westerk d:tcm:oclla.t, n. goods - library of...

"WESTERK D:TCM:OCllA.T, ;t)H ARLOTTE, , N. C NEWr GOODS THE SEW CONSCRIPTION ACT. An Act to amend an act, er titled, "An Act to pro- vide further for the public defence" approved 10th April, 18G- -. The Congraes of the Confederate States of Ameri- ca do enact. That the President bo and he is here- by authorized to call out and place in the military service of the Confederate State, for three year, NOTICE- - j I have been engaged for some time in collect- - iug and preparing a -- Memoir of the deceived sol- - j diers of North Carolina, who have fallen in this . battle disease. It ia due to war, either in or by who has sacrificed the memory of every patriot, his life on the altar of his country, whether an . officer or a private, that he should be remember- - unieiS ti,e war shall have been sooner ended, all xi by his countrvmen, and such a work would be' wnite men who are residents of the Confederate valuable to every citizen of our .State. I find it a States, between the ages of thirty-fiv- e and forty-- j lAnciinrHl-inf- f m1 tim1 fhft fivo twim. at the time the call or calls maybe made, and who are not at tuch tune or tunes legally ; tempted fruu. military service; or -- uch parts thereof, as, iu his judgment, may be necessary to ealls to be made under tin provision and according to the terms of the act to which this is an amendment: and uch utL.ritv hnll exist in the President, duiin? the pre. - ent war, a to all person who are, or may here- - j after become eighteen year or age; and, wncn ouxe j curolli-d- nil persons between the age or eigitteeii . I li I - r 11 r Provided, and iurtv-liv- e uau serve meir iuii time - th 1 IUII II III" i reiU-XIL- . Ill IUI1IUL' UUl M" 'l III. v. service f the Confederate State, shall tirt call j faj onlv a part of the persons, between the ages herein Ufore stated, he call for those between the age of thirty-live- , and any other age less than furtv-tivr- t; I'rnvidt-d- . That nothing herein contained i ii i - i . ... i . i:. . .ii:r-.;..- . n- - tliait oe unuerMoou in i eienuiij or iiiuuujun.. "-- j part of the act to whic h this i amendatory, except n herrin xpre?ly stated ; And provided further, That those called out tinder this act. and the act to which this is an amendment, shall l first and im- mediately ordered to fit! to their maximum number the companies, battalions, souadr ns and regiments from the respective States at the time the act to further provide for the public defence, approved loth April, lci, was pas.cd; and tho surplus, if j ordnance bureau, or some ordnance officer author-an- y. Khali be aligned to organization formed from jzt.J ,y him for the purpose, shall approve of the each State since the parage of that act. or placed J number of operatives required in such establish- - LEGISLATURE Ot1 KORTH CAROLINA. The following is a list of the members of the Le- gislature of North Carolina, elected in Aug. 1862 : SENATE. Pasquotank and Perquimans W.H Bagley, Camden and Currituck D McD Lindsay. Gates and Chowan Mills L Eure. Hyde and Tyrrell Charles McCleese. . Northampton Dr W S Copeland. Hertford J Ii Slaughter. Bertie Thomas M Garrett. Martin and Washington J G Carroway. Halifax Mason L Wiggins. Edgecombe and. Wilson Jesse II Powell. Pitt Dr EJ Blount. Beaufort E J Warren. Craven William B Wadsworth. Carteret and Jones Dr M F Arendell. Greene and Lenoir Edward Patrick. New Hanover Eli W Hall. Duplin Dr James G Dickson. Onslow J A Murrill. Bladen, Brunswick, &c Capt'j W Ellis. Cumberland and Harnett William B Wright. Sampson Thomas I Faison. Wayne William K Lane. Johnston C B Sanders. AVake J P H Russ. Nash Capt A J Taylor. Franklin Washington Harris. Warren Dr T J Pitchford. Granville 11 W Lassiter. Person James Holeman. Orange Hon William A Graham. Alamance and Randolph Giles Mehane. Chatham William P Taylor. Moore and Montgomery Calvin TV Wooley. Kichmond and Robeson. Giles Leitch. Anson, and Union William C Smith. Guilford Peter Adams. Casweil lion Bedford Brown. Rockingham Gen FL Simpson. Mecklenburg John A Young. Cabarrus and Stanly J W Smith, Rowan and Davie Dr J. G Ramsay. Davidson H Adams. Stokes and Forsyth Col James E Matthews. Ashe, Surry Arc Isaac Jarratt. Iredell, Wilkes, etc L Q Sharpe. Burke, McDowell, Arc S J Neal. Lincoln, Gaston, A:c James II White, Rutherford. Polk, &c M ODickerson. Buncombe. Henderson, ore. Wm M Shipp. Haywood, Macon, tVo.. C. D Smith. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Alatnauce Ii Y McAden, Dr E F Watson, Alexander Dr J M Carson. Anson Purdie Richardson, R II Burn. Ashe J M Gentry. ' Bladen- - -- J W Russ. Beaufort lion li S Donr.ell, Capt W T Marsh. Bertie Dr P T Henry, James Bond. Brunswick Daniel L Russell. Buncombe John Burgiu, Burke John Parks. Cabarrus W S Harris. Caldwell M N Baruhardt. Camden John Forbes. Carteret No 'election held on account of tho presence of the enemy. Caswell SS Harrison, William Long. Catawba Geo S Hooper. Chatham T B Harris, Lieut. W J Ileaden, M Q Waddell. Cherokee. J II Bryson. Chowan Lemuel C Benbury. Cleaveland David Beam, J li Logan. Columbus W M Baldwin. Craven J B G Barrow, Benj M Cook. Cumberland and Harnett. Hon J G She'pherd, Dr John MeCormick, Neill McKay. Currituc!l. B M Baxter, Duvidsou Dr R L Beall, Henry Walser. Davie Henrv B Howard-Dupli- n J C Stanford. L W Hodges, Edgecombe David Cobb. Robert Dynum. Forsyth John P Nissen, Dr E Kerner. Franklin A W Pearce, Jr. Gastor AW Davenport. Granville--Ho- n R B Gilliam, Jas S Amis, Capt, Eugene Grissom. Greene Capt II II Best. Guilford M S Sherwood, RW Glenn, W R Smith. Gates W II Manning. Halifax Dr Henry Joyner, A II Davis, Haywood Dr S L Love. Hertford J B Yann. Henderson Alexander Henry. Hyde E L Mann. Iredell T A Allison, John Toui1g. Jackson J Keener. Johnston Seth G Woodall, W H Avera. Jones Anthony E Rhodes. Lrnoir WW Dunn. Lincoln A Costlier. Macon Dr J M Lyle. Madison Doctor Wallcn. Martin James Robinson. McDowell Lieut. W F Craige. Mecklenburg John L Brown, E C Grier, Montgomery E G L Barringer. Moore Alexander Kelly. Nash Henry G Williams. New Hanover Saml. J Person, JRIIawes. Northampton WW Peebles, Capt II Staui.ill. Onslow J II Foy. Orange John Berry, W N Patterson. Pasquotank Gen W E Mann. Perquimans Dr Joseph II Riddick. Person Lieut. M D CBumpass. Pitt C Perkins, B G Albrittn. Randolph Jonathan Worth, M S Robbins. Richmond Lieut Saunders M Ingram. Robeson Murdock McRae. D McNeill. Rockingham WI Gilliam, James Reynolds. Rowan F K Shober, N N Fleming. Rutherford AR Bryan, J B Carpenter. Sampson William Kirby, Thomas II. Holmes. Stanly Lafayette Greene. 'Stokes William Flynt. Surry Dr Joseph Hollingsworth. Tyrrell Same as in Carteret Union C QLcmmonds, Wak. II W Miller, Wm Laws, G II Alford. Warren Thos I Judkins, Leonard Henderson. Washington -- (Same as in Carteret Watauga William Horton. Wayne L B Rives, M K Crawford. Wilkes E M Wellborn, A H Hampton. Yadkin -- AC Cowles. Yancy Lieut. M D Young, CHARLOTTE DRUG STORE. E. NYE HUTCHISON &. CO. RETAIL DEALERS IK Foreign and Domestic Drugs, 1 Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, . r ancy Articles, Oils, Paints, v ar. nishes, Window Glass, Putty, Dye Stuffs, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Pure Liquors, Canton Teas, Field and Garden Seed3, Ac. 52 Having closed our Books, we intend hereafter to sell for cash. Mav 7, 1861. COTTON SEED 'WANTED. The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for Cotton Seed, at their Oil Works, live rhiles'south-eas- t of Charlotte, ar Isaac N. Alexander's mills. I STEPHENS k WIIISXANT. Dec 3,1801 tf BLANTON DUNCAN, Columbia, 8. C, (Formerly of Kentucky), is prepared to fill orders to any extent in Jng-raVin- and Printing BANK. NOTES, Bills of Exchange, &c. Engravings upon Steel or Stone. Large supplies of Bank Note and other paper will be kept. August 5, 1862 3m ATlORliNG-BUSIN- ESS. NEW SHOP. The undersigned has opened a Tailor- ing Shop in Springs' Building, Room No. 1, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. He respect- fully asks a trial and a share of public patronage. .... .. . MJIi, art cuite fiiTnic1,o irk rrr&r Mil... 1 ' ' u.(....v4 bW U 1 U Mr II M Hobinson, an eH'rienced cutter, will super- intend the establishment. J. A. CALDWELL. February IS, 18C2 y W0OD-1YOU- K and BIACKSJIITHISG. The subscriber is prepared to do al! kinds of Wood- work and Blacksinithing, such as making and repair- ing Wagons and Buggies, Horse-shoein- g, Jcc. His Shop is at his residence, nearly opposite Mr W F Phifer's dwelling, and he also has' a Blacksmith Shop on the back-stre- et iu the rear of the Mecklenburg, House. ffo solicits a share of public patronage, and feels confident he can give satisfaction both in workmanship and charges. Give him a trial. J. M. PflOPEST. January 7, 18C2 JOHN A. LANCASTER & SON, Stock .Brokers, It. A. LANCASTER. March 18, 1862. 6m. P. J. WRIGHT. WM. & 11 TIDDY, Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C, MANUFACTURERS OT MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, &c, &c. JESjg"-Orde- r at cither Yard respectfully solicited, and will meet with prompt attention. Feb 1, 1862 tf .PEA MEAL We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea. Meal for feeding cows and stoe k. Also, we have on hand at all times, Family, Eitra. Superfine and coarse Flour. Wo warrant our family flour. Corn Meal and Grits can alwavs be had at the mill. J. WILKES &. CO. Jan'y 1, 1862 BY J. 15. KERIS, Proprietor. VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the patrons of 'be Charlotte Hotel.- - At this Hot is kept the line of Daily Stages from Charlotie !.i Asheville. Oct. 1, 1861. J. B. KERR. The Celebrated Female PilZs. These Pills do not curt all diseases, but thoy are war- ranted to cure Lucoreiih, or Whites that, dreadful scourge to female health, happiness and usefulness. They are nor -- tented and are no humbug, but are prepared by a North Carolina physician of high standing and of long experience in the treatment of female diseases. All that is necessary to convince you of their efTicury is a fair trial. For particulars, see wrappers. Price $1 per box. For sale at the DRUG STOKES. Jan. IB, 1861 vr ,New Supply of WATCHES, JEWELRY, Solid Silver and Plated Ware. The subscriber has lately purchased a very extensive supply of the above articles. His purchases being made directly from the manufacturer, he is therefore enabled to sell at a very small advance on cost, and persons may rest assured that all his articles are war- ranted to be what he represents them to be. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and will receive my personal attention. R. W. BECKWITII. Nwv. 27, 1861 tf. Tailoring. JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai- lor, respectfully informs the ciii-ze- ns of IJharlotte and surround- ing country, that he ia prepared to manufacture gentlemen's clo- thing in the latest style and at short notice. His best exertion will be given to render satisfac tion to those who patronize him. Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next 'door to Brown k Stitt's store. Jan. 1, 18(52. tf THE SOUTH CAR0LIMAN, Published )ai!y and Tri-weekl- y. COLUMBIA BANNER, A Weekly Family Paper. COLUMBIA S. 0. This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, and is offered to the domestic circle tor News and Political Intelligence. The Tales and Stories' which are olfered to the readers of the Banner are the efforts of Southern Genius, which it is a pleasure to foster. Original Sketches, Literary and Scientific Essays, and Micel-laneo- us Selections, regularly make their appearance in its coluiung. Subscription Daily, $8; Tri-Week- ly, $5; Weekly, $3 per annum, in advance. Papers stopped when sub- scription expires. Feb. 1, 18d- -' R. W. GIBRES, Proprietor. Selling oIT. The largest stock of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, kc, in the State, must be sold in 90 days, to make room for other business. All those wanting bargains had better call soon. Those in the trade will do well bv calling on W. II. SCHUTT, Dee. 31,1861. tf Oppose Post Office. SL'PEIUNTEXDEXTS AND ESIl'I-OYEK- S IN HOSPITALS, ETC. All superintendents of public hospitals, lunatic asylums and the regular physicians, nurses and at- tendants therein, and the teachers employed in 'the institution for the deaf, dumb and blind; in each apothecary store, now established and doing busi- ness, one apothecary in good standing, who is a practical apothecary. WOOL, COTTON AND PAPEJl MILLS. Superintendents in wool and cotton factories, pa- per mills, and superintendents and managers of wool-cardin- g machines, who may be exempted by the Secretary of V ar, prov.ded the profit, of such establishments shall not exceed seventy-fiv- e per centum upon the cost of production, to be determin- ed upon oath of the parties, subject to the same penalties for violation of the provisions herein con- tained as are hereiubefore provided in case of other manufacturing and mechanical employments. COLLEGES, THEOLOGICAL, SEMINAIUES, CCC. All presidents and teachers of colleges, acade- mies, schools and theological seminaries who have Knm i.j.ful.i rrtA nrdi fur t ah r it c irn venre nra. th ,,USlSIIg,. 0f this act. EMl'LOYEES WORK. All artisans, mechanic and employees, in the establishments of the Government for the manufac- ture jf arms, ordnance, ordnance stores and other munitions of war, who may be certified by the off- icer iu charge thereof an necessary for such estab- lishments ; also, nil artisans, mechanics, and em- ployees in the establishment of such persons as are or may be engaged under contracts wth the Gov- ernment, in furnishing arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, and other munitions of war, saddles, harness and army supplies, provided that the chief of tho meuts; all persons employed iu tho manufacture of arms, or ordnance of any kind by the several States ; or by contractors to furnish the same to several State Governments, whom the Governor Secretary of State thereof may certify to be ne- cessary to the same : all persons engaged in tjhe construction of ships, gun-boat- s, engines, sails, or other necessary to the public defence, and with direction of tho Secretary of the Navy; all super- - niteiiuents. managers, mechanics, ana miners ein-- ) ployed in the production and manufacture of salt to the extent of 20 bushels a day, and of lead and iron, and of all persons engaged in making charcoal for making pig and bar iron, not to embrace laborers, messengers, wagoners, and servants, utiles. t.nploy-- j at wwrks conducted under the authority and by the officers or agents of a State, or in works em-- , ployed iu the production of iron for the Confederate States. STOCK RAISERS. One male citizen for every 500head of cattle, for every 2.r0 head of horses or mules, and one shepherd every 500 head of sheep of such persons as are engaged exclusively in raising stock, provided there is no white male adult not liable to do military duty engaged with such person in raising stock. ' OVERSEERS OX PLANTATIONS. To secure the proper police of the country, one person either as agent, owner or overseer, on etich plantation n which one white person is required to kept by the laws r ordinances of any State, and which there is no white male adult not liable to military service; and in States having no such law, one person as agent, owner, or oversper, on each plantation of twenty negroes, and on whiclt thre is no white male adult not liable to military service; Bi.d furthermore, for additional police for ever' twenty negroes, on two or more plantation within five miles of each other, and each having less than twenty negroes on which there is no white male adult not liabht to military duty, ne person, being the oldest of the owners or overseers ou such plantations. SPECIAL EXEMPTION?. Also, n regiment raised uud?r, and by the author- ity of the State of Tex is for the frontier defence, now in the service of sad State, while in such ser- vice ; and such other persons as the President shall satisfied, on account of justice, or equity, or necessity, ought to be exempted, are herby exempt- ed from military service in the armies of the Con- federate States ; provided, that the exemptions herein above enumerated shall only continue whilst persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or occupations. Sec. 2. That the act entitled "an act to exempt certain persons from enrollment for service iu the armies of the Confederate States," approved the 2lst April, is hereby repealed. FIELD OFFICERS OF N. C. TEOOPS. A friend has taken some pains to furnish, at our request, the following list of the field officers North Carolina troops. This list is correct to the present date, (Sept. loth) it having been com- piled from official records : Colonels. Liect.-Col's- . Majors. i.T A McDowell. Ham A Hrown, (James S I lines. 2 VYm r J'.ynum, j in Ii C'x, W L Deliossett, r.ciwaru .tvage, S. D. Thurston, 4 lirviin Grimes, David M Carter, James II Wood, f.jlLK McRae, I'et.r.T Sinclair, William J Hill, til Isaac K Avery, Robuit F Webb, Sam McD Tate. 7jKd G Haywood, Junius Ij Hill, Robert S Young, Henry M Shaw, Geo Williamson. J W Hinton, y'L 8 j?aker, Js li Gordon, jno II Whitaker. 10:J A J Uradford, S 1) Toole, W B Thompson, jC Levcnthorbe, Wm .1 Mnrtin, Egbert A Ross, lienj O Wade. 1 hos L .lone, David. P Rowe, 13!Alt"ivd M .Scales, Thomas Iiufliu, Jno T Hambrick, IK T liennett, A Dowd, Wm MacRae, W II Yarboro', .1 S McElroy, Wm A Stowe, Wm F Martin, John C Lamb. TI106 H Sharpe, Thos JTurdie, Forney , 19! Sol. Williams, W G liobiuson, J V W.oodfiu, 20l Alfred Iverson, Wm 11 Toon, yijRohert F Hoke, Zander Fulton, v'.'i.lMnii's t;nntw.r Robert 11 Gray, CC Cole, Danl II Christie, li D Johnston, CC Blacknall, Wm .1 Clarke, j.J V'in L, Harris, T D L'ove, II M Kntledge. SC Hrvson. J W Francis, H K Hurgwynu, J S Kendall, 7 John R Cooke, RW Sing.-- l arv John A Gilmer, o.j Samuel D Low,'. jW J Momgoinry 29. Robert It Vance. las M Lowrv. Thos F Gardner, :?0;Fran M Parker, James T Kell, . Wm W Siller, :.v v.'t tL""' K R Liles, Jesse J Yeates, . I,UI. 1 Dlituiil-- , W T Williams, I G Coward, rrrwi- f Robert V Cowan, :u!Kich li Riddak, Kli H Miller, M W Ransom, John G Jones, Artillep detached companies, Wm M Barber, jC N Hickrrson. -- W; William J Hoke,, R F Arnirield, L I) Andrews, ::U,D:,v,i.cl H HTJavidsou, F A Reynolds, 40lArtillerv tach companies. Cavalry tacht companies, C Gibbs, Johu K Brown, iD A Underwit Thomas S Kenan, AYm. (I Lewis, iWalt J Bojrfran. T C Sini-plfiir- v T !- - Hargrove, jC M Stednian, Junius Daniel, ,T H Moreh. ad. Andrew J B)Vd. 4HKdward D Hall, Wm A Jenkins, Rush J Mitchell, 47jSion ll Koprri, G II Faribault, John A Graves, 1l,1,, rt C Hill. S H Walkup, i.ri .1 nfjivij ' John A Fleming Mars I Cr.