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  • 8/3/2019 Weight Tng




    Gee, if we had read this maybe we wouldnt be in this shape.

    This booklet will take you away from the humdrum of your daily life. It will, in fact,inspire you to chart a new course, face new challenges, and most importantly to have faith in

    yourself. There are many myths and some just plain falsehoods dealing with weight loss and

    quick ways to get in shape. Im sure you have seen the info commercials where some tightly clad

    woman, without an ounce of fat, is demonstrating some new form of an exercise machine. In this

    case the old adage, that if it sounds to good to be true, it probably isnt fits.

    In the following pages you will learn how to separate the facts from the fiction. You will

    learn the very simple secrets to weight loss, muscle toning, weight training, aerobics, and

    running. Learning how your muscles react to stress and to rest, how to determine your training

    heart rate, and how to stretch properly are only a few of the benefits, you will gain from readingthis booklet.

    There are included in the appendixs, charts for developing a weight training routine and

    for showing you the major muscle groups in the body. I have also included a guide to follow for

    proper stretching and a chart that shows you the amount of exercise required to use the calories in

    the food you eat. If you would like to utilize Nautilus machines in your workouts there are guide

    sheets, with instructions, for using each one properly. There is also a chapter devoted to

    Exercise and Pregnancy, a thoughtful look at the ways to exercise while you are pregnant.

    From starting a walking program to bodybuilding you will find it all right here. How to

    eat the right foods to ways to change your eating habits for better performance. Best of all I am

    available to assist you in setting up your own fitness program. So, read ahead and take on the


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    The Beginning

    In order to understand how to establish your own physical fitness program you will needto understand the basic ingredients that make up a fitness program. You wouldnt thinkof baking a cake without the right ingredients and so in order to develop your own fitness

    program we will start by giving you all the right ingredients.

    What is physical fitness?It is the ability to perform work without undue stress or

    hardship with energy left over for unseen emergencies and for recreational activities. Many

    things in your life will improve once you regain some of that lost energy. Most people forget that

    it takes energy and endurance to enjoy their daily activities. Another added benefit, is the

    improvement in your self esteem by the way you look. Just imagine, if you will, that you are 20

    lbs. overweight. Then think of 20 one pound tubs of butter sitting on your dinning room table.Now, think about smearing all of that butter over your entire body. Gross? I would say so, but

    that is exactly what happens as we grow older, become more sedentary and have the financial

    capability to go out and eat more often.

    It is a little known fact that this process is known as, creping obesity. Each year we gain

    1-5 lbs. and never realize it until we grow out of that favorite dress or cant button our jeans. It is

    not good bad or indifferent, it just is a fact of life. You must remember in all of this, that as we

    grow older our metabolism slows down as we do and so even if we dont eat any more then we

    used to, it still piles on the extra weight.

    So, even as you start to exercise or diet, or both, a couple of things will also starthappening that you need to keep in mind. First and probably most import is once started to not

    step on a weight scale. The best way to judge how you are doing is to buy a skirt, or pair of jeans

    that is a size to small. Then try them on every other week or so. When you can fit into them you

    know your making progress. Remember the extra weight wasnt added on over night and it

    wont disappear over night either.

    Secondly, keep in mind that as you start an exercise program you will start to build lean

    body mass. This is heavier then body fat and is only made up of one molecule. So it is much

    smaller then one molecule of fat which is made up of three little fat cells. Even after you loose

    weight, these fat cells never go away, they just shrink in size. But they sit there and cry in the

    night, feed me, feed me. Then the first time you binge, for whatever reason, they will swell

    right back up and even create a few more fat cells. That is why you always gain more weight

    when you yo-yo diet. (Well talk more about this later.)

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    Components of Physical Fitness

    Muscular Strength

    The force a muscle or muscle group can exert during contraction.

    Muscular Endurance

    Is defined either as the length of time a muscle or muscle group can continue to exert

    force without fatiguing or the number of times a muscle or muscle group can repeatedly exertforce against a given resistance without fatiguing.

    Cardiovascular Endurance

    Aerobic fitness is the capacity of the heart-lung system to deliver blood and hence oxygen

    to the working muscles during sustained exercise.


    Is the range of motion possible about a joint or muscle group. An adequate degree of

    flexibility is important to prevent injury and to maintain body mobility.

    Body Composition

    Is the make up of the body using a two component model of lean body mass and body fat.

    Lean body mass consists of the muscles, bones, nervous tissue, skin, and organs. It represents

    the metabolically active part of the body that makes a direct and positive contribution to energy

    production during exercise. Body fat or, Adipose Tissue, represents body tissue that stores

    energy for use during exercise. But, otherwise does not contribute directly to exercise

    performance. Body fat is further classified into essential body fat and excess body fat.

    Essential body fat is that amount thought to be necessary for maintenance of life and

    reproductive functions. A total of 3-6% body fat is generally thought to be essential for men and

    8-12% for women. Excess body fat, or storage fat, is contained in the fatty deposits or fat pads

    found both under the skin (Subcutaneous Fat) and internally.

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    Exercise Principles


    Exercise must be performed regularly at least three times per week, each workout must

    produce a training effect. (Explained later)


    The duration and intensity of the exercise should be gradually increased over time in

    order to improve.


    The muscles and cardiorespiratory system must be given a work load that exceeds your

    normal demands placed on them.


    There must be a balance of both muscular strength/endurance and cardiorespiratory



    Performing specific exercises develops specific improvement.


    Adding different activities to an exercise program prevents boredom.


    The body must have time to replenish its fuel and return to its pre-exercise state.

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    Training Heart Rate

    In order to increase your cardiovascular endurance you must raise your heart rate to yourspecific training or target heart rate and maintain it there for a minimum of 20 minutes.You need to do this at least three times a week in order to achieve your goals. It does not matter

    what type of exercise you are performing, swimming, jogging, racquetball etc. If you do not raise

    your heart rate then you are not receiving the maximum benefit that you could achieve from your

    exercise period.

    Cardiovascular endurance is the true test of physical fitness. Have you ever looked at a

    power lifter, say at the Olympics, and a body builder and noticed the differences in body

    makeup? Because they train differently they will develop differently. Or, look at the bodycomposition between a long distance runner and a body builder.

    If you do not have the cardiovascular endurance to enjoy life, your kids, or grandchildren

    then you are truly missing out on life. During any physical activity you can measure your level of

    performance, simply by checking your training heart rate. In this way you will be able to ensure

    that you are getting the most out of your workout periods. If your heart rate is to high, then slow

    down the intensity of your workout. If your heart rate is to slow, then increase the intensity of

    your workout.

    How to Determine Your Training Heart RateFrom birth the maximum number of heart beats is set at 220 for men and 227 for women.

    We will use 220 as our base line for both men and women. The first step is to determine your

    maximum heart rate. For this you subtract your age from 220.

    220 minus your age equals your maximum heart rate (mhr)

    220 - your age = mhr

    The next step is to calculate your resting heart rate (rhr). The best way to do this is to

    check it first thing in the morning before you get up and start your day. You can get the bestaverage by taking your pulse for three consecutive mornings and finding the average. It is

    usually between 56 to 70 beats per minute. Check your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to

    find your resting heart rate.

    Mine is 60 beats per minute.

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    Now that you know your mhr (maximum heart rate) and your rhr (resting heart rate). The

    next item in the equation is to figure your heart rate reserve (hrr). Do this by taking your mhr and

    subtracting your rhr.

    hrr = mhr - rhr

    About here is the time to consider what shape your in and at what intensity level you want

    to work out at. Normally if your just starting a fitness program you might want to work out at

    about 60% of your hrr.

    Work Levels

    60% = beginner level

    70% = average level80% = advanced level

    Multiply this percentage by your hrr to obtain your workload level or wld.

    70% x hrr = wld

    The last step now is to add your rhr back to your wld and this will be your training heart


    wld + rhr = training heart rate

    If for example, you are 45 yrs old, subtract this from 220, which leaves you with amaximum heart rate (mhr) of 175 beats per minute (bpm). Next, subtract your restingheart rate (rhr), say 60 bpm, from your mhr (175 - 60 = 115). This is now your hrr, 115 bpm.

    You want to work out at the average level or 70%, so multiply it by your hrr, you get

    .70 x 115 = 80.5. 80.5 is your wld add this back to your rhr, 80.5 + 60 = 140.5 (round off) and

    your training heart rate is 140 bpm. In order to speed up checking your pulse divide your training

    heart rate by 6 and you get 23 bpm for a 10 second period of time.

