woodford liberal synagogue · judaism, and particularly progressive judaism (liberal & reform...

bimah September-October 2014 Woodford Liberal Synagogue

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Page 1: Woodford Liberal Synagogue · Judaism, and particularly Progressive Judaism (Liberal & Reform Judaism in this country) will survive, because people are always looking for something

bimahSeptember-October 2014



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Page 2: Woodford Liberal Synagogue · Judaism, and particularly Progressive Judaism (Liberal & Reform Judaism in this country) will survive, because people are always looking for something

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Page 3: Woodford Liberal Synagogue · Judaism, and particularly Progressive Judaism (Liberal & Reform Judaism in this country) will survive, because people are always looking for something

All High Holy Day services will be held at

Woodford Liberal Synagogue, Marlborough

Road, except the morning service for RoshHashanah which will be held at the Memorial

Hall on High Road, South Woodford, next to

St Mary’s church. The Tots’ and Children’s

services will be held in the Memorial Hall’s

adjacent rooms.

All details and times can be found on theback of your High Holy Day tickets.

Parking in the vicinity of the Memorial Hall is

limited. The map shows where the local car

parks are situated. Car parking fees apply.

There is some parking in the side streets near

the Memorial Hall but this is fairly limited.

As far as we know parking will be charged in

Marlborough Road on Yom Kippur as it falls on

Saturday this year.

If you are travelling by public transport, South

Woodford tube station is about a 10 minute

walk away, and we hope to organise lifts from

the station. The 179 bus from Chingford

Station stops opposite the Memorial Hall and

the W13 also stops near the Hall.

If you require a lift from the tube station please

contact Donna at the Synagogue office.

Also anyone who can provide lifts to other

members from the station please contact

Donna with your details.

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High Holyday Service arrangements

New Yizkor ListPlease note that a new Yizkor List is to be compiled for this coming Yom Kippur. If you have any

names that you wish to be read at the Memorial Service, please ensure the details are sent to theOffice, by post or via e-mail – [email protected], no later than first week of September.

Please ensure you bring your ticket to all High Holy Day Services. Admission is by ticket only.

A limited number of tickets will be available, as usual, for non-members. The cost for non-members is £25.00

per ticket; for relatives of WLS members the cost is £20.00 per ticket. Please complete the slip below and

send it, by FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER, with payment to the Treasurers, who are responsible for the issue

of all High Holy Day tickets.

To: Hon Treasurers

c/o Woodford Liberal Synagogue, Marlborough Road, South Woodford, London E18 1AR

I/We require _______ High Holy Day ticket(s) and enclose a cheque, made payable to Woodford Liberal

Synagogue, in the sum of £ ____________ in payment. Please send tickets to:

Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please state the name(s) of the person(s) who will use the ticket(s):

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

High Holy Day tickets for non-Members


Derby RoadCar park


179 andW13bus stops

Sth Woodfordlibrary car park

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Scholar-in-residence great success!

We were honoured and privileged to welcome

Rabbi Professor Larry Hoffman and his Wife

Gayle to spend Shabbat with us at Woodford.

On Friday night he shared with us, in his

unique way of teaching with humour, his

view of how Torah and the cycle of reading

Torah can be mirrored in our own life cycle.

The evening was further enhanced with a full

congregation and an amazing Shabbat

Resouled Service.

We couldn’t wait for Saturday Morning. Once

again Rabbi Larry held the

congregation in the palm of

his hand as he shared his

amazing knowledge with

us. He explained how he

believed, despite many

views to the contrary, that

Judaism, and particularly

Progressive Judaism

(Liberal & Reform Judaism

in this country) will survive,

because people are always

looking for something to

hold on to, and the moral

and ethical teachings of

Judaism meet those criteria

perfectly. How lucky those

Rabbinical students are at

Hebrew Union College to

have him as their teacher

and mentor.

