wil~ c~~rn bitt~r~ - memorial university...

YOLUt!E XXXP - For Oheap \ - --:- Two (l8x 24- nod '25x36.) A1 11JI J to .\\' T CLEARY. S ' l m . Ba7. .NOTICE! T ilE Thi11 Oo albrd•• a' eq>eDIO, u:cellellt &o at.udeota Tbe b..nh£aeu of ita · eituatioo, sh'e equip- ment. of tbe llcboola. aod . Ule aeoeral faroilbio« of the eatabliabmeot., lea•e oothloa to be d-.lred for the comfort. aod impro;ement of tbe .papile TaRE& Commercial and A!Atricalatioo (Loodoo Uui'HnilJ.) tt6, &o, per aouam HIU ilK AND : fJL E accordlog to Clue; Hovden. 1160 per , uoam U 8"For protpeocu au'- , further particulate .... ,. . &o .t L SLATrERY, • are now tO contract for. ry Tbe College, St. John'• of aoy qaant.ity ol BRICKS or any size or shape, requ ired ,at. Harbor . Graef\ or elae- where. # l'rices a nd other inrormaLion be given upon a pplication and samples oan be seen d Lhe o ffice or M.-ra. ROBBILT PROWSE & SoNs, St. John's. Sepr4 lm · KE N NETH R. P.ROWSE, '- · Secretary. For Sale , A Ooubl e: Barrel BREECI:l- LOADiNG GUN, in tint · cl388 uonditioo Will be told at a bargain if applied for at ODce For particulars appl7 at the Sr . \SDARD Office Sept· ltf -:USE:- Pe'PtOnizad Ale &, Eaef THE I ! # ' --- . P ERSONS BA. VING PIANOS or ORGA. N'S . (' out of tone or repair can hue tbem \ Uoed aod pu\ iu order b7 the undeitfiued, who will remain ia town ·· FOR .A FEW DAYS. All ordere len at the STANDARD OlDce or Mr. M. J. JON.I!.S' S Sbop will be carefoiiJat- teDded to. Pen10oa wiabing to purchue a nheap Piano or -Or2'n can have a uood article from the folrow- ing firma : Me11n Ubel & Leoblieter, Germaoy i Bell & Co., Ca nada ; Cbicke'ri11g, New York. Sec ood· band Pian os will be taken exciJaoge for new ones l natru weuta for ule on ihe iD· a.-lme ot plan. Pereon11 intrust info! wotk to hi• care can rel7 oo good and faithful work. Satiafactioo enured in all cu ea. •• Wll .... tD UAOWIOe to our Pr:iend.a anc! Pat.rou' fltM OUB'i I'IBST IN of- ·( ma r- . . We .. k inapeoUon J>f our var i ed Stock. dtol:\ ., wtll be o11'ered at POPULAR · I • ) 'IIUN'N BROS., ,. , Wa- Bt, Harbor G :tcr ...w . I (, 100 00 Boer Extrncls, . none \ 58 llO 2l 50 20 00 100 (l(J Beef Ex tracts arc uu.: rely stim - lnn t s. . 65 Post , OfRQe Notice Reduction of Postage · on Parcels, &c. To the United Kingdo;;- ' • • For " Parcel Dot o ne poantl .. 18 ceota · F nr each addltionallb or fnction of a lb ... l2 ceotl Maximum ...... .. .. . ... . ... . ........... llltJ. Limita or dimenaioua J.!reateaLieng tb ..... Sft 6io Great en l e.!Jk 'h and g irth combioed ....... .. 6rt Oin To the Dominion of Canada- For n parcel not ooe pouDd ... lo cent1 For eacb additionnll b or fraction of alb ..• l6 oeot1 Maxilui1 m .... . .. .... .. ... . ........ . ... . 5 I be Lioli l. or di menaiona- jlr eAU'I t length .... . .... 2 ft GreateBt J: lrt b combined .... .. ... ... 4 rt R educed Postagle on L e. ttera-. Loc:\1 lctte ril: rate of poata'ge for ovory ouoc!o or hnction th•reol .... •. 8 'cent. Lett e:s postl'd io St Job n'e for city delivery -for every ounce or'fraotion thereof 1 ceot Insurance of Pn rc els- Pur c.- IR trnn11rnitled hy Parcel Po11t to th e Unitl' ll Kiugd om nur l t ho Briti'lh Colonies with which t hero iR Pa rcel connec tion mny ho insur t>d, snhj cc t to p ay me nt tbo f ollowing fees on amounta so insur i>d.: On an excef"di ng $24 ... 12 cents. Ou eve add i tional $24- or f rac tion th ereof .. : ..... . .. .. .. ..... .... .. . 12 cents . Tho am ou nt of insurance on any one P a rcel shu II iu no ex ceed the su o\ of Two ,Hun- dred l.l ntl lt'ony Dn llxr s. ONLY : MILD : STIMULANT \VlTEI A !JirP e rsons in the oUtJ)Ort& who . require his serv ices ba.l'e only t.o let him know, and th e ir will be pro mptly attended to Fluid Beef is H.enl F ood J. 0. FRASER, P.M .G. Geoetnl P ost Office, St.. J ohn 1 ts, } 3 11 2i J uly 21 , l 89 l.., PERFECT FOOD known to ·day, tor th e wea k and the de licat e. 1 n each D ottl e iH one..qnar t.er I b of .b 'r esh L ea n B EE F, -tho rou g hl y - ALSO- Soap-Maker at l3c. per tin ...,.. For s11 le by \V. H THOl\IP;:,ON & CO . SHE PLACED tho can of BAKING POW DER upon the 'to1 ·c, an d the Alll i O:S IA in . a few mome nt.& uet rayed it.s presence. She: now: Uses WOOD ILL' { :BAKING And so should You! ./ :R.OUTE OF TOE Labrador Mail STEAMER, 1891. L AB :l A.DO R MaiL STEAMER to 16llve St. J o hn's on or about l !S th July fo r Harbor Grace, th e nce to Flowe r's Co ve or amele.R!i lAn ce-a u- Loo p ; and going \Ves t- Blanc Rllblon, Sal- mon R ive r ; go tnq Norl b .... o.Bo n ne E•perance, Blanc Sab lon, F\)rt.&to, Lance a u-Lo np, R ed B<1y, and He nley H arbor alurnaUly , Chimney Tickle, Gcipe O bad o<t, A ssizes Har- bor, Butle ' Elii-hor 1 Spea r H a rbor, Merob ant · ann's Har bor, F ra ncie H ar bor B igh t, F1s hing Sbipa Harbor, Serammy, Square Island, Soug Harbor, Ve aieon I8t.and, Dolet.er' s Rook, Pu'lcb Bowl, Griffi n's Harbor, Dat teau, Domi· no, .Ind ian Tic kle, Grady, Long T 11lllDd, Pac k'• Harbor, Indian H.rbor, S moky Tic kle, White Bt!ars. Emily H arbo r, Ho lton, B imiaon, P."gl:ed l eland, Ad o avick, Long Tickle, cr '11 Hl.l rb or, M.nn oek't lalan d. Tnrnavick Is· la'ldll, Wi neor' Barbo r, Hopt'dale; Fa nny'• Harbor a nd N ai n. 1'o lh w ld.t port only tt oo tri]n will be mod•. Retu rninJ South, 0.1lling at Cape H'arrigao, P. mn y'e Har bor, Hopedale, Doable laland s, Wineor'e ·Harbor, T11rna•lok hluda, Daok, Maoov iok, Iron Bocufci Loag Tickle, Aduuiok, O.pe Harrt.on, Sloop Cove, Slefah Tickle, Tinker' Harbor (firn t.O lript); Hol- ton, Emi!y Ha,bor, . Whit.e ' S .... Smoky Tickle, lnJ lan Harbo:- , :U. lan<Lt, Paok'a Rubor ud IDdepeadeDt. liJd( two p(4U6 Oa rtw:!.bt, Long, Islanti, Urady, Iacliaa. Tiokle,GrUBa 1 Harbor, Domino, Btack 'l'lokle, PaDOfa Bowl, Seal It• land, Bolater'l Book, Y'..u.cna X.laDcl, IDq IWb.»r, D..tlalad, 8caUte.lalacJ,.., .... ,. Shipe .EL.tbtJ, l'nula Subor ..... a.Mii Harbor. The Oolliblll.1t11 .... will . -.,. ,• St. o• lt •d .... _.. . A. J. DEARIN. Harbor Grace, July 8 A CARD. H. MORRlSREY. DISPENSING PHARMACIST, Wate r .Stre e t, Ha<rb()r Grace, Njld . -: AND Aooouov. :- Sunday Houra-from 10 to 11 Lm., 2 to S, 6 to 6 \, .. Custom · RYAN Uej,!a to intimate to the public t hat be baa.lately moved into tbe tl ouso. next cioor to Mr S tnth ie'e Tin wa re shop, oo Wnter St reet. 1-Javiol! n.d coD iderAble experience in Caonda he is pre pared to execute all wo rk in good etyle and maosbip nu d at loweet rates o-SntiRiucli'o n !!U!lraotecd iu all cues A trial order iolicitou. ) WIL LI AM RYA N, Tailor. 8 to 9 p.m. · ' -e-Night-cane pramptif iiMW . ........ Street: · BOSTON, Mq,sfl FOR. SAT.EJ Hubor G; ra ce, J ol,y-8 FURNITURE ' -AT TB&- FANCY & TOY BAZAAR, )- ictoria Strut : A fi ne selection of Fite Sc reens, from 20 ct.s. up wa rds, cons isting of Screens, Shields, Japan Fa ns, R.oalin and Golden Stars. Satin A prone, -.:i lk Grass, Whi t.e Will ow Sha ving, Gold a nd Sil\'er St ove Ornamen t.&, d:c., &o. Hand Scr eens and Fanc y Grasses , I apan Fans 3, 5, and 10 cents, Palm Leaf Ftins -from 25 cent s. Lawp Shades-f r om 10 cen t.s. A large ot Glass an d C hina V uses P hoto F ramt\s in B rass, W ood , Plush, H and- l'!Linte d, and N ickle-from 20 ct.s. A.. & A. BRUNLEF,.S. F-or Sa.l.e. THAT DESIRABLE Dwelling-House, with Out- houses, &c., eltoat oa Vic toria tbe propert7 of the late Capt M. Smart. For farthe t' partlcolftre appl7 to · D. A. FLYNN ; Harbor Gnce, l 'lt arob 26, 1891 . DEAFNESS. CAUSES AND CURE. &teotlftoally treated by an aarlet of world-wide reputatloo. Veafoe• eradict.ed and eotlrel7 oared, of ·from 20 to 20 yMI'I' etaod lag .. after all other t.reatmenta ba.ve failed Bow tbe dUB- oaltJ i• reached and the oaUM remoud , full7 tJt · plaiDed in olroalau, with afftrlayit.laDd teetlmool· ale of corea from promlneo& people. mailed free. · Dr 4• HONTAlNE. 8' Wea• U\h »&.N.Y . No• ?' Uw MANUFACTURERS OF CO 0, HER KING & SEINE S. W VA t · ,MANU F ACTURED FUilNITUREl -ALSO- HERRING . -ALL OF THE VERY . BEST QUALITY AND MA DE O.li ' OUR- SHEPARD GOLD J\IEDAL or which we are the exolll8ive man.u£acturere. . Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Philadelphia. 1876.; Loudon F ish · erics Exhibition, 1883: I7Send for Dl118trated Oatalosue. . . JOH N SKINNER s.a:r ' .E. 1 9 THAT MONUMENTAL DESIGNER & . SfJDLPfOB DESIRABLE - PROPERTY . . K.UiOI'AO'l'tTUB AND UlPOJlTJ:Il 01' . , aituate at Plddl eton coD eia tlug- of Ponee, Oaro, Stable, Cellar, On tbouaea, e tc, : R or1e C &rt, OEMEJERY DECORATIONS Dray. Carrtaae, two Plo we, Cultivator. Rt k .. , Plcke, Bbo•ele, Ha7 Pr e••· t renall Mac bl ne, -ur- , toge ther wltb artlolee too onmll roue Marble. Scotch and Quincy to 10 acrea are ptoaa hed land; 20 Granites. or 80 aorea bay-land Tbe other ooYen an ex - ALL WORK ezeoated aoder personal aaper- •lalou. OUTPORl ORDER8giYea prompt at.&entloa. farnlahed by lett.er or otberwfee. U.l!':M&N'l' 'fOOLS •ad Pluter Parle for aale 825 &) 327 Duckworth St., St. John's. f. 0: BoxUI , J. A. WHIT MAN, Custom ·. wm W•Jnn•neblp &Del ' 8Q'Ie. Glft ua a .U. OI'C$!ft noeln ,._., &'*-UoD OtltfW -.4 1V- ..... JU"RBBB GBAOJL tent of nearly 800 aoru, • larae port i on of wllich I• beavlly-tlmbe red Nice •arlet7 of Frai t 'Ffeee -Plam, Apple. aDd Oherr1 All or a portion of the abon wt I 110ld to auf& parohuere Apply oo the l'remilea to the Proprietor.! F. PIDDt.E. WM. J . . I{ USS.ELL, PRAOTIOAI., PAlNTER, Vimm'a Str66t, -:· darbor Qrac8. -- Work ln the of the t rl\c1e eaoutecl iD pod llt7le ill4 bit!\, a\ moderate ratee. BeUm&t8* fa.miaM4 qa w .._4 · nqmted. .AT•BJt. ' T be Subscriber bas now oo band aod for eale e\' cry roqui& ite io tho Furni t ure line, maouf acLur- od ou tho premises from eouod and eeaaooed m!lterial. Uedstcads, Burenus, Cbaira.(all kinde) Sideboards, WnBhstanda, Wi udow Pol ea and Rinas. Sprinll Beds, &c.• &c. licdroom Sui tes. rondo to ordor- f roiJlo. 810 upwards. Othtlr Fu rnit:Jro wade to ·' had twen ty yoars' t>Xporionce in tbe uepartmoo t, sat i&fftctio u iu oYerJ. parlicular is ensu red. GOOUS AN D . In th Fancy Goode Shop, conoect!)d witb &be Furuitur"' ::>tore, cnn bo h@d Fancy Goode, Boote Stationery, J ewell ery, and a gooerr.l of amall ware. E. PARSONS, TllE . r Weak Digestion, OLD IrnMEDY Loss of Appetite, FOR I Bill" . & 1 ousness. c. Sold by all the Druggists. Gf" Price 25 and 50 ce nts per bottle. Prepared by C. H.fCHARI)S & Co., Yarmouth, N.S. : T. W. C RAGG, 180 Duckworth St , Sole Agent. - ST. JOHN'S. 16.- 2iw,8 m. FIRE AND LIFE j BSTABLISRlDD .LD. 188? ! . . HBAD ORJOB: ·

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-For ~a.1e Oheap \ - --:-

Two Fir~pr~of S~es. (l8x24- nod '25x36.) •

A111JIJ to .\\' T CLEARY. • S ' l m . Sp~uiard'e Ba7.