    This makes it fairly easy to check how your performing during your workout period.

    Then its just a matter of slowing your pace down or picking it up slightly in order to receive the

    greatest benefit from your training period.

    Remember, if your goal is to increase your cardiovascular endurance, you must get

    your heart rate up to your training heart rate, and maintain it for a minimum of 20 - 30

    minutes three times a week.

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    The Easy Stretch Reduces Muscular Tightness and readies theTissues for the Developmental Stretch.

    Stretching is beneficial because, it relaxes your mind and tunes up your body. You willfind that regular stretching will do the following things for you:Reduce Muscle Tension

    Help in Coordination

    Increase Your Range of Motion

    Prevent Muscle Strains

    Warms up Muscles before Exercising

    Stretching is easy to learn. But, there is a right way and a wrong way to stretch. The right

    way is a relaxed, sustained stretch with your attention focused on the muscles being stretched.The wrong way is to bounce up and down, or to stretch to the point ofpain. Both of these

    methods can do more harm then good. When you stretch correctly and regularly, youll find that

    every movement you make becomes easier and more fluid. Remember, that anything worthwhile

    is worth working for.

    The Easy Stretch

    When you begin a stretch, spend 10-30 seconds in the easy stretch position. No,

    bouncing. Go to the point where you feel a mild tension and relax as you hold the stretch. The

    feeling of tension should subside as you hold this position. If the tension does not subside, ease

    off slightly and find a comfortable stretch and hold that.

    The Developmental Stretch

    After the easy stretch, move slowly into the developmental stretch. Again, no bouncing.

    Move a fraction of an inch further until you again feel a mild tension and hold for 30 seconds. Be

    in control. The developmental stretch fine tunes the muscles and increases flexibility. Your

    breathing should be slow, rhythmical and under control.

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    Therefore when you stretch too far, youtighten the very muscles you are trying tostretch.

    You must stop and hold each stretch so you can really feel whatis happening with each stretch position.

    If you are bending forward to perform a stretch, exhale as you bend forward and then

    breathe slowly as you hold the stretch. If a stretch position inhibits your natural breathing

    pattern, then you are obviously not relaxed. Just ease up on the stretch so that you can breathe

    naturally. At first, silently count the seconds for each stretch; this will insure that you hold theproper tension for a long enough time. After a while, you will be stretching by the way it feels,

    without the distraction of counting.

    Do not hold your breathe while stretching.

    The Stretch Reflex

    Your muscles are protected by a mechanism called the stretch reflex. Anytime you

    stretch the muscle fibers too far, by bouncing or over stretching, a nerve reflex responds by

    sending a signal to the muscles to contract. This keeps the muscles from being injured. Holding

    a stretch as far as you can go orbouncing strains the muscles and

    activates the stretch reflex. These

    harmful methods cause pain, as well

    as physical damage due to the

    microscopic tearing of muscle fibers.

    Many of us were conditioned in high

    school to the idea of no pain, no gain. But, dont be fooled. Stretching, when done correctly,

    is not painful. Learn to pay attention to your body, for pain is an indication that something is

    wrong. It is important to be aware of proper body alignment when stretching and to learn how to

    do each of the stretches in a way that is right for you.

    Lets start with the calf stretch, a stretch for the back of the lower leg and ankle (Fig 1).

    Face a wall or something you can lean on for support. Stand a little distance from this support

    and rest your forearms on the wall with your forehead on the back of your hands. Now bend one

    knee and bring it toward the support. The back leg should be straight with the foot flat and

    pointed straight ahead or slightly toed in.

    Now, without changing the position of your feet, slowly move your hips foreword as you

    keep the back leg straight and your foot flat. Create an easy feeling of a stretch in your calf

    muscle. Slowly come out of each stretch. Please, no jerky, quick or bouncing movements. Now

    stretch the other calf.

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    Figure 1

    Develop Your ability to Stretch by HowYou Feel and Not by how far you Can


    Hold an easy stretch for 20 seconds, then increase the stretch very slightly into a

    developmental stretch for 20-30 more seconds. Do not over stretch. To find this developmental

    stretch you may only have to bend forward a fraction of an inch more. Do not worry about how

    far you can go, your muscles will become more flexible as you learn how to stretch. A very

    slight distance in your bend may be all that is needed to reach the developmental phase.

    Remember we are all different.

    Many of these stretches should be held for 30-60 seconds. But, after awhile the time you

    hold each stretch will vary. Sometimes you may want to hod one longer because you are extra

    tight that day, or you are just enjoying the stretch. No two days are the same so you must gauge

    your stretching by how you feel. Learn to truly relax, control your breathing, and mostimportantly listen to your body, it will let you know when to bend that little bit farther.

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    The Groin Stretch (Fig 2)

    Figure 3

    Next sit on the floor. Put the soles of

    your feet together with your hands

    around your feet and toes. Be sure to

    keep your heels a comfortable

    distance from your crotch. Now

    gently pull your upper body forwarduntil you feel an easy stretch in your

    groin area. Hold an easy stretch for

    20 seconds. If you are doing it right,

    it will feel good; the longer you hold

    the stretch, the less you should feel it.

    If possible keep your elbows on the

    outside of your lower legs. This will help give the stretch position stability and balance.

    Do not initiate the movement forward from head and shoulders. This will round the

    shoulders and put pressure on your lower back. Be sure to concentrate on making the initial

    movement forward from your hips. Keep your lower back flat. Look in front of you. (Fig 3)

    After you feel the tension diminish slightly, increase the stretch by gently pulling yourself

    a little further into it. Now it should feel a bit more intense but not painful. Hold this for about

    25 seconds. If the stretch is right in this developmental phase, the feeling of tension should

    slightly decrease or stay the same the longer the stretch is held, but it should not increase.

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    Figure 4

    Figure 6

    Figure 5

    Next, straighten the right leg as you keep the left leg bent (Fig 4). The sole of the left foot

    should be facing the inside of the right upper leg. Do not keep the knee of the straight leg

    locked. Now, to stretch the back of the upper right leg (hamstrings) and left side of the lower

    back, bend forward from your hips until the slightest, easiest feeling of a stretch is created

    (Fig 5). Hold this easy stretch for 30 seconds.

    When you find what you think is the right

    stretch, touch the quadriceps of your right thigh to

    make sure that these muscles are relaxed. They

    should be spongy or soft, not tight or hard.

    To find the stretch, do not make the initial

    movement with your head and shoulders (Fig

    6). Do not try to touch your forehead to your

    knee. This will only encourage a backward tilt

    of the hips or pelvis and round your shoulders.

    Be sure to initiate the

    stretch from the hips.

    Keep your chin in a

    neutral position (not

    held upward or


    This will help keep the head and neck in a good position during the stretch. Keep shoulders and

    arms relaxed.

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    Figure 7

    Figure 8

    Be sure the foot of the

    leg being stretched is

    upright with ankle and

    toes relaxed. This willkeep you aligned

    through ankle, knee, and

    hip. Do not let your leg

    turn to the outside

    because this causes

    misalignment of the leg

    and hip. See Fig 7.

    Use a towel, if necessary, around the bottom of your foot to help you do this stretch. If

    you are not very flexible the towel will help greatly in creating and holding the right tension.After the feeling of the easy stretch has subsided, slowly go into the developmental stretch. To

    find this developmental stretch you may only have to bend forward a fraction of an inch.

    Now slowly come out of the stretch. Do the same stretch on the other side for the left

    hamstring and right side of your lower back. Remember to keep the front of your thigh relaxed

    and your foot upright with ankle and toes relaxed. Remember it takes time and personal

    sensitivity to stretch properly.

    Next lie on your back with the soles of your feet together. Let your knees fall apart relax

    your hips as you let gravity give you a very mild stretch in your groin area. Stay in this very

    relaxed position for 40 seconds. Really concentrate on letting go of any tension. Do not forceanything. The stretch feeling will be subtle and should happen naturally (Fig 8).

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    Figure 9

    Figure 10

    Slowly straighten both legs (Fig 9). With your arms overhead, reach with your arms and

    hands while you point your toes. This is an elongation stretch. Hold a controlled, good stretch

    for 5-10 seconds, then relax. Repeat 3 times. Each time you stretch, gently pull in your

    abdominal muscles to make the middle of your body thin. It stretches your arms, shoulders,

    spine, abdominals, intercostal muscles of your rib cage, feet, and ankles. This is an excellent,

    easy stretch to do first thing in the morning while still in bed.