We were further treated to Merle & Robin

Muswell’s hospitality when they opened their

home to member’s of Council to schmooze

with Larry and Gayle once again. We found

this such a meaningful evening, when Larry

invited us to share our stories with each other.

We found this to be very informative and


As is always a highlight of Jewish life we

shared tasty food and had plenty of time to

socialise and chat with members of our

congregation and visitors alike after each


The whole weekend experience left us with a

very warm and joyful feeling. We would like to

thank our own Rabbi Richard for affording our

Congregation this unforgettable experience.

Jan and Hilton Ellis

We were very fortunate to have been able to

attend the Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat

morning service on Saturday 5 July, in the

presence of the well-known

Rabbi and scholar, Larry


Larry's insightful

description of our

fundamental needs for

truth, laws and meaning,

how these needs have

been realised as society

has changed and how the

practice of Judaism has

evolved over time really

helped us all to

contemplate what being

Jewish can bring to our

lives in the modern world.

As newly elected members

of Council, we were also

privileged to join the more targeted discussion

with Larry on how we can endeavour to make

decisions to help WLS best serve the interests

of its members and engage with the wider


We are sure that all those who heard Larry

speak were as impressed as we were by his

clarity of thought and enthusiasm. Thanks

must go to Larry for generously giving so

much of his time to our community, to all

those who contributed to the occasion and to

Rabbi Richard for arranging such an inspiring

and enriching weekend.

Zara, Ben and Shifra Fryer

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September brings with it

the arrival of a new

Jewish year, and we will

gather to begin the next

chapter in the story of

Judaism and the Jews.

The Hebrew term for the

new year, Rosh

Hashanah comes from

the root h–n–w, which

means to repeat or to

change. A question for us at this time of year is

whether the coming year will see us change for

the better, or whether we will repeat the failings

of the past, and previous, years.

This question has several levels of poignancy as

we end 5774 and begin 5775. The

circumstances that led to Operation Protective

Edge and the controversial progress of the

operation cannot have left anyone untouched.

Many people’s views have hardened, while other

people have felt conflicted and distressed by the

array of emotions evoked by the events and

their coverage. Our capacity to influence

internationally may seem limited, but we have

the moderate message of Liberal Judaism that

binds us together as part of this synagogue, and

this voice needs to be heard in a public arena

that is otherwise filled by fundamentalist

extremist hatred.

Our World Union for Progressive Judaism is a

voice heard in Israel, the USA and Europe, and

we can rely on its leaders to convey our

messages. Will the new year see a repeat of

these painfully familiar chains of events, or dare

we yet hope for a resolution that will bring an

end to fear, and give the prospect of stability

and peace? Which kind of h–n–w will 5775 be?

Here in this country, the year 5775 will see a

General Election. One hundred years on from

the Great War, all adults have the right to vote,

and so to influence the direction our country

takes. We should stop and appreciate the

progress that has been made, and we should

consider our role in the national conversation –

what is important to us? What kind of country,

what type of society, what values do we wish to

see the people who live here uphold? Have we

emerged from the long recession as a country

that is fairer and better, or are we repeating the

failings that led to the financial crisis? Does our

country live out the values that are woven into

our prayers – do we care for the weak and

vulnerable, do we love our neighbour and the

stranger as Judaism suggests we should, do we

use our power and wealth for the good of all?

Which kind of h–n–w will 5775 be?

