Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31. low 3. Low th b morn- in r »• Nine IrriRited Idaho Counties TODAY’S NEWS- TODAY VOL. XXIII. NO. 310—5 CENTS. S«rTiM of lt« Uoll«d 1‘r. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1940. OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER' GREEKS CAPTURE STRATEGIC CITY I British Push Foes Back in , Africa Drive H> I*Hn.lI’ TAYl.Olt CAIRO, Dec. IG (U.R)— A j'cncral ln.-iiiiqU!irl.Ts communique lodiiy said Hrilish juivjiiice forces were now "wi'll across iho Libynn frontier" in a smasliin>r desorl offensive auainst the Fascists ill north Africa. , The British advancc into Italian lerril<jry. liowevcr. was pressed while Fascist troops still held out at tlie E^ryptiiin base of Soilnm, on the Mediterranean coast near the Lihyaii ENGLi PUNES RAIN B O iS ON ■ B i e m y BASE border. Tlio Drlllsli olfcii had cloarcU Itnllni polnte they licld <m but at Solluia tli( live previously from olhPi' Egyptlim soil, t'ascl-sl.s Kllll 5 stronRly tlcfcmllnc tlielr forll' lied pMilloiis. Tlie Brltl.sli ottcnslvc, linw.pvcr. swepl firouiKl-imd Solhmi. Tlic Invasion of Libya threw the Hrlilsh do.'jcrt nriiilci—uldod by lii- tcii'slve ncrlnl and iiuvnl bombard- ment of llic Iiallnas aloiig the roads-agalnst stronRly 'do- /ended posltloti.i In Italian du.scrt territory. « Impregnable I.lne " For fccvcral years Fa.scLsU liavr reported that an Inipregiinbli Hue of desert forts was constructed on the frontier of Libya, and It was ORalnst that scctor that Uic modern Brltlsb mechanized iinll.s. inchidliiB broad-tlrcd armored cars built lor desert flghtliiK. un.s rejwrted ad vanclng. Port Cupuzzo, key Itnllan fort on the Libyan .■ildc of the bordi one of the main objective, • PlRhllng continued today In n sand storm- in the neighborhood of Port Hftlfaya. a feur miles Inland from Solium, and at aonie points British Uo«w hfcd crowed Into Ubya WIW W eil Twrtl4ai The advance British troops were reported uiln^ wild west Uctlca In consoUdatlns positicns to be lh« t&TVtt o{ axiy Italian wvtntor* attick-fonnln* tbenwel*^ Into . ; a •'•HU4VW-M-Jrtl-'Anlcri’ can pionecra against Indians. Ir. order to meet an assault from any of four sides. Thouwinds, or lUillan prlsonera ^ have now reached the Interior of W Egypt by railroad und lilghwiiy, and have been put In eamps. The British fleet command noimced a heavy bombardment of Bnrbla, the biK Italli Libyan side of llii- frontier, de.splie nttnclis of Italian motor torpedo bnnts. Tlie Italian Hubmarlnji' NqIr ade, 787 tons, which nttemptM to pvcvciit thu luiinbartlmvnl, K\»nk by IJrill.sli ilrstroyers, It p(l. H BAWNEl ROOPSADVANCE !>.• .S-niUClA, J iikc.M i -A inrsMii;e (o 11m Ji'oiit «iil(i Orrek advani-.' ui A loiiKhl Ihelr way wltli liavi —’ pnrt of Tepcllnl while tiiiin rriK’rIi'illv o<-i'ii|i1<'(1 II of CliliTiiirii. on II in (II r) • tcxlay n hi«t V U CAiito. U' 16 (U P)—LoilK' nxe boinber.s witi- reported ollltially loclay lo have ruined high :plosi\i's on a coiicemration of alliin war.--hlii.s m Napli'^ harbor, oriiiK live diiLTi hits on criil.scrs id dcsirpyers and dumping h bombs IV.O \y,ilUrsi\iiv., Plane.s maklni,’ the "heavy, cc.s.sful" attiick Saturday nliiht— .second bi« .sc'aiu loyal air foiee raid on thp lleei—also bombed nillroad Juiicllon.s and nlrdrc cau-slng cxDlo'.lotis innd firca, commui>l(|tiP said Tlie raid on Naples ai)]x;are<l bo comparable to the Brltlsli air altaclc on the big Ilflllan base Tor' anto. where three fcalUcshlps, two crulscrs and two auxiliary ships were reporte<l hit. "Bombs burst ou a Jetty lo which two batUc.shlps ncrc moored, cau.s> Ing fires which btmied lor a consld- erab\o tontin'unique saU- alrcrr»(J ‘enure ix>mo a^ad clo«e to a oalde- ship.’* (Tlie raid on Naples followed Rome preM reports that two battle- ships damaied In ihc Tnronto raid were almost'repftlred and ready for action again. Tlie Italian comnuini- tjtio admitted tlip raid on Najdes and »ald one ni<‘dium-slzcd warship waii \»tt unit -suttered 60 The royal ulr force cominiinlqiie SJiW the raid on Naplas was heavy and wa.i highly successful. "Hallway station Junctlon.s were attacked ri'-iillliiK In three larnc cx- plosluns, Idllowert by a number of llres," It, addl'd. "All of our lUreiaft rcturneO safe- ly." Christmas Gift™Goose Rcplacoil hy^team Train! wm ypHOEDS FEffiHAlMEll Replacement of Ibe ‘'Galioplni; Goose" by . a slr.-im Iraln today camc as a Christmas prrtrnl'to the sonlh ^ide irom PrealdenMMIIIam Jeffers of the Union Parlflr. The ‘'Goose.” shown at top. the swayinr. bumpy-rldlnt diesel powered train, that ha* been the tarcet of elvifl iroupa for yearn. Onltom pholo, the Kteam train which Improves service on the Duhl and Twin roeateiio run. The "Gooaa'' had been used only on the afternoon schedule since start of the momlnc and evening Meam train Herviee snrae time aco. (Times Phonos and F.nctavlnitl NKGIIO GDAHDKI) OFXinOKl’OWN, H. C.. I>ec. 1(1 (UPi-l'-lllv natlcma! guardsniMi were gnrrlHincil Bl IIkj counti' Jail today, proleclliiK Keverai NeKro<s from armed clvlllan.t wiio liad tried all tiny lo fluestSon tiifm Uin rape Hatiirday nf ft ai-ycnr-ol<1 while wfimiin. IE ■lijAiCOEDSNA SALT LAKK CITY, Dcc. 16 iU.W— Tlie weatiier today proinUed rc.sldcnus ol llie tlielr first relief from Uie abnorn: ally cold weather whkh set in i-a-sL f o r to n i g h t In cilcaltxl warmer ucalhcr In Utah. Iilalio fliKl Montana, atTompanlcd In many sL'ctlon.t by llKlil miow. I'Xiii-ciistcrs to a sUiviH <','ni,u',l at present aU .v^ the Pad- III: iHi'atl wcsL of Ill rnuic 1 .'*:o wlilili (liey said wa.s innving wnid. Light .'^now atui .I'loudlncas In the inoiinlaln areas « might would he c.iu>,fit by olfihoot- c Uii'v AHid, >r Hint storm. TiniiXTstiires ttiie ex|>i'cii-(l lo .^lllv lu-ai IT noi mai. alt rr a Megc of n>Ul v.rntl'iM' thirwi! •fthlrl! llii-y <lro|i|ii'l from io lo 'if< ( llllUUlll. li'Kn-e.n below . 1 . c|X.rt 1 (lie Orrrk.'i • f r i> Iiii1ll<' 01 uiumSe^t lh« 1 itlcf imin1-(.i- 'In of the tciw Vl<iii.., •ilie UrlnUts whti'h (nl vlllnKO iiiui liiiHle In the 111 ('iiliiiani h oboiil :!.^ it III Valoiia oil (hr ol.l n wlilcii fiillown the Adiliillc- along -ivlilrh Itahiiii ton riiim PiiKO Kclda liiive llralhiK. •riie Ti'l.i'lllil hull If ■ I ilC!. ward Ihe liii|H>tl Ini) town Ilf Ill'll .m r Mrs. R oohcvc K Favors (iifts to Assist England W A H H lN tvrO N . J).T, 1(1 11)11) ^ Vrnnkllii l>. ito<wnveii Mdd mhIiiv fiivor/i (lUlrlKht glftn i>f cash tci (li illKalli Milliei IhMii lixiuh. Ankeil hI a preu.'i riiiite(<'uri< It \M 'ir wllllliK lo »t<il<i n e t Vlewr> "I think It’A ahoii ed lo Klve i.oiiii'll: iiilintxT .if ix'opl.1 s iho hnpicniiliin wu n drill. l':nHliiiid liar nIUKle IhliiH. U h , laiKi'lv, III" rill Id lin l n llWhttt a piiUI fur < lined <1 I'lipii > 1( h a s III pKnlilie. "'Hierr In >.lk nlHiiit hiiiiiii. Till- lliii'i him conio tc. l«lk III.,Hit ,|llI^. Canh. If IM'ceMnry, It In lirKrr lo l.i- rrnlln- llc. Hlld not rrl>eiil (lie lulnlakrn iif Ihr pi,«t. Wlilil v„|u„ liiive « r |(«t Dill of Iho limiifl III (Up l»M wulV ^ tilio WIIS llleii nnkrd when' dime '▼oiln.niunild ciiiiio ri„„i. •■Out of your [XH-krln niiil itilnr. III fine way or .niotlier," nhe ««l<l. Hii« ludlcnled dim nieani guvcniiifuiit IWl UM »«lV USB lilB WUKlfl lieinelf. SI m 'M I lIiK 'lc Sinii (Jel ih r U ovh iieir’. * r«.e yi.u’ll I.e .erluK „fl Yollk iiitMlel, h I>» ha* brrii •,«>|rr|i Din Aiiny" iHiiirrn, M ill Haaiifll lUpllal MilliUlrr. (NKA TelepUolo) -II, liilriidiK ills ['.luliir llaiM lI, New •«l l« piMM* fiir Untied niaCr* "Jnln U lh« daufhltr or k l)alia>, Knudsen Orders Speed-up In Machine Tool Building WASHINGTON. Dec. 16 (U.R)—William, S. Kinuisen, pro- (hiction chief of the national defeiiHe eomini.-^.sion, lias dis - patched lotterrt to machine tool m am ifacturers atui tlu'ir ‘inployes telliilK them lhat ‘‘delivery must be spt-t'ilei! mi” hccaiise of tll(^‘■le^rible iir>.rency of Ihe .situation." 'Ill- Kiuidson letters were datud Dec, .!). Maiiul'acturcrs 1- iiiKed lo cli.splay (he ajipcal prominently so that ilieir tloyes m ij'ht see it. iiwpwti'h of the ktteis V.i\f, dlsili>-i-«1 (fKliiy ninld s[K'ciiIhi loii I'lesldeiit. Roo.sevelt nmK-m- pliiii", n ]>ro('lami>tlon of iinlliiiliiil "mi'iKeney lo jilve renrm- Ikiycholotflcnl shot In llie II,1m' iiigratiilnled tin Ki'TH.-llUM, Her Cliwrluiftl.- ;stiiiilc'y Hiirlicr ............. ^ ’hlm.-'ell In the r .SjM-ed Anhec Ud.seli huld. 1 Ilinr. The <lia III' linw r]liollii) Hr.’ (Ii-llvi'rv, ’ f,|i.'«'d,-<l lip, R AIA GALEfiAYOUIH.2 Ith Wl'lll' •no rilU' II L O I N G AEIRE. RE, 3, INIURED -Siimlvii Huy, three - y e a r - «U' imiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. W, iluy [-\^ln Falls, was In tlie county gen- ial iiosplUil this aflernooii under- ;fi1iig treatment for severe biiini .iilferrd when her elolliUig eaiiKli ir« Hi ihe family home tlili iiornlhg. II Is iiiKlersl'KHl tiie girl opened lie iltKir of the Uvliin viK>i» hviUluii a.ive and iier clothing e a ii g h i ililazr. Her mollier wili oiit-sldr ilu u)ii;,(- ni, the Iline mid, hearing hei laughter srrcani. ruilied Into il;i K'liM- iinil rxtliiHiihhi'd Die flniiiev The a((eii,lhig |> h v i.|rln ii llii .{t.rnoon s.ilil (he girl i., s,iftnim liliil degn 11,11110 I'al. British Forces Pound Ahead on Italian Fronts ST1U <;.\, Juto\la\U . Dee. 16 lUP — Repiirls from the froiilier loniKhl said firei-k Iroops oeeupled the utralexie town of Tepellni. on the central Albsnlati from, at i p. m. u\ iliipalrh from a. I'nited I*re«« eorrekpandenl nuliide TcpeUnl said Greek truopt yexlerday «>cre on the oulxkirLi of the town.) Greek iniops foiitht their way into part of the town this morninc after a bayonet ehatKe. Durlnj the d.'«y they pushed throueh the streets and from house-(o-houite the Italians resUled bltleriy. I.ate ihli afternoon. It was reported, the oeeupalion wa» completed. At the same time another C.teek eoiumn on the Aflrlatlc roast was said to have oreupled Chlmara. Italian Iroops were reported retreatlnj northward from Tcpellnl alont: a secondary road that leads Ihrouih llie Trebe*lna m ^ntalns. By JOE AI.KX AlOllltlS Tiiiled Press »'orci{n News Editur Great ‘Hritain and her Greek allies smashed heavily at Italy today, blasting' an Italian fleet coiiceiitration at Naples, driviiiK into Libya and pre.ssiiiK ftnward in Albania a.H Ger- many hinted possible r«'pnsals aKainst-France for-the ouster of Pierre Laval. ' The Hritish middle east coniniand reiwrled five direct hil.s ou -a concentration of Italian warships in the harbor of Naples which was attacked by n jwwerful squadron of royal air force borfibera Satur^y niifht. Tlio raid npiMrcntJy was almost as :vere ax tile attack at. Taianto which the BriltOj claimed put at least tliree ItAllan dreadnaughts out of commk-lon. At Naples. Brltlsli bombs wore said to have fallen clase to two Italian outtleships and upon a Fascist cruiser and destroyer fleet which was concentrated In tha Ji arbor. Score Dlreet Hit Italy odmltlwl the British had scored a direct hit on a "medium* fcl»e«l” warship at Naples. Inflict- ing 50 ca.sualUes on Its personnel. In tiie we.ttem d u e rt Brltlsli ad* ranee forces drove "well over” tha Libyan border, but Itallana still held Uw lown pf SolJum on Uie Egyptian side of the frontier, and were relist- ing vigorously. Frontier reports from Albania aaid Greek Iroopa had anxBShed 1 towns of Chlmara, on the T*a^ and. TepfeUnl oa ^the . Repetcusslona of tb« s t^ in c 'i 8« In Prance spread throoghout: rope while British forces—oo oire*alve aa never before atnce start of the war—smashed across border of Libya an<l hurled punl Ing attoclct at Berlin and Naple Today’s lilnt as to Oermany's tllude toward Uie French develop- ments was the first to come from Ueillii where news of Uvai's ouster was received in official silence. N'o H in t ot Future ■Ilie comment offered In Berlin lett MuicU to b« x\iew,c(i at. H em- ptiaslieil Germany Is “£1111 at Wor : with France'' niui that relations be- tween (Jio two coimtrics are govern- ed by an ormlstlce. In view of tJiR inipoiUnce of Uio chiiiige in V'rance. a Nnal s|)okc»- nnn added, (he question is raised 'whether IJie present state of affaliS' sJiall 1)0 cool Inued." Tlie Cirnnan sUleniciit offered po hint of wliat thangii might be cnn- •rnplaieil. If, liowcver. Lavul's'fsll I linked In any manner with Ital- in\' <llfflcullles and ii German de- rv lo »Kl Itiily-ns KOine diplomutic ■jHirla have suggl'sU^l-Ulo Nazis liiv lie ciiijslilrnrig m i-iipnlhm Dt Ulti ■Imle oJ Manci- and liie wiping out t i h r flO-ciillr<i "iiiic)C<-liplf«tl ilrr (he WASHINGTON. Dec. 18 (UR>—The U. jS^uprDine court today upheld coiistltuiionality of the federai water power act in a decision broadening the federal government's auUiorlty lo regulate dcvelonment of hydro- electric power resources. The decision. In the government’s .,ise agDimt the Appalachian E3ec' trie Co. held Iho federal govern- ment had power to regutale such re- sources regardless of whether the source of Itie power was a n»vlgatjle stteata <ir not. NavljablUtt ot % stream heieiofore has been a de- (.alnaul^«e tvim In imiita.-i> cral power. Upholds Wlneensln l^w The supreme court xiphehl a Wls consin lax law levying on income pained by out-of-state corporations o|)eratlng wlUiln Wlscoailn. In a to four decision Ihe high court n broad extension to the realm of state taxation, "nie constitutlo at llmils of a stale tax, Juillce F ilx Frankfurter said In the majority opinion, are set by (he state',s ability M) give a service in reliirn. ti» the power ciw , tUe govei inriil sought a declnrHlloii liiat i ApiMilat-iilan Electric i’ower co pdiiy had violated the taw by c< structlng a power dam on the New river near Radford. Va.. without o'Ulrtiiilng a ledernl imwer coniml.i sloii license, txiwcr rourt.s hnil held no license neces,sniv, .Iii.stlre Hlonlry K. Herd wiole the nmjorllv opinion fioin «hlih Jusllce Ottrn J, Kobetts mill Jarnet C.-Mc- Iteynolils dlssenti-d. Clilrf Ju.stlce amrle.i « Hiitrties Spud, Onion Week Publicity Starts 1‘IJNISIIKI) I.MTANIIIII,. I>< HlMI. Mill Wollhl llll,|l'l'-ti, 1r|r llM< ,'Ulll|l|lH;,|„h I', llli ijmi'al III yon Id pul I'vn I liave, Willioilt miiK. II Diilv l>y the ciiopcuKliiii 111 llils iiu l lim u l <1111 II ihe dofeiinr (n»k Hr i1, (vhristmas tic 111 ms lirUiiUn, n.i-«i; uMii ii'tii-.liiiinilH (liHt «rr mipri'pilitlr jel lne»|'ni llir I triUiif lliiiri lirl|M ii»i lililll >>Mii iiirnix frir ilie liiill.Uv ii>li .eiixi.ti III ^)•r•l.ll *<-i|r> m llrlrn l>i-|ltMlll<K nil Ihe mhIiiI |>nRe liie.iln,. H r,, 17. Hrrr'n nlial ymi h IM IIkiI thl- xrih: ■|'iie.,li,r- -•|ii..lll|iiii#l, (>|. VVcdlVCHllAT -* llftWt (v>t llie ('liililinitn li^M^ ^ ’lhiii>di>y-~l'rNiilil»iirtrili-w«-ii> far rhrl.lni.n U*’ Mntiirilay— .('hrUlinHii rie piii ^en( i,|M','ial ilhpln inlrii,lr<l (hl.s pov>ri II iirl.l 1hi- N,'v FlU Leader Savs H<‘<ls SlioiiKI n«‘ Ousted, liri<l««“s Deported MIAMI III'rACM. Mil , Ik,' nliliiiil M> llllll ((I'll t gWT'llllll (;iiaiiiiiN >||(I|> iHei, I). 'i-rK, lit Hip i,„i„ immim-e un-Aiiiei nil iictlvltli-s had licliherulely iliwit at III* ru i "for liory of \l r Vli hy . lAval In Custody ■ly auirmmdcd Laval',^ ihis- l 11 was ii|H)nrriit l(. was ril dheftlv wllh his ainbl- Montanans Hold Up Wrong Bus in Wild West Fake 1. II llirlr w,iiK U llilil’ui'S nii,1 Ihe 0,1 ll-|Mllt kM>n. Inn nulil tie ilitrv Henrial wiiiilil k UlV tlANlS »{ ll\e Mial lie- ' Kalil ihe FDI's ie,-i>Kt-i <li<l not roiitalii a ainite '’r(in,«>rle<l avt of MUilna"." end Re was liilormeil no *in)i cases litd been tetiorlMt ell her In Canwla or Uroat llrllain. l>ec. 18 --If you laKr llie woid of five tlreat Fulls men U not so hot. As a result, thrv wi'ir hiding out UMlay from Ihrli liieiidn. not the iMlIre, I'hr iiulntel cimneived the idea n1 VlslVlllB oigiiiil«nl1»ii iHixeis fiom (IhU'ngii II ii'al "wild west" wrl,<omn wlieit lliiy niilvcit iiere, Ho tho Jokois lilghwny lo ’tinid I- t:iiu i’ im iltclv. Tilt jiike.Merii held up tha wrong Imi iiiul h a d i<> iiinlie iirofuse and red- lix ril niKilogies. ilien wait for tha |iu>i>er Inis, 'Oie second "Itoldup' Vi<N'ee<le<l siiuMAIily eaecpt for on» thing Assistant Coach Louis ' Hnitsieiida of the OYO grou|k had not been notified In advance, as iif>d been Coach Paddy Kane and father William Oentlemaii. fthea, iiiiu>e<l. Hhea swuiiv and didn’t. Ho lliere had lo be m on apdlogiw. Tlie Chicago boxer* w«r« im* pressed-but U it jokestara thaV Ihe whole tM>i| «u noV worm the It (heir frientii

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Page 1: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Weather Forecast^ k r t i i a r cW odr toBlffbt will Tues

« sj'. W *m ier ton igh t. H Ich yw - .tMday 31. low 3. Low th b m orn -

i n r »•

N in e I r r iR i te d Id ah o C o u n tie s

T O D A Y ’S

N E W S -


V O L. X X III . N O . 310— 5 C E N T S . S«rTiM of lt« Uoll«d 1‘r. T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 16, 1940. O F F IC IA L C ITY N E W S P A P E R '


Foes Back in , Africa Drive

H> I*H n.lI’ TAYl.Olt C A IR O , Dec. IG (U.R)— A j 'c n c ra l ln.-iiiiqU!irl.Ts c o m m u n iq u e

lodiiy s a id H rilish juivjiiice fo rce s w e re now "w i'll a c ro s s iho L ibynn f ro n t ie r " in a sm asliin> r de so rl o ffe n s iv e a u a in s t th e F a s c is ts ill n o r th A fr ic a . ,

T h e B r i t is h ad v a n c c in to I ta lia n le rril< jry . liow evcr. w as p re sse d w h ile F a s c is t t ro o p s s ti l l held o u t a t t lie E ^ryptiiin b a se o f Soilnm , on th e M e d ite rra n e a n c o a s t n e a r th e L ih y a ii

E N G L i PUNES RAIN B O iS ON ■ B ie m y BASE

b o rd e r .Tlio Drlllsli olfcii

had cloarcU Itnllni polnte they licld <m b u t a t S o llu ia tli(

live previously from olhPi'

Egyptlim soil, t'ascl-sl.s Kllll

5 stronRly tlcfcm llnc tlie lr forll' lied pMilloiis.

T lie Brltl.sli o ttcnslvc, linw.pvcr. sw epl firouiKl-imd Solhmi.

T lic Invasion of Libya th rew the H rlilsh do.'jcrt n riiilci—uldod by lii- tcii'slve ncrlnl and iiuvnl bom bard­m en t of llic I ia l ln as aloiig the

ro a d s -a g a ln s t stronRly 'do- /ended posltloti.i In I ta l ian du.scrt te rritory.

« Im pregnable I.lne" For fccvcral years Fa.scLsU liavr

reported th a t a n Inipreg iinb li Hue of desert forts was constructed on the fron tier of Libya, and It was ORalnst th a t scctor th a t Uic m odern B rltlsb m echanized iinll.s. inchidliiB broad-tlrcd arm ored c ars b u ilt lor desert flghtliiK. un.s rejw rted ad vanclng.

Po rt Cupuzzo, key Itn llan fo rt on th e Libyan .■ildc o f th e bordi one of th e m ain o b je c tiv e ,• PlRhllng continued today In n sand

storm- in th e neighborhood of P o rt Hftlfaya. a feur m iles In land from Solium, a n d a t aonie p o in ts B ritish U o«w hfcd crow ed In to U b y a

WIW W eil Twrtl4aiT he advance B ritish troops were

reported u iln ^ w ild w est U ctlca In consoUdatlns positicns to be lh « t&TVtt o{ axiy I ta l ia n w vtntor* a t t ic k - f o n n ln * tb e n w e l* ^ I n t o

. ; a •'•H U 4V W -M -Jrtl- 'A nlcri’can pionecra ag a in s t In d ian s . Ir. o rd e r to m eet a n a ssau lt from any of four sides.

Thouw inds, or lU illan prlsonera ^ have now reached th e In terio r of W E gypt by ra ilroad und lilghwiiy, and

have been pu t In eam ps.T h e B ritish fleet com m and

noimced a heavy bom bardm ent of Bnrbla, th e biK Italli Libyan side of llii- fron tier , de.splie nttnclis o f Ita lian m otor to rpedo bnnts. T lie I ta lian Hubmarlnji' NqIr ade, 787 tons, which n tte m p tM to pvcvciit th u luiinbartlm vnl, K\»nk by IJrill.sli ilrstroyers, Itp(l.


!>.•.S-niUClA, J iikc.Mi -A inrsMii;e (o 11m Ji'oiit

«iil(i O rrek advani-.' ui A loiiKhl Ihelr way w ltli liavi

— ’ pnrt of Tepcllnl while tiiiin rriK’rIi'illv o<-i'ii|i1<'(1

II of CliliTiiirii. on II

in (II r) • tcxlay n hi«t


UC A iito . U' 16 (U P)—LoilK' nxe boinber.s w iti- reported

o llltia lly loclay lo have ru ined high :plosi\i's on a co iicem ration of alliin war.--hlii.s m Napli'^ harbor, oriiiK live diiLTi h its on criil.scrs id dcsirpyers a n d dum ping h

bombs IV.O \y,ilUrsi\iiv.,Plane.s maklni,’ the "heavy,

cc.s.sful" a ttiick Sa tu rday nliih t— .second bi« .sc'aiu loyal a ir fo iee raid on thp lleei—also bombed nillroad Juiicllon.s and n lrdrc cau-slng cxDlo'.lotis innd firca, commui>l(|tiP said

T lie raid on Naples ai)]x;are<l bo com parable to th e Brltlsli a ir altaclc on the big Ilflllan base Tor' a n to . w here th ree fcalU cshlps, two cru lscrs and two aux ilia ry sh ip s were reporte<l h it.

"Bombs burst ou a Je tty lo which tw o batUc.shlps n c rc m oored , cau.s> Ing fires which b tm ied lo r a consld- erab \o tontin 'un ique saU-

alrcrr»(J‘e n u re ix>mo a^ad clo«e to a o a ld e - sh ip .’*

(Tlie raid on Naples followed Rom e preM repo rts th a t two b a ttle ­sh ips d a m aie d In ih c T n ro n to raid were a lm ost'rep ftlred a n d rea d y for action again . T lie I ta l ian com nuin i- tjtio adm itted tlip ra id on Najdes and »ald one ni<‘d ium -slzcd w arship waii \»tt unit -suttered 60

T he royal u lr force cominiinlqiie SJiW the raid on N aplas w as heavy a n d wa.i highly successful.

"Hallway sta tio n Junctlon.s were a ttacked ri'-iillliiK In th ree la rn c cx- plosluns, Idllowert by a num ber of llres," It, addl'd.

"All of our lU reiaft rcturneO sa fe ­ly."

Christmas Gift™Goose Rcplacoil hy^team Train!

wm ypHOEDSF E ff iH A lM E ll

Replacem ent of Ibe ‘'G aliop ln i; G oose" by . a slr.-im Ira ln today cam c as a C hris tm as p r r t r n l ' t o th e sonlh ^ide iro m PrealdenM M IIIam Je ffers of th e U nion Pa rlf lr. The ‘'Goose.” show n a t top. th e sw ayinr. b u m p y -rld ln t diesel pow ered tra in , th a t ha* been th e ta rc e t of elvifl iro u p a fo r yearn. Onltom pholo, th e Kteam tra in w hich Improves service on th e Duhl and T w in K alis .to roea te iio run . The "Gooaa'' had been used only on th e afternoon schedule since s ta r t of th e m o m ln c a n d evening Meam tra in Herviee snrae tim e aco. (Times Phonos and F .nc tav ln itl

NKGIIO GDAHDKI)O FX inO K l’OWN, H. C.. I>ec. 1(1

(UPi-l'- lllv natlcma! guardsniM i were gnrrlHincil Bl IIkj counti' Jail today, proleclliiK Keverai NeKro<s from arm ed clvlllan.t wiio liad tried all tiny lo fluestSon tiifmUin rape H atiirday nf ft a i-y cn r-o l<1 w hile wfimiin.


SA L T LAKK CITY, Dcc. 16 iU.W— Tlie w eatiie r today proinU edrc.sldcnus ol llie tlielr f irs t relief from Uie abnorn: ally cold w eather w h k h se t in

i-a-sL for to n ig h t Incilcaltxl warmer ucalhcr In Utah.Iilalio fliKl Montana, atTompanlcdIn many sL'ctlon.t by llKlil miow.

I'Xiii-ciistcrs to a sUiviH<','ni,u',l at present aU .v^ the P ad -III: iHi'atl wcsL of Ill rn u ic 1.'*:owlilili (liey said wa.s innving Light .' now atui .I'loudlncas Inthe inoiinlaln areas « might wouldhe c.iu>,fit by olfihoot- cUii'v AHid,

>r Hint storm.

TiniiXTstiires ttiie ex|>i'cii-(l lo.^lllv lu-ai IT noi mai. alt rr a Megc ofn>Ul v.rntl'iM' thirwi! •fthlrl! llii-y<lro|i|ii'l from io lo 'if< (llllUUlll.

li'Kn-e.n below

. 1.

c|X.rt 1 (lie O rrrk.'i • f r i> Iiii1ll<' 01 uiumSe^t lh« 1 itlcf imin1-(.i- 'In of th e tciw


UrlnUts whti'h (nl vlllnKO iiiui liiiHle In the 111

('iiliiian i h oboiil :!. it III Valoiia oil (h r ol.l n wlilcii fiillown the Adiliillc- along -ivlilrh Itahiiii ton riiim PiiKO Kclda liiive llralhiK .

•riie Ti'l.i'l llil hull If ■I ilC!.

w ard Ihe liii|H>tl Ini) town Ilf Ill'll

.m r

Mrs. R o o h c v c K

Favors (iifts to Assist England

W AHHlNtvrON. J).T, 1(1 11)11) ^ Vrnnkllii l>. ito<wnveii Mdd mhIiiv fiivor/i (lUlrlKht glftn i>f cash tci (li illK alli Milliei IhMii lixiuh.

Ankeil hI a preu.'i riiiite(<'uri< It \M'ir wllllliK lo »t<il<i n e t Vlewr>

"I think It’A ahoii ed lo Klve i.oiiii'll: iiilintxT .if ix'opl.1 s iho hnpicniiliin wu n drill. l':nHliiiid liar nIUKle IhliiH. U h

, laiKi'lv, III"

rill Id lin l n llWhttt a piiUI fur <

lined <1 I'lipii> 1( has III pKnlilie.

" 'H ie rr In ■ >.lk nlHiiit hiiiiiii. Till- lliii'i him conio tc. l«lk III.,Hit ,|llI^. Canh. IfIM'ceMnry, I t In lirK rr lo l.i- rrnlln- llc. Hlld no t rrl>eiil (lie lulnlakrn iifIh r pi,«t. W lilil v „ |u„ liiive « r |(«tDill of Iho limiifl III (Up l»M w u lV

^ tilio WIIS llleii nnkrd w hen ' d im e '▼ oiln.niunild ciiiiio r i„„ i.

•■Out of your [XH-krln niiil itilnr. III fine way or .niotlier," nhe ««l<l. Hii« ludlcnled dim n iean i guvcniiifuiit

IWl UM »«lV USB lilB WUKlfl lieinelf.

S I m 'M I l I i K ' l c S i n i i ( J e l i h r U o v h

i i e i r ’. * r« .e yi.u’ll I.e .e rluK „fl Yollk iiitMlel, h I>» ha* b rri i •,«>|rr|i Din Aiiny" iHiiirrn, M il l Haaiifll lU plla l MilliUlrr.

(NKA TelepUolo) -II, liilriidiK ills ['.luliir lla iM lI, New •«l l« piMM* fiir Untied niaCr* "Jn ln U lh« d a u fh l t r or k l)alia>,

Knudsen Orders Speed-up In Machine Tool Building

W A S H IN G T O N . Dec. 16 (U.R)— W illiam , S. K inu isen , pro- (h ic tion c h ie f o f th e n a tio n a l defeiiHe eomini.-^.sion, lias d is ­p a tch ed lo tte rr t to m ach in e tool m a m ifa c tu re r s a tu i t lu 'ir ‘inp loyes telliilK th e m lh a t ‘‘d e liv e ry m u s t b e spt-t'ilei! m i”

hccaiise o f t l l(^ ‘■le^rible iir>.rency o f Ih e .s i tu a tio n ."'Ill- K iu id so n le t te r s w ere d a tu d Dec, .!). M a iiu l'a c tu rc rs 1- iiiK ed lo cli.splay (he ajipca l p ro m in e n tly so th a t ilie ir tloyes m i j 'h t see it.

iiwpwti'h o f th e k t te i s V.i\f, dlsili>-i-«1 (fKliiy n inld s [K'ciiIhi loii

I'lesldeiit. Roo.sevelt nmK-m- pliiii", n ]>ro('lami>tlon o f iinlliiiliiil

"mi'iKeney lo jilve renrm- Ikiycholotflcnl sh o t In llie

II,1m ' iiig ra tiiln led tin Ki'TH.-llUM, H er Cliwrluiftl.- ;stiiiilc'y Hiirlicr• .............^ ’hlm.-'ell In the

r .SjM-ed Anhec

Ud.seli huld.

1 I lin r. T h e < lia

III' linw r]liollii) Hr.’ (Ii-llvi'rv, ’ f,|i.'«'d,-<l lip,


Ith Wl'lll' •no rilU' II


-Siimlvii H uy, th ree - y e a r - «U' imiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. W, iluy [-\^ln Falls, was In tlie county gen­ia l iiosplUil th is aflernooii under- ;fi1iig tr e a tm e n t for severe biiini .iilferrd w hen h e r elolliUig eaiiKli ir« Hi ih e family home tlili iiornlhg.

II Is iiiKlersl'KHl tiie girl opened lie iltKir of the Uvliin viK>i» hviUluii a.ive and iier clothing e a ii g h i ililazr. H er m ollier wili oiit-sldr ilu u)ii;,(- ni, th e Iline mid, hearing hei laugh ter s rrc an i. ru ilied Into il;i K'liM- iinil rxtliiH iihhi'd Die flniiiev

T he a((eii,lhig |> h v i . | r l n i i llii .{ t.rnoon s.ilil (he girl i., s , if tn im

liliil degn11,11110 I'al.

B ritish Forces Pound Ahead on

Ita lian FrontsST1U <;.\, J u to \ la \U . Dee. 16 lUP — Repiirls from the froiilie r loniKhl

sa id firei-k Iroops oeeupled the u tralexie town of Tepellni. on the cen tra l Albsnlati from , a t i p. m.

u \ iliipalrh from a. I 'n ited I*re«« eorrekpandenl nu liide TcpeU nl said G reek truopt yexlerday «>cre on th e oulxkirLi of the town.)

Greek iniops fo iith t th e ir way in to p a rt of the town th is m orninc a f te r a bayonet ehatKe. D u rln j th e d.'«y they pushed th ro u eh the s tre e ts and from house-(o-houite the Ita lian s resUled b ltleriy .

I .ate ih li a fternoon. It was reported , the oeeupalion wa» com pleted.At th e sam e tim e a n o th e r C.teek eoiumn on the A flrlatlc ro ast was

sa id to have oreupled C h lm ara .Ita lian Iroops were repo rted r e tr e a tln j northw ard from Tcpellnl

a lont: a secondary road th a t leads Ih ro u ih llie Trebe*lna m ^ n ta ln s .

By JO E AI.KX A lO llltlS T iiiled P ress »'orci{n News Editur

G re a t ‘H rita in a n d h e r G reek a llies sm ash ed heav ily a t I ta ly today , b lasting ' an I ta l ia n f lee t co iice iitra tio n a t N ap le s , d riv iiiK in to L ib y a a n d pre.ssiiiK ftn w ard in A lb an ia a.H G er­m a n y h in te d p o ssib le r« 'p n sa ls a K a in s t-F ran ce fo r - th e o u s te r o f P ie r re L ava l. '

T h e H ritish m idd le e a s t co n in ian d re iw rled fiv e d i r e c t hil.s o u -a c o n c e n tra tio n o f I ta l ia n w arsh ip s in th e h a rb o r o f

N ap le s w h ich w a s a t ta c k e d b y n jw w erfu l sq u a d ro n o f ro y a l a i r fo rce borfibera S a t u r ^ y niifh t.

Tlio raid npiMrcntJy was alm ost as :vere ax tile a tta c k at. T a ia n to

which the BriltOj claim ed p u t a t least tliree ItAllan d rea d n au g h ts ou t of com m k-lon. At N aples. B rltlsli bombs wore said to h av e fallen clase to two I ta l ian ou ttlesh ip s and upon a F ascist c ru iser and destroyer fleet w hich was concen tra ted In tha Ji arbor.

Score D lreet H itIta ly odm ltlw l th e B ritish had

scored a d irec t h it o n a "medium* fcl»e«l” w arship a t N aples. In flict­ing 50 ca.sualUes on Its personnel.

In tiie w e.ttem d u e r t Brltlsli ad* ran e e forces drove "well over” tha L ibyan border, b u t I ta l la n a s ti ll held Uw low n pf SolJum on Uie E gyptian side of th e fron tier , a n d w ere re lis t­ing vigorously.

F ro n tier repo rts from A lbania aaid G reek Iroopa h a d anxBShed 1 tow ns of C hlm ara, on th e T * a ^ and. TepfeUnl oa ^ the .

Repetcusslona o f tb « s t ^ i n c ' i 8 « In P rance sp re a d th ro o g h o u t: rope while B r itish forces—oo oire*alve aa never before atnce s ta r t o f th e w ar—sm ashed across border o f L ibya an<l hu rled punl Ing a ttoclct a t B erlin and N aple

Today’s liln t a s to O erm any's tllude tow ard Uie F re n ch develop­m en ts was th e f irs t to come from U eillii where news of U v a i 's ouster was received in official silence.

N'o H in t o t Fu tu re ■Ilie com m ent o ffered In Berlin

le tt MuicU to b« x\iew,c(i a t . H em - p tiaslieil G erm any Is “£1111 a t Wor

: w ith F rance '' niui th a t rela tions be­tween (Jio two co im trics a re govern­ed by an ormlstlce.

In view of tJiR in ipo iU nce of Uio chiiiige in V'rance. a Nnal s|)okc»- nnn added, (he question is raised 'w hether IJie p resen t s ta te of affaliS '

sJiall 1)0 cool Inued."Tlie C irnnan sU le n ic iit o ffered po

h in t of wliat th a n g ii m ig h t be cnn- •rnplaieil. If, liowcver. L av u l 's 'fs ll I linked In any m a n n er w ith Ita l- in \' <llfflcullles and ii G erm an de- rv lo »Kl I t i i ly -n s KOine diplom utic ■jHirla have suggl'sU ^l-U lo Nazis liiv lie ciiijslilrnrig m i-iipnlhm Dt Ulti ■Imle oJ Manci- and liie wiping out t ih r flO-ciillr<i "iiiic)C<-liplf«tl

ilrr (he

W ASHINGTON. Dec. 18 (UR>—T he U. jS ^ u p rD in e court today upheld co iistltu iionality of the federa i w ater pow er a c t in a decision broadening th e federal governm ent's auU iorlty lo regula te dcvelonm ent of h yd ro ­e lec tric power resources.

T h e decision. In th e governm ent’s .,ise agDimt the A ppalachian E3ec' tr ie Co. held Iho federa l govern­m e n t had power to reguta le such re- sources regardless of w h eth er the source of Itie power was a n»vlgatjle s t te a ta <ir n o t. N av ljab lU tt o t % stre am heieiofore h a s been a d e - ( .a ln a u l^ « e t v i m In imiita.-i> c ra l power.

Upholds W lneensln l^ w T h e suprem e court xiphehl a W ls

consin la x law levying on incom e pained by ou t-o f-s ta te corporations o |)eratlng wlUiln W lscoailn. In a

to four decision Ihe high court n b road extension to th e realm

of s ta te taxation , "nie constitutlo a t llm ils of a s ta le tax , Ju il lce F ilx F ra n k fu r te r said In th e m a jo rity opinion, a re se t by (he state',s ability M) give a service in reliirn .

ti» th e power c iw , tUe govei in r iil sought a declnrHlloii l i ia t i ApiMilat-iilan Electric i ’ower co pdiiy had violated th e taw by c< stru c tln g a power dam on the New river near R adford. Va.. w ithout o'Ulrtiiilng a ledernl imwer coniml.i sloii license, txiwcr rourt.s hnil held no license neces,sniv,

.Iii.stlre H lonlry K. H erd w io le the nm jorllv opinion fioin « h l ih Ju sllce O ttrn J , K obetts mill Ja rne t C .-M c- Iteynolils dlssenti-d. C lilrf Ju.stlcea m rle .i « Hiitrties

Spud, Onion Week Publicity Starts


HlMI. Mill Wollhl llll,|l'l'-ti, 1r|r llM< ,'Ulll|l|lH;,|„h I', llli ijm i'al III yon Id pu l I'vnI liave, Willioilt miiK. II Diilv l>y th e ciiopcuKliiii

111 llils iiu llim u l <1111II ih e dofeiinr (n»k Hr i1,

( v h r i s t m a s

tic 111 m s

lirUiiUn, n .i-«i; uMii ii'tii-.liiiinilH (liHt « rr m ip ri'p ilitlr j e l lne» |'n i

l l i r I triU iif l l i i i r i lirl|M ii»i lililll >>Mii iiirnix frir ilie liiill.Uv ■ ii>li .eiixi.ti III ^)•r•l.ll *<-i|r> m llrlrn l>i-|ltMlll<K nil Ihe mhIiiI |>nRe liie . iln , . H r,, 17. H rrr'n n lia l ymi h IM IIkiI th l- x r ih :

■|'iie.,li,r- -•|ii..lll|iiii# l, (> |.

VVcdlVCHllAT -* llftW t (v>tllie ( 'li ililin itn li^M^ ^

’lhiii>di>y-~l'rNiilil»iirtrili-w«-ii> far r h r l . ln i .n U*’

Mntiirilay—.('hrUlinHii r ie piii

^en( i,|M','ial ilhpln

inlrii,lr<l (hl.s pov>ri

II iirl.l 1hi- N,'v

FlU Leader Savs H<‘<ls SlioiiKI n«‘ Ousted, liri<l««“s Deported

MIAMI III'rACM. Mil , Ik , '

nliliiiilM> llllll

((I'll t

gW T'llllll (;iiaiiiiiN >||(I|> iH ei, I ) . 'i-rK, lit Hip i,„i„ immim-e un-Aiiieinil iictlvltli-s h a d licliherulely iliwit a t III* r u i "for lio ry of \ l

r Vli hy .lA val In Custody

■ly auirm m dcd Laval',^ ihis- l 11 was ii|H)nrriit l(. was ril dh e ftlv w llh h is ainbl-

M ontanans Hold Up Wrong Bus in Wild W est Fake

1. II l l i r l r w,iiK

U llilil’ui'S nii,1 Ihe 0,1ll-|Mllt

kM>n. Inn nulil tie ilitrv H enrial wiiiililk UlV tlANlS »{ ll\e

Mial lie-' Kalil ih e FD I's

ie,-i>Kt-i <li<l no t ro iitalii a a in ite ' ’r(in,«>rle<l avt of M Uilna"." e n d Re w as liilormeil no *in)i cases litd been tetiorlMt ell her In C anw la o r U ro a t llrllain .

l>ec. 18 --If you

laKr llie woid of five t l r e a t Fulls men U no t so ho t. As a result, th rv w i'ir h iding o u t UMlay from Ih rli liieiidn. n o t th e iMlIre,

I'hr iiulntel cimneived th e idea n1 VlslVlllBoigiiiil«nl1»ii iHixeis fiom (IhU'ngii II ii'a l "wild west" wrl,<omn wlieit lliiy niilvcit iiere, Ho tho Jokois

lilghwny lo ’ tinidI- t:iiu i’ im

iltclv. T ilt jiike.Merii held up th a wrong Imi iiiul had i<> iiinlie iirofuse and red- lix ril niKilogies. ilien w ait for th a |iu>i>er Inis, 'O ie second "Ito ldup ' Vi<N'ee<le<l siiuMAIily eaecp t for on» th ing A ssistant C oach Louis ' Hnitsieiida of th e OYO grou|k had not been notified In advance, as iif>d been Coach Paddy K ane and f a t h e r W illiam O entlem aii.

fthea,iiiiu>e<l. Hhea sw uiiv and d idn ’t. Ho lliere had lo be m o n apdlogiw .

Tlie Chicago boxer* w«r« im* p re s se d -b u t U i t jokestara thaV Ihe whole tM >i| « u noV w orm th e It (heir frientii

Page 2: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Weather ForecastI ekwdjr U m ifb t u d T nes-

W an n er ton igh t, i l l f h y n - Im 4v s i. low t . Lo«^ thU m«>n>- I t t f .

N in e Irr iR a le d W ah o C o u n tie s

T O D A Y ’S


V O h . X X III . N O . 810— 6 C E N T S . T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , M O N n A Y , U H C E M B E E IG , 1910. O F F IC IA L C IT Y N E W S P A P E R

GREEKS CAPTURE STRATEGIC CITYBritish Push Foes Back in Africa Drive

Christmas Gift—Goose Rc])Iaco(l hy Steam Train!

»>• riU L H * TAYI.OKC A IR O . Ucc. IG (UP.)— A vic-i>«val h c a ili iu u r le is cotiiniuni(i,ac

to d a y sa id B r it is h a d v an ce fo rc e s w e re now ’‘well a c fo s s lh e L ib y an f ro n t ie r " in a sm a.shinj,' d e s e r l offeii.'^ivt; ak 'a iiis t th e F a s c is ts in n o r th A fr ic a .

T h e B r i t is h lu lvance in to I ta l ia n tc-rriUn-y. how p re s se d w h ile’is t troupe s t i l i h ek i o u t u t th o K ^:yp lia» b a se o f Solium , on th e M e d ite r ra n e a n c o a s l n e a r th e L ib y an b o rd e r.

T he Brltlsli offctislvp prcviou.sly h a d c lcared Itnlliiiis Irom oUicr points they licld oti Egyptlftti soli, b u t a t SoUum tliu l-Vscl-sLs still •jfCYf; BlTongly ticIcmllnR Oitiv JotlU lied poslUoiis.

T lic BrltU li olti'ii-slvc. howovcr. sw ept oroiiiid am i i>;iai SoUuiii.• T he liivaiion of Libya tlircw ihe BrItLsh dc.sert armlc:,—allied by In- Icuslvo ncrlftl a n d naval bom bard­m e n t of llie I ta l la m oIodb the coiuilal roads— strongly de- Iciidcd poilU oi« In I la l la n dvscvl tc rh to ry .

Im pregnable l.iiie

}'’o r kcveral years Pascl-M-'i have reported th a t a n Im pregnable lliic o f dcfi«rt forts was c o n s tru c te d on th e fron tier o f Libya, ntid It wati again st th a t scclor (h a t th e n iodeiii B illU h nwthttHlxed uuU s. includlv^a b road -tired arm ored cnr.s bu ilt d esert ligh ting , wag reported vanclng.

Po rt Capuizo, key Itallun lo r t th e U b y an side of tlie border, one of th e m ain objectives.

Pllfh ting conthiued today in a sand s lo n n in th e neighborhood of P o rt RtLKtL^A, « few m iles Inlar.d Irom Soljum, ■ ■


G m BASECAIHO. EKVpt, Dec. 1Q-(URi—Long-

raiiKe Brlllsli bojiiber.s were reported lally today to Imvp ruiiieti h igh

cxplcpsiws a fo iitv n u m io n of lU llu n war&hliX'. In Nu)>U> harbor, sto rliii; live tiii'ocl hlt-s fin crul.scrs and destroyers iiiul dum ping heavy boiub.s u roum l two battlrililiv .,

Plaiic.i m aking tiic "liravy, .suc­cessful” o ltnck Salurciuy nlghL— second bl« .scal.e royul a ir fo ire raid on Lhe Fa.sclst lii'c l—al-so bombwi ra ilro a d junclloiLs and a irdrom es, c au iln g explosions and fire.s, the coiiiinuilliiue MiUi.

T lie fnld on Naple.s appeared to bo com parab le to Uic BrU lili air

; 'w id a t some p ^ t s big I ta l ia n base T a r -troo ja h a d crow ed balU eshlps, two

c ru ls crs and two auxiliary sh ip s wereW ild W o t T ^U o *

T h e aflrancB B ritish trtw p# reported using w ild w est ttc tlc a In cttisoU dftting podU ons likely t o be th « ta rs e t of I ta l ia o countcr* a tt(tck—form lnc U u tiuelves i Q t o

,, r r l f " . - . . iI ltf’‘AnVcrI-ean p loneert agaln&l I n d l iu ^ ''l i i o rd e r to m eet a n a u a u l t from any of fou r sides. .* ‘

T housands of l ia lln n p risoners ^ have now rencJied th e in te rio r of

E gypt by ra ilroad and highw ay, and have been pu t In canip.s.

T lie B rltW i flee t commaiijl nounced a heavy bom bardm ent of Barblo, th e big I la llan base on tiic L ibyan side of the fron tier, de.spltc a ttac k s of I ta l ian m otor to rpedo bonts. T h * UhUnn hubm arlne N al- nde, 787 toiw, wliich a ttem p ted to preven t th e bonibnrdm m t, wa.s Himk by Drili.sll dMlroyer.i. U wa,^ ».v ed.

B ritish Forces Pound Ahead on I ta lian Fronts

S T K H ; \ D «-. l« Oj"— Reports from lh e fronUef loninhtui<l ( i r rv i (Tw>p% th e M raleclr tn « n n( Trpelinl, on thet*ntra) Mts*nUn 41 < |v. nv

<.\ f r » » • rrt-v.» ro rre iponden l outside TepelinI u idOtTvk w ttT nn th e out^klrt.ii ot ( h r lJ(wn.l

t i n r k t tw p i foR tltl th e ir ««> Inin TVtrt nf th e (o»n IhLi morning ih e a»T they pushed th ro u jh the

frvsB* hA aw ^to-hosse th e Ita lian s resitted bltlerly.L ate li ib anrrm >*tt. i t «»» rrpo rted . the (x^tspatlon was complcled. -»t Ibe tiB»e attA ther t>r«-k ro lam n on th e A driatic c o n t wm

iMii l« hiVT •rv«T«N4 CMmat*.llaU aa t i w ^ » ^ rr ’ rejw>rlMJ r r l r r a t in r no rthw ard from Tepetlnl

aloac a « tv«ndari t<>*d th a t leads th rauxh lhe Trebe*lna m ountains.


KTRUOA, J ilgo-'lav iii.IK r. ill — A me^sflKp to Itin ( ro n i irr today Raid O reek iidvani''' tinll.s Imil

I fought l i i r l r way w ith huyiuifUi liuo one p a rt of Tei>'‘llnl wiilit- an roluiiiiLreiMirlcdly orfU]ilc(l lhe la l lowii nf Clilinai'ii, nn lln- rniid In VInnu.

’H ip rriKirtu miW tli r lirrrk :) drove In to (;iiln iara a fl 'T a In illl '' on th» lielHhU whlc'li n lirroundrti llm rniin- tid vIllnHe and » l>rli't hiiii<l-lo-luitid Imltle In Ihe Ktirrln <if lhf> l<iwn.

Chlnm ra in ixlmiil niJf''i noiiMi (>r Viilmia on d ll' (lid niiili' lii iik

'w hich foiloWA dll' Aclrliillr cnaM iind alcinK whli'ii iliillun drlvi'iiJvwH Vnrt.i V'.iU n have h r rn i r - IrralluH .

•ilir 'I'rpcllnl

repo rtod hit,b u rs t on a Je lly lo which

tw o tja ttlesh lp s were m oored, caus­in g fires w hich bu rned lo r a consid- erab lo tim e,''jih ff com m unique said."Qrw'-' »lrcr«ti enLire uomo ii>ad close to a o o i a e ' eh lp ."

(T lie ra id on NHpIea foUowed R om e p ress i-eports th a t tw o b a ttle ­sh ip s dam aged It) th e T u ra iito raid were a lm o st repaired and ready for ncUon iigaln. T lie I ta l ian com m unl- quo iidm ltted tJie raid on Noples tind sa ltl one m «lium -stzcd w arship wa.s h i t and suffered 60 casualtle .si.

T h e royal a ir force coninuinlfiue sa id th e raid on N aplw wu« heavy a n d w as hlgiily successful.

"R ailw ay sliilion Junctions were n ttjick rd re.^iilting In th ree large cx- ple.slon.-i. followed by a num ber of Ilrc.s," It a<lil.'<l.

"A.U (tt our a lrrc ttd reU iriw l safe­ly.’'

N K (iltO (lUAItDKI)O EO nciF7IX)WN, H. C.. l>of, lf|

(U .D -ri lly nailoim i guardhincn were Karrisoiii'ti a t tlio cminly Jnli today, protei'liuR nrve.nil NrHrrx'N from iirmed civilians who had lil r i l all tiny auiHliiy to cnicsUcm th v w ahovil Uin ra|>r HaLiirdny of n w hite woman.

R eplacem ent of th e “C a llop ln r Goose" by a steam tra in today cam e as a C h rU tm as present to th e so a th *lde f r e n Prenident J r fT e n“ "■ - - - • ay lnc . bum py-rld inc diesel po\Tercd tra in th a t h a i been The U rf « l o f cW kof th e Union rsc lfic . T he •'Goose.” show n a t lop. is th e . _

fo r y e a n . Boltiim pholo, th e steam tra in w hich Improves scrviee on th e Buhl a n d Tw in Falls lo r o c a tr lio run. only on the afte rnoon schedule since s ta r t of th e m orn ing a n d evening sleam tra in service some tim e ago.

