weather -...

Weather Cooler ^ Magic I VdUev's Home -PJewsi)aper T-WIN-FAfcL-S~HyA«lGH-TUESDA-Yf'AUGbsT-12-W69- TEN-CENTS-- R e ^ P o u r ^ ro m jungle attacks was a -mortar -^aaull on the U.S.- Navy Hospital-five miles souih of fhe norlJiern coastal city of Da'Nang. It is PRESIDENT'NIXON TALKS WUh local residents on the teach near ‘ his CaUfd'rnlo ' “Summer' '^tle-HopsB;*' I walk .on Tuesday. T^e Presidents spending H o s p i t a l ^ a M e s l^ r s i^ There is-an acute need for nurses at Magic Valley. Njemo- rial -Wo!7piial and steps were nullined Mbndnv at a boa rd _ meeting to meet this growing crisis.- ■ Mr.s. Irene Oliver, adminis*- trator, told board' members the She saTd th ^ hospital . is cur- rently without' a ~atrec'tor~bf. - lucainc______ -s •'There is a shortage of nurs- _es_throughqut-.lhtL-_cpuntry_and_ we have bur shortage here, _ also,” she said. ----- Ur. l-l-flndlS ■i-0X,"’f)i‘6sld6t\l ' of the medical staff, .told bdard. members an associate degree nursing program may siart At . -< -SQUthenmaahP— "— Rjiir-pTOyid} -- ~ . degree program « ahd -at . the , - present time, colloge officials and members of the medical staff are findings it difficult to find such a ^rson. -The president of the board, Sid Graves, said, "Keep on the job.” This was in. reference to —getting— an— associate— •and a roof over part of the fourth floor. The cost of the foam will be *4,875, and bids were accepted by the county .. lastly— lh— tKB--5lfaIggi between Saigon and the Cambo- dian border. At - loasx 29 Americans were ' killed j and more’thnn 200 wounded. ' Military sourc'es said the new wave of attacks of shelling end on the ground were thti start of new lafe“ summcr Communtst North -.Vietnamese“infantrymen the Demilitarized Zone.(DM2) 5unday_ncarly. _IOO_Americans Ijad been killed and more than .'iSO w oun d e d . C ^rtteUiPfemier^^epartsr- In other business, the resigna- non oi jonn orecKenndgt^ longtime member of the .board, -w as acceptedhWilliam-Davis-of- —Twin Falls was appoinjed to take Mr. ~Rrcpkenridgp‘^ pin commissioners receniJy. This is a savings.of about $1,200 over previous roofing methods requiring tax —PCfT-it-w as reported.--------------- ^— The board voted to accept the commission's "decision “ on^lhe” bid. _________ The loam is sprayed“bn the roof, then .allfiwed to dry into — T'-n-hard-bmic- thar?mc'et¥-all-Te>- .'quirements ;for-roofing on hos- woa.r.cported— Tlie- board' also- accepted tnedical staff report apjiointlng ' Dr. Wallacc Bond to an honbr- Viet Cong commando dressed in loincloths- and carrying satoheK filled With /Hvnnmilp nttftrt^pri tho U.S. 1st for thd program can bo hired. on theb oard. _ Mr. Breckenrfdge resigned for personal reasons, bUt...p'raised _tho-board and the hos_pltaJ ad-______ ary staff merr^bcr and consultant — ministration-and-mcdlcal-Bta'ff,-— V. / ._with-malbfrBS3pttgirprlvllBgesr ' the hospital. "We can train nurses * - lieii?' aiid-hire~them-herer‘_^h8— ested In the hospital's operation -and- wou)d-help-aH-he?conld:— i> r .—Bond - a . ^ked^hat-^fr- lieved of duties j Involving atr. ■"T-tendttncfi’"Ot'-riiecHtigs '.becauso' The-board—agreed-to -send - ^ ------of-health roasonsi-.;-.:. ter's degree In nursing is beJ tng -------- ’- - Mr. Brcckenridgo a letter of -commendatioh-forT-hls-servIcd^ A new type of roofing mn- terlal. foam with n 'nvlon cover. will bo bover, a roof portion 70f-th^fir«t-floor-r Mrs. Oliver also saidrHfero . -a_nced-foc-*ir-condlU<>nlng-Qa-. the ■ fifth floor of the hospital. • __ ^oliJhaJjfiatd-fhaiikl slder Installation of the air next-y^aPf- Mock Mishap Drill Staged At Burley BURI.EY — A mock collision ---------of n bu«^ and train In Burley M onday n?«ulte^J In a code blue '“ ilTsasier call nt CnssIn'MCmBrlal Hospitnl, where 25 “ Injured" IJoy Scoul-s 'wero taken. Ilio mock dlsHBter drill was ' nrrniig<-“<l I'Y Mrs, Terr! Peler- Tho' Rcoiits woro from Trnon ~ N i> rT 4 7 ’" w l i r T J e n r “ :fe'ppc^ch: flcnut lender, and Troop No.. 7. with ninlr Gnlhriilth, lender. I Mothers of..tho bt>y.s convfnwl nt the hospital with vnrylng ■condllidns of mock cnncorh and tho rculliitic makeup of thubo^a, ■'Tor” tiUtii'/'l^uri><>so'i,njd(lc{l n . -tlUtli'/‘'l^uri><)su's,' H5-mlmite period of Ntress In (lie hoKpital’ii omcr* gency room, ' Medfcnl Ktnff m em hcrn' from Ihn 'disirlnt trnni rc.ipondfd front offlci's In Durlpy and Piuil - niKl within IS mlnuli'«'three hoys were ndmlltcd to ' "siir- pri7 ",- thrcn wore nwnltlnR fiurRory,** th re e woro . trented for burni and four wero iKolat- cd n? dpnrt on nrrlvrit, All hoys ' Mn'ih)»rrT 'of “ tiro ' de^ .piirlniciit nnd nhcrilt'H .orrico nnslsted 'Nvllh Iriifflc. ’• nitlOoknr/i Raid (he iMnt sfmw of Iho day waH ihe nhow put on hy pnrcntfi wnnllng Information on their “Injured’* children. Supplies wero mado rcndy and thu drill occurred on n <lny wlioii thc.ecnsuv at the hoHoltal was light. It wnw roportrif. If wn« not neccHftary to Invoke lh(' omcrHiincy dlHchnrgo pro- codurtf, it wall rcporled. In (ho anock procedure, next . of kin were notlflrd |>y tejcv phono to copno to iho liosiiltaf and thn dlfianter drill ended aT tor nn hour and ir* mlaiiicii.. Rolxirt na^ton, ho.-jplial ad' wmild .bo compiled for evaliin- <li>n for nhorlcomlhgn on Iho part of tho ho.spllal during'the drill.,; ................ _ Mcillcnl fltaff i!ioml>jir{l,.nurB- cs and ailrnlnlnlralnrft ngrccd 'iignicloK nuuln tlin dHIl ponnlhlo and provided vnhinhio norvlco to tho hoa])lial and community. SehooUfeustees-EndGPi= Conduct Code For Students _____________to usi _ an economical spacecraft con- trol system. The experimental'' one-ton craft, an applications techhoto- gy satellite called ATS 5, was -schcdnlcd—to—rcacfr-lts-^lnal ■5rallona>jr~'ofbir'27,t50(r-T7lllCS ohove_Uio. raclfic Ocean this evening., .A .week after It Is parked In an orbit Uiat keeps It constantl.” 7rin' CBrmrATS. Twin Falls” school trustees Monday night approved unanim- ously, a student conduct code «i\d -turocd.ilowi\-a.BtudenVa re - quest "that tho code be altered to permit students to wear mus- taches. Tlio trustees acted upon rec- ommondation of a parenl-Htu- dcnt advisory committee set up tn4 lrfl{La_flludcnt.cod(i.govcrnr Ing mnitera of dress and con- duct, ' • • Tho ndopled rode offered whnt .Supt, lirnest Ragliind termed a "concession to HtudentH In allow- ing iKiys lo wear H e r m u d ft Hhurls In tho early fnll nnd Inir spring. ' A student member of the ad- visory commlitoe, Jim Daugh, a senior at H'win I'nllfl, High SchQQl_fttSutd_!or - u. -laotc-Ub. el-aV policy permitting “ w e ll groomed musfoche.s.” ■ He snid students and parents voted in opposlto blocs In ban- ning thomustnehe in the pnrcnt- student committee’s dcllhera- mustachcs arc not dclHmcnta! to academic prtjcessgi; ---- “Tho qiieslion I have is, docs a -sU«lenv-wewTinR-n'clt:an7' rca* Konuble, trimmed mustache In liny way detract from the edu- cational pi:occKs of tho h i g h school.’' Board members thanked Baugh fqc his presentation,“ bill dents who favored permitting mustachu.H. wore not cffectivelv’ ropres(;nic<| In Ihe ninjorlty iwsl* lion. The Dnugh youth offered wluit he ternjcd a ''Ktiident minority report" .to tlw boardi——:— — He argued that woll-groomed recommended p o l i c y without dissent. In ulhcr action, the trustcca . —Directed .Supi. Kagland to draft n school iMtllcy on student ii.-<o ()fl|li!giil drug's,'to he dis - tributed: among-BttidcntS Along .SCO KCnaOI.S, Page 2. Col. 1 Migrant Workers Series To^ Start In T N Qn Wednesday —We-huvo-n-hunch-yoit-will Joy- a -scries of articles written es]>i!clally for f>roiicnlnllon In the ’ilincs-Nciwi. I I SlarllnH Wc'dneNdnV’—and con. tinning tiiroiigli Friday—you will get thn chanro; for nn Insight Into the thoughts and lives of migrant Mexican workers who each year come into our area for work In Ihb fields. And writing tho artlcleR Is nandnll MorKrtn. Ronlo Two. narison, ■iiio‘2s.yoar*old lias his A.U. from the University of Cal- ifornia at Bcykcloy and hfli taught' social! sliidlns and Spun* Ish at Hansen' High School for tho past two yearn. Ills Inter- views with Ihn Mexican w'orkora woro In SpanUh. This coming school year ho will bo teaching .^'IgHoh at norali High In Boise, ..^->lai,Uvod~and..fttuitled- nsarly two' yenru In Mcxico and has traveljd throuttliout that coun- try..4l«-J'-otucj)Cd from tliero only three weeks ago. IIS', has trovol- ed in ^Mth America and in Eu* rape .and mor, DoAnria Larmm of Twin 4raU3^ficdjca._wiUi=ilit;Ccmr Corps In rural community de> Vfllopment In Oiiatemala. Among other tilings, ha ha* ten a t nmpamtfve—history fitiifly'on' thO' Mexidftu wnr in ho puhllshe<i this fall by thn I'oroign-noUcy ..................... ....... New York, Each summer over tmi hun- dred Miixlcnn-Aincriran fnnillles como out of tho lo work on Matilc Valley fjirm.i. In the area of I'wln I'ltlls Ihey. hpe and thin huetH—work that ma- chines and chemicals caiinnt do, ind for' TVlilth the loi nl' supply Is InsufflclHiil. A nia]or' Ity 01 (hoso mlgranlH aro from Texas and Arizona, and dimny of.them,have bcen'coming *rwin Falla for over fllleon years. •.Some aro American citi' inn's,-' naluraHr.ed or horn In ihe United StfltOii!''Alhflr8 are liiv migranis from Mcxico. Many Ab surely as Twin Falls do pend upon the beet crop, 1| de- pends on tlfo n^lgrants wito tend that crop'. Yet migrant labor Uoot .'moro-tliaaawork In our immunity:-it-*p4nda h«r«.too. Slati Crom, director of tho 'Pwin , , ....................... - -fr«m »00,000 to >71KI.D00 annually In Twin Faili nlone, % woll; a|TprCTiBtt(^-by-*nvftri*a1l3- >iicf^ Tlie simple fnct' Is that all g jiu.Tufin ,l7flllii.Uua.buriftr..>>a^ ciiii!ic of llip contribution tho Mi'Xlc^iin-Amerlciin migriint la- borer miikei lo our economy. Yi-i, eHsentlally, tho* m igrant la- borer Is unknown lo us. For the fiirnior or tho merchant hn’| Is flomeono lo whom a few wdrds of lnnirii(;tlon are said, nomebne lie rest . . , dim figure al the far side of Iho field wfi drive by. 'I'hu florlcs of Ihreo interviews is lnlen<lcd to glvo that d<ni fig- ure Iho <leiail It rightfully de- Horvcs, 'Ilic Interviews were con- duolod in apnnish at tiio 'rwin FullN '>or Cenier and prcnent woro Mr, and M u. l.orenKo Ca- brora, Mr. and Mrs, Simon-Her* nanduz, Mr. Beatrlr. Irueghs, and Mr. Hornando CuellJir tolling what It (b Jlke to follow ilw ml- grant circuit year nflor .year. They .npoko frankly of Uiolr Im- praMlona^)fJTMi|ii F'alls, ifT-their problems, and of their goals. In ior iindnrstandlnR of their lives. ,Wo will IM y«ii Wednwdny., By United P^ess 'iniematlonaI_ ’ Israeir“'Pfcmie‘r '”Gbld£r Mbir said today Israel had xarried out bombing air attacks Sunday and-Mohday-against-Jordan-and Lebanon to “ cool” the frontiers ^nd— halt— thg-T\Tnh— fpinrrilla i - 'against— Israeli farming communIties~ ~ Her staiemeht aTT nSTO' confcrcnco in Haiia coincided with— dlplomatltr— reports in Lon'don: that the. Soviet Union -had — warntfd— Egypt^— strongly ------- '— ^— escalating— the—Middle Marine Division headquarters near Da Nang early today. Racine defenders killed 11 of them after several broke w Cong *T{Tllcd--lwo-Marines_Jind ^yniinrfprf fiyp. of whoi Satellite To. CAPE KENNEDY - (UPI)—A J15 ■rtiillion__ pathfinder for Tidvnric'cd“ comfrranlcinlbns aiid weather satellites soared into day - nn ottcmDt 1 gravity,: li— apWBt— shaped booms 2.^3 feet- long to try out tho gravlsy'Stablllzntlon lechntquo In stationary orblt.for tho fi'rst-^fmc.. ............. .........- The Idea- Is to utlHne basic principles of phy.slcs: 'Hie pull of gravity on orfo end of the booms will he slightly greater than on tho other end and therefore one' side of tho fletellltA-fl>>ould-«onfilantlv-faca cfirth— Just as ihe moon does In Its distant orbit, Such a control system would bo Ideal for radio relay and ^eajher watching Hatellitei that m»«i , ..iftmnnPJL!! camoras , pointed., towurti. i'o rarth in stationary orbits, Oravlty cdntrol requires of the gas thrusters, sensors and complicated electronics iiHCd for such , atabilltntlon today. STOKM DEVEIX)PS WA.SlilNfiTON (UPI)— Hiirrl cnnc Blnnrhn. n rapidly moving surprise storm which flwlrled ur> tho norlh Allnntlc during tho ntght. may brush tho southenst 1 ln— of— —Nmfoundlaml,------ tli* WoniherHiirnnu Bnld today,- FOUND ANY TREASURE LATELY? iNltnd trom New York In purixll ol pUnlat nnil intlsiid l>b(.anio ons hliTiialf, M» cct|itui«cl or«f»» l>ul mnil* '■><• p r lalllng lio(k lo N«w Yu(k,w1i>(* l<* wu» cniiylil nml liiitiua<t'|l'> 1701. Pflopi* aia itlll IcroHno fcr fnptnin Klilil I. Iinnnita. rind nnoOmr IVP* ol figoitira tiy lalllng M'b ft»nlly'* .no lonusf. .ui»J ,llilnQi„wlllL..,'i- liiTiM.Nfiwi Wnni M . » * o, »o»y at dialino 733-09ai, , lU ri'l Ih* ,(|nl ad In lK« 'wnnf nd'd«pertm«nt lodoyl evacuation hospital In Vietnam, exploded ••nnR,fi?.mm mnftnr^rntiad-blin': operating up-in.sido a- ward-housing SO^Navy-—medical- cbrpsmen the hospital's and - patients, wounding. 12. of them.j three hospital staff members, Another', blasted an operating Eleven 82fnni monitr rounds room. ' . _______ . 1 hit the hospital. U P I diplomatic, correspondent k : c ;~ Tlihlof-. s a i d - 11113513 delivered-rtlie-warning because' it did not want to get involved .ai.a.time. both-Woshington-and Moscow-aro. seeking ways to East-West— tension,--and t’ would lose a new war— East conflict into fullscaj^war with Israel, burned fatally' by a napalrn :roinSrT>iSl did'not dair for a mccting-^f the council. Israel countered with unoffi- cial— statements by political-^ sources that they believed attacks— Sunday— and— Monday— !££ agaiijsf^ordan— and=rLcbanoir:: whjdi persons, said killed seven Including a woman 'had d^ivcrcd''a':“me^8 age” 'to ~ TTlQ 'lCfiaii'rs ot me t,wo.countries :Russian-suppllcd equipment. Cebanoii coir^ldlncd to •U.S. Security Council Mbnda’ night against-an-IsraeU-air- rale ..................... ......... Tir-nhe— Mount— Hennon— arcnianrews conierence in riaim ho to keep thecr guerrilla attacks under control. Mr.cj. M eir followed tip . these "■ ' ■ jamments-bvL-^lng M. Gueiry, Nixon Seeks System in .Madrid;-Spain, where he-had been visiting. Ho was en route home at the time of his death. _Hc_waa. born Seot. 31. 1802. at W6hiwaYr~vnscflvgr~spmn— nnift camo to Shoshone in 1910. His IIcaL;.einBloymfinL_«aa_lii_i__ sheep Industry near Bliss. Later he worked In tho construe Ion of Salmon Dam In 1910-1 carne~tirnh(r^i' =Cii'jS £ApoUo-Crew- Relates^l^ie= and-Throo-Crook areas in -19M He migrated with the Triguero sheep in southern and eastern Idaho, Utah and Nevada until 1920. Then he csiabllshed -hls own sheep operation In 1921 and wasTretlvalnT-nnchlng-thtjrirThi! rest oITiIs Kfo. Jn 1929 ho married Juanita Ai*- rlen. M r . ^ u e r r y Belonged fo tho Buhl CathollcjCb»irc)i of the Immaculate Conceptiop and to .Kiilglifs-nt. ~ ............................... He was a past officer of the n ’-'AHSocJatlon, belonged ^o Iho -Idaho-Wool-Growors Asso- cruHori iihd theHL'MTJoI'ie dis' trict advisory board. Recently he was honored by being elccted lo tho Livestock Hnll of Fame. Survivors Incliidc, In addition See CUERRY, Pg- 2, Col. 5 SURGERY CONTROLLED DAR ES SALAAM (UPI)- The Tanzanian -government has amended itji pcnul code m«k«?...!|ie _death srntenco mnndafory-ft^nny^mqunlifipd person who-Tcmovcs tonails and causea'a natlcnt’a death, Mnrm Trip SPACE CEf^ER, Houston , JP I)— Tho heroes of Apollo 11 tell the world-today what It-was like to explore the moon.~ — Iu-4halr--ihitial-publto-r«port oh man’s .first .moon landing, Noll__A. __ Armslrongi -Jdldiaol Coillna and Edwin E. "Burz” Aldrin Jr. wero expected to dl-scuss all aspects of their fiieht-and-narratg-sCTnc-of-^'— their population an< Nixon’s message on manpow* er training was outlined broadly IpJiis.address'to.the^atjpn laat_ grnphy ever taken, ■■ Following ■the riews' confer* oij;co-a--Juttclvcojv--wa5l?rirsHi3 for tho ostronauts, thoir wives, Space Agency Administrator Tomas O. Paine, top officials of the S24 billion Apollo project and 000 members of.tho team that mado possible tho elght- day-JlIght.. "nien, Iho moon adventurers and“'thclr famlllefi set out Woflncsdny aboard President Nixon’s Jeillher fcir igmultij6u.s ticker-tape parades Jn Now Jfor-k— Jind— Chicago— and— *n jiinr.caodt'j?U:Ujiw>M-!nnec_wiih tho ProHldont and l.GOO other celebrities' in l^s^ AngeJeSj was thfr second Installment In— Nlxon's— ciirreht “ trilogy'" dealing with underadvantagea members ot the*American labor • ty hft ,a>Vrd- Income for families too poor to caro-for.4iioin«elves-«de4uaiely.~— »— - O n Wednesday,-he plaoned to........ *submit the third In a series o -mffsragra-to-Congrfssr-dcnUng-... .with .jip cvolving-system—for-------- —- states on a comollcated basis of_________ - - ’- ' - I and tax ^ — The details were 'relatively ^veil-known but an Interesting aspect of tho ^bcon message - ^r In Whldi ha was tho manner TSraT' program mlglit bo an effective . jjedgo agalnstruncmploymcntr- - —He asked-Congrcss^'^inHOP Iro the use of tho comprehen- sive manpower training system- as an economic stabilizer. Tho Preildent also pr<iposed establishment of a . .*natIonal • computerized ]bb bank to I match '■job” seAers With vacancles»il:i-F«)m liberal-sec. t o r .s ^ f '^ e nolitldal spectrum, thew - have oeen -prter-oWec- tions to such a system, based on fcttrs that such a '‘computflr;___ {zed Job bank" would end up at. federal-lnlerventlon-upoft-lh«— privacy .of an individual,.

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Page 1: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather


M ag ic IVdUev's Hom e -PJewsi)aperT-W IN -FA fcL-S ~H yA«lG H -TU ES D A -Yf'AU G bsT-12-W 69- T E N - C E N T S - -

R e ^ P o u r ^ r o m j u n g l e

attacks was a -m ortar -^ a a u l l on the U.S.- Navy H ospital-five miles souih o f fhe norlJiern coastal city of D a 'N an g . It is

PR E SID E N T 'N IX O N TALKS WUh local r e sidents on the te a c h nea r ‘ his CaUfd'rnlo ' “ S u m m er' '^ tle -H o p sB ;* '

I w alk .on Tuesday. T^e P r e s id e n t s spending

H o s p i t a l ^ a M e s l ^ r s i ^There i s - a n acu te need for

nurses a t Magic V alley. Njemo- rial -Wo!7piial and steps were nullined Mbndnv a t a boa rd _m eeting to m eet this growing crisis.- ■

Mr.s. I re n e O liver, adminis*- tra to r, told board ' m em bers the

She saTd th ^ hospital . is cu r- ren tly w ithout' a ~ atrec'to r~ b f. - lucainc______ -s

•'There is a shortage of nurs- _es_throughqut-.lhtL-_cpuntry_and_

we have bu r shortage here, _ also ,” she said.

----- U r. l-l-flndlS ■i-0X,"’f)i‘6sld6t\l 'of the m edical s taff, .told bdard. m em bers a n associate degree nursing p ro g ram m ay s ia r t At .

-< -SQ U thenm aahP— — "— Rjiir-pTOyid} - -

~ . degree program « ahd -at . the , - p resen t tim e, colloge officials

and m em bers of the m edical s taff a re findings it d ifficult to find such a ^ r s o n .

-The president of th e board, Sid Graves, sa id , "K eep on the job .” This w as in. re fe rence to

—getting— an— associate—

•and a roof over pa rt of the fourth floor. The cost of the foam will be *4,875, and bids w ere accepted by the county

.. lastly— lh— tKB--5lfaIggi between Saigon and the Cambo­dian border. At - loasx 29 Americans were ' killed j and more’thnn 200 wounded. '

Military sourc'es said the new wave of attacks of shelling end on the ground were thti start of

new lafe“ summcr Communtst

N orth -.V ietnam ese“ infan trym en

the D em ilitarized Z one .(D M 2) 5 unday_ncarly . _IOO_Americans Ijad been killed and m ore than .'iSO wounded. C


In o ther business, th e resigna- non oi jo n n orecK enndgt^ longtim e m em ber of the .board,

- w a s accep tedhW illiam -D av is-o f- —Twin Falls was appoinjed to

take Mr. ~Rrcpkenridgp‘ pin

commissioners receniJy.This is a sav in g s .o f about

$1,200 over previous roofing m ethods requiring tax a n d .p a -

—PCfT-it-w as reported.--------------- —The board voted to accept the

com m ission 's "decision “ o n ^ lh e ”bid. _________

The loam is sprayed“ bn the roof, then .allfiwed to dry into

— T '-n -h a rd -b m ic - thar?m c'et¥-all-Te>- .'qu irem ents ;fo r-roofing on hos-

woa.r.cported— — Tlie- board ' a lso - accepted

tnedical sta ff repo rt apjiointlng ' D r. W allacc Bond to an honbr-

Viet Cong c o m m a n d o dressed in loincloths- and carrying satoheK filled With /Hvnnmilp nttftrt^pri tho U.S. 1st

for thd program can bo hired.

on t h e b oard._ M r. Breckenrfdge resigned for

personal reasons, bUt...p'raised_ th o -b o a rd and the hos_pltaJ ad-______ a ry staff merr^bcr and consultant— ministration-and-mcdlcal-Bta'ff,-— V. /._with-malbfrBS3pttgirprlvllBgesr

' hclp .tho -nu raing -p rob lcm .at- the hospital. "W e can tra in nurses *

- l ieii? ' aiid -h ire ~ th e m -h e re r‘_^h8—

ested In the hosp ita l's operation - a n d - w ou)d-help-aH -he?conld:—

i>r .—Bond - a . ked^hat-^fr- lieved of duties j Involving atr.

■"T-tendttncfi’"Ot'-riiecHtigs '.becauso'T h e -b o a rd —a g r e e d - to -send - ------of-health roasonsi-.;-.:.

te r 's deg ree In nursing is beJtn g -------- ’- -

M r. Brcckenridgo a le tte r of -com m endatioh -fo rT -h ls-serv Icd^

A new type of roofing mn- terla l. foam with n 'nvlon cover. will bo u s e d .to bover, a roof

p o r t io n 70f - t h ^ f i r « t - f l o o r - r

M rs. O liver also saidrH fero . -a_nced-foc-*ir-condlU<>nlng-Qa-. the ■ fifth floor of the hospital. •__ ^oliJhaJjfiatd-fhaiiklsld e r Installation of the a ir


Mock MishapDrill Staged At Burley

B U R I.E Y — A mock collision---------of n bu«^ and train In Burley

M onday n?«ulte^J In a code blue '“ ilTsasier call nt CnssIn'MCmBrlal

Hospitnl, where 25 “ Injured" IJoy Scoul-s 'wero taken.

Ilio mock dlsHBter drill was ' nrrniig<-“<l I'Y Mrs, Terr! Peler-

Tho' Rcoiits woro from Trnon ~ N i>rT47 ’" w lir T J e n r “ :fe'ppc^ch:

flcnut lender, and Troop No.. 7. w ith n in lr Gnlhriilth, lender.

I M others of..tho bt>y.s convfnwl nt the hospital w ith vnrylng

■condllidns of mock cnncorh andtho rculliitic m akeup of thubo^a,

■ 'T o r” tiU tii'/ 'l^ u ri> < > so 'i ,n jd (lc{ l n. -tlUtli'/‘'l^uri><)su's,'H5-mlmite period of Ntress In (lie hoKpital’ii omcr* gency room, '

Medfcnl Ktnff m em h crn ' from ■ Ihn 'd is irln t trnn i rc.ipondfd

front offlci's In Durlpy and Piuil - niKl w ithin IS m ln u li '« 'th re e

hoys w ere ndm lltcd to ' "siir- pri7 " ,- thrcn w ore nwnltlnR

fiurRory,** th r e e woro . tren ted for bu rn i and four w ero iKolat- cd n? dpnrt on nr r lvrit, All hoys

' Mn'ih)»rrT 'o f “ tiro ' de^.piirlniciit nnd nhcrilt'H .orrico nnslsted 'Nvllh Iriifflc.

’• nitlOoknr/i Raid (he iMnt sfmw of Iho day waH ihe nhow put on hy pnrcntfi wnnllng Information on their “ Injured’* children.

Supplies wero mado rcndy and thu drill occurred on n <lny wlioii thc.ecnsuv at the hoHoltal was light. It wnw roportrif.

If wn« not neccHftary to Invoke lh(' omcrHiincy dlHchnrgo pro- codurtf, it wall rcporled.

In (ho anock procedure, next . of kin were notlflrd |>y tejcv

phono to copno to iho liosiiltaf and thn dlfianter drill ended aT tor nn hour and ir* mlaiiicii..

Rolxirt na^ton, ho.-jplial ad'

wmild .bo compiled for evaliin- <li>n for nhorlcomlhgn on Iho part of tho ho.spllal during'thed r i l l . , ; ................

_ Mcillcnl fltaff i!ioml>jir{l,.nurB- cs and ailrnlnlnlralnrft ngrccd

'iignicloK nuuln tlin dHIl ponnlhlo and provided vnhinhio norvlco to tho hoa])lial and com m unity.

SehooUfeustees-EndGPi=Conduct Code For Students

_____________to usi _an economical spacecraft con­trol system .

T he ex p e rim e n ta l'' one-ton c ra ft, an applications techhoto- gy satellite called ATS 5, was -schcdnlcd—to—r c a c f r - l ts -^ ln a l ■ 5rallona> jr~ 'ofb ir'27 ,t50(r-T 7lllC So h o v e _ U io . r a c l f i c O c e a n th is evening.,.A .week a fte r It Is p arked In

an orbit Uiat keeps It constantl.” 7rin' C B rm rA T S .

Twin Falls” school trustees Monday night approved unanim ­ously, a s tu d en t conduct code «i\d -turocd.ilowi\-a.BtudenVa re­quest "that tho code be altered to perm it students to w ear m us­taches.

Tlio trustees acted upon rec- ommondation of a parenl-Htu- dcnt advisory com m ittee set up tn4 lrfl{La_flludcnt.cod(i.govcrnr Ing mnitera of dress and con­duct, ' • •

Tho ndopled rode offered whnt .Supt, lirnest Ragliind term ed a "concession to HtudentH In allow­ing iKiys lo w ear H e r m u d ft Hhurls In tho e a rly fn ll nnd Inir spring. '

A student member of the ad­visory commlitoe, Jim Daugh, a senior at H'win I'nllfl, High SchQQl_fttSutd_!or - u. -laotc-Ub. el-aV policy permitting “ w e l l groomed musfoche.s.” ■

He snid students and parents voted in opposlto blocs In ban­ning thomustnehe in the pnrcnt- student committee’s dcllhera-

m ustachcs a rc not dclHm cnta!to academ ic prtjcessgi;----

“ Tho qiieslion I have is, docs a -sU«lenv-wewTinR-n'clt:an7' rca* Konuble, trim m ed m ustache In liny way d etract from the edu ­cational pi:occKs of tho h i g h school.’'

Board members t h a n k e d Baugh fqc his presentation,“ bill

den ts who favored perm itting mustachu.H. wore not cffectivelv’ ropres(;nic<| In Ihe ninjorlty iwsl* lion.

The Dnugh youth offered wluit he tern jcd a ''Ktiident m inority r e p o r t" .to tlw board i——:— —

He argued tha t woll-groomed

recom m ended p o l i c y w ithout dissent.

In ulhcr action, the trustcca . —D irected .Supi. K agland to draft n school iMtllcy on student ii.-<o ()fl|li!giil d rug 's,'to he d is ­tr ib u ted : among-BttidcntS Along.SCO KCnaOI.S, P age 2. Col. 1

Migrant Workers Series To Start In T N Qn Wednesday

—W e-huvo-n-hunch-yoit-will Joy- a -scries of artic les w ritten es]>i!clally for f>roiicnlnllon In the ’ilincs-Nciwi. I I

SlarllnH Wc'dneNdnV’—and con. tinning tiiroiigli F riday—you will get thn chanro ; for nn Insight Into the thoughts and lives of migrant M exican w orkers who each year com e into our a rea for work In Ihb fields.

And writing tho artlcleR Is nandnll MorKrtn. Ronlo Two. narison, ■iiio‘2s.yoar*old lias his A.U. from the U niversity of Cal­ifornia a t Bcykcloy and hfli taught' social! sliidlns and Spun* Ish a t H an sen ' High School for tho past two yearn. Ills Inter­views with Ihn Mexican w'orkora woro In SpanUh. This com ing school year ho will bo teaching

.^'IgHoh a t no rali High In Boise, ..^->lai,Uvod~and..fttuitled- n sarly two' yenru In M cxico and has trave ljd throuttliout tha t coun- try..4l«-J'-otucj)Cd from tliero only th ree weeks ago. IIS', has trovol- ed in ^M th A m erica and in Eu* rape .andmor, DoAnria Larmm of Twin4raU3^ficdjca._wiUi=ilit;Ccm rCorps In ru ra l community de> Vfllopment In O i i a t e m a l a . Among o th e r tilings, ha ha*

ten a t nm pam tfve—history fitiifly 'on ' thO' Mexidftu w n r in ho puhllshe<i this fall by thnI 'o r o ig n - n o U c y ..................... .......New York,

E ach sum m er over tm i hun­dred M iixlcnn-Aincriran fnnillles como out of tho lo work on M atilc Valley fjirm.i. In the a re a of I'wln I'ltlls Ihey. hpe and thin huetH—work tha t m a­chines and chem icals caiinnt do, ind fo r ' TVlilth the loi nl'

supply Is InsufflclHiil. A nia]or' Ity 01 (hoso mlgranlH aro from T exas and Arizona, and dimny o f .th e m ,h a v e b cen 'com ing *rwin Falla fo r over fllleon years. •.Some aro A m erican c iti' inn's,-' naluraHr.ed o r horn In ihe U nited StfltOii!''Alhflr8 are liiv m igran is from Mcxico. Many

Ab surely as Twin Falls do pend upon the bee t crop, 1| de­pends on tlfo n^lgrants wito tend th a t crop'. Y et m igran t labor Uoot . 'm o ro -tlia a a w o rk In ou r im m u n ity :- i t-* p 4 n d a h«r« .too . Slati Crom, d irec to r of tho 'Pwin

, , „ ....................... - -fr«m»00,000 to >71KI.D00 annually InTwin F a ili nlone, % woll;

a |TprCTiB tt(^-by-*nvftri*a1l3- >iic f^

Tlie simple fnct' Is tha t allg jiu.Tufin ,l7flllii.Uua.buriftr..>>a^

ciiii!ic of llip contribution tho Mi'Xlc^iin-Amerlciin m igriint la­bo rer m iikei lo ou r econom y. Yi-i, eHsentlally, tho* m ig ran t la­bo rer Is unknown lo us. F o r the fiirnior o r tho m erchant hn’| Is flomeono lo whom a few w drds of lnnirii(;tlon are said, nomebne

lie rest . . , dim figure al the far side of

Iho field wfi drive by.'I'hu florlcs of Ihreo interviews

is lnlen<lcd to glvo that d<ni fig­ure Iho <leiail It rightfully de- Horvcs, 'Ilic Interviews were con- duolod in apnnish at tiio 'rwin FullN '>or Cenier and prcnent woro Mr, and M u. l.orenKo Ca- brora, Mr. and Mrs, Simon-Her* nanduz, Mr. Beatrlr. Irueghs, and Mr. Hornando CuellJir tolling what It (b Jlke to follow ilw ml- grant circuit year nflor .year. They .npoko frankly of Uiolr Im- praMlona^)fJTMi|ii F'alls, ifT-their problems, and of their goals. In

ior iindnrstandlnR of their lives.,Wo will IM y«ii W ednwdny.,

By United P^ess 'iniematlonaI_’ Israeir“ 'Pfcmie‘r '”Gbld£r Mbir

said today Israel had xarried out bombing air attacks Sunday and-Mohday-against-Jordan-and Lebanon to “ cool” the frontiers ^nd— halt— thg-T\Tnh— fpinrrilla

i - 'against— Israeli farming communIties~~ Her staiemeht a T T nSTO' confcrcnco in Haiia coincided with— dlplomatltr— reports in Lon'don: that the. Soviet Union -had — warntfd— Egypt^— strongly ------- '— — escalating— the— Middle

Marine Division headquarters near Da Nang early today.

Racine defenders killed 11 of them after several broke

wCong *T{Tllcd--lwo-Marines_Jind

^yniinrfprf fiyp. of whoi

Satellite To.

C A P E K E N N E D Y - (U P I)— A J15 ■rtiillion__ pathfinder for Tidvnric'cd“ comfrranlcinlbns aiid weather satellites soared into

d a y -nn ottcmDt 1 gravity,:

li— apWBt—shaped booms 2. 3 feet- long to try out tho gravlsy'Stablllzntlon lechntquo In stationary orblt.fortho fi'rst-^fmc.. ............. .........-

The Idea- Is to utlHne basic principles of phy.slcs: 'Hie pull of gravity on orfo end of the booms will he slightly greater than on tho other end and therefore one' side of tho fletellltA-fl>>ould-«onfilantlv-faca cfirth— Just as ihe moon does In Its distant orbit,

Such a control system would bo Ideal for radio relay and ^eajher watching Hatellitei thatm »«i , ..iftmnnPJL!!camoras , pointed., towurti. i'o rarth in stationary orbits, Oravlty cdntrol requires of the gas thrusters, sensors and complicated electronics iiHCd for such , atabilltntlon today.


cnnc Blnnrhn. n rapidly moving surprise storm which flwlrled ur> tho norlh Allnntlc during tho ntght. may brush tho southenst1 ln— of— — Nmfoundlaml,------tli*WoniherHiirnnu Bnld today,-


iNltnd trom New York In purixll ol pUnlat nnil intlsiid l>b(.anio ons hliTiialf, M» cct|itui«cl or«f»» l>ul mnil* '■><• p r lalllnglio(k lo N«w Yu(k,w1i>(* l<* wu» cniiylil nml liiitiua<t'|l'> 1701.Pflopi* aia itlll IcroHno fcr fnptnin Klilil I. Iinnnita. rind nnoOmr IVP* ol figoitira tiy lalllng M'b ft»nlly'*

.no lonusf. .u i»J ,llilnQi„wlllL..,'i- liiTiM.Nfiwi Wnni M . » * o, »o»y at dialino 733-09ai, ,

lU r i 'l Ih* ,(|nl ad In lK«'wnnf nd'd«pertm«nt lodoyl

evacuation hospital In Vietnam, exploded ••nnR,fi?.mm mnftnr^rntiad-blin': operating

up-in.sido a- ward-housing SO^Navy-—medical- cbrpsmen

the hospital's

and -patients, wounding. 12 . of them.j three hospital staff members, Another', blasted an operating Eleven 82fnni monitr rounds room. ' . _______ . 1 hit the hospital.

U PI diplomatic, correspondent k :— c ;~ Tlihlof-. s a id -11113513 delivered-rtlie-warning because' it did not want to get involved .ai.a.time. both-Woshington-and Moscow-aro. seeking ways to

East-West— tension,--and

t’ would lose a new war—

East conflict into fullscaj^war with Israel,

burned fatally' by a napalrn :roinSrT>iSl did'not dair for a mccting-^f the council.

Israel countered with unoffi­cial— statements by political-^ sources that they believed attacks— Sunday— and— Monday—

!££ agaiijsf^ordan— and=rLcbanoir::


said killed seven Including a woman

'had d^ivcrcd''a ':“ me^8age” 'to ~ TTlQ 'lCfiaii'rs ot me t,wo.countries

:Russian-suppllcd equipment.Cebanoii coir^ldlncd to

•U.S. Security Council Mbnda’night against-an-IsraeU-air- rale ..................... .........Tir-nhe— Mount— Hennon— arcnianrews conierence in ria im h o

to keep thecr guerrilla attacks under control.

Mr.cj. Meir followed tip. these "■ ' ■ ja m m e n t s - b v L - ^ ln g

M. Gueiry, Nixon Seeks System

in .Madrid;-Spain, where he-had been visiting. Ho was en route home at the time of his death. _Hc_waa. born Seot. 31. 1802. at W6hiwaYr~vnscflvgr~spmn— nnift camo to Shoshone in 1910. His IIcaL;.einBloymfinL_«aa_lii_i__ sheep Industry near Bliss. Later he worked In tho construe Ion of Salmon Dam In 1910-1 c a r n e ~ t i r n h ( r ^ i ' =Cii'jS

£ ApoUo-Crew- Relates^l^ie=

and-Throo-Crook areas in -19M

He migrated with the Triguero sheep in southern and eastern Idaho, Utah and Nevada until 1920. Then he csiabllshed -hls own sheep operation In 1921 and wasTretlvalnT-nnchlng-thtjrirThi! rest oITiIs Kfo.