Even closer to home, those in our congregation

who enjoyed spending time with Rabbi

Professor Larry Hoffman, when he visited us in

early July, are still talking about his concept of

the ‘Jewish conversation.’ This conversation

takes place both down many generations from

our legendary ancestors - Abraham and Sarah,

Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob, Rachel and Leah –

and among all those of the same generation,

who choose to converse. One thing Rabbi

Hoffman taught us, citing philosopher Richard

Rorty (1931 - 2007), is that progress is made

“not by arguing better, but by speaking


It’s a seemingly simple statement, yet I find it

one that is daily challenging to me. How often

am I involved in trying to improve my argument

so that I can convince others? If I chose instead

to connect words differently, and speak with

new phrases, metaphors or similes, then the

other party would also start to have different

thoughts. The prospect is exciting and

challenging. It also needs me to have other

parties to engage in conversation. So, in 5775,

will you be part of the conversation and help

us all, just by adding a fresh voice to our

discussions, to speak differently? As a rabbi,

I find monologue boring, and I prefer the

stimulus of different perspectives that open the

door to new insights and greater wisdom. I don’t

want the new year to be the same as the one

just ending; I’d prefer it to be fresh, stimulating,

lively, expansive, enjoyable, enthusiastic,

engaging, enriching.

Nationally and internationally, too, we need not

to argue better, but to speak differently if we

wish the coming year to be a year of change for

the better rather than repetition of the same

worn-out scripts. Which kind of h–n–w will 5775

be? Your voice and how you use it will help


Rabbi Richard Jacobi

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Being part of the conversation

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Mitzvah Weekend 2014 is 14th to 16th November

Please let Merle Muswell know if you can help.

Tel. 07961 336 543 or email [email protected]

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Your Synagogue needs Your Help!

We really need to increase our member-

ship by as many as possible as soon as

possible! What more effective tool can we

use than our own members!!

I am sure you have neighbours, friends,

or colleagues who don't belong to a

Synagogue, who perhaps haven't really

given much thought to it. They may not

know what a Liberal Synagogue has to

offer, in particular, our Synagogue.

Woodford Liberal Synagogue is Liberal

with a capital L! We welcome mixed faith

and same sex couples.

We offer a strong and imaginative Cheder,

interesting and different services, a

compassionate Rabbi, exciting Lay

Leaders, Adult Learning classes including

Hebrew, Rosh Chodesh group, mixed

faith and Woodland burial as well as

cremation, plus the benefits of being part

of the Liberal Judaism Movement.

The Membership Committee are always

looking for ways to recruit new members.

College, university campuses and school

playgrounds are grassroots environments

for this. We are looking for Membership

Ambassadors to help promote the

Synagogue when and where possible.

We have produced a coloured leaflet

about the Synagogue and a separate

one to advertise the Cheder. Children are

able to attend Cheder classes even if

their parents are not Synagogue

members. This has proved to be an

effective way of obtaining new members.

If the child likes attending the Cheder,

the parents tend to join and indeed have

to, if the child is interested in becoming

Bar or Bat Mitzvah. The Synagogue also

has a business style card, on which you

can enter your own name as a contact if

you wish. The FaceBook page has

become popular too. If you are a face-

book user please invite all your friends to

join it. People know people, and we need

to spread the word!

The Membership Committee comprises

Mel Millenbach, Sonia Muscovitch, Judy

Toffell, David Gold, Ruth Harris and

myself. If you are interested in joining the

committee please contact any one of us.

Or, if you have ideas, but would rather not

sit on the committee, you can join one of

our meetings as a guest and make a

presentation/recommendation to us. All

new ideas will be gratefully received

Thank you in advance for your support.


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Is it time to stop and listen?

I seem to be having

various conversations

where a common

theme keeps cropping

up again and again –

the need to listen. I

heard at the Liberal

Judaism Biennial, if we

are to be remain

relevant in an ever-

changing world we must listen to our

communities. At our recent Scholar-in-

Residence weekend, many of us were asked

to listen to each other as we shared stories

about ourselves. Increasingly, where I work,

the need to listen to our service-users is a

recurrent theme.

At WLS there has been a lot of discussion in

recent weeks and months about the need for

a wide-ranging conversation, the need to

engage with you – our community – to better

understand your expectations of Woodford.

Whilst, by definition a conversation has to

take place between two or more people,

it seems obvious that it also requires the

need for all those taking part to listen.

However, all too often the urgency to

have our say, or to think about what

to say next, means that we do

not actively listen to the other

persons viewpoint. It’s one of

the reasons why politicians

seldom answer the questions

they are asked – they make

the point they wanted to

make and, while the next

question is being asked,

instead of listening they are

thinking about what more they

want to say.