I I | | [ F S E N )N Knudsen Orders Speed-up B H O COLD SNAP ‘ In Machine Tool Building

SA L T LAKR CITY . Dec. 16 lUI-.t— T he w eather bureau today promUed re.sldeni>^ of th e in tc rm oun tu in a rea th e ir Mist ic llc f from tlie abnonu - ally cold w ealher w hich se t In a week ai:o. T'’o reca-'t fo r t ^ g h t In- dlL'Bte<I w nnncr w cathi-r In Utnlu Idatio anti M onla tiu , acrum panli-d In iiiiiny seciioii.i by IIkIiI Know.

l\>rci'asliTs |x>lnti'<l lo ft siorni (I'liti 'm l a t pre.sent aix)M' th e Pacl- Uv. wes^ ol S’AH Fri\ncW-ow hiili Ihpy sn id wa.s m oving ea.M- w aid LlKht snow an<i cloudincss Uj tin- tiiounlAln arca.s tonlKlit would hr,i:«UM'(l by ofl.iliooih of ih a t storm, Uic\- AaKl,

TiniiXTAtuieK ■ wi'li- . exiM'ctnl lo •Miiv iitMicr no in ia l, i if in a .slcm- of roltl wriMhi'f utiW h \liry<li.>p|ji (I /rnm 10 lo 'Ji <lrKic<-s Ix-low

W A S H IN G T O N . D ec. 16 (U,R)— W illiam S. K iiiidsen, pn>- iclion c h ie f o f lh e n a tio n a l d e fe n se comini.-^sioii, .lias d is ­

p a tched ie tte rf t to in ac liin e too) m a n u fa c tu re r s a n d ( lie ir ■iniilnyes te llinR th e m th a t ‘‘deh’v e ry n u is t be sin 'edcd up"

l)eiaiisi* o f t lie " te iT ib lo iirnpiicy o f U ie .sitiiatiu ii."Till" iv n tid sen l e t t e r s w ere d a te d Dec. 9. l\lum if;u 'liir iT s

.•eto to d ia p lu y th e a\ipeu l p ro m in e n tly t liu l t lu iiijilnyes niiKlU so e i t . ------------------------------------ ----------Tlic (IhpaU-h of th e le tir

lbc|o',-<l to<lay am id api'ciilaliini Ihrtl i ' l r s ld r m lloa.M «ell ronli-m- p laii^ 11 proclam ation of unlliuitctl

iiml emei gcnry to jilvo i il n iwycholoBlcal .shot 1


O IN G A F i , GIRL,3

K inulsrn congrfttn ln ted th e nmnii- ,ctur«T?i on ih e ir •'reinarkahlc ■hlrvrmi'nt ■ as i r iw lc d In liicir ns. K'llltlcm.^ ii-<rni rc|w)rt on cxpiui-

S I O l FA lA t m G A L E f f i y i l U OK tTTcnu.M , 1V 0 . in i;s |.r.ii.i)

8 liMilcy Jlalin 'i', :!(). a rrldc iila liv ^||llt liUnsc'K In ilic u iouth v nu'iillUK w lih It 3i)-:in I |i. ni, H atiirdiiy . lu rorillim i llowes, IlLihu- county .slii-rlfl

'n il- iMxly w a .1 found in Ih. th e (Jiilcna ;<lorc, a t llii' hlii

lidcna Aiinnnll. lie wm lli dr, iiiKl Ml.-,. (niK ill's IlKitin

ol the Ktoic, and n-sl^ v U.r iiu-' ,,aM Hhi-rllf Howc,-., 1)1'. r-r am i 'r ia flli- O u l r i '

i i l l lr . ' of Argvii>ki>hir<iii <> w ard [h r lni|xitl'>ni Inn tow n nf HrinI,

1 II.-;

Mrs. ll(»()Hcvclt FavorH (Jifts to

AssihI Kii)i;lan(I

fi(\orn nu triuh t Kt>i'> of rasli i lr lia ln r a th e r Ilian Ioann.

Asked n t i« p irhs c im lrrcn virie wlllintt to "iiini her lonnn to Utlliilu, »iin replied:

" l, lh ln k lf« HliiHil tim n we 4*d jo give MiiiirthhiK, A < niin iltrr of i>ni)iln nt-rin to lni th e tmpren.'lon wp are giving n deni. ICnglaiKl h as paid -fur alngin th ing . II lian been for oiii hennllt, liirgr'ly, t>rniil;,n It hah In cranned oilr rm iiu llv lo ptodiiiT.

•"n irrn In not inui-ii ii-anoii now K (uU nixml liiiiiin. T he liinn hm come to lulk bIh>iiI H>i<» (^mh, If necessnry. I t is tie llrr to lir rcatl«- Ui\ nnd/lloV re|)ci«l Ihn nilMakca o Iho p.i»(. W hat vuliio have wr ko o u t of tlie lonnn In tlir lant waiV "

lilie was then ii*k<‘d whnin tlirm ▼,<lftA should coiiin fnm i.

. ' (Jul of your |KM;k4iia a n d m ine, In Dim way or anh ther,” nlm nnld. lilm Indicotcd uho ineun i govn iniirnl KifU, b lit <lid h o t unn tlin words hMSf-ll,

Ry JO E A l> ;X M O R R IS I n«te^ r r r u Fofrign News t^dltor

G rvjtl H iilA in »n»i h e r G reek allio.s sn ia s iie d heavily a t Ilal>- tiHl.-i), I 'la s t in u » n I ta lia n fle e t c o n c e n tra tio n a t N aples, d riv iuv : xutv» L ib y a uuvl vrvs-sinj; (ovw aril in A lb am a a s G er­m a n y hint«Hl rx 'j'ris itls a p a in s l F ra n c e f o r th e o u s te r o f H eri\> U tv a l.

T h e UritL-ih m id d le e a s t c\'iiimHml re jw r te d fiv e d ire c t h its o n » cor.v:entr;ition o f I ta l ia n w ars liip s in th e h a rb o r o f

N ap les w h ich wa.s a tta c k e d b y {towcrfiil sq u a d ro n o f ro y a l r fo rce b o m b e rs S a tu rd a y

n is l i t .TMe raid apparen tly was alm ost as

rvere as lite a ttack a i T a ra n to h irh th e B ritW i c laim ed p u l a t

2ea:.t th ree I ta l ia n d rea d n au sh ts o u t of commLvlon. At Naples. Britisli t>ombs wYre sa id to have fallen d a s e to i«-o I ta l ia n battlesh ips and upot\ a F a sc \s t c ru iser and d» U o y er f]tel w hich w as concentra ted In the l»an » r.

Scor* D lreet li l t ItaJy a d m itte d Uie British had

scored a d ir e c t h it on a ••medium* .vised” w arsh ip a t Naples, in flict­ing SO castisiU es w i Its personnel.

In th e w estern desert British ad* ■niiic* lo rcea drtive "w ell mrer" Uie L ibyan bon ie r, b u t lU lla n t s till held th e (own nf Solium oh th e EBTptlan ^ide of th e fro n t ie r , a n d w cr t resist* ing Ttgorously.

P ro iitie r rep o r ts from A ibao ltuU d G reek troopa h a d sm u h e d in to tiij to w m of Chlm atm . on

a n d T ^peU ai _ .

R e p err io s la n s o f th e s tiu titng -'>H tn Pr»rK-e e p re ad th ro o ilio u t ~ rope w bue B rltlah forces—on otfe»sl\-e a s n e v e r before altKc S ta n of th e w a r—w nashed across

S a n d ra Hay, th ree - y e a r - el duunhter of Mr a n d M rs. I . W. H» 'I'v.lH Falls , -ft’as in th e cmviity g-rn- e n d ho.spltai Uils a lte rn o o ti under going trea tm e n t for severe bum .'iiillcred w hen he r c io tlilng caugh t fire a t Uif fam ily hoctJ* inornlng.

It h uiulersltKKl th e girl <H>eiie\l th e door of th e UvIuk too iu lwwt,u\s .’ilcive a n d h e r c lo th ing c a ti i iililnzr. H er m o the r w iu outside n t th e tim e and . h ra r tn x lie; •daUKhter ,'cream , ru \h e d Inti* ili ho ii'e a n d cxllnK U l'hed (he {taIn^^

'H ie a tten d in g p l i v a t c l a n tlm iiftcrinKin Mild Ihe Kirl is M i(friin< MTonil iiiill tlilKl <lrKrrc l)urn% aiul lh a t h r r I'onililltm U rrHH'nl

Spud, Onion W eek Publicity Starts

IlDIHt-;, Dei- in lUH' -Hie o nlu•l (l. ln^ m inrnl'M on liw c.uni'l'-- 1(1 III I iiiiKcinrnl.s lor |iioni<>li«ii <.[

Uliilio poliito niiit (inliiii Hcek Jttn 17 lo J, . (riiulrniiin K N »Vit,» • jiiiM' sjilii loiliiy

'I'Ue niimiits-vliiu %eul vwil U-l li'i.s oulllnliig th e pioiiiotloii i’(>, 4IIUU a n d has nn it ,')>eclnl ili-viil.kt iiiiili-rlal ill ;’.00<rT{ro«ers. joWx-ti ind ilia lli Aloir o |>eralois lh iou(l> . m u lh e co iintiy .


W .^smSOTCVN. DW l« ( l 'r> -T h e . S. su p m n e c ou rt to d a y ^ l^heM

vC Vhe le Je ra l w ater po i e r a r t m a tJfciacw broartenmB th e federa l ivxTTTiwent^ au tho rity lo r e s u m e dexeloamewt c t h 'd ro * elec tiK pow er m w m w . '

T h e decisxsx. m th e tw venim rnt'S case skgatns: th e AfSMtschkax^ Bee- tr ie C » heJd th e ft>i«r*l t a tn l h » 'i pow rr lo 4® *v T»-s o - i im r e t a n t t t a o f w h t ib * ' th e 50uree of th e pow er w as a nikvigabte s tream r.ot. N axisabditj^ « f *i stxeam h e te ta Jo n h a s a

t r i o t tn' e n l p e w .

V fk M t W tM M ttte U wT ti* to o r t N ^ e '.d a V.'VS'

c cm tn ta x law c a incomegamevl b r c * it-^ -* ta ie f\->epc«ii»ftni i>t)er«tuvs wxthta W 'rsfv««i^ In a f u e (a tvuir lievtwon th e high eourt K»»e a b rc«d e-rten>>vW to th e realm c ! s ta te taxatK'ix. T^.e <v>;-.iU»uUi-«j- a t I ttu ts o i a sta.le t a t J.isU.-e I n FTsuikluner vas,! UJ th e niajvV.iiy

as-e se t t t abiluyto gut* a s e r t « In »r;u;Ti

In lh e power i;-.e o ^ e iu -en l jou^ h t a H u t the

A ivaU chu ;^ KlevtX).- IVw ivu tt had XKiUtevl tl-.e ikw s t r w im r a pew rr (!»m cci th e New r u e r r e a r Radtv«\i. Ya » itJ jcut ( 'it jU iln ^ a lev*.e;at s-timmts-

V-ft-iv-*. Li'-atr no license neet-vsaiv.

S»an!e> K »?eevl m ma)vxitv Oa'iUT-0 » e a J Kc*>e!-.-v »!..! .*s:r,rx C Mc- JteMioivb ClMef .UiMlce

lO sn s o;,i n .

lB«atWt •.! K uh ti

fNKA Telfplioi«)l le r r 's a farn yaii'll |ir serlilg n lien, In iro d iiiln i K la li^ lla iM tl, New

Vnrk m adrt, whn has iirrn neirileil In |i<(i>e hir tli illed H talM "Join I h f Arin>>" iMuirrn. Mia* n a u e l l la ilin d a u |ii(e r of a Uallaa, T t s ,

m inister.

Hliv llie <li-Iciir.i> co inn ilis Ing tliln ap if-a l lo you |o pu t ev Ihliiu >1)11 linvp, wlU im it ntliil. your |<ii> o iilv liy Ih e moTK>rnti'<i flverylKHlv in Ih h n n tlm ia l <-i)i g e iuvV nn tU'In lliiie '

• l : t r i i l i i ( 'illiira i>rl|H >011 1>U|| >r>ut' rnrul* (»r Uie liulltUv

I In a ->i|>ri'liil u rilrs of il lr< lirKlMlilns on llir Koi liil

TliciiiUr, I'ec, II. Ilrrr 'ii H hal you will find lliln n e rk :

I i m d n r —'I'l biIIIIiiiuiI 4 In 1st - ■iiun uirwls.

W riliirvduv l)riiiinllcMi« (or l lir C liilsliim o <«lilr,

Ti i ut oday— t U»r t l » for C’h iis liiU s,

K riday—C hrU liiiaa ijin iieu . N alitrday—ChrU iiiia* e«e |Mr-

Ue defetVMt ta s k d«i>

ins a i ta c ts TViday’s l i l n t a s to G erm any'

th u d e tow ard Uie F rench develop- mrni.s was U ie f irs t to come from

w here new s of Laval's ouster wa.^ rev'flved Ui Tjfflclal silence.

S « H in t U Fv tura T lie com m en t rfffercd in Berilrt

left m uch to be guease<I a l. I t em- )>haMted O e n n a n y Is "aUli a t wor

iUi F tan c e" BiKl th a t relations be- aee n th e l a o ccm ntrles are goveni-

wl by A n arm i.'tlce.'flew of tJie Im portance of Uie

change m F ra n ce , a Nasi ^iwkea- nn adiipiV U ie qiiesUon is raised heihftr Uie p resen t s ta te of affairs

shall be co«>Unued.'^Tlie G erm an s ta irm e n t offered no

h im ol whAt changn m igh t be con- lemplAlevl If, However, Laval's fsll ts linkett in a n y m an n er wlUi Ila l- isn s ' difflciiltle.s and a G erm an de- -Mi» lo nhl lii ily —as some diplomatic jTliIvi* h a > r hiiK«esic<l—Uin Nazis nim t>e caiiNUIrrinK occupation of Um w lmlr of r 'ln n c r and tile wiping out •■t Uie *o-c«IIn1 •■unoccupiixl rone" «M rii |> m uter liie nonilnni rvile of llie Vlihy governm ent

iJ tv a l In Cu*tody MvMciy suircnm dcd Lavnl's ous-

i n bu t II w as aiHinrenl II whs t,M illia rd ilirfv llv w ith his iimljl- llu iu l« bc«»>in«‘ till- Mipicmc |wjwer i;i Kinni-i' tclriiiiiinK .Mantinl ilun>H l*lllUl.i>r I 'r i 10 the i>ri»1tlon Of

olllallirO flM>utnnii«liii

I' Bl l^eader Savs Ueds Slioiiltl l{(^ ()iist<‘<K Hri<l«rs l)« ‘|H H ie d

MIAMI IlKAtril Kill D llei'liir .1 M.IkoI' ll<><>\e>


In lciv ihe III)

idliivicO I

■'.-•lltiutlxii IIKl •s Aliii'lld tic il- 'o iiuniinl''! I' >ci

• lh ii;c


ril a t n local luxel » l,e i | s lc<'ll|M'liinnK iKxn liilliKix.t n U (lllri'loi nMUl llir etlilri.v.

WiM conlallii-il ill II J M)0 -i>ugr............led to Allnjni-v tie h r ru l U.-t,e i l II .Inck.Hon and aiiv a.iliN i .ui l Wiillld liuvc lo laken l>v JackH o

"II llv?,* miiM »>r |a im -0 th e t'lu u lilllllLht iKillv M-rli'< III o \e i llliKw lln Ihlllc^l lilaic.s K »^clnulelll l» (>Mte lir< ^alll I bcllevo (he l a d s »liU> wo (iiilMiillled lo (he a lto rney yenei ■ti Ml ])rove "

iliK>vei- cliatKCil U ia t C tia lim au Mai lln D lc r 1).. Tes., o t tiM Imum ciinim lllco liiveHllKntlnc im -A tuer- Ivan arUvmei* h a i l d e n b rra te ty

isn liw d a( (he n t l "(o r f lu ry o( th « U i m i B itia tn

' ; x

M >.if ««wen.-elUhtvT-' a:>vt Uie <N'n*mini

l « .vxiU tr.M ;n Cie «ri»Mlh.ii fca>.i 1.1

l<(T"un>r\> I .F ^m nalw TniMlu'M Ila v ;« jueo\;»i»s<

Um ua lM ual «Se- le iu e i x kaU Ui* PVI'atecoi«ii d U o u t ' »»K»alu '\u w M V st M

M nqtonans Hold Up W rong Bus in Wild W est Fake

(IH FA T KAi.t.M, McJlt., Pec. 18 ir- 1 1 \e h n n d tt b iu ln e ss -U you

of live G re a t Falls> not •suit.

h id in g o u t today from tliMi liicnd.s. lio t th e pollee,

n>n <4iiinte( conceived th e Idea oT RiMng vi.>lting Catholic youth

tu«»v Ohlrago a ir a l -u lid w est" weli'onip when they atTi'-ed here , flo Iho Jokers tiu i iiM to th e highway' t« "holdii|V Uii' rh lca g m tn s ' hu.i.

n m th e ie was a h itch. Xh* joVrvieis he ld up tho wrong bu i aii.i iiad to m ake profuse a itd red* la ieti a|>oln«iea. (hea w all for lhe

liws, T t » *ec.wid "hoW up’• fo r one,

ih tng A ksu tan l Ooaeh Louis Hi^dsienda a t th e OYO group had iioi been noU fied In advanoe, >• had been O oaeh fa d d y K ane end F a t h e r W illiam O entleroau. B adsleiida took a iw ing » i Bill Shea, one o f th e ’’iMndlU.’' and uvUm4 . t t w a a « U t« Wtd d ld n t. t)<s th e re h a d u> tw m ere epologtee,

UMi th e w hole U iin t « M not w «rth th e te h ln g tttey «ti» trom th e tr frtem li

Page 3: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Page Two IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN- FALLS, IDAHO Mondw, Oecemb«r 16,1810


EID IN P B N F O l W l l F l

n v RALPH HEINZENVICHY. F ra n « e .-D « . 16 lUPJ -

P lrrrc l.nval. ousted os vlce-premlpr by M arsliiil PlUllppr PeUiln, liwl n l- trm plcd to w ldrn his •w n power In the Kovornm rnt nml Ix-come pro- iiilcr Instead nt nirrcly vlcp-prr- m lrr under Pctn ln , 11 was reiw rted In ri'ilnbiP qim rtrr* today.

(Autlioiuic udvlcps to n p m r f,ald Lnvni luid bcrti tnk rn Into cvi.stoily.

(T lirfiit of ^c;rlOlIS UiTmaii rep fr- ciisslons to Lnvul's suniitiBry dUmls- sjil u a s ImpliPd In Berlin w hen ou- tlin rlriil Nnzl sovirccs snld G rrm nny and F ranco were sllll nt w w , and any cliunnc In (lie F rench govern- n ifn t of m a jo r Importance the ritic.sUon w hetlicr tlie « tatc of arm istice should be contlnut>(li.

An au tho rised spoltesnmn denied officially rrportfl thu t M arshal r e ­ta in hud re jecled a Qennivn bid to send troops to U bya and A lbania via F rnnre.

Denies PlotHe denied also reports LtiviU l)ad

(/lonrd !o ovci Oirow Pctnln JncJdfnl 10 tlie re ln lerm en l o f the rem ala i of 1’Alnlone—Napoleon’# w n, In Uin Invalld fs of P a r is beside his fa ther ycbtcrday.

TJie spokesm an saJd LjivnJ w aj r e ­moved for purely Internal reasons which h a d no th ing to do w ith tho I'limored G erm an desire or a ttem p t to move troops acroM unoccupied F rance to he lp Italy .

I t w as n fd rm cd olllcliUly O er- m any never h a d a.ilced perml.s.flon to send troops acrow unoccuplcd F rance and never had a ttem pted to lorce n pn.'saRe. No G erm an trooixs had passed, th e npokesman added.

I t was aald th e re wa» considerable d lffcrencc betw een a known deslro by L avnl to m ake Wmself prem ier, under P c ta ln . and any a ttem p t to overthrow P c ta ln . T here was no tru th in th e overthrow rum or. U waa said, althoiiR h It was know n th a t La­val h a d tr ied to improve his position.

R«(Dm From P arliA dm iral FrancoU D arlan, navy

m in ister, a n d Oen. Faure; P e ta ln ’a a ide, rc lu n ie d today from P aris w here th e y represen ted F ranca yea- te rday a t th e rein term en t or N a- poleon'8 son, "L'A lgloh." Prom ulga- Uon o{ a decree Inaugurating a con- BUlUtlve n a tio n a l assembly to a d ­vise Pptn ln "an d sha re certain re- 6pon5lbUltles" w ith h im was aw aited today a l te r th e Laval ousting.

P e ta in announced hla in ten tion y u lc rd a y , a fte r a s p ^ la l cab inet m eeting, o f Inaugurating th e new assem bly, w hich would replace tho old p a rliam e n t and would be o r- Bonlied a long corporative lines, w ith repre.tentAtlves o t various elem ents flt th e na tio n al life repre& enli^ by groups.

40 Forlunet Coafbcated, l t w as no t knoTO w hether Pe ta in

lid nom ina te members o f th e o r they would bo elM

_ rem m en t published tri :lo] Jou rnal a series o f orders IscatlnB th e fortunes of 40 ich m en a n d women who ILwas ;ed h o d fled Prance be lo w th e istlce.:hided w ere Alexis Legcr, fo r- genera l secretary and key m on

^ 0 fore ign office; Rene Cfalre. P ra n ce ’s g rea tes t movie direc tor; C era K orena, movie sta r; .H enry T orres, fam ous lawyer, and Paul LouM W elller, a irp lane m otor m a n ­u fac tu rer.

In tlolseW cek-ctuI vMlor-s In Boise from

Tw in F^lls liK luded W. E. Hawley, C. W, ' K liurtllff, Mr. iimlMr.v. Hivrry U rnolt, Mr, and Kirs. N. Johnson antf Wnlfcrr F . BerC'ch.

S tiid ftit l le lu r tiiM1S.S VlrKlnla T ober, stu d e n t nt

PepiH 'rdln'' I'ollpRe, Los AnReles, re- tnrnpri Wni'irdiiy cvonlnR t/i rix'ikI the hnlliliivs with he r parcntfl. Mr niicl M rs r . U. Taber,

CpUrflAiu BackBob HnaR- Twin F^lls. and I 'e tr

l.nrif. K rti'lu im , re tu rned Haturtlrxv from th e U niversity ot Cflllfornin »t Lew Aim’eles. planning to spend the linlldiiys w ith th e ir parcnta.

I News of Record It A fa rriag e L tccnscs

• ---------------------------------------------- «

DEC. 14Jam es O , M cCargur. 20, Palo Alto,

Calif., a n d H elen Ilaakell, 30, Dalboa, Calif.

DEC. le W. J . D oughty. M. and G ertrud*

M arshall. M, Ijotti o f Kimberly, Adolph H. RhiK. ID. and Alice M.

O ra U u . n . bo th ol Tw in Falla,

- •IV -------------------------- ----------------

T o Mr. and Mra Rlnnr tiande, a boy, D«v. IS n t the ir home, 4J7 Thlrrt avvnui West.

B ir th s

1 ‘Temperatures |

ii.ii t H... ril.irl.

K e r p th<i W h U fl F ld p 0 / S a /e tu F llf l’iff

n v t c o n ie o u U v e rt a |/ a t o i t f t o u t a f a t a l t r a / f i o - a c ­c i d e n t i n o u r .M u f f lo V a l ie v .

News in Brief

Couple M arried M hs M arR aret Hotik and Frank, bo th of Buhl, w ere unlte<i iii inarrin«e a t 10:30 a. m. S a tu rday iit Die C h ris tian rh u rc li parsontiiii'. Rev. M ark C. C roncnberger offici­ating.

S heriff Return*S heriff L. W. Hawking returne<l

from Lo«an, U tah, Sunday night In comi)iiny w ith (5. R. M orrb . tn u k opera tor who fiicra a T w in Fulls county cliari;u of o b u ln ln g a load of pcnche.-i under false pretenses.

From D enverMiss AUi:e Reed and Mls.s D orh

Reetl, TA'lii F a lls ; MKs Lois Olln nnd Miss H elen Ja n e Olln, Kimberly, nnd M f.« , M oreland and Miss Helen Jam ersnn , Filer, a ll students a t Colorado w om an 's college. Dcn-

•. re tu rned to th e ir hom e Sa tu r- for holiday vacations, T licy will ^Jan. 0 for Colorado.

lolrn1. driver for th e McCann

told police Sunday ni h a t a nearly new re<l and

black b lanket, w rapped In brown wrai>pInK paper, had been stolen Irom his truck . At noon Sinidiiy

HuKhes reportw l U ia t a pair w black s llp -on rubbers had

been stolen from hl.i m achine.

Aimwrr A larmFirciueri. Sunday a t 2:50 a . m ,

^e.^p<>ndcd to a n a la rm a t th e Don lliik in a n hom e on R tim a«e s tre e t, records show. D am ogc w as sm all.

To KealtleAndrew M cQ uaker, local o rch l-

te d . Is p lann ing to leave T uesday for S ea ttle to spend th e ho lidays wiili m('rnl)ers of h is fam ily.

Tn U’el*er.Mr. a tul Mrs. A llan L angenw alter

lu iv re lurn t'd to WeLser. following ji w .ek-end visit w ith D f. a n d Mrs, ,1. F: L nngenw alter, p a re n ts of Uiniienw altcr.

Tran»acU Bu*lne»iM ilton L. Powell, c h a irm a n of th e

iiviailon com m lttec of he T w in F a lls C liam ber of O otnm ercc. r titu rn ed la s t week-end f ro m 'n . business t r ip to S a it Lflke-CJty,

Smllom V lilt Home P e te r D uLstermars, se am a n firs t

rlas-s, l3 v isiting hH s is ter . M rs, Jack Post, Tw in Fulls. D ulst«rm ar* h servlnR aboard th e U. 8 , 8 . C a li­fornia. w hich Is now In th e B re m er­ton navy ya rd fo r dem affnellzntlon iisnlnst m agnetic m ines. F re d R cd- <>ye. m a ch in is t’s m a te f i r s t class. Is vLiltlntt h is -p a ren ts , Mr. a n d Mrs. C hester Redeye, G ooding. H e hrts been on subm arine d e ta c h m e n t In Hawaii.

P a rk e n FinedT en persoiui today w ere listed

th e police b lo tter a s hov ing paid ?)ne.« of 13 enc)i on charffp.^ o t c tim e park ing e lU ier S a tu rd a y a f te r ­noon and evening o r th is m orn ing . T liose listed Include E. E. B ishop, BUI Pct«rson . C ccll B row n. Noble Palm er, H . L . C an fie ld , H ow ard Schw ab, W endell iJ iw ren ce , C. D u.imann, F o rrest K . W alke r and H arry A. Cohan.

N acarcnr R«vivalR evival services will con tinue thLs

week n t 7:30 p. m . each cventnR ni th e C hu rch of (Jie N ararene, in c harge of R«v, EllU Teasdale and ' M rs. R u th T easdale, evongellst.s, w ho received th e ir tra in ing a t G od’s Bible School and College. C incinnati. O. T lie re w ere 18 responses' to Ihe evangelists’ inv itation for prayer S u nday n ig h t, according to Rev. L.

S m ith , pastor, who Invites the public to a tte n d th e revival services.


, retired T w in Falls rcAl e sla l« dpa ler and re.sldent he re since 1008, were conducted th is a lternoon n t th e Tsyln Falls m ortuary chapel.

TUv. H, G . M cCalllster, pastor of th e M e th o d is t church . 6fflclated, and M rs. R ussell P o tte r luing "Tlin O ld Rugged Cravs" and "Crossing the B a r.” requM t num bers by members of th e fam lfy.

P a llb e a re rs were Howard M cKray. Lou H eller, F ra n k O etty.^ C, F., S a l­lee. 'F r a n k Cogswell and Sidney Craig.

M r. P a rka dltnl Ratiirdny a f t / r - noon a t h is home, 5H3 M ain avenue w est. His condition had been c ritica l fo r a week.

M r, P a rk s re tired nlwut five years ago, h a v in g been actively enSAKed In th o reo l e st« te buslne^s here slncn 1008. H e w as born May IH. 1854, a t K eene, M ich. In 1D30 he was m a r­ried to M rs. C lara Noble, T w in Falls.

S u rv iv ing a lio are one son, C. V. P a rk r, Boise, nutoniohlle dciOer; two granddaUKht^'rti, Mrs, C harles Hlmp- son, P o rtlan d . Ore., nnd Mrs. W(I- llam S k llle rn . Seattle , and tw o itr ra t- ItranddaUKhtei.i He uIm> leaves tlireo nl.iters. M rs Ixivedii H iuiter, Mrn. C lara Jepnoii iind Mi.i. Amy Stcblilns', a ll of Sa ranac , MIrh.

M O T e i D s e nIN IU R E D IN m S H

JFU O M K , Dec. Ifl (Hpet:lall — A Je rom e woiiiiin itnil her Atm wern In lnred ancl two nintor ears were hcwtvl))' <luliiitnr<l n t #-n iii. Iirlti (lay In a iu iaIi nt llir lii letsertlon of IClKhih and i'niili>r ntierts.

D rlvrrti .. ...... A rthur 'rhoinp«onnnd R obert M iller, bu th of Jerom e. Tho form er wuti drivlnti west and M iller wnn going noiilli n t th e tim e, ■nuiinpson's m achine overt urned neveral tim es,

Min. I. W. •nioriipMiii niiffeied ver« U ceiiillonn of iorehend nml Die hack of tie r liniil, and A)intalne<t it cut over th e ilKht eye. tlt ir nlno nut- te ird a Vtien inn irv and nhoek. H er Aon wan liellcved le -l M'llmislv hurt llo lli w rie ta k n i to a iloctnr.

M iller wa« mil h u it.DiiniiiKi’ to the 'n ioni|vtoii au tn

wna KlK)Ut I4()(). nm iulInK to I’nllcn (■)i)e/ JlrowDir J>«nin«o toUia M iller c a r wan tllKI.

Driver Kiu'ch CliarKc Of Knilure to Stop Diirinj? Kirc Hittnnl(;harg«d w ith fulluin to ktop n

hic.Ifl oil nfgnnf o f n file dn|Hir1nient vehicle, Ctii'n ler l.oMch«. tlilver for th e W nrlw rg llro th e is Coal 'I t a n i f e r roniixniy, was to appear In probnln I'ourt (Ills afleiiiiMin (o answ er to tlin rnm plnliit, lecord i <>{ Prohat« Judge <), A. Itallev nlinwed,

TJia ro iilp la liit agiiliiAl th e d ilv rr was signed by I'n troliunu M, K. HcMinliee, of the clly iMillcn furco, and grew o u t nf an nccUlriit w tildi Involved th e fli'a (ruek in d th e W ar- beru truck Im t 'H iu n d a y while (lin oily eiiu ltnu rn t wns resixm dlng (<i a a a la rm . Tlio c riu li oocurted n t th e ln t« rsen ||(in of Hhonhoiia s tre e t ai)(1 fledonrt aveiuis Boiith,


A fter securing e x tra d itio n papers from Gov. C. A . B o tto lfsen , a M is­souri she riff le ft hero th is a f te r ­noon w ith a w est end fa rm worker who m a st facq-felony c harges In tho m idw estem s ta te .

T lie she riff was L . M. B a rn es. Avo. Mo, Hla p risoner Is L aw rence H a r t ­ley, w ho w as a rre s ted la s t week by D eputy ’C laude W iley a f te r She riff B nrnes tcJephoiicd fro m MlasourJ.

T lie v isiting o fflecr sa id H artley is accused of m o rtg a g in g p roperty he did no t own. T lie o ffense, if proved, would c o n s tlh ite pa ro le vio­lation . he sa id , since H ar tle y Is now on parole from th e Ml.vsourl .st.ite p rison. He wns s e n t to th a t penl- te n tln rj' on a charge of m a n sla u g h ­ter,

W llboni D ew hurt, ‘A va. Mo., a ■ cousin of S heriri B arnes, nccom pan- led th e official here .


A fter calling of a sjx;clal venire of 10 ad ditional m en , choice of a Jury wns expccted to be com pleted and te?itlmony go tte n underw ay th is afternoon In d is tric t co u rt tr ia l of an action ag a in s t S h e riff L. W. Hawkins as' re.sult o f p roperty sale under an execution of c ou rt Judg-

lent.T he c u rren t ptm el o t ven irem en

wn-1 exhausted sho rtly before noonrl Dr, A. A. N ew berry, coroner,5 ordered by Judge J , W. Po rte r .lecure 10 m ore m en . D r. N ew ­

berry-, acting because th e sh e riff Is a party to the suit, subpoenaed these 10 to nppenr In co u rt; W illiam Howe Beaver, L. N. Ja m es , C. W. Cose, Amas H oward. Bob L ynard . Don HutchlnR.^, W illiam B aker, t/conard Ellis, Clyde Jo h n so n a n d Rale igh Da via.

PU ln llffThe p la in tiff Is M . C. M etz, a n d

intervcnor U tho T h le « c n - L and company, Lew iston, u n der w hose judgm ent Uie p roperty a t Issue was sold following an e arlie r su it by th a t concern .a g ain st th e M e u U v e- stock company.

Mr. MeU seeks re tu rn of p ro p er­ty or I ti volue. am o u n tin g to s lig h t­ly more th a n $4,000. D efense teiitlon Is th a t th e she riff . In rylng ou t th e execution of Judgm ent, levied on personal p roperty of Mr. M cti and n o t on th a t ow ned by the Metz corporation.

Since th e T h lessen concern po st­ed a bond pro tec ting th e sheriff, (ho dam apo ac tion I.t dircc tcd against th a t bond.

T h ird P a r ty C laimMetz had filed a th ird p a rty clolm

a fte r the o rig ina l su it, protesting th a t the p roperty involved

Chapm an and C hapm ah and Jam es T . M urp h y rep resen t the. pla in tiff; Ja m es R . B othw ell is a t ­torney for th e de fendan ts .



HOW!O ur Clirlalnmn ( i l f t llaert <;ar Hmlf If (h r b f n m l »»le,r r le r ii a rn lirlow nex t y r a r 'i p r le t nnit >>ni lavc a year 's de- p rrr la d o n . Come In. look Iheni nvrr. Tnn'll li<i aurprliied In rili<| how eoi.y II 1. |„ hhii «n R A <1 e a r from Itie I 'n io n M otor <'o,

37 DodKr l>«'lii*e H rdan lUftO J7 H rd«n IXW37 Chevrolet Mn.ster Deluxe Hediin »3ft03U PlyjiKiiitli lli 'liixe Cinipe IIVIVO 3U Htudebnker C om m iinderCoupe 30 Ford l)lx (Nnipr 3fl Ford n ix I 'o rd Kordoi no KoKl n ix I 'ou lor ;iD Htuclr ('cniini, lleilKll 40 HiiilMin I'cmpi*, I'J.tMHi lilllrs

,..»fl7ft .. M7B

»flin , »mift

lAflO .. »3(10

»;nn .. »:ii»ri t m

31 Konl (XiiiiMi . ..31 For.l Tutliiv fl.'dn n I-iiid n ix I'ciKlDi ao M ern ity Hedmi an (Jhev. MiiAtrr Dlx tiediill dUA 3(1 <Mieviolrt T iiwn Kednn . I'iM 3» Mlililebaker H edaii . ...3(1 Ford 'l liilo r H eilaii .......ISOS34 Plyrnniith Coupn llOft34 Ford Dlx Coupe IIOA(11(1, T ru rh C o m m rrrln l HprelaU 37 F<ird Plekiip MJli37 C!lleviolet •1‘llick ............ I33S31 Fo ld T lii ik ........ •SI'O38 Iiite rnn llonn l 'f ru c k ........ I4M)3« l^>rd P ickup ................ »:n(i46 Ford P ickup . . ■

Many other*, a ll m ahra , a ll m od. r l i . V aym rnla a t low aa IIS mnnllily. No { larm rn ta u n til February. Heri yiiur F o rd li r a la r J l n t |i>r reiinoiiileal I ra iu p o r t- alluti.

COSTLYCHICAGO, Dec. 18 (y.R) - T h e

m an-V ho h i t W«neS)!ll W lllkle w ith eggs w hen th e R epub lican p re s i­den tial c a n d id a te .visited here O ct. 22. was fined $ K today.

C harles M u lra ln , S3, pleaded guilty a n d Judge M atthew H a r- tlgan fined h im $20 for a ssau lt and b a tte ry and tS fo r d iso rde r­ly conduct.

M ulraln lo st hU Job as a relief a dm in istra tion eng inee r because of the Incident.

sv/C M ifsm A S sm s


In to custody a s well a s ousted and it appeared he m ay have been c jn - flned In th e sa m e ancien t chateau In which he , h liuM lf, had Impri.s- oned the politica l and m ilita ry flg- urc.s connected w ith the F rench effort—G en. M aurice G am elln. Prem ier Pau l R eynaud and ex -P ie- m )rr E douard D alad ler,

Tlie a ttitu d e o t th e B ritish tow ard Lavnl'.? dow nfall w as non-com m ittal. T lio British view appeared to bo U jal Laval’s successor as fo re ljn m inister. P lerro E tienne Flandln . w as no t m uch im provem ent i Ills predecessor a s hla pro-N azi len tatlon Is- well know n. However. F land ln w as n o t th o u g h t to be p a r­ticularly an tl-B ritt^ h a n d In tlie p a s t had been a decided Anglophile, Lavftl. on Uie o th e r h a n d , coupled h is O erm un lean ings w ith the deep­e s t antlpftU>y tow ard BrltAln.

O n th e w ar fro n t th e British forcM were d riv ing ah ead or fronts-


No Inquest will be he ld In tjie d e a th of F ra n k Bgana, 45. residen t o f Tw in F a lls fo r th e p a s t several years w ho died S i tu rd a y afte rnoon as a re su l t of a self-InfU cted bullet wound In the head . D r. A. A, New­berry. county coroner, sold today.

Fgana. a Spaitlsh Basque, was found on th e sleeping poi-ch bed of h is hom e by h la 's tep -dough ter. Miss Nieves C aU acorta. 15, w ho cam e to p repa re lunch. She he ard hU labored b rea th in g and . looking Uiroiigh a window, saw blood s ta in s on th e quilt w hich covered h im . S h e called a neighbor who In tu rn called the police. O fficers said th e m an dead w hen they arrived.

One cartr id g e h a d been fired from 1 au tom atic pistol w hich E gana

held In h is r ig h t h and , Dr. Newberry said. T lie m an 's wife died abou t 18 m onths ago as a resu lt of a n au to ­mobile a cc id e n t -

D uring recen t m o n U ^ E gana had been employed a t th e R eno club. He resided In an a p a rtm e n t over the office of th e McCoy C oal com pany. Second avenue south. S ince h is wife's dea th h e had made h is hom e w ltli two step -daugh te rs , inc lud ing the girl w ho found th e body and oUo L illian CalsBCorta, 12.

T h e body rests a t Uie W hite m or­tua ry In T w in Falls. F unera l ar^ rangem enta a re pending.


JEROM E. Dec. 18 (Special) — D eath cam e early todoy to R ichard F rank Olodow skl. th ree and one- ha lf m onth In fa n t son of Mr. and M rs. Jam es E. Glodow skl. Jerom e.

Tlic child , w ho auccumbcd of sud­den IJJnesi, was bom Jast.S ep l, 1. Burylvors Include the paren ts, the grandm other, M rs. V eronica EJir- m an trou t. Jerom e,' a n d several uncles nnd aun ts .

Pending fu n e ra l services which had no t ye t been a rranged today, th e body rests a t the Jerom e funeral chapel.


BO ISE. Dec. 18 W.R)—F our Idaho D em ocrats m e t in th e office o f Oov, C. A. B otto lfsen today and cas t four votes for FYanklln D, Roosevelt for P residen t and H en ry A. W al­lace fo r vlce-prealdent.

T h ree sessions were required by s ta te a n d federa l law before the e lec to r* , could reg is ter th e will of 127,842 Id ah o an s w ho picked the D em ocratic Hat. T h e e lectors m et yesterday a t 9 a, m . to te ll th e gover­n o r th e y were ready to vole. A t 10 0 . m , they appeared a g a in a n d asked th e governor to p repa re th e ballots, an d a t noon th e votes w ere c as t and counted.

E lectors were S . Ben D unlap. Caldw ell; A sher B . W ilson. Twin Falls ; Mrs, Alice Lydon. Lewiston, and G eorge £ . B ill, Rigby.

BROKENWlUi 0 fo recast calling for

w arm er w ea the r ton igh t, w ith pw tla lly cloudy skies ton igh t and Tuesday, - th is section of Idaho today seemed, to have .•'snapped out" of an caMv Bfl*dn cold speU which has c o n ^ a tlf id -^ e p ast few days, w ea the r recordsfshow .

A fter h ltU ng a lo w ^ f zero S a t­urday m orn ing . Uie tem pera ture went .to th re e above -Sunday m orning and to n ine above Uils m orning. H igh yesterday was 31 above.


O O OD IN O. Doc, 1»—P^mcral ser­vices for Isaac A lphonso K night, 88, retired pioneer co n tra c to r of G ood­ing, Were held today a t 2:30 p. m. o t th e TJ2omp.5on m ortua ry . Rev. C. H. N orthrup officia ting . In term e n t

as In E lmwood cem etery.Mr. K n igh t, w ho cam e to-O oodlng

in 1910 from Pueblo. Colo., died S un­day m orning. H e w as bo rn Ju n e 18. 1852. a t Evan.svllle. Ind , He lived In K ansas from 1B79 to 1890 and In Pueblo from 1850 to 1910, w hen he came to G ooding,

A fter engaging fo r a num ber of years as a building con tracto r, Mr. K night r e ti re d In 1010. a n d moved to on acreage east of Ooodlrtg. A sl-ster. Miss E^mlco K n igh t, had mode h e r hom « w ith h im fo r several years.

Mr. K n ig h t m arried Miss M ary Emma K urtz O ct, 8. 1875. She p re ­ceded h im fn d e a th In IB24. B un'lv- Ing a re one dau g h ter, M rs, J . J. Burris, O rdw ay, Colo., and three sons. Dnn. A r t h u r and Myron K night, a ll of Gooding.

Also surviving Is a n o th e r sister, living In F lorida, a n d 21 grand­children and 11 g rea t-grandchildren .


B(Sy Scouts from Shoshone. G ood­ing a n d Je rom e today aliared In advajjcem ent and m c rtt badge ap ­provals given a t th o council offices here. It was announced by G ordon A, D ay. executive of th e Snake river a re a council,

T lie aw ards, as officially approved, follow:

Shoshone: troop 57: Buddy H an - en, m erit badge In cam ping; Don- ild T , H anscn_ m e rit badge In

cam ping; BIU>’ M abbllt, coniplng; Laverp- F rldgen. poultry keeping; Eugene Hooper, f irs t aid and public health . Scoutm a.ster of th e troop la I. L. Johnson.

O ooding: tVoop 32: Second c la is • advancement.'? to Billy Hill, F rank Cram blet a n d Jlm;.,,y R nby; troop 31: S ta r ran k ad v an c .m en t to Dale Chcrtey. Scoiiimn-sior.v o f th e two troo|M are W lUord A vcrett and E u ­gene G ibbons.

Jerom e; troop , 40: Sectrnd class a dvancem ent to C h a r le k Brown, Scoutm nstcr is Sam H a tm a W ;

Books suitab le fo r a ll a { rs and t u l e i « t CIos Book Store. Can be safely m ailed for U ^c p e r Ib.—Adv.

ANOTHER SPECIALO n your photographa for Chriiim aa

9 8 —3x4 • M ounted Portra its.

rolnJaJure w ilh f n m e a n d coloring.

$ 6A O V alued a t $9.00

■ Good " r i l X m as

Young’s StudioD ow nstairs N e i t to Idaho Power

1 5 ^ to 2 P . M.—2 0 t to 8 P .M . K iddles Anytime

E venlnes 2 5 C > I’lu* 3 « i T ax UNCLE JO E -K ’S

Sprge A ir C onditioned


k l O V t . . .d r iv e n Into \ th » ih o d o w t of th*

m idn igh t tu n l

CAMELS• f o r (h o se w h o p r e f e r c iffa rc n c s , f{iv«s C a m e U a n d jm u r a n b e su re y o u r g i f t w il l Im a p p re c ia te d . T o r m o re a m o k cra p r e f e r a l(iw e r* h u rn ln g ( j f i i c J j (hu rt a n y o t h e r c J g a w ic . 'J 'hcj- e r e t h e c Jg a re f le o f a m l l c r l o lm c o s ilio t n lv e * m o r e p lc a i i i r c h i e v ery pu ff. Y o u r d e a le r is fca tu r- i n g C am cia f o r C h r l i d i u u h t y o u r d i o k v o f ll ie tw o h a n d io m e |u c k - 0KC* ih o w i i alK)ve. P .u y tn } (c i~ i> c r fc c i m rc re lv c . Y ci. t h e r e 'i n o th in g l ik e C a m c ta t o aay : " H a i^ p y h o lli lay s u iul hu |>py a m o k ln g ,“

PRINCE ALBERT• N o p r o b le m a b m u ih o e e p lp e - im o k e r f o n y o u r g i f t l la il Y o u Iiiat c a n 't m iw .w h o D y o u g iv e th e m « b ig , lo n g d a i t ln g oiic-{M)imd t i n o f th e w o rJ d ’* m o i t po [» } la r tn tQ k in g i o b « c < * - P r ln r o A J lw r ll (O r b n iM 'p o u n d r e a l g U u h u m id o r , ) P lp e - im o k c n c a ll P r in c e A ll>erc th e N a t io n a l J o y S m o k e , l l i c y la y : ' 'T h e r e '* n o o th e r to b a c c o U ko h i ’* Y o u r lo c t l d e a le r h u P r in c e A lb c f t ’i C h r la tm a s* w ra p p ed ''»i>eclaU’* o n d U p la y n o w l G e t y o u r P r in c e A lb e r t g i f t i


Page 4: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Monday, Dccem bcr 16. 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Thfee



Prpslcioiil HoV.pvfll re tu rn s toclny frnm Ills tour of M'n biisps.lii tin- nilclM of .■.pocuUmnii coiiri-nilm: w hat hr' m.-iiiil lli .silUKCstUiS lliat Dip world mlslU Up fti nil curt by M arrh.

'D lls tilrt- imtl Kloomy rfm ark rpuclicd itu- ciiiillnl whllp rrpo rlJ tti'rc cltciilatliiR of th e l)Os.^lblllt tim t lie miKlil p roclaim an iin llnillcd naUom il rinerKency lo rKt the rearm nm riU proRram n t>sycho-lo«lcal slio l 111 llie nrni.

To tli'p pa tlctita of- tlir Wm SprliiKs. Oil., iiifan ille paraly com m unity, Mr. nooscvelt said: "I linpr; to 1)1' down h r rc next M arcli. w lttioul any tiup.stloii. If Hip world •survive;;, io r m y iisiml t ’AO weeks spring visit."

U earlion CotifU’iedT here w as no basts here for an

oxiensu 'ii of tlia t rem ark iiiid Mr. fioospvpR did n o t e lucidate li. Did he ImvP liilo rm atlon not avallablP to the press luul p\jl)llc? No one he re rouki say on w hnl situation tlic

nd theI’reslcli-nt would do lo avert w hat he nppare iitly thlnk.s would be n c a ta ­clysmic event.

Concri's^lonaV rrartim i to Mt . Roospvelt'.'i •wdrld'.-; piid” rem ark was coiifiise<l. K rn. I'roderlck Van Ntiys, D - Ind., said he wns conll* d p r l tlir w orld was not KolnK to end. Ib a t 11 w ould '( 'o tne out be tter In llic end." Sen. P a t M cCnrrau, D.. Nev., said th e U niled S ta le s would survive "if It k i'cp i ou t ol w ar— and It's Kolng lo keep ou l o f w ar." Sen. W illiam H. KliiR, D.. U tah,, look the remnrjc as a w arning, say- InK the Prc.sldeiil ‘'sen.spd" th e clan-' Kers nicnnclni: a ll tiemocrnclcs “In- cludlnR tlie U iilt.'d S lates."

P o in t a t E ulurer ro m sourci's ii.siially Informed

- reRnrdinn na tio n a l drfeiLse ndvL^or^• romml.Hslon m a tte rs . It wn.'i learned I li a t ConmiLs.slorer W illiam Ktiiidseii'R hlHH'fh in New York F r i­day niR lil be In terp re ted n.s a fore-

• runner of n finU ier na tional Renry p roclam ntlon by Mr. Roase- vplt, A p roclam ation»flf " lim ited ”

' n a tional em ergency alroiidy Is In ef­fect.

I’roc\nm nUon o l unllm U cd nallOH' a l cm erRtncy a t llii.s lim e would be p rim arily fo r tlie p.sychologlcnl ef feet It. w ould have on indiistrj' nnd labor but wntild have little direct bcnrlnR on th e activ ities of Rovcni- m ent or cxercl.-ie o f presiden tia l

■ powers, th e U nited Press wns told.



C. A. Edmonson, o fficer In chargc : ihc navy tfrrijllliiR .■•Intloil n t II' federal building In I V ln Falls, s., iklurnim n. cliiriiiR nn in te r- icu. explalnr<l the iHTsoniiel rc-

) |u irem eiils for the comliiK “ two- oci'dii" niivy and huld th a t th e te rm liH.s bei-n used so ofiPii th a t "ll-s ir .il Rlnnlfkanc-e h a s been en tirely,"

•How iiMvny vfuU/.e "Khata iwo-pcenn navv rea lly tn e an s? ” th e recn ilte r Hskixl, "W e've boon rliliiiK aruuiul in ii nni.'-cK'-’a t ' i’::''v atui an efflclcnl one . too. fo r 80

'lu; tlm t I t's kind of h a rd lo look hnu l' 10 1345 and see w liat's neod- d to niiike thl.i double ocriin ou t- 11 work."

N rrtl ^00,000 Men J^lx-iikiiiK of the required pcr-

nniiPl. hp .Kald:"At the prr.sent '^imp tliere a re

ouuhly :t>0.000 m rii In th e navy. II Just lour ymrr.. however, we're :olni; lo n.-cd at leu.M :)00.000 m en. icit liiw rr'cn iiis. but trained m en

Joii.%. to handle N1 be ili coinmls-ships

ainw thc\r w hich wfn

t l i / m t \ v hn"t'l) until Ill'll III! TPcrultlnny plus unci nnval ri-srrv.'s, to fill It.s <lMirvm>nis. Hinvi- The restrves Jii‘ 1 about u.spd up. th is m eans th a t fill' DilK'r 300.000 nipn m ust be ob- liim rd by rccniltliiR. Kven thouRh tlicri' l.s l it tle doubt th a t such

cniltlnR will ix' .Miccp.ssful, th a t lan’t tlie whole story by any means.

Congress M u 't Act -B efore th e imvy <'«n Increase Jts

IKTsonnel to luiywhinc uear the num ber required for lliat iw otoccan navy. coiii;r<'ss im lU otlze thl.s Increase and .nppiD U Jliitj’ i.-uUlcJent fvinds lo piiy. 'nil-i leKlMatloii m tist be p a 's rd ni jm early da te s( th f tt the navy w on'l be c;iUKht sh o rt ftt tlie m lniite tho 'o R ray-dod un its of the Ilret : !nrt slldlnK dow n Ihe ways After a ll. von r a n 't Ju st round up ii lew Ira in loads Of crult.s just bi'Ini,- 11 new ship ro cs Into romiiil-. ,inn. 'n n ' h lchly m ech- lin l jr tl—*iipiT -|)(iurr 111CI1 - of - w t i i n m l UiP'!' day.', rpQUlrc skilled

....... und rnm petent ,'piunen.the mold of rlKld naval

nur Rroal n rm ada, b u t th a t Is only the DeRlunJiiK. I n Uic la s t analysis. I ts the m en w ho JlRlit .ships, no t the xhlp.s thcm - ficlves, which make a g re a t navy . I t


W ASH IN G TON . Doc. 18 lU.P.'- P ro m ln etit senate Republicans p ro - po-'-.wl today th e ir pa rty decla re a m o rato riu m on presidentia l jmUUcs m u ll a f te r 1942 nnd co n ccn tra tc on pnlnlnK con tro l of the house of rep - ro.sonlatlves In the nex t co tigres- .slonal elec tion In th a t year.

Sen.^. R obert A. T aft. O.: A rthu r H. Vandeiibcrtf. Mich.; W arren R. Atuitm. v t , and A rtnnr C.ii>por. K un .. a ll lu rce d now Ls not th e tim e to be th in k in g iibout a 1944 p resi­den tia l cand ida te . Tliey believed su c h a m oratorhm i would keep u n it­ed th e e lem ents opposed to P resi­d e n t R oosevelt's udmlntsiriiU on.

T h e ir views were expre.'v'etl w hile W endell L . Wlllklp. the 1940 R epub ­lic an s ta n d ard bearer, w as a v lilto r In W aylih islon . Tlipy said tlielr op ln- lon.s h a d no rplatlon to Ills position O.S a poN'lblo repeat candidate y e a rs hence.

CRAHII KII.I.S niKE IllDER ^ ID A H O FALL.S, l> c . 16 tU Pi-A

iJlcycle-tn ick collision here resu lted y esterday In death of H. T . Nielson, 45. Idalio F a lh . AccordliiR lo city pohce, Nielson rcxle h is bicycle Into a de llveo ' truck niid suffere<l n f ra c ­tu red skull when throw n to the pavem ent. He died in an Id ah o F a lls lio-spltnl.

F ra n ce reports non of i .Mio brldRcs the O en n a u Invnsion

e been rc-bulU,

FOR SALEO ne L ntln nnd Knullsh C atholic P ra y e r Book, published In 1899, O c t 13. Im p rim atu r; M ichael AURUstlne. A rchbishop" of New Y ork; poor Ip.ither blndliiR, 216 pages, to th e h ighest bidder. O ne Book of M ormon, one se t of Ju n io r H arvard Clas.slcs. one H U tory of th e W orld W’ar, 1918 a n d also Dook. o f KnowledRO. Box 33. NcR-j-Times.

F irs t form al p rescn ta lion by e ltlic r the sen ior o r Junior hand of T w in Falls hlnh school will be the

' ChrLslnms hinid concert, lo be held a t 8 p. ni'. W ednesday, Dec. 18, a t Ihe hlRli school Rym. w here a new .set-up ha.s been nrraiiRed for the bjind.

