richmoad.


oasiBtAiii ruoumasceroT uie nin- ' "• * '»' """B ytmimj fcciun wag sto»^3alemdlvW<VBAf tbe South- g " ' " **• CUJt n law Thursday em Railway to that of roadn&s- e^e*"'* by th«f members of Mra. ter of the Danville division, with ' Taiiplet<ra Hbdge's s u m m e r headquarters at G r e e a a b o r o l* '** An interested and enthu' N. C i siastic audience was presoitand

it^ u: r r- • ' ^ ^ numbers were given with —Mrs. v\. (r (.ovnngton re- success in evidence of the fine

centiyentertained-,tim-«eitrt5:-progress made. Music p r i z e -ii«a--Haua£kegper.^' Club on the card« w « ^ «war/<^ m~— ypth I lawn At Loch Loroond.^er coun.-erine B a m t t ^ S l h w Bocfclev" try home, near Manassas. The and Sara Ferguson guests of honor were her house guests. .Mrs. -Harry A Moore and Mis* Mar>- Moore, of Nor-foHf. Ptrrrc+T-was 5erre<f ^^urns' the pveninjT and later dfiig-h.f!!!

. refresnmenfe! were disf^ensed by ^. . .^„ , . »^«M» — Mks Vftmiy J<>hn«»on, Misa .Moore Masl^'j' irvtn " ^Bigg7 each' of'

and Miss Elizabeth Covinjrton. whom took part in the excellent the .vounj!rdaij>fhLer of the hostess program.

All the news of tbe county fifty-two weeha for $1.00—Tte JOCRNAU


been used only a short while. EverytJiing fat th^ {»m|riete fomi^ung of a house is included in

go with you out into the country, and keep the story^-yegr^trq). Mail the ffli&s back to us, and well get ttie best remits from every exposure.'" -h

K O D A K S , B R O W N I E S

and all aup i^ea

Dowel^s Ph oweii s rnarmaty F, gnfAti PTonc" ' - ' ^

BistOled i Our new ice plant is now in operation and we furnish ice in any quantity. AH orders wiU receive prompfe and cafefuT attention and deliviery made in oourtf^ ous manner. -Our plant is equipped with all modem ma»ch»ery and has a (apacity of ten tons a day. , Vwrtore afgmvifaad to inppoet our sanitaty mefewtT

, of malmig ice. Thanking the pablicf or then- patron­age and soliciting a contmuance, we are,

BocpoetfuiljL yonrSy ,---^

Davis Brothert Ice a i^ F i ^ C^^

been mov8d from Balti-more, Md., at enormous expense, will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES t6 avoid return expense.

Inquiries at office of THE JOURNAL will have prompt attenticm today, Fiidaj, and gwnaatflfcle



August 19 & 20, 1* n -% My new hydraatic cider mittwitt-p , - i


Haille I^wi.e. Anr.ieElsnn, Helen Klein. Dorothy MHter.Mary Fer-

^u^soQ.. Chmtine FftrgHfJOB and J. E. BRAOFIELO.


at Dr. Iden's Mayfteld ^ann, near Manassas.


Entries Close August 8th

Subscribe for THE JOUUIUL, SLOG a year in advance


IpHae Oat, E t c , Addr£s»:

F. R. S A T T E R L E E . S e c r e t a r y ; Warrenton \ ' i


Page 5: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty



"Gk You OuRht to Have

"XJv In Your Home ^

- ^ -

s. You Ought to Have a


KiitibaD In Your Home

Kimbalh In Xour Home

luy Ought 10 Have a _ lou UugRTto Have a^ -You Onght, to H a v ^ - t You Ought to H a v e T ' l ^

IGmBair In Your Home

Kimbair In Your Hom &

Kimball In Your Home

Week of the Great W. W. Kimball Co/s hactory to HomeiSale

« F ^ Ktne

I no Buying Manos been

You Savo M Middleuaii's Piofito By Making Your Pure

exactly Factory Pri< JT^ht or cartage. NOW ii ffi^tianri>«rcha»e y;>nr iw'for'i;o;;;'d^ f W ''^'^'^^

m to-night »nH bffarnniri nf ^ ir PiHyw-Piftiwr Rfdtnlfl ~~~" • -• •: . '^"-- .

.WKimbaUPiano^^ Ith St, N. W^ Waahingteit-

Yog Ought to Have a

Kimbatt ^"You Ought tQ i&ye 2L | Yon Oi fht to Have a

•Mi.. I& YoiffHome In Ynpf Hayrto

-*-Yoii O i ^ t to Have a

KiuAatt— - In Your Home "


Miss Ifcs. J.

Maber Wands is Tidtiofi: LBaadaU.

MisB £ veljm Milaesjls as » vist to friendg in Alexandria.

Mr. F. t , Byrne, of flarrisoD-

Mm. B. T. a nodge Jef t ifam^ daj tat an ^XXKBAHA Vim C6 li'^-tives in Montreal, Canada.

/ Mrs. turned froca a short stay in lin-dfen.

Mesaa. W; P. and J. Eiaprkin ^=^mday at utieaap^ake -speirt-


ton. is Uue guert of Mrs. C. M. Larkin. .

^^Sfi Hwrmnjriloop-iiMufo rar BosenlMaggF. near fewn. trip toOran^ Wednesday in the interest of Eastern Cdlege.

TlKHnis Howard has re- £oand durinsr the hcHrse diow. Master. Jack Iloidle, of Waidi-

MiSB Ruth"WiI«g reamed ym-^raay to ber home in BnM daod,' D. C, after a vist te the Misses

in rtoD, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, X R. X^Davis. of Cbgrch street

Mrs. p. D. Waters and children. lieft Wednesday for Gaffiswayr ^>^i«^^ihood. W. Va., to viat her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M.. Longwell.

Mrs.- EI, H. Bryant and two lihildrep^ Paul and Christine, spent a few days last week at

After a trip to Asbonr Rat . ucean urove and oth^ points iif New Jersey, Mr. and Myw. J^ t w y Cato, of Richmond, are visiting theirparents in the7o i^

Mrs.AdaDari8and Miss Emma 1 Davis pelumtel Monday from

i^sher's Hill antl MaarertowiEr

Miss Mae House, of Gi«enwidi, was the gggft Ipf* - " ^ >-* »'~ J. E.3fl»dsn, on snoth Main street-

Jane Harell. qwat-the week-end with rebtives in TSMJ-maiket

Eider and Mrs. J. N. Bfdger made a-Wflwt vipit to friends in Lcaidoan. v

Miss Heleh. FkwaBee le{^ last Friday to visit r^ troa ia Flnr-fcx eooatyo

Miss Bennetti of BattiiB(M«.'haB beoi visiting Mrs. J. E. Jordbut the past wedc.

Mr. P. H. Lynch, of Greens­boro, N. C, 8p«it Sunday-with

Mr. and Mrs. G. Raymond Rat-^ S & « d d^drra have returned firam a we^'s stay at AUaatk City. -

Mr: and Mrs. R. L. Davidson, of Washington, spent Soaday and Monday with MTSLM. A. Mat­thew.

Mr. S. M. Jenkins, wtio has

hnmfl in Mndinofii rountj.

ytf. and Mrs. XovdlWflioozon •nd nrm. of Airnmilns.hiw hmm visiting r^livaa hau the past w—k. • —

Miss M<«iie Pattie, of Cathar-pni,ha8b*eB viafiaghereoaain. Miss Lilliaa Wl»eier, of Peabody street.


turned to his place of business. Mrs. Maggie Palmer and niece,'

Mrs. Lolu Donohoe, of Washii^-ton, are spoufing some time at the home of Mr. L L Anderson.

Mr. B. F. Matthew was a week­end- viait<7 in Washington. He was ac^miianted home Monday Iv his httie nei^w, Heaxy Moii> cfief.

Mrs. Gf«ba» and Miss Mdlk

Catl^t, where they woie guests of Mrs. Davis' sister. Mrs. Piooe Redd. Mra. Davis is much im­proved af6er WTTnn*«B7 '

Mr. anfl Mrs Jrweph Paataa Simmons are visiting Mr. Sim­mons' iwrpntp.

Mr^B. Conway Taylor, of Bal­timore. afUa a vhiJi ul.a Wttk to'

ayes hCTC, loft Hmraday for a trip by water to Boston: He will retom to Baltimore by way of New^ Hampshire and New Yoris.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camper and ehikfat», whe-^ave hem qaendiiig some time in Irvington and Orange county, have re-taraedlo^Manasaas, anrt.atie. fir

C. E. is mmeos. of Fairvi^w av enue l^nce ids graduation from Randolph-Macon eoHege-hngOT, Mr. Simmons has bera teaching in tfaa SBUth. the past Arefryearrj-being qtent in Austin, Tex. In addition to his-duties as-pi»et-pal of one of the huge city sehoote he matrieolated in ttieUniver-BitFirTexaB aud Uua yairtoot ItttUdeSBBa-af-auster^f^rtsriR'

Wood's TntAr H a E

#niiisoir tif ifi<h Tested GmSii^

tkm and Puiiiy;

unproTOr; alao make* q>leadid U l ,

TT-gwai ftfid, <Jr agooSliaj en^. A etop of CHpiacHi Clover tuqed

under Ik equal to ft good appIic«tioB * of •tehlw minim*, »»k< W^^huMa

whieli time his thens was 'The Fool m Shakespeare," Mr. Emmons will teach tbeenning scholastic year in the English dc Mstment of the University of Texas. : .

