why i'm in the game v2


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Page 1: Why I'm in the Game v2


Page 2: Why I'm in the Game v2

I get nervous after the opener at times and just ask simple questions like what’s your name. What should I do?

there's something I'd love for you to try man...and that is to approach with "ILY" in whatever situationsomething like "excuse me miss... you are so absolutely beautiful. I had to come meet you!“ and then just SHUTTHEFVCKUP!!! and smile. I mean it... wait for her to say the next word wait for 10 seconds if you can. feel that intensity building that you just created trust me it will probably be way more agonizing than any "Mode One" line you can come up with I know you have the balls to do it bro

and you can be completely speechless at the sight of her after your approachhell you may knock her speechless as well. that's even better! it's like you can't even talk because she's so fvcking beautiful see if either of you start stuttering... or even laughing http://www.createforum.com/thetruedirectbo/viewtopic.php?t=121&mforum=thetruedirectbo

Page 3: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 4: Why I'm in the Game v2

I often don’t approach girls I’d like to. What should I do?

One of the keys for me was to fully accept that staying focused on my desires was absolutely critical, not optional. Regardless of whether I think the universe is objective or subjective, I know that my dominant thoughts are the key determinants of my results in life. My thoughts control my decisions, and my decisions over time control my results. When I really understood that, I assumed a new level of responsibility for every thought that went through my mind. I decided to take conscious control of my thoughts no matter what. I saw that I could no longer afford to have my mind haphazardly dwelling on things I didn’t want.http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/06/how-intentions-manifest/

Page 5: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 6: Why I'm in the Game v2

I feel nervous about people around her. What do I do?

One of the keys for me was to fully accept that staying focused on my desires was absolutely critical, not optional. Regardless of whether I think the universe is objective or subjective, I know that my dominant thoughts are the key determinants of my results in life. My thoughts control my decisions, and my decisions over time control my results. When I really understood that, I assumed a new level of responsibility for every thought that went through my mind. I decided to take conscious control of my thoughts no matter what. I saw that I could no longer afford to have my mind haphazardly dwelling on things I didn’t want.http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2006/06/how-intentions-manifest/

Page 7: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 8: Why I'm in the Game v2

I am insecure about my lisp. What should I do?

How? Easy. Stop being fucking afraid of them. Trust me. Once you go to bed with a couple of them you begin to realize that they don't bite. They are as insecure and scared as we are. If you knew that you'd want nothing other than bringing their beauty out. Look. I know that not all girls are cool. But I'm not interested in those. I like cool girls and want nothing more than to enjoy them and give them the opportunity to enjoy me.

Page 9: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 10: Why I'm in the Game v2

Sometimes my heart starts beating as I near the girl I’d like to talk to. What should I do?

Start working on eliminating the overcompensating behaviors and start telling women what you think of them without the safety net of looking tough or cool. As far as learning to see the beauty in all women it doesn't take anything at all. Just start doing it now. When you notice that you're seeing a woman as something you have to conquer, stop yourself. Recognize what you're doing and do something else. You don't have to be Don Juan deMarco. Just be you. Tap into the you that gets crushes on women and learn how to not feel powerless about it. Oh! And stop thinking that you have to impress women. That's very important towards eliminating your weak behaviors. When you can be completely naked infront of a woman then you'll know you're going in the right direction.-- Comecuca

Page 11: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 12: Why I'm in the Game v2

I don’t think highly of myself at times. What should I do?

If you think of your self as less than her, what is she going to think?

In the end she said no, which can always happen, had you approached her more comfortably, things might have been different or they might not have been, but knowing there's a chance she'll just say no and nothing more will happen, why not move on and find out?


Page 13: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 14: Why I'm in the Game v2

I run out of things to say. What should I do?

the words dont play a role, its the eyes.

if you want tht you must feel that youre above her. if you dont feel it in you than you cant dominate either.

Page 15: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 16: Why I'm in the Game v2

I am easily shaken by distracting thoughts when I see a cutie. What should I do?

"Simply STOP giving Mental & Emotional Energy to all the things that Steal your Present Focus."

Page 17: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 18: Why I'm in the Game v2

I don’t always make strong eye contact. What should I do?

