ifle wesl'ekn demockat, cflarlotte, n....

IflE WESl'EKN DEMOCKAT, CflARLOTTE, N. C *1 ! ■ >■» THE NEW STAl? LAW A ti to change the Jurudiclion of the Courts and the ' R ttU tof 1‘Uading therein. ' Sectiua 1. Be ilfi.nciKi by the General Assembly x>f the State of NtM'th Carulina, iind it Ijs lierebj’ en- acted bj the *uthority cl ilie j:uu'-, Tl.at all «ar- rents is 3 ue<l by a Justice of tUe i’l-iicc in civil chsus, ■ball not be leturiiubie williiu r.vilve niotnliB itltc-r the execution of the same, belorc aotue Juatice o Peace for the count V , . . Sec. 3. Be it furiiier enncteJ, 1 liat t.ie juiiidic- tionof Jusutes ofibe I'raec shall txU n'i to one hundred dollaia, pri:uii.al mouey, on all borni.^, bills, promi-'rory notci oi aciouiHB stau'i, nti<l .'b.ill extend to .-ixlv dollars pim.ipul money, ui,.;n ac- counts for poods, and nic-rchan.li.e su'.d delirered or Uir work ami hib->r doac, or tor f|K- uio ariicles and all balanci-# ofaix'y dollars and under, due on Slid) l.i-'t ni. niloneJ d^ t.ts or dcniniHis, and on all jud-iiu-nis rc.idi-nd lii( r.in, and on all |..r- feitures and j.tnallii-.- n..t fXitid:n;r oi;o hundred j dolliirS : I'rovi icd. Th.it th;s scciioii siial! i.ol bo | coDyiiucd to i:il;c Ir<*;ii ihi: coui'is ihi* jui iit.*n | incuses of le.-s than oi-e linndn-d do.l.ir.-, uj.»n which writs have b.,c!i icMiei j.rur to ihe ralilica- tion ot this act. Sec 3. Ue it fiiribT CT..u ‘(-], That all warrants issued bva Jiiritice <jt the I’l-.tce, lor any dvb> or demand'wilhin hi.-ju; i = di( non, iiccordi;i? lo the provisions ot'lhe aoivc .-i c:ion : I’roviU'il, lhat caid debt or d.inaii I is i*'*'' ujion any t«<n!iac:l, whether by bond or note <jr li'j iid^tted ucconnt, or any parol u;^rt( rm-nt m.Mi.- or eiiri_ri-'d into, and due prior to the 1st day ol .'i 'V l' ij">, Fhall iiot l^e re- tarnable lor tr'ial 111!, r.vflvc inonilis afti-r the executif>n of the sanu , au l m i ne reinrn ot the Eanjc if the dcfi'ndiint or :!'•! ri l iritd j)laintitf. his a^i-nt or ali>-rn"y or ecuting the warrant, o:.c iiiiMi oi the delicious cheat . She said slic loved me, oftentimes She {lave nie kisses warm and sweet, And I expended scores of rhjmca Ou the delicious little cheat. I called her darling, anpel, dove, My bosom’s queen, exhausting cjuitc The whole vocabulary of love, And, sure, I thought that all was right. But, when I pressed her to coosent, To name the happy bridal day, Her cream to bonfiyclabber went— She laughed and said it wouldn’t pay. Fur I was poor and .she was wol^e— For I Lad tiuth arid constancy— But then the fa.«cinatir.g curse Had more of common sense than 1. She wed a millionaire, and now, Wln-n age has silvered o’er my head. And brou^lit some wrinkles to my brow, 1 thank her for the words she said. For had wc too joined heart and hand For “better or for wor.'^e” alway, The worse would have grown worser, and The devil would have been to pay. !;all pay lo the to I hi- oliii-er PX- ilie |iri:jfiii.il and interest, and all lli ni.iy have accrnid tneie- OD, he, she or they, i;iay l,.;\e r.vi.*lve nn.nin.' lotijjer to j)lead, Ht th<* end ol n in ’ ii biiu;; a^'.iin nwlilitd of the litne and place of iri.il, il the de^ciid.int or defendants shuil pa_)' ot.e liiilj oi ih*.- ;.i iiu i|K'.l, inte - rest and cosi.s, he, i'll'’, or llicy tii iil have I\ve.\e tnouths loni'i‘1 ’ to ])lt-ad. at the eiid ot' which time, il the defendant or <ii rnid-.uit.-; shall ['ay one halt of the residue of said claim, he, ^hl*, orilu y i-li.;!l have twelve months lorjgcr to phMi!, at t!ie end ol which i time the plaintill shall have for the re- | mainder: J'rovideii, Tha- cxceniiond onjn.-ticcs’ judgments on debts contrac.ed )iii>>r to .Niay l.-t, IbtJS, already rendered, shall be .-tayed I'lf twelve XQOnths frotn tlie date of the laiiliialinn id ihis net. Sec 4. IJe it l'iirl!j*’r eiiaclid. That on all iK-bls contracted Fin^'e the liist ..ay .,1 ''J.iy, Jt'i:;'), and all WHrranls i.'.'ni.’i;^ t-/r li.c .'-.li.ic, fiiail iie relwined and tried aci*or<iin;^ to tni* jjro\i'ioii- i»l liie Ui*vi:^{-d Code, chajiter .<i\ty-lwo, ('JJj and the remedy iu ail • uch case.s shall he the fame aj in 1.^00. Sec 5. I5e it I'nriln r enaeied, 'I'hat all writs in ac-. tions of debt, covi'tiaiit, a''Hia[i'it or aewount, is.-ned to full Term, l^Utj, or .'''[ii in;; Tei in, 1H' j 7, of iiie Superior ('onrt, shall be reitunable li> .Sju in;: Term, 18G8, find all of sai l actions now pi-n ii:i^^ in the j Si!I>erior Court shall be continued to ,S .rli:,; Tewn. j 1BG3 ; PrON idl’d, Thai the .She: ill' s!^.ill lo'l be al- lowed in any ca.-e lo levy execiiion b-, li.re '.lie fi.^t day of Jiuiuary succeeJiiiy re:; iition oijnd„^- ment. Sec C. Be it further en:;ct(d. That nil writs in debt, covenant, as>um|i.'it or a'.coiint, shall be re- turnublu to .Sjirin;r Tt rni vl ihe Sii|ieii.ir Couit,ai.d thall bp served at Itasi thirty da;,.' (Sunda\s inclu- ded) before the retnrn day. It durinjr the return term, the defend.int pay to the i>l l i n i i!i’, or irito court for his u?^e, one tenth of the debt or demand (princi{>ul and inlere.'tj and all eo-*i3 to that lime, he shall be all >wed until ne.\i Teiiii to pK-aii. At the said Sprinj' Term iiiou! 1 the delend.mt i>ay to plaintiff, or into court fi.i- Li< use, one filih of the residue and costs, he.'hall be all.iwed until the si;c- ceeding Spring Term t(' plead at the said fSprin^r Terra; should ihe derendant pay lo the pluinlifi'or into court for his u.'C, oi.e half of ihe residue, he shall be allowed until the succeedinif .Spiing Term to plend: Provided however, the i>iaiiiiill'il re'iuir“d shall file his ilebt or tlemau'l in writing, and if the def«nda:it thiill makeoalh lhat the w hole or .my part thereof is not jii-ily di.-e, or lhat he has a coun - ter clnim, all of which sliall l<e [iitrtic ilarly set I'lrth by aflidiivil, then the delendant shall only pay the instalment requirei] ofwh.it he sidmils to be due, and the court sh:ill oider a Jury at tl.e same or.-nb- ee()nent Term ;o tiy the er.t'ij .' in tli-p^ile be! > ,i ei n the jiarli. and at the next Ittiii tiie del'en- daiil shall be allowed to pi..:.I oiiiy iijxin the piiy- mentol'o!!'' fiiih ofthu i.'.'idue of tiie ad'.uitied amount, iumI wh:Uever the .lu:y m '.y lind him iii- d»'bted over ami above the sa.ae; I’l.ividei; i'uilher. th«il shonld the deieiidant fail to f'liy tlie lirsl o: any iobieqiient in-talment, then, and iu lhat case, the plaintili ."'h.ill be entitled to J'tdj^menl and e.\ec4i- tioii fur said instjlmeut : I’lo'ided however, any di'blor tcnde;i:i}' or paying to hi - creditor on any debt coiiiraclcd prior to the liisl day o f . M a y .A. 1). lai'O, the one leiiili of his ii:.li b'edness wiilionl a suit haviufx been b;onjrht on the .'am.', the said one tenth shall be eniujed a^. a cedi' on the evi h iiei-? of said indebteilnes>; t here.il’ .fr tlie rem.iin ii i oi s lid indebudne.-'s sh.ill n it b-- .■riiedoii f'ji twelve montiis after the pnvnieut or len.ler of-aid one tenili. Sec 7, Be it furih.T enaete 1, Tnal so much of the ordinance of tl.e Convei.i itm, j.a-.'t d on t he Jlj.l ot June 1 8'JtI, K' ^llail cor.ii.' in co;illie! Aith thi.s act. together wiih all other I nvs c.-miiii; in eoi.iiiel with the Pame, be. and tl;e sau.e are rcneak’ I. Sec 8. lit- il fi.ither i i.aete.l. That the time elnpied or cJ.ip'in;; from the twmm oh d.iy ol’ \!.iv, 18(51, until the first ih’ .y id' .ianu.uy l.sTo, shall not be coiinti ii so as to bar aclious, or .<iii',s or to |'te- iuuie sii t isfae! ion or abatidonmeii! of ri^lits. Pec 9. Me it further ineete l Tl.a! tlii» act ihall be in force from lUid ai’ier its ratificaiioii Katified Febrnaiy I'J. l.-ii;?. Garden Seeds. The largest and most complete .Stock ever brought to thia market, tiom the celebr.ited Houses of LANDUETll, TIIOKCUIIN and EUIST. For sale at SCARR’S DRUG STORE. Feb. 4, 18G7. GOOD m:ws FU0>1 B. & L., i t Corner Store under Maii.oicn HousCt \v e are noiv prepared lo sell all p-oods at cost, iu «rdcr to nuko room for Spi’ing Stock. C«lico(*j, Shininp.a, Delaiii*, Poplins, .\lpiccas, Frctich .Merinos, Iloopskiris, Jlrcakfa.'t Shaw ls, Nubias, Cassiujeres, iS;'.ttiiiets, Jean<i, Ker.-eys, A'C. AI bo ft full flock of Ready-msde t'loihing, utid a large assortment of Hoots, .''lioe.j. }|ai«. ic. All v.e ask is a CA f.L, we will m.ike price.i; salislact.)i v. liUXB.VUM .t LANO,’ Corner Store, under Mansion House. Feb 4, 1RG7. SoDielliing^ Ken and Atlractive. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. ]flcI..F.OO A: STEKLE Hare jit!«t received another addiii.m to iheir stock of ■VVIXTEll comprising many nf thu latest »nd mo.n desirable siilcs of ICmpress Cloths, Itepk Poplins, French .Merinos, Mohair Lustres. Alpaceas] DeLaines, Bombazines, Wool I’laids, Black iiiliis' Ladies’ black and colored ('loihs, ' Ladies’ and Cloaks, Breakfast Sh.awls, Hoods, Nubias, Embroiileiics. Real Clincy Lace Colhir# and .'^eit.c, Tiain and Kn^' broidcred Linen Setts, 1st and ‘Jd Mouruin" i^eits Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Clo-.k .''^eits, l,adie<' and Gents*’ Hemstitc'h Haudlcen.iuef'. Ki,i (Jioves Hosiery, Gents' i'umi'hing Goods, Ula.k Frcnch Cloth?, Ciissimeres and Ve-iiut;s. Table Linen. l);i:n- •sk .Merino Table Cover.^, l)pet;i Fianr.els, w hiieaml colored Flannel?. bleachMl and brown Sheetings, Blank’ts. Hock Island Ca.^simeri'S, Hoop Skirls, (Empress Trail ) Balnaoral Skirls, ic. Call soon and Buy. lIcLEOD 4 STEELE. Dec 10, 186C‘ THE !^€IIOOL, MKJJANKSVlhLK, N. C. Tbe Session of 1867 begin.* .M.\R(’H 6ih. Course ofiuslructioa C lassicai ,, AIatukmahcal and Coii- uiaciAL. Address^ Coi. WM. BINGHAM, T, 190T 39 Free Advertising.—The following was j found posted on tha wall of a post office: “ Lost I a red kaf lie had a white spot on 1 of liis be- j himl legj!8. 11‘3 wa^ a she kuf I will give j three fchillins to evriboddi to bring him horn.” j G01ML2%a[J[3:El.C:> JLJS l T j . GROCERY STORE. Wc have oj>en(d a Grocery Store in N... 1 Granite Row, ojiposiie the Man.-ion House, and invite our j fiiendd lo examine our Goods aud pricts. We deal in I 15.icon, Lard, Flour, Meal, Jlolassej, Sugar, roil'ee, Salt, Uice, L’heese. Fi.h, Hams. Bagging, Uope. Twine. I.eather, Soap, (.’andie.s, Ti 1', Candies, U .i'in', Figs, Ct ackers, t'hains. .Axes. .Snuffs, Tob.iccos, Kiiive.«, Locks, I’ickles, .Sauces, Blacking, Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Cotton, And ev ‘ry article of pr ime necessity’ to cheap and good living. We [lartiuulaily invite tho.se buying Ijv the .-a'C lo examine onr |>rices aud tJoods, while tho.-e bttung by or.]er vvill be dealt with the same as if present. Inbiief, we intend dealing fairly, f.;iei,!y. litjerally and honestly, aud invite a share of public {lalrunage. Fa.ANK' TORilAN'CK, V.-ILLIA.M GRAY. Charlotte, J«n. 28, 18C7 Cash Equity Sale. For the purpose of satisfyiag the esigencies of a Decree of the Court of Equity of .Mecklenburg Conn- ty, made at Fall Term, 18C6, I will ejtpo«e to pub- lic sale to the • highest bidder for readj money ia gold, at the Public Sqnare in Charlotte, on Mond.ny thellth day of March next, that valuable House and Lot aud premises now occupied by J. M. San- ders, situated on Tryon Street, adjoining the lots of Alleu Cruse and F. W. Ahren.s. I A. C. WILLIAMSOxV, C. M. E. I January 21, 1867. ^________ EDWARD FILLINGS la now offering his fine Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING Below New York co.«t. I am compelled to sacrifice niv Goods to raise funds. I’ersons desirous of ob- taining good Clothing at remarkably low figures, will find it to their advantage to call before pur- chasing and be convinced. I am prepared to make up to order my siiperior stock of Cloths and Cassimeres in the latest style, and at greatly reduced prices; aud to offer my fine assortment of Hats iiud Furni.