web content management system (wcms) project charter

Web Content Management System (WCMS) Project Charter Information Technology Services 9/18/2006 Final Original #1 Authors: Leslie Geary and Ann Berry-Kline

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Page 1: Web Content Management System (WCMS) Project Charter

Web Content Management System (WCMS) Project Charter Information Technology Services

9/18/2006 Final Original #1 Authors: Leslie Geary and Ann Berry-Kline

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UC Santa Cruz Web Content Management System (WCMS) Project Charter iv

Table of Contents

DOCUMENT CONTROL ................................................................................................................................II Change Record ............................................................................................................................................................. ii Charter Acceptance ..................................................................................................................................................... ii Reviewers iii Distribution................................................................................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... IV

1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................1 1.1 Problem/Opportunity Description.....................................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Sponsorship............................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Goals ...................................................................................................................................................................2 1.4 Benefits ...............................................................................................................................................................2 1.5 Stakeholders and Clients....................................................................................................................................3

1.5.1 Primary Clients.............................................................................................................................3 1.5.2 Stakeholders Impacted ................................................................................................................3

1.6 High Level Assumptions....................................................................................................................................3

2 PROJECT SCOPE...................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Objectives ...........................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Deliverables .......................................................................................................................................................5 2.3 Out of Scope Deliverables................................................................................................................................7

3 PROJECT PLAN......................................................................................................................................9 3.1 Project Phases.....................................................................................................................................................9 3.2 Communication Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 Phase 1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

3.3.1 Initial Preparations.................................................................................................................... 10 3.3.2 Requirements Gathering........................................................................................................... 10 3.3.3 RFP Process.............................................................................................................................. 11 3.3.4 Scoping Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 11 3.3.5 Communication.......................................................................................................................... 12

3.4 Phase 2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.4.1 Procurement of the chosen system.......................................................................................... 12 3.4.2 Physical installation and testing ............................................................................................... 12 3.4.3 Configuration and testing .......................................................................................................... 12 3.4.4 Deployment and testing ............................................................................................................ 13

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3.4.5 Site migration and testing.......................................................................................................... 13 3.4.6 Outstanding Web Requests ....................................................................................................... 14 3.4.7 Communication Plan................................................................................................................. 14

3.5 Dependencies.................................................................................................................................................. 14 3.6 Project Timeline .............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.7 Success Criteria............................................................................................................................................... 15 3.8 Issues and Policy Implications ....................................................................................................................... 16 3.9 Risk Management Plan ................................................................................................................................... 16

4 TECHNICAL FEATURES......................................................................................................................18

5 PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING....................................................................................19

6 PROJECT BUDGET..............................................................................................................................23

APPENDIX A- WCMS PROJECT PHASES ...............................................................................................24

APPENDIX B – WEB PRESENCE AND SERVICES PROGRAM – (CURRENT ORGANIZATION) .........................................................................................................................................25

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1 Project Background

1.1 Problem/Opportunity Description Web presence is an important component of the Chancellor’s vision for UC Santa Cruz through the Strategic Academic Plan released in February 2008. Executive Vice Chancellor Dave Kliger has joined with Vice Chancellors for University Relations and Information Technology Services to launch a series of improvements to the campus’s web presence. The Web Presence and Services Program will capture overall direction for this work. See Appendix B Web Presence and Services Program (Current Organization) of this document to understand initial work of the Web Presence and Services Program.

Two items contained in the Web Presence and Service Program is the selection and installation of a centrally supported web content management tool and the definition and structuring of services, roles, and responsibilities necessary to support campus web presence.

UCSC has many individuals and groups that develop web sites. Templates and content guidelines exist but assessments show that the campus’s overall web presence is of uneven quality and lacks consistent information. Previous groups, committees, and task forces have put forth a significant body of recommendations. To date, no major effort has been undertaken to act on these recommendations.

Approximately 17 VM and 6 physical servers, 4 content delivery systems and web pages administered across campus represent most of UCSC’s web presence. Information Technology Services (ITS) in partnership with University Relations (UR) seek to restructure UCSC’s web presence and services offered through this initial project called the Web Content Management System (WCMS) project.

