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To Advertise E-mail [email protected] or call 718-729-3772 VOL. 82, NO. 46 WOODSIDE, L.I.C., N.Y. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2015 FREE SERVING SUNNYSIDE-WOODSIDE AND LONG ISLAND CITY WOODSIDE YOUTH RETURN AGAIN by David Rosasco As it was becoming clear that more work to fully clean 38 th Av- enue would be required due to the enormous volume of garbage dumped between 54 th and 57 th streets, the youth, rather than being discouraged over the seemingly ceaseless effort required to restore this location to order, their thoughts were summed up clearly by Alexis Morales, 7 th grade student at St. Sebastian School, emphasizing “It’s amazing how much we cleaned up already, and we know what to expect the next time anyway.” (continued on page 8) Jackie, Alexis, Claudia, Jan, Tyler & Juan CRAFTY ELVES START THE SEASON SEE PAGE 5 Photo Credit: Peter Wing SEE PAGE 4

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by David Rosasco

As it was becoming clear thatmore work to fully clean 38th Av-enue would be required due to theenormous volume of garbagedumped between 54th and 57th

streets, the youth, rather than beingdiscouraged over the seemingly

ceaseless effort required to restorethis location to order, their thoughtswere summed up clearly by AlexisMorales, 7th grade student at St.Sebastian School, emphasizing“It’s amazing how much we cleanedup already, and we know what toexpect the next time anyway.”

(continued on page 8)Jackie, Alexis, Claudia,

Jan, Tyler & Juan



Photo Credit: Peter Wing


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43-11 Greenpoint Ave., Sunnyside, NY 11104Telephone (718) 729-3772

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSMary Caulfield, Peter A. Ross, Rob MacKay


Marlene Sabba ............................................................... Publisher

Sherilyn Jo Sabba ................................................................. Editor


Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens,the Bronx), Vice Chair of the Demo-cratic Caucus, and Rep. Keith Ellison(D-MN) announced the introductionof legislation to help hard-workingAmerican families build savings fortheir future. The Crowley-Ellisonlegislation builds on their earlier ef-forts and will create a new savingsprogram called USAccounts, a long-term savings account to help everyAmerican child start their financialfuture on the right foot. The bill alsoauthorizes an expansion of the suc-cessful Child Tax Credit in order togive low-income families the oppor-tunity to contribute to the savingsaccount. The USAccounts bill is thefirst part of Crowley’s “BuildingBetter Savings, Building BrighterFutures” plan to address the savingsand retirement crisis in America.

“We know Americans want tosave, and they know they shouldsave – but the reality is, for manyfamilies, putting aside money whilemeeting immediate needs isn’t justdifficult, it’s impossible,” said Rep.Crowley. “Saving has to start onday one, and our legislation willgive every American child the toolsand knowledge they need to starttheir financial future on the rightfoot. USAccounts will help put theability to save back in reach formillions of American families andtheir children.”

“With millions of hard workingAmericans finding it harder andharder just to get by, many struggleto put aside savings for themselvesand their children. WithUSAccounts, we can help childrendo better in school, increase their

likelihood to attend college and en-able them to succeed in life. I ap-plaud Mr. Crowley for taking thelead on comprehensive asset-build-ing legislation to enable families theopportunity to build a nest egg,”said Rep. Ellison.

The Crowley-Ellison legisla-tion directs the U.S. Department ofthe Treasury to create a new sav-ings program called USAccounts.USAccounts will be funded througha combination of federal seedmoney, matching funds, and fam-ily contributions.

Upon the birth of a child, aUSAccount will be established inthe child’s name, and the federalgovernment will contribute $500 inseed money the first year. The child’sfamily will be allowed to deposit upto $2,000 into the account annually.For families at the lowest incomelevels, these contributions will bematched dollar-for-dollar by the gov-ernment up to $500 per USAccount,per year, directly into the child’sUSAccount. In addition, to aid fami-lies who want to save, yet havetrouble getting started putting moneytoward their child’s USAccount, thelegislation includes another matchthrough the Child Tax Credit. Fami-lies who are eligible for either theChild Tax Credit or the AdditionalChild Tax Credit and make a contri-bution to their child’s account willreceive another matching amount,up to $500 annually per account, asan increase in their credit when theyfile their taxes the following year.

While USAccounts will be es-tablished through the Treasury De-partment, parents will have the op-

tion of keeping the account withinthe government or moving it to anapproved financial services institu-tion. Contributions in these accountscan later be withdrawn tax-free tofund higher education. Once the childis no longer a dependent, the fundswill be rolled over to an IRA, provid-ing an opportunity to continue tosave for retirement, or to access fundspenalty- and tax-free when needed topay for medical expenses, buy ahome, or start a small business.