^bing Goods At and below cost. N. B. All persons ijidebteJ, either by note or ac- cotitit, to ‘‘Fullings & t^o.,” ‘•Fullings, Springs & Co.,” or ‘‘Fullings & Springs,” will please come for- ward and settle. Don't mistake the place, No. 4, Granite Row, one door below the Southern Express Office, a.Td directly oj)posite the Mansion House. January 21, 18C7. SPLEx\»ID BAKGAll\i$! A. j^iiiclair Is now offering his entire Stock of WIXTER DRESS (JUOUS, Shawls, Cloak.o, Iteady-made Clothing, Shoes, &c., Good Calicoes at ]2.] cents per yard: good bleached Shirting at 12J cents. Also, constantly on hand a full line of Rock Is- land Goods, at Factoj-y prices ; Rock JsUnd Ready - made Cloth.i.Q, cheaper than the Shoddiest Norlh- ern Goods. Call early and secure Bargains at Jaa 14, 1807 SPRINGS’ CORNER. LEONARD H. SMITH, (For many yean at the {Jomer Drtig Store,) j Haring pBrchaSed of Williams & Cov’ert their entire I Stock of Goodd in this city, consisting of I Hats, Caps, Straw Millinery, I and other Goods too numerous to mention, would 1 solicit a share of public patronage from his friends ! ar.d the public generally. Mrs L. A. XORRYCK, a Lady of experifnce and taste, has been engaged to attend to ihe .tlillinery Department, and will trim all kinds of HATS and BO.N-N’ETS in the most approved and latest styles at the shortest notice. I e.vpect soon to carry on the MANTUA-MAKIXO BUSINESS in its various branches on a large scale. Three doors above National Bank, Carson building, Dec 10, I860 CATAWliA Fnglish and Classical fligh School, NEWTON, N. C. The next Session of this Institntion will com- mence the 7ih of January next, and the sessions will hereafter commence regularly on the first Monday of January and July respectively, We are happy to iufi.rm the public lhat the School is in a flourislting cotuliiifn, and that the plan of messing, which en- a>iles board to be secured for half the usual rates, or less, contributes to the advantage of those who adopt it, and lo the success of the School. Sliould il become necessary, other competent in- structors will be enijdoyed, and no pains shall be gpaied to thoroughly fit young men fur College, or give them a practical business education. Pupils have access to a good Library, and have the .‘idvaiitages of a well regulated Literary Society, which is no small consideration. Tuition from SlO to §18, s[>ecie rates. Board in families from §10 to $15 (currency) per m o n I h . I'or CTrciilar and fiirtbur particulars, address J. C Clapp, Newton, N. C. J. C. CL.APP, A. B. D e c s , 18GG. S. M. FINGER, A. B. lUiiliiicry aud Ladies Fancy Goods* >111.4. E Kl'LLlXtjS is offi ring her Stock of Bon- net-;, Hats, Uibbons, Feathers. &c.. at greatly reduced jiriees. Ladies are invited to call and examine these Goods ;’ .nd hear prices. Dec 10, 1btiii. XEU FlllMTURE MlMFlCfOKY AT ClilOSWKLL’S OLD STAND O.v Ciifiicii S treet. The citizens of Charlotte and the public at large can always have their wants in the Fl'RNlTUUE aud C.N'DiCllTAKLliS’ LL\E j)romplly and elegant- ly supjilied, at moderate rates, by the most exjiert and aceomplished Cabinet \\orkmen from (ierm.iny. Leave orders at Dr. Pritchard & Co’s, or at tlie Sho(« with .MU. Vl*ilEGIv Rejiaiiiiig satisiactorily done. Jatiuarv 11, lijo7 tf 1 8 6 7 . SPRING FASHION’S DEMAND. J. W. BISADLE¥’S ^clcbratcd Patent Duplex Elliptic HOOP SKIRT, OR PERIVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE! SUPER-PHOSPHATE OP LIME, MARK^ ^tatc of iV. Carolina, I’nion county. Court of rUiin ij- Q-h.trter 6>s)ii'jnxJan. 7'trm, 1807. Hugh DL'.\nii:g vs. theSte\\rirt Gold Mining Com- pany. .•\tiachment levied 0:1 Land, one F'tcam Engine and fi.Mures, 1 Ilor-e, a Wagoa and Gear, and other Personal Estate. It aiiiieuriiig to the sali.^faction of the Coui t, that the defendants. ‘'The .Stewart Gold .Mining Coin- p.iiiy," K.'ide beyond the limits of the Stale; it i# 01 den d by the Court that publication be made for ■lix' si.cc. 'sive weeks in the Western Democrat, a p iper published iu tiie town of (.'harlotte, notifying i iid absent defendants to be aud ajijjear before our ne.xt t'ouit to be held for the county of Union, at tl.e Couit House in .Monroe, on the 1st .Monday in .\| iil iie.xt, then and there to answer llie plaintiff aeciiruii g to law, or the estate so levied on will be ordei f d to be sold Witness, J. E. Irby, Clerk of our said Court at Ol'icc. the 1st Monday in January, and in the 91st vj II of .\!!,eric. 1:1 ln.li-;ieii leuee, 1^>'J7, [,-.:-bi [pr, adv, ilo.] J. E. IRl’ .Y, Clerk. Sialo or Cai-nlina, CJuion county Ciyurt of J'iedg ij- Quarter Hcs/ionsJan. 'Tcun, 1807. Cannon k Co , vs. R. G. S. Austin. Atiaclnuer.t levied on L;ind. Il aji’ieuring to tl.e satisfaction of the court that U G S .Instill, the delendani iu this ca=e, resides bevoii i t!ie ii!iiit,s of this St.iic; il is ordered by the court thal puIdic-it loll be made for si.x weeks in the We,Merii i^emocr it, a paper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying saiJ absent del'eiidanl to hr ainl appear at our next couit lobe held for the county of Union, at the court house in .Monroe, on the 1st .Monday in .\pril nexi, then and there to answer the plaintiff according to law, or the land levied on will be ordered to be sold. \\ iiness, J. E. Irby, Clerk of Union County Court, at Uthcc, the 1st .Monday in January, and in the 91st year of .Vmerican Indejicndence, 18G7. [5D-Gt [pr. adv. 10.] J. E. IRBY, Clerk. filatc «>r ?l. Carolina, Union county. ( it'iri of Picas .j- Qu irter Sfssiom Jan. Term, 1807, Ellen E. Arinliel.l vs, Etiisley A Arm/ield, heir at l.iw ol D. F. Armfield, dtc'd. Petition for Dower in the real estate of D. F. Arm- field, deceased. It (ippearing to the sail5faction of the •■'lurt lhat the delendant, Eins'ey A. Armfield, resides beyond the limits ot this Stale; il is therefore ordered by the court lh:'.t puldication be made for six successi' e weeks in the Wi stern Democrat, .a, pajier published ' in the town of Ciiailoite, notifying faid absent de- fendant to b:' and appear at our luxt court of Pleas and l^ iarter Si»sioiis lo be held for the coiintv of I nion, at the Court House in Monroe, on the 1st Aloudti^ in ^\|)iii next, ihen and theie to answer, plead or demur lo said petition, or ju'lgme.it pro confesso will be taken and a writ of Dower ordered. Witness, J. E. h by. Clerk of our said court, at Office in .Monroe, the 1st Monday iu January, audio the :tiit year of -\inoricaii Indep. ndeiice. 1 m; 7 . [ii-ot [Pr. adv.Slo] . J. E, liiBY, Clerk. Stati! of iV. Carolina, Uuion county. Court of 1‘tecig Qu'ir/er Si‘Ssions—Jan. Term, 18o7. Fiias Pieslar and John W. Pieslar, Ex’rs. of Levi Preslar, dec’d., vs. Sherod Preslar and others. Peiition for Settlement. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Hiram Reynolds and wife Tabitha, Henry H Brown .SaiiiuelW Preslar, .Miriam D Giles, wife of Sani'i Ciile''. Rachael L .McLane, wife of Joseph .NIcLane and Noah, Livi and Joseph, children of Terressa' who intermarried with John Vickery, defend.inirin the Court nnd heir at law o^’ Levi Preslar, deceased now reside beyond the limits of this Slate; it is therefore ordered by the court that publication be made for six sucres>ire weeks in the Western Dem- ocrat, a paper published in Ihe town of Charlotte nolilying said absent defendants lo be and ap>ieAr at the next term of ihis court to be hel.l for the county of Union, at the Court House in Monroe, on the first Monday in April next, then and there to answer, plead or demur, or judgment pro confessso will be taken and the case stand for bearing. Witness, J. E, Irby, clerk of our said iourt at Office, the 1st Monday ia January, and in the 91st year of .'Vmerican Independence, 1867. '■ --et ^Pr.adv. $10J J- IRBY, Clerk. E 3 3 a c ix 5 i^ o ss T r ^ i l . DOUBLE STEEL SPllINGS. Each IToop being composed of two perfectly tem- pered SINGLE iSPIilNGS, braided tightly and firmly together, edge 10 e.l're, forming one Hoop, * and making the STiiONGEST and most FLEXIHLl], the LIGHTEST and most DUR.\BLE spring made. They will not bend or break like the single springs, but will always preserve their PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL SHAPE In all CROWDED ASSEMBLAGES, CHURCHES. THEATRES, R.MLIIOAD CARS, For PRO.MENADE or HOUSE DRESS. : In fact, they are superior to all others, combin- ing COMFORT. ECONOMY, l.IGHTNESS, and DUR.ABILITY. Incinire for Bradlev’s Duplex Elliptic or Double Sjiri. g SKIRT. This poMular Skirt is univer.<ally recommended by the fashionable Magazines aud ihe Press gen- erally. .Manufiictured exclusivelv by the sole own- ers of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Rende streets, NEW YORK. These Skirt? are kept ou hand in large supply For iSale *iii Charlotte BY BRE 3 I, BUOWN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREiaX AND DOMESTIC Staple and Fancy Dry GoodS) Clothing, Embroidery, Hoo]) Skins, Notions, Car- pets, Hat?, Boof.s, Mioes, &c. They keep the largest Stock and cheapest Goods to be found in the ci'y. At Brem Old Stand on Trade street. Januaiy 128, 1807 5m A ]\OTI€E That u'lU ni:t he, 1 <im af'rnuj, nntictil. But those whom it concerns and who fail to notice will be otherwise notified is future, sure. I want all persons indebted to me, either before, during, or since the war, to come forward and pay up. .-V reasonable time, in addition to the many years, nu)ulhs and wei'ks that have been given, may be ex]iocted. Afier lhat, look out for snakes. ‘’Its the truth I’m lilliu of ye, jest.” J.U1 M, 1807 tf H. M. PRITCHARD. Muniifacturcd under the formula originated in 1854 aud patented by BAUGH & SONS, Solo Proprietors, at ilic Delaware River Chemical Works, Piiiladelphia, U. S. A. This old established .^L\^'L’Rli is maniifactnred from Bones thal have not been burned or steamed, and it contains all their original or^iasiic matter. It is active in its ojieration. and is a ferlili/,er of great durability. It docs not exhaust the soil like I’eruvian Guano, but on the contrary permanently improves it. Previous to 1861 it ■was introduced into the South- ern States to considerable extent, and agaiu in 1805, where it has been used with remarkable suc- cess iipon Cotton, Corn. Tobacco, & all Ciopiii. A trial will convince any jdanter of its merits. Pamphlets containing well known Southern evi- dence furnished upon ai>plication to New York or Philadelphia olfices. fis^f^Sold by dealers in all the principal cities and towns throughout the United Slates aud British Provinces. BAUfUI & SONS, sole Manufacturers, OflQce No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadeljdiia. ISaiEgli Brother?!! ^ €o.. General Wholesale .\gents, 181 Pearl Street, NEW YORK. For sale in Ch.irlotte, N. C,, b»' E U T C H I S O N , BUniiOUGHS & CO, February 18, 1807 3m b a k f . i : y . I have opened a B.XKERY at my old Stand, op- posite the Presbyterian Church, where will be kept constantly on hand fresh HI!HAD, CAKES, kc. Families sujiplied at all hours, and on reasonable terms. I also, keep a full supply of FAMILY GROCERIES and snp[ilios, consisting of Bacon, Flour, Lard, Su- gar. Coffee, Teas, Cheese, Fish, Sardines, Tobacco, Cigars, and all fine Groceries. A share of the public i>atronnge solicited. I have been long in bu,-iness here, and am determined lo keep up my reputation for selling good articles at fair jiriccs. .\1. D. L. MOODY. Sept 24, 1S6G. tf CBiRLOTTE FE:UALE INSnTUTKf CHARLOTTE, N, C, The cnrreni session comoieticed on 4he Octo* ber, 186(>, and will continue until ^Otb Juqe, 1861. Pupils are received at any time and cbiirged frOHi date of entrance. Ministers’ daughters received free of charge for Tuition. Ezpenset per Term of Twenty Wteht: Board, including everjr ezprase except washing, $105 00 Tuition in Collegiate Department, 2^ 00 in Primary 20 00 Masic, Modern Lan^jnages, Drawing and Painting, tanght by competent and thorough iustructors. For Circular and Catalogue containing full partic- ulars, address R ev. 11. BUliWELL & SON. Jan 7, 1867. Charlotte, N. C. J. T. BUTLER, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, CnARl^OTTE, W. C., lias just received the finest Stock of GOODS ever offered in this market, consisting of WATCHES. Fine Gold Hunting .\merican nnd English Watches of the best makers. Ladies fine (Jold Hunting Ge- neva Watches ; tine Silver Ainerican, English and Swiss Watches. Watches of all sorts aud ail sizes, from Five Dollars t<> Three Hundred. CLOCKS. I have some of the best, which I will sell at prices to please anv one. JEWELRY. 1 would say to the ladies, come and see for your- selves, the tiuest Stock ever offered in this city, con- sisting of fine Jet Sets ; fine Gold and Eu tmel Sets; Cue Coral Sets; Locket Pins, Ear-rings, &c. SILVER WARE. Silver Tea and Table S|>oons, Forks and Thimbles ; plated Tea and Table Spoons, Forks. Balter-Knives .and Cups, Castors. &C. SPECTACLES. Fine Gold, Silver, Steel, &c , to suit aH ages. Guns, Pistols and Cartridges, and Musical In- struments. The above Goods I will sell cheaper than yon can buy them in New York or elsewhere. The highest price paid for OLD GOLD AND SILVER. Watch Glasses only 25 cents. Please accept my sincere thanks for your kind and liberal patroaage lo me since my return from ihe army. Sept 17, 18G6. J. T. liUTLER. R. SHAW. W. E. SHAW. €O PA R T .