winchester news (winchester, ky.). (winchester, ky.) 1909-01...

ff I t f I 1 0 6 4 t 1 I n cy t c < r 5 S w 1 < > rr < t < < > i > c 1fr ii Paae Two 1ii E WINCHESTER NEWS H IIr Clark County INCORPORATED ConstructionCo 1 Think of the mud and hlli climbing tax paid each yearOn canI cost as a the Basis Equipment and the ap- plication Economical Business ponstruction ¬ conditions reads public or pri vate streets or alleys Crushed and Building Stone Always on Sale We purchase Dynamite Powder Cement andI Sand in lots and wi98 be pleased to sell I same in any quanitydesiredI The putting of a specialty and satisfaction guar i nteedJ JOUETFS BNSJEANCE AGENCY I will on ebuary 17th pay 500 singwordsi words inserted to Puzzle Department Winchester You eachTuesday packageand blank and to PuzzlejDepartment Winchester News I It = worth for to fill- hese but a policy in of 0 r Agency bevery it r for > < JOUETTS INSURANCE AGENCY s Name v P 0 Address i 5 Received IQOO v n Much Timber Goes to Waste- A writer in the London Times esti ¬ timber ¬ itforest of Uganda in the region near the of the Nile at 5leer than billion cubic feet if t THE NEWS by 3i year x a S x r r No Road the Far mers as much poor one of ¬ of of ¬ car an ing News Fill mail will 1 of 7 will It M source not one mall Angels Gifts 1 If instead of a gem pb even of Ii- flower we could cast the gift of a love ly thought into the heart of a friend that would be giving as the angels 1 suppose must glve George Mac- Donald + t w Fpundi for sate for ient ad Z Vne in 4he classiied column I i IN fA 4 HIONS REALM The Devotional Gait of Smart New York Girls ITS THE STAND UP SKIRT NOW It Napoleon Bonaparte Came Back He Would Find That Fashions Had No Changed From Those of His Ow Day High Waists Buttons and All My Dear Elsa Never in my life have I been more In need of Aunt Elinors advice about self control than during thq pasbrweek You remember dar dont you the little talks we used to loathe that she gave us on so ¬ cial amenities I can hear her this minute saying Do try to exercise self control girls It Is a finer social asset than pink cheeks French frocks and a motor car of your own Well the other day I was obliged to draw on this social asset to keep from shriek Ing aloud In church No there wasnt a service going oh I had merely gon down to old St Pauls the churc Washington attended when he was CAPUCHIN nooD I first president of the United States with a friend of mine who revels in tombstone lore While she was gather- Ing data I stepped into the sacred edi ¬ fice to rest Sitting in one of the com ¬ fortable old pews inviting my soul really taking forty winks I was aroused by a masculine voice saying Ina businesslike tone Step a little more briskly please Having thor- oughly ¬ convinced myself that I was not in an elevated train or a trolley car I looked about and in the dim re ¬ ligious light saw four stunning girls walking slowly down the aisle with a man In front directing their steps Now what on earth do you think it was A wedding party practicing their paces Nothing of the kind The man was a physical culture instructor teaching his class how to walk in churchI rued from the sexton pardon the beadlethat these girls had been taught to walk correctly in the street in the drawing room In the theater and this day they had been brought to church for a dress parade Great fa ¬ fliers I gasped What next So you see I am in a position to tell you that the devotional gait of the smart New York girl is subdued and digni ¬ fied She Is not allowed to lope swag ¬ ger skip or mince her steps when going up the church aisle as she might do on the avenue TwIxt you and me its not so much the sacredness of the occasion that she wants to be pre ¬ pared for as It is the Impelling fear that If she goes the usual pace her upIpqrslcau Im mighty glad I played peeping TQm at the show for my new suit has a skirt so tight that I had serious In- tentIons ¬ of asking one of the ushers next Sunday to assist me to my pew Itthe skirt I mean Is exactly two yards and a half side at the bottom and as tight as a meal sack all the way up and as for sitting down since trying it on I have concluded to stand up You know its thinning and the object of every womans life nowa I a THE NEW XSYCHE KNOT i ifdays vertebrae Now Rlsadear if you do decide to have your winter suit made surennd specting skirt would bis seen with an Inverted plait adorning the placket opening And you would be considered archaic in Gotham should you appear with a waist line where It ought to be P l Vvliy even the tailor made skirts are high walsted and the belts or girdles meet the directoire blouse just under the bust Absurd certainly but fts back to the woods for you If you put your belt In the place where the good Lordintended it to go You surely do have queer turns these days Yesterday morning I was visu- ally ¬ sure that Napoleon Bonaparte was sitting at the glove counter of a large department store trying on a pair of the one buttoned taupe gloves that are so stunning this winter