women - refan · pdf fileeau de perfum refan gold women 192 a rich palette of aromas - orange...

WOMEN Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But t栀攀礀 愀爀攀 瀀攀爀昀甀洀攀搀 椀渀 搀椀昀昀攀爀攀渀琀 猀洀攀氀氀 搀椀爀攀挀琀椀漀渀猀⸀ 伀瘀攀爀氀愀礀攀搀 琀栀攀洀 漊n the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the 瀀氀攀愀猀甀爀攀 漀昀 甀猀愀最攀⸩⁔樊 The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after anal礀猀椀猀 漀昀 挀漀渀猀甀洀攀爀猀 戀攀栀愀瘀椀漀爀 眀栀椀挀栀 椀渀搀椀挀愀琀攀猀 琀栀愀琀 洀漀猀琀 漀昀  use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with 愀 甀渀椀昀礀椀渀最 猀挀攀渀琀⸀ 吀栀椀猀 愀氀氀漀眀猀 琀栀攀 猀挀攀渀琀 漀昀 礀漀甀爀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀 瀀攀爀昀甀洊 richer, intensive and unchanged. But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reac琀椀漀渀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀 猀欀椀渀Ⰰ 刀䔀䘀䄀一 猀攀氀攀挀琀攀搀 昀漀爀 椀琀猀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀猀 猀瀀攀挀椀愀氀 昀爀愀最爊an more tolerant to the skin. They are different from traditionally 甀猀攀搀 椀渀 瀀攀爀昀甀洀攀爀礀 漀瀀琀椀漀渀猀⸀ 䐀攀猀椀最渀攀搀 昀漀爀 挀漀猀洀攀琀椀挀猀 愀渀搀 挀漀渀琀愀挀琀 眊ith a area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of 琀栀攀 搀爀愀甀最栀琀 瀀攀爀昀甀洀攀爀礀Ⰰ 戀甀琀 愀爀攀 渀漀琀 椀搀攀渀琀椀挀愀氀 愀渀搀 猀栀漀甀氀搀 渀漀琀 戀攀 co REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics 椀渀 琀栀攀 猀愀洀攀 猀洀攀氀氀 搀椀爀攀挀琀椀漀渀㨀昀漀爀 琀栀攀 氀愀搀椀攀猀 猀栀漀眀攀爀 最攀氀  lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have t栀攀 漀瀀瀀漀爀琀甀渀椀琀礀 琀漀 猀栀漀眀攀爀 眀椀琀栀 礀漀甀爀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀 猀挀攀渀琀 琀漀 琀愀欀攀 挀愀爀攀  skin after a shower and as a final chord to add perfume - for a 挀漀洀瀀氀攀琀攀 爀椀琀甀愀氀 眀椀琀栀 礀漀甀爀 昀愀瘀漀爀椀琀攀 猀挀攀渀琀⸩⁔樊 Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with it猀 搀甀爀愀戀氀攀 愀渀搀 椀渀琀攀渀猀攀 昀氀愀瘀漀爀猀⸀ 䄀氀猀漀 琀栀攀 瀀愀挀欀愀最椀渀最 椀猀 洀愀搀攀 漀昀  gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated desig渀 愀渀搀 洀愀欀攀猀 椀琀 愀 猀甀椀琀愀戀氀攀 最椀昀琀⸩⁔樊 The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two 眀漀洀攀渀☀⌀㌀㤀㬀猀 愀渀搀 琀眀漀 洀攀渀☀⌀㌀㤀㬀猀 猀挀攀渀琀Ⰰ 愀渀搀 眀椀氀氀 猀漀漀渀 戀攀⁔樊 enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance i渀 挀漀洀戀椀渀愀琀椀漀渀 眀椀琀栀 挀漀猀洀攀琀椀挀猀⸩⁔樊 Products НОВО 03361 EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 191 NEW WOMEN 191 - Delicate floral scent, peach blossom, fragrant lilac, red peony. 100 ml KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage. The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged. But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are differen琀⁔ from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared. REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a⁔樊 final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent. Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift. The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics. 03362 EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 155 NEW Floral bouquet of spring flowers, rose, jasmine, apple blossom. 100 ml KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage. The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged. But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are differen琀⁔ from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared. REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a⁔樊 final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent. Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift. The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics. 03365 EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 126 NEW Sparkling fruity head notes - watermelon, kiwi, melon, a delicate touch of jasmine, pink cyclamen and warm musk. 100 ml KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage. The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged. But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are differen琀⁔ from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared. REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a⁔樊 final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent. Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift. The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics. 03363 EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 192 A rich palette of aromas - orange blossom, a touch of raspberry, Arabian jasmine, gardenia, honey, patchouli, vanilla,⁔ amber. 100 ml KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage. The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged. But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are differen琀⁔ from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared. REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a⁔樊 final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent. Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift. The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics. 03367 EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 187 Fragrance with a long lasting presence of floral notes of freesia, orchid and lily of the valley with the romantic touch o昀⁔樊 sweet vanilla and sandalwood. 100 ml KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage. The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged. But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are differen琀⁔ from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared. REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a⁔樊 final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent. Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift. The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics. НОВО 07624 SET REFAN GOLD COLLECTION WOMEN 191 The set includes: EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 191 - 100 ml Delicate floral scent, peach blossom, fragrant lilac, red peony. Keep away from sources of ignition. PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 191 - 150 ml With moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements. PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 191 - 150 ml It provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. 07625 SET REFAN GOLD COLLECTION WOMEN 155 The set includes: EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 155 - 100 ml Floral bouquet of spring flowers, rose, jasmine, apple blossom. Keep away from sources of ignition. PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 155 - 150 ml With moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements. PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 155 - 150 ml It provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. 07614 SET REFAN GOLD COLLECTION WOMEN 126 AU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 126 - 100 ml Sparkling fruity head notes - watermelon, kiwi, melon, a delicate touch of jasmine, pink cyclamen and warm musk. KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 126 - 150 ml With moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements. PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 126 - 150 ml It provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. 07606 SET REFAN GOLD COLLECTION WOMEN 192 The set includes: EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 192 - 100 ml A rich palette of aromas - orange blossom, a touch of raspberry, Arabian jasmine, gardenia, honey, patchouli, vanilla,⁔ amber. KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 192 - 150 ml With moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements. PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 192 - 150 ml It provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. 07605 SET REFAN GOLD COLLECTION WOMEN 187 The set includes: EAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 187 - 100 ml Fragrance with a long lasting presence of floral notes of freesia, orchid and lily of the valley with the romantic touch o昀⁔樊 sweet vanilla and sandalwood. KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION. PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 187 - 150 ml With moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements. PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 187 - 150 ml It provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. www.refan.com