WANTED Manager and Matron. wiUi proper

Jiahfi^iMis. at Uie Chiu^ of oie Irythrwi'a Orphan't Homo at ^fjtr^tm^

\ the present, stirring jfttiieTrc ^ftriaeeWaBamHoteL • -

Mr. R. C. Hayd(m has returned

goeata Satordi^ j a d SonSor^af Mr. and Mrs. J; B: Jdinson; tit ekverfiilL r _ . ---

Mrs. C. F. ^>eiden and Master Robert -^r^idwi, of-W4

Miss Lucy Fr*~* »^ WaiT»n-tont visite4

was Uie aucat of Mi

day and Miss Martha Virginia Natt'hM

returned from a aevctal wedn' visit to Pecersburf ' ' Mrs. Arms, ol Washington, is

a guest of Mrs. Qiartea E. Nicol on south Main street'

Miss Lucy Uhia-, of Alexan^ dria, was the nucst JMB rnxxM. of JtheJtiaacs Ranfidglj-J,

Miss Annie Taliafet io. »f-&tr^


^Mr. ^Beftraad Bntcfainaen. of Waahingtaa, ia visitnig at tiie home of Mr. aad Mrs. Hoadiey. wai taw. •

Jnm ChaRottesVille where he at-teaied the anoBKr aeasioB at the Univetaityof^'^^pnu^ Mcfiay^ don was the only ihember of a class of nine to complete with

cation a course

-„*• a. '*BOMAS.sSeb»tait,

aofl^aiptpwr»« OorUiaaa. to Sag a »

^Kmft BeigiBtfv g H fttiitf •^Maf AxU inluuiiaUwrmboot

WMiaa vnca, a a d ^ FASH aad GARDEN SEEDS for AH aowinc, maUed on requeat

T. w. WOOD 6 sons. itosdiwea, - BrtBiBJ Va.

— mmiiAiuiiL ^ U l l l i l l l l l l l =^

lEtss Orma Brown, aooom- , panied hy her oouin, Miaa DonfHibba motoied Warah, of Washingtoo. are viait-^g •'*'** "-" *~^ fritad

Mr. Raymottd Florance, of the Prince William Pharmacy, Jias| -M^ Lulu D been spending the paat week in Washington.

Mechum River, Va.

Matz.of Manas­sas HigfaSchocd, who has l een in CharkCteevihe fca* some, weeks

^s9giSkmmmmnm ic^ Mn.)).jailcyn

Davies and Mr. and Mra E. H. to Round HiD

Sunday. Judge aad Mis. l^om-Mra. Daaiea will

there a wedc while Mr. and Mis. Hibfaa will spend a f(Mtnii^t at the Iwme ixt Us mother, near Round HilL i i

P M Raster

Miau Bcttha Steverabarg, Culpeper county was" a wtiek-eud"

risoabui^, was a guest this iraefc of Miss Reta^rown.

Miss Naomi Brown.of Waynes­boro, is a guest of Miss &bel iiinej. on W^a.street _ , .

. Master" WMTcn-Mcrehaat;- e j atHro'kv from Char'' Baitimore. last week v-isited_his|w.here she had T: ."' y.-i \\ H farhp' Tthe School of Methods

Carrie Koontx. Mri Harry A MOM« and

danghter. Miss Mary yLoom, of Norfolk, were' recent guests of

I Mr5. W. G. Covington.

Mary Trainham, in Richmond. MrvandJlfs,'

-Ml. aud Mn. Eugene B. Gidd ings, their Kttle daughters, Eloise

^ Armjjtead and Mary Hempstead;

son, of Petersbarg. are guests of j . ^ S i ^ ^ ^ f S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^ Mr. AdiiBson's mother. Mrs. R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ } ^ ^ ^ ^ J.Adamson.andMia.Adamson's!^"^*^,'^ motored frooUIanas-parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.*E.Nash. ^^^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ujiday. Mr. • Giddinjrs mother, who has been . Mrs. R. B. Pugh. daughter of the guest of her sofTind daagh-

^iaLri<j,A*:i>n[\e^^^^^^*^'^ ^^^^'^^'^'^^^^^ Home mlie^burg. The been attendirtg:jb*^*a parents, Mr. and Mrs. A: others drove back to Manassss'

IL. Pugh. at Capon Bridge, W.Va. Sunday evening.

andJrick i m ^ n k nsTfrTsi

& ^ « i & Hpoff —J^^-^^^"^r>*~*


Page 6: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty




At A Circuit Hd^fof u»e , _.,...—^ Waiiam at the Court Hoiue A£ Mid County on Tkuraday. Johr ». 1914. _^ 1

^ y— — ,

A a ^ -ILusr i-xTjct -:i_-

— I The olij«ci <J (itn mirl » V. obtain a

* —< — .. ., .M— ii^^i y«g ««»-»y||«, jm] (^ •My jprppqprlf ogtOWItC

Mimat—1, Virfinui

E x p e r i m e n t s ' ' -nthii i x i O ^ r y F T » i » Maryland

_Jt Govern.

THIIHiS IBnitT fiillMFO FOWL '" "^^ '"« i»'»»ui«

favor Feeding a raa aitd C « r ^

It h u been ueerted by eome d«irf-n»©n that t ie feedXas at crushed oau

tbe aivor or

tKHj and at Uiet-if>,ranooof !hrBe\eani fr..in

I intff « 1 »ifcftaii»^ie>w^mBii ^ i « cause oauie an i k u SHii day ( r f T d j ,

J»>4, U) be iiratd oa i ^ ooaiplainaut"* bjllj prtK-ena wiih aboriffa reuira of "No inliatii tanl" thereoo: affi<lavU, whieh is now ftUJ by

• iWTf fff i 'naif, f m w w^iat it aip pf im iii«t

Exce l lent and M a n / B i« Hntato Tbem a

<8y JMta Tha <aii»aa4.

•transer erery year and U Iscreaslac * alt* t>w ^ * « a a » l » - b a a a a M i « a « M t

• o ^ «aaUtl«a • ( their fleak. Tkoee vhe hare leannd to appreciate the iawr a( tke tmA ot a plump cvlnea VS-J°* *>o» to eipreae anrprlaoat tke teet that tke ezeeUeet qaalitiaa of tkia bird have not been more wMe-ir raeocalted. —

It la tme that the eook book faili

milk.. To aaoertalo the «>rr«»ctne«g of thia theory a aeries of eiperimfnti waa made by the bureau of animal ia-duatry of the Tnlted Statec depart-•»enl of aKricalture at the experiment-*» dairy farm al rUHiiUle. Md. atm \ « o « . . e « ^ ^ ^ c . ^ „ . . „ „ r ^^^-^^ -^^.^^ ^ ^ three mml hrii

the (aid tJefeudaiii ta not a reaidVui of thia l-^aie; aad tJje applirstiun in w n u n g o f tita aaid ccoijiUjniujt for an order of puUieairaa againat tbe aaid E n t w i UaitWlm h n n e . and waa arjioed !>}• c«n[»Ujnant » couuael.

Upon COHKJderation »bei«of n appentnua to Uie (ourt thai ibe wid defcndiiu;, Kruesl

fM a graiD ration oC cora >aadi^Ma*«^ha>

other three were fed a rrain mixture i m of Are part* crashed oats and o*e part j »ni oottoA-seed meal. A namlter of P|«a_oir_nillk from the eowa tsU ratioQS were submitted u> xaxious pef

Jn the miry dlvlaSon and they antaa to T ^ "

r ^._r^ea deaartioa of tbe aaid ooupUiitaat by the >taid debxui imm vmiiiiiikDi't bJi'cfe^

thf^lt I ^ r ^ a n d djareedxfaat- tb» afly^jeetiuu of

• Bi» anhod u> Tn<Bcsiie their prefer en<». In all 50 opinion were passed on various samplea Of rheae It to refer to them at .11 ^...t yrl Ttrtnt ^ . 1 * 1 ' " " ' samplea Of tbpae., ji.,

l i not tbe leaat q u e ^ o a bat* tfiai ****'** » l»referiBnce for the milk from t h e r are s n ^ r i / » f ^ n - - , - ^^t,^^ ^ ^ . c o w t fed na rraahaH n . t . «f y - . . . • they are an^ri /» f ^ n . . , ,.> ^ ^ ^ , ^ ,^.. dock or the coone

The young fowl are beat broUed. while the older '-'-IT trir be cooked by any recipe devised for the cookinc of ckickens. and in any case the re-aalt ia f«» •»«>..

•»" ' ? _ ' P " y ' '°'' • divoroe a rnonaa et tl»oro

l^umber and Planiilg MiOs


OAlL LUMBER T d ^ r a p h and Tele-

fm whkJi


Two Carloads of

r bku FfM S4S 00 4* ^ m . w

Bell's Bread W a k a e p o a iuad Lumber. lim»,

I. Door and Window ',

aa*d Aaaie M a n a Payne be and tbe same berBhy uraniod, *3d i n s farther jjtdaed. J 'JJJJLglJgaint — "• s i w i i

that JjB laid Eraew Kawieir^ ?k.vi>e appear

of B u l d a n ' Baidwwe, and

a n i a l l kiadr

c o w | t^i nn m i s h a d aa«a» >8 prcft i .oM , ^ >,—. N a i r K m w m e aaia isjTiest Jftaroel that from t h e . bran and c o m rat ion. • >•" f«yne at WZi u St., \ W.. U « ^ i n ^

Hent t y registered uia I by the Gierk of this t uuii BUtlnaMKllMtWaaiiTTi^iiiaf V s ^ ' " ^

w h i l e n ine e x p r e s s e d no cho ice . T b e restilu s h o w s that In tbeae rathma. no t o n l y w a s there no marked differ­e n c e ta f a r o r of t h e c r a s h e d o a t s a s a

The fle£h at the cniae* is rathv dark. bat is finely KraJned. possessing * (amey flaror. For this reaaon the

iTPT. uu l . II m y . thing, tbe ration eohtainiac bran and com waa more sucoeesfBl in producing a fine-flavored milk.

towl makea M'wgB»Wt-«Bft«ltnEeTg'

SS::r,eTg;^g^/^\J^;FALL DBOPPFD CALVES BEST are also much reliahed oa ateout of _ , _ their rich lUvor ^ 1 '^•"'•»« «* • Time When Little Atte*.

tioaa Re«^it«d Can Be Given They ' • •* PrpBrtaa From Start.

Brary family in the country shooid j keep a few guineas. If for no otiier i purpose than for a "watch" for the !

ton, D. C . tlie aoailiag of wbic* said cojw .sball be oeriified by tbe said Clerk to l2i« Court; that a oof>y of thia order be pnUisfaed for lour uwosSMve weeie in the UIUMAB •Inrinni i nairiwinnr niwnleUug ju Piiaue Willjsia CoBurt-. mad a cofiy bj posted at the fKoatdoor ol fte Coort Houae 0/ ths and coanly ts TBE L\W ntasTTS.

C^ A. Si»>~Lm, p. q. * 'yi—Tfm^ J24it J E. HEKWit, .Clerk.

BfiHwH Tliau C m fiat it at yaiMi f cer's. Accept no otiier. We guar-antee «t-bet' QUANTITY and QUALITY .-. Let


iJlMtKBi. Whnre cattle are rearea Biwti^ * Qonditlons. the role that t ie yponc

i la thfi wring win onmtiBan,

Easy ta' Raian,-wajr* Ifl

Fnwl Af* At- wkea

iWUUT Back, h fact, k ao—»laee« in thia -•-*-*•—,• ,T-r riallid tMo aattt • * ^ o f tfaA~]HMIIiJ ^^nfc ^ ;

1"="*— vIO «deft]f tm to Osfet a«r hawk nr riiis Mliiiiiiiif tmi After niite ma prawitac u i

bwt rWa fafttee lajiot iim iiMafliy the moat wircaari in the oMe>' aectioas ta the eatutry. FUl droDper-ealrea ooaae at a ttme whea Oe itttle attea-ttoBa.theiy Dee* « u emMStj be (!•<». and they, oecapy bat little apaoB ia bara or abed, wrltea J. R. Jaettkaan'of !4ew Tortt ia fiEoard'a Dairmaa. Sab-

' t*« ~^*T-'l Bril* nr na wKk a tittle gxmta and hay.

I t te Toaaataa ara

1 re Lstate o^ W i i a i a NCIMB HaniKMi. biCaat.

To W i n i a « K<4soe Harrisoo, In&at, and sll persnes wbo wonid he heirs and diatriba-tees of the asid WOliaai S^aoD. amrimoa, wars be deed

CLYDE MIU Tbi8 well kmwn mftHng

itutfiiJiliiin. iratuUy iv-bullt

takeBotiioe.ti>a*Iahan,an Mond^.Oeto-hrr .'i, l^ld, that baiag the fcet Jiy af llw Oetober.lUU^tarn of the Grctat Osoit


mmtHtV ^mer '


PiiuuB ffilliaui Cuuwy. Vligtala. Me iny petitiaa in the e i id ooart for A e p n p o a a o f haviag oerUiB.famds BOW i a t h e haada of H. n o r a t o B Daviee. Eeq , i f " s a i w l . Ta . , b e l o e i ^ ^ to the asid WUtiam Nelaaa Hatri-aoa, aad d e n i e d fnaa aaa le of dhe l^rt i iJ W. H. Baniaaa, deceaaed. ia the r ^ m i i i ^ c ^ » o { Henrietta H a n i s a B e t s i s va. Sadie ffiaiimin el als, ^lately ycndiay-ia ooarf, paid over to me as the nn^ (£aD <rf tlie aaid WiUiaiB Keiaoa

and set iu flfat asMseondi-tion, is. now beinsr operated -by a nulla- <rf f^aia' of ex­perience. Tbe Flour haag made at thig mill. Fancy and

^S^Wf^filgnde, IS giTing sat-Ja&ctum_Khereser4ue±-aBd-is rapidly attracting

"toraerac—it is made


We have just received 'Jhe car-toad of Blue RibtKJTi Uugg-ies, ahd one cafl(»d of the famous Haydocks—eacb made of the very best material available, boggfat in the white wnoH anH p^ted as per our instroctions.

Also all kinds of




"wilt be wwtSryour wEIe to inspect oar stock.

"Wanassis, "VaT


vr u M nA-mn




Propraiy caspd and eqfiupped wkhagood pmnp.


l» ogcet Jsn. Ky 1914. 4ehedaie igaawi pihliahH as inf-tmstioe

-—I aie BK tiHaiaaijk»il


so C

Ttty best wlieat and goaran-teed rare aad hedhfay. Bran, ICdcBiDgs and odier feed £ar sale; Water grmmd Heal, nude of No. i eern, eamUmat' ly nn sale, and '

oeivcr of the said einmit eoeit, and paid over H> the said Geneesl Heeeiver tyT>aM A

die estate n^ W.

ftJ»l*a8^Miiiid{rnm,ttie^iaueat^ the said W..U *i-risnn. h c i j . fn'^

diaa at -*•- ' »—— »-- - ——

euineaa rooat diBea<idat ttiem at a l a r r T of smell and hearing ^neaa ta iw. v«-v keen. ' •

— ' ^ ' tjMfi rriialiii" * - 'tr'-*-*-w guinea eggs Is twvotf-eiSkt days. T%e s:iunea is natnnfiy a wild Uid poa-Beaaing a streas isatiBct ta wander; For this .raasaa i t is better to raiM the yoimg birds under hems as they, are more carefaKK tl)»eir ^Sij-J^^ the guinea hens, and. a great ded of '' trouble to get them to behaVe Ufce domestic fowta.win be avoided a a c k a few ehieka caa 4« ^aced with A e brood when first taken oS. so mack the better: the .fiiin»»p 'm^ t^^^ 1M>


_UL lei^nee^-feir

FU)BEi»CE 11. WALTiata. Mnamaa ot Wjmata ^SmaiVaraaoo oader

birds and win not' be neai^ ao ^JM as if kept ilnasi'

The best way tor " b^ bM« I cOmaHm eo«a widi their daai^bten byu—Z-3Mt-» v « ^ « d shnea bvM ariraaeed iqgia-try danta.

The YHigk prieea ftjr aatae of the tnlianla aoed net diacs

of Loa State of

_ "l&BCLiai <l Scs, • itMom^a for Aaitianer.

ilalijaita fiujM laigim|a|g~t>gr


When Carefully Pycicad bi Bam4 aatf P'aced in Some Cool Conwr They

" " art - —

Every year J pack • a great m a ^ e«g» and they keep from two^ta three months, and- eren loasa- in' perfect coDdition. I have tried "water gtaaa** and other 'fc**;* hat Itod 4kat oata wiU keep e m loeger ^m. Mythtas e l s e . . -—. . jt

I pack tbeai ia hatt bairela aad aJs plenty of oats. I firm ptaee a layer of «Ma ahB«t:ti(nF torn. M j thfa J larar nf allowing one to. ^onck tke


tiifi rtilf. of the barrel. And then 'fol­low with another layer «r oata antfl within abont six incbea from tbe top. when I fin ap the barrel with oats If the barrel containing the eggs is

M f t . . - . J T ^

Waabingtoii^r I 'lading Store

—For rhina, Glaw, -^«y»erware, Efct

,. OBT snpfe«aey ia tl»e fellow^ iiiMa has bwai fWMBtted-fgry^S^

OependaUe qjoalitiea, exdHnvb i««eat^vie<s Jar THE BEST .

none. All orders proinptfy filled aodildtyered 4 » M « i ^ meitliauls if desif ed;

Phone measaiteB

Bert maricet prices p ^ for


to MANASSAS a* fbikm. SODTHBOOiJD. .

l^-D»Uy local. 8T5S a. m. IMiveca stioo at Onane daily exoec* 4 O. Ko. «P8 for -^ " T - T - .

' .S»-.*»*^?Jy «J»<»a^*rsm; U : « V ^ win Mop at XaiHwaa oa fla«. ^ ^

ISo. tlS—fixeetRiiaiii ,4-iB p. n . Lseai

B M S I AeaiiiSad

•—J ' l^ese are the cardnai proR-

M A N A S S A S . V A :

No. 17—ESse^t Snaday, loeal ( n a WMb-jMUB ii» WaiiMUja. • : i r p r s r — - Bb. IS—Daily local, fcU PL a.

•na tn W <tlF iii»»ii» • t, Wr L ^ T * * M m to let off raasna^fTu faoai ""sshiMilun and Akataadna aad to teka « n c n M e M t *

' — - ^ ' - ^ —*—fahd *- ^ i p . "° NOKTBBOOVO. ,

S o . 16~^lhi3y fikroBfl^ t i a Msaaa and WaaUi^tan fcl9

K o l l 4 — & 0 ( ^ 8 a a ^ . Kinn. aas lOriS a. a . , fnaa W s m M c p aad sV

No. 112—E^oeptSondi^. - i 4 ; l e p. iB..fraa Wa


^best Pdce Pjii far GMh try PiMbce • E id i^e fcr


ter the obafacle i by iieii^bmhiiod •

to an loeaUtiea where dairyiac la a well wetiMliind tadaatry then is ae reaaoa vtty the beat bred, dairr bala shoald aot be arailafale to the a^aH '•irrmaa. What wooM be thevMs Prtce for oi>e man to pay for a rea-

DOMMAinnaiL IfflS^F S t and 1214-18 G St ,

T O W . O. <

•fCeaday Waifc

So. 44—Daily throng trsis hWniiM Ma asssii and Waahiaatom, t J 5 p. at. ' ^

So. 9i—DailT thronfli tiaia, eoaafaa a ^ I and Sew Teak.

dsSy except Suday, at Oraae irsa t C 4 Ot bum Midmund and OordoasriBe

StlCTHBOPyp^ ' . ^ ^ - ® r - T * ^ 1 « J far O w i i i b a ^ g « i f ia«era>«As«e Ooiata, «h»a . a _y-~^

» o . a 7 - f i s i l , lr«i to flSrissib.,-»:Z5 p. a. ••

*Jo213—Hailj e i w < Smday 'to Har nsoatea^ ' -.». Ntops en itaaLSam-MSrfc^ r«?T 11 «w>l l.iiufai. ' " - ^ ^ — ^ ^

It shows miany vi. Ittdi's fadiiem for men, wonra i

~SBd~^aI£m~«i9 yoifrcan bay from it with vterj as-anraneeof saritrfaetioB. „

a Rich's Sons . %MfeeFSL,(«r.


Marvel Flour P r m f » W i l l i a m P m - i t y aiwi n#>i«-

MOTOR CAR E r n c i E N C Y is largely a ^aeatiea of the akill ^ the repair man. A eonplicated aad aieety adiaated -"-^hiair- "'


X)iL i. WAL^^fc Buaabiko, S U A At Ml

^ • • n d i y .

tank Bai id iM. IfAWAttAS"

M &


. , — tiaip betweee Har-rwoaJwrp aiM i :-K1 in«t«B,To«al from Ma-

laeas to « asluagion. 7:56 p-m. T i a i a Koa.218, Z H and 13 ;

witii Maia Line t i a a a Koa. 9 M d 16 Wsssiias and OraaKealard ne M d b o s i .BichaMad t f o o M t Q o i A m a » i ^ M d C . a O . R a n w s T ^ ^ *

K. H. O O A P M A S . V. r. aad Gaa. l f » 1 a .HARDWICK, P a s . TnaSe ^ T ' H. F. CA8Y. Gen Pwm. Aal; - ^ ^

. JL & BSOWK. Q«a«^ AZ^ C. W. WEStBUBT, Aa«. Gen. A B , - .

