worcestershire source 4

\ ISSUE No:4 February 2005 Worcestershire r--:3" ..jT. a Source The Newsl.etter of Worcestershire Freemasons RETIREMENT DINNER FOR EXCELLENT COMPANION T. VICTOR CONDLYFFE l"r ,&k" n Thursday 16 December 2004, a dinner was held at the Stourport Masonic Hall, Stourport-on-Severn, for Excellent Companion T. Victor Condlyffe to mark his retirement after eleven years as the Deputy Grand Superintendent of the Province of Worcestershire. It was presided over by the Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Richard B W Price, and attended by present and past rulers of Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire, together with present and past Directors of Ceremonies and the Provincial Grand Master Richard G H Goddard and the other rulers in the Craft. As a lasting tribute from the companions of Worcestershire, a water feature of a 'Dolphin Fountain' was installed in Victor's garden to remind him and his wife Margaret of the esteem of the companions of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire. I !l hr ffi s ffi '# HAGLEY LODGE TWINNING WITH ST. MARY.S LODGE, GATESHEAD In 2003 / 4 a unique occurrence took place in the history of the two Lodges of having the same reigning Worshipful Master, Bro Kevin Delaney, in the Chair of King Solomon in the Provinces of Worcestershire & Durham. In November 2003, eleven members of the St Mary's Lodge plus other Brethren from Durham & Northumberland Lodges travelled to Bromsgrove where they carried out a Demonstration 3'o Degree Ceremony using the Durham ritual at a specially convened Lodge of Instruction Festival. The Festival, attended by Provincial Grand Officers, went well earning much pralse at the Festive Board and was covered in the December issue of the Official Gazette of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham, It was agreed that the Brethren of the Hagley Lodge should return the fraternal visit to Gateshead and work their own ceremony. On the 5'n November last year, 10 members of the Hagley Lodge went up to St Mary's where a Demonstration of the 2"0 Degree Ceremony to Emulation Workings, including the Charge and Tracing Board, was carried out to a packed house which included a vlsiting team from the Ravensworth Lodge No 2674, a Sister Lodge to St Mary's. To commemorate the visit W Brother Tony Smith presented a Whiskey Decanter to St Mary's Lodge, suitably plated, which will be used on the Worshipful Master's Table at all future meetings. Seeing so many Brethren from different Lodges enjoylng themselves only emphasizes what a wonderful organization the Brethren all belong to and with just a little effoft can all take part in, and enjoy, and at the same time enhance the companionship shared. W Bro I K Owen PPIGD, Secretary Hagley Lodge No 7932

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Page 1: Worcestershire Source 4


February 2005

Worcestershire r--:3"..jT.

aSourceThe Newsl.etter of Worcestershire Freemasons


l"r ,&k"n Thursday 16 December 2004, a dinner was held at the Stourport Masonic Hall, Stourport-on-Severn, for ExcellentCompanion T. Victor Condlyffe to mark his retirement after eleven years as the Deputy Grand Superintendent of the Provinceof Worcestershire.

It was presided over by the Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Richard B W Price, and attended by present and past rulersof Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire, together with present and past Directors of Ceremonies and the Provincial GrandMaster Richard G H Goddard and the other rulers in the Craft.

As a lasting tribute from the companions of Worcestershire, a water feature of a 'Dolphin Fountain' was installed in Victor's garden toremind him and his wife Margaret of the esteem of the companions of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Worcestershire.





In 2003 / 4 a unique occurrence tookplace in the history of the two Lodges ofhaving the same reigning WorshipfulMaster, Bro Kevin Delaney, in the Chair ofKing Solomon in the Provinces ofWorcestershire & Durham.

In November 2003, eleven members ofthe St Mary's Lodge plus other Brethrenfrom Durham & Northumberland Lodgestravelled to Bromsgrove where theycarried out a Demonstration 3'o DegreeCeremony using the Durham ritual at a

specially convened Lodge of InstructionFestival.