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Post on 09-Feb-2018




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Page 1: WOMEN - Refan · PDF fileEAU DE PERFUM REFAN GOLD WOMEN 192 A rich palette of aromas - orange blossom, a touch of raspberry, Arabian jasmine, gardenia, honey, patchouli, vanilla, amber

WOMENEveryone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage.The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged.But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are different from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared.REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent.Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift.The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics.







WOMEN 191 - Delicate floral scent, peach blossom, fragrant lilac, red peony.

100 ml


Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage.The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged.But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are different from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared.REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent.Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift.The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics.






Floral bouquet of spring flowers, rose, jasmine, apple blossom.

100 ml


Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage.The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged.But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are different from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared.REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent.Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift.The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics.






Sparkling fruity head notes - watermelon, kiwi, melon, a delicate touch of jasmine, pink cyclamen and warm musk.

100 ml


Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage.The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged.But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are different from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared.REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent.Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift.The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics.





A rich palette of aromas - orange blossom, a touch of raspberry, Arabian jasmine, gardenia, honey, patchouli, vanilla, amber.100 ml


Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage.The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged.But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are different from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared.REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent.Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift.The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics.




Fragrance with a long lasting presence of floral notes of freesia, orchid and lily of the valley with the romantic touch of sweet vanilla and sandalwood.100 ml


Everyone in the daily life uses various cosmetic products. But they are perfumed in different smell directions. Overlayed them on the body, the scent of perfume that we use is modified and it reduces the pleasure of usage.The new line REFAN GOLD COLLECTION has been developed after analysis of consumers behavior which indicates that most of them use various cosmetic products, but they prefer to have them with a unifying scent. This allows the scent of your favorite perfume become richer, intensive and unchanged.But in order to obtain this effect, without causing adverse reactions of the skin, REFAN selected for its products special fragrances that are more tolerant to the skin. They are different from traditionally used in perfumery options. Designed for cosmetics and contact with a large area of the skin.Theese fragrances are in the perfume range of the draught perfumery, but are not identical and should not be compared.REFAN GOLD COLLECTION includes eau de perfume and body cosmetics in the same smell direction:for the ladies shower gel and body lotion and for the gentlemen - shampoo shower gel. So you have the opportunity to shower with your favorite scent to take care of your skin after a shower and as a final chord to add perfume - for a complete ritual with your favorite scent.Products of REFAN GOLD COLLECTION influence irresistibly with its durable and intense flavors. Also the packaging is made of luxurious gold card, which gives it a very stylish and sophisticated design and makes it a suitable gift.The perfume collection REFAN GOLD COLLECTION is available in two women's and two men's scent, and will soon be enriched by another 5 women's and five men's fragrance in combination with cosmetics.





The set includes:EAU DE PERFUM REFAN  GOLD WOMEN 191 - 100 mlDelicate floral scent, peach blossom, fragrant lilac, red peony.Keep away from sources of ignition.

PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 191  -  150 mlWith moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements.

PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 191 - 150 mlIt provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. 




The set includes:EAU DE PERFUM REFAN  GOLD WOMEN 155 - 100 mlFloral bouquet of spring flowers, rose, jasmine, apple blossom.Keep away from sources of ignition.

PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 155  -  150 mlWith moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements.

PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 155 - 150 mlIt provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. 




AU DE PERFUM REFAN  GOLD WOMEN 126 - 100 mlSparkling fruity head notes - watermelon, kiwi, melon, a delicate touch of jasmine, pink cyclamen and warm musk.KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION.PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 126  -  150 mlWith moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements.

PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 126 - 150 mlIt provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water.




The set includes:EAU DE PERFUM REFAN  GOLD WOMEN 192 - 100 mlA rich palette of aromas - orange blossom, a touch of raspberry, Arabian jasmine, gardenia, honey, patchouli, vanilla, amber.KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION.PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 192  -  150 mlWith moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements.

PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 192 - 150 mlIt provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water. 




The set includes:EAU DE PERFUM REFAN  GOLD WOMEN 187 - 100 mlFragrance with a long lasting presence of floral notes of freesia, orchid and lily of the valley with the romantic touch of sweet vanilla and sandalwood.KEEP AWAY FROM SOURCES OF IGNITION.PERFUMED BODY LOTION REFAN GOLD WOMEN 187  -  150 mlWith moisturizing and deep-softening properties it provides skin with long-lasting fragrance. Apply to body with gentle massage movements.

PERFUMED SHOWER GEL REFAN GOLD WOMEN 187 - 150 mlIt provides a mild skin cleansing, preserving its moisture and leaving long lasting gentle scent. Apply to wet body and massage until abundant and thick foam forms, then rinse off with plenty of water.