. - • wx*BTwmm7D. c

branda. Grooories and Provi-aiona. rAil kinds of Ground Reed, j 9 ^ repatraerriceia yridc Graioa aad Hay. Phone vonr °?^—' *T**7. o»« of o«r Orders-Goods delivered at YtMr! S i ^SS^

R May east a few doOaja toy a good tacabator to start tot the aartac la eggs which are a ^ aabe spoiled ia a poor mnehine_wtn MHR f a2L "'•^it aa t^e

> mm i i ifBi Ihe Snft seaBMT ria.

H i g h f t prifp paid for. p •—- I— 1^^ f"^

Co :nti7 Prodoee in exdttnice for Gootis.

All tne

d e l a r i - B e ti-fc—4-,


^*aa^BMa JSs a aa^^aM%iMrBBIf»Tr l - U M s M M a a V a .

Ef»» tar > « f s from oki

«aad for hatohia) eggs from yoonn hirds

-"•Bser,- sprw aiid^ Iffvad

W « o « tr the bread Is to ba

Katcl<in«. no t ho

gtyv! tTpe,

o* Reyutarrty. ' ' '* °^ grea! importance that s tr i c t {

regniarl ty sbovld be I>O*.«.7-T«>(5 b o t h } • ^ • ' ^ ^ ' I ' . ' '""^ i a a u i t w ^ It ardtj uf-f-

" a e ifeatipfl^- * in tfcp h

"AiagBhWIey AfliBlnktierwrf ._ leaa.£xtctttico of Xaatk,

DR. n. p. HOTJGH

Thw is thft iwarm tn look over) yourneeds for Wire, Rubber Ro^n& PooltTy Nettinr,^ NaiVPlows and P t o w ^ '


Remembefr —._, .we are agmit for the genuine Oliver PVyws aad-Repairs.

QBTersitj of Yirgaa ••UirPiHlc-B.fca.1 « ™ t i n " . f V " u ^ ^

' t s t t e n . S c w n c e . Law Medione. Enpacjij. . . .


M. I. C. BuiWinjr. ManasBas, V«. Sand far catajt^n*


* « • T>a Soothera RaaJw»» ^^^n Salarda* a»d ^nodar iroto Wasluaiina. b c n r f i .%i««a».1n». \ a . ,ai , » > ,(, f.r»oher 4 i c - u

_^V ii«K-aQB'..rir. >onKT>wt, Warreninr uxi '

m *» -m ^aif 'roft FT»r-«.-»:"-

•'TlAl scUeC-.t^

L[.WASMOOTACa,iNC .. > *

Page 7: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty


m ChivaS^




wMte hUi djiitfltiMf • i - itj Busb.iaa Tiita' Ti.-^. .pp..inTya

PUlten,. « , m » « l « l bj . uroup of cUL i _ ^ . ^ ^ . ^ ^ j ^ « « e Uffle'be-dreo. WHa reading Co tbem stories of Uie ajfr of ttuTulry. Ber f«tlier UIKI I

fore aie Ui i«der to secure s plAce to lire atpiiust 017 eooiiag. 1 vas on my

coulU tiaar t>er. and wbik' »l^ r rt ] way tb«Tf fTxirt, p . .^ . T-I-TSIIIH BP «

fl— MMI I W <>f \ wmm fliM UaC VI 1

K-. '"•I a. 'A^CTWPfour^-'nf* (fah-wiizeflSH"..; r pipe, j icif.rrl>"cof;i>t;/rM<l tn the 'goo** net-k. " and rxl^j.uij^g Ui Ihi: jji'-parl;. i-aeuJ npjiiii.-jir/; ^

4. One ftraig^ht way ?top cock and fox unr. 5. One meter aivJ meter box ot>«ervicr vi]

Bectnc t ^ foeKiseBAf 1 ^ 'ppltfsrrt.

raj ftsT^ffle rvi)ttaual}oB of? e supply ptpc AU tive werii «f nakwiff said «inii«ctien aa4-

W ^ g ^ U T H i T I E S COMMTiItg

« * «Wl bad Cttue t ^ w i««»>» r b n . K-_ tko t w » i . . ^ ; „ _ * 1. £ I i * _ ."T^ . ' ""^ u e t>(93iraniK of .each fiscai year, to s M v e f a r a period of two Tears. ProvWled. L^91t* '^**™™"** selected by the prascntCouscii ahsU serve until Septetntier

^^- ^—Thig rommittui' ahsll bt kitswii sa Uie PuUic UtJliliai Cwmnlmt

I directions of the Superintendent and to hie complete sausfacUon. ', SEC. 4. Nothing tr this ^rdimmce jhall prevem the occupsmt of a k<l or tenement supplied with Town water, from having, » hen his hydrant or pipe is

1 oat of orrfer. the use of water OR another lot, or tentmt nt with the consent of tha naenpici' tht«»efr-»>T prevent an^'peisuu tiVBS u k i n y Tuwii WKter tu wiUa- '

• fife, aor peeTent Town wsier-froBi ViJSgTBSSrSy'STSieoia^Dj. I gnish s BFe, mm p>t>mt f uwi

WAIIK M L T » ORDINANCE FlEST. There shall be traced, at tht cost of the Town, on each of the ser-

vice t;it>e.i supplied with water from the mam., of th^ T»«n'» W«t>.r Wr^. »» Fs and nrefnia^^ one ar mm"^ «fat^r tv cit Bw

^lyai su lildings. all buildings snd premises one or more water meters.

SBOONO. AU water will be furnished by meter measaretDeot. at the rate itereioaftcr scheduled, and all water passing through any meter afaaU be paid for acoordiac *^ meter reading at the rate specified whether used ar wasted.

THUU>. That esch meter is the propertj' of the Town and at all timet sub­ject to its control and inspection, and where anv meter is located on or within any private properly, buikjing or premises, the" Town shall have the right to e n t v ibe same^t all reasonable hours for the pur(Kj>e of t^v»..iiHiny repairiae, Pet>lacing. or nriltov\r,g miiH mfti.r nr I/. t«lr> n,w.t^ r^.rii^-f —

how s ir Hosacbuilj chiirt;ed opoo Sir Somebody Ktae Ui a eoutent for ibe I j d y What's-ber-Dame 1 noticed that the farmera «f "Tup, • •< hr sc>.mnl to be rapt In remioiaceoce.

-They doot do sicb things now that jSBJtx.- tM itai4 When >be-.stoty w«« finished, "but If a jlst as nateraltof

first class railway cotch. Ueside ma' sat a man. and before him sat anoth-' er miin. the two tteiug evidently trarei-'

I iat -CBmiMi nions, • 4w- -they -wcee-talk-Ins ver.T earnestly In tienuiin. a ian-' g u a s e l did not undersuod. Directly before me^sasa vacant aeat, « • wlud) I tossed m.r hand bag. This was rery

aien U . Ogoi far gomen mday a» it careless of me. for it contaiaad aJi t^ oP*?" *P account with the Superintendent and c i«aii«haa.«J<<ik4h •yiiii Rtatiallj juuin

feltera, and the gala is young toa 1 bad a scrap Uke that wbta I was a yonnker 1 beim one day that titere was t» be a dance in a bam i lz or

per I started to walk tt. -Wlyit" \ Interrupted, "walk seven

miles, dance all dis evening and walk milar hrfr'- .

_ "0^.1J|dn:t.^igdA.Jttt<ft thtnr IHrit| tbat then! 1 was yoong and. toogtt. I needed to keep ray muscles active; diere was ao much rim in 'em. VPben I got to tile bam some addlees was pottln' Mine boards on barrels to make

tlM? was tnnin' op the dancers was

"Forty soon they begaq to dance, but I dMn't know any o' tlie gala, and 1

areared to ask 'em to^ dance wltF me. After awlille a hUck t^^^ f%\

wetw wax i WM ICB WH a larTBnr —MM Ha me. gmllUi*. "'Why dini'l yini

daacet* and 1 says. ' 'Canse I don^ know nobody to danoe with.' And aiie anyn. 'Woaf^ I doT And I says. -Ton bet.* I pot my arm around tier waist, ana wg i w aiwuM l i m t»t« floor Uke a Bywbeel of a cntdn* macktae

and shall have general government and contwJ of Water, Sewerand Electric Light J ' * * ^ ^ ""^^^ titroogh a Superinteodent^tf Public Work*, subject to the outers

of said Committee. ,. -^^- ^- ^" " before the first day of September of each year, the Public L tihues Committee shall cause an inventory Ui be taken of ail tools materials supplies and fixtures, owned by the Town, to be used by the incoming Superin^ tendent. and upon delivering them into the custody of tlie Superi' tendeat. shail tjjke aad fik fats receipt for liie same, and fixtures tfa«r«after fomiahed tun. • , • v . . The inventon' and receipts to be rielivereri \^ Th>- ri.M, Af t h , Cpuniril •rbc wiU ' '•«^"''"g- or rethovin* aa

» I ba< litm • ! t liad been spr a t e nSgbu HI Paris

and was very tired and sleepy. 1 fell Into a dox« and from a dose Into a souSa sleep. Jiiore tlian an now pass-

jMtJififute I <WokB.-and ^>Aea i did I found that the man WIK) tiad been seat­ed beside me was tlM only-«CLer pe«- swj except myself ba the compartment' Hr hsrt '••''•'TigTil "11 ?*•* . 5 * aeit the windoy and was' Ireading a periodical. Near iilm l a ^ my bag. just wticM 1 bad placed it.'| I opened it and looked for my podtet-bo<*.