-.to- ;; .1 A " h 1 (T r n Tl 1 iV fc""j"-"- ortii;tm, l .' l' M,rl ii. mA Allen, Hector McKethan, J K .a ! Marcus A Parks,! J Q Richardson, Wm A Owe J T Morehead, IJas J Iredell jJCS McDowell KM Murchison, Auderson Flli, . John -- . K Conallv. . . ' Ab S Calloway, raui t t aison, GG Luke, H T iikhenck, odwin, H C Jones, Jr., James A Craige, B Palmer, Proffit, Keener, 1 1- IV Wm S Devane, Henry Harding-- , 0:Jos A McDowell, iWm H Deaver, W W McDowell, The following regiments and battalions have made no returns to the Adjuunt General, and have, therefore not been numbered : Colonel D. D. Ferebee's, Colonel L M nrn's' and c,,Ion,'1 R G. A. Love's regiments ; Colonel Ytlry' H-j- or ' -- j- - 'F-"- r?, Major . G. Evans" nartizan rancprs ur,r) flri n-- i. r & - 'tui. i uarton Greene's battalions. There are also quite a number of heavy artillery companies, etc.. enough in all to make our active tcrce up to s.i.xtv-gv- e regiments. Kah igh Jour- - I . The largest stock of FALL AND WINTER Co. t in the town, is now on hand at the popular and ionable house of Koopmarin & Phelps. The public, and especially the Ladies, are spectfully invited to call and examine our stock frf know they cannot fail to be pleased, both as to'cuV and price. , alltJ We are now opening daily, as we receive them the first Houses in the Northern cities, the follow"""11 splendid Goods in part: UlE Merinos, Delaines, Poplins, Silks LADIES TRAVELING GOODS. ' French, English & American Prints, alargest0c Qualities and prices to suit all tastes and purses. Splendid CLOM.S Ollrf AJ.lp which particular attention is invited. Bonnets. J0t; ey's and Flats. Embroideries', Triuimii!;.';, lIos.Prt Gloves, &c Our Staple and Domestic IffpartnienJ' full and complete, and for it we defy competition WI3 will IVOTIitt UI.DKI.SOLI). We have a splendid assortment of CAIWLTS fl(j Family and Negro Blankets. Our HE A DY-- MA DE CL O THING tins season surpasses, in nnisn una superiority 0U heretofore splendid stock in that line: and thing is, we will sell at shorter profits than evn BOOTS mid SHOE'S. -- Our Mork iu department is very complete, and selected for Iat'i,, Gentlemen, Children and Servants with great eyre, nJ at luv prices. A large and cheap stock of choice (Q n g OS 0 E s HARDWARE, &c. We call the attention of ourold ami highlv, valued and buyers generally, to the tact" that, antii. pating their tastes and wants, we have neither spare l toil or expense in order to suit and dense them, and we sincerely assure them that with these views and inte- ntions, we will sell on terms entirely to accommodate all who call on us. KOOFM ANN k I'll ELI'S Jan. 1, 1?C2. . tf Quinn's Rheumatic Remedy Has effected cures of Rheumat ism that were eonciderM hopeless, certificates to prove which can be exhibit,) The suffering are invited to ive the medicine a trial. Orders addressed to the uiider.-ignc- d at Charlotte wi! receive prompt attention. W. W. Ql'lX.V. April 10, 1860. Frice $1 50 per bottl. II I (in POINT FEMALE SEMIMElT HIGH POINT, X. C. The Fall Session will begin on Monday, Ju'.y Jl'nt 1862, with th6 same corps of teachers and thefast leading characteristics as heretofore. For inforrtnticj as to the merits of the school, we reft r with confide to our former patrons. BATES PIH SBSSION OF TWEXTV WIBKS. Board, at $3 00 per week. $co oo Kegular Tuition, lower classes, 12 iO " " higher classes, 15 00 Piano 6r Guitar Lessons, 20 00 Wax, Worsted or Feather work, 6 00 Tern. Sixty dollars in advance; the remainder at the close of the session. No deduct ion for an absie of less than two consecutive weeks. For further information address. S. LANDER. A. M.. June 10, 1862 Principal WHEAT ! The subscriber is prepared to purchase the r crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Ksrmen will find it to their advantage to call at the CHAK-LuTT- E STEAM MILLS before idling. v Jan'y 1, 18(52 tf JNO. WII.KE?. UK. E. EI. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C., Would inform the public generally, and the citizen Mecklenburg particularly, that he has resnmtd if Practice of DENTISTRY" and may be found at hit oA stand. He is prepared to set Artificial Teeth on (!old. Silver, Vulcanite, or ou the Cheoplastic procts. i patients may desire, and fill Teeth ith Geld, Tin, Amalgam or Os Artificial. He is also prepared to perform any operation belong- ing to Dentistry, and need not say that he will he piec- ed to wait upon any of his old friends 6r new friend you may take that for granted. February 5, 18G1 A TCBW IsAYZ BOOK. CANT WELL'S PRACTICE AT LAV, Just published, a treatise upon the PUAtTll.l ! LAW in North Carolina, byEnwAKD Cim.k LL.B., author of the N. C. Justice, etc. CONTENTS: Of legislative power in general; "lpgislMiTe powr ;t North Carolina; legislative powers ol" justices of tb peace; county boundaries itceds, etc.: county rtTfUi and charges; court-house- s, prisons, etc.; county hum', jury trials; fairs and public sales; general nhstnibiy: inspections, public ItMidings, Mr.; poor hoiiffs ir.d hospitals; registers and clerks; rivers and creekt: ?' ferries and bridges; weights and measures; idint. m lunatics; retailers: Neuse river; public rends and cut-way- public, landings and inspections: mills and iw lers; ordinaries and constables; pLtrols: wardens of the poor; prison bounds; road, ferries nv.d br'nh"-- ; poll ! exemptions; executive power in gencial; exerut: power in North Carolina; executive power of the rvM chief justice and clerk; attorneys at law; attorney : reporter and marshal, clerks and hoiiciior; couiu for paupers; guardians; county attorney; fliittioi.cii' county court clerks; coroners; boundary coTnntief-ierin- committees of firfance; county trustee: county tieanii". special court ; commissioners of fairs; inferiors; of schools; commissioners of nav igntiir. wardens of the poor; registers, cornm-is- s iftners f r; v rs and creeks; sheriffs; constables; ranper'; nan Janl l.'P; crs; retailers; administrators; ehnirnian of commissioners of deeds and conveyance: of low lands; entry takers ar.d nitvrvot' superintendents of elections; guardians and receivers: inspectors; commissioners of internal- - in.provenifut'; partitiouipntrol committees; pnx-essioner- s ; tsx lift'" and boards of valuation: overseers of roads and rirf.r. commissioners of wrecks; tobacco pickers atil cooj"r!- - The APPENDIX contains forms of Deeds ar.d Cor,-(V.ll- assieuniri.-ts- . flwSf'i j bifle of sale, bills of exchange and lading, bonds, mis-- j cellaneous bonds, contracts, deeds, marrbpe sefle--i nients, mortgages, copartnei ship articles, notes, rf ' 1 a e; c A- r A' r This book contains 5.1G pages, is gotten up f P" riortleand bound in law calf. I ' r i . si' ct'l?' S6.0O." EDWARD CANTWELL, ItAI-HfiH- . VIRGINIA PRINTING INK ESTABLISHMENT. Corner of Adams and Leigh streets, RICIIMUNI. C. "R. TAYLOR, Printing Ink Mnim'" rer, takes pleasure in announcing l- l'e Press that his Ink Factory is now in sncces.-fu- l !'" ration in the manufacture or every description of P?!Dt' ing Ink, which he is prepared to furnish on Ttf'',' able terms. News, Book and Jul) Inks of every uttr,P' tion always on hand. Orders promptly attended to. Address C. R. TA Yl.t'l'- - Jnly 2d. Richmond.1, CantwelPs Practice. During my absence in the Military service cf !f State, in Virginia, gubscrihers and others drfirirf:' ies of the above work, can obtain them of Urs. 'E' well, Raleigh. . , , All persons indebted to roe, by note or other!'-- requested to pay her. I will hold her receipt pow Price of single copies of the above $5.00 A det-- c tion will be made to those who buv to sell Ptt:,Tr EDWARD CANTR near Norfolk, Jnly 30, 18C1. WANTED. Wanted for the Confederate Army, 10,0C0 F,r Socks. YOFNG, WRISTPN A Of July 30, 1861 tf :..trathnr in ull r.arts of the State. 1 '. js:"BiiiiJ.-v- , " i - ask the friende of the deceased in different parts cf tbe State to furnish me with information to en- able me to complete this work. All the papers in the State will please notice tills and aid me in the work. Letters containing information, sent to Granite Hill V. G-- , Jredell County, will be thank- - . fully received. T. n, . II A 31a A 1 . : I . i a v , ' vBS. J UL Al ItKlitVJLLt. Alter iuv.uu .?id ennfi down on the blood v Celd of Perrvville, I , , J , ' . v ana the gloom or evening overnung tue sccue oi carnage and death, even then, at intervals, bodies : of the two armies would occasionalfy come in col- - i licinn Uric fipn Clnihornn'ti pnm ninnd with which was Gcu. 1'oik, just at nightfall came upon an Indiana regiment. Gen. Polk was pome di- - tancc in advance of our troops, and suddenly , found himself in the very midst of the Indiauiuti.s, i who were firing briskly upon Claiborne's columns. ! Gen. Polk, teizinir the Indiana Colonel by the shoulder, demanded, why he was firing upon his iriends? The Colonel said that he did not know that he was guilty of such a blunder, and asked, "who are you ?" "I'll show you who I am." said Gen. Polk, and then raising in his stirrups, he Saying r, to the Colonel, ou sha.l at once hrar . from me, sir. 1 oik rode qwctljr away, and as soon as he was out of sight, with accelerated ve locity, came dashing at headlong speed to the spot where Gen. Claiborne stood. Pointing to the Yankees, he exclaimed, "Let them have it, boys, they are Yankees, I've been there." Gen. Polk said afterwards that he counted not less than fifteen balls as they penetrated his back while he rode away from the Indi&tiiaris. We arc hippy to advise our readers, that on his arrival at this place, (Jen. Tolk had entirely recovered from his imagined wounds; in fact, he wears a charmed life. lie 1ms never been touched neither at liel-inon- t, Shiloh, Farmington nor Pcrryvilie, at each of which places be exposed himself to needless ti ange rs Kn o.r v il I t Rnj !