
1 J)EMOOKAT, CJfimOTlil, 1ST. o. A LIST OF GENERALS IN THE CON- FEDERATE ARMY. NEW MILITARY OR THE CONSCRIPTION LAW. j COTTOX SEED WAIVTED. The undersigned will par the highest cash price for NEW GOODS' CHARLOTTE DRUG STORE. E, NYE HUTCHISON & CO. RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Drugs, t; LINES c.j r;j ?r.7.?v ,7;'r : .if J 'if T, . .V. ao E'lfiinii A. Mili'r. y'u 1 '.'. 'if 2 1?G2, in tie 2J V"r nf ?;. Sw t Willie, jccl i..f our I'liMvim-'- in our heart;" very r rV.vnt w. '.'- - i.t u.ow o er u i roll To :t t.;. !..Vi-!-- ' f.i no more. o ra.-r-- , abi. ! no liiorc on e:irih SLuR thy glad vob-- e r.nd Ti.v prattii.-- l f long : and hit ii h i: ; li!.- - .i,:ig.; :'; v i. . ! .i !i s ' God loVf;.; lu(-- . m tJiiI).:i. .'II). 1 V. til n:.i Mo a bright :;. ! in iii h.-.- t -- a. I j. ray hL- pr.ix r, r.i. ! h- - v. iii t..! T! J r : to ..a it., i' v. it! not gi j. '. '! thee ., : Out ..-.rati- : ::ll'l I..- - I . j r , ; Ve v. on't i ! ii.' . v i;h i 1 !.:. v; :i ch:,! t t !i i he- - u . ...i 1. I V'.ii t i.i e !ui i.j 'i - i lllc'l il'i V ii Si! he J And ,.-- 1 I 0:.e-- . a ei e - II,. ' Ii t'.'e i.ij ' I III I'i'lh.' In 'i u in i "! :t 1. til. -- .1 tl. hi: If..::' 1. , 1 a iiulf- - fiii' l I M REMAKKABLr: FHKNCIf INVENTION ,3 .... a - A ci.nm to n i.e..--t I :l K.a . J I V at;, a l.'e; m:,!!, by a M . ( i i ! v. . - have di-co- ; i d a 1 1 1 .ii e:ir.. t: an be pro j'clle.l ,it!,oi:t v, !,.L! ;, I (."I:! ! i ve ;. J'l.Xpel il.ieti'.--i li.. e ailca imi'lc te.M- - 3!.,!-- d itiaison up .u a track about a humhc iid- - in length, Mid the Lmi ( r. r !:.- - v.ii nr.-so- d them his .M: !y dei; I.I! to undertake lii'.V e a i lai'v ear i J u I . ! : i it v.itlt 1, 5 vva tn hit h lie Qij, ee.e 1 ;n iflli ,'er ai : i. ( i'.vn mi rj ri.-- e ami id his siniij. In m. trd .s new pi.oi, iij.-- . ii runners, which move upon pivots so a- - t i aeei uiiiiodatc them-.- . Ives to the curves i f ti c n r. i, arc UsCil instead of i dinary car.; aii 1 v. cl- - and the rails ir.uii Avhn h tin y arc iui arc ci.u.-idera- b! i .. . i .. oioa'iei inaii . .. - ?'io;c in oiililial V upon railways. t he amount A power riuui ift b. start a ton nj "ii w heel in an culinary railway is fn Olll tell to fi,l,lH:ell .oiiia:.-'- , vJiiie in. oil 31. dira fd s liuiner-- , ill ilieir uidinaiy state, it jiiiii- - a 1 .1 ... .tl , i III ill . . I t . . . t r i j iiiu'i-- i in iiio ( a ion. Hf re dinas 1 11.-- , however, ;o about uno pounds, by tin miii ui.' conn ivan; c ol a loiciii' ,,!...., ' j.umj. I ' 1 1 ipou t!ic vehic!.-- . by mean.- - of w film watt r is kept constantly injected beneath the run- ners, j thus reducing the friction to almost tiothin .:, the cars as it were sailing along. Another p eunaiity o! bis : ysti m 1:; the ;u'nrcssion of locomotives, tlie motive power L cing a!-- o water. j A m i ies ol stationary i ngim- aced at iii'er- - aisd ten ki.. .metre.-- , i:c mth , couipn s water inio a metal lube, and the pie:-.-ur- e thu.- - obtained tijital to or eight atmosplivix s is com- municated ! to trahsvt r-- pipes, placid at interval--o- f iiltv vard:--. :;iitl taovided raeh ui!. i .t I ' ' i " 'I t llki,(l onlicc which is and then c!o-,- d by the train itself as it passes. The water, issuing from the orifice with a certain d, jr. e of violence, : strikes a series of cured ti at-, ii.'.e those ,, wat0l' wheels, and placed under the f!- -,f each carriage. Py (hiii meiiii- - the evp, riuicnt,- - ,,rov0, ,!... j train may l c j -o bed at the rate (d''li!tecn miics an hour along ,,. gradient.; one and fi.ur li!r!is ,r all li. eh pi r vaid. The li mi ei or is : aid to be en- - i!:ti.-ia-tic:.l- ih!i ! el ;.. it,: i ; t - o in is inn moue o irai.ipoi ta; ion. an: l im iit.s aic snnitlv f,, b, made upon a mu i i. :i l'y ca!, fh:i:i thev haVe ! lirrr lop. i e i ( ( !. Another invention, mo;,- - in ;u'c. rdar,ce with tin pirit of thti titims, is alle-e.- 1 to have been ,.!,. vy a person mar who, it is snid h,--s been eng;;!cd t n years in perfecting it. He claims (bat, by an application nf ch etrie power, ean at the moment of scii.trge all the guns on the side of a v 1 u 'on r;ieok i.. ii.' , I. . i . any j,..vo mimil on ,iU: i;j!i;m S Ve.--.-el or I oft lllcat I IllS and that no iron pi. tes. 'however thick. cn:,'d re- sist the terrible cH'ects of such a cntiver-i- n- fir0. Tho Kmporor has set, t the inventor a fiatPuin- - letter, and joiilerrid upon him the d. deration of the Legion of Honor, AVK l'ui IT. ( ,ir fanners and e.tb.o-- ; who hnve fruit this sermon, should ail .w ,,. waste, but every j.ait'.cle shoii'd .e saved. Last m iisoii there was but little fruit, and of course, but liltle was dried and as a couve(jiieiiee .mr army csp-Vm!.- ., that portion that ha- - bcui in the uei of Jlichni..nd t!:c greater part of the S I i i ii n r. .1 Sii i, . a i ... - I ., t. . , . o .. l . i . I .v iiinini IIIUCII. It nil r (rcTs had had a li! ;: !!.w ar:( o .f futit-a- m I vegetables with the ratums fun.islied them by dm i.iivonininit, there would not have J.mui half the : sickiifs- - thcr. has be. n among them i nose t.o b of eon . ! - ...' I . ... . l ' " 1 li." UO sutured as mm h as thev lave. relatives ami h minis iti the arm. 1 1 i ,,,,, Lc for It Is too no. t bat m i i.-- ii,. i taken to secure all the fruit v,s-i- b' ... .! ... portuniiy o.auirs. send their frtemL M.; j of it. Anv sui plus you m .y h.,vo aft.-- suppi'i:ig vonr fr!nd in t!,. t .. . , . p. ociiuiiinriu v.HI, wi ar. asMtrcd. puroha-- .' at goo 1 prices. Y,,.i. ... j , i, - Orri inn m-- r iti'thv VotiwntUm. e shall : ii.t m for . i ot on ii a' iiiM'k i ' . no. itit :.eo et the On!;. ames and ib.-cbri- e passed bv I Conviiiti i at it I . in and Sidieit of ler- - for the sri j; 'l 'ie ('..even;;,. ! e: autnori.t a the Tint mg ot :,on . ., as tae tribution of that naiiiher i .;,i i ie i t'. r ! y a a on'.i-la.i- t Ii.inee Jia s o d by ho.h . ii ;s I"' i . ii; 5t- - i.i. nailers v ;; he ,: lot IO obtai: this rei-o- a. we have , a.-'- a U-- ;ii:.t tin-to- i!. tiieiitioi-.c- l tie.:,b-- r Ot extra eo mi -- :;,. Price c l - ... . . o - p-- . it win ii sent r lai!. paid. SI ." ) r co! . Th.. si- - wi.-b- i i;- v . , to or.b-- r i liei', .:t e, a - ;!j,. , a liiiliii-e- io! t ii 1 ii iiited. We wi.'l also print .V:r.i ; ej i. . Jol RNALS ol- - THE I'oWKMInX, Provided we receive a S!i:!ici,at iiiimber U" or - t. our doing so. We do not kme.x at , U. C lll.J V ee at, el! the .l i . oiiaa mil i ao-- e v. rig epics an 'iotc i;s tu it u oe able to dei n mil r . r.l ! 1 ! ;t I' JNo. W. SYME. Raleigh, X. ( Printer to the Coaventioii. wool : CAIH EL-- ASTER S OFFIl I. ? ,s (.oi.i.sia.i;,,. j,,,,,- - i Is;., !;?r,V,.lr,!:,iJ ,::J'",S. h:"u,z Vo"1 jio.u.. ui.ii Unas: rs 1 1. paitni.-n- t is . mm i . . . - - ff'ilii.- . W....I i,, i i nu.unilles. :ial tl'' .1 ...Ol ... ..I , wfcat quantities they can deliver the . iii. ', o-ip- t of siu h notiiication, the i. .C - oi b Iiv. I u Ol iw. indicated Those having the article for sale an cain. sth s!itar,..l .tog, e tins advertisement tmirconsid. ration, as the phuvs he pr: -- Iwill be paid. I h;s advertisement is intended to The largest stock of FALL AND WINTER r in the town, is now on hand at the ponul ir' ionable house of nnJ b. Koopmann & Phelps. The public, and especially the Ladies, ore v spectfullv invited to call and examine nm. r knniu ttiAtr fiiinnl f;iil tn Iia i.1aa?a.1 V. .1 0r we j s- - - rs-o,.- u, uuiu as to and price. Ve are now opening daily, as we receive e the first Houses in the Northern cities ' the n" a splendid Goods in part: 10i'ii!g - Merinos, Delaines, Poplins, Silks LADIES TRAVELING GOODS ' French, English & American Prints, a large stock Qualities and prices to suit all tastes a.-i- purses Splendhl CLOlHS tlrl Slf.! o which particular attention is invited. Rtinneip J i ey's and Flats, Embroideries, Trimmings uv Gloves, &c. Our Staple aud Domestic Dci'artmi!7'T' full and complete, and for it we defy competition WE will IVOT BE I?NDI2It$0LD. We have a splendid assortment of CARPETS Family and Negro Blankets. Our HEAD Y-MA- CL 0 THING this season surpasses, in finish and superiority heretofore splendid stock iu that line; and tin' 'u thing is, we will sell at shorter profits than ever BOOTS lid SHOES.-O- ur stock in tin, department is very complete, and selected for I n.lie, Gentlemen, Children and Servants with great cure ui at lov- - prices. A large and cheap stock of choice g a 11 B HARDWARE, &c, We call the attention of ouroldand highly valued niS. tomers. and buyers generally, to the fact that, nntj, j pating their tastes and wants, we have neither spriri-- j ion or expense in oruer to suit ana please tlu-m- , urnl we sincerely assure them that with these views and itiun. ions, we will sell on terms entirely to all who call on us. KOOPMANN & PHKLls Jan. 1, 1?G2. tf Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy Has effected cures of Rheumatism that were consider j hopeless, certificates to prove which can be exhibited The suffering are invited to give the medicine a trial. Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte nil receive prompt attention. W. W. QFLN.N. April 10, 1860. Price $1 50 per bottle. 15 y the Govcinoi- - o( W. Carolina, f EXEU TIVE DKIMUTMKXT, 1 Raleigh, March 28th, 1MJ2. ' In pursuance of the power vested in me by the Con. stitution, and by and with the advice of the "council 0f Slate, I, Henry T. Clark, Governor of North Carolina f do hereby prohibit the exportntion beyond the limiu I of the Stnte, of all cotton and woolen goods, im liulinj-yarn- Jeans, Limeys and blankets except through the orders of the proper officers of the Confederate or State Governments. The Adjutant General will cause the proper orders to be issued to enforce this proclnmation in the mo.