Kow. 1 l ^ r e it to any woman if siw on awafcfnlng fpnui a a>araber tu to^

SBI*I fc Will Psbiit Uiiiiiif Ouuiuiluu. liu ilje jmnyi tU m IB M g'h* S?**°i*^*''P*''"'°f,'" "PpiJcatJons for connection to and use of either W a t ^ Worths, Sewers or Electric Lij^t Systems nod to order tiie execution of w<»i required. And at the end of each month, the Cominittee stall sobmit to the


|TowB CoumeJ a detailed leiwtt uf all wwk i n i Mpaidlrafgf j SEC. 5. "The Cypunittee to examine plumbers and grant phimber's licenses, subject to final action by the Town Councttr "

SEC. 6. The Committee not to collect nor disburse funds, but must control maintenance, operation and use of all Pub&e Works and employees The Town Council to apprc^riate funds f « Committee use, to be disbursed by Treasurer iis.r .naMiiui piMiwilj • f u l bj tiR O j u i i r t l l « - M M fUiitt U> be for payment p. y" gapcmwg.of nmntfrtanrf ftpftratJoB. or fit nsifw of syttsms and otbM

[tal ex *****"^ ~

FoiBTg- Ttiat any meter injured fmnrliot WJUPT >.=i i. g.t«)Bt htiatars. <r diimnij4 i iisMn-t-U/. atUiUmgbW m IM MaBeraf occupants, wiU ' be rMMW«d or rcpaifsd ^jy^tfce T««ni^at t^espeaae^f-<Jie said "owner

pant _ _^";"- Th»t where-water is supplied to" more than <w own^r *-.^^ „

occupant, lorougti a ungle service pipe oo which there is a meter. Uie Town wiB

site had beoi robited <rf money from aj bag lying beside a man woold not look np at falni accusingly. Tlie man's eyea were «(pod me, and my looks toid him inat I sBspeHBB mm nf anatllug Ui^

mcxfental expenses. SEC. 7. That the said Committee is «itborized and empowered to require

every person licensed to practice the business of plumbing in the Town of Manas­sas, before engaging in the said business, to file a bond in such amount not to exceed (ite sum of two thousand ($2,000) doUars. and with such number of sure-t » e s . a s _ t h c ^ Committee stall determine. rrm^^^cmmA iip»» rt». fHt^T"! rrrr Mrmanceof all worit m compliance with the plumbing resiUatuna, and that tfce Town of. Manassas shall be kept l«iH^»S_ma& the ooacequence of wny and «U acts of the saidlieeosee during the period covered by the said band. ^ ^


not undertake to apportion the charges for sucfa water among the several ownen, occupants or families, but the bili tor.sucfa use of water ^laU be a charge agaiaat fi"* "WTWr through wtu ««. lyrmiisa tT"i r^n'i"« piptt first naaaarl sml in wMh cas* each sep»rat* owner, occi^iant or family shaU be subject to t l» minimum charge hereinafter specified.

SlKTlti—That if St sni limn a aiutn-i siaH be fuuwl WlMvt Imu itllipeiBi ^ ^ . orjfor an^ reascy shall taiX to register, or shajl be found rief«ctivf \^ I'eg islet ing nnee tEe last previous reaolng, tbe water consnniption for suck period may be estimated by an a v e n g e of previous readings through the same, or from future readings, or from simUar connections.

SEVENTH. All bills for the aae of water shall be a diarge ngainst the owner or owners of the property, served with water, whether occupied by such owner or-aot,. • • - — - --

SECTION 1. The lown LXwncii phall employ a !>uperintend«jt of Public

EIGHTH. No rebate or diaoount shall be allowed upon any bill by reason of property becomiic vacant, oalaas the nrirnpant of said property shall giTe writ^ ten notice thereof to the Superiotenoent ten (10) days previous to same beCbiB-ing vacant

NINTH. Minimum charge to house-holder. 86.00 a year. Entitles rardnmrr , ^ ' - —• - — :—- -—• OM.I«U« 1. ine lown i.x>ancii pnaji employ a bupenntendent of Public

money 1 bad tost just ILS plainly a. tt Worfa, who wiU be subject to the orders of th^ I < , ' K . l y ^ l i H r T ^ L u ^ i ^ " ; ? ^ eonia ba»e been cnpi'uiinjd in 'wwdtoi'in addition to his ifatiea ef laying .He-looked_£Eightened_and-Baid_Bamer.

wtik t&e belUo' oft "When tbe raaaicsti^iped we wentoff

Into a d a ^ « a r n e r and set tin It eon-Mcneed .agin I axed the gal Vt ^tue wooid dancg with me aome more, and «he aaia she didnt mind. We gi t t ia ' i ip to s m t ug abeh a-feBer eaain op and aald tin* g«l was ongsjwl Xv osm wM OM» wawcwr -qaF »»** w*.

- Man. iwuember any engafttmeiit w l ^ DL'so t'pot'iny^vzvt IUVU^MI liti,^ann-' —n»^ « — y ' ' -

her Unie. alien iht, danee waa »»m I M d her I wocid ga and get * <^ aT water—JM ftiir an aaewe. > « • know— tboogta 1 woaid h a w Uked to rtay wHh her the rest of the ereidnV I tedat caBe'thr before the eaOs-that aaU the «ai was ""jfg*^ to d«nce_wahlij6a

' « e e here, mlatec If yM want- tn aonnpnMir the belle o' this ycre «esn-l7 yoa got «4 febt tor ber.v

" T doati want to nxHiopoaae any «m^ aaya t -toaatways a y tme that dant want to bg monopoaaea. > t I doat want none «e yoar aaas.'

."•Ehat •a"'n^ enaetly Hte Hi Bo»« thing or OAer in the «itory woiald pnt tt. b « J osrant Jiat what he did. The feller dite't throw down his mailed tjtm. oeUber. bet l » * " * ^ ' ^ ' ' ^ a fight, a n d ' f i i t thing l kikkwea ae d « « » e * J«* breaker Then some or ate masagen o' the ban that was ataadin' by interfered and aaid we ea«14n*t »?ht there: we m a a ^ oot-

fanei«S OS. The *»!«. * ^ ^ * * * * ' aelvea withoirt the. aKA. ^ o r t ^ W Bright as w«n aee the ftn. and they

.., «ot t o * was mi uai MUii •«!

„ „ „ _ like » trte nwod silrer dollar Tbe felJer I wa» to fi«eht—they ealle* Mm Bock—was * x feel Wgh to mr Are f M eisrtrt. U fl» «»1 ** » « • «" •KM ftn was the balia n* the nasSL. he was the bully He-d,lh**devefTmaa be could I M U fk|^ h h n j i a t a a t i w t S g

"Tn*iit-«".ve<:aB-btnj in tl>e -story had ran<pdi^>ed aH the otter knighta 1 w a a i w W ? ^ ** was, but I ^f^**" « « « t M s h ~ Mr i^ha n w s ^ a wOd cat's f*w tega. Whea I aeen the «•«»

thing to me in German, but lie m i ^ ^ as welt have spoken in Sanskrit Then

' lie tried me in FrendL 1 can speak a little Clench, but <»n understand it neaniui.v at a l i At any tana. 1 dMaft catcb wtiat be bad to say.

The man hwhed an c t Utf that -f-gxew suspidoas of him. Bat why ha had nut left the trahi with it while I was asleeii I could only conjectnrn. Perhaps ttie train had. not made a stop..

. , . .- pii«s. weiUug Are hyUfaflu, fiiiUiing house" g y w c p g o s . Btnnging WITPS, and dning any nther nord>i»rj work in eonnoetioi^

•bn paid i sr at rate of tweuty (80) t»iJUL—Neat Za,OI)U I t tiXTsT

He wik a o f l cAM tfiUC 19 *Bf OtKSa, Joe—wtthnat my—taidag any—hetlon. witaterer he pxik out a roll or «ila9

JiiUs-And aajd to me te F t c n c ^ •Y^amUenr THow mnchTl^wUckr

X andenCDod was ««t-<«g me tba amoaat I bad been robbed ot. t np uue llaam and aaid. -Mffle

With the maintenance, extension, operation and use of tlie systems of Water Works, Sewers and ESectric Ughta, will have general control of all lands; boiki-ings, boikss. maehineiy. reservoir, tank and tower, pipe lines, hydnata. valves, manholes, disposal plant, eleefric Ugfats, wires and poles, and ail other appor-teoaaoes of eitberi^steai and be responsible for the ptoper care MIH mmiSZL ance of t h e — i r f — —•• '

SEC. 2.- The — i , ^ „ ^ ' - J ^ - I g . * ^ Connal to employ a sufficient pnrnher of . y > « H v ^ , swdfiTMira and lactgers, m addition to the Superint<aident, to prwieriy maintain . . jrintoident, to prcyeriy maintain and operate tlie said systems, a t sidanes to l i e fixed by the CJeuneil.

S E C . 3. "Hie StqierintendeBt to be vested with the power of Potie« to pre­vent damage to or miaase of any part or appliance of either system and «Bf>owered to make arrest of any persons sielating these ard>'«'M'«'f, .