&trr. Marvelous Escai-- kuo.m 1katii. The London Examiner, correcting a mis-stateme- in regrad to Jlnjor-Gencr- ul Ponsonby, relates the fol- lowing fctory of another Ponsonby, who was at Waterloo: Colonel Ponsonby, of the twelth dragoons, wrs f trttched wounded on the ground, and a Polish lancer seeing some life in him, said, u.ing a filthy expression, " , you are not dead," aiid delib- erately J ran his lance into the disabled tnnn's bodv more than once. Some French riflemen then took I possession ol the ground where Ponsonby lav, and ! they made a Ltnp ci' bodies they found "on the spot to scne as a sort of pampet, from behind which they lired kneeling. Pononby had the luck of being placed at the top of the pile, and the rifio-Tna- n who was Using his body as a shie ld and rust, perceiving some tigns of life in him, instead of act- ing ns the Favage. dastardly lancer had done, gave him a drink of brandy out of hip flask. As the day wore on. Ponsonby's suflV-ring- s became s intolerable that he implored the friendly foe to put bis rifle to his head and dispatch him, but the gal-ln- nt said, "No, cheer up, the day's your own, we are in full retreat, farewell; I must be . off." We are afraid to say how many wounds Pon-onb- y had, we believe they were not under a do- zen, and his survival was attributed to his remain- ing on the ground exposed to the cold (cold it was, though midsummer J for nearly forty-eig- ht hours, which kpt down fever that would otherwise have supenentd. He recovered to tell the story we have repeated, and few finer looking men could be Keen than he was, after having been riddled and ' pierced with a dozen wounds. rut mark what death w as in store for a man who had survived what wc have faintly described. The hero died of the merry-thoug- ht of a chicken. He was choked by a chicken-bon- e nt Marret Green, on his way to Southampton, twenty-tw- o years after his escape of all the horrors of the field of Waterloo. A Shrewd Irishman An Irish priest ws standing at the comer of a nuare about the hour of dinner, when one of his countrymen, observing the worthy father in perplexity, thus addressed him : "Oh ! Father O'Leary, how is your riverenee ?" "Mighty put out, Pat," was the reply. "Put out ! who's put out your riverenee V "Ah! you don't understand it; that is just it; I am invited to dine at one of the houses iu this Mjuare, and 1 have forgotten the name, and I nov-c- r looked at the number, and low its 7 o'clock." "Oh, is that all'" wa the cry, "jist he aisy, your riverenee. I'll settle thai for you." So saying, away flew the good-- . at ared Irishman round the square, glancing at the kitchens, and when he discovered a fire that denoted hospitality, lie thundered. at the door and inquired, "Is Fath- er O'Leary here?" As might bo expected, again and again he was repulsed. At length an nngry foot in;. n ex- claimed : "No; bother on Father -- O'Leary, he is not here, but he was to dine here to-da- y, and the cook is iu a rage, and says the dinner will be spoilt; all is waiting for Father O'Leary." Paddy leaped from the door as if the steps had : 1 - t J !..... 1 - ! pecu on are, iumic'i up 10 me asionisnea priest. "All is right, your riverehce; you dine at 43 , tnd a mighty good dinner you'll get." "Oh, Pat, the blessings of a hungry man be " upon ycu "Long life and happiness to your riveranec ! I have got your ma lad-- ; I only wish I had vour care Pay Your Debts. The following, we copy ' from an exc hange, is literallv true, and we hope ' may prove beneficial to some who may read Seme who have every thing to buy and nothing to eel!, cannot rav their debts, but all who cu. j would do well to heed the advice 'There never was a better time to nav df hts ; i j than the present. 3Ionev is plenty and every- - ! ! v a and stop interest. W hen the war is ended every- - f .i: :n .,J i, , ... tnmg win go UUD iW . natural level; money will not be SO abundant, and JOU will not obtain such ! high prices for jour surplu3 products. Many men refuse to pay their debts becauy the stay law pre- - ' rents them from being sued. As soon as the war ' nr . c b.ww eesse tn nmlMt tham . ' J i and those to whom thev are indebted will sue at . the first court. Now is tbe time to pay up and ' Stop interest and ccst?.' in new organizations, to be officered by the State having such residue, according to tho laws thereof, r dia of now rrovid?d bylaw; Provided. T,)at tJ Pnident is authorized to suspend the the execution of this, or the net to which this is an or Amendment, in any locality where he may find it impracticable to execute tho same; and that in such localities, and during such suspension, the President is authorized to receive troops into the Confederate Kcrvice under any of the acts passed by th Confederate Congress prior to the passage of 111 uct to further provide for the public defence i approved 16th of April. 1HJ2. . i THE NEW EXEMPTION BILL. I A liiLL to exempt certain persons from military ser- vice, ed atd to repeal the act entitled "an act to ex- empt j certain persons from enrollment for service in the army f the Confederate States," approved 2 1st April. THE PHYSICALLY DISAM.F.I. OFFICERS OK OOVIRX-1IKN- T, CLERKS AND OTHERS. for The CongresK of the Confederate States of Amer- - iea do enact. That all persona who shall be held r unfit for militarT service in the field, br rcusnn of bodily infirmity or mental incapacity or imbecility, 1 .1 "111 .1 (4 J unuer rules to ue pre.cnoei ny tne Secretary ot War, the Yice President of the Confederate States, tho officer, judicial and executive. f tho Confeder-- j ate and State Governments, including Postmasters be appointed by the President and confirmed by the on Senate, and such clerk in their office as are allow-- i do ed by the Postmaster General, and noiv employed, and excluding all other postmasters, their asit-- j ants and clerk; and except such State officers as the several States may have declared, or may here-- ; after declare by law to he liable to militia dnty; the members of both Houses of Congress of too Ce-nfed-- erate State, and of the Legislatures of the several Mates. nnl tneir respective otneer ; all clerks now in the office of the Confederate and State Govern- ments authorised bv law, receiving salaries or fees. VOLCNTEETt TROOPS. All volunteer troops heretofore raised by any State since the. passage of the act entitled "an act further to provide for the public defence," approved April Jiitii, J6GxJ, while such troops shall be in ac- tive be service under State authority ; Provided that thif exemption shall not apply to any person who wn.s liable to be called into service by virtue of said act of April Kith. TRAXSTORTATIOJf COMPAKIES, TFLEORArH, OJC. the All pilot and persons engaged in the merchant marine service; the president, superintendents, con- ductor, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers, managers, station ngents. section masters, two expert track hands to earn section of eight miles, and mechanics in the active service and employment of railroad Compimi''. not to embrace laborers, porters and messengers; the president, general superintendent and operators of telegraph companies, the local su- perintendent and operators of said companies not to exceed four in number at any locality but that of nt the siiat of government of the Confederate States; the prerident. superintendent, captains, engineers, chief ch-rk- s and mechanics in the active service and employment, of all companies engaged on river and c canal navigation, nud all captains of boats and en- - ! gineers thereon employed. BIUTOUS, NEWSPAPER EMPLOYEES, ANI MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL. One editor of ench newspaper now beiiir publish- ed, and such employee as the editor or proprietor mav certifv, on oath, to be indispensable for con ducting the publication ; the public printer, and ! those employed to perform the public printing for the Confederate and State Governments; every' minister nf religion authorized to preach according j 11 to the rule of sect and in the regular discharge U' f miuikterial duties. I 14 All persons who have been and now are mmber ! Jf. of the society of Friends, and the association of 17 Dunkards. Nazarenes and Mennonists, in regular j 18 menioersnip in their respective denominations, pro- vided members of the society of Friends. Naza-rene- s, Alennonists and Dunkards shall furnish sub- stitute, or pay a tax of $5U0 each into the public z. treasury. PHYSICIANS. All physicians who now are, and for the last five 20 have , been, actual . of i years in practice their profes- - sion. SHOEMAKERS, TANNERS. iVc' i All shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, watron makers, millers engineers, rnill-wnirht- s. : skilUdand actually emploj-e- d at their regular vo- - , cation in the. said trades, habitually engaged in o.r working tor the public and whilst so atuallv em- - :U) ployed ; provided Shid person shall make 011th in 37: writing that thev are so skilled and actually em- - ploved at the time as his regular vocation in one ot the uliove trades, which afnj.tvit shall only be prima faciu evidence of the facts therein stated S 41 EXTORTIONERS 4'.i. i 44 Frori(l,-- farther, that the exemptions herein I 4.r.i Pranted t person by reason of their peculiar me- - j !!""? i"'-- , ',er t,cleul'ntion.'' employment not ' 4b public service, shall be Fubiect , . . . .. in iiui n111tn1Ti1.11 ni. 3 i ""1 oie products ot the iaoor ot ' 8Ueh exenu.ts. or of tl, . it i, i ment r with which they are connected shall be sold i ! and d.spesed of bv the proprietors ut prices not ex- - Ko ceding seventy-fiv- e per centum upon the. cost of 54 production, . . "L1,lu"n . a maximum to be fixed bv the 55 x n- - j i t ted to and iudsred of bv the Sprrt.,. r .1 . . . . J. . -- . . ' nr 10 have violated, or in any .manner evaded the true intent and spirit of the foregoing proviso, the ex- - emptions therein granted hall no longer be extend- - ! ei to tbo5r superintendents and operatives in said " r" . ? mem mui u iwruiwuu wruueu uuutr uis proTUiooi p of this act, and ordered into the Confederate army, and shall in no event be exempted therefrom- - by rpason 0f sn;,i .tahlid,mM.t r ployineuts therein. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, CONTINUES Vo take risks against less hy fire, on Produce, &c, ut usual rates. President A. C. STEELE, Vict J'reidenlC. OVERMAN, Attorney JOS. H. WILSON, Secy $ Ttue'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. DIRECTORS: A. C. STEELE, . S. T. WRISTO.V, JNO. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, M. B. TAYLOR, F. SCAKR, CHAS. OVERMAN. Fxecutivt Committee F. Starr, Jno. L.Brown, Wra J. YateF. .April 10, 18S1. LOST OR Til SLAB I, A Certificate for two shares of Stock in the C. k S. C. Railroad, No. dated July 7, 1853. Application will be made for a duplicate of the same. N. WILKINSON. Per J. G. Wilki.vsox, Agent. August itj 3m ADDlication will be marWtn A i v the Legislature at its next session for an incorporation of the Moriah Baptist Association. . Sept 9, 18C2- - ."Sni-- pd

