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“Watkins House is good, it’s very homely.” St Andrew’s Northampton Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service

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Page 1: Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service€¦ · Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service . Watkins House is a six-bed rehabilitation service for

“Watkins House is good, it’s very homely.”

St Andrew’s Northampton

Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service

Page 2: Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service€¦ · Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service . Watkins House is a six-bed rehabilitation service for

Watkins House is a six-bed rehabilitation service for adults with learning disability. Our focus is to develop individuals’ independence with an emphasis on helping them to move into the community.

The team support residents to be able to:

• prepare their own meals

• manage their laundry

• maintain the cleanliness of their bedroom areas

• manage their weekly budget including their food shopping plus anything else they wish to purchase.

Within Watkins House we have technical instructors; they support residents in forming links with community providers to access:

• voluntary services

• education

• recreation or work placements.

Our aim is for residents to register with physical healthcare services, such as GP and dental practices. Should residents require additional support they can be referred to our multi-disciplinary team for speech and language therapy or psychology. If residents are part of the way through any therapeutic interventions, they will be able to complete them whilst at Watkins House.

“I enjoy having busy days and being independent. I have a support worker who has helped me to learn lots of new things. I like riding my bike to keep fi t, going food shopping and cooking chicken curry. And I always make sure I give the kitchen a good clean after cooking.” Mark

Page 3: Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service€¦ · Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service . Watkins House is a six-bed rehabilitation service for

Mark’s story

After committing a serious index off ence and being detained under section 37/41 of the Mental Health Act, Mark was treated in adolescent secure services and had numerous failed placements in the community. He was admitted to St Andrew’s learning disability medium secure unit in 2008, at which time he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and showed periodic psychotic symptoms.

Over the course of Mark’s admission, his diagnosis was reassessed and was found not to meet the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. Although initially challenging in his behaviour, Mark made remarkable progress with support, structure and boundaries. Unfortunately, his transfer to the low secure unit did not succeed and he was re-admitted to medium security, where he turned things around and showed no risk behaviours for a period of two years.

At this stage he was considered for Watkins House due to his strong occupational and self-care skills, as well as his motivation to progress. Although he was moved directly from medium security to a locked rehabilitation unit in the community, he managed this

transition remarkably well. Mark thrived in an environment where he could develop therapeutic relationships. He was a trusted patient and seen as a role model to his peers.

He gained unescorted leave time within the local community, and was busy with vocational and educational activities. He was physically active, walking several miles per day, losing a signifi cant amount of weight and improving his diabetic management. Mark has progressed to the point where he is being transferred to another rehabilitation unit in his local area and he is viewed by the team as having a high probability of managing community living with a moderate level of professional support.

“When I leave Watkins House I’m going to have my own fl at with my own kitchen, shower room and lounge and I will be nearer to family and friends.”Mark

Page 4: Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service€¦ · Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service . Watkins House is a six-bed rehabilitation service for

Dr Shubhinder Shergill BSc (Hons) MB�S MRCPsych

Dr Shubhinder Shergill BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCPsych Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Neurodevelopmental Disorders

“Watkins House represents the least restrictive end of the pathway once patient risks have been signifi cantly reduced. As well as ongoing development of independent living skills, we aim to continue providing a therapeutic re-parenting experience that will equip patients for long-term community living.

It is recognised that for a large number of patients with intellectual disability they will require a more graduated approach to discharge back into the community, particularly when there have been signifi cant historical risks. Watkins House provides an ideal transition step into the community.”

Page 5: Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service€¦ · Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service . Watkins House is a six-bed rehabilitation service for

Watkins House

Following a successful 12-18 month stay at Watkins House, patients should be ready to move back into the community

Residents might need to return to Northamptonshire from hospitals that are outside of their area or region

Residents can step down to Watkins House from the St Andrew’s secure learning disability pathway

12-18 months stay

Page 6: Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service€¦ · Watkins House - learning disability rehabilitation service . Watkins House is a six-bed rehabilitation service for

Admission criteriaResidents of Watkins House will need to meet the criteria below: • Adults aged 18-65 with mild learning disability • Detained under the Mental Health Act 2007, under the provisions of DOLS or informal • Have a history of offending or challenging behaviour • Have successfully completed therapy programmes in secure services • Have a manageable level of risk

These criteria are a guide for assessing suitability, each patient will be considered individually. Watkins House is a locked rehabilitation service, registered as part of St Andrew’s Healthcare.

Getting in touchFor more information about Watkins House or to make a referral:t: 0800 434 6690 (text relay calls welcome)e: [email protected]: standrewshealthcare.co.uk/watkins

Registered Charity Number 1104951 4_1216 Individuals pictured are models and are used for illustrative purposes only.

St Andrew’s Northampton

Cliftonville, Northampton, NN1 5DG

t: 01604 616 000