--t prompt and efficient manner. All Agents to purchase on behalf of the State are required to have writtia authority. HENRY T. CLARK April I, 1PC2 3t ilxiculiic it pari m tut of Jt'. arolina ADJUTANT GENEEAL'S OFFICE, I Ralkiuh, March 22, li;2. J General Order No. 5. All new Companies of North Carolina Volunteers must be tendered directly to lh State, otlu rui-i- ; the bouuty auUiorized by the ordinance of the Convention to raise North-Carolina- 's quota of troops, will not lc paid to them, as the law docs not allow it. The Coin-panic- s, so tendered will be organized into Regiiiieuts by the State, the commissioned oilicers of which tint their field officers. The bounty will be paid cm li Coin-pun- y as soon as possible after their arrival in ( ;inij. II. No organization of Regiments ir batttiHotis vi!I be recognized unless the same is done by iiuilmrity uf the State and in compliance with its laws. III. Those Troops being raised for immediate ficM service should have no more bnggngc tluui inch nmn can carry in his kuaj. sack. It is dersirnble that each man bring a blanket (if he can furnish it.) Any nilJi. tional articles must necessarily be lost if brought. IV. All communications on Military inatttis nuift he sent to this Office. In uo other way will they receive immediate attention. I5y order of Governor Clakk, J. G. MAIlTI.'v. l0-4- t. Adjutant Genual. A IYi:V LAW ISO OK. CAKTWELL'S PRACTICE AT I AW, Just published, a treatise upon the PRACTICE AT LAW in North Carolina, bv EnvvAi.n Cantw ku LL.R.. author of the N. C. Justice, etc. CONTENTS: Of legislative power in general; legisl.-.tiv- c power in North Carolina; legislative powers of ju-lici- of the peace; county boundaries ueed, etc.: county r veuiie and charges; court-house- s, prison, etc.; cotiniy tnotee; jury trials; fairs aud public sales; general inspection.--- , public landings, etc.; poor hoii.vt and hospitals: registers und clerk.'-- ; rivers and creeks; ferries and bridges; wei:hs meaHires; idiot;-an- lunatic.--; retailers; Neuse river; public roads und car- tways; public landings ami inspections; milis mal mi- llers; ordinaries and constable.-- ; patrols; wardens of the poor: prison bounds; roads; ferries und bridee-.- ; jn.ll !sx exemptions; executive power in gciieinl; t.e ntive power in North Carolina: execut ivc jiowcr of the couit?: chief justice and clerk; attorneys Ht law; attorney gr ernl; rcjiorter and marshal, clerks and solicitor: coun-- paupers; guardians; county attorney; run lionir-- : county court clerks; coroners; boundary conun -i n" l committees of finance; county trustee; county In i r: special court ; commissioners of fairs; inspector?; of schools; com misi-- i oners of nuv icnt'u n; wardens of the .oor; registers, commissioners ft' river creek.-- ; sheriffs: constables; rangers; ttandyrd Kee- pers; retailers; administrators chfu, nuni of court; commissioners of deeds and con veymice: of low land.--; (utiy Inkers Bi.ii yiiiveyois; superintendents of elections; giiardiun.- - ai d rici ivcr-- ; inspectors; commissioners of it.t(.i imj rr, v liartition; j.atrol committees; proct ssioners : lex 1 ( ' boards of valuation; ov iscm of roads and riwr, commissioners of wrecks; tobacco pickers mid coope"- - The APPENDIX contains forms of I'ec.13 imdCVB-veyance- s, ns follow:-- : Aereeraciits. iissieniucnti-- . u h nn S, bills of sale, bills of exchange and hiding, boiab. i'"- - eellaneous bonds, contract, deeds, innrringc tet mtnt?, mortgiiges, coartnershiii articles, notes, r- eleases, ic, ki:. This book contains .t'G pages, is gotten tip in S'd:C' stvle and bound in law calf. Price, sineie ceJ, $5.00. , EDWARD CAN1WEI.L, I.'ai l ion, N.C C. 12. Tnylor'w VIRGINIA PRINTING INK ESTABLISHMENT, Corner of Adams and Leigh streets, RICHMOND, Vi4' C. R. TAYLOR, Printing Ink Manuf'" takes pleasure iu announcing to the Press that his Ink Factory is now in sue cssf'i! o l" ration in the manufacture of every of I'i;! " Ink, which he is prepared "to furnish gii Kwi" term.-- . News, Book and Job Inks of eve ry n always on hand. Orders promptly attended to. Address C. It. TAYI.OIb July 2d. . Richmond, 1 Cantwcll's Practice. During my absence in the Military service ef State, in Virginia, subscribers and others de-iriii- pr of the above work, can obtain them of Mrs. C5" Raleigh. ,.rf AH pe rsons indebted to me, by note or othn n - ref-nestc- to pny her. I will hold her receipt pood- - Price of single copies of the above 55.00 A dedu will be made to those w ho buy to sell g1' " . EDWARD CANTWbbb. Camp near Norfolk, July 30, 1861. , . WAjVTFI). iTc6 Wanted for the Confederate Army, 10,000 """ j GENF.nAi.s in the keoi armv. RuWrt E j ofV;u CommaiiJiiig General, SamufcI (Vi0 pr Va- - AJjutai!t Ceneral. A,)(,rt j. Jl)llIlston Tcxas, commanJing in Ky, Jo!Seph i: j0iulStou, yUj commanding Northern Va. p T La, commanding army of Co- - liimhns, Ky. ma.J()i:-(;i:nki:.m- .s is the provisional armv. David E Twiggs, fJeorgia, resigned. Leoni(la. l'elk, La. Commanding at Memphis, lirnxton Hragg, La, fommamling at l'ensacola. Larl "an I)orn. .Miss. Army of l'otoruae. (iii-tav- n- W Smitii. Ky, Army of I'otomac. T 11 Holmes. X (', army f I'otomac. William J Hardee, Ceoigia, Missouri, llenjamiii II leer, S (', commanding at Xorfolk. .lame.s Long.-tr4-e- t, Ala, army of I'otomac. John It Magri'der, 'a. Commanding at York town. Thomas ,1 .lack-o- n, 'a, commanding north-wester- n Virginia. Maii.-lie- hl L"'ell, Va, comninnding coast of T.a. Ldmiiml Kirhy .Smith. Florida, army of I'otomac. (leoige II Crittenden, Ky, commanding Last Tenn. fllllCAliitlU-dll.XKUAI.- IX Till: I'HOVISIO.N'AL ARMV. Mill i!r L ISonham, S C, army of Potomac. .John IS Floyd. Va. commanding army Kanawha. Henry A Wise. Va, Iloanoke Island. Men McCuIloeh, Texas, Missouri. Henry 1? Jack.-o- n, (la. resigned. Jbiiiert S Cnrnett, 'a, killed in action. William II T Walker, Ca, resigned. U.irnard K Mee, S C. killed in action. Alexander K La wtoii, (J a, commanding Coast of ft a. ( ; iilcon J Pillow, Tcnn. Samuel 1J Anderson. Tenn, Kentucky. Daniel S Ibimdso-i- . Tenn, cott.-- t of S Carolina. David K .b.iies, S I', army of Potomac. .Jones M Withers, Ala, commanding coast of Ala. John C Pcmberton, Yu. coa.-- t of S C. Pit.bard S Kwell, ra. ermyof Potomac. John H Winder, Maryland. Mic.hmond. .Jiiba! A Karly. Va. army of Potomac. Thus 1! Ploiirnoy, Ark, died in Arkansas. Samuel Jones, Va, army of Potomac. Arnold liley, Maryland, armv of Potomac. Daniel II Hill, X C, army of Potomac. Henry H Sibley, La. Tcxas Frontier. Wm II Whiting, (.!a, army of Potomac. Wm W Loi ing, X (J, Western Virginia. Michard II Anderson, S C, Pen;icola. Albert Pike, Ark, Indian Coininis-duiier- . Thus T Fiutntleroy, 'a, resigned, liobert i'oomlis, ( I a, army of Potomac. Daniel K'uggles, Va, Louisiana. Charh s Clark, Miss, arm of Potomac. Posw. II S Ripley, S C, coast of S C. Isaac b' Trimble, Md, army of Potomac. John M ftrav son, Ky, died" in Florida. Paul U li.diert, La. coast of Texas. Michard Catiin, X C. commanding coast of X C. Felix K ZollicofiVr, Tenn, killed in Kentucky. Menj F Cheatham, Tenn, Kentucky. Joseph II Anderson. Va, coast of X C. Simon li Miickner, Ky.. Kentucky. Leroy Pope Walker, Ala, Alabama. Albert ft Mlanchard, La, XorfoJk. (Jtibriel J Pains, X C, Yorktown. J L M Stuart, Va, army of Potomac. Lafayette MeLaws. Ca., Yorktown. Thos V Dray ton, S ft, coast of S C. Tims C Hi.nlman, Ark. Kentucky. A.iley 11 ft hidden. Lis, Pem-acl- a. John porter McCown, Tenn, K ntticky. Lloyd Tilghiium, Ky, Kentuokv. Xathan (. Kvans, S C, coast of V C. Cadiims M Wilcox, Tenn. army of Potomac. Philip St (iconic Cocke, Va. died in Va. M L Mhodes, Ala. army of Potomac. Mielnird Tayior, La, army of Potomac. Louis T Wigfa'd, Texas, army of Potomac. James H Trapier. S C, i:oast"..f Florida. eiich, Mi-- s, army of P.itom.-t- YV... II .n r v.. .1 .... " v ..."I.. i enii., J ennessco. if,,., W Mercer. Humphrey Marshall, Ivy, Kentucky, John C Mreckinridgo, Ky, Kentucky. Miohard (Jriiiith, ?diss. army f I'l.imn:,-- . AI exanucr P Stewart, Kv. Kentucky Wm Mntgomery Gardner, fta.on furlough. Michard M Garnet t, Va, army of Potomac. William Mahone, Va, X'orfolk. L OT.rian Mratich, X (', coast of X C. Maxcv ftregg. S C, of S C. K Colston. 'irginm. Kdward Johnston, A'irginia. Henry Heth. Virginia. John-to- n H Duncan, Louisiana. A M Wood, Alabama. George W Kaudolph, Virginia. Howell Cobb, of Geoi-gia- . Joseph L Hogg, of Texas. J Pettigrew, Xorth Carolina. P Hill, Virginia, t Hansom," Xorth Carolina. T!II: VVKST POINT fiKXKRALS. The following Confederate Generals are graduates West loud: M.muel Coop,.,-- , J(lui if Winder. SoUC lv. Irn,lublt1' S Domdson, Jici.j Huge,, , T1 1,;".t,:i!; 15 Oayson. Lconidas Polk, ..iuiie. nains. nos 1' Uravton. lf,.,-.-l- , Y- ,,,- - cm; losv-pl- l lj ,1 in IH 11, loiliert N f.,-- . om, (jllstnviis: " AT c .1.1 .i iiusiieiu Lovell James Longstreet, Daniel II HiH. Richard Anderson, l afavetfo McLaws, Alexander P tewart, I.osvve 11 M;ipl(.v, .,.-- , (. Fl.pnchi s;mon V',"."!:' L . ,ir,'-- v 'S"iih' Ihnnard E Uee, Wn. C U biting, 1 homas J Jackson, Cadmus M Wil to cox, lavm ii .joncs. m M Card !uer, Xathan G l.vans, J l; j; Munrt to U:XKLAI.S WHO ,KRK NT (j KAIH'ATK.S AT WEST l'OINT. Tr.e following Generals were to appointed to the old mted Stat.-- s Army, without ii- - i . , passing throng. fl. Loriuir. e.- -i i Hint .Vcadciny David L Twiggs, 'm XV The following ftcnerals first saw service in the Mexican war: M L Ponha.n. Ihuiry J Jackson, l.nb-o- J 1 i!!ow, Satnuel H Anderson. Chas Clark bos C llimltnan, John C lircekmrhl. l' .': is l'- - 1 J it JJ J 1" r,H'il,l"" - Hichard ftritlith, Albert Pike, Adh-- II do hidden. Maxcv (.reg.' The following Generals participated in th,- - Texan wars and the wars with Mexico; ;,. McCulloch. Louis i igfall. The following Generals saw no military previous t. the i.r.'sent war. J.d.n l Flovd. Heury ise. Robert finiiiiiw. Richard Favlor, Thos H Fioariaiy. L Pot.e Walker. F K V.,'w.1..U... Maluii L (P, P.ram-h- , Wiliia... If I', ' i ' , Khod. Some, ho ver. receiv. d military educa- - cations at taie ins: ii uTio!i irg.nta has l Generals in the Gonf. derate Anmos: South Gandina l; L.ui.-ian- a S; Geor-i- a 7-- I eiin.-ss- , e S; North Carolina S: Kentucky 7 Mary- land h Alabama 4: Mississippi 1; Texas' Arkan--- a t loridu 1; .Missouri none. The following Gr n. rals were born at tho North though previous tu th present war they were citi' of ,. southern States: ( J. u.-ra- l born New Wk: Ripley, iu Ohio; Femberto,,, i IVllI1 L. F,k,- in Massachuetts; Iilanchard, in Mas.