Jn 1929 ho married Juanita Ai*- rlen. M r .^ u e r r y Belonged fo tho Buhl CathollcjCb»irc)i of the Immaculate Conceptiop and to

.Kiilglifs-nt. ~ ...............................

He was a past officer of the n ’-'AHSocJatlon, belonged o

Iho -Idaho-Wool-Growors Asso-cruHori iihd theHL'MTJoI'ie dis' trict advisory board.

Recently he was honored by being elccted lo tho Livestock Hnll of Fame.

Survivors Incliidc, In addition See C U ER R Y , Pg- 2, Col. 5


The Tanzanian -government has amended itji pcnul code m«k«?...!|ie _death srntenco mnndafory-ft^nny^mqunlifipd person who-Tcmovcs tonails and causea'a natlcnt’a death,

Mnrm TripSPACE C E f ^ E R , Houston

, JP I)— Tho heroes of Apollo 11 tell the world-today what It-was like to explore the moon.~— Iu-4halr--ihitial-publto-r«port oh man’s .first .moon landing,Noll__A .__ Armslrongi - Jd ldiao lCoillna and Edwin E . "Burz” Aldrin J r . wero expected to dl-scuss all aspects of their fiieht - and - narratg-sCTnc-of-^'—

their population an<Nixon’s message on manpow*

er training was outlined broadly IpJiis.address'to.the^atjpn laat_

grnphy ever taken,■■ Following ■ the riews' confer* o ij;co -a --Ju ttc lv co jv --w a5 l? rirsH i3 for tho ostronauts, thoir wives, Space Agency Administrator Tomas O. Paine, top officials of the S24 billion Apollo project and 000 members of.tho team that mado possible tho elght- day-JlIght..• • "nien, Iho moon adventurers and“'th c lr famlllefi set out Woflncsdny aboard President Nixon’s Jeillher fcir igmultij6u.s ticker-tape parades Jn Now Jfor-k— Jind— Chicago— and— *n jiinr.caodt'j?U:Ujiw>M-!nnec_wiih tho ProHldont and l.GOO other celebrities' in l^s^ AngeJeSj

was thfr second Installment In— Nlxon's— ciirreht “ trilo g y '" dealing with underadvantagea members ot the* American labor

“ • ty hft ,a> V rd -

Income for families too poor to caro -fo r.4 iio in«elves-«de4uaiely .~— »—- O n Wednesday,-he plaoned to ........* —submit the third In a series o-mffsragra-to-Congrfssr-dcnUng-....with .jip cvolving-system— for-------- — -

states on a comollcated basis of_________- - ’- ' - I and tax ^

— The details were 'relatively ^veil-known but an Interesting aspect of tho ^bcon message

- ^r In Whldi hawas tho mannerT S r a T '

program mlglit bo an effective . jjedgo agalnstruncmploymcntr- - — H e a s k e d - C o n g r c s s ^ '^ in H O P Iro the use of tho comprehen­sive manpower training system- as an economic stabilizer.

Tho Preildent also pr<iposed establishment of a . .*natIonal • computerized ]bb bank to I match '■job” seAers With vacancles»il:i-F«)m liberal-sec. t o r .s ^ f '^ e nolitldal spectrum, thew - have oeen -p rte r-o W e c - tions to such a system, basedon fcttrs that such a ' ‘computflr;___{zed Job bank" would end up at. federal-lnlerventlon-upoft-lh«— privacy .of an individual,.

Page 2: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

■ 2 T Im os-N ew s,T w in F alls, I d a h o ' ' T u esd ay ) A O gu jt 1 2 , T969

Elderly Diib Back-To-Scliool Parade Is ]Real Stin k _____ iSceil. i

~ F r o m ‘T l m e s ^ N e w 8 - 2 4 * H o u r V ^ e h t h o r ' B u r e a U 'W l n I n t e r s ta t e '



r B ism arck ChicaRo* • '

• Cleveland•• Denver--;-------. D o s ,Moines'

. D ciroit ,

101 -7;^. • 78 -66 ■‘••^8 54

a-ort w orm=Ii?aian3TWlls=

.Incksonville . 92 75 K ansas City 90 '71

Los Anpcles .87 7t) _flfl— fiOc.

Generally' fa li^-\and through v.Wcdfiesday; liot so windy Wednesday. High- today and W ednesday 75 to- 85; Jow ton ight-In the '40s.-_Chanco ol rain near, zero today ahd to ­night and ID per ccn t Wedno's- dayi Today 's 8 a .m . Maglc-Vol- ley tem peratu res: Twin Falls W eather B ureau, 87. wUfi 56 pur ccnr bumidii:

Eoreca^r“*FAIR ':AN D-C O i J g t ^

cooler tomology Laborald iy , 60 and 57 p e r cen t;. Je rom e, missing; R upert, 58; HailcV. 52; Buhl. 58; Ca.sUciord, . 5S, ' and FalrHeld and King Hill, both reports miss­ing. Soil tem peratiircs; Twin F alls W eather Bureau: Four- Inch 75-(Mi cipjit-lnch, 7I-C8; 20- Inch,- 6M 8; 3W nchi-70-S0;-Ru- pert,' four-inch, M-71; Duhl, thrce-ineh. 86-€S. nnd Tn^flis

to MaRic V alley M em orial H os- , p iter~M bhdby , aKcrnoon aficr

their c a r crashed into the m e­d ian s tr ip ol Im ersio te SOU neaTthe V a lley . In terchange. _____

Idaho S ta te Police said How­a rd D cttm ers, 75. and his wife. 16, w ere th e only^occupants in the la te m odel PIjfrnouth..

They said . the“ D filtniers vehl- d o an d a 1967 Jord^p lckuo truck

narade will be held a t 10-i

B rowning, city rccrcad o n di- a t the .f.wJn...Fnlls .City P ark ------------- --------------------------------------------------

ford Uircc^inch, 8I-70.

d Joan'M oylc..20..Fleyj: ■biirri, -were both attem pting to

' d isab led vchicle 'pulled to

Teclor., T hose.partic ipating in the pa­rad e a r e ^ s k c d to m ee f a t the city hall narking lot a t 9:30 T here will be seve'n categories th is y ea r: tricycle, ,bicycles, m iscellaneous, nu rsery ' rhym es, back - t o . - ' schaoi, television charac te rs and flcals.• Cash aw ards of $3 firs t p lace;

^ Z ^ o f T g c O h d ra i id ^ S l~?Q r~ thIrd

•he side dr the road.-

w ill' be givcn.—ML^-Bcfl\v;ilng said there will be no free movie this year. . • • -

'■ The cvent is sponsored by ihe Downtown M erchants and_ the city parks and recreation de­partm ent. K E E P radio will db- nato their sound track and Mrs. C onnie Leiscr, c ity c lerk ,. Will head the team of-judgcs,

Vfetnam ‘Lull’ Believed

ta ised rkunlc-Here-

Twin -rn lU - Mnmlnv- n n d - in -o

The stink, however, w asi^t the smelling variety.

It was the m ad rush by police and citizcns, trying to cap iurc th e creature.'

The skunk way first seen at a.m . at 792 Sunrise-B lvd N.

In a garage. Police-w ere called Frid"an''.offlccr w as-sen t to the sdc‘nc~lo“ l f y ^ ld n ! l i h c r lo c a t l f sight o r smell of. the anim al.

Then the great chase started* -Tht^^skuokiwas-^een. agaiiLR l

1:-1S pim, at 77S Sunrtso Blvd

_ rer?l5ltlngrl» ‘-rw ln —' FalLs w ith old .friends . Wil-

liam Chancey suggesting flag x)lo be painCt'd RtCen . . Trn-— -------------- Jcl'Ome: tai r ^

/ daughter .ae llv cn n e "m aun___

— ■■■..- itone r t - DrailtTferd.—Buht,— kocR ing_apiw inlm ent_._,_,J^uis(i:_ W ebster r tla tm g sad story of.” county taxpayer . . . Harold - Jensen -w alk ing without crutch- . es . I . . J uneau Shinn comment- jng .onNempcrnlii'rft . . . . G a r r y ' Corder looking a t antique lamp 7 . T .'Mrs. Gcorgo M iller work- . ing in county office . . Dr. " £ rn c s t R a g la n d looking a t cor ..■..,...._A_-M ._Vlce-makmg-lclc--'— phone ca ll . . . - And o verheaf(tr~ r “ It felt this m orning like there should-have been some frost on ' fheP'pnmpkins:**-------- ^--------------—

^ e m p h

ler SynopsisPlym outh, apparen tly realized sho ilid # o t have room and bull- ed tn the edge of the road, When

Of No Politicai lmp9rt But the little anim al scurried |Boy Scout Troop—E af iy^m p „ ......ers" have “occurred - over' South­east Idaho. T his-precipitation is associajed with the su rface nnd up f^ r a i r disturbance , which moved across the M alheur Val-

. iKt-S6uthvW)Rp:TOalio=earI‘ yesterday.


■tem pcra tu rcs- crSOra

PARIS (U P ])—The resum p- V ietnam peace c o n te re n « “ tion of w idespread Com m unist h o ^ le ss ly deadlocked. SSSlii'clSS.ho S ' To Reactivatenfficer.s Qn.^ihcQ»Rh.,

Mrs. X. D. Porter a t 778 Si rise Blvd N. said her husband saw the animal, and it is a babv.and is wild, not tam e.. “ It was Mn our window well but thert-lsnrt any:sm cil.aroundi thank ' e^ d rie ss ." Mi b .-P u i 'te r said. . . '—T heH 'un t-foF -tlie^k im k con­tinues and meanwhiltT-t)fflcers caution people to be on the look- DuLfor'a black andlwhite.nniOial

is n b tT i^ a t .—

-M ia m i - ...........~ * i> 'Mpls-St\ P au l 91 .6 9

,.New O rleans. '8 4 77 New' York 83 65O m aha ■ ' '9 0 67

. P .iilladelP hja_^—

Most readings w ere 5 to 10 de­g rees lower,

P recip ita tion amounts have been light; m ost reports-w ere

rl- tO() ymall ^ m e a s u r e l )4 'n i^ 'ic m i ty - :6 F ^ ^ P o c a tt i l (H v h c rc

.30 of an inch oC rain fell.S alt U k e -Cify------S5~ ,T 0"San. Diego 85 6S•sari'F rancisco - 65 54 -

■ Seattle -7 3 56— 51^--------Spn

W ashington-

turned to E astern Oregon and Southw est:Idaho, y e s tc rd a y .a f- tern o o n -an d -will c o n t i . n u c tro u g h W ednesday.—imi

« 5 -

Alaska, CanadaCalgary

. Edmonton M ontreal O ttaw a • Regina

- r^ T trronto—

81 47 -79 51

. 74. 54 -75 - 55 -82 60 '

m cn t:lw ui-occur-Jn --the- South- east- Idaho region today with clearing beginning tonight. '

Cooler d rie r a ir moved .into E astern Oregon yesterday and the afternoon tem pera tu res were 5-to-12-degrces low er th a n 'th e previous 24 hours,. Cooling occurred in Southern Idaho as the cooler a ir moved into valleys and cloudiness held

struck th e tlr^ of th e 'lruclci Tho c a r rolled in to 'the median

strip . landing on its wheel.'!.M r. an d M rs. D cttm ers w ere

taken to the hospital by anibu' lance^l^rmfyr aro repo tted in faiy c ^ ia itto r r

a r tille ry ' and 'g ro u n d attacKs m South Vietnam confirm ed the beliefs o f IT.S. and South V ietnam ese peace negotiators th a t a recent- fighting lull had n a !^ p o litlc il_ s ig n ir ic a n c c ._ -a n

• J h o . a c c i d e n t Q c c u rrc d '.a b o u tl - to d a y r

were in the 40s- andv 50s . this m o rn in g .-In ' Southern I d a h o , re ad in g s-ran g ed from theSQ s through-the-mld-eOir

SchoolsThe surface frontal system off

the West Canadian coast is mov­ing very slowly and will .af­fec t w eather inland over Wash­ington s ta te . I t will be slow to bring, o ther than upper, cloudi­ness to the M alheur'V alley and Sbuthem Idaho. ' ’

b a y tlm e tem pera tu res will be below norm al to d ay .an d Wed­nesday, rising on-Thursday.

Continue^ From . P.age-On« with the -conduct code.

—Toured the service areas be­hind the W ashnglton School to consider an adm instriation pror posal to m ake-a-private,-access roadw ay tt) the se rv Ic c 'a re a s . Supt. Ragland said the current use of the en trance from Blue Lakes-B oulevflrd—N orth -co i tu tes a h aza rd to stuaents,


nese offi iid, " T h ls “ in?:rea5ir"0?—Viet

Cong attacks was not unexpect­ed.” . " '.C.', — ' - • -

T h e Tentwed -otfensWe '|ccw\- f irm e d -o u p -e s lim a fe —U ut-thC -two-month lull in Communist m ilitary activ ity did not have any political significance, but w as d ictated by tac tica l m ilita­ry considerations,” he said.—A llied .-officials—said -'.earlier th a t the'.C om m unlsts h ad been forced ' to-' cu t’ down on, their m ilitary activ ities because of

— —they—:had

The South V tetnamese“ -ofl!' cialt. who declined , to be identified by iiame.- sa/d AlJi&d negotiators w ere p repared to w ait as . long' as necessary Tor the-Nocth—V ictnam ese_and .Vic l

lu k e '/'^ 'l" oprtatC" response" to President NguyenVan“ Thieu’s-e iec tio n -o ffc r-------

The- official said the Commtr- n is t negotiators m ust become convinced the United S tates and

- ,:V ie tn am :i= ^ Ip ::^ 5 ia i

Flag ProjectY ears .ago Boy S<;oul3, of .

T roon 66 in Twin Falls erected_ i^ ia g -p o le -a n d -m e m o r ia i-p la .^

h e a v y - suffered .

nothing m ore-ito—s a y - a t ‘ the ta lks until they receive con­crete responses to their propo­sal. • I

Both sides a t the conference have - proposed 1 the~holding—of elections in South V ietnam as a vm y o u t— of i ’.the pblltlcal im passe, I '

Mlcy HespitaliS t. B ened ic t’s, Je ro m e M agic V alley M em orial

IdahoA dm itted

"Catherine O rado.~.Rivcr For-

Hlgh Low Pr.95 ,55

rest, I i r r and " T n ^ a Siciiirt'rr Elmwood P a rk . Ijl.; M rs:.'Ran-, dall F ru it, H agerm an; Therfesa JCiaas and M rs K^Knan Rnrn-

M rs. C harles Bridwoll. Mrs_,

S tandley, William A. Bell, Curtis Cainercm, M rs. F ran k Boguslaw-

^ k i , - ’ ' - -------

____rS .in conjunction with thcrproposed- access road . No offi- 'cialzacU0rt-rwa5:-:tnken:=

—Opened b ids f6 r the coming

other, offensives___________ i_y .car_ iu id j3ecaust}? it h e y w e re ‘ having r h a rd - tim e finding .rep lnccm en ts-fo r troops ------^ f a d - io s t - i - •----------


Fire Damages Parsonage ~ AtJWendelll. .

tposed ea iliec—ihis_;

ih e y -Ra d - lo s t- in lL - ... ______E a r l ie r ,. a n Allied official

rp fiised--to----W rite :, .o t f the

tion and the guarantees oC a^ r» -v o t« . ----------------------- -= -------- T h e -C o m m u n I.'! t-s ld e-so -fa r

iqUe on the county property niiar'i, the cou rthouse.'ded icating it lo thoff-memory—of—W orld-W ar—I—serv icem en .......... - -

I n going through ^hcir_ tioop___r^ c d s r r e c « n ( b :^ * h ^ ‘« ^ e ‘'> B > t ;=fi'cTals decided it would be nice lo reac tiv a te , the p ro ject. — •

A plan p resen ted . M onday by p reseh t-S cou tm asto r-B .'.J^ Ruf­fing w as given full approval by •the coun ty ''com m issioners.'

M r. Ruffing siiggcsted-the flag ' pole be painted and m em bers of the troop be assigned a t inter-

tak e-care -o frth e-d isp lay —

principiS—5f-n o m in ep s .nt tn~g presen t Saigon, p overnm en t. or Vmixpd rfiTTimisslnns” tQ_Qrga-

,of the special World W ar I f ,. -I t-w ill-b e -displayed, 'M r. Ruf—; f in ^ s a id —on-holidoys-lnvolv ing- W orId-W aT=I-hIst<577roriiy.-andii

iirs~are“ beIng“m n d e -to - th e Uiiifed P resbyterian parsonage

w in ter’s c o a l supply fo r achool-sy5tem',-and-awarded-thc< con trac t to McGoy C o a l - a n d T ran sfer Co., Twin Falls-, * ' 1.500 tons a t $14.50 per ton,

- Guer ry —Continued F rom P a g e One

n iie the test. TTOTTm

extensively dam aged from Wa ter, but all the cohterits v w f rem oved without dam age. The

............. officials be

m Id W ar I flag' in - lts p o s^

Approved resurfacing school roadw ay used by Twin Falls High School buses to load nnH nt nn nrv

lP~hl5~wldowr two--3 G uerry and M aurice G uerry J r . , both Castleford; one daughter, M arie G u c i^ Gregg. ScottM ale,

blaze, which firefftiiltv’


S u ^ . a l l e y hospital fo r Injuries to -he^' le ft knc t-rece iv ed in a fall a t h e r home.

Boiso Buhl B urley

, Caldwi "

90 : 55 92 52 Tr.

■ 88 64 Tr.

ham . both Je rom e. . _ -D ism issed

C laude S train, W endell; Mrs, Dick Stum p Jr:,- Jc rom e. and

M rs.-vW chard T. B arnes, Jack C arson and William Stevenson, all Twin Fall.'?: M rs. Edward

J .L a ;- Haw a t= * rc a s tic ford- E m ro e tf G ooding, ..

-trt)— 5 S - ^ ■95 50 9-1 57

B irthsA d a u g h te r w as born to Mr,

imj-Mra. K eenan B utnham ,-J£ :

rd;—ttazelton ; N i c h o l i c h . Castleford: Shawna

Schlund, P a u l ; . Bertha Bland, - - - - -

G rangeville H ailey - Idaho F alls KImhPjJy-K una.Lewislon M alad - M ountain Homo

—P a rm a — r - -----

82 46 Tr.. • 82 52 Tr,

91 ■ 58 .0■■—Tt. 87 4G T r.

.80 58 97 62 .05 05 62

—SO— 54----- ^

W illiam ' R ‘‘D * g r T c ^ Carlson, 'E than C lark. Mrs. Kenneth W ilfang, E ric Angus, Rodney Daley, Reed Blauer, -Larty-_StonebrinkT-:.:-1'.awronco

-tove-€onquers-■flONp KONG (U P !) —

T hey a re In love but sho cannot swim.' StUi&aicd-hctHa!a.blc^ia:

Cloyd Doggctc. H cyburn; JuIic Dawn B reeding, M urtaugh, nnd G erald H errick, Boise.

-. -..into.'i R ^ r tg u e r . Bur- M rs. Loci Hanzhof, John

•R."Turrier, bolh K uperi; Mrs'. Myron O kleberry, Declo. and M rs. R. B lase, Paul,-.

B irths^ s o n w as born fo M r. nnd tra_M anucI::G nllc8tt6.uPaul,

Two rciugees, n 25-yenr- old fa rm er nnd his 2i)-yeflr-' o ld girl friend, M onday es­caped from R c d -C h in n 'b y Bwimmlng across the bay.

C assia M em orial ^A dm lU P d ,, ,

R. DalHng,

all Burley: M rs. M anuel Gal-

v ey 'P ica san t,-b o th Filer;-How- fard. D.cUmprs arid Mrs, Howard D o ttm c rv both G nldwell;. Ray­mond F edje , Pitt.sburg, N.Y.-:NldK" ■ L'ari'aJ, EfRaT'T'ftv.V’ a'ntf M rs. Georgo Denton, Downey, Calif. •

Dism issed__Jcann ico Fonmstor.' F r a n k■Wolfe. M rs. David Corn, and -.— ua r e n c e Lj. CaSfi;

proxim ate cost of 51,080, —Approved g rav e llin g -a sec­

tion of r 0 a’d w a y a t Harrison

to. load. and_un!ond_students, .at an estim ated cost o f $250.

—Hired four teachers: Ray A Lewis, Spanish. O 'L eary a n d

■snrartT "

w ere called to the sam e house tw ice' M onday night

j p d Tuc.sdav mtM:aing.— _

Francisco G ucrricaechevarria, and one siste r, R am ona Cenar- r,i7nh«l<la. htilh Spain, and tour grandchildren. •

F u n e ra l jen/Fces’ are71>ehding a t tiie A lb ertso n -D ick ard Fu-

. .-?5 p .m . M onday the vacan t home a t 269 A dam s' St.. caught a fire in the liv-

, Two tniPkt

wiring, began in the a ttic and* burned part of the roof.

Firem en \vere cajled to the Joe---------------------------- -------

where a fire from d ilchbank burning spread to a field of hay and started to -bu rn one of the

linn? BuhL a n d '"E m m a Cox, K lm b e r ly f^

BirthsT"Dnxig}itors^^w>nr=born=<fj=M rT a nd 'M rs. D onald'Lnbrlim , Tw}n 1^ltsr~ nnd~ M r.~ fliid~M rsr~An' -thonyMnrrlM^ic, KlirtbtJrly.'.Sftn? w ere born to M r. and Mrs, Charles Brldwell nnd Mr. nnd M rs. C harles Standley, all Twin F alls, ond 'M i'; n n d " ^ r s . Ed­w ard H oltm an, Malta,

W.C. Davis Gets Hospital Post

M in u lo U a M e m o ria lAdmitted

P ie rre Peyron. William Had- enfclt nnd Hazel Cameron, all Rupert, and l.X!tha, nnd

T. F. Officer Is Thanked For Efforts

SgtT^AngVifl ’S i T o n l^ d e a k nor- g c iin t n t tho T w in I'nll.n P o lice D rp i ir lm c n t , h n s heon p r a ls c d liy a l .n s AiigcleH ra d io ritntlon

__for .hU H ijl) |,ln ,,relatji>nH ,i\h iy iy i-------- S r v f r n I “ m o n th s n g n —n —m n n

m il l 'd .S«t. .Spcnco f ro m 1-os A ngele it, Ho w n.i In q u ir in g nlKwt

- t f r '- n e o - H ir - n n d —n ro u n d T w in I 'n lN .

U ‘h a l l p a r t o f th o nn tio n w ld n •‘I ’c ()p le* ti> 'pcople '.i-.-p r 0 g r n m n lr e d o u t o f l / ) s A ngeles . Sm nll

- to w n s tli ro iiah o iit th o U n ite d S tntoR n ro cnllort' n t randnn iT "

.*)gt. S p cnco lu s t hiipiMnted <o • - n n w e r r t l ' n te lcp h n n n w h e n It

r a n g a n d ho g a v a n le n g th y In- t c r v l c ^ , n o t k n o w in g th e n Ih n l i t w a s b e in g Iw a m e d ’ to thou-

................ :n._______________nit n b o u t- 'P w ln

- ............................ p la ce s to goo r o u n d ito ro ," - S a t,. S ppntie en ld .

TTOW ft iBrror, fiiRnPfi tty nny n r l e m o f r a d io n ta tlifn K ABO In I/W A n g e les , h n s b«wn re c e iv e d i i t tlifl p o llM » la tlo n (h an k in g f>Rt. S p c n c o , fo r h id t im o a n d e ff o r t .

I n f a c t , S g t. S p cnco h a s a n o p e n In v ita tio n to v is i t D lsney- liin d w lifin In I.iw A ngelo s; .Sut,

■’’S p Jm c o m T n ^ ^U rle m t o ko f ish in g In Id a h o .

• v /lien th n l a t te r c o m e s to Iho G e m S tn to .

l | - - SU DSCRIPT10N-RATE8 TfIK TIME5-NEWS 1 Tw in m i l l , Idaho-

Annol ______Davl-H, wlio resides ca s t or Twin Fhlln, to tho M qrIo Vnlloy Me­m orial Hospital ilourd was un- nounced- Monday- b y - lV in -Fulls County com m issioners.

Com m issioner W illiam Chan- cey said M r. D avis is affiliated with tho IlCnry 'P o rd u c e Co., Kimberly. Hti will servo a Uirce- year term under h is cu rren t ap- |K)lnlmont, -------------------------

M r. Davis will fill the vnponcy It’ft by tho resignation last nMiiitli • of John B rcckcnridge who has served m any y«!ars on llm •h(>st)ilal-h o ard -n nd-rcsirncd bi'd iuso of jiunjerous ofh»!r nii'iir nnd personal obligations xvhlch ■ pr(!V«int l)Ini illU'inllOB hflspltal i>onrd m eetings ,oi) uc-

ilntmont of W llllam-*C.

F a lls ' and

Funeral ServkesV l^s.' 's tc ll’a Irenn B lake, 10

!',m,_T«owlny,..P!M il McJh Clmrch,

H erliert Amos Raymond, ,2 p!m. Tuesday, M cCulloch Fu. noral Chnpol, Burloy.r:J4t?la-MrH}, Hovo I 'unero l Chapol, Jo-

___ month(D ally & Sunday) . . . . t3.29

D v .M all P iiid tn Allvanco (D ol)v & Sunday)

-^ •0 -M on th r-7 r.-.-;-.;v .-.-.-lS .00 I ! Y e a r M O O

Mr i l w btcrifjHoronly whqro c n rrln r dellvary Is no t m a in ta in e d . '

Wednesday, AscenHion IJplSopnl Cliurch, Twin I-alls.

M rs, Mllllo M. .Shaffer, 2 p.m Weditesdny, Assembly of God Church, IV In F alls.'

Nod Stocks, 1 p.m . Wpdnes- day, M lnldokn Stoko LDS Tnber- nocle, R upert,

i<nni!rcT>7T!ffri;'.caroi L,Kaniprcommel-clal, h igh 'sch o o l; Ja c ­queline T anner, six th grade, Mornlngsidc, and .»S uzanne M. Korth, F rench . hlRh_schoo1. _

—A pproved a $4,051 cOntrnct

a f the R obert S tuart.

—D eferred actIon~5iY a propos*

old Jcrome•Coop^rtttive■Creftm- _ _ b u l J & s J j L j s i ^ ^ use for hoft lunch storage fa­cilities, fn o rd e r to create more space in the Administration Building w hich Is used current­ly.

Agreed to c jl l forJ^Wds for le w indiR trlal -washing' syRibnf

ti\c hlgU school gymnasium for use in physical education v ars ity a th letics program s to launder towels,

.1-I^smlsscH Reynaldo Gll, Rupert.

B irths-A“ son-w n«"hnrn -lo - Mn-TiTirt

M rs. J e r ry Whitahorn, lleyhurn.

Mcr €ity^Receiyes-

Goodinjr M em orial, Admitted

M rs. T.00 Brndltiy, PalrflPld. nnd M lp .h -E scrad o rf, Gooding.

Twin Falls News InB rief-

I.Indn Tnll«y, dnuiihler of Mr. and-M rii. -Cluialer Talley, Twin l-'alls. Is nttunding .Sun Valley Music Ciiinp, ftludying vnlm un­der Dr. P ctu r .Socco, jnofi'Hhor ftt Sun FriiiKiscw She will have a leading rollIn '••D nniiero iir’' “ Wlilcir will 1k> presented a t 4 p.m . Thursday nt- Sun Viilley_Opera J lo u ie . . A final student performancn - will ho n t 7:30 Frlduy n l’ the «>l>oru hoiiiiu,

" Winners ListedJE R ttM E — Tlie Jefnm'n Dii

plIcHtu llridgu Club m et Sat- un lay a t tho Jordm u Hlks Lmlge,

Wlinicra vvcro Mrs, Bob Brucc nml M rs. Roland Reese, first; Mrs. Violet I’lirtor nnri Mrs, .In Ha Brown, second; Mrs, A. D, McMahan and Mrs, J , M. Kltif rt- liury, third,

I Rujiurs SliueL M trtaH 'pr purciLarojiri!

n e ra l Home. The fam ily su'g- eu.si5" m um uflifl!;' tu the Buhl Catholic ■ church o r an y youth organization.

Suit Is Filed-Asking-$86f200—

A couple alleging neglect I

Veto Of ‘Alert’“ T i t j :a m o o k ; ' ‘o W '7 -H u P n —Tho T illam ook County sheriff’s office reported M onday night thnt It got a phone call canceling a tidal wave olert hroadoaHt a fte r a big o'arth- quake ,near Japan ,

7 t was h g< >d Ihing, loo, slifce' somebody had forgotten lo kIvc the c ity tlic a lert In tho first place. ■ ‘

answ ered .the call a n d 'w e re . b ack in the’ s ta t io n 'a t 10i^4

• room a n ib ^ c m c n fought the b la re for iwlf a a hour.

A hole about th ree feet In -d iam elo r-w as-b u rn ed -in -th e-

flo o r 'o f the living rootn., T ;rrb m e ii-R a iy “ c a u s d -o r -

- th o -f ir (» ~ lB ^ o t- ;k n o w n i— ^

s ta c k s , 'i h e b la ze g u ish e d - b tr fo re -m u c h -d a m a g e o c cu rre d .

residents a re urged

further fires. F ire Cfiiei P .irr said most of th e recent fires have occurred early in the evening when the d ra g on the

fs'T51he“ gr'eallSt7Tma ;pd ,lt w ould.bts-a.good pEC»-


v e n ta t lv e T n e a 5 u r e ''t f “ c v e r y o n e ' W o u Jd ^ ln s p c c t-h is -a tti tJ - fo r-p o a - s ib le f iro h a z a r d s . ............................

_.US5_0U* lAST-.MY PI>N___W O R L D B O O K

E N C Y C L O P E D I A ^0 help wllh

•’HOMEWORK" oiilgnmenti. VifRITE


illiDTqKOM L “u rn Idoho'

c o l l l i l o i n a s r “ y « a r~ B o u th —of Buhl - h a s - filed - a - s u it-^ n -F ifth

T hsiric t c o u rt asWrtg M c ^ n m r dam ages.

Mr. and M rs. R ay Parkslon filed th e suit aga inst Delm ar Barlgar.

It is alleged a vehicle driven by*-M rr-B»rigar-colllded-w lth'«- vehicle in which M^. Parkslon was riding.

The plaintiffs ask (8G,2(K) In two counts. ' - '


Air Condition^ Your”Car!

*229 IN S TA tU D



Walker Bankard

Gem State TrophiesFo r dressy heels and flats,

■ or everyday shoesrforthc"371 Locuil S ir til Sp. Tw in Falli 733-6505.


• A (unoral dlroolor dooan’t simply dbcido to )oIn tha Ordor ol.lho Qoldon Rule (OQH) ono day and then do It the next.

...F-It'at#.ho-hQ8 to-rocolvo-lho wrHlon-approvol of peopto In “his communlty. Famlllos lio’c eorvod. Clorgyman. Buslnoss- niofi.,Clvic ioodora. . ' '

Tlioso pQopto must mtoal lo \ls 'tlrnn’s olhlcDl 'con- tfuct, profosalonol ability, and InlogrUy. They must confirm Hint Ilia sorvlco Is c o T is T S ^ o fO n d skllllully tjlvenrand4lint Kla rvlr*n<i n>-A a.. ■_______ ' * •. L-... thflljlia prlCQ8 flro.aullQd.lQ ovory-lncomo.-

: r

In oilier words, contlntiino OQR;membtjrshlp for a firm In your community is nclunlly a tribiito to yDM...tlio locol-aroa

- f f ta id e n lB p .T i ta r ~ ‘, - f f tB iu e n ie > . . > rof tn < » « r . .« tu tw tf m > f t - e 4 f ln d f l f d 9 - n e { r e y s n r y t u bpcomo n momboi* bocauso o( a certainly that you would

•WBnr'nothlno loss,,.and OQR nccopianco was grantbd bo- CHU30 you wore wliilno to olato In wriUna t|mt you found tlio firm to bo worthy.


T hh CoTTmiunlly;, Wlombor for.ltio 5lli Y ea r I ■

ODHigpfHie <KoIhinlR«h>IflTpRN A 'TIO N A L


Page 3: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

Charlie Plide Feature Of^T u e sd a y , A u g u s M 2 ,,1 9 6 9 T im es-N cw s, T w in Foils, Idahoi 3 '

2 ^e5K s.O f iS e a T S e rv iG e m e n

“T.ouiii Mcmpu

the featured Star or the Coiirf- ir y w estern jam tK irce a t 8 '

and by the tim e he was five. ■ ■Knew'rarmr

r — - W c d n e s d a ^ a r C a s s in " - - r j^ iy j F a irsrounds.. O thers appearing on the bjll

of enterta inm ent a re M ary Tay, lo r. w ho-w rote the song “ Queen of the House” , and Henson C a r gill and his-band.' , - .

. . The Cpuntry W estern Jam b6- • ree . sponsored .fey th e 'B u r /e y

------- E xchange, Club will- opcji the...... f tr^ tfn tgh tT jf-ihe 'C assla 'C oun ty

F a ir . Thursday- ihrough“ Satur-

D clbert Lavere B ennett J r . , - M iirtaugh, and John K ash, I•Boi-se.—hflve-cd rnijlctcd - t tni'-ir.'F 'll . . . lion 's only ROTC sum m er cam p been a.« igncd (o the F irs t Lopi.s* ■■ ng;-Ga ■ ' .............

C adet KasH, M c ^ r O s c a r J g aRF

o f 'W r. and wife, Linda, ulso Ilves 'J r i 'J c -

H lo-becom e'a baseball play- Cd from T w lrL Falh .H igh School'• m IQKR nnrl U B>

E v er since C harley P ride first oulfield'm stepped before the m icrophones / -«M hg-G rand-O le-O p ry- In Jan .1967,. he assum ed a perm anent >Iace 'in th a t sphere of mu.sic.-fg .Tfine.-t:lnppr- Hn e n fg g lta r ls l , and a blnck per- .

form er.- He is. in fact,, the firs t 1

He left SJedge at the ago of 17 and sta rted playing ball in the N egro American League, w ith D etro it and with the Mem^ phi.i Red Sox.-H o . interrupted this portion o^ his ca reer for a tw o-year tn il ifa ry stint, ins .w hichihe m arried his wife. RoxaTine. Rciurning'io'U a.seball; he m ad e it lo .'the m ajors ilh 1961 for a b rief period,-i^ay(o(

I9BB and is Attending Idaho S late University w here he is af­filiated with Circle K and Sig­m a.. Epsiio iufratcrn iiy .

C adet Oennett. son of-M r. and M rs. D. Lavere Dennett.- was g radua ted from M urtaugh High School m I9S7 and attended the C oliciic.'of Southern Idahoi for tw o -y c j r ^ H e -i!mrf<ltated-Avith 'the --R O T C fT frogram '-ar-^dahp

A rm y Pfc. D ana R. Young, i. son o f M rs. Lucile Gillette.

Burley, has been assigned as Jnjiintrynian VNillh tliq Anlcr*

icai Division in V ietnam ;

Roger L. KnifiJif, 24, .son of Ir. aod M rs. Cecil R'.. Knight,

ly ^ i

2nd. LL .K obcrt M. Hogge, son

Hogg'c, Salt LaKe City,' Tias Tlvcd~a t~ th c -U '.S r 'A ir F .p r Academy for hi.s“'fli^L 'assign- >ncnt. He is m arried tp the for­m er JeanettQ W aliter. daughter of M r .'a n d M rs. M urray W alk­er,. B urley. ,

I-C Scott L .' C u lle r,. son of,M r. and M rs. Kay L. Cutler,

F ig h te r— W-i-n

F o rcc -p u ts tan d in g U nit Award for the th ird cb n secu tiv e .y ear.

A irm an Cutler, a__munitionsspecialist a t 'C am R anh Bay Air B ase, V ietnam , is -----

ichool a L Low rv Air F o rce Base, Colo. He is a fSupply invenlory specialist and is sta- t(on_cd_at_ Holloman A ir F tircc . BasCi N.M. •

lam mack,- - - ........... ........“ F ranc is

P '.'C anim ack , Buhl, h a flight engineer a t . Nha_ .TranR - Air Base. Vietnam. .

an d M rs.. Loui.s. N. .Read, \Pulij;, Ij. 1 1 du tyBay A ir B ase,- V Jetnam. -

H e is a psychiatric .service technician in a unit of the . P a cific Air Forces. He -is a 196G gradua te of Castleford H i g h School.

A irm an T erry of Mr. and Mrs.

• bc - re c b g 'nhcd xttib:a s a m ajo r talent, in the w9 rld o f 'c o u n try .m usic, and iio ‘/e -;

' inains one of the field 's very: few bfack perform ers.• P r i ^ ^ h a s __^become^ <w»- of

Blcgest .selling cduntia r tisU ./ITDUgh .the m any ___singles, which have been n e a r

—o r-a t- th e top of-the best selling -charf.*:, and th e ' half-dozen al-

__, bum.s h e h a s m ade for the label.— A ^raT pjtf6rn ic.r_PiU lig-.-*!tas^

he is one of the hottest tickets - in country music, draw ing sell­

out on com pletely book- ed-up tours - a n d in Iho' top country m usic room s In the na tion. . . .