Thi11 Oo • ..-~ albrd•• a' ~oderato eq>eDIO, u:cellellt act~ &o at.udeota

Tbe b..nh£aeu of ita· eituatioo, sh'e equip­ment. of tbe llcboola. aod. Ule aeoeral faroilbio« of the eatabliabmeot., lea•e oothloa to be d-.lred for the comfort. aod impro;ement of tbe.papile

TaRE& COORSFI-Pre~\ol')', Commercial and A!Atricalatioo (Loodoo Uui'HnilJ.) TIJUB-:Ua~apile. I~; tt6, &o, per aouam

HIUilK AND :fJLE accordlog to Clue; Hovden. 1160 per, uoam U 8"For protpeocu au'- , further particulate

~~~~......,.~ ....,..&o • .t L SLATrERY, • are now pre~ tO contract for. ry Tbe College, St. John'• of aoy qaant.ity ol BRICKS or any size or shape, requ ired ,at. Harbor . Graef\ or elae-where. # •

l'rices a nd other inrormaLion "~!ill be given upon a pplication and samples oan be seen d Lhe office or M.-ra. ROBBILT PROWSE & SoNs, St. John's.


· KENNETH R. P.ROWSE, '- · Secretary.

For Sale , A Oouble:Barrel BRE ECI:l­• LOADiNG GUN, in tint·

cl388 uonditioo Will be told at a bargain if applied for at ODce For particulars appl7 at the Sr.\SDARD Office Sept·ltf


Pe'PtOnizad Ale &, Eaef THE I !

• #

Pianos~Grgans. ' --- .

PERSONS BA. VING PIANOS or ORGA.N'S • .(' out of tone or repair can hue tbem \Uoed

aod pu\ iu fin~clau order b7 the undeitfiued, who will remain ia town ··

FOR. A FEW DAYS. All ordere len at the STANDARD OlDce or

a~ Mr. M. J. JON.I!.S'S Sbop will be carefoiiJat­teDded to.

Pen10oa wiabing to purchue a nheap Piano or -Or2'n can have a uood article from the folrow­ing firma : Me11n Ubel & Leoblieter, Germaoy i Bell & Co., Canada ; C bicke'ri11g, New York.

Secood· band Pianos will be taken exciJaoge for new ones l natruweuta for ule on ihe iD· a.-lmeot plan.

Pereon11 intrust info! wotk to hi• care can rel7 oo good and faithful work. Satiafactioo enured in all cu ea.

•• Wll .... tD UAOWIOe to our Pr:iend.a anc! Pat.rou' fltM OUB'i I'IBST IN TAL~T of- ·(

m ar-. .

• We ~ .. k inapeoUon J>f our varied Stock. dtol:\.,wtll be o11'ered at POPULAR ·

~~ ·· I • ) 'IIUN'N BROS., ,. ,

Wa- Bt, Harbor G :tcr ...w .

I (,

100 00

Boer Extrncls, .

none \ 58 llO 2 l 50 20 00

100 (l(J

Beef E x tracts arc uu.: rely stim­lnn ts.

. Nt~M'BER. 65

Post, OfRQe Notice ~ Reduction of Postage· on

Forei~ Parcels, &c. To the United Kingdo;;- ' • •

For " Parcel Dot exceedi~ one poantl .. 18 ceota · Fnr each addltionallb or fnction of a lb ... l 2 ceotl Maximum wei~tbt ...... ......... ............... llltJ. Limita or dimenaioua J.!reateaLiengtb ..... Sft 6io Greaten le.!Jk' h and girth combioed ......... 6rt Oin To the Dominion of Canada-

For n parcel not e:rceedin~t ooe pouDd ... lo cent1 For eacb additionnllb or fraction of alb ..• l 6 oeot1 Maxilui1 m wei~bt ......................... ..... 5 I be Lioli l. or dimenaiona-jlreAU'It length ......... 2 ft GreateBt lengrb~d J:lrtb combined ...... ... ... 4 rt R educed Postagle on Le.ttera-. • Loc:\1 lctteril: Sin~lo rate of poata'ge for

ovory ouoc!o or hnction th• reol ....•. 8 'cent. Lette:s postl'd io St Jobn'e for city delivery

-for every ounce or' fraotion thereof 1 ceot Insurance of Pnrcels -

Pur c.-IR trnn11rnitled hy Parcel Po11t to the Unitl'll Kiugdom nurl t ho Briti'lh Colonies wit h w hich t hero iR Parcel Pos~ connection mny ho insu rt>d, snhjcct to t h~> payment o£ tbo following fees on amounta so insuri>d .:

On an nmoun~ no~ excef"ding $24 ... 12 cents. Ou even · additiona l $24- or fract ion

thereof .. : ..... . .. . ... ..... .... ... 12 cents.

Tho amount of insurance on any one P arcel shu II iu no ~tSo exceed t he suo\ of Two ,Hun­dred l.lntl lt'ony Dnllx rs.


!JirPersons in the oUtJ)Ort& who .require his services ba.l'e only t.o le t him know, and their w~&nta will be promptly attended to

~~~~~~~~~!f}~~~~~~~~vohnston's Fluid Beef ~:;; ~' is H.enl Food

J . 0. FRASER, P.M.G. Geoet nl P ost Office, St.. J ohn1ts, } 3112i

J uly 21 , l 89l..,

PERFECT FOOD known to·day, tor the weak and the delica t e.

1 n each D ottle iH repre~ented one..qna r t.er I b of .b'resh L ean BEEF, -thoroughly pep~nized.


Soap-Maker at l3c. per tin ...,.. For s11 le by

\V. H THOl\IP;:,ON & CO. A t~ ll:!7 lm

SHE PLACED tho can of BAKING POW DER upon the

'to1·c, and the AllliO:S IA in. a few moment.&

uet rayed it.s presence.

She: now: Uses


Gorm~n-{ :BAKING ~ ~{POWDER. And so should You!



Labrador Mail STEAMER, 1891.

L AB:l A.DO R MaiL STEAMER to 16llve S t. J ohn's on or about l !S th July fo r

Harbor G race, thence to Flower's Cove or ~ amele.R!i <Jove~ lAnce-au -Loo p ; and going \Vest-Blanc Rllblon, Dt>nn~ E!~perance, Sal­mon R iver ; gotnq Norlb....o.Bon ne E•perance, Blanc Sa blon, F\)rt.&to, Lance a u-Lonp, R ed B<1y, Oba~au and Henley H arbor alurnaUly, Chimney T ickle, Gcipe Obad o<t, A ssizes Har­bor, Butle ' Elii-hor1 Spear H a rbor, M erobant· ann's H ar bor, F rancie H arbor Bigh t, F1shing Sbipa Harbor, Serammy, Square Island, Soug Harbor, V eaieon I8t.and, Dolet.er's Rook, Pu'lcb Bowl, Griffin's Harbor, Da tteau, Domi· no, .Indian Tickle, Grady, Long T11lllDd, Pack'• Harbor, Indian H.rbor, S moky Tickle, White Bt!ars. Emily H arbor, Holton, Oapt~ B imiaon, P."gl:ed l eland, Ad oavick, Long Tickle, Ro~ cr'11 Hl.lrbor, M.nnoek't laland. Tnrnavick Is· la'ldll, Wineor'• Barbor, Hopt'dale; F anny'• Harbor and N ain. 1'o lhw ld.t port only ttoo tri]n will be mod•.

ReturninJ South, 0.1lling at Cape H'arrigao, P.mny'e Harbor, Hopedale, Doable lalands , Wineor'e ·Harbor, T11rna•lok hluda, Daok, Maooviok, Iron Bocufci tal~d, Loag Tickle, Aduuiok, O.pe Harrt.on, Sloop Cove, Slefah Tickle, Tinker'• Harbor (firn t.O lript); Hol­ton, Emi!y Ha,bor, . Whit.e ' S.... Smoky Tickle, lnJ lan Harbo:-, Rt,ool~IodiaD :U. lan<Lt, Paok'a Rubor ud IDdepeadeDt. (~At liJd( two p(4U6 ~v); Oa rtw:!.bt, Long, Islanti, Urady, Iacliaa. Tiokle,GrUBa 1 Harbor, Domino, Btack 'l'lokle, PaDOfa Bowl, Seal It• land, Bolater'l Book, Y'..u.cna X.laDcl, IDq IWb.»r, D..tlalad, 8caUte.lalacJ,..,....,. Shipe .EL.tbtJ, l'nula Subor ..... a.Mii Harbor.

The Oolliblll.1t11 .... (/~ will .-.,.,• St. JoWe~J~ o•lt•d .... _.. .


A. J. DEARIN. Harbor Grace, July 8



Water .Street, Ha<rb()r Grace, Njld . - : Po~ AND Aooouov. :­

Sunday Houra-from 10 to 11 Lm., 2 to S, 6 to 6

'· \, .. Custom · Tailorin~. \VILLIA~1 RYAN

Uej,!a to in timate to the public that be baa.lately moved into tbe tlouso. next cioor to Mr Stnthie'e Tinware shop, oo Wnter Street. 1-Javiol! n.d coD iderAble experience in Caonda he is prepared to execute a ll work in thorou~.:b ly good etyle and •or~ maosbip nud at loweet rates

o-SntiRiucli'on !!U!lraotecd iu all cues A trial order iolicitou. )

WILLIAM RYA N, Tailor. 8 to 9 p.m. · . ~

' -e-Night-cane pramptif iiMW . ........ --t~ ·~~~~S4 Comme~ial Street:· BOSTON, Mq,sfl FOR. SAT.EJ

Hubor G;race, J ol,y-8


FANCY & TOY BAZAAR, )-ictoria Strut :

A fine selection of Fite Screens, from 20 ct.s. upwards, consisting of Screens, Shields, Japan F ans, R.oalin and Golden Stars.

Satin A prone, -.:ilk G rass, Whit.e Willow Shaving, Gold and Sil\'er S tove Ornamen t.&, d:c., &o. H a nd Screens and Fancy Grasses, I apan Fans 3, 5, a nd 10 cents, P alm Leaf Ftins-fro m 25 cents. Lawp Shades-from 10 cent.s. A la rge n~~aortment ot G lass and China V uses P hoto F ramt\s in B rass, W ood, Plush, H and-

l'!Linted, Cr.Ja~, and N ickle-from 20 ct.s. A.. & A. BRUNLEF,.S.


Dwelling-House, with Out-houses, &c., •

eltoat• oa Victoria Stree~Jformetly tbe propert7 of the late Capt M. Smart.

For farthet' partlcolftre appl7 to · D. A. FLYNN;

Harbor Gnce, l'ltarob 26, 1891

. DEAFNESS. ITS~ CAUSES AND CURE. &teotlftoally treated by an aarlet of world-wide reputatloo. Veafoe• eradict.ed and eotlrel7 oared, of ·from 20 to 20 yMI'I' etaodlag .. after all other t.reatmenta ba.ve failed Bow tbe dUB­oaltJ i• reached and t he oaUM remoud, full7 tJt· plaiDed in olroalau, with afftrlayit.laDd teetlmool· ale of corea from promlneo& people. mailed free.

· Dr 4• HONTAlNE. 8' Wea• U\h »&.N.Y .





SHEPARD GOLD J\IEDAL "fWINE~ or which we are the exolll8ive man.u£acturere. .

Highest awards at Boston, 1869 ; Philadelphia. 1876.; Loudon Fish · erics Exhibition, 1883:

I7Send for Dl118trated Oatalosue.

. . JOHN SKINNER Fo~ s.a:r' .E. 1


MONUMENTAL DESIGNER & .SfJDLPfOB DESIRABLE - PROPERTY . . K.UiOI'AO'l'tTUB AND UlPOJlTJ:Il 01'. , aituate at Plddleton coDeiatlug- of Ponee, Oaro,

Stable, Cellar, Ontbouaea, e tc, : R or1e C&rt, OEMEJERY DECORATIONS Dray. Carrtaae, two Plowe, Cultivator . Rtk .. , • Plcke, Bbo•ele, Ha7 Pre••· t renall Macblne,

-ur- , together wltb aund~J. o,ber artlolee too onmllroue

Marble. Scotch and Quincy to oa;~~~0Groaud 10 acrea are ptoaa hed land; 20 Granites. or 80 aorea bay-land Tbe other ooYen an ex­

ALL WORK ezeoated aoder personal aaper-•lalou.

