wings! special issue

APRIL 5, 2011 visit us at ANG PANGSEMANA NGA PAHAYAGAN SANG PAROKYA NI SAN VICENTE FERRER [SHRINE OF ST. VINCENT FERRER], LEGANES, ILOILO photos: Special Edition Special Edition Special Edition Special Edition Special Edition “Vicente nga bulahan sang Dios ka nahamut-an Imo kami ig-ampo sa Dios nga maka-ako...”

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1 April 5, 2011

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“Vicente nga bulahan sang Dios ka nahamut-anImo kami ig-ampo sa Dios nga maka-ako...”

Page 2: Wings! Special Issue

2 April 5, 2011

On behalf of the Parish of St. Vincent Ferrer, Leganes, Iloilo, I am happy to celebrate inthanksgiving with you the Patronal Fiesta on April 5, 2011 along with the joint theme of both theparish and the municipality: “Ang Parokya ni San Vicente Ferrer kag ang Banwa sangLeganes nagahiliusa sa pagpanglakaton padulong sa mainuswagon nga katilingban.(The Parish and the Municipality united in a journey towards a progressive community).”

The Parish likewise acknowledges the presence of His Grace, Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, D.D.,Archbishop of Jaro as main celebrant and homilist for the 9:00 A.M. concelebrated Mass this5th day of April 2011. We hope that our barangay and municipal officials will grace the occasionwith their presence. I am glad and grateful that we had a joint meeting towards a shared fiestatheme.

The biography of St. Vincent is an intriguing example of how to deal with conflict situations andpolarized personalities. His human qualities and spiritual insights are his legacies for all seasons.St. Vincent Ferrer (1357-1419) lived during the period when there was great schism or seriousdivision within the Catholic Church. The Body of Christ, the Church, was fragmented with thepresence of the two Popes, one in Rome and the other in Avignon.

According to his biographer, St. Vincent Ferrer was ordained a priest at Barcelona in 1379, andbecame a member of Pedro (Peter) Cardinal de Luna’s court — the beginning of a long friendshipthat was to end in grief for both of them. (Cardinal de Luna had voted for Pope Urban VI in 1378,but convinced that the election had been invalid, joined a group of cardinals who elected Robert ofGeneva as Pope Clement VII later in the same year; thus, creating a schism and the line of Avignonpopes.) Eventually, Vincent came to believe that his friend’s claims were false and urged de Luna toreconcile himself to Urban VI.

St. Vincent Ferrer stood for principles of truth and justice on top of simply “don’t hurt” cordiality.He worked for necessary unity in the Church over and above the convenience of closeness andsmooth interpersonal relationship. Much of our public service has suffered less impact because of“kamag-anak and barkadahan systems.” Religiously and socially, St. Vincent Ferrer has becomean honest icon for all ages.

May St. Vincent Ferrer intercede for us on behalf of the unity in the Parish andharmony with all the good-hearted civil servants of our society!

To all our Parishioners, Pilgrims, Municipal Officials and Guests,

Page 3: Wings! Special Issue

3 April 5, 2011

____________Henry G. Mota, Special Feature

Ang bug-os nga Santa Iglesia sa karon nga adlaw,Abril 5 nagasaulog sang kapiestahan ni San VicenteFerrer aton Patron sang banwa sang Leganes.

Ang aton Mahal nga Patron isa sa pinasahi nga santotungod sia lang gid ang santo nga may pakpak peroindi sia anghel. Natawo sa Valencia, Espanya sadtongEnero 23, 1357. Napatay sang Abril 5, 1419 sa Vannes,Brittany, France kag ginproklamar nga santo sadtongHunyo 3, 1455 ni Papa Calixto III pagkatapos sang 36ka tuig sang iya pagkamatay. Ginasiling nga: at therecognition of his canonization, the stories of 800 ofhis validated miracles were read out loud, there weremore, but the celebrations decided to simple move onwith recognition. Sia ginapadunggan sang SimabahanRomano Katoliko kag mga Angelican Community. Siaisa ka pari nga Dominicano. May madamo nga titulo:Mananabang sang mga Masakit, Manugwali sangMaayong Balita. Ginatawag man sia nga WonderWorker, Preacher of the Judgment ukon Angel ofJudgment suno sa Apocalypse of St. John, kag ibanpa. Sa mga nakabaton paagi sa iya pahanungdanmadamo ang aton masiling sa iya. Sia patron sang mgabrick makers, builders, engineers, constructionworkers, plumbers, pavement workers. Sia patronsang mga lugar sang Calamonaci, Italy, Casteltermni,Agrigento, Italy kag sang banwa sang leganes, Iloilo,Philippines. Si san Vicente madali makilala ukon sianagarepresentar sang Bible, cardinal’s hat,A Dominican preacher with a flame on his hand,Dominican preacher with a flame on his head,Dominican holding an open book while preaching,Dominican with a crucifix, Dominican with atrumpet nearby, often coming down from heaven,referring to his vision, Dominican with wings,referring to his vision as being an angel of theapocalypse; pulpit, representing his life as a preacher,flame, referring to his gifts from the Holy Spirit.Matawag man sia nga politician, penitent, theologian,healer, preacher, exorcist, miracle worker, judge,reconciler and peace maker, an apostle. Ginatawagman sia sa iya lugar as in two words: a man and anangel. He was truly one of the most gifted saints whohave ever lived.

Kon sa aton ordinaryo nga pagkabuhi, matawag natonnga amo ini si San Vicente Ferrer ka bantog kagmadamo nga titulo kag mataas nga rangko.

Amo ini ang kabuhi sang aton pinalangga nga patronSr. San Vicente Ferrer. Sa aton pagsaulog sang iyakapiestahan subong nga adlaw, kabay nga masunodman naton bisan ang pila lamang niya ka mga viruesagud may madala man kita kon kita na mag-atubangna sa aton Amay sa langit.

San Vicente Ferrer, Ig-ampo mo kami.


To all Devotees of St. Vincent Ferrer,theCatholic Faithful and all MunicipalOfficials of the Municipality of Leganes:

With great joy in my heart I am one with you incelebrating our annual Patronal Fiestacelebration on April 5, 2011 with the theme:“Ang Parokya ni San Vicente Ferrer kagang Banwa sang Leganes nagahiliusa sapagpanglakaton padulong samainuswagon nga katilingban. (The Parishand the Municipality united in a journey towardsa progressive community).”Out theme does not only “denotes unity” butstresses more on the unity among thedifferent members and sectors of theMunicipality of Leganes in order to achieveprogress both in the level of the material and ofthe spiritual.St. Vincent Ferrer, our Parish Patron Saintduring his life was an ardent promoter of unity.He was born and lived in a world and in timewhere chaos, divisions and mistrust reigned. Thismilieu, particularly the “Great Schism”influenced deeply his mind and heart. Settingaside all human considerations, he worked hardfor the reconciliation of all parties concerned.Finally, peace and unity again reigned in theChurch but not without a price. As a man of Godhe lived, stood, fought and preached the truth atall cost. This has levied a heavy toll in his health.Finally, he died in the odor of sanctity on April 5,1419 at Vannes in Britanny.In spite of the fame that accompanied him,wherever he went, yet, he remained a man ofcharity and humility. Of these he said: “Oncehumility is acquired, charity will come tolife.”A man of virtues St. Vincent Ferrer is worthy tobe emulated as our role model.St. Vincent Ferrer our Heavenly Patron,pray for us!



Page 4: Wings! Special Issue

4 April 5, 2011

Sing may kalipay luyag ko ipa-ambit sa akon pareho ngaparokyano diri sa parokya kag sa mga debotos ni SanVicente Ferrer ang iya daku nga bahin sa akon kabuhi

Sang 1986, nag-umpisa ako serbisyo diri sa parokya bilangkatekista. Sang ulihi nangin katapo na ako sang Parish Pas-toral Council, kag tungod sini aware gid ako sang ParishPastoral Program. Isa sa mga ginapatigayon sang Parokyaamo ang paghiwat sang pilgrimage sa mga kabaranggayannga sakop sang parokya. Kag isa ako sa katapo sang Teamnga nagapatigayon sini. Ang ginapaabot sa pilgrimage amoang matul-id nga pagkilala sang kabuhi ni San Vicente sangmga pumuluyo sang tagsa ka Barangay sang parokya. Ganitungod sini, daku gid ang epekto sini sa akon kabuhi bilangparokyano kag ini ang nangin kabangdanan sang akon pagdebosyon kay San Vicente Ferrer kag nagtinguha man akonga masunod ang iya mga birtudes.

Tungod nga siya kilala gid nga Milagroso kag bantog ngamananabang sa tanan nga mga nagadangup sa iya, walaman ako nagapangduhaduha everytime may ginabatyag akokag may ginapangayo sa Dios nga grasya o nagaatubangsang krisis, nagadangup ako kay San Vicente Ferrer kag walagid niya ako ginapaslaw.

Ang daku nga milagro nga natabo sa akon kabuhi amo nga:sang nagpamana ako.

Pagkalipas sang 2 ka bulan tapos sang amon kasal gina-expect namon sang akon bana nga magabusong na ako, peromakalipas na ang 6 ka bulan wala man gihapon. Tungodsang amon kalangkag, nag-decision kami sang akon bananga magdangup kay San Vicente Ferrer sa pagpangayo sangiya bulig. Sing may pagtuo kag pagsalig, nag-novena kamisang akon bana kay San Vicente Ferrer sa pagpati ngatungod sang iya pag-ampo madali nga pamatian kag sabtonsang Dios ang amon ginapangayo. Kag siyempre nagtinguhagid kami sa pagpangabuhi nga maayo nga Kristiyano.

Grasya! Matuod gid! Pagkaligad sang isa ka bulan positive!Nagbusong ako and it’s a gift! Gani, daku gid ang amonpangamuyo. Pagkaligad sang 9 ka bulan ginbun-ag ko angamon anak nga babaye. Ang daku nga regalo sa amon anaknga amo ang nagahatag color sa amon pagpangabuhi kagsa amon panimalay.

