week unit 1: complete and submit chapters 15-17 unit 2...

W. Geo. Sem. 2 - McDougal Littell book - 5/10 credits required - 911 1/08 Class Standards 1. You are responsible for reading each of the assigned chapters in this book 2. Give full and complete answers for each question, though you do not have to use complete sentences 3. All papers will be typed, double spaced, 12 pt. Font, spelling and grammar checked with cited sources Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete and Submit Chapters 18-20; Take Unit 1-2 Test Unit 3: Complete and Submit Chapters 21-23 Unit 4: Complete and Submit Chapters 24-26; Take Unit 3-4 Test Unit 5: Complete and Submit Chapters 27-29 Unit 6: Complete and Submit Chapters 30-32; Take Unit 5-6 Test

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Page 1: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete

W. Geo. Sem. 2 - McDougal Littell book - 5/10 credits required - 911 1/08

Class Standards 1. You are responsible for reading each of the assigned chapters in this book 2. Give full and complete answers for each question, though you do not have to use complete sentences 3. All papers will be typed, double spaced, 12 pt. Font, spelling and grammar checked with cited sources

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6

Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete and Submit Chapters 18-20; Take Unit 1-2 Test Unit 3: Complete and Submit Chapters 21-23 Unit 4: Complete and Submit Chapters 24-26; Take Unit 3-4 Test Unit 5: Complete and Submit Chapters 27-29 Unit 6: Complete and Submit Chapters 30-32; Take Unit 5-6 Test

Page 2: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete

W. Geo. Sem. 2 - McDougal Littell book - 5/10 credits required - 911 1/08

Attached Chapter 24 Attached 555 559 564 Chapter 25 569 5 72 575 Attached 583 587 590 591 Attached Chapter 26 594 595 596 598 599 604 605 Test Unit 5 EAST ASIA 610 614 616 Chapter 27 620 622 624 627 63 1 Attached 632 633 Chapter 28 639 646 648 650 655 65 8 659

South Asia Mapping Activity

Ch 24 Reading Study Guide Assessment 4 Map and Graph Skills 1-3 Main Ideas 6

Skillbuilder 2 Assessment 3-4 S killbuilder 1-2 Speech by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, questions Assessment 3b Assessment 3c Places and Terms 2-5,7, 8, 11, 18,20; Main Ideas 2,3, 10 Critical Thinking 5 Gandhi political cartoon

Skillbuilder 1-2 Assessment 3-4 Map and Graph Skills 1-3 Skillbuilder 1-2 Assessment 4 Places and Terms 1-10; Main Ideas 1-11, 14-15 Critical Thinking 2 ,4 Call the OIS office at 490-3161 to set a time of taking your unit test

Making Comparisons 3 Making Comparisons 1 Making Comparisons 1

Skillbuilder 1-2 Skillbuilder 1-2 Map and Graph Skills 1-3 Assessment 3a Assessment 4 Reading Study Guide Ch 27 Main Ideas 4,7-10 Geographic Skills 1-3

Assessment 3 - 4 Assessment 3 Skillbuilder 1-2 Assessment 3a Assessment 3-4 Places and Terms 1-20; Main Ideas 1-3,6,8, 10 Critical Thinking 4; Geographic Skills 1-3

Page 3: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete

Chernobyl Timeline Assignment


Create a timeline starting with the date when the plant at Chernobyl opened and going to 10 years after the explosion.

You should have at least 15 events on your timeline For each event be sure to include a date, time (if important), and description of the event Include details about the events leading to the explosion, how the explosion occurred and events directly after the explosion At least 5 of your 15 events should be about how the region was affected in the years after the explosion Choose 5 events on your timeline. For each event briefly describe which of the 5 themes of Geography (see chapter 1 for review of 5 themes) it relates to and how it relates


You may complete this on the computer, as a poster, or several pieces of paper linked together (panorama). You should include at least 5 pictures on your timeline. All writing should be neat and spelled correctly


Use the following resources to complete the assignment:

Time Report from 1996: http://www.time.com/time/daily/chernoby1/pa~el .html Time Articles: h t t p : / / w w w . t i m e . c o m / t i m e / d a i l y / c h e r n o b y l m l World Nuclear Association: http://www.world-nuclear.or~info/chernobyl/inf07.html


You will be graded on the following: 1. Importance of events - Did you choose events of high importance 2. Description of events - Did you describe the events in some detail 3. Neatness - Is your timeline neat and organized 4. Pictures - did you place at least 5 pictures on your timeline that are relevant to the events

Page 4: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete

T . lossary/After You Read

Page 5: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete

South Asia Mapping Activity


Your objective is to create a map of South Asia that shows major features and common resources. Use the map on the next page and your text to complete the following:

1. Label the following on your map: 0 Countries shown 0 Capitals labeled with a star

2. Draw and label the following: 0 Rivers: Ganges, Indus, Narmada

Thar Desert Himalayas

0 Mount Everest

3. Use the map on page 554 to show where some of the regions natural resources are located. Create a key with the symbols you use to label the map. Label the following:

Coal Resources O Iron Ore 0 Natural Gas


4. Choose one additional feature to add to the map. Be sure to add a key to the map if necessary so that your new addition can be understood.