Based on legislation first intro-duced by Crowley and Ellison in2014, under this bill the funds in theaccount will invest in U.S. treasur-ies, ensuring a safe investment thatwon’t go down in value. Addition-ally, this legislation improves theInternal Revenue Service outreachon the Earned Income Tax Credit(EITC), by requiring the IRS, whenprocessing tax returns, to determinewhich taxpayers are owed the EITCbut are not claiming it. The IRS wouldprocess the EITC on the family’sbehalf and then deposit these earnedfunds into the child’s USAccount.

The bill is supported by the AssetBuilding Program, New America andCorporation for Enterprise Develop-ment (CFED).

Announced in April, Crowley’s“Building Better Savings, BuildingBrighter Futures” plan will makeAmericans more financially securethroughout their lifetimes by creat-ing new financial options that en-courage personal saving, expandingemployer-provided retirement plans,and strengthening Social Security.Crowley released a detailed blue-print for the plan.


Troop and Pack 390 of Woodside, honored our veterans at a memorial service held on Veteran’sDay at Daniels Square Park in Woodside. Troop 390: Eddia A., Hongying H., Daniel L.,Matthew C., Elias P., Alejandro, Kazuki R., Stevan R., Steven H., Ziad A., and Rodney Q. Pack390: Michael T., Alexander O., Matthew O., Anthony L., Dorian A., Eoghan M. and Adam G.

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Sunday, Nov. 22, 4pm

DANCE OFF! STARS ALIGN FOR THE KIDS(continued from front page)

On Saturday night, November 7th,the music blared through the streets ofLong Island City as a crowd gatheredto support the Variety Boys and GirlsClub in their sixth annual “Dancingwith the Community Stars” fundraiser.

Founded in 1955, the Club hasprovided Western Queens with a phe-nomenal after school program, whosemission is “To provide children of allbackgrounds with the skills and abili-ties that will develop in them the quali-ties of self-esteem and self-confidence,which are needed to become respon-sible citizens and leaders.” Every dayover 150 multicultural children enterthe building, and are provided with ahot meal, a safe and supportive envi-ronment, and a broad range of youthprograms in the areas of personal andeducational development, citizenshipand leadership development, culturalenrichment, health and physical edu-cation, and social recreation.

Two months before the event, lo-cal celebrities were paired with volun-teer professional dancers in order tohave them practice and learn a danceroutine to be performed on the night ofthe fundraiser. In addition to the dona-tion of rehearsal time, each celebrityregistered sponsors who helped themraise money for both the Variety Boysand Girls Club of Queens and a charityof their choice.

The competition runs similarly tothe Dancing with the Stars TV showthat airs on television. It is judged bya three member judging panel, whoprovide their expert feedback to eachcouple’s performance. This year theClub was lucky to have three commu-nity leaders serve as judges:Wellington Lora, Jr., Tina Williams,and Ralph Trionfo.

Guests enjoyed a buffet of deli-ciously cooked food and horsd’oeuvres provided by the one andonly Long Island Gourmet, located inMineola, and anxiously awaited the

performances they look forward toeach year. The couples glided acrossthe floor performing dances in theareas of tango, salsa and theatre jazz,and waited for their results from thejudges. When the results were in,Andrew Mungo and Frank Perez wonfirst place with their outstanding waltzroutine. The judges’ choice for bestperformance was awarded to JasonBanrey and Ella Rosewood for theirincredible dance mix.

A special addition to this year’sprogram of events was special guestperformances by Lorenz Latin DanceStudio, and Precise Dance Studio, whoselflessly donated their time and talentto this magnificent event.

“This event was ground break-ing,” said Executive Director, Mat-thew Troy, with its ability to bringtogether the talent and generosity ofmembers from all over, including theSunnyside/Woodside Communities,and the Long Island City/Astoria com-munities. Vincent Renda, sharedabout the recent marriage of theSunnyside/Woodside Unit with theVariety Boys and Girls Club, who arenow administering all programs inthe Sunnyside Community.

Hon. Governor Andrew M. Cuomosaid, “I thank those friends and bene-factors in the audience for their gener-ous support which makes it possiblefor Variety’s dedicated staff and won-derful volunteers to continue inspiringboys and girls, guiding them in a posi-tive direction and encouraging them totake advantage of a world filled withlimitless possibilities.”