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NEWr GOODSTHE SEW CONSCRIPTION ACT.An Act to amend an act, er titled, "An Act to pro-

vide further for the public defence" approved10th April, 18G- -.

The Congraes of the Confederate States of Ameri-

ca do enact. That the President bo and he is here-

by authorized to call out and place in the militaryservice of the Confederate State, for three year,


I have been engaged for some time in collect- -

iug and preparing a --Memoir of the deceived sol- -j

diers of North Carolina, who have fallen in this .

battle disease. It ia due towar, either in or bywho has sacrificedthe memory of every patriot,

his life on the altar of his country, whether an .

officer or a private, that he should be remember- - unieiS ti,e war shall have been sooner ended, all

xi by his countrvmen, and such a work would be' wnite men who are residents of the Confederate

valuable to every citizen of our .State. I find it a States, between the ages of thirty-fiv- e and forty-- jlAnciinrHl-inf- f m1 tim1 fhft fivo twim. at the time the call or calls maybe

made, and who are not at tuch tune or tunes legally ;

tempted fruu. military service; or -- uch partsthereof, as, iu his judgment, may be necessary to

ealls to be madeunder tin provision and according to the terms ofthe act to which this is an amendment: and uchutL.ritv hnll exist in the President, duiin? thepre.- ent war, a to all person who are, or may here-- j

after become eighteen year or age; and, wncn ouxe j

curolli-d- nil persons between the age or eigitteeii.I li I - r 1 1 r Provided,and iurtv-liv- e uau serve meir iuii time- th

1 IUII II III" i reiU-XIL-. Ill IUI1IUL' UUl M" 'l III. v.

service f the Confederate State, shall tirt call j

faj onlv a part of the persons, between the agesherein Ufore stated, he call for those betweenthe age of thirty-live- , and any other age less thanfurtv-tivr- t; I'rnvidt-d- . That nothing herein contained

i ii i - i . ... i . i:. . .ii:r-.;..- . n- -tliait oe unuerMoou in i eienuiij or iiiuuujun.. "-- j

part of the act to whic h this i amendatory, exceptn herrin xpre?ly stated ; And provided further,That those called out tinder this act. and the act towhich this is an amendment, shall l first and im-

mediately ordered to fit! to their maximum numberthe companies, battalions, souadr ns and regimentsfrom the respective States at the time the act tofurther provide for the public defence, approvedloth April, lci, was pas.cd; and tho surplus, if j ordnance bureau, or some ordnance officer author-an- y.

Khali be aligned to organization formed from jzt.J ,y him for the purpose, shall approve of theeach State since the parage of that act. or placed J number of operatives required in such establish- -


The following is a list of the members of the Le-

gislature of North Carolina, elected in Aug. 1862 :

SENATE.Pasquotank and Perquimans W.H Bagley,Camden and Currituck D McD Lindsay.Gates and Chowan Mills L Eure.Hyde and Tyrrell Charles McCleese. .

Northampton Dr W S Copeland.Hertford J Ii Slaughter.Bertie Thomas M Garrett.Martin and Washington J G Carroway.Halifax Mason L Wiggins.Edgecombe and. Wilson Jesse II Powell.Pitt Dr EJ Blount.Beaufort E J Warren.Craven William B Wadsworth.Carteret and Jones Dr M F Arendell.Greene and Lenoir Edward Patrick.New Hanover Eli W Hall.Duplin Dr James G Dickson.Onslow J A Murrill.Bladen, Brunswick, &c Capt'j W Ellis.Cumberland and Harnett William B Wright.Sampson Thomas I Faison.Wayne William K Lane.Johnston C B Sanders.AVake J P H Russ.Nash Capt A J Taylor.Franklin Washington Harris.Warren Dr T J Pitchford.Granville 11 W Lassiter.Person James Holeman.Orange Hon William A Graham.Alamance and Randolph Giles Mehane.Chatham William P Taylor.Moore and Montgomery Calvin TV Wooley.Kichmond and Robeson. Giles Leitch.Anson, and Union William C Smith.Guilford Peter Adams.Casweil lion Bedford Brown.Rockingham Gen F L Simpson.Mecklenburg John A Young.Cabarrus and Stanly J W Smith,Rowan and Davie Dr J. G Ramsay.Davidson H Adams.Stokes and Forsyth Col James E Matthews.Ashe, Surry Arc Isaac Jarratt.Iredell, Wilkes, etc L Q Sharpe.Burke, McDowell, Arc S J Neal.Lincoln, Gaston, A:c James II White,Rutherford. Polk, &c M ODickerson.Buncombe. Henderson, ore. Wm M Shipp.Haywood, Macon, tVo.. C. D Smith.


Alatnauce Ii Y McAden, Dr E F Watson,Alexander Dr J M Carson.Anson Purdie Richardson, R II Burn.Ashe J M Gentry. 'Bladen- - --J W Russ.Beaufort lion li S Donr.ell, Capt W T Marsh.Bertie Dr P T Henry, James Bond.Brunswick Daniel L Russell.Buncombe John Burgiu,Burke John Parks.Cabarrus W S Harris.Caldwell M N Baruhardt.Camden John Forbes.Carteret No 'election held on account of tho

presence of the enemy.Caswell S S Harrison, William Long.Catawba Geo S Hooper.Chatham T B Harris, Lieut. W J Ileaden,

M Q Waddell.Cherokee. J II Bryson.Chowan Lemuel C Benbury.Cleaveland David Beam, J li Logan.Columbus W M Baldwin.Craven J B G Barrow, Benj M Cook.Cumberland and Harnett. Hon J G She'pherd,

Dr John MeCormick, Neill McKay.Currituc!l. B M Baxter,Duvidsou Dr R L Beall, Henry Walser.Davie Henrv B Howard-Dupli-


J C Stanford. L W Hodges,Edgecombe David Cobb. Robert Dynum.Forsyth John P Nissen, Dr E Kerner.Franklin A W Pearce, Jr.Gastor A W Davenport.Granville--Ho- n R B Gilliam, Jas S Amis, Capt,

Eugene Grissom.Greene Capt II II Best.Guilford M S Sherwood, R W Glenn, W R

Smith.Gates W II Manning.Halifax Dr Henry Joyner, A II Davis,Haywood Dr S L Love.Hertford J B Yann.Henderson Alexander Henry.Hyde E L Mann.Iredell T A Allison, John Toui1g.Jackson J Keener.Johnston Seth G Woodall, W H Avera.Jones Anthony E Rhodes.Lrnoir W W Dunn.Lincoln A Costlier.Macon Dr J M Lyle.Madison Doctor Wallcn.Martin James Robinson.McDowell Lieut. W F Craige.Mecklenburg John L Brown, E C Grier,Montgomery E G L Barringer.Moore Alexander Kelly.Nash Henry G Williams.New Hanover Saml. J Person, JRIIawes.Northampton W W Peebles, Capt II Staui.ill.Onslow J II Foy.Orange John Berry, W N Patterson.Pasquotank Gen W E Mann.Perquimans Dr Joseph II Riddick.Person Lieut. M D CBumpass.Pitt C Perkins, B G Albrittn.Randolph Jonathan Worth, M S Robbins.Richmond Lieut Saunders M Ingram.Robeson Murdock McRae. D McNeill.Rockingham W I Gilliam, James Reynolds.Rowan F K Shober, N N Fleming.Rutherford A R Bryan, J B Carpenter.Sampson William Kirby, Thomas II. Holmes.Stanly Lafayette Greene.'Stokes William Flynt.Surry Dr Joseph Hollingsworth.Tyrrell Same as in CarteretUnion C QLcmmonds,Wak. II W Miller, Wm Laws, G II Alford.Warren Thos I Judkins, Leonard Henderson.Washington -- (Same as in CarteretWatauga William Horton.Wayne L B Rives, M K Crawford.Wilkes E M Wellborn, A H Hampton.Yadkin -- AC Cowles.Yancy Lieut. M D Young,



Foreign and Domestic Drugs,

1 Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery,. r ancy Articles, Oils, Paints, v ar.nishes, Window Glass, Putty, DyeStuffs, Turpentine, Burning Fluid,Alcohol, Pure Liquors, CantonTeas, Field and Garden Seed3, Ac.

52 Having closed our Books, we intend hereafterto sell for cash.

Mav 7, 1861.

COTTON SEED 'WANTED.The undersigned will pay the highest cash price for

Cotton Seed, at their Oil Works, live rhiles'south-eas- tof Charlotte, ar Isaac N. Alexander's mills.


BLANTON DUNCAN,Columbia, 8. C,

(Formerly of Kentucky), is prepared to fill orders toany extent in Jng-raVin- and Printing BANK. NOTES,Bills of Exchange, &c. Engravings upon Steel orStone.

Large supplies of Bank Note and other paper will bekept.

August 5, 1862 3m


NEW SHOP.The undersigned has opened a Tailor-

ing Shop in Springs' Building, RoomNo. 1, where he is prepared to do allkinds of work in his line. He respect-fully asks a trial and a share of publicpatronage.

.... .. . MJIi, art cuite fiiTnic1,o irk rrr&rMil... 1 ' ' u.(....v4 b W U 1 U

Mr II M Hobinson, an eH'rienced cutter, will super-intend the establishment.

J. A. CALDWELL.February IS, 18C2 y

W0OD-1YOU- K and BIACKSJIITHISG.The subscriber is prepared to do al! kinds of Wood-

work and Blacksinithing, such as making and repair-ing Wagons and Buggies, Horse-shoein- g, Jcc. His Shopis at his residence, nearly opposite Mr W F Phifer'sdwelling, and he also has' a Blacksmith Shop on theback-stre- et iu the rear of the Mecklenburg, House.

ffo solicits a share of public patronage, and feelsconfident he can give satisfaction both in workmanshipand charges. Give him a trial.

J. M. PflOPEST.January 7, 18C2

JOHN A. LANCASTER & SON,Stock .Brokers,

It. A. LANCASTER.March 18, 1862. 6m. P. J. WRIGHT.