T h e Jun ior hiititr.s 79 meiiilierH will a ppea r In Hie old inind unllorm.s, and th e 72 iiiem bi'is of the .senior band will w i'ar th e new xnll.s.

T he proitraiii presen ted by Ihe jun ior biinil will Ij-;

'n i l ' m'IiodI m arch . C henette; “ Pa- clMi: M'Kili O verltire." JolitiMin: ■'T<'ddy D ear's I 'lrn lc ,” Yo<ler; "R as-

re." Thnma.s, nnd "Hlll- h ," Yoder,

■ tiua rl.'t, Hill fiteplirns. Clleii T r n y and C:iUf

1 pluv •■Two P a h s of Kllii- lin s ." Dr. C K. I’lilnuin.

Numt>|•I.^ <>I th e ^eIllllr hmid will 111' "Kl r ii 'x 'l l i 'io . '’ O llvm lrll; "Arlane O v i'ih ii ' '. ' HiiM't; •'.Miivlair (■intlri'- rllii," (•ruurrl W alt/, Ketelliey; •'Iii- I' l iM i'//''."^i> li'rldt;e-T nyl(ir; "Im le- l i.n c |i 'iilla " in a rrh . R. 11. Hull; •'.‘Uimnv W nillie r ," A rlrn -lle n n ctt; ‘•|>r:.. l l (Hdiii;," UcinibeiH -llelinelt; •;;u iie 111 ]•; I ’lm ," <i, lio lst; "Chrh.t- iniwillde < )vei till e ,” E. d r U imiiler. and "I'lDildly Wu H all," ' coiu'e il m n lrh , Clive. .s •

T he e o n c ril wlil i>e eUvinl wllli Ihe niillonal a iith i'iu .

Nil lulinlsslon will lir ehiirijrd but nil nrii'IIIlK will be taken.

tmirlii O veili topper’s Mill

A I niiii'ion l)<iii Ni'llseii W alls. >UI

A favorite beverage before dinner

PKOPLK w h o e n t c r t a ia o f t e n a rc d i s c o v e r in g

ihtft — l>cfor<5 dinner moro and morts giic«U nT>wa<laya prefer a moderate iKsvcmgo Uk.0 wine. Ooldcn>tfmbcr Sherry, tem pting w ith ita,, n u d ik o fln vor , is n r * - widely »en-od w ith ai nppclixera. Slierry ia u>o perfect invitation to a goo<i d in n e r . It’s ensy to aervc. An<i unnatially thrifty. Set out A Imillc next tim e giicats com n to your hoiiAr.

mplo I tho



jJia could Mwwt luu»•JU E A S Y W A IN E R

Gl»* iU lody 6| fCw Wort n on lim» lot r>« “"<1 lotaUf - wItK on tASY Bpttd nMMk; Wn>l>«i ll’i mo^ •acnln? hou**> Now lU r ^ . KITlTIIEHCABmET UiaiQN , . .Oi:»M K1U.INQ ullta lump pnilll«« cWh** , . . AUTO­MATIC TIMClt-pr«v*nu o»*i . . . TllcnMAL<H)1DB l«IU prop«c w « « tamiMinlui* . , , IIKATEH bold* wol*t l.r.p.t<rtut» eoiulnnt , . , VIIIOMATIC BArKTY WWNQCT - .■utotnoUe p m u i* . PUJS -rAMOtia BrWAlATOR WASH- INO ACTION tof a whim wx»h in W kM ll»*l


Glva on UABY Atitomotk tionvr ■ «h« t*<il at-AMODR QirTI Nn m<n« hncl< ht*nklnq hour* wtih a homHion -•h«'ll liort In m<*li»* »ITDOWN mm-Joill I’ojIiiwnUo ONIY liliswn) liona

A p p liu itro S lo r rn In

T w in Kalin a n d H urley


s has aiilhorlzi'd the shlp.s

Iji up to congress to provide fo r th e s o . m en now bo th a t th e navy will hnvo sufficient lliiic In w hich to tr a in them properly,” E dm onson- con ­cluded.


W o h iiv o fn r yiiv ir a p p r o v a l i>nc o f I h c m o s t K o rn c o u ii m ullo^:iln ,v (linill^r s iiite .-i y o u lu iv e c v i-f 's rv ‘n ( I ’ll h c t c h u ) . S h ie ld (li'sij-iK 'd c h n i r s c o v e r e d w iU i bh 'ic b r o c a lo l a n d m u s .s iv e l ii if f ii i . l l c K i i la r S27.'), b i i l fo r K put c a s h . $ 1 7 5 .

HAKKY MUSGRAVE’S MDSE. MARTO il D is f ila y I n O ur W iiuiow

Sensible, Useable Gifts For Anyone

Q u a lily D in n e r S e ts u p f ro m ...................................... $ 2.98

F am o u s iT u .sfy , C a m b rid g e a n d T if f in (ila.ssw nre

Colori'd P o t lc r y u p f ro m ..................... ..............2 i)c E ach

I’y rcx (;ias.sw arc up from ................................20c E ach

F am o u s “ R e v e re ” S tain!cs.s S tee l W a re

C orn P<ippcr.s u p f ro m ......................................................l{)cFood C h o p p e rs u p f ro m .................................................{18cW hisUinK T e a k e t t le s u p fro m ................................... ,75)cC arp e t S w e e p e rs fo r on ly ......................................... S2 .A8U alh room S c a le s , p riced low a l ..................... ......... ?:{.7r>F lcx-Scal, t h e s e n s a t io n a l new co o k e rsW enr-K ver A lu m in u m u p f ro m ......................riOc E achC lo thes H n n ip e rs up fro m A lum inum B un W a rm e rs ....H ot C ake G rid d le s only ........E lec tric I le n tln K P ad sAlum inum P erco la tors up f r o m ...........................Copper T ea k ettle s , Chrome P lated ..................Electric M antle Clocks up from .......................Complete A s.sortm enls S ilverw are up from .Ko.seville P o tte r y uii from ............................. 50c EachCard T ah les by Sam pson from ................................S2.1HChromium T ahlew are from ..........................................$ 1.0(1Tahle L am ps priceil low a l ......................................Sl.fiOP ressure C<M>ker« tip from ............................................ Sr»,',mDeroratod K ilch en Wart* and ( ’(Kulinu'nl S etsHulcher K n ives for us lit lle a s ............................•. .'iOcCundy Thermonu'terH only ........................ .............Sl,2,"iFirei)lacc S c reen s ui> from ............................................$2.'llSCookie JarH for only ........................................................TTu!HanKe C ondim ent S cis ...................................................... fideMexican W ater P itd u r s ...............................................KefriKeral(»r S e ts ...............................................................ride.I.aryo Enutt\el U oastets .............. ...................................',ir»c.Chicken F ry er w ith Itoast Kark .........................(■'alloa ( ila a s Churn.s ......................................................K irn KuttejL.Srls.'Mirs ......................................................Sl.ItTiWIss P inklnff Shcnr« .................................................I'llfflric CtirlinK Iroii.s iiii front .................................. llli'E li'iir ic UcKim MvatiT.s up front .................................. !iSc(iood A larm C locks up Irom ................... *,.................. S5rlllrd CatceH for on ly ............................................S I .18Vln« Ekh Hciviers \\y> Irum ....................................... :.. :ificCun OpenerH up from .....................................................r)llrFohllnK IronlnK: HoanK for «inly ................................!iHcllonckel I’arlnjf Knl^«'M for only .................................... iru-I\lix M asters w llh o u l J u icer .......................Other E lectr ic l\llx i r.-< a» low n « .............ToiiNtmiiMter W affle IJiiker ....................E lcctrlc W a fflo Ir.iiiH low hh ...........I'lli'ctric S a n d w ich 'I'oimters a s low oh .I' h’ctrlc H and Irons iim low a s ......................................... 5tScI'ho S lice Urend 'I'oa.'^leis im low a s ...................... 8ilcI'lno M enckel C arving Sets a s low aM ...................?l2.ri(>I'lleclrlc C o ffeo M akers as h»w a s .......................... tl.TiOIJeuutlful CarvluK S ets iis low n« .........................>1.0(1lliilversn l K leclr lc PeicolaforM a s low hn ...........l.iidivs* WrlHt W atches «« low a s ................... ......... f2.!>8JohuHon’fi FhM>r Pollhliers .......................................Jltl.fiO


D u x -B ak W a te rp ro o f IIu n lin K C o a ts ' ............... ....$9.50O th e r H u n tin g C o a ts u p fro m ............ ...................S2.98S h ak esp y ire . B am h o o F ly R ods up fro m ............$3 .9 8 .T elescope S tee l R o d s u p f r o m .......................................9 5 cFly, B ooks p riced low f r o m ..........................3 5 c t o S3.50

. L ite -N -T u ff F is h in g B o o ls .......................................$ 5.98Level W indinK R e e ls u p f r o m ....................................,.75cA u to m a tic FLshlnR R e e ls u p f r o m ^ „ ............. . ' . . $ 2 .98C o m p le le ,A sso r lm e n t o f F ly L ln w up f r t m ..-.....'.SOc'Icfi S k a te s , H o ck ey a n d F ip u re , up f ro m .............. $3.15F is h ln p B a s k e ts o f a ll k in d s up f r o m ................... $ 1.00F in e Q u a lity S leep in g B ag s u p f r o m ................... $5.95W ilson G olf C lu b s a t a ll price.<iG olf B ag s f ro m ..............................................$3.50 lo $ 10.00G olf BalU , p e r dozen , f r o m ....................... $ 1.25 to $ 8.50.22 A u to m a tic P is to ls up fro m ...... ................. $ 19.75.22 R evolverH u p f ro m ................................................ $9 .50M en 's C lam p On S k a te s up from ...........................$ 1.15H o ckey S lic k s fo r h o y s up from ............................... ? 5cG ood S tu rd y N a il H a m m e rs up f r o m ........................ 35c(■'o<id A rtm en l o f W(mh1 P lanes up fro m ......... <{5cH an d S aw s o f n il k in d s p riced up f r o m ..............$ !.0 0F in e R a tc h e t B ra c e s u p fro m ................................ :$ 1.00P ip e W ren ch es In all size s up frtm i ..........................15cA n v ils and V ises fo r th e m an on th e fa rmF ie ld ( i la s s fs . B in o c u la rs up frim i .......................... $ 1.50N tirth lan tI S k is w ith m e la l c d ^ c s .........................$ 2 (5.05(Ju a lily R idge 'l o p Skl.s, A rea l v a lu e ...............$ 12.95B eg in n e rs p ine s k is In all k -nglhs up f ro m .........$ 1.35Ski W ax f(»r e v e ry sn o w rondllltm .C om plete a s so r t m e n t o f Ski I’oles. P e rP a ir up f r o m ...................................................................... ?l..'iOS tu rd y Ski C a r r ie r fo r y o u r c a r lo p ........................$(}.75M etal E ilges. I 'j t l ih e m oa y o u rse lf, per s e t ..... $ 1.95F lex ib le Fl.ver, S p lltsk e in lam in a ted S k is .........$ 25.00C oloretl Ski M itte n s , p e r p a ir ......................................Ski Boots. R e g u la r SH.IKl, reih ireil •(<» ............... $5.75'I h e new est S k i B in d in g . Conies w lu n you fall .........................O th e r Ski B in d in g s u p from ...................C han iphm O u tb o a rd M olor, ;i,2 h.|».S .A .E . r a t i n g ..............................................................See u s fo r D u n p h y B o a ls , th e fin e st lo be hud .K apoc L ife P re s e rv e r s , on ly ...................................... $3.50A com ple te a s .so r tn ie n t o l w orkable , p lay ah io to y s .B4)v s ‘ o r (J lrls ’ B icyc les ............... S21.95 to $29.75W ell b u ilt T r ic y c le s In all sl/.e.s, up f ro m .............$ 2 .9 KD aisy A ir R ifh-s fo r a s ll l l le a s ................................ $ 1.00C o a s te r W agons In e v e ry si/.e ytiii m ay w an t.L a rg e l<'arm W ag o n com |>lele la ev e ry d e ta i l . ..$ 8.95 I 'lree to r S e ts fo r th e boy wlio likes lo bu ild ,np from ................................................................................. $ 1.00Puneliltig IhiKS fo r fu n a n d exerc ise , up fr(»m.. $ 1.05 li'oolhalls a l a n y p r ic e ytni w iint to pay u p fn jm i)8c22 R ifles fo r n ten a n d hovs .................. $ 3,50 lo $ 22.50Sleds all siz e s a n d w ell h i i l l t ................... $ 1.25 to $ 4 .WB oxing (iloves, Ih e i<leal g i f t fo r hoys $2.50 to $ 9.50F irep lace ( J ra le s f ro m .............................. $(i.lK to $I-1.9 HF lre p la c r A n d iro n s ...................................... $2 .9 K lo $ 10.98C om plele I 'lre p la c p S e ts ...... ................ $3,115 lo $ 12.50T h v b e s t ntakeH o f n iio lg tm s la douhlo a n d HiiiKle b a rre l.B row ning A tilo ijm tlc SholgtniH b e s t p r ic e s .

y lu luid

. ,$ 3 .9 5 . $ 2 .5 0

. S 3 9 ;9 5

P o ck e t K n iv es in e v e ry s ly h ^ n y prlco*



Page 5: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Page Four IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO M onday, Decem ber 16, 1S40

T E L B P H U N iJ ? 8 -

KuU Wlr» S»r»1c« Un1l*i Prf

M AKond CI*m

;.in I'alti. Idihu. 1.

Apiil 11. 1819. UnJ.

POTS h o t s

The Gentleman in the Third Row

L oo k in g A liead onTile firsti six m onths of o u r defonse e ffo r t l^einp

past, the U nited S ta te s can look hack w ith o u t e ither complacency o r discouragem ent.

We have laid th e foundatinn>i of an a rm y ; we have begun to geai- e x is tin g in d u s try (o su p p o rt i t ; we have s ta rted to build a m u n itio n s industry .

Let no m an th in k th a t u-e have m ade m ore th an a beginning. T he i-eal e f fo r t is to come. Only about h a lf of the n a tio n a l g u a rd has been called up fo r t r a in ­ing. Selective sei’vice has called up a m ere trick le. A fte r the f ir s t of the y e a r the real m ass a rm y w ill be­gin to assem ble. v

¥ ¥ ¥L et no one fool h im se lf th a t we can now m erely rock

along on a "b u sin ess as u s u a l” basis. I t is sim ply not in the cards. W h a t do w’e face in the com ing m onths as the defense e f fo r t g a th e rs speed and m om entum ?

More and m ore hom es w ill feel the d ire c t im p act of the drive.a5_mo_re and m ore men a re inducted into service— the to ta l w ill be a m illion and a h a lf by ne.xt m idsum m er. M ore an d m ore offices and in d u str ia l p lan ts w ill feel the e ffec t o f p roductive w orkers w ith d raw n fo r th e a rm y .

E v er-in c reasin g dem ands fo r m a te ria ls w ill u n ­cover shortages. That^w ill m ean th a t some a u th o r ity m u st decide, a s d u r in g th e W orld w a f , which in d u stry is to g e t th is sh ip m en t o f steel, th a t sh ip m en t o f cop­p er. I f th ere is n o t enough steel fo r th e w a r e ffo rt, l o r instance, th e re a re only tw o so lu tions: use less s teel in no rm al c iv ilian life, o r increase p roductive facilities. Y ou m ay n o t like the th o u g h t of increas­ed cen tra lized contro l, b u t a s sh o rtag es a p p e ar i t w ill be either- t h a t o r slow dow n on the p ro g ram . You know w hich the people w ill choose.

In creasin g p ressu re is g o ing to be applied to both labor an d m an ag em en t to p u t as id e personal advan­tag e fo r the n a tio n a l debt.

The only possible w a y to avoid centra lized control o f both is fo r both to cooperate in every reasonable w ay w ith o u t com pulsion.

L onger w o rk in g hours m ay come. In d u str ia l leaders like Sloan o r G en era l M otors and Robertson o f W estinghouse believe th ey a re not now neccssary,

, as long as th e re is a lab o r pool o f unem ployed. B u t when a m ath em atica l fo rm u la o f fac ilities available time.s m en w ork ing th ree e ig h t-h o u r sh if ts fails to produce w h a t is needed in five days, then si.x days m ust be worked, a t lea s t u n til ad d itio n a l facilities can be provided. I t is a lm ost a m a tte r of pure matho m atics.

P rices will be su b jec t to g re a t e ffo r ts tn koop them from r is in g in the face o f every tendency to rise. T axes a re certa in to increase, not only fo r the w ealthy, b u t fo r every m an, w om an and child.

In short, we have Heen only the p re lin iin a iy l)ogin nings o f o u r defense e ffo r t. We have no rea.son to be d iscouraged w ith w h at ha.s beiMi accoinpllHlied. B ut every m an n u ist realize (h a t i(. is only a beginning. A g rea t defensive foree c an n o t he Iniill w ilh “ Inisine.^j^ as u.^ual,” no r w ith " life as u su a l,” e ither.

Sad Tale in Few Words

T rrs r s l ta le of wor Po l Shots hm> hrarci la tely cam e from a gen t who subm itted n Job appllcaMon lo lh a t O . O. P. cotnnilttee appoin ted to receive >ame In Twin F a lli county, prior la th e Inaa in ira tlon i come Ja n . 13.

Said Ihi-H app lican t m nurnfully;"W hen th e « if tln | commlllee

. i / t rd , I fell th ro u th ."

WANT AD DEPT.r o a 8ALI':— D ill clicni>, ca-sli oiilv

la t) fairly well iwcd billy cliibs Apply a o y tu ilp r iitul A rt SlKor shrrlff '.s o fd re .


SH E’LL snow h e r ;D cnr P o l Shots;

Dolly hftd 5Q ceuU . She aUo liail n C hrU tm ns Klft list w hich liicluilcd 'fiom cUilim (or two grnndmn.i nnd 511* papa,"

She w en l *)iopplnB th e o th e r dnv w ith h e r m other, ‘'I w nnl th ree pairs )f silk hose for one grttnclma and a lel of dishes fo r the other," she said

bllUiply.l i l t you c a n 't buy pre^em.s like

w llti the money you hnve. Y ou’ll ! to wait un til you're a bl« Kiri

l.tiv r A Kood Job to buy Mich glfl.s. Now here 's ^r)mell^lnl{ nice— ’' e x p la liw l hor inolhcr.

M l rlKht— Ihen Ml kHi' nil mv ry to llii' atilvtillnii A nnv," «»lcl

Dolly, ruid .-tliL' .starlcd o tf In Hcnrch a aalvB tlon Army kcttli-.

M o the r retrlevisi h r r Ix'fori' she to iind 11, Itowrvc

—H im I H»i

SANTA BKTTETt n i l lN t i HKK A D U m O N A K Y !

D ear P o lio Sholno:M et ■ i l r l «hn llilnks con-

R rrip te ri l i the name nf n new n l |h t rlu b a rt. Hnu' run Khe Im>

.he lped , P, S.7—P, 0.w »ld H rhtuuli


AI re<iurm .)f niindry I’nl Hhol.i rendern, lurludliiK oue o t oiir rs tlm -

• S E R IA L S T O R Y



'T 'H E m nn w ho h o d com o ov niMr th e nockinR R n .in c h had

iln y e d in t h e t s r w h en th e worn le ft h im . T h e c a r hod show ed lig h ts fo r th e la s t m llo o r *o. \ j u i t ro lled slow ly o v e r th e fl co m p ara t iv e ly b a rre n Jond. T he m on sn t In i t qu ieU y now , w aitin e h is m om ent. H e w ou ld hnve to tim e hlin-'plf w ell, th e n a c t sw iftly » r d um cieiitly.

H e could sec a w indow ligh t tw o w hich ho kn e w w as th e ran housu. Ill hiinBors to th e le ft th e house’ h e could see lig h ts also, iind knew thfit th e nrm y offlcei iind m ccliiinics w ou ld bo the re— th e y oven -■ lept w ith in n le w U o f tlic ir p lin e s .

W hen hu lf iin h o u r lind passed h o n u ic tly le ft h is c ar. In a sm all cnriviis pa ck h e c :irrlcd tooLs- pow iT fu l p a ir o r stee l cu tlers, l,,.ck sa w w ilh e x tra bijides o f t: liiirdc'st m e ta l, a sh o r t stubby c ro w b ar, fou r sizes o f flies.

U n d er h ts co at w as a b e ll hold- in« an au to m atic p isto l. A scco rd ;.n<l .sm aller p isto l w as s lu n g in a i.tiou lder h o ls te r o u t o f s ig h t u n der Uir. lo ft a rm .

O u tw ard ly , th e m an ’s cloUiinR w as n e a t a n d of e x ce llen t fjuality fo th a t if by chance ho shou ld bo t i 'c n a n d recogn ized ho w ou ld c x - c ite no susp ic ion . S im p ly by d ro p ­p ing h is b a g o l too ls o u t of s ig h t h e cou ld w e ll a ssum e a norm al ro le w ith no one th e w ise r. W ilh no houses sa v e those a t th e ranch, tliough , a p d no ro ad o r tra i l along Oiis f la t m esa a re a , h e d id n ’t e x ­p ect to e n co u n te r anyone.

H e w a lk ed ciiutiou.sly to w ith in 100 y a rd s of th e h a n g ars . T here , jit th e edRo of th e c lcared landinK field, h e lu rk e d in th e foliage of a m e sq u ite ^h rub , w aiting .

T h e field w as a long sm ooth p ^ in fro m w hlc li even th e sm all /o e k s h a d be en rem oved', b u t its b o u n d a rie s w ere m a rk e d by Span* ish d a g g er grow U is, m caquite, g reasew ood , sa g eb ru sh , a n d a tew s c a tte re d bo u ld e rs . R ecen tly , too, a f lv e -s tra n d b a rb e d w ire fence ^ a d been b u il t a ro u n d it to keep lOfT roam ing ealU e, horses a/id

O v er Uie ra n c h hou.<;c roof D fludden lic k of (lam e. I t d ied dow n, sp ra n g up a g a in btill iiigher. A lm ost a t once o th e r flume tongues show ed. H e g lanced a t th e h a ng - cirs, a n x io u s ly w aiting .

p lan ted h is In flam m able m a te r ia l .vi'll. H e cou ld h e a r th e co n stan t iound of m usic and la u g h te r th e re ij he h a d h e a rd s ince h e firs t leijrcd the p lace , b u t s till nobody

had discovered th e fire,I !it once, though , h e h e a rd a

shout.•■O h-O -O -O-0, H E L P i- Som e­

body yelled, th e n c am e a sc ries of .'kings, a n d In th e m ounting

glow the re h e cou ld see people

technJcaL B u t h e d id know enough to ap p re cia te th e im por­ta n ce of them , a n d of co u rse any sca led m e ta l bousing cou ld be easily opened la te r a n d th e p a rts la id b a re fo r • m in u te acien tinc analy sis a n d copying. H is cue, h e to ld h im self w ith sa tisfac tio n , sim ­ply w as to ta k e th e w hole U iin |. H e s e t to w ork .

;, lo u d e r andF iirllie r shoi more fran tic .

V door In a n a irp la n e h a n g ar popped open a n d som ebody looked out. A t once th e p e rso n tu rn ed bnck inside, co lled loud ly , a n d ra n lo tlie oUier h a n g a rs n e a rb y a n d sounded th e o lorm . M en cam e stream ing o u t a n d r a n to w a rd th e ranch house.

W hen h e saw th e la st person leave th e h a n g a rs , th e m a n con­cealed n e a r th e fence g r in n ed In elation.

•'P erfec t! '' h e b rea thed , w hole p lace deserted!^ .

He sped acro ss th e open ing and slnpped n t th e first h a n g ar . T here , lo be doub ly su re , h e pa u sed a n d w aited a m om en t. H e looked in the h a n g ar a n d c a lle d ou t. N o­body cam e, nobody a n sw e red . H« w en t to Dio b ig ship,

■ e x p ec ted th e com part- I used by th e ch ief bom ber to

be lucked, b u t lo h is deliK hl h' dn’t have to use h is too ls here no strong p u ll th re w b la tch an< tencd Uie tin y cnb ln door. W ith s pocket f la s h lig h t; then .-ycd the scenc ." A h -h -h -h !” h e b rea lh ed in a ilta tion .T here before

w hnt h e w an

TN Ju s t tw o o r th re e m ■*’ fire g rew to aslon ish ii

iut6s Ui<

in ii h o u s in g no bigger I sm a ll ov e rn ig h t bag, rie “K adget” w hich n a - w illin g to sacrifice lives ICS to ow n. T h e re w as m o st v a lu ab le m ilita ry .

■secret!H e w

in strum en t w h en heard a no ise o f n i r nearby.

"T w o in each h a n g ar shouted.

T he m an crouched , gi iiand. rea d y to k ill , ] d.iri-d b rca tiic w h ile a fo rm dashed into the h a n g a r a n d look fli tiiifiuishers fro m th e w alls , b u t 60 seconds In te r h e k n e w h e wai aloiic again . H e rch o ls te red hli pisiols and re.sunjed h is ta sk .

.H e knew tlie bom b s ig h t wai in m e ta l so th p t h e could

s k n e e lin g to in sp e c t th e suddenly Ing fee t

■ ha rd ly

not feasib ly now. B u t th a t d id him. H e w o u ld n 't hnv Uiem anyw ay , fo r h e

P I R S T , a m e U l a rm os b ig as h is m idd le finger w as found w eld­

ed to^ the aide fram e . H e tr ie d hia p o -fe rfu l n ip p e rs on lh a t and m a8e litU e Im pression. B u t th e h a o lu aw d u g In n t once. H e sw ung he sh o rt b lade ba ck a n d forth -apidly, glancing u p a n d o u t tho w indow often . N o th ing in te r ru p te d h im . In h a rd ly 10 m in u tes th e m e la l a rm w a i la w e d in tw o.

S u p p o r t from th e bo ttom w as.-a.i he h a d a lre ad y ob se rv ed w hen in ­specting th e a irp lan e s h e re , th in ­n e r p ieces o f s tra p m e ta l , p ro b ab ly a lum inum o r a lloy . H e dug h is c ro w b ar u n d e r o n e r iv e t and pried . I t b roke loose a t once. A second and th ird su p p o r t cam e fre e w ith equal case . H e w as e la ted , in fact, a t th e case of th e w ho le ope ra tion . Shou tings a n d c rack lings of fire, m u m e d by d is­ta n c e a n d th e h a n g ar w alls , to ld h im th a t h e s till h a d tim e.

W ith a sh o rt s tee l ta p e ilrvder h ia f lash ligh t beam , Uien, he m easu red ex ac tly e v e ry d e ta il o f liie bom b s ig h t’s insta lla tion . T h e d is tance acro ss th e c om partm en t. T he h e ig h t o f th e s ig h t fro m th e fioor. T he size of th e open ing in the floor itse lf . T he d is tance of th e ch ief bom ber's se a t from th e b a se o f th e s ig h t a n d from th e eye piece. T he h e ig h t o t th e co m p artm e n t celling. E very th ing h e co u ld see to m eas­u re . T hese figures h e p u t dow n w ith pencil on a n o te pad.

T h en w ith o u t fu r th e r ado h e took h is tools a n d th e prec ious bom b sig h t and ba ck e d o u t of thi c o m p a r t m e n t . T h e load w a h e av ie r th a n h e -an lic ipa ted , fo r the th in g w as of m e ta l , b u t evt so i t cou ld b e c a rried in. one han H e sa t e v e ry th in g on th e cemei door, w e n t back In a m om ent ar w iped a ll th e In te r io r w ith an oili r a g from h is pocket to leave J f ingerp rin ts .

T h en he g a th e red h is th ings a g a in a n d calm ly d e p ar ted . N o­body else w as a ro im d th e hangars y e t n o r w ould lik e ly b e soon, fo r th e B a iley house n o w w as ro arin g and flashing so th a t h e h a d to ducic dow n in th e low shadow s to avo id possib ility o f be ing seen.

E ven a s h e fled, though , he srk ings looked a t th e b u rn in g house w ith in te rest sa tisfac tion . T he w om an w ho cam e

inde rs tood w ith h im had do n e h e r job w ell, s n o t th a t (T o Be C on tinued )

Bruce Catton in Washington

E feninc T im es W ashlnfton Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Dee. 10- E n ­forcem ent of llie Wii«e*liour law l.s

ling in to one of the oddesi prob- Icm.s U iat ever vexed a governm ent iigeiicy. T he penalty ord liyirlly used

iforcing Lhe law U «eltliiK too,llff t

rcQUircmpenalty is the n employer w ho ho.s been pay* lb -standard wages pay up all

buck wages due h is wdrkers. So far It h as been th e chief d u b In the

lids of th e w age-hour -division's .pectors.But now th e law has been In e f-

fcc l (or over two years. Suppose aii>eclor discovers a sm all buslnes.s nan who has been below lh e m ln l- luim e ^ since th e law w enl in to ■ffect.-fle c an require th is m an to ive up to th e law from now on—- )ui It he m ade h im pay up th e ac- •um ulatfd wages h is w orkers should iftve been ge tllng for two yeur.i he

m lglii simply pu t h im out of buiil- « s s by hand ing him a bill he ;ouJdn'l pay.

i la rd production due early nex t year. ' A good p a r t o t Uie soybean crop l.«

i.sed in m aking ^ la rg a r li ic s and :ooklng ollK. D rop In Inrd iiroUuf- llon hence m eans a bigger field lor soybean oils..

A g rku ltu re departm en t experts doubt th a t the defense boom is p u t­ting the price up. Only uboui i j per cen t of the crop goes to Indus- ir la l Besides, tlic w ar has p iac-

illy killed the export dem and.


Dl-scourU liia 'c p redictions Hint Secretar>- of Labor Prnnce-«^ Pcrkiii.s Is going to rcplace Paul M cN utt as edcral .set:urlty adm inistra to r,

.Madame Secre tary Is due to leave h e r p resent posf. bul (rill probably <rliid up w ilh a dipla- m alic Job If one can be found. <)nly h lleh (here Is th a t most d ip ­lom atic Jobs open now are In L a t­in A m erl;a. and th e L atins still figure w oman’s place is In the home.


T h e division Ls a lready v.iilving rcslllu tlon In some case.s. By w aiv­ing It, tlie cooperiillon of a num ­ber of iriuie Bs.sociallons l.s ob ta in ­ed. A w age-hour official, for in- slunce. Will tell trad e a.s.soclatlnn rx- ecuUve.? som eth ing like th is :

•'We haven 't been able lo liibjiecl your f(eW yet and probably w on't lo r some inonllis lo come. Meui: while, we know perfetU y well th i some of your people a rc n 'i paying th e wage.s th is law requires, O Uiem Into line 'now ; In re tu rn , win we do m ake our liisi»ctlon*, at m a n who Is m eeting th e law 's r qu lrem cnts a t th e tim e of th e li specllon will be okay, even Uiougli

,y ha'In Lhe pa-st.”

T h is doesn’t mei hou r dlvl.slon ha:Idea of ge tting ri wages. In O ctobei. . . . b rought Bboul paym en t of upw ard of $1,000,000, W hat Is hap p en in g Is sim ply th a t th e Jpb of ge lling versul observance of lh e law U ing pu t flrs'l-.-

a rd lng U

. th a t thi abaiidor

.Itu tlon of back for Instani


H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City & County

7.5 Y E A R S AGODKC, 16, 1A2S

T lie dliiniT imil ciUi'itaUia Klvrn by th r DaiiKhlcrs .if th r Ai l.'iin Revoluilon a t th e Iliisinev^ m en'a club rooms In linnor o( i husbftnds wn.s rh a rm ln g as fac ts and livndes ui.soclated 'thowere reralleil in lhe iiu: lUtiBrain. Ml:,.s A\letn Miss D orolhv nink.-liiel

1i.1 (lay.'

leh liv MIm ro le o t a


27 )7;.1A*.S AGO

H o n o r M i m m i ^ I i f o r A l l

A faint llHlll^io()n. i-vcii if not a,HL'CJiiH to liavf hccn in a Icapot liy llio dt'si^-nalitin of I’an A in c rican 'A v ia tio n day on Doc. 17, (he a n n iv ersary of tin* W riKlit l)r()lh(‘i\4. C erta in n riv a li' inlercHl.s n>'tu-iircil paH saf'eof a join); resolut ion l)y con-

autliorii'.iiiK clioice of lliis flnle. They failed to nu'iilion ihi' Soiidi AiiuM'icaiiH who m adi' .such splendid contrilnitimiH to the l)irth of hum an flif'hl.

W hul was inleiulcd as a ^-tiod-will n’e.stiirc, th u s t)f- fonded H ra/.ilians wlu) htm or SantoH-DumonL and (Ju/.- mao, aiul P e ru v ia n s wlio eelelirate Chavez, C an h 'n as and Hiolovuclc. 'I’he S la te d e p a rtn im l has had (o U‘- nilnd Hponsor.s <tf Iheir nnii.Hsiini,

S ui’oly in so f^reat a fiehl. th ere i \ etidUKdi honor fo r all. W e a re oblij^ed for lhe ri'inindi'r.s th at oainc Itibtaiitly to eall a lle iilio n ter the serviee.n uf these South A m pricnn pioneers. It, is one of the th in g s that unlte.4 peo j)le.s~ lhe w ay in which nicii of ^I'liliis in diverso crtuntrieH h r in ^ talent.^ to hear on a sinKli-' problp in ,.an(l all e o n tr ih u te a sh a re in a .siiif^le Hoiution. H onor to an y o f llu-sr a ir pinnccrs only briH'hteiJH the hm ter o f otliorH.

^•:,l)«|irr 1

I’o r I

StiitiHticH h I i o w that muoii of the time a careor IcudH lo u atript-d Huil.

iT i:^ i ON m i ; N K H it;'MSI In Mill

(lie |,hr<.r,n,l,.|,v h.-tliK Mr.nt

Further raUotiiiiK in likely for lirilons after lhe holldayft— but thor^MI bu no hilch in lhe heltM they’r(> b ind ing tht Germans.


niilr 'I’MAT many ih o p iiin f r t i r i l e f i T . . . "


T he k llc h ea im

T o m H o j lm a n c KN anuM l b y (irai)}<e


IrkreiHU-. Ohriil. in W, r . Colini

M IrirI r ; r io r


'W e Challenge Y ou." th e ora tion ' w hich he won f irs t' p lace a t th e oratorv and debate m eet, was given by Kills Bo<len during stu d e n t body a.s.seml)ly W ednesday a fte r -

Albloii slu d e n ls who paVtlclpatecl in (he m eet were In ­troduced by Alvln M, K einplon, Tliey all took imi I In debate a n d are Mary Lam bert, Burley, a n d D erm a-

OehrlK, ill the lower dlvl- uiiil I.liivcl D rury. B ulil. and

Ctiarle* Ileiiworlli, Albion, In the vi.siuii. At tliB close of the

WuJrtUiia.s caro ls were 1 by C liltnrd M ulllklnV ac- ■il bv llptiy l’ixt«rtv,~lMirlcy,

o fM u O m eg iOmlci sponsor, M ■ i-\

d liinei

m et r s hn e of theli k Johnson

eiijov a' Ih r losing .sidi

ive, w hich WAJ •ear. Chrl.itmai >(l retreslm ienl.

Jaycees at BuhlName Candidates

BUHL. Dec, 16 (Special) — uhl Jun ior C ham ber of Coi

merce. w ith O ienn B iickendorf :ha lrm an, announces th e following nominees for th e 1041 election Dlllcers;

Prc iiden l, W aller T ann lcr, H arold Pueker; lirs t vice iirc.ildcnt, Holmes, Charles S hadduck; second

presldfiit, Tom Newbry. S heldon eu llty ; necreUry, B ern ard S ta n w niton C ra y ; treasurer, K u rt K erp

il Hov Heyer,llreeiors, Ihree lo be elected for n-vpar term s, are Joe H uber,

Ilu llBVB. Holand T lilbadeau , M nrlo^ brose, Ralph I*i|)er, W aller I fe r- n i e annual elec1l9n will be held

I. H.

Ehnt Kly. Ncv ; Hill Matlliewh, ley; tlra ee, Albion; tljM'adlliiK. (:i>.'>iletouI; Itiilph ham , Yukliiiii. Wn.ili ; Hnllv

I l»\eliui(1, Yr>:

■iile), Mr.s. I). I'

J n ir^ r ll ,M.iiv Iasi H atuiday


W hen soybeans lii t a do llar i bushel in the Chicago m arket- r e ­cently. th e departm cn l of ag ricu l­tu re realized lh a l a n o th e r crop had —so to speak—come of age. Soybeans have become an Im p o rtan t c r o p jn Uie mldwesl, rising from a n acreage of a round 3,000,000 fifleen years ago

10,000,000 acres Uxlay. Production ' th is year is figured a t about 70,-

000.000,son for th e in p r ic e - i t iped 25 cen ts from Septem ber to 'e m b e r-U probably th e d rop in

Australia Summons More Men to Arms

' CANBERRA. A ustralia. Dec, 10 (U.R)—U nm arried m en 19 ye a rs ’ old ond between 25 a n d 33 years old In ­clusive were called lo th e colors to- diiy 111 order (o m a in ta in th e defense forces ill A ustralia a t 250.000 men.


Sclenc,e seUs a te riific pnce In this m odem e ra bu l science books. [>op- u lnr and otherw ise, seem lo keep up w ith il. T lie y cai-end brings a d e ­luge. .- ome of w hich undoubtedly a re ou tdated by the labora tory a l ­m ost before they a re published. Not so. however, w ith five Im portant, readable volumes.

T lie f irs t two are Roy C hapm an Andrews' "T his A niaalng P lane l''^ . (P u tn a m '.s: »2i and F ra n k T hone's '•Microscopic W orld" (Ju lian Mess- n e r: $3). N either a re over-technical a n d both arc Im m ensely in te re s t­ing.' As direc tor of th e A m erican M useum of N atu ra l H islory .^ A n­drew s (rem em ber "On th e ' I « l l of A ncient M an"?) has m ade a round ­u p of th e hund reds of h is long , career, such as "po tatoes a re to ­m atoes" and th a t fHh have the ir h itchhikers.

As a leading p o p u la rlie r of m odern science. Dr. T hone delves in to h is own special Held, blolog>'. and comes up w ith some (ac ts as

ige or stranger th a n Andrews'. Sam ple chap te rs a re "Digestion W ithou t SlomaclLs” (th e story of germ feeding). "P astu res of th e Sea"

•he story of a lg ai.O utstanding fea tu re o t th e T hona

book is th e inclusion of m ore th a n 100 graphic -p ic tu re s o f th e woh- • • - >f little^ living th ings th a t

,, , "microscopic w orld," The book, Incldentallv , is adap tab le to Juveniles o r adults.

T ack ling an o ld '(juestlon . D r. H. Spencer Jones w rites an In terest­ing book, "U fe on O U ier W orlds" M acm illan; »3). Presen ting a mas.'

j f evidence, ho concludes; " Il is idle to try to Ruesn w h at form s life m ig h t ta k e in o th e r w orlds. . . . N either the Investigations o f th e a stronom er nor th e investiga tions of

b io log ist, c an h e lp i

Woodmen ElectBUHL. Dec. Ifl (S pccla li—H. P.

Atkhfi was elected con.Mil of the Buhl camp of M odern. W oodmen i America last week. O th e r offleei a re R. Cecil Johnston , advLsor; 1 L. Atkins, banker; A nlone Sediv escort; Or. J, W. W urster. physlrlni Klvln-O. Noh, w atchm an ; F. C, Si (llvy sentry, and D, A. Eggleslo liiistee for th ree years. An. oysti supjier was served a fte r th e soci

latter. I t m ust i la in fore\;aled book. B u t it U unlikely th a t ' volution has followed a para lle l ju rse on anv two w orlds." W liy It I unlikely Is Dr. Jone.n' story and goo<l one.r in a lly , there Is Edwin Wnv

'eale'fi absorb ing , and extrem ely eU -illaslraU d book .on the life of ees, "T lie G olden T lirong" (Dodd.

which, if you a re a.Htudeiit a t a ll, Is i

: E ,irth"b<»k; and "O ur TremblhH by Joseph U ’n th (Dodd. M ead: the. story ot eartirfiuakes, w hat causes them , how they are recorded and w hat value It Is to science to record them .


r P.-T. A. will ha>

usic was fu rn lsh - iikI t ia ra lt K eu rn i 'Inrlh rlln W nleolt ig n re i l ‘r a l l wan



oisiAnt K

; purcfiatlng agant.

c:i.llle May I..'v lrn-tw esldent, Mrs,

. Mr

lumia III muo R iKmallon to the ( lh a l r itv . 'H ie ell Pd hy a |K i|.|ii.l tnem bera and Ui K guest. sralMl,

. Ken..... . . .a rd , M is

(ihrlM iiiaa pnok- III Mildlnra »l Uii

well a s a r a i l illilrfii'n hom e o Mion w as prered

d in n e r wUh 10 . U lara K opp, u

rhoaen. Mrnil>e rs of the>l In the play are

sdlngs.spluu 1•lub p.c:.rn led nilIHDgraiiII Thur»( lay a l the.'chool aiu.rmbl)iHo K)l iiirdt gii vr a des-■i.u Th u n d a y 1lor inuiii-MaroA lltldHO .club. Mrs.was ai 1 addltUi nal guest.

Ik Hiken en tert a lned the1 Itililge club •riiiiisdav«llh a de tae rl lun rheon .Idge fc)r high core w en l

<1 Mir. A, A. Da vU: second liighIII MII. C II, Hhalf. a n d low toMm , HiUui D. Vh iceiil. A dditional

< w rrr Mr 11 /k. A, n a v is , Mrs.Kil«.i, n , Vinern l and M rs, I , n.

Mb.1 M sijorv III aslo<'k. Miss B31-Mias Eloulse M ore-

Ml-..> Wll’i WUnon and n Tricaii, all s lu d e n ls a t th e(.'iiliii ncio W(«nikn's college. D enver,iillU iril hunm Hal.uiday (0 s|>endIh r 1M>IUIny sea.on w ith rrla llves ,

W.1■mnfi'n flij.■lelv■ (if Hoelal Herv-Ill m m Wediiiesday u lleriioon .

Drc 1", 'Mill Mis. J F, Oullok, As-sMiil aro M rs E. M.XllVll(iiii. Mis. Mlaude H ouse andM u rre d Helrltiert

Ml s K<Ui.iiII llrlggs, form erlyMIm AiiiKilte Ja r iibson. Instructo r111 IIIf n i n f,.. t_ .iiral higti school, en

Ain.iU:un U kU. and (aiiilllr*, give iiiliv ■

I Ixw A ngrles, ivra a t lloUn, --n igh t guest s G ailsoil.

a n d p«ilul I

iirnday dnllghtlul B llnlr. F tfty

iienin aiteniled and were M ated •r d inn rr i t oiie luiig lab le w hich u« iiivarrd with O lirlstm aa deco ra- mui. Danrlng and gam es follow ed.


A naw er (o P re v lo tti P t iu le

13 School of whales.

14 Sycophant.ISS iiletd .Ifl E xpectations.18 Three. lO U ls It slnnd.21 Kmboldened.23 Nay.2B01d garm ent.20 M easure of

area. 44 Doggy.27 Ita lian s tream . <0 C o m p a ii po in t 20 Child (H bbr.).

d H lc a te d to 47 H reiikfnst food

p«,co. 51 Uoy.3.1 Notch. &2 M ole iheep .:i4 G arre t. 64 S w im m ing SflM are. fow ls.97U Brler«d. S3 ro rtu g u « i«30 Chopping tool. coin.40 Uehold. 60 H e h a i —42 K not of sh o rt • f ro m active

ha ir. ae tv lce .

■ o rthodoxy .11 F rosled .12 A lm ond.10 H e h as had 1

l o n g ------c a ree r as • so ld ier. ’

17 T o close. lO Crispnes.1.20 C urta iled .22 Pa rad ise .34 D eath notice.27 W rites. 2B D ulld lne s l l t i 31 M etal s tring . 3BC oagulum .

17111s na tiv e 90 Rabbit, land . 30 F u n e ra l long .

« ax .C A t U S S r - " ' -2 Self. u n tru th .3 D ick of neck. 4V D anana.« Im provem ent. 43 N ew spaper 0 Preposition . pa ra g ra p h .8 B urbo t (flsh) 40K eU h .7 Y oung salm on. 48 0 u n .OTo p rep a re lo r SO Com m on ve rb

B1 R um an ian ‘ coins.

tt3 M usical notei 03 R a ilroad

(a b b r .) .

Page 6: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Monday. Decem ber 16, 1910 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Five

Grange GleaningsB y A . H A R V E ST E R

B lO tN T A IN IIOCKMoiintJilii ncK-k GrniiRe m et on

Dec.. 4 w ltli Pom ona O ninSf' oIJlc- r r s os tliPlr Kiicst.'., O nly routliic nirttUTs c lalm rd Ih r a ltc tillo ii of jhp O rn iiif iliirli\u tlip rrR ulur srs - MOii- Pnmiiim M nslrr E r lf Jontfs Kftvr ft tiilk on work of H 'c J’o- nioiiir* ftiKl Mrs, O rlrvo , Pom ona lrca?,>irrv. saim l« o solos, " In (.he Oloi.mlm:'’ iind ••Trees," w ltli Sticnliord nrcoinpniiylim tinpintii)

Mi:>. t i l Alilm iif Ucc-p Creek, a; Ih r only woiiiiiti niu-strr In tlic coun tv. ttu.', i-iillcd upon iind Kftvc n very Inlrir.sllilK <«lk. K. L. Mctj: uli callfcl on for u inim biT , told " b rh rv r 11 Or no t" la ic . A coinlc Mint:. -I Am .1 Oiiv C abollrro ." in lull i-osttnne iind nmk<'up. fillerort l>y FrunK B ccr und Krle Joiip;;. lUc (lr^l by M r, Bofr nii(! tlir nex t by Erie, nnd th e n tliry brrnino iin epidem ic nnd »tin[r the rn ro rr toRi'tlier.

T h rrc « i i ' u ver.v Inrtie ultoiirtfHirc' ot vl.sliors nnd lo tn l m em bers nearly every O nin ije In T w in Falls coimty was reprc.sent/'d. 1 very fine mcetini; iiiul probably the

o t the 5.tcles wUictt lu is tiiken the Pom ona OrtviiKe o tf lre rs Into nearly every G raiilie In th e county to present the ease lo r th e Pom ona G range iitid Us ri'latlon to th e sub- oiflinate and s ta te C rannes. I t Ls felt th a t the plan h a s been w orth- whilc and has resu lted In [he (jrowth o( InlrresI In the Pom ona O ranpc. We U) ;,t'f ^o1nl' plmiIn cipcrniloii nexi year. No doubt many have Joined th i' Pom ona be- rallsr ol llie prOKiam th a t Illesp visitors advaiued aiuoiiR ilie .Mibor- (liiiate OrajiKe''.

lA lllV IK WFiiirvir'v G ran iif met on th e Gth

ol O orrm bcr wlili a ' koo<1 turnout and held a short btislncs.^ .so,s.slun. A coiiim ltter on cana l n tfa lrs wii.s ap|X)uiled and S ister B rooks a n -

• tiouiicotl the upixUMUncnl oS Mrs. Jack Cmniibell nntl G race Baxter ns C hnslrnas com inlttec . anil Mr. and Mrs. l!!ii;:cr and Mr. and Mrs. Ctie.Kter Niih as tree couiliilttee. *A liarvc.M bull com m ittee, Riulolph I’etcr,'-on. IClvIn Noh and Jtow ard Cobb, »as nppolnfed lo a n th^ affair.

A in n l :.h»v.ev by ilip lad les to r •Sister Hudson, who \u is re()orled t be In the eom iiy hosp iln l. wn m anned. The rcsiKnation of Mi

. R alph Ihix-r as ai.slstiint accepted a tn l T linlne

ind Chacc IJaXtor ' fill llie olfier.s. L ittle

] K ram er frit moved to .'liig "Oo(i Dle.v. A nieilcu" a n d a lte r much pcrsua.slon nnd aided by D on­nie she very sweetly p u l It

l l i e tm d party , w hich h a d been arranftert honor oC th e K vkU.oiv., Was held n t th e rUi'.r of th e m eet- Inc bill withotll th e hoiiorocs, a.s JSlMer H udson was cotiflned lo th e

, h(ih|iital. T v rlv e tab les wore n t plav nnd low for women w ent to Riitli H anllni; mid for the m en to Soren .lensen. hlRli for th e women to Mr-

, Anton su c lia n and for th e m en tc C.pcrRe liaxtcT. 'I 'r iuc-U iis prl/^- ,u cu t to Mr.s. Cam pbell nnd Mr, Dciiticy. L unch whm .served

cltise of ho.stf!ltle'. Tlie ChrI.stma.s ram and tree will leaVurc th e mcelliiK, on Dec. 20,

KIMIIKKI.YTvlnibcriy G range held the ir t W -

tlon of oMlcers M onday e In g ,' M r, and Mr,-.. W, n . Chase nnd Rci'; S . D, T refren were Initiated n.s

m em bers ol th e G range. Tlic otflcer.’i elected were as follows: M nster. F rank Beer; overseer. FYcd T rim ble : lectiircr. Mrs. tYed Beer; stew ard. W alter Bccr; a;.sL.tant stcw nrd, Staey D ietz; chaplain. Mr.s. C arrie Jones; treasurer, Floyd Jone.s; secretary . Mrs, O. S, S a rtln ; sn te keejxT, A lbert I’lill; Ceres, Mrs, WUbtir tw ucks; rom niw , ElUi Beer; Florn. Mrs. W. R. Chase; lady s ls tan t stew ard. Mr.s, .'itacy D ie t/; executive lom m ltteem an , Jo h n Q rie-

A short proRram by the children followed the elccllon, as follows: "T he Silly Snow M an,” little Cieorge Rcer; 'T eachliiK a Call to IM nk,"

,Dce U nverlnnd; p iano solo. "Counlrv G nrdens." F.sther Beer; "JilsI Be- f> e C h ristm as,” John Beer b'alad, cookie- and cotfce were scrvod and the nex t m eeting will be Dec, 23, A t« t luck and a i|uarterly p ro ­

ram put on by a special commlitcc ill be the features.

iielB liborhood knowti as the M erry- riuiikcrs to p u l on the proRracii, T heir p rogram wiw prr.senteil in ihc torm^ of a rad io proifram. UIck B rannon b^lng llie announccr. "Aloha" byBewWft n n d M»T«ir Jacebsen; ah is to ry of the Mrrrymlikrr:. bv F ra n k Sum mer:.. Jr.; Imrtuoiilca soltt by Clyde Jucobveti; rraduiE. -B a re ­foot Boy w ith Boots on." by Miir- th a t su m m ers , blliboiird In Don-

B ra n n o n : duet by [irulila M argie Jn iobson ;Suninier.s; piaim ,:.n Brnniinii. a l te r whirl view of th e play whie

by th e chih was F ra n k a n d Mnrtim M arjorie Routil\\>'k.

T lie nex t mei'iiiu:111 be Dei- J7. iliie tr le school hotisr will

F riday nltJht b fforr


ia srrnm m m nism m m m - ^— ----------- |

and Mrs stew ards \ Roberts a elected

SH O U T COIJKSK iKrictiltural com m ittee of

the I’omona GraiiRe will have churRC of the sho rt coursc this w inter nnd pliins will be m ade shortly to. th a l

PomoDn Mn,ster KrJe Jo/ie.' announces ' th e appoliitm ent of tlu ■arlous PoiiiDna cornmltlee.s ns fol

lows;Resohitlon. Karl Johnson, Ber

O 'H urrow , .M, SaiulKren, Haroltl Mc- KnlRht. Dole K tinkle nnd Bill Wise-

F lnnn re , K, L, M et/. Uoii Spcnccr. A nton S uchan , Mrs, Fred B tcr, Mrs, Ed Ahlm a n d Stan ley W nllcrs,

LeRLslallve, F ian k Alkln.s, Roy Dvvrk iiiul Ot'UTKu H art.

AKrIi'iilture, I, E. Stan.M'll, I, G. Cobb, F, F .'K outhw lrk . F ratik t:n.U-

lan and C. V. Jones.Home ceonom ks, Mrs, 1,, G . Cobb.

M aurice CurrhiRton, O O, Brooks, l- 'iank E as tm an and Mrs. W. A.


appointed Inter,

n r iii.Buhl G ram ;.’ held it.s aiitmal

C h rtsiiw is cxchiiuse TuvMii;y Due to .■-0 ruany culds

nelRliborhood the attendance up to th e m ark they ii.sually have. ’lliC niiUilcr uiiiw liitrd on Instiillatlon lOmiKisctI of l>aiik Soutliwlek. W aller T anler and Mrs. Klva Mason. B ro ther J . P, Hun; talked on the weed sltuntlon.

C hinese liit-ekfrs and cards were enjoyed durlnt: Ihe social hour. Hosts for the I'venmi; were Mr. and Mrs. .S. C. O rr, .\Jr. and Mrs. H arry Davis nnd M rs, I. E. StauspU. As th e ncM m retln i; iilRht. falls on D cr. 24, It will l)C omllted.

NORTHVIKWN ortluiew h a d somethlii« d llle r-

r n l In tlw lr p ro m m i wheii iiipy called on th e yoiiiiK pcoi>le of the

o iher coimmtlc

Bargain Hunting?T h e llrs l nlriilani' llmlii

1P03 was Ir.'.s tluu i a mile IB m a jo r a lr l liid s in tin S la te spa .w H ger nd lc . i n seiifter.^ ntid cnime nuftlly.

Important Spot'KeystODP of CarKidii” is a

nntne for Wlnrili>eu. Manitoba. All tra f f ic acrtiss th e l)(jmlmnii C anada , eUher dvnHViini, pa,sscs tlirotigh It

C O M E TO I ^ I N G ^ S

^ I G X M A S S A L E !T his Diillar S a v in g Salt' lon u 's .jus( :il t h e r i«h t lim e to make yi)ur ('liristm ii.s m oney j(‘* farth iT . \Vc havi- liiruc s ltn k s tif th e merchan- (lisu li.><t(;(l'hcl(>\v and mu,sl turn i t into cash licfort* Jan u ary inventory.<tct yotir .share o f th e siivinus. Huy niiw!

A New Location > f o r

WltSON-BATE$Twin Falls—130 Main Avenue North

W c liavr jii.-i* ini>\i'.i to tmr lurRf .storel)iiil(liiiK a' l-!ii .Main A veiiuo Nurlli - - iii-xt lo th e Oi-pluHini th i’atrr, Sco ii,s a.s somi a.s |Ki.-;.sj|)|(> in th is

con ven ien t ‘I'win hfinl«iuartcr.s fnr ;i|»|iliuii‘eos o fall kind.s.