He becam e a country m usic - s t a r after, sam pling the worfd

o f big league baseball, and is —novi^—internationnily—recognized

in hi.s new field and' is in de^ -4nand-in-the;-top-room

Late in 1963, country s t a r ___Sovine happened in on Cfiar/ey’s c lu b -ac t and suggested tha t the I singing ballplayer seriously con- sid e r m aking music h Sovine n rra n geo tor a recording

'P rid e w ent ta r ly the followingy e a r .. ------ ----------------------

T he result.*! o f the session so im pressed Chet Atkins t h a ' t •t^~idfr-wa3-5ignpd-to^4ong:liV ictor con trac t, and he cu t his firs t RCA single. "Snakes Crawl at N ight” in'1963. His recording of " J u s t B c ^ c c n You a n J Me” won him a G ram m y nomination in 1966 fo r best- country-western m ale vocal p<!rformanco, -•

O ther ”.MbsK Prom ising 'M ine A rtist” , aw ara s followed form •many o f 'the-country-m usic-pub-- licatiot^s during that year, and

:cre—cap p ed -b y

F orce Reserve Officer T rain ing C orps field encam pm ent n t-Fair- child ATr“ F6rce~B !Tser^ash:— —t^irdc t-C tassranS G S 'B i'adua lc o f Jerom e High School, is a m em ber of the AFROTC unit a t the ' University o f Id ah o .'H e is a m em ber of D elta T au D elta a t - th e university , .--

A viation "Electronics T 3.C. Wayne A. Pufahl, son of

■_m ii5ic_hotii_in_lhis an_ inv iU tion to dcRut a t the I G rand-O .le Opryr where he-w as • --------* iowi-b»^in loftg-i^ma.iHnl,

learances on program s ranging Tcrfay, w hat moments of lei• * • “ • 10 -sujE:»:^»^f;^ a - t o-sqil£Cze in to .---

■his '-schedule—a re ^ p e n t-H iv ^ iis ^ G reat F alls. Mont., home w ith

- th e -LawTcn ^ - Wetkihep!=Shovti<? k ShmN*:—

F o r Charley P r id e , . th is ’ is world aw ay from tH e ^ is s is s ip - Tiis wife and their lhT?e~cKIP

dren. ^ ..T icA t.s for the Country West-

pi cotton fields w here he spenthis childhood w orking beside his _____ , . .j a r r n t s and^ i s s rv rn h rn lhprs[c rn J a m b o re e 'h re available a t jj

ga rt7-G e rm a n y .~

and three sisters. H e ,w as born • In the town of Sledgfe, about

R onald lO-.'-Lorisbn. now ,Jng with't'hV Coast G uard, is in

I .Tw iai.FalI.s_on_leave . visitingre la tiv e s ' a f te r completin;w eeks of com m unication scl

npleting 21. ition school­

ing in New YorK City.. -M r. l.arison is ;lhe son of V ivian Bennett o f Royal City. W ash., and George L arison,

'T w in Falls. Hp will reoo rt ha rk ia -.S g a ttlg. w ash*

S e rv in g All O f M ag ic V a tle ^ - -

VALLEY GLASS CO.1 4 6 2 n d A vo. S o u th Tv^In F o ils ' ^ 7 3 4 -2 2 3 0 ’


L o c ate d a t A B E R D E E N r J D A H O ju s t 2 -b lo c k s -n o rth of th e C H R I S - i IA N & faN - J O M N - P E E R E -d e a le r s h {p r -o t ^ & -m t t e &- BO«it,hw fist n f

Idah o F a » s , Idah o, o r 4 0 m tles n o rth w e s t o f P o ca tellp , Idaho .

f f i l p f l y . A U G U S T 1 5 . 1 9 6 ^leJrime^-10;30-A.M. Lunch’ at^liuckw agon

' 1 9 6 8 J O H N D E E R E .5 0 2 0 R O W C R O P D IE S E L T R A C T O R , all po w er, h a s 3 p o in t h itch a n d ' 1 8 in c h d u a ls ( s e e p h o to )

,1 9 6 8 JO H N D E E R E -1 0 2 O -Q A S _ T R A C T O a h a s p ov /e r. St<-p o in t h itc h

— ■ X 9 6 8 _ JO y N D E E R E i i Z Q A R D E N T R A C T O R ,.h a s h y d ra u lic o p e ra te.® tta chtn Q n is% a nd ;-a ttach rne 7 ils_a --’=^'“ ‘* ' - ----------

^ ^ 6 7 - J O H N - O E E R E - 3 0 2 0 - O I E S E t r * T R A C T O R T - h a n J D W e r - t o c k - d l t f e e n t ia l a n d powder s h if t . .3 p o in t h itc h a n d a lt p o w e r ,

.9 6 6 -d O H N -O E e R g ~ 4 0 2 0 ~ 0 > E S E L ■F O t 3 R ~ W H E E U ~ P R lV E T R A C T L . h a s p o w e r s h if t , p o w e r lo ck E llw ood f r o n t w h e e l d r iv e a n d XL c a b all

* ~ ■ ' u b b e r f s e s .p h o to ) ' ‘ '

____ i lE S E i r tR A C T O R r w i th to rq u e a m p lif ie r .i n d e p e n d e n t p o w e r ta k e -o f f . p o w e r broke9r.arjcl--stoai»lng, all in goo d

__ ; 'I : ' ___________1 9 6 0 JO H N D E E R E 4 0 2 0 . w ith 3 p o in t h itc h a n d In ex ceU b h t ife h d itio n ~ ‘ ---------- ------------------ ^ ---------1 9 '6 1 .C A S E 6 3 0 C A SE -0-t»/lA TlC D R IV E -T R A C T O R ,-R as. h a s 'fa ir r i jb b e f a n d “3 p o in t m t^ T f i lh s T X K : ------------------^ ^ ------------------- —1 9 fe i F O R D 9 0 0 S E R IE S S E L E C T O -S P E E D D IE S E L T R A C J O R .jh a s .n e V / m o to r a n d g o o d ru b b e r , w ith w id e f ro n t e n d

_ 1 9 S 7 .M A « ig 'p v .p p p f t t i g n N I lO O ’ b lE S E L T R A C T O R ., w ith w ld ^ . f r o n t e n d h a s p o w e r s te e r in g a n d b ra k e s , a ls o 3 p o in t h i tc h a n d h a i~ 2 2 0 d - h .o u r s - o n - r e b u i l t - n ip to r ^

1 9 6 7 C A S E 8 3 0 C O M F O R T K IN G TR A C TO R * D IE SE L , w ith w id e f r o n t e n d , ' 3 p o in t h itc h , p o w e r s t e e r in g a n d b ra k e s , C a se -o * m a tic a n d

j Country Music Jamboree At--riSuriey-ro Featui-e’¥ocMist—

, • V -------------- m ent. He is visilT^lIRTFY - V yirplnia_TflV-

; lor, who will be one of th ree 1 s ta r en te rta in ers a t the Country ! W estern Jam b o ree a t th e C assia I county fa ir a t 8 p .m . Wednes-

-------' -dayj^hasralwayi wanted-to-,4>e___ t ■ stnr.

-Sheiis.r'fctumlng-lQ.Burley.lor— h e r second-i_____ _____________

' p a r tic ipa ted in th e jam borco

----- i - f irs t-n ig h t o f . t^ e fa ir on Wed.

A l s o a p p ea rln t^ W ed n esd ay : night w ill be C harley P rid e and

Henson Cargill.1 Miss T ay lo r sp en t h e r early

y ea rs studying ja p _ and ' ” '-dfincfng i^ lw ay s- 'd feam Jn KI of becoming a lending vocalist, ( The Universities of ' nnd Oklahom a provided her.w lth

A d ram atic and mu.sicnl back­ground. A fter college she apent

-aQmfi-llniaJa, New YoiJi-fla.Lhcproverb ial strugg ling a rtis t.--A ltcc -

, slcw ardQ .sfl, s h e a g a in p u rsu e d li^ r c a r e e r , n s a v o c a l la l J n .L o a

: AtiKCicfl. C u r r e n t ly M iss T a y lo r *‘ rcsM des"in 'i4asliv ilIe ,‘ T c n n r , 'i ‘

h e r lm bbl(i9 in c lu d e s u r f in g n s w e ll w a t e r a n d sn o w s k iin g .

1 H er »o n g w rIlln B t a le n t s h o v e I le d h e r l ' to a r e c o rd in g c o n t ra c t I w ith C A pi(o | R e c o r d s a n d r c c e n l

ly sh e s ig n e d a lo n g - te rm r p ' f o r r t l n j r c o n t r n t i r w ith D o t R e c ­

o rd s . A f liib sld la ry o f P a r a m o u n t:,*J’ic lurca................................................\ A dynam ic song alylist and pprfnrm er, ns well as n prolific .s^mgwrlter. Miss Tnylor Is fast

~yt-‘H^atin}r~Tttffrfl’~rxc:ltcineiit thi any, other fem alo perform er, U e r 'f l t i lr fo r com edy ls a a«r- f>;-i8a to m any w ho have not neon h e r perform , pnrt the com- ■l)lnntlnn o f;ho r ftinglng, comedy rin itinos'opa .Uift_£mplQymCnl^



■ A.moal .unique froo offer of . ftpeclai Intoroat to those who

lioar but do not undortlond v^ords hcis jiisl boon nouncod by

-AUTOMAflC-EARdAMruo life actual *lzo rop

llrci of the smallost A^J-TO ,.-M ATlC .-l:A R ovdr_niada. w ill

bd given abaolutol/ free to rinyono nnswarlnn thlJ a dvrr-

„.iiiDinonJ._lLwp.lqli»Jc.6i_!hn.n Vi ounca a n d 'It a nil nt otir lovnl. No w iio leadi from hotly to hood. Hr*® U trUly now hopo for ihe hord-of* honrinp. Exntnln® It In the privacy of your ihomo wllhoOi

" c S s fo r bjyTQ n|lo^''A irdny k[n ^ ^ .7hoso modoj* li'/o froo w))l)o

- t m r iWrit* to,Autamollc Ear c / a T ( m * i.N o w i '0 - l l '

m ent. He is visiTIng-his-grand^ irents. M r. and M rs. J . H,

existence, have .made h e r an instan t “ H it” when appearing

clubs, auditorium s, and onbur.L a riso n .an d o th e r relatives,

of-the-E xchftiinge _sponsoring.thajom ttotcfc.


, . . _____ A irm an D aniel B utler, U.S.lul^w hich-ls N avyi-Eon-of-M Fr-andiJ^rs.-D ob

_ D u r in g J h e pjtst several y e a rs her- personal appearances' h av e 1aT«n'h(if t6T teaTlyovtry'corm >r

F rance , G erm any,-Japan , Hong— '----;p-f.rr«»n'

She Is a popular a ttraction a t the Holiday Hotel, Reno. Nev., w orking there several weeks o u t of cach year.

,^lc r.-H ngcm ian i-h ft5 -E S U iim a) to naval studies following a 10 d a y -leav e . -A irm a n —B utlen—Is: prcscntly—s'talioiicd—a t_ t______

AlrJJfl5C^_CallL._XQcJuii. ______hoollng in e lectron ic navi­ga tion g ea r on A-7 a irc ra ft.

p H o r» to -liig lrgcbn t leav e .'J ie as fi«»duftted-ffom -a - 0 -weeltr

c lass A Navy school In av iation e lectronics a t the N aval Air T echnical T rain ing C M em phis, Tenn.


P T IR P L E S f f lE L D/ \

— ...— ^^-fecommendeHT’^by 1 .

W H IT E..........................“ n o C h a p B l b y t h e P a r k "



BILESH e lp s you p ro v id e IN A D V A N C E ;

• r u N p s r o i ? r u N C R A i. ,E>jpi;NSi;r.


• AGliS I to 9 0


l;hitirw(IIMn by ri«t<« Nnllanol f.lf« |n>u«ini* Comfiany, I, ,

■ V ^itftl^oriuafy , 136 Avo. C., Twin

S Cl'NUrMrM, rtnni* •••»< >«•, wul.m.l nlillunllnn, v' • S -tdMfii-vf'mii im .virif Tnri'jtV.-,ui”*-.,-,.;;i:,

I i i 7 " j■

‘ ■

1 9 6 0 C A S E 8 0 0 D IE S E L T R A C T O R ^ T u n s O .K .. hasi C a s e -o -m a tlc a n d sinR lo f r o n t ’ ,1 9 5 9 M A S S E Y *F E R G U S O N 6 5 T t^A C T O R , d ie se l m o to r j u s t r e b u i l t , n e w pain t,- g o o d ru b b e r , h a s poviter s te e r ln f j a n d w ld o f r o n t e n d .rA

c le a n u n it . ' - - - •

-G R O U N D -W O R K IN G EQUIPMENT-■2— 1 9 6 9 J O H N D E E R E N O . 8 4 5 3.BOTTOf«1 T R IP B ^ M HY ­

D R A U L IC R O L L -O V E R P L O W S , w ith 3 p o in t 'h i tc h3 — J o h n d e e r e i 6 i n c h 4 - b o t t o m 2 -w a y h y d r a u l i c

R O L L . O V E F P f f f l F - B E A I V r P n O W S r w l T r r r a - p o l i ^ h i t c - ------------- —

2 — i 9 6 7 J O H N D E E R E 1 6 IN C H 4 -B O T T O M 2-W AY H Y D R A U L -— tC -R O L L r.O V E R -T R lP -eE A fw l-P L O W S ,--w ith -3 -p o in t-h itch ----------

f i - lN ^ H - H V nR A U U tC ■ R Q L U aV E R — P L O W , w ith 3 p o in t h itc h .

JO H N D E E R E A-W 1 1 2 0 D IS C H A R R O W , o n r u b b e r w ith c u t-a

JO H N D E E R E A^W 1 2 2 0 D IS C H A R R O W , o n r u b b o r w ith c u t - a ­w a y f ro n t , n o w ----------.

JO H N D E E R E A -W -.1320 D IS C H A R R O W , on ru b b o r w ith c u t-a - w ay f ro n t, n e w _ ....... ............ : ' *, ,, _________

w ith c u t-a -w a y f r o n ts a n d i S f o o te r s j p H N D E E R E M O D E L 1 2 2 1 O F F S E T D ISC H A R R O W , 2 1 fo o to r

IN T E R N A T IO N A L 1 0 F O O T D IS C H A R R O W , on r u b b e r»M fiL r> cg p g p n i I P P .M A P R Q W S n n riij-'hni^ w l t i r a n r l r tg

to o th in c e n te r , ra m o p e ro to d (1 — 1 4 fo o t a n d 1— 1 2 fo p t)— J O H N D E E R E M O D E L 2 2 0 0 S E R IE S SU RFLEJC T IL L E R S

( r ie a d .r e p a jr ) .,- ,JO H N -D E E R E -F -9 2 0 -B IN Q L E p a c k e r s (1 ------1 2 - fo o t a n d 1-------' 1 4 fo o t) .now. A— 6 F O O T S E C t i b N S O F H A R R O W , w ith d r a w b a r

SEtf-PROEELLED COMBINES SwathersT^'^Ba lers“^ Chdpper

1 9 6 8 J O H N D E E R E M O D E L 9 5 S E L F -P R O P E L L E D C<5H b i We , w ith 1 4 fo o t h o a d o r w ith c a b a n d a ir c o n d i t io n e r , a ll p o w e r .

1968® j' o H N ^D E E R E M O D E L 9 5 S E L F -P R O P E L L E D C O M B IN E ,

- i Q f i n —io M N .n F F R F M O D E L IQ S S E L F -P R g P E D -E E T C O W B IN E rw ith 1 6 fo o t h e a d e r , a ll p o w e r

1 9 6 2 - C A S E M O D E L aO0. S E L P .-R R O P E L L E D C O M B IN E , W ith 1 2 f o o t h e a d e r w ith p ic k u p - e t ta c h m e n t , g o o d c o n d it io n a n d n e w

c e l ie n t c o n d t on a n d 14 f o o t h e a d e r . I-19ls JO H N -D E E R E -M O D E L 5 5 S E L F -P R O P E L L E D C O M B IN E , w ith I d f n o t .h a a d o r .

•"1 9 6 8 “J O H N ' D E E R E ^ N O .' >8 0 1 2 -P O O Tc o n d it io n e r

2 — 1 9 6 7 JO H N D E E R E N O . I S A S W A T H E R S . 1 2 f o o te r s w ith h a y -c o n d it io n e r s

1 9 6 4 JO H N D E E R E M O D E L 2 1 5 1 2 F O O T S W A T H E R , in fa i r

fN TEF?N A TIO N A L 1 2 F O O T SW A T H E f^-W IN D R O W E R ‘- 1 3 6 8 - : J O H N - D E C f ^ e - M O D E t : 3 e r 7 - p O O T - M O W E R 7 - t r e l l - t y p » T r - —

1 9 6 9 JO H N D E E R E 9 F O O T M O D E L 4 8 0 M O W E R C O N D I* T IO N E R I'' *

2 - ^ 1 9 6 8 J O H N D E E R E M O D E L 2 2 4 T T W IN E T IE B A L E R S , p o w e r ta k e -o f f d riv e

JO H N D E E R E N O . lO H I-D E N S IT Y W IR E T IE B A L E R , .u s e d 1 B o a 8 'o n T W ltl5 ” h ^ d r j i _ u n _ c _ t e [ } 8 ] o n ; a r ^ U = r r o ^ o p e r ^ t e c r ^________ ..h-.hydraulic tension - . - - - ________

- J O H N - O g e w e ^ O P g L- 1 4 T ^ lN E -T4 & B A fc E R ;- P .T-7 Q r^p e ratedr 2 --M A S S E Y _ -F E R Q y 8 Q N N O . 10 BALER3_._twlne tio a n J p .T .Q .

operated and reedy for w ork ____

_ IN T E R N A T IO N A L 4 6 'T W IN E T IE B A L E R , P .T .O . o p e r a te d 1 9 6 7 F A R M H A N D B A L E 'A C C U M U tA T O R rtJ rT -ro b b e r--------- -JO H N D E E R E N O . 3 8 C H O P P E R , w ith w in d ro w p ic k u p a n d

P .T .O . o p e ra te d

P O TATO A N D BEET PLANTERS Harvesters - Whippers - Weeders - Cultivators1966 F O R B E S P O T A T O '2 -R O W H A R V E 8 t B R i" b u c k o t 'ty p e -w llh lnt«

~ 2 ^ F A R V H A N D - 'N O r 2 5 O .0 E E T H A R V E S T E R S , 2 -row and In tolr con.

|“ 2 ^ J O H N T D E E R E T S IO I )E ir 2 H S -p o T A T O -P t A N T E R a r 2 T O W -v » H lv B O O .I rubber ram operated (new ), 1 w ith fertilizar attachm ont__ v___ _ ____|-. J O H N DfeERB w To D EL 1 2 A - k o W P O T A T O , R L A N T E R . on rubber and-

lO ^ ^ 'jO m '^ D E e R E N O . 71 F L E X -P L A N T E R S , Indlvldupl units with beetplated and depth bartds (ne w ) f '

. latfRT W P F D E R S (6 -ro w aets), tool bar f^loUnt[“ S P E E D S 2^RO\^^^ U b t l ‘ U U U B C e 'D f ^ U M -B E A T E R r

P ;T ,0 oparAted, on rubbor w ith hydraulic ram mount.P O T ^ T O P iLE R , 15 footer with m otor, on ru b b o r.........B L A C K W E L L ' B E E T 'T H lN N E f ^ O :ro W 'u n it 's e t 'u a -Q n -to o l-b a r’---------- ' i -S oea J O H N -D B C R C -8 -R O W B E E T A N D B C A r'l r R O N T E N D ' M O U N T

C U L T IV A T O R , for 3 0 0 ^ 4 0 series, . • • i'

Q THPg Q UTSTAN D IN G EQUIPMENTJ O H N D E E R E N O . 4 o 6 M IX ER Q R lN D tl? , o n r a t t t r t r T i n d 'r o w■ tn k o 'o f t o p a rn to d <nrfw) <--------- --------------- --------------------------------; ..........A— JO H N 'JD E E R E M O D E L 2 6 A H A N Q O N S P R A Y E R S , c o m p le te

w ith IfJO -R o jlon l ib e r B la ss tn n k s (n e w ).-w ith 2 0 fo o t b o o m s n n d r '.T .O . p u m n o ', . ■

1 9 4 8 J E E P 4 -W H E E L D RIV E, P IC K U P , h a s fa i r r u b b e r a n d ru n s

N o te s T h in Is w il l io u l n d o u b t th o f ln e o f RroiSp of o q u lp in o n t o v o r so ld n t a u c t io n . I t 'a nil fo r sn la n t n u c tlo n uo c o m a nn<l b u y w h n t y o u n e e d fo r yo tir

rnpliiM U io n o w John l5 o o r o c r o d i l t o r i n s w ill n o r t n u b t b o w h n t y o u ‘v o b o o n In n k in H f o r , I t w ill i iu ro h o w o r l h y o l i r t r i p t o s e e a n d b u y t h i s q u a l i t y f o r f n e q u l p t n o n t .

• p Q d .

N E W H D B A ^ ^ U R E JB P R eA D E R .-lf lra a -C a D O fiU y i^ trM e ^ S m o u n t........... a n d llkjs n o w . ........ ............................... ................ ............ ••------------ -----— -

IN T E R N A T IO N A L M A N U R E L O A D E R , f ro n t m o u n t a n d h y d ra u l- V ic o p e r a te d , > ■

S T O C K SA D D LE,! tf^lt^i p a d d e d s e a t a n d g o o d - s tu rd y t r e e A Q O O D A S S O R T filE N T O F W H E E L W E IG H T S fo r J . D . t r a c to r #

;NbI«i rifnt* Iniiig ynur <tMfi rutionol orVt^mpany dildit.-<iccompnnf«ti by a IfMar bf'cr«<lll l«ot>i your ht*nk, , ' : - 1;; -:- TtRMli CAStI or 30V< clown <lny ol iiila on nfipioved cradll Mllh

'n1 Alxtrlxn, Itlctlio licii 4000 Innt of Iflfriiirlti'a nntl runway, ii 15 cl«uf<i4t*iai)ll< '


- C H R I S T I A N S E N - I M P L E M E M T - C 0 . ~


; A B E I ^ p E E N , - I D A H O

B L A C K F O ^ T , I D A H O

• R O C K F O R D , I D A H O

..... ................. .........' * S A U E 1 V I A ? v r A a E D -B Y ^ M E S S E R S M I T H A U C T I O N S E R V I C E — 'J O H N W E R T I R V I N E I L E R S ^ K A Y E W A L L J I M M E S S E R S M I T H

i--------W «n d W j— ^ a s -a 6 4 a ___B u r le v L -6 7 a .9 7 3 5 J o ro m e -,-3 2 2 J -S 1 3 3 - :, - -

Page 4: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather


P r o ^ a m : M o r e S e l f - H e l p F o r T l i e T ^ o o rT u esd o y , A u g u s t 1 2 j'1 9 6 9 PHONE 733-0931

O. A. IGuQ KEUEg— . --W116Y- DOOM -

WASHINGTON. (NBA)—w ith In the legal serviccs projccis the Job Corps and H ead S ta rt linked to com m unity action. It p rogram s largely s tr ip p e d from Is a safe guess /e fo i -

action p rogram s w ere unw isely sold to the public a s potential “ power cen ters" fo r the ' poor.

''s b u g h f to v de-fuse -ih B t-th ro a t, anti they m ay have .succeeded,

adopted poverty programi L s . h a n ^ l h T j : O f n c o " < i r E t o n d i n ^ w I H ’ s w e e p ' t h r o i J ^ t h e ' w h o l e ' - - * W h a i e v l ; r - w i S ( t o m - : a n { a u 5T t c _ C T : ~ :a m e n d m e n t s p o n s o r e d

---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , i . I n n i v i ' ^ ' t h e o q o r a g d i t h G r e e t r - Q . f j i i Q r e g . '

Director ComDM'no Room Managar I Room Manoa*r - Manoging. Editor

Midyear AppraisalThat tha Am erican econom y is a om ists still \^ r n in g it could go even

“ d i^ a m l^ j^ n e i^ o r i^ u e s t id n s —T hat— h ig h t r ^ t id ^ H ^ u r t a x 7-*ivhich--'was • it at tim e s appears to be a very com -j-^upposed tp- help cool the econom y.

fo r new b a ^ t^ e J i a l f of its pro­posed new budget- m ay g o 't o ' th e often controversial com m u­nity action agencies and related

Donald ■ Rum sfeld, new chk;f of OEO, a lready has.announced that reform s a re tak ing placc

Change is dcctned doubly n* , ' essnry—to m ake these program s

truly more effcctii'e for the poor they a re intended to help, and

. t a save OEO—if i t is to be saved • a t 'a l l—OS an in cu b a td r’ of new

ideas.- In the beginning; community

_____V-Olco_nnd. some muscle

w ith it, the CAP'S suddenly, s truck m any city iind M unty politicians as a po.sslblc TtJreat to" th e ir own entrenched cow er. •Controversy pnd stnigg lowed in e v it^ ly .

E a rlie r legislative r e f

.C o m m u n ity _ p X o p r_a m s,- ,o f course, revolve about econom ic' experim ents, housing projecls,’'

IV 'R e p . -legal ancLhealth scrvlces, a-wid®— I -n iflda-,—range-otuiciglibOihQO[l..^ClMi&lpL-

- fol-

g rc tb iD irtruism i

For m oru than 100 months t h e, econom y has been soaring on ari un-


rprOVtSIOITTIor lucul"}?3rcrnftwJt>t- take-over ‘of tom inunliy”action agencies. A year ago, som e 34 out of nearly 1,000 such action- agencies were public in clrarac- te r.- Since the G reen am end­m ent, only about 20 m ore have

5 '- b e e n convertcd. A ltogether they, (a ll- 'the public unJts^ represen t

_• -J30t_m uch ;m ore„ than ,.five ,pci; c en t of iht2372r community, ac ­tion agencies.. ^ r t h c r m o r c^., the , operating

As they see - th e ir .fun c tio n -ln -- the ir som ewhat bobtailed opera­tion of 1969, OEO leaders believe they m ust respond to the poor

.. by offering thc.dcm anded . l e g a l . . health , business and o th e rsk ills .

expansion continue at a rapid pace.Econom ists of all political hues

keep saving they soft a change just

b y d e v is in g u se fu l so c ia l in ' tio ris tha t^ m a y . m a k e th e lo c a l a s s a u l t on . p o v e r ty m o r e e ffec - tivcrby'focifslng-GEO-'fi-llmUea'. a m o u n ts o f m o n e y In to c h a n n e ls

c u .A .n ;...,w .v uiv; __________ w h ic h m a y s p u r se lf -su s ta in in gb o a r d s o f C A ^ i ^ n i s n i r c i n i a V s — h i D d e t ^ H i f o .

— .So.-o n c fc -a y i in , - lL r n m P s h f l rk se n ta t io n on th e m , w ith th e p o o r to d e fin in g t i r o 'p rc s c n i >u e .u a s An.i p r iv a te c iv ic I c id o r r ffurh*___pilnf n ^ n ry .- - f r r r r Ih n n nlri.

a r o u n d th e c o m e r , b u t t h a t c o r n e r - m u s t b e -R -m iru g e b e c a u s e - p r ic e - a n d w a g e in d i c a to r s c o n t in u e t h e i r - u p ­w a r d ■ a n g l in g m o n th a f t e r m o n th .

*. A bpulL plI t h a t c a n -b e a g r e e d u p o n Is t h a t ' i m ' e c 'o iio m lc b o o m p ro lo n g e d

- th is - lo n g -^ im p la n ts s o m e th in g - m o r e in f ia t io n -c b b m g d e y ic e s , t h c _ m a n J n ~ th a n c o o d w il l in a c o m p le x ecoD ’

So prosperous is it that m ^ y per- ^ sb n s 'apparently.'have conSe to. ac-

pioyed, p rices and w ages to be so m e­thing o f-a n -a c c e p te d pattern. De-- sp ite num erous attem pts by bolK the

_p rivate and p ub lic-sectors.toiin stall • -b ln ’ • •t h e s t r e e t ^ s im p ly r e f u s e s

------ spontH n-the^reseribed-m anner-i------Despii^ the record^prime interest

yate now in effect— with somC econ­

om y. It also see m s lo ffnw yly imbed’ -op tim ism -~-O F-pessim ism --that-thd-

inflation ceilig^^will rige.m uch h igh e'r before it“b'egms tb’com e down,

getting anoCher third.The. n e t of all this e _most par t no longer feel thtfy have cause io fea r the "pow er rivalry” potential of the com m unity agencies. W i t h i n OEO. too, there has been .spme . effort to down-play U»e W a^d '' •*'povrer"- in-this-fram ew ork. -;— - 'S tran g e ly , perhaps, th is has been happening even ns efforts

them selves-m ore

_ tp take risks, to j money in new w^ys without

••• th r o u g h , . th e b u rea u -

"F ro m the com m unity end, the b ig news in som e places is tha t neighborhood action is tak ing op' an increasinglV 'formalized-looff. - • ' In ' New York City there a re 25. "neighborhood-corporations" estabiishec'

Export Lecid

....... .........j d - to im plem ent~com -—m u n i t y a c t i o n j i n ' t h e m o s t d i r e c t

v r-S t7 - I j* u ts ^ h n s - |4 ^ f^ e s e :^ - o n e ' O E O - ^ > f f < c - i J » r p u t Is — a — w a y — o f - L ^ c c o n t r a l

i n g c i t y , h a l l . ” T h e r e m a y b e . - a t r c n d - h e r e . - S o m e o f - t h e - ! - c o r -

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. n o r a t i o n s " a r e l a r g e r t h a n e n -l n , o p e ^ n - e n c o u r a g e m * n t - o f — t i f e - c o m m u n i t y - a c U o n ^ g e n c i e f t -

■ l a n c e , w i t h . i n c e r t a i n ' c i t i e s . j T h e y s u g g e s t _' - t h a t i i i l l i a l i v e j ; a m o n g , t h e p o o r

m a y a f t e r l o n g d e l a y b e f i n d i n g — a - r o a d t o - u s e f u l o r g a n i z a t i o n . — . . . . . .

lured .goods-— 4hs-lar-gest-sour-Ge-of— ' incom e in th e international Jiccounts

— rose by a lm ost 14 per cent last - year , to a total of $23.65 billion. Tm-

, T t? i i ls o 'r o s e s ig n i i ic H m l5 ^ p T e 3 i3 < j^ ing a v irtu al standoff in the trade 'balam

m a n y r a m e .c lo se to pass- litetLrS;:er of n

_The W est Germ an total of $22.2 llon"was onlV_$1.37-billion_less

- W est G erm any—ing-=the=Umt ______

lo p exporter of manufactured gooi“ 2.28 bil-

w as in ruins and the U. S. v irtually dom inated m arkets for m anufactur-

_ e ^ g o o d s_ tly o u g h o u t the world. To­day, n o t 6r(ly W est~G erm any but“


^ B l e s i P i r a ! r 01^ " F f O T a s

tors in the m arketplace In v iew of this increasing compe-

tition and- thx? deterioraTiott ’in ther b a l a iic e U ehpiiu-iiiL ,

jn ^ e x p o r t s , th e t im e is r i p e to r e ­v ie w t r a d e c o n c e s s io n s , e c o n o m ic a i d p r o g r a m s a n d o th e r f a c to r s .c o n -

It is not n ecessa ry to erect-arti' ficfal barriers in order for Am erican

R eceiv in g notes from old friends is nearly.-ns- good as see in g '(hem'"

_i.n_per?on,_N.QU:cally._oLcour5e, but

ccived tw o notes in one;^nvcIope, which Is ju st tw ice as good a.s re-

'ce iv in g one note. Thesij, two notes w ere / b .well, known former...

: . v : . : r c s id e n ts .o L J :w in J o l l s w h o - a r e ^ w — ‘ - . • ‘w ay bock e a s f - ^ N orcm uB li

_ _ '___ ^ T n s a t l a b l b ' _ _"Ever'wond'er why w atering t h e '

gra ss or plants on the lawn never, sopm s to h a v e the dosirptl rpgult?

tion.But hydrologists of -the United

Slates. G eological Siirvey m ay hav put their fin ger on tho'Toarrenson: ‘

■ ■wtncr;--------— --------------- -

W e ’v e G o t R o c k s F o r S a le■' ■WASmNGTdN ' - ' P rcsfdcnt Mixon h a s . revealed tha t he

• p laiia to give licad.s~ of slalt cr—iho

rocks have heen studied by the ficientisLs. This, Indeed, Js a gen­erous gestu re and one Hint wc Jiopc other nations will appre-c ia ic . .

. ...........................of breaking aw ay from gold ns It a t oil. As fa r ns I ’m con*

,.a form of InlcrnntiormLexchnnfiC___CCtHCd._li(i:s_llie._only. one innnd siibsilm ting-J»oon-rook6-J&rTr-Vlctnam^-Lrwill^eivftrTafly_rftrh!<-

_____m a f e ”5bsolulely‘ rib m ention ofyour husband having been am ined.

a rc fa r m or<;.reluctant to, adm it th a t they,could possibli^bc- re ­sponsible. Why, H enry VIII im- prisonod--:or---^v£n - beheaded

form s of physical o r . m ental irrita tion o r tension can m ake a person gri^jd his teeth while a s le e p ,-b u t in children, pinworm is a common cause. D etection of worms, .is q u ite ' :simplp-.-= flTut .if y n u .fln d .th c m - o r the eggs, then you know the

.trouble.My ber

P e s t" = ~ P in w o rm ," -s h o u ld -b e - helpful. Send 25 cents in coin

long, - self - addressed,

son, ca re of th is new spaper, for a copy. _ ,

to persuade Frnnce. West Gcr- niimy or anyone else to go along with it. lie .says he’ll keep on trying,” ........ ’ -

d ren he wanted!But It takes two to m ake n

J)nby,~ ’’and'. mcTIIciil cxporience'

D edr D r.;T hostcson: A friend )urs gave us an a r tlcle 'a lw u t ' loctor in Illinois who is sup-

posed to have been successful ■ ^ h ’ . trea tm bn t for cancer

The n otes w ere from Dr. and Mr.s. C harles B. B eym er. M rs. B oym er c_xnlained__ihQt the envelope, w as held togeth er willi Scotch tape be-

A ccording to the hydrologists, when an inch of rain falls, that’s 27, IS-l gallons, spread over an acre of ground. T his figures out to 0,788 gul

_ . _ l a t h eW h l T e H o u s e O v n l R o o m . O n t h e P r e . s i d c n t ’ s d e s k l , i a b o x o f m o o n r o c k s .

H e n r y K i s s i n g e r c o m e s I n n n d . s a y s , " M r P r c H l d e n t . I s r a e l i P r i m e M t n i . s t e r G o l d n M e i r . I s

" I told him Uiat. By the wny, D rew P far.w n reports a lot of moon rocks you’ve given to heads of .state a re (urnlng up

— ^ .- I< r^ n • • fo ^ D n v i d , - W h « t ' . s g o i n g — t f f — S w l t r o r l a n d - f . . . . . . . . . . ‘ -- - - -- 'm Ja^V iu tnm h^today r ' , .............. ::-Sw ia.s-bank .accou; .

'ilcnl 'I’hicu called from "T h e re 's nothing we know if . nhout that "

----- . lie - m a dc^iiliM upuii It iiu ?,lm uuultl-sllp in her letter too.

But whutuw e want tbrsay is tliat - - both-notcjri w erc breezy and' infoV- '

m ttlivo and interesilng. D oc Bey- mur pointed out tliut they w ore no longer living in the "deep .south”

-W here h e hutl headed the ItctsUh ser- vice.s a t the U nlversily i»f (ieorgla

a t A lliens. Down there he hiul reached the nnimhitory jigo re-

- — quircd-for-retircm cntr-He-.wrotoTM n- S necla lor llm t jusl don't feel like glvl

une-tenih ol an m ch.ol ruin, sohie- tiines referred lo by the weather- .mnh..,nfl .a .tr n c e , would deposit f.78 gallons on a quarter acre. A lawn sprinkler would requirt! hours-, oper­ating at a do^en locutions, to m atch that.

_ H l o „ 5Q F ^ J c L l i B h j

.Snigon and want.s to know if . nhout that, Ilonry. Any word there is any tru th lo the prass . from Bill R ogers'io J ap an ?" reports that you proml,«rod lo "V es, sir. H e ’says the J«po- givo rocks Jo the North'V iutn.i- nose w ere very grateful to get nu’se .K jh e y ngrced-to-n-cease-, your-rocks; but th n y s i l l l w ant

-------------------------- . ------------------------------{TtTT~C T r-R ifro \ir f f rx > k r

lem fe in the husband alm ost as often as In the wife.

It also is fa r e asie r to test unuMK ui) ‘t'«. m ale for fertility. At Ihis numterck--B»>|>*-Vo‘*jih>-».a.llng your-llm o.___________ t rying anything else iin tl l-

liiisband go es 'to the doctor for n test o r two.

D e a r D r . T h o s f c s o n : E n c l r . s c d ' I s ? 5‘ c e n t s n n d a l o n g , s o j f - , • a d d r e s s e d , s t a m p c d ' c n v c l n p e f o r

m uch w orse recently. ■ I Snow the F ood and Drug A dm inlstra-

- tlon-hns-fought th is-ho rso scr«........._ _ _ _ b u t I f v o i i I h T r n t t h e r e i s

the slljjhtest shred of ,hope in th is treatm ent, wc would appro- c ite your reply. — E . T.

No, I don’t think there Is tho jillghtest shred of hope. In my view it-w o u ld -b e -n -w n s to - of-------


GVIEAWAY DKPT.:Wo have one fem ale, beige col-

i ie d .”"Tell h e r I can ’t glvo her

jo ts right now, «s I don’t w to’ anlnAoiihu the A rabs; I ’ll give h e r SO fitfton rocks fltcad.'’

•’.She wns hoping y o u ’ll ; that, Now nb^ut tho <llKiin in en t co n fe ren ce 'w ith Dii’ v iets. W hat d o . you th in lf ,- fllrniogy should be?"

" I think wo fihould •


P r a i s e T h e C o o k

f j l v i n g u p . m e d i c i n e . '■ S o ; b e c a u s c h o d i d n ' t w a n t t o q u i t ,

J j o a c c c p t e d a n i c e o f f e r f r o m t h e

nrrd-hntT isirr-b-.R Ivo-T iw nyr-niro—Io„d r<„- .sunic. cu ll 733.9057, S “ J , . ' " i r T h ? & ,

• - - - - - - - - - ' — J n o n a p p o i n t . w c . k I v o t lNO TAX H AVnN

yndlmur-UTiivorfliiy-o7p«iHi\V.*u-Vn-~^^^ JdeaLdftilana; Pijnnsyivania. To the B ey- "" ............................ ..m ers U'.h m ore like homo, loo, be­cau se their daughter, Btir- banj,-nn d .her-fam ily . Ilvo there, loo,

So now , UK director of Ktudent licalth tlipre. ha Is Involved with'(lieIlls im d.,prpblcm a_DLU»c_jiiudcnt! nnd w m (o' tim t it,ls a chnllcngo'n'nri ho loves It,

In th e other hole, Sybil wrote thiit ih e y lire all settled In their Hew

••■llomeTiTirHinrihl.sVTwiu Fall.s. You' ~ w h u-kiiuw ‘ i hn 't^pymer.S'‘ 'n tiit' w lu i'

didn't — reniem ber lhat they w.eru! in Hie whirl nf evt'rylhing here while ho practiced all yuar.4.

In fu el, Dr. Beynicr found the first tllHease (hat Mr. Spectator had after tntivlng hiiro JiO or m ore ye»|H ngo. Wo cannot rernoinber w im i the (IlHv'afitJ w as but Dr, Boym er found

Ilft, W6"IWiV^) 0 iliea but

fleeing the country to cscape tnx' atlon with represen tation ,, don't head north., So far this year, five o f .th e 10 Ciuitrdiim provltiees’ lfavo paaacd a '

: «|)«lc uf tax Increases, roporlfl Com* niiMCd ttienring H o u s e ,___ .- In-Oalari<»r tlio-HHltjH-'iHx-wHH-dou-'

liled to 10 per cent on liquor, wlno and beer and all mealH costing $2.50 or tnore. Ontario resldenla ulso !!n\v T h e ir-c if i t \ i‘e 'iiQ 7ruX 'bb tjH i6a T)y '

l i v e. ' . p o i n t , w c g i v e t h e m

a t o c T r n r . o n t h o o t h e r h a n d , I h e y t u r n u s d o w n o n n p r o p o . s a l , w c . t o k c ^ a . t o c k . . « w a y „ l n - t h u t

- w a y - t l M t y ’ l l h a v e a n I n c e n t i v e t o n e g o t i a t e w i t h u s , "

" T h n t ’ M b r i l l i a n t . W © m o y u t o p t h e m f r o m b u i l d i n g a n A B M s y s -

. . J u n t ' j i f t e c a l l . . 1. m e a n t t u . n a k . y o u B q u e s t i o n , M r . P r e s i r t e n t .

b i d y o u w n n t t o g i v e I h d h r n d o f P e r u n r o c k o r d i d n ’ t y o u ? "

I . . < h o c o u n t r j ^ i h i i tk e e p s u r r o s t i n g t i i i i - ’ f i - s l i r n g V o i ' l s ' a n d c o n f i N c u t I n g o u r o i l r e f l n e r -

^ e s , > r . ” " ■ _" N o i r i o o i i r o c l i i i f < i ' f l i r c m .

“ iriT T in ‘C T i r n t n r r u r “CQiih u d i r i J i n y l l h i e H s e s h| . . ^ . . ..............Jt’.s a lw ays tho first ono ylnt rem em her.• You know, tho B iiym ers miHH

-TwIn-K nlljrtTTit-wir-m tBht-n'"Twin FallH, ml.sse.i them too,

' ' T hey hear from friends hero but .-/H lW 4 > -T fi0 t-n lH h o n e v M '« H h e n !> l» « O '

HO ono rcqucfit w iin that the 'I 'im e H - Now^,bo Htartcd to lliom again . This lA b eln g dono; ,

And juflt In caso you folks want !'to co rro ct ^ ou r ifduruBB b^okff w o' .w il l provfdo you whh’4 h o -n cw 'a d * llresB- for D oc atid M rs, B eym er. Horb It is;

T axpayers, In N ew ' Brunswick ' were socked willi a' lO p er cent ^ur> 'charge o n jn'rsonai incom e and higher ru les on gnnollne, tobnceo, ll(|uor and le iiill Kalen. Tho latter wafi not j ia ly hiked fm m (i to 8 jier te a t bu| bro'adt-iied to Include Hor- y lee s such ti.s hiiindry Hnd'dry clean-

t h e u i u T e ^ . S l T l p o w e r , "

------ .WASHINGTON-—JH y-lrlond ,— t« -b ii» ft-tiPartridge O. Truffles, the well-' known high liver. Is de|iglit«‘<l with rcport.s seeping out. of tlio

' V/hlto tha t M rs. R ichard Nixon is n good cook. M r. T ruf.

__f lc a iiiJ io p lu g . tills , will Atari atronil 'fiinong the nutlofi'H fe-, miilca.

"How grand it is to liave a F irs t b id y who cun whip up

_ .a cn.sliol p ressed d uck i’* crhrd fvlr. Truffles. " If tho^iiews thiil Mrs,- NiKtm■'actunlly..ciln per­form with .Nonio sk ill ,o v e r a

" h o t filovO' Is bruited uboiit, 11 ■ 'w iiriio rm orft for tim digoslivn

ftyiitein of th» Am erican.niitli)' tfian the discovery pmiiuiu

M rarlionato.’’Ml*. T rlir f |0 " p .lii ! :e d n > n i' in lo i

. - t - l h p - P x n c t - T n f > - - i n L - n l o f i t s o m e r K ( 'n i ' e f i t ^ n i t h o K i n s t q r t h a n b y n i l t h e h u s b a n d x l ' N t l i ' r . i , s l n c c C l c u p a t r a . .. —

’ ’ C o n s i i l e r , f o r , e x a n i p l e ; t h e a v e r a g e w i f e ’ s i w r f o r m n n r o w h e n p r e p a r i n g ' ' - r u n s a m t i r k , i t h i n g ‘ f r o m . o r e g i i n o I h r o u g l i c l o v i ^ s t o c u r r y i w i w d c r n n d j i i ; a t , H f ( K ) t o i l g i i i i s I n t o t h e p o t , . S o n io J e ? o h c l ,H < l i , r i ‘ e v e n ( o < l r o p i n a r o n p l n o f l o n m t o e s . A n d t h o g r t i v v I s S t) l i e s l e p e d l i y n s * h o r t i ‘ d d u ' M i l c r i t i n t t t i o n a . I h n t . I I w i m l u U i i im I h i ! i J t i i l o w i t h t h . i . ( ' o n s l s t e n r y o f I n d u s t r i a l g l u e , n m l t h e , c o r o n a r y p o t e n t i a l , . « ) i i t h o m o r n i n g l i n o , o f e v e n , a i o n } ; y . . .

" I do niit know what wpin'cV'

have IV list of, your o ther book­lets I could get? — Mrrf.' W.P.

Yoji’ll find a list of m ost nf tho o ther booklets’ in the back

, o f the iwoklet. A.s new ones ap ­pear, they aro announcfil in this column. Any»')no who wants a list of booklet.s — but doesn’t nt tire m^iment w ant a booklet— can get It m erely by asking nnd MnilIng a srlf-a<l<lrc,‘iucd.


•D ear Dr. Tho.steson: I am 17 nnd have had a confilant hrail-

• i tc h e - (o r ;n b o i if thrJo o r fi)ur wetiks. I was wondering If ihls could bo serious o r Just sinus

- ‘ronblr, l-snwT, trlrv lslnn movio w hat, livery- w here this girl died hecaus.- of

hendaehes, iM'Oiuise wimi'ihlng wi^s wrong with her brain whirlt rausi’d tho heajlaches, — W,W;

.. A - i u n U n u l n n - h c u d a t h o - U . . « 1 > v a y . s w o r t h y o f l n v o > . t i g a l l < i i i —

v e n i h q u g h y t n i r

lor frc

>'t n g r c o w i t h . y o n S’ t e . s l d e n l . W o h i i v o

I M e x i c o C i t y t h a t

I, m lnr,

- w rNu

o v e r A m e r l I n c x c h n n g n r o r k f l . "

" H o m u ^ l M 01

p i a n o ’ h l j a c k f r s f o r l , 000’ m o o n

'Juva .Seotia iip|;)ed Its Hales -tax from H to 7 pup cent and;alsu end­ed iho exem ption for autom obiles tunl parlfi, o lnelrlclty and local tole-

- t> h o n e - rn H 5 r^ rh n - t n y -o tt-|{ rp tor-W f)'B - niiiicd by 10 per cent, and that on cigarettes ([uadrupled,'

- ^ m ^ lb a v lM , - ih o - 'f w i 'H o m i} - ^ n c o m e ~ - lax Jumpeti from 2H_to X\ per. c e n t" nnd tobacco Is now heitig taxed fbi‘i the flrnt tim e — as tnueh its 20 per <:enl.->i

O w n e r s o f m i n n r n i s In n o n ) i r o d n c - ’ I n g ii.reaH o f S a H k a l c h e w a n y o w in u H f p a y n ( n x o f 10 c e n t s 'p e r n c r o I n i i t e a d o f .1 c

] - l r s l . w e d o n ’ t h a v e a t h o u . s a i i d . . . . . . . . . .m o o n r o c k s , n n d s e c o n d l y . I f l u l i n r l n g w e d i d ' h n v o t h o r n , l i n ' d Jh i t h e l i e s , I t h l a s t i w r n o n I n ( b o w o r l d w h o w o t d d g e t t i l l

>•■>. iiin (iiivii , I UII Jim Know w nu t w o ln c r^ ' ’ r \— k t> h i.* > l« ik -'?w m i-< H itrH iK »r-uK on-ilm -r-d fr-ro -iit< -flk ii7 -hu t‘1 h c r - r 1 ^ n i r —fac t Is ," ho g ro w led " w o m e n ecKjk th e m . M y ,su sp ic io n 1. Ih n t ‘"'V

d ‘" y flk^st , w ra p th e m in t la in p " ............................. w le ls and s low th e m In <hn r ir f r lg c rn lo r fo r n c o u n le of h o u rs . T hen (hey hllok th e m jin- dcT Iho b ro ile r fo r an h o u r ftr »io, le t th em M and In th e s in k fr)r a n o th e r 20 m ln u lo s lii n c h ip v e ro o m te m p e r n tu r c , n iu l ................ ' ‘Ja.

Y e s , t h e F D A . n o t t o m e n t i o n t h e D ^ ' P ' ^ r lm e n t o f J u s t i c e , n n d . t h e A m e r i c a n C a n c e r . S o c ie t y , n n d o t l . i c r r o p u t a b l n o r g n n l j a - l l o n s f o u g h t t h i s " h o r s o s e r ­u m , " w h i c h t h o p r o p o n e n t s c a l l • ' k r e b l o r e n , - ' * •

W h a t t h e d i s p u t e b o i l e d d o w n l o w a s t h i s : t h e k r c b i o r . c n p e o ­p l e I n n l s t e d I h n t t h e y h a d u , l ‘ c a n c e r - c u r e \ b u t . , o f f e r e d •:

■ n 3_ c v i d c n g c l b u t _ n i c i r - ' _ ■s a y - s o .

O v e r n p e r i o d nf y e o r s , t h e _ 1- D A a n d C a n c e r . S o c ie t y a s k e d f o r p r o o f t h a t t h e m n - t e r l a l c o u l d c u r e c a n c e r . S u c h • p r o o f w a s o f t e n p r o m i s e d h u t ' n e v e r - p r o d u c e d . J u B t m o r e • ‘ s a y - s o , ’ ' • • •

T h e r e f o r e t h e o n l y h o n e s t a n ­s w e r I c a n o f f e r y o u I s t h i s ; i f a n y p r o o f e x l s t o i l , d o n ' t y o u

• I h l u l t i t h n . i e . - p c n p l n r ' w m i l d - J i n v B - - - - - - - -p r * ’ d » c c d I t ?

' W O K 'n t l n n o f . S i n c e t h c K d i d n ’ t , I r a n d r ^ ^ Vtj\o movlft-rrnhM'a-MiTiptdnn- — n n -n itto ri 'CflTIu1uMlmi!-H iafr~tliHl----------that y(nir Imagination m ay be Iher.i Isn't nny such proof, theWilrklng oyertlmo. Still, I’ll m -o Ktuir Isn't of nnv value anil-the ^doctor to find out whoihcr ll Is a 'c ru e l hotix to tn ls o ’hopes ■.“ ! , Y " ' " •‘'‘'.'‘ftcrato pod-

n ' l , c o o k . I n l e v e l i n g tJ » ls c n a r g e I n t a t o w l i a i h n s iK - 'c n a n . • M i T i n c . l f a c t o f l i f o e v - e r n i n c o 0 n u i l o a c c i d e n t a l l y d r o | > - i x ' d a h u n k < i f < l l n o s a u r m e a t Im ( h o ' f l r o a n d , a f t r r r r s n i i n g I t , « l | s c o v c r e d I t t a s t e d l l k n f o o d

l i k o t l i o n t u f f M a m a

ir itis .

-DUilajnliid,__ jU jtopM ._______ ,___ _*10 a t h o u . s a n d , ' T ^ h a v i i r e a s t u i f o r ( In

! r i n g w l i n l h i ‘ 1' h o . c i t u l d b o r r o w 10 t t » o r n r o i k j . "

— u w « . K a v w - l t l i n - l O - l i i f i t - W o o k . ' - ’- “ M e n a l d l h a t N o m e h o w h r l o s t

. t h o h i , a n d I f I t e v e r c o u j r s o t i t i n P a r l U m o n t , h U g o t f o r n n t c n l c o u l d f a l l . "

" I s u p p < l^ ^ ^ w n h n v f l n o c h o i c e . H u t w a r n h i m w e c a n ' t k e e p p o u r i n g r b c k s I n t< ^ l i i n g o v e r n - i n e n t ; t h e U r l t l s h n r o , g o i n g t o h a v e t o A l a n d o n t h e i r o w n . t w o

b e -111 o f t h e e t e r n a l v < ? r l - > n t i i l n o d I n n d i s p a t c h o n r o | H ) r t | n g i h i i t ft i t o c k b r o k e r l o s s c d n j i M l l s W l f n b r

p i U M l l l d l i l '

l ^ r l e m h h a v o g i v r t d r e s s o f a u r a i i i u n i l y o u d ( i h g o d n w n I n I h o m i n e I n a n e l i i v u t o r a n d c o m n u p a g a i n , n n d d n I f f o r ' s e v o h i l d a y n , n n d t h n p a i n J t i s L h r i n n s t o d l s n p p e i i K T h e s e f r l r n d s k n o w a l a d y w h o w e n t t h e r o

]IKo y o u r o p 'l i l in o j ' l h l l , - ^ ^I a m I n d i ' f t l p l o a i r d ( I t t h o . „ , , i n t i i l l l g e n c i t i l i n l . « i r g r a c U n i s ' ■l O r s t l j u l y I n v i r t u a l l y u n h i u o , J « , ^ i n o b f A n u m b e r o fa m o n g h ( « - f e m a l e p e e r s . I f ) y i > ‘ '; * <‘ f ' l ' m e k e r y w h i c h t h e A r -A n i e r l c a n w o i n n i w i l l o n l y a c - ■ h i ' l t l . i 1' o u n d a 11 p n w a r n H

. slHniirdTi“ p;iMiiiidii’i.f YM i l l I I p u d d i n g , D i u i t o i h e p i l i a r j i t n f c l u r o o f A n H l i i - . S a ■ ^lis-iKxiiLim uLwubuhly-

a i l ■ixn’m n h i'u ^nrav iignlnst. Ju st going*‘down In'ti i|»n irieTTtlinl coiiltfng " “O ' " " " 0 . ..................................

w i n d u p I n t h e j i o l i c y ,I h n J u d g e I s m a l e l l i i i c x t e i I n g t . l r c n m s t a n c c s j m i i i i , lilm |)auKu,

" T l i e . s e n r e l h a t n j f t s i f ' - i

i l a w n r i ' t i u l r r s s o m n l h l n g k l c k l i i H y o u r s h o e s o f f

i l i t : m u o i i , o f _ h t l d n a _ a i j» f ( l i r n n t - U k i x i u .

inlo' r o o k i n g I s r r o n n d a l o r ] u M t l f l a b l n

h o m i c i d e , W I ) o n \

-4 > r ^ d J W p i4 U » m :ic jU ia ii:y in e t_ ^ iix _ p r D 3 p c c ta jn _ tJ m -^ —fllO L I lu c S t. A p t. 8 l u d f u n a , P c m iu y lv u n la 16701

Itiee s d o n ’t lo o k v e r y p ro jii ln ln g , ei. th u r , fiuytt U io iCCll.

lUght o f in in (h«I i i i o n u -

»»•'«! , l '" r •"i>y ••Kill M'.viviKiij 11.1..11 k i l l . >11 III II,.1 nOUOr by •piUV.----- JJpp,------------------------------------------------" M o re in n rr ln g c ii hnvii u r e n

« l r . I t o UUiUui y o u r I d e a M 9C kC (i:liy .ilu> ,.w U o’«.iiuibU lt)> .

i n s t n l l l n g t h e f i i H t v k l l c h e n n h o u l d h a ' i n n n t v r i ' i ' l c i l I n h l .s

. l e « . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<1 M k l l l e t w i t h a n a s s o r t m e n t «»f n i w n i a t e t i a l s , . • ,

" W h l r h r e m i n d s n i o . t h a t I n I ' r a n c e , w h e n i e v e n w y m t ' n e i i t w e l l , an e l e g n n t p n c l i e l o r r r e e n t - l y w a s h a le d I n i n c o i f r l f o r f a l l ­i n g t o g o t h r o u g h w l i l i n m n r - r l i i f i e u o n l r a c t . ‘ | ) n l w h a t w o u l i l

d o e s n o l h l h g ( i l n . l e e d , » u c h f a . , C X lB f i i J ; M h r m i t

intt> «■ tiTniiol,'h e l p a r t h r i t i s .

It, r a d l a t i q n a s

l l e n d a c h e s l ■ Y o u c n n t j e n t „ t h e m . W r i l o t o D r , T h o s t o s o n ■ i n c n r e o f i h l s n e w s p a p e r f o r . / I . e o i i y o f , i h o I x K J k l e t , " H o w I n T a n i o I l e a j l a c h p s , " P l c a ^ o

« M ii’ lo s Q a l o n g , n e l f - n d d r e s s p d , M a m p e d v e n v e l o p e n n d 25 c , c n i s I n c o i n l o c o v 'e r c o s t o f p r i n t i n g n n d l u i n d l l i i ^ ; , •

— -Dfa-TjumtBBoh f i Interested In.....nil Ills r e a d e r s ' <)uestlon8, and w h e n e v e r p o sslh ln u se s th e ir <luefitions In h is c o lu m n , b u t he- e n iiso o f th e f l r e n t 'n u m b e r ‘re- r e iv e d d n ily , h o ro g re ta th a t , ho

_yp j»np .t.j»nsyer IntU yldunl je tlA rs.

"w eakorlK iTn in i n . . . .....■' nllj',' If ltvr<jnlly could

O l l i t l n l C l i y n n d C o u n t y N « w in o n » f MAnHinr. ol Am Iii Oui. ou <i(

l*TI}W lU'l ■

. ll/ ' hu n ik c d , 'I a m n o t a ^ o m e such I h l n u 'w l l l h e n• n n r m n n : * i t-w n N " n ' q i ie M in n * ^ 'f i r r 6 ' '- a i i - n n v 'o " n ip " ^

Of R iv lhg u p c llh o r N leo lft o r te m iw r a r y lif t no ho Ih ln k a ho• i i iy c o o k l '' ,-------------- - ■ l l b f t i e r . Dm i r e v ^ ln j i - to - iu c U -

/ ..... ... \ ’

P u t i i i r t i i t t o S«<:II<>|| 60.100 M n l i or o . U , h a t f l l . / i l a i l o n o K r l

i p l n i i a t l n n o f p e o p l e w h o I " ■ * ‘ W ’ o f i l i « w i » k o n w t i i c i iH a y ih u ’ y f e e l b c t t u r a p p a r o n t l y * w i l l b o p u b l l i l i e d . / i s p u r e l y c o i n c i d e n t a l o r p s y c h o - d o i l y o n r t S n n r fo v r * » « » P »l o g l c n l . A r t h r i t i s t o n i l s t o f l u c t u - . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i n t e , f o r n a e t h i n g . F o r i i n o t l i e r .J u s l e x p e c t i n g o r . b o j i i n g l h a f

B o lu td n y o f l a o J . c c n d S l t a . t W «« «. I w l a r « [ l i , ( J o l ,® ,. . 03301, - t y M n o l * V o lU y I n c . .

f M -ft,-191 nrTTrnr<r*fto»|-5fir?5rTtf- I w iM f n l l i , - l i l A h o ; n n 30l , u n d « r l l . i

Page 5: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

EnglandWalls Are Turnbling

By DEREK N .^ ^ A M S LONDON (U PO l^Tflc-^ootiaW :

w alls of England arc tumblirig • down. , _ ' _ •~ T h e ''c 're a t o'ak” tree s '‘ \fhosc tim bers guarded ,the nation ' In tho-ago-vOf- w oodon-shif>5-aro •

~:V ^^anishinB-..ftQ ini:i. '

;------------- ------------ - “ "Tuesday, Aogust l2rl96^— rTimes'News/Twin Fafls; Idaho “Srtn. .

CitizensZAsked To^ ia^ eW TiTHapp^^4ho-4>arkrng-o(-doBSr-«ml-*cporl the-pcopjc. suspicious pcofjle qc vd iic los in T hey asked people to take the

— keys o u t of tfiolr M rs, lock.theic_____ho!TiesTind:try"i6 gcl’f te license Plato num bers of any suspicious v e h ic le s .;

■ ■■■ - g una- . . . . _______A rm ada failed to dent them , or th e ships of the Frcnch -neet a t

-■■Tfj ^a laa r a nd a goon ". h istoric naval battles.

But they are,losing a fight for existence to enem ies never hea rd of in the days when King C harles II, fleeing from the

.P rotector, Oliver Cromwelljji5JtJIeflj>e(Unto_a_fdcindlyLOai

a n d hid there in safety.

-D f - th e :Cliy—a s w ell a s o ld a g e ' a n d d isease— a rc co m b in in g to e n d a n . e r a c e le b ra te d Jn

— p a t r io tic •p o e t^ -_ a n d m a r t ia l . 'm u sic .'- —As-TPrpntlyrTTx-.Warld-Wnr-ll

the British navy recalled an----- c a r lic i^ n id itio n "b y "u s ln g "o ak

fo r a fleet .of._mines.wcepers--------n e e d e d - ln -a -h u rry .- I t w as-th e

la s t time the arm ed fo rccs 'h ad --------Ron© < o -ih e -fo re s ts -a s“ Britam

nn ia”d__always done o*need for 1,000 years.________

A spokesm an 'for the F o restry Commission, a n official body which m anrfges the nation’; forests for industrial purposes

_exp la in ed w hy th e oak tree i;. disappearing.

'■Builders no longer prciei . the-trad itional-oak for construc- -

—44oiv-work-as—it—Is—not—pliab le -____push and It .l; , Wp em ^ nslvc. j

Builders now use th e soft < wooded conifer trees , such a s t

said.T h e s p o k e sm a n s a id '- In 'th e

—tr e e — p la n tin g — ^ a r ; — np — to _^S»ptoBibop^flCT,—onl ^ 357,000

h a rd w o o d —tr e e s ,— m a in ly - o a k , w e r e p la n te d c o m p a r e d W ith 58,888,000 c o n ife rs .

H e said " a s B rita in can only supply 10 p e r cen t o f fhe

•' tim ber— requirem ents

H e said of the 52i393 a c re s of fores_t _land_u_s_ed for_ Indujrt^

— o n ly ^ 7 2 - a c r e ^ 'w e ie tak en u p

^ n the ru ra l a re a s of England a losing ba ttle is being waged in attem pts to save w h at oaktree s a r e lo f t . ............................. — -

----- ------ ^Itt-Sherwt)od-Forest,-Iegen(!«<«ry hom e of Robin Hood, oak

; ------- tre e -p rescrv fltlon—o rd e rs a remmAtltwix 'A*.

developm ent of a v illage once th reatened th e oxlstence of a HO-year-old o ak t r e t «o an o rd e r w as Issued to save its

_ llfe .- :^ lv .: ,---- --------- •. - - -—Iiv-nofthom —D erb y sh lrc -trc j

T u r j l Jones;-Shoshone; m achine m agic: Janecn Dixon, Richfield, junior Jiffies; T am m y Kinney, -cotton ch arm ers: Brenda Hubbs. funtlm e favorites; Ta_mmy_Kin-. ~neyr~^-H- family, living; David

___ .___were aw arded to B rendaHubbs, 4fH ,kniiting: Roge'r~GQl- cpechca.^-?Rlchfleld.JoQas.l;_Rc_-...............

C harlene Jones, foods IV: D cbic Noranii 1 P a lm e r and P a t F reem an , foods V; C a r o l W illiams, outdoor foods; Toih D allas, 4-H room

su rg e ry ' is often ittcd preserve th e onks. W orkm en cut nwoy top b ranches If th e wood Is dead and dangerous *“ pnsscrs-by. ir A -flpokoamnn - to r - th e -T o w n

nn oak tree d ies these dny.<? It Is r o t easy (o rep lace It. "Not m any nu rseries ' a re cu ltivating nnk saplings these days and so

-.w« a re using the d e e j^ r rooted ’ rod oak, a n Am erican ' species.

They often do .n o t prow as high a s the English oak an d often Iheir appen ran ro Is slitthtly different b u t a t le a s t (hey keep th e oak 'population ' atcndy.*’ snld,

. Truck Overturns

. Near State Line- - A Snn P m n o ts c o .-C c l i f . r t r u c i r

d r iv e r e sc a p e d in ju r y Sundiiy . . n ig h t w h en th o tr i jc k - t rn j le r r i|

Iifl w(}s o p e ra t in g o v e r tu r n e d I ■milch n o r th o f th e Id o h d N o v a d a

..........l in n oti U..S. I ligU w ay fl3,.......... .-trrnnk iinnR0tr,"3nr“drlv . ..

till! t r u c k , a p p a r e n t ly l i l t ' tb o•....... .- flhnu1 fle r-« f-l1 io -h lR hw «/c ft« slnK

■ th n t r a i le r to o v e r tu r n , l i e w a s U n v a lin g so u th to S a n F rn n - c isc o . T lie • ru c k w a s o w n e d by 4lm Col, S a n d o rn K e n tu c k y F r ie d

• C h ick e n C o, a n d n r o tw rty d a m - n « o wn s - r stlm nK sV at-tfl'OOO. - r

u l n i n n r n 10 I>H l ro l n i ii n W m kln .i c ite d M r .. M nnscn for fn l lu ro 'lo k e e p h h v e h ic le u n d e r c o n tro l .

tomology; Nick Hubsmlth, R ich­field ,-pebble |iups:-D avfd-R osa,

g ra p h y ^ -E f lu L E re c m u D ^ h s c t vatlon and trac to r; Tom D allas, vete rinarian science^

Carol Willlam.s. 4-H garden , and LuAnn E dw ards, RIcWicrd; hand lcrn frrw ererB tven troph ies

D enis- Blackburn, 4-H henith , and Dente StuU m an, ^-H .safcty, rophlos by R. G. Nehcr, M.D.i ind M ark D ixon, Richfield, c

Junior driving con test; an d .Tohn OrruUn, J r . . 4-H trac to r driving contcst, wfasQ cnch given i trO'

tla ,-a ltc rh a te ,- fo r - th c _ ju n io rs ; N orm a R alls, Richfield, Staclfi GhurehtnonT^arol-W ilHaiTW ttnd'

itla . a ltcrnate;_«coiors^ Ralls,- Richfield, w as

w inner of the homo econom ics Judging contest and received ., trophy from Shaw's E lec tric .'

T_ • .! .« n n d sh o w in g .

C lub 'Congress', given by Nelson^ R icks, C. W. W ard and Jay W ard, Inc., Richfield, w as won b v -D can a Nelson, D ietrich. An achievem ent aw ard of $25 schol* a rsh lp to 11)71) Idaho Cllib Cdh" " g ross, given W. E . Grosse, w as w on-by Tom D allas. Two

Trudy. WlIcox.M-H beef.■ ' ^em S tate T.

u . mrY..4 * uiis;~ChrlR: Rldinger,D lc rf tc h rw D m h B -ld r tir ir jp T tK W s ^ h o l a r e h l p s - t ^ a p liy ffo m S tiu iiK's ; . fcou i^B n l- -Club— given by thO la rd , D ietrich, 4-H sw ine trophy w inner; R o g e r Golcoocbea,RlcJ\fleld, ^-H sheep, trophy from Lincoln Coiinfy. M arketing os'soclatibn, and T rudy Wilcox,

showed m ellow saving ju s P 25 a ihqnth

w ouldgivem e V ^

4-11 norse, tropny fr6m BeaWJir Bean com pany.

Jo h n U rrutla J r .. F F A d a i r trophy b y Dr. Jacobscn; Melvl H uyser. FFA swine trophy win-

Trudy-W iloox,-round robin

R o tary Club, Shoshone, w en t to R oger G oicoechea, Richfield, d a ln r an im al achievem ent, and to Stacio C hurd im an , d a i r yFoods, '— .... '■~XJ3.'TscHoInrshl]rio"13vu IdftKfi r C lub' C ongress, given by Die­trich Bulto C attlem en 's as.tocia- tion. Inc., w ent to Denis Stutz- m an , beef achievem ent. Boy's achiovom ent aw ard of $25.scIioL-

-Sa»e^2aQQa»a a mnnUi and get 13750 bacMMoneniialiBdreams come true. Close your eyes andUInk of dj the

■: thinasyoo could dowith it----------- ------------------Alriperoundltieworld.asliinynewcar.asmanbeaclior

p h y :b y th e fa ir board. Jock Drown, Richfield, toprl'H aw ard — buckle nnd y e a r ’s m em her- ship, by tho Idaho Caitlem cn’i assoclalioni Idn-Gem D airym en, Inc., contest aw ards w ere pre­sen ted .by Odell .CImtfIcId..J3iihI.. m .C hrhJlld lngcr.J> )c trlc li.. f irs t y ea r trophy nnd rosette; Shelley Connell, second y e a r trophy and rosettei', find. Dcbby Connell, th ird year trophy nnd .rosette .• Homo econom ics dem onstra­

tions w inners w ore given tro-K' ie s -b y -th o -fa ir-h o a rd —Leslie

urchnm n, lnterme<llolo d iv i­sion, and M arie Parson, sen ior divi.slort. Tlio fnij- board gave a jropliy to eacif n’gricuUurnl dem - oni>iralIons. w inner. .^Tliev w ern T o n ‘y»IIi)rtkitm ,'}ilhiof dlvlRlOrti Donnie iJi'uKhlln nnd David R nss-flf-R ichflcld |- Intormedlotft division,-and M ark 'D txon, Rlcfr fteld, senior division.

Stacio C liurchm an received r trophy from the fa ir l>onrd for h e r clali

and .S helley Connell, second vision, outstanding d a iry filling and showing trophy bV' K raft Foods, Donnie Laimhlin won Hrst apcj ■ Roger Goicoechea, R ichfield' necOnrtr outstanding sheep pro jects and p rizes w ere a $50 (>ond, first,- i|nd $25 bond, •seconded by D. Sid Sm ith.

• T im RIdlngcr, D ietrich, was high t>oInl-inem hor-at-D letrlch ond* fflcelved-« -trophy' from - tho D ietrich Grange; Chad Dixon, Rjclifleld, hlgli point boy


Air Condition Your Gdr! -

*229 instauedI


You can have motley to make dreams come true by saving ^ematlcally at EqullableSaviiigs, liecausetretiave Uieuvlngs plans that realljrwork.‘ AnexperiencedEquilablesavingscounselnillwoilitiuta. scnsibIcsavlngsplanforyou.StartwiUiasUUIeas$3amoilIhor : asmuchasyoucanafford. i

If younant iponey, don't put off saving aday longer. Visit your nearbyEqullableSavlngsCenterandaskaboutUie ^

'5avli!gs'plansiliatTealiy,v(orl(.“ ” ' ^ r . ................

We’d love tMielp start you dreaming.

m CMfT«w>

'■ ii K i S . WMIIIM mM T(UIMn« «M ln *

- - • iO........ « U to ------ i . » - « 0 . ------ > I.»M ------- ’- a - ' • MW MO u m

. . , 1 ' ., tS LWO . - «M *,7U

M •.too i .;m t.*mIDO 11,*00 . . 11.000

__ airy food.s dem onstration,Dr. r a ul-.Tnc^ s e p gnvo-n tro- pliy i « i i K r r r ^ u « ] K i n g icilm , who w ere John U rrutln J r . , Mel­vin lluyser, Dowev Williams', Hon Oneida nnd J im THorpo,

{ " e m e r g e n c y

k R O O F I N GS E R V I C E

T t io O ld H o ln D s te a d .W o n 't N S S a T D * .If you Ut ui eom*<)ut.ond ■xamln* >h« tool now. Ypu'U mv* mor>t/ In th» long run , . , and you won't hava t« call u> . . • becoui* tli»ra won't b« any •margi'ncv.'



- -H A M It T O N -IN S U t f t T IO N ^ ^ R O O F lH G —aja Caiwall Av«. W. Phon*

Page 6: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

— ■

• 4 T lm e s - N c w s ; t w i n F.g i l s , ( d o h o . T u e s d a y , AM9 u ? t J 2 , 1 9 6 9 - — ................ ..

N ix o n P o n d e rs C o n tr o lsO n B u r g e o n in g E r o n o m y(U P I)—P residen t..N ixon today contihucd his- high-powered

.'concontrQUon on dom estic af­fa ir s , 'su rv e y in g th e disturbing inflationary sp ira l wUh some of h is-chief econom ic advisers.

-- The- P re s id e n t-a lso followed iip ^on his g ran d design for (Tcarra/iging the federal a ttack on poverty by sending another m essage to ‘Congress, tRis“fime

Ain.— a ir—expanded— m anpow er =traIaljig=proj

The Chief Executive planned ..a - fulU-mprnLng of basically economic, conferences, summon­ing to his Southern . California

iniiauon.. . K e 3 a d ’ jn _ ia r ;^ _ r n o .n i in t . jn c e tin g w ith L abor Secretary'G eorge . P . Shultz on the m flnpower-tnjim ng-prograni^

Rpgers a lso w as a constant p a rt of the w estern White House scene.' conferring \^ith the Presidem tr from tim e to tim e about Asian affa irs and efforts to cnd th e V ietnam W ar.'

-During the la te -morning, the P resident scheduled a two-hour :session-.w ith his C abinet com­m ittee o n - • econom ic policy.

r^ th cT rah k ln g —m em bcrs___w ere T reasu ry Sqprcta-

iy_D avld K ehnedyrlA gricull ^ ■ ^ K c g ff fo ra rH g - ta T itT icon'R m erce Secretnry-M D urice and P au l M cCracken, chairm an o f - th e P re s id en t's -C o u n c il of Economic Advisers.

Seldom h as such a-co llection

■fhls second session a t the new .com plex of White House offices bordering the Nixon esta te would iijvolye Dr. Daniel P . -Moynlhan, - W hite House expert on urban affairs;N. HarlowprrUjo-.-chiof House l ia is o n 'm a n with Con­gress, ' and two o ther key adv isers-^D h A rthu r ‘B um s ".ijn ec o n o m ic - a n d —Dr.—L ee^D u - b r id ^ - on' " science, possil I n v o lv io ^ th 6 ^ x te n t= :to = iw h l— ihicmimijisrriitiorCTlI^injsWis"space p ^ r a m next year:

M eantim e,' Nixon w as tiy ln g to re se rv e a ' few afternoon hours each d ay for recreatlonr

nf ~ '

Litterers-N EW ^^R K -{4 ,

and ago have a strong bear- ■ ig-OQ-whcthcr a . pcrKOn-is—

■ a^ itterbugr-^ flccord ing—to — K e e p A m erica Bemitiful, Inc . -The., national anti-liuor - croup says men l i t te r nearly

35 litte r tw ice as much as those'■■between' 35 and 50.

leen assem bled outside W ashington. 7

: _ F u r th c rm o re. th is g r o u p . « . a s-uniorniun.__ ii' ^ u l d T e expanded !a re r“in the ' would tak e a few days to ad just

d a y fgr - W h a t - t h e J W h i t c ^ Q u s a iD U h e ^ h e a v .......... ’ ‘ ■ ' ’s i r a ^ d i i l d T je a d iscussion -o f coastal sect

his' e sta te , explaining' th a t even ^ r a native-^; Californian, it

e would tak e a few days to ad*""‘ » lD U he^heavy=undertow .^pf-

----- —’ -cctlon.

Detecfives SeelPTo Eiii


UPJ-ifoIlywood. C orrespondent ’ _L0S.ANGELES_CUPI)-A.8ix-.m an team of {»lice detectives

— <oday-'-~probcd— tw o— macabre — m urder cases w hich Tbore'

■ s ta rtlin g -s im n a rltic s -^ en se le ss , savage s ta b b in g s 'w ith alm ost

......... - ritualistic overtones—' ..........Police a ln t a i i

---------no -direct physical evidence to* connect the stabbing deaths of

a ’ m iddle-aged couple Sunday ~ TB5">H'Sg5'T^liyi--------------------

tw9 ca se s tinless" th ere’s an d i e a t 10 n”'t h e c a s e s ' a re

lihTced."------------------—Th ^ so1e-s\>5Pect;ln thei-Tate m uraers. W illiam G atretson, 19, a c a re ta k e r a t the Benedict Canyon hom e leased b y the ac tress, w as re leased 'Wonday*. ■JDetectlvea . to d ay leaned tow-

—ot-actres»-£hai four guests a t a . secluded estate.

— But-ah-Qfficcr-gald.-^'lt-ls -tm usual-to-havD "the”5am e1 eam

ard - th e - th e o ry ‘ the stabbings Sunday of m a rk e t ow ner Leno La B lanca and hi? 'wife

•sgiufday tosi ' " ■' ‘

hoods a n d cords knotted around the ir ^ w c k s . PoUct^ revealed M 6 ffd a y 'th e .-sa m 6 -m etH o d ^ \^ jised to s crawlin. 'th e La Blanca case end•■pig” in th e T ate c a s e . ------- :

The m u rd e re r ’''apparen tly dipped th e heel o r i i l s hand In’ tho_ blood o_f:^hls victim s and sm eared , -th e "^vbrdS“ Il^^e^ters from e igh t Inches to ofle foot high.

W INNERS O F T H E Tw in F«Us C !tyi,R ecreatIob D epart- m e a t’s M ight M lte .to u n ia m e a t-s re , frpnv,lert In baek j-K elth Cook, Roy A ram bula, R obert Jack so n ood Bud C antu. In

^ f r o n t .a r e J c rc s a - N lx o n , D aw n Pfefferle , R 6e | A ram b u la .an ^

R o ^ e 'V e lc ^ . n i e chlTdren who w ere ^ n n e r s . l n competition la v a rio u s-p a rk s: aroiind the c ity m et fo r th e cham pionsh ip ’ F rid ay efterrioon a t HarmoD P a r k . ......... — -----------------

--------- P H 0 N r7 3 3 :6 2 2 6 — ---------, ti$ ao Eon to EoMlond Drivt

^ ■■lUVSU (MF?U.T n N H F t — ::: • G a t e s O p e n 8 :0 0 P . M . ............

A t 9 :1 5 . . . ’F lrt A r e a S h o w in g

C 1 i u r c f L ^ i p p l a u d s ^ m l k e = I > a r n C o n f m l s" WA-jjHTNnrnN '(^^PT) —. Si»n, F ra n k C hurch. D-Idaho, said M onday he w elcom ed S ecretarynt fl»n Tntori, .......... ......... — -

w ould-)javer*-v«iyrlO ''tP^ 'o rl^yfo r funding by the Congress a t .this tim e. M preover, th e will-

- >tharB -tn„ia«fl8M tt

lE f iT H RIDES a HORSEH B _ a g a i i a s g - T O S im ii-

' i s a t ' l i b o o -Flrst Run— Fun

~ C 6 m edy starring — A irirA rk In ,“ ln

nf thA parllpr- In -^ b o th -ea ses , the victim s,

stabbed~ nuMftfQus-timej8f-w<»r<»: le ft 'w ith -th e ir heads.covere^d by

Three States Seek Trio^ Escapees From Wallace

WALLACE, Ida lw (U P I) — i^6irco^ln thrtfe Were: off

of m e ta l . inside a sock.Flafllgan sa id , la te r , " I t

a ian 't n u r t m uch bm w as '5ust

to d a y . H e w a s _ a n _ a c o u a________o f G a r r c t s o n a n d o ffice rs s a id h e — liv e d — f n — th e ^S o u th e rn C a lifo r n ia a r e a a n d had_ iu)t

:n ho m 'e s in c e ' I h e m u r d e r s , 'in d ic a t i ............

o u t.L a s t F r id a y , n ig h t, a n o th e r o fa rre t .sn n ’^ '-------- a c m m in tn n rp s .

S t e v e P a r e n t r n s , d ro p p e d by . G a r r e t s p n 'd i d n 't .a c c o m p a n y

_ E are n L -tQ -h is -ca c -A B h cn -h e -^ le ft a b o u t 11530 p ^ ' P a r e n t ' w a s found " s h o t to d e a th th e n e x t d a y , s lu m p e d In th e f ' - drive

........- . - ................. ... m oratoriumon. th e Middle Snake R iver be*pprovfidr— while— Sen:-----fc«sJordan,T:::RJdalio.-rsaidr^hert»n: nouncem ent cam e " a s no sur-prise.1:--------------------------- -

Jo rd an said HIckle’s auncem ent—^'ould ~ ^ t5— Inter?

p re ted a s ' "w ithdraw al of f ^ - e ra l p lans fo r developm ent <3f■ s-M iddle-Snake-lH vefc----------

"For som e tim e. It h a s .been ap p a ren t th a t federal construc- t Io n " * o fC ^ d a i6 snaKe p ro jec t

area- in o rd e r to b rin g the' kilow atts in to the sam e 'n o rth -

=west -power-pool-w ithout-federal- :partic ipatlo icrcannot“ be 'rdlsre=

f-C h u rch .sa id -sln ce th e In te rio r D epartm en t h a d " abandoned p ia n r^ o rrfe d C T jrrra w ic ip a tlo rr in a ' dam . on" tho . river,' “ th e congress, should m ove as qii}flfly n«i_pQ<igrMf» tn P iinrt the m oratorium legislation Intro- d u e e d -b y S en a to r Jo rd a n andm yself?’ ------- -- . .. j%

L A D IE S W A N T E D -------To W ork in Lfnen Suppiy Plant


A p p ly .ln persorj'tq^M r. H arm on

a t io n a U in e i^ u p p I )

G l o u s e d u ”



■ROUNPUP! 1 :T I B M _

or his c a r In the driveway, the cool m e fo r a mln- g e a r se lec to r in drive and the

:k ing-J3 tak '^« leased .}ut if ............

□ a □ o D D o o a c j o i a p a D a crn □ □ n a a o o o n n □ □ a cV — ----------IN -C O U O R —

i flclals in M ontana a n d Wash- ^ Jngton and w arn ed th a t the

«rm ed prisoner^ w ere con.sider- ■ cd ‘‘extremely, dangerous.’’ ...

—-------^ T h e -e sc a p e -o c c u rre d -w h e n' the, four lu red d epu ty B .J.

—^-F lan igan Jicar th e ce ll and h it h im on the, head w ith a piece

Idaho May Share In-Nixon’s-PIaiF

; For Tax SharingWASHINGTON (U P I) —

•OHf-OT-lRff-CScCpeCJT^mtn FUppen, 19. Spokane, tumci him self in e igh t-hours a fte r the fouf.some m ad e the ir b reak.

Authorities', believed tho oth- t r s ^ d I 5 n c m o T « a a k 7 2 I 7 S p » k a n e ; , D annie Pow ers, 19, and C harles L. M arquard t, 20.J»>tb o f K inpston. I d a h p ^ s c n t ^ J in-

tho t m bered slopes arounda m in n g tow n. . - ._______Roadblocks w ere se t up .

sh o rt tim e d f te r th e b re a k but fflilcd_}o t ra p the escapees.—^ h e fou r p risoners w ere aw a illn R -trn n s fe r to - tho -Idaho

jiten tio ry -« t—Bolso- fclony charges.