-Hchusett- s; Fr.', in New Jersey. Tim following are natives of North Leonidas I'.dk, P.raxton V,rH, TlieoMl,;"" if. ,1,r... !.... M-- r. ,i , . ' !1V """Cutler, Gahrnl J .uines, i i i anc;i. T Hoop Poles, Staves and Cord vt- - ing .. .. J in Vv.iiite.. at the Ch irlor.e team .Mill I Coiton Seed, at tLeir Oil Works, fire miles south-ea- st of Charlotte, at Isaac N. Alexander's mills. STEPHENS u WHISNANT. Pee ?i, 18GI tf DJi. J. M. MILLER, Charlotte, N. C, Ha? resumed the Practice of .Medicine, and can be found at his Office in Brawley's Building, immediately over Drucker and Ileilbrun's Store, or at his residence J Feb. 2a, 18G2. I WM. & . TIDDY, j Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C, j MANTFACTURERS OF MONUMEXTS, IIEADSTOXES, &c, &c. at cither Yard respectfully solicited, and veil! meet with prompt attention. Feb 1, is 02 tf THE SOUTH CAROLIXIAJV, .Published Daily and Tri-vveekl- y. COLUMBIA BANNER, A "Weekly Family Paper. COLUMBIA S. 0. This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, and is offered to the domestic circle for News and Political Intelligence. The Tales and Stories which are olfered to the readers of the Banner are the efforts of Southern Genius, which it is a pleasure to foster. Original Sketches, Literary and Scientific Essaj-s- , and Miscel- laneous Selections, regularly make tlieir appearance in its columns. Subscription Daily, $C; Tri-Weekl- y, S I: Weekly, per annum, in advance Papers stopped when sub- - scription expires. Feb. 1, 1S02 It. W. GIBBE3, Proprietor WHEAT ! The subscriber is prepared to purchase the new crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Farmers will find it to tlieir advantage to call at the CHAR- LOTTE .STEAM MILLS before selling. Jaify l, lso 2 tf JN0. WILKES. R. E. SI. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Would inform the public frenerally, and the citizens of Mecivlcnburg (larliculurly, that he has resumed the Practice ot DENTISTRY and may be found at his old stand. He is prepared to set Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, or on the Cheoplastic process, as patients may desire, and fill Teeth with Gold, Tin, Amalgam or Os Artificial. He is also prepared to perform any operation belong- ing to Dentistry, ami need not say that he will be pleas- ed to wait upon any of his old friends or new friends you may take that for granted. February 5, 1801 TAILORING BUSINESS. NEW SHOP. The undersigned has opened a Tailor- ing Shop in Springs' Building, Room No. 1, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. He respect- fully asks a trial and a share of public patronage. Military suits furnished to order. Mr R M Robinson, an experienced cutter, will super intend the establishment. J. A. CALDWELL. February 13, 18G2 y By the Governor of North Carolina NORTH CAROLINIANS! your country needs vour aid for its protection and defence against an invading tue. J lie President of the Confederate States has made a requisition upon our State to complete her quota of troops in the held. Our own borders are invaded by the enemy in force, now thretenting an advance to de- prive us of liberty, property, and all that we hold dear as a self-governi- and free people. We must resist him at all hazards and by every means in our power. He vvages war for our subjugation a war forced upon us in wrong and prosecuted without right and in a spirit of vengeful wickedness without a parallel in the his- tory of warfare among civilized nations. As you value your rights of all the blessings to of freedom: the hallowed endearments of home and fireside, of family and kindred, I call upon you to rally a to their defence, and to sustain the noble and sacred cause in which we are engaged. North Carolina has always piovcd true, constant and a brave in the hour of trial and of danger. Never let it be said in the future that she has failed to maintain this high renown. If we are threatened now more than heretofore, and upon our own soil, let our exertions be equal to every demand on our patriotism, honor and glory. No temporary reverses dampened the arder of" your ancestors, even though the enemy marched columns through the State. The fires of liberty still burned brightly iu tlieir breasts. They were moved in new energy, and resisted by gal- lant deeds, with abiding hope and unflinching courage and perseverance, bravely contending with enemies at home as well the foreign foe, until, after a st,ule of seven long years, our ludencndene una neliicvp.) nml icknowledged. Let us imitate tlieir glorious example. I'he enemy is redoubling his efforts, and strainiii"- every nerve to overrun our country and subine-at- ns to his domination his avarice and ambition. Already it is proposed in their Congress to establish a territorial government in a portion of our State. Now is the time prove our zeal and animate by our example. 1 call upon the brave and patriotic men of our State volunteer, from the mountains to the sea. You are wanu-- to fiil up our quota in the Confederate Armv. and for the special defence of" the State. I relr, with entire confidence, for a prompt and cheerful response this call upon, your patriotism and valor. Tender yourselves in companies and in squads under officers of your own selection. You will be at once accepted and orgauized into regiments under the laws that are or may be made, and which it is my duty to execute. The Adjutant General of the State will issue the necessary orders for this purpose. Fellow-Citizen- s! Your first allegiance is due to North-Carolin- a. Rally to her banners. Let every man his duty, and our country will be safe. Given under my hand and the seal of the State, at Raleigh, tins 22a of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-tw- o. HENRY T. CLARK. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, C10XTINUES to take risks against less by fire, on Produce, Sec, at usual ra'tes. Vresiihnt A. C. STEELE, Vice Ireid.-ntC- . OVERMAN, Attorney JOS. H. WILSON, .S.r.y 'J'Kf'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. DIRECTORS: A. C. STEELE, S. T. WP.LSTON, JNO. L. BROWN', WM. JOHNSTON, M. R. TAYLOR, F. SCARR, CHAS. OVERMAN. Eccculirc CoMfuilUeS. T. Wriston, F. Scarr Jno Brov.-n- . 10. I 531. anv iag Atlantic, Tenn. A: Ohio IS. IJ., of Btatesville, June 2, 18G2. t';1',';i 1 , ! . 1 'J?5""'. lhe Passenger , aa n Moa'3:,.vs, i v7 I loirs j o , V A, , ' oaiuiuays, a' 0.40 A.M. .- -- v.w.w. v m uuic iv conneci witu tbe morn train to Columbia.. Passengers leaving States ville the morning will reach Columbia in the afternoon. To this law of Congress as at first published by us. there were subseT,ently parsed several - ments or nux.l.ary laws. e present the f.. low- - It'll ?) "J UIU.1 mo.nneu, winen are ittiti'l will lo found com1 . ct, in the hope amf 1 beh.-- t that it win prove useim m contributing t a r.-i- if r.i! unJerf-tan'Jisi- of it : Tin- - roNrription law places in tlie service . f tin-- ( "'.lcratf States, for throe years, unle.--s thi- - war einl-- , all white men lnf.veen ei'hter-- an l ll.irty five y ".!- - of age, re.-id.-- nt in the L'onf att: Sl;i!i-- : , aic! ii"t legally exempt fr-u- servie-.:- . Tl. law - mi-- iii a- - it i.iit an act ?'fiiii!i! t'i lns of CM liipts has ln en pr,-,e- d. nliifli el..! i generailv th.e hitherto .villi iiii" ihlil I".!-- ;. Ail tut !vr iiph;Ii' mi'ii. ii. tween the prierihe'l arc emit iniu-i- l in e :'()r two v.-rir- s t'vui tin- - j .in nf tiicir pn sciit term, ln it.I! the war i ill! ii: ie s Ion. ; and ai! t!:oe under eighteen am . r llii; tv - fi ve, are to be retained for n'mitv oav: after tl.eir t- rm expires, unl-.-- . tlieir piace- - ai K!'!ier scpj-iiei- i oy reenms. The twelve niuiiths' laen. lx tueen eighteen ami thirty five, who are retained heynml their ti i in of eiili-tiii.-i- i!. ami who have m.L yet rec-- ( ive.l ho jrity ami fii lot! Ji, lall remive hoth: the I'm lo:: -- hs. i.e !:. nted in uch number. and at -- ueii iiiiies as tin- - ot War mav teem mo.-- t coiiiat ibh; with i!ie jiablic interest; and the men may receive in lit n of furlough, the commuta-- t i : i aeie in money nf the transportation granted i. : i eigi l men iiv tin net. 11. term ol rrviri! ot th.i.--e who oriiiiallv .1 !' r tlie v.'.i r, or who have since lor ii 'd. - not a fleeted bv the law. M." a now in service an: imt permitted to !.er nrgai.iations than those to which thev ami all re enlistments that have In n from one ei-tin- g company to another, or into w company, where the has no! perfectrd by actual Iran.-fe- r, is in idled can- - ( s. battalion- - lint 1'i'irililillts ot twelve s men, retain' in service by the act, shall ' it Til...: i eo. v.iiliiii tortv (lavs troin the date of the .i t, on a day to be fixed by the Commander of the Uridgade, to bv electing all their of- ficers whom tle-- had a right heretofore to elect. Companies. battalinn. squadrons, or regiments organized, or in process of organization, by au- thority from the Secretary of War, which may, with- in thirty days from the passage of the act, have the whole number of men necessary to complete their or:r.'mi-:a- t ion actually enrolled, n including, how- - j ,. ,,. ji. tliat lillinlier ie- -i .os lion in cieicr. - 11 I... mastered into the service of tin Confederate States. it . . . . aim oe recena u m mat arm 01 tne service in wbicdi '.1 thev were aalliorized to organize, and elect their battalion and regimental ofiicers. j o enroll mi persons contemplated bv the act. l ... . : 4... n : i. .i.iii ii. i oon me i resiiieiu mav. Wit i t he consent of the Governors of the States, e mptov Mat oi'icers; it such consent cannot be obtained. Con- - .1 ...... t .iv. l.. i; I . . . . ii .. - I'llll.l-I.- - SUilll UC il ! II liU Ml UV HiO I ll'Sl- - dellf. Persons md now in sen ice, who shall be enrolled, shall be assigned by the Secretary of War to the 'lii'.'ii ent companies of the State fromwhiih such per-oi- is ;u-,- . drawn; until each company is tilled to it maximum number. camen ami ordinary scan. n. enrolled und t!',e act. may, on application of the Secretarv of the .Navy, be transfrrred to the naval service, " If. after filling up the ccmi-ani- . s. regiments, bat- talion- ami - jtiadrons from any State, there shall remain any of the enrolled men,' the excess shall be kept as a reserve, and at stated intervals, not ex-- ; ceeding three months, details, to be made bv lot. . . , . i n ' i J Mian ui' drawn irom the reserve to keep th io coin- - panics ;is neat ly full as practicable. Tin person-servic- e, so reserved remain at Iiime until called into and receive m pay until actually mu-fere- d in. ri .'i i.i i nn .in- - inn, winie ai imme in resi r e, selo.'Cf to ti e l ines and articles ot war except teat d they - wio'nil v to obey a call of lb.