but on closer inspection the flesh proved to be a pretty girl got up Ind feminine form Of the little corporal to the life She wore the same long gray cloth army coat with which we are all so familiar the sleeves trimmed with deep fur cuffs military revers and his saucy looking corporals hat with a gold cockade The coat fastened with large Napoleonic buttons with the crown N in gold on a jade background The costume was a bit startling but mighty fetching What do you think of the capuchin evening hood of white satin chiffon frills and a spray of marguerites These hoods are the smartest things out for evening wear and are as easy to make as a work bag for theyre nothing more than big round hoods a s picturesque as possible and trimmed with flowers chiffon laces and ribbon Dont forget the wide ribbon strings though for they are too becoming to be missed Such a confection will fit perfectly over your Psyche knot and not rumple it a particle Yes I think your new stationery is lovely but the next time y 4 u order paper have your thumb print in gold at the top of the sheet and note cards instead of the monogram done in blue Your mark on your stationery is the last word in Individualism Ever most sincerely yours M ABELr USEFUL LAUNDRY BAG No Drawstring to Break cr Get Tangled For a long time the familiar variety of laundry bag done in two colors embroidered and held together at the neck by a string has been an item among the holiday gifts but in spite of its prettiness the annoying draw string renders it impractical Here is a laundry bag that solves the difficulty It has not only the capacity for holding many articles of clothing but the easiest possible way of receiv- ing them Simply lift one rvg from tie hook by which it is suspended and the ling is opened wide It is equally ready to take in or dump out its con ¬ tents The necessary materials are one and a quarter yards of art ticking or cre- tonne ¬ two crocheted rings one inch in diameter or larger one and a half yards of featherbone and one roll of LAUNDRY BAG FOK MEN white bias binding onehalf Inch wide Cut a four inch strip fjoni the entire length of the material Now cut two pieces twentythree Inches long and twentyfive inches wide Round the pIYldethe en the underside of each piece ten inches from the top as represented by dotted lines in the illustration From the ends of the feathcrboue shape to a point In the middle of the top Care must be taken to match the pattern when the large pocket is stitched on the outside Join the two pieces to ¬ gether by stitching each to the four inch strip of cloth with the seams on the outside Find first the seams and list the upper edges Sew the rings to the points at the top A expressly for tablecloths and- napkins may be made in the same way from white linen or any other suitable material and it large embroidered or outlined initial or monogram takes the place of the pocket Guest and Hostess No hostess should fail to be fully dressed and ready for the first guest It is unpardonable to let the first com- er ¬ see that he or she Is too early If necessary neglect other things Never defer your own toilet until the last minute It isl not necessary to introduce each newccimer to the guests already as- sembled ¬ It embarrasses everybody An Informal word of general introduc ¬ tion perhaps mentioning the stran ¬ gers name is all that is essential Later see to It that the guests meet in privateThe younger Is always presented to tile eldsrrthe man to the woman Mrs Smith allow me to present Mr Jones Never present Mrs Smith to Mr Jones Are Th yln Your Guest Room > A ci9c kti Stationery I V Coat hangers j Sonic late magazines v V 1 A bathrobe and slippers I 4 Powder a hand mirror V and a clothe brush v A table at the side of the bed to use as a night stand Candles or a lamp on this table in- case qf sleeplessness on your guests part I r- I t THE WINCHESTER ONE NIGHT ONLY Friday January 29tt The Hilarious Rural Comedy A Pairoi- Country Kids SSE The Realistic Explosion SceneRescue Waves The Country The Lively KfcN The Funny Old FopsSEA A Scenic Production Complete io Great Specialties and flusical Numbers A Guaranteed New and First Class Production Popular Prices 25c co2HO- USES J AND tOT FOR SALE corner Clay Street and Mt Sterling pike originally owned by J D Jones Will sell at highest bidder in front of Court House on SATURDAY FEB 6th r i909 AT 2P M Will offer separately and as a whole Terms made known on day ofsale CHflS I PARSOHS 1- i ELK N Miss Mabel Daniel was theo nes of Miss Cora Pace several days last week y Misses Ethel Merritt May IJubank and Ruth Daniel were guests of Misses Mamie and Bessie Haggard of Winchester from Friday until Sunday Mrs Lena Moore was the guest of Mrs Lena Rankins Saturday and Sunday r H C Skinner of Red river was the guest of Mr Yancy Merritt from Saturday until Monday Miss Bee Hill of Wiucheser was the guest of her brother Mr J W Hill several days the past week Mrs Eliza Lisle has been waiting on Mrs Ealer Dykes for a week Mrs Dykes slipped and