The Festival, attended by ProvincialGrand Officers, went well earning muchpralse at the Festive Board and wascovered in the December issue of theOfficial Gazette of the Provincial GrandLodge of Durham,

It was agreed that the Brethren of theHagley Lodge should return the fraternalvisit to Gateshead and work their ownceremony.

On the 5'n November last year, 10members of the Hagley Lodge went up toSt Mary's where a Demonstration of the2"0 Degree Ceremony to EmulationWorkings, including the Charge andTracing Board, was carried out to apacked house which included a vlsitingteam from the Ravensworth Lodge No2674, a Sister Lodge to St Mary's. Tocommemorate the visit W Brother TonySmith presented a Whiskey Decanter toSt Mary's Lodge, suitably plated, whichwill be used on the Worshipful Master'sTable at all future meetings.

Seeing so many Brethren from differentLodges enjoylng themselves onlyemphasizes what a wonderfulorganization the Brethren all belong toand with just a little effoft can all take partin, and enjoy, and at the same timeenhance the companionship shared.

W Bro I K Owen PPIGD, Secretary HagleyLodge No 7932

Page 2: Worcestershire Source 4

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W Bros Adrian Church, Tony Moody,Stephen Wer, Paul Milner and Peter Dawson

I quickly telephoned the production companyand requested an application form. Somethree months later I was somewhat takenaback to discover that they required sixnames; not just the five that I'd alreadysecured. Apparently we had to have a

reserve step in Bro. Peter Dawson (also ofSt.Johns Lodge). The form was duly completedand despatched; complete with photographicevidence that we were unlikely to frighten theaudience.

Over the next few weeks, each of us wastelephoned individually and subjected to ten(not particularly easy) general knowledgequestions. (We discovered afterwards thatwe'd performed significantly better than mostteams).

An audition date was agreed and wepresented ourselves at the Comfort Inn,Birmingham on May 7th where we took onanother team of six challengers. Althougheach individual contest was closely fought weended up with lohn taking on five ofthe otherteam on his own, It went to the wire. withJohn amazing us with his knowing the nameoi Tony Blair's pop group (Ugly Rumours).Unfortunately he didn't know the answer to,"What was the name of the boy in 'Puff theMagic Dragon'? (Little Jacky Paper)" Wouldyou believe that ifJohn had been successful itwould have been a draw they had no morequestions left? Although technicallydefeated, we felt that we'd acquittedourselves well and had given "value formoney". Especially lohn with his less thanpolitically correct observations on politicians I

Shortly afterwards I received a call to say that

we had been successful and a recording dateof Wednesday 16th iune was agreed with allteam members. The five of us from theKidderminster Lodges met at Birminghamlnternational and travelled down together bytrain. When we arrived at Euston, we weremet by a courier and transported to BBC

Television Centre where we met up with Johnwho had travelled down the previous night.We then had a light lunch with soft drinksonly; as the BBC do not admit teams whohave been drinking.

After lunch we were given a briefing whilst theWardrobe depaftment chose which colourshirts we were to wear (out of the 5/6 we'deach taken down) and took them away forironing. At this stage the productioncompany confirmed the line-up of the team;Tony drew the short straw and had to sit outand watch as our reserve member. Havingbeen reunited with our shirts we eachreceived a light dusting of make-up beforemaking our way into the recording studio at3.00pm.

After a couple of camera and voice tests, the"Eggheads" entered and introducedthemselves, shaking hands with each of us inturn. They were quickly followed by the host,Dermot Murnaghan; and there we were, readfor battle to commence. We had alreadydecided that, unless Politics came up as a

subject, we weTe going to keep John for thefinal round as he had a wider all-roundknowledge than the rest of us.

The first subject was "Food and Drink", andyours truly took on Chris Hughes (ReigningInternational Mastermind). Now what youdon't see on the screened version, is the


Whilst on sick-leave in lanuary 2004, and having nothing better to do than watch daytime TV, Idiscovered a quiz program called "Eggheads".