WM. & 11 TIDDY,Charlotte and Lincolnton, N. C,


MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, &c, &c.JESjg"-Orde- r at cither Yard respectfully solicited, and

will meet with prompt attention.Feb 1, 1862 tf

.PEA MEALWe keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place

Pea. Meal for feeding cows and stoe k. Also, we haveon hand at all times, Family, Eitra. Superfine andcoarse Flour. Wo warrant our family flour.

Corn Meal and Grits can alwavs be had at the mill.J. WILKES &. CO.

Jan'y 1, 1862

BY J. 15. KERIS, Proprietor.VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded thepatrons of 'be Charlotte Hotel.- -

At this Hot is kept the line of DailyStages from Charlotie !.i Asheville.

Oct. 1, 1861. J. B. KERR.

The Celebrated Female PilZs.These Pills do not curt all diseases, but thoy are war-

ranted to cure Lucoreiih, or Whites that, dreadful scourgeto female health, happiness and usefulness. They arenor -- tented and are no humbug, but are prepared bya North Carolina physician of high standing and oflong experience in the treatment of female diseases.All that is necessary to convince you of their efTicury isa fair trial. For particulars, see wrappers. Price $1per box. For sale at the DRUG STOKES.

Jan. IB, 1861 vr


Solid Silver and Plated Ware.The subscriber has lately purchased a very extensive

supply of the above articles. His purchases beingmade directly from the manufacturer, he is thereforeenabled to sell at a very small advance on cost, andpersons may rest assured that all his articles are war-ranted to be what he represents them to be.

Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and willreceive my personal attention.

R. W. BECKWITII.Nwv. 27, 1861 tf.

Tailoring.JOHN VOGEL, Practical Tai-

lor, respectfully informs the ciii-ze- ns

of IJharlotte and surround-ing country, that he ia preparedto manufacture gentlemen's clo-thing in the latest style and atshort notice. His best exertionwill be given to render satisfaction to those who patronize him.Shop opposite Kerr's Hotel, next

'door to Brown k Stitt's store.Jan. 1, 18(52. tf

THE SOUTH CAR0LIMAN,Published )ai!y and Tri-weekl- y.

COLUMBIA BANNER,A Weekly Family Paper.

COLUMBIA S. 0.This is the Largest Family Paper in the South, and

is offered to the domestic circle tor News and PoliticalIntelligence. The Tales and Stories' which are olferedto the readers of the Banner are the efforts of SouthernGenius, which it is a pleasure to foster. OriginalSketches, Literary and Scientific Essays, and Micel-laneo- us

Selections, regularly make their appearance inits coluiung.

Subscription Daily, $8; Tri-Week- ly, $5; Weekly,$3 per annum, in advance. Papers stopped when sub-

scription expires.Feb. 1, 18d- -' R. W. GIBRES, Proprietor.

Selling oIT.The largest stock of WALL PAPER, WINDOW

SHADES, CORDS, TASSELS, kc, in the State, mustbe sold in 90 days, to make room for other business.

All those wanting bargains had better call soon.Those in the trade will do well bv calling on

W. II. SCHUTT,Dee. 31,1861. tf Oppose Post Office.


All superintendents of public hospitals, lunaticasylums and the regular physicians, nurses and at-

tendants therein, and the teachers employed in 'theinstitution for the deaf, dumb and blind; in eachapothecary store, now established and doing busi-ness, one apothecary in good standing, who is apractical apothecary.


Superintendents in wool and cotton factories, pa-per mills, and superintendents and managers ofwool-cardin- g machines, who may be exempted bythe Secretary of V ar, prov.ded the profit, of suchestablishments shall not exceed seventy-fiv- e percentum upon the cost of production, to be determin-ed upon oath of the parties, subject to the samepenalties for violation of the provisions herein con-

tained as are hereiubefore provided in case of othermanufacturing and mechanical employments.


All presidents and teachers of colleges, acade-mies, schools and theological seminaries who haveKnm i.j.ful.i rrtA nrdi fur tah r it c irn venre nra.

th ,,USlSIIg,. 0f this act.


All artisans, mechanic and employees, in theestablishments of the Government for the manufac-ture jf arms, ordnance, ordnance stores and othermunitions of war, who may be certified by the off-

icer iu charge thereof an necessary for such estab-lishments ; also, nil artisans, mechanics, and em-

ployees in the establishment of such persons as areor may be engaged under contracts wth the Gov-ernment, in furnishing arms, ordnance, ordnancestores, and other munitions of war, saddles, harnessand army supplies, provided that the chief of tho

meuts; all persons employed iu tho manufacture ofarms, or ordnance of any kind by the severalStates ; or by contractors to furnish the same to

several State Governments, whom the GovernorSecretary of State thereof may certify to be ne-

cessary to the same : all persons engaged in tjheconstruction of ships, gun-boat- s, engines, sails, orother necessary to the public defence, and withdirection of tho Secretary of the Navy; all super- -

niteiiuents. managers, mechanics, ana miners ein-- )

ployed in the production and manufacture of salt tothe extent of 20 bushels a day, and of lead and iron,and of all persons engaged in making charcoal formaking pig and bar iron, not to embrace laborers,messengers, wagoners, and servants, utiles. t.nploy-- j

at wwrks conducted under the authority and bythe officers or agents of a State, or in works em-- ,ployed iu the production of iron for the ConfederateStates.

STOCK RAISERS.One male citizen for every 500head of cattle, for

every 2.r0 head of horses or mules, and one shepherdevery 500 head of sheep of such persons as are

engaged exclusively in raising stock, providedthere is no white male adult not liable to do militaryduty engaged with such person in raising stock.


To secure the proper police of the country, oneperson either as agent, owner or overseer, on etichplantation n which one white person is required to

kept by the laws r ordinances of any State, andwhich there is no white male adult not liable tomilitary service; and in States having no such

law, one person as agent, owner, or oversper, oneach plantation of twenty negroes, and on whicltthre is no white male adult not liable to militaryservice; Bi.d furthermore, for additional police forever' twenty negroes, on two or more plantationwithin five miles of each other, and each havingless than twenty negroes on which there is no whitemale adult not liabht to military duty, ne person,being the oldest of the owners or overseers ou suchplantations.

SPECIAL EXEMPTION?.Also, n regiment raised uud?r, and by the author-

ity of the State of Tex is for the frontier defence,now in the service of sad State, while in such ser-

vice ; and such other persons as the President shallsatisfied, on account of justice, or equity, or

necessity, ought to be exempted, are herby exempt-ed from military service in the armies of the Con-federate States ; provided, that the exemptionsherein above enumerated shall only continue whilst

persons exempted are actually engaged in theirrespective pursuits or occupations.

Sec. 2. That the act entitled "an act to exemptcertain persons from enrollment for service iu thearmies of the Confederate States," approved the2lst April, is hereby repealed.

FIELD OFFICERS OF N. C. TEOOPS.A friend has taken some pains to furnish, at

our request, the following list of the field officersNorth Carolina troops. This list is correct to

the present date, (Sept. loth) it having been com-piled from official records :

Colonels. Liect.-Col's- . Majors.

i.T A McDowell. Ham A Hrown, (James S I lines.2 VYm r J'.ynum, j in Ii C'x,

W L Deliossett, r.ciwaru .tvage, S. D. Thurston,4 lirviin Grimes, David M Carter, James II Wood,f.jlLK McRae, I'et.r.T Sinclair, William J Hill,til Isaac K Avery, Robuit F Webb, Sam McD Tate.7jKd G Haywood, Junius Ij Hill, Robert S Young,

Henry M Shaw, Geo Williamson. J W Hinton,y'L 8 j?aker, Js li Gordon, jno II Whitaker.10:J A J Uradford, S 1) Toole, W B Thompson,

jC Levcnthorbe, Wm .1 Mnrtin, Egbert A Ross,lienj O Wade. 1 hos L .lone, David. P Rowe,

13!Alt"ivd M .Scales, Thomas Iiufliu, Jno T Hambrick,IK T liennett,

A Dowd, Wm MacRae, W II Yarboro',.1 S McElroy, Wm A Stowe,Wm F Martin, John C Lamb. TI106 H Sharpe,Thos JTurdie, Forney ,

19! Sol. Williams, W G liobiuson, J V W.oodfiu,20l Alfred Iverson, Wm 11 Toon,yijRohert F Hoke, Zander Fulton,v'.'i.lMnii's t;nntw.r Robert 11 Gray, C C Cole,

Danl II Christie, li D Johnston, C C Blacknall,Wm .1 Clarke, j.J V'in L, Harris, T D L'ove,II M Kntledge. S C Hrvson. J W Francis,H K Hurgwynu, J S Kendall,

7 John R Cooke, R W Sing.-- l arv John A Gilmer,o.j Samuel D Low,'. jW J Momgoinry29. Robert It Vance. las M Lowrv. Thos F Gardner,:?0;Fran M Parker, James T Kell, . Wm W Siller,:.v v.'t tL""' K R Liles, Jesse J Yeates, .

I,UI. 1 Dlituiil-- , W T Williams, I G Coward,rrrwi- f Robert V Cowan,:u!Kich li Riddak, Kli H Miller,M W Ransom, John G Jones,Artillep detached companies,Wm M Barber, jC N Hickrrson.

-- W; William J Hoke,, R F Arnirield, L I) Andrews,::U,D:,v,i.cl H HTJavidsou, F A Reynolds,40lArtillerv tach companies.

Cavalry tacht companies,C Gibbs, Johu K Brown, iD A Underwit

Thomas S Kenan, AYm. (I Lewis, iWalt J Bojrfran.T C Sini-plfiir- v T !- - Hargrove, jC M Stednian,Junius Daniel, ,T H Moreh. ad. Andrew J B)Vd.

4HKdward D Hall, Wm A Jenkins, Rush J Mitchell,47jSion ll Koprri, G II Faribault, John A Graves,1l,1,, rt C Hill. S H Walkup,

i.ri .1 nfjivij ' John A FlemingMars I Cr.-.to-

;;.1 A " h 1 (T r n Tl 1

iV fc""j"-"- ortii;tm,l .' l' M,rl ii. m A Allen, Hector McKethan,

J K .a ! Marcus A Parks,! J Q Richardson,Wm A Owe J T Morehead, IJas J IredelljJCS McDowell K M Murchison, Auderson Flli,

.John-- .