\E R SniP. I have taken into Cojiartnersliip my son W. E. Shaw, and will enlarge and extend my business. We will keep constantly on hand, Harncs.<3, Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, And everything kepi in a complete Saddle and Har- ness Estaldishiiient, We shall continue to Manufac- ture our own Goods, out of the very best .Material, and warrent the quality. All orders jirom])lly filled. R kpaiiuxi ; done at the shortest uotic« aud,satis- faction gu^iranteed. Three doors South of .Mansion House, Char- lotte, N. Jan 21, 1807. 6m A general a9^rlioe»t, alwaj« on twud, at Feb 6, 1868 SCAUR’S DRUG STORE. TAYLOR A: l>CWCAJ^ CHARLOTTE, N. C, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Boots aad Shoes, Hats and Caps, HardTvare, Crockery, &c., Respectfully inform the public that they keep con- staatly on hat>d a general assortment of Goods in tbe above lines, which thej will sel! at wholesale or reiafl on favorable terms for cash. They invite attention to their large stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware and Crockery, and request those wishiue to purchase to give them a call. j Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, I In this department every article can be found that maj be desired. All sorts of Tin and Sbeet-Iron Job Work done at short notice. Cooking Stoves, Of all yizps and paticrns, furniture complete, n general assortment. Fairbanks’ Scales. We are .\gents for itie sale of the celebrated Fair banks’ Scales, all sizes. TAYLOH & DUNCAN. May 14. 1866_______ CHARLOTTE SteniB Refined ('aiidj JHanafaetorj) ^VIioI4-m:i1v and Kflaiil. The subscriber is now mrtnufactiiring all sorts of CANDIES, CAKES, BKKAI), &c. &c. ; Plain and Oru.imenlal Cukes, for Weddings and Parties, always on hand or made to order. Merchants and dealers in Candies will find it to their interest lo purchase from me, as I will give satisfaction both iu price and quality. Orders from a distance attended to at ibon notice. J. G. C. LEISER, One door south of the Mansion Honse, Tryon street, <;harlolte, N. C. March 12, 18G6 y At Ihe Old Established VKUtt §TORE Of F. SC.\RR, may be found everything in the Drug line, of genuine quality. February 20, 1806. illE€KI.E.\BURO IIOIJJSB os THE EIJROPK/ilV PI. AM. MEALS FCRNISIIED AT ALL HOURS. J. BSJXESAt.Tl & DO., [2d Door from the Court House,) Respectfully inform the public that they are con- slaully receiving additions to their large Stock of o o o i : > s , Ready-Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, HARDWARE AND CROCKERY. They invito an cxnmination of their Stock of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, consisting of every variety of Goods in that line Also, a full assortment of CiENTl.E:]UEM’.S FURJVISIIING G O O D S , in large supply. These Goods will be sold at moderate rates at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Country Merchants will find it to their advan'„igo to give us a call and examine our Goods aud i)rices All are invited to visit our Store before making their purchases. We charge nothing for showing our Go(.ds. J. IJL’XHAU.M k CO , Oct 8, 1866. 2d door from Court Honse. iS 04 >T.S a n d I T SJIITU’S SUOD STOUi^, Aezt Door to JVatioiiaf BanJ:, Churlotte, C. \ b we keep nouiinir else but Roots and Shoes, Rubber IJeltinp and Shoe Findiufrs, we are pref>are(l to .«e!l to our cu>tomers at prii es “lower than the lowe.-t.” Having made the “SHOK STOllE” a per- manent iii.'tit'.ilion, we oovv itivitc everybody to call and see u-, and be f-aliified both as to the quality and price of our (rOo<ls. N. B —Every ariiele warranted as represented. One price to all. Jan 21, 18G7. B. R. SMITH & CO. WITTKOWSKY & {^Between the (wo D ru j Stores,') Are rcceiviiig a large and varied assoitmcnt of' GrO C) D S, COOTS AND SHOES, KEADi MADE CLOTIlINfJ, , Which they are desirous of selling off at WHOLESALE AND RETAa At a small advance on NEW YORK COST. i { Country Merchants and others are respect- ' fully requested to call and examine this Stock of Goods before making their purchases. 1 WITTKOWSKY k RINTEf.S, j Opposite the Democrat (»f!ice, between the . two Drug Stores, Charlotte. 1 Oct I, 1866 tf ! c;ooD$ AT :v. y . coi^t. IVilsoEi ISrofhers, ( Uudir the Western Dtmocrat (Jffice,') Are selling out their entire stock of Dry Goods, Hardware, ic, at New Yoik cost. Dec 10, 18<>6 HIGHLY DESIRABLE PROPEUtY FOR SALE. Wishing to chancre my busines.*, I will sell 250 -•Veres of I.AND in and adjoining the Town of Char - lotte, {40 acres in corporation), (>u the Tract there is a gooif Mill-site, 22 feet fall, with a first rate Dam recently built, and race dng, and all the large tim- bers for a Mill House on the groand. The Tract can be divided. Ir is worth the attention of any one wishing a paying property, or as an investment. Any information can be had by apph ing to the sub- scriber. \V.‘ F. PHIFER. Sept 10. 18G6. tf HIDES BOUGHT AND SOLD BY S. M. HOWELL, Near the Post Office, CHARLOTTE, X. C September 3. 19$$ Bl’ftXETT, JIcI.WIS & EISL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko. o'3 Whitihull Strert^^'EW YORK. Liherai. Cash Advan'ce.-s made on CoN>it;xMEXT.s. Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Stores, and all sorts of Southern Produce will have the special attention of our Mr, Mclnnis, who llaiters himself that lie under- stands handling Southern proiluce—he having V^een for Ihe last 18 years engaged in business iu Wil- * mington, N. C, (,k t 8. 1866. 6m Charlotte & S* €. Railroad. C0 LC.MBIA, S, C., Nov. 5, IS'iS. f On and after Wtdnesday, 6ih inst,, Through | Prt?sen;rer Tiaius will be ruu over this Road as foi- ' lows. I 'Leave Columbia, ?, 10 A. M. i Arrive at Chailotte, 9 40 A. .VI. i Leave Charlotte, 6 10 A. M. Arrive at Columbia, l 40 P. .Vf. I JAMES ANDERSON, j Nov 13, 1866. S'lperintendent. j A NEW I TAILORING ESTIBLISHMEXT. I The subscribers havinsr nniled ihemselve? under j the style of ROBlNiiON k GI»AH.-VM. for the jiur- j pose of conducting the Tailoring H'jsineis, nearly opposite the National Bank, flatter themselves that from ihtir long experience in the business they trill be able to give general saiiafaction, and thereby meiii and receive a liberal patronage. C U T T I N G attended to prompily, and done in the best style. We warrant all oirr work. R. M. R0BI5«05, Feb 4, 18ti7. A. GRAHAM. \ STElVnOUSE & MACAULAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Chctrlottc, A\ C.,aud GG I\arl S/, Keiv Yurlc Prompt personal alientioji to the sale of cotton, cotton yarns, naval stores, &c., aud the purchase of meichandisu generally. K efkiik . ncks John .Vilkes and T II Brem, Esq’rs, Charlnite, .V C; Jordan Wonible, E'<], Raleigh. N C ; O (.i Parsley & Co. V.'i1111 in^^lon, N C ; D Paul & (.'o, and Uobi .Mure & Co, Charleston, S C ; Wilcox k Haud, A'.igusta, Ga ; Dunlop, .Moncure & ('o, Richmond, Va; Tannahill, .Vicllwaiie & Co, N Y ; Purtridge, Wells k Co, New York. Aug 15,18(10. AVIlO WAI\TS A PIAIVO? Several Patron.s of ihe Concord Female College Lave requested my aiil in securing <»ood Pianos For their use. This has indueeil me to make ar- ransements w ith some of the best manufacturers which enable me to furnish instruments of the Jirst clans ii\ reduced ptices. 1 can save each purchaser frvm S40 to SK'O. I’tiee li.-;ts of the nianfacturcrs [ will be sent to those who desire them, to aid them in making selei-tion.’, t When selections rhall have been made the money can be sent to me at uiy ex|iense, by tlie Soulheru Express, and a Piano will be siiipped to the Depot the purchaser m:!V de.-ignate. Each Piano sold will be fully warranted. Address i!ie at !^ta!esvillc, N. C. J. M. M. CALDWELL. Ma y 7 , KSf36 y MACHINE SHOP, d x a r i o t t o , N . O . in. iviARTi.ir & CO., Having removed their Works from Stowe.«ville, Gas- ton coiinly, to Charlotte, rerpeclfully inform their old jiatroiis aud the public generally that they have opened a Foundry ]V?aehine l^hop at the oM Navy Yard lot, in the city of Charlolle, where they are prejiared to make all tons of c ^ s T iis ra s For Steata Engines, .Mills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane .VIills, Farming Implements, &C. itc. ••Particular attention will be pMid to ri piiiruin of all kinds. All W(jrk shall be done in the very nicest style, and the best material used. M. MARTIN. JOHN WILKES, June 25, 1866 Charlotte, N. C. J. rrBRYCE & CO., General Conuzussion lylerch&zits, CHARLOITE, N. 0. Particular attention paid to the selling of all kinds of Produce Cotton and Tobacco. IJi^hest cash price paid for CoUoQ. All orders from a distance promptly attend- ed to. J. Y. BRYCE. W. Jf. BRYCR. March fi. 1‘>CQ. Transieiit and Permanent Boarding. Agents for the Celebrated “Nansemond” Rirer Oysters, of which a constant supply will be kepi. T II E BAR Is slocked with the choicest Wines, Liijuors, .\les and Cigars. B. W. (JROOT, Oct 16, 1866 6m Proprietor. NhoaN IRON MANUFACTURING CO., Gaston County, N. C. KEEP YOUR MOXEV AT HOME. The Company have been at a considerable ex- pense in fitting up their Iit>LLI.VG .VIILL and N.\1L FACTORY. They are now prepared to execf.te all orders, in the be.«t style, they may be favored with in their line of biisinfisd. Having secured the services of the best workmen in the lion business, that can be procured in the South, they feel coufidi'ut they can give full satis- faction. Titc following articles are cininierated,vii: Rolled Iron, iu flat Bar, round and bquare—all sizes. Tire."Hoops and Scollops—all sizes. All kind of Iron used fof Fatming jmrposes. Machinery and Hollow-ware ofall descrij)fion. Also, Tacks, Nails and Brads of all sizes. The Iron is manufactured exclusively with char- coal and wood, and out of .Maguetie Ores. The Iron and Nails are equal to any in the United States or Europe, either for welding or toughness. They are also prepared to make and “fit uj)” any kind of Casting at short notice. All orders will be promptly executed bv B. B. BABINGTO.V, Sup’t. High Shoals, Dec 3, 1866. W. GOODMAN, of Missiasippl, A. P. MERRILL, Jr.. of New York, General Commission Merchants, ot) N ew biuEET, NEW YOUK. Wc have made an arrangement by which Mr D W COURTS, late Public Tieasnrcr of North Carolina, becomes interested in all the business sent us from lhat State. He is not associated now with the tlrra of Bennett, Van Pelt k Co, New York. We hoj e his friend.i will jiairontze u.<. Dec Vj, 1HG5 tf fSosiiiiern C«>iiipany. The Southern Express Company has opened com- municatron with ill Northein tind We,'tern Stales, and is nyw prefuired to forward Freight, Money and Viilualde Packages safely and promptly. llessen- gers leave Chat lotle dail_\, connecting at Raleigh with Adams’ Express ('oinpany, and at itichmond wiili Adams’ anti Hamden’s Exjiress (,‘ompaniei. Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points South and North having no mail facilities. T, I). GILLESPIE, Agent. Chailotte, June 19, 1H65 tf MA.MKACirKKB or SADDLES & HARNESS Near lhn Pont 0£ive, C II A K L O T T E, N. C. Hides bought nnd sold. .Mar. h 5, l^CG y-pd The Southern Express Company, For the t:an-[) irt.ni >n of merchandise, vuluabla fiacka'jfe-, speci<‘, b ink notes, bonds, Ac, for all parts of the South .and S )U*hwest, in connection with ADAMS E,\PRfc;.S.S COMPANY. have established their agency at 59 BROADWA Y, NEW YOlilv, where orders to call for jroodi to ba forwarded t^outh will receive prompt attention ,Merchandi*e ami valualdfs delivered to Harnden 1 , Kinsley’s, American and Unite<l States Express Com- panies, for Ihe S-.uihern Expre=* Company, will re - ceive prompt di-pMtch. For pwr'iculars, rates of freiifht, Ac. Ac, apply at the office of the Southern Express Cf>mpany, 69 I Broadway. U. B. PL.\NT. Dec 13, 186,5. President- MEDICAL CARD. DRS. GIBBON’ A McCOMBS, liaving associated themselves in the practice of .Medicine aud Surgery, respectfully tender their professional jervices to tbe citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. P'rom a large ex[ierience in private as well as Field and Uos[.ital practice, they feel justified in proposing to pay special at'ialion to the practice of iSurirery in all its branehes Office in Granite Row, np stairs, opposite the Mansion House. ROBERT GIBBON. A D. Dec 11. 18C5 J. P. McCOMBS, M. D. 1867. AL:WA!VACS. IS07. Blum’i Farmers’ and Planter*’ Turner'* ‘-North Carolina’’ “Housekeepers’ Improved” « v Almanacs for 1867, inst receireil at the ' Store. TIDDY 1 BRO. Jau H. 1S6T,