- - I're,; '..,.f !,..," shall be held as deserters, and punished as sac!)". Wlo-m-vi-- t!ie President shall think that the of the srv:ce rerjuire it, he may call into active m i vice the entire reserve, or so much as mav e liece?.-1!- '. iiy, and they -- hall be organized under h ruh - as the eCletiirv ot i ar mav :io,l elect their fi. Id and company officers. The reserves from each State," when thus culled out. shall be orgaui::- ! separately. M Kvcrv man muster d into service, who shall bring with him a mu.-ke-t. shot gun, rille or carbine ac- cept .1 as an efficient weapon, shall receive the value of it as ascertained by the mustering oiiiccr S under such regulations as the Seerctary'of War may prescribe, or if (he owner he in. willing to sell, he shall receive cue dollar a month for the u.-- e of such arm. J l er.-o- ns not iiaoie to duty may be received as A nb-titutes, and r .,n,di reguiatioiis as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Vacancies be filled by the President from the company, battalion, sipiadron or regiment in which such vacancies occur, by promotion accord- ing j.d to seniority, except in case of disability ov ' other incompetency. ' ;V i lie President may, however, fill a vacancy by nomoutlg anv olhcer ot the oomnmn- - 1... 1 Tu.dron. or regiment, who may have been dis- - tuiguished in the service by vah.r and skill, without n i.M nee to seniority- - Vi.r..,,,,.;... . ....... .1... t . t . ,.v in i ne i n M i grade of commission, d officers of a Company shall M bllcdby election or the President m;,v ,n ' " on .'i I!" 11(1 l llii Ilfr IISIiPlI I III dlKld . I'lW . , ... t i' ' V i t . , o - on. i ii . . 1 ' '"r-- eoioiien, oiuiiK i r witii - i '' " ft i ice. EXEMPTIONS II ij:ti,i.l f.ll II '' C nil ijri e ntith d -- An act to exempt certain per.- - is II ...1,1 ..1.11. '..!.., i ' " 1 -- ervice in tne armies ot the ( 'oiiti ih rate States."' S.ction 1. The (Vngr.-s- of th Coilfede rat States of America, do enact, 'Feat ail persnio who i... l. .. i. i i i. -. -- ii.ii ne ii' ti io no : ni t,,i. ,.,,:o , , ' i o i i ll , i ; e ( ; ;: e r ruies to lie pr. scr;!., d by th,- - Secretary of War: all th. ' service or employ ,,f the Gonfcde, ate Stat- ,- I all jmlicial and executive o!;iceis of Confederate r vv Mate Governments; the members of both lmf Con. rrc of the h nf f!,.. I Stat, ami their respect i v e oflie. ..11 ..!...-- ! . ..r the oilicers of the State and Confederate ft ovcin- - nts allou l l... i ii . 1 e nv a:, i..H, cngageii m carrvui" uie mail aa ierryni. n nn po.-- t routes; pilots" and pel's is. iiea-ji-t- iii io tii'ii-ii,.- . : . (.J on i u , am, in ! - li.a. s rv ace .n river and railroad routes of t rans - i '"!': ail rativ .p ail minist is t i li- i"!l. 111 1 ie lee.i' n- - .!;., iarge ot ministerial ,bc:,-- .11 .,, a .. , , .. - ' ' " "oi King iron mine: furnace- - li.O louieliies: all burn,., " ' ."ov,, Miners actually i - i in i'linting newsnao,., all i A piote.sors ot coo, g,.s and academies, and all teach- ers hav ing a- - many as twenty scholars; superintc, dent o. the pubhc ho.-uta- lunatic as,lums. and l.e regular nm-- es and attendants therein, and- - the teachers em, loy. d m the it itut i.. for th0 deaf anil blind: ,n apoth-car- v store now .ne a.othe-ar- in p)n.l standi,,.,, who a druggist; superintendents am opera- tives m wool and other facforivs. who mav b0 ex- empt. d bv: the Secretar of War. vl,.,ll i... i . . . . . . . . .. ..... - ..... ... " "' .nio .ue nn ii' i o 1 f i I in the wjiM ei uiv k Miiouoraio Maros. zens Ucpairui, Ee!I-Iia- n in- - A:-- . in Tl: h ri ! 1.. In.n- - . c ii ; c ..r J i i - is prepared to Repair Locks of .le.cro'ti ', very low price: will make Keys of all kinds; iu fact, u!l km.! of I Repairing done at short nutLe. Special u!ca-.;ot- i to Reli-h-ingin- g. He m.iv be found op-P'.-- t the post-oilic- e. W. XV. U OODEL. j Jan 28. lsK2. j Wanted, ten thmisn-v.'- . obi Key, of different sizes: ' j old (inn-lock- s, .V..;. V" ... W ... iiui'rr.ii, ' i i !!:pj- - 1, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Oils, Paints, Var- - nishes, Window Glass, Putty, Dye pbtutts, lurpentine, .Burning fluid, rure liquors, uanton dLj: Teas, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. Having closed our Books, we intend hereafter to sell for cash. Mav 7, 1801. WOOD-WOR- K and BLACKS3IITHIXG. The subscriber is prepared to do all kinds of Wood- work and Blaeksmitliing, such as making and repair- ing Wagons and Buggies, Ilorse-alioeiii- g, fcc. His Shop is at his residence, nearly opposite Mr WF Phifer's dwelling, and he also has a Blacksmith Shop on the back-stre- et in the rear of the Mecklenburg House. lie solicits a share of public patronage, and feels confident he can give satisfaction both in workmanship and charges. Give him a trial. J. II. PR0PEST. January 7, 18G2 WAIVTED, MPKFj? highest market price will be paid in cash. Those having Cotton to sell will please give us a call before disposing of it. ELLAS & COHEN. Charlotte, Jan. 14, 1S02 tf STJMAlJtiri CLOTHING. Having enlisted for the war, I desire to close cut the stock of SUMMER CLOTHING I have still on hand at common prices for cash. The stock consists of a variety of Mens' and Boys' Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. tig? I would also give notice that we have a great many accounts standinar onen and would h nl j have them settled by cash, while money is plenty or at v -- xJies. iiy liouus will be found in the hands ot Mr Saml. P. Alexander, who is authorized to make settlement. June 3, 1802. J. M. SPRINGS. JOHN A. LANCASTER &. SON, Stock Brokers, R. A. LANCASTER. March 13. 1SG2. Cm. P. J. W RIGHT. 1000 Cords Tan-Bar- k Wanted, For which the highest cash price will be paid. KARL KAIIN WEILER, April 1,1802 4m-- pd Dallas, N. C. Big Plank Deeds, Attachments, and Court Blanks, for sale at this Office. In consequence of the great advance in paper, we are compelled to advance the. price of Blanks to $2 a quire. Ir. C. U L, I, E TT , COTTON FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMJSSfOX MERCHANT, No. 2 Union street, NEW ORLEANS. Strict attention given to purchasing. Jan 7, 18G2 lyr ui PEA MEAL. We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place re a .ueai ,ur leeoing cows ami stock. Also, we have on hand at all times, Family, Extra. Superfine and coarse Flour. We warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can always be had at the mill 'J. WILKES & CO. Jan'y 1, 18C2 9 BY JT. IS. KEliK, Proprietor. JSL 17 VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the llflii patrons of Mje Charlotte Hotel. lifer, -- "'"' At this lio-- r , is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotte u Ashcville. 0ct L 18G1- - J. B. KERR. The Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills do not cure all diseases, but thev are - rantid to cure Lnc.oreah, or Whites that dreadful scourge temale health, happiness and usefulness. They arc no' Mtented and are no humbug, but .are prepared bv North Carolina physician of high standing and of long experience in the treatment of female ' diseases. All that is necessary to convince vou of their eHioMcv i fair trial. For particulars, see vvrnmipr.?. l'r.en'ci per box. For sale at the DRUG STORES. Jan. 15, 18G1 vr J. G, WILKINSON &. CO., PF.Ai.KHS IN Watolies, .Silver fc plated Ware AND FANCY GOODS, for No. 5, Granite Range, Opposite the Mansion House, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Attention given to Repairing Watches and Jewelry. September 18, 1SC1. y and New Supply of WATCHES, JEW EL III7 Solid Silver and Plated Ware. The subscriber has lately purchased a very extensive and supply of the above articles. His purchases being made directly from the Manufacturer, he is therefore enabled to sell at a very small advance on cost, and persons may rest assured that all ii is articles are war- ranted to be what he represents them to be. BQ, Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and will eteivc my personal attention. R. W. BECKWITII. Nwv. 27, 1801 tf rior Tailoring ee? JOHN V0GEL, Practical Tai- lor, respectfully informs the citi- zens of Charlotte and surround- ing country, that he is prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo- thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertions rer, will be given to render satisfac- tion to those who patronize him. ing Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next able door to Rrown Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 18G2. tf Headquarters N. C. Militia, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, General Oeder No. 3. . Raleigh, Dec 7, 1801. The following persons will be exempt from Company drills, except once in three months: All workmen in Factory engaged in working for the State, or mak- - ies arms, lead or powder, or in ship building for the well, State or Confederate States, the necessary employees Telegraph or Express lines, or I.aiiy Press, Ferry -- ! men and keepers of Canal Locks, State officers and other persons whose employment in the service of the tion State is inconsistent with their attendance on Militm drill, and persons excused under the Militia Law. This order vrill rot be understood as excusing anv Holmes, Albert ft V.C. , . ....V i V'. . V.,7,.lnlU3, 11 Geo Ii Crittenden P S ' ' IIuSTrnv Cocke, f.,..,1...H w . .. C .Miii. mil., ine ai ll V. I at! Ol ).,.,;,. I,,1 Jos ' Withers. Josenh li A .. t . V iv' " V' U J "S"' Mravtoo It,-:,- , ir n , 11 in 4 M fa W ! i r- - m 55 ' I ST i Pi If' i li J 1 i . . . 'l It I I a I'.li... I IF - . " . . -- ' r, nanirs a i rill) 10 1 A in- - I? F.iwtnn iviciiaro i i .ar iari v an r 7? - .. ... . . . I ,(""!. ii.'M- - n sKiiiig wirmn t i i limits of th.' S:at- - t,f t.oiui tarouaa. i w .iiii'pnv June ii , i l"; it Maj. & Q. M. C. S. A- - The market price naid for Hides, by ?Ji L2. l s.rf tf ? M IIP W FI.T person from Militia duty when called upon to repel an invasion, or suppress an insurrection, or from Regimen- tal or Rrigade drills and musters. Ry order of the Commander-in-chie- f. J. G. MARTIN, Dec. 17. Adjnt-ia- t General. f OHN" WILKES. t : YOUNG, WRISTON' Socks. Jufv ..o. 1 T. J. SUMNER, Engineer. Jani 1 ' SG2