OfflclRls-sald M aclk and Mar* q u a rd t b ad cscapcd from the

G arre tso n V T v h v ^as^h JT ca rc tF l<er_sj>.flred ft1idJE arent s l a in ? - _ . - Po lansk i, who flev^-here^from -fcondon-gunday-night;

C E T ^ H E I W O S T f R O W F V O I

----- £..,pnsfid in.Pj:esiflchi.JJl3dinf«.wcr-.

- : Wendell ClassHolds 20th Event

Jordan singlci) out tiio Presl-■ dent's nhnounccd ob]cctlvo in■ the new family as-'»lslnnco pro- f i^ram of emphasizlng'-ftn incen-• tivo to wor^ ns ono of its ; soundest feature.*!.• Jordan'nald there would he

' • npproxlmalcly 55 million In\ total relief to Idaho' taxpayers,• hut added, “ It will bo n start.

And.ft chango In dlroctloa .of uovcrnmctil concentration nt the federal jevcl which mo. t

- .^uhoana .will, applaud."

Bean Company Is Charged In Suit

r A law suit a s k in g m ^ . m In- nlingnd damages, asnlnst: pnan

Growers Wnrehouse As.ioclatIon,, .Inc., In MDnon.hfl^ iwcn filed

_______ In I'lflli DIslrlct Cpart, tcconiaHiKiwud Mondny.

Tho milt was filed 1)y Mr. and Mrs. Jnno ?>anchez,

• It Is ollCRod M r. SanchPE vlnlt- cd tliQ witruhouso In Mllnur on .Spet. 18, n r la s t y e a r to deliver « tn ick load of )ieans. Whilo Nliindlng In un open 'd o o rw iiy waltlnn for tho liciinH to ho lui- loadeiV lio w as h it ,o n tho head by n falling o b je c t,'i t Is nlJcHCd,

Mr, and MrH. .Sanchoc allciin thrc'o counts of neglect on tlio

, * p a r t of tho defendan t corpora- tlon, nnd ask $23,7(10 in n])ecla1 dam ages and $tilO,74S In gonetni d n n ta g r f

W EN D ELL th6'''W em lol1 High Scliool c la ss of 1949 held Us 20lh reunlon.w U h a bonquctn t tho H o lld a y ln n nnd a picnic " t the W endell crty park,

N orm a Bungum Rohm actedas m la trcsa .of.ccrcm onIcs..R us. sell ilaw k es gavo 'tho Invocation. Tlio claHs will w as read by Thcliifft na llcy . A pijeni wrllten by Ava J i 'a n .SIoclJuiTn Deck In the eighth g rade , which di‘plctc<l tho per.TOnalltIc.1 of the students, w as read l>y Violet DonNon.— P rlzo r WL’f 0 -nwn rdcrt-tTTtTn.... Cooko for traveling tho farthest; Jack l!ancaster for having the least hair; Thelma Hailey for being married tho longest; Rui* soil— HawkoB, for - Jmv^ng tho youngest baby; Nornm .nohm, for the.most oliiWrenj-Bcrt Dud-

.| «y ,^o u -g r4 ^h a lc .-M rs_ iu 'c d McCloud won a special prize,

Entortalnmonf was provided hy JMll rrceman' nnd his chil­dren, Capdy nnd Dour. Ottier nragram numlwrs wcf’e'nii;nl.^hed hy ItusHell and .Sharon llawken.

Tlio g ronp 'ia 'p innn rng 'nno thcr reunion in

11 ' ■ N O ! W E 'R f eN O T C L O S E D

Afl A R « iu ll o r O u r R«c*nt Flrol

in seclusion In B everly Hills. Police would not say w hether they h ad questioned him yet.

fl^OOOTTalsen firiW imdote Car Brealdns

R U PJiR T .0 v c r . . jl.000, )nm inm cnt wa.s' taknn In n r a ^

of c n r.b rcak -ln s over the >vp<^ end in R upert, according to in w tlB a tin f t- Rupert city police, --A b0 U LJQ .vc liJclD a w n rn l»rn k into, ofilccr.H said, w ith stereos nnd ta p e s ,,ra d io s nnd m iscplla- TTCons" toula taken. One of th e brcak-lns occu rred in tho coun­ty, b u t nothing was reported ml.sslng from the auto.

O fficers said nmm unltlon was taken . f ti)m .onc_Y chiclQ -but.ap­paren tly dropped nt tho scene of. noo thcr b re a k - In. .Several tapes, re iw rtcdly some th a t had been stolen, w ere also found,- ap paren tly d r o p p e d by the thieves.-.O fficers s a id . th ey .h av o sev­era l lead's In tho m a tte r and In- ve.s(lgntloi> is continuing.



J i A L A I O X l i m w E R

H ATD IB arG A S ^O R f f i s n wI n t h o . c i t i e s s e r v e d b y I n t e r - J in v o . a m o r e c o m f o r t a b l o h o m o m o u n t a i n , r a h h e n t f l m o r e h o m e s - . t h i a w i n t o r , c h n n g o t o f f a s . t h a n , n i l . o t h o j : , f u o l s _ c q i n b i n c ( U . _ : ^3 t W i J 5 r t K 5 T 5 T l H t r j ^ K ¥ T T T O t r j a " ' '” c 0 f t i ^ q i l l ’c ^ ly 'c o n V

---------- t h o m o f l t p o p u l n r - h q n t o f n i l . -3£ v e r t e d .y o u - w o n t t o s a v o 'm o n e y n n d




f ■ KOTl/^ At-f P'yCTl>f i B B f




PKONC 733-3938 W*it pn US 30 to Crand«l«w Dr.

G ato s O p e n fl:00 P.M._

■ Ritttictid to Pcnani undi • 16 unliti with portntt.

M ATIN EES . D A IL Y ! .oW A lT




|Mp#ctUn Miifl.fl

xM »eNFo r Business

As U s u a L . . . ,tn-r Awn

I K alnililno Mixed Orlnki

T H E C O V E r, C O C K T A IL L O U N G E



-T»»rwdtrD«H»v*i— '—tiWINNIB rht PQO|< end

ih, BLUITIRr o k f"

Atr-C‘ondltlon*4 Shawtlmti

, 4 1 7 M a l n . l . 7 3 3 4 2 1 3

.__ iM iM Ir rp s o h ‘"-ii»»' 4-6i30.« p.m.

Op*n Ii4 t

.Plu* O f l i .1 5


A b n ln n c e d p o w e r h o m o p r o v W e fl t l i o i i l l l m n l o h i c c o n o m y , o r f i - c i e n c y , c o n v o n lo n c o n n d c o m f o r t ^ N f tiu rn l K»w m n ltc H H h o rt -w ork oC l i l g h - o n o r K y jo b u — - w f t te r h e n t l n f f , h o n tu i f f * cooltinpf n n d c lo th c u < ? ry ln g — n t t h o l o w e s t

p o J in lb lo c o a t . K l c c t r l c l t y p r o - v ld o B l lR h l ln R . n m l ru riH c o u n t - JoHfl .n p ^ lm ic c B t l j r o i iK l io u t t h o h o m o . D lH ctm H U i Ih p r o p o n l t l b n 'W ith t h o f r i e n d l y f o l k a a t t h o G fis C o m p n n y .

~ " 13A S D O E S T H E IB E T T E R F O R L E S S I

fA SC : O M P A N X ^

i Q a a a a a a a Q D a a □ □ □ n a a □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ p o a a a a a i 3 a o c ) . | ; ; i a o a a a a p a b a i


T l w G e r n M i n l o n M t > 1 1 % .

Page 7: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

J Ib e r ls o n 's has b u ijL its re p u la tio n -o n quality m e a ts .- " O u T b T e f has always been U .S ;C X X f io rc e grade and

fine qualijy of m eat at low, low discount prices ^and every cut of m eat is guaranteed to your complete^sat' Isfaction! ■ - - - - - - - ■'

■A1bMson'rlit6rallrWl5ws~thrinrmiiml~tfre“ WDrld- fo b rin g you a complete varie ty of produce. If if is in season anyw here in the w orld you will find it a t Al-

w ill discover that discount prices really a d d up to ;u rp rising -s a v ings b : ■ , ■. ~ . . . . ■


Such good news fo r the housewife who shops fo r food fo r her fam ily at Albertson's, You will be able to save from 5 % to 1 5 % on every purchase. You will b T a b l e

; t o find everything you 'ne ed ~an d~you~ w lll~5ee~natlonal -b ra n d s .JA llT th is at low, low discount prices a f 'A lb e r t -

- s o n s ; - - - - - - - -

You, jhfe^custonler can buy moi;e food ior youi^ rnohey, because a|i the prices have been're-

eliminafing all extra frills ihaf have been a partof your grocery bill. It’s simple!

N O M E M B E R S H I P f o B U Y

Xofne^n, shop and compare t h e dFfferencei= Groceries, meat, produce, health and bealify aids, housewares, EVERYTHING you b u y at Albertson’s-you^buy-for— less.-— ^ -------

-b e a o m d :You w ill fiiKji (pw , low dlicouni prlcot

j jo n av^iy itam in ihe Heailh and fieauly ' A ld i D spa^m tfil! tH li m okn'~-

on« slop thoppins mora practical. Come.. in and compare tiie pricoi and ilart your

>*ayjnfli_pro0rpm .!o clayl. - -------------------------

Evory brand of froxen food w * tell h a i boen liiorougtjl/ Im peded ond te.itec|.

— - -You -w ill-flnd -naflondl*brondf'tha t‘ yo'ur"'" . .know «9 well and quaiily you.can '^o unt. . .

on. You w ill lee nothing diicounled but . th e p r ic e i— ----------------------------- -----------------------------

G R M l r R t - O N N I I i G^ li f e d n e i i la y T iR p j p iH

10 A.M.


Luscious, m outhw atering oven fresh b a kery -p rodu cts. A lberf-1 l o h Y I ^ S T B ^ e r s , use only the f i i i F i i i ® r e a i e n f r f 6 i ^ u r

complefe satisfaction. And p w yqu c^n enioy these fgstyproducts at low, low discount prices!


. I N T W I N F A L L S,T ... .

. " V - ' •'■■■■ ' . . ■ - V - ......

Page 8: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

' 8 Ti^T>es•Nows, Twin falls, idoho

H o nor N ig h t

— V H osted

M aid s, L a u re ls '

Miss Gu%rie, "Besett MarrySHOSHONE — G lenda R a e -

G uthrie. Boise, daughterdsf M r. a n d M rs. E lden G uthrie. N orth - S h o s iK jn e ^ e c a t n e “ th c ~ b r Id i5 -o f '


A r e C oneerhed

I . WASH CLEAN ■ Nipples -on- baby 's form ula bo tiics’ ought to -he *v/ashcd as

as the •bottle is emptied.

-------r out in-lhe p ink and green theme.M rs. Nelson and M iss Flave!

—^ = :h a d - c h a r g c - o f - - lh o ^ U 8 ic = ;M rs. Ross Sw alnstoa w as geo-

----- c ra lrc h a irm a n . • ----------------- ^ ¥

. -“ WESTERN LO O K ^PO PU W R ■■ t ' —B^ g n e p -O Ie g X a ss In l .is-on -a

.'v_____ .Wcstcrn_Wck, w hether, deslj ’■ . - ing -fo r men or_w on^ri. His L .

“ cow girl" look shows fn 'rid ing

-M R .^A N D -M R S ,-H E N R Y -D ^K E Y E S - - - - -

pants-Insp iration , sW dle stitch­ing, an d ...c lo th es__either__inleather o r den im . The look goes Into—^n[£,^}ack£lg^X iaIiiw ££f^ coa t5 lt5 d .sh irts , -all tied together w ith .C a^sinPsJgnature scarves a n d belts.

-------------- D & S J ^ n ^ a Y f - S o - m uch-haa. been sdld abou t “ louses” who

a re la te w ith th e support check, • I ’i like to s a y ai few w ords

^ • about the o th e r side........... M y husband w as sta tioned In

Alaska when h is f irs t w ife s ta rt-

he got hom e it w ap^too late- to sav e his m a rr ia g e — o r his c red it Hating. W hen the • c a se cam o to court, he w aa a -‘Jgentle; m an ” -and ^d id n 't- use the grounds of ad u lte ry ,- s o - the

r ^ v e His wile custody ot

payments that amounted to two- —th ti^ s -o f- hiy-aalary;--------- --------

flc la iJnfT irihc‘double-ring-cere» mony:—in—a -c a n d ls lig h t—M tting;

The’ brido Is th e d augh ter of M rs. 'Jam es L. M itchell and the late M r. M itchell, V ista, and the b r id e g ro o m -is - th c - so n . of_M r,

- - -------rerome.

Glych rn ‘m arriag e b y 'h e r lirn cle, K enneth L. M itchell, Mon- te rc v -p -a r_ k _C aU f. wore a gowD of peau de sole.

------ :---------— . t t t : — fashioned-with-an-invBrted-^'V '*-

trim m ed w ith p leated lace.H er elbow-length veil of illu-

s ig n , was h cld-4>y a ■ flo ^ .red - nylon headpiece. She carried a bouquet of w hite gladioli.

M aid of honor w as Darlene

wilh E lizabeth Peterson . Vista] and N ancy Wiek, Studio City, Cnlif.r a s bridesm aids.

B est' m an' w a s ' R obert P itch- ford; Sioux F alls, S. D. Ushers

•ft ,^illy.R:^^-Jllmch,-^^s<af>d^ Calif„ an d R obert Scale. San inio. Tex.

th read b are and starv ed for decent m eal. T h e ir support mon' cy is .obviously used fo r some-

T ^S e ltev o a divorced pian should su p p o rt .his children, but


DEAR O TH E R : H ear hear! But - tak©' -h«arti— Divorce—re­form s aro Iitth fi works. ’

Two days a f te r we w ore mar- rlcd h l3-<vife sh ipped the kids to us fo F lh e i r - “ 6um me r v aca­tion.” S h e-cam e to p ick them up 20 MONTHS la te r l During th a t tim e w e h ad a child of ou r own and a second one on'

W henever sh e g e ts tired of the kids she ahips them to us.

" ^ i A ( m c n T - W t a r t t n “

: .... Pattern


DEAR. A U U Y :" llie rc k rtfl

KWay "g ra c c ” , period -in ;h ~ to —m ak e—child—supp ‘

paym ents. M u sf th tf landlord

DEAR LAWYER: No. Out If th a t's all tho longer' some of them to w a it , . they’d b«

»py,--------^ j -------------

DEAR ABBY: T had the some . roblem as •'LOVES POPS.” Daddy—w as—SO—y o a rs -o ld -a n d he a lso used a magrlfyinR glffSS to rend tho new spaper, but ho iniiisted 'o n driving - his automo^ W le._A IL tli(U >cQ Q lcJinjiiuL5ii:£c i

......................... irlv •knew w hat a te rrib le <lrlver he wos, arfd they 'd get out nf his w ay when they saw him coming.

do. C alif., w as In chorgc of the guest book.

T lie-coiiole took a honeymoonJ rln - to -G rb c n -V n llc y -S p fln T » r■Southern California. T he bride 1-1 a ttending P a lo m a r Cotlcgo, S n ff~ M orcusrC allf. 'T hc ' cnum c w lH -re s ld eH n -F (" ' '

he he nhouUl quit d r ivlnR, h ^ a Ijglit on l i j s hands, ,


IIIIISK IIF-AUTYF or flying off to wurk. For

nu'ollng Irli'udn for lunch. I'or looking rr(!»h, b right, hrlnker thiiii n Ithrcze. Sew thin trim p r J n r ( j ! : r r t fm m o w tm ii i lc n ( i~

___ , P jIn tc a J iif lU c riL ^ lD J:— Me _Mlanoa' Sizes H. 10. 12, l i . IH. Sl/o 12 <lm»t 34) lakes 3% yards 45>Inch fabric.

.Slxty-flvn cen ts In coins for cach puttorn iidd I|i cciils fo r each p a tte rn for flrst-clnsa

----- jnalH nfr-rand-apoclal -h an d lin g :finnd to M arian M artin , Times* NcwB. .103 P a tte rn PcDt.. p i

[— w f ln 7 R t i r 'K r ,n = in 5 r Y o f t t r r Y. 10011. P r in t nam e, address w ith z lp^slce a n d stylo numl>er.

N ew fall'W lntor p a tte rn cata* _ Jog .ir . over 100. fltylcH, froo pnt-

= K = = u .^ ^ e ra r J M iu i» n u J M « ! D U u j4 s tA u L------ :— irew lnff-book-ae>v^<od«yr'W *nr

lum orrow . II. In s ta n t fanhlon brtok — w linf-fo-w rar nnsworn, occosaory, f ig u re (Ipsi O nly |1 .

V eh ic le D e p i i t 'tm c n t a m ! lohl th e m , m y p r o b le m . a sk in g th e m no t to le t m y f l i th o r kn o w w ho tip p e d th e m o ff.

Shm -tly a f te r w a r d s D n d d y re- celve 'ti n a o f f ic ia l n o t i c e . t o a p ­p e a r fo r a " re .te s iI n R .; ' O f c n u rso h e f a i le d , a n d tlio

.. ." .* c r w h o g a v e the- tM t-n n ld h e 'h n d n e v e r «een

w o rso d r iv e r .O u r fn n illy w a s g r e a t ly re-

llpve«l, «nH D n d d y n e v e r knew w lio t u r n e d h im In . P l e a s e d n n 'l URo m y n a m e . H e 's Btlll liv ing a n d p le n ty s o r e . ■— i n s L O V IN G D A U G H T E R -

D E A R A T inY t R e c e n tlv n Indv wh(» H lgned h o r s e l f " I.O V H S P O P .';" w ro te th a t Hho w a s w or­rie d nbo iit h e r «2-yftar-ftUI fn tlie r w h o m .nlie fo lt w a n to o oW to d r iv e n n - h o h a d - n l r c o d y had a few m in o r a c c ld e n ls .■ 'W ( r n lT n rT o " :r i i id 6 i U . wliiU* 'P ops” c h tin ce n fo r Kurvlvnl woi'o , M o o k e d u p th o lUOQ hU- lIsllcH ^of th e N a t io n a l S a fe ty C dunell, a n d 't h l s Is W hat I c a m e up w ith : ' '

In th e a g o g r o u p ” 75 a n d oy< ••r” thQ to w c ro 10 a c c ld c n ta p e r 100 d r iv e r s p e r y e a r . I n th e ago g ro u p *‘iH K »r 30,'* th o flgu ro wnn :iS. I n th e a g o g ro u p 20-2-1, l tw « » 3 < .. A s fo r f a ta l a c r ld e n t s :In th e . a g o g r o u p .*‘7a a n il ov ­e r , " th e re w n ro 70 |''A T A L nccl- d e n is ' D cr 100.000 d r iv e r s p e r T a r . 'I 'h e u n d e r 2(i < |r lv e rs w ore ;ll1cd a t th e r a t e o f KO p o r 100,•

000 |)o r n 'c a r . A n d thi^ 20-24, a t ihn rn ro 'c jn n i'p fir yoni-, ^

« r s m a y l ia v o fe w e r a c c id e n ts , bu t th o se w h o d r iv e lo o nlowlv c a u io O T llI iR R to h a v e accf- d e n ts ." T h is m a y h e - t r im nccn- slonn lly . h u t tn o ro ncclrton tn n re c a u se d b y y o u n g e r d r iv e r s w hortrtvo-too-fnsn--------- r —-------------

S o te ll ‘T X JV n s P O P S ” th a l J L a lW r - l iM la - f ln n a in d c c ^ ^ jJ io sho u ld - w o r r y .m o r e nho u t HIM a n d n u ll

EvcrylHtdy h a s a prohlom.1 flm !a.yaurfl?, ro r .a -p tn o a M a . rrp ly -i^ ^rfte fo -A lib v rW o Jf

Ang«l(!H» CnI. flOO«9, and ci>< close n all n i | ^ , seK-addrosied oflvotopf.


W itfi Fad prets _

(U PD -N 'otriU onists a t P u c d p U niversity , alarm ed tit-’ the natiPD's penchant for fad dict-s.^ offers a ^ n s ib le and sure-lirfr method of losing weight. But you m ay not like th^ir four po in t route to taking off pounds sensibly.

H ere is the recipet ■—T ake a gian t size portion of

m otivation. ■ ' - f— Add knowledge obout good

nutrition and diet.‘ —Mix well with self-disci'plInA—------------------ ---------—

—Add J.scverar d.ishes of

The nutritionists point out thn t rn rhohvdra tes ,. proteiiis, fa ts, vitam ins, m inerals aria

The milk . resiauc is qu ick , to harbor-bacteria^K «cp-T i*T iippI5~ brush in a Ja r,o f suds to scrub each”nlpple o ira ll surfaces.



a t the .

l ^ r i d e O t '

HeriryXeyes; J S h a r 6 n M. M itchell, Vlstn, C^lifr. a n d -H e n rv D .-Kevcs:~Je-

PT, .wp.ra-tmitcd.4ln ;m arFlagcin-rItos-Junft^l4 a t - ^ o All-SalntsipIscopal'Chi F a th e r F . v

1st-and accom panied them and also playe'd the trUdlUonal wedding music.

K ent Profit. Boise,' w as b est m an. Je 'rry tJu th rie , Shoshone, b ro th e r-o f Iho-bride, and Mike _GuLhr!e, - Shoshone— cous lfi—of .tti^ lb rlde ,;w cr5_ushsrs ._ _—Ju lie -G u th rie ,_ s j£ te r _of the bride, c a rried the/brid 'e’s train; —A pproxim ately 80- giiests ' a t­tended tho reception held" In thC fellowshio hall.

Tho' b rid e 's tab le w as covercd w ith '.w hite ne t over pink and decorated In_ w h it^ and pink,

four-tiered ' w edd in g ' cake

W d e-an d -b rid e g ro o m -u n d e r a I.-.. la ttice archw ay. M ado-by M e b ride H arro l_ B urlev_tbci-cakC :

> w as d e c o ra te d w ith a c lu ste r of pink—sw ectpcas—a n d —roses—in greenery ,

O ne hundrfcd guests attended

P arjsh H all. D ecorations consls- tcd -o f-fllo d io ll-an d -ca rn a tio n s i A three-tlered w edding cake w aa deco rated w ith sw ans and min­ia tu re 'b e lls .

Assisting In serv ing th e cake was M rs. R olf -Stoeckel. Vista, • - B n iy R By -B unch,

until M r. K eyes In di-icharged from the se rv ice th is fall, then they will m ove to Tdnhq wlipre

•. Kcyos will a tfen d m e Col-

A p p o in tm e n t

Is A n n o u n c e d_nO I.'!E -M r» . Mnry! Wood,

homo econom ics agent for Owy* hce County. Is the new clothing specialist of tho U niversity ol idiiho n x tcn s jo ri-S c rv lc ft.. 'J lc r nppolntmnnc wns*T^nnoimccd to ­day by*C. O. Younftiitrom, HOrlmc d lrrc io r . . ...

M rtr.-'W nw r'SU cceeds F s th o r Ny.itrom w ho re tired last w in­ter. S|io will l>egln her work a t Uolso ..ho ftdquancra . o n . re tu rn la te In A ugust from sum m er school a t Colorado State Uni veriilty.

nnORGANlZATlON I1EI.DDliCI.O—The l5eclnl I.DS Ward

P rim a ry prcaltlBncy I has Ixwn rcbrgnnlzecl, w ith M th, I> iii !Jnrrow fl'‘ iuiiho«r ■ ■ prcHl(l*>nt. Rhr. w ill-b ff-a ss is te d by Mrs^ l.ylo W oixlbury, firs t cotujsolor, Mrs, Jay Kldil, second counsulor; Mr.H. Kalph .llbson, Hocretary, nnd Mr». R u lx n RIchunlBOii, «HH|stant-sc;(^rfiinry.


daily diet. Taking these

j p c p p ^ r ^ g

............ - grffhdrtolhcr-'froi.G crm an jrand --has-becn hanacQf down - five .generatidns-------

Linda Sharp, F ile r, w as, maid. o f honor.'

Mrs. John Urrutla and daugh-T<^QTiwlftrflnfl-Vnl—jihfwhnnPn

sangJ.W O.numbers, M rs. F erre ll C arraw ay , Shoshone, w as pian-


’G eneral rule: E a t a ' fine, b re a k fa s t ,-a light lunch and a good dinner. But please, you pudgy o nes,‘don 't cat so much.

r p e p p e f | r c e; ON THE BO'-Lc'/ARO A7 t . i-.WCOD.

M rs. E sther Moore. Gooding, au n t of the bride, and M rs. Clif- ton Davley. Shoshone, cu t ands e m d the -cak e . M rs. (Jaien G uthrie, C am bridge, sister-in- law of the bride, poured the

D ietrich, served the coffee. I W omen of the B aotist Mission Society assisted them .- J u l io - -Gi • -

Jenkins F a m ily

Reunion H eld In

y a g e r m a n ~ E d r k =

the la te G eorge E ^ ^ en k in s and M rs. ■Rpsella'-JcnkinsT-Gooding, ip e t in th e H aeerm an city pa rk fo r a fam ily reuiiion.-

M ra..Jenkins,.84 ..w a3 honored by the 43 descendants p resen t. A book w as on d isp lay depicting thc-Ilfo h lstory o fM r.“ and:M rs.-

-J e iiXiiiJ. tim il UHi llh ie ol iheir m arriag e lj^ ftfi .24,-1308. in the Salt L ake,Tem ple until Uie pres- en t_ tim eJ-T h o -b o o k contoin^ed lictur^s of the ir four ch ildren, 9_grandchlldrea_flnd_a7_greaL-.

grandchildrcn.-AlSQ_showiL-wete pictures taken 6f the fa rm in Shoestring to w hich they cam c from U tah In D ecem ber. 1916, M a “ iI j5 ~ ty p e ~ 0 f -^ a n n ln g ^ e q U If r

M oore, Gopdlng. cousin .of the bride, ca rried tho g ifts .-L inda A bers ,_ ’l'.win_l-'alUi MrS. , I 'lin_ . V.. 1 . • j j .. . ahn Ko ? ^/Nmntln^ .Ph tlllp s7-Id a h o F a lls , w ere In chB rgerO fr'tho-glft-tablc.-B ecky E ldredge, Carey, w as In charge of the guest .b ook. _ .

The c o u p I ' y ^ l l r c s i a n nSprlngfieldv Mo., - w h e r e - th e bridegroom will b e associated In business w ith his fa ther. ^

G uests-attended from F a l r - . teM r-W endeU ^l6< v-K U tiv -K x rom e. G lenns F e rry , Carey, Ida­ho 'F a lls . Gooding, Twin F alls nnd Cam bridge.—T he bride w as .honored with a pre-nuptial p a r t y by her friends, a t t^e Bolse^VWCA.

EventsR oyal' Neighbor lix lg e will

have a ■ potluck pTc'nIc a t firilfl.fMHi__XlmrwUty , a t- -tho__XwiaF alls City P i l rk . ' ;-

Jt. >/. If. ■t'iQMwlll Club will m eet

p .m /w ed tie sd av a t tho homo of M rs. W alker Corr, two miles south, one mile j ; a s t and nnc* half milo ‘sbiini o f the ' Moior Vu corner. T here will be a Chi­n ese auction.

m ent fa rm ers used a t th a t tim e. V erlin Jenkins. Gooding, fam -

I — — — — ---------- M A R Y -E l lZ A B E T H -U R S E N —WIO CONSULTANT

1 — O t S i M s i i mMisi lo»ier\ It o gjoduale of Juor»'» Cot- legs of Hoir Dojign.. Sh* li ti!ghly ae­


on. and hoi a devoted coterl« ol cllenti who, rely on hef ,opir»loni end advice.

rgo— o f arran g cm en ls . M r. and M rs. Jack , B . A llen and fam ily, H ansen, p resented e fa rh u m o ro u s-sk lts ’w ith 'S tevcn AUen a s narra to r.

book she had com piled of cor- tlH cateS 'ot b irth , m arriag es nnd ieaths"“ot m y ancesto rs m t

gland, Iowa a nd Utah.A potlucK d inner w as serv i..

p r e e n in g —the -p rog ram - w i t h tho fam ily p ra y e r given by Ron­a ld Jenkins, GoojJing.•M r. a n d .’M rs. John Jenkins,

Jheltoyrrw cre-o lto /w ii—to -lio u d the reunion planning com m ittee for the coming year. M rs. B ar­b a ra Allen was cho-sen to edit the fam ily new sletter.

M em bers attended from Cor- onn. New York. Shelley, Hajiel- 1on-.—Du-h-l;-Go<)dingr-H«nftcnr

C I i t

RICHl-Il-.I.D—N(trlh End- ChtI)

for tho Wood R iver Convales­cent Center, when they n ii 't-n t tho homo of Mrs. Then 0'llli;Ui unit prvstdi'nt, Mrs, Hugene Cox rcci'lved thu’ (‘lub special prize.

Place for_.lhc . next- m eeting will bo announced. A sum m er no-hostess m eeting in tho park was discussed.

Magic Valley FavoritesMRS. P. FISHER

_____ _________4lh A »t . t ..Tw ln rolli

Hom em ade C rackcm

— l-toaapcwn IVi o u p 'h u lto r o r m argarliio 2 tn})lespoona su g ar 1 cup milkSift tho.' d ry J n g re d lc n trf 'to -

gflther, Cut In h u tto r untir,m ix- turo* Is - like S tir -Jum

lenou(rt» to m ake a stiff dtiugh. Roll out on ft floured .honrrt un­til iilHiut one-hair 'Inch thick. With u largo round cookie cu t­ter, cu t rotihds nnd prick sur- facn nf cnch m any tim es Vvlth n fork. Brush w ith -m ilk «nd4| place on ungvenned cooklo sheet.-1

nuke In n 42.1 degree oven, for 5 flour «I)out 13 m inutes o r until gold­

en. Make.-! aevoral dozen cni,ck- er,'«. . . . ! ................................

(T he TJmci-Ntiwa will pay SS each week for tho best recipe suiimlttert fo r M agic Valley F a - vorUca. 1( you havQ lo -favo rita rcclpe, JUHt m all It to tho Reclpc Dfspartmoni, W umen'a Pago-Ed* Itor. I l io reolDo becom cs tho property of thn Tlmeii-Nown ano cannot b e /c tu rn e d .) "

l o r r

H U R S D A Y r ^ t l G r l ^ t h - ^ - t Y f s J W O O D -L o c a te d In M r. "Juan's Cojiege o f H a ir Design

FebtOrIng’ a cb m p lo td flniei

WIGS ■ W IGLETS m D E S - - F A l t S -


CIvin lo lucky vlilleri. Juit rtgliUr ------- ^-im ronB Tv:-----------------------

Rigid Intptcllon and p«rf«llen of quality hoi elwayi Ix in lh« rvU ol Juon'i. th«>« n»w wlgi,

wloleli, (auadi* end fallt ora, without (xcfpllon, Ihi tlntil on th« macktt lodny. W . hov*

a (ompUls iImIi , . . no waiting._piir.^*nU«. includ»^S|vltne.-cuttlno,-(«|«r-YnaicMnOi-ton>-


College of Hair Design iJuan'i.Collogo O f Hair Design hps tha sfaff and'cxporl-

anco to train you to-bo a real profossloilot In tho famouj

Plvol.polnt Holr Dosianlng, Don't a «fipt loss than tliti

best . . . our graduates aro always In demand. Call or

como In today. - ......... - - i


— Wliat-l*-nuua-LmmllluLtliau-q.olowi. rm? Too titui lunlniin (• nllfin

...................... iloijntnaii•llodi to O*' Ool<l*n blown. Tiikt lha iun iH iimall cJotii . . . tvan nll*r your lUnKin protaollsn Itni b«4i) bulll up, you con on uncomfotinhU,'

hill In coia you do, w* carry n com- pUuJlna-fll.*unbu;n.»p»oy».ond.i>lnl._ loenti, wall ni ifrlinn tolt. < lup gItiiMi,'all lumi'iiar



S W A M lA K EE U R d P E A r S T A R iT — a r P t e R r ■ 7nn fn^jriiMFS


K I M < g S B y R I ! S ,Prsicrlpllon Phormacy Madlcal Cantor Phormoey

117 Molrt Av#. I, *08 — r j r - P I H ' .


DATE: A U G . 20th Advance Tickets^

ttelen'i' T I M E -a ;0 0 -P H V l ; -------------~ “ A b M : A D U L t ^ t e s b -------

C H I L D .U N D E R 1 2 -9 1 .^5 ? 2 l M A IN A V E . E .

Page 9: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

Tuesday,.AugusT-12,-1969-- ^Times-News, Tw in Falls, Idaho 9


'O^ Z L 5 Z -3 3 ^ 5 3 -'-

i « e- 1 r ^ =

r H e r e ^ = W o n d e r f u l : N e w s F o r ^ v e i y = I F o o d : B ( i | e i ^ h

d a y. I n our D iscou'nt stores, w e h ave reduced food selling to a brass tacks operation. Costs of operating the stores are h eld dow n

- i n £5fery-_posslble“ wa5)T",Oiin;flgtomEa'STbeireltt in lo w e r_p n c e s-o n -e v e ry item *. O u r prices are as lo w o n , M o n da y as th e y are onSattirday-«o-yoii- »n-shopyt3n--the- ay-y0u-want-to--shop;—Gome;----com pare and see. See h o w m u ch y o u can save on e ve ry shopping

------- S to m p s thro u g h S a tu rd a y ,’-Augud't 23rd ; i B o aurc, comptejg-szniir RHVfira hnoVa h v th a t date.

F T p T f t ’s w T i f i r f i y n n f i n d t h e good news &t. - y o u i L S a f e w a y i > i s c o u n t S t o r e — r i g h t o n

t h e s h d f ! "Yb xi’ l l p l a i n l y s e e h o w m u c h y o u a r e s a v i n g a s y O u g o . a l o n g . W e

- p r o M i s ^ M - l l ^ ^ - i S i j s r e s s e d - b y - y o u r - s ^


i n g s a s t h e y a d d u p !LO O K FOriTHESE---------^ SHELF TAGS:

i r a r“PRICE::


Y our fa v o r ite b r a n d a - D c l M o n to a n d L ib b y , K ellogg , y a n C a m p , Je ll*o , e t c . - a l l o f th e m a r e h e ro a t low dia- 'l u u h L p t im L U jij : ju la y > J 3 a .m i t t n n te 9 g a iQ k riir.4iim ^ p u rc h a s e a f te r p u rc h ase . N o. n e e d to w a it fc^ ' spec ia ls , .a a o p w n e n y o u w a n t to sh o p .

Your Safeway D|m Are located In Thesa Towns:*


^ ' n ln .'l ,;V '0 '

M o i i : p n t r - r -

( w i n r_fi|h (I'.n U i fjio ro .) • W .-^ i;- 'V 7 •

J f i n n i c

O n o d in c fr

C«"i?<Kvull- W o m p n r -----------------------

J '- i a h o F a i h “ ? n g f r y

rc iy .'iT fo , '

M o u t i k l i n l l ' f o i ’o - f f t i p r r t - -

D u i h y _____ ________

Omnrio, Oregon'

TS)U a lw a y s g e t th e b e s t a n d frcBhcat produce’ a t y o u r S afew ay D isc o u n t S to re . A n d i t ’s p riced a s low a s th e m a rk e t a llow s. O u r b u y e rs a re s ta tio n e d in every im por-

L tan tp ro d u c in g .arc a .^ .T h ey J}u y -th c J ic s t-ap d -ru sh 4thoro»— We sell i t n t d isco u n t p rices ct/cry d ay .-

Come ln>.. Browse Arduncl... See How You Save At Safeway Discount

DISCOUNT PRICES EVERY DAYA t S afew ay , y o u g e t U S D A C hoice ^ e e f an d ,I>prnb.flt_ d isco u n t p ric^ ^ T liis is iftddt R aided b y U .S . D e p a rtm en t o f A j;r io u ltu re oxporU ;i‘th o C h o ic e g ra d e goes o n ly to m e a t # h ic h is tende r, ju icy , flavor(u1. A ll S a ^ w a y m oata a ro t r im m e d w aste -free , a n d g u a ra n te e d to p le a se o r

^Imoney backl

Doii'tTorget...^old Strike Stamps Given Thru Safurday, August 23rd

Safow ay*s o i r a b ra n d s ,'w h ich a r e olTored aa ad d itio n s t a ' o u r w id e so lM tion o f n a t io h a t 'b ra n d s , o 0e r 'so m e o f tb o

flno, iuanuitood brands a r t made by Safeway,' o ttf l out , • ■ atrlct spociflcations. Thoy cost lu loss, «o:wo soil., thorn t o r lo M .

O iS C O U N t

Page 10: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather
Page 11: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

Radishes or C CGreen-Onions— e a i l r w ~

Home Grown — Large Bunch


5 Select

',' ft. . QualityFruit lb.

Check These Everyday Low Prices!EryerJrhigiis-or-Drumstick --------__,b^56Safeway Chunk Bologna ib. 52»'Braunschweiiier— — -nBrS-%-< ^ p t a i n ' y % 0 k 0 i l i s h = S t i c k s .

Sllced-Beef-liver Beef Round Steak

Always_F r a s h f y S l i c e d

U .S .D .A . C h o i c e F u l l C u f lb.

Everyday Low .Prices? tveryday Low Prices!

T , B o n e _ S t e a k s _ ^ ^ S ; i 4 C i - C a n n w i : H a m s : ^lb . 1.18 Sliced Bacon A rm our'i M lra-Cur« lb, 87'Cube Steaks l!.'di*id,;a‘i.'’°'"

Pork Chops R°bChopi' '■ lb. 97i Pork Sausage

Co5k1es Vmlfillol

"Cream. RiesSpplT

— Twodayer"“'"■f"’' ! 8-Inch\ -clox.1 0 * 8 9 /

Orange Nut Cakes

78*eachr 7 (5 7 ‘^ a n i $ f i T l o l l $ ~ r l I . ™ ! ' ' 6 1 7 5 6 7



Snfoway Will Give tvolcl"...SinkfrSfcimps rhrough, '

Safurday, Augur.t'ZSrcl,

. C p m p lo f o Y o u r S tiv e r B ooksI

Page 12: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

Tuesdoy, Augusf 12, 1969 fTmps-News, fwin FoiJs, Jdoho T3~Mutuial"Fundr="

British Potrolcum as a grow th investm ent? Becausc m y com ­pany was Included In the new

irltish Petroleum oil m arke t th e E ast Coast, I have, becom e Interested fn_thc stock.—W.S,. -A—Thc...reccnt deal betw . .. S tandard Oil or Ohi^ and B ritish •Pctroleum.ahou1d prove very -ad . varitageoiis to the la tte r com* pany.^Sohio has agreed to..foot th e bill for aJi exploration ex-

on B P 's North Slope p roperties, development -costs connected with B p 's 37.5 pc rcen t particlapation in the Trans-A las' ■ka n Pipollnp, plug f r ln tr rto B P ’s rec«miy acquired U.S. refining 'm arketlng facilities. In

Alaskan property and

WaU Street C K a t l ^

■REV. .YORK— (U Pl)—Down­side risks seem consiflerftbly le ss than the upside po ten tia l from an interm ediato te rm viewpoint, sa id Shearson, Ham - iS m S r C o .—

The ‘ firm said th e stock m ark e t seem s to be discounting at-lcast-m ost-ciL-tbe_£l£ClIn*lin eem lngs^likely-to-U 'ko-p lacc-in comi^-znoDthsr-.Oa-^a^QthCE hand,. I t 's a id , a sh arp ra lly is

the m arke t, w ill go th rough a faitly dull period to fo rm a new


T h e m arket Is not llkely- to stage an y sustainable advance


m inent according to M cDonncll Co. Signs tha t th e ontl-

inflation program is tak ing hold have appeared in recent weeks b u t th is does not m ean th a t

„ i t = m 0 i « > L 4 a . ^ B - t a 4 6 0 6 t o in—th e -n p a r - future, th e - firm said. ■ .

T he-m arke t stffl'is fn a s ta te of b ad 'h ea lth ,, but is cxpccted

recover. . said A lexander


from Sinclair) would be tu rned over to Sohio.