Now we were just talking about the importance of direct eye-contact in Razorjack's thread. She said the whole time he talked to her, he looked her directly in her eyes. She says, "I'm not doing that in a public place. Sorry." He says, "Either do it ... or say, '(his first name) ... it was a pleasure meeting you, but I need to leave now." She debated for like 3 or 4 minutes she said. Just when she was on the verge of leaving, she takes a chance and says, "Okay. I'll do it." And she DOES IT. Grabs his dick (through his pants) while they're at the bar seated on stools.

Page 19: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 20: Why I'm in the Game v2

Sometimes I walk behind the chic for minutes and at the end I don’t approach her. What should I do?

It's quite simple actually. I don't give myself time to think. I learned that skill in my three years of theater class when doing improv work. Nine times out of ten, I have no clue what I'm going to say or do. I just throw myself in there. And once you're in there, there's no time to think, only time to ACT. http://www.direct-method.com/archive/index.php/t-4026.html

Page 21: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 22: Why I'm in the Game v2

Often I don’t talk to a girl I’d like to. What should I do?

Have a mission in life. Know why you're here. If you don't yet know, your mission, starting now, is to ask yourself "What do I want out of this life?", and to write it down, edit, and keep writing until you absolutely know. Keeping that focus of what you want will allow few things to shake you, and is helpful to becoming imperturbable, which I've found is equivalent to grounding. This is absolutely fundamental and important not only for success and happiness with women, but with life. Know without a doubt what you want, and then settle for nothing less.

Page 23: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 24: Why I'm in the Game v2

I go into some approaches feeling low negative energy. What should I do?

It's one thing if you come on here and say, "I said 'XYZ' to ten women in the last six weeks, and all I received was highly insulting, extremely negative responses from women...." Then, you might have a halfway valid reason for second guessing your specific words or comments. But when you're anticipating "negative" responses and reactions, that's a bad sign. Like I said ... that means your ego is playing too big of a role in your desired approach.http://www.direct-method.com/showthread.php?t=1968&page=3

Page 25: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 26: Why I'm in the Game v2

Sometimes I follow a chic for minutes and end up not approaching her or even if I do, I am timid. What should I do?

3Under is on the mark here. I've talked to a lot of women about their perceptions about what makes a man seem "creepy," and the number one response I get is, "When it's obvious a man wants to express an interest in you (romantic or sexual), but he's not being forthright about it. He's 'beating around the bush' in a major way. That's when I think a guy is 'creepy' ...“


Page 27: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 28: Why I'm in the Game v2

Sometimes I follow a chic for minutes and end up not approaching her or even if I do, I am timid. What should I do?

If you have problems getting out of a Mode Three rut, the biggest thing you need to do is begin concentrating on exhibiting behavior that is more SELF-CONFIDENT and STRAIGHTFORWARD. Don’t concern yourself with women’s behavior TOWARDS YOU;Only concern yourself with your behavior TOWARDS WOMEN. Don’t even think about, or anticipate, whether or not you’re going to receive a “positive” or “negative” response from women. Concentrate only on expressing your true needs, desires, interests, and intentions. Let the response take care of itself.


Page 29: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 30: Why I'm in the Game v2

When I get in the set, I am not always in the moment. I feel nervous and try to end the set. What should I do?

Me, I love to see the excitement on the girls face when they speak about some hot guy they just met. They get that expression where they hold their breath, and their hand over their mouth as to almost hide away their exitement because it is almost too much. A girl told me about how it brightened her day, and whole week when some guy walked up to her in broad daylight and told her he liked her. She went home with him too, because they had a really cool vibe. I'm like "Haha, that's fun, some like-minded guy. They exist outside the direct boards too?" Would love to meet him I said Very Happy I had to kiss her, it is so beautiful this whole thing. http://www.createforum.com/thetruedirectbo/viewtopic.php?t=213&mforum=thetruedirectbo

Page 31: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.

Page 32: Why I'm in the Game v2

I keep looking for new tips, new ideas new techniques toget better with women and yet I feel it isnt helping.The more advice you read the more you fuck yourself up. The more you change yourself the more you ADD to yourself. Some people will tell you you should this. Others will say you shouldnt that. And you stupidly listen to all or some of them.

Then you get SOME effects in real life, some girls smile, then you get a number or even a kiss, you think thats cool, now you know WHAT TO DO TO TO HAVE IT AGAIN.

Does it work? hell no.

It is said again and again just be yourself, then you read oh I should do this and you change again, forgetting the best advice you got:

1. approach the most beautiful girls 2. be yourself

Page 33: Why I'm in the Game v2

I can easily have her if I choose to.I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE.