washington’s domestic & foreign policy challenges essential skill: explicitly assess...

Washington’s Domestic & Foreign Policy Challenges Essential Skill: Explicitly assess Washington’s domestic and foreign policy decisions, and draw conclusions about the effects of those actions.

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Washington’s Domestic & Foreign Policy Challenges

Essential Skill: Explicitly assess Washington’s domestic and foreign

policy decisions, and draw conclusions about the effects of

those actions.

Hamilton’s Financial Plan

• 1) Pay off war debts

• 2) Raise Government revenues through tariffs• TARIFFS – Taxes on goods imported from foreign countries (taxes

on exports are unconstitutional)

• Taxes go to Govt. and encourage people to buy American goods

• 3) Create a national bank (could also raise revenue through interest)

Control of trans-Appalachian West (1791-1795)

• Facts:

• Land claimed by Britain, Spain, U.S., ______________

• British forts near Ohio River violated ________________

• Battle of _______________: U.S. defeated Shawnee, Ottawa, and Chippewa tribes

• Foreign Policy Effects:

• 12 tribes signed Treaty of ___________, giving _______ and Indiana to U.S.

• British stopped aiding ______________ & left the region

Whiskey Rebellion (1794)

• Facts:

• New ________________ on whiskey (Hamilton’s financial plan)

• PA farmers rebelled (beat tax collectors & threatened _______________)

• Washington sent ____________ and Gen. Lee w/13,000 ________ to stop rebels

• Domestic Policy Effects:

• Set tradition of federal __________

• Show of power: Fed. Govt. will enforce its laws by __________ if necessary

French Revolution (1789)

• Facts:

• French people overthrew ____________ XVI

• Reign of __________ & France starts war with ________, Holland, Spain

• Both Britain & France want _______ as ally (1778 treaty b/w France & U.S.)

• Foreign Policy Effects:

• GW declares ____________ (1793): “friendly and impartial” to both sides

• Kept us out of ______

Jay’s Treaty (1794)

• Facts:

• Britain seized cargo of ______________ trading with French

• Victory at Fallen Timbers convinced ________ to sign treaty

• Treaty named after diplomat ______________ (Chief Justice)

• Foreign Policy Effects of Jay’s Treaty:

• British agreed to leave ________ valley ________

• British agreed to pay damages for ____________

• Unpopular treaty, b/c still can’t trade w/British W. Indies

Pinckney’s Treaty

• Facts:

• Treaty with __________

• Treaty named after _____________

• Foreign Policy Effects:

• U.S. maintained good relations with Spain

• U.S. won right to ____________ on Mississippi River

• U.S. won right to _____________ at New Orleans w/no customs duties

• Set boundary b/w ____________ and U.S.