where does waldo work? t raining webinar sponsored by afp and hep june 23, 2010 terry handler, t....

Where Does Waldo Work? Training Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

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Page 1: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?Training Webinar

Sponsored by AFP and HEP

June 23, 2010

Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Page 2: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Learning Objectives

After participating in this session, you will be able to: Identify new opportunities for obtaining

employment information from your constituents Be able to approach vendors who have

employment information for your constituents Apply employment information more effectively in

advancing the mission of your organization Establish and improve matching gift information

internally and with your donors Increase your matching gifts income

Page 3: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

And why do I care??? Employment information is key in prospect

identification Many constituents may prefer to receive

information from your organization at their place of work

Employment information and contact numbers are critical for major gift fundraisers and relationship building

Employment information can help drive a more effective matching gift program

Page 4: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Who needs Waldo’s work information: Prospect Identification for Research, Major Gifts,

Volunteers and Members Major Gifts and Leadership programs to contact Annual Giving for Matching Gifts $ increases Corporate/Fdn to maintain, expand

relationships. Records to clean, connect, enhance value Gifts to identify, confirm and limit surprises

Page 5: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Sources of employment information Individual Employer Government Research Companies

Page 6: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Points of contact with individual for finding employment information Membership directories On-line communities Fellow constituents Events Telemarketing solicitations Social networking sites

Page 7: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Companies Fellow employees Professional directories Association membership

Page 8: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Government Tax records Real estate holdings Securities filings

Page 9: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Research companies With name, address, e-mail, research is possible

across many publicly available databases AlumniFinder (Lexis/Nexis) offers “People at Work”

Mines networking sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace)

Mines state and county records, probate, associations Corporate Affiliations (Lexis/Nexiis) provides work data

Over 1 million personnel names and titles HEP Data offers “Employer Find”

Mines more than 100 databases Meshes with their matching gift identification service

Page 10: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Refresh standards New data, content, locations

Setup and testing Workflow, update and management processes

Maturing needs Priorities and overlapping needs by user depts. Access and reporting

Cleaning and refreshing Consolidate resources, sources, techniques Communicate, participate and engage with users

Page 11: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Keep up with the sources

Page 12: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?

Keep up with the sources Electronic data sources and tools

Update data services, tools Use power of people

Projects and large updates Timing impact from and for depts Resources up front and in the plans

Ongoing and daily Prioritize, tie to business Enable data staff

Page 13: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Where Does Waldo Work?...... And is it a Matching Gift Company?

Finding Matching Gift Companies Donor Provided Information

Obtaining information from donors Approaches to encourage donors to find their

employers Services to Find Matching Gift Companies

Interactive services Online and look-up services Database matching services

Page 14: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Waldo’s E-Match Example - St. Jude Children’s Online Service (by HEP)

Page 15: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Example Tool to Find Matches - AutoMatch by HEP

Finds Matching Gift Eligible Donors by screening those not previously identified as match eligible against HEP’s database

Screens client files where client has employer information Hit rates average 4-12% over what they have

currently Newly released version of software

Page 16: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Example Service: AutoMatch

Totals & Statistics

Page 17: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Example Service: Employer Find

Finds Employer Information on 15-40% of a file when no client employer information is available

How it works Screen client files against ten+ databases

containing over 70+ million records Data comes from publicly available data and

databases including the internet Can then run that file using Automatch to

Find more matching gift eligible constituents Typical match for first time can be around 20%

Page 18: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Example Service: EmployerFind

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Effective pages – The Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®

Page 20: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

Waldo’s Summary Efforts to maintain current employment

information can benefit organizations in many ways

Individuals are the best source of employment information and should be solicited for this information at multiple points of contact

Companies are increasingly providing services that will research employment information for nonprofit organizations

Matching Gifts potential can be identified and increased with more employment data from donors and with help from resources like HEP

Page 21: Where Does Waldo Work? T raining Webinar Sponsored by AFP and HEP June 23, 2010 Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

THANK YOU!Waldo Works for a Matching Gift Company

Terry Handler, T. Handler Consulting

[email protected]


AFP - www.afpnet.org

HEP/AFP - www.hepdata.com/afp