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LAW. j

COTTOX SEED WAIVTED.The undersigned will par the highest cash price for NEW GOODS'CHARLOTTE DRUG STORE.


Foreign and Domestic Drugs,


LINES c.j r;j ?r.7.?v ,7;'r : .if J 'if T,. .V. ao E'lfiinii A. Mili'r. y'u 1 '.'. 'if 2 1?G2,

in tie 2J V"r nf ?;.Sw t Willie, jccl i..f our

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Ti.v prattii.--l f long : and hit ii hi: ; li!.- - .i,:ig.; :'; v i . . ! .i !i s

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itiaison up .u a track about a humhc iid- - inlength, Mid the Lmi ( r. r !:.- - v.ii nr.-so- d

them his .M: !y dei; I.I! to undertake lii'.V ea ilai'v ear i J u I

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hit h lie Qij, ee.e 1 ;n iflli ,'er ai : i.

( i'.vn mi rj ri.--e ami id his siniij. In m.trd .s new pi.oi, iij.-- . ii runners, which moveupon pivots so a- - t i aeei uiiiiodatc them-.- . Ives tothe curves i f ti c n r. i, arc UsCil instead of

i dinary car.; aii 1 v. cl- - and the rails ir.uiiAvhn h tin y arc iui arc ci.u.-idera- b! i .. . i ..oioa'iei inaii. . . -?'io;c in oiililial V upon railways.

t he amount A power riuui ift b. start aton nj "ii w heel in an culinary railway is fnOllltell to fi,l,lH:ell .oiiia:.-'- , vJiiie in. oil 31. dira fd sliuiner-- , ill ilieir uidinaiy state, it jiiiii- - a1 ,i III ill . . I t . . . t r

i j iiiu'i-- i in iiio ( a ion. Hf redinas 1 11.-- , however, ;o about uno pounds, by tinmiii ui.' conn ivan; c ol a loiciii' ,,!...., 'j.umj. I ' 1 1

ipou t!ic vehic!.-- . by mean.- - of w filmwatt r is kept constantly injected beneath the run-ners,


thus reducing the friction to almost tiothin .:,the cars as it were sailing along. Anotherp eunaiity o! bis : ysti m 1:; the ;u'nrcssion oflocomotives, tlie motive power L cing a!-- o water.


A m i ies ol stationary i ngim- aced at iii'er- -

aisd ten ki.. .metre.-- , i:c mth , couipn s waterinio a metal lube, and the pie:-.-ur- e thu.- - obtained

tijital to or eight atmosplivix s is com-municated


to trahsvt r-- pipes, placid at interval--o- fiiltv vard:--. :;iitl taovided raeh ui!. i .t I

' ' i " 'I t llki,(lonlicc which is and then c!o-,- d by thetrain itself as it passes. The water, issuing fromthe orifice with a certain d, jr. e of violence, :

strikes a series of cured ti at-, ii.'.e those ,, wat0l'wheels, and placed under the f!- -,f eachcarriage.

Py (hiii meiiii- - the evp, riuicnt,-- ,,rov0, ,!...j

train may l c j -o bed at the rate (d''li!tecn miicsan hour along ,,. gradient.; one and fi.ur li!r!is ,rall li. eh pi r vaid. The li mi ei or is : aid to be en- -i!:ti.-ia-tic:.l- ih!i ! el ;.. it,: i; t - o in is inn moue oirai.ipoi ta; ion. an: l im iit.s aic snnitlv f,, b,made upon a mu i i.

:i l'y ca!, fh:i:i thev haVe !

lirrr lop. i e i ( ( !.

Another invention, mo;,- - in ;u'c. rdar,ce with tinpirit of thti titims, is alle-e.- 1 to have been ,.!,.

vy a person mar who, it is snid h,--sbeen eng;;!cd t n years in perfecting it. Heclaims (bat, by an application nf ch etrie power,

ean at the moment of scii.trgeall the guns on the side of a v 1 u 'onr;ieok i.. ii.' , I. . i .any

j,..vo mimil on ,iU: i;j!i;m S Ve.--.-el or I oft lllcat I IllSand that no iron pi. tes. 'however thick. cn:,'d re-sist the terrible cH'ects of such a cntiver-i- n- fir0.Tho Kmporor has set, t the inventor a fiatPuin- -letter, and joiilerrid upon him the d.deration ofthe Legion of Honor,

AVK l'ui IT. ( ,ir fanners and e.tb.o-- ;

who hnve fruit this sermon, should ail .w ,,.waste, but every j.ait'.cle shoii'd .e saved. Lastm iisoii there was but little fruit, and of course, butliltle was dried and as a couve(jiieiiee .mr armycsp-Vm!.-

., that portion that ha- - bcui in the ueiof Jlichni..nd t!:c greater part of the

S I i i ii n r. .1 Sii i, . a i ... - I ., t. . , . o .. l . i .I .v iiinini IIIUCII. It nil r

(rcTs had had a li! ;: !!.w ar:( o .f futit-a- m I

vegetables with the ratums fun.islied them by dmi.iivonininit, there would not have J.mui half the :

sickiifs- - thcr. has be. n among themi nose t.o b of eon . ! - ...' I .

... . l ' " 1 li."UOsutured as mm h as thev lave.relatives ami h minis iti the arm. 1 1 i ,,,,,Lc for It Is too no. t bat m i i.-- ii,. i

taken to secure all the fruit v,s-i- b' ... .! ...portuniiy o.auirs. send their frtemL M.; j

of it. Anv sui plus you m .y h.,vo aft.-- suppi'i:igvonr fr!nd in t!,. t .. . ,

. p. ociiuiiinriu v.HI, wi ar.asMtrcd. puroha-- .' at goo 1 prices. Y,,.i. ... j , i, -

Orri inn m--r iti'thv VotiwntUm.e shall : ii.t m for .i ot on ii a' iiiM'k i ' .

no. itit :.eo et the On!;. ames and ib.-cbri- e

passed bv I Conviiiti i at it I . inand Sidieit of ler- - for the sri j; 'l 'ie ('..even;;,. ! e:autnori.t a the Tint mg ot :,on . ., as taetribution of that naiiiher i .;,i i ie i t'. r ! y a a on'.i-la.i- tIi.inee Jia s o d by ho.h . ii ;s I"' i

. ii; 5t- - i.i. nailers v ;; he ,: lot IO obtai:this rei-o- a. we have , a.-'- a U-- ;ii:.t tin-to- i!.tiieiitioi-.c- l tie.:,b-- r Ot extra eo mi-- :;,. Pricec l - ... . .o - p-- . it win ii sent r lai!. paid.SI ." ) r co! . Th.. si- - wi.-b- i i;- v . ,

to or.b-- r i liei', .:t e, a - ;!j,. , a liiiliii-e- io!t ii 1 ii iiited.

We wi.'l also print .V:r.i ; ej i. .

Jol RNALS ol- - THE I'oWKMInX,Provided we receive a S!i:!ici,at iiiimber U" or - t.

our doing so. We do not kme.x at ,

U. C lll.J V ee at, el! the .l i .oiiaa mil i ao-- e v. rigepics an 'iotc i;s tu it u oe able to dein mil r . r.l ! 1 ! ; t I'

JNo. W. SYME.Raleigh, X. ( Printer to the Coaventioii.

wool :CAIH EL-- ASTER S OFFIl I. ? ,s(.oi.i.sia.i;,,. j,,,,,- - i Is;.,

!;?r,V,.lr,!:,iJ ,::J'",S. h:"u,z Vo"1 h...bvjio.u.. ui.ii Unas: r s 1 1. paitni.-n- t is . mm i. . . - -ff'ilii.- . W....I i,, i i

nu.unilles. :ial tl''.1 ...Ol ... ..I ,

wfcat quantities they can deliver the . iii. ',o-ip- t of siu h notiiication, the i. .C - oi b Iiv. I u Ol iw.indicated

Those having the article for sale an cain. sth s!itar,..l.tog, e tins advertisement tmirconsid. ration, as the phuvs hepr:

-- Iwill be paid. I h;s advertisement is intended to

The largest stock of FALL AND WINTER rin the town, is now on hand at the ponul ir'ionable house of nnJ b.

Koopmann & Phelps.The public, and especially the Ladies, ore vspectfullv invited to call and examine nm. r

knniu ttiAtr fiiinnl f;iil tn Iia i.1aa?a.1 V. .1 0r wej s- - - rs-o,.- u, uuiu as toand price.Ve are now opening daily, as we receive e

the first Houses in the Northern cities ' the n" asplendid Goods in part: 10i'ii!g- Merinos, Delaines, Poplins, Silks


French, English & American Prints, a large stockQualities and prices to suit all tastes a.-i- purses

Splendhl CLOlHS tlrl Slf.! owhich particular attention is invited. Rtinneip J iey's and Flats, Embroideries, Trimmings uvGloves, &c. Our Staple aud Domestic Dci'artmi!7'T'full and complete, and for it we defy competitionWE will IVOT BE I?NDI2It$0LD.

We have a splendid assortment of CARPETSFamily and Negro Blankets. Our

HEAD Y-MA- CL 0 THINGthis season surpasses, in finish and superiorityheretofore splendid stock iu that line; and tin' 'uthing is, we will sell at shorter profits than ever

BOOTS lid SHOES.-O- ur stock in tin,department is very complete, and selected for I n.lie,Gentlemen, Children and Servants with great cure uiat lov-- prices. A large and cheap stock of choiceg a 11


HARDWARE, &c,We call the attention of ouroldand highly valued niS.tomers. and buyers generally, to the fact that, nntj, j

pating their tastes and wants, we have neither spriri-- j

ion or expense in oruer to suit ana please tlu-m- , urnl wesincerely assure them that with these views and itiun.ions, we will sell on terms entirely to

all who call on us. KOOPMANN & PHKLlsJan. 1, 1?G2. tf

Quinn's Rheumatic RemedyHas effected cures of Rheumatism that were consider jhopeless, certificates to prove which can be exhibited

The suffering are invited to give the medicine a trial.Orders addressed to the undersigned at Charlotte nilreceive prompt attention. W. W. QFLN.N.

April 10, 1860. Price $1 50 per bottle.

15 y the Govcinoi- - o( W. Carolina, fEXEU TIVE DKIMUTMKXT, 1

Raleigh, March 28th, 1MJ2.'

In pursuance of the power vested in me by the Con.stitution, and by and with the advice of the "council 0fSlate, I, Henry T. Clark, Governor of North Carolina fdo hereby prohibit the exportntion beyond the limiu Iof the Stnte, of all cotton and woolen goods, im liulinj-yarn-

Jeans, Limeys and blankets except through theorders of the proper officers of the Confederate or StateGovernments.

The Adjutant General will cause the proper ordersto be issued to enforce this proclnmation in the mo.--t

prompt and efficient manner. All Agents to purchaseon behalf of the State are required to have writtiaauthority. HENRY T. CLARK

April I, 1PC2 3t

ilxiculiic it pari m tut of Jt'. arolinaADJUTANT GENEEAL'S OFFICE, I

Ralkiuh, March 22, li;2. JGeneral Order No. 5.

