words for production 1. voyage [`vo ‧ idz] n. [c] a long journey, especially by sea or in space (...


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Words for Production

1. voyage ‧ n. [C] a long journey, especially by sea or in space

( 海上或太空中的 ) 旅行,旅行

It takes determination and lots of effort to go on a voyage around the world.

Words for Production

2. likewise adv. also; similarly 也;同樣地

Their first trip to New York was wonderful, and their second one was likewise marvelous.

Our boss said he would take a long vacation and advised us to do likewise.

Words for Production

3. offend vt. to cause displeasure or annoyance to somebody or something  使不適,使不愉快;冒犯,觸怒

The new skyscraper among the old buildings looks strange and offends the eye.

They were offended by the waiter’s rude answer and asked for the manager.

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offense [] n. [C] 不愉快或傷感情 ( 的事物 ) ;犯罪,違反

If I caused any offense, please forgive me. I was just giving my opinion. Using cell phones while driving is an offense against traffic rules.

offensive [] adj. 不悅的,令人生氣的,冒犯的

Since you've grown up, take care

not to do anything offensive to others.

Words for Production

4. perceive vt. to come to have knowledge of something through one's sense, especially the sight; to understand something in a certain way 察覺,發覺;領悟,理解When they perceived a man breaking into their neighbor's house, they called the police at once.

Fred gradually perceived that his parents’ love was the strongest support in his pursuit of success.

Words for Production

5. instantly adv. at once; right away; immediately 立刻,馬上

Although I hadn't seen Nora for five years, I recognized her instantly when I came across her at the station.

Words for Production

6. discharge vt. to shoot an arrow or fire a gun; to send out a substance, especially liquid or gas  射 (箭 ) ,開 ( 槍 ) ;排放

The police stated that hundreds of rounds had been discharged during the gun fight. An alarming number of pollutants is discharged into the atmosphere daily.  

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discharge n. [U][C] 排放物;退伍;出院

Thousands of fish were killed by the discharge from a chemical factory. After his discharge from the army, Alex found a job and married Susan.

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7. prick vt. to cause sharp pain or to make a small hole (in something) with a sharp point 刺痛;刺 (穿 )

When picking up a pin, the girl accidentally pricked her own finger.

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8. refrainvi. to keep oneself from doing something 忍住,克制

I was angry with her but refrained from saying anything.

Words for Production

9. signify vt. to make one's feelings and thoughts known; to mean表示,表明

I asked my wife if she agreed with m

e. She simply shook her head to signify her disagreement.

Words for Production

10. inhabitant n. [C] a person that lives in a particular place, usually for a long period of time 居民On the 24th of August, 79 A.D., Pompeii, a city of 20,000 inhabitants, was buried under ashes from a nearby volcano.

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inhabit ] vt. 居住

Even the driest part of the desert is inhabited by some animals.

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11. astonishment [] n. [U] great surprise 驚訝,驚奇

We were filled with astonishment at his violent opposition to our proposal.

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astonish vt. 使驚訝,使吃驚

The news about the collapse of the

Twin Towers astonished people all

over the world.

astonishing adj. 令人驚訝的,驚人的

We are seniors now. It is astonishing how fast time flies.

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12. appetite n. [C][U] (a) desire for food 食慾

Jason has a huge appetite. He eats almost twice as much as I do.

Words for Production

13. miniature adj. much smaller than usual  極小的,袖珍的 Mrs. Wang bought some miniature furniture for her daughter's doll house.

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miniature n. [C] 模型,縮影

The boy is like a miniature of his father. They resemble each other in every way.

Words for Production

14. delight n. [U] great pleasure  興高采烈,歡喜

The kids rushed into the playground and played on the seesaw with delight.

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delightful adj. 令人愉快的,令人雀躍的

It is delightful news to the freshmen that some pop singers will come to the welcome party.

Words for Production

15. dash vt. to strike or throw something violently and cause it to hit something else, often resulting in damage or destruction 猛力丟擲

After learning that he lost all his money in the stock market, he dashed the vase against the wall in a rage.

Words for Production

16. hospitality n. [U] friendly and welcoming behavior toward guests or strangers 好客,款待

We are thankful for your hospitality in letting us stay at your place during the trip.

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hospitable adj. 好客的,熱情款待的

You are welcome to visit us on weekends. My family are always hospitable to visitors.

Words for Production

17. captor n. [C] a person who captures another person or an animal  擄人者,捕獲者

It's impossible for the war prisoners to escape from their captors without any help.

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capture vt. 俘虜,逮捕,捕獲

Two of the runaway prisoners were captured and the rest escaped.

captiven. [C] 俘虜,捕獲物

They successfully persuaded the terrorists to set the captives free.

Words for Production

18. temple n. [C] a building for the worship of a god or gods, especially in non-Christian religions廟宇

In Taiwan, there are a lot of temples where people can worship and pray to their gods or goddesses.

Words for Production

19. council n. [C] a formal meeting held to discuss what to dowith a problem; a group of people elected to manage affairs in a city, county, etc. 會議;議會The government will hold a council to discuss a proposal for building another nuclear power plant.

After a long discussion, the city council decided to build a new recycling plant.

Words for Production

20. grant vt. to give 賜與,授予

Since Victor had worked very hard, his boss granted his request for a month's vacation.