Hon. Council Member Jimmy VanBramer said, “I applaud all of this year’sparticipants and I especially want tocongratulate my Deputy Chief of StaffJason Banrey for pulling off both adaring and exciting performance thatwowed the crowd. He took this experi-ence very seriously and showed a stead-fast commitment to raising money for


Deputy Chief of Staff for Councilmember Van Bramer-TANIA BROSCHART -

Branch Manager Astoria Bank-WANDA CRUZ -Teacher at PS150Q


-ANDREA MUNGO -Community Volunteer and Home School Advocate


both the Variety Boys & Girls Cluband Hour Children. Once again theVariety Boys & Girls Club put togetheranother successful community event.Together all of this year’s participantshave made a difference in our commu-nity by helping raise essential fundingthat will benefit children, youth andfamilies throughout Western Queens.”

The crowd, volunteers and par-ticipants had an awesome time rais-ing money for the Boys and GirlsClub, which will guarantee a fullrange of programs for the kids of theWestern Queens Community for thecoming year.

“Chamber Excursion to AfroColumbia Mestizo Dance Show at the Thalia Hispanic Theatre.” Special chamber rate $35.Call 718-729-4688. You’ll be jumping out of your seat.

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by Patricia Dorfman

Sunnyside Artists presentedtheir annual Crafts & Art Pre-Holi-day Fair with 39 talented artisansNovember 8, who were greeted bya record 1100-plus visitors at theQueen of Angels Community Par-ish Hall in Sunnyside, with twodozen familiar faces and 15 newcraftspeople including Russ Braun,Soyeon Kim, Catherine Penfoldand Nakaura Toshiko.

Manny Gomez, president of thegroup, says that plans are afoot to“expand the fair and have more of-ten, but keep the local and hand-made criteria” which sets it apartfrom other fairs.Few are able to make a living mak-ing things by hand and participantsare often part-time creative whoenjoy making and displaying thingsfor love, and happy to have otherswanting to see and perhaps buy work– but rarely does compensation ap-proach the labor and time put in.

Michael Gurrado carved wood,Ann Cofta made hand blocked silkscarves, Catherine Penfold paintedcharacters on handbags, MaryCaulfield crocheted pins, andBonita Kline, Sheila Ross andRehndell Masi worked with clay.Painters Jeffrey Watson, DougAhammer and Amanda Barkershowed work. First time exhibitorGregory Psitos who can also befound at Sunnyside Florist, offeredwhimsical air plant dioramas. SofiaColborn also used air plants andexhibited with Rebecca Wilkins.Don Soules showed photographs,and Mustafa Yasar his ebru waterpainting. Warm scarves were avail-able from Una Studdert, and tinyart assemblages from EmilyDunne. Mary Caulfield crochetedpins, and Alexio Gessa, a body-building champion, displayed hiscomic drawn posters.

Many missed volunteersFrances Schmidt who was underthe weather, and Ona Whitman,who have signed in all guests at artevents signs since 2007. DeirdreFeerick stepped in for security chiefDonald McCallian, also not feel-ing well. Also to be deeply thankedare Ana Gomez, MaryAnnGurrado, Melissa Orlando, Rich-ard Drake, Juan Rodriguez, JosephSchmucker, Joseph Gurrado,Carmen Cruz, Dorothy Morehead,Alejandro Zapata, Osanna Ladino,Mitch Waxman, Carol Mussi, Pe-ter Wing and Jose Ladino. FatherBrian Dowd of Queen of Angelschurch kindly hosts the fair as acommunity outreach. MannyGomez said, “We were able topresent the food pantries with $438this year, 25% of artists table fees.”

Gomez, who in addition toorganization and getting littlesleep, prepares food for Patron ofthe Arts Café said, “We like tofeed people at low cost to keeppeople here for awhile to see ourgreat artists.”Generous merchants helped makethe day a success, includingSherilyn Jo Sabba, WoodsideHerald, Lowery Wine & Liquors,Gina of Sole Luna, Grace Wu of

Pinframing, Cassie of Artist &Craftsman Supply, M. AsimSarfraz, MD of Family Pharmacy,Maria Calderon of Paper PlusPrinting, Tony & Leena Tang ofthe UPS Store, Sunnysidepost,and Juan Arache of theSugarroom, Rigoberto Cardosoof Pronto Car Service.

Lynn Lobell of Queens Coun-cil on the Arts stopped by, as did afew other notables including MikeWood of Queens Buzz, who madea video to be posted this weekendon andFacebook. At least a dozen newartisans have expressed in partici-pating in the future. To be receiveprospecti for all events, fine art,good will and otherwise, or volun-teer, [email protected] orcall Manny Gomez at 718-909-4806.

Event next up is the third “5-Minute Flash Mob” to singSunnyside activist Ethel Plimack aHappy 105th birthday on Thanks-giving Day, at noon sharp, 39-5446th Street, half a block north ofSkillman Avenue. A crafter herself,she was doing some knitting thisweek said of the pop-up birthdaybash, she is “looking forward to it!”