In tense and more conflicted

situations, the need to get our

viewpoint heard becomes more urgent

and we not only stop listening, we resort to

shouting at each other. This can extend

beyond those involved in the conversation –

supporters, apologists, and those opposed

to a particular viewpoint are all joining in with

the shouting. It does not matter whether or

not they know the full story or the cause of

the argument, they simply have to take a side

and jump in. Suddenly they are all experts

and yet they cannot see (or choose to ignore)

their own biases or ignorances, but don’t

they also have the right to be heard?

And yet… who is actually listening, who

hears the injustices, who knows the pain or

the sadness? As we approach the High Holy

Days and the Jewish New Year, is this not

the best time to stop and listen?

Wishing you all Shana Tova and hoping the

new year is not only sweet but also peaceful

for everyone.

Bob Kamall

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Editors Quizzed

A few weeks ago I visited the JW3 Centre in

Finchley Road, London to attend a

presentation by the editors of the three largest

Jewish newspapers in the country. This would

be the first time all three have come together

for such an event. The Chief Executive

Raymond Simonson opened the proceedings,

while the discussion was chaired by Sky

News presenter Samantha Simmonds. The

panel was composed of Richard Ferrer of the

Jewish News, Stephen Pollard of the Jewish

Chronicle and Paul Harris of the Jewish

Telegraph. The editors then introduced

themselves individually, each of them

speaking about their respective work and

invited the audience to ask questions.

One man asked Richard Ferrer whether his

paper purported to reach any particular

readership and whether it was biased in one

direction or another. The editor explained it

was intended for the entire community. There

was some laughter when he added the paper

served a ‘broad church’. Another person in

the audience claimed the weekly had much in

it about Jewishness and Jews, but only little

about Judaism. However, this contention was

not accepted. Any three of the panel

members might in turn individually address

the audience’s concerns, observations and

opinions, or endorse or add to answers given

by his colleagues. Another person enquired

whether the editors were selective in what

they deemed suitable or fit for inclusion. More

particularly, might they fail to report a matter

which fell short of their own views or

approval. We were assured the publication’s

aims were balance, objectivity and


A fairly important query arose as to whether

the papers would ever intentionally withhold

news. It was explained that should a situation

arise, the immediate dissemination of which

could have a detrimental impact on the

security of the country, or perhaps seriously

damage an organisation or party while further

investigations were still under way, the editors

might decide to postpone the news until more

reliable details were known. Certainly, once

such a situation had been verified and

cleared, it would be reported upon. However,

such an eventuality would occur only rarely.

But the papers’ business appeared to be not

simply about news. On occasion, usually late

evening, some members of the public

telephoned for advice on quite trivial and

banal matters of no relevance to the

newspaper. Some of these calls, one or two

of which were mentioned, might amuse the

night editor for a minute or two, but would

more probably interfere with his urgent and

serious work.

Paul Harris told of a threat to a local Jewish

community from a young extremist, whom he

reported. At the police station he was asked

whether he wanted to proceed with or to drop

charges. Harris decided to enlighten the youth

about the Holocaust. When they met again,

the editor, though admittedly not a great

sports fan, steered the conversation to

mention of a football personality, this to the

evident surprise of the youth. They exchanged

‘sporty’ opinions and the offender realised

that a Jew is much like any other person,

even or particularly when it concerns football,

and moreover may share many interests with

the rest of humanity. They parted as ‘friends’.

It was hoped the rascal would spread the

message to his fellows and other delinquents

and that they would not resort to mindless

mischief in future.

The acoustics in the large hall were good.

Additionally, the panel members, though

seated closely together at the same table, had

their own personal microphone. It was a good

and uncontroversial meeting, concluded with

last words and a vote of thanks from the chief

executive. The editors then mingled with the


Alice Alexander

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Two special events at WLS

Shifra, baby of Zara and BenFryer was blessed during theShabbat Service at WoodfordLiberal Synagogue on Saturday28th June 2014.