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I f l E W E S l ' E K N D E M O C K A T , C f l A R L O T T E , N. C

* 1 ! ■ >■»

T H E N E W S T A l? L A WA t i to change the Jurudiclion o f the Courts and the '

R ttU to f 1‘Uading therein. 'Sectiua 1. Be i l f i .nciK i by t h e General A s s e m b l y

x>f the Sta te o f NtM'th Carul ina, i ind i t Ijs l ierebj ’ e n ­acted b j the * u t h o r i t y c l i lie j :uu' - , Tl . a t a l l « a r - rents is3 ue<l b y a J u s t i c e o f tUe i ’l-iicc in civ i l chsus, ■b al l not be l e t u r i i u b i e w i l l i iu r .v i lv e niotnliB itltc-r the e x e c u t i o n o f t h e s a m e , b e l or c aotue J u a t i c e o P e a c e fo r t h e c o u n t V , . .

Sec. 3. B e i t f u r i i i e r e n n c t e J , 1 l iat t . i e j u i i i d i c - t i o n o f J u s u t e s o f i b e I ' r a e c s h a l l t x U n ' i t o o n e

hundred d o l l a i a , p r i : u i i . a l m o u e y , o n a l l borni.^, b i l l s , p r o m i - ' r o r y n o t c i oi a c i o u i H B s t a u ' i , nti<l . 'b . i l l e x t e n d t o . - ixlv d o l l a r s p i m . i p u l m o n e y , ui , . ; n a c ­c o u n t s f o r p o o d s , a n d n i c - r c h a n . l i . e su' .dd e l i r e r e d o r Uir w o r k a m i hib->r d o a c , o r t o r f |K- u io a r i i c l e s a n d a l l ba l anc i -# o f a i x ' y d o l l a r s a n d u n d e r , due o n Sl id) l.i-' t ni . n i l o n e J d^ t . ts o r dc n i n i H i s , a n d on a l l j u d - i i u - n i s r c . i d i - n d lii( r . i n , a n d o n a l l | . . r - f e i t u r e s a n d j . tnal l i i - . - n . . t f X i t i d : n ; r oi ;o h u n d r e d j do l l i i rS : I ' r o v i i c d . T h . i t t h ; s s c c i i o i i s i i a l ! i .ol bo |c o D y i i u c d t o i : i l ;c Ir<*;ii ihi: c o u i ' i s ihi* j u i iit.*n |incuses of le.-s t h a n oi -e l i n n d n - d do . l . i r . - , u j . » n w h i c h w r i t s h a v e b. ,c!i i c M i e i j . r u r t o i h e r a l i l i c a -

tion ot this act.Sec 3. Ue it f i i r ibT CT..u ‘(-], That all warrants

issued b v a Jiiritice <jt the I’l-.tce, lor any dvb> or de m and 'w ilh in hi.-ju; i = di( non, iiccordi;i? lo the provisions ot ' lhe aoivc .-i c:ion : I’roviU'il, l h a tcaid debt or d.inaii I is i*'*'' ujion any t«<n!iac:l, whether by bond or note <jr li'j iid^tted ucconnt, or any parol u;^rt( rm-nt m.Mi.- or eiiri_ri-'d into, and due prior to the 1st day ol .'i 'V l ' ij">, Fhall iiot l e re-ta rnable lor tr'ial 111!, r.vflvc inonilis afti-r theexecutif>n of the s a n u , au l m i ne reinrn ot the Eanjc i f the dcfi'ndiint or :!'•! ri l iritd j)laintitf. his a^i-nt or ali>-rn"y or ecut ing the warrant , o:.c iiiiMi oi

t h e d e l i c i o u s c h e a t .

S h e said slic loved m e , o f t en t im es S he {lave nie kisses warm a n d sw ee t ,

A n d I e x p e n d e d scores o f r h j m c a O u th e de l ic ious l itt le cheat .

I cal led h e r da r l in g , anpe l , dove ,M y bosom’s qu een , e x h a u s t i n g cjuitc

T h e whole vocabula ry of love,A n d , su re , I t h o u g h t t h a t all was r i g h t .

B u t , when I pressed he r to coosent ,T o nam e th e happy br ida l day,

H e r c re am to bonfiyc labbe r w e n t —S h e l a ughed and said i t w o u ld n ’t pay.

