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ST. MICHAEL’S FAMILY CENTRE CHURCH HILL SLIGO 071 9170329/087 3902661 [email protected] et Charity No. 2020365 Company No. 635791

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Page 1: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce


SLIGO071 9170329/087 3902661

[email protected]

Charity No. 2020365Company No. 635791


Page 2: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce

PROFESSIONAL COUNSELLING SERVICESt. Michael’s Counselling service is supported by Túsla and provides help for children, families, couples and individuals Counsellors are available by appointment and as far as possible at times convenient to the client including some early evening appointments. They are fully qualified and professionally accredited. The service is donation based-the donation being decided between client and counsellor.You do not need an official referral. A waiting list applies but we try to keep it as short as possible. Children (U-18’s) get priorityPlease contact the office on 071 9170329 if you wish to make an appointment. Out of office hours please leave a message and we will get back to you. You may also email your details to [email protected].

PLAY THERAPY SERVICEA Túsla Child & Family funded Play Therapy Service is available in the Centre. Referrals come through Child and Family Agency, Túsla. A limited number of referrals from schools, other agencies and families may be available at times. An agreed donation applies to non-Túsla referrals. Please contact us for details.

Page 3: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce

R.I.P.We remember friends and supporters of St.

Michael’s who died recently: May Hickey, who gave many years volunteering with the Centre; Sr

Emmanuel Barry, sister of Gerry member of our Management Board; Frank Slattery CE caretaker

and Anne Moggan, mother of Margaret, volunteer in Community Garden. May they rest in Peace.


ADVENT MEDITATION Madeleine MorrisThis is a gentle silent form of prayerful meditation during the weeks approaching Advent where we become more aware of the presence of God in the stillness at the core of our being. It is deeply rooted in the Christian tradition. 4 Tuesdays—November 5th to 26th at 11a.m. Cost: A voluntary contribution.

ART CLASS Karen Burns Our regular art class starts again this autumn. It is facilitated by an experienced tutor and is suitable for both beginners and those who have some experience. The medium used is Acrylics and the tutor will cater for a range of abilities in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. If you would like to try your hand at painting and develop your artistic side, this course should suit you.8 Monday mornings 10-12pm starting September 30th. Cost: €90

MORNING BOOK CLUB The St. Michael’s Morning book club resumes in September. The club meets monthly on 2nd

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Wednesdays of the month at 11am. Contact the centre for dates. Cost: A voluntary contribution

BASIC CONVERSATIONAL ITALIAN Noemi Ricci [email protected] you are going on holidays to Italy or just interested in Italian culture and language this course, aimed at beginners, could be just what you want. Facilitated by a native Italian speaker and experienced tutor of the language, the course will help with everyday conversational Italian and give participants confidence in ordering meals in restaurants, asking for directions and finding information on facilities and interesting places. There will be some grammar but only what is necessary to get you up and going in the language. You will also learn a little about Italian culture! 8 weeks 10.30-12.30 starting Tuesday 1st October. Cost: €80

BRIDGE CLUB Peadar O’DonnellOur very popular Bridge groups resume on Wednesday and Thursday 11/12th September. Please contact the office to check for any availability Cost: €70 for 14 weeks

YOGA NIDRA COURSE Emma KennedyYoga Nidra is a highly effective and gently practice known to reduce tension, anxiety and stress symptoms in the body whilst developing a deeper mind-body-soul connection through presence and awareness. Classes will include gently breathwork and guided meditation and can be done lying down or seated.6 Thursday mornings 12.15-1.15 starting 26th Sept Cost: €60 per 6 weeksA further 6 weeks will commence on 7th November

Page 5: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce

YOUR HEALTH MATTERS Dr Naimj GambiDo you feel it’s about time to change something in your life, feel better and live better but are not sure where to start or how to achieve your goals? This course will help you understand how choosing the right nutrition and lifestyle options can change your life for good! If you want to lose weight, feel more energised, sleep better, eat healthier, feel more balanced and improve your general health this course can help. You will learn how to make the right dietary and lifestyle choices that will bring you where you would like to be with your better self. You will also learn the basics of healthy cooking, with smart tips and tasty recipes, because eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring or plain! 8 mornings at 10.30am Starting date to be decided Cost: €80


YOGA NIDRA Emma KennedyYoga Nidra is a highly effective and gently practice known to reduce tension, anxiety and stress symptoms in the body whilst developing a deeper mind-body-soul connection through presence and awareness. Classes will include gently breathwork and guided meditation and can be done lying down or seated. 6 Thursday evenings 5.30-6.30pm starting 26th September with a further 6 sessions starting 7th November Cost: €60 per 6 weeks

Page 6: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce

THE OPTIMISTIC CHILD—FROM TODDLER TO TEEN AND INBETWEEN Pernille BurnsIt has been proven that optimistic children do better at school, at sports and are healthier mentally and physically than those with a more pessimistic outlook on life. This course is back by popular demand and aims to help parents develop coping strategies suitable for children over a wide age range so is suitable for most parents/carers. These skills will help parents instil in their children an optimism which will help them in every aspect of their lives, safeguarding them against depression and building resilience when faced with bullying and other challenges. 4 Thursday evenings 7.-9pm starting October 3rd Cost: €30

AN INTRODUCTION TO GENEALOGY: Eileen SheridanWhat do you know about your family’s past? Who do you think you are? Who were your ancestors? Remember that you are who you are because they were who they were!Would you like to start researching where you came from? This course is for beginners and others who have done some work on their family history. During this course we will check out the available online resources, share information, start (or continue) an absorbing hobby! It is presumed that there is no prior knowledge and everyone’s story is important. 6 Mondays at 7-8.30pm starting October 7th. Cost: €60