• Philco• Ma.vtas• L & H• Kslatc

• I n i n r i t c

• Sunbeam• Toaslmaster• Oaldand

Wilson-Bates Appliance Co.I WIN F.\L LS

That’s a grand idea ive Mm a SUIT!a d d




IV niK iiKAi) Yunutlic’ .siiil h c ’.s wriiniiK way licyiuKl i ls nuj niiil

''.\]u'i'taiii'y. Ihii nf llii' la iiiily iiiln n liml-

illi- anil nivi- hiiii Ihr Ki'andi'Ml o f k II*<'' . . . in'"

suit. It'.-’ ii ^.||lali jili'ii anil iiiic .iiiit' wii\' in iiialvr

lii;i ('hriMliiiiri. and yoinji, tlraiiialii'jilly Minii-.- d

Mmiy I tJir lildiit nf rtlrcIflllllK "Ml lil'


T m -. SM A U T K S'l C U T F o i l IIIIM


l.iiy iiw uy, o f (Imirno

(JU T vvKAPnoi)


lifi' ol' lii.'< II t'lol In'S SI)111- m il ;d I'clrli hl.> luiiiK

m il III riillill th e ili’.'dri's o f lln> n>.>i| nl' |)n ' hi

So ln‘1'1' i:< y u i i r chiuiri’ lo |i ln y Sim la in a

Talk it u vn mnniiK y .im n clvrs . . . iticn .nini- in

aili\ n;i lii-tli. N o Ih-t-tl In fiiH,, iditnit tlir 111 iiiiil

nlylrs . , . we'll laki- n irc of all Ihr ilotaij... Hoi,lilnim- finiii- in rarly and avoid | | io Innl ...... .



Where Women I’rofer to .Shop

:12-1*1I-;C,1C DINNUlt SHTS •'iJ ^lli^ li ijiia lily , Anii'i'icaii m ade. 'I'lirsi! w crr iJiii'uliuhnl ^ .'i|ir('ially for Ihis (llii'ittlmaH $ 2

Im. H . m e CO.

IDAHO'S OWN 5^: TO ^1 STORESe e w 0 * 6 w w 6 * m e i w i * @ w f f l * 0 w 3 e 0 3 i i 0 3 e s * * t o * t o » t o * i 9 i i i s < i i 0 a 6 a « » i ;

Page 7: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Fage Six IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO M onday, December 16, 1040

E m n y N i iE sESILDUCE

LONDON, Dec. 16 (U.R>—Italy Is Bfpklng m eans of cvacuRllns some women and c lilldrcn from EthloplR brcniise of growing native unrest. e,s|>eclnlly am ong th e OoJJam tribes­m en of th e Lokc T bbur aren , H wns rcporled today—Uiough how niiy rpfuRees could get bnck • to Italy tlirouKl) th e British blockadp wns n m ystory.

nnn .sh avitJiorlllcs liave iin liilor- nm tlon to lo»(l th rm to rxiioct in

bl« scale revolt In Rihlo- • iilii Dut coiitltniMl deiprlorntlon Af

JiiOy'R i>f«ltU)ii In A frica wtiuUl make It Inipos.'.lblr for Miis;;olinl in niiy tffvip.'i from D lilopln, w tierr lie Ls ■ rsllmntecl to htive m ore 1'- - lOO.fXMl of h is own trDOiis. or to them nunln.-it tlip U rlttsh In Siitliiii o r In Kenya,

T lie (act th a l Mii.isolliil 1in,s (nllcd to exploit h is hold on Etliloplii for nil n ttnck on the llglitly defciKlr<l Sudftn ts .taken ft.s r l r a r rv iilenre th f Itallnns h a v r su lfU len t w orries In E llilopla to keep them

Rrport-s recur perslstonlly of rebH a rtlv lty , and 11 Ls believed llm t thi Eini)eror Httlle Sela isie , nnw In tin Stidnn. Is o rgnnlzln^ revolt ns he

BUHLM rs. N ina PorU ors, O rollno, p res

Ident of th e R ebckah As.scmbly of Tdnho. paid her official visit to the R ebekah lodge F riday evening. A b anquet a t th e M ercer cafe preceded the m eeting. Covers were m arked for 30 guM te a t th e Jong tabic cen te'red w ith n large m irro r reflect I'ntr S a n ta C laus a n d h is reindeer draw ing a sleigh. Twelve red ta p ­ers bu rned during th e d in n e r hour. At th e lodge m eeting In th e I. O. O. F. h a ll Mr<- N ina Portfo rs gave th e Instruction* for th e new year nnd com plim ented th e c h ap te r on th e ir work.

Buhl P.P.A. boys, u n d e r th e df- rec tlon of Leslie Jaclcson, agricul­tu re Instructo r In th e h igh school, drove to th e tim ber scellon above K etchum th e first o f the week and cu t some 80 Chrlstm aa tree s to hcll In th is area. T he boys some time ago solicited th e donation of d is­carded toys for r e p a ir In th e ir ag. ahop for d is tribu tion by chu rch o r­ganizations- T he funds ropdvcd from the sa le of th e trce.i will be used to add checr to th e C hrlbtm as of needy fam ilies o f the w est end. Tliose who m ade th e tr ip w ith a truck and tra i le r Into the m ounta in section 18 m iles above K etchum were M arvin Jagels. Cyrus T aylor. H enry H artl. Jo h n Carlson and M r. Jnck -

Jo h n H arm s a n d h is sister. Mrs. A nna Loontjer, received news IhLs week. oC th e r« c tn t d e a th i>t th e ir b ro ther. Dick H arm s, a t Los A n­geles.

T h e Double M, C on tract club m et W ednesday w ith M rs, V ernon Prast. M rs. R ichard Lynch. W aterloo, In. « houBO gueat of M rs. Em ll Borrie- wick, was a guest. H onors for piny were given Mrs. H arry W ebber a n d M rs. Rollo B ra n n aa .

In com plim ent to M r. and Mrs. 8, L. T h u rm an , who celebra ted th e ir 42nd ann iversary W ednesday, Mr. and M rs. Cecil D enney en terta ined a t pinochle. Honors w ent to Mrs. 6chooley and Mr. T Jiurm an. Mr. and M rs. T h u n n a n were m arried a t B urke . T enn ,. and moved to th e west end In 1018.

J . P . H u n t led th « diwvisslon i>i th e e rad ica tion of weeds a t (h:. meeUng of Uie Ruhl O rnnge last week In th e Rock liall. D uring the Boclnl hour Ihe niinuni Chrlslnui.s exchange of gifts wns m ade, rard gam es followed, Mr. and Mrs, a . C, O rr. Mr. and Mr*. H nrry D«vls and M rs, I . E. S tansell were hosl.i for th e evening, serving rcfrcshnicnl.s a t a la te hour.

M r. anti Mrs, J . Haillpy Barker ehtertfllned the emplgyr.s of the Idaho n r s t N ational bank a t a key d inne r Inst week,

Tlie members of th r Ih ih l pop club nnil Mlu< B urva B hott. Mln.f Botty JcHii Illgb lr nnd Mr, , Ji H, Shield* were e n trr tn ln rd nl the hutnc M l. inut M rt. J, C. HanilV Ion Inst week with Ihclr ilnuKlilrr MIm M argarol, as hoslexs.

Rev. R ichard J , T r rte r , pn»tnr of the Buhl AMombly of <lo»l rliu rrh , and Mrs, T celcr have unnc to O n- tarlo , Ore.. where they will lake over Uie du ties oa iM itorn of th e rhiircli of th e AMfmbly of a rn l, Itpv, iiiul Mrn. l-:nrl R. Ilndford, In iin n pnn tflrh c'l I’ocalello anti vicinity, ni rived h ''tP Inst week lo tnkn ovci the woik In th li d ls tr in .

Huhl AMierlcau ly |!loii inrmhi'i, and lliv nuxlllury will kIvc llir nn niiiil I 'lilldrrirn Chrlnluiiiv pa ilv a 7:Jn p. in., O oc.' Mir tinh l I / kIoi ............... will he hppclal Uralfor I L-iyitn and I . willJuiy liU iiltld ttl vlMl Hiiinpli' l i In charKo of (he r<inuii1l nn luiaiiKcrnrnt.i.

M r, and Mrs. K iank I’liwrll I r a la st wvrk for n visit a t Ravmnwood. Mo,

Mr, and Mts, K tchanl WiilcitcK), In., were Ihjuno Kup.^u la .iweek m il.i! Knill llo id iw i.'k 1........

I 'a l M nn re lu incd tn Han 11I<-ki lust wrck w h n o lip In n talloiinl will MlP navv. lie niH'iil hl.'i l>iilinii;liw ith n-lallvrn In Uiihl,

Y D cparliiion l A n d A f ; , S I i u I < - i i I h

H ave Toy I’roji-clniJH I,, l><'. Id (Hi*cclall In

. <>|>en>tl<in w llli Ih r Ihilil flu- purl4licnt, (h r V fralloniil iih iUu

rliinn lil (lir l lu h l liluh «ii<Mil will c o lln l ranlaw uy Ujyn In W ent l^riiil, and , iif lrr vet'onclllloiiInK Lheni. redlalributK tiiom iim rlii. firen nf (hii roininuiilty,

P lro C hief R. M. Mlewart hn «Mre«Hl to le t the high w^honl Ak clHta m e lh a fire a lutlon m head- q u a rle rs fo r tiie rnlleoltoi) of the liiyji, T lie rrtiniidltliinlng and le - ]>alrln|{ will l>ii done In Ihn liigh M^hool ag ahop u iid rr arruniirinentA w ith prinolpiil o f th e aoliool, Moyd Dowora, and I.e«lte Jackson, agrl c u llu w ln» tructor.

Anydn* h a v ln i dlnoarde<l loys t<» d(HUt« U ukM l lo leave Uiem a t U is r i n lU U on whertf th e lilati •ohool «Um will oatl fo r Utem. Dur>

. . , Inc UM O ld ttm u weak Uw d iu ro liO tnntaM iM U 'wW O hU lbut* moat Of t«gr>. M r. Jaokaon «nnounce<|.

SID E G L A N C E S B y G a lb ra i th

1 wiiui.c acc iden t in surance policy ha

Gifted Child Has Bad Time, Nc v York Clinic Discovers

NEW YO RK . Doc. 10 (U.Pi--Tliu 'Klflc<l ch ild ," w ho plnys hookey from k ln d c rn a rtn i bcfau.-,<' of bore­dom m akes clellbernte low grades so the rest of ihc chllU rcn w on't rail h im an applc-pollslicr. w orried Col­umbia unlver.Hlty officials today.

I'w eniy of ihc.fe form er child 'geniuses," now grown, re tu rn e d for

a sem inar n t Colum bia’s teachcrs college lf> Klve account,s of them - Bclvcs, None recalled childhood with pleasure. T hey told of being ostra- cl/ed as --gulm'a plus a n d irtak ;. '; of being th row n In to .study with

dulUs A l h ' i t ' l l w earing i-lior pan ts ; ^ bciuiinderlng th e ir .Mud: tim e to let o th e r ch ild ren cnteh up

•llh them.Ul* l^rolilem

T lie lr p lig h t moved D r. Nlchola.s M urray B utler, Colum bia jirt'sUlinit, to w arn th a t th is wb.s the c h id problem of dem ocrncy n t a time w hen dem ocracy Is "on tn a l for It life ." E>cmocracy'.s test, he said. Is “th e abllltj’ to tm tn lUi nrlsiocracy, and "the a rlito cracy w hich a deino- crncy produces li n o t one of title, lid ierltance or w ea lth —It Is one ol cxcellonce."

T lie 20 spcclnu 'iis, nvcrnRp bitclllBence quo tien t was 1 5 5 -" ' points above the genius r a tin g —h eluded a young m an , who w ithheld


At th e W nshlnglon fcrade school P ,-T . A. nieetliiK tonlK hi a timely ta lk on "T lic F ifth Colutnnl-sl.s'' will be presen ted by Enrl tiniall, stjite traffic pa lro linan . O the r lealuri- will be Chrlstma-s m usic by the high school glee d u b . Paren i:, a re urged to a ttend .

M iss Molly McMiiliQiv^ttas elected honore<l <iueen of Je io inc brilipl of Job 's D aughters, O the r new (iftlcerit elccted w ere Ml;.s llm b ara Knillh, «enlor p rincess; MLsk M arR aret W at- lltiKton. Jun ior iirlnccs.s; Mis.s Mary ■f^cM'iidly. guide, mid Ml.-ri M argar­e t H albert n.i m arshal. Insla lln tlon cerernoides will take |)lace Dee. J(l,

Mrn, Vlrull A. L lnlngcr. Di'iiver, Is a hou.M- guest a i llie hom e ol her pareiils, M r. nnd Mr.K. A I,. i“yle, sr. Mrs, l.InlngiT Is Iln- fornuT Ml.-- I’eRBy Pyle, Iin<l will leave for hr home w llh in the nrx( few duv^,

Mr. *ii\tt M rs. f r t 'd I':ilok.M,iu iiud son anil dn iig h lrr . Hall l.ak>- Clly, a r r VIsKliiK l " l ' ’ w ” li "Id lilelids. T h ry am fo n n er resWleni.s of .)ci-'


hl.s Iden tity , w ith th is com plaint. "I've decided I don ’t belong urnoiig th e people w ho de.servc lo be tra in ­ed lo r leadership. I d o n 't th in k I'lr

m oron, b u t I feel I 'm Ju st a high- grade mc<ilocrlty So I 've qu it-m y Job and I 'm Joining th e a ir force, "

V aried T ra in in g Some of th e 20 had been trained I a s])cclal school for th e gifted.

O thers served as "gulncn p ig s ' by going th ro u g h th e regu la r public school courses, a e rg e l S. Z llnkoff, 25. an a tto rney , w ho w en t th e la tte r route, ,-'ald: " If they (th e geniuses) iry lo pursue th e ir In terests they ure called grUjds a n d ap p le pollsherh. Tliey have to try for low grades II they w an t th e ir c lassm ates to trea t them ns equals. I know, because It hnppened to m e. I w en t to the Unlvcnslty of A rizona a n d 1 found

th a t th e re th e th ing lo do was to study , b u t lo go for m oonlight

rlclcs on th e desert."Allen R osin, 26. a com m erclnl

p ho tographer, who w en t to a ‘'g ifted" school, told h is side of It: " I felt like som ething o u t of Q ulllver's T ravels. I was 10 year.s old, w alking a round In knee b ritches, and all a round m e were boys w ho could ch in nine or 10 tim es, 1 got I ra n away from school fo r three weeks."

A recap ltu ln tlon show ed m ost of Uic •'geniuses" h a d gone In to profes­sional work.


BUHL, Dec. 18 (Specia l)—D r, F. A. K allusky. local ilentl.-it. w as fo r­mally Installed 'a s deputy K lw anls distric t governor la s t w eek-end a t the o fficers' school n t O gden. At- tending the school w ith Dr. K nl- Itfsky wa-s Ja ck W inkler, new presi­den t of th e B uhl club.

T cnlntlve p lans a re being made for a special m eeting here ' Dec. 30 when new officers fo r th e Buhl. Filer and T w in F a lls clubs will be ln.stnlled In Join t exercises.

TliP B uhl c lub 's a n n u a l boys' C hristm as p a rty will be held th e eve­n ing of Dec. 18 a t th e M ercer cafe. T lirre will be a program , tre a ts and g lfti for a ll boys w ho come o.s guest* of club m embers.

H arry H fll^r. F iler, showed eral re.'ls of colored movie pic tures h r hnri taken In Mexico of bull flghls. Included In th e p te tures .^evrrul fl.-lilng scenes and an plane tr ip from T w in F a lls to Cape Horn. .

“ *

I« ---------------------------------------------

Funeral services were held T h u rs ­day afternoon a t th e B u rd e tt fu ­neral hom e for Angelo Sem ltos, &8, rnllrond w orker and re.sldent of L in ­coln county lo r m any years. In te r ­m ent was In th e Shoshone cem e­tery.

Mrs. Clnu<le WlLson and Mrs. Oeorgp H arrison J^nterlalned a t des.»ert bridge a t th e W ilson home Tuesday, Prizes were won by Mrs, W H. M urphy and Mrs. W,,

W nlnesdny n igh t M rs. Wll.son nnd Mrs. H arrison rn terU ilned n t bridge, w ith prlre.s being won by Mrs, L, T. D olphin and M rs. K , P . M cGuire.

At a m eeting hold In th e office of Counly T ic n su re r O rayce Pease, of­ficers were elected to hend th e new ­ly organized Lincoln counly chap te r of the N ational Foundnilon of In fnntlle Paraly.sls, T hose e lec t« l wen Mrs. H. a. HfUght, c hairm an ; G en­eva H ickm an, vice C hairm an: W. W. U ansen. UwjsUTer. a n d Gvftycc PetiiC. srcre tno '. H. P . W lllm orlh will be In charge of p la n s for th e P resi­den t's b ir th d a y bnll.

Wor<l 1ms been retc lved he re thfit Don H opper hn.s enlisted In ' the navy for a slx -yen r iierlod. Pau l G ran t, a n o th e r Shashoiie boy. re ­cently e n listed In ih e nrmy.

Mrs. Don G arn e r en tertn lned the Y. N, L , bridge club a t l i r r home W ednesday evening. Pllzes wore won by Mrs. F re d B lacker and Mrs. C harles A lexander.

Mr. nnd M rs. P ra n k Dice, Jr.. O m aha. Neb„ a rc visiting here w ith Mr. and Mr*. T . W Dice,

Hantien G rangers E lec t Pattei-son

HANbEN, Dec. 16 ( S p e c la l) -^ f - :crs of the Excelsior G rani;e were

phctod ns follows: Mnster. D. A. Pir'< rso ii, nver.srer: W. W. l.owery.' ("Tin-r. Mi's-H •M inerva SSIiobe,

.Mr.s. Clyde Kd M lnbler. rr-.i:,iirur: Clyde M M inbter. c h ap - .111. .Mrs. W. M. H aynes: gntekcep-,I, J.;.- O b h : n.s.sl5tant stew;

H '-niy; la<ly a.s.sLstuni sn ril. .Mr:. G cor«e Henry.Plaii.s for n'plenbhliiK the trc

r\' u i ' i r m ade wllli three ir Viun-n Lowery. Cllfl H arkins and ,'lMic 1- i M inister, cliosen to ncl c 1,.- cotnnillti'c .

IF.Cooks Preferred

IJUflHAM, N, ( Unlvc ty of N r l H am pshire appoin tm ent iin au sayX gentlem en prefer cooks p bldtuls. T he bureau offers ns proof survey showing th e averane homo

rniHniiics te ac h er m arries w ith in , lire yenrs.

Rtal Relief h r Miseries of

HEAD COLDSP u t 3-purpo88 V ft-tro -no l up e tch nostril. . . ( f) I t Bbrlnlu swollen m e a - branes; (3) Soothca Irrlta tlani (3) Helps flush ou t nasal passages, clear* >ng clogging mucus-


We undoubted ly will be unloading the bliigcst carload of wall Ixiard we hftve ever unloaded In Tw in pulls. Wc w ere about o u l of tlie Allas pebbled Ivory color w all board. In spite nf the raw m nterlnl going .sky hluh, we'll be able to give you a price ol U>9 a thousand on th is niarveloiw byurd — It usually brlnns S40 or more. As th e veneer plywood Is tied up In th e defence procrnin and sUlkes, th is A tlas board ra n bo used In m any p laces for Interior walls w here you were using the veneer plywood,

I also expect one more c ar of Ut;th slove lum p coal It may !><• In by the lliiie you read th is a<l — $".93 a Ion nut o f th e c a r door, haul II voursell—If you have n mi'inbcr- .shlp card.

We re jilnnnlng on ciilnij;lng our buililinu m a teria ls depurtm cni. I want to he lp H arry Barry all 1 can In tci nctiiialntod w ith the place ol n iiioasand ba rga ins, A good siuiv would Ix- lo p u l on th e oiit.side of this |)lacc . . . "K eep your hand on your iKx kctbook. dangeroiLs bargains InsiileV

Pratt Gas & Glass, Lumber, Oil & Coal Co,

"On th e iinad to th e Hospital"

t. K. Blirjdie

ly luiusrd till- lie I-,. M is. H 1pi ictoi.

Mt^s Mi.iKiii (-.1 t» llii- lu>n MiUi. l Uvvit, t>

Dull' I’l'h i/m .John rrlc-i,-,.)nvrr-Illy .)f Mah >1, K'tlU lli’il l'hiii>-<1ny (roin M<km-ciw ami Will MX'IUIllu- (Ihrlntiiia.i vaciilliiii hi-ii1- Wllllliln IMUriii.v Wii<yii'\ 'I'lii lllljl ,1III ii Imilia,'. i«(ililii'<l to njX'lKlu llh lil’i im ii'iit'I. IliilJi 1li'iii IIIlK n' liuol at IlK ' nil IVI'I r.|U ami1 m •Uni !•', V A M'lii>l<<i;<lll|> 1lAllllIx

All all-<l..v 11irrlliiK III l‘• miiiiinli)l<' Itlrmlx'l .1 will Inki- II

llir- 1. I), () 1', hull III !1- rill.11 Mlav,1 III' 111, veili n ' t■Irclli.ii 1.Vlll l>'• iii-M.

<>l-lil.'k ilhili rr Will 1II' M l vnl al11. M iiM rr (It (hn ii'ii Ih r.1ilr l-i.-

mill la K .fohli '1:'ii).'ii.lty . All (ourlh<1''H.irr iiii'liilx'i-i liH' llivl(r.l.

Mln.1 O rla .hihnKciii, ihiuiihtri- (it Mr. anil Min 1 rn it. ,l<i)iiir.iiti. iiiilv - » l H alurday ln>in ( oIdiikIu to nj>rnil ( lill/ilniin. w llh hi-i pairnl-s, D ila h iu hci-n iilK-nOliiK idlk-He in (.'olo. laili)

Mr. iiikI Min. Hiiiuir l.nnKer nrn III!' paiPiil.. uf a M>n 1h>mi 'nn lm - ‘Iiiv, Mr. nnd M rs Wiivnn llarclay aio |iiiii-nin uf u KOI) liiiiii 1>» i nl Ml, ValrnllnrVi liik.pltal In W emlrll, 'I 'h r linby hai. Iierii naincil Wayne A.liuii, Jr,

(’atliolic DanceJKHOMI';, Dec. HI in jin lali Thn

Cntholl'r yunng |in>|>|i' uf Jn o m n pa rish iMkvn breii Inv lln l lo n lln u l th e h j n i.riJrs oi ihincrii■ponu red hy thn young proplen’ orgaiilM lloi) a t Ulu>sh<in<-. i>rt:. ■j's. 'I lia daJuMi will bo li«ld In Lhiioln kchool audlU irluni, inv ltu tlu n s have alw> l>*«n M n i m il by (he Hhoahonn iw rlah to nUmr niirro tm dlng pnrlsliea of W riidelt. Hiilley an d .lJu u d u ii,



M < ih c a l l i l W i l l i O u t-< > f-S la l) ' I ' r i c i i d s — A i k I A d i ' t ' i l i s v h l i t l i o !

i'Yi( ii<iH nnd reliilivcn will npi'rcrlato n nf .world-fiimdun Idiklto I'liliktoen. A ltrnctlvfl ^ ift hoxoH packed w ith ln|>- qiinllty potiitnea will nino cnntnin r<i1dnrfl fiirniH>ic<l hyllip Idaho Advertlalng CommiBnion, tiloii^' w ith your iH-ntuiml Ki«'>'llnK curd.

T lic tic p n ik a g M mfikr a d d lg l t t f i i l l y pp fB o n iil , d i f i t i in i iv o g in . i in d Hlinw prld« In y m ir lio m e i i ta te .

New low c x p r c u r fttfi t(i Aliy in thfl U. S.A. O nlrr now to bo iiiire nl di'llvery In time to onjiiyed for Chrl«lmnii <Hni»‘r.

G U T H OXICS Idaho t'n tntocN

- 10 I'ouiicU hi d i r t C arton l.% ......... In d i r t C arlan KIM

.10 rt.uiiiU In W ooden l iu i

TWIN FALLS CHAMBER ot COMMERCEI'I.ACJE Y o m i OUnKUH A'l‘ , . , t tv 0*iwmvivv, orVtigol’a, Wiley IJnig, tA}hWplekhni<ll'ii HakPiy, <iiiiuiiiiner'a M m h-i,P o tte r lU a lty , L iberty M ark rl, D unuih-W iniipi Miwlo Htore, Kliu hIp'A Hiii>er Utrvlce, M eComb’a M aikel. m p a I iiakery , /.Ip-W av M arket, M arkoterla, liungalow ( lu x r iy , Ind cp m d n n t M eat «'•>.

th e b est th in g s in l i f e are F R E E , then ydur Idaho D e­partm ent S tore is ■ tru ly a C hristm as shopper’s parad ise — for w e h ave m ade a s p e c ia l , e f fo r t to fea tu re su ch aer- v ices a s w e fee l w ill be a

distinct aid to you in you r C hristm as Kift se lection . A nd be- w e hold th em a d e fin ite p a r t o f our program of .service to oiii' cu.stom crs. w e o f fe r th em w ith ou t charge— ab so lu te ly F R E E !

T i

8 DISTINCT FREE,Special Servicesto make your shopping easierfrom tlie store with the Christnms spirit!

C lF T 'W R A P PIN G . T h is free serv ice in- c lades the ex p ert w ra p p in g of y o u r g i f t packages by g ir ls especially tra in e d in th is

w ork. A sc‘])arate d e p a rtm e n t is m ain tain ed d u r in g th is ho liday season fo r tliis e x tra service.


FREE M A IL IN G S E R V IC E . T h is serv ice includes n o t only w ra p p in g y o u r package rea d y fo r g iv in g — b u t we shall w ra p them rea d y for__

m ailin g and m ail them fo r you. P o stag e is com puted in o u r w ra p ­p in g d ep artm en t an d is the only cost involved. Y o u r g i f ts w ill tra v e l safely, well w rap p ed . T h ree m ailings n\ade each d ay .

FREEd elivery and wo shall d e liv er as specilied. D eliveries m ade a s late a s C h ristm as Eve w hen desired . We deliver i

P A R C E L D E L IV E R Y . Y o u r pu rch ases w ill b ? d e liv e red efficiently by o u r tw o ])anel de livery trucks. You desig n a te the d ay of

f an yw here in th e city .

FREE LA Y -A W A Y SE R V IC E . You m ay p u r ­chase on o u r Lay-A w ay p lan a t an y season o f the y e a r, though it is p a rtic u la rly he lp fu l

' ju s t now. All p u rch ases a r« ca re fu lly catalogueci u n til a d a te spe- ciiied when delivery is m ade.

FREE E X C H A N G E SE R V IC E . W e’ve a ll e x p e ri­enced the d isappo in tm en t o f g iv in g a g i f t to find th a t i t does not fit o r is n o t th e exact

shade for the rec ip ien t. H ow ever, you m a y ^ u y safely a t th e I. D. S tore w ith the know ledge th a t y o u r g if t m ay be exchanged if size o r color is n o t correct.

FREE GOLD IN IT IA L IN G ; L ea th e r goods, such a.s luggage, w allets, lea th e r jack e ts, h and- bag.s, etc., m ay he stam ped w ith th re e in ­

itia ls of 2 2 -k a ra t gold. I 'liey w e a r well, and help to d is tin g u ish y o u r g i f t by th o ro u g h ly personali'zing it.

FREE M A IL O R D ER SE R V IC E . I f you find it inconvenlCTK to v isit o u r sto re fro m y o u r ou t-of-tow n home, ju s t w rite us te llin g us

yiMir nci'ds. W e shall bo g lad to fill y o u r o rders p rom ptly , ca re fu lly and intcliigiintly.

FREE S A N T A CLA U S SU IT S . T h is serv ice is of p a r t ic i i ia r in te re s t to lodges, (Jranges, clulis and o th er o rg an iza tio n s of a public o r senii-

public n a tu re . W e w ill loan these ftu tlits free of ch arg e com plete witii mask and ' w hisk iT s. Make y o u r ri'servations a t o u r ( l i l t .W rapping Ihioth.

2 additional Christmas ' ^^^opp/jig Se/-vices

C R E D I T C O U P O N S'• 'T thfl * rn „ i.l yi."hf)|i|),.r;i II ...... ..'■"iir i;l(( lu t,

TtH.y'‘iiywhrrn in for • lmv>

" .... ...... .

I' "i.iall ra iry h i,, .i.a i ,; .

C E R T I F I C A T E ?.......... . ........... ........"•'■IllllTlI .,f „ ,'■I <i'ir h tu .„ |(„>»>"«' cxarlly

' (n a cc'iiKioiiltui (If Mir nl(t

lirr way („- A*k Hiiy milr,,i„.r,,cin.

(he"<'k I 'tM riirn l ....... <l..l.t


“Your Christmas Store"







Page 8: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

M onday, December 16, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seven,


NEW YORK (U.Pl— T lie Pan - A nifrlcan lilichwiiy. moved (x s lf l’

•m -aicr r .jtp lo tlcm wUh llie nil- tiouncpm riiV liiiit ihp E xport-Im port Bunk linft viiiiiird ih e Kovernnient o! Co.-Krv ilir.i a loim of $' ,600,000, to b r ir rO r.'.i-liL.tvTlv to iln a n c r con- •;iriic:!cn of tiu 't nn llo n ’5 Kcctlon of till' lonuur.v C o n ' . t > l " U . i u o f t l i c UtRliway ttin n ii;i Co-.i.T Rlc.» will leave Tour ,-.rc“ orv- r'T.uilnliii: to bo 'su rveyed nn<l <o!,:,tmrtPii—th e Cnnndn-

1-.:1 rf;;lon, S o u lh rrn Mrxlco, tlie Juiislf.’ bolwecn th e coiial

i'IhI Uir Colombian border, cind tlie i . i 'd In i-o m h trn Ecui»nor ImhUiik

Ihr hwnmpy cox-itnl plnlns t'l iho bnrdri' o f P rn i.i n r f r c i i i t h e I n n n t o C o s t f t R i c a , t i l l ' U i i l i r d S i a t r . i n l . s o l . i h c l p l n K t o f i n . ' n r r w o r k o n t l i r c o R e c l l o n s o f t h e r r ) ; ' < h v r . y b r t w r r a T c x n s f t t i d P a t m - i . i n . S f v r r n ! r o t m t r l e s n r e d o i n g i | - r r : . ; d e a l o i w o r k o n t h e i r r e s I ' f ' t K r s r c t i n n ^ o f t h e l i l K h w n y . I n o f o u l * i t l o n . s . s l . s l a n c e .

' l i i e t c i t : ; l c o m r i b i i t l o n o f t i n U i i l t i d S t a t c . i t o t h e P a n - A m c r l c a n i ' ' . " ' . u v u v p r o l c s : t . I n c l u i l l i i R o r l R l n i i l ; ’ i r v i - > ; i i l l 1P 20. I s * 1.234.000 f i i i r l n ( T l l i r 10 v e a r s . I t I s e ^ t l m l l I e ( l a t t i l l . - ' t i m e i l : a t S f l O . 000.000 w o u l d p u t t l K - e n t i r e h l K l ) v . n y I n R o o d c o i u l l - t l o i i .

O n tr n i A m rrira Lari^rPit.,■•in Intltciitions nrc th n t tlic

ooulli AincTlr;iii mtiIom nf Ihc hlt;h- '.vill he coini>lclP(i to

T’i'.nnma-Colninbtan border iiiiif before ih r C en tra l A nirrlcnn .•;'c;lon Is finished. I t Is e;,llmated U \ < ‘ l i U i h w a y t s , a s j w r c n ^ l c o m ' i l c l t 'o r clrv-wpiithi‘r and 6H p e r c cDiiiplcie for nll-v .ci,ihcr drlvlni:.C o i n i ) ! f t l o i i o f t h ? h i g h w a y w o u l d r i m h l e m o t o r i s t ; ; t o d r i v e f r o r t i A l a s ­k a < l o w n t h e w r . s t c o n S l o f N o r t h ■ " a m i f i o u i l i A n i c r l c r . o n c l n c r o s . s t h e A u d r s t o B i i e n o : ! A i r e ? . — u d l s t n n c e o f I ' . n o o m l l r ; ; . A n o t h e r 1.600 n i l l c s • , i p I I ’ ' ’ f o a s t o f S o u l l t A m e r i c a f r o m n u . ' u n . s A l r c s w o u l d t n k e t h e t f - ' - . v d i T t o n t o d e J n n c l r n .P c n c l i i i i ; r o m p l o t l o n o f t h e u n - f l n l : ' ' ^ r d - r e c t l o a s . m o t o r t r n n s p o r t n n i r l h e i r e d b e t w e e n A l a s k a a n d t h e U i i l t r r i K t a t r . ’ i . I l o n c U i r s . ' i a n d K < ; i : u t n r , a n d P e r u .A l l A u i e r l r a n t o i i r l . s t , d r l v l n i ? r , o i i l h w i i r d f r o m t h e U t i l l o < l S t n t o . s , u f i i i l d cm:, i h c M e x i c a n b o r d e r n t l A t o d o , T c : ; . n i \ i l t v i \ v c \ n l O H x a \ v ( ' I I - e m ; l i i e e i e d r o a d t h a t e x t e n d ' , t o r . ^ o x l c o C i t y n n c l 8 n i l l f . s b e y o n d . \ v l i . r c c a r t i o ^ k I h i M ' c h i . F a i r l y k o < m 1 r i ' ; u i : i a u a i n a r c c n c o u n l e r e d n t t h e M e x l c c . n - O u a t e l a n i a h o l d e r a n d I h c y r u n s o u t h t o H o n d u r t i s , b e ­y o n d w h i c h p o i n t a r c o n l y t r a i l s u n * : , u l ' . a b l e f o r n u t c n i o b l l e s . , A R o o d r i ' . ' d r u n s n c r o . ^ s n o r t h e r n P r . n a m n , b u t a r , y e t n o a t t c i i i p l h a s b e e n m r j l e

t n p i e r c e t l i c J u n g i c . s s o u i h o f t h e c a n a l .I . o t v R S I c t U U C o m p l t W

T h i o i i B h w e s t e r n V c i i e z u e l . i , n i T O . s s C o l o m b i a a n d t h r o i i K h F c u a - d n r a s f « r a , s G u a y a q u i l o n t h e P a - c l f l r , i r . t h e K l m o n B o l i v a r h l K h w a y — a 2. 3'50- n i l l e d r i v e m a d e u p l a r R c l y o f h a r d - s u r f a c e d r o a d . s w h l - h k e p i ^ e l l d r a i n e d a n d l e v e l .F r o m G u a y a q t i l l t h e m o l o r l . s t i h a v e h i s m a c h i n e f e r r i e d t o T r u ­j i l l o , P e r u , : ; l n c o n o r o a d s e x i s t b e - t v . ' c e i i t h e s e | » i n t . ^ . F r o m t h e l a t - l . ’ r i ) o l n l t h e r e a r e a l l - w e a t h e r r o a d s a l - i n r ; t h e c o a s t t o L t i i i a o i i d ( I n w n t o S a n t l a K O , C l i l l e .' I ' h n r o - . d f r o m S a n t l a R O t o H u e i i o s A l i i s l i c o i n i i l c l e a n d 0 ] ) e n t o t r a f - I i'x t ’ l c y e a r a r o i u u l e x r c p t f o r I h o p ' r l ' K l v l i i ' i i I h e U . ^ j i a l l a t a P a s s — : n r > i . - l l T . i i r j O ( K ) f e . ' t a b o v e 5' ' v , ' . - \ i y M i n w . F r o m t h e! l u i * r i O ' . A t r i ' s ( h e r e 1. ' *

, i i l ) i i ) v i ' : l I ' l i i i d v l r t u i i l l y H i e

G h r iistin a s P l e a


m u l e I h eI l o l l v l :I T c i i s l f v n s l r i | ) r o f t h e A l l ' t i l l ' / \ i t ; i ' n i l i i r i m u i j m . ' ! i i n (A I M . ’ I ' l i l ' . n i u i r - ! • > i i i i ' . - i -i l v d u i h i K i l i e d r v s r a . s o n f i . i i i i M a v i c . N ( i v c ' i n b . T , . h : r l . l w l ' - h i i i R t o d r i v e f r o m A l i i " i t o H i l l d > ' . I t u i i ' l t o ;iiiid iiuul, III nilt n i i C i i l r i n l i i w l i i ' i e I h ' ' U l v


AI50U N 0(ItO


D i r e c t o r s o f t h e I d a h o S t a t e P o ­t a t o G r o w e r s a s s o c i a t i o n l o < l a y h a d j i l a c e d t h a t o r R n n l w i l l o n o n r e c o r d f a v o r l i n ; a I c R l i l a U v c a p p r o p r U * t l a n t t ' i i l c i i » o u l < l i i r o v i d e f o r — b . i d - l y n e e < ! e d " r e . s e a r c h d e a l i n g w i t h i w l a t o c r o p d l i c a i c j a : i i i p i u d u t u o ; ; p i o b U ' i n s .T h e w o r k a d v o c a t e d , U w i u s s t n v . - . - I a t t h e c t c i s j n a s c ' . v . i o i i s o f t h e c l i - r e c t o r a U ; h e l d h e r e S a t u r d a y a l t o r - 1 , w o u U l b e c u r r i e d o n t h i u u x h u n l v e i s l l y e x i y r i i n e n l s t . i l i o i i s . T h e f i i ) i ) r o p r i a l l o i i w o u l d c o m e t o M 5. 000.

A b u d g e t r c q u c i l l o r U i L s p a r - i x i s e " 1 1 1 b e c o i n i i k ' U H i b y a r o i n n i i t i e e o f i i i o w e i s w h o w i i l c o i i * f o r w i t h t h e c o l l c g e o f n g r k u l i u r e a n d c x p e r m i e n L . s n U l o n . ^ . T i i t " - e n a K i e c l i » l t h e s i i e c t n l I n c l u d e H e n r y S c h w a b . K . i r i i i H U i i i i i e y , D u r l e y ; F u n d l i o h ’ l i l L ' i ; H e n r y J i ' i i . s e i i . P . « ' . a n d G e o r g i ' H o r . s l e y , l i i i i i n > V i M .

A n n l h e r c o n i m l l t e v w a . s n . i m i d . l l l e l r p u i | ) 0 ^ i e b e h l K t o f x i i n - . s , m , . a p p r o v a l o f n o n - p r o f i t i i o i j . : , i ■ .

Ux I iv tr J O ln U IV i.JtTNx ^

who »rxs M rw Lra m ilh jm x im Ii - f » » In N in u »if. S M . M>d h r» u (b t hvf<r. •Wocr. h j ' cua<^ r J i r *m.N h<r d»vlof %ji»J vjvr it"sum r lilni « 't k «<thi» Ji f r« d* '-vS h ^ - i r u i t n t r t v l A ' r > » £ h »« h i l « i t ) ) > 1. A T A i i M 4U N np lr lu rr pn -m iftr.

M c a i b c ; . V fW. H ; \ ' .V - . '- I - . - . ; - . . . . , Hor.rv j . . . : iw ti tv ,•

M r H i : - - .T-r.e-. .•••.

' uicl\i.'-try today ti tiic ;,;vr <>i ii'^uests fo r c lia r

I'.v l>v iilm s ta rs , E.'-iu^Lry h a d ra ised

n v r t!-,nn J i m ' . W th e p a s t jT a r ,oT ,1 :.>:ni announcem ent

',i;p . 'i .i. '! ' tu ild and th e pro- :i -s.'ilrt l i rn c c lo n h <t.s miLsl b e pa.s.sed

au tho rity . T h is . It «h- i-v;':..;;!!',!. Mo ».s.sun> c h u r-

Uie m a st e ffic ien t v . f o: iiilriit.s. nnd St- the

-.'leci ac to rs Iroiii . on th e ir lim e.”

W iUiam T. iRiT m il) T llden planned to a p p ra r in movlen

• t» in (nr ih r firNi tim e in a lm ost I t >T«rv \V a m rr I t r o th r n « n -

U TtW«n toT av r w r-f \h o r ts dem onM rallnc t r n n l ' ^^ntv


FE Il LINKEDM e< ’ I N C I N N A T 1. O . ' U P ' - Incrcas- i i i i ; h \ i , i i t u i ' r t r n i i H ' r a t u r e . s i h r o u g h -

mi; t i l e ^<iri(t iii;iy ' itriKiuce A trend t D w . i i i ! (iii'iaioiuil Ri>vcnimcnl.s. In i l i r . . p l u i i . n ( > l D r . C l a r e n c e A . M i l l s ,< • ( r \ [ > e r t i u e n t a l m e d i c i n e I ' t i i i c U n l ^ e l . ^ l l v o l C i n c l i u i a U .I n I . u t , H r M i l l s b e l i e v e s t h a t t h e r i M I . . i K . u r r o f A d i i l f H i t l e r I n < M ' : u u u \ v «xul BviMtis M uf*oUul lu l i ; . : - , i n . i v ! ) . • l i n e 1 1 1 p a r t K r . u n i : i ! l v w . i n i i l n t ; t i ' m j x ' r a t u ' e . s n f t h > ' ' i d r l c l P i - n p i i - i i r i > m o r e d o c i l e m i l l r . i ' . i i v i c i I n w i u i n w c a t l i c r t h a n in n i Mills liisM-s.D i M i l K I K a i i l h o r o f n U i e o r y t h a t ■ ' i i i i i . M * ' l i a - . a m a r k e d e f f e c t o n l i i i i n . i i i . ' . t a t u r e , M ' x d e v e l o p -i a . n l H i i i l < l i ' e « s p i ^ s l s t n n C T . H e h n . s u r i i i r n i i i i e e i x x i k s o n t h e . s u b j e c t .

Old \ r m n r C itedr h i r t i i K t h e D a r k A n e s , w h e n W i n e i ? r . q » s K i e w I n l ^ n l a u d n i \ d c e r c R K 111 I i e l a n d , m i ' l l w e r e . • ^ m a l l a n d sluR- k l i K l i \ V ; i r r i i ' i s w o r e a r m o r , n o w l i . i n ^ i i u - i n f r i i ^ l i s l i m u s e u t n - s , w h i c h V . C - 1 1 1 I 1 I ( I I a n a v e r a g e A m e r i c a n b o y o f n . D r M H 1. S . s f t i d .V W n H i e r a l s o l i a s A m a r k e d e f f e c t o n K T « s ' i h i T o m y e a r l o y e a r . D r . M i l l s < - o n t i ' n i U , I n t h e h o t s i i n u n e r n ( 1P 34, f o r m . - i n n c c . b o y s a n d Rlrls j o l 13 w e r e h t j h t c r I n w ' c l g h t ' a n d ^ l l n r t e r i n • ' l a t u r e t h a n 13- y e a r - o l d * o f t h e p r e v i o u s r e a r .D r . M i l l - b e l i e v e . ' t h a t t h e p r e s e n t t i c i u l t o w a r d w i i r m e r a v c r a g o t e m - P r r a t u i - . ' , - « i l l c o n t i n u e f o r 800 t o 900 ' c a r s D i i n i i K t h b i x ' r l o d , I w y . s a n d t l r l s w i l l m a t u r e l a t e r , t h e y w i l l b e h i ^ h t o r a n d s t i o i i e r . a n d t h e y w i l l h a v e l e ^ . s r i - i ' t n n c c t o I n f e c i l o n , D r . M i l l s p r e i U c t . ' i .Vil.'imlii^ Are SUulied

H i ' e x i i c r i m e n t . s w i t h t h i a m i n , . w i - \ e r , h a v e l e < l D r . M i l l s t n b o - ' v e t h a l t h i s v l l a m l n m a y p l o y I i n i i K i r t a n t p a r t I n I h e r e t e n l l o n o f h u m a n v i i n l i i y d u r i n g t h e w n r m - ■ [ y r l o d s o n e a r t h T h e I l K v i r y t h a t m e n a n d women l a t i i r e p h y ^ ' r n l l y m o r e r a p i d l y I n a r m r l t m a t c s I s t e r m e d f a l s e b y D r . M i l l s , w h o h a . - - f i g u r e s to p r o v e h i s f o n t r n t l o i i G i r l s b o r n i n t h e c o o l e r c l l i n n t i r o f C i n c i n n a t i i n 1900 r e a c h e dl o x l a t I h e a i ; r o f 11, h e s h o w - w h i l e R h ' l ' . h o r n I n t l i c s a • i n N o n t i C a r i i l l n a m a t u r e d , a v e r a g e , a l m o r e I l i a n 14 y e a r s

Study in E ffect Of H igh Altitude

May H elp Army*D A Y T O N , p . . D e c . 16 ( U R ) — R e ­s e a r c h e x p e r t s a t W r l R h t f f i e l d d l . s - e l o s e d t o d a y t h e y a r e m c f t * u r l n g " b r a i n w c k v e s " t o s t u d y e f f e c t o f h l K h a l l U u r i v s o n l u n c t l o n l n g o l V h e h u m a n b o d y .

B y m e a n s o f a d c l l c a t c I n s t r u ­m e n t c a l l e < l t h e e l e c i r o - e n e c p h a l o - R r a p h . t h e e x i X T i m e n t e r . i h o p e t o f i n d a n e w m e i h o r l t o m e i L s u r e b r a i n l a t U K u e I n a i r p l a n e p i l o t . i u n d e r v a r y i n g a t m o s p h e r i c c o n d i t i o n s . T l i e

a p p a r a t u s r e c o r d s e l e c t r i c I m p u b e s o r " w a v e s ' e m a n a t i n g f r o m t h e b r a i n .D r . R i c h a r d B , L y m a n o f t h e D u k e u t U v e v s U y m e d i c a l s c h o o l h a s d l t M t , - e d a . ■ . e r i c s o l t e s l . s u p o n 12 p e r s o n s c n i ' I r r . r d 1 1 1 I I l o w p r e s s u r e c h a m b c r , K e s i i i i . s n f I h e t e s t . i a r e c h e c k e d i i ' . ' l i i l l v t o M ' e i f t h e y c a n b e u t i l - e d I n u e e d o i l l p i l o t a p p l i c a n t s w h o r i ' u n l i t p h y s i c a l l y f o r t r a i n i n g I n 1 0 r t i n i y i i i r c o r p s .

First in DraftI . U O l ^ W . V t . U . P i - W a l t e r S u i e i h l i i ^ w i i . s I h e f i r s t m a n W i n d s o r r n u i i t y i n d u c t e d u n d e r t h e , s e l i ' O t l v e ! , e r v l i : o a c t .

Ketchum School M ovement F ails

H A I I . B Y . D , ' , - . 16 i S p e c l a l ) — H l i i i n e c o u n t y c o i m n l . s s l o n e r s h a v e r e J u . ' - c d l o l a k e a c t i o n l o w a r i l c h n n R - I n i ; t h e K e t c h u m v o i n n i o n s c l i o o l d i s t r i c L I n i o a n l n d e t > e n d e n l d l S ' t i l c l . '. l a r k I - u i e . l e a d i n g n i e i o h a n t a n d s h e ^ ' P i n a n . I i l e < l p r o t e s t s a t ' a l n . s m o v e a n < i c o m n n . ' ' S i o n c r s « i l d t h a t . p e t i t i o n s o n b o t h ; l ( l e . s o f I h c 1 l e r . s h o w e d t h e . s a m e . ' ■ l ^ j i i e i ' s . i S u l l i v a n , c o u n t y s u p e r i n t e n d e n t o l • h o o l s . o ] > | ) < i . s e < l t h e c h a n g e ‘- s e r l i o i i t h a l K e i c l i u m ( l i s t c , \ J o r V i i x r o m e s i r n i n t h e r n l l T o n d a n d w ' o t i K l b e l n s l I n e v e n t o f K o v - l e n t u v M U ' i . ' . l i i p o l t h a t u t i l i t y

H.v . a n s l o r K i i w a r d C e c i l , . v l c h a r « c l c r n c i o r a n d . . k r \ c : f ; . i n . l o d a y u w a l t M w o r d . - . m r . - . i n - . h r r s o f l i i s l a m l l y . C e c i l . ' . V l . ' u i v l d e . i d I n h i s h o m e o f a • . ‘ i T i r r a i m e n t S a t u r d y - b v a n a c t o r . r ; ; , * . . ^ I ' . r U o n L e w i s )

r.fiu reN . a va rlr tv and w as-n»Me a t rio< BtKik Store.

■ - A d v .

I SHIRT SPECIAL II 1I Now in Piv;4ivss in Our Men's Store |

135H v I ' l i l t r d I ' t v s s

s . \ N I I I A S < I S ( 0- A f i v e . . l a v • U i l s p r l l i b a ( l i n > u i l i t ( o i i i l i l r r -• l > l e . . . . . . . l o ( I I I - r n i l r n l v n l l r v . .icili u lliinil M-<'llciii>i, m i l e i i d r d i > d . t v i i H i t n I 'tlriin lv r r , i l i i N l c i r n i ■ i n w ' i l I I I I r c n i n i l d - f a r l f l e .

l . o N l i (

, \ p t .

N . | - | i ' c l ' , I l f ( I r i i n i . i i i M ' l h J I ^ l l l l l r . l I n .,11 l l l . M ' . ' < i - K c i i j U r d t n i i t o i v w i t h . . I K t i u i c f < 1 | ( l i n a l l i l l l a l l l , I I t i l l t i i i l , i V . a n i l l l i e i e w i i s r i s \ l n - l l i e i I h r ' v w n o b r h i K I I I l l i > l v I I I A l l n i n i a a i K l

n n : .v i r o n rv -- N iu p im i pmm-e im rr- u r r r irp .ir led killed rtnil H!) •n ltirrd In a In ih i wreck near IriiiiIii, >|ii(r <>( (liie rrrro , y r i l r i - .la>,

^i'COCKIIOI.M, tlt tn ie n llejxirt.i fliHii O lio liidiiv Milil Noiweiilnn;i hud Katheif,! <iiils|,|r Ihe ( lein iall lulliliiiv Im uttrks nt, AivW:,muiV mVi- Niii wcKhiii |HM I, drinim nllallnK iiKalnsI Vldkun qiilr,|lnH, NiuweHli.n Nii/I'i, mill th a l the (Iri'iiia iil had f iird Inlo (he erowd, kllllnM Iw.i

IKIIM K -M fly in r.i of lll'r rrew of » ''nirOliiiii lo iiiia ie" u i, |i o( (|ieKiillitii navy n e rr klllrd nr wmind- rd d u d iii llirro llrllU li a ir raid* nf N iip ln NiiliirdMy iilghl. « M ||,......... ‘and eon.munlqiiB aald,

T h U t y - t . . . . l i n n i i i i d N ' . l e n l l B l n i i n t l i i n a l K t i i l il 'l( lN (ll ':n )N , N, .t

promliii'iii l<"lay UMI••nieiKriic'V ...................................... .lawn "eiiulviilnil to full lnilu«lilal. iiilllliiiy luiil naval tnolilllzallon."

fn n r» a m eon- lltd ilnc Mllh i lln rle ii lln i |>re»iirn Oii'lr ••rrrnxWr whlrh hai il»w le u rl ird ilifi l.lliyan ( ro i itir r iiin r. Iln i«-H a«l dl>i>«<<'l>ea a n trrle d ilin lUUhli iro<>|>.i had iH-rn tr ln f iir .cd h r tliiMiMiida i>r A iia trallan i and Nrw /e a ln n d rra In w h a t appearMl <0 l>r a lliriial luw ard tlia I ta lian naval lia*p a l t'oliruli, IJbya.

I'lNK UAYON( ut:i*K s H iin s


$ | 5 5A m c K Y ('i,()si;-()t T o r




OnlyA b c tu tlfd " p iec e i-o f-

e l |h t" te l with eifh t «ich of th sm o ttn e c e ittry pU cet— and (ir/es e ifb t (e« ipoonil FULLY GUARANTEED by In lem itional Silver Co. - world'* I t r f e i t m tkere ol fis« tilTerware.• DlnatrKolTii iTtbliSpsont■ DlBBitrorkl 1 Butltr Knll*

UTmSpmiu I 5u(i> S»Ma . I D iiitrloi SoupSpMBi

FO R L I M J U O T l M l O HL'fl

4 “ E X Q U ISIT E " i l . O O S a la d F o rk s 1

R»gtJl»r1r >7.*«


R & G Je w e l e r sV E U U \N E H O T E L R L U G .

O P E N Y O U n B U D G ET A C C O U N T NOW !

I C O M PA R E A nyw here!I i I I I I II ID A H O DEPT. STORE pI Mens Stofv |


AIhmiI (hfi t«B< l lU e or a«rn ll>r riili.r. i r you a r r In doubl. Ju-I U ll lilm w here |t »nde i|ila lii io h im th a t If lh« ilif- m ro ln r auU lh a t U .*nl>e r i i h a n i r d a f te r C h rb lm av

V'vilUr Shu\n W,> of <;rr>. llltK', U rrfn , IturKiitxIv, ^

a n d W h i l e ^

■ »T«fl S h itr « \

' l U c N - S h i r t i> t u U S h n m W iin d ( ’n r r lc H t h e ^ ~ K « H S h n m l ( ' 'S l x i n p

' T h rtN « S h i r U A r r S i n c t h K ir « l M m hIH v nn«) ^ lW « u tt(u l fC

' A ll S i l t ^ F m t n U »ip (o IT . ^

A Glorious Gift for A ll the Family!.rwico siox

* 79”

1 'h ls lie iiilifu l CliriMm.ii I'liilm lu iof;i Jim nn v , llirilltn^- r.ulio eujdynirnl I New O vcne.nW ’ive- Ih n .l. Ih iill 'In A n iria ,u i <n>l Overscan A etiil .SyMnii Many Ollicis. O filf i jcm is iiinv!

A X m im H n rK itiii

Select N ow ...m ake small down payment.

No more payments until next year.

Delivery Christmas Cve...anywhere within 2S miles,

liberal Trade-in Allowances.

Models fo r e m y purse and person— up.

N e w T w i l l

LOCATIONKIO M a in A v c . N .

N ext In the’ntentai

Frojn Idaho’s Largest


thp: s e c t io n o f


•peatcr plslol w ith a com bin­a tion of w ater a n d noise. Ju»l like two Runs for th e p r lc t of one. Made by Daisy, a n d th a t m oans a Rood gi'h.




lOcshoo^.i stra lR ht, I t ’s stu rdy

and It has a p a ten ted 'fe a tu re th a t preven ts th e d a r t j Irom la lllng out.