F u r I was poor and .she was w o l^ e—F o r I Lad t i u t h arid c o n s t a n c y —

B u t th e n th e fa.«cinatir.g cu rs eH a d more of com m on sense t h a n 1.

S h e wed a mil l ionaire , a nd now,Wln-n age has s i lvered o ’e r my head .

A n d b rou^ l i t some w r ink le s to my brow,1 t h a n k he r for t h e words sh e said.

F o r had wc too jo ined h e a r t a n d h a n d F o r “ b e t t e r o r for wor.'^e” alway,

T h e worse would h ave grow n worser , a nd T h e dev i l would have been to pay.

!;al l p a y l o t h e t o I hi- ol i i i -er PX- i l ie | i r i : j f i i i . i l a n d

i n t e r e s t , a n d a l l lli ni . iy h a v e a c c r n i d t n e i e -OD, h e , s h e o r t h e y , i ; iay l , . ; \ e r.vi.*lve n n . n i n . ' l o t i j j e r

t o j ) l e a d , Ht th<* e n d ol n i n ’ ii b i i u ; ; a^ ' . i in n w l i l i t d o f t h e l i t ne a n d p l a c e o f i r i . i l , il t h e d e^ c i i d . in t o r d e f e n d a n t s s h u i l pa_)' o t . e li i i l j o i ih*.- ;.i i iu i|K'.l, i n t e ­r e s t a n d cosi . s , h e , i ' l l ' ’, o r l l i c y t i i i i l h a v e I \ v e . \ e t n o u t h s l o n i ' i ‘1’ t o ]) l t -ad. a t t h e e i i d ot' w h i c h t i m e , il t h e d e f e n d a n t o r <ii rnid-.uit.-; s h a l l [ ' ay o n e h a l t of t h e r e s i d u e o f s a i d c l a i m , h e , ^hl*, o r i l u y i-li.;!l h a v e t w e l v e m o n t h s l o r j g c r t o phMi! , a t t!ie e n d ol w h i c h i t i m e t h e p l a i n t i l l s h a l l h a v e f o r t h e r e - |m a i n d e r : J ' r o v i d e i i , T h a - c x c e n i i o n d o n j n . - t i c c s ’j u d g m e n t s o n d e b t s c o n t r a c . e d )iii>>r t o .Niay l . - t ,

Ib t JS, a l r e a d y r e n d e r e d , s h a l l be . - t a yed I ' l f t w e l v e XQOnths f r o tn t l i e d a t e of t h e l a i i l i i a l i n n id i h i s n e t .

S e c 4. IJe it l ' iirl!j*’r e i i a c l i d . T h a t o n a l l iK-bls c o n t r a c t e d Fin^'e t h e l i i s t . . a y .,1 ' 'J.iy, Jt'i:;'), a n d a l l W H r r a n l s i . ' . 'ni.’i; t - / r l i . c .'-.li.ic, f i i a i l iie r e l w i n e d a n d t r i e d aci*or<iin;^ t o tni* j j r o \ i ' i o i i - i»l l i ie Ui*vi:^{-d

C o d e , c h a j i t e r . < i \ t y - l w o , ( ' J J j a n d t h e r e m e d y i u a i l • u c h case . s s h a l l he t h e f a m e a j in 1.^00.

S e c 5. I5e it I ' nr i ln r e n a e i e d , ' I ' ha t a l l w r i t s i n ac-. t i o n s o f d e b t , c o v i ' t i a i i t , a ' ' H i a [ i ' i t o r a e w o u n t , i s . - ned

t o f u l l T e r m , l^Ut j , o r .'''[ii in ; ; T e i in, 1H'j 7, of i i ie S u p e r i o r ( ' o n r t , s h a l l b e r e i t u n a b l e li> .Sju in; : T e r m , 18G8, f ind a l l o f s a i l a c t i o n s n o w pi-n ii:i^^ i n t h e j S i ! I>e r ior C o u r t s h a l l b e c o n t i n u e d t o ,S . r l i : , ; T e w n . j 1BG3 ; PrON i d l ’d , T h a i t h e .She: ill' s!^.ill l o ' l b e a l ­l o w e d i n a n y ca. -e l o l e v y e x e c i i i o n b-, l i . re ' .lie f i .^t d a y o f J i u i u a r y s u c c e e J i i i y re: ; i i t i o n o i j n d „ ^ -

m e n t .S e c C. B e it f u r t h e r e n : ; c t ( d . T h a t n i l w r i t s in

d e b t , c o v e n a n t , a s > u m | i . ' i t o r a ' . c o i i n t , s h a l l be r e - t u r n u b l u t o .Sj i r in; r Tt rni v l i h e S i i | i e i i . i r C o u i t , a i . d t h a l l b p s e r v e d a t I t a s i t h i r t y da; , . ' ( S u n d a \ s i n c l u ­d e d ) b e f o r e t h e r e t n r n d a y . It d u r i n j r t h e r e t u r n t e r m , t h e d e f e n d . i n t p a y t o t h e i>l l i n i i!i’, o r i r i to c o u r t f o r h i s u?^e, o n e t e n t h o f t h e d e b t o r d e m a n d ( pr inc i {>ul a n d i n l e r e . ' t j a n d a l l eo-*i3 t o t h a t l i m e , h e s h a l l b e a l l >wed u n t i l n e . \ i Te i i i i t o pK-ai i . A t

t h e s a i d S p r i n j ' T e r m i i i o u ! 1 t h e d e l e n d . m t i>ay t o p l a i n t i f f , o r i n t o c o u r t fi.i- Li< u s e , o n e f i l ih o f t h e r e s i d u e a n d c o s t s , h e . ' h a l l be a l l . i w e d u n t i l t h e s i ; c - c e e d i n g S p r i n g T e r m t ( ' p l e a d a t t h e s a i d fSprin^r T e r r a ; s h o u l d i h e d e r e n d a n t p a y l o t h e p l u i n l i f i ' o r i n t o c o u r t f o r h i s u. 'C, o i . e h a l f o f i h e r e s i d u e , h e s h a l l b e a l l o w e d u n t i l t h e s u c c e e d i n i f . S p i i n g T e r m t o p l e n d : P r o v i d e d h o w e v e r , t h e i>iai i i i i l l ' i l r e ' i u i r “ d s h a l l file h i s i l e b t o r t l e m a u ' l in w r i t i n g , a n d i f t h e d e f « n d a : i t t h i i l l m a k e o a l h l h a t t h e w h o l e o r . m y p a r t t h e r e o f is n o t j i i - i l y di.-e, o r l h a t h e h a s a c o u n ­t e r c l n i m , a l l o f w h i c h s l i a l l l<e [i i t r t ic i l a r l y s e t I ' l r t h

b y a f l i d i i v i l , t h e n t h e d e l e n d a n t s h a l l o n l y p a y t h e i n s t a l m e n t r e q u i r e i ] o f w h . i t h e s i d m i l s t o b e d u e , a n d t h e c o u r t sh : i l l o i d e r a J u r y a t t l . e s a m e o r . - n b - e e ( ) n e n t T e r m ; o t i y t h e e r . t ' i j .' in t l i -p^ i l e be! >,i ei n t h e j i a r l i . a n d a t t h e n e x t I t t i i i t i ie de l ' en -d a i i l s h a l l be a l l o w e d t o p i . . : . I o i i i y i i jxin t h e p i i y - m e n t o l ' o ! ! ' ' f i i ih o f t h u i . ' . ' i d u e o f t i i e a d ' . u i t i e d a m o u n t , iumI w h : U e v e r t h e . l u : y m '.y l i n d h i m i i i - d » ' b t e d o v e r a m i a b o v e t h e s a . a e ; I ’l . i v i d e i ; i ' u i l h e r . th«il s h o n l d t h e d e i e i i d a n t f a i l t o f' l iy t l i e l i r s l o: a n y i o b i e q i i e n t i n - t a l m e n t , t h e n , a n d iu l h a t c a s e , t h e p l a i n t i l i ."'h.ill b e e n t i t l e d t o J ' t d j ^ m e n l a n d e.\ec4i- t i o i i f u r s a i d i n s t j l m e u t : I ’l o ' i d e d h o w e v e r , a n yd i ' b l o r t c n d e ; i : i } ' o r p a y i n g t o hi - c r e d i t o r o n a n y

d e b t c o i i i r a c l c d p r i o r t o t h e l i i s l d a y o f . M a y .A. 1). l a i 'O , t h e o n e l e i i i l i o f h i s ii:. li b ' e d n e s s w i i l i o n l a s u i t ha vi ufx b e e n b ; o n j r h t o n t h e . ' am. ' , t h e s a i d o n e t e n t h s h a l l b e e n i u j e d a^. a c e d i ' o n t h e e v i h iiei-? o f s a i d i n d e b t e i l n e s > ; t h e r e . i l ’. f r t l i e r e m . i i n ii i o i s l id i n d e b u d n e . - ' s sh . i l l n it b-- . ■riiedoii f ' ji t w e l v e m o n t i i s a f t e r t h e p n v n i e u t o r l e n . l e r o f - a i d o n e t e n i l i .

S e c 7, Be it f u r i h . T e n a e t e 1, T n a l s o m u c h o f t h e o r d i n a n c e o f t l . e C o n v e i . i i tm, j . a- . ' t d o n t h e Jlj.l o t J u n e 1 8'JtI, K' ^l lai l cor.ii.' in co ; i l l i e ! A i th thi .s a c t . t o g e t h e r w i i h a l l o t h e r I n v s c . -mi i i i ; in e o i . i i i e l w i t h t h e P a m e , b e . a n d t l ; e s a u . e a r e r c n e a k ’ I.

S e c 8. lit- il f i . i t h e r i i . ae te . l . T h a t t h e t i m e e l n p i e d o r c J . i p ' i n ; ; f r o m t h e t w m m o h d . iy ol’ \ ! . iv , 18(51, u n t i l t h e f i r s t i h’.y id' . i a n u . u y l . sTo, s h a l l n o t b e c o i i n t i ii s o a s t o b a r a c l i o u s , o r .<iii ' ,s o r t o | ' t e - i u u i e sii t i s f ae ! i o n o r a b a t i d o n m e i i ! of r i ^ l i t s .

P e c 9. Me it f u r t h e r i n e e t e l T l . a ! t l i i» a c t i h a l l b e in f o r c e f r o m lUid a i ’i e r i t s r a t i f i c a i i o i i

K a t i f i e d F e b r n a i y I'J. l.-ii;?.

Garden Seeds.T h e l a r g e s t a n d m o s t c o m p l e t e . Stock e v e r b r o u g h t

t o t h i a m a r k e t , t i o m t h e c e l e b r . i t e d H o u s e s o fLANDUETll,


For sale atS C A R R ’S D RUG STORE.

Feb. 4, 18G7.

GOOD m:ws FU0>1 B. & L., i t Corner Store under Maii.oicn HousCt

\v e are n o i v p r e p a r e d l o s e l l a l l p -oods at c o s t , iu

«rdcr to nuko room for Spi’ing Stock.C« l i c o(* j , S h i n i n p . a , D e la i i i * ,

P o p l i n s , . \ l p i c c a s , F r c t i c h .Merinos, I l o o p s k i r i s , J l r c a k f a . ' t S h a w ls, N u b i a s , C a s s i u j e r e s , iS; ' . t t i i iets, Jean<i , K e r . - ey s , A'C.

A I bo ft f u l l f l o c k o f R e a d y - m s d e t ' l o i h i n g , u t i d a l a r g e a s s o r t m e n t o f H o o t s , . ' ' l ioe.j . } | a i « . i c . A l l v.e a s k i s a C A f . L, w e w i l l m . i k e price.i ; s a l i s l a c t . ) i v.

liUXB.VUM .t LANO,’ Corner Store, under Mansion House.

F e b 4, 1RG7.