(continued from front page)

Photo Credit: Peter Wing

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At the SURROGATE’S COURTof the County of QUEENS on theday of Oct. 21, 2015.Order for Publication File No.2014-1676/BHON. PETER J. KELLYSurrogate.In the Matter of the Probate ofDiane Thaler, deceased.A citation having been issued orto be issued in the above entitledproceeding, and the petitionerhaving produced proof to thesatisfaction of the Surrogate thatTo William Thaler if living and ifdead, to his/her heirs at law, nextof kin and distributees whosenames and places of residence areunknown and if he/she diedsubsequent to the decedent herein,to his/her executors,administrators, legatees, devisees,assignees and successors ininterest whose name and places ofresidence are unknown and to allother heirs at law, next of kin, anddistributees of Diane Thaler Thedecedent herein, whose names andplaces of residence are unknownand cannot be ascertained afterdue diligence, are persons requiredto be cited upon the above entitledproceeding of said deceased, andthat the case is one of thosespecified in Section 307 of theSurrogate’s Court Procedure Act,and that personal service of thecitation cannot with due diligencebe made upon him/her/them withinthe State, it isORDERED that the service of theCitation herein upon saidTo William Thaler if living and ifdead, to his/her heirs at law, nextof kin and distributees whosenames and places of residence areunknown and if he/she diedsubsequent to the decedent herein,to his/her executors,administrators, legatees, devisees,assignees and successors in

interest whose name and places ofresidence are unknown and to allother heirs at law, next of kin, anddistributees of Diane Thaler Thedecedent herein, whose names andplaces of residence are unknownand cannot be ascertained afterdue dil igence, be made bypublication thereof in onenewspaper, to wit: The WoodsideHerald, being a newspaperpublished and/or circulated in theCounty of Queens, State of NewYork, once in each of foursuccessive weeks, which is thetime the Surrogate deemsreasonable.PETER J. KELLY SurrogateFile No. 2014-1676SURROGATE’S COURT-QUEENS COUNTY CITATIONTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK,By the Grace of God Free andI n d e p e n d e n tTo Queens County Office of thePublic AdministratorWilliam Thaler, if living and ifdead, to his heirs at law, next ofkin, and distributes whose namesand places of residence areunknown and if he died subsequentto the decedent herein, to hisexecutors, administrators,legatees, devisees, assignees andsuccessors in interest whose namesand places of residence areunknown and to all other heirs atlaw, next of kin, and distributes ofDiane Thaler, the decedent herein,whose names and places ofresidence are unknown and cannotbe ascertained after due diligenceA petition having been duly filedby Seth Alexander Gilman andMartin A. Litwack, who aredomiciled at 25-09 24th Ave.,Astoria, New York 11102 and 405E. 63rd St., New York, New York10065, respectively.YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TOSHOW CAUSE before theSurrogate’s Court , QueensCounty, at 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.,Jamaica, New York on December17, 2015, at 9:30 o’clock in thenoon of that day, why a decreeshould not be made in the estate ofDiane Thaler lately domiciled at97-11 63rd Street, Rego Park, NewYork, admitting to probate a Willdated February 25, 2009, a copyof which is attached, as the Will ofDiane Thaler, deceased, relatingto real and personal property, andWill dated October 22, 1981 anddirecting that letters Testamentaryissue to: Seth Alexander Gilmanand Martin A. LitwackDated, Attested and SealedOctober 28, 2015HON. PETER J. KELLYSurrogate Margaret M. GibbonChief ClerkJanine M. Rayano, Rayano &Garabedian, P.C.Attorney for the Petitioner267 Carleton Avenue, Suite 222,Central Islip, New York 11772Address of Attorney631-297-8360Telephone NumberLAST WILL AND TESTAMENTOFDIANE THALERI, DIANE THALER, of the Countyof Queens, State of New York,being of sound and disposingmind, memory and understanding,do hereby make, publish anddeclare the following as my LastWill and Testament