1.2 Project Sponsorship The WCMS Project is a joint project between University Relations (UR) and Information Technology Services (ITS). Table 1.1 presents the sponsorship of this project.

WCMS Project Executive Sponsors

Name/Title Phone Email

Donna Murphy Vice Chancellor University Relations

(831) 459-4750 [email protected]

Mary Doyle Vice Chancellor ITS

(831) 459-4906 [email protected]

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WCMS Project Sponsors

Barry Shiller AVC, Public Affairs & Communication

(831) 459-5226 [email protected]

Mark Cianca Director ITS PMG

(831) 459-1606 [email protected]

Table 1.1, WCMS Project Sponsorship

1.3 Goals The goals of the WCMS Project are to:

• Gather requirements from campus constituents to evaluate, select and acquire a WCMS solution that will meet key requirements for web content management and presentation

• Develop and implement joint operating requirements and procedures for web services created by sharing a common WCMS

• Implement a new information architecture to better organize UCSCs web presence

• Implement a new WCMS

• Migrate top-tier and select departmental websites to the new WCMS

1.4 Benefits With a centrally supported web content management system, departmental and campus web managers will benefit from ease of use, shared content, less redundancy and the ability to set expiration dates for information. Consumers of web-based information will benefit by accessing pages with fresh and consistent content.

Additional benefits of a WCMS include:

• Separation of structure and coding from content allowing department and division level staff to manage content without requiring design or technical expertise

• Improved content syndication via RSS

• User-friendly content publishing

• Immediate propagation of design changes

• Consistency of quality and currency of information

• A standardized navigational and structural interface providing the Campus with a more unified web presence

• Scaling necessary to support university growth

• Clear business boundaries between design and technology management

• Sharing of content

• Increased security and stability

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• Enhanced coordination between design (UR) and technology management (ITS)

• Reducing varying quality of both web presence and support

• Roles based publishing process and workflow

1.5 Stakeholders and Clients

1.5.1 Primary Clients The Chancellor, EVC and principal officers of each division are the primary clients of this project.

1.5.2 Stakeholders Impacted This project impacts a broad variety of stakeholders including:

• The general public - Information presented in an organized and accessible manner

• University Relations - Web-based mechanisms for consistent university branding, high-level campus information, marketing, development, and critical communications

• Academic divisions – Easily maintained web sites that attract diverse and outstanding faculty and students to the campus, support existing faculty and students, contribute to scholarly research, and support other goals outlined in the campus Strategic Academic Plan

• Academic support divisions - Easy to maintain web sites that facilitate their role in enhancing overall institutional excellence and providing the administrative and physical infrastructure needed to achieve university academic goals

• Information Technology Services - Clear and unambiguous functional requirements to design and implement a scalable, secure, and stable technical environment

• Campus web designers and architects - An environment that facilitates design without the need for technology management

• Campus content experts - An environment that allows them to focus on content rather than technology

1.6 High Level Assumptions High-level assumptions associated with this project include:

• A central goal of the Web Presence and Services Program is to identify, acquire and deploy a Web Content Management System (WCMS)

• Public Affairs will continue to be responsible for the consideration, development and deployment of official campus web standards and policies, and for support of these policies within the selected WCMS

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• This initial project will include a small but representative set of departments and other stakeholders with web publishing needs

• The WCMS will be deployed in a phased approach. This project will only include the first phase of deployment

• The financial model associated with the WCMS may be a consideration in the selection and deployment of the chosen solution. Funding options will be developed and discussed with all appropriate parties once functional requirements and likely options have been identified

• Space/power and resource requirements to support the new WMCS will be gathered and presented as part of the recommendation to project sponsors, SMT and the Web Steering Committee.

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2 Project Scope

2.1 Objectives The objective of this project is to provide a robust toolset including web content management system hardware and software for developing and maintaining top-tier and departmental web presence.

The WCMS Project consists of two phases that support the Web Presence and Services Program Charter. The project phases are linear allowing for very little overlap. See Appendix A – WCMS Project Phases for a graphic displaying the project phases, estimated time line and deliverables.