SoDielliing Ken and Atlractive. PR IC ES GREATLY REDUCED.

]flcI..F.OO A: S T E K L EH a r e jit!«t r e c e i v e d a n o t h e r a d d i i i . m t o i h e i r s t o c k of ■ VVI XTEl l c o m p r i s i n g m a n y n f t h u l a t e s t» n d m o . n d e s i r a b l e s i i l c s o f ICmpre ss C l o t h s , I t e p k P o p l i n s , F r e n c h . Mer inos , M o h a i r L u s t r e s . A l p a c e a s ]

D e L a i n e s , B o m b a z i n e s , W o o l I ’ l a i d s , B l a c k i i i l i i s ' L a d i e s ’ b l a c k a n d c o l o r e d ( ' l o i h s , '

L a d ie s ’ a n d C lo a k s ,B r e a k f a s t S h . a w l s , H o o d s , N u b i a s , E m b r o i i l e i i c s . R e a l C l i n c y L a c e C o l h i r # a n d .'^eit.c, T i a i n a n d Kn^' b r o i d c r e d L i n e n S e t t s , 1s t a n d ‘J d M o u r u i n " i ^e i t s D r e s s a n d C l o a k T r i m m i n g s , C lo - . k . ' '^eits, l , a d i e < ' a n d Ge nt s*’ H e m s t i t c ' h H a u d l c e n . i u e f ' . Ki , i ( J i o v e s

H o s i e r y , G e n t s ' i ' u m i ' h i n g G o o d s , U l a . k F r c n c h C l o t h ? , C i i s s i m e r e s a n d V e - i i u t ; s . T a b l e L i n e n . l ) ; i :n- • s k . Mer ino T a b l e Cov er .^ , l ) p e t ; i F i a n r . e l s , w h i i e a m l c o l o r e d F l a n n e l ? . b l e a c h M l a n d b r o w n S h e e t i n g s , B l a n k ’ t s . H o c k I s l a n d Ca .^ s i me r i ' S , H o o p S k i r l s , ( E m p r e s s T r a i l ) B a l n a o r a l S k i r l s , i c .

C a l l s o o n a n d B u y .

l I c L E O D 4 S T E E L E .Dec 10, 186C‘

T H E !^€IIO O L,M K J J A N K S V l h L K , N . C .

T b e S e s s i o n o f 186 7 begin .* . M. \R( ’H 6 i h . C o u r s e

o f i u s l r u c t i o a C l a s s i c a i ,, AIa t u k m a h c a l a n d C o i i - u i a c i A L . A d d r e s s ^

Coi. WM. BINGHAM,T, 190T 39

F r e e A d v e r t i s i n g . — T h e fol lowing was j found posted on th a wall of a post office: “ Lost I a red k a f l i e had a w h it e spo t on 1 of liis be- j h iml legj!8. 11‘3 wa^ a she k u f I will g iv e j th ree fchillins to ev r i bodd i to b r in g h im horn.” j

G 0 1 M L 2 % a [ J [ 3 : E l . C : > J L J S l T j .

G R O C E R Y S T O R E .

Wc have oj>en(d a Grocery Store in N... 1 Grani te Row, ojiposiie the Man.-ion House, and invite our j fiiendd lo examine our Goods aud pricts. We dealin I

15.icon, Lard, Flour, Meal,Jlolassej, Sugar , roil'ee, Salt ,Uice, L’heese. Fi .h , Hams. Bagging,Uope. Twine. I.eather, Soap, (.’andie.s,Ti 1' , Candies, U . i ' i n ' , Figs, Ct ackers, t 'hains . .Axes. .Snuffs, Tob.iccos, Kiiive.«, Locks, I’ickles, .Sauces, Blacking, Baskets, Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Cotton,

And ev ‘ry art icle of pr ime necessity’ to cheap and good living. We [lartiuulaily invite tho.se buying Ijv the .-a'C lo examine onr |>rices aud tJoods, while tho.-e b t tung by or.]er vvill be deal t with the same as if present. Inb i i e f , we intend deal ing fairly, f.;iei,!y. litjerally and honest ly, aud invite a share of public {lalrunage.


Charlotte , J«n. 28, 18C7

C a sh E q u i t y S a l e .For the purpose o f sat isfyiag the esigencies of a

Decree of the Court o f Equity of .Mecklenburg Conn- ty, made a t Fall Term, 18C6, I will ejtpo«e to pub ­lic sale to the • highest bidder for r e a d j money ia gold, a t the Publ ic Sqnare in Charlot te , on Mond.ny t h e l l t h day of March next, th a t valuable House and Lot aud premises now occupied by J . M. San ­ders, s i tuated on Tryon Street, adjoining the lots of Alleu Cruse and F. W. Ahren.s.

I A. C. WILLIAMSOxV, C. M. E.I January 21, 1867. ________

EDWARD FILLINGSla now offering his fine Stock of

READ Y -M A D E C LO TH IN GBelow New York co . « t . I a m c o m p e l l e d to s a c r i f i c e

n i v G o o d s t o r a i s e f u n d s . I ’ e r s o n s d e s i r o u s of o b ­

t a i n i n g g o o d C l o t h i n g at r e m a r k a b l y l o w f i g u r e s ,

will f i n d i t t o t h e i r a d v a n t a g e t o c a l l b e f o r e p u r ­

c h a s i n g a n d b e c o n v i n c e d .

I am prepared to make up to order my siiperior stock of Cloths and Cassimeres in the latest style, and at g reat ly reduced prices; aud to offer my fine assortment of

Hats iiud Furni.^bing GoodsAt and below cost.

N. B. All persons ij idebteJ, e i ther by note or ac- cotitit, to ‘‘Full ings & t^o.,” ‘•Fullings, Springs & Co.,” or ‘‘Ful l ings & Springs,” will please come for­ward and settle.

Don't mistake the place, No. 4, Grani te Row, one door below the Southern Express Office, a.Td directly oj)posite the Mansion House.

J a n u a r y 21, 18C7.

S P L E x \ » I D B A K G A l l \ i $ ! A . j^ i i ic la ir

Is now offering his ent ire Stock of WIXTER DRESS (JUOUS, Shawls, Cloak.o, I teady-made Clothing, Shoes, &c.,Good Calicoes at ]2.] cents per yard: good bleached

Shir t ing at 1 2J cents.

Also, constantly on hand a full line of Rock Is­land Goods, a t Factoj-y prices ; Rock JsUnd Ready­made Cloth.i.Q, cheaper than the Shoddiest Norlh- ern Goods.

Call early and secure Bargains atJ a a 14, 1807 SPR IN G S’ CORNER.

L E O N A R D H. S M IT H ,(For many y e a n a t the {Jomer Drtig Store,)

j H a r in g pBrchaSed of Williams & Cov’er t their ent i re I Stock of Goodd in this ci ty, consis t ing o f

I Hats, Caps, Straw Millinery,I and o th e r Goods too numerous to mention, would 1 solicit a share of publ ic patronage from his f riends ! ar.d the public general ly.

Mrs L. A. XORRYCK, a Lady o f exper ifnce and taste, has been engaged to a t tend to ihe .tlillinery Department , and will t r im all kinds of HATS and BO.N-N’ETS in the most approved and la test styles at the shortest notice.

I e.vpect soon to ca rr y on the MANTUA-MAKIXO BUSINESS in its various branches on a large scale.

Three doors above Nat ional Bank, Carson bui lding,

Dec 10, I860

C A T A W l i A

Fnglish and Classical fligh School,NEW TON, N. C.

The next Session of this In s t i tnt ion will com­mence the 7ih of J anua ry next, and the sessions will hereaf ter commence regular ly on the first Monday of Ja nuary and July respectively, We are happy to iufi.rm the public lha t the School is in a flourislting cotulii ifn, and tha t the plan of messing, which en- a>iles board to be secured for half the usual rates, or less, con tr ibu tes to the advan tage of those who adopt it, and lo the success of the School.

Sliould il become necessary, o the r competent in ­s t ructors will be enijdoyed, and no pains shal l be gpaied to thoroughly fit young men fur College, or give them a pract ical business educat ion.

Pupils have access to a good Library, and have the .‘idvaiitages of a well regulated Li terary Society, which is no small considerat ion.

Tui t ion from SlO to §18, s[>ecie rates.Board in families from §10 to $15 (cur rency) per

m o n I h .I 'or CTrciilar and fi irtbur par t icula rs , address J.

C Clapp, Newton, N. C.J . C. CL.APP, A. B.

D e c s , 18GG. S. M. FINGER, A. B.

lUiiliiicry aud Ladies Fancy Goods*>111.4. E Kl 'LLlXtjS is offi ring her Stock of Bon­

net-;, Hats, Uibbons, Feathers. &c.. at great ly reduced jiriees. Ladies are invited to call and examine these Goods ;’.nd hear prices.

Dec 10, 1 btiii.


O.v Ciifiicii Street.The citizens of Charlotte and the public at large

can always have their wants in the Fl'RNlTUUE aud C.N'DiCllTAKLliS’ LL\E j)romplly and elegant ­ly supjilied, at moderate rates, by the most exjiert and aceomplished Cabinet \\orkmen from (ierm.iny.

Leave orders at Dr. Pr i tchard & Co’s, or a t tlie Sho(« with .MU. Vl*ilEGIv

Rejiaiiiiig satisiactorily done.Jat iuarv 11, lijo7 t f



^clcbratcd Patent Duplex Elliptic



S U P E R - P H O S P H A T E O P L I M E ,

M A R K ^

^ t a t c o f iV. C a r o l i n a , I ’n i o n c o u n t y .Court o f rUiin ij- Q-h.trter 6> s)ii'jnx—Jan. 7'trm, 1807. Hugh DL'.\nii:g vs. theSte\ \ ri r t Gold Mining Com­


.•\tiachment levied 0:1 Land, one F'tcam Engine and fi.Mures, 1 Ilor-e, a Wagoa and Gear, and other Personal Estate.It aiiiieuriiig to the sali.^faction of the Coui t, that

the defendants. ‘'The .Stewart Gold .Mining Coin- p.iiiy," K.'ide beyond the limits of the Stale; it i# 01 den d by the Court that publicat ion be made for ■lix' si.cc. ' sive weeks in the Western Democrat, a p iper published iu tiie town of (. 'harlotte, notifying i iid absent defendants to be aud ajijjear before our ne.xt t 'oui t to be held for the county of Union, at tl.e Couit House in .Monroe, on the 1st .Monday in . \ | iil iie.xt, then and there to answer llie plaintiff aeciiruii g to law, or the estate so levied on will be ordei f d to be sold

Witness, J. E. Irby, Clerk of our said Court at Ol'icc. the 1st Monday in January , and in the 91st vj II of .\!!,eric.1:1 ln.li-;ieii leuee, 1 >'J7,

[,-.:-bi [pr, adv, i l o . ] J. E. IRl’.Y, Clerk.

S i a l o o r C a i - n l i n a , C J u io n c o u n t yCiyurt of J'iedg ij- Quarter Hcs/ions— Jan. 'Tcun, 1807.

Cannon k Co , vs. R. G. S. Austin.Atiaclnuer.t levied on L;ind.

Il aji’ieuring to tl.e satisfaction of the court that U G S .Instill, the delendani iu this ca=e, resides bevoii i t!ie ii!iiit,s of this St.iic; il is ordered by the court thal puIdic-it l o l l be made for si.x weeks in the We,Merii i^emocr it, a paper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying saiJ absent del'eiidanl to hr ainl appear a t our next coui t l o b e held for the county of Union, at the court house in .Monroe, on the 1st .Monday in . \pr i l nexi, then and there to answer the plaintiff according to law, or the land levied on will be ordered to be sold.

\\ iiness, J. E. Irby, Clerk of Union County Court, at Uthcc, the 1st .Monday in Ja nua ry , and in the 91st year of .Vmerican Indejicndence, 18G7.