K Conallv.. . '

Ab S Calloway,raui t t aison, G G Luke, H T iikhenck,

odwin, H C Jones, Jr., James A Craige,B Palmer, Proffit, Keener,

1 1 - IV Wm S Devane, Henry Harding-- ,

0:Jos A McDowell, iWm H Deaver, W W McDowell,

The following regiments and battalions have made noreturns to the Adjuunt General, and have, therefore notbeen numbered : Colonel D. D. Ferebee's, Colonel L Mnrn's' and c,,Ion,'1 R G. A. Love's regiments ; ColonelYtlry' H-j- or

' --j- - 'F-"- r?, Major. G. Evans" nartizan rancprs ur,r) flri n-- i. r& - 'tui. i uartonGreene's battalions. There are also quite a number ofheavy artillery companies, etc.. enough in all to make ouractive tcrce up to s.i.xtv-gv- e regiments. Kah igh Jour- -


. The largest stock of FALL AND WINTER Co. tin the town, is now on hand at the popular andionable house of

Koopmarin & Phelps.The public, and especially the Ladies, are

spectfully invited to call and examine our stock frfknow they cannot fail to be pleased, both as to'cuVand price. ,

alltJWe are now opening daily, as we receive them

the first Houses in the Northern cities, the follow"""11

splendid Goods in part: UlE

Merinos, Delaines, Poplins, SilksLADIES TRAVELING GOODS.


French, English & American Prints, alargest0cQualities and prices to suit all tastes and purses.

Splendid CLOM.S Ollrf AJ.lpwhich particular attention is invited. Bonnets. J0t;ey's and Flats. Embroideries', Triuimii!;.';, lIos.PrtGloves, &c Our Staple and Domestic IffpartnienJ'full and complete, and for it we defy competition

WI3 will IVOTIitt UI.DKI.SOLI).We have a splendid assortment of CAIWLTS fl(j

Family and Negro Blankets. OurHEA DY-- MA DE CL O THING

tins season surpasses, in nnisn una superiority 0Uheretofore splendid stock in that line: andthing is, we will sell at shorter profits than evn

BOOTS mid SHOE'S. -- Our Mork iudepartment is very complete, and selected for Iat'i,,Gentlemen, Children and Servants with great eyre, nJat luv prices. A large and cheap stock of choice

(Q n g OS 0 E sHARDWARE, &c.

We call the attention of ourold ami highlv, valuedand buyers generally, to the tact" that, antii.

pating their tastes and wants, we have neither spare l

toil or expense in order to suit and dense them, and we

sincerely assure them that with these views and inte-ntions, we will sell on terms entirely to accommodateall who call on us. KOOFM ANN k I'll ELI'S

Jan. 1, 1?C2. . tf

Quinn's Rheumatic RemedyHas effected cures of Rheumat ism that were eonciderMhopeless, certificates to prove which can be exhibit,)

The suffering are invited to ive the medicine a trial.Orders addressed to the uiider.-ignc- d at Charlotte wi!

receive prompt attention. W. W. Ql'lX.V.

April 10, 1860. Frice $1 50 per bottl.


The Fall Session will begin on Monday, Ju'.y Jl'nt1862, with th6 same corps of teachers and thefastleading characteristics as heretofore. For inforrtnticjas to the merits of the school, we reft r with confideto our former patrons.


Board, at $3 00 per week. $co ooKegular Tuition, lower classes, 12 iO

" " higher classes, 15 00

Piano 6r Guitar Lessons, 20 00

Wax, Worsted or Feather work, 6 00

Tern. Sixty dollars in advance; the remainder at

the close of the session. No deduct ion for an absieof less than two consecutive weeks.

For further information address.S. LANDER. A. M..

June 10, 1862 Principal

WHEAT !The subscriber is prepared to purchase the r

crop of Wheat at the highest market price. Ksrmenwill find it to their advantage to call at the CHAK-LuTT-


STEAM MILLS before idling. v

Jan'y 1, 18(52 tf JNO. WII.KE?.


Would inform the public generally, and the citizenMecklenburg particularly, that he has resnmtd if

Practice of DENTISTRY" and may be found at hit oA

stand. He is prepared to set Artificial Teeth on (!old.

Silver, Vulcanite, or ou the Cheoplastic procts. ipatients may desire, and fill Teeth ith Geld, Tin,

Amalgam or Os Artificial.He is also prepared to perform any operation belong-

ing to Dentistry, and need not say that he will he piec-ed to wait upon any of his old friends 6r new friend

you may take that for granted.February 5, 18G1


Just published, a treatise upon the PUAtTll.l !

LAW in North Carolina, byEnwAKD Cim.kLL.B., author of the N. C. Justice, etc.

CONTENTS:Of legislative power in general; "lpgislMiTe powr ;t

North Carolina; legislative powers ol" justices of tb

peace; county boundaries itceds, etc.: county rtTfUi

and charges; court-house- s, prisons, etc.; county hum',jury trials; fairs and public sales; general nhstnibiy:

inspections, public ItMidings, Mr.; poor hoiiffs ir.d

hospitals; registers and clerks; rivers and creekt: ?'ferries and bridges; weights and measures; idint. m

lunatics; retailers: Neuse river; public rends and cut-way-

public, landings and inspections: mills and iwlers; ordinaries and constables; pLtrols: wardens of the

poor; prison bounds; road, ferries nv.d br'nh"-- ; poll !

exemptions; executive power in gencial; exerut:

power in North Carolina; executive power of the rvMchief justice and clerk; attorneys at law; attorney :

reporter and marshal, clerks and hoiiciior; couiufor paupers; guardians; county attorney; fliittioi.cii'county court clerks; coroners; boundary coTnntief-ierin-

committees of firfance; county trustee: county tieanii".special court ; commissioners of fairs; inferiors;

of schools; commissioners of nav igntiir.

wardens of the poor; registers, cornm-is- s iftners f r; v rs

and creeks; sheriffs; constables; ranper'; nan Janl l.'P;crs; retailers; administrators; ehnirnian of

commissioners of deeds and conveyance:of low lands; entry takers ar.d nitvrvot'

superintendents of elections; guardians and receivers:

inspectors; commissioners of internal- - in.provenifut';partitiouipntrol committees; pnx-essioner-

s ; tsx lift'"and boards of valuation: overseers of roads and rirf.r.commissioners of wrecks; tobacco pickers atil cooj"r!- -

The APPENDIX contains forms of Deeds ar.d Cor,-(V.ll-

assieuniri.-ts- . flwSf'ij bifle of sale, bills of exchange and lading, bonds, mis-- j

cellaneous bonds, contracts, deeds, marrbpe sefle--i

nients, mortgages, copartnei ship articles, notes, rf' 1 a e; c A- r A' r

This book contains 5.1G pages, is gotten up f P"

riortleand bound in law calf. I ' r i . si' ct'l?'S6.0O." EDWARD CANTWELL,

ItAI-HfiH- .


C. "R. TAYLOR, Printing Ink Mnim'"rer, takes pleasure in announcing l- l'ePress that his Ink Factory is now in sncces.-fu- l !'"

ration in the manufacture or every description of P?!Dt'

ing Ink, which he is prepared to furnish on Ttf'','able terms. News, Book and Jul) Inks of every uttr,P'tion always on hand.

Orders promptly attended to. AddressC. R. TA Yl.t'l'- -

Jnly 2d. Richmond.1,

CantwelPs Practice.During my absence in the Military service cf !f

State, in Virginia, gubscrihers and others drfirirf:'ies of the above work, can obtain them of Urs. 'E'

well, Raleigh. . , ,

All persons indebted to roe, by note or other!'--requested to pay her. I will hold her receipt pow

Price of single copies of the above $5.00 A det-- c

tion will be made to those who buv to sell Ptt:,TrEDWARD CANTR

near Norfolk, Jnly 30, 18C1.

WANTED.Wanted for the Confederate Army, 10,0C0 F,r


July 30, 1861 tf

:..trathnr in ull r.arts of the State. 1 '.

js:"BiiiiJ.-v- , " i -

ask the friende of the deceased in different partscf tbe State to furnish me with information to en-

able me to complete this work. All the papers inthe State will please notice tills and aid me in thework. Letters containing information, sent toGranite Hill V. G-- , Jredell County, will be thank- - .

fully received. T. n, . II A 31a A 1 . :


. i a v , '

vBS. J UL Al ItKlitVJLLt. Alter iuv.uu.?id ennfi down on the blood v Celd of Perrvville, I

, , J , ' . vana the gloom or evening overnung tue sccue oicarnage and death, even then, at intervals, bodies :

of the two armies would occasionalfy come in col- - i

licinn Uric fipn Clnihornn'ti pnm ninnd withwhich was Gcu. 1'oik, just at nightfall came uponan Indiana regiment. Gen. Polk was pome di- -

tancc in advance of our troops, and suddenly ,

found himself in the very midst of the Indiauiuti.s, i

who were firing briskly upon Claiborne's columns. !

Gen. Polk, teizinir the Indiana Colonel by theshoulder, demanded, why he was firing upon hisiriends? The Colonel said that he did not knowthat he was guilty of such a blunder, and asked,"who are you ?" "I'll show you who I am." saidGen. Polk, and then raising in his stirrups, he


to the Colonel, ou sha.l at once hrar .

from me, sir. 1 oik rode qwctljr away, and assoon as he was out of sight, with accelerated velocity, came dashing at headlong speed to the spotwhere Gen. Claiborne stood. Pointing to theYankees, he exclaimed, "Let them have it, boys,they are Yankees, I've been there."

Gen. Polk said afterwards that he counted notless than fifteen balls as they penetrated his backwhile he rode away from the Indi&tiiaris. We archippy to advise our readers, that on his arrival atthis place, (Jen. Tolk had entirely recovered fromhis imagined wounds; in fact, he wears a charmedlife. lie 1ms never been touched neither at liel-inon- t,

Shiloh, Farmington nor Pcrryvilie, at eachof which places be exposed himself to needlessti ange rs Kn o.r v ilI t Rnj !&trr.