    Next, bend one knee and gently pull it toward your chest until you feel an easy stretch.

    Hold it for 30-40 seconds. You may feel a stretch in your lower back and in the back of your

    upper leg. If you do not feel any stretch, dont worry about it. This is an excellent position for

    the entire body, good for the lower back and very relaxing wether you feel a stretch or not.

    Stretch both legs several times until you feel relaxed and comfortable (Fig 10).

    Remember, to develop Your ability to Stretch by How You Feel

    and not by How Far You can Stretch.

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    Stretching should become one of your daily habits. Learning how to stretchproperly while listening to your body will give you added flexibility.

    Stretching warms up your muscle groups for exercise, helps to tone yourbody and relieves tension.

    All good reasons why stretching should become a part of your fitnessroutine.

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    Exercise Physiology

    The versatility of human movement is staggering to consider. The construction of thebody allows an extraordinarily wide range of possible movements requiring complexmechanisms of neuromuscular coordination. Knowledge of human anatomy enables us to better

    understand which muscles and bones are used to perform specific movements. The human body

    is capable of movements requiring large bursts of energy over short periods, as well as

    movements requiring less energy sustained over a longer time period.

    Exercise physiology is the study of how the body functions during exercise. Such

    knowledge provides the basis for understanding how the body functions at rest, and how these

    functions change during exercise allowing the body to adapt to exercise training. While the body

    is at rest, physiological functions are largely in a state of equilibrium or balance. This state ofstability in the body is known as homeostasis.

    Although often defined as a stable state, homeostasis is not a static or unchanging state;

    rather, it is a dynamic state of being which requires the continuous production of energy and

    removal of metabolic waste products. A persons level of physical fitness largely determines the

    level of exercise intensity at which homeostasis can be established. In other words the physically

    fit person can establish relative homeostasis at a higher exercise intensity level then the less fit


    As mentioned earlier, there are several major components of physical fitness. Each

    component is of equal importance, and no one component should be emphasized over the others.The five components are health related as opposed to skill related. The development of a high

    degree of motor skill is sometimes confused with physical fitness, but these two attributes are not

    necessarily related to each other. A highly skilled person may have a low level of physical

    fitness, and the reverse may also be true.

    Heart Lungs & Blood

    Muscles produce energy by different processes. Some involve oxygen and some do not.

    Those that do we call aerobic, literally meaning with oxygen. Those that do not we call

    anaerobic, literally meaning without oxygen. For aerobic energy production to take place,oxygen first has to get to the muscles. It does this via the cardiovascular system, the heart, lungs

    and the network of vessels that route blood through the body. Every single hemoglobin molecule

    can seat four oxygen molecules. Since there are about 280 million hemoglobin molecules per red

    blood cell, each red blood cell can transport more then a billion molecules of oxygen.

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    The heart pumps about 80 million gallons of blood through your circulatory system

    during your lifetime. Depending on the bodys demand, it can push out from 5 to 35 liters per

    minute. Thats 5 to 37 quarts. Since the amount of oxygen that reaches your muscles depends a

    lot on how much and how fast your blood gets circulated, cardiac output has a major effect on

    your aerobic capacity. Cardiac output depends on two things: Stroke Volume and Frequency.

    Stroke volume is just what it sounds like, the amount of blood pumped out of the heart in

    a single stroke. Frequency is the number of strokes per minute, better known as your heart rate.

    Multiply stroke volume times frequency and you have the total amount of blood the heart pumps

    per minute.

    So, our oxygen molecules, which start out as one of the three main components of the air

    you breathe, flow into your lungs. There, the alveoli separate out the oxygen and pass it, by

    diffusion, to the hemoglobin molecules in the blood. The blood flows through the heart, which

    pumps it out to the muscles where its ready to be used in any of several aerobic energy

    production processes.

    ATP & Exercise

    Body cells require a continuous supply of energy in order to function. Ultimately, the

    food we eat supplies this energy. However, our cells do not directly use the energy released from

    the food we eat, rather they need a chemical compound called adenosine triphosphate or ATP.

    ATP is the immediately usable form of chemical energy needed for cellular function, including

    muscular contraction. The foods we eat are made up of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The

    process of digestion (Fig 1) breaks down these nutrients into their simplest components (glucose,

    fatty acids, and amino acids), which are absorbed into the blood and transported to metabolicallyactive cells such as muscle, nerve, and liver cells.

    There these components either enter a metabolic pathway to produce ATP, or they are

    stored in body tissues for later use. Some of the ATP formed is used immediately to carry on

    cellular function, and some is stored in the cells for future use. Most food energy is stored in

    some other form, however, because the bodys storage capacity for ATP is quite limited. At any

    time, though, you only have about 3 ounces of ATP distributed throughout your cells. Thats

    roughly enough to fuel a 6-second sprint. So how can you run an 8-second sprint? Or a 400

    meter? Through several physiological processes, carbohydrates, fat, and protein continuously

    participate in the creation of new ATP.

    Excess carbohydrates can be stored as glycogen in muscle or liver cells, and fats that are

    not immediately used for energy production can be stored as adipose tissue (fat deposits). In

    contrast, relatively little of the protein we eat is used for energy production. Instead, it is used

    primarily for the growth or repair of cellular structures, or it is excreted in our waste products.

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    Figure 2

    Creatine phosphate (CP) is another high energy phosphate compound found in close

    association with ATP. When the high energy phosphate bond in CP is broken down, the released

    energy is immediately used to re-synthesize ATP from the available products of ATP breakdown.

    Consequently, as rapidly as ATP is broken down for muscular contraction, it is reformed from

    ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and P (the third phosphate group broken off from ATP) by the

    energy released from the breakdown of CP.

    The total amount of ATP and CP stored in the muscle is very small, and thus the amount

    of energy available for muscular contraction is extremely limited. In fact, there is probably

    enough energy available from the phosphagens for only about 10 seconds of all out exertion.

    However, this energy is instantaneously available for muscular contraction.

    Anaerobic Production of ATP

    The anaerobic production of ATP is required when energy is needed to perform activities

    requiring large bursts of energy over slightly longer periods. Here, mechanical work (muscular

    contraction) is performed so rapidly or intensely that the cardiorespiratory system cannot supply

    enough oxygen to the working muscles to meet the demand, and STP must be produced in the

    absence of oxygen. Since anaerobic means without the presence of oxygen, the anaerobic

    production of ATP without oxygen produces a by-product called lactic acid which causes muscle

    soreness if not removed from the muscle.

    The anaerobic production of ATP is called anaerobic glycolysis. This metabolic pathway

    occurs within the cell and involves the breakdown of glucose or glycogen, the storage form of

    glucose, to ATP with the liberation of lactic acid (LA) as a metabolic by product:

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    Glucose ----> 2 ATP + 2 LA + Heat

    This formula indicates that 1 unit of glucose (the digested component of carbohydrate

    foods, or glycogen) breaks down without the presence of oxygen to yield 2 units of ATP and 2

    units of lactic acid. Some energy is always lost in the metabolic process and is represented in the

    formula by heat.

    The formation of lactic acid poses a significant problem because it is associated with

    muscle fatigue. If the removal of lactic acid by the circulatory system cannot keep pace with its

    accumulation in the active muscles, temporary muscular fatigue occurs with painful symptoms

    usually referred to as the burn. Thus, anaerobic glycolysis can only be used to a limited extent

    during sustained activity.

    Aerobic Production of ATP

    The aerobic production of ATP is used for activities requiring sustained energy

    production. Since aerobic means in the presence of oxygen, aerobic metabolic pathways require

    a continuous supply of oxygen. Without oxygen, these mechanisms fail and ATP is no longer

    produced. In the aerobic metabolism of carbohydrates, glucose is broken down in the presence of

    oxygen to yield 38 units of ATP, carbon dioxide, water and heat.

    This metabolic pathway, called aerobic glycolysis, occurs within the mitochondria,

    specialized structures within the cell. Mitochondria contain specific enzymes needed by the cell

    to utilize oxygen. Therefore, this highly efficient metabolic process is limited mainly by the

    cardiorespiratory systems ability to deliver oxygen to the active tissues. Aerobic pathways are

    also available to break down fatty acids for the production of ATP.