fell and has been confined to her bed Mr and Mrs J W Hill and little daughter Estelle and Bee Hill of Winchester and Jim Dykes of Boonesboro were guests of Mr J R Lisle andfamily Sunday Miss Fannie Bush of Winches ¬ ter was the guest of her sister Mrs Billy Bush the past week j r FOX 4 Miss Mary Peters spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lou Ella Ecton of Winchester A surprise party was given Mr and Mrs Matt Gay Ramsey last Thursday nightby many of the old and younAllreport a de lightful time George Hunt Riland Gordon and Clay Aldriridge divided the land of the late Mrs Bettie Hunt last week Mrs Grinscead Kissen ger gets GO acres of unimproved land and John Thomas gets the house barn and other improvements with I 30 acres of land I Mr and Mrs Joe Fox of Lexing- ton = were guests of their parents j recentlyThomas Hisle who has been living on the Ben Franklin place for three or four years moved to Estill county last week You can not eat all the flour ad- vertised the best on earth and you can not make a mistake in us ing Mansfields Best Patent or Mi Lilly Every sack guaranteed MANSFTELD FLOUR MILLS- Winchester K- y11133moeod I DIRECTORY t t KeltuckvI r 3 Acording to the last census Ken tuck has a population of 2147174 The Area is 40400 square miles 400 of wh ch iswater It has river border in u en the East North and West The streaips w thin the State as a rule head in the South East and flow in a North Westerly direction this fact retarded the construction of rail ¬ roads and th development of our re ¬ yerrsThe were built from the East and went over the more level territories North of the Ohio river and South of the Oumberand Mountains limite4demand that the demand has increased rail ¬ roads have been built a id others are contemplated that will develop our resources ItY oull seem that ea kind providence has held in reserve our almost inexhaustible a time when they are most needed by the country Oir supply of limber = e united but thee is enough to Ltt for many years to some We have a coal irea of ove fifteen thousand square miles enough 60 sup ¬ ply the world Othor minerals await development 4 Natural gas and oil ia nay ng quan ¬ 11lIes than in other states in proportion to population Good peopi6r regardless of politics or religion are always welcome Clark County Land acres 153176 I Land assessment 5452120 v propertyincluding Tax rate for all county purposes SCcts on the hundred dollars The foot hills of the mountains are on the Eastern border of the county > the Kentucky river on the South forms the county line for a distance of twenty 9M five miles Ford on the river South of Winchester has extensive lumber millsr Three railroads go entirely across the county Chesapeake Ohio Louis yule Nashville and Lexington Eastern Blue Grass is a natural product Un- cultivated ¬ land will set itself in Blue grass Crops of timothy and clover can be raised with profit Corn wheat rye and oats are the grain crops To- bacco is raised in large quantities All fruits that are adapted to the climate can be raised with populstlon ¬ CIRCUIT COURTi i 1st Monday in April 2nd Monday in September 1st Monday in December JM Benton Judge B A Crutcher Attorney COUNTY COURT 4th Monday in each month QUARTERLY COURT 3rd Tuesday in each month COUNTY OFFICERS J H Evans Judge S A Jeffries Attorney Howard Hampton Sheriff J A Boone County Clerk W T Fox Circuit Clerk Roger Quisen berry Assessor W R Sphar Treasurer George Hart Jailor I Brinegar Coroner I JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 1st Dist J C Richards 2nd Dist J Scott Renick 3rd Dist Eli Dooley t 4th Dist J E Ramsey 5th Dist Robert True 6th DistjF F Goodpaster 7th Dist Ben E Wills Winchester County seat area a circle one and af half miles in diameter Population census 1900 5964 The city has over elaped the corporate limits and now has a population that should be included in eight thousand It is lo cated on the dividing ridge between the Kentucky and Licking rivers has water works electric street cars and Splendid churches Tfie Kentucky Wesleyan College is locatedat Winchester The fire de- partment ¬ is one of the best in the State propertyincluding three million dollars The tax rate on the hundred dollars is sixty cents for city and forty cents for schools The C 0 L N and L t E railroads center at Winchester the shippingfacilities cation for factories New concerns are given five years exemption from taxation The Commercial Club will take pleasure in riving information CITY OFFICERS J A Hughes Mayor S B Tracey Clerk e F B Haggard Attorney F P Pendleton Judge Biland D Ramsey Collector N H Witherspoon Treasurer JTX Sousley Assessor l i POLICE Mal Tarpy Ohief IAlbert Tannerj BOARD OF COUNCIL 1st Ward I2nrl Ward 1I 15th Ward 1 2D I I f John Reese W P Hackett i A R Martin t TL Todd Doc Pigg JQ Boone J D Jones G D McOullum Sil Dinelli FIRE DEPARTMENT ti A R Baldwin Chief Jno W Harding Secretary f Itn s1 frrcatIN GNP Strpther Presidenti 0 H Rees ft 4 Hi W r Scrivener Treasurer iHarry tu N g Foster p f