D aisy 's N ew S q u i r t - 0 - M alic




89cT he m etal board m easurea 11x19 inches. T here ore live m e ta l a ir ­p lanes to shoot n t w ith a r e ­peate r cannon th a t shoots sev­e ra l tim es a t one loading. A s tu rd y shooting gam e th a t 's lota o l fun.


89ca big m e ta l boa td 14x23

inches a n d a 21'j - l n c h eun. W hen c e r ta in tnrRcts a re h i t a score Is au tom atica lly run up. 8 lx live n lb b e r vacuum arrow s KO w ith name.


49cHl^e of meLiil Ixiard U I’JxIO

e.s. 'I lie m etal pl.stnl haa four ei-tlpiU'<t tliict*. Kw.ty tim e ceiiter liiillseyr Is h it it l>ell

luKh and th«‘ Aenre Is au tom atic- ally ruiiK up.



23c>re w ith m etal gun Ih tle rcn t IaiK<-t In

'th l i ty d ltfftciit. [ilaytd.


98cMelv^\lve^ IBx’i l lue.lira OJ iiieinl lurRflt litmrd. A stron tt in n will) nix rul)lM-r-ll|)|>e<l darU . •nm wholn ihhiK In on a stand .


The ChrMmat S ton

And FREEA C h r ls lm M g l f l w n p p i n f rtervk« (hut W l n ^ m a n y w h m In ta iM * m o u n ta in c d u n t r / .

\ ,

Page 9: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Page Eight IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, uecQrabcr 16. 1949


W A8H1NOTON (U.PJ-The K epub- llc of Panam a. s ituat«d a t “tlic crossroads of Uic w orld," Li consid­e ring th e sdopUon of a new con»tl- tu llon . Copirs of th e docum ent hftvc a rrived In th e U nited Stftt^s nnd vnrlous o the r co im trle s-o f tJie A m ericas, nnd nro bclti« studied keenly by fliitlioriiles pn co iistltii- tloiinl liiw. T hrsp studios n r r ])urrly n ri'dcm lc nnd for Kfiic-rii] liilonnft- tlon.

One of the m ain piwh.lniL*; of the iicik' oi'Kiin of K ovrrnnirnt I.' th a t ilir p irs lde tit of th e rpp'if)!!'' .‘■htill hiivc H trm i of six y^^u^, In itcad of fnur. A r-iicclal traii.slloo nrtlcle. If iidoplrd, would cnu;.e !he t /r in of n r . A niulfo Arias, wlio wns ItiiUiR- u ra tr il on O 't , 1, 1940, to rim u n til

\ F rb . tS, 1347. Thl.-: v,mild Rlvr him (\Ki veiir,'., tivr niKl a ha lf m onlhx loi'Brr th a n Ih r te rm loi w hirh he 5viir. rJcctrd In the June . 1940, elec-

• tlons. ; - .Has IRn ArtlfiM

Tlic new docunu'iii. dn iw u up linm A rU ck 1 Jo Avtlrie ISO, war

; p rfsrn tw l In person lo th e N ational Assembly by' P resident Aria.*!. I t

's e rk s (o rrl 'lacr the cniisMtullon luloptc^l on Fi'b, 13, 1004.' w lilcli was adopted -shortlv a lte r P an a m a se­ceded from Colombia.

n i c original constliu llnn provid­ed th a t n p rrsld rn t \'a,s Inplltlble lor rw lfc llon . U nder the new d ra f t con.stHutlon, he would Ix* Inelujlble for tlir Imiix-dlatc jx-rlml following hl.s i)wn icrm.

A som ew hat nu tho rltiirlun lone Is lmp:irt(Hl to' th e to u s t liu ilo n In Its scrond nrtlcle. w hlrli departs from the theorle.s of Monle.'^quleu, the con.stlmtlon of th e U nited BtAtes and m any o the r d o ru m rn ts w hirl) hold th a t t>ower and Kover-

' olgnty em anate ■ from th e people. T he new Pnnnm anlnn oohstltu tltm hnyb th a t '-public n tilhorlly rests In th e nation whirl) cxcrcUcs It In the roanner w hich th is constUutlotx cx- tnDllslics."

AsMinbljr U 'eutd Be SmaJITJie N ational Assembly will coii-

a lst of about ono deputy fo r every y a m InhRbltfti^u, KV th a t i t wlU be ft body of about 30 m em bers For

,. ordinary’ hosslons. I t will m eet on New Y ear’* D ay even ’ two yew s, and ad jou rn a ft« r fo ilr m onths.

■. A illc le 13 provides “ th e P re s i­d e n t o f th e Republic m ay convoke th e N ational Ajwcmbly to m eet In

’ ex tra sevslons, for th e tlm e-llm lt w hich he will fix. nnd rto s tudy only

. thB B ubjecu w hich h e SrU) subm ll to I t.”

T h e P residen t as well m cab ine t offlcera m ay ipeak In the, N ational AsiemMy, ancl th e la tte r m ust re - apond to InterpellatJans. Cabinet officers m ay also hold th e position

*• o f deputlM .

-r RUPERT I- •

M r. a n d M ri, Jo h n B urnside en< t«cta.lned th e mtttvbere o t the. o . U . R. Club a n d two goiestJi. Mr, a n d M rs. C. W arren D nlsh, W ednesday w ith d in n e r a t th e C aledonian ho te l and bridge a t th e B urnside how e. Prize tOT com bined W gh score •M nl \o M r. a n d M rs. D alsh .

A son w as bom Friday to M r. nnd M rs. E vere tt Petersen, W endell, n t th e hom e of Mra. P e te rsen ’s pn r- • n ts . M r. a n d M rs. M arshaH H . W hltnah , M rs. Petersen was fo r­m erly Miss Ruby W hltnah .

M rs. L ola Hopkins and h e r fiUter, M ra. Pcnrl Sneed, le ft th is week for th e ir old hom e lr» G eorula a n d o the r po lnU In th e sou th w here they «x- p«ct to spend th e w inter.

M tm beni of th e Bid or Bye club e n te r ta in ed th e ir hu.ibands w ith d in ­n e r a t th e Ca)e<lnnlan ho te l and brldBP a t th e hom e of M rs. Floyd F ru it W ednesday cvenlnK, Hluh score p rlrea w rn t to Mrs. K enne th C hcrm ak nnd Floyd F ru it nnd low

• K ore p rlie s to Mrs, M ilton Reeves w id E, J . H nnw l.

M r. nnd M rs. G erald fitajiley were■ ho.1t nnd hostess T iirsdiiy evening■ to m em bers o f th e 300 rtiib w ith illn - n e r n t th e Caledonian ho te l and

bridge n t th e Stan ley home. H onors In th e evenlnB'fl gam es w en t to Mrs, H orace Nelson and W ard WoolfOrd.

Mr. nnd Mrs, H. A. r iaker re liirn M W ednesday from a biislnes.s tr ip to

M r. and Mrs, W llllnm Kdiiar H u n ­te r le ft by tin ln thn f irs t of Ihn

. week for 81. I/iiiln. wlii've, atiev■ Visit w ith relftllvr.i, tlirv will ink

delivery of a new rn r In w hIrh Ihr. will m ake th e re tu rn trl|) about I)o<

30.Mra. CUirrtmiOaff «;t\tvjtivliwtl \\U li

., (letuiert bridge W mlni'sday for mt-ni- bers of th e rb e l rnhlni< l rliih mid one KUent, Mrs, Royal Hiu-v, Ihxliacore p riro fo r th e nfrcriiixm s Kit......w en t to Mr^. IV nu UmpnMniil, %vtin Will h r th e nnxt club hn.str'.s

R u th Attlesey, who has h rm it a uru lra l pa tlcu t nl Ih r H u|u-it k m>- e ral hruipltal fo r Itie pm t in dny.s. wiiB W rdnrsday nnd lakejito thrt linnir of lier m other Mrs WHlter r.. Alllesey.

U ndnr th e illiiv iion nf M Ki l l f l rn Knillh, Ih r Rupert flrsl w au l M I A. wHl jire sein K n n c -a n |.Uiv, n i- t ll lrd "A Ulgn U nto You." n t ihe Make tabernarlo M onday evrnhiK.

Mra. C. L, A nderson was hastens n t Iho homo of Mra. R. I. O iiiham W rth irsdny In incm brrn of ihn Wr<l ne.sday nfternoon . i liib and un<, Mrs, 'n a r y ' Colt, w ith <le.s- ^erl hrlilge. 'I'nblen w n r crnlrH 'cl w ith jKilnjirttlaa an<l chrlnlm n* d e r- ora tions w ere uurd llirm iBhoiu the

i roomn. I lliih score p rl/^ w ent t< M rs, Colt.

I T he W omnn'n (liilld of (he T iin J Ity Kplscopnl church n i r t TuPMiuy u B Ihn O ulld ha ll In a liusltirnn uni.

• work newilon presided over liy ihn V lre-preslden t. Mrs, K. II Aciiff,

Mrn, -Charles II. IhirBhor e n te r , falnw l Ihn m em bers of the Pimsy

,c lu b a n d tw o gtiestn. M rs M aude Mi!- „ >MIUlor unit H elen 'I 'ravlllo, n l hitieh-

7 c an W ednesday, 'l l ie foIlowl|iR O hrls lm as proxram wan |)rrAenle<l <turli>ir th e ■ fte rn (»n : A C hrlctinua

- poem to llio ineml>erg. Mra, Anim •H ite , p resid en t of th e o lub; g roup

aln« lng o f O hrlstm na raro ln ; rend - In i , "O lfta 'm a t C otint." Mrn, lv» ii O etiaineri a paper, '‘Ctttrlnltnfta A round th e W orld," M rs, o , A.

'•B oho lw ; vocal solo, " a o d nieaii A m erkw ,'' J o a n n a u sch ; read ing . *'A

I, liltU o C h ild S h a ll L ead l l i e in ," Mr*.^ H tr b o u r ; paper. "VlktlaUon o l

. UmI O brljU nM Bplrlt," M ra. Ajui« Y M tU l " t y y . " B a ^ U h e m /• M n . J .

ir o o A » u i^ ih a a ^ m o o i t .

Army Hostesses on the Job

The n c» ly -appo ln ted a rm y hoste sie s are r l f h t on th e Jgb. Above. Mni, Ethel K eeeh L o ja n , hostess a t F o r t DI*. w atches a ches-s sam e In the post rec rea tion haJl. P layer* a re Dkvld Allen, le ft, of T ren to n . N. J.. of H eadquarte rs Co.. a n d Gus M anw h. of F lem ln rto n , N. J., Co, V. Both a re in llO th «j\i«U rjn»»ter» co tp i.

Ex-Coiivict’s Loan Plan Aids Other Newly-Freed Prisoners

BY G U S FIELD S (NEA Special C o rrespondentl

TULSA, O kla. — N early 10 years ago the p residen t of a n O klahom a Investm ent com ptiny stood before, PxidctAl Judge Fvank lln E . K tJ\- tinm er and wn.s sc n tcn re d to servo 15 years In p rlion nnd pay n $5,000 fine.

He had been convlctcd of iising th e mails td m is rep resen t o il ro y -' allies to p rospective Investors In th e firm of w hich h e was den t—the Fields In v estm en t Co.

And so Bon- F . F ields wn.s ta k en awny to L eavenw orth . D u rin g h is •■.itretch" he w as trnn-sfcrred to A tlnntn, la te r lo th e m odel p rison a t Lewlsburg, Pciin . T h ere , u n de r th e prisoners’ ficlf-rule se tu p , he becnme comml.s-iloncr of a th le tic s In charge of rccreatlon .

I n those th ree prl.ioiw! Ben Fields did a lo t of th in k in g about hlnvscU Rt\d Itlx fellow convicts. He had h e ard p len ty about how tough It w as fo r a convict once he got ou t, nnd -he vowed . h e ’d try to do som eth ing abou t It.

H e w ta pa ro led April 1. 1038. nnd on J a n , 13 of th is vear was given ft pa rdon by P residen t Roosevelt.

Loans M ade (o K t-C 'onvlrls T oday h e hvM In 'I'u lsn. says

c has enough m oney saved to get a long on. H e devotes a ll his tim e to tlie ta sk of he lp ing o th e r piyolcd. pardoned a n d dl.schnrged cx'-con*lctd rega in a respectab le place 111 society._ .H e has organ ized th e Fields A u n d a tlo n — a chn rte rcd n o n ­p ro fi t Institu tion whose purpose Is to g ra n t loan.s to ex-convlcts from the tim e they nre te lensed u n til they get a Job.

H e p lans to have thn fouiida* tlon rIv* p c rsoua l ttt teu tton to tc - hnbllltatlon of enoh case, l.onns will be m ade w ithou t ir ile rrs t o r a dm inistra tive charges. No se ­

curity cxccjit th e m a n ’s w ord required. T lie revolving fund will

mRlntftlned th ro u g h Invest­m en ts by the fo undation 's board of d irectors, and a con tinuous c&mpalan ' '111 be wafied (or g ifts to th e fum l. ‘

l l i c foundation 's f irs t th a t of a young m a n w ho carnc back to Tulsa from a fede ra l prls-

a tte r serv ing Ume for a po.stal robbery. W hen h e failed to find

Job, h e bccam e dl.scouraged, n.skcd for rcad m lttan ce to the iK nItcnilorj'.

T lie ca--.c cam e lo Field.',’ nl tlon, nnd hl.i foundation loaned the young m an $55 w hile Fields tried 10 find him a Job. H e Is

ork lng as _a trucker'.s h e lp er nnd paying bnck th e loan.

W an ts to C urb ( rim e 's Cost T lic foundations m ain conccrn w ith f irst o ffenders on Iho lr . .

lease from pclwin. P lai\s cnll for ex tension of the o rgan ization in to o th e r sta tes, a n d for opening offices In W iwhlngton, D, C, An advisory bo a rd of'?, psychlatrlst.n a n d phllnnlVitoplsVs will b e o iftan- Ized.

I'p a ie KoliiK to Irv to re<luce th e $15,000,000,000 an n u al crlm b bill o f th e nntlon," Fleld.s says. "M ore m oney Is th rough crim e th a n Is sp e n t on education In A m erica."


Mis. Dexlr I'afii- an<l Mi;. Wllmii Holjih were ha';, a t a stork niKiwrr Klven In honor (i[ Mi.s. Hiidle Hii'dr.scl 'I 'hursd»y r \rn iiii ; al Ih r honii' of Mrn, R<il|ili. Invlti'd Kuesln weit' iiK'inlif'ri, d( Ih r Miiii|iv-lil ih li - r r M'Wliin ( lul).

Mrs l .r tt i f 'H v d r wns r r l n i 'r d fromilir Klhr. Ki->irri>l liu>.plh>i Thinsdiiy. Ilhr h nl Ilir home nl hri ilaiiul)- Irr, Mis, Wllilu UumlU-, Wi'llx

[•'inMl Kopii wim telriiM-d fu 'in Ihr V rleia iis ' tKispllal In Mj.1i l.iike Cllv Hint i r h in ir il lo h is Iioiiir in W rils last Week Mr Ko|>|> Im.s r.pnil Insl iiMisiths in 111.' Vvtfi ho«iilIiil i .ir lv u i t! l in i lm r n t foi e a r itiliii<-nl.

A mls^'liiihiiy ix 'iie lit pruurnm iliiliie wnn Klven hy Ih r W ells W iml til llin l,, 1>, H. ihm ch 'nu'ftrtny rvrnliiK. T hn follow ing |iioKrnin «a.s H 'lu lneil: Ci-llii sold, M ailon llliiir, nreomiMinled bv .lulin D lg rar- I'l; iinnti. lllniK 'hr C litln id ; m ale tllo , Jiiiiirr. (). NIrlMHi. n rc lr r lc k (^•llon.<lo t, .Iiiiirs; u m as sloiv, Diiiotliv 'I'iNiintn. lap d a n rr , 1-Iilrlrl» U 'u i'h

Mr. ami Mis. DnnMg Connolly n ir Ih r |inrriiin nf n iHiy born I>ec. 10 In llin Klko ueiirrn l lioapUnl.

M iihial ]m])rnveineiit ims<M lntU... will hiild Itn nnnuni (.'h ilstm nn pnrty a f ir r Miitiial nex t •Jliesdny. Dec, J1. Uaiii iiiK will |>fl enjoyed,

RDENM is, lin s le n isdey . WeM;i, N e v ,

npenl ih r |i;i-,t week l i r i r WIIJi her m other, Mr* lle rlh ii Hpear.

f^lrii hruUli ctnuieU will u jr r t We<lne»Hlay nltorniHiii In Ih r m aitn iH'tiool building, U In p lanned to liavn Hi) diiIaIiIo Biieukiu'.

t.udlr«’ AUl Miclnly o j iiie I'li-ftliv- te rla u c h u ieh m e t TUmsmIuv n l i r t - ncMin n l Ihn liom r of M is. Kuil BIsoit. Mrs. I,eo IfoK uiilinr prr.s At Ihn Ininlnesa m neiliig . A I'o ltn - tlo(t WHS tn k m w hich wan ncnt to the cliU drtn'ii hom e In JM se,

Mr, and M rs. B enny .......Matl^iflW, Jo h n P nyne n tid Jo h n Rolce arrlvw l h<wn« 'nnuM lny from ik U>i«« weeks' vl^lt In O klnhiuna.

eoyiowEBILLIN G S, M ont. (U R)—I f Uie call

comes ngaln, C apt. H orace W, Biv­ins will go bnck in to a rm y life, bu t Die line en lhuslasm and skill th a t won Ills 32 clKUions as a young m an lias faded n lit tle a t h is p res­ent anf. 74.

Tlic Negro rej.crve officer, a ve t­e ran of th e two C uban cam paigns, th ree Philippine cam palgiw and Ujc Worl.i ft-ar, now engages In the peBccIiil (xrcupatlon of tru ck -g a r- denliiK niul raLies sw eet potatoes as a hobby If he Ls called back Into srrv lre . he snld. he would p refer lo hw vf wiui a ,h o m e guard u n it here while the .M ontana na tio n al guard Is In aeilve .-service. B u t falling In ihl.'i, h e ' added, he w ants to serve under nrlg . O en. B en jam in O. Davis, (he f irs t N esro gen era l In th e h tj- tory of the arm y. C apl. Bivins ami O en DtivU were buddies in Ihe Philippine cam paigns, a n d once held th e eijiial rank of squadron ser­gean t-m a jo r In th e cavalry,

Jleccnily , C ap ta in Bivins compiled wHh th e u'ftT depaTUnenVs request to answ er a q uestionna ire so th e de­pa rtm en t could d e te rm in e ' w hetJier It wanic<l to call h im back Into serv- Ice. He also look th e required physi­cal exnm lnnllon Olid was found to be In fnr be tter cond ition th a n the e rase miin years younger.

B ut where Bivins believes he m ight be of real ;;ervice to the arm y h in In stru tiln g rookies In th e a r t of markimaii.'U ilp. A t various tunes tiie N egro cap ta in led th e aiTny m ark sm an ih ip w ith boili carbine and revolver. H e ho lds w hat he be- lleve.s to b e 'n record nev er equaled in the a rm y—U iat o f wJnnJug live gold me<lals fo r m a rk sm an sh ip in a single year In a rm y cbm petltlon. T ills was In 1894.

In 1806. so wlde.spread was B i­vins’ farm.' as a c ra ck sho t, U iat Col. W. F , (Buffnlo B ill) Cody tried to .sign him to a c o n tra c t w ith the wild w est sl^ow Cody headed . I t was the colonel's p la n to have Blvtns comiwte w ith A nnie Oakley. Ihc show'.s fem inine c rack sho t. B u t al th a t tim e, Blvlns w as in line for pro­m otion lo th e ra n k of o rdnance ser­gean t. and decided to rem ain In the arm y. He becam e a commlsslon- eil officer—o n e of th e few Negroes lo achieve th is r a n k — d u r in g the W orld war.

P cck h a u i Speaks To B n h lL O .O .F .

BUHL, Dec. 16 (S p c c ln D - 'P rln - liilrs of O dd Fellow ship ill P rac-

• was tli r Mibjcct ol th e ol- Ic'Lil ^ Id ress by G rand M aster H. C.

Pcrkl'/tm . W ilder, when he p.-»ld hU iJl visit l() m rinbers of the Buhl h F. niul ne lK kahs and the ir

Buesl •■la.'.t weeK. O ranil U epresentn- tlvc y. n . H uglies and H enry Cleve- land |i:>si depnrCment commander, p re.i'iitrd 1.11 elKht-m :m escort of pa trl'iiir iii llitnn t, OoodlnR, led by nrlgad lrr G enera l A. F . McCloud. Tliry r.'i iirled th e urnnd m o iter and deputy Hrand m uster, George Leth,

lie plutforn i n B lan k cn h lp was In eliarKC

the program w hich opened w ith iiroiip .'InKlng "Ood Dies'.

. iica, - t t i ih M1.S.S Lulu I-eland piano. H nrry Ray enlerlnlnerl icioiip w iih several num bers of

i«-< t jKvtry.,„ h nf th e visitors a fte r formal <i(lui-tioii Kave ?horl talks

irk, and they were followed hy ilw c ra n d master'.^ addres.s

A 'n m m lltee In charge nf Clyde Wli;i:iins served lunch r.fter the clnl hour.

lod r I


HANSEN, I>?c. 16 iS peclftD -H ot .school lunches will begin In Hnnsen s c h o o l 'a s soon a.s the WPA has '•eoijred a cook, nccordliig t< groiiii In c harnc , w ho fu rther sta te thnt the supp ly of food from the WPA is a l th e lunch room. Mrs- R Howell Is c h a irm a n of lUe projec t whliii « ill be .sponsored by the L at- aw ah club.



Increasing Populacel/m d o n 's g row th Is .so rap id . It Is

e.stlmnted, th a t th e re a re a h a lf m il­lion people living on Its borders for whom th e re a re no church ac ­com m odations.

'•Then See H e G ets


I t 's moAt easily digestib le and It's a r e a l rew ard (a t grow ing boy»— nnd g lrlsl

V O U N G 'C■ D A I R Y ^

_________ P h o n e > 4 ___________

C astle G a te C o a l is a m odern fuel! I t 's w a sh e d , sized , (d ried , o f c o u rse ) a n d d u sp ru fe d . T h e c leanest co al y o u ’v e e v e r used! I t keep* y o u r ho m e cleaner; j; iv e » y o u m o e e f o r y o u r m oney. T e le p h o n e y o u r o rder N O W !


HomeLumber & Coal Co.

301 2nd S t . SouthG uy B ym an. M anager


ABOUT THE NJSW DRIVESO ld tm oh ile 's " n o c h itc h " H y d ro - M utlc D rive hw» p ro v ed •n c lv a setiiutliiD id iu ( x e s i ih u t n iu n y rfiiaiiiifuciurera huvo h ro iig h t o u t new devices fur 1041—v^ith Blm- liai KDiiiidlii); niinicn iind w ith r.liiliUB (i> a ln iili ir o ilv iiiit tiK ea , T h e m iirn new Uhi.ti. of ah iria, Iiriv kinds ol iraiiB inisniona, n o w c iiiir .h »y(itfltii». n o w r .n iitro la ,

"d tlv rh ." W h n t IhcBfi d e r V rrn H f do, in ixn iiparlson w i th l ly < l r» - M a t lc H rlv o , laBhowti i . i t l ie < h ii i t h r l , i .v .t ; i i r , : k

l« . a ie liilly .

Y o u ’ll f in d th la f a c t r c n ia in a :

J i u t o n e k in d o f d r iv e ii com ­p le te ly a u to m a tic . . . h as no c lu ic f i p e d a l a t a l l . . . a n d n e v e r r e q u i r e s a n y m a n u a l s h if t in g , e v e n fo r q u ic k acte l- e r a l i o n . T h a t is th e o r ig in a l H y d ra - M a lic D riv e , builc and b a c k e d b y G e n e r a l M o to r s , in tro d u c e d by O ld sm o b ile sn d n o w p r o v e d m il lio n * o f m ites o f d r iv in ( i tn th e han tU o f n rd rly fifty ih o n sa n d O H iic til

^ ^ , 0 l d ^ 6 b i l eCH AN EY

Mfdn nnti FniirlJi E anlMOTOR CO.

Lasting Enjoyment This Christmas

-For a different gift idea this^Christmas—a gift that will last—give something that will become part of your home, benefitting every member of the family.

Give one gift to the wholes family. It will be an in­vestment in enjoyment and security for years to come

For example we suggest— new lighting fixtures

* water system for the farm home• modem bathroom fixtures

, • kitchen plumbing* water softener• fireplace sets

Visit our store for more ideas in worthwhile home gifts in all price ranges.

You w ill also find hundreds of items for

individual nifts in our hardware lines.

Come in and shop.,


I ' I 1 1 I 1iIi

III.*I1 '


i I I I I f •


Page 10: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

M onday, December 16, 19-10 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pag«Nin«


Barrymore Ambitious to Make Next Picture With W. C. Fields

BERLIN, Dcc. 16 <UP-»—B rllU li aJr r a ld c n set several Ilrcs in B erlin la.M iitghl u td (Um agM severalbiilltlliiss. induditiE hospitals, hlKli tnm jiiand commmiKiur suld todny.

NMinrrtius c\pln,-.ivc and ^nccn - dlnry bombs were dropped e lsew here In G erm any and one fac lorj' In c en - trn l O erminiy wn.i s f l o llre , llie lonim unlquc r.nid.

All rires. In Berlin and cl.sewl were sjild to liavc bren cxUngulslied quickly.

Kour KlUrdTlin com m unique -■'uld four p e r-

(>nn5 were killed and 13 uouTMled In (he nlR hl's ra ld ln j; th s l s e n lc c on one railway Was in te rrup ted te m - porftTlly and th a t a church a l H er- lo rd . W estphalia, wns destroyed by a d irec t bomb h it.

O ne B rltlsli p lane was sJiol dow n In.^t nlRht and no G rm jan plnnes v .crt losV. Ihe sa id .

S aturday , I t said . O erninn bom b­ers u ltncked London and Im p o rtan t m ilita ry objectives In E nfi- land . O ne ha rtw r w as re - m lned, aeeordm g to the com niunl- quc. I t said G erm nn a ir activ ity wa-s llJTiJterl lo recDniiai'i.vtncc yesterday- becau.^e of bad wenther.

Score D irect H itT lio official news agency sa id

B rlilsh bombers icored a d lrcc t Jilt on a subwiiy line nna on n rnllw ey h e re hust nlRht.

E arlier, a communique sa id B r i t ­ish p lanes .'^howcrcd leafle ts over a B e rlin .suburb bu t were preven ted by nnti-H lrcraft fire from renchlng th e cen lcr of the- cHy.

I t was the f irs t raid on B erlin In ID nlghta.

By PAUL H .\K R \S O N NEA S taff Serrlce C o rre iponden l

HOLLYWOOD, Nov, 16 (U.R) — Jo h n B arrj’more is p lnylng th e role o f a somew lmt w acky hclcntlst in U nlversal's com edy-ch ille r, "The Invisible W oiuun," n n d is hav ing a lot of fun a t It.

He assemble.^ an nU rlca le m uchlnc w hich w ith llie nld of nn InJectcd clicm lcal can ren d e r a person In­visible, and he trier. It o u t on Vir­g inia Bnice. nn unh a p p y fashion

NAM ESin the


Jo h n Rarrjrm ore waniN lo make a picture w ith W. C. Kicld.s. . . H eld* *nl*hl like to t ry th a t In- T isibilll/ m achine.

m odel who volunlccr.s fo r th e ex- pc rln icn t she 's llrcd of be­ing s tared n l. She'.s tired of be­ing i)cr,seciited by he r bo.'-.s, and the firs t th ing she does to celebra tc licr

s la te of IrH nsiiarcncy i.s to give th a t a.sinnished ex-em ployer n good sw ifi kick.

T ills and o the r nsiJccLs of th e p a rt a re likely to do qu ite a b it tow ard a d d in s zip and splcc to th e norm al­ly qu ie t and w holesom e sc reen per-

souiiUly Qt Ml:>b Urvicv. CvtiS Uiuiish aud iences won t be able to

I .some of th e sienesH aving been lrcato<l witli ilu- ruy.s

of Ihc m achine , ll luipiicn.i ih a t she R.' .sunic invL^lblllly w henever she llk e < b y guzzliiiB somi' alcohol, u also hnpiM'ti.s lliai ihc uuii'lUi\c doesn 't work on liiaiUnmte ni.Herial.

In order lo ^ rt romiiletely out of bight MI.S.S Bruce lins in dike off a ll h e r c lo thw . ConMnuenOy th e IniagUlutlons ot audiencrs will be stim u la ted by the ,sURi;rsiion Umt he re Is a p reity ^irl runn in s around sta rk naked and a little dnm k .

Too L ale lo r JohnIt Is a situation to ton lo u n d the

censorsh ip bo;ird,s, nnd it «bo is h igh ly am aslng lo ih a t old sntvr, Barrym ore . D etncen .scenes he tells th e blush ing MIm B v 'ict h e 's w otli- Ing on ft potion which will enable h im to .•-cc th r thiniis w hich Ills m arvelous liiuclune has made nially Invisible.

He says, too. thu t he wishes he had th o u g h t of m aking wcimen in- vi.slble a loiii: lime aRo. I t would have .saved him a lot of trouble.

W lien I vLsHed the set today Miss Bruce was com pletely m nteriallied a n d w orking In n ? .rfnt w hich d is­closes th a t th e m achine hi stolen by ageni.s of an underw orld cznr who Hgurr^i Jnilslbllity would a id h im In .h li iiefiLTious enlerprLHoa.

T he actres-s and the G reat Pro­file—th e la iic r woarliiK a gray nnd m ustache a tui looking very m uch like B ro ther Lionel—com e iiuo ;the Inbonitory nnd fliul It wrecked, ’r iie n they hear a poiitulmg on the dooT o l ft w here the house­keeper, Miirnarc'l H nnillton lias been imprl.siUK'il by the i;unKslcrs. Miss B ruce w».v supposed to h e r quickly, bu t on the firs t hike th e la tch w ouldn’t woik. Afior struggling w ith it for several

-^ald. '1 c iin 'i 8 f t Ibel ----- -her- -^pen!"

W an ts to W ork w llh W. C. HeW* B arrym ore is looking rem arkably

well duy.s—ivirtly, h e says, be- cause h e 1:, obliged to sc rape along

court allow ance of »1.000 a week. T he K w s'to lUs c rtdU ^rs, and from now on the am oun t w ill dc conslderahlc becaiiso a regu la r radio p rog ram lui.s been added to his sc hedulf.

h ^ i T Ket ou t from u nder i d eb ts." h e ^aicl, "I w ant to buy


HONOLULU, Dcc. 16 iU,R>—Twelve ■ lii*enRlJicd con.solidalcd patro l

l>oMibers and six subm arines a re en o th e rh lU pp lne IslAwds Vo

defense of th e com m on­w ealth, It wa.s learned today.

n te plane.', le ft H onolulu M onday and a rc d u e . to M anila Hundav or MoiidHy. f lying by "easy -iHKes" Via M idw ay., W ake and •tiiam l.slaiuis.

Sailors on Siiikiiijr ^\‘sscl Man Guns anti “Get'" U-Boat

LONDON, Die. 10 n)'’*—Suni’lvlng vuilcrs of cruiser K orlar claim ed today th a t they sank -.i-.e tlielr ship.

T l\c VoTtin- wn‘. lorpedoert In th e u m tli TJie i^Usvrs. th a ts she .siiuk, they um niied h e r giuis and lui ........................

•'got h rr, nil r lc h t .” O ne .sailor said he l;;nl been ic^d th a t dfstrci>fr» In the ci>nvoy which th e F o rfiir h;ul Ih t :; Uvrrv wtherbubnuiriiies. '

'H irce life bnai.s col away from tlie Korlsr in one were 31 MtUAr vrnu rned six tlme.s |ji th e nex t four tiours »Uvl w hen « fre ich ter

iippciivtd to picli them \ip . only six Uie 5V

McMillan Renamed To Grange Office

jm O M E . Dec, 16 (8p«cl*l)—W U- lU rd M cU iU w w u n c lv c U d unM utrc.ot ih f Jerom e tow n O rto ige

evening a t Uie I.O .O .P. hklL OU»*r offlcrra elected were overseer. Leon s to c t t a i ; .lecturer, M n . J o h n S tickel; Hurold- Cook. s«cret*ry; treasu rer, John PM fcinwn; O u i C a l- >en. ttew ard : Noel Q w aitncy . n t e - kee^per; Bob M esw nger. A ssistant Mp'Mird; M rs. Jenn ie C n l s . lady as^lJ.t*n^ stew ard: Mra. V enlt* V ln - tng, CeiTs: Mrs. Leon Stock ton , norm , and M ri. Harold Cook. P o - hioaA.

T h e G reat Profile and th e G re a t B eak m irh t try th e fam ous spanW ng « e n e from ' ^ j Dear CM W rtn,"

bo a t; b u t not a f.tnry big yaclit like I h a d before. Ml be i ta y ln t hcrts Iroiw ttow c ji. a i\d th e t t 's ^ n o m ore s tage engagem ents; I pa id >15,000 to get o u t of my la st com m ltm enl."

H e likes movies a n d . Is especially fond o( radio. ha.s Just been signed for • weekly a ir show, 1 u k e d if he h a d any single am bition Mid he shid ve.s. ttu it he 's anxious lo m ake a p ic tu re w ith W. c . Fields,

" I f d be the screwiest th in g ever film ed." he declared. "W e've been

r U R N I T U R tT h in k o f i t — t v c r y M ng le m c m h « r o f th e fa m ily

w in tk'^ n nd t n jo y th e R ift o f fu rn itu re w h ich

g lo r if ie s th e ir h o m e ! T h e s e « r « s p c c ia l C h rU lm a a

v a lu e s f o r » lim ite d t im e .

" H a p p in e s s IW r i r s a t H o m e."

II. f


onds sh e tu rned to th e c iw iern and tnlkkng lo g c th er >bout It.”

B rU n lte d Press V lrglnlo G ajd u . ed ito r of

Rome news|wii>er O lornale d ’llftliii, categorically den ied today th a t I ta ly in tends to sue for armlsUce In Itu lo - G reek ho.stiUlles nnd w arned th e BrilLsh n o t to deceive them selves

.a b o u t I laly as a com batan t . . .C ha lnn> n S dI Bloom o t th e

hnu»e fore lfn a ffa irs eom m lltee prApo!.e.< th a t th e U nited S ta te s repeal (he neu tra lity Uw in o rd e r (o extend more aid lo B rita in .L F. S tone, W nshinKton e d ito r of

N ation maKarlne. ?ald d e ta ils o f .» plan will be revealed by a D e tro it labor group ne.Kt w eek-end by w hich th e uniLsed capacity of th e a u to ­m obile Industry can be m ade to pro* duce WO plnues » day .

At V atican City, w orkm en a re p u ttin g the flnlah louchea «n u i a ir raid shelter fo r Pope Pins . . . V lc« P m ld e n t Don K epplcr of th e A FL A eronautleal M eehanlea local a t (he Boeing a irc ra f t p la n t in Sea ttle i> faced w llh pou ib lllty o l expuhinn from th e union a n d • S5.000 fine for hU alleged C om ­m unistic affiliations . . .

Uftlboa vejKirts U^al evidence polnt.s to a landslide In yesterday 's C an al Zotu- plebl.sclle for Prfillderft A riiu lfa A rias’s new oonstltu tion w hich would itran t h im ex trao rd i* iia iy executive j ^ v e r a .

Air (-ommtMTlre O. C. P lrie of G re a t Itrllaiii. nnw In W ash ing ton . I), Mtlii th a t sliico th e D rltiihgnve s fo rm ilita ry a lr r r a ll in llie I I . S 7,UQ<1 Mifh a l i r r a t t had heen p ro ­duced In various (aelnrle!^ th r o u ih - ou l the country . . .

W endell Wlllkic told tiie A:vs.x l- ale<l W lllklr cluti.s Unit ilie ir niid v ibran t work «lif>uUi be c-on-

. tliiued l)ut nskeil thiil Ills nuiue- )>e k rp l out of Ilielr a c tlu tlc s lest he tx- iiiriii<r<l (if |)(-r|>('iri<tluK a iie rsonal (UKaiilziilloii . . .

iloniliay rrpo rtrd Ih a t M ohandu* R . (iRiMthl'K e » m p » l|n nl Inrtlvld- uitl dlsoi>etllrnie will tie Fiuspenitcil frcini h e r. JO In Juii, .1 f«r th e t'hrK lm it-i hullduys , . ,rivilinhttc.vs Ju a n ita (> 'I 'u iK rr <'I

' CliiI'llmn,s. Kill, whii iinuuiillv pliiy-i.'f itn 'u Cliiii.-I lr>i ,sliinip I'ollrrlor.s. ii'Iio ilrd ly h bii.slcr Hum r v n llil;.


WAtlllAMKN'lX), Dec, in lUP) A uU ioiltlfs tixliiv liivtVillKulecl cletilln of lliiee [lei.Miiia In a n o r th H arriitneiito nulii lu iiip In d e ir r - m ine H iiiev weie nr.|>liv;ilMled a c - r lden ta lly cii died in ii Mihldo pnct.

'H ie (lenil wein lilriilllleil ii.-. Miin- III'- IhiMiibuik. UO; |\U duMUhtrr, Velma. IJ, nnd llelnle Wllsc.ii, 37. I t wan t.elleved iluslnliiirk an<l liln . la u g h te r w rie fii.u i Vnkltiui, W ash., a w l MIm WUrwi Jroin Monnx*, tltn li.

IhM lnliaik irKlntcieii KalurdaV niKht and tnld llin ran i|i <>|>eralnr Hull / ’a lady nud a rlilld ” w eio w llh him 'H ie IhkIIc.s were found lutu vrntciday. Ihinhibaik In hed. th e Klrl on b <<uuli ».u.t WllMinnn th e halhiixiiii fliH>r,

All wiiidiiwn iind dixirn were aliift a n d Ihn h rnhT wim liiinilng. A Juk nf whin iiittiid In Ihe eiililn Ing aiialyr.ed lur |M I»on,

himitrdO ne nuiiit tinv rj In the irftiilc of

C-'iiniTi. alnnMt an ta r Aoulh a» tiuba , I” iiin nun d lie illy ove ih ra .l. I'-Ven lli rn . IL In iNi.'nlliln only In thn m on th of June,


ST. LOUIS (URi — MiiX Polko* un elevator oiK rator a l th e old fed­e ra l bulldlnt; here , ha.s one of the prlviitely nwutxl coUecUons o f tropical fish In th e m iddle w est— so large, in fact. U m t h e liiis m iui- nged to pu t a bnwl of f ish in iiearlv every olUce o5 \lie bn lldh ic h \ 'which h e work.s and .still m ake lil.s hobby pay for Itself.

Po lkes aouarluin In ih c federal i building, which hoii.'-e.s d ls tr lc l heud- quiirtcrs for such agencies a t Ihc

■national park .service, HOLC, WPA ■and other... was hl!> ow n Idea. He said tha t when h e .started rimniiiB th e elevator he no ticed iniiny -of th e oiilce.s had jw tled plnnt.s and ho'^iC^s.•^v,•Wch h e c™\sVdered ‘T fully messy, w ith leaves d ropping th e floor a ll the tim e.”

H e said he a.sked nn occupant ne o l th e ollices H h e would like ) have a bowl of fish.

Cares for O ffice Fish ‘•T l\6l's th e \vi»y H h lnried ." PtilXe

said. "P re tty .sofin .someone w anted an fl<iuai1um and then o th e r office nnd a n o th e r. 1 limine now there a ie 45 fish bowls In buitdlnR. ! t^ike cure of them m y spare iiiu r. "

In the m il- of hi-, hom e I'nlke luv- b u l l l 'B .strilrliui-, 'JU by -3(1 feet, w hich coiiiahr. t|i-r upon tie r ol concrete and kIiiss IiousIuk all ty|: o{ Tftit nml l>eimllliil I ro p ln ii jl- Ho Jias never considered h is flsli

ler thiin ii liohtjy. hut covi-rs itlim rxiM'iir.r.'i throuK li Mile

surplus r,t(K-k.Piilk.--.s iii|iiiuiiim in iilu liv , h

dre<|-. n( ►iupjilri, blin k ' H'll niliiliow 11:,11, hwiirdlail.s dl uiuns

Distress From Kidney, Stomach Was Relieved

I Am H appy fo r I Fool M ko a Now W ouuiii S iiu o 'ra k ln j; H a y l’rt ( ’om ptm nd S a y s Thin 'I'w in ^’all^l L ady .

MtH. Anna lllu r, Jif) 3iid HI., 'IV In P^ll.s, Idului. sta le s; "I hnvo Buffered from indigestion. iiervoueneM , nnd

tuann. n \ e w ould crow d my

colors, dw arf G ouram ls, Ind ian a n d m a n y others.

, ••Fishtlnir P a ir" Priied O ne of hi.s prir.e exhibits I.-- a pair

o f " fislU liie l i^ h ’ til ACiiicwt« \xvwlh bu t side by .side. Polite .snld he hits to keep ft ncw.'paper o r some kind

c u rta in belween the bowl.s to p reven t th e lish im m d a s h i n g themselve.s ngaliist ihc- nla.s.s in an effort to a ttac k eneli oiher.

Polkc said h is fish cau .e h im rel- alively little trouble be<ause a well- balanced iti|iiaritmi will run It.self. H e look up t h r iiobby a fte r tils dl.s- c liarge from th e a rm y foUovktug the close o f the W orld war.

"To m e," he said, "It s a nerve tonic.''

^ A of People'lliB world has an *» iim ,ied lo la l

o r fl83,00(l,OWI O hrl«tla,u , a.liM stliU I to iiu n o»OioUea.

iM'SSS‘222 « « ‘hollo*. «n<t3IW,000,000 I’roleatanta,

First Public BuildingT lie W hile Hou.'.e whs th e first

public bullfiiiiK erecied in W ashing ton, D. C It;, cornerstone wa.s laic Oct. 13, 1732. and its occupant.s

Eras and PeriodsT lie earlli'.s is divided in to VC e ras , by sclciilK ts. ThC£« live ras. In tu rn , a re dUided in to a to ta l

of 16 periods, ol varj ing lengUis.

S ta n d a rd Tllarles ana D esk C a l­e n d a rs a re now kept ready a t Clos Booh S lo rt. —Adv.


Y ou'll find a complele • line of new nnd used bicycles a l

( Jlo y s le in C y c le ry 338 .Main South

Platform 1





h e a r t ho badly Mint 1 Irll eveiy Utetith would In' Ihe Uv.l 1 w,i-, iiervou,i and hiul lu iid ile nli'ejiiun. i would Iiave illr>v ii|H-lh an il my k id ­neys gave me iiiiirli lio iib lr .

Now Ahire litking Iliiy f/i c^om- IKiund I feel Hkn n nnw w om an nnd I a m lieUer in every w ay. I lutve no t lind a hign iif liullaeKtli.ui. hnvo no t n iilletrd even iiiicb fu iin tilomai h Ban a n d pain. My nnrvrA nrem n lnuiK tr ntid 1 am nlenplng well all uljiUl. 1 hftvp no t h a d n rilMy (.pell nnd my kldiieyn di> m a l>ollier mn Bt all, I now enjoy m y inral.n nnd do lurf Miller a ltrrw a rd a ,"

'I'liink o f i t ! lli-rc |,>i n w iiy tlm l ytm niiiy d(t nil ymij- ('liri:i(tniift hln)|i|)ini: "ii )» vroitit plun llial. (Ini’sn't. iniilti' Iho fir« t o f | | m> iiKiiith Hcom like II iiiKlilinnrti innlciul n f a lln |ip y N ew Voar! ('K K I)IT C O U P O N S lim y l.o h o u u la li\ Im k n fn iin .?Hl np w ilh no dow n |u»yni«‘Ht Hiiil w ith ;t iiiciiiM ih (o piiy | i |u n a riiiiiill c n n y iin r c lm iK i',

(;<»«! in overy dcparlmpnt at our hilf Hioie. IJkc c«Kh in your iMK-kcl!

A sk at our Credit Dep't.


V... i .

Page 11: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31


^ o c i a i — C ^ iu l) 6 — o C b d ^ e dI *

H eitm ans E n te r ta in St. Edw ard’s Choir

F a th e r H . E . I le i tm a n und M iss A tu i H e iln iiin cntcrtH tn<‘(l a t th e a n n u a l C h ria tm iis p a r ly fo r n irm b c r s of S t. K d w ard ’s c h u rc h ch o ir , th e i r h u sb n iu is , w ivos iuul p artn erH , ovo- niiiR a t th e p a r is h ha ll.

A tu rk e y d in n e r w as servocj a t fi trdiK -k, a ll np))<)intnu‘n ls h c in p in kerpinfi" w ilh th e .season. Tal)!e d e c o ra tio n s w ere m in ia tu re & in tn C lau ses an ti r i 'iiu io e r , a n d re d , .silver and Rreon tap(>r.-<. W om en o f tfin'" pariH h s e rv e d th e m eal.

C o v e rs w e re m a rk e d fo r 70 RUestfl. BinKO w a s a d iv e r ­s ion , follow infj d in n e r , w in ­n e r s b e in n p r iv ile g e d to .selecl p r iz e s fro m tw o p iles , onn beinpr a w a rd s fo r th e m en a n d th e o th e r fo r th e w om en.

Girts PiTSClltFllAs lui liiUoducUon lo Uic nilL ex-

clianRp, Mrs. GeorKC Seldol iiiid Mns. F rank O . K leffner plnyrrt m .■■pcclftl duel, WfftrlnR w U l bells. U itr r tlicy plaj-fd "Jingle Bells" a n d llie ns.>;pm- bly sanK the favorite song.

Ml.w H eltm nn tlicn Kt»vi- the .ilnnnl fo r th e apiw arunce of Siinln Clinis ( a t ’orpe SckicU and h(? <Ils{rl6cit«J

• - - ff tv o rs to tlif RUpst.-! from Uie liost.s.H e filso dLslrlbulwl th e kUI cx-

cbflJiRe pflfJtnxM. whJch were o/x-jimJ Blmultimcoiisly, n fte r Mrs! K lr fliir r. cho ir organist, had been prr.sentcil u1U) a down com fort from tlip cliolr. T h e Choir aUo prescntw l a n lfl to MIs8 H cltm nn. d irector.

P r ln a a t bingo were won by Mrs. C lara Pullm an. Mrs. D orothy M lnso, M rs. M yrtle Lopcr, M rs. Mav K lelf- ner, M rj. C. H. B iilchcr. Mr.s. Hill and M rs. Dorothy K leffner.

DInfo W innersMlsa Stella Mac L ang. Ml.v. D or­

othy RcttlnRhouse, MIm Bctiy Piim phrey. Mlsa H elen Gee, B e tty June O am brel, M iss M adeline O arv ln a n d Miss M ary Alice Diich- anan .

Bob Jones. Dick TrobrldRc. Dill Mingo, BUI Hughes. Jo h n K e cm n . V an B ra iec and F ra h k |C lef/ner. sr,

fezaar, Dinner And Dance Set By Relief Society

Klrst w nrd L. D, 8 . R elief mx u ill r iile rliilt i Tiir.<;day.,Dce, 17. n bii/jtiir: A chicken d in n e r p t 6:30 o'clock; a proKrani at. 8 o'ctSck,'nnri

dance n t 0 o ’clock.A nom inal ndm lialon fee adm its

ticket holdcr.s to all of th e evenl.s, ofllrinU nnnoun red today, and the public Is Invited.

Mr.s, I ^ u P o tre Is In cliarge of (irriiiiKcm rtits for the d inner.

■nic proKrani will Incliidc ii pliinci soln, .Mrs, 'Jennie Crowley; duct Mrs. C hrlstlP HoberU nn and Mr::. Miiiicl Mobk'y; diiPl. Mrs. Utnhim Aiiclcr.soti and Mrs, Mo.s.sle K lrk- inun; solo, M rs. Robcrt.'ion, arc panu-d by Mr.s. M nblr' ; <-ci • rc.idUm, Lnvon Hytlc; solo."!. H oward Corli-s.s. ¥ ¥ Presbyterians to

Present CantataPrr.sbyierlan cliua-li cho ir of 40

voices will pro.srnt a can ta tn •s: 111 8 p. in. Ill the c hu rch audl- torliiiii, iiiu ler llie d irec tion of M O ernld W allace.

ChrLsUnas curobi will be muir In add ition to th e c an ta ta . ••Hall, M es­s ia h .'’ by W ilson. AmonR th e »n- tlirm .s will b r I'll old m i i cen tiny F rench •'A lldo lila -

MIsa Ja tm t ^e^c nDl p lay th e orpnn

Evacuee Fipm Manila Tells of Rough Trip

H o m e fo r C h r is lm a s — a n d j?lad o f i t — is M rs. W a lte r W n ite , cv acuce f ro m th o P h illp p iiie iwlHi)<ls.

c lcc tric iu n w ithth e tJ n i te d S ta te s n av y , i.s K'clUnK' a c c lim a te d to Id a h o w in ­te r s , a f t e r a p e n d in g th e p a s t y e a r in M an ila , a n d th e v c a r b e fo re t h a t in H onolu lu . „

r * ^ . W ith 1,342 o th e r cvacuoos, m o.stly w iv es a iul fam ilie s of

%■: 2nd Ward Giving /E v e n i n g Program

Of Yule CarolsA C hris tm as carol service will bo

.■■presented W ednesday evening. Dec. 18. a t tho second w ard L. D. S. c hu rch by th e second w anl. accord­in g to officials. The sliiRcrs will be costm ned for the earol slnRlng, and special ligh ting will be featured.

M rs. Bonnie D, Adams U director, and M rs. Vln?lnla Kolinson. a n d Jay Bpraeher, orffanbt. will play th e nccompanlinent.-;,

"A nfel Chorus"Mlfts H elen Thom as will be the

rea d e r and th e oi)enlng ficmw.s will be by a n •'angel chorus" of CHraner glrla and J'.,,lor chorvis member.'', "O Come All Ye F a i th fu l ' and "H ark th e HeraUl An#e)a BlDg,"

H em ian Christiansen will ^1uK ."■n»o F irs t Noel," followed bv ‘'Clcxl ;R c»l You Merry O entlenieti" bv a

. m ale (luurtet, Mel C arter, Kviin Clyde. David Sim m ons and U eriiiun Clirlstliuisen.

"Deck llie HalU'- will be mjiir l.y tho tiuartet and eliorus followed liv' •'Jolly Old HI. Nlrhnlas," and "'L'wa.'* th e NiRht Before C hristm as," auiik by O lorla Aclnrun, Yvonne M rllrlde Joyce W hite, Ih.rcdhy MeKi.In, June .I^irk ln , ne lly T a i r and M aillya

MIm VirKlnIa M rHrlde will «1uh ' I t Cam e UiHiu It MhhilKlit C ln ii"

a* a fcolo rollowrcl tiv ' <> Molv NIkIiI" as an orgiui m.Ici by Mr. ( ip n u h er

dli'kTrio N«)r< llnii

A trii). MIm MnvHiirrl ('(Mkirll, Urlrn I.liKl am , M ,.. j-Vi..

I n ey, will bIjir "O I.ltlj,. cfUellilphem ,"

"fillent NlRlil, llcilv NiKlit" will '■'liiB bv the rliii:

lean will Up jn r.seiitrd liyUi cfteniblr i.iul ||n i C(mKr<'Kal

tl 'u le Uin rvetiltiR 's piom .un.

Helen Hafer Mas Music Recital

Min, iiH n , Uixtrr. ph.m . siuclrnt « f Mrn, ( i r .a ld W allan-, iM.-«enle<l » ie<-lul Hiin.lav aflerno-H, tlin )ioin« of h r r piiientA. Mr, and M..., U"r« ■ •''•iHh-

m il l‘c«neroy. Imillnne, was n.wlnt

P W lid a y of a KIuh," "(live • Man

#.."^0" m;,?-"M lM .i u j e r 'a *ele«il..n. w

J-U elU " "W lll-O -th e .W l.p " "I T/Vrjifc * M inor," ••Oonatlna.” " In, J T "Moon flp rlte , •'Halliule,”' S o * “ M n « m - and "V»N* (lllw -

' i; iTouth Affiliation Will Reorganize

In lw -O lm ro h Y uuih A ffliu m n i« t a t th « lia p U il bun«a)ow lUtjr • fU m o o n to dlaotiM p la n t r«0n i« iliatl0 (» , A r ro p o w l con -

lu tton a n d hy-U w a w as p rnw utod

m « lK t-•mporftrjr e h k trm u v » n d Dob •K WM U im porw y

IT. R«v. l u r n i U np raM n t« d , m f U I i M ln U te rU lta M o la r

" r to r ttia iro u p .

One of Washington’s Dehs Langen w aiters ■H a v e R eception fo r Guests

C iim iilim en tary to M r, a n d Mr.s. A llan L a iiK cnw alte r. Wei.-^cr, D r. an d M rs. J . H. L a n K e n w a lte r e n te r ta in e d a t a

on S u n d a y a f te rn o o n a t th e i r h o m e , 218 H tichaiiiin

honoroe.s, th e i r .'^nn a n d d a u g h te r - in - la w , w ore hero w eek-end vi.sit. r e tu r n in p h ts t e v e n in g to W eiser. a n d M rs. LanK’e n w a lte r w e re m u rr io d la s t S ep t. ‘J'.l.

■ M rs . L an K cn w a ltc r w as fu r- m e rly M isa F lo r in e Brace. d au K h te r o f M r. and M rs. F ra n k B race , I r r ip o n . Ori'.

Frien ds of th e LAiiKentfnlH'r ly, Including form er clii^.sinatc:. of

Allan called du rin g the la llei hmins o f th e oftem oon.

Sca.sonal m otifs featured In the refre shm en t tab le ftpjw lnlm eiits nnd

Mary Washburn Becomes Bride

JE R O M E , Dec. IQ (Special) — M1.S.S M ary W ashburn, Jerom e, w id •Dick Rolce Newby. Exlcn. were m a r ­ried Dec. 8 a l ihe P rr>byterlan c h u rc h In W endell, T lie couple wn.s nlienclcd by Ml.vs Donna H ar t, W en­dell, am i R alph Mc^Ljiln, Eden.