The objectives of Phase 1 are to:

• Generate a set of web content creation, storage, and delivery requirements that represent key campus web content management needs culminating in a recommendation for executive sponsors

• Phase 2 scoping recommendations for web service deployment

• Phase 2 recommendation of sites to migrate

The objectives of Phase 2 are to:

• Install the web content management system chosen

• Plan, test and deploy initial information architecture framework and updating, documenting or leveraging from existing

o Templates

o Workflows for known sites to be migrated

o Roles and responsibilities

o Content guidelines

o Support and training materials

o Services to be provided

o System schematic - logical and physical design

• Plan, test and execute phased site migrations

2.2 Deliverables The deliverables for Phase 1 are scoped well. The deliverables for Phase 2 are high-level. Further planning for Phase 2 deliverables based on outcomes learned from requirements gathering, the solution chosen, and further direction from Sponsors and the Web Presence and Service Program Team is necessary.

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Deliverables of WCMS Phase 1 Phase 1 Project Deliverables Work Products/Description

Functional requirements based on needs of users, campus publishing, and information architecture System requirements based on security, scalability, administration, and integration or extensibility needs Application requirements based on viability of development platform, available expertise, vendor or developer support, flexibility, and customization, and metrics gathering Support and training requirements for various roles in publishing workflow

A pre-populated requirements doc from previous assessments will be used as a starting point. The project team will design the interview questions and conduct 10-15 interviews across various campus constituencies.

Selection Committee Sub Team - Recommended solution

Engage Procurement and Business Contracts to create the bid, work through the evaluation and recommendation of the WCMS solution Plan an open source path for evaluation to insert into the evaluation and recommendation process When writing the RFP, using the purchased WCMS report and other on-line sources, look for and encourage vendors that could outsource a WCMS. Recommend a solution. Include justification, budget and high-level implementation plan. Also include other viable solutions and strengths/weaknesses and a campus readiness assessment.

Scoping recommendation - Sites to be migrated - Deployment recommendation

To Sponsorship and Web Presence and Service Program from Core Project Team 1) Boundaries of initial WCMS deployment –Initial strategy is to start with www and select sites from www2 2) In-scope/out-of-scope – IA, logical design (process, content, policy) changes. i.e. template usage and compliance, permission changes, account mgmt, r/r, etc,

Communications plan Create a web site and various communication vehicles to announce and market the chosen WCMS solution and expected timelines for deployment and phased migrations.

Tentative deliverables of Phase 2: Phase 2 Project Deliverables (tentative) Work Products/Description

Installation Sub Team – Create and execute the physical Installation and testing plan

Contents of the installation plan will be dependant on the solution chosen and if a vendor is chosen, the SOW. Approval of the installation and testing plan by ITS Architects Successful completion of the installation and testing plan. Necessary support and maintenance training completed

Configuration Sub Team - Create and execute the configuration and testing plan

Contents of the configuration plan will be highly dependant on requirements from the needs of the sites to be migrated from the existing architectures

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2.3 Out of Scope Deliverables Other deliverables that are out of scope for the WCMS Project include:

• Definition and charge of the campus web governance structure and roles (Web Council, Web Steering Committee)

• Creation of strategic and implementation plans for campus response to web security and policy/regulatory compliance

• Web standards work for development and integration

Configuration Sub Team - Create and execute the configuration and testing plan

Contents of the configuration plan will be highly dependant on requirements from the needs of the sites to be migrated from the existing architectures Approval of the configuration and testing plan including scope of work, necessary resources and estimated timeline by Web Lead, ITS architects and Public Affairs Successful completion of the configuration and testing plan Necessary technical training completed

Deployment Sub Team – Create and execute the deployment and testing plan

The deployment and testing plan will include details such as Logical design (IA) changes reviewed and implemented Templates migrated, (updated, changed, reviewed, approved) Content guidelines reviewed Document roles/resp for initial services for service providers Stakeholders identified/documented Functional and User training completed

Site Migration Sub Team – Create and execute the site migrations and testing plan

The site migration sub team(s) will create and execute plans to migrate each web site identified as in-scope for the project. The plans created by the site migrations sub team will set the end date of the WCMS project. These sub teams spawned from the site migration sub team will consist of all the service providers in that service chain.