Initially, B ritish Petroleum ' will be g iven.a 25 pcrccnt slock interest In Sohio in 'a w n v ertib le nopdiyidcnd,- iionpublic s^oclc; • Because iiiis facet o£ the deal ls~based—on a sliding scale—on-N orth-Slopo_wiaLproUuction..i?___production b y l9 7 8 rcaclierCOO,- 0(Wibnrrols_n day BP could con- (rol 54 pijfeeH t"orSoh'fo^:5toc(r;-

British, Pct&~with nine su p e f- ' tankers-under consl'n jc tion .and ' 21 on long-term ' charte r—Is in a .good-position to move ah ead nf nil fo m pptitinn If tl\p N n r th i , west Passage w aterw ay- be­com es a reality . Shares, now m ore than 25 pcrccnt below

year, a fo r lonjw o rth- p u rc h a s in g

g ro w th ,p ro sp c ? t if . ■ ---------^ -------------Q—I a m a n o ld a n d s ic k m a n

a b o u t to m a k e - a w ill . A ll I h av e -» r e 4 5 lH h f tfe s -o f-A m e ric a a — H o sp ita l -S u p p ly -b o u g h t o n t h e - . I t t l t l a l l i s s u Q - in i i l h a z e a r lv — 60sr—^

iny—sh a re s -d o - l-h a v <Lc^ay?—L. . _ __ _____-A—P flo r tO iO -fn ttta l o ffering ~

In M arch. 1351, A m erican Hospi­ta l sp lit its sh ares tw o for one. Since you purchased w hen th e shares w ent public, w u w ere not en titlcd-to th is sp litr -T h re e - tim es since, ■ the sh a re s havobeen increased- on a three-for- o n ?3 a^ is :_ A p iL I , ...1959; M ay.

- ............X hcrcfo re_your_orifiinQl- ISO -sh o re s . .a, . _ 4,050, -with a value in -excess OLS133JW0. _____________■

m all personally, b u t will an sw er ' all questions posslblo In h is col-

Fotatoes. onionsli-fultotving- qmKwHDns -a re

provided f rb m M urlas B ro ilicrs Commodftles w ire by -Re* Ul» ' r ic h ' and- A ssociates:'

u4ho PotatoesHigh .Low Glow

4.W ■— 5.§5— 5.55 . 5.55 '

Maine Potatoes2.21 2.20 2.20

■ 3.21 3.18 -3.18

p rim e 'ra te . '. "M ore than ju s f 4' few ' observers—including ' us-^ believ^ this could com e within the next few weeks,” th e flrni said.----------- --------^ ^ ____

The early A ugust raJIy could resum e-after-the-effeetsrO fH hfr franc devaluation w ear off, said S ta n d a rd . & Poor's C orn. But even though a m ajor base could be in process of form ation,

tim e to complete .the consolida­tion and se t tho s tag e fo r the next advance. Some allowanco

ii«t ~ m ust be^m nde m eanw hile forS * o S " ^ K u « iMJitmmiy -Hhat-this may

prove to be a false s ta r t , the Tfmraadcd.


Over the Counter

. ^ I f V 'O l l ------------------12.75 ‘l .t75'r — P 'r s t Sec. Corp. 31..'>0 37.90

-------- 0.J5,- ..........GarretL’a . 30.00

Idaho Power-" - '--57.00 60,00 Idaho Pow er 57.00 60.00 >nt«rmtn.Ooi, 0.00' 0.J7 Morrisoh-Knudsen 19.50 " — Pnc/fic Standard TlogerjiSccd 10.00 S ilver S tar Queen ‘ siofrirnrj) -------Surety Life . 5.25

in ta c t ihV T'imsi'N«Wi form

odverilting cov«raga of fdtrp lols, hand bllll, newipoper covarags (over 70,000 raador* In Magic .Valley) advanca bllU- Ina. All at’ one iDSCIal low rate.


A M ^ B a r i K a j j ^

■For swiw.—spotj^^ shoes and casu^ clothes

—for.your collcgc::


Page 13: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

: 14 Tlmci-Nows, TV/iri Idaho Tuesdoy, August 12, 1969THE TtA4es- A/ewsT w i n s ^ ^ s w e l l O u t T o G e t n c 1 *^ Batters In Bee Split

M a j v a g e f ^ f t ^ S 6

r i f a g ic V aliev. B illm g sT ra d e^ ig h t D ecisionsIn P ioneer TM trBitl"

1 wins’ p itchcr Uave "sucker punchcU” team m ate Bob'A llison ahd rnan ag e r Billy k lartin ,. .. Doc G reene ' said klonday In a blow-by-blow

account of the ce leb ra ted fight in -h |s Detroit N ew s-colum n.-- -

Boswell, -who - h ad . been reported "cheating” on h is pre-

me • r u n n in g -b y -Art-- Fowler W ednesday, began’ “ bad '

mouthing'.* .^ ^ T w in s L c o a c h r jn a -D e tro l t 'b a r ^ '*


■ BILUNGS, Mont. (U P l) — T h c B il l inRs M ustangs and the

M agic Vftll^y CoWb'Oys sp lit a a . P ioneer League doubjohe.'jd' e r M onday night, the Cowboys

■ c r ' Monday nlpht,- ih e Cowboys -Compton’s th ree-hiifcr. and the

— M ustangs-com iflg back in _lhc — nightcap to p u sh across-lhc-wint

: yon jn thc -bo ltom of the '•■3"lrlum ph:

___________ ' w in beTuc.^ a y a nd Wcdncsdaj traveling ..IQ Jdafio Fall threorday, thrde-Bame set with

• -the"Angel5 wfiich begins Thurs- ' 'd a y night. ' •

. U rv e ilc Blanks, the loop lead­e r in R B I's, stroked a.uioublc


... the fourth inning of the open­e r to score Jeff Gcach w ith the

a in -tha t le f ty Com pton d. Losing p iicher Chuck

Loseth, whose record is now 0-7, only allowed five .hits.

Billings took a quick .2-0 lead nffainst K e i t h W alters in the nightcap_\vhen -B u rti S tra in .a n d S tan Walton drew w alks. Con- :ecHtivc-hitK=by^t?hil^afan:ritnd

■across,.. ________ _________• ^ la r tz sco red 'in the th ird fn- ll^^l^afte^ hitting a single, when

the Cowbpy firstbasem an , m ade throwing error.'

Ningic Valley cam c to life In th e fifth 'w hen, pinch-hitter_Cpni cepcion Escalona singled in J im N jRCleisen f.o r t h e Cowboy’s f i - r s t - r un r-T o m -H e ie r le - th e n

nr^Reds^opp le- P liils4-3

---------- .......... ................____ ______ . . . ^ Bostonih“ lhe— evenilr.'lh lsn im e-T jrlm ? ■ R ca '^ox’fo a 5-2 v ic to ry -o v e r

Iho-C hicago . W hite Sox M onday night and gave Milce N agy his seveiuh w in of -the season.

JWhitP Sox Joscr. -Pa»l .Edmon-

CINCINNATI (U P l)—Jim m y S tew art's one-out single in the

___ ^eighth—Inning—scored p itcherJ im ~ M e rr itf M o n d a y 'W g h t- to give the C incinnati Reds a 4-3 v ic to ry over th e Philadelphia Phillies.

M erritt, whose single touched off the Reds* winning rally,

aga inst f iv e 'lo sse s , b u t needed help from W ayne ' G ranger In

throw ing e r ro r by ’D arrell____ Chaney put a .P h illic -ru n n e r on

b ase -with one out. M erritt w ent to second w hen P e te Rose

scoring M ark Mengo.Billings put i t-aw ay how ever

in the bottom o f the firs t over- t im ti- ira m e atU iiiii... .. . _ TficirW islon when Zahn and M artz singled to l e a d it off before V ince Coliuccio ended the gam e w U h~ nnother-h it. • ■ -...............

-S tew art and Alex Johnson banged re 'e h its apiece the Reds tBRRCd R ick Wise for h is 10th loss aga lnsl nine

—victories,Johnny Bench’s .l7tH hom er of

Ihe season gave the Reds one------ rttri—ln ~ th r—second~lnning—imd

.. they added two m ore In the th ird , hiincljlnfi singles by,

____Stew art and Tony P erez withJ o H n so n ’s. s n c n f i c c n y .

" o f (hd '.sen'son~comIn‘B nn6i‘“ ‘n' . . . single b y R ichie Allen gave the

Phils two runs In (he fourth and Cookie R ojas doubled Don Money homo w ith Ihe third nin in (ho seven th inning to knot

— tho-fic- box:

PhllMrlplilii • WMJMIfl -.Clnrlnnritl , ....... onflMfll

(ft) nrtil Rrnrti. Wl’ Mnrrl'l <1 tirhrh (IT), D, Jolintnn (lllh)

Flrit Cim*Msgle Vullfy- 00a;MI>-4SDilliiVSt OOOOM^Ql-

Compton-»tnl-H«lh«rlt— iMftOO » ant) Salido. Wr-Compion. LP.Louth.

Sccoad Cam* Magle V»ll»y 000 039Diinngl • ----- 30L. OM

Wallrrt, Wltson |<) ■ ' "


Lets Boston Top Qiicago

CHICAGO (U P l) - Reggie- ------- ------- ----- Smith-a-two-run-liomer,.. score-Blanks. Ing-a-^o-run double -by-Garl

.jo:-:hfld-drawnr-Ji...wnlk..—— Heierle again cam e through

Y astrzcm sk l- Jn_ ininng sparked-n —r—F-i

Blefai-y And I’op

Mets By 3-0^HOUSTON (U P!)—C u r t. Ble-

fa ry singled in a pa ir o f fifth

v ic to ry -o v e r th e , ’New YorJr M ets behind the-flve-h lt-p itch - ing of Tom Griffin a n d .,F re dGlnddlng;____ _______________

Griffin, who s tru c k 'o u t. losing p itcher Jim McAndrew in the

Innlnp widi _ the -bases . loaded to stifle the Met.s’ bcst th rea t, was lifted when threw three s tra igh t ' balls lend o ff-h itle r A rt-S h am sk y —In. tiie ninth, G ladding .c a m e on

hu t then got W ayne G a r re tt to fly to cenler.

After Ed Kranepool singled p inchrunncr Al Weis to third, G ladding got J.C . M artin to*hit

a doiiblo ninv lo end the

— JJFIrDetrort,- fiiita

D in n O lT (U P D —Tlm Dp- trdll l.lons nntiouni'ctl MondiiV

-----------t lia f lh ity hnvo ju;(|uir<nl Ah'ihkI-" , yonr ' liRht «nii Kun—iluri>fiu)(.

fron\ till* WanhlnRlon Kci;lsklnH In 'i'xrliiingo ftir lui uiiiHficlosc<l H)70 <lraft cholrc. '

T he, fl-fixil-t, Ilfi-piHind Hari'-—:---------f n o t - a ^ s n i -Mnl •iiir .ip r r tr i l-

IlliT-Ki'ilskliw "li.'s l licliii; drafted

Riime.J im Wvnn singled and M iller

walked in Ihi)’ fifth and both Hcored on Curt D lefary’s long single.Nrw Y-

- WP--Spnn1tlj;-LP.WlIion—

to you about It Boswell w ent o u t the.

.entrance— ol— th‘e A .= b a r^ sa Id G reene, who ..lea rned of the incident from w itnesses. The 2-IO-pc)und Allison accompanied Boswell, when, Boswell suddenly punched him . knocking h im 'to <he-Hror -*

-thff f i r s

. gave u p a leadoff s ing le to M ike Andrews and w alked D alton Jones before Y astrzem - skl doubled to righ t c en te r field and .Smi th-*tollow ed--w lth“^hls homei^.

'A double by R uss G ibson and Andrews' second sing le pro ­duced the final Boston ru n In the second inning and th e Red ■STO7»ref«r.then-:i»old-hiUe6&T-/or- ihe rest of the g^m c by foiir W hite ScEx-relIevers~ • '

■N^By “ 7 -2 rT v av lifted In the seventlt inning a f te r giving up single to J^ick Morale.s nnH

m cH 'hom er to P e te W ard. Al -yle cam e o n -and shut o u t the

-Snythft L o U .


• tyle <7)

Wortt "(St-and -Hfr'imaim^.'-WP.Ni j /U!ild[DOD^QD__(1-.S)__ URiSmlUi—(Urd>,

Z i i i n i ^ e r ^ O T s r ^ l 5 ^ g d e n

M artin then showed up.'“ You’re a big, bravo one,

a re n 't you?’* M artin 'reportedly said.

" I ’ll tak o .a picce of you. you Utilo <blecp) squirt,” Boswell s a id , . re fe rring to M artin’s Ita lian ancestry , before firing a p u n c h -a t his m an ag e r -'

’ M a rl iA th e n began .-. rlV eting a w jy -^ f^ B o s w e lL ’s -fito m ach .

M artin . reported ly said. “ home and go td t> ^ now...I'll up to vour , room la te r and talk

Jim m y B utsicaris (owner ,thc_bar,-the J-indell-A .Cjjj-M oon•BakeH-and—Johnny^hun^b'aTd;-the three. G reene-W itnesscs,:gol betwcc{i“ th e " iw o ,“ th e ' wflfCT said, b u t Boswell kicked the

punches to B psw cll's head.*; punched the • p itcher

acro ss th e alley and up agalniit b rick walU nailing him

again as. Boswell bounced, aw ay from 'th e w all. ' ’ /

B utsicaris took B osw ell-back in side,. clearing,...his.' b ar, and spent the: . n ex t . 20 . m inutes rev iv in g 'h im . Boswell returnedfrom _La___hospital • ' Thursdayn ^ n Ii< g ^ e p o t^ n g 'T w u ,srttch~e'a

Officials Meet-txj' held Thursday a t 7:30 •p.m . a t the Jerom e Jun io r H igh School.- A» -o ffic ia ls-an d -coacfie“s In th e d is tric t a re 'u rg e d to attend.-

All coaches should bring ^ t hgJtJoo tb fllLS-Chfidules w ith _

them an a coaches who c a n 'f ^:_ a tte n d ' _are_ urged_ to_.send _ -^ th e ir— schedules— to — B o b ,.

. M atthew s a t -Burley • HigK =S cli ■

eye.Boswell reported ly phoned

M artin th a t m orning, outlining

would do to the battling m anager w hen nex t he ,shw him.

„ double in the bottom oi the ninth.inning drove in runner — ............................... - -vlnnlnp

niger cam e back to K.15 Dodg­e rs enroute to a J -0 vlctory^in the nightcap.

The opener w as ja p itcher's diiol biitwcenTJanny Young lind Elviti E rvin until H aren’s dou­b le broke it wide open in the second ex tra Inning.- Both team s scorcd 'n” sliTgl6

run In the second inning, the BeCs~ge»m BTfiflrs=whcn-catch'

--------— •• in g lr ^ —


M antle and Jo e N am ath , taking nHvantngf> Vif thf»ir prom inence a s household nam es throughout th6-country ,- w ent into-business lo In tlv -M on d a v -a s -a n -e m i * •ment agency to be know n. as * * rv fam ie= M err-& '^m ath -G irls Inc:

c r^ D iiy ivaiiiiiiCIPSlnglcaTioiitc-Tom Z arta , and O gden tallying when catcher T e rry M cDermott scam pered ' hom e from third

In picking up the win, Ervin whiffed U Salt Lake ba tte rs whito-oiffy-allowing.tV 'Q hits. -^Tho .niglTlcap w as a-'d iffcrent s to ry as Zinninger. who o w n s th e best won-lost rccord in the league, s[mply m owed down O g­d en , atlw lll. ‘

John B aca 's d ram a tic hom er ,in% the-seven th gaye -Zinninger.......................... >f-thc -season.

irdTlJi .up by-l-O F e-r-M ark -M esd who struck out 10.

OldMOMt— ii| and Kammel! Errtn ii«t McDtc , WP-i;r*ln.- LP-Younf.


Zinnigrr a. - ,McDcrmoll..' . -.i .

wp. Zinnlgcr,' LP-Metcliuck. ' -

Track Stars StillJFuming.-.LONDON___tU P I ) - " B y , .the

next O lym pics the United Riatoc! w nn't haVe a team wortji

00 _ som cirttnff~iqllow inft— the—le tte r he received from u s . this afternoon,” sa id representatives of the U. S. T rack and Field

ight.-'.T h e y h a d sen t a te legram

costing 62 dollars to P resident Nixon asking for- a complete inves‘U g5ird iT ~ 0f-th^3y9 tem -by ..:i:^ : which U.S. a th letes a re s e n t . abroad . •

“ O ur le tte r - I s an Invocation ask ing-for-governm ent Interven- — t io n ~ in — th e — UtS;— athletic- p r-o g r a m — said spokesman - - • G eorge F renn, ham m er throw -,

ir^lveir^fif— of— the— team — which— is— rsch u ck rk o m p e tin g -ag a in s t-G rea t—B ri--—

Ifam Tu •t T uesday n ig h t


JTHE BOSS IS^^A Y ^ ^ N D E X C E S S - I N V E N T O R Y ^

-Savings ?s-60%. O n N a m e B ra n d


S a fe ty T e rh p e re d Q Ia s s

UBHjaOSURES —*36 .50N O W

O N L Y .

A n a c o n d a C o p p ^BUILDINGWRE

a o ”2 5 0 r F t . R o l l s 12/2W / G r o u n d . . .

100 ^ P . C APACITY


tniliilni; n iiiip 'I 'lirsday. niid Will sr«* nrtion In th r jr l-'ridny hiMiu} ('Xlilhltlon f iltnc niialn’sl Iho niilfalo Itllls, llif I.IDHH said.

•T>-» r-l rV ti-■ ^ T t tC iv u r

Ghuck Detwiler—G R EEN — nAY-----(D P I)—Th**Gruui) Huy P ackers M uuduy-«ul fivit i»layor.s, iiicliidlnH voierMti lark it' l.fon Crfiislinw , Jind ft>rini'r Unlvrr^lly of Wisconsin

Error Ilelps” Solons JTop™

oyal^2 1“WASHINGTON (U P l) -P itc h -

e r Dick Bosm an scorcd the winning run In the eighth inning

-M tH idn>--niK ht-on-J«cW fr-«ei- nandez' throwing -error ns the WnshiuVtOh Seniitor.s defeated the Knnslis Cliy Royals 2-1.

Bosmijn w alked w ith one out iri the eighth and w ent secontl on Unnk Allen’s .slni a fie r lid lir in k m iin ' riica o_.. F rank llow hrd then h it an easy grounder to I^crnander a t nhorl which—would—4mvft—«tvded -' the inning, bu t H ernandez threw l()w to first b ase and th e hall H o t_ b y -M li(c .-JTiore . nHoMn^ Bosnian to score from,.sccofid.

— Iii)amni\..set_tho Royals down on flvo hlt.t and ran liis rccord lo R-!S,

P at Kelly hom ered In Ihe Itilrd Inning to give KiiQitas City 11. Ml Ifiul

Others (riiiuni'd wi-ro <l<'fi‘n- tilvp- hai'k CluH-k IV tw ilc r nf Ulnh Sliilo; llm-liackcr . .lohii

'hn'~1:lniis' -Mnrlt ' fr f in —<Vntr*»l--MiHHtntrl .StiiKi and ,llin ; Sullivan, n d«'frniivp rnd frt'tn - -Mnt'oln, Nob.

I 'x rcp t for C rrnshnw , fill wcrii frci» ui:i'nl.‘i,

l lrrt“ tho‘-B ro rP 'a t 1-1 In Ihe filtli when -4<cn McMullcn .ilnglcd, rook- second

wl'iii to Ihlrif when Del Unser furccd Alyt'a a t second and .siu>r(;d "when T im C ullen‘ h i t - a HiKTiflco fly.


AM 2 r Foot Lengths

Vj" . per foot 12!4 ‘

1'" - - ........... . perfoot 2 6 *

IV4” . . . . perfooT 3 ^ 1 *



ELECTRICAL and PLUMB8 :3 p t o 5 :3 0 M g n d a y th ru F rid a y ; Saturdz^y 8 :3 0 to 4 :3 0 '

T w in F a l ls ibbo Kiti^biriv Road P h o n 6"7 3 3 -7 3 0 4B O IS e ’ 7 1 0 N . O rc h a rd N A M P A , 8 2 4 C le ve la n d B lvd .


] IPfTO n hlfth raslbHli lit .Siimlay d ln lrlc t fnMNnllch aollholl p in y 'In R ich 'M lile r I P rin t Khiij), M iller Jiwung .iindi-r iho {ilich un<l U endOd up In KolU) ShArlt’il ftiltr. nmiMl,ia ,fflUK-J\ftriay£<LiUflU?n{t«wnn J>jia JiUitmDL-------- ----------------------


Page 14: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

•Tuesday, August 12, 1969 Tlmes-fTews, Twip Falls, Idaho 1 5

Bills Fmt^ h e e r Arrival Of OUI

.LO S -A N G E L E S (U P l)—DoniDorfgcr g r e a t Icfthandcr'S tm d; Drysdhle, thtt " B ig -D ’' of the Koufax, w ho re tired >"

■ "Xoa A nBClcsl>3dBcrs~and~lasi- m em ber of thc -to am th a t cam c here In 1958 from Brooklyn, announced h is re tirem en t Mon-

The • 33-year-old sidearm ing

w lth 're e u r ro n t a rth ritis in his p ltchinz a rm elbow, the Dodg­ers had a form idable duo.•DrysdalO pitched-, m ore in-,

: nings, J iu rled m ore shutouts and Istruck , o u t- ifiore b a tte rs ^ a n

injuries -diiring his ' I4-ycar . career, w as a dfsappointfng 5-4 ■ this y ea r and h ad pitched only

A. recurrence of ,

1 p itch e r. In the h istory of..................... .'D oagers.^liisrcarcerTTCCord

issorted w as. 200-166; .He—appeared—in- five W orld Series and posted a record o t 3-3. .

In the p a s t 10 years-D rysdalo -plteh ed - fcwof - than-

’in jury forced him out of his -roJation F r id a y n igh t and he

-••said-he-bcU eved- he_shouId-bo - tak en off th e ac tive II:■ m ake room for anotficF pltcl . Las t y e a r D ty sd a le compiled

an am azing ' string" of ’58 2-3 -consecutive—scorelesfr-inn irtgs,

“ rb reak ing -a-reco rd"se t b y W alter _ Johnsnn.

"I— W h m r- ^ e a m e d — w ith — f o n n E r

STANDINGS:^i i P io n ee r L eague

-tTFgacn-------------30'^18— 029,-—I Salt Lake 28 20 .583 2

■ 'M ag ic Valley 28 24-:535 4^4H3feat-PnUB------- 2 4 ± 2 1 - ,S31

i Caldweil • 22 26 .458 . ^-^ Id a h o -E a U s___ a9_30_ .380-U '/iJ_BUiings . 19 31 .377 12

1 M o n d a y * B -R c sc lt s_______:•M ag ic Valley 1-3, Billings 0-4 ■ Salt Lake 1-1, Ogdeii 2-0 ! Idaho ^ i s 4-l._Caldwell 3-1


...... ... _ season.The 6-foot-6-lnch firs t becam e

notab le as^ a p itc h c r in •uburban V a n 'I ^ y , t;a lir~ H is a ther. S co tt D ry sd a lc ,. 'a -p art* Tme~I35aBcrr5cout. had hoped l is boy would be a n ingcr. His lopesTSoared w hen^D on te g a n tKrowijig—a_basebaU ._ itt_ scm i- dam est-w hen h e w as '9 . ■= A fte r —early— tra in ing—e s —a second.bU sem ah-he s tag ed ' with th'6“ second b asem an 's '. sI3eff—~ m o v e ' w hcn ' h e ' becam,e _ pttcKer. Dori w as M ^ e d by Ihe D odgers a t 17 fo r a (4,000.bonus and S250 a m onth then assigned , , to B nkersfle ld o f the California League.—H e - jn o v e d - u p - a y e a r - l a t e r - t o[ — — H e -jn o v e a -u p -a y e a r - j a w H J -----------------------------------------------------------

1(4 M S B l r c o l i S n t a U t e J f f l U l l t i l t H a l l C l = j 3 » = A r — ---------I g rea t po ise and alm ost a X J* -jtm-w

vete ran ’s a s surance, he was_in the m a jo rs . I t w as a fte r severaly e a rs - ln -^ th e —m ajo rs—that—he developed a s lw rt luse and“ lT brushback ' p itch th a t m ade Him" one o f th e m o st fea red throw ers In-the-gam e-.-

Easti . w I . p c t g b

-i-Chiqago--------- 71-43 - 6 2 3 - . ^ -l^^ew 'Y o rk 62- 49 .559 7 1-! I S t. Louis ■ 64. 51 .557 7 1-2 9 P ittsburgh 58 54 .5W 12 ; M ontreal; • 35 79 .307. 36 r Philadelphia 44 68 .393 20•; w c s T " " ■

I Mt, Rtl.: Cincinnati 62 45 .579 - 5 A tlanta '. 64 53 .547 3 : Los Angeles 61 52 .540 4 i Sah Francisco 61 52 •.540 4 VHouslon 61 53 -.535 4 1-2 : S an Diego 35 79 .307 30 1-2 ; Monday*8 R esults: Cincinnati 4 Phlladelp lila ^^nlGht)

Houston S^Now Y ork 0

■3 (night) •2-(only-f-•2 -(o n ly -^ m e9 -flch ed u led )-

1 A m erican l e a g u e S tandings s- ■ E a s t.‘ - w I p c tr gbi Baltim ore 79 35 .693 — i D etroit 64 , 49 .506 14>^

—iB o sto n —_ iS fflshlngton____ eo. J 7 _ -513- 20V4

‘ New Y ork ............................

iM Innesotti Oakland*

».Seattle (California

H C n n F ia s C

1 pe t. -8^«8 43 .596 ^ 66 46 .589 1 47 , 65 .420 20 i4_JW ij400_22

ICnnsas C ity ......45 68 -.3M 225?J Chicago 43 71 .2T! 25 .' Mondoy'ff Restills*Bo.ston 5 ChicngD 2. night T C n lir o r n in " 3 D e lr o lr i ; ’ nlRhr — J.Soattle 8 C lev e lan d -2, night

WflAhlngton -3 -K a n n a i C ity .1,

;(6 n ly gam es scheduled)

jM ay-Fii-es-

Ings In t

. PUFFALO, N.Y. (U P l)~ l« n c e . a s a.fulL-n.cdged m e m b e r:N early 2,000 persons, cneering jof the Dills Is scheduled for I

Cl, J . |p m . T n rsflay -a t. thfe„.traininc . . Sihipson a t G r c ^ r Intcrnatlon- cam A irport Monday night as h e | By tha t tim e he’ll have hla •nn'iKeJ f ium Califoinin rn ninv ftret prnrHr«. • behindprofessional football ■ for the him . . • ^Buffalo Dills. . \ ^ spokesm an for the Bills

,Tho Heism an Trophy V /innerisaid-M onday.the club has;.n p t_ ____w as continually • p ressed fo r ,y e t determ ined w hat nu m b er a u t o g r a p h s and ■ v lr tu a lly ^ im p so n 's uniform will bea r.

, cru shed the , crowd _ th f it® Is-C o lle g ia te - number—32—has I— s tre tched— th ro u g lt“ th e —^ tnaln ‘ been -— worn— by->— sophomora-I ------------ running back G ary McDcrmott."

— M cD erm ott,-says-he-hopos-the - ------ r-'—B llfs-don 't " ju st g lve .it aw ay.”He suggested S'

TFC x A M e e t

M^uh.dlstrict___ R ick M iller. Back row , from k f t , coach Bud Sanford, R ogef4 v ic to ry 'in A nderson, L ynit Bra’dshaw, U lify U eplanB T repR lclrN iB lsenr^

_ r r T r 0 n r ic f C ~ ‘'T d r irC 0 0 k r -a i« l'R o g e r~ N ie ls o n .-B d lh -W H d ln g ’s 7 o n d -F o u x -_ l ,o ran -H a te s , C lint N elson ,-L arry M »ler,-G eorge Wilding, and F a n n e ra wlU g o 'to P0catelIo~Atr^~I?»17 for the stete'm C^C.

. . . _ — naj*'H o w - ^ h - -d o In ’i^»SIm T«q;t

ho llered tireje a fte r tim e as, fans jreachcd out" to -clasp-h lsv-hand o r ask fo r an autograph . — .

“ G lad to be here ,! ' Simpson yelied .- '-w ish-I-could-have-been here six m onths ago ."

Simpson w as given the keys te-the-C Ity of-BuffaloibyJiiIayDt

T he -T w in . FallSci M en's Golf Association w ill hold

- i t s m onth iy jn£eling .W £dnes--— -r . - d a y -a t 9 p .m .-in the M uny clubhouse. . - -



4 -2 -S e tb a c l i '

T he firebaliinR D rysdale won 25 gam es in 1962. and earned Uie Cv'r.Y o u n g ' A w ard as _th^ m ajo r leagues* pitch"er of, the year.

A fter th e 1958 season D rys­dale m a rr ie d G inger Dubberly, a p rincess a t the fame'tf Rose Bowl a n d parade .

D u r in g - th e -o f f season Drys'en joyed s w -----riding. His

.“ LOS '. A NGELES “ (U P I) -T lm M cC arver h it a threerrun

lyiilgU l tu leiiilSt. Louis C ardinals to a 4-2 wfn ov e r th e Los Angeles Dodger?, lh e ir-1 5 th -v ie to ry J n - 18 sta rts

■ a m -------------„ -and r;ding. H is in terest in h o rse s ' deveJj3ped' in to - buying i r i f ^ a 'l io r s e breed ing ranch In 19S6. ■

His o th e r In te rests Include owning a res tau ran t, being a princip le ' in num erous buswess operations' a n d investm ents in xeal

since th e All-Sfar b reak .T h e D odgers g o t to Steve

C arlton fo r two runs in the eigh th Inning on sfegles by M aury W ills and WiWdv*Davls sandw iched a round a trip le by M anny M ota, b u t he go t his l l t t r w i n ' agalnsC s ig * ’ ‘

D o d g e r s ta r te r C laude-O steen ran ' i n to ' 't r o u b le ' i n th e firs t inning w hen he and shortstop Bill G rabarkew itz both com m it­ted e r ro rs to pe rm it an unea rn ed run. C u rt Flood, who s in g iea to cenfer, took, aecood When G |-abarkew itz b o,o t e d

Minclreir-Sl^ Puts Seattle Pastlndiafis"

sco red w hen Osteen threw Into cen te t_ lJe ld .tcying-to p ick him


M ln c h c r ..b e H e d ..a 3-2 pltcR Inlo th e rlghtfield stands off re liever S tan W illiams after s ta r tc r 'L u lsT la n t-w n lk e d -S te v e Hovlby and Wayno Comer,

.filled ,thn baaea^whca.ho - c am e '- o n -a n d -h i t -T o m m ;

In Stdte-SlO-WsEitch Meet3 t e f c 6 k d i £ E a f e s £ I l i i r (

- ONJ)ISABLEO-UST. -O A K LA N O —CUEl)— =■— Q utt

fielder Rick M o n d a y , who '■ d a broken-hand-/n-a

“ BalnstrrthB— Yankc

Fr’ank-A .-.Scdita.and received a kiss -from M iss ' Buffalo~of-1869, K athlccjt K arplnski. .- S impson ended a seven-month

-C O E U R -D -^aiE N E - (U PI), —

Softball title in- - the - tourna­m en t's five-year . h istory ., late

•. of L ew iston,—1 4 ^ - .in . the

24 nt Havr<»- Mont. .That tciurncy will' Include, besides the Idaho

chanipionshlp g am e. ____—T he b 6 s t sh o w ln g -o f-a Twin

T a l l s n e a ih w as~ lum ed In by th e T u rf Club^ w ho cam e in th ird In th e 16-team .toum am ent.

Both team s qualified for-ithe

In th e fourth O steen, whose reco rd is now 15-10, w alked Joe T o rre and gave u p a singlo to Ju lian Jav ie r. And then M cCar­v e r un loaded th e firs t pitch Into th e ; risb t-rfIe ld .;bu lL pca Jo r..J iis seven th -hom or of the year.

LW Anjele. 600 OMCJft-J I a

broke a 2-2 deadlock In the fifth (u-«}. }{R-McC4rw ,<nh).Jnnihff qnd D iego Segui tossed d six -h itte r M onday n igh t to lead th e - S eattle P ilo ta '- to —a n - 8 4 v ictory o v e r th e Cleveland In d ia n i r r r

Eagles’ Young

Orioles For 7-4 Triumph

BALTIMORE (U PI) T s m -----------------

_____ ^ , WEF. iL . .. d isabled list . .

R e g q n -26 tournam en t-A ug .-22 - Oakland A 's.-------

iBced-^oh-^the by the

-Q u a li t y T r u s « e a _

i ry -h «» -n o t been -disclosed 1 ^ ^ ^^ y ^ l y w a y ^ € e

—Slm psQn*3_flrst_ney« confer-

team s,—squads—fr9m.- epste rp W ashington,, e a s t e r n " Orfigon

The-1967-cham pIons and la s t y e a r 's ru n n e r .u p w en t through ihe_doublt:;£jimlJiatlonjL^tourney. undefeated, winning five gam es in th e process and bM tlng Lucky L ager tw ice.\;T h9 f ir s t w in b y th e F alls ov er Lucky ca m e by a m arg in ea rly SundasC^nd forced th^ Lewiston team Im o the los­ers* b rack e t w here I t .,b e a f the T u W~ n u6, -TWI gsrn“ th s : finals.'- 4 n t^ - t{ U » - « a m e - th « F alls he ld Lucky sCbreless un til the bottom o f the fifth, w hile scor­ing seven ru n s — a 'm a r g in It' — ’ *•“ ^

sU rted a six-run seventh .11 to lead th e O akland Athletics to

th e B altim oreO rioles M onday night. ‘ , V '.SU rter^D ave M cN aliy’ failed to hold a 3 - r lead w hen Tom Reynolds • singled, p inchih ltter Tod K ublak w alked and pinch- h itte r Dob Johnson w a x s lfu c k b y a p itc h ; ' R eynolds’ scored tthB n-H j:odk£-R ob

fram es._____________________ in Wilhelmw entcontest. Including I* ' two-run hom e ru n In th e top of thes e v e n lh .......... ...................... - -

B uck W ilhelm, ano ther F a lls pltcher,_,w a3 lia m e d . th e tou r­n ey 's m o st valuable p layer and S acred H eart, B oise, won the sportsm anship aw ard,

Make yourj^idin'^gLi. . w i t h . .


n O S - - » « R I V ) E W A ¥ 5 -T H A t T o V e L y ^ S T U F f t H A T D O E S N ’T G R O W

J U S T S i t A N t y W A T C H Y O U R N E I G H B O R M O W .

B u y f ro m y o u r - - H o m e -O w n e d F ir m . .. .. PHONE 733-5500

P la n t L o c a te ^ A d d is o n A ve n u e W e s t — N e x t to th e H o spita l

OperationREADING.’ P a ._ (U P l) -P h l-

ladelphin Engles left llncnackef A drian underw ent

fno . L opcr then ca m e | Sh in r^lie^ a n a wlTs“ gfe“e t6d 'B y " T artabu ll’s two-run single. Reg­gie Jack so n doubled In Cam- paneris,

Paul B la ir gave the O rioles a 1-0 lead in the third inning

TAiiagHs Over;

was M lncher’s six th ca ree r grand s lam .

G erry M cN ertney singled •hom e-C om er-nnd ’Segui'drew ' a‘ buse.s-loaded w alk to give the £J10J3;R 2 - l .lc f ld . ln .th o fourth.

The Ind ians scored once In the th ird w hen R uss Snyder walked, ' took second on a

Neiaon'fl a*iogIof,^Fr^^third h o m er of the season

iln n m rn ta in -h ii righ t nnklc,.: IV in ju ry h e ’ sustained during t

when he-dQuhled an d .sco rcd .o n * on e rro r by p ilch e rH lu o Moon Odom, who th rew wild to third basc_whenJ31oIr_JViia.trappcdJn , a rundown.

The A 's tied It in the fifth iWlng»»wl>«it-Oclom-UfIp4iw

: It’sthkt,‘Dad. I aottahave”

time of year.’coat won't last another winter.

i H i a a t n n t t J ' '

lan sm acked a two-run, hom er [Monday n ight to give Iho

B tCnlifom la Angela o 3-1 v ictory k ‘ 'over Iho D etro it Timers. .M E arl. Wilson allow ed only two ' 1 Ihltn over th e la s t seven innings,

' ‘b u t one of tho five ho allowed — i|n tliB f irs t tw o w as E g an 's .fifth r,"* homo run of tho y e a r , following

a - alnglo -by., A urelio . Rodrigiiez in thn Nocond,

M ay gnVo u p nn unearned run in tho f irs t Inning wltHnut

..yieldlngimh.U .n^ho ralp«ljh'<rrecord to B-0. T lie fasl-hnlling lefthander samlwflchcd walks to T6m Tresh and Wllllo Horton

' u ro u n d R odrlguos*-orror wliloh perm itted Al Knllno to rnnch nnsQ, before 1)111 F reehan xqorcd. T rosh w ith n sacririco fly. • . ■

'I1i» A ngeli added an Innur- nnco (ailv In tho nln h on a hacrifico fly hy Jo e A tb ie , who en tered the Rnme In (ho nflvcnth Inning >vhen E gan was h it In tlifl h ead b y • a Wilson

” plicli, fouoWinfr ono*ouc sTittldS l)v n ill Vos8 affB“RodflB\iez. * •.rulllnrnla 0160MMI>-S VJltlcnll . |MOO«»»»-l )

....... ..... .

A lr C o n d lt io n—JCautXIatl—


* 2 2 K s t a l u d


.Sogui q tn ’ck o u t four and w alked th reo in picking up hi.^ninth v i c t o r y . -------------s*iui« K o m tc i-* ii ftCI«irtliind Ml 100 00^2 I j

.s«iu (M) ind McNartntyi Tlini, V/[\\C%m, M. U w )(), lliiichttt <11 .nd RImi. LP-Tiknl <4-l4). llll Dtkir '(trO), Mlnchtr

c lu b s’s 13-7 loss to the A tlanta F a lcons in P ortland , O re., lastSaturday-,-..-^---------- ------ -

T e a m physician, Jam es N ixon, who perform ed the oporn tion a t th e— Gradiinto H ospita l in Philadelphia, naid he cxpcc ted Y oung, a form er All A m erica . a t Southern <3aH fom ia-tinhroTsttyrw ill w ear a c a s t lo r thrcfi w eehi. and p rohnb ly . h9_on.t o f .a c tio n jfo mnix, to eight w e e k s .- .................... >

M eanw hile th e u a g lt^ went th rough a w orkout a t their tra in in g chm p on the A lbright C ollegD 'cam pus here in propa* ra tio n fo r thplr^^accdnd pre- sea so n gam e wltjr^thQ' Miami D o lp h ln sw n t. tho O range Bowl S a tu rd ay night,

fly. Doog P o w e li's -a z n d -h o m c r- opened the Orloic.s’ sixth Inning, the b an glancing high off tho r/gh t f ie ld - foul- polo. -Tho- A ’s loaded tho bases on two singles and a w alk before Odom w alked Don Buford to.foECft.lp a run. intkiiivi M oo:o(o»-r«naKlmort M i«o ]O t^< » -

Unit •* >Kn4rlcki. WP-

FULl-ERTON, Cniif. (UPI)- Tlie I/)s Angeles Rnm.^, In their

And of course,ttlere-are all-thoso supplies.. This year, pick up a Walker Bankard,

choose eithsr-of two-convenlent-^purohase plans,- and don’t worry abO|Ut those schoo|;problems.

After all, there Is alytays-nexttyeae.—




Page 15: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

. T u e sd a y , Augyir 1.?, 1 969

GhecJdng-Up-on- Sobcl Smilh by calling h e r 10 and tie c la rc r a pcrfect bridge plnycr. She jack.

p layers who take chances can ’t ©f c iu b r ‘'H cion took her ”a c ^ be rig h t all the tfm c. nnd here is w here a carclcss-O n -the o th e r hand, Helen so rt of p layer would go w ronB --" R e x 'M o rc a n , M . D

n o t inclined to p lay carelessly And p lay th e la st heart, and whpn she has a choice bc- T his p lay would have been i tw ccn fLLlght play find a wrqng _ ja tn r sln c ti-S c tu U i-^ v o u ld -n iff .^ p lay, she will alw ays m ake the p]ay the ja ck of c lub j, a d u b

^ rig h t one. . ' to dum m y’ii queen and the lastHelen defended today 's h an d .c li ib to ruff in his own hand ,

in a n Im portant m 'a tc t in 193' . This would leave d ec la re r w ith the ac(?cight_of spades and two

NORTH 4 k K 9 - V 103 _

• = »T « e i o o t ♦ Q 6 5 3 .