OUTPORl ORDER8giYea prompt at.&entloa. DESIGN~ farnlahed by lett.er or otberwfee. U.l!':M&N'l' 'fOOLS •ad Pluter Parle for aale

825 &) 327 Duckworth St., St. John's.

f. 0: BoxUI

,J. A. WHIT MAN, Custom Tailoring~. ·.

wm ~Jm. W•Jnn•neblp &Del ' 8Q'Ie. Glft ua a .U.

~" OI'C$!ft noeln ,._., &'*-UoD OtltfW ~ -.4 1V-.....


tent of nearly 800 aoru, • larae portion of wllich I• beavlly-tlmbered Nice •arlet7 of Frai t 'Ffeee -Plam, Apple. aDd Oherr1 ~

All or a portion of the abon wt I 110ld to auf& parohuere

Apply oo the l'remilea to the Proprietor.! • F. PIDDt.E.


Vimm'a Str66t, -:· darbor Qrac8. --Work ln the ~t bi'uo~ of the t rl\c1e eaoutecl iD pod llt7le ill4 bit!\, ~4 a\ moderate ratee. •

BeUm&t8* fa.miaM4 qa a~plloa\lon w

vt~UUa~ Bllll~ ~"-4 .._4 · nqmted.

~R .AT•BJt. '

T be Subscriber bas now oo band aod for eale e \'cry roqui&ite io tho Furniture line, maoufacLur­od ou tho premises from eouod and eeaaooed m!lterial.

Uedstcads, Burenus, Cbai ra.(all kinde) Sideboards, WnBhstanda, Wiudow Polea and

Rinas. Sprinll Beds, &c .• &c. licdroom Suites. rondo to ordor- froiJlo. 810

upwards. Othtlr Furnit:Jro wade to order~

UNO~RTAKING: ·' 1-Javio~~: had twenty yoars' t>Xporionce in tbe

undurt.nkiu~ uepartmoot, sati&fftctiou iu oYerJ. parlicular is ensured. ~A~CY GOOUS AN D STATIONE~Y .

In t h Fancy Goode Shop, conoect!)d witb &be Furuitur"' ::>tore, cnn bo h@d Fancy Goode, Boote Stationery, J ewellery, and a gooerr.l uaodm~o' of amall ware.


Wil~ c~~rn Bitt~r~ TllE . rWeak Digestion,

OLD IrnMEDY Loss of Appetite, FOR I Bill" . & 1 ousness. c.

Sold by all the Druggists. Gf" Price 25 and 50 cents per

b ottle. P repared by

~C. C. H.fCHARI)S & Co., Yarmouth, N.S.

: T. W. CRAGG, 180 Duckworth St , Sole Agent.

- ST. JOHN'S. A~ 16.- 2iw,8m.


BSTABLISRlDD .LD. 188?! . ·~ . HBAD ORJOB: ·


::~~::::~~::::~;:~::~~~~~~~~~~~~P:I::~r:u:~:~:e:w:ed~-~H:.tU~~ ~cundoor .~ ~ Hls ace. predeaeiaomhadoloeed,. and made a key

' .

' Lea - .• p U S. ,..·ov't Report, Au-""; 17, 1RL. Hi~hec;t ~r :ttl in venmg ower •• - • u o ..,.,

I .... ,. ~~: U A

' a puro ooodltlon Ia Wll.,orsaiiJ known, an4 Yet \bore IU'O

~ • ~ ::~f::J:J~e:U~ 'blood. Tho l.alnt of M:rotuiA., snlt rheum, or other tout hwnor !3 heroctltcd and tT:UlSmlltccl fur genernuoos. CD.nslng no told suft'ering. lUld ''o abo n~eumubfo polson and germs of dJs. ('.1~ rrom tho 3,1r wo broatbo , y the food

WO e:lt, or 0 u r·--­f:~~:\~ . g~:;~ power of Hood's n.rs:~!Xlrllln over all dls~ of the blood. Tills mcdlclno, when frurly tried, docs CXflCl every trace or scroruln or ~1IL rheum, removes tho ~ut which CD.useS

~~:::~~i:~~3:: Blood out tho germs of m:ll:uill. blood pol· sonlog, etc. I t nl~to vlt.1Uzcs n.n d e n-riches tho blood, thus overcoming that tired ceellng, and building up tho whole system. Ihous:md., tcsUCy to tho superiority ot Hfood's 3.'U":1,1p:trl0a as a. b lood purifier. Full utor­m:atlon aud statements oc cur~eot rrec.

Hood's . Sarsapari II a

~1d by alldrug)';itu . Sl: alx torS.\. l'repared only )J c. 1. HOOD .t: 00 .. Apolhecarlea. Lowell,~ ...

100 Doses One Dollar


tONSUMPTION whic·h can be cured by n timPI}' rc:-;ort to this tand­anl preparation, as h:> been . jn·otcd b.'- the h.nndrcds of tP ·timon i:als r cCC'I\·cd by the prop:·ietors. I t is ncknowl­edg-cd by many prontncnt phy:-;ic·inns to b~ the m?st rL·Iiahlc pt·<·paratiOn ever m-roduccd for the re lief nnd

1.: 11rc of a ll Lmw complaints , 'ltH I i:-; -ollcre<l t~ the pnblic , .:i:tlll'Lioncd r,y the experie nce ul m·cr-!Q_t~ty--fcars. \Vhcn ' 'l':-;or tcd to j II 1-)CUSOI\ j t SCI-

) om f:ti ls to c fl'cct a speedy ~ure in t he m ost evcre ra:.;e. ·or Cough~, Bronchitis, Croup, \Vhooping C6ug h, fnfl ::-..nzn, Asthma, Colds, . 'oro rrhroat, Pains or Sore­l !c::;~ i1i' the Chest and S ide, Li\ct· Complnint, Bleeding l!t the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Bnlonm docs not dry up a Uouoob nnd )cave the cn.use

• 0 ' • L behind, US is the Case W1t.J t. ust prcparatior 'i. :~ .... " 1t loosens and cleanses the langs, and n.llays irl'i~ntion, thus removing the cause of t he complaint.

PUEP.4DRD DT 8l:'l'R W, FOWLE & SONS, Boctoa, lC.ulof '­

ctnd .,14 by D~ ...,.Dealers .-rallY.

CHAPTER XXXll--ccmrin~ . Grace threw her arms round ~ k ~eok, and stopped him with -~ an. ed ~

'Ah bless you my love! been 'an kissM 'her fondly. • You. pity 'me-yodu :will ~ve me from this miserable, degra • ing life ?' . . · ,

' Ah' that I will.. if I can, my own, • You can.! 1 Than ~ell me how.' : d ·,Be my wife-let us go to the Umtet .

States to~ether. Dearest, my paLeo s e 'ne are makJng our are a gr~t success· •.Y • I

tA.o rtu~e, I ~:~ld eel theee inventions for . tb h we! nsk our hves. o

menca tb myself at an a l~rge su~oofirtwoB . m eymwife. and let us enurmous .,. · · h , .fly this hellish place. tog~t er. t • b t,

., And so I would lD a momeo ' u (with adeep sigh) 'papa would · nevar consent to th~t.' . ,

, Dipense wttb h1s consent. , . Oh. Henry, and marry my fathers

• curse?' 'f b 1 ' He could not curse you: 1. e oves

you half as well as I do; and If be does not why sacrifice me, and perhaps my life: t-:> him?' · f

' H enry for pity's sake, thmk o some other way. Why this viole':lt haste to get rich ? Have a little pnttence. Mr. Rnby will not always be abroa~i. Oh. pray give up Mr. Bolt, and go qUletlydon 1\t eace with these dreadful Tra es· YoJ know I 'll .wait all my life t~r. you. I will implore papa to let. you vtstt .me oftener. I will do all a f~tthful lovmg girl can do to comfort you. .

'Ay.' said Henry, bitterl¥, ' lou. ~v11l do anything but the one tbmg ask.h

' yes anything but defy my fat er. He is ' rather and mother both to m~. How unfortunate we both are I If you knew what it costs me to deny yvu ncr thing, if you knew how I l?ng to o­low you round the world--

She choked with emotion, and seemed on the point of yielding, after all.

But be said bitterly, 'You long to fo!· low me round the world, and. you won t go a twelve-days' voyage wtth me to save my life. Ah, it 1s always so. You don't love me as poor Jael Den.ce loves me. She enved my life wi~hout my ~k­ing her. but you won' t do 1t when I 1m· plore yo~.' . .

' Henrv my own darhog, lf any woman on earth ioves you better than I do,, for God'£4 sake marry be~. and let ~e dte to prove I loved you a httle b.etter . .

. Very well said be grindmg hls ~eeth. , Next week I leave this place wtth a wife- I give you the first offer, because l lo~e vou. 1 shall give Jael the second becaus~ she loves me.'

So then be flung out of the room, and left Grace Carden half fainting on the sofa and drowned in tears. B~t before he got back to the ~orks he

repented his violence, and Ins heart earned for her more than ~ver: .

Y With that fbe sense of JUt!ttce whtch helongs to love, he spoke roughly to Jael Dence. . h ' b t

.~he started. and satd not m~. u watched him furtively, and saw bts eyes fill with tears at the picture memory .re~ called of Gtnce's pale face and streammg eyes. t' d

She put a few ehrewd ques Jons, an his heart was so full he could ~ot con­cen! the main facts, tbougb he sqppress­ed all that bore reference to J ael b~rself. ShE~ took Grace'tl part. and told btm he

was all in the wrong; whY. cou~d be not go to America alone, and sell bts patents and then come back and marry Grace with the money? 'What drag her across the water. to make her quarrel with her father. , • Why, indeed?' said Henry I because I'ru not the man I W&A. I have no man­hood .left. I have not the c.ourage to fight the '1:11lde&, nor yet the ~oarage t.o leave the'girl [love so dearly.

, Eh poor lad • said J ael, ' Thou hast courag~ enouab ;' but it has been too sore tried, first. and last. You l:aave goo~ through enough to break a man of ateel.

She advised him to go and make hia suomisslon at once. .

He told ·her 1he was h18 auardlan ang~l, and kiaeed her\ in t~e warmth of hie patitucle • and ne went back to W oodblne vnia: and uked Grace's for·

· veneee and Uld be would go alone to fhe Sta~, apd ®iDe back with ple~t1 to satisfy Mr: Carden's prudenoe.l Nlidth~b~"'

Grace clutched blJil gentay w u~ bands, as 1( to hinder hlm trom leavinJ her. She turned very pale, and tald, ' Ob my bear~ I'

Then abe lai4 her bead on hie &boulder

and -..:ept p~u.lhy. d ld · ' Wh·• it He oomforied er an M • · -

it? a voyaae oUwelve da)'l" I And Q~ 1 1)laJI nner, have th~ oouraae to you


to the look, 10 that, ifh· e .. ahould ever· be compelled to go .ou\ r .t Dlabt be might baftle his foes, wao W011Td naturally watch \be pea' oi ga\e fc •r hie exit. :

With all th' l8 he be oame venr depress. CKl and' mooc' y' alld aJanned Doctor A~ boyne, wli<' 1~membelred his father's end.

The doer ,0 r . ad vi~ him to go and see his moth, Jr for a da.v or two; but he shook hilt heat', andr'Cleolined. .

A pi tS~ner.detained for wallt of l>ail js allow' Jd to communicate with his friends. and Grotait soon let 1Iill know he ~a~ very angry with him for un~erta~ing to

do L '.tttle without orders. Bill satd thai have got his miss here: they dote on each the job wae given him by Cole. who was othnr: She live!~ in the works, and so do GI".>taWs right-band man, ~nd Gro~uit he, ever since she came, which h.e usen't h!.id better bail him, other\nse he uught afot'l;,. ';['hey are in one room. as many be induced tO tell talesA 1 as ei gbt hours at a stretch. and that room

Gotrait let him stay in prison three nl Wf'~ys locked. It is nought to me, but days, and then sent two househc,lders I th .ouf?ht it right you s~op.ld know, _for wiHith.ltlhweabsa.ildi' :s·cL--ged. and w. ent home. jt is qmte a ~candal. Sn.e lS a strappm.g

I.J.IlT cou nt.ry lass, w:.th a queerish name . . Thts

He bad in ·his boat a substance so d angercius that he bad made a. nest of soft cqtton for the receptacle wh1ch held it· and when the boat touch£>d the shore, Ji~bt as the contact was, be q'uaked lest hts imprisoned giant-devil should go off and blow him to atoms.

(To be.continued.) At du~k he tumed out to find Cole. and coo 168 from a strang~r,but a well-wisher, tracing h~ ·from one public·hoUHe to ''FAIR PLAY." anotherl at last lighted on him in com- , fh ... letter t,. Henry Little was as fol- fl·re pany wtth Mr. Covent~. ¥""

This set him tbinktpg; however, be lo\.vs :-held aloof till they 'par~ed ; and. then fol- .; The reason of so· many warrungs and LONDON. _\

)HCENtX Assur.ance Company

lowing Cole, dunned btm for his twenty n·~'el' a blow, you had friends in the trade. LOMBARD SlRJ!;~T & CHAR~G CRoss pounds. , J'J,ut you have w~rn thew out, You are

Cole gave him five pounds on account. a doomed ~n. Prepare to meet your Hill grumbled and threatened. God.