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Page 1: Winchester news (Winchester, Ky.). (Winchester, Ky.) 1909-01 … · ff I t fI 1 0 6 4 t 1 I n cy t c < r 5 S w 1 < > rr < t

ff I t

f I1 0

6 4 t1 I n


t c < r 5 S


1 < > rr < t < < > i > c1fr iiPaae Two 1ii E WINCHESTER NEWS



ConstructionCo 1

Think of themud and hlliclimbing taxpaid each



as a

the Basis Equipment and the ap-plication Economical Businessponstruction ¬

conditions reads public or private streets or alleys

Crushed and Building Stone Always on Sale

We purchase Dynamite Powder Cement andISand in lots and wi98 be pleased to sell I

same in any quanitydesiredIThe putting of a

specialty and satisfaction guari nteedJ


will on ebuary 17th pay500singwordsiwords inserted to Puzzle Department Winchester YoueachTuesdaypackageand

blank and to PuzzlejDepartment Winchester NewsI

It = worth for to fill-

hese but a policy in of0 r

Agency bevery it r for> < JOUETTS INSURANCE AGENCY



P 0 Address i5

Received IQOOv


Much Timber Goes to Waste-A writer in the London Times esti ¬timber ¬

itforest of Uganda in the regionnear the of the Nile at

5leer than billion cubic feetif


THE NEWS by 3i yearx

a S x r


No Roadthe Far

mers asmuchpoor one

of ¬


of ¬



ing News

Fill mail

will 1of 7



source notone


Angels Gifts1 If instead of a gem pb even of Ii-

flower we could cast the gift of a lovely thought into the heart of a friendthat would be giving as the angels 1suppose must glve George Mac-Donald


t w Fpundi for sate for ient adZ

Vne in 4he classiied column

I i


The Devotional Gait of SmartNew York Girls


It Napoleon Bonaparte Came Back HeWould Find That Fashions Had NoChanged From Those of His OwDay High Waists Buttons and All