. Sjsi;- •*• TM SUtieriuienoent ot t^bhc Works shall have a se to f books, kept by hiinself. frf the nnrnoaeof rwmrtWnjr a«ri iM-.-ftnnt;..p t^ . u .,,«-,^^^ rntml'op and fixtotes Systems,

for aae OD the Water Works, Sewerg «Bd Electiic

meaning tp** ' *t^ had UOOO fraaea m my packetiMOk. My been brairf new, mae the laotn he held in hto.haad. and 1 fid MC-dooht were nUwT 1 gathered that he Cerred to return my moaey rather than have'me call a guard at t iw aex^ atn-

t t e names, time and wages of all empkjyees and laborera. ^_ ^^ Htotrhe TWiewted all lawttgrr^iuin^rurTinTgwafef an^gaHiM hght uieleis with the names of the'{»t>perty owners to whom the stxviee is rendered. Also a record of fees cfavipatle to a property owner for in^ung eo i^ nectiooB toeitfaer system, or o i t t ing off said ODOneetioB. or tefMbtac the

S E C & On the daT^m>«r«W Hw. ,«amfar ^^^^..y ^r *1^ J^,^ r- •-. ;-^ m o ^ ^ t h e Supermtendent afaalt-nmhe a written repoit to the PidiKc UtiB-

CoBBBttee stating: the geacral <»—BUuii of aB' svateou a ^ wiviiw^ th* each ties CoiMMttee quantity a £ ^

of aB iabcr

qMesM and " tireoBtracted

gtviar the *ea fytbf

S E C 6. The Supemteodnit todiaeoobeet or 'K^itoflT' any ooosmntt, from the nse of et&ez sy^eih, who has not^paid his Mil after t itekit^Tal of allowed for i»avmi°i*. *° fbtted in «h **'

e d t h e rod in U s hand, a n d i t a s o u n t r ed to exactly tflOU tranea. Then h» handed i t to me, aaytog aDaafethinc ta Ftench wUeh ! did not undentand. ^

I sra* very g^* to s e t my a^oo^-1 ooBstiwt, nc^nlate. i n j e c t , approve and reedtd any eouMcti<m with the said back at a n and eapeeiaUy su easiiy. systean and shall see that all vOik is done in aecxwdance with thcae oiAnttiees When w e t«aehed the-Bq^ sutKia tb* or any other ^hat may hereafter be pasaed. and when inspeetix«; hanse-nhimb-

mg; or hoOae-winng. Jie d a S begnided by the.Stanaanl Rules <rf Phm^-lin, Uigki n i i t u s IlegnlatiBns fin nJuUih. wlilUgM idi^ited liy the Twra

tana to-tfae lull rendered has beea paid to die Treasure'. SEC. 7. All ^geratives, plnmbera, farenagy or iafeorers, doing work for tfa^

TuwUy upon -Hie -Water - Worita, S e w e x s u r Ktet.tjie iaght Sntesx^ a2^ T5" be o b j e c t to the (Lrect orders of the Superintendent of Public Works and be shall

to use C.000 galiens per quai tei.—Charge ef twenty-fi»e (06) eents p<!i 1,000 us frsjCtiops thereof np to a . OOP gallons per qnartgr. N e x t 2^,030 per ouarter shall *^- —..J.J * - T i mh — * • M £ t i l l « Itlft^ i , < i . TIJMMI tm nniM • • • • • * ! i • *• • • ' i • i i

cents. ^ t « i £ accocints wul nueen be due OB Junnarv 1st April luf Jnly Ut . n ^ nsr

October TENTH. Bills shall be paid quarterly at the office of the Town Treasurer,

on or before, the 10th day of the month f<^lowii« the service. A failure to pay the same by the ISth-digr of such month shall be deemed as.notie* to-tbe Town to discontinue the water service^ and Tpwn, hy ir« kg^t;, will tttrrr irff-thc-water, detach its eonnectioe, or, at its opjon. enforse payment with an adifi-^ * ! ^ - * ? 1-9^ ^L " ^ V "'^^ •"'* amount of liie hill « . .^eli«jn^t tn sxtra charge oi luty \ w ) cents wiU lie made for tutting water on after it has been tamed off for cause. Hie minimnin charge shall b i paid in advance.

Fifteen (15)' dajrs before the water rent GfaalL.fae.4>ayable.r the-Snperinten-oent riiall fntttish the Treasurer of the Town with a correct list of all persona to whom water is mopped, and the sum payaMe by each for water r^it; and be shall fiWjwith tbm CWrir of the Csunail a reecqit of tiw Tieaauiw, ullbyttg the" ajERrmte of said water rents. The Treasurer sbaB keep an aocsonat tiiereof m his offioe, and'ahall have hills made ont for the same, shewim the amdUiit i>» and the amount irtuch will be due.

When water is cdt off for non-pavment a fee of fifty (90) eents shaU he paSTto the Town T< HBHUI rjThefire a mppiy i s tuzned on again.

Anyone who shall turn Town water Into and upon any preaiises or tenement, withoot anthority ot tbe Supennteadent, ShaU be liabte to a fine of aot-Ieaa

•" « j tfaaarajar mars than tan (C<>>eO) di a**; -: -!__ -—'^ ***—' *TP ( g ^

M£i SBC«KMI V Whw fnnnal per«ait has been granted a prapnty owner for

oonneetian to and nse of the Eieetric Ugfatinff System, then the SiqiotetendeBC shall make, or caune to be made; hy hn experiteneed rieetzidati," i S eomeetions and wiring, at the expense of the Town, as follows:

Afi house connections are to be made from the secondary taps of pole 1 ftmaeis, nr frOm •fri.i«lMiy->Ti.iiit »«i .^ •^^"^ **• - -' - •

"Hia Bociaiiisry lircBita aro dosigned not to tanrv over aaOyelto and att eennagtSna to lie finv>rari_w<rt< t»-ij >U hr ittarf w»»or.pr>«<f tfyfyfatiim

All oonneetiaBsaad house wrrmg must be of ample aize.far the service t o h e "**^?rr^r.'y°*ff/"1 emnrnytMiM nn* L aE ^ n yja. 10 iTMa]l«t«>H /- IHMM- wi.^.

ttitet loBked at me anxhw^uy and <m. nrring that 1 made no more to can any s a e to aanat h t e drew a tong Mgh.aC reiieC. This was - the onty stop wa Midi tiU we laarhert jtertin. and when

S E C & It AaSk be the duty of the Superintendent, under the direetian «{ the CoBi^ttee , to iaqieet or eaase to be inspected, all hooaes i ^ e a m obune -^ erectise. alteratiao or rejiair, inaaiii^Town, to see that the a ioa i fa^ , ^ w i -

1 . j . - ^ — ^ sewers thereof coBform to t h ^ neaiilaiiinM ~'

APPUCATiON FOR SERVJCE eeach dwir was o p » e d by the t.-uard the rascal Jumped oat and dlKsppeared in a graat huny < ^^CTION 1. An apphcaticin for the privilege of connecting with and nsing

My hustnod ha4 aecwed a noose tn the Pubbc Water Supply, Seweis. or Electric L48lit Systems must be made in the captoL had e«;.-ased serrants .tea wrid i^ and signed by the owner trf t h e ^ o p e r t y to be served or his anthoriged u ! l ^ l ^ ^ Z r ^ r -«> oiri»^ ft> aor fg'"^ ""^ mhiniMMai to the rahUe-Utilities-fauMmUee. sUUng the toeaJMB-g faadwryTMnr fraaT_not^oBiy a f « » ti, , launeity. the number and kind of water ' ' • • • •

All wiring; both outside and inmde tiie house, .^all foUy meet, in material and workmanslup, all tbe retmirements of Sontli-Easteni Tariff AaaoctatMa, jDdicated in the Underwriters Kegnlalaaos for'E^ectric Wiring:

The ewmeeting wires are to be extoided from the stoeet pole across the of the appiicaut to a nietei placed nfBf«tf«b^ on tlie outside of Ihie

tariff —«w»» it ^w. tw> ^.-mmiamtla;: read aach month The meter is ftmnhed by and b to remahi the property oT tlie TownrB3~^

the Superintendait, or his authorised assistants, must be accorded the right tar~ enter u>e premises of the n i i i ia i i i at all reasonable boots fartlKe purpose «C neachng, repairing or repUdng said meter, oir tocat off t f i e e a m B t i o r any \ iiaii

' tSiiff alwayv be accessible to the Sonerinteadent. -Tlie meter is to be provided Witt one Iwupcfe, M g l e tkiaal, cwtoff swWahj

by which the entire current may be cut i ^ m m the buildmg.' The owner wiU also be reij^ired to place a fuse box where the wires enter

the buiklittg and alao provide one two-pole, angle throw switch, so that tihe cnt<-rent in»r be cut off without distniinng the meter and box which is tfie pnmerty

guests. bat t» cwaMe ns. <o -er cMHsr every one of tbe

^i^matic- corps i «<Bee I nr»>aght ntr

to tie. jnade, the tmmber of deetric Ughta to be wired up and the general character stf waste h^oids propoiiJd to be^fisehaised into the puhSc sewon.

S a a 2. Biaidt tacm* tt sppiicatism will be ^aaislMd apoB leanest fav the

biniliaad a ftntone and w<e were ai>»-dautl.v able to liear the eipeiwe we ptopMMi t<< ta our roil, sbaie: l>ot of conrae. I iiioKt « • through tbe fmg^tf *<aas iotradoeed at us art

AH'aJJ UJU in*u amudi .* w. uad 1 sras V fut; dt'dniwl awiuber s f Per lin ««a«c TSiTfc* aspsrntBr-ta»-taiB . -. - __. . .-« S M K M W » a state taH M th^'^al- '^^^^J^^.^L'^^l fixtangs canneeted with or ace. I was staFdinr taiKiag to • iadf iihiii kiwhsnd w

. f apptfemitaBd the required. fees paid. wiD be Pubiie Utiistaes CsBuaftUe and ttmn eoBstitate a formal umiiK tlnm itamfd, -neooniing to the proviaaos of these.

FINESrDWOBEEr—: It I*nil he

anawfed by the —^ to amke the

any af the pipe al—<ni-fut auj puauu to i _ e, lief ate, timtestm^

S e s e r &p£etn, of said town, or t« PB@i. close, tnjure, .deface, or destroy, any well, fire p l q g , - g i ^ g a t e valve, finsh gate,

lertammg to the water works, water tiT»w snrt t^nt rer«P.V^^ ^jgfc, rfiypwuai pfaat. efaetric ligiit poles, wiiea, or fixtures, sewers, or eiectric light y s t e m . <rf said tow; er to do anytjang that

i sal

mnst te« « * « w * I saw ha» atontfn with her taee sqnared to toe awoB. and <A^ *•** ••• a T ^ B F T * * ^ pm enoBsh vtoi to Me to tarfcle a grlzsty . - - I r o a l A > give you swat* -oT an ag-eo«m a r i h e •fht^yawseW was «w«»

parer '^ewmti*' -^Sh- sr

nil] taJluteui nmiagiiaaig thFia»tor « t ttieaajg ? to';_g^ .^stones. r^y\(\ tr-am^Jat.' Luim wan ~perMB ao fsond qnilty s h a f p s ^ a ftae vC

the I half of the ftae impoaad togo-tothenc the Int-;tfae eoBTietiaB is;faB*aiL .

