web service basics

Web Service Basics Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions Date: 06/13/2014

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Web services are open standard ( XML, SOAP, HTTP etc.) based Web applications that interact with other web applications for the purpose of exchanging data. Anyone having basic knowledge on Web apps would find this helpful.


Page 1: Web Service Basics

Web Service Basics

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire SolutionsDate: 06/13/2014

Page 2: Web Service Basics

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

About Me

MCTS 70-515: Web Applications Development with .NET 4

Contact Me: Email: [email protected]: mfs_rasmita

Page 3: Web Service Basics


Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

What is a Web Service? Why we need a Web Service? Web Service Components Creating a Web Service in ASP.NET using VS Analyze the template generated by VS Test the Web service Demo Call the service from a Client App Cross-domain service call from ASP.NET Ajax How a Web service actually works?

Page 4: Web Service Basics

What is a Web Service?

A Web service is a piece of software somewhere on the network providing some service that visitors, or even other Web sites, can take advantage of.

“A software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network”

--From W3C definition.

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

Page 5: Web Service Basics

Benefits of Web Service

Cross-platform Loosely coupled Stateless Firewall-friendly

Presenter:Rasmita Dash, Mindfire solutions

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Need for a Web Service

Cross Platform boundaries or trust boundariesDistributed Computing High ScalabilityEasy DeploymentImproved Security

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Web Service Components

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Creating a Web Service in ASP.NET

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Analyze the template generated by Visual studio

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Analyze the template generated by Visual studio (Contd.)

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Testing the Service

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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The test page

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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WSDL Document

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Web Service Test pageRendered by ASP.NET using the aspx page located over “c:\[WinDir]\Microsoft. NET\Framework\[Version] \Config\DefaultWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx”.

To change the test page, place place an aspx page in your service root directory & add


href="MyWsdlHelpGenerator.aspx"/></webServices>” to service web.config under

“<system.web>” element.

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Client queries registry to locate service

Registry refers client to WSDL document

Client consuming Web Service

WSDL provides data to interact With Service

Client access WSDL document

Client requests service

Client sends response

Web servicecode

Pictorial representation on How web Services work

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions

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Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions



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Thank You

Presenter: Rasmita Dash, Mindfire Solutions