    This metabolic pathway, called fatty acid oxidation, also occurs within the mitochondria

    and requires a continuous supply of oxygen. The aerobic metabolism of fat yields a large amount

    of ATP, and therefore, fat is said to have a high caloric density. A calorie is a unit of heat

    energy. Fat yields 9 kilo calories of energy per gram compared to 4 kilo calories of energy per

    gram of glucose. In other words, fat provides an excellent source of stored energy.

    During rest, the body uses both glucose and fatty acid for energy production via aerobic

    pathways. The cardiorespiratory system can easily supply the oxygen necessary for this low level

    of energy metabolism. With exercise, however, supplying the required oxygen quickly enough

    becomes more difficult. Because glucose metabolism utilizes less oxygen than fatty acidmetabolism, the body will use more glucose for energy production and less fat as exercise

    intensity increases. Significant amounts of fatty acid will only be used to produce energy when

    relatively low intensity exercise is sustained over a long period, 20 minutes or more.

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    With low intensity, long duration exercise, aerobic metabolism usesfatty acids as the fuel source. With higher intensity shorter duration

    exercise, the primary fuel source for aerobic metabolism is glucose.

    As you come to understand how this process works, you can see the importance of a

    proper diet. If your goal is a two fold one, that is, both to lose weight and to improve your

    cardiovascular endurance. Then it stands to reason that a longer duration exercise will

    accomplish your goals.

    At least three times a week, maintaining your training heart rate for a minimum of 20

    minutes and preferably 30 minutes. The process of adding the extra baggage to your body was along one and the process for taking it off will be just as long. There is no quick fix.

    In summary, thanks to whatever pasta, bread or other carbohydrates you have eaten over

    the past few days, you have about 375 to 475 grams worth of carbs stored in body.

    < Roughly 325 grams are stored as glycogen, a simple sugar, in your


    < Another 90 to 110 grams are stored, also as glycogen, in your liver.

    < The remaining 15 to 20 grams are floating around as glucose in yourblood.

    Each of these grams of carbohydrate contains 4 calories of energy. Which means you

    have roughly 1500 to 2000 calories available from your carb stores, or about enough to power a

    20 mile run.

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    Remember, fat weighs less then lean bodymass, but it is three times larger then leanbody mass.

    If you eat a high carb diet for a few days, you can double that to a maximum of about 15

    grams per kilogram of body weight. About 1100 grams for the average male adult. If theres

    enough oxygen to produce ATP aerobically then for every molecule of glucose you put in, youll

    get about 36 molecules of ATP out, via a process called aerobic glycolysis. If, on the other hand,

    there isnt enough oxygen around and the ATP is produced from carbohydrates, anaerobically

    (without oxygen) your yield is not so great.. For each molecule of glucose you put in, you onlyget 2 molecules of ATP out, via a process called anaerobic glycolysis.

    Anaerobic glycolysis provides the ATP for most of the energy you use. It remains the

    primary ATP source for about 3 to 5 minutes, about the time it takes for your cardiovascular

    system to get up to speed and to provide oxygen to your muscles in order to produce ATP

    through aerobic glycolysis. Aerobic production of ATP is used for activities requiring sustained

    energy production. You receive about 40% to 50 % of your energy needs through aerobic

    glycolysis for the first 20 minutes of your exercise period. Then that amount will fall off until at

    about the four hour mark you are only receiving about 5% of your total energy demands from this


    Lets not belabor where your body gets its fat stores. Suffice it to say that, at 9 calories

    per gram, a gram of fat contains more than twice the potential energy of a gram of carbohydrate.

    The average adult male carries about 15% of his weight in fat. That means hes got about

    100,000 available calories in his fat stores. Fat is turned into ATP in two ways. First, a small

    part of each fat molecule can be converted anaerobically to glucose. Which in turn can be

    dumped into the carbohydrate burning processes we discussed earlier to produce ATP. Secondly,

    in the presence of enough oxygen, a different part of the single fat molecule can be processed to

    yield a whopping 441 molecules of ATP. In other words, fat provides an excellent source of

    stored energy, but takes longer exercise periods to use up.

    Fat metabolism provides upwards of 90% of the ATP you need at rest and is responsible

    for about 50% to 60% of the ATP required during the first 20 minutes of exercise. Then rises to

    about 80% after about 4 hours of continuous exercise. Because glucose metabolism utilizes less

    oxygen than fatty acid metabolism, the body will use more glucose for energy production and

    less fat as exercise intensity increases. Significant amounts of fatty acid will only be used to

    produce energy when relatively low intensity exercise is sustained over a long period i.e. 30

    minutes or more.

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    Finally, with low intensity, long duration exercise, aerobic metabolism uses fatty acids as

    the fuel source. With higher intensity shorter duration exercise, the primary fuel source for

    aerobic metabolism is glucose. These three sources of fuel could be compared to the gears in a

    car, first gear gets you going (creatine phosphate), second gear you accelerate (anaerobic

    glycolysis) and third gear you cruise along (aerobic glycolysis, beta oxidation).

    In a nutshell, the longer you train, the more fat burned. The higher the intensity,

    the more carbs you burn as an energy source.

    So, Dont Become a Couch Potato

    Get Up and Get Started Today!!!

  • 8/3/2019 Weight Tng



    Muscle Physiology

    Muscles are composed of bundles of fibers (cells) held together by connective tissue.The contractile machinery of muscle is located at the cellular or fiber level. Eachmuscle fiber contains hundreds of tubular structures called myofibrils. Each myofibril, in turn,

    contains contractile proteins called myofilaments. There are two types of myofilaments: actin

    and myosin.

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    Our muscles are composed of several kinds of fibers that differ in their ability to utilize

    the metabolic pathways. Fast twitch (FT) fibers do not have a finely developed oxygen delivery

    system, but they are equipped with an outstanding capacity for ATP storage and a high capacity

    for anaerobic glycolysis. Therefore, fast twitch fibers are specialized for anaerobic metabolism.

    They are used (recruited) predominantly for rapid, powerful movements such as jumping,

    throwing and sprinting.

    Slow twitch (ST) fibers, on the other hand, are exceptionally well equipped for oxygen

    delivery and have a high quantity of aerobic or oxidative enzymes. Although they do not have a

    highly developed mechanism for ATP storage or anaerobic glycolysis, ST fibers have a large

    number of mitochondria and consequently, are particularly well designed for the aerobic

    metabolic pathways of aerobic glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation. These fibers are recruited

    primarily for low intensity, longer duration activities such as walking, jogging and swimming.

    Persons who excel in activities characterized by sudden bursts of energy, but who tire

    relatively rapidly, probably have a high percentage of fast twitch fibers. Persons who are best at

    lower intensity, endurance activities probably have a large percentage of slow twitch fibers.Most people have roughly equal percentages of both fiber types. There are also a number of

    intermediate muscle fibers that have a fairly high capacity for both fast anaerobic and slow

    aerobic movements.

    Muscle fiber distribution, fast twitch, intermediate, or slow twitch, is determined by

    genetic makeup. This is not to say, however, that metabolic capacity is unresponsive to activity

    lifestyle. All three types of muscle fibers are highly trainable. That is they are capable of

    adapting to the specific metabolic demands placed on them. If a person regularly engages in low

    intensity endurance activities, improvement is seen in aerobic capacity. Although all three types

    of muscle fibers will show some improvement in aerobic ability, the ST fibers will be most

    responsive to this kind of training and will show the largest improvement in aerobic capacity. If,on the other hand, short duration, high intensity exercise like interval training is pursued, other

    metabolic pathways will be emphasized, and the capabilities of the FT fibers to perform

    anaerobically will be enhanced. ST fibers will be less responsive to this kind of training.

    The muscle is entirely surrounded by connective tissue and extends from the tendon,

    which connects the muscle to the bone. Various sublayers of connective tissue divide each

    muscle into bundles of individual muscle cells. The connective tissues provide an important

    element of strength and structural integrity to the muscular system and are thought to be involved

    with delayed muscle soreness.

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    An individual muscle cell is composed of many threadlike protein strands called

    myofibrils which contain the contractile proteins. The basic functional unit of the myofibril is

    the sarcomere. Within the sarcomere are two protein myofilaments; the thick myofilament is

    myosin, and the thinner myofilament is actin. The myosin and actin myofilaments are arranged

    to interact in a prescribed, regular way, revealing a pattern of alternating light and dark bands or

    striations within the sarcomere. Tiny projections called cross bridges extend from the myosinmyofilaments toward the actin myofilaments.

