washington star. · 2015-12-03 · slim n tlio threshold, with li^ht loot and cm illhij, tinve...

WASHINGTON STAR. 0. ii. SIGLKY, Publisher. An Independent Journal of Literature, Agriculture, and Home Interests—" Hew to the Line, Let the Chips Fall Where they Will." $2.00 PER ANNUM. VOLUME XIII. WASHINGTON, VAivIlEN CO., N. J., FKIDAY.'JMAY 1S80. NUMBER20. " W M 7 A . STRYKER, - _^_ttoriiey sic XJIIW, Solicitor uml M«*tcr in Chitnccnj, (CITY Al"l'(i!(SKV AND COUNSEL) *4a-ritACTiTU»*t:it is AI.I. THE coruTs or SEW JEi:^i;y. P .\11TICl*I.AK aiipnil.m clvi-n to Hm FIIPCCUI- »ur.> HII.I <..ll.,It, I .M..rli.-<>i:<-«. .\oli-«. Afconnio. *«•.. In nuv r»rt "t l!i« NLHf, imJ I.. tlnoliAUltuiif li l«, ll-ti.lv Mufl- lt»rf**, U.i't-, WHN, .\i;r.viitciii» ami Outran*. LAW OFFICE OF VITY ATTY. (Irll'luor) N«>. Ill U'l^lilnjjlon Avtimr. JOhN M. VAN DYKE, AiLorney it Cnllor at Law, .V/fiW iml Muter ill L%ii>ccryt l'KACTlTIONElMX TIIK UNI- TED STATUS COURTS, ..jKniiroiuljs. pr.vntAi. n. it. I»I* xi:« .ir.itsr.v. \J TIMK T.MII.Kuirrol'EHfi.IMn. 7'm/n* /><»•<• Jtmttlm For SEW YOHK uml ISTEiniKDUTBHUll-m* 7.:t7 A. M.—Coi-tnTUiiff M SminTvilif f.ir Fd-ni li'UUHi; nl IIiiiiiui Ildiiilc r,ir Tnn I riuliiili'liih'fl. Ac, inn! Hi KH/a ll i N k Hl.ttH A.M.—Co: lur fur iiMl-lil'su KK-tiiiif. nhJill't"; hi'url tic t II' llrat: '' i;i* L-lllllM.'Oll ' C »Y li'.inVti i!.tiUl[.|ii ll-'lt'lllIK th 111. HMI Ar: 1 K1>> ok '"- And in till nil' WASHINCTON. N. J. Dr J. H. SMITH, mwlvorol.KX (iAKliKX,llunlcnlon County, N. J., Otlku uller A|IT11 M .it the Imu-i' CiinlU'U, wlwii nit call* nl^lu " i^lS.'sSvk., Ji.ncta. I>,. .1. D gotcls. WASHINGTON HOUSE, h t n{iIo Jei'sei/. This Itnlet I*new.'u'iid h:t» W-Ti iniwlyiii.-ul-lu'il inllnci'tj'IctliritOL'liiim. It I- thi! tnn»t c«nvi'ti- leiitly tittiiiicd Iwlui In ihi- biimuah lur tliu tmv- tllni: utilillc Board, il i»T iliiv ; oinctu nu-iils "Sci'ntc JAMES A«I,A^. I'rop. .II.D. tl. 1SSQ. ST. CLOUD HOTEL Washington ATO., Waahingten, N, J. UNHHl 1 I'ASSF.I) f In Loeji.ion, AKoiaiuoilalliHi midManus cm cut l'KElMANKNT nu.i Tit \XSIEST Ot'G<Tti WELL ESTKIt'PAINKl). I'HIClid A Xcw Billiard "'Parlor Attached C;h\ SIAM'ES. Proprietor GooiHBW! for tie Traveliu Pole The Hotel Yanderbilt, 31 A: 50 IVurrea'st., X. Y. H AO ROOMS, ncaily hir«l»hcrt. Orifti'riJiy nni! I t ) O nlcht Ko(.iH!«. ."•Oc. PIT ilny: Meal*, 23c. EASTOW, PA., -HKUUI.AP, nilY-C001)3 IN'TilH LEHIGH l Y ALLEY A FULI- ASSOBTMBHT f ell Km.aipBHalilii JX STOCK. -- 'Market Gardeners Supplied at Fltjwfr Seeds ^Variety Vegetable Plants -IN REASON. ^. " ( i li-alim: HI KIIIIIKI llmok C>r Treu- Inn. i'l.lUdi-iiiliirt. Ac, mill itt K.i/.n full) l<ir Ntuirk, bnig Uraliiti, l.:iT 1'. M.-r.ii'nitiii'i'itllklillrhlL'o for limit Undue ll-miili; nt S-iiin-tvlII<< T.ir K.i-mii'ir^'M; nt Hound r.rtwk lur . Tr. Nt i.l.. I'M liliM|>li In, Ac, unit ;il i A. M.-For nil -Mlli'll* !•• Si-iiintori. 1''. M.—For all rMluniaUi .Mnurh Cku'uk. IWtm-mn-j. I . w e N K W YOHK lot JUNCTION ; l(.![O ,\. M —fnniiectlnsnl Ktlis.ihe'll (rum >*•'»* "iiitnl Ilf.mk rruni Ticiilui vlllt-lnirli '•Vmliiii'iiii. urn llr!.!8v iru.u III^Ii HtUU nl m s'.M A. M.-l'miUfi'ilniinl II ntk, NIIIUI Itoii I l l lill.iik']|>!i l.on i', M,-Ci)imiviii'!:<i'K' irk t l l d ii viUi- f...t.i Fkmli^t-'U. 1 '•• 51 -!;K&"iiSrMl! 3.30 I 1 . M.- Cii.ccetHiTH nrk. mul nt i il Ell/nlu'th fru rvlllu Itoi ;i riMi 7. M V. Mfuiiiiectliiu' nt Poirnl Itnwl; fron Tuiiiun, I'bUmU-li.lila, xe. SUSDAYS: Etfr Pur furlli'T Infurmnllun wo Tlum T.iMu IttttluiM. H. IMI.\1.liW|V. Pennsylvania liailroiul, K DIVISION. On ami after Nov. 17th, lt-7'.i, trains leave anil arrive us follows : POL'TIIWAHD. Leave Mantuika Chunk, 3.1."i, 'a. in, ViMt) un<l O.JfO p. in. U a v e HelvEderu A'10, 6.2a a.m., !**.:ifi, C.:t" p. m. Leave IMiilliii-burg ti.lfl, 7.H0 a.m., 1 MO p. ni. Leave French toivn Cfit),".US a.m., l.K). ,nd 7.4!) p. m Leave LambertvHie 7.20, S.10 a. m., 2.10. 9.25 p. m. Arrive at Trenton 7.5:1,S.ftO, a. m., 'J-I7. S.ii" p. in. Arrive Pli'lida. {JCcrMtngtorJ 0 "-inir, . m., 4.03 P. M. Arrive ut West Philadelphia, 0.1ft a. in. 3.5f>, 8.53, p. in. Arrive New York 0.3.i, 10.35, a. in ami 4.45 p. in. 'KOttTIIWAHD Leave riiiladulpiiia (Kensington) 7.40, 10.If) a. in.. 4.10. (i;.i..\p. m. Leave West Ytt: •dolphin 8.00 ami l LOO u. in. 4.oo, j-.n^iiUi. and C.-UE p. in. Leave Lambcrtilllu 9.33u.nv*-Z>')<>and' 5.30, .7.15 p.m. .: Loavt; FrcnchUmii 10.02 a. m., 1.1*2, C.'2-l,- 30 p. m. Leave Pbillipsburfr 10.43a. m.,l.55,7.1)0,' 8.13 p. m. Anive Belvidere 11.08 a. m., 2,'Jt", 7.:tS, 8.47 p. m. Arrive .Mauunka Chunk 11.15 u.m.,2.3rif 8.53 p m. Connection is made at Manmika Chunk iib Deliiwurt 1 , Liiekawiiiimi &Wostei» ltailroud. AtJjiliiRli Junction with Lo- 'ligh Valley, V-cliigh & Siisuiu'lmiiim, M»r ris A; Kssex, mid Nuw Jersey Central Itail. ritittla. At Larabcrlville with Flcniingtai' It. II. At Truiilort willi trains to and Irow N'ew York.Cumden, tile. FRANK THOH.SOX, L; I*. FAIIMKR, *3en'l Malinger. fJcn. Pass. Au't. F.W.JAOKSOS". (jeii'I Sup't U. R. H. of N. J. Div J- "A. ANDKHSOX, Sun'l Hot. DJI.UIV. TUT int TEUS 3 STAR OJI tit*' TUlfy.tuhL StuntllnR on t".io tlircshoM, willi tlio waltciilns liiurt nn<l iiitml, uliiiKoii tlio thrcslicW, willi Iicr diiMlioo.1 Ilia Wdimin noltTirs.1 blvmlin^ with tholook nl bwott »ut|.rUo t*orlilfMinilnlUliiniirvel*tTa:itllt(titthocIcftt WHO cycn. WAREEN COUNTY! THE TAXPAYER'S? FRIEND ! uvtry FrM.iy. at Wu»li. n:i: AS.SSUM. TIIK I.KADINfl TUB 1.KAIMMI TIIK LKAlUNii TIIK I.KMUXil THE l.BAUI.N(l A M I .MOST , KXTF.llI'lMSINn KNTKHI'IUSINU KTttMU!IXn KNTK- I'UIMNu , K.Y'nsiiriiiM.Nu NKW.SrAT'KK IN rii*KCOUNTY!! SLJB3CRD3ENOW'] [-«- \\V )iav<-« ntimt»'r<>r IIKUIIJ MI<1 I'nUmnil W iirrou rounir Itinrf Irl^l. wlilrii Kt will furtil-li ijuoiv mib-cillcH I'ASII io nJvanci*. u* t t c f.il- 1 l l <> liTNIt l th S O. It. MCI.IIV. I' STAR -.ti'rdfe j-niir Juil"intiil.—;. newer .nnd bi'Lter (•Iil.di-Dlil.y.—To luiliil-mii nil iitituii! in.tl mill- tsItihUrti :l IBtHltiil! eysit'111 1)11 tliU nilln tliii" liCCtl IIUiwihuVjH!tiBtn U lil»c r u)u1iriiK*l1'^ 1 IMTUIJZ('""iluliVuVVIi"11 iVijnl^ifo..rrtilVur'Vli"n tjt"va T«>llie Pioniurli »r tr'ici] ilv^iiotirlii, liuuiiuchu in.il L'L'IHTII (icblilty ;• Ut Iho IIVLT. Wlu. JauinllCf, tmtl coiiHilpniion'liUi-Minil ll-liilu; tu I'liiAimi;'-, ctni> piuii|iiiuii, vie; u> tin: liluoil, miilii!:i,PL'mvv, uin<. ill I ciiMiti-oii'iinitiiintiK. Hy kL-t[ilii-i IK-SI; Hi-fails' mxlvluiiilul'lpure mid t,._",I,I,.' ^ llllly ,.u,:ly ttuly tliiMit(iifk*<jl ili^-uri', nin!:i» iiicdlcln; yui Us cil'L'Ct. IjiriiiiTANT CAUTIPS.—Nniiu nru e iHolloway's-Ointment 1^ot!.i.[.(.l;il(jriliiB liKMliliV,' every nmn innylm .''If tmu Dt.clnr. 11 may t».< Htl.lJiil loin ihu tyn- 'oiti, f()ti»lo roncli dtiy IIULTDIII tnmiiliiliil i l>y Uii'r.:.iiifiiB. l! cnr<H Mirt-B i.r Ulcur.* In ttiu T11HUAT. WT(JMA(;il;I.IVKil, HI'INK. or nlliur li'iriK. HIM nn lurulllbli! liimmly 'nr ]JA» t.KUS, ltAI)illtlCAM'.S,L'uiilriict«itur*Sllirjitiiitt,('OUTt IMtliU.MATISM.ninhill nkln Disunsux. . U Hi-itlu tlio [lctiu^or lion tli wUU, Slop :;.»ors. "^'licn worn IIOWD nnJ ronay,;t* tivi.o your lie Unn IHltorntK wlintynitipnil;'--- - - i ' ' iiiJ>oji i .t..ji!i)rsle.nad.|shr!!'C..ror..!t;-nwca!:eiHiBa 3 •' U )'1.y''lc;lnni,offt1Ucliouis'uKo nni mommrn 'lion Ultlo" ' 3 lll BEST WORK Prices BUSINESS (JAlIDS, lill.I. HEADS, NOTE 1IKADS, ENVELOPES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULAKS, Am! every tiling v!i-'j!lial bu.-lnt'fe menin^iy w Tuvuntiotis, ..: -JIM TieitotR, Programmes, ,—v Orders-,of';J^-'itiL > PRINTING- POSTERS A Sl'JiClAl.TY. Slim n tlio threshold, With li^ht loot and cM IllHiJ, tinve w');l>t Btnnil; Die Ircoh rat lipjntl tiutci.iRf; ynnlli'i ruJily ni[iluroiis wine, Tlio ttijitr licurl nil LrAVp, puru Lojio-oli Imjipy cbiM of mltio 1 couM pmril tho helpless infant that nestled in my nnn»; I conli] mvo the prnttlcr's fioKIon licnJ Irom I couM IniKlittiii cliililliooil'ii (;lnJn^E3, mul comforl CIIIWIUKHI'S tciira. llul I cittmnl ciOS3 tlio ttitcalioUl with tlio stoji of riper yoara. For hoj'cs, nml jays, nml Hidden ilreiiuia arc wailing tor her ihero, Wlicro ^iilliiHKt'rt funtilB Itiul im.l tloom in Anil |i;i«*iniiuti'lovo, nml pussioimtu fftki, nl i! jix'sloimlti glinhifs.-t lio Ajnony the crimson liow^n tlmt »|irln« w youtli Roes fliilturiiiKby, Ab! on llioso ro^y [uiUtivuys it no place for sobct'L'il fret i My tilIMI i>ycj hnro naii^ltt of slrcnj;th sucli ^rvi«l K1owtoi!icct; My voitio ia nil loo mid lo boumt amid the 1.TJ1.1H lldt.-rf Ot (lie miii;c tlmt Uinnij;h chiiniietl uir foi lliiituter AnJ ilt'iilli, or miil tho Wnva t !i)ii>l.t luny lower ny lurk, ui.i ood blight tin j MujrCiuI nvorl tho mil, my ulitlii] lint, oh! ulioolil lt'inp<^t come, Cumcnitior, Iiy tho tlirc.-liol.l wiills tho piiliont UNDER FALSE COLORS, Pamphlets, Books, Law Cases, A.M) MISUEI.UXEOUd I'HISTIXU Advertise in the Star! ; Liberal;- .' C2T Adverllriii-rlB the oil which traoumen put i their litinuH.. Tboj tlmt ntc unwluc]iiitIU oil dvcrllilnf; as yn it"wl'!|iny bett y na iimcb ttller.llon to yo to utimr Drniiclion of your th'an a 11 1 li.ivc fully tlceidcil not lo j*o," said Anicc (irey, with :i ilimiicaa in her ojt.- nnd HViKiiif; lump in her lliroat. "Don't say that, tk-ury." srutl Mrs'. Ilnilpt'rly, who, in spito of her so»p- sphibhcd skirts, stove-bliickoit oounlr- niuice antl suspiciously ruliictintl nosi*. was a truly sympathetic conliilaiitt.'. "Whalwillhesay?" "He'll bo 'dis'ippointcit, of coursr," said Aniee. " Iiut pupa can't spiire tl.c money for a new dresa, and1 certainly stiiiii not go a dowdy i" ilrs. Hadfiorly 16btctl up at thet-cil- ing, as if fornn inspimtiun, nml rubbid 'ilic end of her nose with thu blacking- brush which IIIMIU her !uuk miu t!u- gree more like a femalii pirate than be- fore. "Deary," said she, in that coaxing, o'c.icinoiis voice of hers, "s'pose you was rich?" "What's the use uf supposingany such nonsense :i9 that?" saiil Anicr, :i little sharply. "Well, but only B'posc.'.'.iilpadfdMra. ltodgcrlyr "Ami"you "coultl" iiiiy ii gown' to suit you to :i T—what would it be?'' "I don't know," said Anicc, a litllc interested, inspitcof Ucrscif. "Yellow thtinaalc, I think—because I'm a bru nettc, you know, lladgerly—with black htcc trimmini,', anil—" "Orsatin!"sugsosted Mrs. Ilatlgerly. "As yaller .is the yallereat bultercup ever growed in tlic lields! My deary,' slapping thu'Lulili- with unu hand, "it'» tilt very thing! I'll borry it lor you." "Horrow it, Mrs. Itadjjcrly?" cx- cliiiniod Aniee. " Y'cs, horry it, deary, Why not?" said Mrs. Badgeiiy. " J seen it yestcr- tlny inthe reserve stock at Ilallowell's, tlie pawnbroker'^. I'alliir saiiri, Miss Aniee, trimmed wilh the bcaulifulcst black lace :ti ever you st'L eyep on, with a train a yard long, antl looped up willi yaller roses, deary. 1chars for 'cm, my dear, nnd comes two days intho week, to help the g. 1 out wilh lhe washing and Ironing. And I i.usscd Mrs. Hallo- wfill'thrtiiigli the piicu'uiuiiy lastspr'ne, and she'd .do ..'most uiiyihlng'to accqni- modale me; and you can have the y:il- Icr satin dress for one night, dear, urn" nothing said lo nobody, and I'll gutiran- tcc it shan't cost r y<iu siuything." Anice'a eyes sparkled. Her longing to attend the fancy-drcsa ballliad been intense. " I'd nUh^i' in !l dress 01 uiy own," she said/with ulniost 11 sol). "Who'sto know, dearyP" coaxed Lli old woman, plausibly. .._ "Thai's very true," said Anicc; "and lauinia isn't nt homo just now, ant papa wouldn't know whothcr 1 went U the ball or stayed at homo."' . ."-'And that's true enough, my dewy," said Mrs. Badgci'ly. v^Kless your hciirt enjoy yourself. Youlli don't come but once in a lifetime, as Xknow to my cost- Heigh-ho!" ^-AmlvAnfco Rrcy wont lo tho fancy dress hall, her dark beauty fittingly sci oil' by a golden-satin dress, whoso long train was ornamented by fan-iiko folds and rosellca of blnck hico. Ablack palin mask covered hoi* face, and her , Jt-blm-k hair, disposed in heavy coils at Lhobackof Iicr hciuV wns inttrlwinetl willi.nmbcr hauls. (' ""'Miss Grey wiia"lh"0"lfl6t"p'crsoh i in the world to iiniigtne ana thing; butns slit wont through tho crowded tooms, lean- ing on Lieutenant Crisp's gold-braldctl arm (he waaiv nuval ofllccr, with'light blue eyes, afrrsh, hcnltliy .comploxion, nnd a loiig Louis Napoleon muBtai'lie) sho could not bolnscnmblu.to the fact Uiat/hc'r'moTomentS'createdftconsUlcrr - t377An ndTcttuemcnt is n wlcfioi jvhlcli nil tlic wotitliniiylbol!"into" yo'oi .DecJust whnl.yon.wteh.il lo utc—no.inu pj** ARood nrtvorlUoroont In n new*paper;iwy.. o ISro oi lliodrrsswaa mi perl) ly bcnntilul, nni\ he know lliat shu movi d gracefully be- n-nth iHnurif-Td'-fl lolils, Ask her tosine," whfenrrul one. D.iyon i;irli(veflhewouldP"rcsoitcu •r, eagerly. "Yf*—why not'" " At all cvcnlH," said n third, ' worth the trial. I do FO long to hour Itvr voice!" Once more Anicc'a heart gave a i-lfiucul throb. How did all of these Itooplc hear of lirrsoft contralto voUn* -of llii] churclH-lioir fn^itgrnunt fir lilfli «h<*wiw hoping, imd tlie lessons, it sixty dollars a nuarter, whicii she had taken of Monsieur Emile? The master of ceremonloj, urged or >y hUanxioiM I tidy friends, rnniBfor- ward, while the gentlemin, opera- ^ in haml, mado a snui-clrcii- nlialanx at tint liaek uf the room. " A thousand ]i:tn!n]is, iiia<l:iiu,'* he iid, courteously, "but I -im reiiuested to attc you fur tlio favor uf a little '•A son."?" hrsitatfil Aniee, with rliaiiging color, while she rcstles^y lingered h«r iiKither-of-ptMrl fan. Only one, 11 plrailed tlie muster of cmonleH, salaaming to the very ground —aria, balladiuo. roiuan/.n— liat you ulcaso. Uwutild he nn in- lhitahle. favor to me—lo us all." And tlun urijcd, Aniee sufltml her- self to !>e led totlii^plano. She sun* n simple little English hat lad, soft nnd ssul, with dyiii;^ eailincea. It was succeeded byround upon round of (h'itf-'iiing :i;ii>hiu.se. Fair eantatrice," said the master of ceremonies, who was quite a beau in his elderly way, ".It id ineled3 for you o endeavor lon&ir to conceal your ilentity. You nru discovered!' ; "I?" ut'icil Atiico, turning pink and white. We nrc too much lionorcil," added the nisistor <-f foremonit's, " by the prea- >f tlu> Siirnora Simnhonia Ijoneath our festive rnuf. l'ray uilow me tosig- nily out- univei'<:il apiirct-iation of th f lil f y favor you have 113." A to couf*.r upun And he gracefully placed upon her head a wreath of glossy greenbay leaves, which had been hurriedly con- structed by one yi tho diamond-apark- lift'tulip*. " Hut," cried A niee, " there hna been some mistake! I am nut the Signora iiiilihonia the (lisilinauiahod Italian iptTu hinder to whom you allude." 11 ut '.he master ot cer -monies bowed agnin, with n. inili 1 '" incrt'duloust smile. ""The signom i^ pleaded to keep up tin: transparent i l In*. "We bow to her will. But wo cannot be de- rt-ived." And not all Aniee Grey's protestations cfiultl divoat her Irom the Blrant;o and tinex-pei'lnd iduutity that wad so. per- iistcnt'.y thru.stupoii her. She received an ovation all the evening from the iiucets, a.nl finally left Lhe Wll-ruoni In a curious .state of hcwildfrnu-nt. Mrs. ll;ufg(?r!y WHS silting jp for hor, willi 11 devotional book in her hand, ind the horttci'a of her best cap in dan- ircrous proximity tothekittili'Mi naixlli", '.vhcnihc yellow satin dress seemed to nation. "You're hitck, eh, d.'ary?" said Mrs. liul^crly, drowsily. "Yes, I'mback," said Anicc. "And the strangest thins; h:n happened I" " Whatdcury?" " ... "Kverybotly has taken mo for a fa- mous primn donna who is now singing at. lhe academy of music!" said Ank-o. * Do you suppose, liadgerly, .that my voice ia really so lino?" . . "It's droailful line, my deary, no doubl,"suid the charwoman, stilling an intiipicnl yawn whiuh threatencilto di- vide the two sections ol her head in parts; " bill i:t.::i'l, that. It's the yal- ler satin gowiid, deary—that's what it ia!" "The—yei low satin cown?" :' r -'.';V'V notltlt!(i Mrs. Hadgerly. " Didn't I loll you ? It was one the Sig- jioraSiniphonia wore onthe slageuntil a clumsy supe'snilled an oil lamp over a. So she gave it to her maid, the sig- nora did, and tin; maid she took out lhe .V Vacillating 1Jt.llr< . My negro gardener came to mo one evening in great nlarm, nml Btntcd Unit lia twin HOI•*, Mituito mul Clnui^o, had Uiken out his gun In thu morning, and had been missing ever since. I iuonce loaded my rill", loosened my Cuban blooi!liounil,t.fld followed thu man to Ms Iiut. There I put the dog upon tin' toys' scent, following onhorseback myself. It turned out that lhc young scamps had gone on the trail of a large bi-ar, though they were only thirteen years old, nnd their father had often warned thcmnritto modiili! wilh wiltl beast They bcRan tl.elr adventure by hunting the bi>ar, hut rndril, m often happen- in bclne hunted by the bear; for lliuh hud turned upon them, nnd duiat'tl liiciii so hard that they v.'ere fain to dro<I liu KUII and lake to u tree. It wasiiftycaiiioit! of peculiar ahapc ^ending furlli from its stem many imnli, hut (inly two laruc, branelies. The.-" two wero Home tliirty feet from th< urouml, and slreM'liod altuoat hoiizim tally In opposite directions. They wen us like oauh oilier as tlic twin brother.- 1 lliemselvcs. (Jimtigo took rcfugu on on»> of these. Mango on the other. The hear hugged the tree till he hai! •limlinl us fu- as the lurk. Thero h< licnitaltd an instant, and then began l> L'l'CL'p iiloiiL,' thu branch which ttup [iirU'd Chango. Tho boast atlvancii slowly and gingerly, sinking hid uhw- into tlie bark at every step, and no di'peiiiling too nmvh upon his bulani-iii; puwers. Chaiigo'ti pOHiliun was now far fiou tileasant. It was useless to play Hi- irick well known to hcav-bunlons-d inlicingtheanimal out to a point WIIIT ihu branch would yield beiicalh it- «roat weight, fur there was no liighM branch within. Oliango's = rea'ili, b entclitng which he could savt; liitu^' froin a dcailly full—thirty fiet sheer. Three more steps, and Mie'iiw' ";oul< be upon him, or he would ho upon ill- ground, lli-.ive 115 Mb boy was, hi ucth chattered. At tliid moment, Manpo, nerved ti herni.xm by his brother's lu'ril. move' rapidly from the opposite limb of Hi tree. Slt'pjnni: behind the bear, h< uraApcd with one hantl a small hi^h" buu^h. which exlentlod Inwheru li- stnoil, hut litit (0 wht'iT his hrollior lav : u-itli llio older liatul, he .soiled thcaui mal lirmly by its stumpy tall. The heir ttirnril to put'i.ih his rasli as-milaiit but. iinirry as lie was, he turned emit i nii.-ily. It was no ea.->y task tt> riiih 1 riboitl face on 11 hrant'li which airi';i'l> hatl lu'L'an to tremble and sway bcntai I his weight. Ch..ifi:o w:is saved, for the bear evi- dently had trnnsftrrt-'it his anitntidily!• iMjinjrn, whom hn purmintl. step by stun inward the extremity of I lie Mtlii>rliiiil> I tut Chango was not tho boy to Wv> his brothiT and rescuer in tliolureh. Waiting until tin; cnrajrird brute was we! I'liiharki'il upon Mango's branch,*h' iiulli/tl iLs tail, as lie hatl seen lit- brtithi'r tin bclurc. Again Hruin turm'i awkwardly, ami rosunicd theiulerrujiti 1 The twins continued tlieirlaoticswill advanced onone limb, antl dangerous]} close to one twin, the oilier twiti woul- sally irnm thu other limb and pull lii- tail. The silly animal always woul- yield loins latest imjui^'-'of wnilli.tiin suiler himself to be dtvcricd troin th> enemy who was almost in his clutche.** Alter twohour.-) of difappoinlmcni. he learned his mistake. He was now for the truth time, OH Changu's oratiiih and very near Chango. In vain Mungv dragm'd at his hindiT oxlremity; In kept'jjninly on till Mani;'*; 1 loreed tu rhiMtsti between li-llinE go' the brutt'V tail or the hiaher branch which enahli'.t him tu keep his ferr, let go iho former, (Jlinh'^o L-oultl now reU'oat no fiirilnT.' mid lifwaM Imntly 11 yard Iwynml tb> bear's roach. Tne lirancli WHS swayiiiL more than ever, and tho bnastaueuii-'tl (•uite aware that lie might tax i'^ strength too far. After a pause he ad- vanced nne of his forefeet a quarter of a v:if.l. To increase '.he bears dilliwilty in soizitiii him. tho terrilied buy lot him- self down and swung wilh his hand; from Lhc houi;li. lie was haiigins in susiteiisc between two/nghlful deaths. His heart s as nent us you h French It ia probably true that inthis coun- try more children arc killed or made weakly for Uio by Improper food, or over or under feeding, than by any other cause, nnd this is the more un- pardonahlo becausu the kinds of food which, for children, aro the most whole- some nnd ni *ri«hinc, wo usually cheap and easily I* bo had nnd prepared. There arc very few people In tho United St'ites so poor that they cannot get for their children, not only tho right kind ol food, but also plenty of it, so that here again we can only fall hack upon the excuse, If we dare to call it such, of ur own ignorance nnd thoukflit'cssnwa. In almost every household tho chll- rcn habitually get sweet cakos and ;>iert, liot breads, preserve*, pickles, etc., ivliluli cost twice ns much, both in lonoynwi i» lhc tabor of preijarution, i would tlio plain, digestible food hich alone is suitable for growing iiildren; and yet it teems almost in. possible for mothers to realize that in niving these things to their children :hey am. not only wasting time nnd money, but aro also directly injuring nMr helpless littlo ones. It is cer- linlv a very forlunatc tiling that nn- uro provitles Tor a baby at its entrance nto lifo food which iaall aulllcientfor is needs, for otherwise it F'tmis as if B injjenuity ol ignorant!pnrcnts would y Ibis time Inve extinguished llio luman race. Kven as it is. some imthcrs instaton giving babies all sorts i food, sometimes going so farnsto be- ii-Vf, or say they beiicvi;, that a little if anything that they themgi>Ivf!3 can at will not hurt tho baby. A woninn night as well say Unit the baby's little lands ran do the work of her hands, as hat its llltle stomach can do tho work if her sUmiach; antl the result of such rmtinunlh- that the baby nlnis, falls irk, U itnifrge.l with medicine, andin line caws out of ton* dies, the victim ol Is mother':} ignorance. A child which is completely vanned it twelve months should, from Oiattiino in'Hitfci eighteen months oliil >fed our tiiiirs a day upon milk, Mmp.i- pte- mrationsoftlie diU'erent grains, boiled >r haked potatoes mashed line, beef tea. Tankers anil lm;ai'. From eighteen nontli!*, when children arc hpalth>, a jnmter v.irifly ol food may be {iiven, mt tlioaamc t'iiresbould \w taken in re- mnl to Hit 1 regularity of their iwals (lor habit of I'atini; at odd times Is harmi'tii ind that they M!- nnlliin^ |)|ain tui.l wholesome. , ,.. itry, hot breads, gicasy ir hiirlily seiiswni'd food of any kind •lioulil lit" alrlctlv forhidtlcn, while n'- osl any meiit(i;.\iritiit pnrk), iish, rice, riatmeal, cornmea!, almost all kinds of Irtiit. and all easily digested vciri'titblcs, iUcli 114 potaloiH, loiiiattiCit, spinat'b, tu., may lie given, wi'ii cooked andin jroporiiiiantilirs. the heaviest meal be- m-Ukoiiintlm middlt 1 cifth"ilay,nnd Hit' foiidilionofthu bowels buinijalways oam'uily watt-lud. \ o w any womaa with ennunon sens ...il fairly L'ocd liPalth can do all this without mUL'h trouble, and in tlic end ill liml tint it is the rasicst way to :inir up lit*r ehildren, fur this t-tui of ire-" will -Itiin ti. nn wtill and slnmu, 1 vim; all the 'expense and anxiety ol lhe .'fiuent Hinges which are usuallythe •t ufchildmi wl:o nru pcrmfUed to all sons of.ihmusatatl rioris of timw. AH. fur example, in icethini:. v/hen haliiiis which a e properly fWl :unl vmvA for .-sutler very little, while hwMy man- 'iiiii'il cliildter are :i'mo-t always in pain and fioqiii'r.i.' have tits, convulsions, iliosu ulioleric"attacks wjiidi are so I'nin- u-au.-u ot iliath.e-t|.(!uially in cities. i-aiuiot make uood bread out of had , jou fannot'grow a strong plant from an iniriii': sie.l. jmi cannot build a ii'ii-wurihy boat o;it of decayci'.timher; uiw then can you o.vpeet ytmr children o bchcaltliy uniiss you give them 11: 1 heir f.:o:l the material from whichlo niak<' l!c:ilthybor.t: aiitl iim^lo, »• two g sinking, his Th th lis. is were relaxing. bi f h Then the deep bavin.!,' of a hound strui'k his ear, and liis.liantis again closed lirmly on Uiti bnmch. In a mo- ment, a bloodhound and a horseman spriiner ihroujih t'ie unticrwood. Cliiintio held on like srim death—held nn till lie I nurd llio sharp report of si rillfi rinsms through tlie air; heldon till thcfiiliini;caren«=oritie bear passit! before his fyes; liuld on till 1 had climbed the tree, crawled along tlio branch, and. grasping his wearied wrist, h:t<l assisted lum to gut back to the fork oftlmlrun, and rest n bit. If that bear only luyl understood in time that a buy in the hand is worth iwo in Ihf! bush, he nielli have length- ..„„..,.,., .. ,,,„!(• hia days and gnno down^.wlth :u]dbo'n7iiiP,'aiidHhot9.inodtliiii;i- I lionor to "the iii\\vc .—F. D'take _Crofion She wiis a smart croelur, the Si>r- nora. Simphonia'd maid was; hut she had one failing—she liked: drink. So the last «Di'ce slic wont on, sho nawnctl MIB yallursatiii gnwnd fur money to buy dcenor beerd of her since. So there's t/'e'history of your dress, my deary- dove; and, if you cared to have il to keep, Vva no.doubL I eouid make a good bargain- for you with Mrs. llallowell, .wd get it cheap." But Aiice Grey threw it aside with a shudder. . "Ko.-HatlKerlyr'.aaid she;."lake it away. It's llio last lime I over-want to wear a drcsa that iua't honoatty my very "Well, dear, youVo had 0110 nice t-vening\i wi-nr out of It, anyhow," said Mrs. liadgci'U, complacently. Annie 1 hook her head. • - '-'I don't like sailing under false ...lor.V' said she. " Second-hand dresses and sccoiuHumd repulations won't do for me!" " .,.. ... . 'V : ;" ; ;..- •• •• Hut, for oncrevcnitig, Annio had en- joyed tho adulalion due to LnSignbra Simphonia, of the Urand luilian Opera. glrinM'd, rallfid.. the atlentibn of tlxctr neighbors totlie superb satin toilet, anjl niado uvcry excuau 16 get near'hcr;.in jjic crowd. -A- J-^^-iL.y^v.^^'S^Til^iHl r F i T d i T i b l ri y with a perfect crustaceous formation of diamonds.- ' .^,._ ... { The exploration of t h e groat Subara desert in Africa, with a view lo the con- struction of arailway across it, lias now fairly begun. In addition to the leader. Colonel Fhulcr, llio parly of explora- tion comprises nine svieutilic olheors : and twelve Frem-h soldiers, besides numerous cntue 1 dr'vcrs, clnotly belong- ing to the Oliambaas Iribo. . ; The rapid disappearance of wild tures used for food'o* other p u r p ^ t whether diallngulslicd by feather, An orfin.whenjiuandoncd totho tender mercies of omnivermia ninn, lintom IJroaliing His Son's titctt,' Hy parlies just down lr.1111 T _ knler wo aru inftirmcil llmt.-i luw dajc ub, near Minersvilli.' 1 , Charles Davin, ;hilc flruiik-, threw ins cicvt'ii-jL-itfuiil son out »r iiwlndiiw, the fall brnnkinu the boy's neck. Somu weeks ago I)avis, wiffl died at tin; same place, wilh no one nt hoin<! but this hoy. whose, death wo chroniiilu above, and ins Iwu brother, who also -died soon afler hia brother, who l mollicr from the ld hi fth soo [ exposurp_lo f l him tlio cold, his father J.avmfffmve.1 liini 011L' into the snow. Charley D.IVIS is well-known hero, having a cultlu ru'ig' 1 on Clear crook. It is snld that all tho crimes ho iiaa uummltLott were ly'iTO tniU'd when he was intusmaU'd, bu th-iL-will-not esni-si* llinir cnormityrn. drunk or sober ho outfit lo.pull hump; .Tlio cornmi of a nogltietcd wile ma olimr before a lirelcss heanb,.in a snow-sur- rounded cabin, wilh no onn at-htmil wu her two chiltlrciii, siillciing with i-ol nnd I111 ncor—01m^of-tliese newly-or- phaned hTiya thrusfiiut into the trnetfr •!n"Stotm and pcrisliing from tin: t'lleeta of Iho exposure—Hit! ntiimlm111£ brother 'tossed Irom a wintlow 'ind inslfttiJly kilkd—these nrc the pictures for Ohavios Ilavis tocontei.inlale mid •'••• - SIM Francisco Chronic/a. I'orlralls "Upon Winiloiv rl*ai:(*s, 1 The Otiar'pltMviilo (Va.). (tironich wys: Wo have hert'tofore'piibiirsht'd iin account of a poilniit supposed to hav been plit>lot;raphed by lightning on pane of clays in thts window ol an oV t'ariu-houao hi this county.' 'Another hv sinned of tho same curious phenomenal bus been found in Iho window of Ll: mansion house on the "Mount Ka^hs" farni;-£niore,.<:oiior!*lly;-,- known ~i\s~; 'lir, "Gentryplace." The porlniitsol 1 four pei\k)iis 'ai'u" pljiJnly..-jdi-ccrnibli!-two men, a woman and a child. _, TliQ_facrs mo not all tiii one -pant 1 , th:it_ of one- of tho aien.and thfi-wonirin-biiiicc^on ;JI1-- res for Olia d rellect over. it nny !i2i') and that •vhich i- not plain A Knnedr lor Starlet Fever. Dr. K. WodilnilV, for nineiivn voars a •actieins physii-iaii at Ovar.d llapidn. Mii-hi'Mti, fiii'M!.siu'SllieSpii[ii:li.-itl (I!l.^ Journal the rulliiwlnu: W:ish the child from head to loot with StrmiL' sal soda water, warm, then wine dry. Then im- mediately bathe freely with oil Iron beef marrow, oroi] IVnm butter, jij-plici Tively. 'Thou «ive'freely catnip Ira, nr some sontl sweaiinsarticlo. pennyroyal, otu. Itt'pi'at every half hour, or as often us they gi!t worrisome or wakeful, and in one or two days they will be, entirely cured. I have been called lo cases whe.ro they have been fully hroko out, anil in this way dilirelv cured them in twenty-four hours. I liavu hatl thirty eases on hand ul ti time, and never lost a c:iatj iiimy life.. Hut nuw I am old an.! about to''give up my biLslni'ss, and sce- injj from the papers that your town is infected with the epiilentic. I wish in<"o nil Lhe'gDoil [ean. ItissoMmplo. You ilo nol" not'il lo call a doctor. A good 1n.rge.eat1 attend lt> them. If by open- in;; the pureitif the skin and sweat in 1; you.can ktiiil'.tlte pujson,.wli]yh is >;• liiiiiualcula.'or animal in .the blood, t cure ti complete.' Thu 'same is equal .j good in rivers of all kinds, hard i:olib ami eotislH. I tiike the ground lhaLali iighi. I tak h isw arc caused by a ppm rt of tlm skin, retain!us; tin i i l i th b l d p or living ho of th* poison d l skin, retain!us; tint p o i n ni.il.-", in the blood, andul t li* i ' ti Tho Cincinnati Commercial liu this itcscription of Miss Middyfilorgan,an Irldli fady ot noble family, who, after r invinK shono in Irish and Italian BO- . kly, fiime to this country nnd assumed he pesition of livestock reporter for a ieatlinK New York daily paper. SUOWM always a lover of horses, and In Italy was employed hy King Victor Eman- uel to purchase horses for lib stable, hrr judgment of nnlmnla being so cx- lollctit. 'iVhcn sho first applied for Iicr singular position she was allowed !iy tin; cditora totry the- work, ior a •ike, but she did so well that they toon found it worth wlillo to employ lur in earnest* Shois nn immensely jill woman, six feet t~o tactics In ' hHsJrf*- Miss Morgan wore, when I ^ <=aw her, a lanky waterproot dress ii:::uhiiitt toULV unklvJ. Sho wore u '<, c-lif-nn blank straw hat, " pitched onto" he buck of tier head. It suilcd her, ind it was nobody else's business. Irr almuldors aro broad nnd square, :nd she docs not mince matters when sho walks. She jumps on nnd off acar i,'hen in full motion when elio fcola like t. Those necustomed to the ordinary ie!plrssncs3of thcfemalescxinthoninV- IT of locomotion nre somewliatstartlcd iy her methods. They say she 'Kiks like a man dressed in woman's lollies. She has not a relativo n this country, hut ho3 mnil.i some warm friends. All thacattle market people know her r'.d esteem her, as slio goes here nnd there, Ircm line yard lo another. Universal rc- siicet and deference aro shown to her. There is something very impressive- mil strange in tho way sho moves ibotit among the wild Tcxns cattle ami scarcely 1PS3 wild cattle drovers, ind command a ns much respect ns my Jatly in a drawing room. Tnoy say that no matter how crazy drunk any one of these drovers miy he, he never htils to recognize Mindy Morgan, and trrathorlikealady. What made tills lady rclined, giftrd, brilliant, a favorilo in the highest eireks of society in Bu- npe, Eiiildtiily luin her back on It all to roes thi! sen. antl liecomc a market re- ,)ortrr nnioii^ the cattle pens of the new world, nobody knows. Electricity in Flour Mnklner. In olden times it w.13 "notlirapllku cather. 11 Now it seeiui to bo nothing like electricity. Klectricity la rapidly —it does everything rapidly—becoming a nmsl useful servant. Tbo latest Ibing it has been asked todo is to prepare our bread for us. Inmost colleges there Is an experiment done before the stu- dents to show onu of tho manifesta- tions of electricity. A couple of looks arc laid on the tabla a foot or ~ ,n apart. The? avo to support a pancol. class two or three inches fromtlio tablo. On the table, under the glass, ia sprinkled some bran. The (;la33 ia heated, and onbf'ing rubbed vigor- msly on tin 1 upper side with a piece ol .lannel the bran dances up and down on the table, tho lighter particles adhering to the elcelriliod glass. Perhaps it was bis experiment 'that induced a Yale, unior tu think of making electricity do .Uworlcof Middling; puriiicr is a Scar "-•••-:; mill. Instead of the bran beingsep- arutcd from the nudd lings andfineflour by an air blast, electricity ia omplojcd. The boltlns clolli is of wire, nnd ovcrit are several hartl rubber cylinders which revolve slowly. Aa 1 hoy revolve they -- revolve slo rub against t" lctr ly. Aa nirees of icity 1hoy reol y heepskin and gen- h blti lth ub agais nirees of heepk an g crate" electricity. The bolting cloth has a. vibratory motion which causes the bran to work lothe top of themads of around wheat us it Hows over the cloth. Tlii' mhbnr rollers attract the brnn. Wlicniisunii'K'iitniiHi.tity of the bran b;i3 been attracted it falls off the rollers ii h d i id into receiving t y Tlie'bt it falls off the rollers oughs, and is carried doors M('the system iiml let them out, o drive tlit'iii out. All people know : warm baili is nood.' I'nt you apply the oil to tlio skin, nml il keeps llio pore lien foi\'Moii^limoa!it! gives theetn'in. -ehaiK-i; to getiitit. 1 hope all will try it"; anil they will soon he convinced. A Lion limit In S011IU Amcrlen. In Smith America a party of Kimlish- nuiii rucenily rotlo out for a lion hunt The South American lion is not c.v ae.ily like lhc lions of iliu old worhl, Itii Uu is' feroi'iim.t( mvoithclcss. : Actiom Miiiying Use himtfiva was :t pwin. orTurn i:nl, naiutjil " Prisly," who was a good niiia-aml as brave as he eouKl In 1 . In :.i ilii.'kis', wilh water ali in-ounil. UR' liunlurd-tiiiiiit) u|win-a : lUiiicss anil iwo. ••ubs, and theso they suuuuedud in cnv r uiriiiR with lassos,'or voV't'S Wiped al tin- .-ml. •Trotting out of;thu tliickelMby •limself, I'r' L ' \* saw a lion, UR- fallier til. ht« cubs. The limi was.moving here *iiul ilium in t!i» grass of iheiiliiin, snil"- MIL' lhc air and growlinir. l'ribty was 1 m Ii a bold fellow .thai liculd not call -ir help, but roilo hcifdluug afler Ins iin.0. ••lVUyii'uirgL'd.at irutilhip,:im li.rlion. at tll^{f*amn mnmi'iit I'liaruuih villi great bounds. VVrisiy liiirltid IDK •,-soimtl lhc noose, tint! to Hsniiti;•full .l.uiiui tlio iiriiiial's neck. Then IMsly •ul. f\<nn lo h. horse in tmlt-r that his itii»iitili'«s Hie lion, bud Llie'hiUer ran f 'l-itfr ihuh llio horse, and soon sprang :}.nn tho ptior hoifit-'s flunk, Tht'rn was- 1 •,1 tt-niliuhlriiffgle. IMsly pliuututt for >!<:;;». nml the'hunters, in the . thii'lict i'u-ili'v-in a nun' j*nllop toward tlicnloml : ,i'* ; i!ii*t\\iaivtiiai'k('il. Lhe'si-t'ii(v;of' " " away. TlmhnlU'd flours, pours out \ from anntlier"part of the liiiu'liine, arid""""''--'• tho " tailinas"-oripofile. . Under the new process"there is no dust raised, nnd. . ,. wheii tin: territiu explosion of milling •- . dust at the Washburn mills, in Winne- jinolis, a few months ago, is remem- bered, this will be soi v n to be no small juivan'asie. Th*> invention Unow bnine - .' ' :ipplii'd to a Minnesota mill.—'Detroit''•" " free I'rcss^ >o| Words ofVViadiuii, .., , T don't like lo talk mui'h with fienplj who ahvtiis asti'L'O.wiih mo. It is amus- .'•• inn lo enqueue willi an echo a littlu"... .'./.. while, but one. soon Hros of it. lie who thinks no man above him but for liis virtue, nor any lieldw him but for his vice, can never buobactjui- ^, oil? or assuming in the wrong place. •• No humility is perleut and propor- : ' tioned but that whi.-h makes us hate •oiirsjelvw as immortal—the humilily.. ... that kneels in llic dust, but gazes on the *"" skies. A man often needs his anger—113 -*•', well as bis other pHSsions—to blast ,-'.•: . a way the olwiaeles lo his nath; but the '"•';. incUt:t:rimin:iLc use of liisnilro-glycciine 7 isdiitigeruua and dcsLrumive. ...JCxamplc.3 of vicious.couri.es, practiced '• •'__• 111. a-tloniL'stic . circle, corrupt-: more; '.?:":;•; roa'dily and mo'ro deeply when" wo be-""""'"•' hold them inpersons of authority. ChiUhoud. ltnowln^ nothing of the •''•''/•'•'& future, imagines it is to be the "golden ~ •••_'g ujnj. 11 tuiil niaiikiiiil,havingfniludlufind.••—•"" pt'rlei't happiness, imagines that it ia , uiily nliiiiuucl hi" ohiIahoofl.-"'--~--.!r~"--rv^Hr^ Make Your Homes IMcnsunt. ,Tf"'' Endeavor to make your homo both . I attractive-nml conifortablc. Don't bo. • ' so absorbed in business or so miserly ns to foi'fiut lionic comforts. Iloniesbpuid fl **^ be madfl the most attractive, plucbon earth, for both parents anil cliildrcn: then, if their hearts are right, tliey will V * notilejicrt it lor.enjoyment in forbidden places. Endeavor to make everything . r -li;u!ilj',"V:orivonient mid in• good tn'ste.--••bv; l'rofure lnnne comforts for 'yourself and ' "• '• fmnily. ..Don't J>e.afraid of a little j'lnusemcnt nt homo. I'ounR people"™"" must Imvi" it, tilder people need it.' If ; •. your daughters ncort a musical instru-'. 'men I, try nml jirocuru~ono for them. Tlit'ywill li!avn.t:li!it.,which will inftlow years uiHvcifypur' homes, and in after life yon 1- st'iii*'!inrt daughtPra' liomeg. . ; Don t shul:iip your house lost tlie sun 'fade .vuur ,{';ii-pi-ls ami your hearts. " noii'tWiiiru'iil'ui alittle fun at home; " it is a good sintidole for dyspepsia nn<v the blues. Wbn does not like tho up." nearanee of a brii'.ht tmd smiling face,'" in pnsfi'i'fiit't 1 to a long arid melancholy ,r-r- ... _ -- — .— . ,. . mo not iill tiii ohcpanc, that of onfo ohisatlKfyinft'-immcdlttto wants, has o Uio men and Lhfl-'woTnnn-hJiiiifc-on.iiil Jfttnjipcri pnfiiipyiUBttitJiitUliJOu.Qijaw -«[%!*•>iirr-cliissesVllio Im^ofiirniSiiferinni ; makers, considerate sportsmen ana mer- on(mother, and'ihat of-lhc child on on _, .. l - flll "" ft ' u f th lwer •p nd the thnoryi chants in many parts of the world. Tho foilowlng 4ro the dates at which h s adjourned in previous on (mother, andihat of-lhc child on one of the .lower •panes, nnd the thnory is thntthc party were all looking iliro'ui-h tlicwinuow (Iniins; :i thunder-storm,: when ii't^idileujflashflf ll^litninp, by soino mysterious'pracess, .msliuilnuo- —F.W. MuCWve, nmutiBcrotlhoUoston Wtwldy Globe, fell dead nl hip,residencein West SoiuerviUtj yesltmliiynfleriioou. Howtva well known thrmighout tlio country profcii- Bloanlly n«d cttwo to Uoiitou (roui CLi'cogo nboiit two yiarjiigo. ...,.• —.V giiiitjcnmii Rrtvo n ii lhillUivi il lionor of a 111.. An clsU.j9ar.0ia girVor -Hoolwlle.' -fc,To"liro"wa.UWW rt&:

