words for production 1. attentive [1`tentiv] adj. giving care or attention...

Words for Production 1. attentiveadj. givi ng care or attention 專專專 專專專專專 To improve his English, An dy made himself more attenti ve to his study.

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Words for Production

1. attentiveadj. giving care or attention 專注的,聚精會神的

      To improve his English, Andy made

himself more attentive to his study.

Words for Production

2. onstage adv. on a stage for a performance 在臺上地

  After the performance, all the dancers ran onstage and bowed to the audience.  

Words for Production

3. trample vt. to put one's feet on someone or something heavily用力踐踏

Several people were trampled to death when the crowd rushed out of the collapsed building.

Words for Production

4. vein n. [C] a tube in which blood flows from all parts of the body to the heart 靜脈,血管

The nurse injected some drugs directly into the patient's vein.

Words for Production

5. light-headed adj. dizzy; not completely in control of one's thoughts or movements 頭暈目眩的

After six glasses of wine, he started to feel light-headed.   

* Adj-Ned   為複合形容詞

Words for Production

6. tumblevi. to be said hurriedly; to fall suddenly, often with a rolling movement 急忙說出;跌倒,滾下

He was so angry that a few rude words tumbled out of his mouth unexpectedly.

The poor girl tumbled down the stairs and twisted her ankle.

Words for Production

7. tremorn. [C] a slight shaking in voice or a part of the body, especially due to fear or excitement 顫抖

A tremor of excitement went throug

h the audience as the superstar came on stage.

Words for Production

8. amplified adj. made louder, especially by electronic devices 被擴大的 (聲音 )

The amplified music of the concert

annoyed the residents in the neighborhood.


amplify vt. 擴大 ( 聲音 )

To attract female mates, male frogs amplify their voices during the breeding season.

Words for Production

9. glarevi. to look at something angrily 怒視

The man glared at his boss who had verbally abused him.


glaren. [U] 怒視

The woman gave her husband an angry glare after he broke her beloved china.

* china       瓷器 (=porcelain)   China      中國

Words for Production

10. instrumentn. [C] a tool or device with which a task is done; an object, such as a guitar or piano, which is played to produce musical sounds 器具,器材;樂器

* such as     例如

Words for Production

10. instrument With advanced medical instruments, doctors nowadays are able to save more lives.

Besides the guitar, Allen can play s

ome other musical instruments, such as the piano and the trumpet.

* musical instruments        樂器

Words for Production

11. downfall   n. [U] the loss of a person's power or social position; the sudden failure of an organization 挫敗,墮落;沒落,下臺,滅亡

Drugs brought about her downfall. She lost her health and eventually her life.

Words for Production

12. strangle vt. to kill someone by pressing his/her throat so that he/she can't breathe 勒死,掐死

Bob glared at me as if he were going to strangle me to death.    

* as if + 直說語氣假設語氣

Words for Production

13. inanimate  adj. lifeless; lacking the quality of living things  無生命的

Nature is beauty; even inanimate roc

ks and stones are appealing. 詞類變化

* inanimate = lifeless

animate vt. 有生命的

Dogs, cats, horses, and humans are examples of things that are animate.

animated  adj. 栩栩如生的,動畫的

Not only children but also adults cannot resist watching animated cartoons.

* resist + Ving

Words for Production

14. horrorn. [U][C] (a) feeling of fear or dislike 恐怖

To his horror, the boy witnessed his dog run over by a truck.

詞類變化* to one’s  情緒名詞 令 ( 某人 ) 感到…* run over      輾過

horrify  vt. 使恐怖,使毛骨悚然

Terry was horrified at the ghost story and let out a scream.

* let out       放出 ;  洩出

Words for Production

15. frantically adv. wild and disorderly 發狂似地,瘋狂地

They worked frantically to get the report finished on time.  

* on time = punctually        準時地

Words for Production

16. plot  vt. to make a plan secretly 私下計劃,謀劃

The naughty children plotted to play a trick on the new teacher.

詞類變化* play a trick on       惡作劇

plot  n. [C] 計畫,密謀,企圖

In a deserted house, some men were hatching a plot to rob the bank.

Words for Production

17. appropriate adj. suitable or proper for a particular situation 適當的

A T-shirt is not appropriate for a formal occasion; it is suitable for outdoor activities.

* appropriate = suitable = proper

Words for Production

18. intent  n. [U] (formal) what one wants or plans to do    意圖,目的

With good intent, our government se

nt a team of medical professionals to the quake-stricken country.

詞類變化* N-p.p.   為複合形容詞 .

intend  vt. 打算;企圖

I didn't intend to, but I let it slip that we are having a surprise party

for his birthday.

intention  n. [C][U] 意圖,目的

My sister stayed in England for two years with the intention of improving her English.

1. microphone n. [C] an electronic device used to record or amplify sounds 麥克風

Words for Recognition

2. bob vi. to move up and down repeatedly 上下晃動

Words for Recognition

3. Bahamas n. an island country in the Atlantic Ocean, east of Florida and Cuba  巴哈馬

Words for Recognition

4. crystallize vt. to cause to be fixed (時間 ) 凝結,停止

Words for Recognition

1. inside outwith the usual outside parts on the inside 裡面朝外地

This morning while getting up, I was so sleepy that I put on my T-shirt inside out.  

Idioms and Phrases

2. pay offto be successful and bring good results成功,達到預期的效果

He tried everything to please that pretty girl, but it did not pay off.

Idioms and Phrases

3. so much for(used to indicate that someone has finished talking about a subject or doing something) 到此為止

That is so much for the first stage of our discussion. Let's move on to the next.

Idioms and Phrases