My Dear Elsa Never in my lifehave I been more In need of AuntElinors advice about self control thanduring thq pasbrweek You rememberdar dont you the little talks weused to loathe that she gave us on so¬

cial amenities I can hear her thisminute saying Do try to exercise selfcontrol girls It Is a finer social assetthan pink cheeks French frocks and amotor car of your own Well theother day I was obliged to draw onthis social asset to keep from shriekIng aloud In church No there wasnta service going oh I had merely gondown to old St Pauls the churcWashington attended when he was


first president of the United Stateswith a friend of mine who revels intombstone lore While she was gather-Ing data I stepped into the sacred edi ¬

fice to rest Sitting in one of the com ¬

fortable old pews inviting my soulreally taking forty winks I wasaroused by a masculine voice sayingIna businesslike tone Step a littlemore briskly please Having thor-oughly


convinced myself that I wasnot in an elevated train or a trolleycar I looked about and in the dim re ¬

ligious light saw four stunning girlswalking slowly down the aisle with aman In front directing their stepsNow what on earth do you think itwas A wedding party practicing theirpaces Nothing of the kind The manwas a physical culture instructorteaching his class how to walk in

churchI rued from the sexton pardonthe beadlethat these girls had beentaught to walk correctly in the streetin the drawing room In the theaterand this day they had been brought tochurch for a dress parade Great fa ¬

fliers I gasped What next Soyou see I am in a position to tell youthat the devotional gait of the smartNew York girl is subdued and digni¬

fied She Is not allowed to lope swag ¬

ger skip or mince her steps whengoing up the church aisle as she mightdo on the avenue TwIxt you andme its not so much the sacredness ofthe occasion that she wants to be pre ¬

pared for as It is the Impelling fearthat If she goes the usual pace her

upIpqrslcauIm mighty glad I played peeping

TQm at the show for my new suit hasa skirt so tight that I had serious In-


of asking one of the ushersnext Sunday to assist me to my pewItthe skirt I mean Is exactly twoyards and a half side at the bottomand as tight as a meal sack all theway up and as for sitting down sincetrying it on I have concluded to standup You know its thinning and theobject of every womans life nowa

I a THE NEW XSYCHE KNOTiifdaysvertebrae Now Rlsadear if you do

decide to have your winter suit made

surenndspecting skirt would bis seen with anInverted plait adorning the placketopening And you would be consideredarchaic in Gotham should you appearwith a waist line where It ought to be



Vvliy even the tailor made skirts arehigh walsted and the belts or girdlesmeet the directoire blouse just underthe bust Absurd certainly but ftsback to the woods for you If you putyour belt In the place where the goodLordintended it to go

You surely do have queer turns thesedays Yesterday morning I was visu-ally


sure that Napoleon Bonaparte wassitting at the glove counter of a largedepartment store trying on a pair ofthe one buttoned taupe gloves that areso stunning this winter but on closerinspection the flesh proved to be apretty girl got up Ind feminine formOf the little corporal to the life Shewore the same long gray cloth armycoat with which we are all so familiarthe sleeves trimmed with deep furcuffs military revers and his saucylooking corporals hat with a goldcockade The coat fastened with largeNapoleonic buttons with the crown

N in gold on a jade backgroundThe costume was a bit startling butmighty fetching

What do you think of the capuchinevening hood of white satin chiffonfrills and a spray of margueritesThese hoods are the smartest thingsout for evening wear and are as easyto make as a work bag for theyrenothing more than big round hoods aspicturesque as possible and trimmedwith flowers chiffon laces and ribbonDont forget the wide ribbon stringsthough for they are too becoming tobe missed Such a confection will fitperfectly over your Psyche knot andnot rumple it a particle

Yes I think your new stationery islovely but the next time y4u orderpaper have your thumb print in goldat the top of the sheet and note cardsinstead of the monogram done in blue

Your mark on your stationery is thelast word in Individualism Ever mostsincerely yours M ABELr


No Drawstring to Break cr GetTangled

For a long time the familiar varietyof laundry bag done in two colorsembroidered and held together at theneck by a string has been an itemamong the holiday gifts but in spite ofits prettiness the annoying draw stringrenders it impractical