Grotait sent for both men, and went This was the last straw on the camel's into a passion, and threatened to hang. back, as the saying is. them both if they presumed to attacl.c He just ground it in his hand, a.nd then Little's n.erson again in any way· ' it he began to act.

1 is the place I mean to destroy,' st.Ud He set to work. packed up models. and Grotait, ' not the man.' · dispatched them by train. clothes ditto,

Cole conveyed this to Coventry, and it and wrote a long letter to his mother. discouraged him mi~htily, and he told Nex t day bEl was busy writing and nr· Cole be should give t\ up and go abroad. ranging papers tin the afternoon. Then

But soon after this some pressure or be culled on Grace, as related; and return­o.tber was brought to bear on Grotait.,and ed to the works about six o'clock : be Cole, knowing this. went to ~im, and ordered :\cup of tea at seve!l, which J~el asked him wb,ether Bolt and Ltttle were brought him. She founci btm busy wnt· to be done or not. iug letters, and one of these was addressed 'lt is a painful subject,' said Grotalt. t o Grace Carden. 'It is a mattet of life and death to us, ' That was all she saw of him that night;

said Cole. for she went to bed early. and she was a 'That is true. But mind-the place sound sleeper. and not the man.' It was nine o'clock of this same even· Cote assented, and then Grotait took · him on to a certain bridge, and ])C'inted tnfir. Coventry, disguised in ~ beard, out the one weak side of Bolt and Little was w a.lking up and down a certam streat fortress, and showed him how the engine- opposlte the great door-of the works.· chimney could be got a\· and blown He .had .already walked and lonngt3d down, and eo the worlu &\OJ.lped entirely, about two· houl'8. At last Cole joined ' And 1'11 tell yQq aomethmg,, said he i him for moment and whispered in a tone ' that chiiQue~ia built on a bad !ounda- full ot meaning, ' Will it do now ?'

"tioq, anc:l was never very safe i so you Coventry's teeth chattered together as have every chanee. he replied, • Yes; now is the time.'

Then they chaffered about the price, · Got the money ready ?' and atlastGrotait agreo<l to give him £20. ' Yes.'

Cole went to Coventry. and: told · how ' Let us see it.' far Grotait would allow: him to go i 'But,' • When you have done what you pro-said he ':£20 is not enough. I run an even mised me.' chance 'or being hung or laaged.' ' That very moment ?'

' Go a step beyond your instructions, · ' That very moment.' and I'll give you a hundred pounds.' 'Then Pll tell you wbat you must do,

'I dareq't 1

11aid Cole: ' un!ess there 1 n about an hour go on the new bridge, wqs a cbanc~ to blow up the place with and I'll come to you ; and before I 've the man in it.' 7'hen. after a momen~'s come to you many minutes, y~u'll see reflection, be Paid: 'I hear he sleeps 10 summu.t nod hear summut that will make the works. I IQust find 'out where.' a noise in Hillsbro',and, perhaps, get us

Accordingly. he talked over one of the both into trouble.' woiQen in the fa~tory, an~ gaine~ the fol· ot if you are as dexterous as others lowing informat10n, whtch he Imparted have been.' tcrMr. Coventry: • Ot.hers I I was in all those jobs. But

Little liveol and slept in a detached this is the queerest. 1 go to it as if I WM building reeently erected, and. the young going to a. halter. No matter, a man can woman who bad overpowered Hil~ slept but die once.' in a room above him. She passed 10 t~e And, with thesP words, be left him and works for his sweet-heart, and the patr went softly a own to t he water-s.ide. Tbt~re, were often locked up together f~r tbou:s i[\ the shadow of the new brtdge, lay a. at a time in a room called the Expen· little boat. nnd in it a light-jointed lad­meat Room.' .. . der, a smnll hamper. and a b~ket Qftools.

This information tO?k Coven.trr. qatte The row-locks were covered wtth tow, and by &urprise, and imb1ttered ht~ ~11-t~ed the oars made no noise wrhatever, except of ~ittl' While Cole was fehcttatmg the searce audible dip in the dark stream. him on the situation of the building, lie Jt soon emerged below the bridge like a was meditating )low t~ deal hie hated black spider crawling down the stream, rival a stab of another k~nd. . . and melted out of sight, the more rapidly

Cole however. waA Blngl&-mJoded 10 that a slight fog was rising. the m~tter ; and the next day he ~o?k' a Cole rowed softly past the works. and boat and drifted alowly down the rtver, .observed a very faint light in ~ttl~ 's and scanned the pla".e very carefully. room. Be thought it prudent to wan t1ll

He came at night to Coventry, and told tbis should be extinguished~t it was not him be thongb1. he might perhaps be able extinguished. Here was a xpeoted to do the trick without seemins. to d~f7. delay.


T RUSTEES 4: DlUEOTOBtf Joseph W m. Bueudale, Eaq. Bri11tow Bovill, Esq. 'fuo Hou. James Ring. J ohn Cl•ttou, Esq. Oclavius E. Coope, Esq., M.r. c ieor~e Arthur Fuller, ~aq. Oltarlus E. Goodhart. Esq. M . Rhode Hawkiua, Esq. $irJohn Lubbock, Uart., M.P., F. lt t:barle11 Thomas Lucas, Eaq. Gharlea Magnay, Esq. l'ho-Hon. Edwin 13. Portman. Dudley Robert Smith, Eaq Wm. Jamea Thompson Eaq.



The eng~tgementa of thia Office are guaran teed by a .uumerou11 ttnu wealthy Proprietary addition to a I urge in vested Capital ; and the promptitude Rod libor.o&lit.y with which claims have always been mot, are well-known and aCknowledged. .

The importance of the transactions of the PH<ENIX FIRE OFFICE

may be estimated from tbe fact that aince ita eetabli.ahment--now oyer ON& HUNDRED Y EAU­the payments in satiaraction of ()Jaime for LoM· es bnvo exceeded FOUltTBI::N MILLIONS STERLING.

Insurances agaiuet Loss by Fire autl Lightn­ing are etiect~d by tbo Company upon every description of Property, ou tbe moat fuorable terma.

W. & G RENDELL, St. JoHN's

Agent1 l or Newfoundland

I fUSH SOX, band-kni t. ty Donegal peasan­try puro Wool, very warm, dul:jlble and

~~mfort~ble. 12 pairs sont post fre6for five Dollars. ?If eo's long knickerbocker Bose, 6 p~tirs aont po11t free for 5, 6. or 7 Dollars, according to qnality. Post Oftice orders pay~ Ible-B. & E. :J\t'B UGH (Limited), Belfast, aroland.-2 in.w.5m .

NORTHERN A.ssurance · Company.

·-- -ESTABLISHED 1886.



, tNPQll£ J.ND J'OND8 (1887) : fue Premium• .......................... £807,000 Life Premium.a .............. ............ 197,000 lntereet... ..... ... ........ ... ... ......... ... 1'-8,000 ~oaumulated Fuude ......... .... .... £8,481,000

['he undertiKUed ia e.:r.powered to effeot in­:.urancee on all Jt.intla of PMperty iJl New .. toondland at current Ratea : t Premium.

The above Oompaor i.e welJ ·known for lta i~raHty and promptnea ln settling loa..

Proepeotoaes, FoTma of Applioatiou tor "Fire and Lifo Tnauianoe, and alJ other lo• formation o&n be obtained at the oftloe ot

. A. 0 . HAYW A.RD,

Grotait'a inJt.ruotioDIJ, 'But,' &ald he, tt However, the fog thickened a little, and ia a VW'f dangerousJ' ob. Premiaee are this encouraged him to venture; he beaoh­watohed . and, what o ..rou think ? they ed the boat very geD't)y on. the muddy have got Wirei up now that run over the shore, and began his work, lookin_g up atr~t to tlie p§Uoe oftloe; and. Little oan every now and then at tb•t pale light. ring a bell in Banaome'a room, and bring and ready to fly at the firs\ alArm. the bobbies aoroea with a rush in a mo. He took 6ut of the boat a 'large yarpiah· • ment.· It ian't as it waa under ihe Pld can, whioh he had filled 'tritb gunpowdeJ", ohief-oona'-ble : 1hit one's not to be and wrapped tightly ro~ wire, and alao bouaht nor bllnded. I muet risk a with a 1&8b-line • toia oan waa perforated • •,

· ST • .Toua, Ag.m lor a..,r~-a. W. H. THOMPSON,

8ub-.4.o.m ltW Harior fhtau

baUer.' . , at tbt~ side, and a e&opg tube 10rewed 'You aball have fifty pounds more. tightly Intel it; .the tube.protruded twelve 'You &f8 a gentleman, sir. I eho~\d inches fro10 the can in ahaP.e of' an 8 ; by

like to have it all in IOVereiiD•· I,ut means of thia a slow-burD~D.a fuae wu •f...td of ~o• ThtJ ,. tr.oed lOme- connected wUh the }Sow~er: some ya:tdt bow.' . n ·- -~ t of this fuee .were "lfNpped 10018ly rou'Gd ' Youaball ban It a ua IOVv•'!-'ane. the oatl•

'1 wan$ a UWe in adftDOe. $0 bu7. ~l e Cole orept.otur ~ Ule ~oblm~, m=~~idTbi:;e,y are OOitlJ, tQMiilaly aad, pplng abOut for thi rJabt p~ 11 allYer,' __ ...~ laid ttie ou in the -~bOttom and u.

MD ~ oollecl ~,,_, Be tQok out ofhla ~ ..... eoille liDdl pl--. of tile, ud lalcl W•

~~:.:~~~ OD .... ~·~ u;«,cnpl

Ia =~<1 bot~ l..::l : c rnr.lly 4.nc1c::rt.mAU7. !t .leta Q1!::~. t:.::".):-..l!.c" a.l::lo~ t !:at.a.Dt

r ::.: ft'roc t"lo CO-:"C~:It p:Ll:.


It1..STll!'lTllfffiOUS I~ ITS n~T!:::.

Fer Cl<Ai\'.i-'S, •C:HLL3 , co:.:: . D IARRnCEA, DYSi:l·;TERY,



TH C PAIN-~\ii..LE~1. Jn Cnnadlo.n Cholera :md Bowo1

Comptalnto 1ts o~!ect l::t m ::.stc ... l . 1:; c ~.; ro:; In :1 v ery short time.






C"~·-··- ,........_. l"'t.~ co - :.J.: • .• , J· •• -:J , ·, .. O UP, CONSUMPiiON, &.C.


BEATTY'S PIANOS- ~~e~:~ e;e~~~ o r Uu~&logue. A.ddre~U~, DANIEL F . BEATTY, WashinKton, N e w J ersey. J e26

THOMPSONS established 1 55.

BEATTY'S ORGANS-~re the beat, • W nte for Cata-lol'(ue. Addreijij, DilNU!!L F. BEATI'Y. Waabiog~ob, New Jeraey.

Wholesale and

The Subsoribera, wbilt1 th"nkill~ their numerous 'patrons for put favoara. ,;iahee to call attention to the following list, to wbioh baa teen added a few of the ne"t'eat leadiag patent medioinea, u follows :-

Bolohee'• German Syrup, Green'• A.agnat l!'lo.,.er,

..._' j Ma"7'• "Fluid Magneala, i'uller'a EuLb · Putman'• Oorn Extractor, Bay Ram .

Fiao'a Oonanmpt.ion Care, ._ ·-'' Ca~rrb Remedy. ;

Band(ord'a1 amaoia Gin~r, W arner'a Safe 011re, Warner'• Pille, Wiatat:'!l Balnm of Wild Cheery Wye~'• Liquid Mal' Ext!aot . White Eaamel (Cot-ulling Ieeth ) Beuine (for ole&naing parpoeee.) Tam&~~ lndien (for ooa~iYen .. ) • Roo'• ~edioated Supr (Cor worms)

~· Yrai' Salt. Teaberry Tooth Powder A:Jer'• Sanaparilla. A.yer'• Cbeny Peotonl

do Ha:r V'lcor, C•mpbell'• Tonio .Bilxir, 'Or. B.erblae Bitten,

n&'IP..cllft. Tri:oo?beroal ..tWine

1.-m•-'• V1111t&ble DilooftrJ

Keating'• In~eot Powder, Pattner'a Emulalon Keating'• Ooagb · Lozenget, do. Worm Tablet. Fello"'• Compound Syrnp Beedman'a Teetbtn1 Powdera

• WaterproofNumna .Aprona do Biba (for obildren teethl~g.)