W 5STCD ) JIAST— . - l - . -4 i -Q J 0 .7 4 . -

• V i U C Q J 7 6 2 V 9 8 5 .^ -----

4 >74 ‘ 4 iA 1 0 9 2

dum m y's a ce and king of d ia­m onds and lead a n o th e r , o rie .l Helen would have to ruff .and

^ri( '/> ln rp r wnnlH n v p r ru f f ._________Helen d idn’t go w rong. She

returned a club. A fter this p lay ..v it.-w os.^m possib]o-for^doclaror~

to shorten him self cnbugli to de-.

- * K J 8

-West' Tforlli X*st Soadi - 3 ¥ — Pnsr— —

5 .y ‘ - 5 A S b lp P assP ass . -j. -

Opening Jco3—

Her partner’s first-hand.-three^' - l ic « r t -b id -m » -p B « m p ljv o -b u (—— - 5 o D A T « O T t e n 6 i f = = =

- .xofftract orfive 8pae^"dOUbled;

’ B ^ T T /M rB O Y D ; . .

CalifornianXlainis Stjijg Of Bee Cured His Ai-tlu’itis■ jv R T H R tn S -H e surrcred w ith on^W aldcm ars, if your liVisband

a rthH tis TinlSl the day a ,co u p le either invents ihmB-i o r swims of bees stung him. T h a i's . w hat fairly well. P lease advise ^a' M odesto. Cal.. m an rci>orts.- Q. - “ DID WILD E L E P H A ^After that, the a rth ritis clcared- ever roam the North A m erican up. This is -n o t the firs t t im e .continent?’:. A.—Evidently. The . a su b sc rib c rh as m ade th e c laim diggers hav6 found num erous el- •

............ Qphnnt..sUelc----Panhandle.

professional betfk^eper afflicted one tim e o r another l _ _ w ith .arth ritis . Go ahead , try . you tried to im ita te .'T a rzan ’s _ T hero a re n ’t any .” So I adver- yell. Who didn 't, w hat? .But." tised fo r s am e .-b iit tu rned up., could yQU_mak&. i l . sound the ,

. Probably not. Hero’s som ething___________ ________ •Haw cjse -(hat l lie oJd folks know but

Iq n g -h a s- it- been -since-you-Vo-the->-oung-f6!lT8-<Ion.’t i j :h a tJ i r jc i t --------seen any food com m odity la* n a p yell Isn 't ju s t one ac to r’s beled "sandw ich sp read ” ? Am voice. Blended in w ith tha t voice , . told by an . ad m an . th a t the a rc the grow l-of a dog, a tr ill ’ ^ -m akers of cheeses, m argarines , sung by a soprano, a note play* , and dips a rc g iv in g .u f> ^ i t e x - ,e d on a violin’s G string and prcssion. On the theory it sug-- the howl of a hyena recorded

.that, bee cti>^ a rth ritis , en'hnnt. sUeloions_in the Texasgen tleiT ian

^ A NOMEWPHILIAC ls .a _ i« r -_ ir.H T—FtrA R------ A - c H e n t ~s o i r - T O C T - l i k e s - ^ d b a l l - n a m e s ,—g ^ g j i j ^ j , ,Q 5j-p f-^ hD .? (rT :itlzcns-* .- '—W ould you d e s c r i ^ yourself as ^ j ,o a re afraid to ride fii a ir- -

planes tend also to be of a con- . ^ r v ative persuasion in th e ir • polilics. Interesting. As exaiii-

oats a lw ays cites A labam a’s Georgo ,— "^ji^^^-Wallace-and-Galifornials-Ronald—

®“.;‘?kS 5 S S iIa ll0 U t-fllsh L H e fa l l5 J o :m c n t!o n .. '_ Atid ye t, m ore w om en th d m r ie ir - ^ j j j , J im m y D urante . 'd ia n g e the ir church d e n ™ TO- They, too, a re known to loathe ■

° ' alH ludes. C an’t say m uch about ■-Jg!g-Ohey-marryr-A-;iar<ido»r-[;;^-pol[nca-i5f-flic,-paradmtlca>-^—no? ton'pT—'fillKf)~^hc—Is—known-------

: C U S T O M E R .S E R V IC E :-Q .- " ‘respond’ in a highly reaction- ' " W hat does your ^ a m e G a m e ^ - Q jhe incom e-lax .— -n tan say alwut^^mcn, like m y However. M r. D urante fjcqu6nt- ; .

- b S ® n l S - ' w a l d ™ In ===' : fa c t, only o ther W aldem ar he Y our questions nnd com m ents reca lls is W aldem ar Ayres, the a re wclcom c ,ln “ CheckWg Up. ,, gen tlem an who recently invent- Address m all to L. M. Boyd, cd th e a r tif id a l-g lll^ However, -in care of P . O. Box 99187,

- h e - c a n s t a r t a fiie-Jm m ediately Seattl«v W ash. 98Ifl9. ------------ ;-------

Page 16: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

Magic Valley — T-Obitmries-~ Anna Larson

Hospital J . . -She m oved .to Burley in 1912

w here she lived unlil lost Feb­ruary w hen she moved to Elk: hart. III. W hile in Burley she worked fo r th e B ureau of Rec- Inmation .an d re tired la April of 1951.- - - j

F unera l se rv ices a n d ' final rites w ill-bcrW ednesday^at Lin­coln. ................. •

Mrs. AdamsAdam:lotin , ___

Icscent C enter here w here shi had been a patien t since 1956.

She w as borii Oct. 10. 1B91; a t M a rfr ' -Mn tW cuZl »nus, secna. u a is : .je r ry iB a u c y

Church. Hc’f husband died fn

- i_ f4 H ;_ O Q n la _ G re c n -B c L o a c .•fifi. 510 9tR S t. N .. Clanton. Al;

died S unday ©vening of a sliort HHflOSs'- at- M aHic V n lle y M i -r ia H io fip lU U -S h o 4 ia d ’-boen-- ing some friends Jn Buftl when

-ih a J jc c q m e Jll.;___ . .' She was born on Fe bT^S . 1903,

' ^ T ’ JfemiSoh'p AJffT"iin'd Wi Tied to Otis W hitney DcLoach in 1930 in A labam a. She was a school teacher and liad taught school fo r m a n y years in Chilton

'Counts*!— A lab a m a .— She- Wi - m e m b e c -o f^ th e _ D A R J n -Ver; -b e n a ,-A la .r -a n d -th e _ E its t^ e th v

odist C h u rc h in Clanton. She also w a s a ' m em ber of the A A U W . A m e ric a n Education As- .sociation and the Alabam a EdU' cation AssociaUon. ‘ ,

_ S u rviv in g a re four sons. SM. -SRt. W illia m D ;“ D6toach. Scott-AJr -FdTce r il. : t t ---------

Gooding Fail- ResidtsAGRICULTURE AND


•af G rasses — inches in d iam eter. C - r - ^ l wijfiat g ra s s : ■ pharis!;?ch ifnci

SchlffhjrasfK-Gten-Anderi^nT-fiecwKU- -Raa-'Co'

1 M ors^, second. Salt M d„pel!pcr.; 3erni<c Branch, first; - P au line B uram .; second.

. ot:_ B ill.Lew is, f irst: P au l­ine Bjj'roinv'second ;“M rs'.''H arrj X Facy ,.th ird . .M iscclloneous — pistes: Bill Lewis, first; Carol

Lewis, third.

7 p.m .. 7B. 8 p.m ., 2SL, 8, 11 — Movie, ‘T h e .R ide to Hang- irianl3-T-feg;4^teU3-(hctftdventin»es of th rce-llkeablc la n d iia - . Ja c k Lord, and Don Galloway s ta r in ihtFliW ? w es te rn ?^ * "—--------- ^

8 p.m ., 2B. 5: 10:30 p.m ., 3, 11 — CBS News Special — The generation gap is explored w ith four fa thers and th e ir so n s rclat-

»... Alfalfa seed.- Walt M rachek, second. Alfalfa h a y r W a l t 'M f ^ chek, first. B arley : C arl Daro- mus, secnd^ O ats :.Jerry iB ailey ,

i A rl«^ A a _

1952, . ,Survivbrs include three, sons,

F erris Cline, R iddle,-Idaho: Wll- " i in Adam s, Boise, an d Randle

Jam sr4’ocatel!o{-^>ne-daughM rs. Lester. fR ulh) Joha

lerai eient ’ grandchiT^ctificl . and .fou r great-gi -F u n cca l-tca iicc i

ducted a t 2_p.m. the Bergi


R ast, second.. Alfalfa oc«^i g ra ss hay 1 bale: W alt ' l chek. second.—Beans.— G rcat.N arlhetn:_N or-

Jerk i, second ,.'R ed Mex­ican : P au l Je rk i, first. Pinto; Lewis Adam s, t i r s f and second:

andchild ! ^ l l l - f c ■''frhiirsi ra l Cha


con- iday

C haper by

" e m e t^ '. F riends m a y call he chSVcl W cd n esd ay 'a ft^ i^o n ind e v e n m g 'a n f TTiursday un tir tim e of services.

Ernest Ghah^ -^ rn e s t-D .— ( E d ) - Ghani - . fo rm er Twin F alls resident, died

vC annar.

C harles-"D eL oach;—T rav is-jA lr Fo rce Base*/Calif.; Capt. Jam es H. D e L o a c h ,jv ith the A rm y In

^M unich~._Germ any, and J a c ksoi R . DeLoach , U niversity of~Ai]f r n ._ j\ l^ ;: a -dauBhterrxM rs:

r l (B everly ) Gilmore, Jam i- 'son,“ A laT ;" thrce-bro thers,-C lif- ton G reen , Doihan.'--Ala.; E a rl

Lava Hot Springs. H e had rcr sided in Pocatello the -past 10 vcacs. .

Born Aug. 14, 1889, in Boaz, Mo., he m arried Lydia M. John ­son Oct. 23.-1915, a t Springfield;

' 'n » ey ;camc..iQ T ^ n ^ a l l s n 19 18. M r. ^ ^ n w as a buildi ng co iilractor and carp en te r 'u n ­

til his reU rcm ent. •His hoBbres'were hunting and

'* was a mcmtrer of

first. M iscellaneous B Jo h n C annar, second;

C om . field — H ybrid Field Corn: Owen Bolan, first. Indian C o ra : Audrey Schifffler, fh B Estfirst. .............-

O ats—O verland: J e r b ' Bailey.

W heat— 'W hile-W inter: John Cannar. first; Lemhi: John Can- n a r,'seco n d . Federation : Owen R ast. first;

G rass S e e d s and Legume Seeds — Red Clover: Chris K urti; ” s"eTohd; -AlfalfaT-T-ohn M adelena, second. Federatioi tew irA 'd ftW s. first:

and R ace - G reen , -oeorgianm ! A la.; a sister,^ -M rs. J-. W. (Chlora) B raxton . Georgiatjna, Ala. H er h u sb an d 'an d “ a daugh­te r p receded h e r in death .'

W hite M o rtu ary will send the — h o d y -o f-M rsr-D o L o a^-< o -A la ­

bam a fo r services'.

Mrs. BakerSHOSHONE — M rs. Pearl- G.

__Baker, 84, Shoshone, died alW(SyaTllvBr-eonvale3eent-€eft<ei

:— Sunday-afternoom -Sh'e-hftd-been a patien t th e re since IW l. "' She w a s b o m Dec. 12. 1684, a t

• V eiycruz, Mo. SfSe >ros m arried to Jo sep h ’ A. .Ba k e r .jn Missouri

The couple cam e to' Shoshone -imsSS^rronTMlssourtrMrSTBak-• r r w as a m e m b e r o f the Baptfst Church.

Surv iv ing a r« th ree sons, Ra^ leigh A. B aker, SaUjip, Ore;;Trmery .Tni»_B a k e r f in rd erG rove, C alif .,.an d Billy L. Bak- c r , M attow a, W ash.; t h r f e e

Mrg. Th**lmn H ailey ; M rs. Violet Brumbnck,

. S u rvivo rr-in c lu d c “ h ls 'w jd o w ;four. sons. C yri!\S . Ghan, pO’ catello; CccU"J.. Chan,- Port-> Jand; C urtis Chan, S ea ttle ,.an d '

W ash.; two daughtei Clifford ( J ewell) W alls. Eugene. Ore., anfl’MrsTRaymond'CEfnes- tirie) Bronson, O lym pia, Wash. 23 grartdchlldrcn, 15 -grea grandchildren; tw o b rb ^ e r ' G eorg e -G h an p rw in ~ F a ils ;-fin d Eric Ghan, Springfield, JAo., and one sister, M rs. Dor^ Fel- lars, Sp rin^ ie ld , Mo.

Fiinerai .services con ­ducted a t-10 a .m . W ednesday a t the Henderson F u n e ra l Chapel. Pocatello, by Rev. J . Russell

Corn, F ield : O w e n Bolan, irst; W alt M aracheki 'second, V egetables — C arrots: E m m a

H ansen, f irs t. Eggplan ts: Anna K urktz, f irs t. P a rsn ip s: BessieB ltterllr-first-and-second.— ____

p jpf-VKiirn second.'-Tum lps! G eorge-B lack' b urn , firs t, and second. Melons: L argest w alcfm elon: P iu l Hunt; f irs t. M uskm elon; P au l Hunt, fir.<tt. CtfntalQupgs; P au l Hunt, iifsT

Beans, » r in g : F ay I^ ra m u s , G reen , firs t. Beans. .R eid — P in tos; L e w i s AaaroftW irsC ffpriT -Ptiitl ,TarJ<lT>fi:--^ '

Milton Reevesdled_JW(ria l Hospital o f . a b rie f illness.

He w as bora Nov. 28, 1903, ^it P ierce. Neb., and on Dec. 19, 1925, h e m arried E the l D aly in Twin F alls, T hey m oved-to Ru-

Reb.ves Was an Idaho stnto pa- jro lm an from 1941 to 1943. He

B utter dishti_Ruby Peterson , first. Can;i]eholders: M rs.. 'E . L. M eyer; fjrst..C arn ival o r ta f­feta! — am beri,M rs. E . L. Mey­er, first. Cam iyal o r taffeta — p a tte rn : Rulw ' P e te rson ,' fir;

fnnri- P a l Vlp.ttpr..;, fh ii^ . y vase o r dish: M/;

L. M eyer, second.. Commemora; tlvelpiecesi^Ruby P.ctcrson..sec-

•. M rs. E . L. M eyer, third Compose, uncovered: Dori:

-errsOTi— firs t; Ruby—P ot. second. Cream and sugar: Ruby Hetbrson.'. i irs t . 'Lut bldflS! Mr! M u r v a J a m e s . , first: M r C harles Sam s,-second;- M ildred B yram , third.

Earthenw are -Goblct i -R uby -Potor- 'aUlihc B yfam : third,

S tand: M rs. £ . L. M eyer, first and sccond:_J>lrs.lHnrrV Tracv . third. P itcher: E llen Morse, f irst; P a t Vickers. secondt-Paul- Inc B yram . third. Vase: M rs. M urva Jam es, first:_Bill Lewis, sccond; Helen Gelskey, t h i r d . M iscellaneous, C lear; M rs. Hac- ry ~ T -racy r-fir« ti—P a t-V ick e rs , sccond; Pauline B yram , third.

- G l a s s ^ l i '

TV SchedulesTu e s d a y , A u g u s t 12. 1 96 9

TuesdoY/August 12, 1969 . Timo$-New/s, Twin Falls, Idaho 1 7


I the ir personal experiences.

2B— News, Sporls, -W e a t h e r . . .

3 -N e w s 5-N evvs

- . 8 _ M o d . Squad_____n -N e iy s

— 4— Rawhide • •7 B -N e w i_

~5I5T7SL—Community A lert5:00 : t^Ncws” 7 ■ ,- • :5l_New5; ' - '

7B— Ghost and M rs. Muir lnB- lt=Oq r

^ 1 5 7SL^M lsterogers 5:30 2B—Libe'raceu . •

2SI>-Tho Saint 3—Liberace

—niintc^<;n^pnr- Q y en JB olan . second. C arl ;lD aram \ls, thjrd: Special A w ards donated .by the A m algam ated—Sugat_-C .o„.,are lOo pounds o f suRar fo r the -5 b est beets: C arl D aram us, sec­ond.. 50 .pounds., oL su g a r. f p r th e second b e s t 5 'b e e ts : Owen uol- an , first.

W estpolnt^G range,- . -T w en ty -f iv e pounds ' of sugar fo r the th ird best 5 beets;-C arl D arrem lcs. - • -

C abbage, E a rly : B essie Bitter- •• • - Jh e lm a -P n th

Corn, Sw eet — Golden Ban ta rn : B essie Bltterli, third.

C ubum bers — Slicing: Gi;ace ^ a s t , ' th ird .]' P ick ling : Griice

11-L iberace 7B—Julia

-----—4 -M o d -S ^ u a d - ,- 8—It Takes A Thief

6:4S 7SL-:Friendly Giant 7:00 7SL—W hat’s New

7B—Movie, "T he R ide to • Hangm an’s T ree’

J i3 0 J Z .S J k = M iA _ ._

Am ber: M rs. H arry Tracv, flr?t; Pauline Byram; sccond: Blue g lass: M rs. Betty Jam ts , f irst; M rs. E . L. M eyer, sec­ond. - glas.i — ruby; Mildred B yram , first: M rs. E tr^M cy c rr-tK ird —Hobnailr-7<wl'

Camp':“ M R .T Iarry T ra c y .'f irs t M rs. M urva . Jam es, second. Opaline: M rs. E. L. M eyer, first. Toothpick holder: M r s . ^

8—Julia _2B —D oris. Day

11—Movier*,*TRo"Side to f H angm an's T ree”

2B -C B S News Special 3 -D ic k C avett

__ , r-4—Dfck C avett5 -C B S News Special ' 7S L -W este rn Y esterdays

8:30 7SL—An A m erican P o e t TOW---------

- 3 - L a n c e r - - ........4-^It T akes A Thief

- .S-H aw ail F iv c -07 S I^ N e t F estiva l .7a^Pnrrv,M nsr>n

10:00 2SL— News 2B—News J -N e w s 5 -N ew s 7B—News

P au lln » iB y ram ,-fir« t_M rs.

K itchen Articles

f irs t:—Ruby P ficrsnn . second. Rolling p in : Pau line Byram , f irst: M anota Admire. secontf»

following-. a plane c rash in the. South African d ese rt. (English

^ i ^ t f ' ^ ' — 'Tgmpo r e ^ r t m akes ite debut. ™ i t Is s series

B ernice Branch, first. V nese: M ildred Byram . first. Miccllaneous.lrinkers.;_M rs...B cuy.Jam es, firs t; M rs rE . L. M eyer, second and third. .

-------- ADULT ART .Landscape—B est of the Show;

Roy M ason; Oil: Roy Mason, first and .second, and Vi Benson, th ird , w aierco lor: Roy Mason,firgt; n arl.T Ralfliyy. ,c;pcQnd. uiid“ Rutlr SpiiiOW, I A nim als: M r. P erry , first, and LaV argne T shroeder. second.

Still L lte -O il: M a rily n . La- Croix, f irs t; B arbara .DurJee,

Potatoes— Bliss T r lu m p h T B C FsJo B iite rji, first. ---------- --

Squash — S um m er: Thelm a Cannar, second.

................ ______________ ______ F R U ITp ert in .193t'~lj‘om~JBroriie: Mi^l' * ^p p 1 p s ' — " C la b ; W a lf M ra ^

W atercolor, anim al; Ja c k Ma

B u r le y ,'a n d M rsi G eorgia F< ■ .. ............................ h lld renftibe.'?, Bolfic715 grnndchl! . nine grcBt-grandchildreii.

F u n e ra l service.? will be con*, ducted--ftt-2 -p .tn .-W e dn o sda y-a t B e rg ln F u n era l Chapel b y Rev.

_ J n m 5 ' Hplf J iM l'r lic » wlll te— at -Shoshone Cemelery,"0*rlen3s — ----------------. -----------------------t - ----------------— M l h ini'

2 . . rwsn. 4...A r-t..! « m

nnd operated a furn iture sto re for a sh o rt tim e p rio r to oporat*Ing R ce v e s-M a rk c t-h e re from 1940 until re llring In 1907.

Ho belonged to the^_RupeVt Elks'Codge^^""'

.Survivors includc h is widow; ono-^i'oiirdM aJniRobert-Reevcs;

Tue'sday afternoon and eyenlnc nnd until tlm o.of.acxyicfis Wed­nesday.

gon; two sisters.. M rs. Helen Me- ’n ty r e , ‘ Escondido,. Cnllf,, and

rrfr*Jolm (Alice) Dooley, Los

------ W oyd—C a r r —YounB,-5ff|-:2I?5.V alley D rive, Idaho Fall.% soclaf .security adm inistra tion agent, w as pronounced dead on a rriv a l n t a local-hoB pital o f .a n .flt>T p a ren t h e a r t a ttack Monday m orning. H e w as a form er Twin I 'a lls resident.

He w as b o m a t Fairm ont, N eb., on Ju n . 17, 1013. When he wa« 4 y e a rs old his family

r a 1 B 0 d th e r e a n d a t te n d e d H chools th e r e . M r . Y o u n g a t- t t n d c d 't h o - b u a l n e s s c o lle g e a i C h m ic f tlh e ,-M < > ,-F o I lo w ln R -h U K rn d u n llo n h o m o v e d to W ash-

' in g tn n , D .C ., w h e re ho s ta r te d a s n f e d c rn i o m p lo y o In J033, H e w a s w ith th e S oc lo l S e c u rity A d m ln lt t( ra tl6 n In W ash lng to i iin t ll 1040i M r . Y o u n g h a s fllnc w o rk e d In B o ise , R o c k .SprlnRs,

- ‘W y o r r T ^ ln 'F n i lF r r s a ir T f lf to C ity nnd Idaho F alls, l i e nerved la

. . tl»® U..«}. A rm y .- ln W . W . I I In £ u r o p o n n d .w n a 'a .E r a d u a to .Q f ^ h ^ ' l a w ; scrhnol; In • WiiKhliiKlnn,b .C . Ho waS| adm idcd ' <(\ tli

rady in 1001

- Unr

c iiek’ second, belfcious: Walt M archek, f i r s t . Yellow Do- llclDnsT-Aynlt-MiTTcheK,. f iis t .—

B erries — Cup of raspberries: M ary JVlcCloud, second. Cup of s traw berries : Alma C a n n e r, th ird -

G rapes; M ary M adelena, first nd second. l-^achc'3'”~ Hule:

M ary M adelena, first. Miscel- laneoue:-Low ia .'Adams, .scouid .

delena, sccond. F lem ish Beauty: M ary M adelena, first.

Prune.s—Ita lian : Audrey Schlf- fler, first. P lum s — Miscellan-

•niadorrr-freni— thty-rC hirtfh- -of Christ .Scientist.. F ina l rftes will Ire held in the Ketchum Cem e­tery. The family; «URgcst.i me- m orlala to tho A m orlcan C ancer .Society o r tho Am erlcon Red Cross.

Oscar Fort

. In 1039 and was grad^U od fron) n v u In psycholngv in 100 nnd rece ived nln M.A. dogreo li ^uitUincQ nnd .counseling from ilYU in .lOOO, M r. Yoimg was n inom hor of the hoard o f illrec* torn o f thn H ast Idnltn 'FCdnrnl C red it Union an d m om ljcr of lllo

" B n m :M K » = N o , loa? in Idaho F a lls . H o m arried M ary Jo M acy 1Iolmo.i b n l-eh. 11, 1000 a t I ’w ln F alls.

SiirvivlnR In nddlllon to his widow a ro two sons, .Sloven, L.

—^VminRr-Ponnef<»—Pofwir—CallfM ^ C r S I g r tb B c r^ o u n ^ 'ld o h o_ YSung"^-----------

.iraU st-iw o-dauK hters.-K ft^herine N. R ichardson And Jen n ife r A nne O arn , tm th Tdatin Falls, and thj-eo nlep-aons, L ftrry E.

_ .H olm c3..S t.-PauLM Inn*L^lckj^, H olm es, T rnvla A ir F o rce Buso, Ciilir.. nnd K enneth M. Holmes, Idaho F alls.

F im cra l norvlces will bo held

/Ilea Mniiday n fternM n at Tw in I'nlls Clinic Hospital of a brief illness.,..H a . W [is .bora A p riL I5..I8 0 7 . nLUorryvlllc, Ark..

Ho served w ilh tho U .S . Mi rino Corps during World W n r . and after tlie w a r inovnd to tlic Jerom e area, where ho upernted a Horvico ntatlon for a number of years, , / •• l!ff m arried Hf-ftior' K|elni>u

Aiiff. 13, 1930, at RriffJwm CJly, UiHli. . • ; i . . ■ ' . llo WU8 omploycd by tho l^^alu> Dupiirlm unt « f -F!tnplnytnonlr tlrln g 'ln tl)fl2, n ftiT 20 yenr.i of Hcrvlco. l lo attended .tho F irs t Baptist Church, was n past com- nvindiir of tho Jerom e Am oricon U r Io u Post and was a m em lw r of the Cham ber of Comm erce.

SiirvlvlnK. besides his widow, nro- B - daiiBhter,— M rs .- w illia m M . (M arlniino) lis iw y, Dnnvoi Colo.f three hrothersi U rba n Fort, .Tnromo; F re d Fort, B e rry - villo, aiul Ila rvo y Fort, RoRcrs, A rk ,; four Hintem, M r i , Chloe Oldhnm, H e rryv llle : M r j.i M a y G a lze in e lr,'H a vre , M ont,; M rs.

D a v ioii, A u R u «U,Jaalnci,-and rTTT

Sheaf.SheO'Jes 3 -itnches-in -d lam eter, Alfalfa Seed: Georffc Jenkins, th ird . A lfalfa o r a lfa lfa grass h ay ,. onoL-bale: W alt M archek, second.' .

V egetables ■— tn j r o t s : Daona Hawks, second. E ggplant: Don­na H awks, th ird . Cabbage, E a r­ly: Donna Hawks, fli B rian K oester, first.

fCoesfer, second. H ybrid; Brlnr Kocstcr, f irst; Dorothy Bush, third.

C ucum bcrS .—.Slicing: Dopm\ invk.1. Pickling: Ira KlsV-

... n n ,m ." T im rsi...^. ... ..........m ay ca ll a t tho I)uck-Sulllvnn P im cra i Hom n ond n t the ntlcn l /id g o T hu rsd ay prio r to se t- v icesi L a s t rite s will be In Iho

“ I IMI ITT4 p.m . Ti«ur»d«y.

ll.P .O .E . LodROkNo.. U 83 ; Twin wlU conduct tho vervlcea.

—Prayfif— BtwX: Bill . Lewis, fJrst; mil I.ewl9, aecond. Sam ­ple m M rs . Betiy Jam es, first, P lc(\ires; Bill U^yls, first.


Mi«;'ftt]»ju nmmiitniii, unnyon;g randdaugh ter and* a

Hrandjon...Funeral services will be con­

ducted nt 2 n .m . 'HiurKday at Hovo I'lincral Chapel liy Rev.R obert C .’ Cooper. F lnn | ‘ r lle i w ill,bo a t the J e ro m e C em etery.

J, S T n r n o T r mNF.W YORK (U P l) -S tr lk ln n ........ -....................

T«unsrtfy«“ TfllIfl«J“ ’'thH -lJ?B t Trton«~MaTVft-Tl.« ,lal)or con trac t e v e r nogollalod In tlio ' n lrllno Induslry” ]at6 M onday nfght, ending n foiic- d u y " walkout ARnlnst Pan

gfant carrief..,.resumed. W crna- tlo n a rf llf lits a lm o st Imnunlluto*

KCiTTflfsl—1 Baldrey. th ird ; P a s te lr -^ a y - bello M iller, first.

P o r tra it and F ig u re s , 'a ll m e­d ia ,'M arily n LaCroix, f irs t and

third. Florals— all m edia; M a ri­lyn LaCroix, first; M a y b e 1 1 < -Mtllerr-coond(Tand-Nadine_Rlcc, third. Animals— draw ing: L a Vergne Schroeder, Moderi o rt ;..M «r I| y U C r o ix , first and second.

D raw ing , a » .« » b J e c t s : VI Brow n, first; No im a g ci Nadine R ice,-first.

Jun io r Division TflnSscnpeT "C l^t irSl."Anti\TJlTs, rfn TT rC lh

Bcnaoq. firsV- Hnrlralts and riril mats, a llm e d ia ,'‘ropi-Faulkner, first; Della Faiilkner,-'second,

rt. ri/irn Titinmnn « h I r il

Ijindscane: Clnrn I.schiinne Tlr.'iLand.accQtid^^nil -nfcrDii Failikner, first, lind Mrtry,Il(:|i derson, second. P ortra its : Chor- tio Hobdey, first, and Georgii A llred, second. Animnis; Clier- rio HolKloy, fli'st. D rawing: J e r ­ry Omahnndra, firs t; M ary Hen- derson. second, nnd Torrj^O m a. handra . th ird . Sculpture Pot. and sccond.

I, third,Onions' - Velfow C lohe: Irn

Klstler, second. Potatoes — Net ted G em s:.B rian Koestor. third. .SquQBh — Sum m er: Thehnn B utler, sccond and third.

|.,nrgest w inter Squnah: Phrl Gooby, second. O nnlen Exlilb- lla: Donna llnwks, firstj i'^\ Koester, second,

- FRUITS Open Class

knples,-- MiscellnncouJ! Doo' Hawks, second; Helen Colon,

ky, th ird , D orriei — Cup of raspl>errlos: Alpha - P a l m e r , third. C u n .n f straw berries; ]ra K istlur, first," P C ft c h e R^rM IsccIIni Donnn Hawks, iJrst. I ’eara — n n r tle lt: Donna Ilaw W ,' »>lrd. Pruncfl M iscellaneous; Don­n a Hawks, th ird . P lum s — Blue Danibon; M rs, Oulsy Smith, ond. Mlscr-llaneous; D o Hawks, th ird .

.-ANT1Q1JE.S-.- ■|T81JTll"ilUlTtC

Gooding GranRO Shenf G rasses-S h eav es, two

Incher In dlamo'tor — Crested w hcnr grnssT O Ien-N orris, sec­ond. Orchord C rass: F r^n k P a l­m er, RCCo;id. .. ' v ... .

Sheaf Grain nnd .Seeds Shcavva thrbc Inchcs.ln diuini tor—Alfalfa .Seed: CieorRo Jc i kins, Nccond. Alfalfa H a y F ran k Palm er, aeiond.. Barley; J, V. Biimg'nrner. nccond. Oat.i C hester Ewing, second. Win Tom Moyer, first. Rod Clover S fl0 d ;_ u tjx _ c iau n cr,jccam li___' A)fuifa o r alfalfa g ra sc hay , one bale; Don I.oper, third,

Beans, Dry Gpcnt Northern: Weldon

(QrbrtM)k, second. Red Mexli F ra h k Palm er,' ■s6cond.' Pinto F ran k Pa lm er, third. Barley, Miau.; .M aurlcc Ciipp:t...litbiL....

Cernk Field Hybrid f-lutd CJorni Don r.op-

e r, Hccond. Best E a r of Corn: Don Lopor, second, Onis, Over­land: Weldon Hitorbrook, sec­ond, W heat, l.einhi: Sam Slmls, first.G rass .Seeds and leg u m e Seeds

first; H llcn Morse, second;Betty Jam es/ third.

H a viland: M rs, L . ,Moyer; first! m ih n MoraeJ Bec6nkl, Iron* trto n«— M a rv ft -T i.« m • •, -l lrs t ; Paulino third. Majolica,pitcher: M rs , B . L . tirat.Cup « n d saucer: M rs . Onarlei

l^ tcho rfT M rii.,* ^ firatf n e m l8* -n rf ln e h ,:-M W 0d ; Mffc E . U M«yer, tWrd,

~3-:Doris Uay 11—D oris Day 5^D orls -Day 7SL—Spectrum

-4-N .Y .P .D . - 8:0P 2 S L -’ 'M ovie, *‘n io - R id e

to -H angm an 's-T ree '

11—News4—P erry M ason

•-7SL—F ig u r in g - I t-O u t—10:15 76L—Com m unity A lert

Something Special 10:30 3—CBS News Special

3 -C B S N ew s-Special .-5—Run for Youc Life •

___ ^ 2SL—Johnny C arson■ "TB ^ghrihy C arson . '2B—Dance P a r ty Special

■Hangm ah's'Trec’''


G ass if lc a llc n ..l . through 15.

•--------- F IN aN C IA C '' 'Classification 30 through 38

------— E M PtO Y M EN T— -----Q assificatlon 18 through 24

SCHOOLS-INSTRUCTION Classification 40 through 48

REAL E ^ A T E ‘ .C lassification 50 through 62

RElfTALS • ~ '^ lasa ifica tlon 70 through 88

. ,r AGR l C U i m j R E r : ^ClassificaUon 90 through 98


H elp W anreiT".

lent chai wnilns 1BDod (01

^n^lno man. with excel.___

lly-niun. mu5t-bD.hon«.cUable. 1( you. quallly.

. Dlck.Uey, TheUei^ Mo-


, BUSINESS Must b« QBBrcsilvc. .with a do- •iri '•.to':»ucceca. Experience -not

tor right" per»on. Demonsirnlor furnlthod. life Jncuroacc, hoipl*

- iftllZftttonrrrctlrementr-^procranv

i i w . r K u T - -Buick.

Classification 100 through. 116

|-C toM yication 165 through 173

— — vy o ivrA N ~ F (3 R ---------M h T n R P O T T T 'R

l o s t a n d Found

F I L E R A R E A M ust reside in F ile r a rea , sm all c a r p re re rred . 2:00- 5:30 p .m ., w ceW ays, 4;00- " ■“ -S unday '

warui vaugnt.tcnpe CoimfucOon.

tO S T ; -Xwa.Uttrmmi_5tlorln MAntha o..ikra

Circu lation Dept.. JE LE TA IL

=Johrinyj:Carspn . -ll-MTBS N ew s

11:00 4 -N ew s ..2B—Som ething Special

JliJO 4-T-Joey-Blshop— -----Si-Movle, ‘T h e Little.Hut” .;..,_____ ;___

-Alovig-■••Once M on

C L Jk im -: M ILLE R GUMt « IHouStmeepIng cabin*. SatWlo......." nshlng. Telcphonft 774-J53S,

-M y-D arling '*

W e dn e sda y, A u g u s t 13, 1 9 6 9 .7-pm :r^7B : 8 —-M ovie;-‘‘S a n d r ‘of the K a lah a riV '-ls -a -d ram a

5:30 2SL-N ew s: Brinkley

3—News: W alter Cronkite 5—News: W alter Cronkite l l i ^ e w s : ' W alter ' Cronkite4—Rawhide 7B—News

. -.S-Virginian '5:55 7sL -C om m unIty A lert 6:00 2SL—News

Brides 3 -N ew s

• 5-Newr............7SL-FIgurIng I t Cm

.J fc rA d i . 11— Nei


ond and th ird . Field C hester Ewing, second; Pa lm er, third.

•Pinto;F ran k

. 100 p o u n d s '^ s u ^ ^ ^ ? fWo be;it beets: M nurlce CappS. 25 pounds

rice Capps.Cabbage

E arly : Dorothy Bush, second; Late: M rs. Ronald A d a m s ,

th ird. ■ _________ ,Com , iswect

Golden Bantam : Ira K lstler, first, nnd Ed Koester, second. H ybrid: Dorothy Bush, sccond.

Cucumbars 'Slicing: MarRC Jcatcr.-Sccondi

P ick ling ; Jrn Kisth -------Ohloni


Bltss T rium ph; Je rry -N asu ra , third.

Pum pkin Ira - K lstlc rr* fir3 t;— Dorothy

Bush. accond..Lnrgcst pumpkli Dorothy Bush, first.. .

SquashW inter: K. T. Butler, sccond.

I.arRe.^t w inter: K. T . Butler,

first. Alfalfa; Frank. Palmer, first, Wliilo Cloven M n u r 1 c o Capps, Mcond. Corn, fluid;,Don I.oper,' thirdi . . .

, ■ Vcgctnhlci* ' '— Carrots: -Jra ..Klstler, .t.h.1 r.d. Eggplants;. Ruby Pyle, nccond, Poppers; Mrs. Walt llenry, Ilrs't. T(1mBto«n; Rubv Pyle, firjit and Bccohd. nnd' J . V / Bum«oi-ncr, m . Tftbtp I)ectn: Ira Klstler, first, and Jerry Naaure, MCond. Tvn\lp»: 7rA Klstler, third. Mel­ons, .Wotermelnns; Ira Klstler, ss'cond. iJirRoat

JtU i- ■ -

n ( t n rAppIfS’ .

MI,-icellnneouRi M, E . Butter, first. Yellow Dclicious: GeorgeJenkins,-eo 'cond.'................ -

B erries ‘Clip of Raspberries! H e l c

O chkey, first. Cup nf Strawbe rica: Im K istlcr. accond. >

G rapes J e r ry N asura, third.- J - ‘-p o a e h o fl- ,

Ml.srellancousj C c« |i^ “ -Jreli- (ns, tlifrd.

P e n nB artie tl; J . V.. • BiimRarnftr,

i 'c co tid -H a le rK y lB ^ rig h t, first, Prunes

‘ ' lia)lnn ; NOvn Bum gnfncr, acc- ond. '

\ Plum snreon IpnRO! Mrs, D a l a y

Sm ith,' first. MiKcelluncnuH: J. V^JJum Boritt:r..flrat., . . .

• I'OULTUV -WfiKo LoRliorn .

H en; Doug Bennett, firat. PuL t:t; Tom Bennett, f irs t. 'I'hreo

H eni; Tom Bennett, firflt, and J im Arkoorrti, second, T h ree Pul­lets; Doug Bennett, flrs tf


8:15-7S1 J:20 .

7SL—M Jsterpgen

5 -G o o d Guys— -4—C oU ege-Talent-*------

7B—G et S m art 11—M y T h ree Sons

6:4S 7 S L -F ri€hd ly G lan t 7

7:00 2 B -B ev e rly HillblUies 3-^BeverIy H illbillies 5 -B e v e rly H illbillies

W B c v e rJy -H illb lf - 4 = H i

7SL—W hat’7B -M ovie, “ S aads of t i K alahari”5—Nfovle. "S ands of the

- Kalulnnr ’----- — '

PersonolfSpecial'Notlces .9

1 U before —


G U A R A N TE E plui COmmU»lOB._,_______“ IJarMUfih - w o J-o l^rccrtjpnny,----------:—

Qoodlng, Idaho. \COOKS. WAITRESSI^S. CASHIERS. _ A N D -DysnoYS.-waWtCil-rnr r c s : . - ^ -— ■naw-Iniarw-::---- 1-— ------i,n t-'jn --B u rIe y . area.--.Must - -

ent In oppearnncc. 18 or - . . . . Apply ‘Augutt J2.l4..«uM ettInn. Inccrstoto 15 M f Heyburn-

—ocUoncyclfli-,—B annet

SENIOR Citizen*, youc comfort my concero. Make your hbhia v roe. Board, room nad'pertonal —

1708 poplar. 733-MM.____________ - . " 2

tZ.W-AN - HOUR -............................ ■

RBDOOSE1 Follow cct1ons:«arersnBr«Rteed-re*ultt. ly 98c- nt PEN N YW ISE DruB» Uie Lynwoodi Shopplns Center. ------------------ ------------ContldcniLICENSED _______ ____ _

care for unwed expectant mothei Box N-IO. c-O Tlme».N8W».

PBtV---------------------------B tV \ T E Invei'JSQlor.— 24 Hour » r - ■vlco. All confidential. Phone 733- ------ - 733-8773,

r erla l to buy or te ll, everyltil&g. Send ic if Jd d re ised ' acamped n v e 1 o n e .