Identification of requirements/service requests not met by WCMS project deliverables but have implications for a campus web presence

This document will be given to the Web Presence and Services Program Team or the Web Council as input for future deployment strategies. This analysis from the list of finalized requirements can start as soon as a solution is chosen from Phase 1

Communications plan executed Update the communications to reflect upcoming changes in procedure, policy, structure, and go-live. Market and announce new web services offered (How to get, what services entail, how to get user training, etc.)

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• Full or extensive evaluation and mitigation for compliance and accessibility issues

• Definition and implementation of a campus communication strategy as it relates to web

• Extensive service definition of the new web services to be deployed

• Retirement/repurpose of existing web content delivery infrastructures

• Integration with external systems such as AIS, FIS, Calendar, LMS and CruzId

• Design/revision of new campus template “Look and Feel”

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3 Project Plan

This section of the document presents a high-level project plan. It does not include a detailed plan with all resources, work units or assignments. Detailed work packages of this high-level plan will be tracked separately and shared as appropriate by the project manager with the teams within the project.

3.1 Project Phases The WCMS Project will consist of two phases. See Appendix A - WCMS Project Phases for a graphic displaying the WCMS Project phases, estimated timeline and deliverables.

The first phase includes:

• Requirements gathering

• Weighting requirements; writing the RFP

• Evaluation and selection

• Recommendation to project sponsors, executive sponsors, SMT, and the Web Steering Committee to procure and precede with the implementation of the chosen enterprise WCMS

• Defining and recommending an information architecture (tier definition and data storage only – design/layout of each web page is out of scope), roles/responsibilities, reuse of items such as templates, content guidelines, style guides, etc.

• Identifying and recommending sites to migrate

The second phase includes:

• Procurement

• Physical installation and necessary technical training

• Completion of the configuration and web developer/administrator training

• Completion of the deployment plan (logical design, templates, guidelines, policies, work flow to support site migrations)

• Migration of in-scope tier 1, 2, and 3 web sites and user training

• Recommendation for next web sites to migrate or convert and service improvements

• User documentation made available

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3.2 Communication Plan Engaging the campus in the WCMS project through the Web Presence and Services Program Team or Web Steering Committee is critical to its eventual adoption and success.

A WCMS project web site will be created that provides high-level information including:

• WCMS definition

• Scope, goals, vision

• Project roles and membership, minutes, decisions

• Timeline


• Project news

• Web form encouraging feedback and questions

• Web form to become a partner (interested in getting involved or requesting consideration for early adoption)

3.3 Phase 1

3.3.1 Initial Preparations The core project team will review source documentation from previous WCMS and web service studies conducted at UCSC and Web Content Management System descriptions, RFPs, and successful project implementations at other Universities. This information will be used to define and bound the type of requirements gathered as well as the process. Clear scope definition via these tools will ensure thoroughness, accuracy and efficiency in requirements discovery.

This research will take 3 weeks to complete.

3.3.2 Requirements Gathering Members of the core project team will conduct interviews with campus constituents including:

• Academic Department Managers

• Public Affairs (UR)

• Development Office (UR)

• Divisional Liaison Council (DLC)

• Local IT Specialists (LITS)

• The Web Coordinators Group

• DL recommended – staff from campus recommended by each DL

• Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) Team

• ITS technical staff

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o ITS architects (system, application, security, application security)

o Security

o System administration

o Programmers/developers

o Application security

o Networking

o AIS/Portal

• Undergrad student groups (arranged through SOAR)

• Campus Academic Support Group (CAS)

This work package is estimated to take 2 months to complete.

3.3.3 RFP Process The Core Project Team will work with Procurement and Business Contracts to create and submit a request for purchase (RFP). This will include using the requirements gathered to create a scope of work and submittal of the RFP in CruzBid. The Web CMS 2008 report will be purchased to help evaluate and know vendors in the marketplace. The report “provides a comprehensive overview of Web Content Management products and best practices, including updated, 10- to 20-page comparative surveys of 30 Web CMS packages…across 7 vendor categories.” The report is designed to help teams save time in the selection process, create vendor shortlists and budget more accurately. This report will be shared with interested parties once evaluation and selection begin.