Sa subong, nagadugang pa gid ang kainit sang amondebosyon kay San Vicente Ferrer, padayon nga nagadayawkag nagapasalamat sa Dios tungod sang makatilingala kagdaku nga butang nga nahimo ni San Vicente.

“ANG PAG-AMPO KAY SAN VICENTE FERRER”____________Brigida Debil, Brgy. Lapayon, Leganes, Iloilo

“ANG PAGDANGOP”____________

Dexter John Sevilla,Brgy. Cagamutan Norte, Leganes, Iloilo

Ako isa sa mga deboto ni San Vicente Ferrer nga hugot angpagpati sa pangpangamuyo.

Natapos ang akon kaadlawan isa ka semana kag natabo angisa sa dako nga trahedya sa amun pamilya. Isa ka dako ngapagtilaw nga nagpabag-o sang akon pagpati. Kasubong sangisa ka Kristiano nga masami nagasimba kon Domingo, samasami Makita nga nagaluhod sa simbahan agudmangamuyo, subong sang isa ka studyante nga gapabulig saexam.— amo ako sina. Apang matapos ang trahedya sa amunpamilya. Naglain ang tanan. Ang relasyon ko sa akon Diospaagi kay San Vicente…Ang anghel sang Apokalipsis.

Nakabaton ako subong ang akon pamilya sang grasya halinsa Dios paagi kay San Vicente Ferrer. Isa ka adlaw samtangyara ako sa akon opisina nakabaton ako sang text messagegikan sa akon utod nga nagasiling “si mama gindala sa hos-pital” Wala na ako magduha duha kung ano ang mahimorason sang pagdala sa iya sa hospital kay man ang amunpamilya palareho ang rason sang pagkahospital, cerebellarinfarct ukon stroke. Ginhambal sang doctor nga siya paga-obserbaran sa sulod sang tatlo ka adlaw, kag mabal-an kungano ang sarang nga maubra sa iya. Kakugmat ang nabatyaganko. Hinali ang pagka-stroke sa iya. Suno sa mga estudyantenga nakaupod niya sang siya nag-uy-uy sa amun tindahan,nagasinako sa amun kalan-an, samtang tigpalanyaga sangmga estudyante sang gulpi lang sya ginstroke.

Sa sulod sang tatlo ka adlaw, nagapangamuyo, naghalad sangmisa, naga prayer petition sa internet kag sa facebook kagkung sa diin-diin pa asta nga nakation ako sa paghapit sasimbahan sang Leganes agud magpangamuyo kagmagdangop sa kay San Vicente. Ginhalad ko sa iya angkabuhi sang akon iloy. Samtang nagapangamuyo akonagsulod sa akun huna huna ang pamangkutanon ngaa kamiang gintagaan sang amo ni nga problema. Gin analisar koang rason sa pihak sini wala ako nagduda nga buligan niyakami. Sa akun pagpati, kung gapangamuyo ka pati ka nganabaton mo ang inyo ginapangamuyo. Bangud sina akonagpati kag ginhulat ang ika-tatlo nga adlaw. Natapos angnatalana nga tion kag nakabugtaw siya kag naluwas pa pat-ud nga kamatayon. Apang may mga complikasyon sa iyakondisyon.

Subong nagbalik na ang iya kabaskog kag siya man sagihapon ang nagapalakat sang amon kalan-an. Madamo gidnga salamat sa intercession ni San Vicente. Nasabat gid sangDios ang amun ginapangamuyo.

Sa subong ang pagpati ko sa power sang pagpangamuyo indikapareho sang naandan. Ini isa ka sahi sang komunikasyonsa akon bestfriend, sa akun Amay, Sa akon pinalangga ngaDios. Sa kada pagpangamuyo ko wala na ako galitaniya sangmalaba nga pangamuyo. Nagakadto nalang ako sa simbahanpara mag estorya kay San Vicente. Bangud pareho sang ibanako nagapamati nga sa tagsa ka pagpangamuyo kay SanVicente siya gid nagapamati kag naga-ampo sang atunpetisyon sa Dios nga makagagahum.

Page 5: Wings! Special Issue

5 April 5, 2011

Pangamuyo sa Pagdangat sang atonmga kinahanglan.

Bulahan nga San Vicente Ferrer ,nga sang nagpuyo ka pa diri sa duta,

wala ka sang pahuway sa pagbulig sa mganalisdan nga nagadangup sa imo,

tamda ako nga yari sa imo atubangannga nagapangayo sang imo pagtabang.

Kay nahamut-an ka sang Ginuokag karon yara ka na sa Iya luyo,

Naga-ampo ako nga akon ma-agum sa Iyaang akon ginapangayo sa Imo pagpatigayon…

(diri isambit ang imo ginapangayo)Nakahibalo ka, mabinalak-on ko

nga Mananabang sang akon kaayohan;Gani ig-ampo sa mahal nga Dios

nga akon gid madangat ining akon pangabayNga dili makaupang sang akon kaluwasan,Kundi makabulig unta nga akon madangat

ang Himaya nga walay katapusan…Kabay pa.

O Ginuong Diosnga tungod sang pagwali sang katingalahan

ni San Vicente sa mga tawo,binihag niya para sa Imo

ang dili maisip nga mga kalag.Nagapakiluoy kami sa Imo

nga tungod sang mga pahanungdansang amo nga Santo

nga manogwali sang Imong pahukumsa mga buhi kag mga minatay nga tanan,

Kabay nga Iya bugayansing bugana nga grasya kag buligang tanan nga nagadangup sa Iya,

nagabulig sa Iya simbahankag nagapalapnag sang Iya debosyon,

kag ipadangat niya kami nga tanansang Imong ginharian sa langit

nga puluy-an ni Jesukristonga Hukum kag Ginuo namon. Kabay pa.San Vicente Ferrer, Ig-ampo Mo Ako.

Prayer to San Vicente FerrerO glorious apostle and worker of

miracles, St. Vincent Ferrer, new Angel ofthe Apocalypse and our kind protector,

receive our humble prayers and obtain forus an abundance of divine favors. By thatlove which inflamed your heart, obtain forus from the Father of mercies the pardonof all our sins, confirmation in our faith,

and perseverance in good works. By livingas good and fervent Christians may webecome more worthy of your powerfulintercession. Extend your protection to

our bodies and free us from ourinfirmities. Protect our land from theviolence of storms and disasters, and

keep misfortune far from us. Thus blessedand protected by you in soul and body, weshall be ever devoted to you, and one day,with God’s grace, be with you in heaven,

there to praise God forever and ever.Amen.

Litany of St. Vincent Ferrer(for private use only)

Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.Christ, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.Holy Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.St. Dominic, our august Father, pray for us.St. Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.St. Vincent, glory of Valencia,St. Vincent, lily of purity,St. Vincent, miracle of piety from childhood,St. Vincent, interpreter of the Holy Trinity,St. Vincent, burning light of charity,St. Vincent, mirror of penance,St. Vincent, trumpet of eternal salvation,St. Vincent, flower of heavenly wisdom,St. Vincent, preacher of the holy Gospel,St. Vincent, powerful in word and work,St. Vincent, prophet of Christ who is to come,St. Vincent, most devout to the Mother of God,St. Vincent, ever most pious,St. Vincent, most fervent reconciler of souls,St. Vincent, most bountiful to the poor,St. Vincent, most learned teacher,St. Vincent, most holy preacher,St. Vincent, most illustrious by miracles,St. Vincent, cherished by Jesus Christ,St. Vincent, most addicted to prayer,St. Vincent, burning for the salvation of souls,St. Vincent, true model of humility,St. Vincent, confessor filled with knowledge,St. Vincent, most powerful reviver of the dead,St. Vincent, health of the sick,St. Vincent, support of the holy Faith,St. Vincent, master of penitents,St. Vincent, refuge of the afflicted,St. Vincent, brightness of the elect,St. Vincent, conqueror of devils,St. Vincent, companion of angels,St. Vincent, treasure of virtue,St. Vincent, sight of the blind,St. Vincent, hearing of the deaf,St. Vincent, speech of the dumb,St. Vincent, consolation of the desolate,St. Vincent, who wears in heaven the double crownof virginity and doctorate,St. Vincent, immortal glory of the Order of Preachers,St. Vincent, powerful protector of those who seek your aid,St. Vincent, protector of all who invoke you, pray for us.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,spare us, O Lord.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,graciously hear us, O Lord.Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,have mercy on us, O Lord.

Let us prayO God, you adorned Saint Vincent with

innumerable virtues and merits, andthrough his intercession granted healthto the sick and ailing. Grant, we humbly

pray, that following his example indespising the evils of this world and

looking forward to the joys of heaven, wemay rise above our sinfulness, and,through St. Vincent’s intercession,

deserve to be cured from all afflictions ofsoul and body. We ask this through

Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Page 6: Wings! Special Issue

6 April 5, 2011

GLANCING AT THE PASTOriginally, a visita of Jaro, the Parish of St. Vincent Ferrerwas erected on 1858. It is the 24th among the 33 parishescreated from 1599 until 1879. Its patron saint is widely knownfor his miraculous works.

The first parish priest was Fr. Mariano Sitchon, anAugustinian priest. His stint was from 1863-1869. He wassucceeded by Fr. Andres Naves(1869-1872) who started theconstruction of the old church. Fr. Sotero Almeda took overin 1872 and was succeeded by Fr. Lorenzo Diaz in the sameyear. Fr. Agustin Llorente took over until the year 1881 andwas followed by Fr. Cesario Rodrigo who stayed from 1881-1886.

When Fr. Eladio Zamora became the parish priest (1886-1889), the construction of the church was brought intocompletion. The facade of the church was made of red bricksand their walls made of taguibe wood. The convent was alsomade up of wood and the cemetery with bamboo enclosure.

Fr. Vicente replaced Fr. Zamora and became parish priestin 1889-1890. He was later replaced by Fr. Quinton Yzarwhose term was only short-lived. In the same year, 1890,

Fr. Manuel Diez took over as parish priest and stayed until1894. He was succeeded by Fr. Cleto Palacios who stayeduntil 1897. It was during his time when a devastating typhoondamaged the church and rendered the conventuninhabitable. It happened on May 10, 1896.