T h e bride wore a rc<l dre.s.s w ith black accr.ssorlc.'i. Mr.s. Newbry Is a

Calendarl'ii\\ii:,i'iicl club No. 1 will m eet

a t 8 p. m .a t th e c ity hall. * * *

Colliix E ncam pm en t. I. O. O. P. ill iiii'c’l today a t 8 p., m. a t Ihe I,111 r-'llow s hall. iillllw tU , comely VVa.OiJiirton deb, U Die dau jrh ler o f Mme. de Kspll. wife of Ihe A rcenlliie Amlia.ssacliir. I)c.spite h e r social popular­ity , she keeps up w ith h e r cooking classes.

n a v a l o ffice r.s and m en in tiu ' is la n d s , M rs. W a ite r e tu rn e d

U ie S . S.- W ji.shinKton, d u c k in g in S an F ra n c isc o on S u n d a y , D ec. 8. T h e pa.ssen- K0I‘ liHt inc luded 509 ch ild ren . In o rd in a ry tim es, th e .steam ­s h ip accom m odate .s 1 ,0 0 0 pa.s- •leiiK'er.s.

O rave Klluallon"IstaiicliTs luo fully ftwaic of tho

navenevs of th e p resent In tern a - lonal sliuatlc.n . No one kiiow.s ju s t *hiit Ui expcYt," Mrs. Wnllc- m iUI In »n Interv iew today,

"How ever, llie returnluK pa.s.sen- Rer.i w e re In k« ik 1 .spirit,-., m ^pU e of Ihe rcnigh w eullirr. Wc- w e re on th e looKolil for Mibinarliu-s, bu t none

ere ^lKhled," .she added.D uring one m mm u h trw -

ardess a n d one „( th e m elnbers of a lned Injurlc.s. P a r t of

Ihe priveed.s fnm i u Ijeiirlii bhow .■'iaKc<l liy the iia.s.sciiKei.s cm hhl]i- lx«ard, w ent to ilii'iii, Mrs. W altc com inrn teil.

A m atenr thentrli'a l.', liel|X'd In keep le wcimrn a n d chllclren clu'ciied ui>.

and a t u was i.luni'd th e "lei-ii itKcTs"

l le n r f ll I'e rlorniaiice !.;>1e r. everym ir wht. hixl ta len t

It anv kind was ciininmnclcerrd Icir hi' h enetll p rriiinuaiiie .

Mi.s. W nlle wi,s I„in irrlv Mln.i Oiml KeUn. 'IV ln I'liils Hri' lius- hiuid. tD unerly of 'I'nin Full',, l.s the

't Mr.-. C. I,. Wall.- til th is cHv.

Bridal Party N am ed F or Holiday W edding

M iss U ohia L o rra in e F a je n an d R o b e rt S. G a m b le have n a m e d Ih e ir a t tc iu la i i ts fo r th e ir C h r is tm a s d a y weddin^r.

T h e m a r r ia g e w ill be so lem nized a l 6 o ’c lock W ed n esd ay oveninK . Dec. 25. a l Im m aiu ic l L tilh e ra n c h u rc h , R e \'. M. II. Zaj^el o ffic ia liiiK -

T h e b r id e -e le c t is th e ilau K h ter o f M r. a n d Mi'.s, H . ? . F a je n a n d th e bride;;ro<nn-lo-be is Ih e so n o f M r. a n d I\lrs.

S am G am ble, a ll o f T w in

A. L. Dance Club Completes Plans For Party Dec. 18

P lan s are completed for th e tn ltl- ii1 dnnclnK party for th e A. 1,. D nnc- hiK club Wc-dnr.'.cluv evenlnK. Dcc. 18, urc'ordliiR ti> A. K. W illiams.

T his will In- tiu- llist of II hc-rli-.s of live iliiiices 111 till- ckitj'.s w in ter .serli-s. mill Ami-rli'aii 1-c'Hlon und n iixlllarv iin-mliers uiul Ihc-lr I rln u ls a re liivitiil li> Jiilii Ihi- c'hib.

A lew mcne .-.casun tlckels are avallnb lr. and nuiv l»- sei-viretl Iiorn th e ho.'it (iiiim iilice, Mr. nnd Mr.-i. W. W. Thoiiiii., Mr and Mi.s, Cecil Jones, Mr, unci Mis. \V. I, .li)hn.snii, Mr. and M is Hciwaid l.ur-.en. Dr. a iul Mrs. O rriii I-\illei. or th-- bnllillnK iDnmilltrc-, ol w hirh IV II, T abe r Is cliali man.

'I'hi- I.i'Kliin hall will bi- ib-ecirateil Ihiouiiliout w llli Yiili'ilili^'1 rim s, and G len llntc",- NlHht llji-Aks will Iiir- n lsh jlie liliisli' fur Hir iliinclnK, to beKln a t D::iO (l elcx-k.

Mouiitiilii Vlru Wcilm-Mlay iiiinn liairlieDn a l tlir

cliili Hill iiu-el Icii i> |)cit-liuk liDiiii' i>( Mrs.

Ill'll iiit-inber In lirlim IckmI iilicl tiillle

'IlcilUm I>I Iifllrc'is niulliaiixi' will he Ir.itiil'An

Desif/iieil for H o lid a y Mize


rr .u 'l lc a l . . . Lmclerit , , , Wllh IJ new rcspii'H fm - luicA rt'i 'cimmi'iulcil by leiidlnd hcinie ecciiiomtst*. Will Hivu yciii rru l "A ll- A nivrlran" hc.llcl.iyi every day in the yenr.

A^U abniit C 'P au* to inn tlr fea to ro t an <1 ex tra Kavlnu* in tlm o. food iimt money,

SKK IT NOWThr JtanRfl lin y

o f lli«i Y t'i i r l

Liquid Gas & Appliance Co.4 2 6 M a in 8 o iX h

F alls.Mls-s Dorolhy MKIer wiK be .Mls.s

Fajen 'ii maid of honor.Her. bridesm aids will be Ml.s;, Car-

icn D eW ltl and M Ks D orolliy Ude. Mr. O.nmble h a s n a m ed Cecil Dos-

' t l a.s h is beM m an.U.shers will be A as t ln W alliuu and

L u ther EviwLs.

I'llUTlalnhlK 111 (Ipcii licni.'.c ll lernoon and ev in liu ; iiL ih e ir :104 .South W asliUiclcii, in lim Jim WiiKKni'r, Uu- oicu.iion In ) 7Hlli birllidiiv.

Mr. Wa;;,;ii.'i'. fo r limllV \ . iis k le n l (>l 'J'wlii I'a ll:.. w,i.^ n ploye ol llir AiiuiU;aniiilc'<l factory l<ir a |iiiin\lniul< 'ly Id before h h r ri ire iiien t.

F j 'ln n h itiiil hivllHl 111 lu ll <liiiinu III*' liii Inform al tcc rpi ion. A clhiner t CN-diiibiirK* liimllv ■

will I honor llll.s evi iiHiK.

I'd I

Cminlry W om cii's club will m eet Wc'<llll'^dlly H ftenibon u l th e home 111 Mrs, R. G. D oud. A filU ex- clianKC will be conducted.* * *

1‘ R ebeknh lodge will m iri Tvie.sddy a l 8 p. m . a l tlie Olid Kcllow.s ha ll. 'D ie p rogramI (iiiiiiiittee h a s asked th a t each iiH'iiibi'r brliiK a Rift for a gift cvrlianKe.

* * *l-ic'.t Presldenl'.s club of the

of th e G . A. R, wJll m eet ly. EX-c. 17, In Eden, becnusc

ni illiu's.s. M em bers a re asked to lnc|ulre a t Fnlton^s .store,jp Of op • M ountain Rock G range will m eet

Wi'dne.sday evening n t Com m ii- iiltv church. com m llteo will III ''M r. nnd M rs. V ictor Nelson. Mr. and Mr.s. Jo h n D ean ond Mr. iiiid Mrs. R obert DlORman.

* * >(■Acldl.-.on A venue Social club will

iiK'ci a t th e hom e of M rs. Oliver Kuykendall W ednesday a fternoon for ft C hris tm as p a rty nnd Rift I’Nchiiiii’e. Roll call resiwnses will be c u rren t event;..

V *Fulclls chwvs of th e B ap tis t

rhurch will m e et T uesday a l 8II ni .a l th e B a p lls l bunRulow for !i C lirlsim as pa rty . All cbis.s m em ­bers a re Invited lo n ltcnd .

>f. H- *Twin Fall.s G ard en club will

iiirct W ednesday a t 2 p . m . a l th e hmne of M rs. P. R. T aber. 210

'N inth iwunue n o r th , fo r a C h r lit - iiiiti pnrty a n d g i l t exchange.

* * If- Chrislm as p a rty fo r th e Good

Will ehil) m em bers a n d th e ir fam i­lies will be held a t 8 p. m . Thur.s- cl;iv a l Ihe O dd Pcllow s hall. Tlie ililldrcn of club m em bers will present the progrnm ,

H- *ClirUilnn EJideavor society of

the C hris tian c h u rc h will e n te r­tain a t a C h ris tm as p a rty Friday at 7:30 p. m. In th e rec rea tion liulJ. .Ml.-v-, D oro thy C all wlJI be head of the e n te r ta in m e n t com ­m ute r and th e re will be a gift exchanije.

¥ V ¥DlvW on No. l..W om en ',-i S o ­

ciety of C h ris tian Service, will m eet a t the home of M rs. O rrln I-'uller T hiusdiiv for luncheon n t 1:15 p. m Mrs. Ed T in k e r. Mr.s. A llon Yciuiin and MKs Alice B eat- t will bi' iissI.Mant A CtirlshiiHs Klft exchanRe will bo condurtecl.

>l- V- V- Circle No -t, W. S. C. S . of the

M ethodist .h i in 'h will m eet in u 's - diiy a rtrn ioo ii a l th e c h u rc h p a r- lor.'i for a C lirlstm ns jia rty and » ltl exi'haiiHi' Hoste.ssi-.-i Will bfl Mr;.. Marjorli- M ilner, Mr«. K hlr- ley Peck. Mrs. N adine Row iui. Mrs. (h d l Jelllsfin and M rs. D orolhy S v1mh>.

* * *Amiima c lu 's of ilie H aptlst

church will e iilr tii iln a l n ...........(I Cllsli d in n e r a l 7p. m. today a t the buiiKalow. Hun-

house decorations.

For Oliristmas l ‘HO!

" U uhh” T h o m a t, M a n a g erA mK A Ihm iI O u r D iv id end P n y i’ie n t IMiin

b ands will be ({Uests. a ltcnd - Ing a re e tk ed to bring rolls uii/l n covered d ish of .salad or veg­e tables. T lie co inm lttec will fu r­n ish dcs.scrl. m e a t and drinks, ac ­cording to M rs. R. E. Mnrcliouse, com m ittee chairm an , phone 2^19- W . T here will be no g lfi exchanKc,

Chrlslm M C ards, from Ic to 23< eaeh and In boxes Z5c lo Sl.OO pei bos a t C loi Book Store.—Adv.

gm duate of Jerom e hli;h school'and Is Ihe daUKhter of Mrs. H elen W ash­bu rn . Jerom e,

Mr. Newbry Is a Kradimle of Eden h igh .school- Followlnn th e ccremony th e couple Icfl lo r S a il Uike City a n d retu rned lo Kxlen w here they will make th e ir home on a farm . For the p ast .vcverjil monlh.s Mr.-i. NewJjry h as lieen .sec- r t la ry lij tin- ofllcc-H of A ltorncy Henry M. !!all, Jerom e.


It’s Exclusive at

Doss' Exclusive Cleaners• LUSTERKED Cleaning• STA-PRESS Pressing

T he new LUSTfcRlZED brim;;; back th e ncwne.s.-; of idl niatcrliils. T akes, away the fllni.slncss nnd adds th e luster of newne;.s. FlnLshed wllh ST A -PR ESS they hoUl the prc.'s hnd, shape lonsjer.


Royal Cleaners23.7 Sho. .SI, .S«. rb o iic 279

Drive-In Cleaners232 2»id .SI. K. VUorie 705





R A B H O R R O B ESAs S e a l in "Esquire''

A wiile selection of .smiirl colors, sure to make a h i t w ith him . . Hllk-s . . . F lanne ls . . . Claliixrdliie.s.

,?.i.3r. ici

Scandinavian 'Fypi' SKI .SVVlCATi'lli.S

. An Ideal Chil/itm

\T li tr v A i r 101 ( i i f t Sitf/f/vnHonn

fo r th e M vit on Y o u r U n i a t

R O W L E S - M A G K-

Page 12: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

M onday, Decemb«p 16, 1940 roAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, mAHO PtgeEltrwg

o c ia iGirls Learning “Home Defense”

Desert Collegiate Social Life“Amateur Hour” Highlights Party For AAUW GroupWlLh Mrs. W alter J . Dix. sencr&l

proR rain clialrm un, In cliargc. a s ­s isted by Mrs, C. H. K rcngcl ftnd M rs. P ra n k Hnyncs, ein a m ate u r r&dlo p ro « m n ’k m te a tu re d a t th e a n n u a l CbrLstmns piirty for T ^ l n F a lls chnn lcr. Amcrlenn Association o t U niversity W omen, S a turday evc- jilnK n t th e home of M rs, A. J .

^ M r s ^ ’aeorRC N cwburn was th e a n - no im ccr; Mr«. Haynes U>c new s- c iist^r, M rs. TliomBs Pcavey p resen t- rd -T h e Love Life of L au ra D uck- le y " ncivertlJilnii Sonp-ao.K r r n g c l . a s “M a atu n e I,Q c an d y lo those «nswCTlrgco rrcc tly (he qucatlona Mr.s. E dw ard Boscl, as A rrow s." sfltlrs on M ajor Bowes, p rese n te d th e Ilna! p a rt of th e p ro -

®*^She Introduced Mrs, M aru a re t Peclc. w ho plnycrt num ’peTS OT Rlass tum b lers; Ml.^s Josephine Tlirock- m o rto n , w ho prcsentwl piano n u m ­b e rs; M rs. Harr>- A, Boll, w ho wa; th e '•" Im m ltallnn bird nnd a n im a l call?;; Mrs. M ichael T h rock - inoTton save ?. scavf dance, a n a M rs. E. M- Jn h n n o n . w ho gave » rrndlnK , Impcr-sonatluf: a young child .

AfpinboM rirrH- "dra/r' rjumbcrs tod e te rm in e tlie lr refreshm ent pa rt- n c rs T h e refreshm ent tab le was ftp- p o ln t« l In th e holiday them e, a n d C hrls tjnns candles burned th ro u g h ­o u t th e home.

M rs, Bose M. North wns hoste.-a c h n lrm an . a.-wl.sted by M rs. rcavcy . M rs J A- Par.sons, M rs. Jo h n sto n nnd MlM Rebecca C urtin .


T w in Fulls Buslnes.s and P ro fes­sional W om en's club will m eet fo r th e an liuftl Christm as pa rty T uesday e vcn ln s. Dcc. 17. n t th e Idaho Pow er ro m p an y auditorium . Mrs. E lm

„ W liltc Is In charge ot a rrnngcm enls. Y ear book Hst.s tlie |>arty for to ­n ig h t. b u t I t h as been changcd to to m o ^ o w cvenlnK.

M em bers of the W ctom nclilck C am p F b e group, w ith M rs. Lol.^ A<inm.son siln rd lan . will be upcclnl i;ucMs, l l i e y nrc each Invited lofer(ng a n o th e r girl a.i a guest.V T he m r ty will begin n t 8 oclock. M em bers a re asked to b ring toys for tlio g ir t cxchanKC. T licsc will la te r be p resen tw l to the SaW atloji A rm y.

W ctom aehlck group la sponsored by Uic B J ’.W . club.

‘ Buhl Pep Club’s Holiday Formal

Set for Dec. 22BU H L. Dec. 16 (Special) — B uh l

Pep club ijiembcrg are m aking ex­tensive pli«n.s for th e ir 11th a n n u a l ho liday form al, Dec. 22. a t th a A m erican Legion hull. P re p a ra tio n s for th e frolic were s ta r ted Nov­em ber. Inv ita tions have been Issued lo 4^5 nlum iil members and guests,

T lic PCP club form al Is a n ou » s ta n d in g social event of epch year.’ ’n i l s season 's decoraUons prom ise to

lie A surprise. Club sponsors w ho will bP hix-Tlul Kucsts nre Mr, nnd M rs. Ja m es ShU'ld.s. sr. Mr, and Mru, J a m e s Bhleld^i, Jr., will be guesUs., M rs, S h lrltls Is a form er m em ber of th e f lu b uml Is Uils ■ year g roup ndvl.Mjr.

■riu- I'J nu 'iiibrrs ol th e cUib w ho will scrvi' n.s liDslosst.s a re M iss Miirlii'n Wll.wn, llc tly n in g . Joyco .SiiviT, Jnr-klc DiivW, M arjurle U lng. N iin rn c Ciirlson. Mary Jan« Hawley,

Kkltuicr. Hi'lcu Jo a n Stroud , Hivhi'vts, UutU LctU

I 'hv llls PlfkcTi'll.l*i( :.l(lliig III lln- puiii'h tiilile will

1)1' M iirv Ixui Wri;i-UIT, I’hvU's IlrlM- Iciw. D orli IthiK, Kniuri’.i Htrouil, V li^llilii Wivll, Muih'l jD y rrK viun, Mftl'cl lliimlUdii, l-’ciuu'i-H OlipllHcr, Miiiy June I’ulk.'.. V ivian /.iK iil, Hi'Ulrtic FiiiiiM'ij lUKl M uriel

Baptists Offer (Iliristmas Skit

H DHl,. ne i'. in m p c iiu li -O h rU t- ini',:, :.ViU (U'V'U'tlnn tlvc IwUday ll In Ihc Kiiv 1i;i'n mid P iilltln l -Kouiicl Ml" l'’U--,IO<'’' »iwi glvrn

, l l i r mcrllliK "I 111'- HuiUlst Mliuilc a is ' ^(x•l(•^v 'lliuiMliiv III the hoinn of M im, l li 'ii iy l.«'liini<ii.

l.'liunvrlrir, \vn i' Miii J , M. »<iKrrs, Klini(liiuith<'r; Mi.-.. W, 1,. Kyles, mcillK't, nnd Mlv> Kay UllllnKa. iliiiiiihlrr,

'I 'l ic niiiiiilmcillirr rn td th e f lh r ls t- niiin i.loiy iwi hint wi)ikr<l nn h e r iiiK niK, I'lid the inutiii-r eiircd for he r linliv I'Ci'l wiiiK holl'y th r C lirlnt- BniiM FKHiK' A iiliiiii Inlrodui'lliin <iC 111" pliw mill ' riio Ileiirlli" were H'liil iiv Nt»j,'Mi'vrr, iiiimnim ch iilr- iiutii. Hlie iih.u K'liil Ik rmllo talk Klv- I'li liuit AuKii'l l>y Or. MiiKitry nii Ihe fliO)Jr, l •"riilJi Home.slek ( le i ir ln -

‘l'h« <n>> I n t i i i H l eioidlrllKhllliK rcii'iiiiiiiy Wiiii partlruiiiily etr<llvi> n;i lli« iiiniilx-iA broiiHlit tlieli hull di.v lulln IKIXM for DjK-iiliiH. DiiihiK »li<' vv»f«ii>ny Mvn. .)ohn IV nger liliivi'il h<illly "1 (Itivn My l.llii for ■I'liri'" mill Mm. (I, W. IhiwiilliK rldiii'it ihe nrrvlre » li]i p rnyrr,

Itetn-rihiiiBiila wem served liiln In «(hi- Iifteinnnn In llir l« m einbern

u iid (itiK uue»t. Mlui C utlinilnn UUU iiiKii. lliwiteiisrA with Mm. l^ h n in n w eid Mill, llru ry lU tf itl t l a n d Mrn, M iuillen |)UJilii|i.

¥ ¥ *A M U niN ll tlOVMIH

A c'ievrr lilni tii tiiukfl th e U*o ftf lull. Wilier liiiiilen olHnntlvB to Uia viiiiliu rr Iiieniliein o[ Iho fiimlly U to «ll|i Ihn iKitiln Into II (hick cover Innhlo im i 111 (III) uliiipfi n t n funny iiiilinni, ’JlirAn riiii very ranlly bo I i i i t i to .a t luiiiir I)t heiivy lu rk lih t'lweiliiK, soinrw hiit piiildcd, o r «ny Iliitfy-nnpiK-il. wunluililn m aterln l. II VDii p refer tii buy nun rem ly nim le, iiiie New Yiiik H)fi;lully ftiiop iM"pli»v» n n .in p le l.. hirnpeiislvo net ■oiinlhlliiK nf n yiuturJ«>UI« mill phuhy «iv«r In im Io J.luo n r pink In nhiiiwi of fiiiildle- Bl»nP k it l rn s o r fn>lleMmB bcurn.

B r MARIAN YOUNG NEA Berrlce « t* ff C o rr« p o iia en t'T R O Y , N, y .—If w ar come« to tho

U nited S ta te s , a t le as t one group of w om en will be p repa red to play on active, e ffective p a rt In home defense.

T h e young w om en w ho reg is tered for th e defense prog ram a t Russell Sage college Oct, 10. th e day th a t young m en a ll over th e country w ere required to reg is ter fo r th e d ra f t, a re conscientiously engaged In slT cngthening th o hom e fron t, from every angle.

Lc.ssons In plum bing, elec tric wir­ing, how to fix a b roken gas m ain or rep a ir a telephone line have re ­p laced 30 trad itio n a l b u t m erely RQcltil,.clubs on th e cam pus of th is Im p o rtan t college fo r women.

W hat U -j About O pen forum s to world

C 'cn ts, th e m ean lnc of democracy, th e fu ll m eaning of w h at It m ight m e an to live u nder to ta lH n tlan ru le. how p ropaganda m oulds public opin­ion a n d equally provocatlvc sub ­jec ts tnke \ip m uch of th e tim e th a t used to be given over to "bull ses­sions,”

T he wool In th e collegiate k n it­tin g bags these days Is dull, dm b groy Instead of b r ig h t a n d gay, p re t­ty a n d chic.

Collection.'* for b irthday jjresents fo r facu lty m em bers, e x tra dances a n d w him sical social a ffa irs arc a th in g of the past. All contribu tions th is year a rc for B ritish w ar relief.A bu tto n w hich s ta te s th a t th e w ear-

; e r h as given som eth ing tow ard p u r ­chase of an am bu lance for E ngland Is w orn as proudly as a sorority or

/e n a fra te rn ity pin.T h e gym nasium . is

every girl on th e Russell Sage cam pus goes to a num ber of ex tra h o u rs pe r m on th , n o t to do exercises a n d play ha n d b a ll o r badm inton sim ply JoK 'T ecientlon tout to d e ­velop h e r m uscles and , In general. Improve h e r h e a lth a n d physical w ell-being. Also u n d e r th is division of h e a lth and physical fitness nrc snow shovelling a n d wood cu tting b rigades and b rigades t l i a t a re being ta u g h t to m assage and streng then f e d .

I^nnguage groups In the censorship nnd m ilita ry Intelligence divisions n re s tudying fore ign broadcasts, r ead ing foreign language m agazines a n d new spapers, fam lllnrlzlng them - (lelves w ith m llltn ry term inology nnd slang ad ep t a t- le le p h o n e con­ve rsa tions ("tapp ing") and lis ten ­ing on 3-wny wires.-

E m ergency nu rsing , elem entary w ork In tfie field of n u tritio n and foods, • e lem entary business know­ledge and skills a^ well a s m echan ­ics, inc lud ing am bulance driving nnd m ino r road repairs, nre Includ­ed in th e program.

School B acks P rog ram ' "T liere is n o th ing of reglm entn-

tlon abou t th e w om en's defense p ro ­g ram a t Ru.sseli Sage,” explains Dr, B em lce Sm ith , facu lty m em ber ^ is cap ta in of th e ak llb division.

■•In a btnsc U expands very sligh tly (he cu rricu lar offerings of th e college, and each stu d en t, ns well a s each' person on th e teaching s ta f f , volunleers to give a m in i- m um of four hours n week to tra in ­in g for some spcclftc. ro k In th e d e ­fense of th e na tion ," the en thusia s­tic D r. S m ith continued .

"Tlie R u.«cll S age program for s tre n g th en in g Uie hom e fron t, is, like th e na tio n al rea rm am e n t polley, bn.scd no t m erely on th e po.s.sil)ilUy th a t th e UnKed S ta le s may be w hlpsnw ed Into t h e spreaihng world war, b u t a im ed rn th e r to he lp assure th a t we sha ll no t be a t ­tacked . I t lays a f inger on n .ipot of alleged na tio n a l decndehre; the Inability of a dem ocratic crmntry to see Its destiny c learly , and to fight fo r It reMiliilrly,"

A nother m em ber of th e facility explnlncd th a t a H oard of P^xeiu))- tloiis was se t up n few days a fte r r rg b ira tlo n ,

•'Hut th iit hoaril hii.s hail rela tive ­ly little bu.'.hH'ss, T h e vast m a ­jo rity of our .stiulenis nre iKihlnd th e defense in-ogriim. bo<ly and soul l l i e y nre de term ined to do more ih n u f h n n t ‘WhaV can I do?' tc llio iiiiie nf kn ittin g needlefl, They know w liat they n in do. and they

(inliig II- In prnrlleB i, dow n- m lh ways they are helping (o

m ake A nieik-a slrm ig a n d are lu r - pu ilnn , if iK.ceiv^ary. lo nlrt in he r

S tudenU In th e e lem enU ry nursing lU U i dlvUloo of th e deteiiM p ro ­g ram » t RowieU Sage college le am how to give f l n t a id t» Tietlma o t a ir raid as well »s road accidents. Em phaals if la id on ih e co rrec t w ay i to pick up and carry an Injured peraon w lihon t a rg rav a tln g th e ln)nrle».

One out of 13 Wins WingsAt U. S. West Point of Air


RANDOLPH FIELD , Tex, - No wcmder fledgling a rm y p ilo ts wear th e ir w ings w ith a certa in conspicu­ous p ride, nnd no w onder San A n­tonio m others flgh t-to ge t the ir de­bu tan te daugh ters on th e lists lo r inv itations to ‘’hops" a t th e W est P o in t o t th e Alrl

Every m an who succeeds In a t ­ta in ing Uiosc wings h a s le ft behind h im 13 w ho tried and failed. For In­stance ; by nex t Ju n e o se wlngJt will be bloivam lng a t th e ra te of 700 every five weeks. F o r every c lass 9.340 will have applied for the c liance to tiy for those wings. Only U 20—one In seven—will be accept­ed lo r th e elem eniory flying .'icliools. Only 770 of th e U 2 0 get to R an ­dolph. A nd only 700 will win the coveled w ings, Tlioso a re Uio per­cen tages in te rm s of p resen t ex­perience.

C vcrytliing a t R andolph moves w ith a qu ie t a n d effortle.'u precision th a t m eans .speed, speed, and more speeU. A p^nne comes slithering, up to th e ru u v ay w ith a cade t con­c luding h is m onit]ig ’s f lig h t p rac ­tice. H e 2>lldcs o u t of tlie cockpit, and wliile h e h m aking o u t h is report, a n o th e r cadet hus a lready slid in on th e o the r side ready to take the plane a lo lt iiguln.

A coursc ihikt th ree years ago took y e a r to com plete, w ith 350 hours

of flying, l.s now qompleUKl In 31 weeks w ith 215 houra th a t a re ciin- slderc<l lo tu rn out, qu ite a s comvKt-

n A pilot,Tl)o 10-week course he re n t Riin-

dolph i« a lm ost nil sp e n t in th e air. Slncc Inst Jn n u a ry 165,000 hours have been flown n t Uiis one field w llh only Uiiee la ta liU es, a n d U\t ccinplete year will see 200,000 hours — m ore Uiuii Uio en tire a ir corps .Hew 10 yejir.s ufio.

U' Po in ters Help In T rain ing Kvi'ry e ffo rt Is being miule i

liiliii? pilot irnlnliiK up lo an evei • ' rule (it 12,000 II year. A bout 7'1'J

hoM- plloU will ira ln a t Rjin- iloljili; llie o th e rs nt M axwell Held, Alii., iiiKl M offe tt field, Collf. Ele- iiu-nlary schools, now 18 In num ber, win soon be Inrrra.sed lo 20,

IJveiy m inu te l.i inado to count. Here's an exam ple; l>erore tlio sue- cr.ssful g rad u a te of n C, A. A, (Clv- lllmi A eronauHos AuU iorliy) course ever gels lo H andolph , h e la mea- Mivwl fnv hlji slntt^-avny rn d e t w il- foiin, Uie la llo r shoj) a t Knndolpli

m okes I t up. and It Is w aitibg fo r h im w hen h e a rrives on th e post.

T he o . A, A, e lem entary fly ing school g radua tes can fly—• little . B u t o ften he h a s h a d no m llil* ry G ain ing a t all. R ando lph o u tu n e a tio h a sn 't , anyway, a n d s ta r ts h im a t th e bottom , rem em bering 11 m u s t tu r n o u t no t only a p ilot, b u t officer.

So snappy young W eat P o in te rs U k e cadeW m ilita ry educa tion Im ­m ediately In chorge and a tte m p t to in still in th em In the f irs t live weeks som eth ing of the m ilita ry tra d i tio n th a t is inculca ted by fou r ye a rs a t •T h e Poin t." F a ilu re to m a k e % l o i - m ation , to shave o r g e t Uie h n lr properly cu t. to polish a shoe oi keep a locker s tra igh t, resu lts In ar im m edia te "gig " o r dem erit. D em er­its m ean punishm ent, usually In th e We&t P o in t style o l lolivg " th a ram p ,”

T h a t m eans w alk ing a c e r ta in poet, w hich doesn 't sound bad , bu t 30 h o u rs of I t taken o u t o f th e few m om enta of free tim e w hen th e re s t qC th e cade ts a re In tow n 'O a peiss o r enjoy ing in frequen t relaxftUon, is n o t so ho t. And too m a n y ‘‘gigs’' m ay end th e hopeful f lyer’s caree r.

G et -Jobs—A nd Q olek tr Active tactica l u n its of th a a ir

jo rp s a n d R andol];^ Held Itself lig h t fo r lU graduates , th e fo rm er c la im ­ing th e ir need is g rea te s t fo ( ill u n l t j (o r com bat p rac tice , th e la tte r c laim ing th a t ^ t h o u t su ffic ien t In­s truc to rs the expand ing prog ram m u st suffer la te r . O ne t&lenlcd 'oung g radua te w as so badly needed M (tn Instructor th a t h e w as se t to th is work Im m ediately on g rad u a ­tion, though h e w as n o t yet 21 and hence n o t ye t ab le to don h is lleii- teu iiu t’s bftTK.' T ra in in g p lanes a re all too scarce, also.

Foresigh t in design ing R andolph field and its buildings have m ade roiifli plne-boiird bnrrncks uiiriires- snry. T lie post suRgosU a nm ntr^ club or runiiiii.s m ore th n n tlu- visiia iiniiy ram p . Q uarte rs for eailet-s, In - •■.liui'ioi's and ground crew m en nre coinmodloiLs and com fortable. T here is room for exi>nmlon. Her place w here Hwncbody, 10 y looked nheiid to th a t futiir is luiw th e u rg en t pre.seiii.

Fox Speedl l i e best , l>e^d of nn avenm e fox

is estim ated n t about 2(1 hou r—lan ler 1>inn u royole, 1ml blow

th a n a Jackrabblt.

SlOLIDiO NAZISBaU SSEL S '(UP.'-Llkc a ev m a n y .

duyiijiiii KftvliiK lim e h a s been pro- IniiKrd In nelRlum so th a t th e clock Is now iwo hours ahead of th e sun . This Is hardly fell In sum m er, b u t the approaching w in ter h a s Uirown boUi iidvaniHKc.s a n d dU advanU ges into .‘J ia rp relief.

The ndvaiitftne.s are ou tnum bered by the dKadvniiU\«es. nc lually . and exist mnlnly In Uie f a c t th a t th e blnekout Is "poitponed" u n til ab o u t 6:30 oelock, leaving business people and workers enough tim e to get home during dn,vllght. Shops and Stores can nlbo keep open U ia t m uch longer.

lii i! greatesi d raw back to th e new tim e bystem b ihe fac t th a t people nel up. and go to w ork in com- p le if darkness, as Dec. 31 d raw s cliiscr It Is becoming Increasing ly probable U ial even school ch ild ren will have lo go to th e ir f ir s t m o rn ­ing classes before daw n.

Cycling I* NeeeaaityT lie situation I5 m ade m ore d lf-

flru lt by the huge num ber of b i­cycles on BraweU s tree ts . Everyone cycles,, O ld people and young, w ork­ers, c lerks and studen ts: old w om ­en. short-sk lrtcd girls a n d h o u se ­wives on Uielr uliopplng rounds dll-

: Igeiitly pedal through th e c ity . Cy­cling Ls n o t a fad or a reaw akened sport, b u t actual ,nece*slty. F i rs t , a u ­tos nre baim ed for p rivate u se . a n d even It special permKslon .has b c ^ granted, giuollne Is str ic tly ra tlg ii- ed and expensive. Second, a bicycle

g rea t tlm c-saver. I n Uio m o m - a i noon and a round 8 o 'clock a re so crowded th a t people of­

te n -h a v e \o le t several p a u by b e ­fore there Is one w ith a b it of room. Buses have d ls a j^ a r e d . “n ie y

Studio Films Serial “Western”To Show at First-Run Theaters


HOLLYW OOD—P re tty sbon, now, you w on 't be having lo snoak HI w ith Uie kids on Saturday afte rnoons to see a wexien* serial. U niversal U m ak ing one for ad u lu . At least. I t p lan s to release -R ide rs o f D ea th V alley” In I lrs t-n in th e a te rs a n d on regu la r progroms. tak ing Uie place of second features o r shorts.

I t h a s everything except p eanu ts fo r th e castom er.v T lie •’weenie," o r bone of contention, is a bunch o t gold claim s. Episode O ne e n d s like th is ; •‘Exterior, high cUff. S hooting tow ard top of cliff. S tage plunges over cliff Into lake 100 fee t below," Episode Two concludes w ith a ,s ta m ­pede of wild horses in a canyon. T h e hero 's horse has stum bled and th row n him. ••Jim foreground tr ie s to get (o hU feet and is on one knee as the running h e rd com es ou t of th e background, over h im and ou t of scene over cam era." C ontinued In our next,

“R iders o t D eath Valley" is being called “T he Million D ollar S uper- Serial," bu t th e m ost colossal th ing about It Is th e ca&l; Buck Jonbs, E«ck Foran. Leo C arrillo . C harles B ickford. Lon Chaney, Jr.. B ig Boy WllUnms and l4oah B e ^ . Jr. *Rie hero ine Is blond Jearm e K elly, who m ade a series of P a ram oim t w ith T lio O ulzar and d id n 't need a d ialog cooch because she sp lks th e es-S panU ii very well. B om in Costa R ica , she also splka F rench a n d Q er- m an .

to Ihk ik o f s r e r y th ln i h ln u e U . Bo when a p ic ture la la p rtp ftn tio tf} th a gag m an will f lgurs o u t ft ptoee of business for a sequence a o d s*y to Chaplin:- •'This is a good p lace fo r th a t esca lato r gag you figu red o u t . . . Yes. you did. I t w as ab o u t itac monUis ago, a t lunch ,-and I m ada a no te of IL" T h en h e l l go on to * te - m lnd" Chaplin of th e detalU . a n d th e s ta r 's quick m ind -aUtomatJcftUy will grasp and adop t th e idea.

UnhMior«d DeaUiIn sp ite o f a couple of casualties

am ong the aeries (n o t serial) plc-

‘ which

are now employed for m il ita ry p u r ­poses.

Belgium 's capital is do ing Its b est to resum e Ute old way o l Ufe. C ine ­mas are open from 2 to 10 p. m - b u t th e f ilm s-w ith the excepU on of some new G erm an p roduction*— a re old. T lieaters. th e ope ra a n d th e music h a lls have reopened w ith th e ir old repertoires. Except fcK th e softt* Inee perform ances, Uicy a re ra re ly full. T he increased cost o f liv ing h a s reduced th e audiences' a n d m o s t e l­derly people are re lu c ta n t to v e n ­ture ou t a fte r dusk now th a t th e raid s irens have begun to aound b e ­fore 11 o’clock.

People Seem BewilderedIn general, there &eems to be a

sligh t all-pervading a ir of bew ilder­m en t in Belgium, as I f th e people could &UU quUc rtconc lle th e m ­selves to th is new way of life, "nie o rd inary Belgian, usually ga rru lous, has become silent. T here Is a n u n ­usual stillness about cafes, public p laces and on s tree t cars . N o one c h a ts . A nd now w ith th e a d v e n t of cold w eather, cardplayera w ho used to whUe away th e tim e in th e p u b ­lic pa rk s also have van ished . Any convejsaU on nowadays, w ith PO p e r cen i certain ly , will c en te r on r a ­tioning In general and food in p a r ­ticular.

Because of the d ifference In lang ­uage the re Is virtually n o c o n tac t betw een Uie O erm an sold iers and th e population, a t least in th e towns. Sports, mo.sUy football, a re abou t the only connecUng link . SoIdlerH a n d young Belgians c an be seen oc­casionally amicably kicking a ball a round a park meadow.

B e lrlan i Are RuggedA m ateur psychologists lake g rea t

In terest in noticing Ute c h a rac te r difference between GermaiLs and Belgians. T he Belgians arc Individ- uallsLi a n d a re alw ays ready to p ro ­te st. Some years ago it took ( long lim e to accustom Uiem to tho Idea of crtxvilng the s tre e t betw een th e bu ttons (which rep resen t the Am erican w hite lines). T lie average Delglan .showed a pronounced p ref­erence to cro.'Mlng anyw here b u t be tw een them . He seemingly does no t MndersUxnd Uie w ords *’you miyit,” even If such *{i order Is m ade for h li welfure, jA f’

T im s o ^ lb u ii iT e n t worlds exist s ide ' by .ilile In BelKliim—soldlers' and elvlllans. Tlifs d ifference Is only

■d’liy llift I n r l th a t th e re

tu res . there soon will be m ore of -them th a n ever. W hen th e W ar-

took a look a t •T ugboat A nnie Sails Agaln,^' a long w ith a whlsU e- fihooUng prem iere a t T acom a, they decided 10 m ake a series wlUi the c h a rac te r created by M arie D ressier a n d now revived by M arjorie Ram- beau . ' ' '

B u t th e decision was bad new s for ^e of th e principals In th is f irs t

p ic tu re . B Ir H arry Shannon , w ho p lays th e bibulous C ap 'n Idahoney. h a p p en s (0 be a free-lance c h a rac ­te r ac to r. (He's Lucille B all’s faU ier in "Too Many OlrU" and O raon W elles’ faUier in ■'Cltlien K ane.") So W arner B ro thers were tac«d by th o choice of.putting h im u n der long-

Jeanne K elly . . . she ipiks the e*-Bpanlsh very well-

te rm c o n tra c t so h e 'd be available for fu tu re T ugboat A nnie film s or of m inim ising h is role in th e first flicker so aud iences w ouldn 't miss him in sub-sequent ones,

- C u tters were p u t to w ork chop­p ing o u t som e of h is best acencs. And a s a f in a l Indignity, they killed h im off. S h a n n o n w asn 't even called Ih to d o a d ram a tic d e a th scene; th e stud io m erely gave M iss R am beau an e x tra lin e in w hich she sadly announced th a t M ahoney was dead.

Stooging fo r ChapUn C harlie C h a p lin s ‘'G rea t D ic ta

to r " h a s been released to mingled d isappo in tm en t a n d loyal applause, and th e C haplin stud io has relaxed in to ItA drowsy s ta te . OI th e em ployes w ho rem ain , one is a gag m an w ho has been on th e payroll 18 years a n d probably will rem ain as long a s h e fa lls to c la im any original ideas.

T h is fellow k n o » s C haplin well enough to.renH re th e com edian likes


th e problem of Com m unist ag ita tion am ong workers as a m a tte r o f w ar stra tegy"—British L abor M inister E rn es t Bevln.

“A policy of iwsUtJon tow ard the a ttac k of barbaric and b ru tal forces on a liberal cK illtaU on U a p rofoand lm m orality '’-~D r. Nleh* oU s M urray B ntler . > .

'I c a n Uilnk of n o th ing m ore slDy th a n to ta lk about pretk tenU al c an ­d id a tes now"—A rth u r V andenberg.

"T here is no use tooling ourselves. I f it 's necessary to repeal th e neu ­tra l ity law to help B rita in w in Uils w ar. It should be done"—Rep. Sol Bloom,

Join in endeavors to g va rd a g a la rt tu iw arran ied price Increases w i­d e r th e detenoa prograB *—V . S. C ham ber of Com merce.

b f JO H N C U N T O N • ■ • «

T a le s o ( tb « absent-mioded pro fesso r ax» leg lon-you 've heard tHe ono about die M - ' low who drop­p e d a p e n n y

In the mail box, lo ^ e d up a t ih* courthouie clock and mutteredi “D ev . dew , I've galnad three po u n d ir

« * «* Walt, tttara 's « sav«n1 «

b a d U v tt In Ih s he tfss • « th » MffMr. He had • U««l U r niMiinc f« t e f fM , M t «f a ll , fln4 a t h a v lag ne I4 s« I* Hta « .H d af « h « | *Mta liW a * w as Vi. U m I « a ^ r a g s r M Mm a i ■ tr a s s b a iw a a a • tra lH s

“T h e I ta l ia n forces art in ferio r to th e B ritish forces in Egypt, In some rcapocts, b u t nonetheless th e Ttallnns a re m ak ing a h a rd f t g h f - Vlrglnlo G ayda.

-W age Inereaaea fo r Ihe M.OM w orsted w orkers of tHe nat(a« will be dem anded im m M H ate^’-x-EwU R lere , CIO offleUL

P a ra c h u te s m ode of a silk lubsU- tu tc , m ay soon be placed in fu ll ser- Ties by th a u . S. arm y.

ATTENTIONstock Feeders

F eed O o ld ea B rand Pr»««e1a• llO G TANKAGK• DONE MEAL• MEAT SCRAPS

M anala o la re d by


In q o lrs a t Y o n N ew aat D aalsr O r W rite to Ua j -

M ri. CH ntbo ■ u g g e t t e d t o the p refcjw r’i w ife th a t she ta k e h e r b e - s p e c t s c l e d spouse gen tly in h a n d s n dle s d h im dow n to ou r oo ro ar U nion O il its t lo n a n d le t th e M in u te M en ta k e o v s r tb #seiviclAg o f his o u . - ..........

* • •Ail af'wKldi waricad M t baa« . tifuily a x tap t fM- ana <tew. Unlaa MImire Man, t n a a n a a th , nmw call far fha PraPs trnf ngulm rtr a v a ry th a a ta n d n il la s ,k a a |i It

a t Irftan , aWa H Itap-W aar tiibrScstlan and k a a f It In A-1 candlHan. Pva Fraf doasa’t avaa kava t* far«at ta rantambar. Tk# Mliwta iMan H ad ta «varytkKi>.

I t sU goes to p r o v e t h a t ' w h ile U nion’s M in u te M an Service can do a lm ost every- t h i n g t h e y haven't solved

professorial sbsant-nindednesil

U N I O N O i l C O M P A N * J O H N A . l A I S C H , J L


Royal Neighbore Elect Mr.s. Weedi

- Mis.HANHKN. Dec, IB iHpeclalGloe W en'll Was elected la s hciiil till- Itoyiil N rlglibors lodur for II Mvoiirt term , ih e f irs t lo tw hi-l<l ill Ihe Wdoilinmi linll nliic-n In ,||||„ -

CUt\ev iifllcerR vU««n\ wtve ns vli-i oriicle, Mrfl, Alinn Hall; recorder MIm I,ena llo lirn ; reeelvrr, Mrs, IM- nil ll(illr-y; chaneello r. MIsn M inerva Hhobe; imsl t.riielo, M rs, M innie lie - diiw; nmrnluill, M rs. Blslo H en ry ato lsta iU inarahall. M rs U . Poriw w all; Inner ie n lln e l. Mrs, Mildred Miishllli!; (lUler sentlnoJ, M rs Mary 'ITunliey; itire e-y rn r m anager. Mrn, H lrlla llim hr,i; o iie -y ra r inanaKer, Mrs. Norn I’yn in ; a n d r s miislclan M h i I)<i:ol|iri\ Wofel,

IimtallliiH offliTr, w ho will inntall a t the .Iiimiiiry m eeting will ho Mrn C lara Kopii, w llh Mrn, lliiKhen as h e r rer<'ini)iilal marnliB|, Mrn, (Hoe W eerh mid Mrn. H enry will repro- sen t llii> Imign iis delPKatr *nd a ltrc- iiulo a t the nlaln ro iivenlloii

Mrs, H ither Ziiek, irllrlnH recnril- e r, rujKirlril hakliig inlnoi'd h tu nv„ n ire l ln g s .lii iilde roiineriitlvo yriirn an the ir,-,i,ili'i- of ii ,e i.xigo, nin'lliiK 'i nlnee having ii,„vr.l to Eden w ith he r tam lly Id n,,, sp ring . Min 7.uv.k Ii»n 13 yn ii» i„ h e r honor as rennrrter,

O n Tuesday, Dec, 17, llin «roiip will m eet a t (he |,„n in of Mrn. Hilna I 'a lley for lliolr a n n u a l Hlft ex 'h a iig e . 'n i ls »neetl»i| will lake 11,0 place of th« Deo, ai meeting, and will be a aooiai affair.

Odd HeaddrcNnWool cords a re woven in to thci,-

h a ir by women of a een lra l < '-d ie t of Me«lro. 'l l ie r rs u l ia n t tiitliiin- llka head dresa serven n* a pillow hy n ig h t and a p ru tec tlon from Uie nun by day.

r iv a thousand m iles o f |>etrnleum plnn lli ir i were biiiil In IDIO, lungeat in llrngn to date.

Page 13: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Page Twelve IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO f Monilay, December 16,, 1940


Ily JACK f c n r i vB O STO N . D pc. 1G (CJ.R)— ClianHiion .Inc l,(n iis is such n

lopsided f a v o r ite to b o a t A1 McCoy to n iy h t in HosIo ii’h f i r s t •h eav y w e ig h t t i t lc 'f i> :h t. th a t tho hookies q u it quo tinK odds w hen th e y rcachcd . 12 to 1. , . , . . , *

N ev o rtlio li'ss , th is schochiled 15-roiuul b o u t is e x p e c tc d 'to (Inuv u jrro ss R ate o f ab o u t $G5,(I00, so tti«^r u n ew -re c o rd fo r th e .H u b c ity w hore th e prev ious 1uk1> w as $.>6,0(10. e s tab lish ed fo r J a c k SliaN k e y ’ 3 v ic to ry o v e r J im M a­loney in T h a t w as b e ­fo re S h a rk ey b ecam e cham -

VJrlimlly no oni3>ln this New ^ i s ­land ciiHural rciVVr nlve.s McCoy, the Boston dialUuiKcr, a clii\ncc to bcftl the hard -h lltln R Neiiro c h n m -, plon. Yet. Co-promoicrs Mllie J a ­cobs of New York iind R ip Valcnll of Boston a re convinced nearly 18,- 000 fan.'* w in swtu-m Inlo Boston G arden m erely to sec Louis In nc- llon. And IheyTe probably right.

G ot Licked L a il Time Boston, t h e 'c i t y th a t produced

Jo h n L SuUlvnn and developed Cham pions J a c k JoJiiwon and Jack Sharkey. Is in te rested pajtlcu larly In LouLs twcause th e la s t tim e he fought here he go t licked. T lia l wa.s In 1933 w hen Joe, a llKht heavy­w eight, dropped a decision to Max M arek In Uie n a tional am ateurs.

Louis Isn’t w orried abou t the gat*, w hich even If U st-tfl a Boston rec­ord. 8tm will be th e low est Jie h as drawTi In 12 title defenses. F o r Jo lt­ing Joe, UiU l3 Uie first, of five tune -up engagem ents fo r th e de­fense of hLs crow n In a big outdoor show a t Y ankee stad ium In June again st Billy Conn, th e lig h t heavy­w eight king . P rom o ter Jacobs will announce th e L ouls-C onn m atch Im­m ediately a f te r to n ig h t 's fight,

V irtual C ertain ty •n ie Louls-Conn bou t bccnmo a

v irtu a l c erta in ty —unle.M Loul.% gets beat«n m eanw hile — w hen Maxle B aer possed o u t of th e cham ploaih lp p ic tu re S a tu rd ay n igh t, a fte r a s torm y session w ith Prom oter J a ­cobs.

M axle h a d been appearing In Bos- ton In th« tr ia l ru n of a musical comedy, w hich closed Saturday n ight fo r re-w rltlng before shlfUng to New Y ork, Jacobs w an ted Bner to te m a ln In Boston for th e fight, as a ge.v tu re of good will tow ard boxing. B ut B a e r refused a n d departed Buniifty m om big fo r C alifornia, Jacobs wns so furious h e rea d B aer ou t of his p lans. > •>

Hailey Loses To Kimrierly

HAILEY, Dec. 1« (8l>crlnl)--In- f luen tn , p lus a det<>nnln<Hl Imnd of K im berly Bulldogs. com»>lned here Saturriny n ig h t to s m the Hailey W olverines go down to a 20 to 17 d e fe a t In .a h igh soliool bn.iketbnll gam e played before a good crowd.

No second ntring game wna plnynl because too m any of thn Hailey p layers were "laid up" w ith the fjn Likewise, th re« reKulars were abi on th e sick Hut.

T h e gam e was ulow and erratic and m any fouls were rnllrd on Klin- t)erly players. High »<ror«TB were tw o Klml>erly fnrwunlfi, Woodlanil a n d .M urry, who gnihered In six polnt« each.

Browns Lead In American Fieltlinjf Marks

NE^V YO RK . Doc. 16 lU.P) - 'Ilie S t, Loub? Browns, de^pUe Ihclr sixth place stand ing In th e American

le sen.son. landed four plny- in tlie all-lcaR\ic dofen.%lve club

bn.scd on Die official llcUllng iivcr- rtKCs released todny, T lie Clevelan<l Indians placwl tw o m en on the team, aiul th e Boston Red Sox. Chi- ;a«o W lilte Sox and D etro it T igers supplied one encli,

T lie A m erican league's all-Rlar fielding te am follows:

Ib -O e o rg e M cQulnn. S t, Louis Brown.s, .002, ' ^

2b—Bobby D ocrr. B oston Red Sox, ,971.

3W H a rlo n d C lllt, S t. L o Browns. .039.

BS—Lou B oudieau . C leveland In - dlan.i,".0fl8.

LP—B arney ' McCoaky. D etroit Tlgera. .983.

CP—Wnlt<*r Ju d n lc h , S t. Louis Browns. .089.

HP—M i k e K rcevlrh , Chicago W hite Sox. .082.

C—Rolllo Hem sley, Cleveland I n ­dians, .004.

P—V ernon K ennedy, 81- Loul: Browns, 1.000.

A lthough th e Browiw monoi»N. Ued Individual honors In fielding, they did n o t win th e club fielding title. T he Y ankees and Indlan-i tle<l for th a t, each w ith inS , followed by th e Brow ns w ith .074. On the whole fielding In th e American league was b e tter th iu i in 1030. Tlie league percen tage one point from ,M9 to .070. T here were 22 fewer e rro rs—1,443 In n i l - a n d to ta l chances lncrea,'ic<l by 415 to 48,177.

■ L :,:

8 10 IG 20 PO P r P P T T

1 1 4 3 4 ^ I 10

T ota ls M INNF.SOTi\ (32) Mohr, r .Sm ith , F .L ind. C .D. CnrLson, O ............

■ \m iioi..aMrfcDoiialtl, F - a .....nA ernrr. F ......Ajax, C ............U. C arlson. C ...... ......T lim ie. O .....................Ep|). G

F-G ................

T o l a l s ................... 11 10 19 32Score a t h a lf: Mlnne.>iota IB, Id ah o

0.F ree throw s mi.ssod; H a n ls 3.

T u rn e r 4, H lllon 2. Lj nk. I. H ojiklna, A nderson. T lionipsoii,. M ohr. M ac- D onnld. R. Carlson. D. C a rb o n 2. T liune . W arhol.

R eleree: Rny P ark in s; U m pire Pete Dennovlc,

Jockey Rests After Riding 280 Winners

BAN FR A NC ISCO . Der IH Jockey E arl IVw today luuig ii|) his siring of 380 w inners for the year and .sat b a rk to .ire If W iilirr U-c Tnylor could get 12 w inners bv Dec, 27 and ca tch him for th e in40 n a ­tional ho rsebark lng rhamploiinhip,

Dew ha.s 200 w hiners ih ls y rnr nnd hft.s gone hom e for ttto weeks' v a ­cation w ith h is slrk iiinthiT In Hno City. la . *n»ft Hay Meiitlnws niref- Ing closed H aturdav and he Wiin't put on h is hIIKs again luitll the Gold­en Gain T u rf chib opens a t Albany, north of O akland . Dec. 2H.

Tiiylnr h a s 2t!n w inners as of th is m orning and is rldtiiK iil C harlr^ tnn. W, Va. A fter Charlrs tr.ii cIo' . 'n he'll (Iv to F lorida, and u l ih const aettnn h r has a swell chance wreck Dflw’a lead.

Mac Gets a Look at Dog Catering Service at Work

n j HKNRY Mrt.KMOIlKIIG I.LV O O n, n«<:. fo lui:) Ymi

can coun t on Hi)llywiK>r| to bn differen t.

E veryw here dog is m an's best friend.

O u t here m an Is dog'* best friend.

As proof of m a n ’s Aollrliuile for c a n in n i foiir-Cootun, here whcie tlin ntarn twlnkln dnv iiiul nluht. ronslder th e Pacific Uog (.'u trreis com pany, the I>okk1<'s D lnnrr rom pany. th e Dog 'I'own I’ncklng rom |)any, the Molly-Wllslilre Dug Feeding com pany, llir Hcli'ntllln Dog Feeding eoiiipnnv, nnd a dor.en o the r slm llur ron rn n n .