Owbridge'• Lana 'Ionlo, Body Belli Beetbam'• Glycerine aad Oaoamker Adult'• TruiMI, ObUd'• ~ Dried Savory, Dried Ba,e, Dried Celery ludlon.'• Golcl Palat, AU.'•llalr .a.torer, do. Laq Balat.a OoaW• .Aoec.1o j,aid, aetobam'• "Pill•, Oh..t Proteotora, Oalven•• Oarbollo Soap, Oalvm'• Dl.liuteo&lq Powd• · ::;r:: v..-...w Wlu

<Jo4 u.wr on uac~ ... .. Bil•• at a,n.._ Dr1dr ... (Jc;ooaaa._

I"OVGBT ALL DAY. ·--Pro~re~• of De ProlODged OhWaa Ba\Ue. . , --Ntf/J Yorl:, Artg 25 -Htrald't cablearam frolll V "'J•ar•i•o .. ,a:r-Darkaeu a\opped the battle at V1Ua oef Mar beach, oppoalte . tbil' oi~y, which raJCl'•l botly all d~J yeaterday,teloie any deciaive re,.n lt wu rrched. and · lilre tired gladiat tbt> cc•utu&liDil ar!llitl ruled all daJ, and worked laartl to ur' lhemtel-.ra.in tbe bu~ pi\MilJie c:on­diaiCin f,,, tlto lioa l ~··n t wblcb muet aooo de cilte " tt tttiiJihll y of Chili. U.lmiJle!<(haa liue ol dt>frotu yualert.lay wu auoogly fortafied, and wr·e nuclc·r the ran{le of the .flUDI trom Foil Cl\lhco w bile UIIIIJ of bia trollpa wero raw re-0 1 ait11. thure wae·a good leaven of ntenoaamool( tlam T1me after time'flie rebela dubed ·~•ioet the liott of rbe Go-.eromeot troopa, ooly to be repu lafd with great. bloodabed They were not lhe o1t1y auft'~:•era, howuveq foJ' their artillery ,J,red •ilb ltllinu tfl't>ot on tbe eoemy and tbe.ir rifl..:11 wero oot useleu in their hnrla Attack and repult'll were repealed ticue ahet4 time 11i1h oo decided adnotage to eltbttr eide 'rbe moat duperale nlor WIP tlieplayed hy n1eran and recruit, Balmacedaiet and re•olutiooiet Tloere Will little rt~re' ou fit her aide •ben • darkuePS Clllne down aud alop!Jtrl the ·bloody work Utoder covn of a fla~t uf lruee the boepital and ambulance corpe of tbe oppo~tloe armies were buty duriofl tbe nigh\ aearobiog the field for wo unded and carlnll for tbert: Wben morn· inJ! broke it "111 expected the fi~tbt would bo re­sowed Both armies bad suffered aeverely, how­ever. and oeilber oppeared to lle iu a 1101ilioo to neume the offenai-.e, and a practical t rucP to-day, wilb no figbliDil. bu beeu the reeult Neither aide hna been idle, h owenr, durin~ the day Scoutin~t p11rtiee from the ineurQent armiel! bavo been econrinf( tbe country for auppliee, ood one of rhem out I lao raiJ.,ny to SRotillflO at Saho 'J lae liovern1ut>nt for!'e& ha"fe been atreD!;IhfotOJC I heir hne,aod mnNDUrvinll to get ioto a pcsitiou w bicb will preclude any encceaafol aUerupt on the purr or 1 be eo•wy to jlet into the rear of the city or V J! l p~~raiso Jt ia generally behoved that Geu Ca~alo. tbe Gttueral comroandtng tho rebels, will all l'mpl a tlaok moumt·llt whan he reeum!'a op­eration" and this tho Balmacechele are doiog everytl.in.ll in 1 heir power to frualrate. lo tho face of 110 army equal in nlor, as well arrued aod equipped. and at leaet equal if not euperior 10 uumb~r 10 force the Jine of forte with their beny ~o~une. maonPd t-y upeu and voleroo IIUD­

oera. defendin~t Valparaiao from the uorth -eaat coneiatiog of forta Callao, Podetto, Aodea, Val­paraieo, is a taak to daunt the moat confident general, and if by loy meana the llal01ncedan army can be fiaoked and the inaurgeo11 can mok~ood a poaitioo io the rear of the city they wil( in the opinion of the foregin oaval officers here. do it

Tbo loeurgeot Comlll&oder, General Canto, is a veterao of the Peru-.ian war, where he did llallaot and e.ffeoti•e •enice. He knows the country, aud realizea that if he can get hie Leny J!Une on the billa at the back of the city be will out only ban a poeiliJo wblcb ie practically lotprejloable from the attaok.a of auy Ioree wbicb cau be broupbt agaioe& . btm, ba~ wbicb will eo­a~le b1m to batter down the city at hie will. Huiorc been unable by to-day'a figbL to captur~ the •illajle of Vioa del Mar and ieolate Fort <..:allao, aod tbua capture it, be would naturally attempt tb11 f111nk movement. Thal be will be able to do 10 without bardt~r flghb'bg than n en that of F riday and yeaterday, if at all, ia not t.> be thought of.

Valparaiio is now quiet. All the boeineu booees, office• and a~rea are closed. E\"erybody who can do eo bu left tbe city and few people are eeeo on the 11reete. While the Go-.ernmeot lorpodo cruteer • Almarante Lynch • waa ueiat­iurc tho artille1ymeo in the forte in keeping the rebel oruieera at loug range aod tbue preveutiog them from gh•ing effective aid to tbo land forces, tbe breech plug of one of her 14-pouod Hotcb.' kies ~ nus blow out; ioetaotly killing tbe lieu­teuaot iu charge. ~

SANK AT SEA. ) New Ocean GrJm Steamer Loet and E1ght

of Her Crew.

Halffa'z, Stpt. 1-Heporte joet brjlionio~ to arrive abow the fury of the hurricane wbicb ewept the coaat oo Saturday. At noon oo Sat­urdRy wheo 260 milee off Halifa; tbe oew ~aio laden ateaiJler DuHmurry, wblob ealled from New York at dayllgh~ laa& \V11duuday moroinll for Antwerp, capelaed and eaok and eight of her tweoty-eiab• men were dro~roed The aunl•ore were landed here late lo·Dii!M bJ tho· Geruiau oil tank eteamer • Hana aod Kuret,' from New York for Rotterdam Capt l\JoMorrao, of the lJunmurry. tella tbo following at.ory : .. At four o'clock on Saturday morning we ran luto . an eaa~·•outb ea11c hurricaoe lt came ap wltb 2reat fury. tnd within flheen mloutee the ateam­er wu tbrown upon ber beam eode, Jyiog in that poeitioo antil noon, and then abe Rnk-


•• When thrown on oar beam tDda we elowed tbe enaloM and brnaah• the wlot.J on the port bow, \he ablp baring a lla& to porl and eblppln.r tremeudoue eeaa. . At 6 o·aJook we go' all banda down No .• batch ·to abllt oarao o•ar lbe atarboard and 1 aleo told the an(lluara fo etar• tbe pumpa, u we w~re aoabla to aow,d the bllaee owlor to &be heaf) aea on dack A' 180 a m abe harrl· aane lulled alhrhtly A~ f ~. the borrioane oame on aealn at eoatb-weat. •o4 Ult ablp aaaln be­e~me oniDana.aeable, owlor tp • &reiDendoa• ~--fY aroaa eea, tbe ehlp l7lpa dowo wltll the por' ttdlt of tbe deck in &he wae.r aod the Uat iooreuinr all ~- t!mp • , .. •

OAPIJ~lD 4JIT) Wlll'f DOp.

•• The e1urloM oogld p,_ htp up ateam 4' e.o o'olook I called the 1110Dct ohr and baada ·np .from the al .. r bold &o a8£ bqMa ud IUa ralll re~ MUla port boa&lwere ..-,d •••1-lbe b .. atove Ia, the wublor oiiDd the ofiw aDablt to to -" bataJa• u \helblp tr11 ID ~ .... IDCI pnlor npldlJ. ....,. ~ . ., .......... -~- ........

gefLin!f alaar of thO ~lp and &he thud et•giof)tr had bia jaw alubed, wu otbeawiee 18Yer~Jy tu~rt and wu uoooo.cioua when picked np Moauwbtlw tbe MOObd hoalitwlliD got 1t. amall llfe-raf& clear Of tbe wr1!oka~re. tP wlt•ch .,,,,.n mt>n oluul( ,v, .. r being' in 'bit wafer eon..- tllutl 1 Wo:h•)' II•"" f~t~ ,.liy f(Ot iuto C..be lifeboat . We wo:r .. 1111111 ~ '!'''l'd off Halifax fbe other eigtrt weD wore oltla..:r killed io the wreckngo or drow11e.J We never eaw them aher tbe ab1p weot 6owu 'fh~ ~ert~ tbe fir11t. mate McK•bb~o. 6n~ e r>\!inetr Grny, fourth cn~einee~pcucer carpt~utcr Ko:ro,u•• ~olllr ICIImllll 11a1ned IS~oko.:.t. 11 tirtmuu I•Otuutl Hlcu :.wl " boy uaut..:d Helle


•· At ni~tbt the t"enty of UB fouud oar 11t>lvo' afloat.ip otit.l-ocenn wilb tWQ I(OIIoc ... or WI\10r ro oJ a pound of bro:.d 10 divide htotwt·eu ua At mit! . night the wind bod 11one down. l'nd the fes. mnd. eroted. llncl wt> stPertd by tho ne1rt horn &lor north· .. ard. \Ve I'IIIIP two 111eamort1 paaaiug ua dnrio~: tbo ui~:ht.. but ' wo had oolbiag whb wl:tch to mnke eignols of distress. From Soturday uoon until Moodoy ui~:hL we wer_. "t tbu mercy of the oceao. rlrivl'n hither norl lhitber by a IIUcccsaiou of wiud11, euffllrioJ.( iurleaoribabl¥ from buugur; 1hiret, exhnuetion nod exposure. and feorinJl thot "'e woulrl be· enJo:ulfed by e\•ery WtiVO 1 hnt riRsh .. r! &)lllit18t our frnil cralt At uiuc o·clock tn~t uiwht our criea were beMd by a pne::in~t ate:u11er She provl'!l to be the (;crmao vii tnok etumer .. IIRus nod Kurs t," and Cnplain llotch. b!'ioc ahort or provieTooa, beaded for Hnl i{os: and loud col Ud hcrP. 'fbe c rew Joat every.tbiol! The ·· Dumruurr.v" eank in latitu•lo 4( , 45 oor1b lolll!i• udtl 62. 11 weat. and we were picked \tp 10 ·ll. 58 north, loogitude 63, 18*est ''

Piso'a ouro for consumption. and P iao·a Rem­edy for . Catarrh, · are for sale a~ Meaue W. lJ Tbo1npsoo & Goa

-There are in all oinoty-alx deu-foreata in Sco1Jaod , they arc com!Jrieed in au area n little lar, c r tbno tbe couoty of ko88.

-Copper-money wna first iesued by Govern. m~:ot 1n 1620. It bad been in oac for years, but ouly by traJeamco nod others, iu lieu of IoRden tokeoa.

- Our lifo ie rua:Jo up or Iiiii<~ thio~o,s. Our a11 eo1ioo t o tbem is the index to our cboracte r, aud·orton tbe bolaoce Ly wbicb it ie weighed.

1\Jerit'wina.ae the tD&r\'elloua aucceu of lloorl'a Sareaparilla ebowa. It poaaeaaea true modicio:11 mftit. Sold by nil druggieta.

-.,ElUORATION FROM lTur.-Rome, Aug. 28.­Emigratioo from Italy cootiouee on a va'!t ec11lo Many of tl>e emiRranta are going to Hrazil. Tho Goveromeot willabortly ieauea decree of amoeety to all who uCAped, bJ emigrating, tho levies from 1851 to '87l. Tbia amueety conceros up­wards of 400,000 peraona. m~toy of wb~·m are now li•ing in tbe Ooited Statea. , -

l!rtra. l!rtoae• Abbot, Hammoodeport, N. Y .. wae lo cooeumptioo lor twenty years, became so wea1t aa to be unable to sit up and auppoaed her case incurable. She waa cured by uaiog WtsrAR's BALS.UI or WtLD CuttmY.

- St. PtttrsbKrg. Aug. 28.-lorliqations of tlia­treaa amonll the pea111nta ore becoruiog numer­ous 1 be German colooiata along tho Volga, wbo have hitherto beef! prosperous farmers, r.re now in great diatreaa. Riots among the people :o pre..-eo~ the exportation or rye are reported at Vitebak, nuoaborg and other places.

-RAINSTORll IN ENGLAN D.-London , A ug 2 . -Telercrama from o.ll parte of Euglaod aud Ire-land say tho result ol tbe continuous beavy rains ia dietre88ing. 'fbe c rops Bre all under water and will be entirely spoiled unle88 aavod by auoebine ao011. lo ae-.eralaectiooa tl.te potato dtinase ba~ appeared.

-Two D~::ontES OF FROST.-T orouto, Aug 25 -~1r. '1'. <..:. Jrvm~. rn&llftj(er of 1Jrad8tr~tt j _ to-dRy received tbe tollowioK from t ho \\'ioui pl'g office rolatio~e to thu crop outlook in Manitoba aod the Kortb- wftt : • Ao averaue of obout two degree11 of froet reporte'd from fe w poiuta off,•ct ­ed ; reporta to date do not show any aerioua damage to crops.'

R USSI AN GR.AtS REOULATlOSS -Moscow, Aug ~A.-'-1'be Moeoo• l'owo <..:ouooil ia debating a proposal to compel all eUlployore to supply their workmen whb rye bread at the normal price or about ooe half of tho proaeot. price.

J'iel,ua, Ang. 28 -An inepired pamphlet wbieb bae 11ppeared bere advocatee an iuorel86 of the imperial military orodill frou1 16 000 000 florioa to lH.OOO 0011 6 orioa. Tbe pamphlet dwells upon the ~ootinj!enoy of ao uoexpooted war, iu · wbiob ooly a few w~oeke would elapse betweeo the ruoblllzatloo of tbe troope aod tho fir.t eo­jlaf{emeot. The Frent.tknHtlt e~orte &bo pro­pout ---

MWUI. 0. o. R tOBUDS & oo: Gtnt1,-l hue oud yoor MINARD'S Ll~[.