Both Ben & Zara's parents,Shifra's grandparents, werejoined by many of Woodford'scongregation and friends tocelebrate this wonderfuloccasion.

After the traditional blessingsfor wine and cholla (Shabbatbread), a very generouskiddush of filled bagels, fishballs, cakes and fruit wasprovided by the Fryer family.

Bob Kamall, Synagogue Chair,said “It is lovely to see thesynagogue full for such ahappy occasion and for babyShifra to be surrounded by allher family.”

An exciting morning was led by Rabbi RichardJacobi at Woodford Liberal Synagogue onShabbat, 19th July. After a family service that wasattend by all the Cheder students and theirfamilies, Woodford member Nick Young waspresented with his Ba'alei Tefillah certificate. Thismeans Nick has graduated from a programme, setup by Rabbi Richard Jacobi on behalf of the LJmovement, to teach knowledgeable lay membersto lead Shabbat services.

All the Cheder students were then presented withtheir end-of-year certificates by Josh NewhamCheder Headteacher and Bob Kamall, WLSChairperson. This was swiftly followed by agenerous kiddush prepared by the NewGenerations Committee which included cakesbaked by the Cheder Families. Donations werecollected for the cakes as part of the Chedercontribution for the Renovation project

"It was a fabulous morning; the Synagogue wasbursting. There is such a wonderful atmospherewhen our Cheder children take part in the serviceand show what the have learnt during theacademic year” commented Merle Muswell.

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Another successful Chede

Above: (l to r)Sam Kamall, Abigail Jacoand Carmel Charles, all Cheder teachers who anow leaving to study or w

RJodie Sim

receiving her end ofhelper priz



As usual for a Saturday morning family service, many parents, grandparents and children made up a largecongregation to celebrate the end of the academic year for our Cheder. After a delightful service, where thesinging raised the roof on a sweltering morning, the morning culminated in a presentation of certificates toevery child at the Cheder. Sadly, we said goodbye to Abigail, Sam, Carmel and Jodie from our teachingstaff, but we know that they will continue to visit us (it would be pretty difficult to lose a Jacobi, Charles,Kamall and Simmons wouldn’t it?).

After the formalities, a lovely Kiddush was served and many cakes baked and bought by the Chederparents were sold to raise over £80 towards the Cheder contribution to the Synagogue refurbishment(Project Chai).

A lovely morning to end another successful year for our children at our Cheder – if they are to be the futureof our synagogue, then this synagogue undoubtedly has a great future ahead of it!

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der year comes to an end!


ho are or work


nd of termprize/gift



Thanks to all the parents for their support throughout the year and tothe New Generation Committee for their hard work in ensuring thatCheder continues to be a success. We are always looking for newmembers for the New Generations Committee. If you are interested,please speak to Di Kamall or Josh.

Cheder will resume on Saturday 13th September. If you are currentlynot enrolled but are interested in your child attending, please contactme on [email protected] and I will show youaround!

Josh Newham, Headteacher

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Thoughts from a not so innocent bystander…

Certain things happen to you in life that really domake you think, and one such incident whichoccurred a couple of months ago to me made mefeel very helpless. I was shopping at the localsupermarket when I came out to my carand threw all my purchases into the bootalong with my handbag. Slammed theboot down and caught the strap of saidhandbag in the door. Oh howwonderful my new keyless car is,because as I slammed theboot shut the whole carlocked, with all my worldlygoods trapped inside – my house keys, my carkeys all my debit cards etc and very importantlymy phone with the names and numbers ofeveryone I know in the whole world, not tomention my AA card! I suddenly felt veryvulnerable and lost, making me think I certainlydo not like this dependency on technology. For amoment I really had no idea what to do, andlonged for the days of simple things like car keysyou had to use to actually lock doors instead ofmagically waving your hand over the door to lockit! Mind you I can remember shutting my car doorby holding the button down just as I spotted thekeys still in the ignition! So maybe it is me, nottechnology! Thank goodness for a friendlymanager taking an unhealthy smoking break whocame to the rescue and called the AA, for I had noidea what to do. The other shock I received wasthe two minutes it took the AA man to get into mycar, so much for burglar proof keyless cars!

