what are the panopoly modules and what do they do

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What Are the Panopoly Modules and What Do They Do.


  • 5/19/2018 What Are the Panopoly Modules and What Do They Do.




    What Are the Panopoly Modules and What Do They Do?

    Last updated October 22, 2012. Created by populist[1]on June 21, 2012.

    Log in to edit this page[2].

    Panopoly Core- Bundles together the various modules in the Panels family to make sure every page and

    node is a panel and can be customized through the Panels IPE. This brings together Panels modules and

    CTools to build the base for the rest of the Panopoly suite. It includes features such as customizable date and

    time formats, and handles global breadcrumbs.

    Panopoly Widgets - Provides generic fieldable panels panes to be added to all panel pages. This allows

    images, files, text, spotlights, menus, videos, and maps to be added easily. You can add contexts directly

    from your Panel creation pages in a clean fashion, with an updated summary.

    Panopoly Demo- Provides the demonstration structure for the Panopoly suite. This includes the demo

    homepage with all its vegetables and the content to go with it. Uncheck this at install time to prevent thedemo from being installed.

    Panopoly Pages- Provides a general page content type that interacts with the main menu. Easily add items

    to the menu tree and customize each page with panelizer. You can create panelized variants right from the

    beginning with these features.

    Panopoly WYSIWYG - Provides a best practice TinyMCE rich text editor with a lot of different button

    types. The Mark It Up HTML editor is also provided, and is toggleable. If you want to change the

    configuration of your WYSIWYG through the administration menu under Administration > Configuration >

    Content Authoring > Wysiwyg profiles. From here, you can choose Edit next to either editor and add more

    buttons, change the default formatting, and other options. You can also delete the existing wysiwyg module,and choose a different one by following the instructions on the page.

    Panopoly Magic- Provides an updated design to the Panels IPE and manages default Panels configuration

    to make things work better out of the box. Allows each pane to be customized by setting the view mode,

    fields to display, title, number of items, and style plugin. Within this app are the pane UI improvements, live

    previews, view mode selection, additional styling changes, and much more.

    Panopoly Search- Provides either an Apache Solr or Drupal based search and allows the results page to be

    panelized. Also provides a featured image that can be used across the site to represent the page.

    Panopoly Images- Provides scaling for images and cropping functionality. Includes multiple image style

    presets, integration with media module (drupal.org/project/media), and responsive CSS logic for those image


    Panopoly Theme- Provides 26 different and responsive layouts to choose from. Adds a custom "featured"

    view mode to all nodes for different displays. See these in action in the Choose layout section of Panel

    creation. This also includes the @font-face integration and the Accordian Panels style plugin.

    Panopoly Admin - Provides several administrative dashboards and a custom content editing page to

    improve content management UX/UI. These include an Administrative dashboard, a content editing

    interface, an administrative user role, as well as content, user, and media administration pages.

    Panopoly Users- Help with creating user accounts and workflows. This includes improvements to the

    various user pages (login, password, and registration)

    Looking for support? Visit the Drupal.org forums[3], or join #drupal-support in IRC[4].

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