Fr. Fulgencio Rodriguez took over the parish. But thefollowing year, he was replaced by Fr. Mariano Yzar whostayed up to the middle of the year 1898.

From the middle of 1898, set of secular priests started toserve the parish. Fr. Selvestre Apura served the parish forthirty-nine years. In 1937, he was succeeded by Fr. MaximinoMontealto, whose stint was just a matter of months. Fr. CelsoSandoval followed and stayed until his death in 1946.Fr. Ildefonso Odi had a short stint in 1946 to fill the positionvacated by the death of Fr. Sandoval. On the same year, hewas succeeded by Fr. Wencelao Enojo (1946-1947).Fr. Ildefonso Odi had his second assignment and he stayedfor a period of nine years (1946-1947). His coadjutor was

Fr. Jose Alba. It was during his time when a devastatingearthquake destroyed the church.

In the middle of 1956, Fr. Eligio Vilavert took over theparish but his stay rpoved to be shortlivde because he wasreplaced by Msgr. Meneleo Braganza. Msgr. Braganza stayeduntil 1996. he spent the best of forty years serving the parishand was only force to retire because of his failing health.

It was during the time of Msgr. Braganza when the churchwas rebuilt from the ruins of earthquake. He rebuilt thesidewalls, the transept and the roof, but maintained thefacade as one-storey edifice, almost bare of decoration wherethe levels are indicated by the round opening or occoli, andsemi-circle arch and trances which allow the light in to thechurch. The facade of the church followed the neo-classicalline. Openings complement each other through various sizesand shapes. The natural texture of the bricks tends thefacade a patrina of age. A newbell tower was constructedseparated from the church.

It was in 1960 during the time of Msgr. Braganza, whenFr. Cesar Sandoval was appointed as co-adjutor of theparish. He assisted Msgr. Braganza in tending the parish fortwenty years. He was succeeded by Fr. Glorioso Gepolongafrom May 1980-May 1981; Fr. Manuel Sevilla stayed fromJune 1981 – January23, 1983; Fr. Ronaldo Suplido from

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7 April 5, 2011

March 19, 1983 – July 19, 1985; Fr. Jose Alberto Guillen fromNovember 8, 1985 – 1987; Fr. Raul Dayaday’s term was from1989 – 1990; Fr. Jose Gerardo Cabaluna served in theparish from 1990 – 1992; Fr. Cirilo Camus served from1992- 1994; Fr. Ricahard Pinongcos was the co-adjutor in1994 – 1996. Fr. Nonito edifice, almost bare of decorationwhere the levels are indicated by the round opening or occoli,and semi-circle arch and trances which allow the light in tothe church. Thefacade of the church followedthe neo-classical line. Openings complement each other through vari-ous sizes and shapes. The natural texture of the bricks tendsthe facade a patrina age. A newbell tower was constructedseparated from the church.

It was in 1960 during the time of Msgr. Braganza, whenFr. Cesar Sandoval was appointed as co-adjutor of theparish. He assisted Msgr. Braganza in tending the parish fortwenty years. He was succeeded by Fr, Glorioso Gepolongafrom May 1980- May 1981;Fr. Manuel Pelobello served asco-adjutor in 1996. During his time, he assumed the care ofthe parish due to the retirement of Msgr. Braganza.

In February of1997, the parish was given to be administeredunder the pastoral care of Msgr. Gene velarde. During histime, Fr. Pelobello became his first assistant. He wassucceeded by Ronald De Leon who served from 1999-2001;Fr. Roy Bretaña from Jnauary 1, 2001 – 2004; Fr. MelvinDaquilanea from October 4,2004 – October 18, 2006; andFr. Julius Almeria assumed as parochial vicar from October18, 2006 to date.

It is during the incumbency of Msgr. Gene that severalsignificant projects and activities were undertaken. In termsof construction, the following are the highlights of hisachievements: a new concrete two-storey convent wasconstructed, choir loft was added, a sacristy, reconcialiationroom, Parish Hall, a new baptistry, chapel of the saints andthe prayer room, construction of ceiling, enclosure of thechurch made of grills and glasses, the making of themuseum and recently the painting of the exterior andmodification of the church’s facade.

Since then, the many projects were undertaken both ininfrastructure and apostolate ministries. Stewardship wasbrought into the conciousness of the parishioners throughthe program called “Leganes 2000”. and building of theecclesial comminities in the barangays is gradually realized.

At present, thousands of pilgrims from all walks of life flockto this parish to venerate it Patron Saint. This is why it isconsidered as the Mecca of Western Visayas. EverySundays especially during summer, the church is fullof faith-ful devotees of St. Vincent Ferrer. During the hot summer,all roads lead to Leganes. People come and go to fulfill theirpromise and invoke the intercession through the traditional“palapak” of the statue of the miraculous saint.

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8 April 5, 2011

NOVENA AND FIESTA MASS SPONSORSNOVENA MASS - March 27, 20116:00 AMBRGY. CAGAMUTAN SUR,BRGY. POBLACION, PARISH YOUTHMINISTRY & MOTHER BUTLERS’ GUILDLuz Dela CruzMelinda S. SeñolayJosefina Molina & familyMaricho S. SuayRosetie SolitoElizabeth SendinoEdelisa MijaresMr. & Mrs. Charry Guardialao & FaamilyNovie RamosRonald MijaresMercedita C. BalagosaMr. &Mrs. Nestor BalasotoM r. & Mrs. Gabriel & Flordeliza ArcetaEva S. AmbasaMa. Juvy & Candido Pudadera & familyLigaya J. FaylogaMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amancia/Ralby Segura& FamilyMr. Rogelio & Mrs. Isabelita SalubaMr. & Mrs. Jonathan GolilaoAngeles GulaLeeman Jigs AmbataMr. & Mrs. Ronnie & Riza CastronuevoMr. & Mrs. Edmund G. Janay & FamilyEngr. Marilyn H. Celiz And FamilyMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & familyMr.& Mrs. Eugene DeselloFlora So & FamilyGenerosa Uygongco & FamilyMs. Catalina JanagapMs. Alberta PedronioMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyMs. Mauricia JanagapLucia PudaderaMercedita T. GuisingaMr. & Mrs. Emilio ArostiqueMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano &familyMs. Julieta Dayon & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Virgil t. Dayon & FamilyMrs. Catherine Teruel & FamilyMr. Thyrone Teruel & FamilyMs. Florencia PiadMr. & Mrs. Edgardo Piad & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Leonardo J. Quiros Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Linda SanquilasGeorgina T. GulmaticoHelario G. Superio & FamilyMr. Eladio & Mrs. Jovita PamaMargarita G. LedesmaSgt. Cirilo PrologoLyndon & Jeselia Landoy & familyAndres & Salome Tolentino & familyLena FamilyJamerlan & Arenajo FamilyMr. & Mrs. Lovie LiMr. & Mrs. Rodolfo & Corazon GriñoMr. & Mrs. Rudy JanagapMr. & Mrs. Ludovico Janagap & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Teresita GuadamanoSofia JaneoGloria B. RicoEdeltrudes BuenconsejoVironica D. EspinosaMarilou B. SorechoBaylosis & Jaleco FamilyMr. & Mrs. William & Mary Gilda Seria &FamilyMr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Michelle Haro & familyAnnie Lynn SoteoMr. Reynaldo S. SorsanoCecilla GreciaLucia Eday & FamilyLeandro Felix & Ma. Victoria Gumayan -FeriaObdulia & Ofelia GumayanJuvelyn Labrador VillahermosaMr. & Mrs. Herminigildo Javelle & Family

Ma. Luz C. Espino & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Gina PiodenaIlimar AguinagaRenato AguinagaJohn Michael AguinagaMs. Ginalyn Tubilleja & FamilyMrs. Merle G. Jacobres & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Bautesta SepayaBalgos and Tabares FamilyMs. Clara NicholasoraBalgos and Tabares FamilyMr. & Mrs. Carlito B. Golveo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ranulfo Sinay & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Stephen Go & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Emeterio Vargas & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Montano Gubatanga Jr. & FamilyMrs. Nieves A. Alog & familyMr. & Mrs Elvira SolomonLuz Dela CruzMelinda S. Señolay

NOVENA MASS - March 27, 20117:30 AMBRGY. CAGAMUTAN SUR,BRGY. POBLACION, PARISH YOUTHMINISTRY & MOTHER BUTLERS’ GUILDLudwig & Fely KonigMa. Luisa EstanteAngelie HuescaLucia SolitoRubie Golen TabuadaMr. & Mrs. Nilo C. SalopesaRicardo/ Michelle J. SodustaMr.&Mrs. Herminigildo BetitaCorazon S. SencilGemma BactanMary ZzaZza B. ProvidoHermogenia SotioLucia ServidadJhon Israel ValderamaMr. & Mrs. Charlie BarelaMila VilchezSalvacion SueloEngr. & Mrs. Marielle G. BartolomeMr. & Mrs. Thelma InayanMr. & Mrs. Mitchel G. InayanMrr. & Mrs. Rey Brian MaraòonRic ErecilloEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraMelquiades C. BenliroElenito Diomon Jr.Rodel AsumbraHerminia & Manzano FamiliesMr. & Mrs. Nichols HagorilesSusana E. PacitMagdalena SomcioMercedita T. GuisingaMr. Mrs. Felicisimo Sina-on & familyMr. & Mrs. Arturo Pancho & familyMr. William & Ma. Fe Sumbong & familyMr. Efren & Mrs. Dolores MagapaMr. Joe Rex SolidariosMr. & Mrs. Danilo Dayon & FamilyLetty & Jo-ann M PazueloElpidio C. RuegoMrs. Lydia J. JapitanaMr. & Mrs. Isagani ErpaCheryl & Chuby Conception & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ronilo JimenoMr. & Mrs. Elbert & mary Mae GulmaticoMr. & Mrs. Diosdado Griño & FamilyDiego & Tacan FamiliesMr. & Mrs. Arthuro L. RoxasRamona CaballeroMa. Novie Mae Sua-anFredenyl AligonzaAida JabonetaMr. & Mrs. Roberto & Candelaria GuillerganNatalie Vyne Garcia DiongonJean S. DiazEva Deloso Franco & FamilyAngel BactanRolando TonoAmado Pacardo