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Page 1: WASHINGTON STAR. · 2015-12-03 · Slim n tlio threshold, With li^ht loot and cM IllHiJ, tinve w');l>t Btnnil; Die Ircoh rat lipjntl tiutci.iRf; ynnlli'i ruJily ni[iluroiis wine,

WASHINGTON STAR.0. ii. SIGLKY, Publisher. An Independent Journal of Literature, Agriculture, and Home Interests—" Hew to the Line, Let the Chips Fall Where they Will." $2.00 PER ANNUM.


"WM7A. STRYKER,- _^_ttoriiey sic XJIIW,

Solicitor uml M«*tcr in Chitnccnj,

(CITY Al"l'(i!(SKV AND COUNSEL)*4a-ritACTiTU»*t:it i s AI.I. THE coruTs or

SEW JEi:^i;y.

P .\11TICl*I.AK aiipnil.m clvi-n to Hm FI IPCCUI-»ur.> HII . I < . . l l . , I t , I .M..rli.-<>i:<-«.

. \ol i -«. A f c o n n i o . *«•.. In nuv r»rt "t l!i«NLHf, imJ I.. tlnoliAUltuiif li l«, ll-ti.lv Mufl-lt»rf**, U.i ' t- , WHN, .\i;r.viitciii» ami Outran*.

LAW OFFICE OF VITY ATTY.(Irll'luor) N«>. I l l U ' l ^ l i l n j j l on A v t i m r .

JOhN M. VAN DYKE,AiLorney i t C n l l o r at Law,

.V/fiW iml Muter ill L%ii>ccryt


..jKniiroiuljs.p r . v n t A i . n. it. I»I* xi :« .ir.itsr.v.\J TIMK T.MII.K uirrol'EH fi. IMn.

7'm/n* /><»•<• JtmttlmFor SEW YOHK uml ISTEiniKDUTBHUll-m*7.:t7 A. M.—Coi-tnTUiiff M SminTvilif f.ir Fd-ni

li'UUHi; nl IIiiiiiui Ildiiilc r,ir TnnI riuliiili'liih'fl. Ac, inn! Hi KH/al l i N k

Hl.ttH A.M.—Co:



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ll-'lt'lllIKt h111.


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And in till nil'


Dr J. H. SMITH,mwlvorol.KX (iAKliKX,llunlcnlon

County, N. J.,

Otlku uller A|IT11 M .it the Imu-i'CiinlU'U, wlwii nit call* nl^lu "

i^lS.'sSvk., Ji.ncta. I>,. .1. D


h t n{iIo Jei'sei/.This Itnlet I* new.'u'iid h:t» W-Ti iniwlyiii.-ul-lu'il

inllnci'tj'IctliritOL'liiim. It I- thi! tnn»t c«nvi'ti-leiitly tittiiiicd Iwlui In ihi- biimuah lur tliu tmv-tllni: utilillc Board, i l i»T iliiv ; oinctu nu-iils"Sci'ntc J A M E S A « I , A ^ . I ' r o p .

. I I .D . tl. 1SSQ.

ST. CLOUD HOTELWashington ATO., Waahingten, N, J.

UNHHl1 I'ASSF.I) fIn Loeji.ion, AKoiaiuoilalliHi mid Man us cm cut


A Xcw Billiard "'Parlor AttachedC;h\ SIAM'ES. Proprietor

GooiHBW! for tie Traveliu PoleThe Hotel Yanderbilt,

31 A: 50 IVurrea ' s t . , X. Y.

H A O ROOMS, ncaily hir«l»hcrt. Orifti'riJiy nni!I t ) O nlcht Ko(.iH!«. ."•Oc. PIT ilny: Meal*, 23c.


-HKUUI.AP, nilY-C001)3

IN 'Ti lH



f ell Km.aipBHaliliiJX STOCK. --

'Market Gardeners Supplied at

Fltjwfr Seeds Variety

Vegetable Plants

-IN REASON. ^ . • "(i

li-alim: HI KIIIIIKI llmok C>r Treu-Inn. i'l.lUdi-iiiliirt. Ac, mill itt K.i/.nfull) l<ir Ntuirk, bnig Uraliiti,

l.:iT 1'. M.-r.ii'nitiii'i'itllklillrhlL'o for limitUndue ll-miili; nt S-iiin-tvlII<< T.irK.i-mii'ir 'M; nt Hound r.rtwk lur

. Tr. Nt i.l.. I'M liliM |>li In, Ac , unit ;il

i A. M.-For nil -Mlli'll* !•• Si-iiintori.

1''. M.—For all rMluniaUi .Mnurh Cku'uk.


I .weNKW YOHK lot JUNCTION ;l(.![O , \ . M —fnniiectlnsnl Ktlis.ihe'll (rum >*•'»*

"iiitnl Ilf.mk rruni Ticiiluivlllt-lnirli '•Vmliiii'iiii. urnllr!.!8v iru.u III^Ii HtUUnl m

s'.M A. M.-l'miUfi'ilniinl IIntk, NIIIUI ItoiiI lllill.iik']|>!i

l .on i', M,-Ci)imiviii'!:<i'K'irk t l l d ii

viUi- f...t.i Fkmli^t-'U.1 '••51-!;K&"iiSrMl!

3.30 I1. M.-Cii.ccetHiTHnrk. mul nti

il Ell/nlu'th frurvlllu Itoi ;i riMi

7. M V. M — fuiiiiectliiu' nt Poirnl Itnwl; fronTuiiiun, I'bUmU-li.lila, xe.

S U S D A Y S :

Etfr Pur furlli'T Infurmnllun wo Tlum T.iMuIttttluiM. H. IMI.\1.liW|V.

Pennsylvania liailroiul,K DIVISION.

On ami after Nov. 17th, lt-7'.i, trainsleave anil arrive us follows :


Leave Mantuika Chunk, 3.1."i, 'a. in,ViMt) un<l O.JfO p. in.

Uave HelvEderu A'10, 6.2a a.m., !**.:ifi,C.:t" p. m.

Leave IMiilliii-burg ti.lfl, 7.H0 a.m., 1MO p. ni.

Leave French toivn C fit), ".US a.m., l.K).,nd 7.4!) p. mLeave LambertvHie 7.20, S.10 a. m., 2.10.

9.25 p. m.• Arrive at Trenton 7.5:1,S.ftO, a. m., 'J-I7.

S.ii" p. in.Arrive Pli'lida. {JCcrMtngtorJ 0 " - i n i r ,

. m., 4.03 P. M.

Arrive ut West Philadelphia, 0.1ft a. in.3.5f>, 8.53, p. in.

Arrive New York 0.3.i, 10.35, a. in ami4.45 p. in.


Leave riiiladulpiiia (Kensington) 7.40,10.If) a. in.. 4.10. (i;.i..\p. m.

Leave West Ytt: •dolphin 8.00 amil LOO u. in . 4.oo, j - .n^ i iUi .

and C.-UE p. in.Leave Lambcrtilllu 9.33u.nv*-Z>')<> and'

5.30, .7.15 p.m. .:Loavt; FrcnchUmii 10.02 a. m., 1.1*2, C.'2-l,-30 p. m.Leave Pbillipsburfr 10.43a. m.,l.55,7.1)0,'

8.13 p. m.Anive Belvidere 11.08 a. m., 2,'Jt", 7.:tS,

8.47 p. m.Arrive .Mauunka Chunk 11.15 u.m.,2.3rif

8.53 p m.Connection is made at Manmika Chunk

iib Deliiwurt1, Liiekawiiiimi & Wostei»ltailroud. AtJjiliiRli Junction with Lo-'ligh Valley, V-cliigh & Siisuiu'lmiiim, M»rris A; Kssex, mid Nuw Jersey Central Itail.ritittla. At Larabcrlville with Flcniingtai'It. II. At Truiilort willi trains to and IrowN'ew York.Cumden, tile.


*3en'l Malinger. fJcn. Pass. Au't.F .W.JAOKSOS".

(jeii'I Sup't U. R. H. of N. J . DivJ- "A. ANDKHSOX, Sun'l Hot. DJI .UIV.

TUTi n t


STAROJI tit*' TUlfy.tuhL

StuntllnR on t".io tlircshoM, willi tlio waltciilns

liiurt nn<l iiitml,

uliiiKoii tlio thrcslicW, willi Iicr diiMlioo.1

I l ia Wdimin noltTirs.1 blvmlin^ with tho look nl

bwott »ut|.rUo


WHO cycn.

W A R E E N C O U N T Y !


uvtry FrM.iy. at Wu»li.

n:i: AS.SSUM.




, K.Y'nsiiriiiM.Nu


SLJB3CRD3ENOW'][ - « - \\V )iav<-« ntimt»'r<>r IIKUIIJ MI<1 I'nUmnil

W iirrou roun i r Itinrf Irl^l. wlilrii Kt will furtil-liijuoiv mib-cillcH I'ASII io nJvanci*. u* t t c f.il-1 l l <> l i T N I t l th S

O. It. MCI . I IV. I'


-.ti'rdfe j-niir Juil"intiil.—;. newer .nnd bi'Lter(•Iil.di-Dlil.y.—To luiliil-mii nil iitituii! in.tl mill-

tsItihUrti :l IBtHltiil! eysit'111 1)11 tliU nilln tliii" liCCtl


1 IMTUIJZ('""iluliVuVVIi"11 iVijnl ifo..rrtilVur'Vli"n tjt"va

T«>llie Pioniurli » r tr'ici] ilv^iiotirlii, liuuiiuchu in.ilL'L'IHTII (icblilty ;• Ut Iho IIVLT. Wlu. JauinllCf, tmtl

coiiHilpniion'liUi-Minil ll-liilu; tu I'liiAimi;'-, ctni>piuii|iiiuii, vie; u> tin: liluoil, miilii!:i,PL'mvv, uin<.ill I ciiMiti-oii'iinitiiintiK. Hy kL-t[ilii-i IK-SI; Hi-fails'mxlvluiiilul'lpure mid t,._",I,I,.' ^ l l l l l y ,.u,:lyttuly tliiMit(iifk*<jl ili^-uri', nin!:i» iiicdlcln; yui

Us cil'L'Ct.IjiriiiiTANT CAUTIPS.—Nniiu nru e

iHolloway's-Ointment1^ot!.i.[.(.l;il(jriliiB liKMliliV,' every nmn innylm.''If tmu Dt.clnr. 11 may t».< Htl.lJiil loin ihu tyn-'oiti, f()ti»lo roncli dtiy IIULTDIII tnmiiliiliil i l>yUii'r.:.iiifiiB. l! cnr<H Mirt-B i.r Ulcur.* In ttiuT11HUAT. WT(JMA(;il;I.IVKil, HI'INK. or nlliurli'iriK. HIM nn lurulllbli! liimmly 'nr ]JA» t.KUS,ltAI)illtlCAM'.S,L'uiilriict«itur*Sllirjitiiitt,('OUTtIMtliU.MATISM.ninhill nkln Disunsux. .

U Hi-itlu tlio [lctiu^or lion tli wUU, Slop :;.»ors."^'licn worn IIOWD nnJ ronay,;t* tivi.o your lie

Unn IHltorntK wlintynitipnil;'--- - • - • i ' 'iiiJ>ojii.t..ji!i)rsle.nad.|shr!!'C..ror..!t;-nwca!:eiHiBa

3 •'U)'1.y''lc;lnni,offt1Ucliouis'uKo nni mommrn'lion U l t l o " '3 l l l






CIRCULAKS,Am! every tiling v!i-'j!lial bu.-lnt'fe men in iy w


..: -JIM TieitotR,


,—v Orders-,of';J^-'itiL>


Slim n tlio threshold, With li^ht loot andcM IllHiJ,

tinve w');l>t Btnnil;

Die Ircoh r a t lipjntl tiutci.iRf; ynnlli'i ruJily

ni[iluroiis wine,

Tlio ttijitr licurl nil LrAVp, puru Lojio-oli

Imjipy cbiM of mltio

1 couM pmril tho helpless infant that nestled

in my nnn»;

I conli] mvo the prnttlcr's fioKIon licnJ Irom

I couM IniKlittiii cliililliooil'ii (;lnJn^E3, mul

comforl CIIIWIUKHI'S tciira.

llul I cittmnl ciOS3 tlio ttitcalioUl with tlio stoji

of riper yoara.