Kupposfl you nm in io llollywcMKi, lirlnging along w ith you llnver. Spot, Bhep or Je ff , You would hn a lm ost c e rta in to gel u call fro one of llin ronil>unies nieniloiird above MklnK you (o allow them lo c a te r to th e w him s nf your dog a ■ppetltii. Say th a t you reineniliei- «d th e tim e R over frlgh trned away a buT flar w ith a bark a iul do-<

(Wolei.l>MCh Phyaleian

T h * f irs t move on th e iKtrl nf Uie M(«rlnK com pany would bn to M nd • a u r r poooli physlcU ii to ■sKinlne y o u r po t from b ite to ta ll . Thfl dIavnoBti cotnplote, the doc to r, w ould reoom m ond a d ie t th a t would b r lfh t« n (he coal. B liirM n Uia t«eU>. a n d d»f|ten th e back o f o ld H over, l i t e nex t m o rn tn f • un ifo rm ed a tlen d a n l v o u H a n iir* a t you r house In • •m a r t t f t l l w y w »*on a n d d e . U m , u U b M r tn f a g if t from

pliitne to holit In tlie vltntiiinn (rcitii A to /. nnd i.i. sn vc Ihr llnv- or and lioiHlUt'l lluit the riililne ehef had w oikcd no h a u l to ni'lilevn.

I wntched th is ca irrliig nervirn In <iprntll<in while vliltliig a inovie dliei lin 'n lionir, iinil 1 .shonh niv heiid 1)1 Itew llilernitni as I re> railed th e endless finiKTsston of th u s of m y IxiyluxMl, iinil w onder­ed how they m aiiiiged to keeii t»«ly iincl soul together.

To begin w llh, 1 only kiirw U o hliiiln of dogs w hen I ^l|ls n bov. The ones >ou found am t the ones )K-ci|iln Kiivn you. I wiis In New Yoik lUii'e yearn lieloie 1 dls- covereij nnvoiin ever liiiUHht a dog. In niy hiniin town ilie ir wnii nl- w ius n litte r liiiiktng williln e a r ­shot a n d a fellow could a lw ayi have th e run t (or Ih r n.sking,

'I 'n a K inds of Knod•n ie rr wriii only Im . kliuin of

dug food, tiMi, w hen ( wiis m aster of Ihe M i'I.ennur kenneln. 'I'hn (Irst w»n tiihln Kcru|n and Ihe xn-oiid wiin loriige, W hen any of Ihe dogn decided we w eien 't ftet- lliig n good enough table (hoy Just i|id t lhiini|)lng ih e ir tidls on the iKirch and w ent n u t on Iheir own. 'H iey could Hlwny« si'oul n |i a sulinlnntlnl nieiil.

Our [logs ciinld nlw ii\s fiensn when Ihn tiimlly wan having som r- th ing Ihey liked. T hen they would peer th rough Ihn dining room windowa anil liay w hen ilm children asked for a nncond help- Ing. know ing Ihia would rediK'S th e ir scraps, T hey wein partU u- larly fond of chli-keu Ifonrs. not know ing chicken iNinea were lu p - posed to bo bad for them ,

Maybfl th e ie JlolIywiM>d dogs are happier, w llh Ih e ir balanced die ts

'a n d unlialiinoeit ow ners, b u t 1 have m y dotibU.

LOUIS 1 2 - 1 FA VO R ITE TO BEAT AL M 'C O YRecord Crowd to See Champion In Boston Tilt

Vandals Meet (larleton Five On Ca^eTour

.VJINNEAPOLIS. M inn., Dec. 16 1' A fter gelling a of Big rn basketball here on S a tu rd ay

University of Id ah o VTindiiLs tived to N orthflcld , M inn., ta la y kc on tho Carleloil college five In If second to the bust mirnc of th e ir

hiunstorm lnR trip.T lie V andals la'st to th e U niversity

nf M tnncsotn club, coached by Dave M cMillan, form er Idaho m en to r. ,S:ilur<Iay nli;ht by a co u n t of 32-26 n a hnrd-foiiR ht nnd rough contest -111 w hich 3.S fouls were called.

'H ie content .saw th e tw o b lgsest ni'ii on th e V andal fifjiiad, R ay ”n i r - ler nnd O tis H ilton, go ou t on foi

Mlnne.sota hn<l an 18-10 lend he liiilf a n d wa.s never heade<l.

L ineups:DAHO (261 FO F T P F T P

H arris. F .....................1 2 2T urner, F ..................... '0 3 4H lllon, C ....................... 1 0 4Lynk, G . ................ 0 0 lA nderson. O ................. 1 1 CSnyder, F .................. 0 0 (Steele. C ............... 1 0 :1. Hopkln.-!, O ............... 1 1 :Tliomp.son. P .............. 3 3 1

CAGERESULTSInd iana .W, .M arshall 22.I'em . S tair 35. Colgat* 2J. .Mliine\nla 32, Idaho 2fl.(Cornell 57, f .afayette 21. ,

50. Carnegie Tech 46. Nebra-ska 35. M arquette 20. W isrnnsin 44, N oire D im e 43. B risham Young 56, Id ah o Houth-

Nelson Annexes Miami $10,000 Open Meet


MIAMI, Dec. 16 (U.R)— I t is th e .s ta r t o f a new y e a r for Ihe iiitch and p u t t p e r fo r f tie rs ,,a n d K o lfd o m 's w e s te rn niiKTa- tio n .s tarted to d a y a f t e r r in g in jr o u t th e o ld y e a r w ith a p a r ty fo r B y ro n NeI.son, ru d d y -c h e e k e d T e x a n w ho copped th e .^Ifl.OOO M iam i O pen ch a m p io n sh ip .

•'Lord" B yron 's $2,500 prUe check

Derringer, Werber, Frey Signed up

CIN CIN NA TI, Dcc. 16 OJ.PJ — P itch e r P au l D erringer and Inflcld-


Skiing Season Opens ill Utah

ALTA. U tah, Dec. 10 lU.P'—T lic 1040 sca.>ion nf conie.'-t .skiing got o ff to n rousUig .siiirt Sum lay ns 38 m a le and s h women con lesiun is b a ttle d the tricky tu rn s of Collin.s' gulch a t the base of M ount D aldy for Ihe tllle In the n n n u a l anew cup .slalom ruce. H arney M c­L ean . Hot .Sul])hur .Spring, C o la , r a p tu re d the Iirst leg of th e cup by neKollatliiK the 41“.JU4i‘ cour^c in iwo m inutes, 'j:) hecont^.

A nolher Coloracloaii, Mrs. l)o ti W. Fra.ser, Denver, .‘.trcakcsl down tho 3S gate womi ii’. cour^e lo lend In h e r division. I ! . r 't im e was 2:10,4,

Alf lIliKcn, holder of th e lia tloiiiil com bined ^kl eliumiilon,sliiii, lln lshed four peconils behliul Mcl.euii to pliice second, (lordnn W ren, a niem her nf th e 'i d a i f a t Alla i.kl i.<hool. Win th ird ,

OtherM of Ihe (?1hsh A division to l ln h h In tln ‘ llir.l li) Incliiilrd K nafe E ilg rn , I 'ayette lake.s, Ida., six th ; Held Oinen, ciKhlh, nnd MackM aeser. Ing iin , iitiilh.

Stanford Head Rejects Pay For Grid Men

.STANPOnD U N IV ERSITY , C a lif . Dec. 16 (U.D—T he S tan fo rd un iv e r­sity football team wq.s called back to scrimmage todny a f te r f in a l ex- nniliintlon.'s to learn P re.sldcnl Ray I.yinan W ilbur had declined th e o f­fer of th e Pacific Const conference to compensate p layers for ho liday e iiiploym cnt they m i g h t lose through participa tion In th e Rose bowl gam e Hgaln.'(t Nebra.skn,

Conference facu lty advisers a t tlie m id-w inter m eeting la st week voted a sum not to exceed $50 be pa id to Pacific Coast p layers w ho could prove they would .-iutfer financia l loss In leavlnR Job.i to p rep a re for the Rase howl gam e.

Dr. Wilbur, how ever, declined for S tanford lu the following R tatem ent:. "Stanford will n o t avail Itse lf ol provision.s of th e ru le for th e few m en In the coming R ase bowl gam e WHO m ight have come under It. W e feel any que.stlon regard ing th e con ­ference rule will be en tire ly c learcd up when It.s w ope and th e eafe- gu /ud .\ .surrounding U a re fu lly u n - der.stocKl and con.'ildcred, a n d th a t am ple time should be a llow ed for th a t purpo^ie."

Bowling Schedule

MONDAY, DEC. 16 M erchants' league— Alleys 1-2—

Safew ay vs. Idaho Egg |7 U : alleys 3-4, Gamblrft v*. C. C. A nderson 114); alleys 5-6. TIm es-N ew s vs. In lerm oun la ln i^ e d (28); alleys 7-g, T . F. Bank and T ru s t vs. 20-30 rlub (none).

TUE.SDAV, DEC. 17 C ity league— Alleys 1-2, U N.

neverage vs. N ational L aund ry in a n e ) ; alleys 3-4, K im ble 's vs. Id ah o Power (27); alleys 5-6. ElU* vs, N ews-Tlmes In o n e l; alleys 7-«. T im e Den vs. 7 ,lp -« ’ay (29).

WEDNE.SDAV, DEC. IR Com merelal league— Alleys 1-2,

T . F. Lumber v«. ( oHgrlffs, ( n o n e lr a lley . 3-4. Fred D odds vs. T . F. F Inur Mill (40); alleys 5-6, lU lle 's ('onoeo vs. Delweller's (none); alleys 7-H. Klreslone vs. T . F . (,'oe^ Cola (29).

TIlllK SO A V , DEC. 19 Magic City L adles' league —

Alleys 1-2, Farm eni' Auto In su r­ance vs. Town T avern (5)j alley i 3-4. Consum er's M arket vs. M a­jestic Pharm acy (371; alleys 5-6, S terling Jewelers vs, Itogersnn Coffee ihop C n i; alleys 7-*,

I lalseh Mfllor vs. Blue Arrow cafe (none).




kMteip A U,. IM.. MrWl, M

Prize W inner

ers Billy Werber and L onnie Frey have .signed the ir co n tjac ta for 1941, the Clnclimali N ational league club announced today. T hey a re the first players to come to te m « since th» Reds won th e world series from D e­troit.


Some VariationT liere are a million m illions In a

billion In the m ethod of n u ­m era tion ; in the U nited S ta te s , a billion Is only a thousand m illions.

n o t enough to overcome III Ben H ogan 's lead in the year s to m oney w inn ing colum n, bu t It Jack­ed h im from fo u rth .to .second place. As they c losed o u t Uie book.s for 1940 today, $1,000 was entered op­posite H ogan 's nam e for fiiilshliig th ird In Uie M iam i open, and It hU to ta l to $10,6 3 5 -Ju s t $1,002 i th a n Ncl.wn won.

N elson T akes 70 on FinalFollow ing Uiree .sub-par rounds.

Nelson soa red to a i>ar 70 ye.sttrday 72-holo to ta l of 271. ’Hie pres- w as on because Nelson knew

UiaL C lay ton H eafner. the Linville, N. C., c an d y sale.sman wa.s already Kitting In th e wlUi a long, cool g lass a f te r posting a 68 for 272 ag gregate .

H ea fn e r took second prlzr money of »1,2S0. H is 272 WB.i tluce strokc.s u nde r H ognn 's 275 to ta l a fti 'r Ho­gan sh o t ft 69 ye.sterday. Defending C ham pion S am Snead could do no h o tte r th a n a f in a l round 71 for total of 277 th a t le ft him tl« l in fourth place w llli W illie Ooggln of Miami wlio p layed th e la st 18 holes m 6a. T h e / jipllt fourU i and fifth inonev to g e t $650 each. T his gave Siiead th ird p lace In th e 1940 money win­n in g to ta l w ith $9,206, Jim my Dc- m arel. of H ou.ston. Tex., second lend­ing m oney w inner before the Miami, w ound up f a r dow n Uic lis t wlUi a 265 to ta l th a t w as worth only $31.25.

T ie for AmateurBig J im F e r rle r of Au.stralla and

E arl ChrI.stlnn.sen. M iami’s golllii': po licem an, Ued for am ateur honor.s witvi 287','!, w hile NatlCinal Amateur C ham pion Dick C hapm an of On wdch, C onn .. finished far behind w ith 299. F e rrle r and ChrLstlansen m e et In a n IB-hole playoff for the am a te u r tro iihy today.

Since S nead was the onlv on the 200-m!in field wlUi a ciianr o ve rtake H o^an in the race lor H urry V ardon trophy, mcxst coveterl a w a rd . In profe.ssional golf, Hogun em erged iin w inner with 423 polnt-s. Snead flnl.slied second wit 393 a n d N elson Ihlr<l with 337.

T lio -g o lfin g new year will stai J a n . 3 w ith th e Los Angeles ojx-n.

BACK t o W ORKBER KELEY , Calif., Dec. 16 (U.Ri-

C oach I.eonard <Stubi Alll.son callod h is C a lifo rn ia football squad bock to scrim m age today a fte r a two-week vacation w hile th e Dear* completed f in a l exam inations.

C a lifo rn ia meet.i Georgia T ech in a ixvst-joason gam e a t A tlanta Dec, 28.

Y o u r d re a m w ill com c t r u e w h en you ko dow n to G len J e n k in s fo r a h a n d so m e U sed C ar. You’ll fa ll in love w ith I h e v a lu e s h e o f fe rs , a n d you ’ll have a d if f ic u l t t im e dccid lnK ju s l w h ich one you w an t. C om c in to d a y !

1989 P ly m o u th D e lu x e 4 D oor Sedan — M o to r, b ody .fin , jrood. L a rg e luKKJiRt' spai^L*. h e a le r .............$ 6 4 51939 C h e v ro le t D eluxe S p o r t Sedan — K xcellc iit c o n d i­tio n . h e a te r , l.'i.OOO milc.s .............................................. $ 6 5 019.'5D F o rd D eluxe C oupe — M otor, fin ish , Kood.

h e a t e r ...................................................................................... $ 5 7 519.‘i8 C h e v ro le t D e lu x e S i » r t Sedan — M oto r reco tu li-t io n e d , f in is h , u p h o ls te ry , xood. h e a t e r ......................$ 5 3 5 j j f19.37 P ly m o u th C oupe — Radio,, l i o a l e r ..................... $ 3 9 5.1937 F o rd C oupe — M o to r rcco tid itioncd . rad io ,h e a te r .......................................................................................... $ 3 7 51937 C h e v ro le t T p w n S ed an — M otor recontii-t io n e d , fiiii.<»h, u p h o ls te ry . Kood, h e a te r ................... $ 4 3 5 ■1 936 P ly m o u th D elu x e 4 D oor Sedan ....... ...................$ 3 5 01936 C h e v ro le t S p o r t S ed an .....................................; . .$ 3 5 01 936 D o d se 4 D o o r S edtin — T ru n k , h e a t e r .............. $ 2 7 51933 F o r d 'T u d o r S ed an ............................■........................... $ 9 51932 C h e v ro le t C oach ......................................... ............$ 1 6 51930 C h e v ro le t C oupe — Good coiiditiDii, h e a te r . . . .$ 8 5 .1930 F o rd 4 D oor S ed an ..................................................... $ 7 51929 C h ev ro le t 4 D oor S ed an ........................................... $ 5 01939 C h e v ro le t ■V T o n S ta k e ...................................... $ 5 5 01937 F o rd 1 ' 1; T on T ru c k — L onjj W . 1?.. d i w l s .......$ 3 8 51935 C hev . T on T ru c k — L ong W . B., d u a ls . . . .$ 2 2 5 1937 F o rd 1,1; T on P ic k u p ..............................................$ 3 2 51934 In te rn a t io n a l T on P ickup $ 2 2 5

Gleri G. JenkinsS A L E S & SE H V IC E


PEP88,g a s o l in e

Page 14: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

M onduy, Decem ber 16, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pagt Thirtoep

Rice Five Strong in Southwest; Kentucky Again Tops in South


T lie aou lh qikI souUjwest don 't p roduce m mutiy cham pions In tw ik e t te l l u (hey rio In football, b u t sever*] o l the ir collegiate q u in ­te ts th is se&son t r e ra ted am ong Uie naU on 's first teBnu5-

B M te tb a ll th roughou t th e sou th h M been handicapped by lack of play ing space, b u t m ore schools every y e a r a re acquiring faclllllca com ­parab le to thOM tn o th e r sections.

A lthough th e re doesn’t a p p ea r to be a po tenda] na tio n al cham p ion In th e sou th , team s like K entucky . Rice, T exas, Tenne«»ee a n d N orth C aro - l ln a will be slrong.

n ic e , defending cham pion In th e fa s t Sou thw est Conference, will bo one of th ree lead ing contender* for th is season 's U tle. B avlor a n d TeKaa e re th e ch ief th reaL i. and S o u th e rn M ethod ist al)ould also be stxonR.

■Die R ice o ffense will be b u ilt nrovind g ian t r e n te r Bob K lnnej-. w ho e arned a ll-conference honors a s a sophom ore la st year. T lie 8-foot, 7-lncl» K lnnev K ored 334 po in ts In

- 37 gam es la st year. A no the r big f la B in Closs. lo ri-ftrd , a t 6

fee t 6 InchM.Baylor, In th ird ^pot la>t .venr,

h a s five le tlom ien bock. Iw t only one rejnilar. B ear th ren ls will be F ra n k Br>'.'-kl, a ll-conference for­w ard , O radV 'V oughn , high-scoring guanJ, Joe Prlvaldsk j', lanky cen ler. a n d Joe T err> \ I rt te - w inn ing fo r­w ard lo r two yeary.

Coach BalpJ) Wolf Is ro u n tJn s c a Rood c rop of sophomores to round o u t his rew rve m ateria!.

T exas a Cotvtender T exas, looked on ns Uie o th e r

ch ief con tender, will s ta r t five le t- tc rin en . Including th ree of la s t year 's regu la rs . Cnptnln Che.slcr O ranvllle a n d D en ton Cooley. boUi 0 fee t 3 Inches, will be fonvortls;(Speedy H oupt. 6 fee t 4, Is cen te r; a n d T h u rm an (Slue> H ull a n d Udell M oore a re a u an ls . H ull Is r a te d th e b est 'f loo r m nn. and O ranvllle the to p scorer. M oore, son of th e o ld- tim e Y ankee p itcher, W llcy Moore. Is being groomed to fill th e shoes of Bobby Moere.

R w erve stren g th Is no t too good. ^ b u t T exas will rely on th e best

bn ll-h a n d lln g In th e conference to m ake U a t h r e a t

W hitev Bacetia a t S ou th ern M ethod ist expects to have ft m uch Im proved team , fea tu ring a speedy offensive . Five le tte rm en a re back,

' inc lud ing V irgil (Country) WIN kerson , 8-foot, 4 -lnch cen ter. L ittle Jo h n n y flebeek w as strong a s a fo r­w ard h la sophom ore year a n d should be Improved.

A rkansas m ay shape, up a; d a rk ho rfc . C ap ta in Jo h n F rc l- berger, e -foo t. 6 -lnch cen te r. Is In h is th ird year a s a varsity p e r­form er. Jo h n Adams, w ho led th e con fe renM a s a sophom ore two Reasons ago, pa irs w ith hLs b ro ther. O 'N eil A dam s, a t forfl.ard.

T exas C h ris tian a n d th e T exas Aggies a re expected to be th e c fcrence 's w eak sis ters again .

Q g h t le tte rm en should r T exas 'W esleyatj th e b est o u tll l In th e T exas Conference.

~ a r u t Q lam ack Back K entucky , a perennial c o n ten ­

d e r. com es up w ith a s tro n g (lu ln te t to de fend Ita S o u th east Conference tit le , w ith T ennM see a n d V ander-

W b li t also po ten t.” L eading th e K entucky offense arc

C ap t. L ee H uber and W alle r W hite , fo rw ards, and J im K ing, cen ter. All t lire e m easu re over 6 feet ta ll and w ere regu la rs on la s t season 's ,faa t ou tfit,

A labam a w on 't he qu ite A5 gcvxl a s y rar, w hen It Itvl ih e loop {hiring th e regu lar ,ieaJ.ot>. Jtirk U rn n tn rr a t fo rw anl Li th e lone rrgTilnr retum liiK . nllhoiiKh th r r i ' nr< ^pvcn^l o th e r I r t te n n rn on hand .

Mississippi, w hich has been weak fo r sevrrnl years, h as a prom ising c i» p of ftophwnweN wlin a re ex- prctP il r« develop a-i th e srason pro- gre.vso.'v. n iipy niiiy m ake OIr MIm i« <'i)iilriidfr. Iliirold Peeples mid H urry Blmivson, forw nnli, and .Iiinle lIovliHi.i, gua rd , qrn key mi

( leorg ia . w ith th ree ou t of live rrKiiliirs ha rk . Isn 't rntccl very h ig h ­ly Aliibnina H also wriik.

Au^nim anrt LouW iina H la te. nJtenA rrlliii' i:on(<‘n tlfra. will l>e Improved.“ N orili C arolina, w ith tlio Rreut

firn run O lam ark , h as a sCHsonwl tiu i lr ii’ . hill lurKi rw r v p ; ' Clln- niiK'k. 0 tee t ( Inclie.i. m orrd 4MI

Four Team s Set In M ontana L eague

HBLKNA, M o n t, Dec. 1« WPJ— T em pora ry officials of th e proposed Copper league, » Class D p ro fession ­a l baseball o rB anlialion, so ld today fo u r M o n tan a c ities p robably w ould h a v e team s In th e league.

T en ta tiv e plans called fo r B u tte . B illings, G re a t F alU a n d M lu o u la te a m s u> open a UO-game schedule e a r ly In M ay. O fficials a n d f ra n ­ch ise ho lde rs w ere to m e et again

Ja n . 13 to perfect a p e n n ao a n t o f- ganlzailon.

f»romotcrs of th e league sa id two additional cltlcs m ay , e n te r team siator,

Oregon State Club Trims Utah A ggies

UDQAN. U lah. Dec. 16 (U.PJ-Orc- goiT Si.ite collogc coinpleloU a sweep of u* vwo-iiRine prcstasoi^ b a sk et- boll schedule w ith U tah S ta te by turiiitiR bock the Utngs. 30-34, S a t ­

urday. C apta in R oland R eading of th e U tah q u in te t sparked a t his guard position to keep h b t«am In f ro n t du ring m ost of th e tl r s t ha lf.

The O regon S ta te offensive, led by Forw ard Ja ck M ulder, began clicking near th e halfw ay po in t, and th e B favcrs led a t Interm ission, 17-14.

T lie U taiis cam e w lih ln two points o f the load Into In the game.

T he Benvcrs- wnn th e f irs t game Frtilny nlt;lU. 43-20.


Old-Time.Big Loop Diamond Star D ies

WORCESTER, Mass.. Deo. 16 (UJll -W il lia m R. (Dllly) H am ilton . 74, Boslou and Plilladclph la NaUonal lcB«uo outfielder o t th e 'W&, died yesterday a t h is home.

W hile playing w ith Philadelphia . H am ilton stole 115 bases In tlie 1891 .waaon. T hree years la te r , h e Scored 1*6 runs. N either record ever been th rfa tened .

In 13 consecutive seasons. H am ll-

nV N TER FINCDCharged w ith u sing & rif le to k ill

ducks, and plead ing gu ilty to th e charge, J . N . UolleQ, 1346 Sovcntli avenue east, today h a d p idd m ,fln« ' t>l t t s a l te r appearance W o r * . Jus,- tice o f the Peace U . M. HoUer, cou rt records show.

T ha m an w as a rre s ted a n d th e charge fUed by O rovet D avIs, a ta ta conservation officer. 'H io offense laalleged to have occurred a 'week agoSunday In Uie Snake riv e r axea. ' -

By Roward Boughner,BUT H 6 IS W T .' m OOIKK3

T O G W e T H E M A W * / . ' CAX> JA C K . MZDST IS O O tW a T O


Page 15: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Pago Fourteen IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, December 1 6 ,1040

MARKETS AND FINANCE—-----— —^ By United Press ---------


:\C.O. T>»-, M (U r)-W h r,I J.rkr.


<:nicA«:o I.IVK8CIITCACO-n.'^i: 21.000

hl»h«r; U>[> |6.4i.Cottle: 12,000 ; cilvra 1,1!

NEW YORK STOCKSAir IlrcllK Alasku Ji: Allied c:ii

1 !-<> oliveNo SI

I itiid. A: au iiitl. San.1 IlollliiK Mills . .. . I I .SnicltliiK ^ Itcdning 41 TpIo. .V Trip..............IGI Tobarro B .............. H

Armour i)f. A<rhl;,rm, ToDokii A tinm ir n n


«r; mMtl:y u / ” '!U.JO ; lOc lo 2pchlih-

■Rt; top” ooo': c lwith InilJ

■v« 600; .n cluir. ful-

l i v T r f1 mnil •h»

Knccs ■trone on ilauKh* alock but (rack rather

xoM klUi:r. ; *'»d U> low choir, hfl.l »r«una aKovr: fhoirp Itiht utreni t l2.d nA/t . r.« .I..U.. ...1,. t.I.I.


1 »•« wady; fxl

•; •lAily o hcr

*NHA8 CITY LIVEHTOCK *S CITY-Hoei: l,fiOO: fairly ar-»asa: top 16. IS.

(l«t, una•arll'nfi ’avenly it^a a III.JS;

na .h» .UKk fatrly ar- bulk“.hort/».?i "s'.to'"u)

Hhe»pi 1,009 :.1o


w; nn earir >al<-> ; oi«n- ilauihlrr Jamhi; atliinf

tut Kite') ouUlmndlng m l'lun/t“ Vla'b!ilrh''rrrt'«.«1

Caltlti; trw R.

few bl'i"1 .lockfr. an.1 Jcr,l,r

*‘ ■ 7.000 i nl.iIhlns .l.<n. Ntl,.


i I., I'J.An; 1.^1 l»l'l

l,<m ANCKI.I

nnSTtlN-Oiilr ■ I


C o u tlfir <:, I'arii Parldn Krrl(l>( A

I'w tn I^bIU

C«rlo,iil ntilpiiK'ulii of iH-rl«hnl,|, coinmortiMffi t(ir j>tT, H ;

Idnlui n>ll/i itlntrli't -l>oliii<,m fin 'IV lii Knllii «llfllrlcl-»>()l«i(>,.„ jn

Oilniia 3,Oftldwpll rtltililcl Ain>lM II.

><»r lX<o, Ih, wrir; CftWwell cllfllili:t-O iiloiM I, OUwrt—Blank.


HAN riiANOlHCO lluli.ii HI..... ....................

Markets at a G l a n c e

I- Olilo

51. I’ iiill . t Piu

atcd Cni)i« aIo<l K'llsoi alccl Oil . .

lltl Pout ............lii.stiiinii KiKlak . KlPilrlr Power A; Llnlit Eric n. R.FlrcMonc Tin- lluljbcrFreeport Siilpliiir ...........Cleilfral Eloclric ...............Cinu'ral Fotxl.s .................Opiicriil Motors ...............Goo<lrlcli .......................Oo(Klyenr Tiro <k Rubber .Gniliiiia-Pulgc ......... - .....Grenl Northern p f ...........Gn-yliound Cp...................Hoiisloii OilHowe Sound .....................Hudson Day M. & 3..........Hudson Motor ...................Indcpcnrienl. Rflyon..........In.ip. Copper ....................InlcrnnUoniil HarvcslPi ...Iiitcrnullonal Nlckrl .......Intcrnatlonnl Tel, Tel, . Johns Mnnvlllc .................

Kre.>«e.............................LlBBPtt A: Myers D ........LorlllardMnck Trucks ...................Malhlcsou Alkali ...........Mlnml C opper..............MLwoiirl, Kftiwas .V Tcxn

lal III; >al Ca lal Dal

i.^h ll.'KlMPrV Produt

ic.nal D l.sllllrrs .in»ul O yp .sum ..............»-iiul Pow er A: LIkIiL.... i- York C enlrnl V -N. ii . A Hnrlfortl

I Oil

frlca i " rlran j

1 Pacific

A: Klectrlcl M otors .......)m it-Pub.■I'linry Co. . . Ivaiila n . R. ...

,ury Flour Krrcw . t Bolt, c Scrvlco o l New

■•ynrtl(l.i Tobac •nr.s Rofbiick id l U nion Oil

11 .....spKrry C oipora iton ...........S h u jd a rd nriuKls .............Staikliird G i i ! « E lectric . .'S landard Oil of California H iaiidaril Oil o f 'ln d lan a .S tandard Oil of New

.s G ulfs Paclllc C. A: O, ,cn Roller UearliiK ..

Unitedr iir.


Union Wi-.sliiiKlinusp Air lira W estliinliousc Flpclrlc F. W. W oolworth W orthlnK ton Pum p ... .Sunslilnc M lnw ........

N, y. t r u n STOCKS

[ot-omotlve A: 'IV aln.....

A ssoclatDm lllai T r.H u n k er H lll-Sulllvan .. C ities Service C rocker W hreler E le c tric Bnnri . t Share . Fo rd M otor, Llmlled G u lf O il Penn.sylvanla H eclii . ...H um ble Ol!N laBnrn Hudson Power PcnnroadU n ite d G a i Cor|xirntlnn U n ited I.lKht .Ciiil Power, U lllltlc^ Power . t Mfjiu

Salt Lake M ining Stocks


Local Markets

R u u i t t f i P r i c c B

CAU l‘t.A< IIMKN IH Plucfliiciit (.r irrilKiirnl<-<l rnm fci

KIn lo loudliiK (<Klny nh<iwr<l Idnlu lln (U«ttlct fla i.nd 'I'wln Knll" .H»-

trle .l 44. O thp r roniiiHHlltlM, ’IVdi m itn d ln tr lr l oiilonii 1; Cnldwnll dli- U lr l . 9.




nOI.SE, Dee. 18 (UP>—Addltlonnl road facllUlc.s to .serve the army oli to be located a t nlr tef' mlnal have been roqucstrd from federftl aRencle.', Mayor James L. Straight. riLsclosed totld'y,

Straluht, who relumed yciterday from a herle.'i of conferenres It Wa.shlngton. D. C,. .lald a new brldRi and road across (he rive would be neces.sary to facllltati tnovrmenl of men and suppllet 1' the new Rlr, to be located a the .southwest end of the alr]>ort.

HId.s for the inllllon-dollar a ir bas will be received In Washington cn Thursday, and work l.s ex|x-cted 1< start early in Jnniiary. Stralglit de- rlare<l.

Towed Auto H its Parked Machine

One iniiehlne, Ih-Iiik lowed I set'oiHl aulo, iTiished Into it thiitl i-ar will) minor damaK'-.t re.sultInK, liK'al polln- were Informr.l .Sundav fvenliiB by F, I). Hatx-oek. JHfl .lef-

Ihe lap. ]>arked In tio:

of nao lixust htierl.lln .said that his car had Ix-i

stiiic^k l>v n etir i>|i<'n>ted IHli hatd Hehendel, Talti l^ilh, whi. wax bt-hlK lowed l.y amilliri' inachli drUeii liy Art rrlend. 'Hie left rtoi feiKler and hut) iup o» the iiainx'k ear weiu ............... a polU i- hport (ihowH,

Auto CrashcH After Dod^jintf Parked ('ar

I Ho lidltd

•n^ii purket by Muiilee V. (InuUl, Weiulrll n ir wan n»t hll lii Mu' ai i'ldei

DainaKe.i l» flnv'n ma.hlne rd alxail !,%<>.

'fhf w!,to|>plim n lilll lu ihii "iMiillai

>iil« i Jei.i)

lOxpeiislve■ni« nicksl .(.Sllv Hinilirie

atinn, hi |.M.p.„ll„n t„ lu M,r hr reiHiit cif the Wllker. expnl r> Ihr Anlnirtle, I siied bv llm ijveliiliiMil. Tho wiioln h<Kik 1 ,ii» puhllihiil mill iinlv •J.’iii hds mnlrct, Hi n rnfit of ITJII.llll,

S t o r e s O w n W a t e rII . own wnln |.>i u.r In diy «e,i

«onn In «l.iie.l hV lU-i M.Kiiaii., Klnnl «-m'tll». Water is M.eknl u|. I. Ka vnnt r(M)t ^vnlel1l nrai til Hroii.Hl-d, „n,l .o.iM.|ved I, Uio inilpy ........... of Ihr nmlil plani

C o l d N o H t i n ^ fEni|H'r»r prnuiiliin nr»t mi tlm Imr

ten In trmppmtuirn ulten rnllliiK I Al) or 70 ilmrrrii hri.iw r.eni, I' | dm lolul dnrknenA of iho Anluutl wintrr.

Il io WiirU iiillllnnt •oiiiri from Mllnnrr, nftrr lnlint>ltantA of Mil Ilnly, wlilrli oner wan ii (iieul e l«r (or !pimUv1»« SUk i j ,


■r speaker nt the afternoon s of the Tw in.Palls county fk Marketing ns.soclatlon nn- lectlnK Wedne-sday will be E. -Iiart, extension livestock hpe- County A«enl Bert Bollng-

innuunced this ofternoon,la natherlrii? will be at

ilrKround.s, with luncheon I the Filer Granrc hall,

for 10

Village Moves to Give Space for TJfT Factory

r Ol

atte whichart will speak Is to open fit

roblems of llv county nKent ■rnlnK portionI of tlie all-

St of election ils-slon of the

8T, LOUIS (U.R>—ConstructlL- .. the first hl(!h explosives plant Jo be built of the Mississippi ' ^ e r under the national pro«rilm s under way.

A fon-shaped tract of land bc.slde he Missouri'river, 20 miles from icre, has been, cleared. And f .s moll town of HamburK, Mo., In the enter of the tract, has been eviicu- lecl by Its 150 residents. Two bund­ed fanners and projierty owners I’llhlp the la.OOO-ncre area h.ive sold

their land to the Rovcrnmcnl awl noved away.

Peak production of trinitrotoluene ITNTI and dinltrotoluenc fDNT) Is >xpected to l)e reached at the plant •ometlme In 1941, nccordlnK to tle- fmsc fxp^rt,s. “Peak prortiirtlon” nean-s approximately 400,000 [wunds If hiKh explosive dally.

That much concenlrated <le- tructlon will fill thou.-,antis of

I( vronerly dclol aW■(l. It.

will be employed. e u t« n produc­tion lines -ttlll tunJ out explosives. .

Early obstacles ciicounteicd by or department experts ond cn-

, Incers were eliminated quickly. When resldenUs of the area pro­tested aRolnst bcInK ou-sled fromtheir homeipeed In natlonol defense preparr Ions was pointed out to ther

When the que-stlon of pollution < St. Louis city water arose, an It proved sy,stem of wrtste disposal wi designed (or U\e plant.

Rail Facllitir* Ample Problems of raw molerlal .sui

ply were simple, since the pUnt U belHB locate<l near the Juiictli the Mlssls.slppl and Mlsiouri rivers.

Louis Ls a Kreat railway

I of the L-ould det wide a


;cordlnK to Mr. BollnR- showlnf? of the USDA

1 picture cmpha.slzlni{ ed by bruises in han- itock on form.s and In

)f.s Is much hll HR .suppose." Mr. B . "and the departmi ! !Slm -viW preRtr.1 ?

• tlin


W ASHINGTON. Dec, 18 fU.P.)-Two members of o se n ate In tcrstA te com- mcrce subcom m ittee charged today th a t George A. B all, M unclp. Ind.,

T . m an ag ed to obtain $3,000,000,000 w orth of

railroad o.s.sels th ro u g h ownership *15,000 of stock in the Mid-

HlIU C onsidered A u elW ith th e • po ten tia l d e jin lc th f )wer of th e new p la n t’s protItii-i

m ind , eng inee rs have p lannei le p ro jec t carefu lly . All pro<iuC' in llnc.s a n d storehou.sp.s in lh<

p la n t will be located a t least r h a lf from Uib borden

of th e sa fe ty jione. Rolling hills Ir la pro\'lde tuvtural bulWicad; vcnl th e coneasslon of po.s- cploslons from rozlnR the en­

tire p la n t. B u t segreBoted mlxlni ■nters also will be protected by bul- a rk s of e a r th o r concrete.W ith an eye to olr raid protec­

tion, g overnm en t engineers nr< leaving <ree.s stand ing wlierevei possible. B uild ings will be .so con- itruc ted to blend Into the topog­raphy of th e land .

■■ ■ 1 th e c en te r Is finished. t>e- tw een 10,000 a n d 12,000 workmer

explo.slve.s. Both trh iltro to luei_____dln ltro to luene a re producLs of con t1'olle<l reactlQius between n itr ic aclc m d toluene, which Is a derivative o :oal ta r and certain waste product;

of petroleum . A ctual op<;ratlon of tin p lon t will be In th e hand.s o f tin Atlas Pow der com pany, of W llmlng ton , Del., a lthough It Is being built by th e w ar d e p a r tm e n t

A t least one other p lan t a s large » th e S t. Louis c en te r will be con

strue tcd In the tiext year, accord o th e w ar departm ent. Plan, been made for such a p la n t li

n o rth e rn Illinois.

America corpoi Uloi

MIR b,i

B u rton K . W heeler, ind H arry S. T ru m an said erica wa.s a ''m e re portable nee w hich could be taki a biLslne.ssman on a trip,

^elllnjwhlcli ha;

\ds anc . reixjrt-

The subcommli >ren inve.silgatlng ro llr allroad holding ' com panli 'd Mlcl-Atnerica w as set, up as t loldlng com pany by th e V an Swer- iiKCiLs lo siilvage th e ir holdings Ir he A lleghany corpo ra tion , ba.sls o heir vast ra ilro a d em pire. Two

thirds of th e neccssary money for IncorporaUon w as supp lied by Bol' \nd one -th ird by G eorge A. Tomlln- ion, Vnn Sw erlngen a tto rney .

The holding com pany was so ob­viously a "personal b ask et.” the twc ■.enators said, th a t lUs first dl- ■ eclors m eeting waa he ld In a New York hotel room a lth o u g h Mld- \m erlca was Inco rpo ra ted In Ohic md Us only office w as In Cleveland,

The Van Sw erlngen bro thers died lefore they could b e n e f it from the

M id-America se tu p , t pos.sed to Doll, th e two ported.

Lloyd George May Get Post AsU. S. Envoy

LONDON, Dec. 18 nj.P i-Repnrts •Irculated w ithout, official coiiflr.- na tlon to n ig h t tlvat P rim e M lnlsler V lnston C hurch ill has asked David

Lloyd G eorge lo accept the t«.st of B r i lh h am bassado r lo Uic United S ta te s .

L loyd G eorge w«.‘ChurclvlU a t ft cohI noon h e would liki consider th e offer.

N o official s to te b u t th e Idea of n am ing Llovd Ge.irKi to 'th e im p o rtjin t post was llndliig Increased su p p o r t n o t only among L ibera l a n d lA bor groups, bu t in Conservative p a rty circles which lave been cool low ord th e 77-ycar- )ld s ta te sm an for some lim e.

said (o h av e tol reuc.<- th is ftUc5 a lit tle time t

va> r


SH EFFIELD , E ngland , Dec. 16 (U.PJ - G e r m a n planc.s ra in e d Incendiary anti high explosive bom bs on this g rea t steel een ier ta s l n ig h t nnd

! blBge.sllum ber yard.T he Ilres, however, ;

nder contrdl <|ulekly.brought

n o t so g rea t - Addition imelesk, bi o rte il few.


Accused of ob ta in ing $140 w orth o f peaches lu ider, G, R. M orris, abo u t 60. r truckm an from lyogan, U ta h , was bound ovei to d is tric t court today by ProboH Judge C, A. na llev . ^

M orris w as brought back from Lo­gan l)y She riff h W. H aw kins or com plain t sinned by Jess O, E a«- m an. lliihl. A rraigned today, thi

waived h is hearing nnd v,ai county Jail for lacll o f 1500

iffense osserlrdly occurred

Filer Man Injured In H ighway Crash

J1:R()MK, Dee lit i.Hpoelal- '

prisoner token tc; bond.

■Hie . lo-st Aiu

to hove $H0 ch<

SDInt, Morris is or th e peache a t ‘'Ixmneed.-



L;vcrull W(«Hll»-

' a t 4:4.1 Hun 1’ II. Itiirhonai

a n d bruise

n . was I

>rl Hiiiall,

th« f-sslty for


erljilnm enl t I as to erlals for lufac ' of



ARLINGTON NATlONAl^ CENt- ETERV, ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 18 (U.PJ-Tlie aslies of th e morQuess of Lollilan, BrltU h amba,s.sador to tlie U nited S tates, were laid to re s t to- day w ith full mQllary honors In th is hollowed burlol ploce of A merica's m ilita ry and navol heroes.

A 13-gun saliilo revcrocra ted along the mlst-.shrouded hillside th a t over- loots W a.shlngton. on th e o th e r side

the Potomac river, as Uie funeral •tege passed slowly from th e

eterj-'s top m oriol which Is

> th e h lll- urmounte<I

m e r e In th e m em orial th e u rn contalnhig 1-ottitnn's o-shes w a.'i plafM i^intll such tim e a.s h is own or th e Unlte<l S ta te s governm ent d e ­cides to remove them to th e 'hom e­land for which lie labored du ring the first of lt.s w ar w ith G er­m any.

NoUibles of the foreign d iplom atic corps. wlUi the exrcptlon of G er- moily and Italy , and rtink lng m em ­bers of the U n lttd S ta te s goveni- n ien t followed the solemn proce.s.slon w hich had os a mllltiiry e sco rt arm y, navy and m arine corp.s un its , com ­prising 500 men,

T lie urn , dra]>cd In D rltn ln 's union Jack, had been placcd on a horse- d raw n cals-son a t Ihe cem etery gate, having been tran spo rted th e re In a from the F o r t L incoln c re- m otory where It had rem ained since fiineral rlle.s were r o n d i i r te t l f o r Loth ian a t th e cathedro l of S ain ts P e te r and Paul In W ashington.

A T w in P a lls residen t was Mlghtly In jured w hen struck by an autorr

th ree miles n o r th of th e rli to -rlm bridge on the highw ay to J<

locol police were Inform ed early Sunday m orning by Bill S tai '

u te one, who said h e was d r l _ c m nchtac whlcR struck Wic m an . Stan ley said th a t th e m an gave e nam e of C. P . Ja y . Tw in Foils, id said th a t a t the tim e of th e mis-

h a p Ja y contended th a t he h a d left Ills c a r and was wiping h is w ind- ihield w hen struck,

Stanlfty reported th a t Joy d id no t uppcar to be M-riously In jured, bu t isked th a t he be taken to ills hom e. Slnnloy took him there , jwllcc were Inlorm cd.

an ley wa.s ordered to repo rt th e m a tte r to Jerom e county officials because the m ishap occurred In th a t te rrito ry .

Hungary M akes Token Paym ent On Bill to U . S.

■ W ASHINGTON. Dec. 18 (U.R)— T he trca.sury announced today H un­gary had m ade o token paym en t of JD,828.18 on the Dcc. 15 Insta llm en t of US past-W orld w ar debt.

Hungar}- resumetl jiaym eiils on IW debt th ree years oko u n der an a d ­justed program calling for to ta l re- Imburscmenus of J7C.1D0 a year, pay ­able in two liutallmenU i.

H ungary Is the only foreign no tion th a t has ixild an livstiillment on Its deb ts to the UuUcd S ta te s o n Dcc, 15, F inland, traditionally Uie best' payer, took advantage of an a c t of a c t of congre.s.s w hich g ran ted U a siiccliU m oratorium .

"01(1 CInud A in 't M nd."

GOING OUT‘i a ln I c i th e r ! ’'


Thfi biff riiHhitiKHiiIp Ih KoinK to cto.^o . . . t h r r n ’n on ly 12 (Iny.H le f t . A n d th e n H a r ry H arry w ill h av e hi.s feo t i in d f r m y n n d (llim d 1‘r i i t l w ill bo abU; to Ko fiHliinjr. I’m phoniiijjr tliis ad in on S a tiird u y , ntul cveryba tiy iinti hi.s uncit; is dow n hcri*.

'I’ rcn iisy iv jin iH tinvs u ro jim t b.nitiK pack cd o u t wi mlMoralily f a s t t im t it inak t’,‘t o u r cyi'balLs iiclic. F lo o r c o v e r in g — Kooti land o ’ l iv in '— th c y 'fo biiyin>? It lo c o v < t wlioic rooinH. Som i‘ n ro buyihK th e p r in te d , m nne Ihe in-made-, uiid soiti.: t h e iiiinid. A nd lhi>:^(‘ V okii*> luvtterics iire alt<'> innv- itiL' o u l. I f von Im ve i« tm-inl)cr,slii|) r a n i w h ich only

................................................. I.nd Kondi .y lv a iiia

tii.n, wtieio co.stH voil fiO C'ent.s foi • th e ta il 1•iid of I'MO 11 Jails, rnll- fo r I 'l- ll. y.m Clin 1)iiy t l ie -1 ;r)0x2() I'eniiimI ears ond 111 reported SujH ircraft t in !■ fo r on ly .f 1,H7.

, 11 only 2 ,\,- 4;r)0 X ‘J! ........... S1.I17«,1,0()0 wlili X 17 ;.. ............. S7.2K

ting Ji>b.s on ():00 X Hi. .......... S7.HHriirtiy /tiniv ; iO-pIv S iip e rc ra fI S2-J.HMmniiy, I'flses 1 f,:no X Ifi rcn iK iy lvan l a HX fD.fil

. IKn'ulnllcli HrinK In y<jiir oil c an s , fill np nil thi.'i


• A ( i o o d S e l e c t i o n • I - ' a i r I * r l c e H

102ft D.uIk . S e d a n . ...$

10:i0 I 'o n i < '(u ifh .......

K urd VK <:<iiip«,

l!i;m C h .'v n .l i 't c vo rtlliln C uupe..


lo a f l n .i.iK * I ’iekup ..

IMekiip 4

m \ l I n ln i ia l io im l

r i r k i ip , louK w, b ..



3 18

aes2 9 8

878C - 1

32 8

lIKi;) In le rn iit io n a l I'/ij T- (iood niech iin li’a l cond,, only .............................. 2 8 0

(n lr: I’irlu .li, 1

nil l ) - Z028

, Pi'ieluip, 4

I d v -K I ' ; , T

i n u i Cli.'v, ]i'.. T. 'lliT H..

W M \ I Inline I I,;, Ir ih 'k w ilh rito n ick ........................

10.'!5 C h fv . I I ' . T.

lJi:iH C lK 'vr.ili'l Mil T n ..................

2 4 8

i 7 B

NcVey's I N T K R N A T I O N A I , T R U C K S f lA L K H A N D H K U V IC K

fan io:{(l-KJill'A rk a im n iiH>lor oil I'l.r -17 ei'Ul.i a Kfill'm,

I..H . . . ?-V2r. iinl. juMt k . r p in iiiin.l liavi- a ini'rnbt>rMlii|) c u rd lo kcI vu iir dmilih- d iv i- <lrnd, Tliiil.’d n il. y o u r o y H lrr Hhelln <i„wn to an d y o u r CalHl»l(t i-hickcii Kril fo r (5:i cen(,H. V dii eonid alrto Ket y o u r bo ilctl liii»<ecd oil fo r Dflc. in ' th e n iw fo r Or.f. A nd th e m ill-freer.c , 77c ii Kailmi.

W ell. Ih ..lo a |)i(ch fo rk , ki< haiiilleH. fe lt \mnv eloMi'd all d ay N. lu m n -fn l bimy. Tli liiv f iilo ry . an d w< y o n r u ln f f liefore w an t« , bi'i'aiiHii ini H a r ry H arry w ith hit T ra i l m ay look lil»'

i'y th iiiK b en t from nliotKiiii t<hrll:i l.soiiilne an il Wfmh tiib;i, hiiinini'i- riiKM. «tlovelM. W(. c x ih tI to lui

w V eiir’M D ay. hmiUHe w e’ll be iTo'll bo udo^< -iio r i r x if IIS lak iiiK M n ppr« 'c ia te It If you ’d kcI nil ( h a t lim e - -or wall iiiilil a f le r -

t l ie ai-coiiil o f .laiiiiarv , yo u 'll Hei< roail Hnilli', and ol<l C laud lipped pi.ii.

An old 'fr iem l of m in e ............. .. as I wiut h id tlin t;h im Kood-bytr. ''W eU . ( ’.h iud . y w \ old Uvl p u p , I h>v« you jiml. like one o f m y ow n .” Well. \v« 'vc h a d a j iow errn! Kood lim n tn f ie d ie r w ith all you folkti. I'vn iieeii on th e deiid rim fo r th e IiihL nine yearH ainco I Mtarli'il m y huHliieHn in u KniiHas diinoul. a t Clolby, KaiiMiiH. 1 h ad lesH th a n Ifll) |o bcKln w ith nm l wan If-I.nni) iti deb t.

I f I wnN K<dnK (<> !>«' n i t nil In |iicci*tt nn<) Kiven iiwny n plrco nt n lim e . ti» (loiiltl tionu<on« wonhl (•peak up imd ruiy, "JnNt a m lnuU , Ktmtlcmen. I wmild like <« huvc h l« Knll!" I h«vc ntiw 1 nnd five helfiTH niul «v«rylMxly hhln m e KoodnmrninK.

P U A ' r r ( J A S A N D ( i l . A S S L u m b e r , O i l n n d C o n I O o .

"O n th e K ond lo (he HnniiUal.”

Page 16: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

M onday, December 16, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Fifteen

Give an unusual g ift chosen from Times-News Christmas gift columnsW A N T A D R A T E S

P ublica tion ifi^bpth U »NEW 8 AND TIMES

B«aed on C eit-Pcr-W ord1 d a y ________________ 8c per word3 d a y s ___ -Ic per word per day.6 d a y s ................ 3c p e r w ord

p e r d ayA m inim um of te n w ords la re ­q u ite d any on# c\&ssllled ad. THeso rfttcs include Uio com bined clrculB,tlons of Iho Ncwj a n d th e TJmea.T erm a (or a ll classified ads ■ .



PH O N E 32 or 38 FO R A D TaK E R IN JERO M E

Leave Ads a t K & W Root B « r D EADLINES

F o r In sertion In 'U ie News 6 p. m.

F o r Insertion in th e T lines11 i m.

ThL'* paper subscribes to th o code of e th ics ol th e Association of News­paper C lassified A dvertising M an- agers a n d reserves th e riR hl to ed it or re jc c t any classified advertising. "B lind Ads” carry ing a Ncws-Tlmes BOX num ber a re s tric tly confiden tia l and no In form ation c an b« given In regard to th e advertiser.E rrors should be reported Im m edi­ately. No allow ance will be m ade (or moro th a n one Incorrect insertion .

S P E C IA L NO TICESCA RPEN TR Y —R epairing , re-ro o f-

Ing, or new struc tu res . F ree e s ti­m ates . O ood w orkm anship. C on­servative prices. C ity o r country .

.P h o n e 1186M or USflJ, T w in Palls.


A PPLES, \ K e a s t on K lm beiiy roftd. D. B . Vosburg, 0385-J2.

OKLAHOMA na tive Pecans, th ree pouiuls — 60c. O row ers M arke t. S eventh M ain.

O RA N O E8. large site , H case, *1.00. M ark e t B asket, F ive Po in ts E as t M ain.

ALL kinds o( sea(ood. C hris tm as g reens (o r decorating. Public M a r­ket.

SCH O O LS A N D T R A IN IN Gy o u get e x p ert tra in in g in ' s teno ­

graphy , bookkeeping, accounting , clvU service In T w in Falla B u s­in ess UnlvcTslty. •

L O S l A N D F O U N D -STR AV ED ; RoAn S lio rth o m mllic

cow. 2V4 years old. Phono 2058-M

L O ST : T h u rsd ay ' m orning,. Jady’ w hite gold, oblong wrl.U w atch , se t w ith d iam ond im d cjneraW s. R e ­w ard I 323 Second avenue n o r th a f te r 8:30, .


TVANTED—T*.'o pa.s.sonKrrs to A rl- ro iia Dec. Ifllli. Kliiire expcnseH, I’hnne 13-R2 H arfltm i.

W ANTED—Pa«.n-nHers to Nebriiska,. I> c . 10, a h n re expenses. 681 T h ird N nrth.

TRAVEL Hureaii sha re expense frlim, Cur KfilnK \.oii r r id n y6 im I'Tmictsco, Hiitunliiy, I'lioiii 3343.

b e a u t y s h o p s

CIIRIS'I'MAH H pfclall P e rm snenU , H .M up. C caw tord B tan iy Baloiv riio jie 1(174.

PFHMANKNT.Hri1, tO. h a lf prlt:e. Mi;i K lml)erly Homl, 1‘ho tir 1747. Mill- iieaiiiiir.

C ilU IS ’l’MAM npprlnln; $4(M), $S. 1(1.00 (ill w n v r\ liiilf iiilcr. Mrs, Nof'lpy, P lione 3,Mi-lt.

I'KUMANKN’l'H ll.Olt. H|H'clnl |>rlf oil KUK<':ii).Niitunil U u u il wuvrs. I’liotio I4fia-J,

n iC K A U n llew jly Hlwp, IVv.Mniwir (ipecUils on imiiOiliio a iut m uctilno- le^Jl pe rn ianenls. Plioiin 1471,

HPKCIAI. »n.(K) wave. |3.ft0; •4.00, IS 00 wiivi'.-i hiiir p rlre. M ulio ! la r - Ih'I' iind lln i iity Hhri|i. Phtiiin

BPKCJIAI. p t l f r s on nil m achlno w aves uiiMl O lirlnlm m. C ujen* lieuu ty Mtudln. P liona AO.

^ S IT U A T IO N S W ANTK I)aiN C lI.E (ixpPilrncnl ftirm hntirt

WttuU viw k. any kind. I'licii 030(1-114,

IIK I.l' W A N T lilV -M liNMAN ovnr 30 for Iricul riiiitfl work

EftuiliiHB averagn | 2n wkly and 17111-lberty, W liuum , M tnu.

MCNK8H route, Mcnr ■I'win KalU oiKii for m an wlUi oar. 2«a AIe»- ftiKlor, rvenluKS.

MAN, w ith tru rk sultabln (o r Jojig <ll«l«nrn hmiDrr liaulliiB, y#U Creek l.un iber Com pany, K im borly Roa<l. l>lional)04.