Page 7: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce

MINDFULNESS—TOOLS FOR RESIL IENCE & EVERYDAY LIVING Frances LarkinMindfulness is the practice of paying attention on purpose and non-judgementally, to what goes on in the present moment. The course offers participants an opportunity to learn mindfulness practices that help to increase awareness, engagement and balance, with a resulting increase in the ability to respond to stress and pain. It is suitable for those new to mindfulness and, also for those with some experience who wish to energise their practice.6 Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30. Starting October 3rd: Cost:€80 to be paid at enrolment

RAINBOWS PROGRAMMEThis is a programme of support for children and teenagers who have experienced the loss of a parent or other significant person in their lives, through separation or death. It is facilitated by caring adults who are specially trained for this work. All facilitators have Child Protection training and Garda Vetting.Children must be a minimum of 7 years of age.The next programme will commence on 21st

January 2020 and will take place on Tuesday nights from 6.30 to 7.30.

Enrolments are being taken on an on-going basis and a meeting of parents/guardians will take place in November. Contact 071 9170329 if you wish to enrol your child or for further information.

Please contact us if you feel you would like to become a Rainbow volunteer-we always need

new people –training will be involved.

Page 8: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce


INTRODUCTION TO BOWEN TECHNIQUE AND YOGA NIDRA Emma KennedyThe Bowen Technique is a hands-on method which helps with a variety of health issues and Yoga Nidra is a gentle relaxing form of Yoga which has been running in the Centre for a few years. Emma Kennedy, an experienced practitioner in both therapies will present an information workshop outlining what is involved, how they work and the benefits of both. Come along and see if either or both could be of benefit to you. Saturday 28th September 10.30-1pm. Cost: €25

A DAY FOR YOU Pernille Burns This day will deal with three aspects of our daily lives—how we express our emotions, how we communicate our wishes and feeling to others and how we can learn to be kind to ourselves by forgiving ourselves and resisting being judgemental of our own perceived failings. We will explore and increase our awareness around our individual habits and thinking style.  We will be setting personal goals based on our unique values so we can better live our life purposefully and not just be getting by.  We will be looking at the stresses of life and how best to deal with them.  We also explore different ways of communicating and how to find the best method for ourselves. We will also be doing some mindful meditation and visualization exercisesSaturday 12th Oct 10.30-4.30pm. Cost: €60

Page 9: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce


This half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce food waste and promote a healthy approach to food at any age. Whether yours is a family with children/teenagers or you are cooking just for yourself or for 1 or 2 adults, this course will offer advice that can be used in your particular circumstances. Other topics will include the food pyramid, portion sizes and how to read food labels on packaged foods. Some cookery demonstrations will follow where simple and healthy recipes will be prepared and offered to participants to taste - because healthy doesn’t have to mean boring! Numbers limited. Saturday 19th October. 10 am to 1.30pm. Cost: €30

RESILIENCE- The key to day to day functioning. Gerry Farrell Gerry, through his work as a clinical supervisor and as a counsellor, has over forty years’ experience in the mental health sector. He has, over the years, facilitated huge numbers of individuals and groups to build up and maintain their resilience. His workshops have an established reputation for being both useful and energetic.In this full day workshop, the capacity to be resilient in a high-pressured environment of high expectations in both our working and personal lives, is explored. Use will be made of the latest research and thinking on three aspects of resilience. (1) How resilience can sometimes be low and possibly why.

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(2) How resilience can be built up. (3) How resilience can be maintained. Practical skills are imparted as well as the heightening of personal awareness facilitated. Participation in the workshop is non-invasive and requires no self-disclosure and is suitable for both professionals and the general public.Participants can expect to come away much more aware of themselves, the dynamics of their relationships and the dynamic of groups particularly teams in work environments. Above all participants should find themselves capable of becoming better able to build and maintain resilience. Saturday 9th November 10-4.30pmCost: €70 with light lunch included.


A GIFT WHEN YOU NEED ITA holistic therapist has volunteered some weekly sessions in St Michael’s in response to need. If you or somebody you know would like to avail of this service please contact Deirdre at 071-9170329 to make an appointment. We welcome other similar therapists who would like to volunteer some sessions.

GROW's is a confidential support group which promotes good mental health through a twelve step programme of personal maturity and growth. Enquiries in confidence to 086 8516939 or 074 9161628. Meetings are held at 10.30am on Tuesdays and at 7.30pm on Wednesday. No introductions are needed just come along. No membership fees or dues are charged. All welcome.

Page 11: · Web viewThis half-day course will give participants tips on how to eat healthily at an affordable cost, how to shop and cook smart, reduce

ROOM RENTAL:In order to maintain and develop the services we provide in St Michael’s Family Centre, we depend on the money we get from rent of rooms. We have rooms suitable for individuals, groups and organisations. We rent by the hour, the day or half day and, also, rent out a small number of rooms on a full -time basis. Our rates are reasonable and the centre is accessible until 10.30pm each night. Parking is free. Please contact the office @ 071 9170329 for details and availability.


A.ATUESDAY @ 1PM;[email protected] @ 1.PM and 8.30pm; SUNDAY@ 11.30 PM




GROW: [email protected]; WEDNESDAY @ 7.30PM

NA: MONDAY @8.30;WEDNESDAY@[email protected]; SATURDAY @ 6PMSUNDAY @6PM

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Phone 071 9170329

email: [email protected]

Call in person during office hours9.30am-4.00pm Monday-Thursday

9.30-3pm Friday

All enrolments are on first come basis and will continue while places are available.

Non-refundable deposit of €20 for Saturday courses are payable at enrolment

Full payment at enrolment for all other courses

Minimum numbers needed for all courses.Some courses have limited availability.

Where a course is cancelled by the Centre a full refund will be given.

All Saturday workshops include a light lunch