FIRST: I do hereby revoke all andany former Wills and Codicils byme at any time heretofore made.SECOND: I direct that all my justdebts and funeral expenses be paidas soon as practicable after mydecease.THIRD: I hereby give andbequeath the sum of $15,000.00to my cousin, DAVID TEIG, 315West 70th Street, Apt. #6B, NewYork, NY 10023.FOURTH: I give all the rest,residue and remainder of myproperty and estate to SETHALEXANDER GILMAN. FIFTH: I nominate, constitute andappoint as Co-Executors of thismy Last Will and Testament,SETH ALEXANDER GILMANand MARTIN A. LITWACK, ortheir survivor, both to servewithout bond.SIXTH: I give my Co-Executorsherein named the followingpowers, discretions and directionsin addition to any other powersconferred by law:To do all acts which I might orcould do if living, including,without limitation, completepower and authority to sell (atpublic or private sale, for cash orcredit, with our without security),mortgage, lease and dispose ofand distribute in kind, all property,real and personal, at such time andsuch terms and conditions as theymay deem advisable.To continue any business in whichI may be engaged in at the time ofmy death for as long after mydeath as they may see fit and theyare hereby exonerated from anyloss which might result thereby.To make all distributions amongco-legatees sharing propertyequally, the decision of the Co-Executors as to such equality is tobe final.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and seal this25th day of February, 2009.DIANE THALER (L.S.)Signed, sealed, published anddeclared by DIANE THALER, theTestatrix above named, to be herLast Will and Testament in ourpresence, and we, at her requestand in her presence, and in thepresence of each other, havehereunto subscribed our names aswitnesses this 25th day of February,2009.DENISE POLLARO, residing at245 Rhapsody Run, E.Stroudsburg, PA 18301KAREN EVE FAEHNER,residing at 1010 Fifth Avenue,Apt. No. 10C, New York, NY10028AFFIDAVIT OF ATTESTINGWITNESSSTATE OF NEW YORK )) ss:COUNTY OF NEW YORK )Each of the undersigned,individually and severally beingduly sworn, deposes and says:The within Will was subscribed inour presence and sight at the endthereof by DIANE THALER, thewithin named Testatrix, on the 25th

day of February 2009, at 363Seventh Avenue, Suite 2100, NewYork, New York 10001.Said Testatrix at the time ofmaking such subscription declaredthe instrument so subscribed to bethe Last Will and Testament of theTestatrix. Each of the undersignedthereupon signed his/her name as

a witness at the end of said Will, atthe request of and in the presenceand sight of the Testatrix and inthe presence and sight of eachother.Said Testatrix was, at the time ofso executing said Will, over theage of eighteen (18) years, and, inthe respective opinions of theundersigned, of sound mind,memory and understanding andnot under any restraint or in anyrespect incompetent to make aWill. Said Testatrix, in therespective opinions of theundersigned, could read, write andconverse in the English languageand was suffering from no defectof sight, hearing or speech, or fromany other physical or mentalimpairment which would affecther capacity to make a valid Will.The Will was executed as a singleoriginal instrument and was notexecuted in counterparts.Each of the undersigned wasacquainted with said Testatrix atsuch time, and makes this affidavitat the request of the Testatrix. Thewithin Will was shown to theundersigned at the time thisaffidavit was made, and wasexamined by each of them as tothe signature of said Testatrix andof the undersigned.The foregoing instrument wasexecuted by the Testatrix andwitnessed by each of theundersigned affiants under thesupervision of MARTIN A.LITWACK, attorney.DENISE POLLAROKAREN EVE FAEHNERSeverally sworn to before me this25th day of February, 2009.Martin A. Litwack NOTARYPUBLICLAST WILL AND TESTAMENTOFDIANE THALERI, DIANE THALER, of the Countyof Queens, State of New York,being of sound and disposingmind, memory and understanding,do hereby make, publish anddeclare the following as my LastWill and Testament.FIRST: I do hereby revoke all andany former Wills and Codicils byme at the time herertofore made.SECOND: I direct that all my justdebts and funeral expenses be paidas soon as practicable after mydecease.THIRD: I give all the rest, residueand remainder of my property andestate to my mother, GUSSIETHALER. Should my mother pre-decease me then I give myresiduary estate as aforesaid, toSETH ALEXANDER GILMAN,of Rivervale, New Jersey.FOURTH: I nominate, constituteand appoint as Executrix of thismy Last Will and Testament, mysaid mother, GUSSIE THALER,and as Substitute Executrix, myfriend, ELLEN GILMAN, both toserve without bond.FIFTH: I give my Executrix hereinnamed the fullest power andauthority in all matters andquestions, to do all acts which Imight or could do, if living,including without limitation thepower and authority to sell atpublic or private sale, for cash orcredit, with or without security,mortgage, lease and dispose ofand distribute in kind, all property,real and personal, such times andupon such terms and conditions as

LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICE • LEGAL NOTICEFile No.: 2011-1042/CCITATIONTHE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK BY THE GRACEOF GOD, FREE ANDINDEPENDENTTO:Emma J. Velez,Eddie Nunez,Maria Grasso,Joseph Grasso,Danielle Rodriguez,Attorney General of the State ofNew YorkThe unknown distributees,legatees, devisees, heirs at law andassignees of THOMAS CHAN,deceased, or their estates, if anythere be, whose names, places ofresidence and post office addressesare unknown to the petitioner andcannot with due diligence beascertained.Jazmin Nunez and Joshua Pena, ifliving and if dead, to their heirs atlaw, next of kin and distributeeswhose names and places ofresidence are unknown and if theydied subsequent to the decedentherein, to their executors,administrators, legatees, devisees,assignees and successors ininterest whose names and placesof residence are unknown andcannot be ascertained after duediligence.Being the persons interested ascreditors, legatees, distributees orotherwise in the Estate ofTHOMAS CHAN, deceased, whoat the time of death was a residentof 83-75 Woodhaven Boulevard,Unit LB7, Woodhaven, NY, in theCounty of Queens, State of NewYork.SEND GREETING: Upon the petition of LOIS M.ROSENBLATT, PublicAdministrator of Queens County,who maintains her office at 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica,Queens County, New York 11435,as Administrator of the Estate ofTHOMAS CHAN, deceased, youand each of you are hereby cited toshow cause before the Surrogateat the Surrogate’s Court of theCounty of Queens, to be held atthe Queens General Courthouse,6th Floor, 88-11 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, City and Stateof New York, on the 7th day ofJanuary, 2016 at 9:30 o’clock inthe forenoon, why the Account ofProceedings of the PublicAdministrator of Queens County,as Administrator of the Estate ofsaid deceased, a copy of which isattached, and a copy of the Willsdated April 13, 2010 and February8, 2009, should not be judiciallysettled, and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow areasonable amount ofcompensation to GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ., for legalservices rendered to petitionerherein in the amount of $3,098.23and that the Court fix the fair andreasonable additional fee for anyservices to be rendered byGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.,hereafter in connection withproceedings on kinship, claimsetc., prior to entry of a final Decreeon this accounting in the amountof 6% of assets or income collectedafter the date of the withinaccounting; and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow an amountequal to one percent on saidSchedules of the total assets on

Schedules A, A1, and A2 plus anyadditional monies receivedsubsequent to the date of thisaccount, as the fair and reasonableamount payable to the Office ofthe Public Administrator for theexpenses of said office pursuantto S.C.P.A. §1106(4); and whythe Last Will & Testament datedApril 13, 2010 should not beadmitted to probate; and why theLetters of TemporaryAdministration issued to thePublic Administrator should notbe revoked; and why Letters ofAdministration CTA should notbe issued to the PublicAdministrator; and why the netresiduary estate should not be paidto Emma Velez,Dated, Attested and Sealed 29thday of October, 2015HON. PETER J. KELLYSurrogate, Queens CountyMargaret M. Gribbon Clerk of theSurrogate’s Court GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ., (718) 459-9000, 95-25 Queens Boulevard,11th Floor, Rego Park, New York11374 This citation is served uponyou as required by law. You arenot obliged to appear in person. Ifyou fail to appear it will beassumed that you do not object tothe relief requested unless you fileformal legal, verified objections.You have a right to have anattorney-at-law appear for you.Accounting Citation 11/13/15, 11/20/15, 11/27/15, 12/4/15

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File No.: 2014-4190/CCITATION THE PEOPLE OF THE STATEOF NEW YORK BY THE GRACEOF GOD, FREE ANDINDEPENDENTTO:Rockville Skilled Nursing &Rehab Center,Denise Rodgers,Attorney General of the State ofNew YorkThe unknown distributees,legatees, devisees, heirs at law andassignees of Lelia Mozee aka LeliaD. Mozee, deceased, or theirestates, if any there be, whosenames, places of residence andpost office addresses are unknownto the petitioner and cannot withdue diligence be ascertained.Being the persons interested ascreditors, legatees, distributees orotherwise in the Estate of LeliaMozee aka Lelia D. Mozee,deceased, who at the time of deathwas a resident of Margaret TietzNursing Home, 107-02 MerrickBoulevard, apt 5S, Jamaica, NY11433, in the County of Queens,State of New York.SEND GREETING:Upon the petition of LOIS M.ROSENBLATT, PublicAdministrator of Queens County,who maintains her office at 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica,Queens County, New York 11435,as Administrator of the Estate ofLelia Mozee aka Lelia D. Mozee,deceased, you and each of you arehereby cited to show cause beforethe Surrogate at the Surrogate’sCourt of the County of Queens, tobe held at the Queens GeneralCourthouse, 6th Floor, 88-11Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, Cityand State of New York, on the10th day of December, 2015 at9:30 o’clock in the forenoon, whythe Account of Proceedings of thePublic Administrator of QueensCounty, as Administrator of theEstate of said deceased, a copy ofwhich is attached, should not bejudicially settled, and why theSurrogate should not fix and allowa reasonable amount ofcompensation to GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ., for legalservices rendered to petitionerherein in the amount of $2,242.17and that the Court fix the fair andreasonable additional fee for anyservices to be rendered byGERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ.,hereafter in connection withproceedings on kinship, claims