For hoj'cs, nml jays, nml Hidden ilreiiuia arc

wailing tor her ihero,

Wlicro ^iilliiHKt'rt funtilB Itiul im.l tloom in

Anil |i;i«*iniiuti'lovo, nml pussioimtu fftki, nl i!

jix'sloimlti glinhifs.-t lio

Ajnony the crimson liow^n tlmt »|irln« w

youtli Roes fliilturiiiK by,

Ab! on llioso ro^y [uiUtivuys it no place for

sobct'L'il fret i

My tilIMI i>ycj hnro naii^ltt of slrcnj;th sucli


My voitio ia nil loo mid lo boumt amid the1.TJ1.1H lldt.-rf

Ot (lie miii;c tlmt Uinnij;h chiiniietl uir foi


AnJ ilt'iilli, or

miil tho Wnva t

!i)ii>l.t luny lower

ny lurk, ui.i

ood blight tin

jMujrCiuI nvorl tho mil , my ulitlii] lint, oh!

ulioolil lt'inp<^t come,

Cumcnitior, Iiy tho tlirc.-liol.l wiills tho piiliont


Pamphlets, Books, Law Cases,


Advertise in the Star!; Liberal;-

.' C2T Adverllriii-rlB the oil which traoumen put

i their litinuH.. Tboj tlmt ntc unwluc]iiitIU oil


as yn

it"wl'!|iny bett

y na iimcb ttller.llon to yo

to utimr Drniiclion of your

th'an a

111 li.ivc fully tlceidcil not lo j*o," saidAnicc (irey, with :i ilimiicaa in her ojt.-nnd HViKiiif; lump in her lliroat.

"Don't say that, tk-ury." srutl Mrs'.Ilnilpt'rly, who, in spito of her so»p-sphibhcd skirts, stove-bliickoit oounlr-niuice antl suspiciously ruliictintl nosi*.was a truly sympathetic conliilaiitt.'."Whalwillhesay?"

"He'll bo 'dis'ippointcit, of coursr,"said Aniee. " Iiut pupa can't spiire tl.cmoney for a new dresa, and 1 certainlystiiiii not go a dowdy i"

ilrs. Hadfiorly 16btctl up at thet-cil-ing, as if fornn inspimtiun, nml rubbid'ilic end of her nose with thu blacking-brush which IIIMIU her !uuk miu t!u-gree more like a femalii pirate than be-fore.

"Deary," said she, in that coaxing,o'c.icinoiis voice of hers, "s'pose youwas rich?"

"What's the use uf supposing anysuch nonsense :i9 that?" saiil Anicr, :ilittle sharply.

"Well, but only B'posc.'.'.iilpadfdMra.ltodgcrlyr "Ami"you "coultl" iiiiy iigown' to suit you to :i T—what wouldit be?''

" I don't know," said Anicc, a litllcinterested, in spitcof Ucrscif. "Yellowthtinaalc, I think—because I'm a brunettc, you know, lladgerly—with blackhtcc trim mini,', anil—"

"Orsatin!"sugsosted Mrs. Ilatlgerly."As yaller .is the yallereat bultercupever growed in tlic lields! My deary,'slapping thu'Lulili- with unu hand, "it'»tilt very thing! I'll borry it lor you."

"Horrow it, Mrs. Itadjjcrly?" cx-cliiiniod Aniee.

" Y'cs, horry it, deary, Why not?"said Mrs. Badgeiiy. " J seen it yestcr-tlny in the reserve stock at Ilallowell's,tlie pawnbroker'^. I'alliir saiiri, MissAniee, trimmed wilh the bcaulifulcstblack lace :ti ever you st'L eyep on, witha train a yard long, antl looped up williyaller roses, deary. 1 chars for 'cm, mydear, nnd comes two days in tho week,to help the g. 1 out wilh lhe washingand Ironing. And I i.usscd Mrs. Hallo-wfill'thrtiiigli the piicu'uiuiiy lastspr'ne,and she'd .do ..'most uiiyihlng'to accqni-modale me; and you can have the y:il-Icr satin dress for one night, dear, urn"nothing said lo nobody, and I'll gutiran-tcc it shan't costry<iu siuything."

Anice'a eyes sparkled. Her longingto attend the fancy-drcsa ballliad beenintense.

" I'd nUh^i' S° in !l dress 01 uiy own,"she said/with ulniost 11 sol).

"Who'sto know, dearyP" coaxed Lliold woman, plausibly. .._

"Thai's very true," said Anicc; "andlauinia isn't nt homo just now, ant

papa wouldn't know whothcr 1 went Uthe ball or stayed at homo."' .

."-'And that's true enough, my dewy,"said Mrs. Badgci'ly. v^Kless your hciirt

enjoy yourself. Youlli don't come butonce in a lifetime, as X know to my cost-Heigh-ho!"^-AmlvAnfco Rrcy wont lo tho fancydress hall, her dark beauty fittingly scioil' by a golden-satin dress, whoso longtrain was ornamented by fan-iiko foldsand rosellca of blnck hico. A blackpalin mask covered hoi* face, and her, Jt-blm-k hair, disposed in heavy coils atLhobackof Iicr hciuV wns inttrlwinetlwilli.nmbcr hauls. ('""'Miss Grey wiia"lh"0"lfl6t"p'crsohiin theworld to iiniigtne ana thing; butns slitwont through tho crowded tooms, lean-ing on Lieutenant Crisp's gold-braldctlarm (he waaiv nuval ofllccr, with'lightblue eyes, a frrsh, hcnltliy .comploxion,nnd a loiig Louis Napoleon muBtai'lie)sho could not bolnscnmblu.to the factUiat/hc'r'moTomentS'created ft consUlcrr

- t377An ndTcttuemcnt is n wlcfioi

jvhlcli nil tlic wotitliniiylbol! "into" yo'oi

.DecJust whnl.yon.wteh.il lo utc—no.inu

pj** A Rood nrtvorlUoroont In n new*paper;iwy..

o ISro oi

lliodrrsswaa mi perl) ly bcnntilul, nni\he know lliat shu movi d gracefully be-

n-nth iHnurif-Td'-fl lolils,Ask her to sine," whfenrrul one.D.iyon i;irli(veflhewouldP"rcsoitcu

•r, eagerly."Yf*—why not'"" At all cvcnlH," said n third, '

worth the trial. I do FO long to hourItvr voice!"

Once more Anicc'a heart gave ai-lfiucul throb. How did all of theseItooplc hear of lirrsoft contralto voUn*-of llii] churclH-lioir fn^itgrnunt fir

lilfli «h<* wiw hoping, imd tlie lessons,it sixty dollars a nuarter, whicii shehad taken of Monsieur Emile?

The master of ceremonloj, urged or>y hU anxioiM I tidy friends, rnniB for-ward, while the gentlemin, opera-^ in haml, mado a snui-clrcii-nlialanx at tint liaek uf the room.

"A thousand ]i:tn!n]is, iiia<l:iiu,'* heiid, courteously, "but I -im reiiuested

to attc you fur tlio favor uf a little

'•A son."?" hrsitatfil Aniee, withrliaiiging color, while she rcstles^ylingered h«r iiKither-of-ptMrl fan.

Only one,11 plrailed tlie muster ofcmonleH, salaaming to the very

ground —aria, balladiuo. roiuan/.n—liat you ulcaso. U wutild he nn in-lhitahle. favor to me—lo us all."And tlun urijcd, Aniee sufltml her-

self to !>e led to tlii^plano.She sun* n simple little English hat

lad, soft nnd ssul, with dyiii; eailincea.It was succeeded by round upon roundof (h'itf-'iiing :i;ii>hiu.se.

Fair eantatrice," said the master ofceremonies, who was quite a beau inhis elderly way, ".It id ineled3 for youo endeavor lon&ir to conceal yourilentity. You nru discovered!';

" I?" ut'icil Atiico, turning pink andwhite.

We nrc too much lionorcil," addedthe nisistor <-f foremonit's, " by the prea-

>f tlu> Siirnora Simnhonia Ijoneathour festive rnuf. l'ray uilow me to sig-nily out- univei'<:il apiirct-iation of thf l i l fyfavor you have113."


to couf*.r upun

And he gracefully placed upon herhead a wreath of glossy green bayleaves, which had been hurriedly con-structed by one yi tho diamond-apark-lift'tulip*.

" Hut," cried A niee, " there hna beensome mistake! I am nut the Signora

iiiilihonia — the (lisilinauiahod ItalianiptTu hinder to whom you allude."

11 ut '.he master ot cer -monies bowedagnin, with n. inili1'" incrt'duloust smile.

""The signom i pleaded to keep up tin:transparent i l In*. "Webow to her will. But wo cannot be de-rt-ived."

And not all Aniee Grey's protestationscfiultl divoat her Irom the Blrant;o andtinex-pei'lnd iduutity that wad so. per-iistcnt'.y thru.stupoii her. She receivedan ovation all the evening from theiiucets, a.nl finally left Lhe Wll-ruoni Ina curious .state of hcwildfrnu-nt.

Mrs. ll;ufg(?r!y WHS silting jp for hor,willi 11 devotional book in her hand,ind the horttci'a of her best cap in dan-ircrous proximity to thekittili'Mi naixlli",'.vhcnihc yellow satin dress seemed to

nation."You're hitck, eh, d.'ary?" said Mrs.

liul^crly, drowsily."Yes, I'm back," said Anicc. "And

the strangest thins; h:n happened I"" Whatdcury?" " . . ."Kverybotly has taken mo for a fa-

mous primn donna who is now singingat. lhe academy of music!" said Ank-o.* Do you suppose, liadgerly, .that myvoice ia really so lino?" . .

"It's droailful line, my deary, nodoubl,"suid the charwoman, stilling anintiipicnl yawn whiuh threatencilto di-vide the two sections ol her head inparts; " bill i:t.::i'l, that. It's the yal-ler satin gowiid, deary—that's what itia!"

"The—yei low satin cown?":'r-'.';V'V notltlt!(i Mrs. Hadgerly." Didn't I loll you ? It was one the Sig-jioraSiniphonia wore on the slageuntila clumsy supe'snilled an oil lamp overa. So she gave it to her maid, the sig-nora did, and tin; maid she took out lhe

.V Vacillating 1Jt.llr< .My negro gardener came to mo one

evening in great nlarm, nml Btntcd Unitlia twin HOI•*, Mituito mul Clnui^o, hadUiken out his gun In thu morning, andhad been missing ever since. I iu onceloaded my rill", loosened my Cubanblooi!liounil,t.fld followed thu man toMs Iiut. There I put the dog upon tin'toys' scent, following on horsebackmyself.

It turned out that lhc young scampshad gone on the trail of a large bi-ar,though they were only thirteen yearsold, nnd their father had often warnedthcmnritto modiili! wilh wiltl beastThey bcRan tl.elr adventure by huntingthe bi>ar, hut rndril, m often happen-in bclne hunted by the bear; for lliuhhud turned upon them, nnd duiat'tlliiciii so hard that they v.'ere fain to dro<Iliu KUII and lake to u tree.

It wasiiftycaiiioit! of peculiar ahapc^ending furlli from its stem many imnli,hut (inly two laruc, branelies. The.-"two wero Home tliirty feet from th<urouml, and slreM'liod altuoat hoiizimtally In opposite directions. They wenus like oauh oilier as tlic twin brother.-1

lliemselvcs. (Jimtigo took rcfugu onon»> of these. Mango on the other.

The hear hugged the tree till he hai!•limlinl us fu- as the lurk. Thero h<licnitaltd an instant, and then began l>L'l'CL'p iiloiiL,' thu branch which ttup[iirU'd Chango. Tho boast atlvanciislowly and gingerly, sinking hid uhw-into tlie bark at every step, and nodi'peiiiling too nmvh upon his bulani-iii;puwers.

Chaiigo'ti pOHiliun was now far fioutileasant. It was useless to play Hi-irick well known to hcav-bunlons-dinlicingtheanimal out to a point WIIITihu branch would yield beiicalh it-«roat weight, fur there was no liighMbranch within. Oliango's = rea'ili, bentclitng which he could savt; liitu 'froin a dcailly full—thirty fiet sheer.

Three more steps, and Mie'iiw' ";oul<be upon him, or he would ho upon ill-ground, lli-.ive 115 Mb boy was, hiucth chattered.

At tliid moment, Manpo, nerved tiherni.xm by his brother's lu'ril. move'rapidly from the opposite limb of Hitree. Slt'pjnni: behind the bear, h<uraApcd with one hantl a small hi^h"buu^h. which exlentlod In wheru li-stnoil, hut litit (0 wht'iT his hrollior lav :u-itli llio older liatul, he .soiled thcauimal lirmly by its stumpy tall. The heirttirnril to put'i.ih his rasli as-milaiitbut. iinirry as lie was, he turned emit inii.-ily. It was no ea.->y task tt> riiih1

riboitl face on 11 hrant'li which airi';i'l>hatl lu'L'an to tremble and sway bcntai Ihis weight.

Ch..ifi:o w:is saved, for the bear evi-dently had trnnsftrrt-'it his anitntidily !•iMjinjrn, whom hn purmintl. step by stuninward the extremity of I lie Mtlii>rliiiil>I tut Chango was not tho boy to Wv>his brothiT and rescuer in tliolureh.Waiting until tin; cnrajrird brute was we!I'liiharki'il upon Mango's branch,*h'iiulli/tl iLs tail, as lie hatl seen lit-brtithi'r tin bclurc. Again Hruin turm'iawkwardly, ami rosunicd theiulerrujiti 1

The twins continued tlieirlaoticswill

advanced on one limb, antl dangerous]}close to one twin, the oilier twiti woul-sally irnm thu other limb and pull lii-tail. The silly animal always woul-yield loins latest imjui '-'of wnilli.tiinsuiler himself to be dtvcricd troin th>enemy who was almost in his clutche.**

Alter two hour.-) of difappoinlmcni.he learned his mistake. He was nowfor the truth time, OH Changu's oratiiihand very near Chango. In vain Mungvdragm'd at his hindiT oxlremity; Inkept'jjninly on till Mani;'*;1 loreed turhiMtsti between li-llinE go' the brutt'Vtail or the hiaher branch which enahli'.thim tu keep his ferr, let go iho former,

(Jlinh' o L-oultl now reU'oat no fiirilnT.'mid lifwaM Imntly 11 yard Iwynml tb>bear's roach. Tne lirancli WHS swayiiiLmore than ever, and tho bnastaueuii-'tl(•uite aware that lie might tax i'^strength too far. After a pause he ad-vanced nne of his forefeet a quarter of av:if.l. To increase '.he bears dilliwiltyin soizitiii him. tho terrilied buy lot him-self down and swung wilh his hand;from Lhc houi;li.

lie was haiigins in susiteiisc betweentwo/nghlful deaths. His heart

s as nent us you h French

It ia probably true that in this coun-try more children arc killed or madeweakly for Uio by Improper food, orover or under feeding, than by anyother cause, nnd this is the more un-pardonahlo becausu the kinds of foodwhich, for children, aro the most whole-some nnd ni *ri«hinc, wo usually cheapand easily I* bo had nnd prepared.There arc very few people In tho UnitedSt'ites so poor that they cannot get fortheir children, not only tho right kindol food, but also plenty of it, so thathere again we can only fall hack uponthe excuse, If we dare to call it such, ofur own ignorance nnd thoukflit'cssnwa.In almost every household tho chll-

rcn habitually get sweet cakos and;>iert, liot breads, preserve*, pickles, etc.,ivliluli cost twice ns much, both inlonoynwi i» lhc tabor of preijarution,i would tlio plain, digestible foodhich alone is suitable for growing

iiildren; and yet it teems almost in.possible for mothers to realize that inniving these things to their children:hey am. not only wasting time nndmoney, but aro also directly injuringnMr helpless littlo ones. It is cer-linlv a very forlunatc tiling that nn-uro provitles Tor a baby at its entrancento lifo food which iaall aulllcientforis needs, for otherwise it F'tmis as if

B injjenuity ol ignorant!pnrcnts wouldy Ibis time Inve extinguished llioluman race. Kven as it is. someimthcrs instaton giving babies all sortsi food, sometimes going so farnsto be-ii-Vf, or say they beiicvi;, that a littleif anything that they themgi>Ivf!3 canat will not hurt tho baby. A woninnnight as well say Unit the baby's littlelands ran do the work of her hands, ashat its llltle stomach can do tho workif her sUmiach; antl the result of suchrmtinunlh- that the baby nlnis, fallsirk, U itnifrge.l with medicine, and inline caws out of ton* dies, the victim olIs mother':} ignorance.A child which is completely vanned

it twelve months should, from Oiattiinoin'Hitfci eighteen months oliil > fedour tiiiirs a day upon milk, Mmp.i- pte-mrationsoftlie diU'erent grains, boiled>r haked potatoes mashed line, beef tea.Tankers anil lm;ai'. From eighteennontli!*, when children arc hpalth>, ajnmter v.irifly ol food may be {iiven,mt tlioaamc t'iiresbould \w taken in re-mnl to Hit1 regularity of their iwals (lorhabit of I'atini; at odd times Is harmi'tii

ind that they M!- nnlliin^|)|ain tui.l wholesome.

, ,.. itry, hot breads, gicasyir hiirlily seiiswni'd food of any kind•lioulil lit" alrlctlv forhidtlcn, while n'-osl any meiit(i;.\iritiit pnrk), iish, rice,

riatmeal, cornmea!, almost all kinds ofIrtiit. and all easily digested vciri'titblcs,iUcli 114 potaloiH, loiiiattiCit, spinat'b,tu., may lie given, wi'ii cooked and injroporiiiiantilirs. the heaviest meal be-m-Ukoiiintlm middlt1 cifth"ilay,nndHit' foiidilionofthu bowels buinijalwaysoam'uily watt-lud.

\ow any womaa with ennunon sens...il fairly L'ocd liPalth can do all thiswithout mUL'h trouble, and in tlic end

ill liml tint it is the rasicst way to:inir up lit*r ehildren, fur this t-tui ofire-" will -Itiin ti. nn wtill and slnmu,1 vim; all the 'expense and anxiety ol lhe.'fiuent Hinges which are usually the•t ufchildmi wl:o nru pcrmfUed to

all sons of.ihmusatatl rioris of timw.AH. fur example, in icethini:. v/henhaliiiis which a e properly fWl :unl vmvAfor .-sutler very little, while hwMy man-'iiiii'il cliildter are :i'mo-t always in painand fioqiii'r.i.' have tits, convulsions,iliosu ulioleric"attacks wjiidi are so I'nin-

u-au.-u ot iliath.e-t|.(!uially in cities.i-aiuiot make uood bread out of had, jou fannot'grow a strong plant

from an iniriii': sie.l. jmi cannot build aii'ii-wurihy boat o;it of decayci'.timher;uiw then can you o.vpeet ytmr childreno bchcaltliy uniiss you give them 11:

1 heir f.:o:l the material from which loniak<' l!c:ilthybor.t: aiitl iim^lo, »•

two gsinking, his

Th th

lis. iswere relaxing.b i f hThen the deep bavin.!,' of a hound

strui'k his ear, and liis.liantis againclosed lirmly on Uiti bnmch. In a mo-ment, a bloodhound and a horsemanspriiner ihroujih t'ie unticrwood.

Cliiintio held on like srim death—heldnn till lie • I nurd llio sharp report of sirillfi rinsms through tlie air; held ontill thcfiiliini;caren«=oritie bear passit!before his fyes; liuld on till 1 hadclimbed the tree, crawled along tliobranch, and. grasping his wearied wrist,h:t<l assisted lum to gut back to the forkoftlmlrun, and rest n bit.

If that bear only luyl understood intime that a buy in the hand is worthiwo in Ihf! bush, he nielli have length-

..„„..,.,., .. ,,,„!(• hia days and gnno down^.wlth:u]dbo'n7iiiP,'aiidHhot9.inodtliiii;i- I lionor to "the iii\\vc .—F. D'take _CrofionShe wiis a smart croelur, the Si>r-

nora. Simphonia'd maid was; hut shehad one failing—she liked: drink. Sothe last «Di'ce slic wont on, sho nawnctlMIB yallursatiii gnwnd fur money to buy

dcenor beerd of her since. So there'st/'e'history of your dress, my deary-dove; and, if you cared to have il tokeep, Vva no.doubL I eouid make a goodbargain- for you with Mrs. llallowell,.wd get it cheap."

But Aiice Grey threw it aside with ashudder. .

"Ko.-HatlKerlyr'.aaid she;."lake itaway. It's llio last lime I over-want towear a drcsa that iua't honoatty my very

"Well, dear, youVo had 0110 nicet-vening\i wi-nr out of It, anyhow," saidMrs. liadgci'U, complacently.

Annie 1 hook her head. • -'-'I don't like sailing under false

...lor.V' said she. " Second-hand dressesand sccoiuHumd repulations won't dof o r m e ! " " .,.. . . . . • 'V :;" ;;..- •• ••

Hut, for oncrevcnitig, Annio had en-joyed tho adulalion due to LnSignbraSimphonia, of the Urand luilian Opera.

glrinM'd, rallfid.. the atlentibn of tlxctrneighbors to tlie superb satin toilet, anjlniado uvcry excuau 16 get near'hcr;.injjic crowd. „ -A- J-^^-iL.y^v.^^'S^Til^iHl

r F i T d i T i b lri ywith a perfect crustaceous formation ofdiamonds.- '

. ^ , . _ ...{ The exploration of the groat Subaradesert in Africa, with a view lo the con-struction of a railway across it, lias nowfairly begun. In addition to the leader.Colonel Fhulcr, llio parly of explora-tion comprises nine svieutilic olheors:and twelve Frem-h soldiers, besidesnumerous cntue 1 dr'vcrs, clnotly belong-ing to the Oliambaas Iribo. .

; The rapid disappearance of wildtures used for food'o* other purp^ twhether diallngulslicd by feather, Anor fin. whenjiuandoncd to tho tendermercies of omnivermia ninn, lintom

IJroaliing His Son's titctt,'Hy parlies just down lr.1111 T _

knler wo aru inftirmcil llmt.-i luw dajcub, near Minersvilli.'1, Charles Davin,;hilc flruiik-, threw ins cicvt'ii-jL-itfuiil

son out »r iiwlndiiw, the fall brnnkinuthe boy's neck. Somu weeks ago I)avis,wiffl died at tin; same place, wilh noone nt hoin<! but this hoy. whose, deathwo chroniiilu above, and ins Iwubrother, who also -died soon afler hiabrother, who lmollicr from the

ld hi fth

soo[ exposurp_lo

f l himtlio cold, his father J.avmfffmve.1 liini011L' into the snow. Charley D.IVIS iswell-known hero, having a cultlu ru'ig'1on Clear crook. It is snld that all thocrimes ho iiaa uummltLott were ly'iTOtniU'd when he was intusmaU'd, buth-iL-will-not esni-si* llinir cnormityrn.drunk or sober ho outfit lo.pull hump;.Tlio cornmi of a nogltietcd wile m a olimrbefore a lirelcss heanb,.in a snow-sur-rounded cabin, wilh no onn at-htmil wuher two chiltlrciii, siillciing with i-olnnd I111 ncor—01m^of-tliese newly-or-phaned hTiya thrusfiiut into the trnetfr•!n"Stotm and pcrisliing from tin: t'lleetaof Iho exposure—Hit! ntiimlm 111£ brother'tossed Irom a wintlow 'ind inslfttiJlykilkd—these nrc the pictures for OhaviosIlavis to contei.inlale mid •'•••- SIM Francisco Chronic/a.

I'orlralls "Upon Winiloiv rl*ai:(*s,1 The Otiar'pltMviilo (Va.). (tironichwys: Wo have hert'tofore'piibiirsht'd iinaccount of a poilniit supposed to havbeen plit>lot;raphed by lightning onpane of clays in thts window ol an oVt'ariu-houao hi this county.' 'Another hvsinned of tho same curious phenomenalbus been found in Iho window of Ll:mansion house on the "Mount Ka^hs"farni;-£niore,.<:oiior!*lly;-,- known ~i\s~; 'lir,"Gentryplace." The porlniitsol1 fourpei\k)iis 'ai'u" pljiJnly..-jdi-ccrnibli!-twomen, a woman and a child. _, TliQ_facrsmo not all tiii one -pant1, th:it_ of one- oftho aien.and thfi-wonirin-biiiicc^on ;JI1--

res for Oliad rellect over.

it nny !i2i') and that•vhich i- not plain

A Knnedr lor Starlet Fever.Dr. K. WodilnilV, for nineiivn voars a•actieins physii-iaii at Ovar.d llapidn.

Mii-hi'Mti, fiii'M!.siu'SllieSpii[ii:li.-itl (I!l.^Journal the rulliiwlnu: W:ish the childfrom head to loot with StrmiL' sal sodawater, warm, then wine dry. Then im-mediately bathe freely with oil Ironbeef marrow, oroi] IVnm butter, jij-pliciTively. 'Thou «ive'freely catnip Ira, nrsome sontl sweaiinsarticlo. pennyroyal,otu. Itt'pi'at every half hour, or as oftenus they gi!t worrisome or wakeful, andin one or two days they will be, entirelycured. I have been called lo caseswhe.ro they have been fully hroko out,anil in this way dilirelv cured them intwenty-four hours. I liavu hatl thirtyeases on hand ul ti time, and never lost ac:iatj iiimy life.. Hut nuw I am old an.!about to''give up my biLslni'ss, and sce-injj from the papers that your town isinfected with the epiilentic. I wish in<"onil Lhe'gDoil [ean. ItissoMmplo. Youilo nol" not'il lo call a doctor. A good1n.rge.eat1 attend lt> them. If by open-in;; the pureitif the skin and sweat in 1;you.can ktiiil'.tlte pujson,.wli]yh is >;•liiiiiualcula.'or animal in .the blood, tcure ti complete.' Thu 'same is equal .jgood in rivers of all kinds, hard i:olibami eotislH. I tiike the ground lhaLali

iighi. I tak hisw arc caused by a ppmrt of tlm skin, retain!us; tini i l i th b l dp

or livingho

of th*poison

d lskin, retain!us; tint po inni.il.-", in the blood, and ul

t l i * i ' ti

Tho Cincinnati Commercial liu thisitcscription of Miss Middy filorgan, anIrldli fady ot noble family, who, after rinvinK shono in Irish and Italian BO- .kly, fiime to this country nnd assumedhe pesition of livestock reporter for aieatlinK New York daily paper. SUOWMalways a lover of horses, and In Italy •was employed hy King Victor Eman-uel to purchase horses for lib stable,hrr judgment of nnlmnla being so cx-lollctit. 'iVhcn sho first applied forIicr singular position she was allowed!iy tin; cditora to try the- work, ior a•ike, but she did so well that theytoon found it worth wlillo to employlur in earnest* Sho is nn immenselyjill woman, six feet t~o tactics In 'hHsJrf*- Miss Morgan wore, when I <=aw her, a lanky waterproot dressii:::uhiiitt to ULV unklvJ. Sho wore u '<,c-lif-nn blank straw hat, " pitched onto"he buck of tier head. It suilcd her,ind it was nobody else's business.Irr almuldors aro broad nnd square,:nd she docs not mince matters whensho walks. She jumps on nnd off a cari,'hen in full motion when elio fcola liket. Those necustomed to the ordinaryie!plrssncs3of thcfemalescxinthoninV-IT of locomotion nre somewliatstartlcdiy her methods. They say she'Kiks like a man dressed in woman'slollies. She has not a relativon this country, hut ho3 mnil.i

some warm friends. All tha cattlemarket people know her r'.d esteemher, as slio goes here nnd there, Ircmline yard lo another. Universal rc-siicet and deference aro shown to her.There is something very impressive-mil strange in tho way sho movesibotit among the wild Tcxns cattleami scarcely 1PS3 wild cattle drovers,ind command a ns much respect nsmy Jatly in a drawing room. Tnoy

say that no matter how crazy drunk anyone of these drovers miy he, he neverhtils to recognize Mindy Morgan, andtrrathorlikealady. What made tillslady rclined, giftrd, brilliant, a favoriloin the highest eireks of society in Bu-npe, Eiiildtiily luin her back on It all toroes thi! sen. antl liecomc a market re-

,)ortrr nnioii^ the cattle pens of the newworld, nobody knows.

Electricity in Flour Mnklner.In olden times it w.13 "notlirapllku

cather.11 Now it seeiui to bo nothinglike electricity. Klectricity la rapidly—it does everything rapidly—becominga nmsl useful servant. Tbo latest Ibingit has been asked to do is to prepare ourbread for us. In most colleges there Isan experiment done before the stu-dents to show onu of tho manifesta-tions of electricity. A couple oflooks arc laid on the tabla a foot or ~,n apart. The? avo to support a pancol.class two or three inches fromtlio tablo.On the table, under the glass, iasprinkled some bran. The (;la33 iaheated, and on bf'ing rubbed vigor-msly on tin1 upper side with a piece ol

.lannel the bran dances up and down onthe table, tho lighter particles adheringto the elcelriliod glass. Perhaps it wasbis experiment 'that induced a Yale,unior tu think of making electricity do.Uworlcof Middling; puriiicr is a Scar "-•••-:;mill. Instead of the bran being sep-arutcd from the nudd lings and fine flourby an air blast, electricity ia omplojcd.The boltlns clolli is of wire, nnd ovcritare several hartl rubber cylinders whichrevolve slowly. Aa 1 hoy revolve they --revolve slorub against

t " lctr

ly. Aanirees oficity

1 hoy r e o l yheepskin and gen-h b l t i l t h

ub agais nirees of heepk an gcrate" electricity. The bolting clothhas a. vibratory motion which causes thebran to work lo the top of the mads ofaround wheat us it Hows over the cloth.Tlii' mhbnr rollers attract the brnn.Wlicniisunii'K'iitniiHi.tity of the branb;i3 been attracted it falls off the rollers

ii h d i i dinto receiving ty Tlie'bt

it falls off the rollersoughs, and is carried

doors M('the system iiml let them out, odrive tlit'iii out. All people know :warm baili is nood.' I 'nt you apply theoil to tlio skin, nml il keeps llio pore

lien foi\'Moii^limoa!it! gives theetn'in.-ehaiK-i; to getiitit. 1 hope all will tryit"; anil they will soon he convinced.