IU':NT 1o00111fullyln a eeriQ.ua oue of crroup In DIY tamu,. ra faet I ooplider. i& a remedJ DO boa•• iboold ~ wit~oo" ,

J. F. OUNNIOB.Ul. Oepe Jalaq4. --8o 8Af Au..-1'&~ MINARD 8 LISIM~NT

Ia tbe a.._,dard llolmenl of tbe daJ. aa to 4oee Jue& wt.at I~ Ia rtrprtiHttd to do,

, · For two ·years I suffered terribtv

with stomach trouble, and was (or . all t~~t time under treatment by a

phystctan. He finally, after tr;ying everything,· said stomach was about worn out, and that. I would have to cease eating solid food for a time at least. I 'fas so weak that I could

. not work. Finally on the recom­mendation of a friend who bad used

y o u r preparations A worn-out with beneficial re­

sults, I procured a· Stomach. bottle of A u gust

Flower, and com­menced using it. It seemed to do me good at once. I gained in str~ngtb-a.nd flesh rapidly; my ap­petite bed mc good, ::md I suffered no bad effects from what I ate. I feel no\y like a new man, and con­sider that Auglist Flower has en­tirely cured me 'of Dyspepsia in its worst form. jAMES E. D.ED2RICK Saugerties, New York. . '

YJ. D. Utsey, St. George's, S . C., wntes : I have: used your August Flower for Dyspepsia and find it an excellent remedy. @

1 No other Emulsion is so j

1 easy to t ad: e. It does not separate ncr 1 spoil. • It is always sweet as cream. l

I The ·most sensitive stomach can retain it. I


Scrofulous and W asting D!seases.

Chro11ic Cour:-h.. Loss cf Appetite.

Mental and Nervous Prcs:ra:!o:1. ·

Gen~r.:tl Debility, &c.

Bew.ue or all ic iutions. Ask for ·• t!le D. & L ." E:uuls ion, and refuse

1 n il othe.-s.

P~I.:C 5 0C. AN~$1 ~l:R~~TT_L_Li

~ I CURE FITS! Whm l -.y l .,.., 1 do nat mean men-Jy 14 ac.op lb~

!or a Umo o.i>cl tben baYO than ~Uim ..Wn. 1 m ..... &

ndlc:>l ewe. l " '"'" made tbo .u-.., ol )'ITS, £PJJ..£ll. IIY or F ALLDICI liJCK!iES!I a Ufe.Jonc lltlldy . 1 WV11U1L my ftllk.o.ly 14 au-a tbo wonL ......._ lkca~>M olbaw h&•o tailed 1• "" - f or D<t\ now ...,.,n~ a eare. lkDd at ~.:.St..- ~~~~n~ :.,:~~~,.gt&.~D¥ lolalllblo H. G. Ro.oT, M. c.btaa ADELAtDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, NT,

Queen Insurance Company, · JA PIT AL,-.£2,000, 000 ~terling.





TWENTY-NH\"iu ANNUAL REPORT. . l'be Reports anJ Accounts tor the year

1886, presented to the Shareholders A.t the Annual Meeting, on Thursday 6th May, 1887, abowed in the •

FIRE BRANCH, That the Premiama for 1886, after dedao•

ting .Re·inauranoea, amounted to -£601,6,9, and the Loaaea to £858,,9, ; or 68.76 per cent.

IN THE LIFE BRANCH ~ - That New Policies bad been iuued Cor £258,990, yielding in premium £9:9i5. and that the total nett premium income,._ ~82,~ 374. That the paymenbl to • poboy~)loldera were £48,'741• aad t!J.at the Lite fund wu her~ by .£.!"0,003.

'1\e Balanoe at O~it; of Profit and Loae. af\.er adding £23,000 to tbe :Fire J'uD:d, wu abown to"iernount to £1M,l96 10. ~~ uul W&l dla{'Ot8d of &I foJlOWI :-• etn,od!' IS 0 J'or DlYlcln4 u4lloau 18, '101 17 0 A44ecl \o • ••"' hlul, ad eo,tee a ~ ~ torwuc~ .

TH,RJ'ONDS Wereeao1Ql thenaftet to ltaDcl u follcrn a­Qapttal Pald 1lP ... .......... -Lift Aociiull1~0td~

~"lt wmrwnliil ' u~~~~~~~~~


\ . • • f.ll

1¥:, ,.ltvjrau • -.lHD--


the ~ree North Sydaey •eael11 will 81'0111 nearly $90,000 berore the ...on il oYer. The ·-Ia appear to be rortanat6 ia Dot being mota-ted by auy or the c•ttte... ap to the end or July. .

· · Loc8l a~d other ;Items. ' -tl'be weettfD labiDir·hoata~ of . B.o••• di(l

f&lr~• -..ell 1M' 11t"k, huh•a eeoared from .10 &o 4b qtla. oo CaPf Balttrd baolt aod fre,.a.ey bay, Small boattat Beoew.- Root anrqe from 1 to S qalot.ll• daf.

- Tbe Newfoaodlaa4 Faroltare aad Uoalcita~r Co¥ay hue deoidtcl &o ,..am.e &be work of maaafeo&ano. a& &be old prem-., eaa& of Foia William dep6l, aad have alreadr erected a abed to beglo wor,k' lo &be meaallme.

By Telegrapll. · . . -o-

Uwru, 8vr t.--0. M~ alalat llae tale bjew liztJ IDII• aa boar. Tile nlfwtJ brid .. ooaoeo&lq Hallfu wllb Dutaaoalla wu deltrof• eel, lfhd damace doeelo lhleJentor, aad mllCb dMtraotioo oauecl to orope. 'rAe Dlry St. Geerre Oommiaaion. -- -


A sb'lrt 'jme ago, a Oomm~asion (o£ which Sir .Eobert (Judge) 'PinSt\nt was presiding OfJ!cer) w~ appointed by the Government to take evidence io the matter of the 1088ee sus tained 1>y the poople of Bay St. Goor~e through the unlawful iuterfereoce of French B.Dd Eogtiah Commanders of wat'Sbipa, with .their business -of the herring fishery. The Commission sa t s ix days, taking .depositioDB in two bwldred caaes, receiving evidence of losses which, roughly speaking, amount to about '$20,000 .

. A late Viccoria deepat.ob sa1• tha~ four. mol'f\ scho&nen have lately rflturn~ t.o th"t port frotu t.he eeal fishery, with 1660, 1618, 1600, •!ld 497 akioa reapeotivel~: All tbeee craft were, it aeems, forced to leave Behring 'Sea. Tt~e intf\lligence ••• brought bf one of them that the schooner Hamilton ~um

·Lad bee14 cat•tu,red by a Ruaaillu JlUnboaL

_:Tbe Nor•~ .... m.er Ryaia•ea arriYed Uala moraia~r ao Heeere, Job Hrotbon & Co .. f~m Ll•erpool, wltb a general car£~0, after a p ... ae of '•elwe da:r-, · After ditcbar~iot cargo abe goea lo Iodlau Harbor to load whb a oargo of liab for· SpaiJl. -!/uald •

-iiiUPPUIO CAm& VIA 801!'011.-'l'bfl ~OIL­treal ca&Ue ahlppen &be other dar ablpped two baodred aod elgb&.r bead of odde from Toroato to Gre&1 Britain ria Boatoo. Tbla Ia bf.oaoee the frelght.a are obeaper from &be Ulli&ed ~ta&el portt . --

-TilE Hu OROP,-Moe' ot. the Cape Bretoa Carmen bue boueed au excellent crop of bay In lbe bllet of coo:iilioo. LU~ year the orop WM grell&ly darna(-,d owing to wet weat~r. bat up to Jut Saturday the ba1log weather waa all that

A whole family ..fa PUU- father, motber aad four adul' obD~re~--oomml&ted nlcide bJ haaa· loa. ,

.'l'b• Powen bYe reoognl&ed lbe uew GoYtrD• meot·of Chili. · S&PT. 10-Tbe Uaoadiau Parliamea'&jbaa~pueed a law makl'og the aaldasr or reoeiriag- of a bribe or ukinq for au offtoe crimlaal. whilo poaching ofF Copper Island, in Ruaaiao

waters; ale'o that the schooner· Wtlntm-, Oapt Dan •I oLean, had undertaken to raid one of ~bA Rl188iao seal islands and the poacbtra were cllugbt. Capt. McLean waa shot in the le~, but th~ rt'st ot tbe crew managed to re· gahi the . schooner and esoape, l&l 'ring lhe captain a p• i~ner.

-Yr. J . S. Manu, df the fhm of ·Mnao Br~. arrived io k»wo ,_.terdaJ, from LiYerpool, bnio~ come pUMDjler by tbe Cartltagu~n Mr Mono wu •• home" for tbe pur!>O" of baying the ran and winter aleck of gooda for the firm. The ftrat ioalalmeot of ~beir etoclt Ia ex­pected to arrive oo Moodai next.

-FIRST Frsn C&noo- The acboooer Thnukr beloo~tiog to Capt:-dono l:leltaouy of tbia t'owo' arri•ed at Exeter oo ttre 7th ioet .. from L"braior: with a .full cargo t>f cod flab-the product of thia ae88ou. The Thra1hcr ia, we believe. tbc 6ret veaael acrOSS' to the E!Jglieli market with a flab carjlO tbo rrtlBent 888800.

could be ~esired. · .

-A · Montreal paper etatee tba& nry few of the fall fleet of Greenock lhipe will brinJr 'coal to that port owing to tbe higb pricee at the 8cotcb o1ioea aorl tbe reduction in Canadiao ratea of traoeit. This •ill · help to ioereue the demand fortbe Cap~ Breton article.

Jay -Gould i• tOo ill 1o &raaaaot buaio .. • be Will r&tfre.' • ~ I

Tho RllUiao agreemea& with the JSorte doee not ~tllow war •eaeele te> pue abe l>ardaoellea.

'l'be .Britiah.Go•eromeot demaod• au apoloay from the Porte for iodigoitiea to Briti.b mer· chana Yeuela

SEPT. 11-Tbree tbouaaod 'Jewa bne arrind io Caoada tbla enmmer.

The fate~, which are ioteres~ing, are b riefly aR follows : ln 1889 Commander Hussell, of B.:\l.S . .Lily, at the insta nce ol Commanders of b'rench wa t'Ships, ordered the lisbermen of the llt>.y a foresuid to tak~ up ~heir herring~ ue ta ; and,itappea rs lbat under hill compulsion they did so. B e n ·tng happening to bo plen titul at the time , the peoplE! consequently lost their \'oyage. Not only liO. But it is alleged also ti.tat in 189G the French n tw a l officot s them­selves 16vied s imilar dis tress 'upon the avoca­tion of the bshermen ot B~ty St. G eorge, obliginrr the•n to ta ke np thPit· he rri n!:· netJJ­thus for 1l seco:a.l time cauHi ng wholt~tt le lOBS. N or is thi:-~ nil . D urintr"'\.he J•rt•Hea t yenr the nets of eho lishm·rncn ,sot in ~be watt>r, wero emp· tied of their cont<'nls of,li11h by tho'lo noting un­der t he orderaol Freoc!l officillls-wi t h the u n for t unate result tha t, \'j z , twenty Mil ot Amer ican scboooe r:t which b11d put into Bay St. George to purchase fresh herrin!!-ba it , (for which their ca p:..lins olfered 1 to 1! dol­lars pe r barrel) had to le.t\'e un:~upl'lied­owing to t he uct ion of lh<' Com rA andol'fl of French war-Ycssels in pre \'eoting ou r sot tle tll eelling ~heir herrin~ to the lishermen of lh& R epu blic. The FH:nct., fo rsooth l at tbe same t ime we re, it seems, only paying forty cen t.s oer barrel ! A nd to acid insult \ 0 in­j ury, ~ P r :>clarnation (!) t;i~ued by the officer command ing the French w~trship Drac , was ci rcu la ted nmongMt somr ::?OU fiAhcrmen of Bdy St. George harbor , notif.\ in.- the tU not to se ll LO t he A meriCAn 610hermon, nnl! waruinc: them t hat, if th11y J id so. he ( the Commauder) would have t heir .ne ts tab m n p !

W e shall in nex~ iaaue have a few remarks to ofl'er •in regardf to the above subject-no roum nor apace at . resent.

I ... I

Tus ])nE&DED W .a.n C LouD : · WILL IT

HURST 1-1'hat hllted oltl bug b~llr-the E!lflL· ern Question-again · menaceingly rears its head. The sitna~on in Enropo has once more become ali\rming. Tbe occiUiion, as the intelligent reader does not need to be t<lld, has ari~~en out' of tho action of the Sultam, (in contravention of Lhe Treaty of Paris) in cowardly yielding to ~II Russia's demand11 re­specting the Dartlanelles, whicb,forsooth I are hencefort h to b" open to .Rus'littn vesseiR when closed to others I Or, lUI y~sterdt\y's public de · Rpa tch furth er announced, the Russian a~ree .. men t with t he Porte doe11 not a llo w ~tny wa r­\'cssels tO paPs thA DardR~elles. The qdestio n here nAturally a r i11e3-D ocs sho claim the ex· elus ive right ! all this htus had thn to be e:cpecte<l eflecl of creating m uch appreben

-J I. 1\t. S. P.1rtridgt n iled at 6.15 p.m. for the N. E Co118L Uuriog her stay in port abe baa been vit iterl by considerable numbers. Her ~rune, el~ctrical nppar'\ IU'I .. "od improved warfare ap­phaoces ha¥e be': ·• ·• f tntereat to tboee who • isited her.