All new Companies of North Carolina Volunteersmust be tendered directly to lh State, otlu rui-i- ; thebouuty auUiorized by the ordinance of the Conventionto raise North-Carolina- 's quota of troops, will not lcpaid to them, as the law docs not allow it. The Coin-panic- s,

so tendered will be organized into Regiiiieutsby the State, the commissioned oilicers of which tinttheir field officers. The bounty will be paid cm li Coin-pun- y

as soon as possible after their arrival in ( ;inij.II. No organization of Regiments ir batttiHotis vi!I

be recognized unless the same is done by iiuilmrity ufthe State and in compliance with its laws.

III. Those Troops being raised for immediate ficM

service should have no more bnggngc tluui inch nmncan carry in his kuaj. sack. It is dersirnble that eachman bring a blanket (if he can furnish it.) Any nilJi.tional articles must necessarily be lost if brought.

IV. All communications on Military inatttis nuift he

sent to this Office. In uo other way will they receiveimmediate attention.

I5y order of Governor Clakk, J. G. MAIlTI.'v.l0-4- t. Adjutant Genual.


Just published, a treatise upon the PRACTICE ATLAW in North Carolina, bv EnvvAi.n Cantw ku

LL.R.. author of the N. C. Justice, etc.CONTENTS:

Of legislative power in general; legisl.-.tiv- c power in

North Carolina; legislative powers of ju-lici- of the

peace; county boundaries ueed, etc.: county r veuiieand charges; court-house- s, prison, etc.; cotiniy tnotee;jury trials; fairs aud public sales; generalinspection.---, public landings, etc.; poor hoii.vt and

hospitals: registers und clerk.'-- ; rivers and creeks;ferries and bridges; wei:hs meaHires; idiot;-an-

lunatic.--; retailers; Neuse river; public roads und car-tways; public landings ami inspections; milis mal mi-llers; ordinaries and constable.-- ; patrols; wardens of thepoor: prison bounds; roads; ferries und bridee-.- ; jn.ll !sx

exemptions; executive power in gciieinl; t.e ntivepower in North Carolina: execut ivc jiowcr of the couit?:chief justice and clerk; attorneys Ht law; attorney grernl; rcjiorter and marshal, clerks and solicitor: coun--

paupers; guardians; county attorney; run lionir-- :

county court clerks; coroners; boundary conun -i n" l

committees of finance; county trustee; county In i r:

special court ; commissioners of fairs; inspector?;of schools; com misi-- i oners of nuv icnt'u n;

wardens of the .oor; registers, commissioners ft' rivercreek.-- ; sheriffs: constables; rangers; ttandyrd Kee-

pers; retailers; administrators chfu, nuni ofcourt; commissioners of deeds and con veymice:

of low land.--; (utiy Inkers Bi.ii yiiiveyois;superintendents of elections; giiardiun.- - ai d rici ivcr-- ;

inspectors; commissioners of it.t(.i imj rr, v

liartition; j.atrol committees; proct ssioners : lex 1 ( 'boards of valuation; ov iscm of roads and riwr,

commissioners of wrecks; tobacco pickers mid coope"- -

The APPENDIX contains forms of I'ec.13 imdCVB-veyance- s,

ns follow:-- : Aereeraciits. iissieniucnti-- . u h nn S,

bills of sale, bills of exchange and hiding, boiab. i'"- -

eellaneous bonds, contract, deeds, innrringc tetmtnt?, mortgiiges, coartnershiii articles, notes, r-

eleases, ic, ki:.This book contains .t'G pages, is gotten tip in S'd:C'

stvle and bound in law calf. Price, sineie ceJ,$5.00. , EDWARD CAN1WEI.L,

I.'ai l ion, N.C

C. 12. Tnylor'wVIRGINIA PRINTING INK ESTABLISHMENT,Corner of Adams and Leigh streets, RICHMOND, Vi4'

C. R. TAYLOR, Printing Ink Manuf'"takes pleasure iu announcing to the

Press that his Ink Factory is now in sue cssf'i! o l"

ration in the manufacture of every of I'i;! "

Ink, which he is prepared "to furnish gii Kwi"term.-- . News, Book and Job Inks of eve ry n

always on hand.Orders promptly attended to. Address

C. It. TAYI.OIbJuly 2d. . Richmond, 1

Cantwcll's Practice.During my absence in the Military service ef

State, in Virginia, subscribers and others de-iriii- prof the above work, can obtain them of Mrs. C5"

Raleigh. ,.rfAH pe rsons indebted to me, by note or othn n -

ref-nestc- to pny her. I will hold her receipt pood- -

Price of single copies of the above 55.00 A dedu

will be made to those w ho buy to sell g1' " .EDWARD CANTWbbb.

Camp near Norfolk, July 30, 1861. , .


Wanted for the Confederate Army, 10,000 """

j GENF.nAi.s in the keoi armv.RuWrt E j ofV;u CommaiiJiiig General,SamufcI (Vi0 pr Va- - AJjutai!t Ceneral.A,)(,rt j. Jl)llIlston Tcxas, commanJing in Ky,Jo!Seph i: j0iulStou, yUj commanding Northern Va.p T La, commanding army of Co- -

liimhns,;i:nki:.m- .s is the provisional armv.

David E Twiggs, fJeorgia, resigned.Leoni(la. l'elk, La. Commanding at Memphis,lirnxton Hragg, La, fommamling at l'ensacola.Larl "an I)orn. .Miss. Army of l'otoruae.(iii-tav- n- W Smitii. Ky, Army of I'otomac.T 11 Holmes. X (', army f I'otomac.William J Hardee, Ceoigia, Missouri,llenjamiii II leer, S (', commanding at Xorfolk..lame.s Long.-tr4-e- t, Ala, army of I'otomac.John It Magri'der, 'a. Commanding at York town.Thomas ,1 .lack-o- n, 'a, commanding north-wester- n

Virginia.Maii.-lie- hl L"'ell, Va, comninnding coast of T.a.Ldmiiml Kirhy .Smith. Florida, army of I'otomac.(leoige II Crittenden, Ky, commanding Last Tenn.fllllCAliitlU-dll.XKUAI.- IX Till: I'HOVISIO.N'AL ARMV.Mill i!r L ISonham, S C, army of Potomac..John IS Floyd. Va. commanding army Kanawha.Henry A Wise. Va, Iloanoke Island.Men McCuIloeh, Texas, Missouri.Henry 1? Jack.-o- n, (la. resigned.Jbiiiert S Cnrnett, 'a, killed in action.William II T Walker, Ca, resigned.U.irnard K Mee, S C. killed in action.Alexander K La wtoii, (J a, commanding Coast of ft a.( ; iilcon J Pillow, Tcnn.Samuel 1J Anderson. Tenn, Kentucky.Daniel S Ibimdso-i- . Tenn, cott.--t of S Carolina.David K .b.iies, S I', army of Potomac..Jones M Withers, Ala, commanding coast of Ala.John C Pcmberton, Yu. coa.-- t of S C.Pit.bard S Kwell, ra. ermyof Potomac.John H Winder, Maryland. Mic.hmond..Jiiba! A Karly. Va. army of Potomac.Thus 1! Ploiirnoy, Ark, died in Arkansas.Samuel Jones, Va, army of Potomac.Arnold liley, Maryland, armv of Potomac.Daniel II Hill, X C, army of Potomac.Henry H Sibley, La. Tcxas Frontier.Wm II Whiting, (.!a, army of Potomac.Wm W Loi ing, X (J, Western Virginia.Michard II Anderson, S C, Pen;icola.Albert Pike, Ark, Indian Coininis-duiier- .

Thus T Fiutntleroy, 'a, resigned,liobert i'oomlis, ( I a, army of Potomac.Daniel K'uggles, Va, Louisiana.Charh s Clark, Miss, arm of Potomac.Posw. II S Ripley, S C, coast of S C.Isaac b' Trimble, Md, army of Potomac.John M ftrav son, Ky, died" in Florida.Paul U li.diert, La. coast of Texas.Michard Catiin, X C. commanding coast of X C.Felix K ZollicofiVr, Tenn, killed in Kentucky.Menj F Cheatham, Tenn, Kentucky.Joseph II Anderson. Va, coast of X C.Simon li Miickner, Ky.. Kentucky.Leroy Pope Walker, Ala, Alabama.Albert ft Mlanchard, La, XorfoJk.(Jtibriel J Pains, X C, Yorktown.J L M Stuart, Va, army of Potomac.Lafayette MeLaws. Ca., Yorktown.Thos V Dray ton, S ft, coast of S C.Tims C Hi.nlman, Ark. Kentucky.A.iley 11 ft hidden. Lis, Pem-acl- a.

John porter McCown, Tenn, K ntticky.Lloyd Tilghiium, Ky, Kentuokv.Xathan (. Kvans, S C, coast of V C.Cadiims M Wilcox, Tenn. army of Potomac.Philip St (iconic Cocke, Va. died in Va.M L Mhodes, Ala. army of Potomac.Mielnird Tayior, La, army of Potomac.Louis T Wigfa'd, Texas, army of Potomac.James H Trapier. S C, i:oast"..f Florida.

eiich, Mi-- s, army of P.itom.-t-YV... II .n r v.. .1 ...." v ..."I.. i enii., J ennessco.if,,., W Mercer.Humphrey Marshall, Ivy, Kentucky,John C Mreckinridgo, Ky, Kentucky.Miohard (Jriiiith, ?diss. army f I'l.imn:,-- .AI exanucr P Stewart, Kv. KentuckyWm Mntgomery Gardner, fta.on furlough.Michard M Garnet t, Va, army of Potomac.William Mahone, Va, X'orfolk.L OT.rian Mratich, X (', coast of X C.Maxcv ftregg. S C, of S C.

K Colston. 'irginm.Kdward Johnston, A'irginia.Henry Heth. Virginia.John-to- n H Duncan, Louisiana.

A M Wood, Alabama.George W Kaudolph, Virginia.Howell Cobb, of Geoi-gia- .

Joseph L Hogg, of Texas.J Pettigrew, Xorth Carolina.P Hill, Virginia,

t Hansom," Xorth Carolina.T!II: VVKST POINT fiKXKRALS.

The following Confederate Generals are graduatesWest loud: M.muel Coop,.,-- , J(lui if Winder.SoUC lv. Irn,lublt1' S Domdson, Jici.j Huge,,

,T1 1,;".t,:i!; 15 Oayson. Lconidas Polk,

..iuiie. nains. nos 1' Uravton. lf,.,-.-l- , Y- ,,,- - cm;losv-pl- l lj ,1


IH 11, loiliert N f.,-- .om, (jllstnviis: " AT c .1.1.i iiusiieiuLovell James Longstreet, Daniel II HiH. RichardAnderson, l afavetfo McLaws, Alexander Ptewart, I.osvve 11 M;ipl(.v, .,.--

, (. Fl.pnchi s;monV',"."!:' L

. ,ir,'-- v 'S"iih' Ihnnard E Uee, Wn.C U biting, 1 homas J Jackson, Cadmus M Wil to

cox, lavm ii .joncs. m M Card!uer, Xathan Gl.vans, J l; j; Munrt to


Tr.e following Generals were toappointed to the oldmted Stat.-- s Army, withoutii- - i . , passing throng. fl.