Mrs. Elizabeth SolAnne TupazMr. & Mrs.Wilson & Adelina SolasMr. & Mrs. Carmen LabeFlorencia CastronuevoMr.& Mrs. Emmanuel PalomarMr. & Mrs. Bernardo JacoboCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyIan Lovie & Renalyn Barranco & FamilyJoemar & Ruben TillorSegundo Suravilla & FamilyTessie GanancialMr. & Mrs. Joseph Delaman & FamilyMelbert D. LicotoLeonard L. SolasJuanita P. Dato-onAlicia ParconFelina Dato-on CoMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas,Mr. & Mrs. Renante DelosoMr. & Mrs. Maricar & Ruperto Jr. QuinanahanSandy Rigor AcebuqueErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyCynthia Solas & FamilyTessie Dela Paz

NOVENA MASS - March 28, 2011 - 6:15AMBRGY. CALABOA, BRGY. LAPAYON,SITIO BANTUD, SITIO UBOS, CATECHISTS& LEGION OF MARYMrs. Patricia S. ArcetaGloria MeyerVioleta Suobiron & familyMrs. Vilma SirilanJeana S. SubongCorazon SolidariosLilian RosadaMr. & Mrs. Jerry S. DullaNatividad GulmaticoRafael M. RodriguezEdgardo Sotio & FamilyMr. Modesto ArcetaKgd. Elenito Jamera & familyRaddy SubosaMr. & Mrs. Mally & Junjie Grino & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amancia/ Ralby Segura& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Nerlito TolentinoChief Engr. & Mrs. Juan JapitanaMr. & Mrs. Ronnie & Riza CastronuevoMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Michael GoElena Toth & familyGeneroisa Uygongco & familyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Maricel Pelopero & FamilyRey Jandonero & FamilyAndres & Salome Tolentino & familyLena FamilyDr. Marian M. LenaMs. Isidra GumayanNinfa R. Dela CruzLily Ann PlanaMrs.Perla P. LacsonMr. Jesus & Mrs. Lucille BareraRose PamplonaMr. & Mrs. Rolandoi M. BaltazarMarjoline S. CadapanJoseph ArellanoLeandro Felix & Ma.Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilyLegorio Sucilla Jr.Filma S. CadapanJerenney C. RealEstrella Estandarte & Family

NOVENA MASS - March 28, 2011 – 7:00AMBRGY. CALABOA, BRGY. LAPAYON,SITIO BANTUD, SITIO UBOS, CATECHISTS& LEGION OF MARYLudwig & Fely KonigGabino Someros & familyEmma SilaoKaf Ann Gustilo

Mr. Enrique Buena & FamilyMila JalecoEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraMay Che Ambata & FamilyAnalyn G. Solas & familyMhel Rose LatozaMr. & Mrs. Hienthjei & Nemar SilaoNorberto Jr. & Emily RapoMr. & Mrs. Wilfredo & Rosemarie SoteoLetecia PanistanteNagnal FamilyMr. & Mrs. Felicisimo Sina-on & familyMr. & Mrs. Arturo Pancho & FamilyMr. William & Ma. Fe Sumbong & FamilyMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano &FamilyMr. & Mrs. Helen Cabrera & familyLucia A. Deloso & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Roberto & candelaria GuillerganYolanda c. PenieroMrs. Delia S. Jaspe and ChildrenMr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton & FamilyCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyMr. Edmund Layson & FamilyErma GimoteaMaximino Grijaldo Jr. & familyMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas,Mr. & Mrs. Renante DelosoRose G. Acosta

NOVENA MASS - March 29, 20116:15 AMBRGY. CAGAMUTAN NORTE, VILLALEGANES, SITIO IRRIGATION &BARANGAY SANG BIRHENMr. & Mrs. Margarita P. Arceta & FamilyMr. Jesus J. GuadalupeMr. Roberto Jance & FamilyEmma Javier & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amancia/Ralby Segura& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & familyChristine DeselloGuillermo Te & FamilyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyCamilo & Ma. Teresa SurmionMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano &familyMr. Eladio & Mrs. Jovita PamaMr. & Mrs. Margie Nograles & FamilyLyndon & Jeselia Landoy & FamilyAndres & Salome Tolentino & familyLena FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ofelia Leprozo & FamilyLeandro Felix & Ma.Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilyMrs. Fe S. Del NorteLeahlyn GalacheMr. & Mrs. Roberto & Arlene Suren & FamilyGinalyn T. Tubilleja & familyJudith SodustaMrs. Merle G. Jacobres & FamilyErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Randy & Mary Grace Bala-anMs. Clara NicholasoraMr. & Mrs. Montano Gubatanga Jr. & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ma. Bonita Pama JardinicoEngr. Marilyn H. Celiz & family

NOVENA MASS - March 29, 2011 7:00 AMBRGY. CAGAMUTAN NORTE, VILLALEGANES, SITIO IRRIGATION &BARANGAY SANG BIRHENLudwig & Fely KonigMr. Nelly S. Villamor & Mrs. Victoria G.IbanezGuintivano & Pedrola & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Alexander RoblesJuanito GolveoMyralyn Solacito & FamilyMrs. Marissa G. Gonzales & FamilyBessie Joy Elle

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9 April 5, 2011

Jober GedayaNatividad JamandionMr. & Mrs. Ricardo & Lerma GolilaoMarita A. MolinosEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraMr. & Mrs. Julius & Guadalupe & familyMr. Esperedion B. Jagunap Jr.Stephen G. GalileaEditha DyMrs. Corazon CamemoNagnal FamilyMr. & Mrs. Felicisimo Sina-on & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arturo Pancho & FamilyMr. William & Ma. Fe Sumbong & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Henry D. Prudente & FamilyLoreta LeeJohena Del SocorroAniceto Villalobos

NOVENA MASS - March 30, 2011 6:15 AMBRGY. CARI MAYOR, BRGY. CARI MINOR& COUPLES FOR CHRISTMarissa S. GachoMrs. Elizabeth Supapo & familyMelinda S. SeñolayMichael JavellanaMr. & Mrs. Sohrab S. ArcetaMr. & Mrs. Victorio Superio & FamilyJuanito GolveoMyralyn Solacito & FamilyMrs. Marissa G. Gonzales & FamilyBessie Joy ElleJober GedayaNatividad JamandionMr. & Mrs. Ricardo & Lerma GolilaoMarita A. MolinosMr. & Mrs. Riza mae Cuevas & familyMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amancia/ Ralby Segura& FamilyMaximiano Montel & FamilyRenato Dayaday & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & FamilyNelson DeselloGenerosa Uygongco & familyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyLoreta LeeJohena Del SocorroAniceto VillalobosJudie Del SocorroAllan Rexan VillalobosAriel Villalobos

NOVENA MASS - March 30, 20117:00 AM BRGY. CARI MAYOR, BRGY. CARI MINOR& COUPLES FOR CHRISTLudwig & Fely KonigMilagros SoteoChona P JaelMr. & Mrs. EliseoJ. BinasTeresita E.ParraMr. & Mrs. Sammy PenitCatherine O. SotioAntonio MadrazaEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraMs. Jenny EspinosaNagnal FamilyMr. & Mrs. Felicisimo Sina-on & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arturo Pancho & FamilyMr. William & Ma. Fe Sumbong & FamilyMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs, Felma Soriano &FamilyMr. Efren & Mrs, Dolores MagapaVioleta HuervanaMr. John Anthony Japitana & FamilyDamaso Vellete Jr. & Lucy VelleteMr. Mrs. Margie Jinon & familyMr. & Mrs. Roberto & Candelaria GuillerganEva Deloso, Franco & FamilyMary Gil LoquiasAntonia B.BedidaMr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton & FamilyBonnie Gay BandadaCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & Family

Mr. Edmund Layson & FamilyNinfa, Ramon, Hesa GuintivanoGema NarteMr. & Mrs. Santiago AtchasoMr. & Mrs. Nestorio AgsalunaMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas, Mr. & Mrs.Renante DelosoYsalou Guirhem & familyMr. & Mrs. Natividad Anico

NOVENA MASS - March 31, 2011 6:15 AMBRGY. GUIHAMAN, BRGY. BUNTATALA,SITIO ULONG GUIHAMAN,SITIO CALAMAISAN &CHARISMATIC CHOIRMelinda S. SeñolayMr. & Mrs. Inocencia Jurinario & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Heide Bacsid & FamilyMr.& Mrs. Delia Yocogco & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Manuel Golinda,Sr. & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Clarita DalipeMr. & Mrs. Oliver de la PeñaMr. & Mrs Edwin de la PeñaMr. & Mrs. Noralyn GolviqueMr. & Mrs. Wilmer DagohoyMr. & Mrs. Lorena MataMr. & Mrs. Ninfa HaroFlorencio Arca & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Joey JurinarioMrs. Amancia Segura & FamilyLaarni Labanero & familyPhoebe Suganob & FamilyMrs. Elma CajeloLeonor Tejada & FamilyJose Nemesio Estimada & FamilyGeornae Jino-o & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Carlos Cadornigara & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amamcia/ Ralby Segura& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & FamilyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyLucia PudaderaMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano &familyCarmelita S. JagunapJose V. SevillenaMr. & Mrs. Mona Donguines & familyLeonisa Prader & familyRosalinda Buena & familyMr. & Mrs. Diña P. SudarioMr. & Mrs. Roland Alivio & familyMelinda Cero & familyMr. & Mrs. Connie J. Vicente & FamilyGilda Prader & familyMr. Arnold Peres & familyLyndon & Jeselia Landoy & familyAndres & Salome Tolentino & FamilyLena FamilyWilfredo L. Lena & FamilyRolando G. JuntarciegoMr. & Mrs. Nieva MoleñoMr.& Mrs. Roland ArcetaPatricia Gabaleo & FamilyTeresita MonejagueLeandro Felix & Ma.Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilySimeon & Eldina Gumayan & FamilyEleazar S. SumagueFe. Q. SubieraDr. & Mrs. Myla Sumile & FamilyMrs. Lani HiponiaMrs. Glenda V. ZerrudoConsuelo Pacita & FamilyArnanda & Teresa, Imelda TeDr. Anthony Uygongco & familyMr. & Mrs. Matelde Menor & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Mary jane CanoyDennie Johnson SudarioGinalyn T. Tubilleja & FamilyJudith SodustaMr. & Mrs. Ernesto Subere Jr. & FamilyErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyMs. Clara NicholasoraErlinda Tadifa & FamilyGerochi Family