Marvelous Escai-- kuo.m 1katii. TheLondon Examiner, correcting a mis-stateme- inregrad to Jlnjor-Gencr- ul Ponsonby, relates the fol-

lowing fctory of another Ponsonby, who was atWaterloo:

Colonel Ponsonby, of the twelth dragoons, wrsf trttched wounded on the ground, and a Polishlancer seeing some life in him, said, u.ing a filthyexpression, " , you are not dead," aiid delib-erately


ran his lance into the disabled tnnn's bodvmore than once. Some French riflemen then took I

possession ol the ground where Ponsonby lav, and !

they made a Ltnp ci' bodies they found "on the spotto scne as a sort of pampet, from behind whichthey lired kneeling. Pononby had the luck ofbeing placed at the top of the pile, and the rifio-Tna- n

who was Using his body as a shie ld and rust,perceiving some tigns of life in him, instead of act-

ing ns the Favage. dastardly lancer had done,gave him a drink of brandy out of hip flask. Asthe day wore on. Ponsonby's suflV-ring- s became sintolerable that he implored the friendly foe to putbis rifle to his head and dispatch him, but the gal-ln- nt

said, "No, cheer up, the day's yourown, we are in full retreat, farewell; I must be

. off."We are afraid to say how many wounds Pon-onb- y

had, we believe they were not under a do-

zen, and his survival was attributed to his remain-ing on the ground exposed to the cold (cold it was,though midsummer J for nearly forty-eig- ht hours,which kpt down fever that would otherwise havesupenentd. He recovered to tell the story wehave repeated, and few finer looking men could beKeen than he was, after having been riddled and

' pierced with a dozen wounds.rut mark what death w as in store for a man who

had survived what wc have faintly described.The hero died of the merry-thoug- ht of a chicken.

He was choked by a chicken-bon- e nt MarretGreen, on his way to Southampton, twenty-tw- o

years after his escape of all the horrors of the fieldof Waterloo.

A Shrewd Irishman An Irish priest wsstanding at the comer of a nuare about the hourof dinner, when one of his countrymen, observingthe worthy father in perplexity, thus addressedhim :

"Oh ! Father O'Leary, how is your riverenee ?""Mighty put out, Pat," was the reply."Put out ! who's put out your riverenee V"Ah! you don't understand it; that is just it; I

am invited to dine at one of the houses iu thisMjuare, and 1 have forgotten the name, and I nov-c- r

looked at the number, and low its 7 o'clock.""Oh, is that all'" wa the cry, "jist he aisy, your

riverenee. I'll settle thai for you."So saying, away flew the good-- . at ared Irishman

round the square, glancing at the kitchens, andwhen he discovered a fire that denoted hospitality,lie thundered. at the door and inquired, "Is Fath-er O'Leary here?"

As might bo expected, again and again he wasrepulsed. At length an nngry foot in;. n ex-

claimed :

"No; bother on Father -- O'Leary, he is not here,but he was to dine here to-da- y, and the cook is iua rage, and says the dinner will be spoilt; all iswaiting for Father O'Leary."

Paddy leaped from the door as if the steps had :

1 - t J !..... 1 - !pecu on are, iumic'i up 10 me asionisnea priest."All is right, your riverehce; you dine at 43 ,

tnd a mighty good dinner you'll get.""Oh, Pat, the blessings of a hungry man be

"upon ycu"Long life and happiness to your riveranec !

I have got your ma lad-- ; I only wish I had vourcare

Pay Your Debts. The following, we copy'

from an exc hange, is literallv true, and we hope'

may prove beneficial to some who may read

Seme who have every thing to buy and nothingto eel!, cannot rav their debts, but all who cu. j

would do well to heed the advice'There never was a better time to nav df hts ;

i jthan the present. 3Ionev is plenty and every- - !


v a

and stop interest. W hen the war is ended every- - f

.i: :n .,J i, , ...tnmg win go UUD iW . natural level; money willnot be SO abundant, and JOU will not obtain such !

high prices for jour surplu3 products. Many menrefuse to pay their debts becauy the stay law pre- -


rents them from being sued. As soon as the war'

nr . c b.ww eesse tn nmlMt tham .

'J i

and those to whom thev are indebted will sue at.

the first court. Now is tbe time to pay up and '

Stop interest and ccst?.'

in new organizations, to be officered by the Statehaving such residue, according to tho laws thereof,

r dia of now rrovid?d bylaw; Provided.T,)at tJ Pnident is authorized to suspend the theexecution of this, or the net to which this is an orAmendment, in any locality where he may find itimpracticable to execute tho same; and that insuch localities, and during such suspension, thePresident is authorized to receive troops into theConfederate Kcrvice under any of the acts passedby th Confederate Congress prior to the passageof 111 uct to further provide for the public defence i

approved 16th of April. 1HJ2. .



A liiLL to exempt certain persons from military ser-vice,


atd to repeal the act entitled "an act to ex-



certain persons from enrollment for servicein the army f the Confederate States," approved2 1st April.


CLERKS AND OTHERS. forThe CongresK of the Confederate States of Amer- -

iea do enact. That all persona who shall be held r

unfit for militarT service in the field, br rcusnn ofbodily infirmity or mental incapacity or imbecility,

1 .1 "111 .1 (4 Junuer rules to ue pre.cnoei ny tne Secretary otWar, the Yice President of the Confederate States,tho officer, judicial and executive. f tho Confeder-- jate and State Governments, including Postmasters beappointed by the President and confirmed by the onSenate, and such clerk in their office as are allow-- i doed by the Postmaster General, and noiv employed,and excluding all other postmasters, their asit-- jants and clerk; and except such State officers asthe several States may have declared, or may here-- ;after declare by law to he liable to militia dnty; themembers of both Houses of Congress of too Ce-nfed--

erate State, and of the Legislatures of the severalMates. nnl tneir respective otneer ; all clerks nowin the office of the Confederate and State Govern-ments authorised bv law, receiving salaries or fees.

VOLCNTEETt TROOPS.All volunteer troops heretofore raised by any

State since the. passage of the act entitled "an actfurther to provide for the public defence," approvedApril Jiitii, J6GxJ, while such troops shall be in ac-tive beservice under State authority ; Provided thatthif exemption shall not apply to any person whown.s liable to be called into service by virtue of saidact of April Kith.

TRAXSTORTATIOJf COMPAKIES, TFLEORArH, OJC. theAll pilot and persons engaged in the merchant

marine service; the president, superintendents, con-ductor, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers, managers,station ngents. section masters, two expert trackhands to earn section of eight miles, and mechanicsin the active service and employment of railroadCompimi''. not to embrace laborers, porters andmessengers; the president, general superintendentand operators of telegraph companies, the local su-

perintendent and operators of said companies notto exceed four in number at any locality but that ofnt the siiat of government of the Confederate States;the prerident. superintendent, captains, engineers,chief ch-rk- s and mechanics in the active service andemployment, of all companies engaged on river and ccanal navigation, nud all captains of boats and en- - !

gineers thereon employed.


One editor of ench newspaper now beiiir publish-ed, and such employee as the editor or proprietormav certifv, on oath, to be indispensable for conducting the publication ; the public printer, and !

those employed to perform the public printing forthe Confederate and State Governments; every'minister nf religion authorized to preach according j 11

to the rule of sect and in the regular discharge U'

f miuikterial duties.I


All persons who have been and now are mmber ! Jf.of the society of Friends, and the association of 17

Dunkards. Nazarenes and Mennonists, in regular j 18

menioersnip in their respective denominations, pro-vided members of the society of Friends. Naza-rene- s,

Alennonists and Dunkards shall furnish sub-stitute, or pay a tax of $5U0 each into the public z.treasury.

PHYSICIANS.All physicians who now are, and for the last five


have ,been, actual .of

iyears in practice their profes- -sion.


All shoemakers, tanners, blacksmiths, watronmakers, millers engineers, rnill-wnirht- s. :

skilUdand actually emploj-e- d at their regular vo- - ,

cation in the. said trades, habitually engaged in o.rworking tor the public and whilst so atuallv em- - :U)

ployed ; provided Shid person shall make 011th in 37:writing that thev are so skilled and actually em- -ploved at the time as his regular vocation in oneot the uliove trades, which afnj.tvit shall only beprima faciu evidence of the facts therein stated

S 41


Frori(l,-- farther, that the exemptions herein I 4.r.iPranted t person by reason of their peculiar me- - j

!!""? i"'-- , ',er t,cleul'ntion.'' employment not' 4bpublic service, shall be Fubiect, . . . ..in iiui n111tn1Ti1.11 ni. 3 i""1 oie products ot the iaoor ot '

8Ueh exenu.ts. or of tl, . it i, imentr with which they are connected shall be sold i!

and d.spesed of bv the proprietors ut prices not ex- - Koceding seventy-fiv- e per centum upon the. cost of 54production,. .


a maximum to be fixed bv the 55x n- - j i t

ted to and iudsred of bv the Sprrt.,. r .1. . . . J . . -- . . ' nr 10have violated, or in any .manner evaded the trueintent and spirit of the foregoing proviso, the ex- -emptions therein granted hall no longer be extend- - !

ei to tbo5r superintendents and operatives in said" r" . ?mem mui u iwruiwuu wruueu uuutr uis proTUiooi pof this act, and ordered into the Confederate army,and shall in no event be exempted therefrom-- byrpason 0f sn;,i .tahlid,mM.t rployineuts therein.

The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur-ance Company,

CONTINUESVo take risks against less hy fire, on

Produce, &c, ut usual rates.President A. C. STEELE,Vict J'reidenlC. OVERMAN,Attorney JOS. H. WILSON,Secy $ Ttue'r E. NYE HUTCHISON.


CHAS. OVERMAN.Fxecutivt Committee F. Starr, Jno. L.Brown, Wra

J. YateF..April 10, 18S1.

LOST OR Til SLAB I,A Certificate for two shares of Stock in the C. k S. C.Railroad, No. dated July 7, 1853. Applicationwill be made for a duplicate of the same.

N. WILKINSON.Per J. G. Wilki.vsox, Agent.

August itj 3m

ADDlication will be marWtnA i v

the Legislature at its next session foran incorporation of the Moriah Baptist

Association. .

Sept 9, 18C2- -."Sni-- pd