The selection committee will be made up of 5-8 members. See “Selection Committee” in Section 5, Project Organization and Staffing for detailed roles and responsibilities and initial names and time requirements. This team has not been solidified at the time of charter approval.

A representative from Procurement and Business Contracts will facilitate the evaluation and selection process. This work package will conclude with a recommendation to executive sponsors, SMT and the Web Presence and Services Program Team or Web Steering. The recommendation will include the chosen solution, necessary budget and a high-level implementation plan along with all viable solutions reviewed with their strengths and weaknesses articulated. The implementation plan will include the approach to install and configure the chosen solution.

The implementation strategy is to run existing web content delivery architecture(s) in parallel with the chosen solution. Data Center limitations will need to be documented during the requirements gathering and weighted heavily for the evaluation part of the RFP process.

This work package is estimated to take 2-1/2 months.

3.3.4 Scoping Recommendations The WCMS Core Project Team will learn about information architecture from in-house experts and on-line resources to evaluate content (audit), site maps, navigation, workflow and policy to aid in developing recommendations for the

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scope of initial deployment. Knowing that all service offerings cannot transition at the same time, the team will need to identify content, security, authorization, workflow, policy and clean up work for in-scope web sites. The team will clearly define and recommend an information architecture and specific sites are in-scope and out-of-scope for migrating. Criteria will be created and used to help determine which sites are chosen to ensure tier 1, 2, and 3 sites are chosen.

The Core Project Team will recommend the set of scoped work to Project Sponsors and the Web Presence and Services Program Team or Web Steering Committee. Items not included in the recommendation will be out-of-scope for this project.

This work will be completed while the requirements gathering interviews and evaluation/recommendation work is taking place.

3.3.5 Communication A WCMS Project web page has been created and will become available when the project begins. The web page will be updated regularly by the project team.

The project team will work on timing and the creation of communication events and marketing opportunities regarding requirements gathering, evaluation and recommendation of the WCMS.

3.4 Phase 2

3.4.1 Procurement of the chosen system Procurement and Business Contracts will procure hardware, software and consultation time from the selected vendor. If an open source product is chosen, the necessary hardware, software, maintenance contracts, and any additional components or services will be procured.

3.4.2 Physical installation and testing A physical installation and testing plan will be produced by an ITS technical team. This team will consists of staff from Core Technologies, Applications Solutions and the Portfolio Management Group. See “Installation Team” in Section 5, Project Organization and Staffing for detailed roles and responsibilities and initial names and time requirements. This team has not been solidified at the time of charter approval.

Work on the installation plan can begin as soon as a solution is approved. Physical installation can begin once hardware and software are available.

In the event a hosted solution is chosen, this work package is not necessary.

Technical training will be necessary to support and maintain the application layer. Database, security, and system support and maintenance training may also be necessary.

3.4.3 Configuration and testing Select technical staff and web developers will produce the configuration and testing plan. See “Configuration Team” in the Section 5, Project Organization and Staffing for

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detailed roles and responsibilities and initial names and time requirements. This sub-team has not been solidified at the time of charter approval.

The configuration and testing plan is dependent on needs of the sites migrating. The configuration and testing plan will describe configuration items such as but not limited to web site organization, publishing routines to promote content, authentication of users and assigning of publishing rights.

Functional training may be necessary for web developers, administrators and content managers.

The timeline to complete this work will be based on the amount of configuration necessary to support functional requirements given the solution chosen. This could be a relatively small piece of work or large depending on the solution chosen.

The configuration planning work can begin as soon as a solution has been approved. Actual configuration and testing can begin once the purchased solution has been installed and successfully tested.

3.4.4 Deployment and testing The ITS Web Lead along with select web developers, web administrators and content managers will produce the Deployment and testing plan. See “Deployment Team” in the Section 5, Project Organization and Staffing for detailed roles and responsibilities and initial names and time requirements. This sub-team has not been solidified at the time of charter approval.