Mr. & Mrs. Montano Gubatanga Jr. & FamilyMr. Rameses CaseloMilagros D. & Vanessa Marie LagritoEngr. Marilyn H. Celiz & familyMr. Felomino Caminse

NOVENA MASS - March 31, 20117:00 AMBRGY. GUIHAMAN, BRGY. BUNTATALA,SITIO ULONG GUIHAMAN,SITIO CALAMAISAN &CHARISMATIC CHOIRMrs. Mila MondejarLudwig & Fely KonigMary Jean HombrebuenoMr. Angel & Mrs. Helen Recabar & FamilyRonnie ToledoZenaida GolveoRose Fatima J. Cuyugan & familyMr. & Mrs. Johnson SucalditoKgd. & Mrs. Arnold Jiz & familyMr. Mrs. Lorenzo Ala-an & familyMr. & Mrs. Sergio PelobelloMr. & Mrs. Nemesio Alim Jr.Benita F. Deloso & FamilyEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraZoilo J. Pinongcos Jr.Guillermo SeriaNagnal FamilyMr. & Mrs. Felicisimo Sina-on & FamilyaMr. & Mrs. Arturo Pancho & familyMr. William & Ma. Fe Sumbong & FamilyEvelyn Legada & familyMr. & Mrs. Joseph B. AlimPresentacion S. GolenRosalita GolveoMr. & Mrs. Roberto & candelaria GuillerganEvelyn O. Plana & FamilyAnne TupazMr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton & FamilyCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyEmilia GolingayMr. Edmund Layson & FamilyMr. Eliseo SalvacionMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas, Mr. & Mrs.Renante DelosoDra. Sheila SilmeteMr. & Mrs. Rolly GuayMr. & Mrs. Milagros Abunador & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arnil SaragenaMr. & Mrs. Miguel SaragenaMr. & Mrs. Leandro & Montessa CaoyonanKgd. Renato Griño & FamilyGloria Landoy & Family

NOVENA MASS - April 1, 2011 - 6:15 AMBARANGAY BIGKE,BRGY. M.V. HECHANOVA &HANDMAIDS OF THE LORDVicitacion B. SurmionMelinda S. SeñolayMrs. Elnora J. JapitanaMr. & Mrs. Armando Calanda & FamilyDesederio TeruelJiji HerraduraJeanette AlarconMrs. Rosie J. GuillemerMr. & Mrs. Rodrigo Plasus,Jr. & FamilyJasmin CamesSymen HamatiNelson Dayaday & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amancia/ Ralby Segura& FamilyWilfredo PajarilloNorma HerraduraFlorencia JapitanaEdwin AlcoleaMr. & Mrs. Teddy VillegasJorito Galas, Ruth Dillomes & Jovita JadanRosita PudaderaRegina VillegasThelma J. VillegasMaribel AlbilarJuan AlbilarVirgilio OmilloMary Jane SeranRobert Villegas

Merlinda JapitanaCFC Handmaids of the LordMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & FamilyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyJiji HerraduraAileen May S. Avelino & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Roberto HisananMr. & Mrs. Edwin Bermejo & FamilyMs. Belly GallegoAndres & Salome Tolentino & familyLena FamiliMr. & Mrs. Rodolfo & Corazon Griñ0Mr. & Mrs. Richie F. SilvestreCrisanta NavigarEva Deloso, Franco & FamilyLilia SendicoNoralyn CabatbatRomar S. SoteoMr. & Mrs. Cezar BugtongRebecca MasisadoMr. & Mrs. Danny GonzaludoLeandro Felix & Ma.Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilyAnaluo BarrancoSimeon & Eldina Gumayan FamilyFilomena & Cecil & FamilyBenedict Uygongco & familyBienvenido Te & FamilyMr. Leonilo Panila Jr. & FamilyGinalyn T. Tubilleja & FamilyJudith SodustaMr. Macario L. Sapare, Susie B. Sapare &FamilyMs. Chloe Belle GorricetaErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyErlinda Tadifa & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Lope Somollo & familyMr. & Mrs. Lope Somallo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Montano Gubatanga Jr. & FamilyMa. Elena P. ParconClara P. ParconMr. Roberto & Mrs. Arlene Soluren andFamilyJose Patricio E. Casumpang Jr. & Family

NOVENA MASS - April 1, 2011 - 7:00 AMBARANGAY BIGKE,BRGY. M.V. HECHANOVA &HANDMAIDS OF THE LORDNena Labaro & FamilyLudwig & Fely KonigGemmalyn S. SosarnoMr. & Mrs. Narciso B. Sarmiento Jr. & familyAreno FamilyTeresita SularanMrs. Susan Unarce & familyNelly GutierrezEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraMr. & Mrs. Jose E. PojarilloMark MonaresArcele GuayCorazon JareolSoterania JadanMrs. Theresa GolingayMr. James QueArlen DefanteMr. & Mrs. Felicisimo Sina-on & FamilyMr. Mrs. Arturo pancho & FamilyMr. William & Ma. Fe. Sumbong & familyMr. Celerino Jt\r. & Mrs, Felma Soriano &FamilyEdna C. PesasicoEhamvelyn S. Tubongbanua & FamilyJules A’J Alfonso SimpasMrs. Matea Pudadera & ChildrenRowena TanguanPresentacion S. GolenMrs. Gloria J. Landoy & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Roberto & Candelaria Guillerganmr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton & FamilyMr. Marcelo & Virgie Guintivani & familyMa. Christy Leah Suarnaba

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Mr.& Mrs. Bernardo JacoboMrs. Nieves A. Alog & familyCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyLai Elmerson Sucaldito & Edgar SucalditoEmilia GolingayMr. Edmund Layson & FamilyLorna P. CandelarioMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas, Mr. & Mrs.Renante DelosoJanet S. Duron & FamilyTacuyong Norte Elem. SchoolLeon I Elem. SchoolKim Cabarles

NOVENA MASS - April 2, 2011 – 6:15 AMNABITASAN PROPER, SITIO 30,SITIO KAINGIN, SITIO PANDAN,SITIO PANUSUON & AQUAVILLENenette TonoLorelie Sequiban-HuquerizaMrs. Gleseria BeleranMrs. Gladys AlemaniaMr. & Mrs. Neolito D. BelmesMr.& Mrs. Leonor MarananMr. & Mrs. Alfredo Gegawin & familyMrs. Linda Delfin & FamilyAlbert Anas & FamilyMr. And Mrs. Jovito Melliza Jr.Mr. Joe Marie MellizaMr. And Mrs. BejocoMrs. Lilia GonzalesMr. & Mrs. Patricio Casumpang Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio SalubaMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amancia/ Ralby Segurra& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ronie JarandillaMr. & Mrs. Jorge AmihanEditha G. ValdezMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & FamilyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyAlicia Jane Tugnao & familyMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano &FamilyLourdes PadernalLyndon & Jeselia Landoy & familyAndres & Salome Tolentino & FamilyLena FamilyMr. & Mrs. Rene Berdejo & FamilyKristin Marie S. Soteo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Cezar BugtongSally S. RoselloMr. & Mrs. Allan Rex ParconLeandro Felix & Ma.Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilySimeon & Eldina Gumayan FamilyPacita SolasJambongana FamilyJunrey CariagaRick/Myra PiadVirginia Ong & FamilyNinfa JangitGinalyn T. Tubilleja & FamilyJudith SodustaMrs. Milagros Maestrecampo & FamilyErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyErlinda Tadifa & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Montano Gubatanga Jr. & FamilyMr. Art & Mrs. Ana Marie Jamerlan & FamilyTeresita M. ParconMrs. Ofelia H. SomolloMr. Roberto & Mrs. Arlene Soluren andFamilyFrelin Vilches & FamilyMelanie Pacificar & FamilyMr. Romeo/Mrs. Ana Cynthia Tolibas &FamilyMr. And Mrs. Leo OctavianoFelicia EspanoEngr. Mariulyn H. Celiz & family


SITIO PANUSUON & AQUAVILLEMr. & Mrs. Juan de Dios GalgoLudwig & Fely KonigRutherine S. SetiarMary Jean HombrebuenoGaudencio SubosaCecilia E. OrtizMrs. Nelsie T. Jacobo Children &Grandchildren / Bernardo JacoboAreno FamilyAbelardo SularanLorna Sendino & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Spark GabayeronJohanna Faith JurinarioIgnacio CartonMa. Fe SotelaEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraBernardita BakabakJonna T. PedridoMr. & Mrs. Edmund G. Janay & FamilyMr. & Mrs, Felicisimo Sina-on & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arturo Pancho & familyMr. William & Ma. Fe nSumbong & FamilyWelmer DegalaZenaida SebarilloMr. & Mrs. Marigold De LacyPresentacion S. GolenMr. & Mrs. Roberto & Candelaria GuillerganMr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton & FamilyMr. Ricardo M. QuirosMrs. Flaviada SuobironMr. & Mrs. Dante & Grace PanadoNena G. GopeteoMr. & Mrs. Jeguito & Nona BelmonteCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyEdgar SucalditoEmilia GoilingayMr. Edmund Layson & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas, Mr. & Mrs. Renante DelosoMr. & Mrs. Gloria JardioLeonita Jolo & familyMr. Alberto TrazaMrs. Amparo G. Mota Family