A Lion limit In S011IU Amcrlen.In Smith America a party of Kimlish-

nuiii rucenily rotlo out for a lion huntThe South American lion is not c.vae.ily like lhc lions of iliu old worhl, ItiiUu is' feroi'iim.t( mvoithclcss. : ActiomMiiiying Use himtfiva was :t pwin. orTurni:nl, naiutjil " Prisly," who was a goodniiia-aml as brave as he eouKl In1. In:.i ilii.'kis', wilh water ali in-ounil. UR'liunlurd-tiiiiiit) u|win-a: lUiiicss anil iwo .••ubs, and theso they suuuuedud in cnvr

uiriiiR with lassos,'or voV't'S Wiped al tin-.-ml. •Trotting out of;thu tliickelM by•limself, I'r'L' \* saw a lion, UR- fallier til.ht« cubs. The limi was.moving here

*iiul ilium in t!i» grass of iheiiliiin, snil"-MIL' lhc air and growlinir. l'ribty was

1 m Ii a bold fellow .thai liculd not call-ir help, but roilo hcifdluug afler Insiin.0. ••lVUyii'uirgL'd.at irutilhip,:imli.rlion. a t tll^{f*amn mnmi'iit I'liaruuihvilli great bounds. VVrisiy liiirltid IDK•,-soimtl lhc noose, tint! to Hsniiti;•full.l.uiiui tlio iiriiiial's neck. Then IMsly•ul. f\<nn lo h. • horse in tmlt-r that hisitii»iitili'«s Hie lion, bud Llie'hiUer ran

f'l-itfr ihuh llio horse, and soon sprang:}.nn tho ptior hoifit-'s flunk, Tht'rn was-1

•,1 tt-niliuhlriiffgle. IMsly pliuututt for>!<:;;». nml the'hunters, in the . thii'licti'u-ili'v-in a nun' j*nllop toward tlicnloml:,i'*;i!ii*t\\iaivtiiai'k('il. Lhe'si-t'ii(v;of' " "

away. T lmhn lU 'd flours, pours out \from anntlier"part of the liiiu'liine, arid""""''--'•tho " tailinas"-oripofile. . Under thenew process"there is no dust raised, nnd. . ,.wheii tin: territiu explosion of milling •- .dust at the Washburn mills, in Winne-jinolis, a few months ago, is remem-bered, this will be soivn to be no smalljuivan'asie. Th*> invention U now bnine - .' ':ipplii'd to a Minnesota mill.—'Detroit''•" "free I'rcss^ > o |

Words ofVViadiuii, .., ,

T don't like lo talk mui'h with fienpljwho ahvtiis asti'L'O.wiih mo. It is amus- .'•• •inn lo enqueue willi an echo a littlu"... .'./..while, bu t one. soon Hros of it.

l ie who thinks no man above himbut for liis virtue, nor any lieldw himbut for his vice, can never buobactjui- ^,oil? or assuming in the wrong place. ••

No humility is perleut and propor- : 'tioned but that whi.-h makes us hate•oiirsjelvw as immortal—the humilily.. . . .that kneels in llic dust, but gazes on the *""skies.

A man often needs his anger—113 -*•',well as bis other pHSsions—to blast ,-'.•: .a way the olwiaeles lo his nath; bu t the '"•';.incUt:t:rimin:iLc use of liisnilro-glycciine 7

isdiitigeruua and dcsLrumive....JCxamplc.3 of vicious.couri.es, practiced '• •'__•111. a-tloniL'stic . circle, corrupt-: more; '.?:":;•;roa'dily and mo'ro deeply when" wo be-""""'"•'hold them in persons of authority.

ChiUhoud. ltnowln^ nothing of the • •''•''/•'•'&future, imagines it is to be the "golden ~ •••_'gujnj.11 tuiil niaiikiiiil,havingfniludlufind.••—•""pt'rlei't happiness, imagines that it ia ,uiily nliiiiuucl hi" ohiIahoofl.-"'--~--.!r~"--rv^Hr^

Make Your Homes IMcnsunt. ,Tf"''Endeavor to make your homo both . I

attractive-nml conifortablc. Don't bo. • 'so absorbed in business or so miserly nsto foi'fiut lionic comforts. Iloniesbpuid fl**^be madfl the most attractive, plucb onearth, for both parents anil cliildrcn:then, if their hearts are right, tliey will V *notilejicrt it lor.enjoyment in forbiddenplaces. Endeavor to make everything . r

-li;u!ilj',"V:orivonient mid in• good tn'ste.--••bv;l'rofure lnnne comforts for 'yourself and ' "• '•fmnily. . .Don' t J>e.afraid of a littlej'lnusemcnt nt homo. I'ounR people"™""must Imvi" it, tilder people need it.' If ; •.your daughters ncort a musical instru-'. '—men I, try nml jirocuru~ono for them.Tlit'ywill li!avn.t:li!it.,which will in ft lowyears uiHvcifypur' homes, and in afterlife yon 1- st'iii*'!inrt daughtPra' liomeg. . ;

Don t shul:iip your house lost tlie sun'fade .vuur ,{';ii-pi-ls ami your hearts. "noii ' tWiiiru'iil 'ui a little fun at home; "it is a good sintidole for dyspepsia nn<vthe blues. Wbn does not like tho up ."nearanee of a brii'.ht tmd smiling face,'"in pnsfi'i'fiit't1 to a long arid melancholy , r - r -

... _ -- — .— . ,. . mo not iill tiii ohcpanc, that of onfoohisatlKfyinft'-immcdlttto wants, has o Uio men and Lhfl-'woTnnn-hJiiiifc-on.iiil

Jfttnjipcri pnfiiipyiUBttitJiitUliJOu.Qijaw -«[%!*•>iirr-cliissesVllio Im^ofiirniSiiferinni; makers, considerate sportsmen ana mer- o n (mother, and'ihat of-lhc child on on

_, .. l - f l l l " " f t ' u f th lwer •p nd the thnory ichants in many parts of the world.Tho foilowlng 4ro the dates at which

h s adjourned in previous

o n (mother, andihat of-lhc child on oneof the .lower •panes, nnd the thnory isthntthc party were all looking iliro'ui-htlicwinuow (Iniins; :i thunder-storm,:when ii't^idileujflashflf ll^litninp, bysoino mysterious'pracess, .msliuilnuo-

—F.W. MuCWve, nmutiBcrotlhoUostonWtwldy Globe, fell dead nl hip, residence inWest SoiuerviUtj yesltmliiynfleriioou. Howtvawell known thrmighout tlio country profcii-Bloanlly n«d cttwo to Uoiitou (roui CLi'cogonboiit two yiarjiigo. . . . , . •

—.V giiiitjcnmii Rrtvo n iil h i l l U i v i

il lionor of a

111..An clsU.j9ar.0ia girVor -Hoolwlle.' -fc,To"liro"wa.UWW rt&:

Page 2: WASHINGTON STAR. · 2015-12-03 · Slim n tlio threshold, With li^ht loot and cM IllHiJ, tinve w');l>t Btnnil; Die Ircoh rat lipjntl tiutci.iRf; ynnlli'i ruJily ni[iluroiis wine,


U. H. SIQLEY.Publlshor ,

T h e Di-moi'riitio votora «f tint SInl<MitNew Ji-rncy, mitl nil others desirous i>(mut iny with thoui in the HVnrt fur ]iuro,IVOHOIIIUM! imil iiutslitutiti'iinl tfmvri1.*uu-iit, nro n>«iuestoil t i m u v t nt snrli linn*flinl pl.tcrs ni may lw> ili^igimttHl liy tlic

l MdilitT iiltovu tlio potty jim1>iti<mt oflT I11CII, tlll'J' IVtTO hlldl'klil to illK.

Hint ho Iiiul grown w> Riwdy of power n»to W willing tom' t iwiilo tlm mmt dier-

iMiwHrrulitionsof Hie to nun-i|ttiw I>U c n . K I IU uomiunttmt will not

Shonimn will mnico » Rum! uluming «'[

mt he luck* Unit dt-ltU'iit «liiwiiwm tlmt so finiiioiilliliiln-, In? will in nil i>m

hevi-ral County »i»t City Kx«vutivt> Coin* Uliilily lie oliligiil to step iu»iili\ llliiiiii-niitltv-S tovKvt Dfl*'Kut*'rt to tlm Di-iuo-liimuiMimuHCHntnl ui'iton

HtaU> CoiiYoutiou, !•• W li<-MTuvli.r Oj> -ni Hmiv, in tin- vity ut Troii-ton, ntt

-THURSDAY, iliu 20lh tluy ..f MAY, 1SS0.,nt 12 u'olnck, M., for the ]mr]NK«v "t i'lwl-'inp four StUinUiriul ami dmrU-ou DistrictIWKHII-H In tlio lVmivnitii- NutionnlConVi>ii(ion, to In-lu-M in llmrity of Cin-rinuiili, nil ff nesiliiy, tlu* -2H il;iy tit Juno, int'xt, In iioiiuiuito oamiiiliiti-H fur I'rosi-iilent mitl V'wo PiVM.U-nt of tlm UiiitorfStates, Midi dfli'giiti* to 1H> iiirtinu-tcil iwto tliu iU'»iwl>ility vt contlnuiiiff tliu two-thinls rule iiny longer in Xiitiotml Cim-ivi'iitioiis. !

Tlio luisis (if tvprwontiitimi will In' micJDt'logntc for cnt'Ii one luuiiltvtl Di'iim*erntie voU'rt, ami mie for cadi friu'lioii of

•UioNUuuii.Wfiri.s'tt.ML u! I1M> I M O H -K-nmtorial I'lei-tioti in thin Btalv; 1mleach Ward ami Township shull 1w t-nti-Motl to at ]«ut «»»• Delogiitf.

'W.M.SmwKN', Cm, Ami, BHOW.NISO,It. I1'. SrocKTox, M. II. STHATTOX,Cl. 1). W. VKOOM, JOS. W. YATIW,JOHN- U. DIMIHAM, X.vrn'r. Ti»wsnr.sp,


DPIUOCVJIUC I 'r imiiry !Uc<>lliii:«.At a meeting of the 'Wnnvii Count,

Democratic Exwutivo Commiltw, lu-ltlApril 11th, 1S80, it was raulm! to r.-'commend to the nevoral townships, wnnVnml borougliH, to hold tboir primary meet-ings to elect' tleleyntes to the State Cun-volition, on Satunlny, May 15th.

I n nmmlimco with this n^ulitlUni, Ih

A tlm lli<i>uiu> uthcr iiuiiu- fun ilii, IIU nvi>r.l ir.

IHI, liw iiliility l:oyu:»l <iucsti.*n, nuil•i cliiiiiH ujiuti liis ]i:irtv (•reiit niul in-nmtniilf, timlit.w.iitil 'iii.t > • liii/iiril-,' iinu'h to ]nv»li<'l IIH uiuniimtiitii »t


tlic otlior siilti llio jiroblt'iu vl\\-t*in.-L'iiliiir tlillirilltiiv*. U traiHiiirrs

Ilitii the nu»xt jirmiiiiR-nt ])i>iuiK-nilUHMii-iliilato, Samtii'l J . TiMon, is imiv-rilMl*.v Hi,, fact that in life own Stale, NVwYork, tiwro is u HITIUIIS njilit in liU partythat tliiviitetiM to liocmm1 utilica1aMi> inMH.. of h i t nomination. Johu K.'ily.uith

Tammany Kail ut liU back ami 77,OOi)w t « t at Iti;* coininniui, is IIIIHIJJM! to kit']>iiway fnini Tililon ttio t'livtunil vuti> <•!tin* uno Stutc that is iii-tvssary to hU

titni. If TiltU'ii ivrHislH, Ki-lly |n>r-», t.ml Kelly can rnitt TiMi'ii. H Tilsti-jK asiilo, tho Di'iiUK'nitii.' brisicli

in NVw York Stntt* UliraloiJ nt that mo-iiu'iit, niul u lii'iniKTatii.' vii'tory is in.xl-c m t d y tvvlmn, i>ri>vidin^, nf o i u w , that

Knihl matt i-i noiniinti'il.TaliiiiR it fiirgrsiiiteil that tin* lMno-

ratii1 Conwiitiun at Umriltimli will nutomiM.l.'r it cxiH>.liont to put Mr. Til.lotiin nominatum, the ruii>ntiiiii is still opoii.IIay:utl, of Di-ltiwwv, was emtsiili'iVilavailahli- until ncmio iittiTiiiKYH of his ontin-.States'llif-ht iWtriiii! in 18i»l wrrvl.roiiKht to light, nii.l his li.yaUy tn tin-Uiiinii ut the Kim* uf mwasioii iiuiitrt touppi'tir »n national'If. Any man who hasov«r fspivssinl himself in fuvor of that

Doiuocrutiu votora of the County ut War-rcu, tire requeMiul to lucot ut thu plmwof holding their last annual town nicel-ings, (unless otherwise oruvruil,) oilSATURDAY, the 15th ilay uf MAY, 1880,nt 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, niul chvtdelegates in the ratio of nut1 delegate fureach ".00 Demoi-nitie votes east at tlmliust Guliernatorial election, »*:;i'l oiiu furevery fraction over <"0.

Tho immlier of delegates to lie. eleeteilfrom eiwli township, ljimmgli and wnnlitinler tho nbovo Hnpcirt ion went , is »s fnUlows:

Votes fur MeCIellan. No. J>1.* Phillipslmrg, 1st ward l iB 2

Oivcmvieli,IiOpfttCOUg. .F r a n k l i n . . .

:td "4th "

Ut niul Oi1 .list

. l t w i . . . .

:.'2Sl>. 1 7 : 1 . . . .



of the man whn wns one of the first tit-fnultorrt in tint long und itifmr.ouH Him ofdofiiuUcrHwhohavt* disgraced t h e county,

Alnwly ono of the INWOH iiiNtigaleil l»yMcCrm'ltcn hna failed. Tt was tlu* COHOg s t Sannu-l Frouu*. McCracIteu don't

like I'romt1. l i e instituted n mitt uguiunthim that was i>»th m-nscless iu.d mall-

*, iiml when tlm evidence was nil in,tho jury promptly returned a verdict infiivorof lYtwie, t h tu Htiunping with nniron aeel their cinideinuati'in of tlit 'planof attackiii;' innocent nii'ii I.1* witisfy tlm;rtn1;;*»«f n "Hiiidf'* ref-imifr.'"- Wit don't

iid l'ronn1 f >r any wrong he him ever

y l , 'litit 'MMhas his rights, and that thosethat ho

ifjlit,* oujflit tn lie Kafe frtini tlic ni<ili''i<>'iiittueksof MU'!I men iw MeCrm-kcn. If

.S.umu-11-Voiih- niitv l>e iiUiie.ki'd and Hilli-li 'tlil |H I'Xp.'llSJ ll'.hl i!!('.l!IVi'liil>lH\'rithiT nicil t iny Iw s e n v d the Kitiin way.It is tin1 prineiple w.i nro «• i:it':i;liiij; for,not tin' man.

This oM liii;jiiH "ri 'f.iniii-r" niul hi*littlii mouthpieiM hiivi* lieeu pnirin^' outiwful di'i'lanitiotiH of iiiteiilions to Hu thf

whole (Minify ujt frunt the IM. in :^ - totin* Musi'iiiu-tcDti;;, to tnuv iumi.'.niiri.'iland i:iiui*iuitr.iMc mlU of .•;»<(!>* and eh*-

tohith. 'rlnv-fp.vtal.li 'hiilHes,to pull the liilolVof ii •»• e.'^p.iol.i of }>•>•litii-al ettss.il tu..^, to linnik d iwn the re-

iltalioiiHi.f i>sti>etn.«l nr ' i i , i'i short, toii.su thu very d >vil with evi-ry nut* iu the•iiuty. It is all t.i I '• il-y.w o:i tin- s.uiifhill and witli tin- f-.uu i d -t iiU ii i in t!i.>

doctrine would w r yivrtainlv alienate.

.til nil I'large

mid veryumber of

g g" townsliip.

HlieliL'lt.stOWllM l d


,1'relingliuy.sciiH a n l w i e t c . . . . . . .

:«ter» anil drive uvuiy inindependent voters who mv now wivinjj Iwtween tin* two parties. SeytnourIULS ivfused his name for tlie Convention,llatiein'1; has a good luu'khif,', lint his re-etinl as a tfallant soldier ini^'lit itill,imi>many Southern voters against him. IfTildeii insists on a nomination, it is al-most eiTtuiu lm will (jot it, but it he step-nsule or is thrown aside, n do/.en iii'utl^equally iH'umiuent und availalile mwiIMIIIO nt oiiee tn the front. Nn niNlutais necessary, and it is not likely that anywill 1 A made.

The question of tliu IX-nita-nitie iMiitli-date is miir.' inteivsliu" than tlmt of theKeptihliean e.mdidnte, fur it S^-IIH to ad-mit »f luit littl." doubt that in No\\<in'.».<rllt.'Xt tin* Kovpriiuient will pass into tin-limuli* of thai p-iriyVi-imdMatt*. Tlio

__ poj.itlttr IX'iim.-1-atie vote is v.i*tly ;,'ivut,.r

., .11 j than t!u! I;•.•publican vote, and ihe el"',\ S*'s "i (vrtiiin States sinee ISTtJ iiulie.iU-s• • \\ 1 the htrons probability of DeunnT.itit:


Blairs'town.'.".'.'.I larnuinyKnowlton . . „Hope; £>liOxford, 1st nndiid dis tr ic t . , fiilfj »Bclvidere ; 2B3 :i

TIIL- Deinutimtic vutow «>f GreemvMinihl Oxford townships will meet nt bothvoting districts in their respective town-ship, and those caiululates reireiviuj,' thehighest number of votes will ha declaredolected. Wai. M. M.\itniti;r,

Chninnan jJcnioerrttic JCx. Com.

lAh C'AXDWA TJXTlie great question now troubling tlie.

two groat parties of the. country is thatof choosing men to b e voted fur as Prosi-dontof the .United Stains nt Amem-u.There are many men w!io arc willing toIn* chosen, in f:tct, thero are none wlm aiviiliwilliug. I t is not surprising that the

' rioiniuiitioii shmild Ifc siiiiglit aftOr by•wise and patriotic men of both part ins,Heal thy ambition is 'generally a strungelement in ft strong character, and themagnificent goal at Washington U onethiit may well atlract the attention of tho

1 m;wt ambitit>us man living. The Presi-dency of this Union is one i»f the leadingruling position^ of the earth, mid lie whois'liftcd into it' by'tbe' peaceful ' voles i.fhis fellow citizens, and adonis it with pa-ticiit wisdom and becoming dignity, hasachieved a jjramVjr victory thaii any Xu-poleon who li:ia carved a -way. thruiighHosli und bonus to a thmnu which he nf-

-t , rwards drunchetl in lire and blyjiViuicl

*r.v i'r:<)Si:ci'T,ri)XK1 j i l i u IH}V> I'I'I.U'II "I •vJjii'ii'ii 1' ivir.ii'uli.

• 1 will probal-ly l.LMMll.-d on to U- purties' i a number of suits that ar.; thivntcnedgainst various eitinons of Warren county,

iiiid it shottld bo their duty to see lliat

iloue, for H U well kn. II ttiat we regardlii.s political course a t capable of improve*

i l

imilev llw litlo ol tlm " W.irrcnHitiff," n:id th't mero utter.uuM vt Ihornjtwo word* in enough to cull up tlm imincx,

C5, mindi'inl* nud futo of llitHu n[ them') hnvu IK'OH brought to justice, Tliati^ ir,ii a frfoctly o.jjaiiizcl linn of

treeholilorn v>\io hntl control tif i-wry poa-iililo i'ltlueiiet* iu tho county, nint theirihttroiHjh UnowIedK" of tho eoiuity andit* iiu'ii, their long pnictli't! ainl its rr*suiting Hkilt, their tthrnwtliiessl:i w.nliint;

ml'-r diver, nud their uuliinit.-d iiinbi-imhtillgivo then) ft Mr.ui^o ptnvrofnluitia:i nltliough they haveb-.'on f\\d niul their lender* rttrickfii down. Tlicy

Mill lioM togvtlier, mid tiioru thtts tlmt,they arc- nsiiiu stn'lig to ncijiiim tlm ruult

wii^nn e.i'"tli.-r.'sv


that <MS.«.whillVt who

•, and iu "ti'ii e.isesont will b.1 lit-1 sun i an it!m:-!:i*ii un.l tli.- littl,,A:< wli-ii his m:isl;.

Tli'-ir nvuli! of priMVslnro in tliia at-:cni|'t Hitl'imt wh:it wj might i<xii'.'ct,

.in our knowledge i»f thoir motluiili ini« p.wl. Tli -y Hei1 that ciinlldjuee iuJiu tun! Miup.ithy for them have luen

/.iniail nwiiy, au.l their first mwo is to;,ii;i tin* sympathy of the taxpayei's iw

it sun; f mnilation fur tin; eontldi-iuv whichbe felt in them In-fore they will everko 1 or p.-rmitted t<i hold ofllce. Into iv;r:iiu the sympathy of the pub-

i.1, titi-y h-ivj esnployeil their old org.ui,!i!> J*)Hfii<tt% to portray the inw.sti^a-iias us mer.' polttieal poriteuutiont, ein-fired, p.Tfei'ted mid eiirrieil out suceesM-nlly to llu- damige of a lot of f.iillifulillli-iuls, to. wail arid ui'itirn over theirate, t i iittaek thi). men who detectedilu'iu, and to nt W a t e for ofllci* limn" whomv .simply unpiiuishL'd members uf the

t> unholy and eriminal gang. ThiiH

ews, and who sin.u-lis his lips over theAn of that nnsti-r's spittle, haw talkedul talked n:i.l LiV.^A a:id talke.1 and

talked and talked day and night ami weekiiml month iiiul year about the "fraudu-lent H.ur.1 of 1H?.)," whieh "eowred up"lie tiling "exp-iswl" and "uuearthed"

and "revealed" by the virtuous Hoard oflfi7S, and they havn eaeUed with foul,like satisfaction over the eertninty thatthe llojnd of 1880 would do winders,when all the time the UoanU of 1878,1S79 and IS^I) uro nearly the same incomposition* them being butelmng.'sin the.si-thive years. S:i muchenekle over so .small nil egg, wi muchchewing over so .small it quid, so littleliro from so mtich smoke win never be-fore hwn. The .lutcitu' of it nil is to bean onslaught on tho uiti/.piis of Warrencounty, and tin* Hoard of Clm-si'ii Free-holders is to \u tliu iiistninu-ut by m--iuiHof which innocent men are. to 1»> draggedinto Court on frivoluu-i, wnsvlc;*^ and ma-liei.uts luvnsations aud insinuations.

Will th» Hoard lend itself to any miciima.'i f"r -neli a purprise '! MuO.teken i;delislitctl with thu iMent of Culiib Sway/.e, b,-cail.s,' ln> thinks that now !»• willli-;ve-fnx> suing niul will b» nihiwcl titall;, tiv rant, to howl, to sjiull.-r, to wi>vlhims.-lf up into n state nf silly insanitymid to (ixert in t!i'' H"-iM»:i* nf the Monriwhat he i':«witli'W his lmtlloil up omtnri...•iil.p<>wi.r«.- When Mr.til.- iisiani, iMimtfii^Mlitee:i

(Usgraeed by brutality of every i onci-iva-

,hc county tivastiry.•";-Ti wasSij,0f)0axe." 'Ult wanted tb

hbit; sort. Iu viuw i»f the exalted dignity,-tlf.V-!uyh powers and llu* i-li-vUti-il diiliiw

of the position, it is alwtiys a mallei1 of;= i;itcvc'r.t-'.v}ici! -,::• sajiii is-.to .

occupy it for four years. It. is in realitythe. choici! nf narch".every four yoursbv tlie most peaceful method oycr knoi

' — tliu ballot.Just now thy nnliuii is maliiug rwidy

to choose a successor to President Hnviwho, going intu thu chair niulei" ]icf*nli-

. nrly trying firuiunstiiuccs, has neverthe-less given the country a wisejiud henefi-

[jyut udmiiiistriilion foi- four years. \\h:: j*Jin lw..thn,inniiH..?;_.Jjit. iwvsniiHKiilt.yiU

, ties uro full of cnudidates. Every man~~6i any pmininoneo wlmtovor is in sm

measure, a candidate. Clntms of iUmuml nvailiO tility are being diHcnssui],''!!until.tho donwutioijsint.Qbicngo unilCJiil-chiiiiiti shall huvo iKtrrowctl tlio li-st, iotwo men, one on each wide., all i.s co'ujec-hiro. Of coiirnii.iiiyliiibiliiie.-i may point.t-n-thiH or that candidnta -on cither Hide,but often political convent ions step oiit-

. HJue of sni(i ehiHiiii'ls. nnd do the unex-: 'pouted thing. . '

A carofiil .survey of tho Held at thisdate, would lead nn olwervor to tho con-clusion that tho Republicans .*.vill nmm*

iv Slicrmaii.ifimhintion of Gen)

Grant is losing every day, nnil tho settled-/*- ronyictious of. Uio conservnlive mcmbci>

"nf tliat parly IUO agninsh tho third icriii"for any ma.ii. Tlw <itt

: Gmut before a"pyp'uli

mite either"Blainemovement for tho

". Uoinin?ihac! :'.2^^^^n;i?™/r:r;"£1;jm-,pyijuaVbriilinnfftonr~ofTtliC7jvurltli| ^ r r i % " •

<r witli nil tlio iire'stigo of recpguitio//in al!' parts of tho habitdblo earth, him mel

•with unbounded enthu'jinam, l)\it whcii; )m namo was proposed for another Presi-J j i j l d t i * ! minrlorcople"d LJnti_n.r(lor-cople"d

hey are not drawn into an.imalicious prosecutions of ii

senseless oflioceill peo-

>le. JJv senseless prusi-ctitions, we meanuit.s I'oiindeil altogether on nncortaiittii-s,m rumors that when sifted in Court re-olvo into thin air and leave the pnweu t -ug party in the position of people who

sensible, idea of what tlify aredoing or hope to do. By malicious pros-

'tittoiis, we mean suits instituted againstditVeivnt individuals, merely to satisfyhe gnidgo of soiin1 man who happens toii' in a position where he can use theirnvcrs ve-t"'l in. him I" annoy thosovhom ho dislikes. The JJ;»a;\l shoiil.lmil; well to tho nature of every suit pro-IOSCII against any one, for in one of their

mcmTicrs they have « man wlvse ltii-1; ofml inability, to un-

Llei'stund tho. plainest thing that does notjibe with hU own crooked views m a k e siini a most troublesome member of any

ilclitieriitivi) body. That nmti is ChaHesiluCrackuii. . Inspired by tho mtwl Bul-

lish of motives, ho is likely to do a gooddeal of harm .to innocent poi-rions whomic dislikes, and lm in just sneak uuuiigho try to use t h e whole -Hoard :as a ma-;hiiie of torture to his victims."' ,,

About a year or so ago it loakct:hat tins so-called "reformer," this olil

wntelwlog," had a little axe. to grind on.'•fc2(00Q or

county to

empty frothing like'uow that the uluvkxp?et to litiw the seiiecmtiniHl n i - ^ a

t!i:mCrackf'.i'.s, lusent wi» mayof t l ie l i iurhuule of nonsense fivm openingIt will be "reform" hero asul



thore, mid all tlio tim-> there will be nei-ther honesty nor hiiioerity anywhere inanything he, doeH.. AVe can stmid hi;talk, mid so tun the lloanl, provMed litdoes not some- day eliiu Ihe plaster fronthij Court room ceiling down on the headsof the members, but when it comes tlining the ISoai'd as a means of spiltiujbis spile out on decent and honest luei

through costlylitigations mi


inc, annoyingand nudieioti

in, it is then time-fur all honable eitimns to protest. To t l t t s end' wewarn the Hoard ngninst this selllsh manwho is aiming nt the (men lm dislikes.

IX J'OUTIl'S. ;; ' :

There are two classes of people alwaysto bu considered in the discussion of poli-tics, either loeal, State or Xational. Thesetwo classes aro the ollicials of the partyin power, and tho taxpayers ttf both p:ities. Tho relations of Iheso twifcw such, and their duties aud uh


nd w. mutual, that the ut-most frankness and openness is

.be-tweun them. Iu local politicit Wiirreii county for instance, it is tin

• him back the money which hi.! onco hail to pay to tlic enmity

i'order to keep him out of n s ins dif-

ssaryas in• duly

hi our Freeholders, Judges, Sheriffs am'Prosmilors to look to Ihe financial am'

1 .wclfiiry. of - t l»reonnty."- TliiiTree-l m shoiild' uduiiuistGi1 the 'cimniyness -wisely and ccimoiuicaHy, tin

Sheriffs should draw impartial7 and ind<;-

Hcnity. for a maiiipulatioii of public iumlshat is eiiinnioiily culled •'defuultiiig."

IIu thought he was getting, l i i s ju l i a l l .nicely Used, b u t the bottom f e l l o u t r i i ocouldn't proilneo'thii in;cf.s.sary papers loinnlte good his claims, and ho was expos-ed to the public guzu. as the mukonof abogus claim. r. Of COIUMP.'- tht! public sawhow much " re fo rm" there, wus in him,ami they were not slow to condemn hisawiblu-ikiilihtfiHhl his W!lf-Bw.'kiu«.- Hesaw tha t they inislrustiiil liim thoroughly,anil lie liiSVot"about""rtiirioviiig his'i-hpu-

s a reformer. Ho expeels to dothin b y a courso of action that is alllyvrrng. Led on by a puny .parasitewho is constantly HoiuulinghwjiraiKOH tohis face, telling"liihihow grout a man lu}_jis,"showing bow intlelilily his iianits !H en-gilived on tlitvliistory of tho county, gab-liug to him liow this and that pm*son.

turns pale, sweats nnd trembles in hislioots a t the more mention of \m ininio,

• show" t lmt hois a " r e f c rmor" by proving that ho i« a

fool. y ' ~ % , .a to follow up all the ru-

inoi'a'thivt are iillont affecting certain menwho were once in public position in thiscounty,"nml to tmbject them £cT*tronble-

i niul 3 cxpeiiHivo litigation. AVher-

Prosecutors should Jjo guardians of thunjustjy attacked anddispansorr t 'o i ' juspnnisliuient tn tho properly indiete.d,.mid.tlio Judges should stand us defundei "

lthe plainly i

t'tia lienrs" o£ miw-horso o r npiece of vngcaniet.-.that might belong' totlm'• "county, :luv"wi]l"iwk th» lldiird'topounce oil Uio posscHsor, dra;( him btforal,l,,.^iytri.yi»~.--Jiiitl.gct,!ii3U.i!iilictcd1>iidthen1 force him into Coiirt "to: provd tli'legality, of liia posacflsion of lira saw-horsoiiiul Uio carpet. Innocent'people may bo.ianingod in reputation by Bitch wholo'aulot t k ^ t U ^ ^ l ^ l d ^

l jii itat of men, tli

nt and stern utterers iij

tr thev have not .- u«H iHits nttenipl. Trohably hud no other

is exp.wed tlu' silly inconsistenciesif tlm Jii'irmtf, the public might haveL'.'U scdiuvd baek to th- ol.l slough ofotteuncss, but tho Kr.u; and other p.i-I.TS h.vve spoken to thu taxpayers amix|iiisi'.l td them the true meaning of tho

liypoeritieal wailings of the Ring mouth-pii'i'i*, and the svinpathy-dodgi* has fallenlint. Now they aro working at another•ire. They f-el that no IUO of the ol.l

Iting organ will ever bring them thi-syin-

IIIHI:1I need and desire, andon. another i

[Kithy they Kthey In[or, li!tc nil thieves and burglars, theyin? wry [;-rti.f in expedients. Ity SOUKSini't of rteiTut e.uinnunication, the word!ixsg'iueouttoi;!ltli<>ltingali;es;iat tin-ivitmty : "We have failed in ourliist move, l-t us try nuoth -r ! If wenot control tV-eonuty forus throw our inlhieiici ovc

the Iting, k-lr toKoimuithcr

emiuty, and keep tin- auti-lUng Demo-crats in Wam-n from jrivi -.,f th>_- Cong••imial n lOTl t<H>ll< oft! nib.'It belongs to Warren, but we will sho

ir power and on:* influence by giving ittnilu:ilerdo:i county."