The deployment and testing plan will include the documenting and testing of processes and workflows to receive and update content in a test bed or pre-production staging area and implement the data storage portion of the information architecture. Structured change management and project (risk) management will ensure effective security, stability and interoperability.

An outcome of this work package will be re-assigned roles and responsibilities to provide web services prior to sites migrating.

The deployment planning work can begin as soon as a solution has been approved. Actual deployment and testing can begin once the system is has been configured and successfully tested.

3.4.5 Site migration and testing Service providers for each web site will produce the site migration and testing plan. See “Site Migration” in the Section 5, Project Organization and Staffing for detailed roles and responsibilities and initial names and time requirements. This sub-team has not been solidified at the time of charter approval.

The site migration and testing plan will identify and prioritize web sites to be migrated based on the scoping recommendations approved by the Project Sponsors and Web Steering Committee.

This plan will also articulate developer, administrator and user training and supply necessary end user self help documentation.

This work package can begin after the system has been configured and successfully tested. The timeline from this work package will determine the end date of the WCMS project.

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3.4.6 Outstanding Web Requests A limited set of websites will be migrated as part of this project. Requests from website administrators wishing to migrate or convert their websites to the new WCMS and service offerings will be collected as service requests and processed Other web service requests will be collected and may come in the form of web template (re)design, 508 compliance updates, content updates and support training. This collection of service requests will be given to the Web Service Manager, the appropriate service provider(s) or the Web Steering Committee.

3.4.7 Communication Plan The communication plan will be updated based on major milestones added from the installation, configuration, deployment and site migration plans. Communications will include

• Progress and upcoming milestone reports to stakeholders

• Directed staging plans for site migrations

• WCMS training and support marketing/advertisement

• Updated information / status / news to the web site

• Reports identified as deliverables deemed necessary

3.5 Dependencies • Establishment of the Web Council and Web Steering Committees

The Web Presence and Services Program Team will take responsibility of strategy and governance until the Web Council and Web Steering Committees are charged and running.

• Approval by ITS and UR of a joint web presence collaboration agreement

In the absence of a charge from EVC Klinger and the Web Presence and Services Program Charter, this charter may suffice as the interim agreement.

• An approved budget for the one-time purchase and on-going support costs of the WCMS solution

Additional (out-of-scope) on-going staffing and support costs may be necessary as the web content service is deployed.

• Adequate funding to support the procurement of the recommended WCMS.

3.6 Project Timeline The timeline is tentative and based on an Oct 6th start date. This timeline assumes a week off for Thanksgiving and two weeks off over winter break. This timeline assumes core team members are completing 4 hours per week on project meetings and work and does not (yet) take into account core team member’s schedules and vacations. The schedule may fluctuate given this additional input. The roles of project manager, project analyst and process analyst will work nearly full time on

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this project in order to achieve the estimated schedule in lieu of additional core team member time on the project.

ID Major Milestones Start Finish

1-0 Phase 1 Oct 08 Mar 09

1-1 Schedule Interviews 10/6 10/24

1-2 Complete communication plan 10/6 10/24

1-3 Interview time 10/27 1/9/09

1-4 Scoping recommendation work 12/8 3/30

1-5 Requirements organized and weighted 1/12 1/16

1-6 Write RFP, Evaluation and Selection 1/19 3/13

1-7 Complete recommendation 3/16 3/30

1-8 Present recommended solution and other deliverables

3/31 4/3

End Phase 1 4/3

2-0 Phase 2 April 09 ??

2-1 Procure chosen solution

2-2 Physical installation, testing and training

2-3 Configuration and testing

2-4 Deployment, testing and training

2-5 Site migration, testing and training

2-6 Handoff outstanding web requests/work

End Phase 2

3-0 Project Closure ? ?

