we p cracking for idiots

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    Using Gerix WiFi Cracker (InBackTrack 4) To Crack WEP.

    Part of a series of manuals by Hex.The aim of this guide is to teach you how to use thebeautiful GUI frontend for AirCrackng! that being theItalian made Gerix"i#iCrackerng found in $ackTrack %! tocrack "&P keys using the 'ore' Cho(Cho( Attack )ethod.

    Anyways! to begin! it is assumed you ha*e booted$ackTrack % from a +i*e U,$ -isc! and from the commandterminal it gi*es you! s(oofed your )AC address. nce the)AC is s(oofed! you must first ty(e/0etc0init.d0wicd start

    This begins the "icd network manager! and then to startthe 122 "indow ser*er 3i.e. the GUI4 one sim(ly ty(es/startx

    After one has done this! we are ready to (roceed5

    ,te( ne/ ,tart the "IC-C+I&6T.(en a terminal and ty(e the following/wicdclient

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( Two/ ,canning The 6etwork with "IC-.,im(ly click on the "IC- icon in the taskbar 3it labels itselfala windows4 and (ress 78efresh7. In this! we see the target&ircom network 3"&P4 and another misc. network that was

    nearby. The GUI tells us signal strength! ,,I-! and security.

    ,te( Three/ ,tart Gerix.Go to the menu! Goto $ackTrack 9 8adio #re:uency"hate*er 9 ;

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( #our/ Configure Gerix.Click the 7configuration7 tab. >ou will see THI,.

    ,te( #i*e/ &nable )onitor )ode.

    Click the button which says 7enable0disable monitor mode7.>ou ,HU+- see THI,.

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( ,ix/ 8escan networks.,croll down. Click 8escan 6etworks.

    ,te( ,e*en/ ,elect Target.Click once on the one that be your target5

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( &ight/ Click on the "&P tab.Click on the "&P tab.

    ,te( 6ine/ ,tart ,niffing and +ogging.Click on the button that says 7,tart ,niffing and +ogging7.

    3)inimise "indow to de clutter4

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( Ten/ Test In?ection.,ee Can >ou In?ect5 Click on the button that says 7Perform atest of In?ection AP7. If it says yes you are good to go5

    ,te( &le*en/ #alse Authentication.Click on the 7"&P Attacks @ 6o Client7 and then click 7,tartfalse access (oint authentication on *ictim7 3thrice for luck4

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( Twel*e/ ,tart the 'ore' Cho(Cho( Attack5Click on the button that says 7,tart the Cho(Cho( Attack57

    >ou ,HU+- see THI,.

    ,te( Thirteen/ Cho(Cho( 8eady5nce it is ready you will see THI, in the window thata((eared5

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( #ourteen/ Cho(Cho( #I8&5Ty(e 7yes7 into the box and hit 7&6T&87

    ,te( #ifteen/ Cho(Cho( #I8I6G5

    >ou ,HU+- be seeing THI,.

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( ,ixteen/ In?ecting (ackets.Click 7Create the A8P Packet to be in?ected7 a few times.

    Then click 7In?ect the created (acket on *ictim...7. Ty(e >&,at (rom(t.

    ,te( ,e*enteen/ Check that ,niff0+og5The data field 3IB7s4 should be 7B&8

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    ,te( &ighteen/ C8AC' TH& '&>5Click on the 7C8AC'I6G7 Tab. Click 7aircrackng decry(t "&P(assword7And then ?ust wait for the bugger to crack. If fail! wait for

    more data0IB7s and try again /-In this shot the key was ?ust cracked @ it broke in a s(litnanosecond.

    ,te( 6ineteen/ "rite the fucking key down5>eah... 8ecord the location of the "i#i s(ot! the ,,I- andthe key5 Its B&8> im(ortant5 >ou dont want to ha*e to dothis &B&8> ,I6G+& TI)& now do youDh! and yeah! you ?ust hacked your first "i#i.

    Congratulations. 2= year old kids can do the same.

    Ho(e you en?oyed...>ou should be *isiting these sites5www.shadowrx.com 3my home4www.roguesci.org3coming back B&8> soon54www.the*es(iary.org 3excellent website54

    www.rorta.net 3good site54www.digital(recursor.org 3excellent site54

  • 8/13/2019 We p Cracking for Idiots


    Please Also ,ee/E)AC ,(oofing #or Idiots 3aka ,(oofing >our )AC address4.

    C)I6G ,6/

    E8unning +IC on Ubuntu5EHow to enter 6eto(ia 8outers and clear logs5E)an in The )iddle with &tterca(5ECracking "PA keys5and (robably more when I get off my ass and write.Contact -etails/&mail me at insecureFhushmail.comor P) me at one ofthe abo*e mentioned sites5

    Ha*e fun out there! and be safe5Hex

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