Tins i.s a bold move, but it will f.itl.Warren comity, taxpayers, who lnv.-1mbb.'d of tlk'ir money by Hies;, meu, williml tiuiK'ly submit to be mhbi'd of their[H.litleiil ri;;hts 1M HIM same en-W i.fthieves. Th.; hj-mpiitliy do.lg.; mid tho

i-rhiinil, ent-tlir;»iit, d'lg-in-Uie-man-IIH.1LV :i'.*cd"il iiiitv exi> isur.' to render

j n CUHIJ of paurlug whiskeyn » ral-litile. To-day wu have thw

.lolit. I t IH proponed to liond it. \Miatguarnuteo lmvo wu tliat iu tho next fiftyjroiiw Warren county will not pay S.135,-500 luteftM on n ilcU of St75,(HX), niulthat In IKIO Iho debt of SI7'>,000 \nll "tillliaug like a millstone ubotit thu neck oftlm tnxpaying pojiulation of tho comity?

It is roumlcil that tho debt nmnt IH>paid nt Kotno lime. AMieii should that

tt lie ? Slundtl it IHJ s u tiniu in tliefuture, wheiu'very dollar of i t has IK-OH

id l.iid thr.'o t Or should it hnow, wliUo yet each dollar ru-prenonbionly (itic IiiiiidroJ amli ? A liinn whttwinterest ents up thu capital ho po-WHses!•* lint n relinblo bi|j>iiie.is man. In timvitof (lepreKsinn hw in tho Hrst ono tci goibwn, Just HO with a county.

DQQH any ono Buppono .^Warren countywill uvcr IJO bctter^abh- to \my thw debtthan KIIO H now? Has thuru been nnytime during the piist tlfty yearn when sh«WIN hettor nlilo to pay it ? Wo think not.What then is the inference? Tlaiidy

: either tin* debt should IK* paid at: in bulk, by o:u; taxation, or it should

bo divided into two ur three parts, to 1H>paid in two or throe years by as manysingle taxations. Suppose 350,000 of itwere to be paid next year, would it ntinany nun? Snp'iosi* 850,000 to Iw paid initWJ, would that ruin any ono? Xo, itwould not, and thu debt would then Iwreduced to 375,000, nnd that could cosily

paid in a couple of installment*. Let :

tho fitrmcr go to llguriug on thu pruhlein.Take n fanner whoso nharo of this 8175,-00(1 would 1H< a tax nf $100 if paid at ouee,which i.s better for him, to pay $100 inmu year or tn pay $100 in a HorieH of

years? Any man of plain, practical Nt*n«ecan nnswer tlm rpiestion.

Hut other things nro to bo tnkoii intonisideratioii iu such a ensi*. Warren

county is a county whom- future, pros-perity will depend very largely upon tliodevelopment of her natural resources, ht-rwater power, her fertile soil, her quarriesami her cxhaustluss nuucrnl wealth, Du-velopinent of those can come only throughtho instrumentality of incoming capital.Hut capital is timid. It is afraid of lo-calities tilled with dangerous men or bur-dened with debts. It avoids greater taxesin favor of lesser taxes. Of two countiosotVering ripml inducements in eVery otherway bcsiilcs debt, capital goes to thecomity with tho smaller debt. Thereimght to In- I'liottgh iiitcllitfuticu hi tlio

Honest Medicine.'FAVORITE HEMEDY'

SALT RHEUM.Hon. J . II. WnyJor, of SnnKcrltci, N*. Y,,

Cratcfully tcitifio* to the ability of ' l\m>r.Ue Hemi-ily" us exhibited in tho case of hislltllo daughter who wan COUTH] with SaltKhoam from ticnd to Toot. *' Favorite I ta -mtJy, thi^s lint lliiiuktul father, "rtlk'vyjmy girl altogether from Ibis Iciirful iiftlic-Uon, Salt Ithcum, Tliis occurred two yearsugo, ond not i pigu of tlm illtuoM has ilncoappeared." Wlmt it dl<l fur this child Itwill da for alt wlio use tt.

LIVER DISEASE.Mr, .1. | | . Nnrilirnn. of lAtiRiintliuNr. N*.

Y.', for BCcrnl yenra Captain of tins Troypolice, Ray*: " 1 have Wen for a long timea fia-ul (.ufTetcr from (luriuigeuiunt ol tlieLlrer, ntid after using many of tlio lacdi-cini-H tvvumiiii>nilcd fur ttiuL C(.ni[iUint, Dr.Kuiinetly'rt Tuvorito lU-medy' tn tbo onlyone which <inve itm unj relict. I firmly be.Ilcvo tlmt the'Favorite. Itemed?' U a good,Itttnnt pruparution ; uno that may bu d e -pended tipmi."

Chronic Livor Disoaso.Uov. J. G rimitli. of Hurt ford. Ut., eaya:IJuing a great Buflurcr frjm Chronic Liver

Jisi'iiwi nnd Imligi-fltion, I nt last triedytiur 'Fiivuritu llemedy,' and found imrncdisite mlicf.worked F ' j J

taxiiaying part of our people t.truth aud to reason upon it wisely. Thedevelopment of the. co.inty increase.- theirwealth. Anything that t emb to checkthe development of the. county decreasestheir wealth, and that is just what this

debt d.v.s.o tliWe offer thc.v suggestions t-

ITS of the HTAH. A soiunl busciplu underlies. th''tn, _ tttid thtirely practicable. Linculu •" It is cosiiir to pay IL bi^ debtl»> p:iy ii bigger one." It is utisiirr for the.

•ti I'imnty farmer to pay one dollarthan it i M o p ;

U9uJ two botllpfl, whichi my h'vauriil system,"


Easton, Pa,';i r n n SQUARE I'EUT aildkion built to our store, makingluUU it now tlie largest store roo/n in tlie Lvltigli am! Dela-ware Valleys."•' iSf" Having made heavy purclvucs before tho late sharp:advance in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Dry Goods, 6tc, we are pre-pared to offer below the market rates the largest stock of DryGoods and' Girpcts ever brought to any houss outside ofPhiladelphia or New York. Our stock of Carpets is une-qualled, consisting of the best and newest Patterns in Bodyand Tapestry Brussels, lixtra Super Ingrains, Hall and StairCarpets, Window Shades, Rugs, &c. Also a hrge stock ofHouse Furnishing Goods, Table Linens, Tickings, Sheetings,&c, &c:

ZSj" Our Black and Fancy Silk and Novelty Dress GoodsDepartment, is now enlarged with the newest and most desi-rable Fabrics iu the market; all ihe Departments of theHouse are larger and better than ever before. We extend acordial invitation to all our friends and patrons. Special caregiver, to mail orders.

WM, LAUBACH,326-328^ Northampton St., Easton. Pa.

TcMlm(>nl»l» are rrcciwl ovcrT itir hr the nrn-rkli.r'uUIMHUMt' MVEft UMlCLVfUll, 'rum

uefon* «t cttosiil'tn •"'I iirnmlnttico irom ailpirtsn) Itio cuH.iry ulieMltiB I« ihu wonderful

pteiiinlllon hut lh- Iti-uuklor hii> ever bcinvefd ihit wimlil ifftctnally euro l>vi«i*e[j«lii

H ul t iht piilorn t *u.,^.ivefid ihit wimlil iff•ixl It* kindred e»H«, aurl

r l l l l h cmlKipiilorn tit

n d inc iVJc I Iy' *!)«'I iTtiV 'CIIIIIIIHUII oi ti-nl/nwi m\nA*Tho Mplilly tncr.-ttMm{ aioiiwl lor ilih nwfliclneanrlaurlitrifiiioli^ I" COIIPWI wtiee I* lndwil «uill-clent CTldoncuIn ll>alf ul \U <fn\ yi.j.uUrlt/.

Perfectly SOVUVAL. Harmless.dilici Nnn..tm.l t^ulti fallow Itj ua^. dolm* no i.-n-lblij1 l r A I mild Tonic, L'.-ntlo I.stntlTu and

ornnl It I.' l-iflnllu'lr «uywlor la

MAI 114. DOWl U i

. SICK lliui.Aniic('



i l V . i l K I M A , Ao.f..llow«it njiiw «'f PHT»>n» well and


UI-hrtiMif ii-iirulFi ; ili-ti. .fnini U, Otirrt.m, U . S .Sui'iU»r; Ihin. .f.iliii Olll Stu.rier; HI. |{>v. It• -IIIII> t'ltrcx. J. KiL'ir T*ioni|)*nn, Hon. [1. Hill. linn,.toliii CMIn-rklritMjf. 1'">f. 1'nvm IN. I) 1).llir.i'ii A'liriinr.ch!.;' J«-tlc<- i,f (!, ; Lew I* WimiliT. Ami. I". M I'lill'i , Atnl mil T ullior^ tin »U1 twill W'.' ll'ITi) I'-HrtF" CUIII'lll-tltl lit IIIM'I ttit—

hi^lkiti.t a' a m>i-t v:iluib!e huuavbuld tw:ily.PURELY VECETAQLE.

Uf low prlft! I'luci" It wlthlii ihe n-'eh ul n>l lmt-icv ildi orjMMir. Il jmiiire eatr.Ttng unit earn, u-0ml rdlt'(. iiiiiciire at oi.ci'friim ji.nr DitiL't-'irl itin.ttluiit ll'^nWiir. i i lvi>ltitii lriihliii i>l il Millnut ->nly itn.inl r.-lli-f. hiu ['iTniiiituvly ciiru you.It I- ivlil.ii'it t aindu I'ti'tMt IonT/tc Ohmyutt Pawl ivi.l jU*t Family

MtiUetne in the V'orll.i'O wild: jorlsjlnil and aanulne,

. *<H.ZEILIN A C 0 - .l'lllLADRM'lltA, I'A

Icr. 61.00. SnWhjnll l)niiiil«t*.

imrity, it is th > duly oE thu ta s tutheir choice of ollletals.

They Iti.tiw wlf.it sort of m-.'u ;h»y don'twant, und that snrt will always Im found'II the W'anvsi liiiig. Sjmteh .1 ni^mbirof that yuu-, ami a thief is apt t:i howl.If tliL-y n'j.H-t the proposed eandi.late-s ofthat erowd th-y are safe. Honest men•iriumt likely to be hi tlrj B-uifj tlmt istvpr..wittt'd by tin- W'nircn ,h>ur;i>.t(.(Ifflffcl* <lr.iw:i fn.m tliat p in ; ; in Iliu fu-turu will i:i all prob.ibilily repeat the

itwils uf tlinsi- ilmwn fi'iim it in tho ])ii:it.lli»mi?iiil»£ir thnt, tasiMiyors nf WJIIT.IHuminty. When tlioso UiiiR^oM tell youtlmt finine n w is trying tn dentroy tho

iiumtic jwrt.v in this county, ami luskto nvcrt Hut ilostriietimi Ity ra»toriir»

ttit! iilil tliiKVc-s ti) pinvor, hntiff on to ynitrpoi'kot-boitks, ami turn n iltsif cur to the

K])unkiny two . wonls fortlipinsclvcs to uvery one they pret«n*l toKjn\ik fur ilu: Democratic party. If that

' i|wr(y'hinl noWnnvii county tltimi no Iwltor oxpoii

than tlic old Itinjf o

rt'i>ros(>iitiitivt>s intin; lliiig thtuwx,t of its principlos

gan, it would dworvcspeedy ruin, liutjortutmtcly i_t y«t contuiiis liom'st num ami is i foliy hoiiost and tmlcputitiunt papei-H., whichiru never afraid to spunk iiyaiust thievestiul for the taxpayers.

ni:nr Axn T'AXKS.AVwrwii Hiiunty is cursed with a debt of

JlTrj.OOO.—Tliin dubt'diios-iu»t-r.-f.rc-siintmoney that lias b"<>e,n spent in' nny usefulonter)irise from ..V')'ch thu county everl m reaped, orj* / J , ' n m v reap, or1 ever

"" ruiiy any-bft.'ljfit.1 .Mt simply., repre-sents thu amount* n-Vumey stolon during

longpe inl *uf y liin-ii' lj);-tnistc-d -oflicials;uasnre.of tho 'tboc*.s pnuitiewl

sunteiices against (hoso provi;n guilty hoyond ii rensonnblu donbt. These are. theduties'of (lm ofllcinl class townnls thutax-paying ulns's, and whenever thoy ilelt unpci'fortiiiHl, the taxpayers aro do-

.willed:'!™--.; -;r.:r ::—^z^:~Tho duties of thu taxpayor.s .towanl:

i it; 11 n'»:! ul ri ill n;>-- -1 KI ~ H ti in in:; tl ' i ii~ 1 "i iiii ft"!hearty co-operation in all •\vise,.,and roa>Diiablc measures, and a frunic expression

of disapprobatici at all doubtful opera-tions. . Tlu>y Hlmiild also watch tho_oll[-eia!a"wuvfnlly/*1Tii(iSTAitiiaa"longrinuin-"taineTiHlmt^vcirhone'st liifin,' put in ofllceby a party heavily in tho majority in anyeounty,. either Dcmocratio ,or lt«puhli- 'can, nro apt to licconif tninttjil with a do-stro to appropriato to. thcmsolvca xinlnw-fwl]y.«iuie"bf.'Ui^fiint!s"jm'>MMig.«*rriSjiiit:

Iy through their hands. This principlehas been so distinctly enuiiciatiid by nformer editor of this paper thntiour rend-era do not need to have i t repeated hero.Sulllco it,to nay that iu Warren county itluw been fully diiinonstatod, nud in Suy-

!Xj Huutordon nnd Somerset comities it•will prooiibly bo again illnstratotV.

At this timo tho mutujd rolntio:i of oQl-citJa and taxpayers i« ti innttcr tha t oughtto concern Warren, county,; \\\vy' oWlyV-

I Wp]^ 'ejnstsuccco(lo(l_i i i_paHi»lly es-caping fi-onj Jliio 'rniiioiia TRIC of: a : setTofoflldnlH who opej^f \&n& shnmolcasly bo-1,

•iiy tin's Wnrrou Ring. Notwithstandinglhis.it. is njlcbt which is to bo '] aid bytho owners nf property in the coiinty.Admitting that it is a debt which we mustpay, and a thoughtful man who turns hisattention tu its treatment is at ouetfleiUo

" What is tho best nnd cosiest way

to gntriil nf tltii.Yittt i)«'!L?-" .— -In nil mich ensos i t is customary to is-

uc bonds .bearing iutcrcHf, :iml to. go... onyear after, year... paying interest on thedebt, without-prospect of any materialilccreiwu in the debt, and ton often withno reasonable prospect of Us iliialoxtmc-liiiif. ' This niothod has been propoHcd..!and wo belieyo. piuliftlly put • into pmc-lic(j,"iirtlio"ciiSo*rit biir"debt, and wo de-sire- to call attention to ono very Morionsfeature of this plan. Snpposo this debtof §175,000 is put ' in tho tjluipe-'of B!X x>crOiint, intorftst bcriring boudSj tho. bonduaro sold, and the taxpayers uettlo^downto tho periodical payment of tho intereston tho sum. Every year tho comity willbo called on to p a p 810,500 in*interest,and in seventeen yoars tho county willpay in intercut just 3178,500, y,hilo at tho

i . lirtt lor tho

!!. cxtuniitl mm llcliln County lh\ig Slurw.

i J ttninim & Co.-Gvnli-; Kticlii'Iio*u»01cu nrdcr dir *5, l«r which I'ml hull H J.i7,cn n!icl(ii"u' (if your en.Ni.., ).andS• lJun-u'iiseJ two

ii*ly nfl'HCiw:;. Uu

Perseverance will tell.uuhton. Mass., March IBth, IS30.* Un., UenLi: I'i Jit-tico lo vnuinik I uii^lit to let y.m know ihat

I hsyuVuiot*! iwjj n..SE XIMVIXS wllti "Keii.

kiiuw hnw Uinl* iliu i>invlii ti tt tl been tli ere. itmv* nwiii-d iliu tmreo uli;tn. m uiths. It (ook mu

iiill one. I littVL- u<ud IU liuulux'. 'Hie linrooruly wi'll, not m nil vtuf, nnd no banrh i 0ii or ivll. Tills U n wuudiTiiil medlclnu.

thitii: IUTC, htt: if it JOJH tor ll lI I W l ill l

p^? JJtrayod every t rus^mpf t se t i jiipon themby tho taxpayerfiywi'l '1 thp • t imo i s a p

3175,000. 'At tho nod of that timo thotaxpayers liavo worKed, earned and lia'ud-ed ovor.nnoiigh inqneylyrux.lilit;ili»li.thodebt,"but thero tho debt still ia,, ns largoas cvpr, as greedy' ns ever, ftri'd as Jnaati-

Look at it in another liglit: Suppoi otlio debt of $175,000. to iiavo boon con-traotod or bonded fifty years a ^ i i r

iroflchingwhcuif-v\Till b o ' n o c o s a u y , ^ j provision for its graaual^xt i i ic t io i i . , If


'ttmlcui'ilil iiol'tui. Ai tin

nd tin v-u no dlKClniricu at' iUiuiltliy irmcns. 1 li

r'lll Cl

Jull, cati Him,

my Irlentls sta dL'slrrh^pctlflri. At their ruilwvo.^Veiifn truly,

-UBOIHUS I,OO*IB. .ii Ciiniily IJrilU^lorw.., . . . . J

yiin'. Ruitit's sicuitAOI1K iriU.a--i univur

3 r«r~Nei!

•mni'twcr'il'imnlwl'icVcn'iie"^^^^^•liiniliiuls. "I'liiico ruin uroii r-ptclnl prcimnt'luii

iiid lor ihui-u lilecasi'B tliuy aro jvurtliy ol a U In j

S»mlenii'nnt ni tnki-jiiii-y "di»solu>ATuitu»>A,nnil •.-liuctimll.v cQTOalldlni"a-:.-!6Knsed. navoits »yMemi<oplim orulhcr Bnrcollc. aunt, Ii.

^ritalplKcPIUMon.w.aftl...liiivu wild Of. MurrsNourslfilnand fcPli f Ttic;

^llViUslruC«i:i«."iniIA1!A. tl,lr!«,"M."i).,

r **lo at llio Witrcii County Drug Store,iii, H.J; • •

iSFALMIILYCUItEU with two i-poonii ol maili-clualn inoonlirea linam. For purl teal urn, mldrMis;;-u~BtftlSip,lt KIOKHUKM,-tin. * M . ' i U i m 81 ' i . A O H . S k l l T f l i i K i . 1 ; ^ . ^ . ; . . - ^ ' . - - . . - . - - : . : . • • -

-No l l e . ._, _-iho tnb«crl-

t. admliilrtrritorB ol William Stllci, decoated,. . _ . . . . . . . _ _ , fl hy. iho u/fpRai* and

it JOJwill lm vory crent.CHAS. K. IMKKKR.ly yoiiw, _C


18"'J I triMU'd n-llii Koiidtili'H SMIIVIII Cure, n buuu

d i l l t

n ttic fU-h IU

of tlil l f

a vury Imr.l, ntul' he

hnuk JDIIIIH slnej IS v l Uur

l{. A.GAINES.iwbur 'Ii Viftto, Vt., P :b. 25, 1H7U.ortmiid BUb-crllied to huiuru mo tnle i l lbitl'dirimrj. A. ». WJ.

.IUI1NG.JKNNK, .fuitlcc of Hie r«ftcc.

Kendall's Spavin Curet::torifijMAN" FLESH.

icknctijulni. I w u

•yililiiirln my runcli,would Klvo mu ii

"nu^'oiu tl 'fliitl nulhtiip

uverwnrl;i:ti,r'iL WLII J' linl" «n> very much." InA|«ll. 1S:3.1 Dm ui lo llilnk I <limild li"J* crl PDluiorllfi!' I'M liiivi'.ii,' ^omo of KcmliiirH Spavini",iro." ihomil I »o lU iry It. I i w d i i i i Mud or»liuillo.uinltipi'rk'iiccJ rulluf ato»c«i I ••* I'NIHlelt mi and lm« not iranMod mo nloee. I lod t«r>^rutdul to vim. unit woi;!ii rucommutid ••IVOUIUU'HS »vl» Out." l<> all «Ui>- «n«Tor;.wltb ipn lu i orft-"""""---- Y » " " U " ' " M H S . J. ifoBTELL.

Kendall's Spavin CureFOR CATTLE.

Wnddlngton, N. T., .Inn. ft. 1831.11. J. Kuiiilnll « viu.,:uoiiilcmeii: ••Kuiulall'a

niivln Ci.rc" I cunslilw ft* n1 inny bunuflcliil rora-dy'ior tlio romuviil oi .BUMVIIIA WA Riiy other en-irutr.u-m iinnliniilmnlfl n» well im liutsiri1. I IIAIIvery iltiu Jwscv hulfcr which lost ono fourth (JJJ

of licr ^ j w l i h mitucl, mid Tomnliinl KO untilcomlne In tho tucimtTumo, wtion wu applied your••Kt-ndiiir* Spavin Uuw." rubolni: It ihurunt;hly.

Bend nddrwB I«r Illintrated Circular, which v

nuSotni?s^li«« It.or on_«« It.,!?.'/?";. « J>


J I. Ii thiMafflUitlijjPiaoo ani O r p Estaistat ,

Washington, N. J., U. S. A.


ISITORS TO WASHINGTON are requested to oil aiv ..both the Manufactory,corner of Railroad Avenue and:'---

( 5 Beatty Street, and at the Main Office,- Baatty Building; '"corner Washington Avenue and Broad Street. >5?" 3c sure .. -J:

not to purchase a Piano or Organ until you have seen f^i-

Beatty's Celebrated .Pianos,& OrgansWashington, N. J., United States of America. ^


• lLl .USTUATKn.

Thli pojmlnr iiiTl'irtl'inl I* prc-emlmn*l for thu ]i«j\]^hi)l(l.

EverySnmb. r iunil*hM lUi UWH.i regard t-' Ftifblii1"* in Arv^s uiul^iir

of tholtif-ir he s in with Ihe firmB«Dihi'"r"rur Jauunrvol *ich l « r . Wlwn no l i n et( liujntloncii. It will bu uinliTslniirl Hint thu MIU-l! Hiuntl«riter

x hlKhctho i

Harper's Periodicals.IARl'UH'SMAOA/,INl-:iOii0Y.nr $1 Oil'IMtl'RlL'ii WKKKI.V, " •! INlAKl'KU'S llvZ.Ml. - " I 0J'hu 'I'liltltK nhuvu imtnuil iniblleiitiuu-, One •

Year ; . ; ; . . ; loroAnvTW't) iiiiuvu Miiniu I, U:io Yoir T'llilIIAIirK-K'S VJUMI ruui'i.h, vmi! Ywir....-1 W

I'.WUL'U I'ruo lit nil HibscrtWts In Uiu Ui-ln:(l:a:cs ur CuimiU. - - -

Tlio Annual Vuluiuwi ul liatncr't IJisnr, In nrntcloth tiliiilluu. will l>u PIIILL Iiy mull, p f.uxi |MUi;or by L<xi)rurs, (n:<: i\' UX(IUUM! (|ifiu-|il il ill.;Treiunt duos nut exewd iifo dullur imr vuliinu1),

Volutucc, M-iil on rccfllil i>l Ciii*» ul Iliu rain ul"5 SS jiur voliiiiK', luliilit nt t!X[ien$e nf imrsliimor,

'Jlolh Ciifw lur LMCII vitlumi!, ituknblc tt.r blml-ItiE, will liueouiby tmill, iiodiwltl, on rccciju u(•llXluiicli. - - - 1 '

Itcinlttnncct shniilil bo marto by I'n-|. Utaca,Money UriUlOr I'ratt, tu ftvulil clmticu ( ) | |(ws.

Kuwrp.i(>i;ri'nro um tn "i[i,» till* mlvurUsL-nicutflthoui llw t'XiiroM onlur CM ll:ir|ieri U«i.licrs.r. Addrtca UAlll'lIl! & II1CUTI1 KHti. Nisw Y->ik. "

H, R. "Oroman,• " JIASDVACTDREll.

Thib.Hotel-Vanderbiltr.64 A SO.TVovrcii St., W. Y. 'BOOMS, ncmlylnrnli'hBd. Opdnlnjn

l h t Boms aOp)wrdit;vMealeiS

irly i[MWb-»«d;'-J.r^

•C'l'ii'iiiiiiiiiiiii"'"' iif. •iTlliiai.'i' Tiiru a Aiid.Luiii;lli'iiltr will tuiKiniT tlu< loll ik;B'royur mid ro.iuio

-u Tburu u"ii huliicry id lnOi hi'iil-ir l:i mliidilu tor' .'illii. Sulilill HI0L>.-

Wjirrini L'.jinnv Dr'nilSl'BUSIUNS TOBMBNT YOU .VllllIT ASil DAVi" V' (I

mi'iX'1 I M I I . M I t l . i > ; , m , i m l . S i i u C . n i U i i r o l«V ' i |

•j iiipseiH, bib-ri.'Jii-TiilL Jim.

Highest Medal at Pliila. and Vionn"..

E. & H.,T7ANTHONY_& co.,r.m i;!(OA:i\v.iv. \ m v ! T « K K .

i\lniU(/ai:/.tt roi\s, llmnorlcrSf

" "' j ANDDKAtEKSIN :••••

Velvet Frames, Graphascopes,

.-, nnd liltulri.it^Roiias-Ciilolirllii-s,


>: (»*" CrttalnBiii'u ol l-:mti-r

. NOTICfv ISi Cnricr A Couko ~

t A l l rfinis- Imlolilt'l to laid IUm will |I!L*:I?I' mnko1

prompt wslUuraentT"1'!-" «IA»!"» V.KAHTKII , .f••••••• , 7 o l l l * K . C U O I t E . ,

•, tt'AanijjQTUJ', A p r i l fi, 1 6 3 0 .v .•.• -

3^wiv^^v'I"^^ '|;''*^^^^

Page 3: WASHINGTON STAR. · 2015-12-03 · Slim n tlio threshold, With li^ht loot and cM IllHiJ, tinve w');l>t Btnnil; Die Ircoh rat lipjntl tiutci.iRf; ynnlli'i ruJily ni[iluroiis wine,

YKIIY iiwirublu 1 ildlnc iniaTHE WASHINGTON STAR.

In tWij823 ru»h font Oregonito Momanai ISO mounted

d Ml d b fi I l d823 ru»h font O r e g o M m i

f(1 I n m i t | , |y mtn do tho Mxlng, and tbu outfital tiiti*1 nf purchase—bnW VHHIXilTOtf. $. .!., Mny II. 18


. , Li.M l.-.af.,VT. l!rn»he.i in vir'vty ol nil p

t lliu Warren County Uru^ Store, Wash-N

MIxAt (Win11! and Ni». 1 V'hrrinutf., -IN'J prr um,I SKWrt'in.

a T \ H


An immense bay crop ia predicted.They have the " mumps" In Snincivilh.'.Allentown ( IV) has a case of small

pox.Fourth of July falls on Sunday tbis

year.Maine 1ms enM.nbout 1,000,000 worth of

ice the [ml Eca.mm.Actual accounts rtiftw that 'J2'i John

Smiths live in Jersey City.Atlantic City U crying for water works,

so is Washington for a steam engine.The six wt'fks eiispcnsiitn nf the null

mills minced tlw stock to 050,000 koR9.Mr. S. T Scran ton IR lytitj; very ill nt

his home al Oxford. Ilia J incase la pneumonia.

The endowmnnt fund for Drew Semi-nary, amounting to $,Hl,-t92.U, bus beenraised.

II you want reliable ciuiien nnd lloworBOciis, o i l on S. B. Craft, Wuihingtunuvctmu.

It is said thut tl(vrc;will be more meatcane pliuilcd in Alabama in ISSO tliiinever before. :

Wlm do our citizmi3 think of R-'ttinji«p iv Kennine Fimrili of JuW celebration 1"What say you all ?

Our newly elected policeman, JohnKubic. steps nrouriJ in a new suit uf blue,l ie walks itwful big.

Warren county";* share of the two milltax is $37,133 IT., which U based on a val-ua'.tonofSl8,571,.fiS0.

TJzal CunGeld. of AmloKontoffn, liasgone to Nebraska to en^igt; in the cattle-business with liis brothers.

The contested rlection case of ITacfcolts-town will hitvo ft heiirim; before Chief Jus-tice Ueasley on Monday, Mtiv !Mlh.

The Chicago Hoard of cducitlnn havedecreed thai any hidy tuicher wlm pelsin irrk'il, shall loose hur [witSiu in llieschool.

Physicians will find a full stock of Drtijrsnnd Mfilit-iow from which lo buy reliable

rcn County Drug Store, Washington, N. J.

There is f wry iiiilic;iti<»n "fa i*«*>d fruitseavn. TlH'trmKnre I'Udei. with blu.so-.iH. tmJ it is almost tno lute new to havea kill-in* lYo<t.

Con'sidi'rfible excitiiiietit prevail.* in" Sluwtiri.-ivIIlp owiu;: lo III" sneers, of tho

tcmpemiici' iilliance in tnkitijj tho" licvtiiefro:n tin1 hotel.

A person named .Ins. K. C.'i'lc. of Urn-bcrtville' unfurl utmtely cut one ol histhumbs while wnrkir.g with u circular IAWone d.\y last uei-lt.

For thn li^litrft niuninir.

m:ty qaw vnu heavy doctor*' h\\\$.