3-1 Transition project deliverables to operations

3-2 Conduct a lessons learned

3-3 Complete closure documentation

Project closed

3.7 Success Criteria • A central WCMS is implemented and accepted by sponsors including Public

Affairs and ITS service providers

• A central WCMS is implemented and accepted by primary stakeholders including academic and academic support web site migration participants

• Clear roles and responsibilities are established for content creation, maintenance, web design and the support of the technology

• In-scope tier 1, 2, and 3 web sites are migrated to a secure, stable, and common content management system

• Improved accessibility and usability compliance according to the 508 Rehabilitation Act

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• Campus stakeholders are kept informed of developments and are provided with opportunities to comment and participate

3.8 Issues and Policy Implications Policy issues or standards that must be considered or addressed by the Web Presence and Services Program and/or Web Steering are:

• Governance practices

• Design and branding

• Web policy and standards

• Workflow processes/policies

• Service management / Service definition

o Service manager – role must be filled to lead the service team

o Service team – collaborative cross-campus team to manage day-to-day support and delivery of the web content services

o OLA – shared operational procedures for support and delivery of web services

o SLA – shared service levels for service delivery and performance

o Costing model – equitably deliver web services to entire campus community and ensure an appropriate division of shared costs

3.9 Risk Management Plan Risk Factor Probability

(H-M-L) Impact (H-M-L)

Risk Management Action

Complexity of requirements bogs project down

H H Clarity of goal and objectives, which is easy to communicate to all stakeholders, requirements template should not be overly complex

Clients concentrate on loss of design autonomy, mandatory adoption, or other issues

H H Web Council and Web Steering will help define the standards and policies Participation and usage in general will be encouraged but not mandatory Clear communication plan to address concerns Adding a requirement (that will be given to Web Steering) that templates are more flexible or more template options exist.

Clients have high expectations based on requirements gathering

H H Clear communication of the nature of WCMS function, during requirements gathering and in communications to the campus

Dissatisfaction with limited functionality of WCMS – scope

H H Future phases include document mgmt, records mgmt, etc. but reinforce notion

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creep. Potential impact on project progress as well as success in encouraging participation and eventual adoption

that expanding scope will threaten project success Phase 1 will document potential integration needs

Limited campus participation that impacts quality of requirements and detracts from sense of campus partnership

M H Risk is not high because of the high level of interest currently in the web presence and the potential impact on nearly every segment of the campus community. However, it will be important to communicate the priority of the project from campus leadership and the desire for engagement in the requirements gathering and installation processes

Full service definition work is needed

H H Costing model, policy, services (features and functions) to be provided, process changes The WCMS project will need to do some of the initial service definition work. The project team will need to sort through which services are defined

Successful content management could be achieved and yet, our UCSC web presence would still remain substandard.

H H The charge of the web steering committee is a vital part of strengthening UCSCʼs web presence. Active participation by committee members to charge high priority projects to improve areas of web presence are necessary to strengthen web presence.

Risk merely sticking mediocre content into a new template more efficiently

M M Increasing the quality of the content of websites will take some time and training. Migrating websites may get content updates give exposure to other examples of excellent websites, IA, design concepts.

Most core team members are only able to commit 4 hours per week. This isnʼt much time for a high priority, high visibility project.

H H Mitigations are: 1) Have several core team members that are nearly full time on the project to complete work decided upon by the core team 2) Run 2 parallel tracks within the core team to gather requirements and complete definitional work 3) Lengthen the schedule accordingly 4) Carefully structure and organize each core team meeting

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4 Technical Features

Technical requirements for the selection and implementation of a Web Content Management System will be collected as part of Phase 1 of this project.

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5 Project Organization and Staffing

Executive Sponsors and the Web Presence and Services Program Team will have oversight and steering responsibilities of the WCMS Project until the Web Council and Web Steering Committees are established. At that time, the Web Presence and Services Program objectives will be subsumed into the Web Steering Committee.

Project sponsors will have the responsibilities of making business decisions regarding project issues and scoping statements.

The WCMS Project will consist of one core project team and spawn five sub teams. The sub teams will include members of the core project team. Risks, issues and status are to be reported to the core project team on a regular basis. Unresolved issues will escalate to project sponsors.

Phase 1 will spawn one sub team called the Selection Committee. During a portion of Phase 1, the Core Project Team will split into two teams to concurrently complete requirements gathering and definitional work.