Having watched it a few times an idea began to form: could I enter a team of Freemasons tochallenge these mighty Eggheads who comprised former winners of: Mastermind, 15-to-1; WhoWants to be a Millionaire etc? I approached a number of quiz-minded Brethren inKidderminster, added W.Bro. lohn Hart ( a former Mastermind himself ) to the mix and foundmyself with the five Brethren required: myself (W.Bro. Paul Milner) and Bro. Tony Moody of St.Johns Lodge No. 6414; W.Bros. Stephen Wyer and Adrian Church of Old Carclian Lodge No,7599 and WBro. John Hart of Fort Royal Lodge No. 4565; and so the team, "The Brothers" wasborn.

So You Think the Ceremony Looks Impossible to Learn?

complete contest between two players if youget past the first three questions; they onlyshow the tie-break question that decides theresult. Suffice it to say that all of us needed anumber of tie-break questions before a resultwas achieved, Sadly, not only did I get thevery first question wrong, but I also lost out inthe tie-break so we're one down. The nextsubject was "Sport" and Stephen took onJudith Keppel (first jackpot winner of WhoWants to be a Millionaire). Unfortunately forStephen he got a question on Baseball which,as he freely admits, is not his favourite sporttwo down. Adrian then took on theredoubtable Daphne Fowler (former Brain 0fBritain and 15to1 champion) on"Entertainment". After a mammoth struggle,Daphne proved to be just too knowledgeable,despite trying to give the impression that sheknows very little; we weren't fooled threedown! By now we had only John and Peterleft; Peter was told, "whatever the nextsubject is it's yours!". Luckily for Peter itturned out to be "Science" and he challengedCl de Mooi (another former winner of 15to1and of other quiz shows). Another series oftie-breaks ensued until Cl guessed incorrectlyas to what an Anemometer measures (WindSpeed) - at last, success; John wouldn't bealone in the final round.

So lohn and Peter took on the combinedknowledge of Kevin Ashman (first ever World

Quizzing Champion and holder of the highestever score, of 4t, on Mastermind) and the"Eggheads" who had earlier been successful.Sadly it was not to be; after about three hoursof, at times, intense competition; we hadfailed to defeat the mighty "Eggheads". Theywere, however, magnanimous in victory andadmitted that we had had them worried fromthe moment they first saw us a nicecompliment.

Moseley General Lodge of Instruction are hosting a Lodge Festiva I on Wed nesday 11 May 2005 at We sa id ou r fa rewells to the prod uction tea m

the Moseely Masonic Hall. RW Bro R G H Goddard, our PGM, will preside. who had looked after us so well and caught

The ceremony will be the First Degree including the explanation of the First Degree Tracing the train back from Euston to Birmingham

Board. - International.

We want interested Entered Apprentices, Fellowcrafts and Master Masons meeting anywhere inthe Province who would like to take part to contact W. Bro. Alan Wyer, PAGDC, as detailed below,as soon as possible.

We would like to share the work out so we need upwards of twenty four keen Masons who arebelow the Chair and who are prepared to give it a try,

All paperwork and learning material will be supplied where necessary and there will be threeFriday evening rehearsals priorto the Festival,

To discuss what is involved (without any obligation) please contact :-

Alan Wyer,23, Staplehurst Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, B2B 9AR Tel : 01217785644Email : [email protected],


Although we were unable to defeat the"Eggheads", thanks to your generosity wehave raised a substantial sum in sponsorship.My personal thanks to all the team members,especially to Tony who, having taken a day offschool, had tojustsitand watch. I knowwe'dall like to have another go but, unfortunately,that's unlikely to happen.

W Bro PaulA Milner PPTSGW

ISSl,lE No: 4

Page 3: Worcestershire Source 4



Foilowing the reiirement of the Deputy Grand Superintenclent T. Victor Condlyffe, at themeeting of worcestersh!re Firsi Frincipals chapter- No 5889, on saturcay I3 November-2004 the Grand superintendent installed E, Companion Charles E 5 Harris as deoulyGrand Superintendent and Exceilent Companion Dr. Richard N, Hoare as SecondProvincial Grand Principal.

ile has also promoted the following Companions of the Province:

As Past Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah

E Comp. B WoodE Comp. S -l BacheEComp,TMWooldridgeE Comp" A -l DaleEComp.OHLoweEComp.VKClarkeE Comp. C ThomasEComp.GLlinksEComp.FDHeadEComp.RSFidcockEComp,ElWorthington

As Fast Frovimcia! Grand Sword Bearer

E Comp. l'.4 L PreeceE Comp. F MurphyE Comp, D BramhamEConrp.NTlonesE Comp" G WinfieldE Comp" R \& TeagueEComp.RHBacheEComp.TGBrownI Comp. A. C HuttEComp.EKFaget

Hope & Charily ChapterRoyal Standard ChapterVernon ChapterChapter of St. lilichaelAbbott Lichfield ChapterWoodlands ChapterN4erston Culy ChapterBrandrnrood ChapterRound Table ChapterVictory ChapterVictory Chapter

l-echmere Hughes Volunteer ChapterAvon Chapter

Lechmere ilughes Volunteer ChapterPage ChapterSt. Edburgha ChapterSi. Thomas Chapter'Royal Standai-ci ChaplerVernon ChapterPerseverance ChapterStechford Cl-rapterSabrina ChapterMerston Culy Chapter

Royal Standard ChapterVernon ChapterPerseverance ChapterStechford ChapterSabrina ChapterMerston Culy Chapier

l.Jo 377No 498No 560No 1097No 3308No 6115No 6879\)o 7679No 7961No 8506lio 8506

As Fast Frovinciai Grand Registrar


As Fast Provimcial Grand Sojourner

E Comp G WinfieldECompRWTeagueECompRHBacheECompTGBrownECompAChluttECompEKPaget

No 280lilo3569

Worcs Prov GrandStewards'

Demonstration in Kent

This is a report of our visit toHawkshurst St Laurence Lodge 9690,Province of East Kent.

This invitation came about from thepresentatlon given at Old WrekinianLodge in Wellington, Shropshire,earlier in 2004. We were invited by WBro Don Rogers, who is the Almoner ofthis lodge, which was set up to bothinitiate, pass, and raise candidates aswell as research and receive papersand lectures.

Gerrard Oldham and I set off at 12:30on the afternoon of Friday B'n October.Our destination was Cranbourne inKent (south of Sevenoaks on the map),arriving at Dons home for a cup of teaat 3:30pm. We then made our way tothe White Horse Hotel in the townwhich is owned by a mason (Phil) whois a member of another Lodge (CraneNo 2660) and who put two roomsaside for us at no cost, Phil then droveus to the Lodge rooms in the nextvillage.

The Brethren were very welcoming,and after only a few minutes of thepresentation/ started to chip in withtheir experience and the customs oftheir Lodges in Kent. The evening wasa great success/ with two wayconversation throughout. Thiscontinued at the festive board at theChequers Public house, in anothervillage not far away. We were verysurprised to receive a cheque for f 100(part of the charity collection) whichthe Lodge insisted we take back to ourCharity Steward for our Lodge todonate as it sees fit.

Bro. Phil acted as our chauffeur allevening, and when we got back to thehotel, he had us up talking aboutMasonry until 1am.

At B am the following morning we werejoined for breakfast by our sponsor,Don Rogers, who said that thefeedback he had received wasexcellent. They are seriouslyconsidering having us back for Secret2 about the same time next year.Meanwhile, as is the usual situation,we were invited to talk to anotherLodge in Hastings next summer - wewillsee!

No 1874No 3378No 4621No 7940No 49ENo 550No 573No 3185Nlo 6595No 6879

No 498I'lo 560No 573No 3185No 5595No 6879

Congratulations to Rex Bradley60 Years a Mason

On the 23'd September 2004 at the home ofWorshipful Brother Kenneth Rex Bradley,P.P.J.G.W., the Very Worshipful Brother Robert CVaughan presented a Certificate celebrating 60years in Freemasonry, Rex, a member of Bordesley

Abbey Lodge No.4495 was Initiated into Freemasonry on the 23'o November L944 andbecame Worshipful Master in 1956, He was Exalted into The Bordesley Abbey RoyalArch Chapter No. 4495 on the 16'n January 1952 becoming First Principal in 1963, laterbeing promoted to the rank of P. P.G. Soj. ,