    According to the sliding filament theory, muscular contraction occurs when the cross

    bridges extending from the myosin myofilaments attach (or couple) to the actin myofilaments

    and pull them over the myosin myofilaments. As the cross bridges produce tension, the muscle

    shortens. The actual muscle shortening occurs as the actin myofilaments are pulled toward the

    center of the sarcomere, and the sarcomere shortens. The coupling of myosin and actin and the

    shortening process depend on the breakdown of ATP for energy.

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    Exercise and You

    Exercise produces many different results. Bodybuilding can increase muscle tone,speed of contraction and flexibility. More demonstrably, bodybuilding increasesmuscle size and strength. Muscle becomes stronger via bodybuilding through two basic

    mechanisms. Through exercise, you obtain better fiber motor unit recruitment through nerves.

    with training you are able to use more muscle and you may use it more efficiently. Muscle also

    becomes stronger through individual fiber hypertrophy. Exercise increases the cross sectional

    diameter of each muscle myofibril. There also are indications that advanced bodybuilding

    induces muscle hyperplasia, or splitting of muscle fibers.

    As individual muscle fibers hypertrophy and or increase their numbers, the muscle

    enlarges. Contraction itself serves as in inducement for the nuclei of the muscle cells to drawprotein into each muscle fiber involved in the work. Each person has a built in genetic capability

    to build muscle. However, no one has been able to measure this, or to make any reliable

    predictions about potential size or strength building propensities. It can be assumed that each

    person, though, has a specific muscle pattern, just as each of us has an ability to attain a certain

    fixed height and bone structure. Such being the case, its no wonder that the human body resists

    changes in its muscular configuration. You have to exercise very hard to build the muscle up.

    Once you stop, your muscles very quickly return to their original state. Exercise induced muscle

    size is not permanent, repeat not permanent. You must continue to stress the muscle to keep it

    large and strong.

    A long-distance runner, if he runs long enough at suitable intensities, will lower hisresting heart rate significantly as well as enlarge his heart ventricles. His heart beats slower and

    with each beat pushes out more blood (stroke volume). However, should the runner discontinue

    his exercise, his heart rate will start to increase almost immediately and the stroke volume

    gradually returns to its genetic state. The process of slow gain and rapid loss is not, therefore,

    confined to bodybuilders.

    In normal., everyday activities, a mature man and woman use a very small percentage of

    their overall muscle fibers. If a greater-than-normal physical stress is placed upon the muscles,

    such as lifting a heavy barbell 10 times, more muscle fibers are required to move the load.

    Through a series of complex chemical and physical events, the contraction of the individual

    fibers, as well as the actual microscopic damage to muscle cells, causes the individual fibers, as

    well as the individual cell nuclei to command cell ribosomes to synthesize more protein to be

    inducted into the muscle fibers. Protein, as well as repair cells, is incorporated into the muscle

    filaments, causing them to thicken. Once the stimuli is removed, however, the new muscle will

    lose its thickness or new mass.

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    Muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility can be altered with regular exercise.

    Muscular strength refers to the maximal tension or force produced by a muscle or muscle group.

    Strength is usually measured by determining how much weight can be lifted in a single effort.

    The one repetition maximum (1RM) test is determined through a trial and error procedure using

    either free weights or special machines.

    To improve strength, training intensity should be high. The number of repetitions of each

    lift or movement should be kept relatively low, and the movements should be performed

    carefully at a controlled speed so that there is a consistent application of force throughout the

    movement. Movements requiring strength are performed primarily by the fast twitch muscle

    fibers and are anaerobic. That is, muscular strength training movements do not require a high

    level of aerobic capacity because the movements use anaerobic metabolism.

    Endurance refers to the ability to repeatedly contract a muscle or muscle group against

    resistance. Tests of muscular endurance usually involve selecting a fixed percentage of the

    maximum strength, for example, 70% of the 1RM, and counting the number of repetitions thatcan be completed without resting. Sit-ups or pull-ups are examples of muscular endurance tests,

    not of strength tests as often thought. This form of training is most specific to aerobic

    metabolism and slow twitch muscle fibers and motor units.

    Flexibility refers to the range of motion possible about a joint over which a muscle or

    group of muscles span. Range of motion can be limited by the bony structure of a joint, the

    ligamentous structure of a joint, or the structure of the muscles spanning the joint. The only

    desirable way that range of motion can be altered is by gently stretching the structures controlling

    the movement of the joint. Sometimes these structures can become extremely taut, causing a

    reduction in the normal range of motion. Stretching exercises performed before and after an

    exercise session help to prevent soreness and also to relieve soreness when it does occur.

    Exercise produces many different results. Bodybuilding can increase muscle tone, speed

    of contraction and flexibility. More demonstrably, bodybuilding increases muscle size and


    Muscle becomes stronger via bodybuilding through two basic mechanisms:

    * Through exercise, you obtain better fiber motor unit recruitment through nerves.

    With training you are able to use more muscle and you may use it more efficiently.

    * Muscle also becomes stronger through individual fiber hypertrophy. Exercise increases

    the cross-sectional diameter of each muscle myofibril. There also are indications that

    advanced bodybuilding induces muscle hyperplasia, or splitting of muscle fibers.

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    As individual muscle fibers hypertrophy and/or increase their numbers, the muscle

    enlarges. Contraction itself serves as an inducement for the nuclei of the muscle cells to draw

    protein into each muscle fiber involved in the work. There is now actual evidence for a repair

    process in heavily exercised muscle fibers where specialized cells called stem cells migrate and

    literally patch damaged muscle cells. Together with protein induction, muscle fibers

    hypertrophy. All these processes are under the direction of the various muscle cell nuclei.

    Each person has a built-in genetic capability to build muscle. However, no one has been

    able to measure this, or to make any reliable predictions about potential size or strength-building

    propensities. It can be assumed that each person, though, has a specific muscle pattern, just as

    each of us has an ability to attain a certain fixed height and bone structure.

    Such being the case, its no wonder that the human body resists changes in its muscular

    configuration. You have to exercise very hard to build the muscle up. Once you stop, your

    muscles very quickly return to their original state. Exercise-induced muscle size is not

    permanent. Repeat, not permanent!! You must continue to stress the muscle to keep it large and


    A long-distance runner, if he runs long enough at suitable intensities, will lower his

    resting heart rate significantly as well as enlarge his heart ventricles. His heart beats slower and

    with each beat pushes out more blood (called stroke volume).

    However, should the runner discontinue his exercise, his heart rate starts to increase

    almost immediately and the stroke volume gradually returns to its genetic state. The process of

    slow gain and rapid loss is not, therefore, confined to bodybuilders.

    In normal, everyday activities, a mature men and women use a very small percentage of

    their overall muscle fibers. If a greater-than-normal physical stress is placed upon the muscles,such as lifting a heavy barbell 10 times, more muscle fibers are required to move the load.

    Through a series of complex chemical and physical events, the contraction of the individual

    fibers, as well as the actual microscopic damage to muscle cells nuclei to command cell

    ribosomes to synthesize more protein to be inducted into the muscle fibers. Protein (as well as

    repair cells) is incorporated into the muscle filaments, causing them to thicken. Once the stimuli

    are removed, however the new muscle will begin the process of returning to its normal size.

    All in all you must choose the type of activity/exercise that you will stay with in order to

    maintain the type of body that you want. Once begun the exercise routine will help to keep you

    in the shape that you truly want to be in. But it has to be something that you like, something that

    you will stay committed to, in order to maintain your health.

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    Guidelines for AGood Running Program

    When we talk about equipment for running/jogging, the most important item is shoes.

    The foot is a very delicate instrument, which consists of 25% of the bones in your body. Most of

    these 26 bones are very small and fragile, but they must support 3 to 5 times your body weight

    when you run.

    Many problems concerning the knees, hips and lower back can be caused by the foot.

    Some people feel if they are just starting a fitness program they do not need correct

    running shoes. We normally start a jogging program because we want to improve our fitnesslevel and lose weight. In turn, you will be putting a lot of stress on the small fragile bones in

    your feet. To prevent hip, knee and back injuries and to keep your feet in proper running order it

    is imperative that you not only purchase a good pair of running shoes but purchase ones that are

    right for you.

    Running can be an activity for the whole family. It is free, has no restrictions or

    limitations (except for extreme weather conditions). It may be done to help promote a feeling of

    well-being or to burn off extra calories and lose weight. Running helps reduce mental and

    physical tension and can be enjoyed for a lifetime. When you start a running program, your main

    concern is to run correctly. By correctly, I do not mean to copy someone elses style, but to learn

    the basic techniques of running and put them into practice. Develop your own style and let ithappen naturally, remembering that SPEED is not important.

