words to lead by - ian berry

© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide Ian Berry Words to lead by a manifesto

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Page 1: Words To Lead By - Ian Berry

© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Ian Berry

Wordsto lead by

a manifesto

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Leadership isthe art of inspiring people

to bring everything remarkable that they are

to everything they do.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Leadership falters,and usually very badly,without management.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Management isthe practice of making

it simple for peopleto bring everything

remarkable that they areto everything they do.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Remarkable is the new normal.

Great is no longer good enough.

Sameness is the slippery slope to oblivion.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

We’re all remarkablesimply by virtue of our birth.

Then life happensand we all need

inspiring, reminding and sometimes persuading that

we’re remarkable.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

A grave mistake we’ve made is seeing and treating people as if

they’re resources, assets, or capital.

The key to the present and future success of your business is human to human connection.

It’s all about seeing and treating everyone as the one-of-a-kind human being

that each of us is.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Seeing yourself as remarkable and becoming who you seeis the only purpose in life.

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Disrupt yourself.Leading for others and leading for

change begins with leading one’s self.Self-leadership is everyone’s business.

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All change is personal first.

Relationship change is second.

And organisational change is a distant third.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

When most people talk about change, what they actually mean is everyone else changing

and not them.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Human beingsare willing to change.

We are not prepared to be changed.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Regardless of yourproduct/s/service/s

you’re in thechange business.

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Employees are first,customers/clients second,other stakeholders third,shareholders are last.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

The number one role of leadership is to enhance people’s gifts (talents), your own, and those of the people around you.

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The number one role of management is to ensure

that PPPPS’s (policies, procedures, practices,

processes and systems), mean it is simple for people

to bring their best to their work every day.

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The operating structure of your business is a value delivery chain

where everyone has a role to deliver value to others.

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People don’t have jobs, they have roles.

The key to all to roles is relationships with others and the value delivered to others

that they desire, demand, and feel that they deserve.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Throw out job descriptions and replace them with role clarity

statements on one page.

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Your employees don’t care about your business goals.

Not relative to their own goals.

Help your employees achieve what’s important to them. Then they’ll help you to achieve your business goals.

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All human beings have aspirations.

Appreciation and accountability conversations are the catalyst for

turning aspirations into achievements.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Have each of your employees document their personal aspirations and what

they’ll do towards achieving them in the next 90 days on one side of an A4 page.

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On the other side of the same A4 page have your employees document their aspirations for their role and what they’ll do towards achieving them

in the next 90 days.

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Role model and encourage people to have candid conversations with each other that appreciate people when they do well and help them to be accountable when things don’t go according to

the plan documented on the one page.

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To consistently bring our one-of-a-kind selves to our work, we must ensure that high quality and candid conversations with ourselves (self-talk)

and other people, are integral to daily life.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

We must continually up date our one page performance possibility plan (PPP) so that our daily conversations fully appreciate the reality

of what is and the lure of what can be.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

People don’t want to be appraised. We want to be appreciated.

When we feel appreciated we become accountable. Optimum

performance follows.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Strategy is like a compass.

Execution is like a quilt map.

When every employee has their piece

your strategy will get executed.

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Strategy and executionare servants of cultureand change leadership.

Strategic planning likechange management

and people management is an oxymoron!

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If you can’t describe your strategy in a sentence,

it’s unlikely you have a strategy that is simple to execute.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

There are 3 views, yours, mine, and ours.

Only ours really matters.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Remarkable leaders sustain ashared-view with others about:

where we are (reality)where we’re going (possibility)

why we’re going there (purpose)how we’ll get there (strategy)

who will do what and when (execution)how we’ll know we’re on track (lead measures)

how we’ll behave along the way (culture and values)

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Candid conversations that are integral to daily workthat sustain shared-view and embrace appreciation

and accountability are the bedrock of optimum performance cultures.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

When your valuesare lived in the hall,you don’t need themwritten on your wall.

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When values are lived, value is being delivered, and people feel valued,

you have the foundationsin place for a remarkable business.

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Everyone who’s candid and authentic realises there’s always a gap between what is and

what can be.

The joy and quest of life is the continuous pursuit

of closing this gap.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

The deeper the reason for being, the more

remarkable the pursuitof closing the gap

between what is and what can be.

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Profit is not a reason for being in business. Profit is a result of

being good at business.

Focus on your reason and you’ll achieve

better results.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

The most successful people I know focus on


and relationships.Results follow.

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A pathway toliving on purpose:Appreciate.


Positive Momentum.= achieving what we want.

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© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

Appreciate what is,the remarkable,

the great, the good,and the bad and the ugly.

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Imagine what can be.

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Create a one page plan (you guessed it 90 days

focus) to move from what is to what can be,

one quantum leap at a time.

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Quantum leap misconception:A "quantum leap" does not mean a big jump,

even though many people use it that way. In fact, it's an infinitesimally small change,

but the key is that it's a direct jump from here to there.

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Leap© Ian Berry All rights reserved worldwide

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Positive Momentum.which will

= achieving what you want.

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When you and all your employees live like this and you have daily, candid

conversations using your plans as the focusing tool, you will win your greatest challenge as a leader, that of closing the gap between what people are currently doing and what they’re capable of doing.

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Imagine that!

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Much of technology including social media is anti-social.

Use technology as a kit bag of wonderful tools, yet never forget that present and future success

is about human to human connection.

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Every day we’re faced with problems to solve. Real leaders innovate (change what’s normal)

instead of solving problems, which usually means the reinstating of the status quo.

Every day innovation matters much more than coming up with the next big thing.

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Common Ground







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Think like a maverick.- rebels, radicals, dissenters, disrupters, heretics, non-conformists, contrarians,

mavericks, the label doesn’t matter, think differently.

In your own waybecome a Maverick Thinker today.

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Share your story in person and online in ways

that people can feel, and see themselves in your story.

The best storiestell us what is

and what can beand inspire usto go there.

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Ian Berry Idealistic Pragmatist

simplifying leadership/management to enable profound human connection

and performance since 1991.

www.ianberry.biz +61 418 807 898 [email protected]