Page 4: Worcestershire Source 4

WHAT IS GIT."Gift Aid is o..most effectiveways of givingto charity.Using cift Aidmeans that forevery poundyou give, thecharity youare supportingwill receive 2apfrom the InlandRevenue.


simplest andT ATDof the

This rrleans that a E1O Gift Aiddonation, is vrrorth EL2.8O to thecharity, imagine what a difference thatcould make to the charity you support,and it doesn't cost you a thingl"

Page 5: Worcestershire Source 4


"Providing you pay as much tax (incomeand/or capital gains) as the charity will beentitled to reclaim on your donations inthe same financial year, you are entitledto use Gift Aid. For example, if you wishto Gift Aid charitable donations that totalpaid at Ieast E2B to the tax man in respectof that tax ye,ar"

Worcestershire Masonic Charitv OroanisationPGL Office, 94, Birminqham Road, Bromsorove, Worcs, 861 ODF

Lodge I Chapter: ..No:

Full Name:





Post Code:.

DECLARATIONUsing Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 28 pencefrom the Inland Revenue helping your donation go furtherThis means that 810 can be turned into f 12.80 just so long as donations aremade through Gift Aid Imagine what a difference that could make, and itdoesn't cost you a thing

So if you want your donation to go further, Gift Aid it. Just complete this formand send it back to us

I want all donations to be Gift Aid until I notify you otherwise.


To qualift for Gift Aid, what you pay in income tax or capital gains tax must at least equal the amountwe will claim in the tax year.

Page 6: Worcestershire Source 4

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The proposed multi-million pound community facllity centred on the Parish Church atKings Heath promises to become a valuable focal point for the people of the area.

Links have already been made with Kings Heath Masons and on December 2lu, theProvincial Grand Master, Richard Goddard, a Patron of the Trust, and red Kettleborough,charity Steward for the Mark Province, each presented cheques for [1000 to the Vicar,Rev. John Wilkinson. It is anticipated thatfurther donations will be made.

Also in the photograph are Robert Vaughan, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, also aPatron of the Trust, and Stan Hems, a local butcher, Chairman of the Kings HeathBusiness Associatlon and a member of Moseley Lodge.

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Dear Brethren

On Saturday 16 October 2004 atWorcestershire Installed Master's Lodge Iwas presented with a very elegant silverloving cup and a substantial cheque towhich I understand all the Lodges in theProvince subscribed, to mark my 10 yearsas Provincial Grand Master between 1993and 2003.

I was particularly pleased to receive theloving cup which will be a daily reminderof some 23 memorable years wearing a

chain in the Province and having theopportunity of visiting you all on manyoccasions.

you will not see as much of me as inprevious years I can assure you myaffection for our great Province will neverdiminish.

My thanks to you all for your generosityand the many many memories of thehappy hours spent in your company.

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Barrie Cooper



Severn Lodge no 5583 hada most successful LadiesWeekend with a total of 98people spending up to 4days in the Isle of Wight.We raised a total of f550for Charity, I50 to the locaiRNLI, !250 io Martin Hussingtree ParishChurch and [250 to Acorns Trust. Thephotograph shows the WM Wor Bro PaulHughes, his Lady Lisa and their young Ben,who reckons that Ladies Weekends areGREAT 'cos he gets to swim in a realswimming pooll! A total of 11 Lodges wererepresented. For further details contactanthonVwatt@hotma il.com

W Bro Antony C Watt PPGReg

I am enjoying my retirement and whilst

Published by The Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire.Provincial Office, 94 Birmingham Road, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, 861 ODF

Afticles may not be reproduced without written authority.Editor: Keith Bllzzard would be pleased to receive afticles, news and photographs for publication -

Challinors Blizza.d, Edmund House, 12-22 Newhall Street, Birmingham 83 3EFTel: 0121 233 8610 Email: [email protected]

+ gon't forget to log on to our new website.......'Worcestershirepgl.org.uk' ISSUE No: 4