    Do not force your breathing. Breathe through both mouth and nose. Your head should be

    balanced between shoulders with your eyes focused a few yards ahead. Set a rhythm to your

    stride, by taking two short breathes in and then two short breathes out. In other words, each time

    your heel hits the ground breathe (heel) IN....(heel) IN then (heel) Exhale.....(heel) Exhale.

    This way you can pick up the pace easily enough by just taking longer strides and deeper

    breathes, keeping your rhythm the same (two in....two out). In this way your breathing sets your

    pace and allows you to run without undue fatigue.

    Always run heel to toe with the inner borders of your feet falling along a straight line.

    This straight ahead position will help keep knee and foot aligned so your weight can be evenly

    distributed on the bottom of your foot.

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    Remember to stretch correctly, before exercising,

    improper stretching is worse then no stretching atall and leads to injuries.

    When you are running you may feel the top of your shoulders becoming right and tense.

    This means you are losing upper body rhythm. When this happens relax your shoulders

    downward and think of weights hanging from your elbows. This keeps your elbows from

    flashing out and your shoulders from tensing up. The more you concentrate on relaxing your

    shoulders and arms, the more natural and rhythmical your running will be.

    To help develop rhythm and a pace in running, practice lifting your knee and pushing off

    with your toes with each stride. Consciously lift your knee, then use your foot and toes to grab

    the ground beneath you. Then concentrate on throwing the ground behind you, using your toes to

    push off. Be sure to use heel-to-toe foot placement.

    After you stretch, slowly warm up by starting to run at a very slow pace, an easy jog.

    Give your muscles time to warm up and for your oxygen transport system time to get oxygen to

    your muscles to produce energy. If you start out running at a fast pace then you will build up a

    large oxygen deficit and you will have to stop sometime to pay it back. Once your oxygen

    transport system is working, 2-3 minutes, you can then pick up your pace. When you finish your

    run make sure you do an active cool-down to flush the lactic acid out of your muscles. This isthe by product of the anaerobic production of energy in your muscles and it is important to rid

    your muscles of this or you will feel sore.

    Running is like most things in that once you start a program you will need to set a

    schedule and keep to it. Run at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes at your

    training heart rate. If you have never jogged in your life but would like to start, follow the

    general 12 week program listed on the following page.

    Once you start and maintain a fitness program for about 4 to 6 weeks, it will become

    habit forming. This is the point when you will start to notice the effects of your efforts.

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    DA Y


    DA Y


    DA Y






    15 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN


    FOR 17 MIN.

    W ALK 15 M IN. W ALK 5 M IN.

    JOG 1 MIN


    FOR 17 MIN

    W ALK 15 M IN W ALK 5 M IN

    JOG 1 MIN


    FOR 17 MIN



    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 3 MIN


    FOR 21 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 3 MIN


    FOR 21 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 3 MIN


    FOR 21 MIN



    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN

    WALK 6 MIN

    JOG 4 MIN


    FOR 26 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    ]JOG 1 MIN

    WALK 6 MIN

    JOG 4 MIN


    FOR 26 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN

    WALK 6 MIN

    JOG 4 MIN


    FOR 26 MIN



    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN

    WALK 3 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN


    FOR 30 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN

    WALK 3 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN


    FOR 30 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN

    WALK 3 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN


    FOR 30 MIN



    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 5 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 5 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

    JOG 2 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 5 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN



    W ALK 30 M IN WALK 4 M IN

    JOG 6 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN

    W ALK 30 M IN W ALK 4 M IN

    JOG 6 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN

    W ALK 30 M IN W ALK 4 M IN

    JOG 6 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN



    W ALK 30 M IN WALK 4 M IN

    JOG 6 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 10 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 4 MIN

    JOG 6 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 10 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 4 MIN

    JOG 6 MIN


    FOR 35 MIN



    W ALK 30 M IN WALK 2 M IN

    JOG 1 MIN


    FOR 32 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 15 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 2 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN


    FOR 32 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 15 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 2 MIN

    JOG 1 MIN


    FOR 32 MIN



    W ALK 30 M IN WALK 1 M IN

    JOG 30 SEC


    FOR 35 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 20 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 1 MIN

    JOG 30 SEC


    FOR 35 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    JOG 20 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 1 MIN

    JOG 3-0 SEC


    FOR 35 MIN



    W ALK 45 M IN W ALK 15 M IN W ALK 5 MIN

    JOG 20 MIN

    WALK 15 M IN W ALK 5 M IN

    JOG 20 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN



    WALK 5 MIN


    WALK 15 M IN W ALK 5 MIN


    WALK 15 M IN WALK 5 M IN


    WALK 15 MIN



    W ALK 45 M IN W ALK 15 M IN W ALK 5 MIN

    JOG 30 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 15 M IN W ALK 5 M IN

    JOG 30 MIN

    WALK 5 MIN

    WALK 15 MIN

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    On days that you walk/jog in alternating periods end your workout with a 5 min. walk.

    These are generally the second, fourth and sixth days of each week. This jogging program should

    be adapted to your individual needs. Substitute brisk walking for jogging when desired. Just as

    long as you perform an active cool down performing the same type of activity as your exercise


    Once you have accomplished the goals of the first 12 weeks, you should level off at this

    plateau for 4 weeks in order to fulfill the last part of the fitness definition. After an additional

    month of successful jogging you may find you want to increase your distance, pace or both. But,

    remember the most important part of any exercise program: Do Something You Enjoy!!!

    A rule of thumb is to increase your distance by no more than 10% or a mile a week. After

    making any increase stay at this new level for at least 2-4 weeks before making any more

    changes. It is always better to increase your distance instead of your speed.

    Another good method to increase fast twitch motor muscles is to insert Fartlek training at

    least once or twice a week or to perform 1/4 mile wind sprints. Fartlek training is performed bystarting out slowly, then after 2-3 minutes pick a starting point (mailbox, telephone pole etc) then

    pick up your pace for a short/medium/long distance (your choice), then slow back down and pay

    back the oxygen deficit; use an easy jog for awhile, and then perform the same ritual again

    varying the distance/pace that you use. Remembering to always slow back down for a short

    period of time and pay back the oxygen deficit from your increased speed/distance run. Continue

    doing this for the distance that you are running for this day, 3-5-10 miles.

    Your 1/4 mile wind sprints are the same except that you will want to use a stop watch and

    time the speed-up/slow-down periods. The first jog around the track is a warm-up and the last

    one is used as a cool-down. Lets say that your desire is to run a 14 minute 2 mile. This means

    your fast time around the track should be 1 min 45 sec. Your initial warm-up jog should take you3 times this or 5 min. (yes, this will seem really slow, but trust me by the end of this exercise

    period you will be glad it is). Once, you come around to your starting point take off,

    remembering to time yourself so that you are back at the start point in 1 min 45 sec. Then slow

    down and perform your slow jog of 5 min around the track to pay back your oxygen deficit.

    Arriving back at your starting point take off again, ensuring to time your trip around the track to

    arrive back at the starting point in 1 min 45 sec. Perform this ritual until you have run 6 fast runs

    and 8 slow runs (one warm-up & one cool-down).

    Make sure that you only perform your wind sprints and or fartlek training only once a

    week. Performing this type of training program more then once a week will only defeat the

    building up of fast twitch motor muscles. Within 30 days you should be able to run your 14

    minute 2 mile run. Jogging a distance of 10 miles 3 times a week will give you the best overall

    cardiovascular endurance training and will use up all of the carbohydrates that you have eaten in

    the past 24-36 hours. If your desire is to lose weight then this is for you, even if at first you have

    to run some/walk some but finishing the complete 10 miles.

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    Strength Overview

    Do not train alone, if you can help it, for two reasons, mainly motivation and safety.Always breathe when lifting. It is a very important part of your training.

    Exhale, during the positive portion of any exercise movement and Inhale on the negative portion

    of the repetition.

    Always try and work Antagonistic muscle groups. That is working muscles that compliment

    each other (opposite muscle groups) i.e. Pectoral muscles (chest) first then the Rhomboids

    (back). This way muscles will gain proportional strength as you exercise.

    Always exercise in a full range of motion by beginning from a pre-stretched position and ending

    in a fully contracted position.

    Remember that form and control of the weight are the two most important

    aspects of your weight training.