Being in the right place at the right time has beenanother thought going through my head lately. Agroup of friends and myself decided to visit theroof gardens of John Lewis and have lunch, aquirky thing one has to do in London. While sittingthere chatting, enjoying good food and greatcompany, a couple of Sea King Helicopters flewoverhead followed by a beautiful Lancaster plane.Suddenly the sky was filled with Harriers and allmanner of flying machinery. We were justcommenting how kind it was of John Lewis toprovide us with this first class display with ourlunch when the Red Arrows flew passed. We ofcourse then realised, it was Trouping of the Colourthat very day and how fortunate we had decidedto lunch in that location at that time.

I have always known how extremely lucky I am tohave always had a very supportive family andclose bunch of wonderful friends who got methrough my little dark episode a few years ago.

It was really brought home to me very recentlywhen a friend of mine of many years had beendiagnosed with breast cancer. During the time Iwas under the weather she constantly texted oremailed me but never visited or telephoned. Wehave now had long conversations discussingthings and did mention this to her and asked whyshe never actually saw me till the treatment wasover. She said those words I used to think, ‘Feline,I never knew what to say to you. Sorry seemedinappropriate and I didn't feel I could comfort you,so I resorted to technology and felt texting youwas the only way I could say anything.’ Now she isin the same situation as I was with some peoplepussy footing around her. She wants to talk abouther thoughts, feelings and plans and now realisesthat you don't need friends to actually say any-thing, but just listen and be there.

Have just had a great afternoon recently at theWalthamstow Garden Party in Lloyd Park.The park itself and the William MorrisMuseum which stands in the park is truly ajewel in our local crown. TheGarden Party was sponsored byThe Barbican and the ArtsCouncil and was an amazingafternoon of all kinds ofmusic, arts and craftstogether with foods from allover the world. Everyonewas so friendly and werethere to really enjoythemselves in spite of the30˚C tropical weather. TheSaturday session of the partyended with an amazingperformance by the Ukelele Orchestra of GreatBritain. Not your thing? Have you ever heardmusic from The Clash to Michael Jackson to 70'sdisco sounds played by eight ukelele players? It issomething you have to see to believe. Look out forthem please.

Well I will finish myramblings with a thoughtfrom a friend of mine: Why when you park in anempty car park youalways come back to findthe only other two carsthat have parked afteryou, have placedthemselves either side ofyou!

Happy New Year and well over the fast.

Feline Jerricans

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On Saturday 19th July Ian

and I went to see the last

performance of Danny

Braverman’s 'wot no fish'at the Battersea Arts


Before it began, bowls of

fried gefilte fish on sticks

were passed among the

audience who were not all


Essentially it all started with

the fact that many years

ago workmen were paid

weekly with real money that

was contained in small

brown envelopes. Danny’s

uncle sketched scenes

from his domestic home life

on these envelopes which

included pictures of his

wife, her sister, and as time

went on his first autistic

son and then his second

son who worked at Fisher

Fine Arts in Mayfair.

Life’s tragedies and

celebrations were

depicted. Over 3,000

envelopes were discovered

and Danny has managed

with the use of these

sketches to create a most

authentic and compelling

picture of a family and

their lifestyle which most of

us can happily relate to.

Adrienne Wynch

Knit & Knatter




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Don’t hide your (Hebrew) lightunder a bushel!

We have a few students – two adults and a few children – who need

Hebrew tuition towards their Bar / Bat Mitzvah.

If you feel you have sufficient Hebrew and/or the teaching skills to help them learn what they need,

I'd love to hear from you!