Mr. A. W. Hell, a prominent citizen t>fMorrwtowii, has declared thut dial eiivrlioiild have never been [nronmrited, nml,that if hi: cmild have hail his way il wouldnever huvc been Incorporated. Mr. Hell,U s|H>ken of as a clew num. ntid it ia o«iii}rto the iiicri'sise i»f taxes that he i-xtirc*«o.i

h d f f i

nil I

buVtiili Il'ueiwyo. fin sale by

Dr. K. W. Nmvtnn. ofbeen appointed Stuit- Insju

. «at!er the Inw p'p*('d liist .winti-r c:the «(lk't! and dtiinin

The Hnckctt*been success I nl iipenscs. including; llie hit.also u ihju.'uiid d'jlliirs;nes?.

Slirono & Yard, teamsters, fire pr>to ilt! all kinds of Inuiling. AslnTitbbish removed at reasntiiiMu prices.Plowing of lots also attended to. if

Then' are upwards of "2.li)0 men employ-ed at the different works of the Hethk-ufimJroti Compiny Tiie uvernsic ninount of

:BICL'1 t^"il(! iit'lhefc works daily U •uliout-100 tmu.

Those who ought to know sny thut no•girlwiih u-iirtity-.white foivheiid —•-

of Milkatiiii;

ig ilit* 'duties,urn WutiT llnartl ' 1msmy ing nil dirrenl i-x-

'" rest ontiomk undof ihu indfbted-

pR nnd

. lutmtic fringe. Onlyblotched und pimply foreheads need coo-

1 Durhii-'.lhe pn_st few days ihe weatherbtiing fineV garden iiiftkinjr lias been theorder of ih« dny throughout town, mid iinumher of tlie termers m the vicinity are

-...engaged in corn planting.The youth who doth ' the swift velocipede

And skillfully liandlelh ihe billiatil cue.7-X. -- Ilia duilv bread and salt doih seldom cam,

l ; p u " lo pin him

IVwotw wlm take prWe in (loir J.i«nsfiht to know thut cross choiiM l» cut

und rolled every ten days to produce ihovelvety tun which it is «u K I M I u | . !uiurcto look upon. !

Our drug stores aro now suppHcd wjili"Miilt Bitten," the new I-Vnd Medicine,which li;ifl dime st» much (jond nndhch III l n olit us go hijhly U'commoi frr it. 1

u.. r.ii

At l'oint Pleasant, on Priday. April3Ulb. much di.nini;c wa* done to the pew-li.

[iplt% cherry and other trim by the severemihcrly ruin-storms. The tipple tret'sliicli were It. Iiinum gufltacd the iimal. Tlu-

wind witt HII strong that pcop'e could hard-ly keep on their feet.

WAXTKD.—!il)0 small pip.*, from 1 to 12weekd old. Cusli or in exchange forirooilii.

t.lu-9t market price p.iii!. A choicestuck for »alc ut the yard. Apply to

,1. \V. t-'OfiKKK,30-lw Tu't Murmy Store,A Washoe man was recently tricil for

stciiling milk from u nt'i^hhtir'd IOV tilnight. The jury, afK-r mature delibera-tion, returned u verdict of'Miinlty of milk-ii|5 a cow in tlio lirst degree." •

I t shou d be remembered that nccordinptn law bunk slock ii to in- as>c^?rd an uilier[KTaiiii'i! property Rlld \j sul'jcct to deduc-tliins for dclitu the S3uu* us other prnperty.iJi—je us.ee.«san», (t is said, tnako a Feparaif

'ssinent of li.uik stock in t l r i r dupli-cated. This is entirely uiuieie?3iry.

A lire occiircd at lltickctbtuwu onHiMiliiy of last tveek, by which a smull

dwelling situ.ited directly oppistto therailroad track, mid winch ia supposed tnhuve taken fire from a locomotive. sp;jrkmis partially cnnMume.l, wifi nil UWII.HHL1-hold .goods sjii\L'u, altlioujjh much injured.

n-mi bocJtw they were obliged to m.iVo unhft>Uvti h fore ttifv n<nld obtain their Mliirii-n. will bo KM titled t<> know that br arrccnt chittipu in ilm school Uw tcacherabilU net'd not bercufter Iw accompanied |tyudlUvit, but nil other bil'a, liiulnllng jani-inr'ii liill-*, HUM IK; S torn to. Tlie limo forelecting truslccs in July l*t, and lor tuft-ing pcliool *t'n«m, from let lo 'iOili of AUR.»«t; TI'» r>t"«tin;» «f iruMtiH'it will hero-,after bu lifld on the (i«t TUCSIIAJ* ufter thofirnt Mnihl.iv In M;iri:h, -Itine, September

id I lOLVinber, ur ufiuucr if bujUccs rQ.lin-s it.Tho (jraml Army of the lbpablie of this

Stutf have da-iiWd tn hnld their Bern! a n -nual cnrampiiK-til ul Honaparlo'a I'ark,Itorileniown. Iho hitter lurt of August.The bjr privilciica will be confined to thrra

)ii». and no ulfoholti: lt(i"iorn will boThirty-five special pulici-inen will

... . io-n in to [irfsiTVo order. Thn Ponn-iylvani-i lUilroad Company imvcuKrcod tolight up iho Purl; e 'cry nght with tho

' triu lif-lit. nnd will place Hi« f'»» »tcent* a milu. and for memben of the

We have always remained quiet, for fearnf iloin/ injury to tlio^o who arc not guilty;but after listening to the trial lust week,between Samuel Prome vs. County, wethink it is ahout time for Clnrlcs McCraek-i'n to ci'iu-e Ins play on Mr. I'romc in orderto cover up his own tracks Mr. Promoclearly proved hitmelf not guilty, as hehas always dune before; nnd Inw givenjirouf, positive of his innucence. in all trans-iicli'ms relnlivo lo fraud ir tho coutitv.Pair play is ti jewel; and we sngijesl u ces.Mtion of host il Hie.*, for fear lhat throughilm i'X(ioiilioi) of ulfjirs, some thin g may bei-xpo^-il to the dulriment of those who nrenow seeking to |fl>le that, wtiitli only thefuture can bring to tight.—lf<idtt(*touiUitxtte.

Stationery of all kimkl r U t K i

Oamis, II

S y Ktackle. r.«Uct Knives, .IWkctPn^partoutm, Altiums, a Mercosuopi1 amiten vii-ws fur one dulhir. l'ur I'm tlier par.tieulars call early und ul'U'ii a t the WnrrenComity Ding Si'ore.

Mr lle.i. v.ftr lVrili.nd. (I ' . i ) alm locotin-tivcs nf tin-fnvmitn <nt I>IH' of

I). [. \- \Y K J i , ,ii.t t> unhlo dMwiiliy nlirrmum ur lust w.-t-k. ulniaile his wny from tin; titltln nf bis uto tin; cow ei.'e!i?r. and siiciii'.j>rii!lv fpeda tltile etntd off tho trick- It

t i i iare net ioTwo V\r.rVMI.

Tin- niiil.Ti'ii.'ni'd icln« ln^f*. Oiu

d (.ne b..y niiiri'.l '

; HORSE* n>it SAIJS —.flew fur .-.ill- tivn tipt*• litui-li IUIM! 7 years o!i|.a yi-aw old : t-ach uboitf


It; hiiinlj l:(;-'i: w.in-'i>i1<-<l s»uml und kimt(iomi tniveli-rs, ami will w,.rk iinywliftftAIII.IV lo -1. K. l.vss. •"

WufrliiiiKloii Marble Wo.ks. M-.yor li.-atty. of Washington lias nvoroiichiuiilnd iik'Hat work in liis new" i>r_Mtir.tctury. l t i*faiil ih:it ln! lia* num "rd-ITS litr mstnitm-itts tli;tu lie c;in Ii I. andduring April thut he.-tiipji-'d l.'.t nri'iinsl[i'M]»'i!ls lu tend out -!)(> duritiL' Un-jin-seiit nmntii imJ '.','M lor .Iitui;. TncMiiyn'r h.is a big tlmiir "f h mi't tl.^Sii'tallow it tiijjot eld.— tWtlnml Kntcrj-rhr

An old man named Sipfs *-f l»L'!iiwaieli wlii!u reltiniiiii; fnun. I ' ip

I'ieasunione eveninoil" the abutment of


la .ek, alkedilie bridge at thutf hi l H ld

gpi nee and broke, one of his ltg.j. Hnot make auv one hi'ar htm crv for hopanil was obliged to iiu out in the i-old nil

;h: , when in tli« morning lie wus foaii-Ialiii"»l dipud. lie is at ptea^nt in it veryCritical coDilition.

The K«>nb!Scans of Clinton (ire in awratiiile uver tin; l'osl-oili.-e. ' Win. II.Uieveliiiff. the former Postmaster, resinnedihe position to liis son-in-hiw, (ivitrge W:Scftlt, ami it is. thought, it Kbonld huvu ln-i>nInuided uver to Joseph C. .Sliipiium, wliohas been iVcling as A^sistniil l'nptinasi<<rI' h

Gr.nul Army ii The stcut

o run fron

uniform at ow centWu Uichard .Stockton

d to Itonlun-

Tun 1'r.KKiioi.iiKns.—The Ifjurd of Free-holiU'M mel at IMviderc on Wednesdaymuniin^', and organi»eu by rc-clcciing H.U. t.irijon 03 Director, and Milo K. DoWitt as Clerk. Wo will give a report oft!ie prontvdi'igs in our nest week's issue.


rio.s1.—A Bohlwrs* nnd citizens'.ill be held :it the Town I UII on

Saturday <!Veinniri May I'llh, tn nr.il« prc-oration I ' iy onli'iidance U tc-IK, I'liairmin

p lo ob,-tlie '»Jih inn. A full

.lo,-. V.\XN,

what,(•veil ihotifrii

t!lOU;'llt. \

rit K\iMjtKH.—Nevvspupor• v^y Bnrit. Tiwy mu i


itt-rested jiersun ciin conceive.b'? shdnl.! fiivi> it the severest'i'e!i iiftcr week is p.ifocd and

l'lieyd.'.-..pV- r

n't for a

with iif.vs and

inl thn.w thorn u

ont lliink how th

llinhop (JorriBan will d^dicato a; 10}o'clock on SiimUy, May 30th, in Clio ton,tiic Church of the Imm.icalatc Conception,r.'ccnlly erected. mll td

v—List ol Letter* rcmaiunciuiwed in tho Washington N . J .ORcO. fa l U week ending MiivbtbtJomi Ikrlcw, M.HH Pitnnio A. Clmk, \ \ vlcltConcle, Wm. Dcvoe, ftlmril Klliott, O.I). KiieabroA'D.OninLHwuli MUi Klixi-

^ ' ' " " ' • .T . lv lVM., . . . - .M.

ti'nni.*n« AnnPJTKD.-Oa Monday af-leiiioou L'rauk Hawlc and Inward l)ill--rof Kwton were locked up at ltclvldere, fortrial for breaking tola tho rtsidencc'-of

Remove all caoso of Irritability mid d!»-comfort from tho baby, by uilnp Dr. Hull'*Uaby Syrup, tho surest,' beat mi'1 hrnwcheapen Minedy In tho world for tho ilii-vatv* of babyhood. Pnwi !i5 CCIllJ.

ining i ^ w . „

i d

itorhiuiltibjmd; ilwy d.m't think h-.w theni-rvr.'.Iriii^ L-oiui'i'iititr Ins sot llic typesone l.y one aside of each other until ihef-"'"_ihavubeen .built. At, u.litnr MartsHIPW on hi; nt'Xl'is'Siirj "mid -wonder* iiowhis u:»:inins can lie lilli'd wilii fres-Ii matter;In1 in well aware that he gleaned t-very-

: .lining last week, but through someeluuini'l "r o'h'T tin; dnys puss and hispuner ft]>]K.irs tiMed to his satisfaction.Tlnti lint iii'Wspapur worl-l rolls im, lliepeople read, yi: editor ili»s inlo il like sin,but not a kind wind tlo we «et for our

rU 2i*tli, where they jrot wvcral bun-dred dollars and a watch. TVy made All-

*1* revrul tho hiilini* place of lit* moneyby. placing a pistol to his head. The caseWits givi'n to an Kuton dotedive, whotraced the men to Allentown, Heading,Pliiladcl'phia, Ilarrisburg and West. He

t dUpatchei to Western cit^tt, mid onlast TliursiUy tho men were located atFort Wayne. They were arrested, identi-fied and taken to Delvidere. Tlwy deniedtheir guilt at first, but seeing tho array [oftestimony finally acknowledged their crimt.Hank is a relative of Alshouse.

A CARD —It al::ulil have been statedIn tho challenge which appeared in laalweek's isjuo, that I would walk Jchnaonunder slid condition, provided he wouldallow mo fifteen miles Btart.


To the ICiUhf of (he HWW«j'd'i Star.-—N'oticing in lust week's tern'it yourpaper a challenge from Mr. Frank Tillyirr.of Clinton, N . .T., to m3, to walk a Bijuareheel and too nutch J -ti hours nt anyplace in the Stale, and for any amount ofmoney, I now would say in reply, if hereally means business, he shall not bo dis-appointed.' I will nciMi him undercmdiiions in Neatly hall, commencingMay Sdtlt, IS$O, at S o'clock P . M., aadcloiiogM;»y29tli,at 10 L\ M-, for S100a sido. I will aUi) allow him tho U> mileswhich he requested, but wa* omitted inhis challenge of last week.


Champion I*ong Distance Podfatrianoftlw World.

Si'Kiri.u. Srnooi. MKRTINH,— Pursuantto the call of the Trustees uf Sellout Dis-trict No. :tl, the legal VOIBM of aiid Dis-trict met at the school-house on Monday,May loth. ISM, al 7.110 p m , for tho pur-po.i(* of voting u I'istriet school tax lor thepresent year.

The mecitig w.is calk-d to order by JV. (Jreveiing, K-([, and, on motion, Itev,•S. K. Webster mu elected Chairman.

On uccpiing the same, he thanked thevoters fur the honor thus conferred, undho|K'd, v.ith their aid. to pcrfunu the dutiesincumbent on him to lhu best interest of

. the people.;

bat it i M been U"*d nn Ihuusanda of tincd borsen wilh most wonderful success,ind it is now being used with the very bi-fllif Eatisfjctfrni for rvcry kind of a blemishor lameness on beast or man. As it docsnot blister and Id certain In ita effects, it isbecoming tlu moat popular liniment evertitk'd for now) or human Ucah, Itcail theidvertiicnujnt iu another column.

COUNTV S. 3 . COXVKNTIOS.—Tho lOlhAnnual Convention of the Wurrcn f'ounly

S. Ad3oci.ition will bu held (I). V.) tn theUuptisl Church, at Port Murray, on Wed-nesday, May 'JGth, commencing at 10.15>. m. sharp. I'astorJ, officer, teachers andriuudd of tho causa arc urged tn nttoml.

Let notices be given in tho churuhca andschools both ou nc.U tiibb.it b and that fol-lowing. Careful preparations arc in prog-ress to make thi3 Convention both interest*ing and profitable. Programme* and fur-ther particulars next week.

AI.KX. PuouDNr,County Sec. pro torn.

MATIUMO.NIAI..—On Tuesday afternoonit 5 o'clock, Mr. (Jen. H. Wcston, of Ox-ord, and MUj Flora .\liittUon, of this plucc,were uultud in the holy bonds of minony by the-ltjv. S. K. Web.tcr, assistedby tiio Kuv. K (J.Clint*, of Oxford. The:Prcmony took place at the residence of thejridc'rf mother, on Hclvidcre. avenue, will;1 lion of friends and relatives in attend-nce, who did honor to the oceasioi:

They Were recipients of many presents,:>mc of which were very handsome and

valuable. A niitn'ier of their young friend*ccompinied them lo the dvput where they

took the C ."i0 train for New York. Theywill Hpcrnl 'jcveral weeks in llw Hast be-

returning home. May tl'c nngeUwatch OVIT and care for them, guide liieirfeet in a path of virtue and happiness, und

t lust enfold Ilium iu a shroud of a goldt) pattern, is the wi li that we waft to theTeewJ a3 they gently blow in response to

the important dunga which they hau1

indite in their lives.

Cuu.nr.KN's UAV was obs'-'rvd with ap-iroprh'teserviueaon last Sabbath in llie'reaiiyturiauCiiuL''ii of this p l a c . The

llcv. It ibt. Kiiuis, or Albany, N . Y. . occu*liml the imljik morning und evening. Tintrvitw in the afiernoon were conductediy Mr, Johnston, Superintendent of schoolI tike church. Four Mis>inu Schools uni-t'd in llid services ami swelled the numbers

M r ; u 'n,t,tlHon ai,d Win A. Stry-

ii; but iln gtt i nd poor

I'nr the pust yen:h • "thc,.r, ds of the ollicc

receiving halfnd bturing all


And .inusiiy hathihrougli.

Fon SALE.— By thn snliscriber, 70building lots, bwiutirully lucatwl 011 Wnsli-i.igton nnd (Jrand avaimcs. The most «Je-

: sirnble building tots in lliis Uorcugii.jan'itf JACOII V. CAKTKFI.

- -In nccnrdanccwltli tlie law ol hist winter..-.th^AUoiney-Gene'ul.-linmpiniller und

Treasurer have driermineilllic pnliuy to-be ypaid the new justices of tin- Supreme Courtunder Unit act. Justice Purker will re-ceive : 8.012 "9 per annum, and JusticeMagic S7.-imt.C-l.-- • - - . - v - •: ' •

NOTICE—Havinp leased tlio farm luiids----lijcliingiujr t" O, S. Van Liew, injlie Jror-

ou«h uf Washitipton, iiirptTSoiis nre cuu=tioned noi to tn'spasson said lands, or they

- will be dmlt with according to law.W. Cl.AllK VAX DoitRS,

April 234t. ; ' U-ssne.About 1. o'clock on Wednesday mom-

of last week, a lire hroke out in 'lie. ma-chine shop3 of -the ISelvidiire Div.siun of

"i.tlio Pciiiipylvnn!ii llnllrotiu at Liunbert" ill d i r l l l

ihc expenses.

Some physiological chap nt Freneh-to«n. who cotisideia crying only a spusmodic aciiun uf the diaphragm, has invent-i'd u machine to keep ihe baby siill. Uythe means of straps, buckles, and'othiT ar-niiiyemonts, a belt is liisti'ticd around tliuitifuIU'S iliuphmgm, ilii-nce a .string to Usbiy toe, '.vliiuli when worked cliukes ihe.Pijuull oil us quick ns nnu can fay : iillhuiii-

ISK WIPI: A.VII ll.M'i'V If you will stopall your extravagant und wrcujr notions indoctoring jourself und family with iix|<t?n—sive doctors ur humbuj; euro nils tha tdoli;irrn nhvisys, and use only naioru's simpleremedy for all yuiir iiilmctils—you will lie

it'iisc. Tliu mtaU-ai ivmeily- fur tiiis,-thu;rcat, wise mrl guml will te.ll you is lluj]liitlcrs-rely on il. Sec nnothur column.

Covert. 1>. Iieuimtt, who, with MrsiSniiih. was ai-quitU'd of murderiiijj the lut-

i" ville, d

!ii llnllrotiu at Lung them completely, togutlwr

•with one locomotive which was in,.-'-'building." " :THU loBa"ii:-cstiraatcd.:.atr.^f>l'!1


."p-Jr""A'pood J)ook is P. friend ever true,17 " Money spent for bouks is well invested,'

1 Hooks ciiii lie Wight'very cheap in Vr-" t l


- ingtin Cull nnd KL'C prices for yourself atthe Warren County Drugstore,

William'Allen, of Ilaptisttown, Iluntor-don county, during tins past'-Win ter,...trap-:ped "long the crpek bulow lhat pliice six "icon fekunlts, (one ol lliem red or nourly so,)

••-"~" five ground hogs, seven roil 6(inirre!s,:. o:in" ' • " . t ; nnd "lifter ho imtViTeutr to nil

misfor'.uiio to loseone ot liia traps.

Comptroller Anderson,, i3:vrintifyinR -thc, G • county authoritiesbriliR amount of the two

mill school lux foV 1880,-'bused upon the.abstract nf ratables for 1870, payable bc-

'"• foro the first of January next. l ie nlso.-•• -:-•..: )|-jii|{GB tho yratifying -aiiiiiiunc(;inpint.1thitt:. ..•...,:. .; ji no tax for State, purposes 1ms ,bccn levied:'-?.- --lliw.year." ,_ _ ^

] _ : | ', • - — i r r ^ ^ r ^ d o ^ , oj») ca t ; nnd'artc"1

liusbiind u je;ir mid a half a^o,uunicil the ieclurii nmlf-iui, and '

tails tliu sickening incidents and im]of imprisonment mid trml for lil'u.

His first assay wus ul Jersey Oily on Tues-day uvenintr of last week, and reaulttd ini (]uL failure.

A.t llie Charleston Knees, tlie liuost ihotnijiiiijreds iii ihe co'iulry are lo~bci".aijciimil Ihc condition of the liorsesin'a'^fliKleto all who buliuld thi'in. mid it ha'g.'onlyire-ccntly'liL-uii disicovorcd ihiit llnsy'cau be

As hii'cu-.'-.WT I.AW. —An importantliiliciitwn ut' IIIL* law fur lhc fureclusurL1

uf inortg.igf ri on reul estate was made, bytlu; recent legislature. It uboli.'hM thudecree for ihfk-iViicy. si-|iaruliiii; tl,Vt. suil

u iln' b-nid from that oa llie. ii^rai;aye,ml practically chauyca llie morigage•om1 col lateral security fur a luan lo a |)ri-lary tnvosiinent. Thu result must be thatin; value of the land mortgaged will be thorsl consideration, ami llie bond will notave the.importance which Ims hithertoecu al Inched to it. . According to one

tonslruution, tho first dcblnr will bi> uloneL'Siionaiblc for the bond, and therefore u

decree for defmiuncy cannot puisue tlieirojierty through Iho hands ol several hold*rs—a system which I1113 not utitViiqiicntlyesulted in great hardship. There will be

found coiisidi;ral)lo dillerencc amnng hiw-yers to tlie coustruelion of ctrlniu featuroa

the.new law, ami several cases must bedecided wider it before the practice ia di-ti-iiitely settled. That its ultimate object,;he relief of mortcuse debtors, will be nt—"uiiH'di-lhui'u-tiS Am no do«ht.~ .13csthe features'uoieirtiliovC;. the law cnabliisthe iiebtor io redeem llie properly wttliii

nmiths, upon payment in full, and pro-videa thai no deed ."hull be valid iinlus3 lhctjiruut IJourl declares that u fair cash vul-iio has been secured al. Uiis^sale.^Tfeatures arc taken from' laws of other Stiiles

yk«pi in this condition by' mixingf d T h M l f n l o r Simmoiis'


foihirorhuViies uMublirsiiuuiifiilol' Siminons'.Liver-Iieciiltitor rowider.^ It iejilso ^ivea

liiiK slorc.of Mr. Alex lV_.*Tj'hn-aon, in New Ilnpt*. near LmnbqrLvilio, wasbroken into tuidyttbhed of clolhinfi to'• tinutnonnl- of about $7si, un ."jutiirdiiy night iweek ngo. Jintniiiee wus'i'lTi'tsted thrmi^li[i rear window.. A chisel ,was .Ynuud onihe;,prcmisi'3r lho,.iK.'Xi morning," beariiic

kor, K.*q., were iiommatcd for the oflice ofSeerulury. Mr. Thomson declined,und. ou.inotif.ii..Mr. Stryker.^viH.djily^elvc^cd^Bpc-retury. ' "

Tlie cull of tho Tni«U'os w,is then read.ulik-li cull was M:1 fur ill the u mount

thought necessary fur incidental-expenses,8700; inl'-nwi nn bonds. Sf-fiO: teachers'

salarits, $1,000 • '"•'On mtiti'in, it was resolved lh;\l the items

ic voted on separately.

Here a lively discussion was eutfred intuictween Messrs. McCrackeu, Ji-ffery urdHalm, at the close of which tilings reniatii-ed in j/(i(w qtw, , ;,

On inotioti. il WAS resolved tli.it $830be raised fur interest ou school bmi'ls*.

On motion, it was revived l lul 31,000ae rained for teachers' salaries.

On motion, it was rusiolved liiat 5700 beraised fur Jticiduot.ilj.

On motion, llie meeting adjourned.\Kii, A. SrnrKRtt, Sec.

lly considered just.


llepubliean Stale Couveutinn was held inTaylor's Opera House,"Trenton, on'Thurs-tlayof.lasl wnek. Al'ler prayer W. A.Hiiles, of Sussex County, was elected lem •jiorary Chairnuin, and made a fitting speech.

William"BiVule of Caindim'ollered.'ft rcs-tOiiti»'^^hi<;h.was_rKf(jrrC!d_to Jlio .cqinmit-^lut; on resolution!?, to llie ellect' that whilestlio,Conveulion luw uniimitcd confiduiiue inthe delegates who niay be selected, ami de-clinea to., instruct them, the Conventionfeels thai the siicces3 of the Republicanticket can but l)a secured by the noinina-

~thu~ nuinc of" Itorton." A re.uird is of- -tioii.of James" t i n Jlaine/- After, the' pre-

fe r ^ ^ ; - : " - : , . _ , ; : , ^ S , i n g t o 1 v N.".J. TMR ifl.one of the KMo», and still anolhe,| r j f e - ~ ^ ^ v - ^ •• TnoEfconvctjie.it towR in town, containing; ^hnatmn.oi women.

seven rooms, and is offered at. a bargain.A stable in good le'pnir localfd on lhc rearflriotr^aiw.nf loif—12OxlC0"kru—Por partIcular»^pp1y,at^ta^AB1ufflce.'=^=^===

Misa Lizzie Greilin.['at Maiich Chunlt,siiys: I wus Buffering the most intense pai.11from Nturaltda in my head so much BO

— - -

lered lor the arrest of liie guilty party orparlies.

The' fieneral Uonferrncfi of the M.:-Kiriinro.h is now in.session at ('iticiniiiiti.The deh'giites;'include 151 lnyinanrl'();i"jfircac-liera anil .18 colored men.L 'i'iio Gin-fcroucc will continue in session all thismonth, nnd perhnps longer. Several Bish-ops will ho elected Among lhc importantquestions to lie discussed und acted uponis n proposition lo increase very considera-bly the: number'of Hishops; nncUier fortho lengthening of thu puatoral tcrin ';' nn-

' " election of-.ihe Presiding1 providing'for the

An fxiihnngc proffers this scnRibto od-yiEq: " The public streets are, fit places toeduc'ulc.boys for the.penitentiary nnd RirhTorttio brothol-"?"How tnuny^prirciitslliinl1

'of this ? Few,;yoiniff men can bo found inunr. public prisons, and few yotinc. womeiiVi'the ranks Df lliofie who hro mcctini

liuilnary orgnnization un adjournment washeld until 2$ I*. M., when .Tliotnas-'AvDudley of"Ctuou«if,""-wu:J-: made ~ permanent

Tlio following were cliusen ns delegatesfit large,.:-being the successful nominecf:W. J. Sowcll, Ueo. A. Ualsey, and Jud-san Kilpatrtcfe. ^ >,-.••

The fr^-y^iag imnind are ihe four nller-nale dclogiilca.at largo: Oharle8i."M.' The-bcralh, Jaines I Blair, G. A. Ilobart, andZ. K. Pangborn. •- The Congressional deljatea aio : I'tfst District, O. IT. Sinnick-

C'ou.vcit. MBKTISU.—A specialmeeting of Common Council was held onSaturday evening.

Members present—Messrs. Alleger, Car-ter, Ilium, Johnston, Sullivan, Thompson,and Mayor IJeatly.

The minutes of the last nii;etiiig';rivert;rend und approved.

The bond of Abm. Hcschercr, for twohundred dollars, with A. M. anil1.*. J . 'Bc-sclicrer as sureties, was reeoivpd hy t.'outi-cil, und Mr. IJcschcrer sworn into office asOverseer,of the Poor.

Mr. A. 1'. Ilann having declined theposition of Treasurer, Mr. J. V. Curlervnis nominated and duly elected Treasurerof tli'vBorough" for'thc..ensuing year. -...;-.

The petition of the Excelsior Fire Com-pany, asking for the appointment of' S. I*Uurni'ss, as Chief of the Firo Dopftrtinoni,was read und ordered hud over..... .

citizens asking for an appropriation1 for thevance of Decoration Day, was receive;

and nn appropriation of twenty dollars;ranted.

The following bill3 wore presented amreferred to the'Finance Committee :Thoa. Uunry, Judge of ISIcction... . $ 9 00Jnlin C. Wvllfp, Olerk ilo . . . . . . ; . . U 01)Jos. Vunn. Inspector do 9 00J. S. Vough, do do UJ. ( j . Itobliiiiii, St. Com! pay roll... IT 25|Ictirv_Cuiiitniii3,,doda^ror,lJubcock ~

1 Abm. Iksciicier, pour l i i l l . . . . . . ; . . 22 CflJohn S, Uastou. policeman, April . . -10 OilJacob.Morris, policeman, e ' e , do..-,- ~"> "ICarter & Uoolte, iteniizai bill 18. >i

I t "wiiia moved by Johnston nnd IlunnThat the Treaaurcr. pay the interest othree notes of SHOO'ciich, (amount §63.00,'for one yenr, presented by Win. Gonsnli_

ij-cs nad-nayson the above worecalled, as fellows : ~ -

John ^ Jtrict,OhilHon Kiibbihs, Oohii J•Foitrth Tliatrict', JtrW.'To'orlioBflr VfjTA.;Stiles j Fiflh Diairicl, Henry L . Bnitlcr,A. A .Vanco ; Sixth District, Kd. L. Joy,

" Districi, James

it [rom oodnhorlty that the matter pcrtiiniog to the

hfuglon investigation has been laidi, for reason Riven by Judgo Dcusley

;hat' tbo Hobart act does not refer to•iiwlOMrirU."'

BK^-HORHK.—Xo proprietor of u Sca-orsc has ever, to our kimwli'dgc, hatl any'cuaiou for uilrg KcL'Iall'n Spavin Cure,

nlilthe body of die churchilied.

i nearly

l memlicrs of tlie Weatty Or-:!icstr.i wvrft present, muler th« leadershipif Prof. I.awn.nco.i.".'i.rtcr ojienitig eser-

:red an iullrL' 3 on lhc . " Centennial uf tin

cci.v: cfJl II Egbert to tho prcildcntd Uco, Miller Secretary. A rcioluUon

IA adopted inviting,>ub committcfli toreport their orcanitation as toon as effect -

nd alxo from tlmo to titno tbo method*ami progress of their work. Tho com-mittee then adjourned, subject to call byh h ltho chalnnan.