Here is a laundry bag that solves thedifficulty It has not only the capacityfor holding many articles of clothingbut the easiest possible way of receiv-ing them Simply lift one rvg fromtie hook by which it is suspended andthe ling is opened wide It is equallyready to take in or dump out its con ¬

tentsThe necessary materials are one and

a quarter yards of art ticking or cre-tonne


two crocheted rings one inch indiameter or larger one and a halfyards of featherbone and one roll of


white bias binding onehalf Inch wideCut a four inch strip fjoni the entirelength of the material Now cut twopieces twentythree Inches long andtwentyfive inches wide Round thepIYldetheen the underside of each piece teninches from the top as represented bydotted lines in the illustration Fromthe ends of the feathcrboue shape to apoint In the middle of the top Caremust be taken to match the patternwhen the large pocket is stitched onthe outside Join the two pieces to ¬

gether by stitching each to the fourinch strip of cloth with the seams onthe outside Find first the seams andlist the upper edges Sew the rings tothe points at the top

A expressly for tablecloths and-napkins may be made in the same wayfrom white linen or any other suitablematerial and it large embroidered oroutlined initial or monogram takes theplace of the pocket

Guest and HostessNo hostess should fail to be fully

dressed and ready for the first guestIt is unpardonable to let the first com-er


see that he or she Is too early Ifnecessary neglect other things Neverdefer your own toilet until the lastminute

It isl not necessary to introduce eachnewccimer to the guests already as-sembled


It embarrasses everybodyAn Informal word of general introduc ¬

tion perhaps mentioning the stran¬

gers name is all that is essentialLater see to It that the guests meet in

privateTheyounger Is always presented

to tile eldsrrthe man to the womanMrs Smith allow me to present Mr

Jones Never present Mrs Smithto Mr Jones

Are Th yln Your Guest Room> A ci9cktiStationery I

V Coat hangers j

Sonic late magazines vV 1

A bathrobe and slippers I 4Powder a hand mirror V and a

clothe brush v

A table at the side of the bed to useas a night stand

Candles or a lamp on this table in-

case qf sleeplessness on your guestspart I





Friday January 29ttThe Hilarious Rural Comedy

A Pairoi-Country Kids

SSEThe Realistic Explosion


The Country

The Lively KfcN

The Funny Old


A Scenic Production Complete

io Great Specialties andflusical Numbers

A Guaranteed New andFirst Class Production

Popular Prices25c co2HO-



FOR SALEcorner Clay Street and MtSterling pike originallyowned by J D Jones

Will sell at highest bidderin front of Court House on

SATURDAY FEB 6thr i909

AT 2 P MWill offer separately and

as a wholeTerms made known on day




Miss Mabel Daniel was theo nesof Miss Cora Pace several days lastweek


Misses Ethel Merritt May IJubankand Ruth Daniel were guests ofMisses Mamie and Bessie Haggardof Winchester from Friday untilSunday

Mrs Lena Moore was the guestof Mrs Lena Rankins Saturday andSunday r

H C Skinner of Red river wasthe guest of Mr Yancy Merrittfrom Saturday until Monday

Miss Bee Hill of Wiucheser wasthe guest of her brother Mr J WHill several days the past week

Mrs Eliza Lisle has been waitingon Mrs Ealer Dykes for a weekMrs Dykes slipped and fell and hasbeen confined to her bed

Mr and Mrs J W Hill and littledaughter Estelle and Bee Hill ofWinchester and Jim Dykes of

Boonesboro were guests of Mr JR Lisle andfamily Sunday

Miss Fannie Bush of Winches ¬

ter was the guest of her sisterMrs Billy Bush the past week




Miss Mary Peters spent Saturdayand Sunday with Miss Lou EllaEcton of Winchester

A surprise party was given Mrand Mrs Matt Gay Ramsey lastThursday nightby many of theold and younAllreport a delightful time

George Hunt Riland Gordonand Clay Aldriridge divided theland of the late Mrs Bettie Huntlast week Mrs Grinscead Kissenger gets GO acres of unimproved landand John Thomas gets the housebarn and other improvements with I