she may determine, all withoutcourt order.IN WITNES WHEREOF, I havehereunto set my hand and seal this22nd day of October, 1981.DIANE THALER (L.S.)Signed, sealed, published anddeclared by DIANE THALER, theTestatrix above named, to be herLast Will and Testament in ourpresence, and we, at her requestand in her presence, and in thepresence of each other, havehereunto subscribed our names aswitnesses this 22nd day of October,1981.JUDY COPPELA residing at 57Stevens Ave., Yonkers, N.Y.10704MARTIN A. LTIWACK residingat 405 East 63rd Street, New York,N.Y. 1002111/13/15, 11/20/15, 11/27/15, 12/4/15

etc., prior to entry of a final Decreeon this accounting in the amountof 6% of assets or income collectedafter the date of the withinaccounting; and why the Surrogateshould not fix and allow an amountequal to one percent on saidSchedules of the total assets onSchedules A, A1, and A2 plus anyadditional monies receivedsubsequent to the date of thisaccount, as the fair and reasonableamount payable to the Office ofthe Public Administrator for theexpenses of said office pursuantto S.C.P.A. §1106(4); and whythe claim of Rockville SkilledNursing and Rehab Center in theamount of $2,312.00 should notbe paid; and why each of youclaiming to be a distributee of thedecedent should not establishproof of your kinship; and whythe balance of said funds shouldnot be paid to said allegeddistributees upon proof of kinship,or deposited with theCommissioner of Finance of theCity of New York should saidalleged distributees default herein,or fail to establish proof of kinship,Dated, Attested and Sealed 16thday of October, 2015HON. PETER J. KELLYSurrogate, Queens County,Margaret M. Gribbon Clerk of theSurrogate’s Court GERARD J.SWEENEY, ESQ. (718) 459-9000, 95-25 Queens Boulevard11th Floor, Rego Park, New York11374This citation is served upon you asrequired by law. You are notobliged to appear in person. Ifyou fail to appear it will beassumed that you do not object tothe relief requested unless you fileformal legal, verified objections.You have a right to have anattorney-at-law appear for you.Accounting Citation 10/30/15, 11/6/15, 11/13/15, 11/20/15

Woodside HeraldPublic Legal Notices

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SUPREME COURT OF THESTATE OF NEW YORKCOUNTY OF QUEENSSUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONSMortgaged Premises: 120-41193RD STREETSAINT ALBANS, NY 11412Block: 12675 Lot: 64 Plaintiffdesignates QUEENS as the placeof trial situs of the real propertyINDEX NO. 709250/2015CIT BANK, N.A., Plaintiff, vs.JOSEPH HARDNETT, AS HEIRAND DISTRIBUTEE OF THEESTATE OF ADA MITCHELL,any and all persons unknown toplaintiff, claiming, or who mayclaim to have an interest in, orgeneral or specific lien upon thereal property described in thisaction; such unknown personsbeing herein generally describedand intended to be included in thefollowing designation, namely: thewife, widow, husband, widower,heirs at law, next of kin,descendants, executors,administrators, devisees, legatees,creditors, trustees, committees,lienors, and assignees of suchdeceased, any and all personsderiving interest in or lien upon,or title to said real property by,through or under them, or eitherof them, and their respectivewives, widows, husbands,widowers, heirs at law, next ofkin, descendants, executors,administrators, devisees, legatees,