Page 6: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete

I Name Date -

GlossarvlAfter You Read alluvial relating to or composed of material-such as clay, lagoon shallow area of water, such as a channel or pond,

silt or sand-that is deposited by running water that is near or connects with a larger body of water

crucial the determining factor in a situation pilgrim one who travels to a shrine or holy place as a deceased dead religious duty

inhabitants permanent residents of a place

Places & Terms A. Write the name or term in each blank that best completes the meaning of the paragraph.

monsoons cyclones

storm surges alluvial plain.


Water is important in South Asia, but it can be both a friend and an enemy. When the

rivers overtlow their banks, they deposit rich soil on the (1)

This flooding most often comes during the wet season, when seasonal winds called

b (2) bring heavy rains. Sometimes the monsoons bring too much

rain, and sometimes the region experiences (3) , violent storms

with fierce winds and heavy rains. When these storms hit, they can bring high waters,

called (4) , which swamp low-lying areas. To protect the land

from this high water, Bangladesh built a large dam across the part of the Feni River where

the sea meets the river's waters (called an (5) 1.

I B. Write the letter of the place or term next to the description that explains it best.

l a. Hinduism d. atoll i 1

d C - b. Ganges e. subcontinent B uJ c. archipelago

i " 0, 2 0

j 8 1. one of the most polluted rivers in the world Z

I o 2. a landmass that is like a continent, only smaller i 2

0, .- L A a 3. the religion of most of India's inhabitants S

4. an island that is the low-lying top of a submerged volcano surrounded by . , coral reefs and shallow lagoons

5. an island group, such as the Maldives il b'

The Land Where Continents Collided 21 1

Page 7: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete


Two-to-Three-Paragraph Quotation-Multiple Choice Directions: Read the following passage from a 1948 speech by the first leader of

Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, and use your knowledge of world geography to answer the questions that follow.

From this speech, what can you infer about the historical treatment b nf rninnri+., mlimin~ r r n rn~ s n c in +hie rrar nf Cnl n+h A c i 3 ' 7

I 1. What is the meaning of theocratic in line 5? A. democratic B. military C. religious

'.> - -- D. royal - - --

? . - . J -- 2. What kind of government does -I -n 3 Jinnah envision? 1 A. Islamic democracy

<- 2 a B. Islamic theocracy + K 0,

C. military dictatorship 2 Q D. monarchy

3. What does he say about non-Muslims? A. They must obey Muslim law. B. Their rights will be respected. C. They are not welcome. D. They are not citizens.

4. In the last paragraph, Jinnah is referring to A. a terrible monsoon. B. war with India. C. violence following partition. D. drought and famine.


Test Your Knowledge

Page 8: Week Unit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2 ...staffweb.psdschools.org/bkatz/CRSPBookMaterials/WGeoMcD/WGs2.pdfUnit 1: Complete and Submit Chapters 15-17 Unit 2: Complete

Name Date

Glossarv/After You Read alpine of, relating to, or growing on elevated slopes above sparsely characterized by few and scattered elements

the timberline terrain geographical area, a piece of earth, ground reclamation a recovering or reclaiming of something transform to change in character or condition span to reach or extend across .

-- -

Places & Terms A. Write the name or term in each blank that best completes the meaning of the paragraph.

typhoons Kunlun Mountains

Huang He Three Gorges Dam

Chang Jiang

The , or Yellow River, is sometimes called "China's Sorrow,"

because of the terrible floods it has caused. China's longest river is the

, or Yangtze. To control the flooding on this river, and to

create more electricrty, China is building the . Both of these

important rivers originate in the in western China. Of course,

flooding is not the only problem in this region.. There are tropical storms called

that also cause damage.

B. Write the letter of the place or term next to the description that explains it best.

a. landfill d; Xi Jiang

b. Qinling Shandi Mountains e. PCBs

c. Gobi Desert

1. desert located in northern China and southeast ~ongolia; one of the largest deserts in the world

2. industrial compounds that contributed to Japanese pollution - 3. method of solid waste disposal in which refuse is buried between layers of

dirt to fill in or reclaim low-lying ground

4. river in the south of China; also called the West River

5. mountains that divide the northern part of China from the southern part

A Rugged Terrain 237

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Natural Disasters in Japan - Mini Report

Assi pnment

Your assignment is to research and write a mini report (300 words) about the natural disasters that happen in Japan.

1. Answer the following in your report: What natural disasters are likely to occur in Japan? Why are these likely to happen in Japan? Give some examples of natural disasters that have happened in Japan How the threat of these natural disasters has affected the lives of people? What are some things being done to prevent damage and loss of life?

2. Use the Internet to find and print 2 graphics that relate to Japan's natural disasters: Print your graphics and attach them to your report Cite your sources on the page(s) with your graphics In a paragraph, explain each graphic and how it relates to natural disasters in Japan Attach your two paragraphs to your report

Population and Quality of Life in East Asia - Project


Your assignment is described on page 670-671 in the text. Read the Case Study Project. Complete the assignment as indicated in the case study You are required to create at least 4 visuals (graphs, charts, etc.) for the assignment Use the text, Classzone web site, and other internet sources Cite your sources on a separate piece of paper and attach it to your visuals Set up a time to give a short (2 minutes) oral presentation of your graphs

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