Loriuir.e.--i i Hint .Vcadciny David L Twiggs, 'm XV

The following ftcnerals first saw service in theMexican war: M L Ponha.n. Ihuiry J Jackson,l.nb-o- J 1 i!!ow, Satnuel H Anderson. Chas Clarkbos C llimltnan, John C lircekmrhl. l' .': isl'- - 1 J it J J J 1"r,H'il,l"" - Hichard ftritlith, Albert Pike, Adh-- II do

hidden. Maxcv (.reg.'The following Generals participated in th,- - Texanwars and the wars with Mexico; ;,. McCulloch.Louis i igfall.The following Generals saw no military

previous t. the i.r.'sent war. J.d.n l Flovd. Heuryise. Robert finiiiiiw. Richard Favlor, Thos HFioariaiy. L Pot.e Walker. F K V.,'w.1..U...

Maluii L (P, P.ram-h- , Wiliia... If I', 'i

' ,Khod. Some, ho ver. receiv. d military educa- -cations at taie ins: ii uTio!i

irg.nta has l Generals in the Gonf. derateAnmos: South Gandina l; L.ui.-ian- a S; Geor-i- a 7-- I

eiin.-ss- , e S; North Carolina S: Kentucky 7 Mary-land h Alabama 4: Mississippi 1; Texas' Arkan--- at loridu 1; .Missouri none.The following Gr n. rals were born at tho Norththough previous tu th present war they were citi'

of ,. southern States: ( J. u.-ra- l bornNew Wk: Ripley, iu Ohio; Femberto,,, i IVllI1 L.F,k,- in Massachuetts; Iilanchard, inMas.-Hchusett- s; Fr.', in New Jersey.

Tim following are natives of NorthLeonidas I'.dk, P.raxton V,rH, TlieoMl,;""

if. ,1,r... !.... M-- r. ,i ,

. ' !1V """Cutler, Gahrnl J .uines,i i i anc;i. T

Hoop Poles, Staves and Cord vt- - ing.. .. J inVv.iiite.. at the Ch irlor.e team .Mill

I Coiton Seed, at tLeir Oil Works, fire miles south-ea- st

of Charlotte, at Isaac N. Alexander's mills.STEPHENS u WHISNANT.

Pee ?i, 18GI tf

DJi. J. M. MILLER,Charlotte, N. C,

Ha? resumed the Practice of .Medicine, and can befound at his Office in Brawley's Building, immediatelyover Drucker and Ileilbrun's Store, or at his residence

J Feb. 2a, 18G2.

I WM. & . TIDDY,j Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C,j MANTFACTURERS OF

MONUMEXTS, IIEADSTOXES, &c, & cither Yard respectfully solicited, and

veil! meet with prompt attention.Feb 1, is 02 tf

THE SOUTH CAROLIXIAJV,.Published Daily and Tri-vveekl- y.

COLUMBIA BANNER,A "Weekly Family Paper.

COLUMBIA S. 0.This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, and

is offered to the domestic circle for News and PoliticalIntelligence. The Tales and Stories which are olferedto the readers of the Banner are the efforts of SouthernGenius, which it is a pleasure to foster. OriginalSketches, Literary and Scientific Essaj-s- , and Miscel-laneous Selections, regularly make tlieir appearance inits columns.

Subscription Daily, $C; Tri-Weekl- y, S I: Weekly,per annum, in advance Papers stopped when sub- -

scription expires.Feb. 1, 1S02 It. W. GIBBE3, Proprietor

WHEAT !The subscriber is prepared to purchase the new

crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Farmerswill find it to tlieir advantage to call at the CHAR-LOTTE .STEAM MILLS before selling.

Jaify l, lso 2 tf JN0. WILKES.


Would inform the public frenerally, and the citizens ofMecivlcnburg (larliculurly, that he has resumed thePractice ot DENTISTRY and may be found at his oldstand. He is prepared to set Artificial Teeth on Gold,Silver, Vulcanite, or on the Cheoplastic process, aspatients may desire, and fill Teeth with Gold, Tin,Amalgam or Os Artificial.

He is also prepared to perform any operation belong-ing to Dentistry, ami need not say that he will be pleas-ed to wait upon any of his old friends or new friendsyou may take that for granted.

February 5, 1801


The undersigned has opened a Tailor-ing Shop in Springs' Building, RoomNo. 1, where he is prepared to do allkinds of work in his line. He respect-fully asks a trial and a share of publicpatronage.

Military suits furnished to order.Mr R M Robinson, an experienced cutter, will super

intend the establishment.J. A. CALDWELL.

February 13, 18G2 y

By the Governor of North Carolina

NORTH CAROLINIANS! your country needs vouraid for its protection and defence against an invadingtue. J lie President of the Confederate States has madea requisition upon our State to complete her quota oftroops in the held. Our own borders are invaded bythe enemy in force, now thretenting an advance to de-prive us of liberty, property, and all that we hold dearas a self-governi- and free people. We must resisthim at all hazards and by every means in our power.He vvages war for our subjugation a war forced uponus in wrong and prosecuted without right and in a spiritof vengeful wickedness without a parallel in the his-tory of warfare among civilized nations. As youvalue your rights of all the blessings toof freedom: the hallowed endearments of home andfireside, of family and kindred, I call upon you to rally ato their defence, and to sustain the noble and sacredcause in which we are engaged.

North Carolina has always piovcd true, constant and abrave in the hour of trial and of danger. Never let itbe said in the future that she has failed to maintainthis high renown. If we are threatened now more thanheretofore, and upon our own soil, let our exertions beequal to every demand on our patriotism, honor andglory. No temporary reverses dampened the arder of"your ancestors, even though the enemy marched

columns through the State. The fires of libertystill burned brightly iu tlieir breasts. Theywere moved in new energy, and resisted by gal-lant deeds, with abiding hope and unflinching courageand perseverance, bravely contending with enemies athome as well the foreign foe, until, after a st,ule ofseven long years, our ludencndene una neliicvp.) nmlicknowledged. Let us imitate tlieir glorious example.I'he enemy is redoubling his efforts, and strainiii"- everynerve to overrun our country and subine-at- ns to hisdomination his avarice and ambition. Already it isproposed in their Congress to establish a territorialgovernment in a portion of our State. Now is the time

prove our zeal and animate by our example.1 call upon the brave and patriotic men of our Statevolunteer, from the mountains to the sea. You are

wanu-- to fiil up our quota in the Confederate Armv.and for the special defence of" the State. I relr, withentire confidence, for a prompt and cheerful response

this call upon, your patriotism and valor. Tenderyourselves in companies and in squads under officers ofyour own selection. You will be at once accepted andorgauized into regiments under the laws that are ormay be made, and which it is my duty to execute. TheAdjutant General of the State will issue the necessaryorders for this purpose.

Fellow-Citizen- s! Your first allegiance is due toNorth-Carolin- a. Rally to her banners. Let every man

his duty, and our country will be safe.Given under my hand and the seal of the State, at

Raleigh, tins 22a of February, one thousand eighthundred and sixty-tw- o.


The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur-ance Company,

C10XTINUES to take risks against less by fire, onProduce, Sec, at usual ra'tes.

Vresiihnt A. C. STEELE,Vice Ireid.-ntC- . OVERMAN,Attorney JOS. H. WILSON,.S.r.y 'J'Kf'r E. NYE HUTCHISON.


CHAS. OVERMAN.Eccculirc CoMfuilUeS. T. Wriston, F. Scarr Jno

Brov.-n- . 10. I 531. anviag

Atlantic, Tenn. A: Ohio IS. IJ., ofBtatesville, June 2, 18G2.

t';1',';i 1 , ! .1 'J?5""'. lhe Passenger ,

aa n Moa'3:,.vs,iv7 I loirs j o, V A, , ' oaiuiuays, a' 0.40 A.M..- -- v.w.w. v m uuic iv conneci witu tbe morntrain to Columbia.. Passengers leaving States villethe morning will reach Columbia in the afternoon.

To this law of Congress as at first published byus. there were subseT,ently parsed several -

ments or nux.l.ary laws. e present the f.. low- -

It'll ?) "J UIU.1 mo.nneu, winenare ittiti'l will lo found com1

.ct, in the hope amf


beh.-- t that it win prove useim m contributing t ar.-i- if r.i! unJerf-tan'Jisi- of it :

Tin- - roNrription law places in tlie service . f tin-- (

"'.lcratf States, for throe years, unle.--s thi- - wareinl-- , all white men lnf.veen ei'hter-- an l

ll.irty five y ".!- - of age, re.-id.-- nt in the L'onf att:Sl;i!i-- : , aic! ii"t legally exempt fr-u- servie-.:- .

Tl. law - mi-- iii a- - it i.iit an act?'fiiii!i! t'i lns of CM liipts has ln en pr,-,e- d.

nliifli el..! i generailv th.e hitherto.villi iiii" ihlil I".!-- ;.

Ail tut !vr iiph;Ii' mi'ii. ii. tween the prierihe'larc emit iniu-i- l in e :'()r two v.-rir- s t'vui

tin- - j .in nf tiicir pn sciit term, ln it.I! the wari ill! ii: ie s Ion. ; and ai! t!:oe under eighteen am

. r llii; tv - fi ve, are to be retained for n'mitv oav:after tl.eir t- rm expires, unl-.-- . tlieir piace- - aiK!'!ier scpj-iiei- i oy reenms.

The twelve niuiiths' laen. lx tueen eighteen amithirty five, who are retained heynml their ti i in ofeiili-tiii.-i- i!. ami who have m.L yet rec-- ( ive.l ho jrityami fii lot! Ji, lall remive hoth: the I'm lo:: -- hs. i.e !:. nted in uch number. and at-- ueii iiiiies as tin- - ot War mav teemmo.-- t coiiiat ibh; with i!ie jiablic interest; and themen may receive in lit n of furlough, the commuta-- t

i : i aeie in money nf the transportation grantedi. : i eigi l men iiv tin net.

11. term ol rrviri! ot th.i.--e who oriiiiallv.1 !' r tlie v.'.i r, or who have since lor

ii 'd. - not a fleeted bv the law.M." a now in service an: imt permitted to

!.er nrgai.iations than those to which thevami all re enlistments that have In n

from one ei-tin- g company to another, or intow company, where the has no!perfectrd by actual Iran.-fe- r, is in idled can- -

( s. battalion- - lint 1'i'irililillts ot twelves men, retain' in service by the act, shall '

it Til...:i eo. v.iiliiii tortv (lavs troin the date of the.i t, on a day to be fixed by the Commander of theUridgade, to bv electing all their of-ficers whom tle-- had a right heretofore to elect.

Companies. battalinn. squadrons, or regimentsorganized, or in process of organization, by au-thority from the Secretary of War, which may, with-in thirty days from the passage of the act, have thewhole number of men necessary to complete theiror:r.'mi-:a- t ion actually enrolled, n including, how- -

j ,. ,,. ji. tliat lillinlier ie- -i .os lion in cieicr. - 11 I...

mastered into the service of tin Confederate . . . .aim oe recena u m mat arm 01 tne service in wbicdi'.1thev were aalliorized to organize, and elect their

battalion and regimental ofiicers.j o enroll mi persons contemplated bv the act.l ... .

: 4... n : i..i.iii ii. i oon me i resiiieiu mav. Wit i t heconsent of the Governors of the States, e mptov Matoi'icers; it such consent cannot be obtained. Con- -

.1 ...... t .iv. l.. i; I . . . . ii - I'llll.l-I.- - SUilll UC il ! II liU Ml UV HiO I ll'Sl- -dellf.

Persons md now in sen ice, who shall be enrolled,shall be assigned by the Secretary of War to the'lii'.'ii ent companies of the State fromwhiih suchper-oi- is ;u-,- . drawn; until each company is tilled toit maximum number.

camen ami ordinary scan. n. enrolled und t!',eact. may, on application of the Secretarv of the.Navy, be transfrrred to the naval service," If. after filling up the ccmi-ani- . s. regiments, bat-talion- ami - jtiadrons from any State, there shallremain any of the enrolled men,' the excess shall bekept as a reserve, and at stated intervals, not ex-- ;ceeding three months, details, to be made bv lot.