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21. swear vt. to promise by oath or very formally ( 發誓 ) 保證

Soldiers have to swear loyalty to the country before joining the army.

Words for Production

22. treaty n. [C] a written agreement, especially made between two or more countries 條約

After having fought for years, the two countries are considering signing a peace treaty.

Words for Production

23. defeat vt. to win a victory over someone in a war or competition; to overcome  戰勝,擊敗

With great confidence and months o

f hard practice, the team has a good chance to defeat last year's winner.

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defeat n. [U] 戰敗,挫敗

It is not easy to take defeat well; it requires good sportsmanship.

Words for Production

24. fleet n. [C] a group of military ships; regular ships in a group 艦隊;船隊

The shipping company plans to spend US$2 billion in the next 6 years to expand its fleet in order to take advantage of a recovering global economy.

Words for Production

25. obtain vt. to get by means of effort  得到,獲得

In their last experiment, those scientists obtained a very clear result.

Words for Production

26. spectacles n. pl. fml. glasses  眼鏡

I seem to need a new pair of spectacles. I can no longer see very clearly with the old pair.

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spectaclen. [C] 壯觀,奇景

The sunrise on Mt. Ali is an amazing spectacle; you should take time to see it for yourself.

spectacular adj. 壯觀的,壯麗的

The celebration ended with a spectacular display of fireworks.

Words for Production

27. urge vt. to strongly advise or persuade someone to do something 慫恿,極力敦促

To avoid another terrorist attack, investigators urged improvement of airport security measures.

Words for Production

28. traitor n. [C] a person who betrays his or her own country or friends 叛國者,叛徒

Rumor has it that there are traitors among people who are sending messages to the enemy.

Words for Production

29. flee vi. to leave a person or place very quickly, especially because of danger or fear 逃跑,逃走

The villagers fled to a distant town before the flood.

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30. gratitude n. [U] the feeling of being thankful  感激, 謝意

People expressed gratitude to the mayor for the help he had given them after the disaster. Would you like to know more...

grateful adj. 感激的,感謝的

I would be very grateful if you could help me with the problem.

Words for Production

31. overturned adj. which is turned over  翻覆的,傾倒的

Those rescuers tried to get the driver out of the overturned truck.

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overturn vi.; vt. ( 使 ) 翻覆,( 使 ) 傾倒;推翻 ( 政權等 ) A car overturned on the icy bridge and blocked the traffic into town. The invading army failed to overturn the government by force.

Words for Production

32. retrieve vt. to bring something back, especially from a place where it should not be 取回,找回

Parts of the crashed plane were retrieved from the sea.

Words for Production

33. outfit vt. to provide somebody or something with equipment or clothes for a specific purpose 裝備,配備

The mountain climbers were outfitted with the latest equipment.

Words for Production

34. merchant adj. connected with the transport of goods; commercial  商業的

There has been a big reduction in the size of the country's merchant ships in recent years.

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merchant n. [C] 商人

Venice was once a city of rich merchants.

merchandise n. [U] 商品

All the merchandise in the store is on sale. Everything is being sold at half price.

1. Gulliver n. the name of a fictional Englishman who travels to imaginary lands in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels  格列佛

Words for Recognition

2. Lilliput n. the name of an imaginary land inhabited by tiny people in Swift‘s Gulliver’s Travels  利尼普特國,小人國

Lilliputian adj. 利尼普特國的,小人國的

Words for Recognition

3. peg n. [C] a short piece of wood or metal that is used to fasten something to something else  木樁,樁釘

Words for Recognition

4. mutton n. [U] meat from a fully grown sheep, eaten as food  羊肉

Words for Recognition

5. gulp n. [U] an amount of drink or food that one swallows quickly 一大口,


Words for Recognition

6. ointment n. [C] a thick oily substance that one rubs on the skin to heal a wound or an injury 軟膏,藥膏

Words for Recognition

7. emperor n. [C] the male ruler of an empire  皇帝

Words for Recognition

8. Blefuscu n. the name of an imaginary land inhabited by tiny people in Swift's Gulliver's Travels  布萊夫斯國,小人國

Words for Recognition

1. happen toto be in a situation or do something by chance 碰巧,正好

They happened to be out when we dropped by.

Idioms and Phrases

2. in the meantimewhile something else is happening就在這個時候

The garden party dragged on, and in the meantime it began to rain.

Idioms and Phrases

3. on condition thatonly if …在 條件下

Kathy agreed to lend me her CD player on condition that I returned it before Saturday.

Idioms and Phrases

4. by seaon a ship 乘船,由海路

The family traveled by air and sent their furniture by sea when they moved to another country.

Idioms and Phrases

5. lie at anchorto float and be held by a heavy metal object on a strong rope or chain, which is dropped from a ship into the water to keep the ship in one place 下錨停泊

We saw a ship lying at anchor three miles off the rocky coast.

Idioms and Phrases

6. with easeeasily 輕易地

As a diligent student, Robert passed the exam with ease.

Idioms and Phrases

7. make peace withto end a war with a country or to end a quarrel with somebody, often by apologizing … …與 停戰,與 和平共處

The two nations finally decided to make peace with each other and end almost twelve years of war.

Idioms and Phrases