NOVENA MASS - April 3, 2011 – 6:00 AMBRGY. NAPNUD PROPER, SITIO PAHO,BRGY. GUA-AN &KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUSMr. & Mrs. Diony SeñolayMelinda S. SeñolayMrs. Lorna Hombrebueno ChildrenPaula SuarezMr. Loreto & Mrs. Lucrecia Someros &FamilyFelino CatedrillaPerla S. SuficienciaEngr. & Mrs.Samson JaspeAristeo CamisJesus G. GolipatanMr.Dennis Hopilos & FamilyMr. Dennis Hopilos & FamilyWilfredo & Lilia Octaviano & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Noel Meredith Octaviano & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ricardo & Ma. Jeanne Jinon &FamilyMiss Lydia Gustilo & FamilyMr. Romeo & Mrs. Melida Tolones & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Hidequil/Llani Tolones & FamilyAnnabelle & Lucia Velasco & FamilyAnnabelle & Lucia Velasco & FamilyMrs. Amparo Mota & FamilyMr. &Mrs. Eliseo/ Remia Gomez & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Eustaquio Sr./ Rosedie Gapoy &FamilyMrs. Carmen Parreno & FamilyMrs. Nelly Lego & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Alan/Leylebeth Alaan & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Leo/Nenita Hopilos & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Froilan Jinon & FamilyGarry MasalihitMr. & Mrs. Elsa P. Sustiguer & FamilyMrs. Milagros M. MolenAlice SueloMr. & Mrs. Antolin Jimenez & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Emilia Liguan & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ronilo Desoy & Anas Family

Mr. & Mrs. Jose Nerios & FamilyMr. and Mrs.Juanito NeriosMr. & Mrs. Alex ConsaboMr. &Mrs. Brande Xerxes MarañonMr. & Mrs.Lemuel & Amancia/Ralby Segura& FamilyAristeo CamisRenato Dayaday & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Emelda Azucena & FamilyRosannie Piaquino PregilMr. & Mrs. Marilyn H. Celiz & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & familyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyGenevieve PudaderaGenevieve PudaderaMr. & Mrs. Julio & Gloria Tadifa & ChildresAristeo CamisMagdalena S. MolinaAmy Guadalupe & FamilyErnesto Magno & Monica CubilMr.& Mrs. Leonardo J. QuirosMrs. Jenelin BenjaminMelchorita V. HopilosMrs. Martha & Jennifer, ethel Teruel & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arnel SalvacionMrs. Newyerita Salvacion & FamilyMrs. Teresita Bela-ongMrs. Mary ObligaJocelyn R. YanquasMargarita G. LedesmaMamerta MirasolMr. Lolita MatanalLyndon & Jeselia Landoy & FamilyAndres & Salome Tolentino & FamilyLena FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ramy Unasia & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Fausto Janagap Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Noel Jeanette Janagapo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ronelo & Cyna GriñoFormon FamilyEva Deloso, Franco & FamilyQuintilla FamilySocorro SueloMargelyn BarbaCristita Del RosarioLita AbesAtty. Soteo Gardose & FamilyJose Hocon & FamilyLeandro Felix & Ma.Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilySimeon & Eldina Gumayan & FamilyCristine CatedrillaMa. Theresa J. CatubayShirley DemetilloMr. Eduardo Tolones Jr. & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Procedio Jr. & Elsie Gulmatico &FamilyMrs. Arlyn Octavioano & FamilyShirly Gabatin & Mila Jinon & familyMr. & Mrs. Eutaquio Jr, & Julie Gapoy &familyMr. & Mrs. Harrybel & Liony Sanogal &FamilyMr. & Mrs Eddie & Ruth Helen Apao & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ronnie & Shirly Octaviano &FamilyMr. & Mrs. Roberson V. Solas & FamilyDaniel Uygongco & FamilyGinalyn T. Tubilleja & FamilyJudith SodustaErlinda Tadifa & FamilyMrs. Angeles M. TonoJennifer Marquez, Mahanlud & familyAngelica SuatingVeronica P. PataneMr. & Mrs. Montano Gubatanga Jr. & FamilyCarmen SumalangcayFrelin Vilches & FamilyMelanie Pacificar & FamilyMr. Mrs. Anecito Cabañal & Karlo IanMrs. Maxima Loraña & Mrs. MagdalenaMayo & FamilyRowela Diomon & John NoahMr. & Mrs Ludovico Gulmatico & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Roberto and Arlene Soluren &FamilyMr. &Mrs. Roberto & Arlene Soluren & Family

Ms. Mary Joy E. Casumapang & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Noel Meredith Octaviano & Family

NOVENA MASS - April 3, 2011 – 7:30 AMBRGY. NAPNUD PROPER, SITIO PAHO,BRGY. GUA-AN &KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUSEufemia Tamayo & FamilyRosie LaureGloria Aungon & FamilyMs. Luz Cerbo & FamilySerafin & Carmen Abonado & FamilyLudwig & Fely KonigRutherine S. SetiarMr. & Mrs. Roselyn M. GuecoRichel S. MolinaVirginia SolitoJenifer P. HuescaLiza L. Golveque & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arnel C. Celiz & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Felizardo S. Cadapan & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ernesto SumagaysayMr. & Mrs. Rene Glenn Dicer Sr. & FamilyAgnes E. DimsonMaly & Raul JardenilMiss Melba Marie J. Jagunap & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Fermin EspinoMrs. Fevie E. PaltigueraMr. & Mrs. Cris TorresMr. & Mrs. Paterno Moloto Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Niel & Liezel OctavianoMr. & Mrs. Elias DullaGloria EspulgarMr.& Mrs. Benny Freddie CabardeMrs. Merlinda OpsiarAreno FamilyGloria SolatorioJasmen Soldevilla & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Adamson & Cecilia Reotan &FamilyMr. & Mrs. Joel SotioMr. & Mrs. Larry SuobironNelia June SilvaMr. & Mrs. Janet & Vicente Tubongbanua &FamilyMrs. Medelina GolilaoBessie Joy ElleMr.& Mrs. Eliseo/Ma.Luz Hopilos & FamilyMrs. Eriberta Tablada & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Noel Meredith Octaviano & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Virgilio Jr./ Analyn Anas FamilyMary Grace IndencioMrs. Soledad SoldevillaMa. Teresa FormacionMr. Edwin AndradaMr. & Mrs. Reynaldo BalagosaMr. & Mrs. Chita & Carlito Navarra & FamilyMrs. Rosemarie GulmaticoMrs. Cynthia JayloniMr. & Mrs. Dominador Jr./ Grace GatungayMr. & Mrs. Walter J. JalbuenaMr. & Mrs. Diovanie L. JalecoMr. & Mrs. Violeta Anas & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Elmer GulmaticoMr. Johnny Peñafiel & Mrs. Gladys GustiloPeñafielDelia B. Gulmatico & familyMrs. Ma. Luz Rivera & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Eilyn Mae Gustilo MartinezJose TeruelJuna Melliza Sun and FamilyMr. & Mrs. Carlos H. AguilarFreddie Cain and FamilyDyna Joy Cain and FamilyCarlito Cain and FamilyIan Lester Hagoriles and FamilyMr. Mrs. Cylin P. SironMr. & Mrs. Joaquin C. Katipunan & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Alexander A. Acuros & FamilyMr.& Mrs. Noli Alim& FamilyMs. Marissa BernalesHospecio PradoMr. & Mrs. Rogelio SalubaPelagio VillarealMr. & Mrs. Crispin Sumalde & FamilyEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraNonito N. Ambonan & Family

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11 April 5, 2011

Gerardo D. Fuentes & FamilyMrs. Tala Q. GenillaMrs. Letecia C. AmbataZosimo, Zusette & Ma. Zusie Zhenina TadifaLea P. LizadaLorline S. SuayMr. Mrs. Felicisimo Sina-on & FamilyMr. William & Ma. Fe Sumbong & FamilyMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano &FamilyPearl Joy EstanteLita S. SobronMr. Oscar & Mrs Elsa MontialbucioGemma LauronDelilah MaulasRovie SuravillaTrinidad SimpasMr. &Mrs. Ronnie Palma & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Danilo Dayon & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Marianito Piad & FamilyDora S. SemolavaMr. & Mrs. Antonio Jaleco & FamilyMary Ann, Atinado, Aguidado & FamilyIvy Jane SevillaMr. & Mrs. Julius JimenoMr. &Mrs. Sioney PudaderaMontaño Bactan FamilyMrs. Luzviminda Q. SuarezSalvacion FaeldoneaJovima M. OstueEileen B. CatedralMary Jean M. NiellesNoe QuinovevaMr. & Mrs. Rudolfo Villanueva & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Dennis Griòo & FamilyMrs.Florencia AmihanMr. Edwin BusalMr. Lorenzo Gustilo Jr.Charon VillarPresentacion S. GolenMr. & Mrs. Serapion Sumido & FamilyGina PangantihonOrlando SucalditoMr.&Mrs.Ishmael JaveleMr. & Mrs. Roberto & Candelaria GuillerganMrs. Evelyn Rojas SimbreMr. & Mrs. Quin & Ivy Clarito & ChildresJohnny Tubongbanua & FamilyMr.& Mrs. Napoleon Tubongbanua & FamilyLD TubongbanuaJeffrey TubongbanuaMr. & Mrs. Reman & Cristy SilionarPerla GolveoNoralyn F. GolbequeLaura Samoy & FamilyRita SalgadoBro. Luvimin C. PintorNemesio B. PajarilloMr. & Mrs. Newell CeloMarivic m. SomblingoLydia P.NacitaMrs.Doda SubardoMay FlorencePinongcosMr. & Mrs. Dominador GatungayBlesselda JagunapPerlita & Lorenzo Rostique & FamilyMary Jean JagunapMr. & Mrs. Jonard Jagunap& FamilyAnne TupazMr. Arnaldino Francisco & FamilyMrs. Annie Araneta & ChildrenMrs. Paz VillanuevaMelbert MallorcaMr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Hilarion & Rustily SilaoMr. &Mrs. Rogelio M. MamonMr. Robert & Fol Roselyn SomberoMr.& Mrs. Benjamin Rosello Sr.Edna MaquiranMarie Jean M. ConsumoShirley Jordan Sta. Maria & familyMrs. Stella MuzonesCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyMa. Luz JadinesIvy SosarnoEmilia GoilingayBenny GuayMerlinda Jayloni & Family