. . , .i n ' i JMian ui' drawn irom the reserve to keep thio coin- -

panics ;is neat ly full as practicable. Tin person-servic- e,

so reserved remain at Iiime until called intoand receive m pay until actually mu-fere- d in.ri .'i i.ii nn .in- - inn, winie ai imme in resi r e, selo.'Cfto ti e l ines and articles ot war except teat d they


wio'nil v to obey a call of lb.- - I're,; '..,.f !,..,"shall be held as deserters, and punished as sac!)".

Wlo-m-vi-- t!ie President shall think that theof the srv:ce rerjuire it, he may call into

active m i vice the entire reserve, or so much as mave liece?.-1!-'. iiy, and they -- hall be organized under

h ruh - as the eCletiirv ot i ar mav :io,lelect their fi. Id and company officers.

The reserves from each State," when thus culledout. shall be orgaui::- ! separately. M

Kvcrv man muster d into service, who shall bringwith him a mu.-ke-t. shot gun, rille or carbine ac-cept .1 as an efficient weapon, shall receive thevalue of it as ascertained by the mustering oiiiccr Sunder such regulations as the Seerctary'of Warmay prescribe, or if (he owner he in. willing to sell,he shall receive cue dollar a month for the u.--e ofsuch arm. J

l er.-o- ns not iiaoie to duty may be received as Anb-titutes, and r .,n,di reguiatioiis as the Secretary

of War may prescribe.Vacancies be filled by the President from

the company, battalion, sipiadron or regiment inwhich such vacancies occur, by promotion accord-ing j.dto seniority, except in case of disability ov '

other incompetency. ' ;Vi lie President may, however, fill a vacancy by

nomoutlg anv olhcer ot the oomnmn- - 1... 1

Tu.dron. or regiment, who may have been dis- -tuiguished in the service by vah.r and skill, withoutn i.M nee to seniority- - Vi.r..,,,,.;.... ....... .1... t . t. ,.v in i ne i n M i

grade of commission, d officers of a Company shall Mbllcdby election or the President m;,v ,n

' " on .'i I!" 11(1 l llii Ilfr IISIiPlI I III dlKld . I'lW. , ...t i' ' V

i t . , o - on. i ii

. . 1 ' '"r-- eoioiien, oiuiiK i r witii- i '' " ft i ice.


ij:ti,i.l f.ll II '' C nil ijrie ntith d -- An act to exempt certain per.- - is II

...1,1 ..1.11. '..!.., i' " 1 -- ervice in tne armies ot the( 'oiiti ih rate States."'S.ction 1. The (Vngr.-s- of th Coilfede ratStates of America, do enact, 'Feat ail persnio whoi... l. .. i. i i i. -.

-- ii.ii ne ii' ti io no : ni t,,i. ,.,,:o, ,' i o i i l l , i ; e ( ; ; : e rruies to lie pr. scr;!., d by th,- - Secretary of War: allth. ' service or employ ,,f the Gonfcde, ate Stat- ,- Iall jmlicial and executive o!;iceis of Confederate r


Mate Governments; the members of both lmfCon. rrc of the h nf f!,.. I

Stat, ami their respect i v e oflie. ..11 ..!...-- ! . ..rthe oilicers of the State and Confederate ft ovcin- -

nts allou l l... i ii . 1e nv a:,i..H, cngageii m carrvui" uiemail aa ierryni. n nn po.--t routes; pilots" andpel's is. iiea-ji-t- iii io tii'ii-ii,.- . : . (.Jon i u , am, in!-

li.a. s rvace .n river and railroad routes of t rans -i '"!': ail rativ.p ail minist ist i li- i"!l. 111 1 ie lee.i' n- - .!;., iarge ot ministerial,bc:,-- .11 .,, a .. ,

, ..- ' ' " "oi King iron mine: furnace- -

li.O louieliies: all burn,.," ' ."ov,, Miners actuallyi -i in i'linting newsnao,., all i Apiote.sors ot coo, g,.s and academies, and all teach-ers hav ing a- - many as twenty scholars; superintc,dent o. the pubhc ho.-uta- lunatic as,lums. andl.e regular nm-- es and attendants therein, and- - theteachers em, loy. d m the it itut i.. for th0 deafanil blind: ,n apoth-car- v store a.othe-ar- in p)n.l standi,,.,, whoa druggist; superintendents am opera-tives m wool and other facforivs. who mav b0 ex-empt. d bv: the Secretar of War. vl,.,ll i... i. .

. . .. .

. .. .....- ........ " "' .nio .uenn ii' i o 1 f i Iin the

wjiM ei uiv k Miiouoraio Maros.zens

Ucpairui, Ee!I-Iia- n in- - A:-- . in

Tl: h ri ! 1.. In.n- - .c ii ; c ..r J i i -

is prepared to Repair Locks of .le.cro'ti ',

very low price: will make Keys of all kinds; iu fact, u!lkm.! of I Repairing done at short nutLe. Specialu!ca-.;ot- i to Reli-h-ingin- g. He m.iv be found op-P'.-- tthe post-oilic- e. W. XV. U OODEL. j

Jan 28. lsK2.j Wanted, ten thmisn-v.'- . obi Key, of different sizes: '

j old (inn-lock- s, .V..;. V"... W... iiui'rr.ii,'


!!:pj- - 1,

Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery,Fancy Articles, Oils, Paints, Var- -nishes, Window Glass, Putty, Dye

pbtutts, lurpentine, .Burning fluid,rure liquors, uantondLj: Teas, Field and Garden Seeds, &c.

Having closed our Books, we intend hereafterto sell for cash.

Mav 7, 1801.

WOOD-WOR- K and BLACKS3IITHIXG.The subscriber is prepared to do all kinds of Wood-

work and Blaeksmitliing, such as making and repair-ing Wagons and Buggies, Ilorse-alioeiii- g, fcc. His Shopis at his residence, nearly opposite Mr W F Phifer'sdwelling, and he also has a Blacksmith Shop on theback-stre- et in the rear of the Mecklenburg House.

lie solicits a share of public patronage, and feelsconfident he can give satisfaction both in workmanshipand charges. Give him a trial.

J. II. PR0PEST.January 7, 18G2

WAIVTED,MPKFj? highest market price will be paid in

cash. Those having Cotton to sell will please give usa call before disposing of it.

ELLAS & COHEN.Charlotte, Jan. 14, 1S02 tf

STJMAlJtiriCLOTHING.Having enlisted for the war, I desire to close cut thestock of SUMMER CLOTHING I have still on hand atcommon prices for cash.

The stock consists of a variety of Mens' and Boys'Clothing, and

Gents' Furnishing Goods.tig? I would also give notice that we have a great

many accounts standinar onen and would h nlj have them settled by cash, while money is plenty or at

v --xJies. iiy liouus will be found in the handsot Mr Saml. P. Alexander, who is authorized to makesettlement.

June 3, 1802. J. M. SPRINGS.

JOHN A. LANCASTER &. SON,Stock Brokers,

R. A. LANCASTER.March 13. 1SG2. Cm. P. J. W RIGHT.

1000 Cords Tan-Bar- k Wanted,For which the highest cash price will be paid.

KARL KAIIN WEILER,April 1,1802 4m-- pd Dallas, N. C.

Big Plank Deeds, Attachments, and CourtBlanks, for sale at this Office.

In consequence of the great advance in paper, we arecompelled to advance the. price of Blanks to $2 a quire.




Strict attention given to purchasing.Jan 7, 18G2 lyr ui

PEA MEAL.We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place

re a .ueai ,ur leeoing cows ami stock. Also, we haveon hand at all times, Family, Extra. Superfine andcoarse Flour. We warrant our family flour.

Corn Meal and Grits can always be had at the mill'J. WILKES & CO.

Jan'y 1, 18C2

9BY JT. IS. KEliK, Proprietor.

JSL 17 VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded thellflii patrons of Mje Charlotte Hotel.

lifer,-- "'"' At this lio-- r , is kept the line of Daily

Stages from Charlotte u Ashcville.0ct L 18G1- - J. B. KERR.

The Celebrated Female Pills.These Pills do not cure all diseases, but thev are -

rantid to cure Lnc.oreah, or Whites that dreadful scourgetemale health, happiness and usefulness. They arc

no' Mtented and are no humbug, but .are prepared bvNorth Carolina physician of high standing and of

long experience in the treatment of female'diseases.

All that is necessary to convince vou of their eHioMcv ifair trial. For particulars, see vvrnmipr.?. l'r.en'ci

per box. For sale at the DRUG STORES.Jan. 15, 18G1 vr

J. G, WILKINSON &. CO.,PF.Ai.KHS INWatolies,

.Silver fc plated WareAND FANCY GOODS, for

No. 5, Granite Range,Opposite the Mansion House, CHARLOTTE, N. C.

Attention given to Repairing Watches and Jewelry.September 18, 1SC1. y

andNew Supply of

WATCHES, JEW EL III7Solid Silver and Plated Ware.

The subscriber has lately purchased a very extensive andsupply of the above articles. His purchases beingmade directly from the Manufacturer, he is thereforeenabled to sell at a very small advance on cost, andpersons may rest assured that all ii is articles are war-ranted to be what he represents them to be.

BQ, Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and willeteivc my personal attention.

R. W. BECKWITII.Nwv. 27, 1801 tf rior

Tailoringee? JOHN V0GEL, Practical Tai-

lor, respectfully informs the citi-zens of Charlotte and surround-ing country, that he is preparedto manufacture gentlemen's clo-thing in the latest style and atshort notice. His best exertions

rer,will be given to render satisfac-tion to those who patronize him. ingShop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next abledoor to Rrown Stitt's store.

Jan. 1, 18G2. tf

Headquarters N. C. Militia,ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE,

General Oeder No. 3. . Raleigh, Dec 7, 1801.The following persons will be exempt from Company

drills, except once in three months: All workmen inFactory engaged in working for the State, or mak- - iesarms, lead or powder, or in ship building for the well,

State or Confederate States, the necessary employeesTelegraph or Express lines, or I.aiiy Press, Ferry --

! men and keepers of Canal Locks, State officers andother persons whose employment in the service of the tionState is inconsistent with their attendance on Militmdrill, and persons excused under the Militia Law.

This order vrill rot be understood as excusing anv

Holmes, Albert ft V.C., . ....V i V'. . V.,7,.lnlU3, 11

Geo Ii Crittenden P S'

' IIuSTrnvCocke,f.,..,1...H w . .. C.Miii. mil., ine ai ll V. I at! Ol ).,.,;,. I,,1 Jos'Withers. Josenh li A .. t . Viv' " V' U J "S"'Mravtoo It,-:,- , ir n ,





faW !



m55 '


ST i








. 'l

It I I a I'.li... I IF - . " . . -- 'r, nanirs a i rill) 10 1 A in- - I? F.iwtnn

iviciiaro i i .ariari v an

r 7? - .. ... . . . I,(""!. ii.'M- - n sKiiiig wirmn t i i limits of th.' S:at- - t,ft.oiui tarouaa. i w .iiii'pnv

June ii , i l"; it Maj. & Q. M. C. S. A- -

The market price naid for Hides, by?Ji L2. l s.rf tf ? M IIP W FI.T

person from Militia duty when called upon to repel aninvasion, or suppress an insurrection, or from Regimen-tal or Rrigade drills and musters. Ry order of theCommander-in-chie- f. J. G. MARTIN,

Dec. 17. Adjnt-ia- t General.f OHN" WILKES.


Jufv ..o. 1

T. J. SUMNER,Engineer.Jani 1 ' SG2