[5D-Gt [pr. adv. 10.] J. E. IRBY, Clerk.

f i l a t c «>r ?l. C a r o l i n a , U n i o n c o u n t y .( it'iri o f Picas .j- Qu irter Sfssiom—Jan. Term, 1807, Ellen E. Arinliel.l vs, Etiisley A Arm/ield, heir a t

l.iw ol D. F. Armfield, dtc 'd .

Pet i tion for Dower in the real estate of D. F. Arm- field, deceased.

It (ippearing to the sail5faction of the •■'lurt lhat the delendant, Eins'ey A. Armfield, resides beyond the limits ot this Stale; il is therefore ordered by the court lh:'.t puldicat ion be made for six successi ' e weeks in the Wi stern Democrat , .a, pajier published ' in the town of Ciiailoite, notifying faid absent de­fendant to b:' and appear at our lux t court of Pleas and l iarter Si»sioiis lo be held for the coiintv of I nion, at the Court House in Monroe, on the 1st Aloudti^ in ^\|)iii next, ihen and theie to answer, plead or demur lo said petition, or ju' lgme.it pro confesso will be taken and a writ of Dower ordered.

Witness, J. E. h by. Clerk of our said court, at Office in .Monroe, the 1st Monday iu January, au d io the : t i i t year of -\inoricaii Indep. ndeiice. 1 m;7 .

[ i i - o t [Pr . a d v . S l o ] . J. E, liiBY, Clerk.

S t a t i ! o f iV. C a r o l i n a , U u i o n c o u n t y .Court of 1‘tecig Qu'ir/er Si‘Ssions—Jan. Term, 18o7. Fiias Pies lar and John W. Pieslar , Ex’rs. of Levi

Preslar, dec’d., vs. Sherod Preslar and others.Pei i tion for Sett lement.

It appearing to the sat isfaction of the Court that Hiram Reynolds and wife Tabitha, Henry H Brown .SaiiiuelW Preslar, .Miriam D Giles, wife of Sani'i Ciile''. Rachael L .McLane, wife of Joseph .NIcLane and Noah, Livi and Joseph, chi ldren of Terressa' who intermarried with J ohn Vickery, defend. inir in the Court nnd heir a t law o ’ Levi Preslar, deceased now reside beyond the limits of this Slate; it is therefore ordered by the court that publicat ion be made for six sucres>ire weeks in the Western Dem- ocrat, a paper published in Ihe town of Charlotte nolilying said absent defendants lo be and ap>ieAr at the next term of ihis court to be hel.l for the county of Union, at the Court House in Monroe, on the first Monday in April next, then and there to answer, plead or demur, or judgm ent pro confessso will be taken and the case s tand for bearing.

Witness, J. E, Irby, clerk of our said iour t at Office, the 1st Monday ia January , and in the 91st year of .'Vmerican Independence, 1867.' ■ - -et ^Pr.adv. $10J J- IRBY, Clerk.

E 3 3 a c i x 5 i ^ o s s T r ^ i l .


Each IToop being composed of two perfectly tem­pered SINGLE iSPIilNGS, braided tightly and firmly together, edge 1 0 e.l're, forming one Hoop, * and making the STiiONGEST and most FLEXIHLl], the LIGHTEST and most DUR.\BLE spring made.

They will not bend or break like the single spr ings, bu t will a lways preserve their




: In fact, they are superior to all others, com bin ­ing



Incinire for Bradlev’s Duplex Ell iptic or Double Sjiri. g SKIRT.

This poMular Skir t is univer.<ally recommended by the fashionable Magazines aud ihe Pres s gen ­erally.

.Manufiictured exclusivelv by the sole ow n­ers of the Patent , WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY,

97 Chambers and 79 and 81 Rende streets, NEW YORK.

These Skir t? are kept ou hand in la rg e supply

F o r iSale *iii C h a r l o t t e


B R E 3I , B U O W N & CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in


Staple and Fancy Dry GoodS)Clothing, Embroidery, Hoo]) Sk in s , Notions, Car ­

pets, Hat?, Boof.s, Mioes, &c.They keep the largest Stock and cheapest Goods

to be found in the ci 'y.At Brem Old Stand on Trade st reet .

Janua iy 128, 1807 5m

A ] \ O T I € ET h a t u'lU ni:t he, 1 <im a f ' r n u j , n n t ic t i l .

But those whom it concerns and who fail to notice will be otherwise notified is future, sure.

I want all persons indebted to me, ei ther before, during, or since the war, to come forward and pay up. .-V reasonable time, in addi tion to the many years, nu)ulhs and wei'ks that have been given, may be ex]iocted. Afier lhat, look out for snakes. ‘’Its the truth I’m lilliu of ye, jes t .”

J.U1 M, 1807 t f H. M. PRITCHARD.

Muniifacturcd under the formula originated in 1854 aud patented by

B A U G H & S O N S ,Solo Proprietors, at ilic Delaware River Chemical

Works, Pii iladelphia, U. S. A.This old established .^L\^'L’Rli is maniifactnred

from Bones thal have not been burned or s teamed, and it contains all their original or^iasiic matter. It is active in its ojieration. and is a ferlili/,er of great durabi l ity. It docs not exhaust the soil like I’eruvian Guano, but on the contrary permanently improves it.

Previous to 1861 it ■was introduced into the S ou th ­ern States to considerable extent, and agaiu in 1805, where it has been used with remarkable suc­cess iipon

C o t t o n , C o r n . T o b a c c o , & a l l Ciopiii.A trial will convince any jdante r of its merits.

Pamphlets containing well known Southern evi­dence furnished upon ai>plication to New York or Phi l adelphia olfices.

fis^f^Sold by dealers in all the principal cities and towns th roughou t the United Slates aud British Provinces.

BAUfUI & SONS, sole Manufacturers, OflQce No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadeljdiia.

ISaiEgli Brother?!! ^ €o..General Wholesale . \gents, 181 Pearl Street,


For sale in Ch.irlotte, N. C,, b»' E U T C H I S O N , B U n i i O U G H S & C O ,

February 18, 1807 3m

b a k f . i : y .I have opened a B.XKERY at my old Stand, op ­

posite the Presbyterian Church, where will be kept constant ly on hand fresh H I!H AD , C A K E S , kc . Families sujiplied at all hours , and on reasonable terms.

I also, keep a full supply of

F A M I L Y G R O C E R I E Sand snp[ilios, consist ing of Bacon, Flour , Lard, S u ­gar. Coffee, Teas, Cheese, Fish, Sardines, Tobacco, Cigars, and all fine Groceries.

A share of the public i>atronnge solicited. I have been long in bu,-iness here, and am determined lo keep up my reputat ion for sel ling good art icles a t fair jiriccs. .\1. D. L. MOODY.

Sept 24, 1S6G. tf

C B i R L O T T E F E : U A L E I N S n T U T K f

CHARLOTTE, N, C,The cn rr en i session comoieticed on 4he Octo*

ber, 186(>, and will con t inue unt i l ^Otb Ju q e , 1861. Pupi ls are received at any t ime and cbii rged frOHi dat e of entrance. Ministers’ daughter s received free o f charge for Tuit ion.

Ezpenset per Term o f Twenty W teh t:

Board, including everjr e zp ra se exceptwashing, $105 00

Tuit ion in Collegiate Departmen t , 2^ 00“ in P r i m ary “ 20 00

Masic, Modern Lan^jnages, Drawing and Paint ing , t a ngh t by competent and thorough iustruc tors .

For Circular and Catalogue contain ing full pa r t ic ­ulars, address R ev. 11. BUliWELL & SON.

Jan 7, 1867. Charlotte, N. C.


C n A R l ^ O T T E , W. C .,l ias just received the finest Stock of GOODS ever offered in this market , consist ing of

W A T C H E S .Fine Gold Hunting . \merican nnd English Watches

of the best makers. Ladies fine (Jold Hunting G e ­neva Watches ; tine Si lver Ainerican, English and Swiss Watches. Watches of al l sor ts aud ail sizes, from Five Dollars t<> Three Hundred.

C L O C K S .I have some of the best, which I will sell a t prices to please anv one.

J E W E L R Y .1 would say to the ladies, come and see for your ­selves, the tiuest Stock ever offered in this city, con­sisting of fine Jet Sets ; fine Gold and Eu tmel Sets; Cue Coral Se ts ; Locket Pins, Ear-r ings, &c.

S I L V E R W A R E .Silver Tea and Table S|>oons, Forks and Thimbles ; pla ted Tea and Table Spoons, Forks. Bal ter-Knives .and Cups, Castors. &C.

S P E C T A C L E S .Fine Gold, Silver, Steel, &c , to sui t aH ages.

Guns, Pistols and Cartr idges, and Musical In ­s t ruments.

The above Goods I will sell cheaper th an yon can buy them in New York or elsewhere.The highest price paid for

O L D G O L D A N D S I L V E R .

Watch Glasses only 25 cents.Please accept my sincere thanks for y o u r kind

and liberal pa t ro aage lo me since my retu rn from ihe army.

Sept 17, 18G6. J . T. l iUTLER.


€ O P A R T . \ E R S n i P .I have taken into Cojiartnersliip my son W. E.

Shaw, and will enlarge and extend my business. We will keep constant ly on hand,

Harncs.<3, Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Martingales,

And everything kepi in a complete Saddle and H a r ­ness Estaldishiiient, We shall cont inue to Manufac­ture our own Goods, out of the very best .Material, and warrent the qual i ty . All orders jirom])lly filled.

Rkpaiiuxi; done at the shortest uotic« a u d , s a t i s ­faction gu^iranteed.

Three doors South of .Mansion House, C ha r ­lotte, N.

J a n 21, 1807. 6m

A general a9^rlioe»t , alwaj« on twud, at Feb 6, 1868 SCAUR’S DRUG STORE.



Boots aad Shoes, Hats and Caps, HardTvare, Crockery, &c.,

Respectfully inform the public that they keep con- staatly on hat>d a general assortment o f Goods in tbe above lines, which thej will sel! at wholesale or reiafl on favorable terms for cash.

They invite attention to their large stock o f Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware and Crockery, and request those wishiue to purchase to give them a call.

j T in and S h eet-Iron W are ,I In this department every article can be found

that m aj be desired.All sorts of Tin and Sbeet-Iron Job Work

done at short notice.

C ook in g S toves ,Of all yizps and paticrns, furni ture complete, n general assor tment .

Fairbanks’ Sca les.We are . \gents for itie sale of the celebrated Fair

b anks ’ Scales, all sizes.TAYLOH & DUNCAN.

May 14. 1866_______

CHARLOTTESteniB Refined ('aiidj JHanafaetorj)

^VIioI4-m:i1v a n d K f l a i i l .The subsc r iber is now mrtnufactiiring all sor ts of

CANDIES, CAKES, BKKAI), &c. &c.; Plain and Oru.imenlal Cukes, for Weddings and

Par t ies , always on hand or made to order.

Merchants and dealers in Candies will find i t to their in te re s t lo purchase from me, as I will give sat isfaction both iu price and quality.

Orders from a dis tance at tended to at i b o n notice.

J . G. C. LEISER,One door south of the Mansion Honse,

Tryon street, <;harlolte, N. C. March 12, 18G6 y

At Ihe Old Established VKUtt §TORE

Of F. SC.\RR, may be found everything in the Drug line, of genuine qual i ty .

Febru a ry 20, 1806.


E I J R O P K / i l V P I . A M .


J . B S J X E S A t . T l & D O . ,

[2d Door from the Court House,)

Respectfully inform the public th a t they are con- s laul ly receiving addi t ions to their large Stock of

o o o i : > s ,

R e a d y - M a d e C l o t h i n g , B o o t s , S h o e s ,


They invito an cxnminat ion of the ir Stock of

L A D I E S ’ D R E S S G O O D S ,

consist ing of every variety o f Goods in th a t line

Also, a full as so r tmen t of

C i E N T l . E : ] U E M ’ .S F U R J V I S I I I N G

G O O D S , in la rg e supp ly .