A enere earthquake baa been feU in Sao Sal-vador. ~

A Labor Coogrellfl· haa met in Newcaatle ; it ~88 resolved that the ei2bt-bour law be enforced 10 all,.~tradee, except where a majorit1 of mem­bers m any trade proteet by ballot.

s ion as to the result. Tuo German tlnd A us trian press excitedly dit~cussed the inci den t - a rguing that the in i tiativ.~ in the Da r· dtt nelles mas ter falls upon England ; insinua t · ing further that it wouJJ be exceedi:tgly bitte: i rony of f~tte if, immediately after the P orta­mouth receptioo of the French fleet., England should be compelled by Ru88ia-Fr~toce's a lly-to t~~ke hostile action to c.l efend her in­terests. The Austrian pa pers ptofess not to believe the report that Turkey b .. tt yiehled to Ru88ia, they emphaticlllly declare thttt i{ t ho report is true, it might lead to the most terrib le com plications for all ll:urope.

T h is in a fe w worJ 11 i11 the CAse t he Com · PLEAS I~C V E k \' is tho an oo1tncemcnt mission had to enquin· into I t wil l naturul made by Tuesday's Colonist tha t "thPre ly tak ll some time to conside r " " d report ~11s on ly one ne w Clllle of d iphtheria reported upon the merits tn S t. J obo'a lsst week. Th1:1 is the bust

I t ~ortnnato t ha t in the present c1 is is of I record , in regard to d iphthe ti t\1 which luts o u r Colooiul hiswr~·. the l '...lonllt.l Hencu is so I c_.n• ~>t.d such wi.de spread ~JtdTering an~ loss of a bly repr!'.SCiltt>tJ. }he tll l.PrDI!. t ton tl charac~ • life Ill 0 11 1' mtds tj fo r three yeurs. r,JihUR t er of the legal cases ru is iu, ont ol t he com·· l fnver seemH a lso to ha \"e exh~tuste~ ita Ioree, plictttions of ri \·ul daim~J on t he l<'r~nch ~horo lor dtt:ru is not 11 11ingle Cllse a t the prese nt mus t needs ca rry iu c.,cl. tri11. l th fl c<> :(ll17..tnce t ime in the tlity. Tl:.ere was o ne Cl&Re in t be of the p tesidiu,.! J uJgu IJeyoud the urthUttl'y H.ospi t!il und tho pa~ient jg now COnV~tlePCOnt. practice of ou r Courts. ( ) n thi11 uc..:ount we Tlt i>~ is t htt heat loca l news we bavo had are, we say, sin~ul~trly fo rtll n» tt• in hc~\· i ng to to chronicle for some ti rue; nnd cong rttlula te hand men ol such exception~tl Je~n l Hcuw en t bt- communi~y ttccord ing ly ." and ex tensi\· e legnl knowledge as ~ir H.obert The STA~DA.RD sh~tres the feeling of it1 (J udge) P insen t . con tomporKry , and Lutste ns to ndd ita rate of

___ -•- . jo,v over the auspiciou11 circumsta nce, TIIE l3. C. SEAL. FISB.ERY. I t is unnecessary to aemintl the re11de r tha t

4 ll ft.~· r t lw conclul\ion of the R ul\So Turkish wnr W'ha.t a. Newfoundla.ndor Sa.ys. (in I ' 70) it. was a~rPotl by the P o wers thut

Tur k'ly sho uld a llow the commerce of the nations to ha\•e free pas11age t hroug h Lhtt Dllr · J unelles ; but that she should not !(rant the pr i vii ega to the ~trmud vessels of ttny o ther countty. As will be reme mbered, the ink on the ~trmistice agreement was scarcely tiry, before Great Britain found it Mliper•tive to send a fla&t. through the Dardanellt'& into the se~& of M~trmura-the reason why 'tl8 not needful to recite bore. S ufficient now to aay t bat s ince the above time tl)e agr:eemen~ has been carefully observed ; and no undne anxiety waa felt until a. ahorL time aao, when, !'• w•• atated a bore, ~be SultRn au pine . ly allowed the pauage to B uA&ia.

Captain Tho mas d.lcock- an oiJ llur.or Gracian- writing t<.. us by las t tn•tt l I rom V ancouver, B.C., Anyd : " llu~.vejuM t urrived he re (Vaocouve r) from Behring ~t:u. " lie complains ' much of the hardship of the ar­rangernent rfcentlv conclutlcd betwl'f:n the Britia~Goveroments, in regarcl to the close season , etc., ob~:~erv ing : " Y ou " ate no doub~ a war!' of t.he reru~on wl.y we " were compellea to leave the' Sea, and of the "abundance of seals ~herein. I may say t hia " fishery is tb~> only lucra ti \ ' I' hns incss of 11 British Columbia wherein t be N ewround­" Iauder can excel!. T he salmon 6Bbery, of " course, ia q uite a boon ; but at ill river· " 6ahins ia_ new t.o a ll of us."

Our correeponden t farther ~tdda : " I may " take thia opportuni ty of sayiug that a ll our " people, anti eapeoi&lly those wno were ve r~ •• poor at home, are making a goo-f li v it'~ " here. ~be protpect.s for tbe nex t fe w " mon~ba however, clo not look good. Some " of th~ dra<Kback~t are the con templated "Railway from Bwlson Bay to Port S impeon. " 't'be unprofi table termination of the Seal " Fiabe1y and tbe J>OiiltpouerueM of t he Dry " Dock, e to. , all have ll tendency t o retard the " hitherto mushroom growth ot t be oit.y .11

The STANDARD's readel'8 will ~ ple~~seti to bear from their COJrespondeDIO again.

Recent papen to hand hy laa~ mail ft'ord a few other addiiiorul1 parLicula.ra in relat.ion ~ the •aOOMe •hich bP nrowe h l t ht'l eft"oru made to r•t• the harvest in counnct ion with Bebriag ~ W e Gre told ti~ of ~be re· tnm *o Victoria of 'be ... Hcg eohooner J/41'11 'l'a1Jlqr with 264- elrir.• "&ld tsOO pouod. Gf wiWebooe. She left tbe Sea wbeo ordeftd to do 10 by- the a&eamer ·Cortin,.,

Hoft thu ordiaary good forinne •P~I'I la&Ye ~dd lobe exertions ef the North

ia Por iaaw..- : tbe tohOOiler IIIIIOiaf. Capt. Bocuhot. ia. •id to 118 bi;b

:-,...t.,..~ &.a. • many .. 1~0 ~~eala &o

Wh&t the reauh will be, h is yet difti cult to pretlict. Gteat Britain ie e•idttntly wide awakeJ judgi.bg by tbe announoement recently made in retllnt deepatohea, to the <'ff~ot that, via., (1) thtt Afediterranea~ ftPet liMa been ltrengthenecl J and (S) · tha£ the Britiah Government d~tmanda an apology from the Porte for ipctignit.le.. tQ Bri,iab m~ro!Jaot _venola,

Tue W oar..o'a CROPa, KTO.-I•te.at a tlvloea are to the eft'eot that Lbe wheat orop of !\1•ni• toha ia eat.imated at 6fty million bnabela ; while t.hat of. Pakota, juat baueeted, ti aaid l.o exceed tort.y !Pillion bW.bele.

The Egyptian •hea~ grop amoun\11 &o eeven thouaand cw·t..-theJlargeat 7iald op reoord. Tbe oomiog aeuoa .Jikewiae pro•• an t qually Ia• ae prop, '

Tbe R unprian l"l'pOrlJ ou tbe world' a bar­~eata •re beUn~ k) be ~itleacJiog, 'fhe'r,_ ._ a gea•ral lmpreilaloa that tbe ~&~l7ield ot t.be dift"eren' ooua&riee II p•ett7 fair, aod •bat (llrpine prioee will not pre~all uoleu prodqoed by pow,.Jf~l rlDp aad boqJJU. •hloh "dl bne onl1 a &eiDportry tff'eot. The LoDdoD. BltrNJ. af'd, in dlecm ..... &f~J pin ebor&ai't ad•leee tbe OODftlap&iOD of mall'!, 14JiDJr t.bt Uaill'd 8&Mte pcM1lcl ••port .oo,ooo.bot buabell of ..- P4 tbaa aa ekn ebilllat pet' baehel woalcl ~Ill aaf• Ia • ......_ ....... J'aly. Tbill ~eeld maN ..

ftllllte . ...a --'\bola& l~cwbiA ----;!··· ........ .,.... ot .. ( .... c. ~-... iJl4i.ltlltliiiJI

-NEw BLACK DtAl!OND LlNER -The Blllck Uiamood Line of Montreal. to wLi.:~h compsny the Goban and Bonatti.!la beloo~. have lately added an additional abip to tb.eir flee t. aamely the S . S Th01·11ho!m • Thia •eeael 11 much lar,.:er tbno either of her aieter ebipa, having more ac­commodl\tioo for both frt>it.:ht an•l passengers. She i11 at present on bar way from Montreal. aud should arrive bere on or, about Thura1ay next. She will hereafter rue rectularly in couju uction witb !he other elupa to Harbor Grace aod S t. John't- Uolonist

A USEFUL P UBLIC WORK -There is llt oreeen~· unde r~roiog reJJDira bere u Yery occeaeary work of " pub lic ol\lure. The drain lendi.u: from tbt! Gaol premises. aod roo111og Jowo CarbonA..~ r RoRd to 1 ho Wllte raido of the harbor. is oo w beio~ deepened and cle•oe~d iu a moa' antilfActory maouer,. It ba.J for a IOD'f t itoe beon in 1\

c •1okud aud ooaauit~tr.Y c~uditiou. aod conae· queotly needed attention. T l:e work is being doots by Mr J obo Lyocb, Manager of tbe If ar­bor G race Water Wort..'a •1oder ~he direction of J .T. N t-ville,E~q. , lu'lpector of P11blto Buildio~a.

-TUESDAY MoltNI ~ :O.~Rll W88 felt at s~. .John's u well 88 here and other placee. 'l'bere fortunately, however. oo daml\lie reeulled ; trno, one or two Yeuele drifted from their moorinJ!e and wc~te borne down t):ae harbor, but that • .,. ~oil. .Nor w88 much injury done a.sbore. The most eerioua re11nlted to the walle and amoko­atRck o! the Furniture Factory eu~:ioo -room, , which wn11' blown tlowo, the eo~ioo 1\orl boiler b('inJ,! buried heneath the debris. A ,onmber of tretl:l io tho suburb• "r'ao went dowu hefore the fury of 1 be itorm. · "i\.t Whitbourno, oleo, mnny tr tl~". •ere uproote~~ ~ot no o..lumage i-r1111d onu. Al l rOfllltltey tho gl\ltl Wl\!l ft-lt he&\'ily rrom ~be ~outh Weat ; bllt all tbe bos t.e beiniC io, uo iojury to them r~aoltt~d

CARIUEO AwAY 1:u:n MAST -Meaara ." March & Son's b~&nking echooner U~a11 Gem. Ct~ptldo An riah March. which I{Ot into Old Perlicao oo Saturday, wi' b :Hil qtla flab (dry) arrived at ot. Johu'a oo 'L'uctJay uveuiog with her mail!m .. t carried away. Thie occurred oo Sunrday week d urioac a ~ra t e, ao~ prenoted the veMP'l from ecouriug a full trip. The captain &aJa he fiebed on tilts north cut of a ' new bank, a nd tbaL fi~b w l\8 pleutiful there, eo much eo, thu after carrv­ing away hia m11inmaat he eecurcd 100 quin t~~ la. llu w88 ristbt in the track or ocean stunHH8 aud u w ae•eral pu a by. F11h aod bait were plontiful, btH there were oo other banking vcJeaela near.

,A LITTLE BoY UKOWN£0.-A little boy ru.med David P ercy , w88 drowned in a pond at 1tobia lioode on Saturday lael It aeewa that tbe un­for&uaat-e lad, in oumpaoy with aevars l amall boye went in bathing. Walkloll out in the pond paet wbere tho ho•toru f11lla abruptly. the bapleea lad I(Ot beyond bia depth, aorl be1oll a r!­able to ewim waa drowned. Hie companion• were nry young and io.capable of .rendering him the aeaietance oeceuary to uve him. T heir Ct,iea, bowner, att~oted tome older peraooa to the aoene or tbe ead occurrence ; both "aa theo too late to do more tb&o reaoue 'be hralell botly The deoo.,ed ••~ oolylO yeare of aee.- 7ri•litg lttcord O./ SatMrday

-Uuvu;o Cl' :,;,· , z BoNos -Tho Parte cor­reepoudont of tho 1'in~U aay9 Ruaeia hu purcb88· cd with tho eo ·called Appanage l<'uod as many OUl'Z Canal hoods aa could be pronured. io order 1.1\ ~cqui ro influence Rt the cornpaoy'e meetinsr, so "8 10 nu ooportune moment to turn the scale io favor of Frs nco.

C"ot. J Kenoe;~lly'a ecboonor Barboroni Caot Connolly. arrived here on Wedneet.lay e•enio~r froru hoet IJarbor, ~ ~. Uer car$:o consists ol I urn htlr. brio~. lime, &c , sll of which oro for use in rebuilt.li nq t ho Cathedral. T he car'!o ia boiog worked at by our Rom11n C:uholiC'8 citiu ns, who have vnl·tntcore•J thuir eervicos for the work.

