work flow planning

By James O’Brien *

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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By James O’Brien



*Define Work Flow Planning

*Discuss its sub-systems

*Benefits achieved

*Kepler Scientific Work Flow System



*Workflow Planning maps out the steps needed

to successfully achieve a specific or continuous

objective, derived from a firm’s strategy.

*Important to set deadlines


*Work Flow documentation always changes, and

therefore, need to be adaptive



*Technology helps to measure the process

* Important to assign a designated leader to manage

the process & be accountable

**Process should seek & store information

obtained from clients to keep up to date

*Communicate when tasks are completed or not

to establish clarity

*Document & inform changes within process


Improve ability to delegate

Strengthen client relationships

Help measure work

Enhance staff communication

Increase value of practice


*Two Tasks in Process Management

Planning of a process

Coordination of a process

*A Planner generates a process definition

*A Coordinator schedules the work steps

*Overall system is the formal description of the

activities, the participants and the tools



*Organisational Strategy

Operations HR



Work Systems



Kepler System


*Involves – Integrating

- Complementing

a set of programmes and policies for managing


to achieve strategic goals & objectives


*Overall Planning should be coordinated with all key

actors to ensure

- Clarity within Organisation

- Asset utilisation


*Prevent Over & Under- Staffing

*Ensure the org. has right people, with right

skills in right places at the right time

*Ensure Org. is responsive to change

*Provide direction to all HR activities & systems

*Unite the perspectives of line & staff managers

**Overstaffing - increase costs + inefficiencies

*Understaffing – reduce revenue

*Right Employees – productivity gains

*Responsiveness – Reduce risk exposure

- BUT, have to speculate

*Direction – provides clarity of systems

*Unite – integrates key components for success


*Assigning & Designing specific tasks


- employees not overwhelmed

- are motivated & productive

*Need to assess skills, knowledge & ability


*Job specialisation important

– cost minimization

- improved efficiencies

*Job rotation – motivation

- flexibility


*Partnerships: - Cooperation

- Coordination

- Collaboration

*I-Shaped to T-Shaped People:



*Japanese Approach Post-WWII

Maximise use of people

Simplify first, add technology second

Minimise waste

*Lean Production

Doing more with less


*Improved Service Quality

*Lower Costs

*Increased Productivity

*Greater Flexibility


*Software system for designing, executing, reusing,

evolving, archiving and sharing workflows

*Models the flow from one step to another in a series

of computations that achieve a specific goal


– Invoice automation

Invoice imaging or electronic invoicing or both


Reduces costs


*An integrated approach essential to achieve


*Cost & Risk Minimization

*Increased Productivity & Efficiencies

*Improved workforce communication

*Client Satisfaction