When they raBta-l ' 8 » a 2. The^ CSanniktee a a g grmrt; to any poor

««• O H i y ) dnBata. a l0 MfnCBOe QB wfaHlll'

rib*- w i t h ) ' i«f the Oewaieri MBahfdrMit*

thereof^ The the V-T:

ty-«ve vears ago and a iouieh aa* turn bW ^.'.^ siiywny -OMaX^acllhcr tt OS know bow to box. and we just

tber like two wind-

to wnom me ^mpcnM w ~ .—• •* *'' HrrralMrf* *'' ' 'F WMuT m w > • * to t h o , racnraed. toy voney: » * away, but not in t ^ e B e saw anS the eipresrtou on-toa toce Bsa ^ as mocfa surprHie ns mine did wiBster as furnished by the Saperiateadciit The Treasurer to notify the Snpcrinten-

Tl pn b<. said •sometbtm; to die dent«f all dehnqosBt consumers who fail to pay then' bill WTtnin.,the interval ^ ^ JttaaatoTPl^JejySl' '""'" " "

RESERVQIBS -> The Treaanrp-of the Town to'coUect. disburse, aad aceonnt for all revenues

9m «aeh ^ s t e m aeeording to the Kst of eeuaasers aad ameants dae froto each fnntiahed hy tl ~ "

^C 2. Ali'payments for use or oonsnmptiaB oif electric uu ieut are to be made in aeoordanee with the regtilatioo of the m e t e n a s read had Reported b* the S o p e i m t a d M r s f PahBc Woiks regardlessof the £aet O a t tteonreBt a n y beiMedorwastndafterpaasiqg the Town's meter. ' »

-aasnr BMi fui Ua; use m tiiimmiuiuii uf tjB,UlL UUIMI Me paynUTg" uae Ui tiiuwiuaitjuii uf tjB,UlL UlliWL , the office of the Town Treasurer on the first of each mo&th and nceesdii^ to the f<^lowing taUe of rates: Any coasumer failmg to pay said bill promptly aad remainitig d^mquent for ten (lOV l&ys AaSi be sUSjt^ TnjjimaTlj ill lirtj T i l cePM auJ haviac ilw »iw.tiiie. eniieut cut uff lantt'said p t n J t j , m aiWi4f"a to the hiO readcKed, ia paid or t iK^owB Treasurer.

ELECTRIC JffiTIR RAIES Sxcnof- L A Bwnimom ehaiwe of one (SI.00) dollar per nx-eth-will be

made far «11 parties coanectad with the Electric Lightinc System wh^her the ciuient is aetaafly nsed w n o t

<fc - l ^ t ihaige'^ar'tMf**^. to XnusuiiiptiuiMir flw.uk. tunent ^liB ha at the rate rtf^tsa (18) ssnto »e» Kiiewatt hear. • • rtgiatfwd bj Ihi Tuwnla meten-saia tate to be fer~aax«sil iia ai'i.T op to M , « « l L ' W. pel jtoU. '

S s a S. Wherethe Lthw «>.0M K. W. per year, the rate

withsa* <aaife wiSt httaar, as regltoeiad t a . t t e TownTs asrters. S B C . 4. A rebate shall be aSowed to aU

than W.900 K. W. per ya^c. the dtaes h o a c than (8) cento mataad af tea ( 1 ^ eeato per Kilowatt

_ on«, aad i d aiTtB party nigh aa fresh as erer.

-The tog feBer was pwre pooderon* O e toaTme. bat be d U a t have mT<

wind. After breathe kind «r Iras Uttin' w M -1 ever, aad wlien I saw «wt 1 Jtot watted awhile t « he well taekered. then landed y I his jaw that seat him H W » e dht. ,

Just Iheir-a (.ouatu «&-BLlaGt IKI besd to craw to the middle a' tto | BtgbC andevaryhoiy iar f i i w e wewl into tbe Imm, the U A e c s *ruck ^ < and I danced w « i CMh ( 0 r » (HBttr: tor.- • ' -

-"WTiat beeaaae of berr . I atocA j

tUcf that they

the _ the l»dy. a f t * iM'fcing the luiahtd prewentatioa. ^

lalktog it aboat

that tbe "thtaf was Count ueOP rich Schmieden. «•% s f the ei moat tntimste Mends. He tetlbV his majesty of.haw a lady on a trate ha* • » « robbed and bow be raOer thaa saburft to anato ha* paid over the tinoont »t«i«*i. J a « as be bad finished tbe story be espied me.

TY» m«tt<»r_jts constdergd aa ~ mtrable joke by the eaujww sad.

hy tW coohl- •w1»Tiat»rf be bad paid me the moaey n«t m«ci( through «esr ct esj torvti* 1 arreted sa the iaconTeolence I be pat •» at not Mrnng rny meoer *«a eqienaes. I doabaed his fallantrr. gave htm credit far It The aext H y my bosbaad seat hlto a WOW


cheek fbr

- S o t i p u A Jkn-tham t m n r t ^ bat laally the aame thing after sB

, SECTION 1. In additiaDja toe datiea at l a j i ^ ^ e w n ^^ea, • hydnrats. «r any other worit iimiaaarj to be doBen-coaneetseB -mi/A System, the SapieriatmdeBt A a B he the &ctoeer to Chai«e «f tan aad ^t^jeet to the e o r t n l a f O M f a M i CtSMaea Comawttee. have g e n m l eeatral df- a d leads. hmUmmt, raaaranir, tank amd tower, f q i e teaa ^ai aff ^T'*""*-Til -'fl a i f f c t o n f T V i — M Hi l l III Mrt operatiaBar aame.

SBC. 2 Upon complying with tlie eoaditinaa vt making afipheatier far nection to pufoKc water a^ppty and the paysMnt of a fee of three (S3.091 daflaia. the Superintendent will iMoe a written permit gianting the privilege npsa the terms preacribed by the Onhnanee of the Town, but the inQoductaea of stod water, shall only be made oader tbe dii^Ktian of the SuperaHaadeat aad bv a properly quah&ed piomber who sba& use such pipe, fixtures aad fittiaga. M atoUl be hereinafter set forO^ and aaid ptomhff is fuittos ruaiii-d to make faM

writaig to the SuptimHrnhnl withto farty-ejght (48) b o o n after „ ^ ^ .~^ >piA»» tfc» mmJA im tiTTMi /IE—Fsitara to nmti) a illi tiiis ami i

the pteteduig Sec^^on itaders j a r ^ in tauK iUUe to a fee of ten (SIO.OO) doaars>

SEC_ S. Ail servwes most he provided with a stop ooci on owner's presK ises. so that when necessary water mayHfte stopped without opeoti^ tOop box in street or sidewalk. After permiasjan to conaect with and use the pubbc water supply faas been gtanled s taupeit.* owner, tt slmfl be the daly of uie SapertT>-tendent of Public Woris to excava'te with tbe Town foroe_or.cauae to be exca­vated, fay a bccxtsed ptaaiber. at the expeaee of the Tawn. a suitable trench fraa tbe water main to the pnapefty line of said appheaat aad to place the fal-

' -faitiiw. i . A t to t e fuu i th iwii napuiat lun twth laypi* tola tht ^atoi pipe-m-thei

lads, BKndt and BdSding

Moaaees tooee foot ollengtlL ~toK*****' "iFhCtoi


Fhctory: No. I l l N. Lee Street. ALEXANDRIA , VA

Page 8: Wp^^Mm^m^Ximm - eServices of Prince William …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...kis neighbor's lipe. "TheCoBvict'B Warning" was ^tcpie ci Miss Annie Leaty

! i i h •MA.NA»A> jUi K \ A l - >:]nAY, AUGUST 7. 1914.



UMEI* We have just gotten freight rates whieh^iiable us- to deliver our celebrat*^-Magnesia Lime at any station between Alexandria and Manassas at as low a. price as any other liine^jion^iieiin^ the-guaiil^^ Loudoun and. VaiiTax counties vi?}iat tnev are te c

iiry. X counties what thev are to-day—tBe banner countieg^

and we will do the same thing for Prince William. of the state _ .__. The Leesburg lime has in every case where it has been used side by side with other limes outproduced them in both grain and grass, and here is the reason for it: Our lime contains 12 to 15 ^ r cent. Magnesia, 5 Co 7 per cent. Oxide of Iron, and these ingredients, m combination with carbo­nate of lime, are far more valuable for land than all carbonate of lime, as is reported in U. S. Agricultural Department's year book, 1901, on page 161, which says MAGNESIA IS ABSOLUTELY ^ECESSARY to plant

W( e have such confidence in our lime after selling it for the last twenty-five


J-—years that we will SBH it luaiiy fUuiim who owta the Iftnd lime ife used upon, and after three years will make sworn affidavit that lime has not paid hipi well, we will return him hi.s money.—Our lime is put up in 167.. pound burlap sacks, 12 to the ton, and we can ship only in car lots of 12 to 20 tons. Termsucash in 30 davs, or negotiable note for 6 to 12 months, with interest; not«4o be signed by party who 0wns land lime is used upon. We have come to do busmes&ahTaTTwe askis a Irial, and after you once


jn/^.^^^ O c t o b e r S-G-Z-S-BIO 7 Pronciincedfor }^rs 'TheBesiFairm Ihe Sa/Z/f

»25.O00 fVorih



f use tfeia linw we know ybu won't tty to faitn without it. Send order to our Agent, W. T. THOMASSON, Manassas, Va., or direct to us, which will have our prompt attention.



Fam Implements and Faim Itetliiuefjf.

THE •••• iLKjaajii « v « iw iT '» specud %>IIe6n, jnat iaaned, toOa all about tlM adTmntagM and pcoitabie uses of

Qder >ad S a i f h w i p a , Gnk and Seed 1Mb,

Spfidal Drill fiif amrtiiig OriMaa*-m •—' tJtover In Com. Disk Gidthrafen, WldiiwiaiSileiaieH, G&saiim «ad ^MBi Endues, Amerkui Rdd Faicfa^

- Aaerfaaa Steel Feawfiirt^ The m o d e m deT^^pmeni

TTwleHBtFMUIWAfiOIIS, Bi^teaadlanbeati, BnWmr ini fietnnlwii lerflK.

