work with me: working accross generations

Sherri Petro Work With Me! Working Together Across Generations 2010

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Breakout Presentation at the Nonprofit Human Resources Management Symposium in San Diego. June 16, 2010


Page 1: Work with Me: Working Accross Generations

Sherri Petro

Work With Me! Working Together Across Generations


Page 2: Work with Me: Working Accross Generations


The Objectives

♦ Define the generations. ♦ Explore each generation's motivating

factors.♦ Offer best practices to work better


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2010 Generation Mix

♦ Traditionalists – Born 1925-45– 65-85 years

♦ Baby Boomers – Born 1946-64 – 46-64 years

♦ Generation X – Born 1965-80– 30-45 years

♦ Generation Y – Born 1981-?– Under 30 years

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The Generational Mix In 2010

TraditionalistsBorn 1925 -1945

65-85 years

Generation XBorn 1965-1980

30-45 years

Baby Boomers Born 1946 -1964

46-64 years

Generation YBorn 1981-200(?)Under 30 years

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Clarifying Question

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Affects in the Workplace

♦ Work ethic♦ Time sensitivities♦ Different

communication vehicles

♦ Retention♦ Subscription to


♦ Work priorities♦ Company loyalty♦ Meeting

management♦ Change♦ Level of respect♦ Entitlement♦ Training

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Traditionalists (65-85 years)

♦ Think “S”–Safety–Security –Stability –Structure


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Traditionalists Work Style♦ Respect for authority♦ Command and control♦ Can be tough for them to use

their own judgment ♦ Why customize? ♦ Believe in the value of work

more than finding personal meaning

♦ Separation of work and home♦ Acknowledged for what they

know as well as what they do

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Baby Boomers (46-64)

♦Think “P”–Prestige–Power–Perks–Process


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Baby Boomers Work Style

♦ All about respect♦ Self-improvement♦ Strong work ethic♦ Desire flexibility ♦ Optimistic and idealistic♦ Struggle with work/life balance♦ Into symbols of recognition as rewards

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Gen X (30-45)

♦Think “F”–Flexibility–Freedom–Family–Fun


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Generation X Work Style

♦ Job movement♦ Money-motivated ♦ Like to solve their own problems♦ Multi-taskers♦ Fiercely independent♦ Direct communicators versus reading in

between the lines

♦ Informal♦ Results-oriented♦ Quick study♦ Sound byte processing♦ Work solo and yet on teams♦ Need for external recognition as reward

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Gen Y (under 30)

♦Think “C” –Cause–Community–Creativity–Connection


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Generation Y Work Style♦ Digital natives♦ Work on their own

terms♦ Think globally♦ Have positive

expectations♦ Want customization♦ Desire interactivity♦ Express to express --

not impress

♦ Multi-taskers♦ Desire mutual respect♦ Ready for

collaboration♦ Want to make a

difference♦ Celebrate diversity♦ Acknowledgement for

being here♦ Looking for an


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Start with Similarities*

♦ We receive great reward – For the work we do– From the people we work with– And the belief that we are contributing to

society and our current jobs♦ We receive great satisfaction from our

accomplishments at work

• CCL Emerging Leaders Research by Ross DePinto, 2003

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Generational Similarities

♦ We have – A desire to learn – A desire to be acknowledged– A desire to be rewarded

♦ We want – To be trusted, valued and respected– To succeed

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Getting to Results

♦ Commit to educating and leveraging generational differences.

♦ Concentrate on similarities as a start.♦ Create multi-generational teams♦ Employ a student and teacher mindset.♦ Enlarge ideas instead of taking sides.♦ Create mentoring pairs.

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Communicate Better

♦ Have informal & scheduled times to brainstorm, update and coach.

♦ Create healthy conflict resolution guidelines.

♦ Honor energy, intuition and instincts.♦ Agree that getting to the objective is the

most important and not necessarily HOW – unless unethical.

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Thank You!

Want To “Work With Me!” ?

Sherri PetroVPI Strategies

[email protected]