(1E0.M1t.un, Sec. Cum

?\jmiUiii{,' of b^ul.atli Schools by lluberl n S i l L l l k m 'i'uriikcy Taxler,ttalkes." Itev. Mr. Kui.ia followed on broke j.iil, wcru found gtiitty-

Court.Justice BeasSuy r«iutiu:J uu II

d iy ol lost week arid discharged tho C randJury. They retutncil thirty-seven billi ofindiclmcnt. Tbo following parties werearraigned :

Charlca,Wiggins, Stewart ltcam, JohnRosa and John SUICJ, inJictod for atrociousassault and battery and conspiracy tobreak jai l ; also indicted separately forlarcenies. Hcam and Wiggins pleadedguilty to tho assault, aud Stiles and Kojsnot guiily.

Henry Noah, indicted for larceny atriilllipsburg, pleaded not guilty, after re-tracted and pleaded guilty,

tieorgc S<:ofieM, larceny at I'lilllip3-blirg, not guilty.

Charles Keller, larceny at Oxford, notguilty.

Richard Anderson, (colored) larceny atWashington, not guiltv.

Thomas'Rorick, two indictments for as-sault nnd battery on an officer, and larceny,not guiity.

Kva Steel, (colcjjv," (or tl>v murder of an[nfunt, iu Ilclvidere, and for concealing thebirth of an infant, not guilty. Tins ChiefJustice set down this case for tho 'Jlthinst,, nnd assigned Messrs. Shlpman andRobcaon as couosel for tho priduuer.

Tho following were arraigned on Wed-nesday :

Jucib Klnsneycr, Patrick (learlghtyFrancis Kellcy, Win, McLsughlin, .lolinKulklanJ, Edward (Jepliart and ClirUtUtiIf. Uclifusa, all indicted se[iaratcly for sell-ing liquor on Sunday in I'billipsburgh,pleaded not guilty and cave bait.

John l-Vighuiun, larceny, not guilty.Juhn Manning and Owiv Itrannati, two

'mliclincnts lor assuull aud bitlcry onoQiucr und one for destroying property.pleaded not guilty.

John KirUi, Marcu-i Seight und JumcsWalier, assault ami bittery on an officer,not guilty. •

Win. force, assault o.t an Ofliuor atWashington, nut guilty, afterward reined aud pleaded RUilty.

Jiilin llullia, John Kieh und ArdreivIlartman, indicted for assault on Mr. Uar-tow of Independence township, not guilty.

Abrnni I'oyer, lurcQiiy, pleaded notguilty.

-The otate vs. I.ittly Sn ydor, ivua firsttried. Dtrftitnhnt w.ii tmlicidl nt the lustterm, for ns.uultiti^ anil ch.ijiu^ in a nudecnudttioti one AjuimU .Muttcrmin, in Ox-furd to-Miiliip. l-'ound gullly.

Oeurue jjuufiuM, f.ir larceny o r leatherfrom railroud ut I'liillipsuurg, tried andfound guilty.

Cliurlcs Keller, indicted for larceny of alot of chickens near I'liillipsburg, naj ac

lilted of the larceny, but found guilty ofi uik'Hint to commit lurccny.John llois and John Stilus, tor atrocious

Tfcxler, whju tiny

Cheap Gash. Store!The Largest and Best Selected Stock



CANTON STRAW HATS, 25,35,45c Linen Tape Hats, 65c.Miland Straw, 75c, $1.00. Flowers, Tips, Wings,

and Plumes, in large (Hiantities.^rlnw.!'.! Ir iUHH .nAltV ODC11LY,


FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS!Silk Hanilkft-cMcb, Ties, Firlntm, Lace?. UibboiiK, (Jloves. Hosiery, Corsets, end all

the latest nnveltiea. UltKriri (1001)^. 8, 10, l'-il. 15.18. 20, 25c. andnp.BLACK. (;ASIIMKUKd-5(».iW,7S,B.1c..*lJ)». 1ILAC1C SILKS-75, 85t 81.00,

81.y5. SI .10. Fancv Hilks and Satins for Trimmings in all the new shades.e LotofSMAWUS from St 00 »t». CAMUOS—7 nnd 8c. MUSLIN—6c. op.

—'8, SII1HTINUS, 10c.

[icrahce, und Mr. Wcbh on "Hea in MiaMuuAVtitk tit Nine

\'. Y." The Sii|ieriulendeut, Mr. Johus-

iul Lifo." . The I'jstor ihen closed withliiuarks of wekome and fnicouragement.I'lio tnusiii was excdlenl. Tlie sexton, Mr.Andrews, had given iittunLioii\o llie d c o -

.tion of thu room, and llie air w,i3 red»>-Itiuiwiih liie urouiii'iif ilmvurs of cvury

{•'.)d'.i ssitiu'slcrd iilio aiUk-J to

Thu 1'iijilicitioiij for li

own and St'-waruvilleThursday nii;ht of last

jre heardL-ck, atii the

Hluirstown upjilication grantC'd. TlieStcwurtsvillc apjilitiiiioii was rufused be-cjis.ii! the applicant had viulaU'il tlu 1L.W.

TlioiiusUjrickftirauuiltiiii; m» ot&xrnt I'liillipsburg, ivii-s aeqiiity.'d; forlnrccuyol a w.ilch \VLI3 found guilty.

John ltullid, John K.->;ic!i and Andrew

l| lu, I 11 unman, assault on J icob d. Itirtow in

and noveliv or the occualau, ihuugh | i«J«t-«uJL*nc«! Wwn*hip were fuuud guilty.- ° I Thin was un ordinary neighbor!-,...1 allVay.

John Wulfiugur, fur roueivinj; stolenhoy-wvro pnsoiwra iiif which hung siHpuuded from the galler-a. The day was must interesting and in-trinitivii u nil.. Tlw Uencral Assembly nf.he Church has wisuly provided an annualibservunce. »f there services.



AftK Cox^KiiBSOK.—Tlie "co i inu i t tw ap-

pi.inted by the lale. convention for Newtondistrict nf llie Nmvark C.mlereiicu Tern -icnuicu Society to hive sjiipervUiou of the

leaipfjrence woti; M orjjinix-'d aunniij thehurched or tli it I>Utrict, \w\,\ a. meeting

at ihw.keltHtowa April 27, 18S0, ami withliie advice uinl coiicurfeiicuof thu 11 ;V. T vII. I/.iudoii, President of tho fjonf.'renceiocicty, rcirr.iiv,'ed iu full of op in ionsio n& to m:\kii it coiiforai to ihe PaiersnnDistrict of tlw Conferjom. T;i: rwulta.it*iib-di!itr|cts_arc as foll.iws.,.: -^ _

itcrM!VrU;ilh''rfoni;: T.Ul und Iluimtnu //

'•--. John Riu^hinai), l'liillip='»ir^,' fur - re-ceiving stolen goods, was acquitted. Tindefendant bought stolen iron of' lioys, dclence being thai Iw did n»t kww ii_ wasstolen.

A lira in L'oyer, fur larceay of a uo'.eideiieudunce to-vu-tliiit, w.m I'junJ guilty.

The ci.cuui9lauce3 of this cua WJM tlmI'oyer hired a man named _H nil t j work fohim ii year or two ngo, tu»l a l one tinINiyer clulint'd ilia'. Hull wiH'al y and wilhiiitent broke iiplow,.(.-, \\U iiii>n.ig!i some-thing oyor-,.?:t 111). A't.sultlenient foyiEiivp'llull a note for the iiuuunt tlue htnund aul)se(|'iemlv at lime* u.iid it uif, withthe uxe<!piion of this amoivil claimed tordmn-igc tu the jil.iw. I'oyer then [KKsses edhimstlfof ihe note uml lM|it;it, nn.1 .11 nil

J. W. FITTS,X<>. liC7 and l i t» tVnxliingloi) Avenue.

\Y tho miadle of March we will have our already large Store

V Room extended through to Church St. This enlargement

' we were compelled to make in order to get sufficient

SHOW ROOM for our Enormous Stock of C a r p e t s ,

ivhich consists of Body and Tapestry Brussels, THREE

PLY, Ingrain, Hall and Stair OarpetS, Turkish Velvet

and Brussels Rugs and Mats, to which we invite the inspection

of buyers. Also, a full line of HOUSE FURNISHING

GOODS, such as Damask Table Linen, Towels, Sheet'

ings, Toilet Quilts, Lace Curtains, Feathers , &c.

N. B.—We have also purchased a full line of the celebrated

make of Bonne t Black Silks, which we guarantee not to

cut or crack. An,examination is solicited at the M a m "

moth Dry Goods >nd Cappet House,No. 3 2 7 and 328 Morthampton Street,Kaston, Fd.

History of the United States.l

h iln'lu'il Pint.'' imlill-lu'J r wi-llll uii u Ail.lr-.-. Tur llt>i«[|Hlv

., I'HII.I.ll'S A il l 'M1 . Siihrtm.mt, *»:» il-o.nln.iy. S. V.

ny «f'ie CLrcu-crlpil

liy «

Ti'mryar mul



Watches,- Jnvclrjj Solid Silver;



LVlls, Whitehall //•1. Uockawny,. lliberuia.'^Mt. Hone,

Dover, Port Orain, Wiilnut IS rove andMillbrook. Suci-iisuniiLi and Porl Miirns,"llopateoiig timl"IuinUti«ii,:.F[arid3rir.aadPrakcstown. -

:i. .Stanhope, Sparta, Audover, Newton,Lafayette, Hranchvilto and FrntikfordPlains.

•1. .Stillwate-r and Swartawood^.town. Mt. llermon, Hops, J o

"John V'MJr Hehf- und;%iaTnes"WnlstT, for uS'j.mlltiiifo.i olliajr, wore uc.(juiUcJ, iirool buitiij siilli 'ient.

KmaauulXun, for culling lioop-po!il3 ontlif> Ulue"'nfoiititaiii, in Uluii'stowiitowns'iip,on Ih3 Vrooni- tnict'- 'was' Tuiina" guilty.

Tliii1 lioop-polc baiinc3-4f l

thesephave btcn before eucli turm of Court for

ami ML-I.JIMIIDII, Mt. licllicl mill II?liiwn, L'ort Culdon and O!i:in^u\v.tlcf

tntia, Itroadwiiy, Oxfiml, liitllzvil

Free Union. <

7. I'liilliiislmrg mil Qa'rasHriJ«,v IUr- | for Ik' U'rm .Tlie |i?lji'iiers <

moi'iy anil ^Immrlivilli!, llulylilcrc. Col- 11 il '"> T»ob>Ul; • - w " a1™..11.!)

uinl'ia anil lliiincsljiir;j.

8. Milfanl," lliverdalo,_\LiJillu



1 1 -



UCi). lCiMO,

t he slippedvint,' liia Ij

•Jiiry Vcr" tvt



nli.-t.(!liri'tiii:i 11f.ir selling

Tfday;1 wi»r

imil.iriff wlilkmisiK-nKT.nilU

R hflHil i.u- i iCfjuiiiVt

Tin; re.niiiiiiini: ind'

hargo. WH t

Ih'j Jury ivmto unI tn d

unil i'.I'iulii.

r~-- -:-tlllJIl IS

.V ' r .

•iiv >r

t _l!''n

r : "•"!•


r j r ' i -



... Yeas'—Carter, llaun, JohnGton.jrhomny

Nnya—Allegor.'Sulliviin. Carried.On motion of .Johnston tind Ilann, the

rules were RUspendctlsW drafts for theabove bills ordered, tv~Tl"'wd* moved by'HanniiL'd Allegcr,

that tho frout room of llio borough dwell-ing next.lo thn Town Hall,! on corner ofChurch and Bclvidoro Avcu ue, be iminteiland pupcred. Carried."^.""! ','•-•. - :

I t was tiioved" by' SnUIviiii and:Alleger,' TJHif tlic^i ii vl iHtioif frotii" "UtiFioUi icrs^tind"citliM'JisjToMho'Mflyor'iiiitl Common-Cufttt-'cil to participate io the exercises on Deco-ration Day, bo accepted,^ and that theMuyor «nd Common Oouncll, participate

iiiucejn_ch:irge of tho work inibe respective sub-diairicts will consiat of

mimsturs and JaymeiwoMduat... within _tho districts they"urij" i'tirfiorv'a;-as'^liaU" bo'-'appointed hy meclinga called for that pur-pose. Thu following gentlemen were a p -pointed chairmen of sub-committees :

Dla't No. 1, Rev. S. II. Guttcridgc.' " 2--' " ; T. C. Miiyham.

•• oVw.llortoV.".:-. I'*-.Meuchem..V ]t. Vnnhoriic,

< toV

if e-iiuh. cost-* til' trial J bungalso.included in ninny of Uiu cases:..Ohm Wiggins, 10 yens in Stulu I'nsan.

Stuwurt Heam, 10 yenra in Stale I't'ison.John Koss, 0 y?«M-Jn;;S(uiifiv.Priioi).

,.' John Sliljs, I year i.rStute I'risni.George ScoGold, 3 ycira in Slaie Piison

CbttS.-Koller, ayoara and G'mimliis iiStale rrisoii. *"'

Thomaa llorlck, 2 years in SUte PrisonHenry Noah. I year in State Prison..Kmanuel Kiie, 1 year in State'Vrison.liittle Siiydur, 0 months in juil aiul costs.

•: Win. Force, 1.1 ilays in jail."•Jolinik-llia.'.Iuhn li.-Kich and;vAndrewIlnrttnan, each $1 fin« «mt _ coats/

Abrain Pi'^r, stntunco tmspenduil, nufl

\riWchI Ear DrumsESTOnB TUB l l K A l l i a u

id perfutra tlio woife ot.ilie Niilurn" Uruin.Alwnji In tin ill Inn, b u t filfltlblo toother*.CotnvrinUuti ami rvml whither* liourd illitlnttl)',c*[Mtotli(nsnilngthim. Pondfordi-iiwipll'-'flrfUA.UMU1



• SEW JBJ ft..VP»II l'lilllp II. Ilm5 Vnn I.IHIV, ctn:r»!ti>rm-rt^>it;>''l premlxPH.

. ^ J . SI. Koonaos. Solicitor, ,• •Knln'ln ln-luilf "f the nbntn rnrtlM itnndi ml.

....-..•<! to PlilDAY, FKO.lStli, ISSO. 1>«t*ein theuir" of 12 unit i o'clutk In (liu nrteruoun. at the

"IT IIOU.SK. II> the town of Ilolvidcre, countrrreii noil i?tnto of Sew imtr ,. -. •

UESJAMIN F. HOWET".. ai, tsso.—tarn). ' / ehBtiff.

ii.ijlninicd 'l« F I U » A V ? V M AllCH a'lSMj. hi''.i Ih n.>iir«i>r I-' uml .'nic'uck Iu tho ftftornoon 'Coni ' f HOUSE, ta llio town of H«Wld*r«, io

unity or U in roti :m,! • title nf .New Je-m-T.ItEXJAMIX F. IIOWEY, -

>tih< In liuhiil' «[ lliu n'liivi; piirilc* eUnd«i - t iirljnuint-d tl> KKII1AV, Al'lttl , 2, I6H) , '

hcnvwn tin- lump- oi 1-j.»«) 3 ii'ctofk In iho »f.--•wiHM'ii. nt !.•<; IXUJKT IIIUIHI-:. In THU town of" I v a Ciint r W l S'tl t A

Thu s=ii!o in liuliuifiil ilm nlmvc [>nnlr« UHAIS'•rihor nitjosirm;;! l.i FHIIUY. Al'HIL MJ.IUSO, •nw.'Oi Hu'liMir- i',ri-> in il .-io'clock In tlieflllur.[i -II. HI IN.- I'UUll'l' HUt^K. li> thu Inwii ol t i t ] . -

k W S N.v. HKApril 9. 15Si.-$a:i().

nrnti uml Sfit« «l N.wHKSJAJUN F. lloWKV.WKV.


v , MA V MS. l^H), he-Milor.k hi tln'HIIer-i •:, it> lln-l. wl'.nf Bet.-- '

MlN V. lloWh.v! r- '

, . / ; . „. i s diAiicenr OF SI,W JEIICKT.

i icl i 19. ISfU- $5 f.O.

"~"-Tlit.rr.If itiln-ls.ilf if ir h ' l i i l tUDUK. i- i• r t l l l , "il. I.'il ir.l; ii. n

Ai.rll'l, lS

I liilic tiliici III lhc CdUHT '(.f lU-lvld.ic. or. FH1DAY.tfi'ii I In* hi.lire nf U anil 5tbKJAMlN t". IIOWEV.

Tliy «il« in lielmlf (if Hit! nbrtvo Dnrtlea "itndo -•-iintiLr nilloiiriieil in lnhu iilurt ni ttia COUitTIDtlsK. In '"<• town al Ui'lvldrrrV'uirFIiXDAY.:^:.i.. \k .l.i I^^H SHI i\-i an iii^ liiMir;* of lkj jkiid " ' "

Bt-NJAMIN F. IlOiVEY,•eliK-U l> in litMiiy -,, 1S-*II —§i.B0.


i:Ul.G TO l l i l l CHKDlTOllS.-pHrnuunUo llie or. 'ilt'r nf tliu Surruk'iil" uf lliu Cuunty of Wurrso, mills '"'on ilm -l^lli duy ofKnliniii V. A D .one thousand •' ,

1 • I luunlreil nnd nnvunly-eti;Ut noilcc-li liureby'.,.t] t.i it I h'r.HUtiH liiivhi£ dnim» ngaiii't tlio «n-

iirn'ii. iloci-Hi.-rxJil-'

•n pv.i..^tcVof ibi

mlnn to'tlin

nil i-il'* nil elffl.tr. .ltd orJor;ud inhibit.'

Rev..!. W- Marshall, Pis'l No. 1." ,'1'. II, tjandon, " " - ." - G. Miller, -u " " 3,

1 t i .O. Winner, " " 4.


A, l l O H S K I I O I . n NF.F.I).

'-A book on Hie Liver, l u Oiscnacs nndiheir'treatment,-ecnt frco.. inclmlinR trcn-

n.Uvw Complttlnts,' TorpM Uycr

WATERS' PHHOS ami ORGANS!U K S T yi \l*V,! Wiirr;nH."l Six

iitnfrrv',: AOEXT'S'W AN'T'|<1>'^Sj'ciiliil IN

""IU'WDAVSWe wltl -"ml onr Ki,r.cTuo-Vni.TA'o HHI-T- «ml(..tti.iV Kltictrlc.App!in.nrnW upm ttUl-R.T.31 ilr.fe.lo.

Suri ur ( T I I Q tTAIU HKl.T CO.. Mar

« tfiO. winner, " " 4. ' ihcir'treatmenl, -wntfrco.. InoludinR tren- R p r p J V C - S3 E ii fiTi T U I ^ B s l S t f ' l l c B -y.t^of.i.ii.r.Vx^hi'' . i••'. :;K.Hefc:beniL. . ". •••" ,S- tiscaupon.Uver ComplnintB,Torpid Uver R ^ j £ V i ) O .. I l C A U I H I w i I ^ M f l M p t j l " ~TlZ 7."-iT."' ' •

^iiH._.T.'H.-Ecl)crt1^..''^™._!!j::^C., ..-..^^ Jaundlco, RjHousncPft, nendnchcjOoniti-l wew*1r,tLnn Aceniiu Hit* Cftnaij •t«'wii(im wo I 1 M J J Y > J 1 H | S U [ T ° - eto-ts. Oen^«a«\ / :^ » 3 , r j ' p f " r ) p ^ < ^ ~ " ^ 7 ~ i ( ~ 7 7 ~ ~ - j " p ^ *llS^5l?iiiiiMii'wim A '!*n ' ' I>? l l l"n"J ' ' s ' s ^vfs.l

Nt-.W ,• fcl*VEV.-!it lli!iikrii | .tcy.No.'nti."lnlhB ;

mtiii./f'iil Jol'ii M. Wjcb'fl', llimknir1^1' ". . . •Tilt: mlil ltiiiikin;it Imvliii; ii|mlkd to Iho Court " -

fur II rifechiuKi! |-rinii--<!ile (lutjtD, bv ordor _,'ul thu Ui.uii noikc Iu licrcliy -ijlveii t o - •nil. . tuTFOlIs \vl)(....l):iVU-.l.tOVta_U!Clt._dcbltniul niliur |H;I stun1 ' l ir Intcri'i"," lo "appear " be-Ii ro lliu culil 0'niit, tit Hie United SUins Court .,lluu^i-. In lhu L'ity ni 'I'rcnloii, In tud Ultlrict. <m ••-I'ui-duy, Uio EkVMilii dcy ol .May. A.I). 1SM--ni H) n'clt'ck, •!. in., uiid ehi>» ciiiiHo if any theyiMVo, whv a ilinelinruo ehimld not bo f " " '

• S . J. LUNGEE;

Boot and Shoe Maker,

BOdTS AS>6 SIHiHS mndolo'orOer.'Efpii'lrliiJi - . . - iprom|it!y>.tlou(lo-Jt^ji--J=^—---1-L--.-^.—-ii^^;3

"^•(TS^'I'ericct llts iititiiiiiiuii-tlin every in u iscr— —

Page 4: WASHINGTON STAR. · 2015-12-03 · Slim n tlio threshold, With li^ht loot and cM IllHiJ, tinve w');l>t Btnnil; Die Ircoh rat lipjntl tiutci.iRf; ynnlli'i ruJily ni[iluroiis wine,


Mr ftfutaf r»rre«|ii>u-1*iilt


TON", 1). C , y\ *? IO1I1.

saw and U ollcn cxcmpltfieil in Con

g**cs!i, L'isl year a ridt-r was lacked

on the appropriation ]>ill ir*triciiiiy

llio power and dulie-t of United

Ijlulia luaibliaUut, (•UH-UUIIS, an<,l ilii*

President vetoed it. "Sow wo have

n repetition of h*t year's hl»nM anil

result*! almost to thu letter. Strange

in My It-nil j>(ili.tic:il j-trtitH claim to

lie happy :n both insist tli it tho l ' a s -

:id>.-nL li;is git-en them u >LIOD^ polit-

ical Iioo-it fur next (all's t;mi(•:ii_»ii.

Tlia cua 'liAdoii UU \m\\d on the

gtontit] ih.i. the people will condeinn

llie President and hi* pirty lor ut>n-

ti'iniii^ the hlut'dy stitrL poliiij' and

Us ruitioiH ui*iHeti:u*iiui!s; tliu mlier

upon the ground ttiat ih1.' |ii'opU>

will iijihold any course calunluu-il to

[iroleci the riijlit of liallot. Ii is

ft'ruinate tor the eon:itry tint the

President c.tti please every b-vly l»y

sfi'itiluhiii^ certain le^hi'i-Mi, Imt

wo t;iney sjtne Will iiui expivss

thenisu'.ves so delighted next Till iw

they profess to be jiidt now. It is

per.si-itenlly uhtitned that Utrngre.-s

will itdjuum ;*'. ait early day and

that l i e a'>pivpri:uion Uill-' nn* in

Midi a tslate of foiwardno-M it-* lo

permit thi! Solons in |ii'ri<rriiijiti»

honuiwards siljnnl -lune firs'.. l!nL

we HIi- so sceptical on this poini

that we feel positito tint July -1

.will find the Ci-iiul as full of Sena-

tors and Member.* as it is to-day.

Tlie l'le^identiat Conventions will

nlVord food for at least ihrcu weeks

of buncombe speeches :tnd then a

lew days more will be requisite for

iho consideration and passage of thu

appropriation bills. IL is an tutu-

impossihilily to Itnlucc Uongress to

. dispose of business as the days come

and go. The pas-ing time belongs

to buncombe matters and iho last

three weeks to tho transaction ot

real business winch should have been

' disposed of wet-to or months ago--

hence our belief thai the lOih Con-

gress will not prove an exception to

its predecessois in remaininj' hero!

Afl-T fueling thu pressura in Iho earn,

which is vury unpleasant until you

ire lined to it1I

nlmnt tW INII; <1U llicy

uvur molest you V

'• Very seldom. You nee wo make

it n rutu riot to dtHurli ilium, W.

know that they are in their elemcin

nnl we nru not in our*. AH f>n

shark", we don't caro for them. They

are cowardly, nnd easily frightenf*

nil*. Wo aro much morn afraid <>

the baricol.T", a utirfaee li»!i, wiih

teeth three imilicM long. Talk abuin

tlih, why, "iii1 can't linvi- any unnt-t'p

tion ol ttie ii until liu Im Wen IIIUK-I

• win'""Mill «ITII th"in 'of all AIM*

I all tbo culnr.i of the mitilinw

Tlien,»l,i. mideby a school ..I li>h

s<r nKtm.liT water like the runiMing

t)f thunder. One of iltu gre.iu-st cu-

riositiiM In llits lino tv;n Urn Juw fisli

I I'lii-oiiiiirred WIIRH - diviiiij in the

liay ol Ciunani, on tilt; coast of Yen

•/.ula. The l'n!i arefro:n *U to iit-

lecn feet in length, -ui.l have a large

month, wiih ( nail teeth. The .Ii-w

lir-h hrtvc a gre.u deal "1" n-int-Miy—

more than any wnm.ui lliat I k:u:w

of—and u*ie.i to eye in while we

re at work.1 .Wo were a littli*

;»i! ot tW-in at firi-t, but i'oiin 1 tint

ihey would not liirni us. I snpposi;

you htive bi-ard *«t* tlm .luc'iiu ' i ,

whieh has ihe power u> i;ivu a >lmck

equal lo any baiuiy. Wh.-n wu

weru iliving at llie Wvct Indies mu-

of our ilivcrs received a nhouk from

an electric eel, and lor a time he

•ilinost painly/.ed. Mules

ami other siiiiinuls when fording

streams in tlisil country often reeeivo

a sliock."

*' Is it dark under water?'

"That depends upon how clear

the water is. I have been down

hvonty fathoms wlmre I uutttd **m lo

read the lines* print, ami I have been

down ten feet where you co

see vour haiul before It is not

very pleasant exploring a wreck, es-

pecially whore there are de.il bod-

ies, when von are in utter darkno-s.

A Dog in Church.

Quite an amusing scene occurred

till our summer heats drive -Hum to j i n o n 0 o l l l l ° o h l l r u I l C ! f " ' L l l 0 e l l l x *their homes. Mr. Kami-ill p e r i l s I v i l k ' ' l V ^ hen Urn scrvi.es werein hia positive assertions that M r . j pmtl/over the pastoi-s dog entered

1 the church, and tnok his s-.'ir. on ihepulpit near Ihu pastor and I'auiug the

Tilden will he iiomiiiated on the

iirst ballot at Cincinnati ami as he is , - -ono of the shrewdest ami most coiigregaMon. U hen he would no-

asuue of politicians lii.s views uarry ![k>l> n ( f i n i i I i l i r f : U"1 ' l u* w o l l l l i w a= l l l ! l

"great weight with them. Anent

this however is the tqnully posi-

tive statements of Mr. Tilden's op

ponents, but as none ol th°m havi

la'tl and show by uliier signs Uiai he

reeogni/.ud it. He would dis*ippear

lieliind liu: pulpit, and sit regular in-

ter v:iU poke Ins head out :ip|>areuily

as if to see whether llie WOPN of dieJlr . llanilairs prestige, we ..begin, to.

think that tl'ose opposed" t0 Mi*. [=° ' ) l ' " l ! l " ' illr> lllil"l-i;i'> "l'pi<-- >•••>*•"

Tildonhail better « t ilidr houses!"5 l i l ^ r i l W u »" i m l i r « S s ' " u l li l l j11 l l i e

in or.K'i- fora grand welcome lo the «on»n»;iitiun us th'.-y wore upon him.

.conquering hero of Ciiichnitti. , JJu.iym»-iroiii the SIIIUU which pl.iy«d

. . The coinini; boat ruc-s butween i°» l l i t t ^tmLcmr.ces of the congw-

Ilanlanan.lCourtuoyonlhelV.iinac U f : t t i 0"' ^ ' ^ v ^ i l '" t 0 C l ea red

assmues a formal hiisinujx aspou: r.ow | l l i e lI!'S rfceived more ailfiition than

licit all preliminarie.1 have been s e t - ! l l i s m - l s t l - r - A t l i l u «OIIull l! i io» l l l u

j[i:iitor left, thu pulpit 10 iidmitiUu-rtied, nnd both men are on thu

Iluuiar. trains daily by ro"

the river ami by taking extensive

the rile ol the Lord's .Supper, but

! before doing so a eiituelioti was

walks on laml. lie is a splendid j l l l k o n UP hi' l w 0 o f l l l ( J vestrymen

specimen of physical humanity aii'l j 1 " 1 " of whom was not on vt-ry friend

expresses Uio grealcst^onliilonce in!1)' l t ' n n s w i t n h i s dogsliip, and on

his ability to win ihe S6000 prixe j reiurning tho plaiiw lo the pastoi

which goes to thesuoeessftil comes- | l l | I J dlJ<d dU«overed for the first lime

taut. The Potomac U admirably

m'Z~zx:-~-.—,suited.for;sculling.,.,]jnrposc3' owing

. i0---its •'•»real widih and' unifonnly

placid surface and wu aro all hoping

his old enemy,iUid commenced show-

ing his tfplb, and mad(! ii drive for

the• vestryin.iu, ami Init for lliL1 rail-

ing whicli separated him •, from th

latter the probabilities aro that the• -that tho chicanery of or-linary raein

•will not occur to prevent us ihe | baaemunt oi" the vestryman's pant:

spectacle of ii -grand slnig»lj of i would have "suflbrod. The canine

relieved hij feelings, however, '-by

j barking in the most vociferous ma

This brought the janitor to

[ tliu front, who attempted to co:ix the

J dog otii, bul" without avail. Thu



Under the Water.',An old diver was asked if he was

frighlened at Ibo beginning'of his

going under water. "Well,'1 was

the reply, " iho first titnu.ia man ftcus

^'lown he is apt to be considerably

searctl on .account, ol ..t!te--])re£sure.

7 If a man is lowered too fast, it. wiil

- kill'liim.-Divurs are seldom or never1

".killed by drowning, but by an un-

nl pte-jsure. A diver could out a

latter sough1; refuge" uiulev the com

munion table. After considerable

skirmishing iho dog was captured

Hud led out by main force.-T

We have '• Ihe" smart boy in (Jen

treville, says_« loca'. paper. To ex-

plain all, I miiat tell you of his fath-

er. . Like many gentlemen, he lakeshole in the lower portion oiVhis suit > . , , , . , ,

: Witho..t danger of being drowned as |l '« ood l.vci oil ami whiskey each

- ^ongasiie'siood evcbtptfrrns'lbiig'ifs ! '"truing. Ol'uOMae, such an-oppor-:.:."; ..f1!'1.. supplied.


water'cbuUVnot roach liTs moiUli. In

ileep water the pressure isrvery great,

ami usually a diver can descend as

u'ecp as he can stand the pressure.