    Use the cadence of a quick one, two count for all concentric (positive) actions and a slow four

    count for all eccentric (negative) actions.

    When first starting out in a weight lifting program, begin with a relatively light weight (approx

    50% of your maximum weight for that exercise) and increase slowly until you find the weight

    that will cause muscle failure between 8-12 repetitions.

    Muscle failure refers to that point during an exercise when you fail to perform or complete a

    specific repetition through a full range of motion.

    PRE refers to progressive resistance exercise and means that the amount of weight you lift should

    periodically increase to adjust to your new strength gains.

    You do not have to perform more then one set of any exercise to obtain maximum gains in

    muscle strength and mass if you perform each exercise to muscle failure and it is performed in

    the correct manner. In fact if you perform multiple sets of the same exercise, and go to muscle

    failure during each set you will ultimately lose strength instead of gaining strength.

    This is true because your body cannot fully recover from multiple sets of

    properly executed exercises.

    We will discuss the different methods of weight training to achieve your goals later on.

  • 8/3/2019 Weight Tng



    Weight TrainingFundamentals

    Safety: Strength training is an activity in which the incidence of injury is very low. The

    opportunity for injury is always present, but by observing proper training techniques and using

    common sense, injuries can be avoided.

    Warm-Up: Before initiating your workout you should consider a brief warmup period of

    stretching. Your personal need for a warm-up will determine the value of one and it may or may

    not effect your performance.

    Proper Technique: There are many exercises that can be performed to increase your

    strength. Before performing any exercise you should become very familiar with the proper lifting

    techniques unique to each exercise.

    Starting Weight: Once the proper techniques are learned you can begin to gradually add

    weight to each exercise. Begin with a weight that you know you are capable of handling, without

    undue stress and sacrifice in your form and technique. You may pyramid up to the maximum

    weight that you can use to perform any exercise and then use 50% of that weight amount to start


    Spotting: A training partner who provides assistance to another lifter is called a spotter.

    A spotter has primarily two responsibilities. The first and foremost is the prevention of

    injury to the lifter. The other primary responsibility is to provide assistance to the lifter that may

    facilitate the performance of the exercise.

    The last repetition (if performed properly) is probably the most important repetition.

    The spotter should always allow the lifter to do as much work as he is capable of on that final

    repetition. The spotter should not let the bar stop moving until the repetition is completed. An

    inexperienced spotter will let a lifter strain and struggle with the weight stuck in one position

    (muscle failure). This is the point where many injuries will occur.

    Without a spotter to assist in the positive portion of the exercise you can not utilize any

    negative resistance training. The negative portion of any exercise is where you receive about

    60% of your strength increase. The negative portion of any repetition is the lowering of theweight or releasing of the weight.

    You can perform more negative portions of any exercise then you can positive portions

    (lifting or pushing the weight up). So, a spotter is important to assist ever so slightly in the

    positive portion so that you may complete one or two more negative reps.

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    Blow the Weight Away

    From Your Body

    The Only Real Way to Lose Body Fat

    Is to Exercise it Away


    We must breathe to maintain life. During exercise the breathing cycle becomes very

    important. When a muscle contracts it needs oxygen. You should inhale and exhale during each

    repetition of an exercise. The inexperienced lifter will often hold his breath to perform one ormore repetitions. This can cause an oxygen debt that will decrease the efficiency of the exercise.

    The most consistent and efficient

    method that can be utilized in determining

    how to breathe properly is to inhale whenever

    the resistance is being lowered or toward the

    body and exhale when the resistance moves

    away from the body.

    Rubber Or Plastic Sweat Suits

    Perspiring is the bodys mechanism for

    preventing overheating. When the

    temperature of the body rises the

    perspiration process begins. By covering

    the body with a plastic or rubber sweat suit

    it prevents the natural cooling down process

    of the body to take place. Therefore your

    body will overheat just like a car if the radiator is not working properly and will suffer the

    consequences. Yes, you will sweat more and lose more body fluids, but as soon as you drink

    fluids again your cells will fill back up with water and you will be right back were you started.

    Another very important part of your exercise program is to record the amount of weight

    and the number of repetitions you perform for each exercise. This will eliminate the duplication

    of a previous workout and provide incentive for improvement. Many athletes do not record their

    workout data and are subject to one non-productive workout after another. This occurs when the

    amount of weight and the number of repetitions remain constant for a series of consecutive


    It should be your goal to increase the amount of weight or the number of repetitions for

    each exercise you perform during your workout. If during one workout you perform an exercise

    with the same amount of weight and repetitions as the last workout you have not forced themuscle to work harder. Hence you have not overloaded it and you have only maintained your

    present strength and have not increased it.

    If you overload a muscle each workout and give it adequate time to recover you should

    increase your strength each and every workout period.

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    To Maintain the Flexibility of a Jointand Develop Strength through the

    Muscles Full Range of Movement, the

    Proper execution of each Exercise must

    be Observed.

    It is Important to Control the Weight

    on the Negative Portion of the Exercise

    Using a Four count Movement

    Positive and Negative Work

    To develop strength through the full range of movement you must allow the muscles

    being exercised to perform all of the

    work through its complete range of

    motion. Otherwise you will onlygain strength in the range of motion

    that you work the muscle.

    The body will only recruit as many

    muscle fibers as are needed to

    overcome a given resistance. For

    example, while performing a biceps

    curl as strict as possible, you lift 100

    pounds. Let us say that the body recruits 100 muscle fibers to raise this amount of weight while

    using correct form. Then on another repetition of the same exercise you dont use correct form,

    the body will then recruit fewer muscle fibers to perform the exercise, because the muscle is

    doing less work.

    There are two distinct movements that are used when performing an exercise. The raising

    of the weight and the lowering of the weight. The raising of the weight is called the positive

    portion of the exercise and the lowering of the weight is called the negative portion of the

    exercise. When performing the positive portion of the exercise the muscle is shortening

    (contracting). When performing the negative portion of the exercise the muscle is lengthen.

    When resistance remains constant it is easier to lower a weight then it is to raise that same

    weight. The tendency is to be less strict when lowering the weight. You should however

    perform both movements as strict as possible placing a greater emphasis on the lowering of theweight. This is where you gain about 60% of the strength gain from a given exercise.

    Many athletes throw a weight rather than allow the muscles to lift it. They generate

    enough momentum so that the exercise

    becomes a ballistic movement. The body

    will recruit fewer muscle fibers to

    perform this exercise and hence once

    again you lose muscle strength gain.

    Control of the weight means that

    if told to stop you could stop now. It isthe only way to be able to get 100% out of the time you invest into your workout periods.

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    The Key to any Exercise Program is the

    Quality of the Exercise Performed and

    Not the Quantity.


    Can best be defined by comparing it to the quality of an exercise. As the intensity

    increases so will the quality of the exercise. The higher the level of intensity the greater the

    increase in muscle strength and muscle mass. The effort being extended reaches its maximumwhen the lifter reaches the point of momentary muscle failure. That is to exercise to the point

    where the muscle being exercised has failed momentarily. It has reached a point where no more

    energy can be produced to perform work.

    Many athletes will increase the quantity of

    their exercise to try and gain greater muscle

    strength and or mass. But, as stated earlier

    the body is only capable of recovering fully

    from a certain amount of exercise. If you

    extend that by doing repetitive sets and

    going to muscle failure your body will reach a point of diminishing returns and you will lose

    strength instead of gaining it. It is very difficult when training by yourself to reach the point of

    muscle failure while utilizing proper training techniques. This is one major reason why a

    training partner is so important.

    Negative Resistance Training

    It has already been stated that the negative portion of any exercise is as important as the

    positive portion of any exercise. When performing an exercise to the point of muscle failure you

    will fail somewhere during the positive portion of the exercise. That is to say that you will no

    longer be capable of raising the weight through the full range of movement. A muscle is capableof lowering much more weight than it can raise. Even though the muscle has failed during the

    positive portion of the exercise, it could continue to perform more negative work. The muscle

    has not reached the point of momentary muscle failure during the negative portion of the

    exercise. Therefore you have not obtained as much from this portion of the exercise as you are

    capable of. The only way to obtain the maximum benefit from the negative portion of the

    exercise is to take the muscle to muscle failure during the negative (lowering) of the weight.

    There are two techniques that can be utilized to perform this function. These techniques

    are negative only training and negative accentuated training. When performing negative only

    exercise you would only perform the negative portion of the exercise. When performing negative

    accentuated training you would lift the weight with both arms and then lower it with only onearm or leg.