Product* UnMnijted, y p x A Z 4 l3 .

W A N TED : Floori coverJng installa- ilon mechanic.' PositionchtT751Terefnl”w O « ----------hn* truck and tools, .. tura Co., BupBrt,-ia8hc

iin i.T a fci n 8 appUcaUoa*. A m 31-A5. Call 733-3<Sl f o r oppolntmenu A & W Drtvo inn. ■

UN W AN TED hall Electrolysis. MiIn- set Salon. : -------------

HACK TO School special, ■ " Wi Nelsnn.

^ . ^ r e e n A cres 3 - ^ r e e n A cres „ 11—G reen A cres 7SI^Frt?nchi Chef

a H nii ;

3—M ovie, “ I t ’s Always F a ir W eather"4—M ovie,- ••Shake JHands w ith tho Devir* . i^M ovJc , “ The Hoppy

■ - Yiihra” ~ 'B:SO 7SL—Book B eat 9100 2 S L ^ t i t s ld e r

2B- -

removed by

. ..I silk

B a a u l y ^ o l o t i i __________'k\N Dy. (l> c « KJn*. formerly " S

Connle'i Coiffures Is now at Lea'»Pcauty Salon.

Baby Slltors-Chlld Core 16

Divided classas dersarien and kmaen 7th AvaaUB North. 733-

- In te rn n tlo n a l Maga- rlne

“ 7 D -M uslc H a ll-------------R -M u ilc H all


iews"’— 7B—N ew s..

B -N ew s ,7 S l^ F Ig u rln g 11 Out

---------j l — News— ---------------------------4—P erry Mason

lOilS 7SL—Com m unity A lert 10:30 2B -M ovie, '•A iaaka Seos

2SIr-TBA 3 -P r ls o n e r . ,

'!h-^KUrt tor yoiifiiira—H -It-T « k p 8 • -■nilef

lllOO 4 - N c w s 'l 11:30 i —Joey DlRhpp.

fi__Mftuin - .'‘.Iiim‘ ’iu in p Into’

13(00 Movie, “ Nntlonhl Vclvcl'

&-M ovieH eir '

m H lrho n d ,. a n d ____Groen String:

h r: Jflrry Naiiurc,. nee-

Cockaroh... MQrgo - B row n,. (irst. Hem M«ri,"O.Brnwn, flr«f. .

Game Chickens Cockerel: Mnrgo Bniwn, flm t.

Hen:' Margo BrOM'iii flrs(, P«l- I d : M A rga.D row n..nrflt aiiil.fict;- ond,

R abbits Doe: Roflomori^s Blllmo, firnt,

im d.M ai-go Bmwn. B o c o n d , Yotina Doo: Eddy Bllboo, fiml and M nry O landcr, second ani th ird . Young Duck; E ddy nnd Roho Bllboo, firs t; M n r g o Brown, necond, nnA M nry Olniid-

Bruw/}, /Jrat. /

"Mursii'IHovm.-iirft.------- ■

Nightclub; Owner’s Body Is RecpYcrjcdl

Aspjm.,Wn»^i oui>i)Imily nt W llllinti i } . Al>;Ixiwlnton nlghtcUilfi---- ‘r icoverod froiH 'lh(i or over the wocl^r Ing mtising ilnco cai day. '

'llie body wnji founi floating In tho river about 10 nilles iwlow where Ahler's car Was found ibandoned. .Tho bod(.-..waa..dlfti w ered -b jr-tw o-flB honnffW Salr.

urdny, r' "Ahlor was last seen alive by

.. fa 'r m e r early Wednondoy morjilnK> His car was fdund on n roodwny near-'(he-river nnd EOmti f tilv ciothInK was-located on the shore, ^parking n setfrch b Antln County SherlfPs of-

‘ 1 A hler's clothes'-w ero discover* about five mllfl* below the

,ly.~ ,

Oeorge Dennis, Ahler’s innr, In il«].ewlBiiji), snid A hler w as of: swUnm lns Vld Q(tea'>wBm In ibo SnalM

Help Wonted '16


.EVELYN WILSON234 Slioihone street Unit 7U.SM3

-igo 3&-43. Qond........ il worklno condl-

. . . lu»fbB'TidrniftnBnt:"CJ,) J>arl-tlmo llslit housekr------------- Jlternoons a week. Uldk.

ulr'ls always-naaduJ..(S.) rrnnc ilns moclitinle, mnrrlefl. shb 29.

?nVrrr ;l .^ !r ’Dr«'rVa‘'’;rerr'J!l

O P E N IN G F O R " Q U A L I F IK D P F .O P L E

S T R IC T L V C O N F I D E N T I A L : N o Tto g iiiira U o irrc a ch o rg o ~

TIR E D O F w o r k i n g ; FOR WAGES? .' WANT TO B E YOUR OWN BOSS? '

nlertcilrt:''f)n.'‘ Hhr on' Tjprnlns— • “ tnrvfcA ilutinn niicroiw

« n i l „ ,fe„, j'|.


Inlnrvlaw cnil 7:

Bat appearlni jfien.-l'nr

. 11000.. p e r montli.

■0130 after 1:00

IIELP-W A N TEDMaldi, fry cook,*

Phone FreeResident* Int

Duhl. CkiUoford . . Dl*l '' SurlWt Oeelo

Paul and Norland ■jDini-flTRjaaa.^

inkln* Ctievrolirt.: personaoiiT”


N E E D BxperloDced............ .. shlttV Interview only, cota«t Mervln~Llns, Radio K A Y 'iRuptrt, Idaho. ______ • - ,

i lO T C L mifln^nt:^^PrefBrab^^

^ainnan. Sfle*V?alt'BUyloc*Camerit Center. '

M AN to work/ln W operailon. 1

i|. pGiiiinnojj,. fi Apply In, . perse

hestflurnnl/ / FooKKiiupcn;'

’ or sharp* office. Llsht Toad.

women. ’Apply in person, Yellotir Cab Corfipanyr33I MA|il Mvenuo

WOMAN for babysitting .*nd\ll*hLT houKkcey^n^^Mlnlmum hours

iiXl*im ilJNCUD~W RUCKINa Yard“

Agenls-Soletfntn Wonted/ 22

Salesm en Needed/

]is(aftttihms'ntJ only. Ase |4(>nnrrii : ir-c will nnt-uso -

expBtlance, we will. Uaiai,

trnlnliis • bonus -, commls. . onipany paid Dalirsment —*nil l»surane«,-AII-r«ojit*-«vnft>--

danllnl. R. L. I 'O LX A CO. Alianllnni Mr. W. n. Mniliur -----------IWIT Stre e t;-K oniB i-a ty ;—

Form Work Wanted

'• C U S T O M -S W A T H IN G «ni1 b a lliiir^ e n a e ll-

Je rM e .

ct;sTOM Ron llortrnen J■ • 733-3M8

C U im iM llei dltlonor. Custom-tMliDf. wlih. . New Holland, ieroma 334-0107.

iiAY-n:--------------------------------------------, .■■.a'*~siat«n's;~ .. .. - naua stacker, vicinity • Hurloy, 07B-HUII.

OMS or: 3 3 ^ 1 0. ■ . ___ ,. ^farpiini

: . : r : z r

Page 17: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

• r " - • - 41 8 Tim e s-N e vys, T w i n Falls, Id a h o .T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 1 2, 196 9

Wanf to Write d Be^ Seller? Placig a Want Ad and Then AhswerYour Phone.Hay, G rain end Feed' 94 Peti and Pel S;jppHe« 110

------------------------------------------------- POODLE PARLOR

anil ilmiinlns <lltlili.L,.41l niifl Nnrlli. lUiluieif i ll •7.000. 7Ja-eo7i^

AnaVvDrlnR lorv lco . Tlio ndvcrtln rr .wilMse notified, <Hnp|innt) of nny, advcrlluflr I r th la J

D IR n c T D R Y n i not nuNWcnul, alnl 7H23fiB. T<?lef |)ljiond‘ Aiwworlnif Scrvico .Jn Twin I 'a lh , D fty o r

Page 18: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

'T u e s d a y , A u g u s t-1 2 , 196 9 T im e s -N e w s , T w in Foils ; Id a h o 1 9

Hamltemy jteu Sdl Them The Eosv Wov - WitK A Want Ad. OLAPS rO R . BlI occa«lon#., Uoden. im b. 2 m llei N onh. 1 m ils w c d

of Weit Flvo PolnU.- 5 l #lC i 6 u Js " F 0R all ociniiolu

• - t ^ r l g h h — H - mlUf-Som h of

IttS' ~ MIscallaheom fe>'SdlB-14QT ' Auloi^foT':

Motorvlew. '

iEUHlOiU gLgdlluC fanne. th. e drawer*, good condliton. Oil heat­e r ’9iih ilitrmotlallc-conlrbl- goeHl e o n d lU o n ^ ja W«»t Mnln. H ager.

~ 2 0 0 A u to r-fo rS a Ta * — - - - 2 0 0 - A u »o i-F o r-S a l* :l .-SHARPEST -1907 CorVelle faittack

around. DrliHH raclnn arccit, 4- •peect^M Ifp. 327- dl»c braitci. AM -FW raillo, Call Gary Halver. »on at Ron Lco.rord. Jerome. 324-230^ 733-Wa5. 314-34M or 733. 3BOO, - I" ' V .

C H ISH O L M ^rom eri. Uuriey, your authorized R am bler deafer (oc C a iila , MlnWoka caunUet. fi7a-33lM.

(ONE) 195D Ford Falcon. 2 door hard top Futura , new nalnt Job,' y .e cnalne. radio,'bucVet

a o a 't -A u t o t - f o r 5 - 3 0 0 . . A u le »~ f< H ^S a U ------- ---------- 2 0 0 - » -A u k ) * fo r Sal*

WANT TO SAVE MONEY? - Come to U o Rica Cbevylnnd. Goodlo*. ChevfOleu, . Oldsmo. bile*. Buick*. Pontiac*. OK ii«rrt Car* and Truck*.

- ------- nd Evenia#* —

- - 1 9 6 9 - r C A D I L L A C .

( ib u i> e D e v l U e .I,e»s than 4.000 m llet. Complete, ly equipped Includlnt a ir r —

-Jltlonlng.- -L lRht-blu». wUh-J

' . _W ?>^K M A N B R O T H E k S

P O N T I A C — C A D I L L A C - G M P . I

' W E ’ f i U Y C A R S ■•~ ,,-. O R -E Q U IT Y ..- .. : .

W I L L S -t l i e d c s t D epartm eot

SouUi Shojhona st.

S A L L Y 'S ANTIQUES 418-5350. Chair*,, t o b l e i , rocker*, bed*, deik*, trunk*, china cabloeti, chandellera. dl*he*. • ■ ■

iR'Eb BARN. lU mile* on Waihlng- -

with' corrfpanion . . vacijum. B anner Furo lto re . t jj . i

OWNER! r&CS Corvair Ceria •peed, excellent tires (2 t . . . . , tnchom etcr, immaculate condition,

only, 48.W o r ' b e n -offer. 05. 733-«28’

ttiu iiia ti —T*ow( controls. Ing

(nachlna, id c ; Twin needle tig zag model. M akes buttonhole*, mono* gram s, llnod hem* and doe* dec.

' . oration da*lgns. Balance dua-t38.87

AliCBllaneoui'W anto 'd 1 4 1 'CASH V o n SCRAP METAL

Copper. Dross, Aluminum, R adi. *tor*. Batteries,-E tc .___ ____

1004 - ______ . . .hardtop, low mlleaRC. new w^

' ' r-wal!-t)re4.—pow er-brukei-t /M—alerrlnn,—adjusta*-'-

Ing wheel. 733-0700-

■■33 ' M g n c m r f convii T O - . ----------_._lcnt condlUon. ttvko.owar^pwynieftt*? —S28;00-TJJ— bnmnca of JJOO. 324-

MS3. ___ ^___ VSALH: lo u Z28. Camaro, blue

w llh white racing stripes, 8.000 miles. 53(1.2203.

nrrVrcr*\‘‘‘Doot“’prlca'V,3W^ "Will tako 1.150.00,

(ONE) 1067 Plym outh Fu ry II, Factory a ir, radio, power ■leorJUB.. near})> new MlcJielln tirc i. Bonk price 2,140. WUl

- (O N E). 1903 Studebnker. V-8,270 HP - aulom atle . transml*slon.— A Jery .clean c ar. 300.00.

(ONCji 1DG6 n a i s t i t ^

dltion,‘ fenl ‘clean "oo.rIr:iNelbani!=C»IBrt>menr=

Welding. P a u l.- Id ah o .-

solo. Sun 'V alley, Jihone 728-5823. '■ Rupert,' Idaho ' 1

W E ’ R E

H i G i a g n i E Sall- side*. 3 'del

rIflCB. W ou ld-basi for new. < has fitted., p late glass, to pro

__= tn p ;iC a 1 l 733.7368 a(ter-a-P.NC_

.152 Jnd l^venue South - NTED: STORAOE for o ld ^ o ir .

-leed not bo Inildo b u t-m « s t-b e sa fe ; rruiii vniiUiiHiiir— 8~i a t e - charge* and location. F irs t le tte r *- Box 0.10. c-o Tlmcs.New*,-

SCISSORS *harp«n«d — serv ica -n lt m akes m achines — Fabrics a n d sew ing needs, SKINNER SCWIKG

„_-SHO PPE, -C ornar-of F U e r and

............. will rarniih“ bJo~board:P « y - » - h n l f full, $7-full--board. Coil 324-2166.

r <250. 32V4261.- Jerom e,196T-PO N TlAC rG TO ,-^peetir-T tiaR —wheel*—n tw - tn g tn « -(n « v e r-u ie a ) :

73C2818-aftei tX18S3 CHEVY G reenbrlar Station Wu-

eondltlon.-Phona 73J.

* 'a f id ree ls. Red’* Trad ing


324-4261. Jerom e._________ ■WILL buy direc t o r A u c ilo n 'y l

furniture . app liances.odd* endsr. Snake R iver Auction. 733-7754,

SALE; I!(12 CoaUa<l 2 door, — °°°d tlrr«

Boats for S a ls -

/or Wartj*BIrHiaftyTraI(r--^-'Thii. - day. F riday , Saturday, August 14-

___ iJH ItY S LE ftBoats"'arid IV'

-----------J E R O M E - l M P t E M E N T —a n d M A RIN A

BACK TO SCHOOL. 1059 Ford Fair, lane 4-door. S1B5. COC Borah. 733-

■5S5C_____ __ ___ ..Power steering.

---ClO-Wcar; MOTroer-Klmberly' -------KOR .SALE- igi>Q-Vallant:_,i-.dooi

sedan. Phona 733-?(M2----------

Today’s Special-

C oronc^2-door hardtop. .440 V8. engine.


- i g 6 4 " C IB E L A I R ~ '

Va', itolion wogoh;'rodIa.-;bBo*»f.r uAjmr .i.TiK^.find outemotic. Ex- j cleon Injtda and- i '

$ 9 9 0

i-ioortodon. fully eauipped. Spe" bU, mOrft to ^choos^from —

509 to $999 I$49D:D IS C O U N T

a e e o - D O D G E -2-door sedon, rodio, healer ond puify

- A U T - e ^~9 .rEasr~Matn^678^7874^UrHy—

io 6 L O FF this sum m e.............. ____ portable .fllc_eoolcr._Bnnnec_Fuml.

• tx!. 127 2nd Avenue West.

able a t S3.95. 733-8524.

. ^ u a favorite .m ale will roalty —p re d a te you r thoughtfulness, wlicn

you presen t him wllh w atpr jk ls —a nd n ,.i».-ct-a.uXt. I r-Q-iiR‘g tf t tU t

MARKKs your -EVINRUDE and , MEllCURY dealers. Choose from —th c li- la rje -se le c t lo n -a t-U 6 2 • Blue _I-jlke*-N CHlI 733-11114

C O R S ARo^io,. healer anJ 4-speed, real cleon,-loeol. CO/. Yoyi* fo r . . •

$ 1 1 9 0 -

1 9 6 4 F O R D .- - F A J R U A N E -5 0 0 -va. 4-do6> ledon, radio, heoter ond oulomolic tronimitJlon. Cleon • and only

= $ 9 9 0 -

- 1 9 6 7 G T X -

$ 2 2 9 0

T H E I S E I i Y O U C A N D O B E T T E R -A T -

REDUCED^RRIGES-C H E V R O L E T r / i F P i ~ l

ipeed fiantniitii'on.


C E ■ STOVE and ■ refrigerator ___'^V izard washing machine, Je rom e.


W a s - . i t T ’T C power bfokei., 9 9 5 . . . N O W > 7 7 5 . $ 1 0 9 5

•Beaulllol glazier blue- Economical ' 1 9 6 2 - F O R D 6-eYltndof engine, outomoli^ Irons* Falcon Halroo wagon. Clean

'’ bQirV™Auto*’^uTpiyr^M''i i S S H W A T E i ^ q ^ f iSt; .South._______________________ '

H ' CAMPINO trailer, *lcep* 5, good ( O f G a S O l i n e ) 'condition. Searx upright stove,

„ good condition. 733.1428.

_____ Lia.6 7 . B U I C K ..._Wi!dcot ^-dobf -hardtop. Sultano •

I. - - while .wiih gold top, oir condl- i>€i» ^ C O C tionlng. power steering, power $ 8 9 5 N O W 1— t - ...... -brakei, loadisdr......—

Wa»>-jp(>l^aat*:,jiitith pump^..

^ X6 lv io R E 2 -to n a ' .Iro C H O O S E -F R O m —

Bob Reese!s-$ 2 8 9 5 . N O W $ 2 4 4 ^

1 9 6 3 -C H E V R O U E T___Impola.Z-daor.hordtQp.

4-ipeedW a »




, - G e t -



1 1 9 6 6 M E R C U R Y : $ 1 0 9 5 ■ . NOWrPSlUdna-' Tddorha ■' - -

$ 7 7 5

1966' F O R D

dual* with Leach l&-yard hydraulic garbagn dir.potal body. Camero Saloi. Rupert, 430-3101.

FOR .Sa L u ; 1052 Inlernatlonnl 2-ton truck. 4-ineed, 2-apeect with hnlal, Brain bed and a loek ' rack B042. OoodlnK.

and heate r, good tire*, good c tion. »!)Q0, brIvBte party . 733.1......

I'OUU. lOSl jilckup. 371 Oldamoblle engine. 73i.74<4.

block yinyl jop, oIr condJdonlnp,power >ieerlna, power brakes, Cuitem. Sultana while wllh rodpower S4ati, pOive windows, " lop.

$ 1 8 8 0 %( 3 a s - , : ^ a i U - $ 9 S 0

THEISEN MOTORST h e E a siest P lace In ‘T h e W o rld

D on P f tff«r l> . . 7 3 3 -2 8 2 0 Loul# S U m a i] . ._ ^ 7 3 3 -5 1 9 8

^itug tb

3:teol deluK* i!oii6r\ wogon,-<. tpeod IranimUllon, riffA'motOf.

$ 1 6 9 5

,X ? 6 4 C H E V Y |lNovo . ,2rd6or. -6-eyllnder molor, slandard-tratumliiU" '

^ 8 9 5 „

TT-,!,..,'! ii]i i=Ai C O N

tiondord -ironsi^tslbn.

: z z : $ 5 « 5 :

i z D O D Q E - i :L A N C E R

4 -door, 6-eyllnder motor, ilandardtfanimiition.

^ 4 9 5 z

^ 9 b / — i j H E V E L L E _4-door sedonj 6.eylind»r' motor, automatic trantmitticn.

$ 1 4 9 5

J 9 6 8 C H E V Y 11-2 -door sedon, 6-cvHnder motor,

•standard-tranimiisionr • —

J S j Z v d .

1 9 6 6 C H E V E L L Efllnder- -


•2-door sedan, -4-speed frantmii* lion, jodteT ..........

$ 595^

7 3 3 -7 7 0 0 T W I N F ^ L L S

- W A t 'T f t f i S E -


I n T w in Fnll-i


I n B u h l. C tfllle fo rd

■ 543- 4648'

- I n nu rroy, Dcclo,

; Pa u l, T^orlnnd .

'=-678-2552 -

In . W en'rtfill, O n o d ln f . H n g e rn in n , J e ro m e ,

' 536-2535, .

I n ' F i l e r , H ollliitc r, '><.onerBon J a c k p o t , N ev ,

- — 826-5375------M i n i n i i i m S p n c o 15 W o r d n

B o an 'ro to orcli>r y o u r n tl u n th rt ecoiiODilcul (on -dny rftto , W hon y o u r n tl g c ia ro<

— BuHfi-Vow-infty-flniioomuand o n ly b o c h a r g e d f o r Jhtj d a y s U r a n .

I n -CM o o r e r r o r t h o « d v e r- U i e r miiAt m a l to 'c o r r e c t io n b e fo r a ncco n d .In scrtlon t; T l ia T lm oB -N ew n w ill a n s iim o rn* fipopslb Jlliy fo r llio f lm t dny*#

^ i n c o r r e c t Im io rllon .

A ir tdvertJiiln Ui« approval I ilii a iib je c t to

t b s p u b lU h o r ,


s^rBlirWORKMAN FORD1 96 5

M E R C U R YJ^ o o r, Vn, lUindnid f.anirr

$ 9 9 5

1 96 5 T O Y O T A f

SlQllon wngon, Cmtoin 4 ,door, standard Ironitnlitloni luiii


1 96 5 V O L K S W A G E N C A M P E R \^Intion wogofl,' ■ ■ V •

low mll^uga, clson.

$ 1 2 9 5

1 96 2 L I N C O L N C O N T I N E N T A L

1969 M E R C U R Y M O N T E G O M X

power ii«n n5 ,_ _ ■ ‘^rdciot,.. Vfl-.-.Qi/lDmollc... pow.i ■ __UlU..flOWl(_0(IOU-,UJlll»f, sMMlng,..

■ _ ------- -------JlllonlnB.-asOO onuol mite*. : ■

$ 9 9 5 : B I Q S A V I N Q S I - ;

1 9 6 S rF O F iDT H U N D E R B I R DVfl, aulomatle, full pow<

1 96 5 C H E V R O L E T I p o R D ^ 1 ^ 6 7 F O R Di m p a u a : . • : Q A L A X I E 5 0 0 . ;

4,(lnor vn, nuiflituiilc, ■ Inno wir«fl| bnia Vi -Ion, 4nA, VO, ■ 4-daor luiidlop, VO, autoniotic,pnwar •lesrlno <’"’1 brtikfi, || 4-i|iae<i,' hulit, oil il>a ealrai, ' .* pow^r »tiailno> niricondlllonlnOt

$ 1 1 9 5 $ 1 5 9 5 $ 1 9 9 5

1 96 4“ F O R D

* 1 9 6 9 ......D A T 3 U N — ■- .

■ •Pickup, 4 .ip o o d , 4 5 0 0 'a c - 5

" 1 9 d 4C H E V R O L E T

l «^0 wheal I.,„a '/, .j£.n, » fu a l m lla i w ifh /acfory b u llf ■Vfl, lijith, aood roblur, . ■ c o m p o r • DIO *» l'*avy duky hllch. Slinipl

$ 1 1 9 5 $ 1 8 9 5 $ 1 1 9 5

______ O E E h L m U - e - ^ E N » N G 9 “

B i l l W O R K M A N} A 6 2 n d i i v o . : E r Tw in Falls

Grand^lamR E r i » r


B e n E ld r id g e • J a c k c o x • N a t e ^ d a m s o nO P E N E V E N IN G S C L O S E D S U N D A Y S

D O b G E C IT Y•63 M e r c u r y ; r . . $ 7 4 5

Monterey hajdlop, .vaJinQln#",-. tomolle trammltilon, power liter.

' 6 n ) b d s * . . . . " $ 2 5 9 5 "


- 2iyoar warranty on RED T A G uied cpri

_ • S E E T H E M rr:: D R I V E . T H E M . T Q P A Y _____

'6 6 O ld im o b lla 9 0 . . . luKury tedon, Full .pewer, laclofy oir conditioning, one owner,

•68 P Jy m o u »b . . . . . . ^ $ 2 6 8 9-Fuiv-.lll-*tVdoor hflidldp. .VO! *n-

1968 CHEVROLET'. ImpalM C usto m - Coupe

$ 2 4 9 5 -- > r t

1 M 7 CHRYSlEir N ew po rt 3 0 0 Coupe

Fully\|)Owe(ad, nir condlltot>lno, beaulllul 2-lon» fed. n.(«nl huir.

$ 2 2 9 5

1965 BUICK Sp'orte Station Wagon

Fuly powered, luo roof, . ..

$ 1 2 9 5

J 5 9 5

l9 6 7 C H K V R O I .8 t .^■ To n

nig 6-cylln((*r engine, 4-ipg«l liuntmlitltip, total one own«(.

$ 1 3 9 5

1968 CHEVROLET - Monxa C oupe -

tronimliilon, ihorp,

$ 1 2 9 5

Impalo hardlop coupe, 337 VB 4n> ■ fllne, outomalle l»animliilon,.pow.

-a«-*laatlna and bfokei, iBW tnlle

■ 1966 PONTIAC LoM on* 4-door H nrdtop

Power iioflflrig, nulomollc tianiniistlon (eiil sharp- .

$ 1 3 9 5

1964 P O N TIA C ----------' BQnn'ivlllo V U ta

4-<toor IxKcliop. Power iliadng, .........ouiomaile tinnimlnlon,

$ 6 9 5

,Ouol r«ar tlrei,-low, low ' nillioQe, real nice.

$ 2 1 9 5

1 .964 C H BV R O L E r . M .-To n

vn enqlne,. 4-ipeeJ ttntnmltilon.

$ 8 9 5

- M a n y M o re T o C h o o s e F r o m -

'"A T t o w LO W PRICES Q E T D E T A I L S O N O U R

C L O S E O U T .s p e c i a l s O n Nev/

C H E V I ^ O L E T S , P O N T I A C S , O L D S M O B I L E S . - B U i c k s --------

6 8 T o C h o o s e F ro m


Q o o d in g , Idaho 0 3 4 ^ 3 8

’6 4 i t a m b h f $73S

9B3.V8 engine, automatic ira n i.-- mlttlon, power sleeting, p«w«r diic brakes, I factory oir ' (ondliloning,

, P o n tla c - ' . - r i T v r .~ $ 2 3 8 0 • Iribird 400 hordtop, VB anQlne,

•leering. Rial nice.'6 4 F a l c o n .............. $ 8 9 5

Stollon wog'on, Big e inglnt.-iton*— dard tranimlislcn, on« owner.'

'66 C tn vro l.f ...............-Belftlr -4.doof— Mdan.-V6 .»naln>.

er ifeeting, foclory warranty, low mileage.- - .

m a rs*64 D o d g e ............... .. $ 6 8 8-Oart-itaTlon-wooonrBia'6'«nglrie^

jpck.— -•66 P ly m o u th ................. $ 1 5 9 5, fury ilallot/ «<soon. ‘ VB angina,

" outom’dllc ‘ ifonimlnTon;' p o w « f — "iteeTlngl alf toflailioillno, MJetialfrt-r—

'6 2 M e rc u ry S33 . . . . $ 6 4 5 — VO-engln*^ .standard Irantrniition,

red Inledor, while finlth, todlo, heoier. Sl.orpl ____

•65 ..................$ 2 5 9 5Crown 4 -door. Foil powsr, rneioiy air. condllloning, exiro ilioipl

■63 P o n t lo c ...................... $ 1 1 9 9. Ofond. PfiK. VB engine, •ciulonwHo------' itonsm'liilon, power ttsering and -.biakeir-»nttln*-«omplelel/-rabolllJ-.•64 D o d o . . .......................

Coronet 330 4-door .sedan. Btg 6 engine, ttondord ironimliilon.

- p i c k u p s -a n d -t r u c k s ^

'55 Ford3-lon irnller puller, Vfl engine, 3< speed itanimlitlon, 3->peed (loi QKle. Ready to go.

•65 Ch'evroUt . - H e a -v «<ulV -.a.Ion*

--•nfllner-6^pe«a-J/onim l»»lon_ai • speeti o«te, eictra lonp w heel boiei

'66 Chevrolet. 2-ion truck. VB ' enoln*,' 4-ipeeri

Ktini'nliilon, 3 ipserl nxU, long wheel Ixite . - i- : : =

'65 F o rd .v — --------- ------------*

2-'lon truck, 330 VA engine, 4 speed Ironitnlislcn, 3-ipesd <pxU

•63 C M C .long wlrJe VS-Ion pickup, 6-cyllni der engine, 4-ipeed IranimUslon, Itolfer hllch, new paint.

'6 6 C M C• Wno'WW* y,-.|on ptcki/p, 2,9J 6 . ’

crllnder'enjln*,i-4-»p*eJ-lr«{*imJe* -

'6 7 D o d g e '......... ' ;vlong wide Vi-lon pickup. VB en« nine, 4-ipeed Hansmlitlon, cutlom cob, cointpetclal lliei, hitch,

»62 O M C - ---

'6 3 F o rd ■tang w id e 'M O O 4<wlie«l drj^e

ttutk, Vfl *nO(n», 5-ipeed tronimli.•Ion, 2-spesd oiile, ' long' whtel

_.bse. .. .1 ., - • -

THAIIER HOUSE - . > . . . - 4 1 1 9 5 -1965 COUGAR iiir coninlniH trailer lieuie, gai reMgeioler, gas waler

A Q o b d S e le c t io n o f 2 o n d 2 ^ - T o n T r u c k s

Bob R§ese -s•, 6 0 0 B lo oH ^ e o n d A v « O M « S o u t h

|.gVBN>NQ9^- i - K E N N V M O d N - t , W IN h J E L U a ■ ^ - J O K B U T U m


Page 19: Weather - · Weather - ... Weather

2 0 Tim e 's* N e w », Tv^in Foils, Id a h o T u e s d a y , A u g u s t 1 2, 1 969

500-acre profccf-Is so ia - lh '-m ln l- m um ’ lots of tw o acres tol,fivc a c r e ' p a r c c ls r P rices vary- ac ­cording tO; location and size.N early a d o z e n - lo ta •• halve- a l­ready been sold, and -deV.crar in its natural ■tp ■ ...... ..

By PHILLIP* COWMa I^Tlmcs-Ncws Corrcspqndent_

K E TC H U M - Fo r those who for thb unusual, and.want

Ivacy, Ketchum now hasiiato tn'nffpr

which if not exactly — is -evcrj; m an’s dream .

According to p ro jec t origina­tors and ow ners T ed T crcn and Bill C asey.’th e 'm a in appeal of G im k[ lies m t h e '4800 footp .v cd runW w . alrp lano parking .v nomu a,-right In o n e s ow n Iront y a H .ire a d y com pleted a t G im let Is and cx lrcm e p rivacy . A typical u s e d - a t , v a tlo u sM lm e j o l- tl ie

- . - , . v ear. by M r. and M rs." Hans|J '5 -j= is lok lcc lin er^ [-« tib oh cij\n s .

a i r t i u a y b e g n p u iit;One hom e presen tly under

construction G im let has 12,000 square Jeet o f floor space, and will cost weli over S12S.OOO-.-

lc lev is lon~ an tennas.-E xcep tJo rlj the buildings, tennis courts, a planned sw im m ing j ^ l , roads (which a re all paved) and the a ir s tr ip - th e land . is . lo i rem ain In its n a tu ra l sta te .

Idahoans take ou r sta te p retty m uch fo r g ran ted , but If you can im agine for a minute the Los Angeles business execu­tive. It is five o’clock F riday

Among-othef-tWng&-4he-hcmi6-i57*f(erfloon------ ft-particulf ‘ ’ 'to have a wood p an e l'ha^ igar in the basem ent. A, hom e .al-

•;^cbntr-is—the- tnxi-ram p~ lo ~my j, t ' home, c learj-and-how -'s-thc.sici-

ing?”■ Another big appea l of thc proj- •ect is L arry Johnson’s flyihg serv ice which ' ' ‘H a i l e ' __________________

Johnson said ch a r te r v ice.for tourists should'.be. much m ore satisfact'flry . since Gimlet Is bnly-four m iles south of Kct- chum, and thus e lim inates much driving o a rk ‘of 'thosegaing"to K etchum7and-Sfln“ Vnt-

T h r ^ e r o f ArusHa, 'Tanza'niarAfricpT—;— ■“ 'B uilding T c s tric tio n s , a t Gim^ let a re s tric t, b u t Mr. T eren said th is is n ecessary to preserve the privacy qf the .p ro ject, and

scapc.S o m e restric tions .p ro h ib it

suchT th in g s 'a s 'an y com m ercial acliv ily anyw here on ihe G imlet properties: •

■Um por a cy .

......FROM T H E 'A IR th e paved runw ay a t Gimlet,. In the Wood' R iver Valley section^ can bo seen nestled Iri'tho-Valloy. The -B lB “TVo<k! RJver m eanders a t th e right In this picture . The

new pro]ect b .one of sev era l now .underway In the Sun Valley-Ketchum*H,a_lley a re a . - 1_ ,

Ic -Land available on the neai

fnTildmgs: clotheslines u n 1 e^ h c y .are hidden from view by rty a fence, telephone poles and

|cancel_e^-<l-lin.'T^CT; reservations and rioisie and so b ri'and so bn.It Is' llttle 'w ondcr Idaho Gimlet- and o ther projects like this are booming^_

W hat’s the cost? P lenlyl But- ----- m&ybo -------------------------------

soc ie ty -is all about. We a re a nation of producers, -and th<? m ain reason for our production output is for personal gafn. And

___ afternoon. Millions ofpeople a re m illing around in smog so bad it nearly eats out your:‘6yes. Y ou’give-the >vife a call, tell h p t to pack her. bags, t lie -k id S i-a nd Tm e e t-^oy^-a i-tl

t i lh ti.0 S Jro m c7 d n . the. /rp’eway yoa park your plane, and five rninuies la te r get .clearance for takeoff. Three hours la te r your a irc ra ft sets do\yn -in-•anolher world of clean a ir , m ounta'

• '•las t-hou r of dayligh t catching _ few trout in the icy. c lear Wood R iver, and by bcdrlm e t h t a ir is so cooj you stoke the fireplace to wSrd off the evening 's chill..M panw hijg y o ^ r r icx t do(?r PpiRh-

................. ■ m iles away, isbar, a thousand m iles away, . coughing through the smog and people and hea t an d traffic and

possibly ownjng an a i r p l a n e ^ d a hom e with a TS'lvStd nir strip a re sound goals, Of course mo.sto f u s -w ill n e v e r h a v e y i e m o n e y ........f o r su c h la v ls h n e s s . 'b u t‘ w c ' 'c a n ’ ■

id h n p e a n d p t-rhaps____Ihrotllth Olir dream lnir Hiid near- ' ly a s 'm u c h . p lfffS lire in d r e a m ­ing a s in owning. . In a w ay th cn iccn ess of mon­ey belongs to us all.

iW y i t e r ^ i e s -BUDAPEST (U P!) — H u n ­

garian w r ite r .J a n o s Kodolanyi died Sunday , a t <he age o f 70, the H ungarian MTl naws^agency

■lypfWjfd— rtCnriolnnvl ~lTro<;<> ■ In fam e m the 1920s with his first w orks dealing m ainly .with pea­san t l i f e . ’

•■KE f f H A W ^ f f O T 3ohn?o y y b 'tnii' S C T » 'a ra | -nili r a ^ nlr^tiixl nervlee. -hi-c provide b a s o ^ r Vba<*1t coun try" Uylns In addition to one fo r. . fro m .n earb y Highway,

m i l d 7q u a k e h it sTOKYO (U P I)^ — A m i l d ,Hhquakf.,shQok4>arl5, of,.north-

d ay t u t no casualties o r dam ­a g e w ero reported .. Tho quake

three on the .cm Ja p a n a t about noon Jvlqn-tne^c scale of eight. -G fM H a v ln ^ l^ r iM t B elec tlon lC fen t4 lm »< g«

Have a ^Happy Vacation in 50 states^nd— - —5 -lQ Eeii^ncountries Ba n k Am e r i c a r d

TWO yoU N O MEN With nn Mea nro Irthlnd tho Gimlet prrtjoct. Tod Torun nnd iilll Ciisey look ovur tho Improve-

^ n u 'u t iirua.

Registration Dates. Opening 01 FUci’ Schools Announced

A ll n d io o h In th o l- 'i lc r <li:■ d lk tr ii : l .\v ll l u i)uu .b ii.A un ,:3S ,....-

Duhcs.Will Dick up a im lc iiis ui tho niuiilur lltno in (lu‘ nH)rnin« «ii<l will ri!liirn Ihi'in at noon All cinsiicn will hii lu-ld In llio

• in<irnl|iK iin d (•cIkkjI.i will hii ' oiK-n all afd^rniKii) Id roinploti . rnKlstratlnn nnd .H,i!;lf5nn»’nt 'of

cliisliivi,Ti|<« jcncllu rii o f ih o d U tr l

" w i l l in c i'i III ih o 'll(M iu )— n m iilc* .i 'tiu i» -« i(- th u IiIhIv-muIiiihiI

, i i t 0 n ,m . on l-r ldn i-i A ujj. Ti. f o r ll ip ir /-;('n(’n i | nu 'o lInK thoii m e e t w ith l li t 'i r p r ln r lp a l i for liiilldliiK liiH triirilo n i, 'I 'Ii I.h nic-irt' InK w ill t)u .‘inonrinr<‘(l b v ll»w iir<l

pr(‘ni<li‘nl n f Ihn l-'llcr K d u cn lld ii A sso c ia llu n .

, A r l tii i r C liiilb u rn , t’fliii 'lp n l ol H in h ifih hdiD ol, ( iiino iih ro il ilinl

■ T'rntstrntinn fo r jiinlrfrs nnd non- iors will 1)1) (111 AiiH- IH nnd for /rcslm iiin nnil noi>homorcA on Auk. 10, M '

■ H o u rs n ro f ro m 0 n.m. <o 4 p .m i 'I ’hosH rc^Klsiuring n f io r th n t

'" ( I n i H '.m n y hu'vo n rcih lrin fi of j ir lin tiiH n j: Iho ^lafinoH lli«*y w a u l , .

( lon lit t l io y m a y a ll c o in o In on tl io . t n n io d a ) ' A nd w ill a l t . b e

prori'ssrd rnjiirdleJii Of tllClr •yu«iu4».Hcl«>o!.

JJlll lluiipb «)f J i lo r Elomon- tiit'y 'w lll ri’jilstor filiKtoiils all <liiil«K Iho W9»U of Au(|. IH ihrounh Tl. Hoiirn will Ih> fronj H, to no<»n nnd from J p.m . to d,

llollliili'r .SrliiKil wllV. 1)0 nprn nil cliiy oil Auit. 2!l 10 rc/tlfiter ftlMiirtili.- All- Urnf-nMCtPTa' hin'sl hiivc'pionf <(f lilrih iiinl iiuifit ho alH-on-fir boforb O rtr lf lth r •

Mm, Miuiri'1‘11 Flcrim r, dlr<... lo r of iHinrho!!, ninlf.H thn t liinchcs will Ikj wcrvod on Tiicti- day, AiiK. :i«. I.iiiU'h Hclu'ts m ay 1)0 piirohifHCd n t roKltilrnlion tlrno,

,.Si:l (K)l linll<lHv« will lift F a ir Hay, Scpi. fi; T n ic h e n t^onvon- ll<in, Ont. 0 and 10; Thiinl<Hft|v- I i l r to v ." 2 7 «n<I"2R; CliHfiliiiai; n<'(;. 21 lUKin to Jan . n, and

r'-s-:.; iv.v.V. .!y ■.' > w.

nowA T Y D U R P R D E R E S B IV ^


W A iiNiNo o i v i :n .‘lACRAMKNfO (Ul>l)-IllcRftl

mciit iff rcnchliifi IIhi I.oh An* ij^loi inarhot a t an rnllnutiud jm o of half n tnlllldii .week, tan agrlculturo deiuirt* jnont w arned, .

S E R V IN t3 ID A H O W IT H 2 D D F F IC E BA r n u K teb with w kbtcrn BANobRPanAttaN with a qorkoatc A a b cr a dvcr v ia HiLubN