HUHINEH SO I’PO U TU N ITIK SUEUVICK Hlutlori fur Irrvnn, iw a trd

107 W ent AdillAoii. M rtrr piiiiipn a n d uc«nM) rtm lpn irn t. r iw n ti 1S4.

FO R HA t,K ~nii|>rr flrrvlrn «(iitlou m a in hlvhw uy. (itiH-erlrii, ro-

platfug p lan t,- ‘ If"''#-


NKW (m ir7oo in w w rU iipnt. Innn lre iw irnlngB o r evonlniN, 824-OUi A vsnua N orm .

Hurry, Folks!T h e d ay s ’t il l C h ris tm a s

a re s lip p in g by quickly , —

"a n d if you h a v e n 't begun y o u r g if t buying,

s ta r t now in th ese colum ns.

O REGON non -shed trees and holly. W ash ing ton fe rn cedar. Public M arket,

E L E C T R I C tra in , e x tra trac k .sw itches, Oood condition. 512 Blue Lakes.

■nie color la r ig h t { T h e sUe Is righ t!

and*TH E G IF T 18 R IG H T

W hen you giveG ift C ertifica te s

fromV A N E N G E L E N S

K irst«n pipes ...... .......fS.OO to 110.00Kayw oodle pipes ......... » 3 i0 to *10.00Soslcnl B r ia r ..................................*8,80NEW IM l SC H IC K D RY SHAVERSColonel W hlsket .......................*15.00F lyer W hlsket ............................ *13iOC a p ta in .............. .........*12.5(l,now *9.95Shavem a.ster .... ................. ......... *15 ."B havem oster No. 475 ................... *7.C ard sets,RonsoD—W orld 's g rea ters ligh ter.

H & M C IG A R STO RE 147 M ain Ave. E. Phone 280

C A R P E N T E R tools, mechBnlcs'. p lu m b ers ' and electricians' tools a n d too ls for Uie handy man.


B IC Y C L E S. TRICYCLES, WAGONS C om plete line for your hclectlon. A CCESSO R IE S-R E PA IR JN O

B laslus Cyclery phone 181

T h e G ift E\’crlastlng'G ive her a lifetime

R E P IN IT E WATER S O F T E N m A bbott P l im b ln g Co. ph, 95W

73-PIE C E silverware set In tam U h proof chest. G uaranteed w ithout U me lim it. Regular *36.00. WhUo th e y la s t, *19.95. Buy on our B ud­g e t P la n . *1.00 per week. Oam blo S to re . 331 M ain fVut.

G R E E T IN O CARDS a n d a full selection

o( un u su a l C hristm as gifts > a t the

W INDOW SHOP M ettft Balsch

L o la of parking sirace 802 M ain Avenue South


e d A partm ents.

F U R N IS H E D . A P A R T M E N T S

F O R T Y ACRES, 30,9 Irrlgjiled. *1800. h a lf dow n. J. W, Pink, King HUl, Idaho .

T W O rooms, p riva te b a th , en trance . S team h e a t. F ive P o in t a p a r t­m ents, 130 Addison west.

SM O O TH no rth side 40 a t *35 per a c re . (uU w ater-righ t. See th is . Sw im In v estm en t Company.

D ESIRA BLE, w ith or w ithou t p r i­v a te ba th . R easonable ra te s . J u s t- a m ere Inn .

EX CE L L EN T 40. Improved, near T w in F a lls , 1130.00 per acre. Swim In v es tm en t Company.


E X CELLEN T fam ily s ty le m eals, reasonable. S team h e a t. 120 Sev­e n th no rth .

F IR S T ra te 114 acre suburban tr a c t, w ell improved, close to Tw in P alls , priced righ t. *1000.00 h a n ­d les th la . Swim Investm ent Com ­pany.

F U R N IS H E D ROOMSF O R T Y acre*, good land , no bu ild ­

in g s . '*12.50 acre, cash ren t. Box 32, N ews-Tlmes.

W ELL h im lshed roonj, p riva te lava ­to ry . A djoining ba th . 313 F ou rth E as t.


F IV E rooms, glassed In po rch , base­m en t. stoke r h e a t, g a rage. O x(ord A partm ents.


75-100 to n hay, J im H oward. 2 E ast. I S n o r th K im berly. Phone35-J3 ,

F IV E rooms, stoker, h o t w ater h e a t­e r. well fu rn ished . B lue L akes A d­d ition, *50. Phone 010.


FU LLY equipped U> h a n d le sixty rlK hly nrrM . C rop ren t- R e fer­ences. 04«t!J3.

R E A L E S T A T E L O A N SI 'IR H T morlKage loans, a s low as

4',4%, Bwlm In v es tm en t C om ­pany.

FAIIM «n<l c ity l(«ns. N o rtlirrn I.lfc luMuniKw Co»»iHvuy—P i n l l)nt<-a P hone 1279,

ItPl'fN A N CK your presen t loan wive money. 1-ow liitrri'n i—long tetmn, N atlonaJ F a rm L oan O ffice, 'iV ln Falls.

Wl£ can firtvn you money a n d reduce, your in te rest insU llm enU on firs t mortHBun refinancing . Swim In - venlm eiit Com pany.


Mesl ra te s and lernuil F lro and au tom obile Insurance.

H O M ES FOR SA L E]lEMOI)P;i.KI) B partm ents. G ood In-

roniR. Reasonabln. 127 N lntl)UMfl VWTlh. U7R-W.

NKW infxlern four rtKxna, ba lh , d i- iirlln . Oil F o u r th nveniie e a it. *2.- 5U0. Fedorul loan. W. M ontooth. Phtino 171ft-M.


'l ltA D E eciiilly in good aou liu lde e lglily for forty o r s ix ty acres. Box 31, Now s-Tlm et.

E IU li'I 'Y ucTes. R ichfield. Real liiiy M avanty-foiir ih a ra s w at« r. Phone 1307.

00 A G U pi. noo d land , m i l w ater r ig h t. '80 It) a lfa lfa . E lectrlc lly avallalile. *:«t(H>, Knsy to rm s, 4«'s and BO’i, Kasy d ls lanca (rom 'I 'w in P alls , V arying U rm s a n d p rlrea to su it puixliB(«r, O. A, Robinson. Iliuik and ’l 'h | i t liu lld lng .


80 A. I ml. RE D ie trich , « rm . hse w «all o«t-tvldfa.; elec. eo »hrn w aler. Hulled for sm all slock nr da iry un it, Oloso to aohoolj, W ill sr il on easy te rm s, *3000. U I.. WeAki, NF1.A H ec-T reai. i t O ood- Ing o r Jo h n C orcoran, l<and Bales- n ia n . Box 0«a or P h . »aa Jarom *.



F O R SA LE—B oys' wagons, trle jxles, too t se ts fo r boys and pocket k n ives. K re n g e l’s H ardw are.

H A ND -PO W ER E D elevator ha lf- (on c apacity , 4x6 platform . P . W. H arder.

JU S T a rriv e d —a fre sh bunch over- ahoes. qu ilts, blankets, work ahoes, e tc. Id a h o Ju n k House.

A U TO glass, canvas, canvas repa ir­ing . 'Fhom eU Top a n d Bodj’ W orks

G LA SS—H ave tlia t broken window o r doo r g lass replaced cow a t M oon's.

F O R SA LE — Fairbanks, M o pum ps a n d pressure systems. Well pipe, pum p rod and pum p repalrs- K rengel 's H ardw are.

H U N D R E D foo t lam bing ^ le d on ml C astle fo rd ranch . Also some p a n ­e ling. I n th e way and h as to be m oved. A. L. H ooghtelln. Phone 392-R.

N E W D elco deep well w ater system : c om plete 42-gaUon tank . ho rse ­pow er AC 110-220V. m otor. *90.00. Also used .shnllow well systems. 314 Shoshone east.


N EW Ijed a n d springs. Priced i sonable. R ex Arm s A p t B-1.

LA R G E , a lm o st new, Ray-Boy c ircu­la tin g h e a te r. H alf price, Phone 0385-J3.

D IN IN G room set. table, six chairs, b u f le t . P h o n e 22 or call a t 1412 K im berly Road.

E L E C T R IC M aytag wosher. Balloon w ringers, alum inum tub, ex tra good, *45. Speed Q ueen gas w ash ­er. like new , *45, H orry Musgrave.


A U T O S FOR SA L ESEV ERA L repossessed cars fo r ba l­

a n ce due, Term s. O 'Connor, op­posite P a rk hotel.



AOREAOE, good three-rooih house, close in . T«'ln Falls. W rite Box 187, Shoehone.

EX CELLEN T flye-room mcklem hpme, on two acres, close In. Phone 563. RoberU and Henson.

H A Y , G R A IN , FE E D

W ANTED: Custom liay chopping, Reiusonable price*. Plionc 1427 or li:)D-J,


M ORELAND MILLING BERVIOE Ph . 21B. F iler, Ph. Calls off g rinding

CUSTOM GRINDING 1 TO 3 T O N Be cwt.; over 3 ton , 7c.

H ay chopping. K nife m achhie. F loyd MtUer, T iler, Ph . U JS—C alls off g rind ing .


PJtEHIl U tie rn tey auil llolAtrln rows. 1 H outh, ‘I E as t flimnr Factory. Kloyd H andy. Phone (I3U7J3.

Hl'AN m arrfl. * e lg h t 3.300. New h a r- >ss, w a^on. E, L. . W onucott,

T W O hin id rcd fitly wlilln fnro ewes. Ja n u a ry lam bers. Ueorge H artley, M urtaiigli,

JERHBY cow, frw h December 18 five gallons. Newberry, 7 \ miles noi Uiwest Je rom e, on highway

ClOO n sp ringe r helfera and good sprlnK er cows. noilUi, \ w est of Roynler Service S tation , F iler Liillier Pierce,

B A U O O N tire bicycles, two boys' *15.00 each, one girl’s, *12.50. H a r ­ry M usgrave.


L A R G E trn llc r house, 8x16, (umlah- ed. 1242 K im berly rood. Phone 80-M,

*100.00 BU Y S th e big trailer house a t H om e Service B latlon, one ve«st of T w in Falls.

AU TO P A R T S ^ TIRESREPO SSE SSE D U rei and tubes

Real buys. All sites. Auto Service C en te r. U 4 Second sUteV

PIC K -U P box-atlA chm ent for Chev­rolet coupe, Excellent conilltlon Sacrifice. P hone 32 or Inquire N ew s-T im es office,

THIS C tlR IO U S W O R tD -

< 3 e N i e f ? A u


IM i-eX IE R 0»= T tlE -C fM IO fs) F O R C E S IN T H E

C I \ /I L - W A R , W A S S O

U N O R T H O D O X IN H I S O R e s s

T H A T H IS - O W N A \ E M FR E < 3ljE N jn .l> ^ S T O P P E D H IA A ,

M O T R e o o & N i z t N O

H l/A A S A

By W illiam Feriruson

W H A T I S T H E ^ '“ H O T S T C r s /B

«. iM itm ji tiimet. •

i J G i - i rTRAVELS A S R A R IM O N E

( S E C O N D A S s S C > C * X t3 D O e $ IN

ANSW ER: T lia t g rea t aggregation of baseball fans who con tinue to ta lk baseball Uirougho’u t th e wlnleti.

Here’s a Treat-Comed . Beef Pie, Idaho Potatoes



TH AT I. H. L. S trick lin Will, a t th e nex t reg u la r m eeting of th e Id ah o S ta te B oard of Pardons, to be held f»t the S U te House, Boise. Idaho , on the f irs t W ednesday of J a n u ary . 1B41, m ake applica tion for a Pa rdon an d /o r com m uta tion of sen tence from th a t c e rta in Judgm ent o f con ­victions of A ttem pted B urg lary , made a n d e n tered In Uie C ourt of th e lU h Jud ic ia l D l.itrlct o f th e S ta te o f Idaho . In and for th e Coun­ty of T w in Falls, on or ab o u t N o­vem ber 15, 1030.

D ated a t Boise. Idaho , Novem ber 9, IMO.

(Signed) H .L . S trick lin , A pplican t.No, 6080.

Pub. T im es; Dec; 2. 9. 16, 33. 1840,


•MAT I, Ray Hnnby will a t th e nex t regu la r m eeting of th e Id ah o S ta te Board of Pardons, to be held a t th e S ta te House. Boise. Idaho , on th e firs t Wetlnc.sday of Ja n u a ry , 1941. m ake applica tion for a P a rd o n a n d 'o r com m utation of sen tence from th a t certa in JvidRment of c o n ­viction of A ttem pted R obbery m ade and en tered in Uie C o iirt of Uie n t h Jud ic ia l Dl.strlct of th e S ta te o f Idaho, in anti for th e C oun ­ty of Tw in FalU on or abou t A pril 15. 1840.

D ated a t Boise, Idaho , Nov. 13, IMO.

(Signed)' R ay H onby, A pplican t, No. 6152.

Pub. Times: Dcc, 2, 9. 16, 23. 1940.


TH AT I . M ltchel W ylie will, a t tho nex t reg u la r m eeting of th e Id ah o S ta te B oard of Pardons, to be held a t the S ta te Hou5^_ BoLse. Idaho , on th e f i r s t W edne«lay of J a n u a ry , 1941, m ake applica tion for A Pardon and 'O r com m utation of sen tence from th a t certa in Judgm ent o f con ­vic tion of G ra n d L arceny m ade a n d en tered In th e C ourt of th e nth Jud ic ia l D istr ic t of th e S ta te o f Idaho . In and for th e C ounty of T w in P^IU, on o r ab o u t November 16. 1939.

D ated a t Boise, Id aho , November 9, 1940,

(S igned) M ltchel Wylie.Pub. T im es; Dcc; 2, 8, 16, 23, iMO.

A pplican t. No, 6058,


T H A T I, W illiam E dw ards will, a t th e n e x t roRulnr m eeting of th e Id ah o S la te Board of Pardons, to be he ld a t th e S ta te House, Boise. Idaho ,

th e first W ednesiliiy o f J a n u ary , 1941, m ake applica tion for a Pa rdon a n d /o r com m uta tion of Bcntence from th a t c e rta in JudR m nit of con - \lc tlo n of 2nd Degree B urglary m ade a n d en tered In th e C ourt of th e 11th Jud ic ia l D istr ic t of th e S U te of Id aho , in o n d for Uie C oun­ty of T w in Foils, on o r ab o u t O ctober 6. 1930.

D atefl a t Boise, Idaho . Novem ber 11,''1040,

ffilgned) W m. E dw ards. A pplicant,r • No, 0032.

Pub. T im es: Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23.1940,


Business and Professional

DIRECTORYBatha and MasnagcH

flta -W ell, 535 M ain W. Phone 155

M a h fry . 114 M nln n o rth . Plintin n n il

Iticyele Sales & ServicetU*AHIUS CY O L E R y. PH Ifll

ChiropractorttDr. w y n ft . IM 3r<l Ave, N, I'li. 1377,

Or, D. iC Johnson , 635 3d E. I'll. 344

Coal and WoodKxoUislve d e a le r In Royal ai.ti Hprltig

CnnyfUi, UUih. roal, Ph, 187. IJKNHON COAL At HERVlOE

PH O N E 9 or A berdeen coal, moving aiKt

tra i is le r . McCoy Coal ^ 'I’runsirr.

Curta in Shops

ltK (llH 'l'K tlF .O Oueniney heifer, n i'iiilhs old. Also Iw o-unlt Surge m ilker. S% weat of liuh l on Deep Creek to a d . H ay Wilkinson.


W A N IT D —F eeder pigs, BO to 100 jKiiinrls, W illiam Egbert, M iirtaugh,

U IQ H E ST pricea paid for your fa t ohlckena a itd tiirkeya Independ . e n l M eal O otnpiuif.


PICTHtO V E b irds, canaries. All kinds.

C iuaran teed singers. M rs. Sing le­to n 1020-R.

W A N T E D TO UUYB A T n iU E S , oo tton rM a a n d m liad

DitUiia. Sm I tU ho JUnk, Houa*.


O A I.IV PRN IA Redwood C hrlatm M I te m a t l la ro ld ’a M arket, W«at r iv a PoinU .


Floor SandingF r c ^ l 't e in o , 733 Locust. PhrVoOfl'-J

Job PrintingV’jU A L IT Y J o l i~ in r iN T I N ( ;

I.oU erheads . . . M all Plet-rs U iu in e u C arda , . . Ft>ldrrs

. . a ta tlonery r iM B S .a n d NRWH


K ey Shop

M oney to Loan


l ie f ln a m e you^ prM cnt cotilraei - > r«»iico p a y m e n U -c a a ii advanced

I/)cal Gompftny N f x t t<) F id e lity Rank


M oney to Loan

P L A Y S A N TAto yourself,

fiflttle p re-t:tirl«(iiiiin IiiicIhi'I


on only your slKimhire.Enjoy (juiriJ. eiiny. coiiflilrtilnl

loiiti se rv ileC A SH C U H D IT CO M PA N Y

Rms. 1-2, iiu ik lio liln - m ,i« |>|i. 77(5.

$25 to $1000O N Y O U H C A R

U P T O la M O N THS 1X> JIKPAY C on tracta re f in a n ce d —private sulrs

f inanced—cash advame<l

Consumei-B Credit Company

(Owned by Paclflo P Inanro)226 MAIN AVE. N O ll'l ll

M onum ents

Tim e Tablesfl<h«ilul* of pmieniar Iritint (nil m

buiM itirouKli Twin Killi,tINION I’Artl'IC. TWIN f'AI.1.8

nitANCI! (UAILY)No. » rrl.« ....................... SiOO*

.......... .............. ..........8;«» •No. 8«l 1.«y« ............. - ....... I J . t i p

E*>tlxian4 .No. ftSI Im . m ............................ liOO pNo. >»* l.»ve* . . . 7.1)0 p

h iio h m iim ; oon nec tion hi'nriunil lUiia, •niltxmn.l.

F luffy , white, billowy clouds of m ashed j>otatocs so s team ing hoC th a t th e bMlter seepa a ll th e w.ay th ro u g h In no tim e a t a ll—a re Uie trad itio n of (he holiday season , O t course we serve ma.'shed po ta toes the year round bu t they 're even more Im p o rtan t a t this tim e of th e year.

I f they 're to be fluffy a n d w hite th e raw pototoe* m u st b e chosen w ith cnre, Idoho R w sc l po ta toes d re dry , mealy a n d w hite . You'v probably heard them pra ised as "bakers," bu t tlie lr goodness doesn 't sto p w ith baking. T hey 're f l u f f y -

soggy—and they re ta in th e ir w hiteness, when cooked properly. H ere 's how.

W ash , peal and cu t Id ah o Russet po ta toes Into de.Mred sized pieces. S t a r t them cooking in a sm all a m o u n t -of cold w oter. W hen th e w a te r reaches th e boiling po in t, r e ­duce the h eat and co ntinue to cook in a tigh tly covered saucepan u n til te n d er. T lie tim e will depend upon th e size of the pieces of po to tocs.

M ashed potatoes a re a n a ll- A m erican favorite—served p la in and sim ply w ith b u tte r -or gravy . E ven m o /c fun. though, a re th e In te re s t­ing th ings you can accom plish w ith the.^e ma-shed potatoes w h ich s ta y

I w h ite and fluffy.F o r instance, corned beef p ie is dressy looking luncheon or d in ­

n e r d tsu w hich 1? a m e al in lls eu . Y our w ell-seasoned corned beef m ix ­tu re form s the bottom layer, a n d flu ffy Idaho Russet topping w hich form s the n l's t fo r baked eggs, com ­p le tes th e 'd ish—a g ran d way m ak e leftover corned beef or co rn ­e d beef h a sh look a n d ta s te like a specialty.

Id ah o Corned Beef Pie2 cups cooked c o m b e e f '

(12 oz. can)1 cu]) cubed cooked Id a h o 'R u s s e t

potatoes3 tablespoons chopped Id ah o sw eet

Span ish ' onions •4 c u p evaporated milk H teaspoon pepper 3 cups m ashed Id ah o Ru.sset pota toes

(one Idaho R u .w t po ta to yields abo u t 1 cup m ashed)

! cup m ilk1 ‘a tens;x>on.i sa lt3 tnble.ipoons bu tte r4 cRgs

tco5|x>on pepper. M ^ corn beef, cubed potatoes, fh(ii)pcd onions, o iie-hnlf cup nilUc iind pepper. P ack this m ix tu re In n Kreiuied. 0 -lnch layer p a n about2 Inches deep. Com bine m ashed polntocs, bu tter, sa lt, p epper .and nillk w iilch has h e tn scalded. Add ih e m ilk g r a d u a lly - l t m ay no t re- au lre (lie full cup, Add ju s t enough to give them a lig h t cream y con- s lstonry b u t n o t rum iy. A rrange th e po ta toes over th e lop o f th e m e at

m ix ture and m ake IndentaU ons for th e eggs. Place In a 350 degree oven (m oderate) and bako 30 tiUn- utes. T hen drop eggs carefu lly In to nests and re tu rn to oven u n ti l eggs a re set.

T he eggs m ay be om itted if you ;ik e —they give the dish, a n a t t r a c ­tive appearance a n d eggs w ith corned beef Is a n old s ta n d b y w ith m any people, bu t they do a d d to th e cost o f the dish.

WlUi Christm as d in n e r so close, we can 't pass u p "stu ffin g " Ideas. Idaho Russet pota toes m ake a n ex* ceptlonally ta sty d ressing fo r chick* en , turkey, or any o the r fowl. O t— bake It in a g reased bak ing d i ih a n d serve w ith ro b st beef.

Idaho D rt t t ln g K cup bu tter H cup chopped celery 1 Vi cups day o ld bread cubes1 tablespoon chopped, Id ah o sw eet

Spanish onions. hi cup shelled w alnu ts chopped2 Idaho R usset po ta toes (2 cups

mashed)\ U aspoon sage % teaspoon sa lt hi teaspoon pepper \ cup evaporated m ilk

M elt b u tte r lo fry ing p a n : tees celery, onion, nu tm eata a n d breMl In m elted b u tte r tm til b rea d cubei a re golden brown. M ash Id ah o Russet pota toes u In s tru c te d a boM - a n d w hip w ith h eated m ilk, a d d sea­son,

s tu f f fowl a n d ro a s t o r bake dress­in g In covered casserole fo r o ie ' h o u r In a m odera te over 350 degrees. ThliS m akes enough dressing for a fou r-pound chicken a n d m ay easily Increased lo r a la rg e r b l ^ ’

■ r« >lil Il,ih1 ati,l llait«it„aii tITIIKIl «ta»;k i .inkh


TWIN rAl.l.H -W K I.lll

Je llison Oo. 43S M ain B. 4S0-W.

Osteopathic PhysicianD r. E. J , M iller. «19 M ain N, P h 1977

Plum bing and HeatingAl)iH)ti P lum bing Co,

Hadlo RepairingPOW KLL iU d lo , 162 2nd Avenue N.

TralleriiO en i 'I 'ra ile r Cu.

TypciorlleraRalee, re n ta ls a n d aervlce, P ho iii S


. I.. WlUi ..............• l.> n i . r *n.l IhiM. !<■ .h,t W.n,|.ll..............•, Iti.n .« .l .I,,)It uii i,iilnll<>« Italt,* I . I

An Aid to GucHtHIn Italy , m em bors of Uie stAffs of

Ilrsl-iilaM hote ls, bare, a n d re s ta u ­ran ts , m u s t spwtk n t le as t tw o of tliren la tiguages (Engllslt, W ench and (io rm an ) in add itio n lo U u ir naUva tongue.


AUBTIN, Tex, (UF*)-Four penslon- Ilf Texiis' wnr for liitlei>enilcnce

vi-ivo »37.flO (jim rterly from the iite. All nro wlilowi n f m en who

|iiiitl('l|>iit«'(l In tlid htruuule th u t re- iiillril In tlm M tnbllfthm rtil of ttio ll<-|mlilic of 'i'exRs more th a n a cen-

A boiiiitv ot (140 acres of land witn vn i t<iN>Iillrin who fin iuh t'lii itiiit n r, will'll tlin new triiubllo look 'IT viint liiiid a reas Ihn t h a d iiosscil

lo Mexico Iriiiii Uie rrow n of Spain .Iieiislniis were g raiited by

npei'lnl nctfl lo m sny of Uie ba ttle liiirtlcliHiiit.'i. H<iine ot Uie g ran ts

111 liiiKl; o ttiers In inonry , U mil un til IH70 (lin t a general

lirii.iloii l ir t fdi' sui vlvdtn of tliii wur uin iJiii„ird; l)y Uien, Texns iiad be- iinn: n ntiitc.

C iiilounly enough tliesn pensions >l>|><-iir Oil Ihn iri'iin ls nn puyulile U> vlilows <jf Aoldlern of Uio "M exican vitr." l-'or tills ri-uAon m iiny have .uiijiosril th rill to be payable lo widows of Nilillers who UMik p a r t In th e w ar botwflpii Uin U nited S la te s nnd Mext<'o. 'Hie “M exlran w ar" re- f i j i r d t(.„huw ever. In U m t betw een Mexleo luid lln^ liciiiibllo o f 'I 'exas,

- of tlie ie iwnslnns goes lo the of a pnrtU 'Ipnni In the ba ttle

of H an Jac ln lo . In whU;ll Uie T exan defeated O en . B niita A nna, Mnry c , D en y of lU lrd . Tex..

Is th e widow of the ,^nn Ja c in to flK htrr, Andrew Jackson Berry. He la ln r served In Uie C onfederate a rm y an il a fte r esrntUng serious h u r t In llieMi two w ars was killed 111 a peace- lliiie ace lden t when a loam of horses ra n away.

'H in husband of Mrs. Ju lln K e rs t‘ Ing lle lla ld ol O lddlngs, waiM ania A nna’s guard . T lie o the r widows paid iw islons fo r U iat w ar


CotnpanU vely IltUe ch an ge h u occurred In condition of m a jo r I d a ­h o h ighw ays duclttg th e p u t week, th e s ta te highw ay b u reau bu lle tin Inform ed Uie T w in P a lls C ham ber of com m erce today.

Snow a n d slippery eond itlons exist In m any areaii. and a ll h ig h passes a re sub jec t to c losure by snow.

Sum m ary:V . S. 30 in good condition but;

shoulders a re so f t In m any secUons^ U. S. 83 good from N evada to K et- chum , gravel from K etchum to S ta n ­ley fair, snow norUi o f K etchum , chain s and shovel u rged fo r cochc ar.

No. 23. Shoalione to RIcIifleld. good' b u t balance only fa ir ; No. !l4. Roos­evelt highw ay, good, e a s t o f D ietrich ' oi>en b u t n o t refon im ended; No. 46.' Gooding to Palrfleld . fa ir ; K ctchiun T rn ll creek, co iu tru ctlo n , snow, in ­qu ire locally.


A M W , la , (u n — T lie presence of ’ a Inriier C o rn-B elt labor supply th a n Is needed Is '‘a t Uie rp o t” d f a num - l>er of serious social problem s. R ay . K. Waki-ly Iowa S ta te college soci-. ologlst. h as re|Mrrte<l. i i '

"In Uie corn belt, from one- th ird to one -ha lf of Uie people Imrn on farm s are n o t needed to m a in ­ta in an adequate w orking force in • agricu ltu re," lie said.

- In recen t ySat». agrlcuU ure h u 1 h a d to absorb a la rg e p a r t o f th is . excess. A s u h e ^ n t|a l Im provem ent ’ In general business aeU vlty will have to occur to siphon o ff th e u n - nee<le(l w orkers now backed up on farm s."

W akely explained Uie sh if t to - w aitl h ired labor h a s InoreM ed Ui« projKirtlon ot ag ricu ltu ra l w orkers dependen t on seasonal einploym enl a n d In need o t public A ssistance a t o lh e r Umes.

He sa id tlie la rge labo r supply keeiw wages low a n d th e acarolly of farm s lo ren t, increases th e "p res- ' su re" m il more, ■

" If A m erican a t r l ^ I tu r e ahoutd be com pletely c u t o ff f r m K u ro p « '‘ aa th e resu lt of Q erm a n (Somina* Uon of U iat con tinen t, Ihe • x o m supply o t labor on A m e r jc w f a m u : ' wo»ild become m ore burd tn iom *."; h e said, i

-O n th e o th e r h and , tii* r»pKI ln« crease In a rm am en t p n x lu f f tu 4Uf* Ing th e n e x t few y m n undoubi<dlf will m ake m any

T o ta l savings In A m erican tw nks Uils yeiir a re 1700,000,tX)0 h ig h e r th a n a t th is tim e task y e w .

Original InventionM oTlni p jo tn m w m i t i n 19

w orld by ^ o m H 'A . S d b M 't a bMie patent ot IMS. WIW venMon o t t n 'b e ‘

Page 17: Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31

Page Sixteen ’ IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, December 16, 1940


Buh! stcppivl Into tlift <lnlry llnie- llKlit today w ith iinnouncem ciit th a t h u l l f o " nio iilh III llieTv,hi FalU -M liil-Cn-vlii D nlrj’ Hrrri Iinprovm u 'iil iv.'ssoclrillnii wils n khkIc J liilstc'lii owned by W . H- Hftlllolcl. Duhl brooiiers also to|H)«l tw o of l i i r Uiri'O hcr<J divisions.

St-coiKl high Tvas n Knitlc G uer­nsey ottiKNl by L. C. Fri'C, Burley, niKl liilrd 'iiw R ri-Kl5torr<l H olslcin In the licrd o f C h arlrs H. Himcr. Kiipcrl.

Londcr.^ In tho vnrloiis hcrtl clns- liUlcntlons u i t p Carl I ln rd rr , Uulil, over 20 cow.':: H aro ' M fCnulcy, Buhl. 10 to 20 cciik-s: G m n t P r r r r , B iifky. under 10 fows.


KELLOOO. Ida,. Dee. 16 (IIP) — n rprcsonU tlvps of fivp no rth M aho towns loday Imd com bined forces to p ro lfs t to fpderal nKi-ncIos the drslRiiatlon of l>olo pa.« highway « a mllllnry route.

Hrpre.-'Pntfltlves o f W nllacc, Kel- loRK, Mullnu. Coeur d 'A lrn i' aiitl Post Fulls went on recortl n t a nicetlns here a--. condcmnlnR activities of Rep, Compton I. W hltp In .scciirlnK de.^lcnatlon for the Lolo hlRliway.

Donald A. Collnhun, R|X)kesman /o r the group, ."jild th e netlon save th e Lolo rou te p a rity w ith U. a . hlRliway No. 10 w hich will link W asljlnRton a n d M onlnnn th rough n o rthern Idnho, C allnhan snid It would cost W.000,000 to com plete the Lolo route th rough no rth Central Idaho , wlillo only $800,000 would be needed to establish No, 10 aa a first clftM m ilita ry highw ay. '


BOISE. Dec. 16 (U.P.)—T h e bureau of the ccii,sus reported today 8,301 o u t of Idaho 's 152,856 dw ellings u r re vaca jit and fo r .sale o r re n t when cnunicro tors toured t h e s la te in April. i

The figures sliowed 5.5,j» r ^ c e n t o f th e dwellings w ere U'noccupled. O f th e to ta l niiinber of dwelling un lU In Idaho . 34.7 per c e n t were located In cltle.'s a n d tow ns of more th a n 3,500 popula tion , and 6SJ per c e n t were In rural.

Areas. Including tow ns of than 3,500 population. O nly 35 per cen t o f th e city dwelling p laces were va­can t, com pared w ith 65 per cen t of th e ru ra l houses.


BO ISE, Dec. 16 (U.PJ-Idaho city offlclala tod a y p lonned to c a ro ' ou t a leglslMlve program for nm cnd- m en t of. s ta te laws to exem pt m u­nic ipalities from paym en t of nute- gasoline taxes and to allow election o f m ayors a n d councllm cti for four year term .

T he proposaLi w ere ndvnnred a t concluding sesalons of the biennial m eeting of th e Idaho M unicipal O f- fleers' oMoclatlon. Mayor Jam es L. B lra lgh l of DoUc waa ri'e lrcled prc.i- Ident, E. W. Fanning . Idaho Fulls m ayor, was efected first vlcc-prcsl- den t. and J, K . Coc. Coeur d ’Alene m ayor, second vlce-prw ident, O. C. Huebener, E m m ett c ity a ttorney, w as reelected M 'tretury-irea.suri'r,

Pictorial Defiiiilion of “Coventrize”

lly prnrtlr.-illy pulvcrizlnc the city of C oven try u nder th e tnnnl lrrririr> lly c o n rc n tra te d a eria l bom* liardnicnt o f llie war, G erm any pu l the w ord ••Covenlriied" Into th r KnclUh lanr-iac^- W h a t 11 me*n» r;iii l>r seen In th e photo above, which nhows » whole ilr e e t of com plclrly fuU cd bulldinif\_ln__ th e jrc^ V . mldlaixU Itiduslrlal cltf. IVorken have elpjtred J tre e l ot mo»l al J rb rJs and traffic h»» been resum ed.

,ale.s of $1,537,000 for 1039; Rencnil ;nerchan< Kroiip came th ird w ith $l,?i2S,000. A nd In fou rth place \ iho fllllnR sla llons, .which did $fllB,000 buslnc.s,s In Twin Foils Inst

A uto I’ayrolls TopA lthough groccry store.s ranked

!;rcnnd In snlc.i. they were only fou rth In to ta l payroll. Automotlv Rtnup w as f irs t h \ thU bracket will $244,000; th e - general m erchandlso stores w ere second u1 th $187,000; reHtnurnnl.s a n d o the r eating places

th ird w ith $04,000, nn<l Rrocory and com bination .stores took fourth position w ith $81,000.

T liere w ere^ ilB actlvc proprietors u iilncorpora tod

T w in F a lls c ity during 1930. T otal re ta il storc.i IW ed by th e cen.sus bu reau reached 251.

NYA Will Select 50 Students for

Southern BranchKlfectlvn Ja n . fl. M ii<ldlilonal

youn« men will Ix- enrollr,! a l ih< res!<lrnt projec t a l ih c U nlvcnli^ of Idaho, sontliiTn hia iich, I’lx iilr i- ]o. It wtifl unnoutu 'cd th is a lle r - noon hy I. Q. Wood. IleUl muh’i f o r t h . ' NVA.

Eiirollro.n will work on NYA work p ro jec t HOllvUlc'.i Ml i.hut Ihcy enrn ISO it m nnth of which li) used lo tlnfruy all expciiM' of bouid and lodKlUK nnil llic icniiiliilii); }ii > m onlli r ry r i ls to llic rn m llr r (<i IK-rnonul net'<ls.

Ititervlrw a Tiirniliiy Y ouths Intcri'filcil ^hoiil.l riiulac

Mr, WiKKl 1.1 (111- h x a l l.ljihti hi„i etupldvnirnl nnv l.i- c illl.c T ihiiiIii

• iiir«'tJic»in. Ill- will !>.• al Ih r cillu III! nttn iiiK in lor llm pin|««e ol InlervlcuhiK rhnH.1.1 ycnitl.s, niTordlUK to W. Clydi' Wllllanih, o l- flco mnniiKrr.

Yoinig tu rn enn.llt-,] at Ihi' ilrn t Iirc)].-ct will he Kl^eii aillia l work I'XiK-iifiicr rin n|.|>r»v<<<| NVA |ili>)<x:U lu iiiir lit n rvriiil flrlcb Vi>- C'lllliinnl Itinlliirlliiji fur III'' |)|i>|i<<'ln niul th e ri'liitcd iruininK iOm> win |><> BVllllullIo.

Work iiro jn ifl In .lii.le nKiklim, caiiM'nlry. wcIiIIiim, |ihiinli|ii|<. iim- Chluu sliu|i Vroik, I 'ii^'lilcnl niid iii- <llo.

Co-op Diirmllciry IlM ldcnt p ro jec t youth «lll he

Jio u w l In Ik nKHXTiiilm <l<piiiiii(iry Kt Ulo utilvei slly, Knch youlh will <li> liU aliarA of ihn nm ln lena iu r v lCB< h ymilh will all

. c lo th in g ,fo r liolh work iiiul il ic . '......well a s a ll to ilet Mij.piir.v infurillshe<t by Uiii lenldciit iniijcct,

l l i e iinleetinn of young m en lo cn. roll In tlio m ld e n l pniJecL win im intulo from out-of-M^luxil, uiiemiiloy- ed yuutli iMtween tlin Hgen of 17 mid 34 ItMliulve. 'H io n|)|>li<'unU nnint

, im ueas good jihyslciil und m rn tu l liealU i, Riid UiDli' jMul w ork hl.-ilory aliall (huw (ivldflnee of kixmI work KtUllidaa a n d {wrAonnl ninliltion. A]>- p lloanU (h a ll enroll fo r u jm’i IinI of

, n o t Jd h Ihni) six m oiitli'i.

Twin Falls County Rated 2nd in Idaho’s 1939 Sales

T w ill Fall.-i co iiiity ra n k e d .second in t l ic .stiite o f Idaho fo r iT ta il sa il 's a n d fo r m u n b e r o f rcU iil s to re s in 1931), accprdinjT lo t l i e co m p le ted fiKin'f^^ « f t h e 1)iisines.>i census iis .siib m itled t o th e 'IV in F a lla C h a m b e r o f C om m erce by th e b u re a u o f t h e cen su s.

T w in F a lls c i ty r a n k e d tl i i rd in th e e n t i r e s tiite , not fa r b eh in d P o c a te llo in re ta i l tu rn o v e r a n d $ I ‘M,00() ah ead of Id a h o Fall-s. ■

Am ount of r e ta il kales In Twin Palls cltv .y c a r reached $11.- 230.QOO.- Bol.^C show ed $10,310,000;Pocatello h a d $11,733,000,

Pre lim inary 1940 figure*, the census b u reau sa id , shpw Twin Kails w ith a 36.2 per r e n t Kahi over 10J9, p la rln g th e clly th ird In the en tire a U le .A.S seco n d -ra n k in g county In tiie

sla te . T w in F a lls county w m top.s In r e ta il sale.s In Miiglc Valley. Sec­ond p lace In t i i a l sou th cen tral Id ah o te rr ito ry w en t to Cn.vila.

M agic V alley Saie^T h e M agic V alley figures for

sales;T w in F a lls county—$14,802,000.Cas.slB c oun ty—$4,485,000.Je rom e county—$2,820,000.Gooding c oun ty—$2,068,000.M inidoka c oun ty—$2,587,000.Blaine county—$2,177,000.Elmore c oun ty—$1,732,000.Lincoln c oun ty—$088,000.Cam as c o u n ty —$29C,000.M f tjy /c ltie s In th e M agic Valley

countfcs p roxldetl th e bulk of the re ta il snles. accordlnR in th e census analysis. I n Ca.vsln county, lor ex ­am ple. B urley actounIe<l for $3,- 870,000.

P ay ro ll lUnklnK^In te rm s of to ta l puyrolls lor

tnll establishnicnt-s h i 1MB, the Magic ViOlev couiUle.s .ihnwcd th e ^ame rankhigs a s In auyregrtto .s.iles, 'Ilio jNivroll flKUros:

•rwln Fnil,s c n u n ty -$ l ,4nil,000,Cas.'ila coiiiily- -$'J7.').<'»>1),Jerom e c o u n ty —$24i.O(M»(io<KllaR f?ouiily- M inidoka coun ty -$ lfi'.’.UiiO

' Klmore co tu ilv—$1W.000,Lincoln county $70,000,Cam as c o u n ty —Jlli.OoO.T h e Minie ntnnihnR iii'pOes also to

to uveniKe n tin iher ol cm|itovM ta ll ^to^es for 103f), 'IV in Vi.ll.'t Iv ^howc<l 1.40H; ('jiv 'lii 412; Jerom e 2(i!i; »l<KHllnK 2:tr.; Mhililokii 3irt; n iitlni' 10^; I'llinori' 171); Lincoln »Q Ciinias 2;i.

T h ird In l‘i.>rnll Amiing c l l i n o t iiii'ie lim n lo.ooh

INiliiiliillini, 'I'Wlii <llv rankedHiIkI 111 lilah o Iiir lh-‘ anicninl of reta il .store l>ayii>lls hi loilll lln^e ]nl « tlh I'-MIM.OIXI; I’ciniK'llii \^a^ Miimil w llh »l.;1 l .(ln(l; 'IV Iu Kiill', m m e n rx l w ith $i.'.viU<M)[i

1..... . ol Ih r ir l siUc'. flw-ure', w ith in T w in Kfllh Itself .oliow^Iliat th r iiu(ciiiio1l \ r U'll all^llh^•r^ w ith »J.:i2«.OI)0. N c 'l came KicK'cjy a n d i'DMilihiallnn n to iri w ith


CHK'AOO, Dcc. 10 lU .Pi-nalii.s or iD.v siriniis.w ere repo tted Kciicral .IT nil i-»tionH of the na tio n ex- •n\ NVw KiiKlnnd, .southern Florida ■ 111 ji.Di.' of tlie Rocky m ounta in

nxlav. Road crew.s labored to r i i bii;hw»y.s as a b llz ja rd .swept nva ami lower Mlnne;ot.-».A >t(iriii movhiR up the MU'-ls-slppl illcv IniMi the gulf broUKhl from ),ir to six Infhes of'Snow lo Iowa

an d '■:i'tcm and sou thern M lnnt.sola. „n<l “••i.s hearing lower tc in iw raturcs4 1,1 II. wake. R a in In th e RUlf area :^nd 111*' lower Mlssl.s.slppl Valley was hciivv

f ,S Kore<'a.slcr A. C. D oiuiel said raliii.ill 111 th e -n i ltU es t a rea would bp (.)llnac<l by slightly colder tem p- eraiiirc-. The d is tu rbance conihiR up th e Mi'.'Kslppl valley turne<l th e C'li'ai lakes, w here slo rm ini:- '.lerc poslcd.

Liiili' iluuiKC was cxpccled In the Rreat iiliiiiis and Rocky m ounta ins .statis today. Skies w ere c lear, but CoU'Kiilo re iio rt« i heavy d r lf ls In mouni.’tln a reas and six dcnlh.s from sno ’.v.siorm.'! and cold In th e past few dny.s Salt Lake City enJoye<l noriiuil temi-)eratures bringlntj lief from a week of the rm om eter reiKliiws'of 10 to 15 degree.s below norinnl.

R:iln borne by a <U.slurbance In Ihc caslem Pacific broke a flve- tliiv roUl spell h i Califo rn ia, where crojvi were dauiuged.


SA LT LA KE CITY . Dec,’ 16 nj.Rl— T h e flepubllcan sla lc 'execu tlve com ­m ittee lia-s abandoned p lans to con - le.'il Uie outcom e of th e N ovem ber K iibcrnatorlal election. S ta te C h a ir ­m an D avid J . W llion announced lollowhiK a m eeting of ih e com m it tee here.

H owever, a s ta te m e n t ra tifie d by tiicmbcr's of Uie comj>ilttce sa id if ■ th e rea l in te n t of a m a jo rity of the elector? be followed . . . Mr. <Don n .i C olton would be our next en ior,"

T lic com m ittee based .such Judg­m en t. a fte r investlgathiR election report.s o f all dl.strict.s of the ' s ln tc . on the fac t lh a t num erous voters scra tched C olton 's na m e wlille vo t­ing an otherw ise s trn lg h t D em o­c ra tic tic k et w ithou t cro.sshm’ oi>l the nam e of G ov.-E lec t H erbert B. Maw,

" O th er Irregu larities have been revealed th ro u g h ou r Inve.stigatlon.’’ th e .sta tem ent snld, " b u t they arc sucli as a rc found In m ost a ll e lec­tions a n d a rc n o t su ffic ien t to a lte r th e resu lt.”


Laval Dismissal Adds to Confusion of French Fate

By J . W. T . MASON U nited P ress W ar Expert

Dl.smis.sal of P ierre Laval from th e F rench governm ent should add fu rth e r confusion to rela tions be­tw een G erm any und France , Inter- ferlhg w ith H err H itle r’s diplom atic offensive" on th e con tinen t. At the sam e tim e, re la tions betw een Franrc and B rita in ough t to recede from th e d anger line to which Uival sougiit to carry them .

Changes of fo reign m inisters In an y E uropean governm ent always m eans changes in de tails of tlie pre­ceding policy. A.'*' L aval's successor a t th e VIcliy fo reign office, Pierre F land ln will h av e h is own ideas for Incorpora tion in negotiations with G erm any. T lia t m eans prolongation of discussions a n d postponem cni of final decisions.

L aval was b lttc n y am agonU tlc to B rita in , believing th e British gov- rn m c n fs re jection of hLs Idea for

am ity w ith I ta ly a t tim e of Mus­

solini's Inva-Mon of Abyssinia WBi a m ajor cause 6f th e p reicn t war. Had h e been given a free haiid In deciding F ra n ce ’s p resent policies, he m igh t even have carried France Into th e w ar on G erm any's side,

F lan d ln w anta b e tter relations w jth G erm any but h e has no t La- viil,'s pe rsona l re.senlment.s aRftln.'Jt Die B ritish a n d before the w ar lit did n o t antagonize the Anglo- F rench e n ten te . Ho Is more am end­able th a n iJayal to cooperaUng w ith M a rsh a ll P e ta ln because he no t th e d ic ta to r type a.s Is Liival,

I t w ould seem Pe ta ln Is developing politica l s tra teg y based on holding off tlie N azi •’peace offensive" as long as passible. However aullinrl- la rian P e ta in ’s Ideas may l>c, lie Ls working for F rance 's future im er- e.sU; a n d a.i a m ilitary’ commander he know s th e ultim ate decision in the w ar yet to be won;

W hen F ran ce surrendered last .summer, it seemed lO' the F rench

srs a s If B rita in , too, were doomed. T h a t conclusion m ust now be changed in Vichy a t least to one of un cerU ln ty , especially slnec G reek and n o r th A /rlcan dcveJop- m ents.

O nly , a B ritish vlc.tory cun i^ve F rance and bvery coilsldoration of political a n d m ilita ry common .should cause Pc ta in to hold off G erm an dem ands a s long-as lie can do [,0 , L aval apparen tly w anted a c on tra ry policy, blinded by hU Ang­lophobia. H ad- h e succceded in overthrow ing Petuln, as reports cred it him w ith trying to do, ll wquld have been m uch to G erm any's’ advantaga-!, if F rench public opinion could have been held In hand .

Cape Cod PopularSO U TH WELLFLEJET. M ass. (U.P)

—DurhiB Uie svimmer 4.282 vLs- itor.s from 41 staU-s luid 12 foreign nution.s clim bed th e fire ob- siorvatlon tower to view Uie lower Cape Cixl panoram a, fofcstry offi- cliU.s report.

In New York C ity public .whool.s 142.218 .students a re learning Jor- r iun languages. F rench leads wllh 60,000.


Several locations a re under slderatlon for n proposed clubhouse and mectinR hall fo r th e V eteran.i of l-'orclRn V/nrs. according to R. P. B lcliiell, Twin Falls, th e d is tric t coiiiniandcr.

I l ie local pa '.t Is coii-sldcrlng one site on Main avenue nind a n o th e r on Wa.Uilnston s tre e t one-(iim rter mi'e from F l \ t Po in ts w est. F unds from the ChrlHmas dance will bo used to

the ll)catlon, and benefH. p roj- iiext year will supply add itional


Pope Broadcasts Speech on Dec. 24

VATICAN CITY . Dcc. 16 (U.R)- Pope Plus will b roadcast an im por- I tau t .sijcerh th e m orn ing of Dec. 24. the i.eml-otflcial news bu lle tin re ­ported loday, and w ell-lnfonnm l Vallritn sources sa id I t w ould be connected w’lth the w ar.

I t wius doubled, how ever. whoUicr ' the pontiff's speech would con ta in a d lnv t appeal fo r peace, these sourccs said, .

Estcrbrook F o u n ta in pens In a varirly nf co lon a n d p o in ti al * CiM Book Store. — A ir.

I t s 'd amO N N


M l . triw to r from old au to ~ (oM. in o lu d ln i f red p a u u

«■$ WM lift.

Siif?ar Mai’liinery Inventor Passes

fM ll)l:N . Ih-.’, l» III!'' IM nrnil ^^:vl|•l••l will he iirlil 'I’llfs.lilV fnr NclMili A lanscil I.-ick\«oi>.l, 711, Well- kiiciwn Inv rn ln r «f .siimtr l^In(•^^shl|^ Irv ire i Jfo (Hc<l tUittirilny o l n firnU iilliili'nt.

At IlMir o f hi" ilriilh, U).kw.>od lifhl |)ii(i'iil i IrIi Is on liivcii'lrtiis uiw h-ini( i r r d in suiinr i r lln n lc n liiDiiiih th>' lo in iliv .

A Iii'llv r o f Idwii, U 'cKwiuhI caiiir In l l l a h yciiiA a«iii i>. iiinMiltlnK

In rrl fi)l AliiiilHiiUiatrd MilRitl lull ill- held linlil

h1» t PlKhil,4>ikWnn(Vn Mtppivlslnn,

AiniilKiilimtc(r» I'liiiiU III Hiiili'V, i'liul mill 'IV hi Fixlh. IiIk . iinil M h- noiilii mill W hlK'liitll, Mniit , w rio iuil in to o p n al li)ti,

Sinsie N a’/,i ‘Siih’ Sets SinkaKc Marki»i‘:ilM N , D m. in (III'I A C(^u-

niMuUiUP lr|K iili-il liHlny H ull n < irr- miin M ihninlini' iiad i r tu in n l l<i lln Ixihr iitir t ' nliiklng !I4.IIJ. lo in of lli illnh niilpplnu !•> iitliiH llA tiilni iiiiikhiMB nincn k ln it ol ih s v>iii l<> a.13.100 loiin.’ 'I1in h igh niminmMl Aalil Ihn Mih-

m arliin wiui Ih r Jlinl Nnrl iimli'rKeni Wftr^hlll ti> iiilng It.i to la l Kinking^over Ihn ......................... nark.

''17 ir nu iilnn illir «Min coiiiiiiniiilpil by Llout. C uinm dr. O lio K iili ::h m rr ,

<j|i’rN VOHTW A a H IN tn W N . Dr.’, lA )Um -

tie rre tn ry o f I n ln lo r lU iu lii I. IrkM I(nIuv appo in ted F rrdetlck IC B rh n iilt i>f Now York k nIuK i i>ii- ■ullaiil o t Uto,rKlamati(M> IniiMii.

Santa showi good J u d ^ c n l when h» picks a Conn. but oi coutm ho knows lhal Conna oro tbo choice oi th« world's loading artists a s woU oo notloxuil cham ­pionship school muslcloas.

Furthormoro Ihoy aro n o d * by world's )arg«at manuiacturor oi band and orchootra Inslnimants and carry a written guoranloe of absoluto satlslac- Uon. '

Follow the wUo oxamplo oj Santa this Christmas and gWo the porlscl gilt—a New CONNl Wholhw U's a soxophooo.

Cona moliM »iary brawoiwl woodwind tnaliumMil UM<t In buniU unil i ra i In a voiUtr oi ruhI. • U nn>l IlnlihM to m>*(

•» » rr I'»t»»l . . . You QtT m«c« wh«o T®u l*«T a Conn, bul 70U PA r M

com ot clartnsi trumpet—or any of tho other famous Conn Instruments— you'll know that your gilt Is ono that will b« appreciated for moolhs and y e a n to cornel

It will open up the new and thrilling pleasures ol the world ol music— ploy* Ing In the school Irand or orchestral sharing the spotlight at concerts, foot- Ixill gam es, paradesj entertaining Iriends crt [xirlleB; playing In dance bands—countlsis sources oi unending entertalnmenll

Con* In anil mnk* ytnir MUctlon ttom out coa>- ptoM ilorli oi Conn Inslnt- BMnU. A unoU tU|>otll will Im M r ° '» uattjChclilmn* (imi conTinUnl w««li1y |Hifni*iiU mar ^ OilOiivvd II il«ilr«d. We Wtll U i^Uid (o d«no»- ■Irat* anjr Inilnimvnt lor you wlllxiul Ilia «bUi|<lUon.



Extraordinary-Value CHRISTMAS SPECIALS

in the Men’s Store


8 C m"ALL ABOARDFor the last full week, the final wind-up, the whirlwind fin­ish of one of the biggest holiday seasons the Idaho Depart­ment Store has ever had.


fl.s m ad e in llic S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia m o v i e Ktylc c c n lc r by o ne o f o u r own hiiyerw wliiJe on n l)uylnK tr ip to th a t land o f oriK* ina l desiK ninjf. •

9 8 ^

S lu inpe il for a K iff:’

T licn Kive Idalio D ept.

S(<.re Kirt c e r tif ic a te s ,

Kood an y \vhorft In o u r

.s lo re— luiy tim e!

Ik -a iitiru l m atchod .set.-< o f t ie and Inuu ik e rc liie f in a g lorioua hnvm oiiy o f '. s n ia r lm ’HS.

Som e huiidkoi-cliiof.i a r e p u re «ilk a n d snnu ‘ a re o f fini'H l coU ons.

A t lean t 1pm d il'fi'rc iU p a llp rn « to choose fro m .

T h e y jiro pack('(l in new s i lv e r 1)oX('h lh a t w ere e.Hp«t'ially deslKned fo r Ohri.sliniiH .sets.

A ny iniin i.s flatlei-<‘i] (n bn k Ivoii m ate lied dre:sH ucci’,HH(irie,H. 'I 'hey ndd l l i a t tone , you know .

72 TIE and

HANDKERCHIEF SETS'l lit'tn III iii ilh iiii i i l rr r In biiiril th a t w ere reg u la r .$2 and goods■»iiT»viry KCl* iliitii thp«r. Kvrii ( lir bi.krx lliriixiM vri a r r liPAVliy riiilM and urn truly In k rr|H h i i III rv rry way w ith llin flnv lliliifM lliry rarilMlii, Tlfi aiiit liaiiilkeri'hli-fa a r r iif purti illk.Coliirn, iia lU riti and m a lrh li> |i a rr rtijiiln llr.

1 '



from a fine Hollywood factory .


_FR EE !^ ---------------------------------------------

A GIFT WRAPPING SERVICElo Hav'(! lire il ClirlHliiiii,-! Hhii|i|ierM d u rin g wei-k n f C liriH tinas

“ inii.Ml" HlioppinjT- 'H ie |u ick»K ''" . o f eoiirne, a re not i|iiil«i iin nii'n nn ym i

Wdiilil <lo yoiirHelf, Inil y o u w ill lu ln iil, w e lielii;ve, tlu il tiu -y n re til*

IH-Xl lliihK to 11.

Kilts H uilding Twill F u lls

The Men’s Store

I IDAHO DEPT. STOREi The Christmas Store

I1111 '
