what are the cool new features on facebook insights - july 2013

www.the- loop.com What are the Cool New Features on Facebook Insights? Susanne Currid The Loop Digital Communications 30th July 2013 Find me on twitter: @susanne_currid

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July 2013 sees the roll out of an updated Facebook Insights section that gives Page admins the low-down on what works and what doesn’t on their Facebook Pages. To follow is a whistle-stop tour to guide you through many of the cool new features on offer.



What are the Cool New Features on Facebook Insights?Susanne CurridThe Loop Digital Communications

30th July 2013

Find me on twitter: @susanne_currid


July 2013 sees the rollout of an updated Facebook Insights section

that gives Page admins the low-down on what works and what doesn’t on

their Facebook Pages.

To follow is a whistle-stop tour to guide you through many of

the cool new features on offer.


When you first open the Admin Panel, you’ll see a star and yellow band to indicate your most successful posts. In the Insights panel below, you get a summary of your current Reach (people who saw your posts) and % change from previous week.


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE: As well as Page Likes and Reach statistics, the new Overview page provides you with new Engagement Statistics such as number of new Likes, new comments, shares and clicks on posts.


At the top of the Insights Page you can select tabs for ‘Page Likes’, ‘Post Reach’ and ‘Page Visits’. There is also a new option to view these stats for last week, month or quarter or chose up to 2 month date range.


I like this new ‘Benchmark’ feature which allows you to view average stats over current and previous periods.

Also click on any day on graph to see detailed popup of ‘Like’ and ‘Unlike’ sources.


New ‘Net Likes’ indicates how many real likes you’ve gained over time by subtracting ‘unlikes’ to give more realistic figure


Click anywhere in graph to see where your Page likes came from or view the various sources by using the menu on the right .


When you click on the previous ‘Where Your Page Likes Came From’ graph a pop-up window appears showing you where fans ‘liked’ your Page.


We’re also provided with more detail on the source of ‘Unlikes’ for your page.


The ‘Post Reach’ tab starts with a graph that shows how many people saw your posts each day. The new Benchmark numbers also enable you to see if your Average Reach is growing or not (i.e. People who saw your page per day).


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE: This new graph under the ‘Reach’ tab gives us more detail on likes, comments and shares and again there’s a Benchmark option to measure if your engagement levels are increasing overall.


If your content is switching people off you’ve now got more detail as to what measures they’ve taken to stop seeing your content.


IMPORTANT NEW STATISTIC: Total Reach let’s you know how many people in total have viewed any activity from your page on a particular day and again, provides a very useful Benchmark figure to measure your success by.


The Page Visits Tab provides existing data on visits to your page in a new graph format.


Mentions, posts by other people, check ins and offers purchased can also be viewed in the new graph layout under the Page Visits tab.


See where your Page visits have come from.


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURES: Your posts view has had a make-over with great new filter options that allow you to see reach by Fans and Non-Fans. ‘Post Clicks’ and ‘Likes, Comments and Shares’ have also been separated under the Engagement column making it easier to see those more valuable engagement actions.


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE: A new Engagement Rate drop down filter menu gives you added control on what to view.


Click on top of ‘Reach’ column to sort by highest or lowest figures.


Click on top of ‘Engagement’ column to sort by ‘Post Clicks’ or ‘Likes Comments & Shares’


A Post Statistics popup window provides more detail on each individual post with breakdown of Post Clicks by type and Negative Feedback numbers. To view this popup click on any post title in ‘Posts’ > ‘All Posts’.


Click on top of ‘Published’ column to sort by date. Click on ‘Boost Post’ to bring up your ‘Newsfeed Advertising’ options.


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE: See how many fans saw your posts any given day in the past week.


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE: See what time of day your fans are most likely to see your posts. If you select one of the days in the graph above you can also see most popular times for that particular day of the week. I think this is a fantastic new feature which will help businesses optimise how many people see their posts.


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE: Click anywhere on the graph to see exactly how people view your posts at a particular time (averaged out figure).


IMPORTANT NEW FEATURE: This ‘Best Post Type’ graph makes a strong visual case for using photos on your Facebook posts. Look at those engagement levels in comparison to other content!


This is a new feature that I have some issues with. Your demographics are compared to All Facebook averages. I’m guessing this is a global average as I know the figures I’ve seen for the UK indicate that 51.3% of Facebook users here are women. So I advise you take these comparisons with a pinch of salt.


The above comparison shows how one demographic group is significantly different to the Facebook demographic more generally. This could be read as an indication of good targeting.


The presentation of Geography data has not changed much but a new language column has been added.


This new graph enables you compare the people who saw your post against the reach you achieved with your page fans. Again we can see targeting in action with a greater reach in certain demographics with this business’s target audience. Plus there are opportunities indicated to boost new growth groups such as females 18-24yrs.


Click on the chart to see people you’ve reached versus your facebook fans in different demographics.


This new chart shows you the reach of your posts by country , city and by language of your fans.


This new graph indicates the percentage of engagement within different groups and also compares fans versus people who will have seen your content who are not fans.


This new graph indicates the number of people engaged within different locations. Keep an eye on these figures when you want to make sure you’re engaging successfully with people in your local area. This example Facebook page wants to reach out to an international audience, but this might not be always be desired.


You can now export ‘Page Level’ or ‘Post Level’ data to an Excel or .CSV file for further analysis.


Have you got any feedback or comments to this presentation?

Then I’d love to hear your comments at www.the-loop.com/blog

On Twitter at: @susanne_currid

On Facebook at: The Loop Digital Communications


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As a little extra, you can also download my new

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creating fresh content for your restaurant, bar or café social media at:www.the-loop.com/



For further advice and training on social media marketing for restaurants, bars, cafes and other small businesses

Contact: Susanne CurridEmail:[email protected]

Visit online: www.the-loop.comTwitter: @susanne_currid

LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/susannecurrid

Facebook: The Loop Digital Communications