Mr. Edmund Layson & FamilyShirley CasalmirMarilyn C. PalenciaRestituto Guay & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Gil & Ma. Luisa Hopilos & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Dionito & Rosemarie Pinggo &FamilyLeo Nicholai de la CruzEngr. Mary Ann DelosoEngr. Mary Ann DelosoMrs. Brigida S. DebilMarcelina EnojoMarcelina EnojoEngr. & Mrs. Joefer J. EspinoMr. &Mrs. Joey & Mary Lilibeth Arnaiz Bobis& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Hector & Barbara Sullano Arnaiz& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Noel & Connie Mae Arnaiz Adorio& daughter Angel MaeMrs. Dolores Demetillo & FamilyLoreta Demetillo & familyMr. & Mrs. Francis Sendico & familyBliselda Balingasa & childrenMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas, Mr. & Mrs.Renante DelosoMr. Antonio Malongayon & FamilyMrs. Rosita Pudadera & familyMr. & Mrs. Bertchon PudaderaMr. & Mrs. Rene JayloniMs. Teresita Gerochi & familyMayor Ike & Carmela RojasMr. & Mrs. Romeo Subere & FamilyErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyKevin SudarioSusa C. Sabido & FamilyLucia Deloso & Family/Merlinda Trentado &FamilyFlor Salas and FamilyMr. Benito Soniso & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Redemson BolivarMailyn B. TonoMrs. Maricar Soniso Talero & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Benjie Soniso& familyJames M. PoblacionRosemarie PinuelaLilia Pinuela & FamilyEsmael & FamilyEditha Calamor & familyAnnilyn DelojoCol. & Mrs. Rolando SegayaDulzura ArcosaMr. & Mrs. Ronilo SeberiasMr. & Mrs. Dionesio John Pardilla and FamilyDulzura ArcosaMr. & Mrs. Dionisio John Parcilla & Family

NOVENA MASS - April 4, 2011 – 6:15 AMBRGY GUINOBATAN PROPER,BRGY SAN VICENTE, SITIO PANGPANG &APOSTOLADO SANG PANGAMUYOMr. & Mrs. Alejandro SurmionRosalina PlanoJunah G. GolenEngr. & Mrs.Samson JaspeGerard Ralph G. JaspeEngr. & Mrs. Jovito VillanuevaMr.& Mrs. Romulo AguantaMr. & Mrs. Aquillino DaayataNatividad JardiolinNorma RoddinLucrecia CabangisanMr. & Mrs. Charry Guardialao & FamilyMaria Hanny SangcadaHeide GagnaoFatima D. GolingayMrs. Evangelina Tobungbanua & FamilyMrs. Soledad GentolioMrs. Bernardita GuanaMr. & Mrs. Demetrios Editha JunilleRyan CrudoMs. Gennilyn JadeMr. Raul GuaroRebecca & Sonia GuintivanoMrs. Emelia VillugaMs. Evelyn GerocheMr. & Mrs. Joemarie Galoo and Family

Mr. & Mrs. Elsa P. Sustiguer & FamilyGilda Barcelona ConcepcionMr. & Mrs. Jessie & Elna MalunesMr. and Mrs. Jose Reme MaranonJohnny YbanezMr. & Mrs. Lemuel & Amancia/ Ralby Segura& FamilyJohnson CatahayHasmin GahumRoger, Rutherin, Rhea & Ricky SetiarMr. and Mrs. Zelna RoblesMrs. Emeliana HombrebuenoRonilla JapitanaMr. & Mrs Vicente De RojaMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenEngr. Berna C. Coca & familyMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyCalixto Seria & familyMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano &FamilySalvacion DominianoMr. & Mrs. Reynante Joplo & FamilyMrs. Suchen CristobalJose Carlo G. JuangaDamaso vellete Jr. & Lucy VelleteJulius, Lielanie, Julian and Somes FamilyMrs. Margie SinibaloMilagros DiazAndres & Salome Tolentino & FamilyLena FamilyCristina Nocal Solito & FamilyMrs. Regina Bordon & familyMr. & Mrs. Rodolfo & Corazon GriñoConstancia M. JuntarciegoArnold PudaderaMr. & Mrs. Consolacion F. JacildoGloria Tacaisan and FamilyMr. & Mrs. Eduardo J. Jaspe & FamilyMr. & Mrs. EduardoJ. Jaspe & FamilyEva Deloso, Franco & FamilyPaterno JapitanaMrs. Zaide Cambas & childrenRosenie R. AbuevaMerilyn TuanteWilfred PenuelaDarah D. Garcia and FamilyJose, Lennie CardenoMary Beth and Rene SalmonteMrs. Myrna SingsonLea S. PorceloMr. & Mrs Rolly De RojaLeandro Felix & Ma.Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilySimeon & Eldina Gumayan FamilyEmilia GolingayEngr. & Mrs. Joefer J. EspinoEvelyn C. JoploIrene Shen & FamilyAlan Pe & familyRebecca C. AgsalunaMargie GuayGinalyn T. Tubilleja & FamilyJudith SodustaErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyMr. Leopold SepayaErlinda Tadifa &FamilyMr. & Mrs. Henry PinuelaMr. & Mrs. Montano Gubatanga Jr. & FamilyFrelin Vilches & familyMr. & Mrs Roberto & Arlene Soluren & FamilyNida BallaEmmie Celo AntayMr. & Mrs. Dionito EspañoMr. & Mrs. Ronnie SuperioEvangeline VelezGanon, Mijares & Legaspi FamiliesEngr. Marilyn H. Celiz & Family

NOVENA MASS - April 4, 2011 – 7:00 AMBRGY GUINOBATAN PROPER,BRGY SAN VICENTE, SITIO PANGPANG &APOSTOLADO SANG PANGAMUYOVirginia V. PalmaImelda PerneciaMragie BalsamoAgapita SoubironLudwig & Fely Konig

Nelita SosarnoMr. & Mrs. Samuel Sucaldito & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Jessie JacoloExcellsa & Ramos FamilyKaren Q.MoralesLuisito CalsadoMaria Hanny SangcadaJeanette AlarconElsa G. Golen & FamilyJohn GolilaoMr. & Mrs. Noel Meredith Octaviano & FamilyMrs. Anita HesoNeben S. GustiloCatherine A. PiadMr. & Mrs. Achiles JacildoVirginia Sumagio & FamilyNemia T. NaquitaEdwin DolorfinoMr. & Mrs. Virginia J. pabilona & FamilyMr. and Mrs Dennis and Belsy de GuzmanMr. and Mrs. Ibonie Gustilo Escanillas andFamilyGina G. LubasMr. & Mrs. Nelson MotaMr. & Mrs. Lolita and Bonifacio FamilyEddie M. SucalditoMr. & Mrs. MedianaJudith BelonioLelecia Chua and FamilyEdwin PusocGloria SilaoRatchell Yap & FamilyGlicerio MonsaleJose Themo BactanEddy, Berthlyn, John Patrick, Joseph Robert& Mary Grace HerraduraNonito Ambonan & FamilyAntonio MalongayonBernardine, Berli & Briana GulmaticoDelia V. JardenilMichelle GantiaNellen RoblesWarlito SoldevillaRogelio Sorsano Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Andres Suobiron & FamilyJanet PudaderaEmelina FormalanilaDionito & Rene Villegas & FamilyMrs. Editha D. JapitanaRene Jayloni Jr.Editha DyMr and Mrs Eduardo G. Parreno and FamilyNagnal FamilyMr. Mrs Felicisimo Sina-on & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arturo Pancho & familyMr. William & Ma. Fe Sumbong & FamilyMr. Miguel & Ammie Pamplona and FamilyEhamvelyn S. Tubongbanua & familyMr. Inocencio & Devina Hechanova & FamilyRolina T. JalecoMrs. Norma T. HermanoMr. & Mrs. Dante SulatraAnalyn JuangaHannah Lyn E. Huervana & FamilyMr. & Ms. BarelaMr. & Mrs. Rodolfo PalasMrs. Nieves GopeteoMr. and Mrs. Rmael Almirante and FamilyMr. and Ms. Ancelo Binas and Mr. and Mrs.JhasMs. Ninka DefensorRoland Tenefrancia & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Eleonor Bihoso & Yanguas FamilyMr. & Mrs. Celso Jino-o & FamilyMr. Felicito GustiloMr. & Mrs. Rolando AlcaldePresentacion S. GolenAnalou SucalditoMr. & Mrs. Roberto & candelaria GuillerganPaciencia J. JoveroJerry & Jingky FlorentinoMrs. Corazon BallaretChito Rejaba and FamilySharon P. QuidatoMr. Andrew P. Quidato