Phase 2 will spawn the following sub teams:

• Installation and testing

• Configuration and testing

• Deployment and testing

• Site migration and testing


Executive Co-Sponsors

Donna Murphy, VC UR Mary Doyle, VC ITS

Ultimate authority and responsibility for a project or program. Final approval for changes to scope. Provides additional funds for scope changes. Final approval of deliverables. Makes user resources available


Project Sponsor Barry Shiller, Public Affairs Mark Cianca, PMG

Provide leadership in support of the project. Makes business decisions for the program/project. Participates day-to-day in one or more projects/sub-teams. Disposes of issues and project scope change requests/orders.


Project Manager Ann Berry-Kline, PMG Facilitates and participates in project planning and approval. Manages, reviews and prioritizes the project work plans with the objective to

80% of 60% time

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UC Santa Cruz Web Content Management System (WCMS) Project Charter 20

stay on time and on budget. Manages project resources Reports status and issues to and receives feedback from the Executive Co-Sponsors and Web Presence.

Core Project Team

Project analyst ** Leslie Geary, ITS PMG

App arch, web developer, CMS expert, Web administrator

Web Lead, ITS Application Solutions

Process analyst ** Marion Bashista, ITS PMG

Academic representative

Andrea Hesse, ITS CRM/DL for Humanities Angela Thalls ITS CRM LITS

Academic support representative

Bomi Patel, CRM/DL for UR & Chancellorʼs Office

Web developer, CMS expert, web administrator, content manager

Rob Knight, Public Affairs, UR

Web Administrator, Content Manager

Sean Mikawa, Admissions Outreach Office, Student Affairs

Web Design Julie Rogge, Angella Thalls

Content Management

Jill Esteras, SocSci Department Manager Christina Navarro, PBSci Department Manager

Take direction, reporting status, and escalating issues to the Web Presence Program Team

Develop and execute a WCMS communication plan for the campus

Develop a bounded structure for requirements discovery

Gather requirements through interview process

Analyze, integrate, and weigh requirements collected

Define tier 1, 2,3; Recommend definition as new standard

Define IA, roles/responsibility, schematic, etc; Recommend for implementation in phase 2 deployment

Identify web sites for migration

Align with goals and objectives of their Web Presence Program Team member

4 hrs/week for the first 5 months 2 hrs every other week there after for the duration of the project ** - Up to 80%

Advisors & Resources

Web Presence and Services Program Team

Project oversight and issue escalation. Governance body for web presence strategy and policy. Charges and provides direction to the Web Presence Program Team (project Steering Committee). Project escalation body for issues related to strategy and policy.

As needed

Web-Coords Technical knowledge

App/Sys Architects Architectural Review

Bryn Kinar/Wes Modes IA and Lessons Learned

Lisa Gardner IA

Nancy Nieblas RFP leadership

Selection Committee 7 members max

Web lead New hire

Project Analyst Leslie Geary

Procurement and Business Contracts

Nancy Nieblas

Work with Procurement and Business Contract to

- prepare RFP

- set up vendor presentations

- engage necessary staff to validate requirements

3 hrs/wk for 2 months

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- complete evaluation

- write recommendation which would include:

- present recommendation, high-level implementation/approach plan, campus readiness analysis

Advisors & Resources

ITS technical staff Validate technical requirements

Department managers Validate user requirements

WCMS Core Team SMEs for requirements gathering history

Installation Team

Technical Lead New Hire

Project Analyst Leslie Geary

Vendor Consultant ?

Networking ?

Data Center ?

System Administration


Application support ?

Security ?

Application security ?

Advisors & Resources

App, Sys, App Sec, Sec Architects

Configuration Team

Web Lead/Technical Lead

New Hire

Project Analyst Leslie Geary

Vendor Consultant ?

Advisors & Resources

App, Sys, App Sec, Sec Architects

Web Coords

Deployment Team

Process Analyst Marion Bashista

Web Service Manager

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PIO Web Developer

ITS Web Lead

Content Manager

Web Administrator

Advisors & Resources

Key stakeholders

ITS Service Management


Site migration and testing Team(s) – for each team

Process Analyst Marion Bashista

Web Service Manager

Web administrator

Content manager(s)


Advisors & Resources

Key stakeholders

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6 Project Budget

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