I'm also willing to run a 'tutor the tutors' course,or a group learning model, so that you are

properly supported and can develop yourself as you help them learn.

If you are interested, please contact me:[email protected]

or 07802 810580

Rabbi Richard Jacobi

Teach the tutorsStay one step ahead of your pupils

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[email protected]

Festive Gift &Craft Fayre

We are thinking of having a

FESTIVE FAYREat the end of the year with different

people selling crafts or festive items.

We are hoping to be serving warming

teas and cakes during the Fayrehelping to raise funds for the


If you are interested in taking a table

and/or helping with this event please:

Contact Jenny Sclaire – [email protected]

or phone 07813 309 503

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Learn the fun, easy and ancient craft of mosaics with a small friendly group of people.

• You can learn to design, cut, glue and finish gorgeous glass tiles to make beautiful

new items or upcycle old ones.

• No previous experience or artistic talent required.

• Classes run from my South Woodford home (easy free parking) on:

Mondays: 10am to 12 noon and Wednesdays: 7.30pm to 9.30pm

• Classes run all year round, join anytime.

• 36 different colours of mosaic tiles, books for ideas and plenty of guidance.

• £10 per 2 hour class which includes all materials*, individual tuition and a hot drink

and biscuit. Pay-as-you-go so if you don’t come, you don’t pay – ideal for busy


• Call Ruth Adams on: 077 6323 9883 for a no-obligation chat, or email on

[email protected]

*apart from your base piece.

First lesson includes base piece.

Learn a new craft

After many years of being

marriage secretary for WLS

my dear partner in crime,

Peter Benscher, is retiring

from his role. Like Betty his

wife, from whom he inherited

the role, he has always over

seen the smooth running of

so many of our WLS

weddings wherever the

Chupah has been.

I joined him a few years ago

as his side kick and have

learnt the trade. The position

requires two people who either

work together or are able to take

over when one is unable to

attend a wedding. It is a very

satisfying job, takes up very little

time when organised. It is a really

great way to become involved in

our community.

We really need to fill this

important position, so please if

you are interested email me:

Jenny Sclaire, [email protected]

or call 07813 309 503


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Josh HurstJames Peterson

Charloe RoseTalia Gee

Jack Baker-MerryMaayan Cohen-Morton

Freddie OosbornAmber Oosborn

Katie Joy RothsteinMiles Rothstein

Alex Dacosta-Fraser

Leah Simmons

Hannah Fellman

James Rose

Yasmina Hurst

Olivia Nineberg

Dylan Cooper-Parry

Sophie Gillespie

Nathan Wilson

a speedy recoveryto all who are unwell at this time

Condolences to…Ann Isaacs, Corrine Lovattand all the family on the

death of Phil Isaacs

Hazel Clark on the death of

Sydney Senk

Michelle Markham on the

death of Sydney Myers

Robin and Rose Kostick on

the death of Leslie Kostick


Natasha Arno & Christopher Hughes –Woodford Family

Sara Serret-Sanchez to join Daniel Clarketo make a Woodford Family

TO:Freya Preedy on her Bat Mitzvah on

18th October

Emma & Owain, Louis & Joseph James on the welcoming and naming of

Raphael on 13th September

Daniel Clarke & Sara Serret-Sanchez who were married on 24th August

Don’t forget to submit any names you wish to be read out in the Memorial Serviceon Yom Kippur. Details must reach the office by the first week of September.

Also, if you need HHD tickets for other members of your family, or friends, pleasemake sure your cheque has been sent to the treasurers (see article on page 1).

Dear Rabbi Richard and all mygood friends at WLS,

Thank you so much for my beautifulflowers, cards, good wishes,friendship and support. I did soenjoy my 90th birthday with all myfamily.

The Kiddush, which seemed likeanother birthday celebration for me,was a wonderful way to celebratewith my friends at WLS.

Thank you all once again . See yousoon –

Best wishesEileen Wayne

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