- 0 P. f.H AT C o LtN&T. -Mr. \Villinru D .. vis tho well krio ~~Vn spor;aruao Rod g uidt! , rcro rtA ' uta~ det>r. io immen~e uumbl'ra, nro to IJe eeeu iu 1 btl viciu ity of (.;ulinct h is sorpoet:d that they h11d bocu dist urbed by the mou workio~ oo, tile rlli l­"'liJ . a1ot.l havw come townra11 Col iuet Ho nlso r~por:a cnveye of partridges by the acoro· T he L;r,linot road is now io thorougb repai r.-f 'o{. lllli.d.

- A LAIWE Ftne occurred at Tilt Co• o <'n W erlueadRy nillht, tbts work11 on tho anrface st Bast Minoa •ep.1 destroyed, ioclud lnR tll'o eo ­"ioea, t•o atone breake,., boiler, tracka; e tc. The fire ori2iuated in umple. room from lamp u psettin2. Dawru:os are heavy, but it is hoped the machiuery will come io again.

- The citizens' addreaa to Sir Ambroee S htla K C.:\1 G .. Governor of tho Ihharn ~ts , was pre~ aentt!d to Hie Excellency "' hia residence this ftft ernoou At -~ o'clock. Jamt'8 Uaird. Esq .. chair n:ao. of t h11 committee, rend tbe addrcaa aud ~i r Ambrose ruponded in .his ullual e loquent atyle.-fltu a ld n; ye.,ttrtlay.

-lJtsn!\GUJSJu:o VtSITOitS -Amon!! rect'n t arrivals "'" U!ltictt ~ith pleaaaru t ho 1mues of M:ias Anna L War1l 11oC: MiRe Floren tine H . H"yden, lady ~ouriata from the Unite<t_ States. who are eo well and eo favourably koowu'\here in connection with two previous vieica which they paid to this Island in which they take a wnrm in terest. r ive years a~ZO, tbey mide a triv to Labrador . aoiog as fnr north aa Nnin nod spending a fo rtni~ht with tl.to Mors vtao miseio nades nt HopudAit- T bia year they 8p('Dt a fortni{lht at s~. P i9rre, and mntfe " complete s tudy of 'the isls ntfa au~ their io l.abi tRntiJ. T hey then croaaod to ::it. L"wreoce llnd reached Placentia per S S Ht rculu , aod thence by r11il . to St J oha'a whero they are t be ~n&l!tM or tbe Rev. Ur. Harvey. Tbeir numerous friends will cordirtlly welcome thei r re1urn Tbey are uccompanieu hy Mr. H. W. llaydeo . fat her .,f Miea ll~yden. l\lr. H"ydeo 'ie one of the found­ere of the extensive braaa maoufacturin{C eatab­liahmoot of qoltnea, Uooth and Rsydeo. ooe of the lar~teet in the United S tates. Hc~ ia ooted aa a n origioa~ inventor and man of scientific attain. \ueute l\liu Ward, aa ia well known. bu woo for he rself a hil(h plsce in American literature,

' le Miae Hayden's artietic attaiomeote are of a eoporior order.-l/t ra ld

The Baok Fiahery.

Twenty thousand French workmen will make a pilgp mnge to Uotue to addreaa the Pope.

The Emperor William waa received with ereat eotbuiaum in .Bavaria .

. The nE!~urkiah mio~try promiae reform a& home aod p co abroad.

Italy ia fo tifying ncr Al1=ine pa8888.

WROL~SALE PRICES C URRENT Bread. pl'r cwt ..- •

Local B,keries . -No 1.. ......... 84 20 ditto No 2 ............... 3 80

Flour per barrel-Canarla Superior Extra . ..... ......... 5 60 to 6 00 ~ow York ~o 1 Extra State ...... 6 50 to 6 00

ditto No 2 F:xtra ............ 5 26 ditto S uperfi ne . .. ... ... ...... 5 10

Corn Meal-Yellow. s;:4 . White, oooe here Ontmeai-Caotufa, per barrel ......... 7 50 Rice- EI\llt Iodin, per c • t ......

1 ... .. 3 60

Pe118o-Ruubd, per br1. ..... ...... ... 4 00 Butter. per lb-

Canada ........... ... ...... ............ 0 20 to 0 22 Kova Scotian ...... .. . .. ... ... ...... ... 0 20 to 0 22 Amerioao.... ..; ........................ 0 13 to 0 20

Pork, per brl: • Family l\lea11 ............... ...... ... 17 50 Heavy Meaa ................. ....... l S 25 to 18 00 Extra Prime (oo•nioal) ...... ...... 13 50 Beef. Pritoe. per brl (packet) . .. l ::l 50 to 14 00

H.nm. Stron~r. per Imperial 1lalloo ... 3 30 Molaaaea....;per fZ&Iloo, llarbadoa ... 0 47 Snllnr-reflo ed, per cwt ......... ...... 7 20 to 7 25 Coffee-per lb .. . ....... ... ....... ... .. 0 18 to 0 20 Tobacco-manufscturud the lb 0 3"l. c tJ • ... ... ~'I

or aqo- per cwt.. . ........... ......... 17 CO l::lalt. Cadiz- per hbd ................. 1 00 to 1 30 - Cummtrcial Journrrl, Sept 1

lloUorca.'l '·~ Oi•1tment and !'ill., -Reallb'a D e­fene;t-s None eave the atronl!est can with im­puotty pa88 tbrouah tho sudden transitions from wet to dry, from cold to muggy weather -ao pre­

,valent durio2 tbe autumnal and early winter muotha. Iofto eou, broocbitia. coog b, sore tbroat, or quiosey will attack thoee moet watoh­ful of their bealtb: but they eau readily arreet aoy of these~omplaiota by ru!:lhin~ Holloway'• Oint­ment tw1ce a day upon tht~ akin over the alfec&­e.d pnr.ta. and by. ll88isting it~ corrective ac. t1oo w1tb approprtate doses of bia Pilla. - This well,- known, enfe, and eai!V mode or treatment efficteutly protecl.8 tbe invalid both from preaeot a~d fn~ore daoaer without • eakeoina' or ever dtsturbtog t he aystt'm in the aliRhtcat degree.

- -------:BEATTY'S f oun OF Til£ W oru,o.-Ex- Mayo;

Daotel F . Heatty. of Beatt.v'a Ce lebrated Oraaoe and P iaooe Wsat.iogtoo. New Jereey baa retom­ed home from an exteoded tour of t)le world R ead bia advcrtieemeot in this paper'd send for catalo~Zue.


At St.. Mary's Chorch, S l Jobo•a. Septomoer 8, bv Re•. E· Botwood, R.D., Robftrt Whltlogo- Wakohan maNter mrnlnor-, Dlltlvo uf Eo~laod , to .UarlaooA Olt.t; eldeaL daughter of Auatla Shepperd Fnrt Amherat Llghtbou•o. . · '

A t Oalvary Ohnrch. Moot real, A ng. 12th , by the Rev. Dr. Smyt!Je, HCillr}' G. Bat tlett.·of St. Jobu•a N E' to Ellubfttb , youugeet daughter of tbo late Wm.' Brio too of MoolrOAI. •

At Hol!lfax Sept 8, by Rov Dr Partridge, Jot.o E. Partooe to EHzabetb l1 MuLeao, bolb of Bay f:lt Gllllr.re. Nftrt

DBATBS BADLT Doan.-Ao elttbt yaar-old dau~bter of Mr. J obo Brut I bad a carrow aaoape on Wed­puda,. ' She •at In the woode berry-piokin ~t, lu company wlt.b an-elder elater and other oorn· paniooe. · The p•rty, it eaeme. requlr.ed a fire, aod the alrl etarted to ltiodle oa:e A' dt led fir. bong b. whloh ,. . .. ry ... y to burn a .. reQ np and eet Ore to ber clothea, and before aoy help oould ba rl'adered ehe wu badly buro~ •• moatlr on tbe baok. libe bad to be carried out bn a 11111e~ obt.ioed nee:r• by. Oo qamloatiloo tbe elfecta of tbll Rq-rpigar wpre tooo4 t~ be yery aarlone, altbouiCb fortunately oob of a fatal oatoro. Tbe woode at prunt' are in A dey atate and araU care ehoald be .eaerclted In li~htlna ftrae,

Tho Eppi.e, Capt. tia•kioe. reached port thie mornio'l from the Flemieb Cap, with a ~ood fare o r 400 qtl ~. (equal to dry) Fish waa foa11d Yery JJicatiful on the flret of the trip , whilo the bai: held rrt~tb ; buL nfter not ao much could bo had on the aaltell artic le. The weather for the paet teo da114 or ao wu • ery rougb; &he etorm of T ueeday Jut w88 felt bu\ tbe aoboooer w88 on her .. ay in , ao •he felt the blow nry littlt'. The ~ale apraoQ up vory q 111Cklyaod eoon 1peot itaelf. No veuel• a re reported by the Eppit, 'boee that •ere on tho grouode bninrt left before her The Eppit'a total le abOut 1800 qtle. A trAo· boat wu oicked u p ye•terday, aome 110 mile• off Cape Sl Francil. which bad al>!llreutly drlveo off In Toeadsy'e brent. :ihe wae p,.rttj filled witl~ wattn; II ,palute•l l.tlOII I$DJ hor ruoorln"1 faat to her. .

vo Tu&Jday nonln(t, arttlr a llorerlng lloeaa John beloved I OD or the lite J~mos I Dd Sebi"A BI"Ay, eg.d 8J reara·, Ianing a wife eod two oblldreo t4 mouru their SAd lou . •


t.ATUT raox WJIUDOR.-Tbe eteamer Con­' 0npl. wlcb tbe Labntdor 6lail, arrived at '111& (.)o,e oa WedoMifay. Telearapblo ooooeotfou tbeo belas loterr11ptad, boweYer, oo lattlllweace ooqld be noel•ed onr lbe wlraa uotlly11terday l ft!lrDOOD. ferJ brl~1 i& IDa] be aald-{1) tbat fOlD~ llrt,o~eb patphe.-, b-4 Ntlj!Ded froq. Qortb-well aehed. (J) ••om Cape ijarrfaaa to l!Aioov Oove. 9trJ ll~t llad bHa dooe alQOI th• da'- of I••' npo"--ela bad beea foaa4l • 'ftry eoaroe todeecL rro~a Rola,a to lodleo 'L1oltle. bo,..enr,be&&el .ark waebelotcloue-aboat tbree qalotala • da; •ere btl114r cakoo •beD b,i& ooatd be ~· IWII• a1 lbO!'I Oote aleo bad

fair. l'ro• 8o11ier'e Book ap to &ttlt wbattnt bid ben


The Ptt. Capt. ~·i,llt arriYtld 1\t Carbooear nn Wedoteday, to ..,,,..,.,.., Duff & Balmer. Sbe bad a fOOd catch or 1!:>0 q tla. Sbe llabetl oo cbe Flemieb (.;ap. ~

Three of •be ~h Jobo'a VIlli: ~ 1 ha returned from Flt'C!Itb Cap-namely. M . 1'. & 4 feaeler'e Nhooaer Stu</ltutr.U, at Bay Balle whb 400 qtls.; · Mellr~. Goodridae & ijooa' eohooaer Mermaid, also &t Bay Bulla. with .00 qtla: and Hoo. M. Mo'\roe'e acbooaer ,Edit~ Annif f' .PJaoantla , •itb 60U qtle. ' • Io acldhipo to tb• baohn meotfqnod in leaa ialoe, tbe lollowlorcwo eoboooe,.latelr arrl"d at Catallpa from ·•be Ptemleb Oap: tbe &rol Rll~tlt"ejl to Mteera HoCoNaot & Walab whh 610qtla; a~ the HMpG'tU &Q Menn Balae Joha. etoue & ea. wltb 6(jO Cl'''· '"Alto &bel ... from tbe ~rand Bank to Mr• Joba StHr wl&h 21' qlls.' Neal: abe JNil., airiY,cl u Reuw• oo ~aoday to Menr, , GoodrldJP 6 Co witb 6'1() qcle from Plemlab Cap, 8be ,.ported weatbtr 1Qatb aad a etroq &Ide ruolq oa &tit Cap 8pokt &o Mrttal eobooaen, all .ol ... falrlr well

deolldtd laDOvMioa

At Halifax, N.a., lit foal.., Elizabeth, widow of tbe latt' Maurl0o1 B'allareo, eged 78 ,. ... ,..

Drowned. oo the h t Ina~. by tho oepelzln~ of a dory fo tho H• rbot of Greo~t Bt.. Ll•reooo, Jobtl O.rpeotor, of Keel1, Bonnud Ray.~ 26 :raarrt: Ueory Dollltt. ~f Smith Sound. Trinlt} Bay. aged ~4 yMra; William Rntton. nf Smith Sooud, Trinity li11}', "fled 28 yea,.. The bodloe were lnUtrred lu the Oburoh of 'Eoglaod OemetOJ'1, Great St. J,awreoco. oo tbe Srd loa~

.P.ASSENGBBa. • P er 8 S . Miranda ffom New York-Mr G a

S.mway~ aod wife Mra. \Vi.o!f. Mt. Jaldo~ Wel~ 2nd cabtn-MI• MoLntr. From H-.ilfu:-Mr, R T . M. Mellie a ad , ~lfe, M ... ,.. M OooDon ud H . G aeroee1; 2od cabln-M ... n , Powtr. Mooree aad. ~lddlo.

. /