30 acres of land I

Mr and Mrs Joe Fox of Lexing-ton


were guests of their parentsj

recentlyThomasHisle who has been living

on the Ben Franklin place for threeor four years moved to Estillcounty last week

You can not eat all the flour ad-vertised the best on earth andyou can not make a mistake in using Mansfields Best Patent or MiLilly Every sack guaranteed





KeltuckvI r

3Acording to the last census Ken

tuck has a population of 2147174The Area is 40400 square miles 400

of wh ch iswater It has river borderin u en the East North and WestThe streaips w thin the State as arule head in the South East and flowin a North Westerly direction thisfact retarded the construction of rail¬

roads and th development of our re¬

yerrsThe were built fromthe East and went over the more levelterritories North of the Ohio river andSouth of the Oumberand Mountains

limite4demandthat the demand has increased rail ¬

roads have been built a id others arecontemplated that will develop ourresources ItY oull seem that eakind providence has held in reserveour almost inexhaustiblea time when they are most needed bythe country Oir supply of limber = eunited but thee is enough to Ltt

for many years to someWe have a coal irea of ove fifteen

thousand square miles enough 60 sup ¬

ply the world Othor minerals awaitdevelopment 4

Natural gas and oil ia nay ng quan ¬

11lIesthan in other states inproportion to population Good peopi6rregardless of politics or religion arealways welcome

Clark County

Land acres 153176 ILand assessment 5452120


propertyincludingTax rate for all county purposes

SCcts on the hundred dollarsThe foot hills of the mountains are

on the Eastern border of the county >

the Kentucky river on the South formsthe county line for a distance of twenty 9Mfive miles Ford on the river South ofWinchester has extensive lumbermillsrThree railroads go entirely acrossthe county Chesapeake Ohio Louisyule Nashville and LexingtonEastern

Blue Grass is a natural product Un-cultivated


land will set itself in Bluegrass Crops of timothy and clovercan be raised with profit Corn wheatrye and oats are the grain crops To-bacco is raised in large quantities

All fruits that are adapted to theclimate can be raised withpopulstlon ¬

CIRCUIT COURTi i1st Monday in April2nd Monday in September1st Monday in DecemberJM Benton JudgeB A Crutcher Attorney


4th Monday in each monthQUARTERLY COURT

3rd Tuesday in each monthCOUNTY OFFICERS

J H Evans JudgeS A Jeffries AttorneyHoward Hampton SheriffJ A Boone County ClerkW T Fox Circuit ClerkRoger Quisen berry AssessorW R Sphar TreasurerGeorge Hart JailorI Brinegar Coroner I


1st Dist J C Richards2nd Dist J Scott Renick3rd Dist Eli Dooley t4th Dist J E Ramsey5th Dist Robert True6th DistjF F Goodpaster7th Dist Ben E Wills

WinchesterCounty seat area a circle one and af

half miles in diameter Populationcensus 1900 5964 The city has overelaped the corporate limits and now hasa population that should be included in

eight thousand It is located on the dividing ridge betweenthe Kentucky and Licking rivers haswater works electric street cars andSplendidchurches

Tfie Kentucky Wesleyan College islocatedat Winchester The fire de-partment


is one of the best in theState

propertyincludingthree million dollars The tax rate onthe hundred dollars is sixty cents forcity and forty cents for schools

The C 0 L N and L t Erailroads center at Winchester theshippingfacilitiescation for factories New concernsare given five years exemption fromtaxation The Commercial Club willtake pleasure in riving information


J A Hughes MayorS B Tracey Clerk e

F B Haggard AttorneyF P Pendleton JudgeBiland D Ramsey CollectorN H Witherspoon TreasurerJTX Sousley Assessor


Mal Tarpy Ohief


1st Ward

I2nrl Ward

1I15th Ward 1

2D I If

John ReeseW P Hackett

i A R Martint T L ToddDoc PiggJQ BooneJ D JonesG D McOullumSil Dinelli


Jno W Harding Secretary

fItn s1 frrcatINGNP Strpther Presidenti0 H Rees ft4 Hi Wr Scrivener TreasureriHarrytu

N g Foster