creditors, trustees, committees,lienors and assigns, all of whomand whose names, except as stated,are unknown to plaintiff;SECRETARY OF HOUSINGAND URBAN DEVELOPMENT;NEW YORK STATEDEPARTMENT OF TAXATIONAND FINANCE; UNITEDSTATES OF AMERICA, “JOHNDOE #1” through “JOHN DOE#12,” the last twelve names beingfictitious and unknown to plaintiff,the persons or parties intendedbeing the tenants, occupants,persons or corporations, if any,having or claiming an interest inor l ien upon the premises,described in the complaint ,Defendants. To the above namedDefendants YOU ARE HEREBYSUMMONED to answer thecomplaint in this action and toserve a copy of your answer, or, ifthe complaint is not served withthis summons, to serve a notice ofappearance on the Plaintiff’sAttorney within 20 days after theservice of this summons, exclusiveof the day of service (or within 30days after the service is completeif this summons is not personallydelivered to you within the Stateof New York) in the event theUnited States of America is madea party defendant, the time toanswer for the said United Statesof America shall not expire until(60) days after service of theSummons; and in case of yourfailure to appear or answer,judgment will be taken against youby default for the relief demandedin the complaint. NOTICE OFNATURE OF ACTION ANDRELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECTof the above caption action is toforeclose a Mortgage to secure thesum of $544,185.00 and interest,recorded on July 3, 2007, at CRFN2007000341459 of the PublicRecords of QUEENS County, NewYork, covering premises knownas 120-41 193RD STREET SAINTALBANS, NY 11412. The reliefsought in the within action is afinal judgment directing the saleof the premises described aboveto satisfy the debt secured by theMortgage described above.QUEENS County is designated asthe place of trial because the realproperty affected by this action islocated in said county. NOTICEYOU ARE IN DANGER OFLOSING YOUR HOME If you donot respond to this summons andcomplaint by serving a copy of theanswer on the attorney for themortgage company who filed thisforeclosure proceeding againstyou and filing the answer with thecourt, a default judgment may beentered and you can lose yourhome. Speak to an attorney or goto the court where your case ispending for further informationon how to answer the summonsand protect your property. Sendinga payment to the mortgagecompany will not stop theforeclosure action.YOU MUST RESPOND BYSERVING A COPY OF THEANSWER ON THE ATTORNEYFOR THE PLAINTIFF(MORTGAGE COMPANY) ANDFILING THE ANSWER WITHTHE COURT. Dated: October 16,2015 RAS BORISKIN, LLCAttorney for PlaintiffBY:__________________________

THOMAS ZEGARELLI, ESQ.900 Merchants Concourse, Suite106 Westbury, NY 11590 (516)280-7675. 11/20/15, 11/27/15, 12/4/15, 12/11/15

Notice is hereby given that anOrder entered by the Civil Court,Queens County on OCT 29 2015,bearing Index Number NC-000708-15/QU a copy of whichmay be examined at the Office ofthe Clerk, located at 89-17 SutphinBoulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435,grants me (us) the right to: Assumethe name of (First) JUSTIN (Last)LOPEZ CHAVARRIA My presentname is (First) JUSTIN (Last)CABRERA CHAVARRIA(infant) My present address is 37-34 59TH ST, FL1, Woodside, NY11377 My place of birth isQUEENS My date of birth isNovember 19, 2008

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On November 17th, New York City Coun-cil Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer joinedthe Sunnyside/Woodside Girl Scouts to honorWoodsider Rhiannon McGowan with the Sil-ver Award at Donovan’s Pub in Woodside. TheSilver Award is the second highest award acadette scout can earn from the nationwideorganization. Rhiannon’s project was focusedaround her passion for helping Autistic chil-

Council Member Van Bramer isjoined by Girl Scout Troop LeaderMeridith Maskara, RhiannonMcGowan and her mother andTroop Leader Jenn McGowan.

dren. Over three years, Rhiannon logged inover 150 hours working with Autism Speaks aswell as other organizations on her project whichestablished a BIG BLUE BOX drop-off loca-tion for New Yorkers to donate items specifi-cally needed to help Autistic children at school.Currently Rhiannon has a drop off location atSaint Sebastian’s Parish Center in Woodsidewhere supplies can still be delivered to.



On November 12th, New York CityCouncil Majority Leader Jimmy VanBramer joined elected officials, studentsand school faculty to officially celebratethe opening of PS 361 in Woodside. The

(continued from front page)

Council Member Van Bramer is joined by Dr. Philip A.Composto, Superin-tendent for District 30, State Senator Michael Gianaris, PS 361 Principal NayeonNaomi Hwang, Lorraine Grillo, President of the School Construction Authorityand students from Sunnyside and Woodside.

opening of the new $45 million Woodsideschool is a milestone in Council MemberVan Bramer’s efforts to help add over2,600 school seats for children in WesternQueens schools.

These expectations are what have pow-ered the youth time after time over longyears, as they assembled Saturday, Novem-ber 14 for multiple projects that began withthe cleaning and weeding operations along38th Avenue, but inevitably moved onto otherlocations for other work after significantprogress was made.

The youth proceed west along this roadto 52nd Street to repaint a section of theretaining wall to conform with the wall thatruns perpendicular along 54 Street belowthe Long Island Rail Road.

From there, the youth reassembled inlarge numbers for yet another large-scalegraffiti removal project along 58th Street justnorth of 48th Avenue, deploying all of thepaint donated generously by JosephMcGowan Sr. that resulted in a one of thelast areas in the entire zip code where graffitiat such as scale remained.