These Goods will be sold at moderate ra tes a t


Country Merchants will find it to the ir advan'„igo to give us a call and examine our Goods aud i)rices

All are invited to visit our S tore before making their purchases. We charge nothing for showing our Go(.ds. J. IJL’XHAU.M k CO ,

Oct 8, 1866. 2d door from Court Honse.

iS0 4 >T.S a n dI T SJIITU’S SUOD STOUi ,

A e z t D o or to JVatio iia f B a n J: , C hurlo t te , C.

\ b we keep nouiinir else bu t Roots and Shoes, Rubber IJeltinp and Shoe Findiufrs, we are pref>are(l to .«e!l to our cu>tomers a t prii es “ lower than the lowe.-t.” Having made the “ SHOK STOl lE” a per ­manent iii.'tit'.ilion, we oovv itivitc everybody to call and see u-, and be f-aliified both as to the qual ity and price of our (rOo<ls.

N. B — Every ari iele warranted as represented. One price to all.

J an 21, 18G7. B. R. SMITH & CO.

W ITTK O W SK Y &{^Between the (wo D r u j Stores,')

Are rcceiviiig a large and varied assoi tmcnt o f '


CLOTIlINfJ , ,Which they are desirous of sel ling off a t


At a small advance on NEW YORK COST.i{

Country Merchants and others are respect- '

fully requested to call and examine this Stock of Goods before making their purchases . 1

WITTKOWSKY k RINTEf.S, jOpposite the Democrat (»f!ice, between the .

two Drug Stores, Charlot te . 1

Oct I, 1866 t f !

c;ooD$ AT :v. y . co i^ t. IV ilsoE i I S r o fh e r s ,

( U u d i r the Western D tm o c r a t (Jffice,')

Are sel ling ou t their ent i re s tock of Dry Goods, Hardware, i c , at New Yoik cost.

Dec 10, 18<>6


Wishing to chancre my busines.*, I will sell 250 -•Veres of I.AND in and adjoining the Town of Char ­lotte, {40 acres in corporation) , (>u the Tract there is a gooif Mill-site, 22 feet fall, wi th a first r a te Dam recently buil t, and race dng, and all the large t im­bers for a Mill House on the g roand . The Tract can be divided. Ir is worth the at tent ion of any one wishing a paying property, or as an investment. Any information can be had by a p p h ing to the sub­scr iber. \V.‘ F. PHIFER.

Sept 10. 18G6. t f


S. M. H O W E L L ,Near the Post Office, C H A R L O T T E , X . C

September 3. 19$$

B l ’ f t X E T T , J I c I . W I S & E I S L ,

C O M M I S S I O N M E R C H A N T S ,K o . o'3 W h i t ih u l l S t r e r t ^ ^ ' E W Y O R K .

L i h e r a i . C a s h Advan'ce.-s made o n CoN>it;xMEXT.s.Cotton, Tobacco, Naval Stores, and all sor ts of

Southern Produce will have the special a t tent ion of our Mr, Mclnnis, who llaiters himself that lie under ­stands handl ing Southern proi luce—he having V een for Ihe last 18 years engaged in business iu Wil- * mington, N. C,

(,k t 8. 1866. 6m

Charlotte & S* €. Railroad.C0 LC.MBIA, S, C., Nov. 5, IS'iS. f

On and after Wtdnesday, 6ih inst,, Through | Prt?sen;rer Tiaius will be ruu over this Road as foi- ' l o w s . I

'Leave Columbia, ?, 1 0 A. M. iArrive at Chailot te, 9 40 A. .VI. iLeave Charlot te , 6 10 A. M.Arrive a t Columbia, l 40 P. .Vf. I

JAMES ANDERSON, j Nov 13, 1866. S ' lper intendent . j


TAILORING ESTIBLISHMEXT. IThe subscribers havinsr nniled ihemselve? under j

the style of ROBlNiiON k GI»AH.-VM. for the jiur- j pose of conduct ing the Tai lor ing H'jsineis, nearly opposite the National Bank, flatter themselves that from ih t i r long experience in the business they trill be able to give general saiiafaction, and thereby meiii and receive a liberal patronage.

C U T T I N G at tended to prompily, and done in the best style. We w arran t al l oirr work.

R. M. R 0 B I 5 « 0 5 ,Feb 4, 18ti7. A. GRAHAM. \


Chctrlottc, A \ C . , a u d GG I \ a r l S / , K e iv Yurlc

Prompt personal al ient ioji to the sale of cot ton, cotton yarns, naval stores, &c., aud the purchase of meichandisu generally.

K e f k i i k .n c k s — John .Vilkes and T II Brem, Esq’rs, Charlni te , .V C ; Jordan Wonible, E'<], Raleigh. N C ; O (.i Parsley & Co. V.'i1111 in^^lon, N C ; D Paul & (.'o, and Uobi .Mure & Co, Charleston, S C ; Wilcox k Haud, A'.igusta, Ga ; Dunlop, .Moncure & ('o, Richmond, V a ; Tannahil l , .Vicllwaiie & Co, N Y ; Purtridge, Wells k Co, New York.

Aug 15,18(10.

AVIlO W A I \ T S A PIAIVO?Several Patron.s of ihe Concord Female College

Lave requested my aiil in securing<»ood Pianos

For their use. This has indueeil me to make ar- ransem en ts w ith some of the best manufacturers which enable me to furnish ins truments of the Jirst clans ii\ reduced ptices. 1 can save each purchaser frvm S40 to SK'O. I’tiee li.-;ts of the nianfacturcrs

[ will be sent to those who desire them, to aid them in making selei-tion.’ ,

t When selections rhal l have been made the money can be sent to me at uiy ex|iense, by tlie Soulheru Express, and a Piano will be siiipped to the Depot the purchaser m:!V de.-ignate. Each Piano sold will be fully warranted. Address i!ie a t !^ta!esvillc,N. C. J . M. M. CALDWELL.

May7, KSf36 y

MACHINE SHOP, d x a r i o t t o , N . O .

in. iv iARTi.ir & CO.,Having removed their Works from Stowe.«ville, G as ­ton coiinly, to Charlot te , rerpeclful ly inform their old jiatroiis aud the publ ic general ly that they have opened a

Foundry ]V?aehine l^hopat the oM Navy Yard lot, in the ci ty of Charlolle, where they are prejiared to make all t o n s of

c ^ s T i i s r a sFor Steata Engines , .Mills, Factories, Water Wheels, Cane .VIills, Farming Implements , &C. i t c .

• • P a r t i c u l a r at tention will be pMid to ri piiiruin of all kinds.

All W(jrk shall be done in the very nicest style, and the best mater ia l used.


June 25, 1866 Charlotte, N. C.

J . r r B R Y C E & CO., General Conuzussion lylerch&zits,

C H A R L O I T E , N . 0 .

Pa r t ic u la r a t t en t ion paid to the sel ling of all k inds of Produce Cotton a n d Tobacco.

IJi^hest cash price paid for CoUoQ.All order s from a distance promptly a t t en d ­

ed to. J. Y. BRYCE.W. Jf. BRYCR.

March fi. 1‘>CQ.

Transieiit and Permanent Boarding.

Agents for the Celebrated “ Nansemond” Rirer Oysters, of which a constant supply will be kepi.

T I I E B A R Is slocked with the choicest Wines, Liijuors, .\les and Cigars. B. W. (JROOT,

Oct 16, 1866 6m Proprietor.

N h o a N

IRON M A N U FA C T U R IN G CO., G a sto n County, N. C.


The Company have been at a considerable ex­pense in fitt ing up the ir Iit>LLI.VG .VIILL and N.\1L FACTORY.

They are now prepared to execf.te all orders, in the be.«t style, they may be favored with in their line of biisinfisd.

Having secured the services of the best workmen in the l ion business, tha t can be procured in the South, they feel coufidi'ut they can give full satis­faction. Titc fol lowing art icles are cininierated,vii:

Rolled Iron, iu flat Bar, round and bquare—all sizes.

Tire."Hoops and Scollops—all sizes.All kind of Iron used fof Fatming jmrposes.Machinery and Hollow-ware ofal l descrij)fion.Also, Tacks, Nails and Brads of all sizes.The Iron is manufactured exclusively with char­

coal and wood, and out of .Maguetie Ores.The Iron and Nails are equal to any in the United

States or Europe, e i ther for welding or toughness.They are also prepared to make and “ fit uj)” any

kind of Cast ing at short notice. All orders will be promptly executed bv

B. B. BABINGTO.V, S u p ’t.High Shoals, Dec 3, 1866.

W . GOODM AN, o f M issiasippl, A. P. MERRILL, Jr.. o f N ew York,

General Commission Merchants,ot) N ew biuEET, NEW YOUK.

Wc have made an a r rangem en t by which Mr D W COURTS, late Publ ic T ieas nrc r of North Carol ina, becomes interested in all the business sent us from lha t State . He is not associated now with the tlrra o f Bennett , Van Pel t k Co, New York. We hoj e his friend.i will j iairontze u.<.

Dec Vj, 1HG5 tf

fS osiii iern C«>iiipany.The Southern Express Company has opened com-

municatron with ill Northein tind We,'tern Stales, and is nyw prefuired to forward Freight , Money and Viilualde Packages safely and promptly. l lessen- gers leave Chat lotle dail_\, connect ing a t Raleigh with Adams’ Express ( 'oinpany, and at it ichmond wiili Adams’ anti H a m d e n ’s Exjiress (,‘ompaniei .

Letters will be forwarded by this Company to all points S ou th and North having no mail facilities.

T, I). G I L L E S P I E , A g e n t .C h a i lo t t e , J u n e 19, 1H65 tf

M A . M K A C i r K K B o r

SADDLES & H A R N ESSN e a r lhn Pont 0 £ iv e ,

C II A K L O T T E, N. C.

Hides bought nnd sold. .Mar. h 5, l^CG y-pd

The Southern Express Company,For the t:an-[) irt.ni >n of merchandise, vuluabla fiacka'jfe-, speci<‘, b ink notes, bonds, Ac, for all parts of the South .and S )U*hwest, in connect ion with

ADAMS E,\PRfc;.S.S COMPANY.h a v e e s t a b l i s h e d t h e i r a g e n c y a t 5 9 B R O A D W A Y,

NEW YOlilv, where orders to call for jroodi to ba forwarded t^outh will receive prompt a t tention

,Merchandi*e ami valualdfs delivered to Harnden 1 , Kinsley’s, American and Unite<l States Express Com­panies, for Ihe S-.uihern Expre=* Company, will r e ­ceive prompt di-pMtch.

For pwr'iculars, rates of freiifht, Ac. Ac, apply at the office of the Southe rn Express Cf>mpany, 69

I Broadway. U. B. PL. \NT.Dec 13, 186,5. President-

“ MEDICAL CARD.DRS. GIBBON’ A McCOMBS, liaving associated

themselves in the practice of .Medicine aud Surgery, respectful ly tender their professional jervices to tbe ci tizens of Char lo t te and su r rounding country.

P'rom a large ex[ierience in private as well as Field and Uos[.ital pract ice , they feel justified in proposing to pay special a t ' i a l i o n to the pract ice of iSurirery in all its branehes

Office in Gran i te Row, np stai rs, opposi te the Mansion House.

ROBERT GIBBON. A D. Dec 11. 18C5 J . P . McCOMBS, M. D.

1 8 6 7 . A L : W A ! V A C S . I S 0 7 .

Blum’i F a rm e r s ’ and Planter*’Turner '* ‘-North C aro l ina’’“ Housekeepers’ Improved” « v

Almanacs for 1867, inst receireil at the 'Store. TIDDY 1 BRO.

Jau H . 1S6T,