why teens are not having more freedom in this society


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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Why teens are not having more freedom in this society

Why Teens Are Not Having More Freedom In This Society?

Is this question is really true? Does anyone agree with my question on teen’s freedom?

I hope most of the elder people having the answer sound ‘No’. You people are not agreeing

with this one which means today’s youngsters having more freedom than the youngster has in

the past.

Ok, let me turn in to the point of youngsters. Youngsters might get anger on me. You may know

the reason of this at an end of this blog.

Page 2: Why teens are not having more freedom in this society

I have recently gone through the blog of some teenagers who are looking for justice to their

freedom request. Youngsters of this broad society still want more freedom to become a master

of this world.

Some of them asking for more liberty in their level of activities like drinking, smoking,

involving in sexual actions and more.

Some want freedom from their parents on restricting them from doing their own needs

like don’t go with friends, study this or that, don’t eat this or that and more.

Some want to control the world at their earlier age itself. Leadership is not a playing

thing which needs more and more maturity to handle the entire world.

Teenagers want more freedom in choosing their profession. They don’t want to go with

their parent’s wish. I think most of the teenagers have this freedom in choosing their

career, studies and even their marriage life too.

Teenagers also want their rights like voting, driving license and others at earlier.

Still there are many other requests are there from them to become a free bird in their life.

Expecting a lot is not a bad habit but expecting on what is very cautious one to take care of. I

am not saying that youngsters are expecting to impossible things which are not achievable.

Everything is possible if we put our efforts on it.

Expect some of your request like freedom on career, studies or something related to that are

which cannot be manageable at this age. And more than that government doesn’t want

unmatured leadership to collapse the good going world anymore.

Page 3: Why teens are not having more freedom in this society

I think youngsters of this 21st century already have the required freedom in both of their

personal and social life.

Freedom is not given to all youngsters due to the reason of most of them are misusing their

freedom in all point of view. They themselves can realize about their level of maturity at the age

of “–”.

Youngsters can try to use their freedom by involving in social activities like helping the unknown

person who really needs some support even to their own parents or Involving in sports to make

our nation proud or contribute yourself to our nation through army or do something like. These

are all the kind of social activities for which you have full freedom and I’m damn sure that no

parents will oppose you to do such activities.

Guys and Girls, Hope you all realize this in future if it does not happen now. Don’t look for more

and more freedom. Instead, try to make use of the freedom given to you.