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12 April 5, 2011

Cynthia GustiloVictoria PastranaMr. & Mrs. Newell CeloMr. & Mrs. Francisco Miralles IIMr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton & FamilyMarilyn AguilarYolanda R. LunaJesiela PolinesMrs.Nelita VillaruzJanine C. SilaoRoselle F. De la CruzSalvacion SuropiaCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyMrs. Asuncion Bernales & FamilyMr. Edmund Layson & FamilyMildred & Abner PalenciaMr. & Mrs. Romeo R. Tordesillas,Mr. & Mrs. Renante DelosoMr. & Mrs. Rene Jayloni and FamilyMr. & Mrs. Roque Ersillo and FamilyMr. & Mrs. Wilfredo Tono & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Kathryn Rose & Steve GustiloLeonita Jolo & FamilyVicenta Campos & FamilyEdna LeguanElisa JomentoBrycee VillegasNonita Augusto EladioRodel & Mary Ann Erecillo & FamilyLorna & Herlie AguirreCordero FamilyMr. & Mrs. Federico Torpio & FamilyLeonidas P. AgabanJaime TanMrs. Maria Ma. M. Sumillano & FamilyMs. Mary Jorene Pagni & FamilyMrs. Elsa GuillerganMrs. Editha G. LumacadRomeo Dayon & FamilyVerde, Rodolfo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Alejandro Robles & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ruel H. BetitaMr. & Mrs. Corazon Dalumpines &Gordoncillo FamilyMr. & Mrs. Roberto & Benita SolmeranoMary Ann VillanuevaMrs. Salvacion E. Sotelo & FamilyMr. Alejandro, Sr. & Nazarita Suelo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Carlito/ Linda Golveo & FamilyMr and Mrs. Eduardo Mallorca and FamilyMrs. Amy FegaridoElmer FonnoMae TabaresRural Bank of ZarragaMr. & Mrs. Nestor GuadalupeRudylin C. JamalilloMadelyn DiazDino BearyiMs. April Ann DillomesTeresita JinonEden GomezRonie SunganoNorma MerallesMr. & Mrs. Lesandro Villanueva & FamilyAissey Joy Opial BalogLorena G. JaveloraMr. & Mrs. Rodney BugnaMarichel M. AgsalunaThelma S. ClavecillaOmambog Elem. SchoolMr. & Mrs. Ranel TulibaAloysius Lawrence & Justin Benedict Tuliba

Mrs. Charito JalecoMrs. Arlene A. CaberoyMrs.Arlen Q. Defante & FamilyMarisil GaleMrs. Evelyn G. MosoMrs. Ma. Ollie P. PaluayMr. & Mrs. Ernida Cabayao & FamilyJocelyn Hermonio

FIESTA MASS – APRIL 5, 2011 5:00 AMMr. & Mrs. Roland TubongbanuaMarinel SularanMr. John Connie Anacan & FamilyMeralyn H. Recampo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Freddie Corda & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Arlo Agustin & FamilyChief Engr. & Mrs. Juan JapitanaMrs. Delma Hitalla & FamilyNagnal FamilyMedy B. Pajanostan & FamilyMa. Angeles Lena & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Jose Regina Jaspe & familyNerio & Nemia De Asis & FamilyShirley DemetilloRebecca C. AgsalunaMr. Mrs. Edmundo & Teresa dela Mota &FamilyErlinda Tadifa & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Carmelito & Nilda SucillaFennie Conception & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Anecito Cabañal & Karlo IanMr. & Mrs. Ranulfo Sinay & family

FIESTA MASS – APRIL 5, 2011 6:00 AMMelanie Sina-onFlor SorsanoRiza BagonocRemy SamoyEngr. & Mrs.Samson JaspeMr. & Mrs Jinn Dayon & FamilyLorelie Sequiban – HuquerizaLigaya J. FaylogaElaine Jade B. AhumadaMr. & Mrs. Ronnie & Riza CastronuevoEngr. Berna C. Coca & familyEmmanuel Mallorca & FamilyMr. Eladio & Mrs. Jovita PamaMargarita G. LedesmaLyndon & Jeselia Landoy & FamilyFelicula J. Pudadera & FamilyLinnie L. Layag & FamilyJBS Finance CorporationMr. Mrs Ludovico Janagap & FamilyMrs. Natividad SangMr. & Mrs. Nelita Grecia and ChildrenMr. & Mrs. Anturo & Gina JapitanaRolando TonoVirginia G. JardelezaMrs. Carmen Sumalangcay & FamilyMr. Jodato & Mrs. Juvy LanozoMrs. Neslsie Jacobo Chidren &Grandchildren / Bernardo JacoboDra. Genieveve K. GonzalesBustamante FamilyBustamante FamilyMarina Garzon & Cezar Garzon & ChildrenMr. & Mrs. Roger Masero & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Clodualdo Jr. & Maretic Huervana& FamilyMs. Marissa Mallorca and FamilyJoemarie, Rey and Charity Alibogha andFamilyMedalie BrionesEngr. Marilyn H. Celiz & familyMr. Francis MolinaEngr. & Mrs. Jerry P. Pasra Jr. and Family

FIESTA MASS – APRIL 5, 2011 7:00 AMBenjamin & Cecil Paguntalan / ClaudioBaldani Fran & Flor

Mr. & Mrs. Diony SeñolayRosemarie Lilao & FamilyJohnny & Rosie Viray & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Elias G. Pudadera, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Edgar DelimaMr. & Mrs. Rupert/Serle Deysolong & FamilyHerminia & Manzano familyMarieta PudaderaMr. & Mrs. Renato Javellana & FamilyMrs. Azucena R. SudarioMrs. Josefina F. Aguilar & FamilyMs. Mae Grace L. KwanCynthia P. CervalesFlordelis P. InfanteMa. Luz EspinoMrs. Evelyn Pintor & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Carlos T. EdisLeandro Felix & Ma. Victoria Gumayan Feria& FamilyCapt. & Mrs. Melecio Barranco & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Danilo C. NiaMr. & Mrs. Rafael V. PanagdatoMr. & Mrs. Eden LimaMaritess Albis & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Vicente & Estrella G. LiraCatherine A. Annoyal & FamilyElizabeth TanoMr. & Mrs. Nelson C. Songculan & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Edwin Dolorfino, Jr. & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Aladino Songculan & FamilyMrs. Evelyn S. Paynter

FIESTA MASS – APRIL 5, 2011 8:00 AMMrs. Daisy SeñolayMr. & Mrs. Niel G. Hagoriles & FamilyEngr & Mrs. Fernardo/Letecia SucalditoMr. & Mrs. Rommel/Vicky Jael-Palermo &FamilyAtty. & Mrs. Dennis L. AusanRobert Barker-EberleinEmma Lagdames and FamilyJocelyn Lotaquin and FamilyAida Lacorte and FamilyPhil, Ellen, Lloyd & Rhoel Guintivano & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Antonio A. Juntarciego & childrenMr. & Mrs. Nelson Deloso and FamilyRosevilina Tapar & ChildrenMr and Mrs Eduardo G. Parreno and FamilyGenevieve PudaderaElma Arceta & FamilyThomas Leroy Dono & FamilyMr. Inocencio & Divina Hechanova & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Quin & Ivy Clarito & ChildresMr. & Mrs. Kristoffer L. Kwan & FamilyCharlyn TupinoCFC Singles For Christ ( Leganes Chapter)Hermoso SorsanoRose TangeniteEngr. Ronnie Landoy & FamilyJose Carmelo & Christine Barranco & FamilyVincent Mel BarrancoMaximino Jr. & Nelida Gumayan & FamilySimeon & Eldina Gumayan & FamilyMa. Cristina Bernadette ArcegaRene Juanga & FamilyEmilia GolingayVeronica PatarataPreciosa B. Baylas (for 78th B-day) BaylasFamilyKristine Joy GarzonEngr. & Mrs. Marielle G. BartolomeMr. & Mrs. Romeo Tordesillas, Mr. &Mrs. Renante Deloso, Mrs, Lorna Deloso &FamiliesNinfa JangitMr. Benji C. DofitasMr. John & Rosalie C. Umadhay & FamilyMarijane Dela PeñaMr. & Mrs. Mark John/ Leah Mae InayanMary Riz Shehara Gerochi

Mrs. Gloria MagtulisLorna Aquino & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Romualdito Ciosico & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Angel Tabin and FamilyMr. & Mrs. Jose P. Enojo, Jr.& FamilyMrs. Norma Hinay-hinayMrs. Ceres Cocjin & FamilyFrelin Vilches & FamilyErlinda, Ariel, Elizabeth, Lelyn, Glenn Pareja& FamilyMelanie Pacificar & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Marlo & Edna Puga & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Andres J. Quidato & FamilyMabe Benagua & FamilyDionie Christy G. Del CastilloFlor Paris & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Quirico Jardeleza GanonSam and Kathleen Nufable and FamilyRene M. SayloMr. & Mrs. Ulysses Caton and FamilySuzette A. MamonMr. & Mrs. Avelino Geroche Jr.Quennie Q. Gampong & FamilyOscar Cerbo & family

CONCELEBRATED MASS – APRIL 5, 20119:00 AMSina-on FamilyBrgy. Capt. Nonito G. JinonRobert and Jenny dela Cruz and FamilyMr. & Mrs. Nelson Grande Golezand FamilyMr. & Mrs. Romeo & Elma Pasuelo& Mr. & Mrs Oliver & Amy PasueloPuig & Bela-ong & FamilyJerome ItaliaMr. Celerino Jr. & Mrs. Felma Soriano& FamilyMr. & Mrs. Ulysses TorrenoEvelyn ErtaAndres & Salome Tolentino & FamilyLena FamilyMrs. Milagros L. Kwan & FamilyLigaya RoqueRenato (Toto Dacu) J. EspinosaMr. & Mrs. Alex C. QuidatoMr. Edmund Layson & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Andres Tadifa & ChildrenMr. & Mrs. Antonio De Sello & FamilyGili Martin EspinosaMr. Gil & & Mrs. Eva Tabanda & FamilyAngeli Rose (Linda / Susan Mejica)Mayor Ike & Carmela RojasMr. & Mrs. Emily Acebuque & FamilyMr. Bonifacio Empiedrad & FamilyMr. Ramon Balgos and FamilyMs. Wilfreda Parreno & SistersMr.& Mrs. Noel Pilatan & FamilyAnathel, Jovel, Anathea Javellana& FamilyDr. Antonio Junio & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Hernane/Purisima GonzalesMr. & Mrs. Diosdado S. de la CruzJose, Carol, Airol John LayawonTubilleja FamilyMr. & Mrs. Vincent Tolentino & FamilySusan T. ReyesErlinda Ganon

FIESTA MASS – APRIL 5, 2011 4:00 PMMr. & Mrs. Elmer & Mae Japitana & FamilyMrs. Regina Bordon & familyMr. & Mrs. Roger Gatinzo & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Rey Leonard & Karla Louis B.Vicente & Family