    Negative resistance training is used with your training partner. Perform as many reps as

    possible with the weight and just before you go into muscle failure your partner will assist you in

    the positive portion of the exercise while you continue to perform the negative portion of the

    exercise. This will ensure that you obtain the maximum strength gains from each exercise.

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    Push-Up Sit-Up Improvement

    Push-ups must be practiced three to five times per week to ensure progress. If they are

    practiced more often, the muscles may not have enough time to recuperate and become stronger.

    Always begin with the most difficult variation and work down to the easiest variation.

    Manual Resistance: have another individual, a resister, provide the additional

    workload/resistance. Assume a good push-up position, and have your partner straddle you and

    place his/her hands between your shoulder blades high on your upper back. Lower yourself

    downward at a slow 1-2-3-4 count, while your partner applies pressure (trying to push your face

    into the ground, so to say). Maintaining proper form go all the way down, then on the way up

    use a quick 1-2 count without any pressure being applied from your partner.

    Perform these push-ups until you reach muscle failure. At this point your partner may

    assist you in raising yourself back up into the starting position. This is so you may gain the most

    strength from the negative portion of the exercise. Be sure that your partner applying the

    resistance does not place his hands below the shoulder blade area. As, this will place a great

    deal of pressure on the lower back, which should be avoided.

    Power Push-Ups: This exercise is designed to develop the upper portion of the pectoral

    muscles and the anterior deltoid, a common weak link in performing push-ups. Place your feet

    on a chair, your partners back or anything else that will elevate them. Do not droop or let your

    lower back curve downward. So do not let your lower leg or knees rest on your partners back.

    Knee Push-Ups: Assume a good push-up position, then lower your knees to the ground,

    crossing your ankles and keeping your feet off the ground. Be, sure not to assume a box position

    by letting your buttocks move backward. Keep the angle from your shoulders to your knees.

    This exercise is also ideal for the low achiever who cannot perform many correct regular push-


    Diamond Push-ups: The hands are placed together with the thumb and the first finger of

    each hand touching together to form a diamond shape. Keeping your body rigid and using good

    form, lower your body putting your nose in-between the diamond formed by your hands. This

    exercise will concentrate on the triceps muscle group, one of the weakest links in the

    performance of push-ups.

    Wide Arm Push-Ups: this push-up is performed with the hands positioned wider or

    outside the normal hand position used in performing the conventional push-up. This push-up

    stresses the pectoral muscle group.

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    Regular Push-Ups: Are normal push-ups, using proper form throughout the full range of


    It is recommended that you perform these exercises in timed sets. Perform each series,

    Diamond, Wide Arm and Regular push-ups for a set period of time such as 20 or 30 seconds,

    without going into muscle failure. Performing the three series in the power push-up positionfirst, then in the regular push-up position, and then finally in the kneeling position. Remember to

    take the same amount of rest between each set as you spend performing the exercise. This is to

    pay back the oxygen deficit and allow your muscles a recoup time period.

    Perform your push-up improvement on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday

    and Thursday you should practice performing a full two minute set of regular push-ups. If you

    can not perform a full two minutes of regular push-ups then do as many as you can and finish the

    two minutes by performing knee push-ups.

    Sit-Up Improvement

    The best method for improving sit-up performance is to perform incline sit-ups using a 25

    lb. weight (or whatever you can use) behind your head and perform sit-ups in sets of ten, until

    you have performed 30 repetitions. If this proves to difficult place the weight on your chest with

    your arms across the weight.

    Involved in the sit-up exercise are the abdominal muscles and the hip flexor muscles. You must

    strengthen both sets of

    muscles in order to

    improve significantly.

    Remember, that anytimeyou have your knees bent

    in performing sit-ups you

    are primarily using your

    hip flexor muscles and not

    your abs.

    Other exercises for the

    Abs are the Hip Flexor;

    Crunches; Hanging knee-

    ups; Leg Lifts; and others.

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    Weight TrainingExercises

    Within the realm of weight training there are three worlds Power lifters,

    Bodybuilders, and Weightlifters. Each has a different routine to follow and one of the biggest

    mistakes made by beginning weightlifters is to emulate someone they see working out at the

    gym. A bodybuilder will perform multiple sets, two a days, and focus on one part of the body at

    a time. Powerlifters lift heavier weights and perform fewer reps. Weightlifters will perform an

    exercise until muscle failure and move on to the next exercise, working opposite muscle groups.

    It is up to you to first decide which type of weight training you want to perform, set up a

    routine to follow and then have fun. Frequency. At first, exercise three times a week. In four to

    six weeks, increase to five times a week. Dont overdo it, the body needs at least one day a week

    to recover. Intensity. The simplest guideline is to take your pulse while exercising. You wantto reach and stay at your target heart rate (training heart rate) for a minimum of 20 minutes.

    Listen to your own body! If your fatigued for hours after exercise, or if you dont recover fully

    between exercise sessions, your probably overdoing it. Time. Start with sessions as short as 12

    minutes and increase to the optimal 30 minutes. A complete work-out may take you from 1 hr.

    to 1 hrs.

    Located at the back of this booklet is a designed weight training program for your use. It

    is designed to start with the largest muscles and working antagonistic muscle groups. The

    complete workout should be performed three times a week and on alternate days you should

    work the Leg muscles and Abs. Excellent exercise for this purpose would be to start a jogging

    program and perform some of the Push-Up/Sit-Up exercises.

    Bench Press: Strongly stresses the pectorals, particularly the lower and outer sections of

    this muscle group, anterior deltoids, and triceps. Secondary emphasis is on the medial heads of

    the deltoids, the latisimus dorsi, and other upper back muscles that impart rotational force on the


    Execution: Lie back on the bench with your shoulder joints 3-4 inches toward the foot

    end of the bench from the rack supports. Place your feet flat on the floor to balance your body on

    the bench as you perform the exercise. Take an over-grip on the bar with your hands set 3-5

    inches wider then shoulder width. Straighten your arms to remove the barbel from the rack and

    move it to a supported position directly above your shoulder blades. Making sure that your

    elbows travel directly out to the sides, bend your arms and slowly lower the barbell from the

    supported position downward to lightly touch your chest, two or three inches above the lower

    edge of your pecs.

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    Without pouncing the weight, use a 1-2 count, to move it back to the supported position

    above your chest. Variations on the bench press is the close grip and the wide grip. When you

    use a grip of less then shoulder width, you shift stress more to the inner pectoral muscles and the

    triceps. A very wide grip places more stress on the outer pectoral muscles and the anterior


    Each variation of an exercise works the same basic muscle group, but

    also places stress on minor muscles associated with the larger group being

    worked. This allows you to get a better all around workout then just performing

    three sets of the same exercise.

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    Incline Press: The incline press can be performed using a barbell or dumbbell. It stresses

    the upper pectoral muscles, anterior deltoids and the triceps. Significant secondary stress is

    placed on the lower pecs, medial deltoids and the upper back muscles that rotate the scapulae.

    Execution of the exercise is the same as in the bench press. You can also perform another

    variation of the bench press by inclining down, on an incline bench. This strongly stresses thelower and outer pectorals, anterior deltoids, lats, and triceps. Secondary stress is placed on the

    upper pecs, medial

    deltoids, and the upper

    back muscles that rotate

    the scapulae.

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    That Which Does NotKill You Makes You


    You can perform Flat Bench, Incline Up or

    Down, dumbbell bench presses. You can

    select the angle of the bench and the

    amount of weight you use to give addedstress to your pectoral muscles. These

    exercises work your anterior delts and

    triceps and has a secondary effect on your

    medial deltoids, lats and the muscles of your upper back that rotate your scapulae.

    Flat Dumbbell Flyes: when you perform flyes, you can isolate your triceps from the

    movement and place very direct stress on your pecs and anterior delts. Minor secondary stress is

    on your medial deltoids and triceps. You can select the area of your pectoral muscles that you

    wish to work by the angle of the bench that you use for this exercise. Another variation on this

    exercise is the Bent-Over Flyes(as pictured ).

    Execution: Grasp two light

    dumbbell and lie on your back on

    the bench. Bring the dumbbell to

    a straight arm length directly

    above your shoulder joints and

    rotate your wrists so your palms

    are facing each other. Bend your

    arms about 10 degrees and

    maintain this rounded-armposition throughout the

    movement. Being sure that your

    upper arms travel directly out to

    the sides, slowly lower the