We wm take pleaaue in ataiU]^ tUa apcKieq i

^ l E IVtEiEIT et^

. - jip-tordate and hicrative {»o^

A sixteen months coarse of technlC&l irajinmsf^ncl prac-ticai field wo?It," in this moat =^

fessidn at The Federal School of Tree Surgery, under the personal direction of frhp Bureau of Fox^iars and Tree Surgeong. For fnll iwiticu-lara address

K A i a i ^ >.«.§<« 295 WASHINGTON, D. a

aii INSURANCE fyw-.^.^ datnnninod to devotgtwr ^ flwe time to the Seal Estate and Inwirance posineag. we hqeby at^it all propeaty f(»- said and foqttcafc tiiooc haTing propeitj to


YiihaMe FadoffSte

Usual Mid-Smnmer~


lAtE f [The best biu^ chambray work slurl on the marEet for 40c: Agents for Carhartt's OveraHiy Haniwn^^ Rr rubi rnff ny rk jioves. Jmt reccav^Hargeajaortmnnfr »f F«gH«k^niftHr kM

Under and by rirtne of a deed of trost. esecnted on tbe 14th d*T of September. Iftlg •nd duly muu'Jul iu Jie otece of the Clerk o< toe Circuit Ckmrt of Prince WUliam Coan^, to secnre to tbe bipneficJMT ia Jfci WMd (teed xA tmut Tt^wmA ftiy Mrmont of n certain »nm <A monjgr and interat , debul t baving b e e s laMie ai tbb parmeot of t ^ debt s econd , aad the oaderaiAned tmntono. baving been directed by die said beneficiaiT m t fecote tbe said tnwt, the said an<ier-jpgaed toneteee sbaH o «

~^tnrrfay, Angml V\, la i^z:

-n gbves for ni«i; tfaese^ gloves were bought m lar^^ quanti-ties, which <*nahk*> ii« »rt pjir * yA i fTTtrfl CTod valueB at $1,0(C $1.50 and $2.00. We still have foB assortment <^ chil-dren^s waAnSaits and rompeii. ^**H

list the same with as promiidy. todaal faiiljr. wkk sB and

« » 4

C o m m e r c i a l F e r t U l a j f u B y T h e U a e Of

C3X)VER CRIMSON J farmtn»>,nmMm»».S7tmCti\\\i%\\Q,mm

AbasltctoftrtmoaClo«erS«cd *owa « • (a« ;.• oicrqsadwJO Increuetbc

ton o<r<wi>hlshiiniiii apfiiiadittke fate tt .'^Iht.perMxc. Aai>ad«aad«fCraMoaCto«a ^-ltd aiulcr «»• caAnatlhr dooUc the jrMd of tke rop«wtilcfa<aBe«. Thes^yacalooaatiaaaflkc

I r In last i t i t ] lumil i it The S^iArSeOl e i n c r e a M M s H a m aad K l t n i a i B ^ ^ h*S«ff.b • -

.ndfnabJe. Crimson Oovcr maka an * •• t"*H f' Mfng irrmt. v easil«ee 2nd psstnrc lor all c&stcs o< Hv<

' A. M kli cowt nuke considcably mate aiOit ca pattared on CniasoB ClM^t.. It la ~

fnrajmaia an . - . . — a h o n » pUn.

^ • irT&oa Oovef " G T n l u S B l a V W b d a Co«ci roT,. ItttKiMcIaRirTaiuaMe ta Oedurdt when ' "i jcncraily plowed under at a aieen aiansR --p. The plantt retain tor tae«*co<ih( tnet

th-? ^otlowlnd fcason IOTKII of tfat |)4aiit food. . ^ c-i would (M:herK'tsc ludi oat a< the trovnd »^<4>^«fc» WIntw iiiil aiil)! 'in«iii» * a i i iJ i l f i l of Oin»«en Clotu apt mi$ jmtmam vuk

Unt, tnr^Haa utripriaa.

Maaassas Transfer Co.. W . S . A . T H E T . P w | a i « t o r . ^ , Forntara aad afl kiada of «i . .

. . -Oro^erogenweJi t i eapwutytrmni lerredordeliaBiad^.-

ate in the town of Manaaaaa. Va., andlieaiB-uiug w iliB Imeraeeiacni oi the iSootlwrB Eaf^ way rigbt-^rf way and Battle street in said town, a B d / n u a i n g tbenoe in a BOrtfaeriv d&WtioA alobK ibe Eaal side ( J ' & t t J e ^ e M

•Uwl, 11 u'ulaJi a, m., in thg naaaas, Va., offer fen- sale to the highcat bid­der, on.tbe terms named odow. ti» foihur

^5gg:gg^^^^^^|e^frs' ouTFii"i'ERS" MANASSAS;

126 loet to i ^ Jobnaop'g line (now Horn-baker); thence in an easterly direction and at r i ^ angles to the fiiBt line 106 feet to K.w-

'~ III!) lilting iu h stmtfaedy diieetkia with tbe said lot and the f r e u ^ dqxjt io l 120

nf the s a i j ri<ifet-Bf feet to the Knnh snAr , ISeboe in aneaateriy direcJoo imd with

tbe raid riRht-ol-way lOS feet to the begb»-iiiitg.^c»»li>iouig Mxm a<Hia«>.,fat^ 4 . 0 ^ together with aU the improTeBxaitB thereos aad all maciiinery nnd rqnipnent ased Ly the Hopkins C'-o., Inrorpocated, in tiie nann ftcture of rand} aad oiber prodocta of the aaid company. .

The property above described i s common­ly ILBOWU as Tbe Hopkins Co. fector*. Tbe plant io aaid lo be one ef i b e - b e t


WSe make a speeolty of s u ^ wcricaod gOM-antee satisfac

in tbe coahtty and bnldings and madoaery are said to b«ve tout in th« i.rfinli>in>ivf,~< ^ aannoftftft "^ fcrlrrr/-"'^ • i itji

. . ! » Railway ri|^t-of-waT/ and IS ideally located f » ~

l^Ewls Of SALE—CASa THOa H. rJON. C. A. StKGLilR,

:-3i-5t -

tMHL App(Hiitiiients tn*de on 8h<Mrt-notice. Fa-jnioec •ctSk on w write

&iBff or said yoor Kodak Work



rt aicr CTttnt t j w l< tbe i i t l w left hate


' C I T ' I M J

If c'.~yl\mKtttfimc. It his larst well , P . -p. brtabtgotdcnkcTTlts. Uyea wanttfa*kaal t-V-.: Seed! <A any kind atann iaaM oa BUfima'a " C S T " • - • - -C m w a .

We Offer Enonnous Stocks C ~ - Prai. WinffT VrtA. Trmothy Seed. Red C. v-- A)fa*f», Alvrkt Rod Top or H « S G r a » f-L .r KmtiK-ky Bhw i.rass. Orchard Cr^^Wkita <J <. Tall Mead<m (li:& Grau. MilM, ~ i"a'';irc MIxTurp r>war( Rssrr itapc, 1

- nf T i f i s I m i im l_J .laCUm llmaTl «-T '>^>ell To. . >>ik-» Gtofa* Etc Si . j^vii. >A*tntcr Rj - lih.

W% %tiM bmg arc #«/ fancf

> ^ -»>- Send twnc<T>a(n iiiiaps aad nana ot f' ^ : r«nrwr»nB u^^ T<m a M cent paclags ai f<--.. :»» V •'^mc.-.-r K -g of Uie " - ~ *rr-t ^ ceri. , >»o a r^. V;ta^a(Bo4 'r-o« Nasturtiam > «J fnr the

11 yaw kKti mtrrchxnt daa ^ f i Crop S««d&. irrtte m a pc

" " e row can spl OMm.

-^..j^^uS Sieve tett- tMB t wif h number of ouibuikl

gankn, eontainhisr strawbory, ' t ^ ^ y L y ^ ^ ,W»nignii b>di. Upgat " and a bored well over a hundred w M g & i feet deep of good soft water. ^ ~«**i»


New Stock ot 15.000 itdls and beau-

per to choose from at mm WALL PARI HBE. II will pay ywi to «3UL&P~ ine stock and prices he-Uxe placing yoar ord^.

aiaaf A i t p i t x ^ 'v.A^,

DinTRD SrATss, mJurttCRr ttOtJ»0C

- D n i a c T O B -e . L. BOOTRK. " • "'PUjn-T. ft » w t a y r w i n J. y, MPia WATUl KOaXKTS. B' KABK. TK

DOCOLAS8 STCAKT ' • gtr*n to atl tiMiiiim i>,

itkiwarkoat tk« tTsltcd 9la'i»>


mii ^aai. f naTH imi

^ fe^ l? *^

• AetL. sBia OocaranoB, b v n p t attaBtias ^i»eii all

Ttify. Ill


,S-pm8o«5f, W A S H I N G T O N . D. C . U. S. A.


0 __ , —


• - - , ' - • . . , . ; !

- • • • -

. ' ' ' • • . . • «'

t & =

Cod SuBttner

Plew mad Dmmtf Patteraa. 30-imek Bftlktew—New floral, figured, dotted, or stnped effects; in - 50_different patterns of the season's best At, i ^ l

!ii'liilli» ruig aruT pft|u.i^, y p

^y-mrh Wir W i p Tub ShMra;K--lD Moe, black, lavender, pinRTbfown, and~ giiftpn stripps;ud) are guarantocd tqb ppoofrudiixuf ^ai^ la aUt; trom pia

vint t o F e k i n s t r ^ At, yard ^

: 32rittch IUn£re»Tani DredDevooaure UoC«.=::JnaII tEepopuIar plain shades-also strmes, checks, plaids; choice of greeir, brown, blue, tan and black and white; absolutely fade-proof. If material fades, bring it back and we w|f1 r faiw^ <>A , mnnpy qj- p v o yrw inpnr m f | t ^ n | A t , yait l ~ '. \ . . ' ZUC"

45-iiicb Freadi and Belctaa Ramie Dnss Liaena^In co

Sluts. 50e value, al, yard . . . - , . . • .

»nip(etc ana mm


will ins I Prompt ami S t o d ' HnarestaruMh


^ J*"*** Ripp»ett«-the Roufh, Dry Fabric—Needs No Ir««nf.-Ju8t the ma­terial for children's dresseSj rcxnpexs, and play suits—ateo w<»nen's h(mse or street dresses; choice of pinl , blue, tan, green, black, and lavender stnpes. At, yard . . _,, _ . _ .__ _ ^ _ . ^. , _ . 1&

-Wtak f loor turatmhr'i for aa* reaaoeable diataaa I Z<