You sec wo are in a vacuum. Tliero

; . is no pressure perceptible to us on

§."___ __ tho copper helmet, about our heads.-

3 •'"•• '-"••'-•''• TluTpTeStiFc 1 s~Tt 11'"tTpoifi"tlic lo'wer

"""gannentifiiTiTlfTt^iris^1 drives all iho blood in the..lvoTly to

ihu'liciiil, and the result is death. I

'hii\*e-.:seon ,111011-killed in- tliis^way:'\ivlios«~-;jK-iuls™~wurtji™:-i:iirIyi split

Vopcn and whose eyes were"driven

from thciivsoBkots. A more horri-.

blu death could not be imagined, and

I and almost all other divers have

narrowly escajic'tl it. When a ilivcr


square fool is G250 pounds; ut tlnrty

feet,1 lSJaO^pounda; aL fifty feet,

- 31,250 pounds; fit seventy feet, 43,-

^TSO-^pounds; at ninety foot, 50,250

^ "" ' "s ; .a t 110 feet, 0S,750 jiounda;

at,-360 foct/'wliich is the,greatest

I have deauiiii'ddil,


H. T.•s


Fluid Extract



OF 'tin:

Bladder & Kidneys.

rv, li,<l'-|i(Hl!«n tit1 Itrt'.iih. '1 r-.n

t-, iihnii.'^or v i - -HIHl IllM'l, Illll-ll Ul

ll ttic-.'»nni>'.ini* sre ultnwwl lo JJI» nil. *rty

tVlii-t) UK> cor.otl'litlDii lii-oniiii'i Nir.'u-lHl II tc^i|iiir<''< tin' nnl <il mi liivU'TtiiliiL' mulli'itiuitu

"Helmboid's Bucliu"DOES IN EVERV CAIE-


llj BUT remedy WIOWH. It i> (in-crlti'J liy'the



(Juitnil IMmty. ' }"


Diseases or t ic Throat and Lungs.rnotiary orRatm a Hufsnml rcllaMo rtmeily isInvaluable. A Y Kit'sClfKltllV I'ECTOIIAL isBitcli a remedy, nml noiillu'rui>i<ui!iii-Ti11)'iiii>r-ita tlm contiilciK'O nttliu PHMIC. U h i n c U

~vi entitle totnbtnallon ol

tiles t>f tin; tluc.it ilruKs,clu-nilrnlly unllttl, of•iik'li potver as to Insurethu pn-ntest poMliile

B ,rf,. t'tlkluiiry am) uniform.n r / ' T A n n 1 - ityut u-.iulu. luttIktui* b u i *-i*n i u . n t tim inundation ol nil

pulmoiinry iliiense5. atfonUnp prompt reliefanil MpU citrcji, ami Is aiiapd-i! to patieuti olnny DRH oriiitliiTJu-x. Ik-Inn v«>' |«iataU«,tliu ytmnKfst dilMrt'ti tuUu it ruatllly. l aordhiiirv Coualis, Colds, Soro Tliront,ltruiiL'filtU, Inilueiizti, Clcrff>'man'sSore Tliruat, Astlimn, Croup, ami On.turrli.tliu cfti-clt ot AVEK'S Cnr.uitv Pic-Toit.u. urc nwjiienl, 11ml multituik-i nru aa-iiiiiilly nrenervc*! from surious illness by Itstimi-lyiiml fsilthfnl uto. It nliould bo keptnt liiiml in v\ety hoii'fciioUi for Hit) pro-ti-i-tlou it nffonlH in fnnKk-n attacks. l a•\VI100nlnR - cough ami ConsumptiontltiTH U no ottit-r rcmuily BO cfllcatiou-*,Hoolliin;'. nnil lifliiful.

Litw" prli-ort iirn Iniincoments to try aotno oftiicim.itiv mixtures, or vru]u,iii;iiloofcbenr)nml inclTeeiive fimreilknti, now offuretf,wlidli.m tlii.'y cfjiitiilti 110 curative finalities,can n!T»nl only ttiinior.iry jell'1', nnJ arosure tuiln'L'ivi! ami aiH;i|i|Ki!ut tlio ritli'iJt-llMfWiH ot ttio tliro.it mid UinK^ ilumnndacth-.-ninUfTeelivntreiitiiieht; and ithdaii-p-rotn (.-.*;ticriuK-iifi 11 u wltli unknown andiln^imicil lei iii'S. from tiiccreat liability tli.ittliCM .liseateH niiiv. whilu to tritk-d wltli,1 nt iln-ply Hi-'ittt-il or ItienraliSc. UseAVKII'J CiiKiiuv I'KCToitAi., nml you m^ycontlili'iitly ex]w>ct tliu lic^t rc.Mtlts. It is xKt(itn1;iri1 mc-dlcitl [initaratlon.ot known a lidurknouleil-vil t-iiriilive jiouer, nnd h as

•i-h.-iiii IIH its tMivfnl itrcnarutlott uml (1 nofn^ri-iliunts will allow. Emlm-nt jiliyalclarn,kiniwliu it1* coiniiiHillnn. prc^rllie It in tta-irliraeilir. Tli- t.::t of l-tlf a ff-ntury l«w(UDVeti its absolute ii-rtnltity to euro all ]<nl-tiio!iiiryeotiii>laiiU!4 not already bt-yond thureach u( Iniinnnaid.

Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,

rraclkul and .\unljtkal Clicmlitl,

Lowell, Mass.


Harper's Magazine.

.Ilarinff's J'et'iotUtuits.'.Vft! < M MM/IVF llri-Vi-T . ,*1 '•*Il'r'li'S WKKULV. ' *• ,...'.'.'.'.,.'\ 10

llAI'I'KU'S iU Z A it. " 4 'M•" riltfKKnti.i'1'.nmiioliniliiiritliuix. l»uu

fiA'ifi'Kir*? YutiN«llrii(»\'i.tk. ffii'iTw';!.' 1:«

JDit. H.v.vrom>'« LivEti ,

Sis a Stiiiidurd Fninily Itcuiciljr for fc* jSilisensi'sof the Lhvr, Stomach V M Jjiind HOWCIB.—It in Purely X & 1 ™jVcBotitble.—ItjDcbilitntoB—It i

Gthtml III llmlthp JiKif,

b'citttiai, •JJatf'am,

J l i

Vitturrh,Xertotu Coiopl't*,

Fenuile Complaint!

Uiiadacliv, P.iln hi tliu SlnmUlerf. Condi. U l "lien*. Soiiriiir.in.icli, Eni['!ioiin, Ibil Taciu In ihMottih. IMiittutluiiDl Ibo lU'itrt, 1'uin In Hie r<•; iu ii i.r [)i« Khluuv^. mil! a [liun<iit;il uilicr put a Ii-)*[ii(ilumi', aru iliu ull'-priti^s ul I)}>]iL-|i>'la.

BUGHUlunirorales (hs Stonmcli,

And fUniiilVej tlio luriild 1,1 vur, Dun-uU unit Kid-ueys lo tn-iiltliy aclluii, in tludHi-ltii; tin: bluod o!till imintritti'i', nnd iinpnrllii;,' ua\t Win uml vlgurlulliu wliuli;*vp[i:lil.

A i-ini'lu iri^il will liu (I'lltu diifllulunt ttnuiivluce


Or St* Hoflft's tot *.7

-Tiolivorcil m nuy miiirwi. fiuu tr" »rnHL'iHt"tniiyeoneuHl)ylclUBnmoHtloriliotinitby culllnj;., .

Uomputcnt rny^iclMinnueiKlIuAll lutiumnlinuiilliDnddrudEGd lo

76vor 170 leet/aiid rarely ,as;.dceiV-.as

BLo|>pcd')ii>f but.aoraetiinns-jwn can

'..make pursetvefl'.underii.looiV-.by; pui^

ting two ticliaotsvlogothornnd ahout-

:p l.U'4pJ?^n.V8P!'Pd. louder

ry'Wliisner. - As man

lunity. ..of.... imprusshig.. lempuriincc

principles upon Um youihi'til tnitul

onlil not be lost. So—each done

wenljjtlown with u alnvur, lenible

frown, and ''exclamation,1 "JJoo! I

Iri.jmuid tho cod livur oiljfbut lliiii

whiskey,1.' another shiver, " in J rea l -

f'nl !"'••- Our bnyJistttiiiuil^iiiiJ s

IkJllLi'P-J.0 Jl'i. yo»thfiil mind. Tlic j ' J 1" __

other ilay^ie"'was*:Tcluatiinij'™6ut''

the top shell' of a uloscL for^his'nio-

ther'. '• M:i, " what's thia ?" Mo- ;|

llitM*. looks, and ..cautiously smell-J;

!!..0ir!'"mm'.M- .'coil'liver oil." Soon

an oil n r \ioillu is handed down, an-

otlier and niiotliur;- coiin-nis'ViU'y'

from a teaapooniul to half a cup, all

"spoilt ood-livoi- oil." A M a s t i h e

gravely remnrlcnd :~v;i>ta^"it'8 funny

that pa lela all tliia good cod-livei.

oil spoil, but never n. drop of tho

whisky I" ' , , u .. >•

Frinco Bismarck has presented to theimperial pttrlinnicnt a very instructivepaper on emigration from Germany dur-ing the year 1S79. It appears that nofower tlnvn 33,327 sultjoctB of tho empire,m;ar]y twp-tlilrda i>clnpnmle3, took pliipiiiat year •• for^foreign ;i!orta at Brcmt n,•IIambure;-SWtttnvor.~ATitw«r|irhyi'lvtbo ^renter number coine to tbc United*1*i«8*t»inrHiH|i"W«rUiamuriaCTli1if.emigration total ia tlie largest since 18HT;when" tlie ficure was 45,11.2 j 1872 and1873, imiuMinlely nRfrthewar, show-itiR tlio vory formidable" results" of 125 -"C5!) andti 103,038 TCspi-ctlvcly.:; TIicso. .R, , . .™,. . . must.bo remciulx'rcd, <KaugoniieMlowofUcrman cmi/

!»\|f.-'^l|j'^«U»l ;W»Tra CoontxtS"!

in myby tfio i , ^ .

more than 33 ycirs,5rccoJentcd result


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Go to the Great American OilStore

For a Briliant Light." " S i i t c L i g h t , • • - • • • • • : - -v-

" • " C l e n n L i g h t , - ••••?- . . • • : •

Go to the Grpat American OilStore.

For Signal Oil,-•.".-.:Neatsfbot Oil,----—.-•• - - ^

!l £Iarness,.Oil,Maoiiinery Oil,

Go to the Great American Oil

iotollitiGrcnl Amuncftii Uit Siorti for the UulibrutciU'crkiiinIIouiCiind Or'ea.i tniitiil. Hun

KxpluHlvu Liimpii, Itltltiil'r i-tik'iy l,ii]ii|i><,.„.._....Jlnrii.>™..l!.|(tll1ln!y Hilt"Hn

C']l!iil Will l-inine/'roic'fl-





lirnr'y. I winiM M;I«TI a f<'t»|ilctfl «ct ut 'Ihrjict**

l'ln...'n-m-4K' L'..I,IIH.I,I..I'I.> ihu'n.i><i viiil-*'lil J*iiiti"r* Wi'l nrtMl* "f KTri'j'P ii1'! jiiw*T"rfl,it.lcil.'.* tni.L' iS| .c i l in'« ni tin iu l>MUM In*

iin.l-' i n n . n ijhly tniivrf-nui ut.N ili>- -Ir--iri'» iif lli^ j.u'il e, wbfrli llirjr Mill t|>:irv mi (ITtiltuur.itll/.

NniulM-ff I .T ,lii

Hil.ll..- ii.-si;i«itn i

[,- S-t « lHr|»'

!•)•rt|)fi.i I

rK Mii[h lil

i . . triUltl aIII f j •.•-'• |«T V

' l { 1

nt, lnm-41

ilioVl7ti'i!li!'Uv(liliiiii'A hy1.111. |.<-l |rl'>l,«1l'<). lll'.tll t"litLn, lor lilrtillllf,* n in-, hy null . |m-t.ptlil,II. in it i II ficr. -li-uM U- nix.lf! ny 1'o't Ofllcu

N.i.i^ (»nl, r i.r lli.Hl. 1«. IIV. Ill r l in i re . .n . i« ^

»itli«tit Iii<r L-\|irr-- urilvr ul Ilnriiet A llrnlliur^,A.Wn-- IIAItl'lilt A. IJ!!llTtli:i:- ,\,W Votk.

Harper's weeklylU.L'STBATKU.

T t i l ' t'<"ii"llcnl t in- n U u i y , l>y !i* nbl» nmltln.tiirly i l l T i i - i n i n t <>l Hi" n' l t ' i l i i l i" 1.' tliu it i ) ,

'7 I til1 l'l"'t MTlt*'"— l-Xl-rll 'j 11 !Ht» l I.IIMI'llllI Llllli

"•"fiAvi^sVil !Vi't- lnlVuVnci; will Illiv'l) * he f.milil


Tl.t: \"i>'um>'- irfilie Wn'kly hi'sln Hlili Iliu flf#t

i- mrral ' I . tl »l l ' 1»; Ktiidr-liMiit tlnlHtf Hill-•cil'i-r «l-li-» '[> .''iiiiitiK'iiriT ivilh III-J N'jrnliL'fu>'i:ntr<.-riliu iriti | ft nf i-rdur.

;fi:ii's M\(i.\zilfrM'S W[-:i;i;i.!i 'i:iis ii \ / . HI ,

Tin- 'I'llIEKE-:nliiiVi'-iiiinu(l I'libUtulloli- UuUYt-iir I" IW

VtiV 1 \V<l,'lt>.iVL-lil111ill, Mill Vlttr.. 7 IKIMAUl'f.ir> VUHMJ fl-.Ul'I.K. llnu Vl'Jlf... 1 .' 1

HAi;fi:ii's M\(i.\ziN'l-:,Uuc Year.. ft mH.VtlfrM'S W[-:i;i;i.Y, " MOmi! i ' i : i i s ii \ / . HI , " iTin- ' I ' l l I E K E - : n l l b U l


In tl.u L'tilti'U

if llnrjiur"* Wuik'y, I

•SllIlM llf C.lllt'Il.

Tin1 Anii'inl V.1I111ui'itrluili Itjmllus, »

(••r'f.iti Vnrli. A•|M.!.,iy.tlir.;oV()|itm-.,1 -... . . . . . . . . - ,

'"l.'l'.'itir'i'•«'-.•!. (.-r«iidi volume, Hill:ili1e for hlml-liu,', will lw si-ni'') iii'Hli iio-tinld, UJI rwi'lp: tili l IHjl'!llll.

Uruiliriiiiri- Minillit In* midu I17 I'n-t fjlttct'.Mi.my iinliTiir Hrnli. tmivoiil rlnncuul lu-i>.

N<'U<|i'i;>cr* i;ru mil tu tony 1I1U ni|vfrtl>><-mutit

.*' "REWARDf\ATAHllII l-tli'.Mmm UIIIV.T*I! unit <!>tr«i>«.I . lit* i!lv<*?i*iii ill tl'v t*r*'" i'tit il.iy. mill tin1 VMTC'1

XmhC" \\iii?'*r itr"! wTt'li I'r J»-lali Itiljjji*.' L*n.iitrti S-.nll".** N<>». 1 niKl :t. :it)d nmv r\v\\\ Mii[it.'1-ni! tticimvlnfc im-c ili-luiltil mitunri' Hint

r t r t ..ij1HI..IO1IA1I llltliKi-*-,' M


PILE REMEDY.•Otl.BS-tt'littt r.tiPL'Hs'IiiL' tutliirL- nrl.f frmn lb>I icrunl llki'illni.', KlItTiint uml 'killhi: I'ily-liicnilii ci.iK'iivi.r tiiiibUiln rven tKr'UI r.lii-J

li'ive luiriii.- tlu'Ir ii^ixiy In i-lk'nro. liilnklii- Jh.re

M-lThMrtiMil a VhoVo'taJ"fiitnr« oI_ th<-'in t>iy R'HI'U.

tta*Vciiir"<"t "-'""V'f^-'iua on ilia hic'ut i'li.if

IVVi''|l''*rly'«|l|ii'*tit1''fur ftViTl'litj'sit'u-ly11 t'slell Vily"tt.l!i£ Tliii i'ri.i")l-uJ tin- lo.i.i rulii'l until ttiuir

' '"(iiiii":'"! I ' I I -UIII i« iieiVjniici' nl'l

Slr.iiil mi'ilJciil rci-ucu. itixl in

i;tury lurm. iiulil It)' Uiuiiiiitls

SlAlt BlilflnS. Xiwiiik, X. J.M Wunuti Uoutiiy liru^ Store,

Balsasa,'.DUO u tli of biir

Thereuni. Tuml ?lui


re U»(!u?lr ,«ihi

„,., . . . tli« L'HlMl?

imirc limn ?l,mn/ni)) liy cnttlnii whll" m w, <*itii-iirly p». tn miilci- r.nim for pulnliil ilinilnti-,c.iriin, liiartiwiiii: Stttl*. a«ra iiiMi-jm. Ac. »«•

Nuw'Kiiii!:iinl staii'ii.'nlMMit. fSJ.UitO : In t!i» vtv*-

>\ iilioiit $ iOO.OUIl;' bui-iik'* IlilH. tliutu iiffV.l ;iimnnliy for diilrtlCM unit oilier

i'l'V'o'rils' Vn'«cKlVir KxcrVtTwi", Cnlluni! nnd rm:ill; SMTV Infteji!'.- UllrtiTL'd-dt-T i-Vi'I, IntTowln^ Nulls, Ac , without 1urUMvliiL;juiy [mm or purunu ii. \V:irr;iundfiiri!. sola t>y Dru-^'lalB ttiruuxhuii

D ISliASliS-.f ilic 'I'lirout nnd Luimn nru till'mur lh i tuur tiiimim umicuun^. Tlum^mla

Criivuniiml tlnul r«M ovary year Hy tliiil [irlncu ollurron-, ••L'l.imiiiiiitiun." In mtitty limtanw* tlil*:;'. il inalmly i-iicuro* 11 victim wiiu nt llret niuruly!;ii'l (i cold, bin ni'i-iucti'il to use -mi|i"r ri-moaicsmill it was tun •iite.-.Otliiirii-wBtu milictud witltllriiiKlull^, uiryiiullld, Ciiinrrli, nr tuimi ol lliuiiiiny itL-ii^c^'to wtilch Ihu Uironl uud Inni ^ nru•utikct. All uf tliu^u c<itni)lnln'H, In tliulr curly^lilwi. c.11. bu'cuitiit wiih liKlfltiVTUnwt ,»udLUIL' Ik-.llor. conipiitiud ot lliu nuiHt ninirovud ox-incuirint-' knuivii tlUutud wllli J^iuv.icti Idim nmlSjnui. Old liuitiiiullltv li utid nnbk* 'c ry Tor It.

-.•.GiirBfa,-;...-."bK. JUS!*!! y'tl'J'JS.'.Nf.va?!:,- N.-J.-7- S<ild 111 tlio Wifa-ii "Joiimy l>ni;j sturo,

mini] Ulima 'VHVCB '.."' nml Toilet Suln nml Fsn-

ts\v kl'lliu'"(iriMil Amurlcuii1

- - LAMi 1 AN » O I L - S T O J I B . ™I'rlCTeto Bull the t imes. -

jasjtai*^ 2IOSEY


Dmggist and Chemist,


plIK PAIN ISCItBASES from time to llmi', nn-ill your nerves wium in smip,.-uto r.mck, Jurk

nml JmiiPi mul I'l'l' * " '•nrls or priinks, I'.MIII ihulii)i ill Jipllr 1iu.nl !'i l lu tllisof VOllr lOCJ, till! dfi-

I uiDii rlitxilli-U turlli tiko ll^litiilni! uluui; nan mi-d t l i tl tl i

;:-r»li... .I..!IHI(lUSAI,I.KVA.NTO[|,\w\U, nricoy'itiriifiiriilk'ln, wliliull IUD dcRmns, li:is do-artcfli r.iid ciicu IIK"'» ')••>» nmy iiu h;i|ipv.tSV~ Bi-ld iil-ihu Warnsii t'oimtj Drii^ t torc,


I— :^^7r™OF:Al£-KUra5;^7-: --v:™1:-'"

CA.$TI~S&& made to Ortlen,

A MONTH liimrnmiict]. *1S ftilny lit L.-inu-hmV*^ lliu~ii>-(Hi Mr Ions. Ctij.ltal not ru-(liilrH i wt> will gtnrtyi.il Men

I r.ior.ay WiijE ni work (or UHIlium nt nuytliliu; cite. T!l-.'

work Is llflil mid pkii^aut. nmli|-Ki.-rii;iil-«i;-".TliuBo wliU niu

,„,,„„,. mitlcu will n,ciid w lliulr nil-rei-Bcs iH once itnil mo for ll^ni^elvo*. . Cosilytnfll nnd icrms Itoc. Now \» U:> lime. ' Tin

ulrcnily nlwotlt urn Inylnu "lioy, Adilrosa TltULI &W.\ Ai: iuMmiic.

I jVi.-A'KRK-ln yonr oivn town, nnd no».'ni|;il,il rHkeii; • -Yon rnn Bivc.'.the"imMiivs* n trlt.1 wlllinm. oipeiieu.

Hicliest o-imutunity «tur ollorod.or'thOM wlllitiB lo work. V'tiouM try m-Thing clun until 1-.,

«« ^_^ ^ ^ ceo lor 3 ournclf wlint you ran do fxLlliT- buelmaid wo olTor. > No rooniH lo n | ik ln h?ro.You cnu duvoic nil your liniunr ouly. yum-.»jiftU

a* men ^v)'{) i'ir ("in-r'.il i'nviilii lnniiH iiltil l>Arilciil-rs. f,5On1nl Iruo. Don't complnln of han'tmce-whtlu yon Imvo tutti a char.ee.,.Add: CID U

mDablllty, 1m-lino.- ./-.h-;.iiH.riDilnUolhoroiTO-gonomt

Juruni*ro»u-«i. (1 pBrpiiek-„ •<t».t:«.fct.*Sin«na*i'li,Bn*tJ;


Oxygenated Air.


\Vl.y T limit!'!' liih.ilail"ii U ho imiy wny it nt••.•AirrH>-N^'-<ii'inrri'ichiiI,flnilCliIltl I M

i U l il Ai I' t ll I I L

K i1lrirt| ,d w<

re In Alt Itron<

11 ii \ v.\s m; t i ' i t i : i > ;

i «1 Ibe !i u-IH nK'nuiMiii: Ilium: Ilia [Irnnrhinl Tul>u*. !'••••

llx j K<-I>iit«-«l A i m * w.> will direct iml wu will

rt-.li> ni rn'i;~Mimu of tticni itHnj L-lri'ii « » « toIt- l>y nil |ih\Fict:uio ni olIIIT*-C!II»>1X i.( i<tnrllcf.o i iH i i i i in l i o i i l-ii ilt-cji-i-"'t Itii- A i r l*itN>

il iiy Ci t l i i rrh . W« t-niiriiiiti'u a c.iri,* if V"uitli

" " ' , ' Ai r will ynrUy thr l l lnntl 111 on?1 (if tint.- itrni nuy oilirr knnwii ri-nicil)- run.

. • ll.-<-J.i!-.!t..|iilinl.- Ox>'Koitiito«l A i r ItuutMi'irxt tu tint I.iuift^ mid ii,iK<i-Ktlir(iiit!li Ihuiti>HUM> mid cdinud In dlrirl cimlaci with IhuIl ium! nit it li> Sored lulu Uio I . I I I I K I hy the

lutlo liim ihi;'iuiii;.' ihu in-im vuu [mrily Vli.;Jllouil. W)K'tiOxyK(<iiCi>n»i>iiiG3<.tnc[ with•\<- nniKirita'it In Itiu tiliM-rt it cu'huiilxoitttid tuini:-

\u*\v.g tin; hliuidtii In) hrnteil >>u Ihnt it wurm:

iruiiriii lint rivitni 'If ymtr Illiitxl !•> tmrv ymiii.in.t l.-i .i<k. \\\- ilrlvi- )I<>r<-iir.v and nil uUu-tTi[>inliki-oiit olihulilmnl.. tV«<KiinntiitoL> toiirl-V Ihu illmiii In iini-llilrd Uio tlnm ut ntiy

' " ~~""~^"~""Ti r r i>'i')ni»'f>'ir I'lk'Hti

l l l "

SKNIt f.>.-tiri:<"iiid1>i-:iuilliillyillaMr.ilL-d l'-p>-r.ZSZZ contalitlnB tH KIII:M»I«»4.

l t n i : nml iloscrlhy y.nr -ymi.

"«"•"tlimiiih yim U'LTU in llnHti

TltK.tTMKX1! ' si-ul to nil )n>rl» i.r tlm Woltl.uI " by L'lpn.1'!', V, U. II B. V.

i n i O V . Th'Ti- urc ii n print Ink"; person~?ZZ "^~ In Itii'lim iimi el "twin1 in thilt ilnII tn^ mi i I [Die i i t f .[iiii III itiwltryllii; tu jjrt lit-ttii-.My '1'rfitlim-iif, or Uivwn iit'il Air

<ii ; .VA'li ;n A l l f nn> I t i i iuu lit I x t l l hl h i lI |»iA

Hit. i: I.. HINT, Vrnurk'lor,Ilu.-uu otlkf, Si'i Tfcmnci St..

Farnors and Builders Genarallj

rgl ui Iraijlit Elpfl Fine

Spruce SidincrCfi.. 3I». wide - • . _

?E1JOAP IStqlSiiMiide,for WnfjonIJodicH. • .

PINE AND .SPRUCE FLOORING,Iromi o IS lnchui wldu

2X3 I'ine Mails and Pales,nil iiUuod and ready to put on. , ;

Ladder Poles and Jlunya



also HEIitLCIC,3HINaLE3.

from Uio best Quarr'os, either at Yard o' DUton Bulldlnica.

Sash, Blinds, Doors

of latest nattorna.

Mason Materials.BXT, I J I M K ,

• 1'1,-VS'l'KIl, SAND, I1AUI, eto.


My lumber ts'iii slicda, nml well seaiiril,--:ir:i'rices to suit'"Jilio times ; tilso

several Houses to rent:

Yaa D n .niNi. i :vs ri.iitI: I>INTII.I.I:I>




FOR ONLYA $l,g(M.0O l'IAX'0 JlEDVCKli'TO. fi'J.w.OO.

TherH'nurit, .Ml.itrlur «iuar« (Ir.nil VUu; w^*i>il.[ ully Jl.5M.ftl, Hat] 1 h.U It Ml SJICIM.inou«n.U I,.*. Ufu p.,1.1 it lliU |.rlc« June I. l«Ts I r.'.lii^. 1 I!I« t'(l>» ..f il.l. iti*trum«'t ill*HJ7.1.IHI. T'.,p<ntt w-«. li[in.ltr,l. wprnv>ltt .\..w I jur. .IP rn.iln».l Li iiukpn •tilt nirttxr rrdnr.

" ~ - " • • K M . . . il Jotit.1, tlm x«rr Ustufftr

n . l t l l . yvllli I ' l t M i o I J o v ' f i s H l f i o l n u l l I U M i ' i t « i l o l l

;* Wiiiitlfisl r ! i r V l i r , uml l ; i " . l i J v V r l i . i l = i - HIII [ | , i i i » i l l l t > k u l i :M,«UI\ . V I — \..t>\ IIU-hln-.l PSIIKI a* fruul. .Vo • •"TpvMliK-. u l l l i H-nl ly . v r)' i . iH-l Tuil lr>n f r u u y . . Imr. uu.l . U I M I T I I U ' .

\ny II-IKI Li tl.''i>ett«cli>iii<! Ih i - l iKl IIIIII-III \U- W i m . t ' l " ' ! . ' Tl ir luM' i i m - m I , n in;i.u!tii'"iit I ' l u . , . .f o r t - . T | t l * « i f r r i i i . i y i i | ' l " ' . i ' U L i l l o ' j - t . M l i - ^ M » T l - ' " « - l H - ' " l - ' •' '•>«"l'"t<'«U J ' " ^ » H I T I JIKA.V

K V E I t Y W i i K I ) 1111 I T it I- a H< K C l A I . U K F E t t , tin' <• I'-ffiil t l i .ni any 1.1I1.T i n a m i f a r t i i - r t ; i . - . i r K .

r ^ t ' ( i I U 1 ! I I1 n n i i t n r i i i i i n ( ^ T A i . t i N - T ) i n . l . n r ; f 1 M [ . m 1 i

»V»'m\i'Mi!rii)'ii^ki'iiVi».uiy Jl^"''"1-.'ij'iVi^i-t't

t i : . Hiii n « r , II u , : U u t 1 .!( I

Vi'lr^l, and 11* W,"u<*W .rui '

ii-rri ' <'III:I!IIKII<* I ' r lcr , »IM>SI>II lit A JSVIMH, !i bin it St.OOO.OO

MY PJtIVK, with. Piano Conn: Stool: aiid Jionht till complete, Ouhj

Read what is said of BEATTY'S PIANOS• r .M WK1KTF.I: V.«l. A T f i t r r . r h ^ N n r M ^ K r . vr!f< : " Tl.rt r.-lu'in ;ir.> In. Jly

i / j i r / l . a i y i , r V . ) V y .K I 'AIISH.V. [ luo i .KVIi .LK i ; . V N - , \ - . « f l i i - « ; * U i o I ' i i i n - f i u r m «iifi>Iy ; w o flml t n i l l i n t

| a l n | . ' . l i i m i j-.in | ir»uiU'<l ; l l i o luMruKn-nt I- i m u . I ^ j i n - u m l It- tmi.- I- | m r « IIIKI fn I 1 « i « »>•

h t u i l t-l f i I t l i i M i U l O l l r f r 11 m n u l t l t I UTII i*ut" tlu*iik yi ' i i for P,IVJUA( lh>* " X i r b U « i ^ l» i>'T n u y llhtii*! fl"U* IIMII i*r \\*>iu.ilj in In? l in t |**>*4 *^'>ii i IJL'^'U Miibji'Ct tJ *Ht':i'U I'Mhll i* i l itl!)' il^*-\ ilU-1 I U

'l t-il f i J I t l j i i M i U l Ool lur i f r 11 mini'T<*ith't

1* In ^'^Ui

1 t

1, iiii'l Jiiitkliitf It J"i**|

*tI-I»H ur^'iti tit t>l;itu» '' I*AT^11-^ 'I

J i ' s K l ' l l Jl W . i l i t ; , i;. 't;, i; II.U:, 1,'iiN.i., Emrtui' JIIL'K.VAI.,'' uriip* : ". On r»>ci-l]>t of my I'l.m'i I

rVii ly. »u>l It t» a chiiri'ilnj In-triiiin'iit i'iir<l<>ii my' i-iin|il.iUiln.- ut

'V'ti l-" lV*l'i l '*Ii'Vl VV i * ! ' ' " ! 1 " ! * 1 ' V!'l ' V "l Vir'ivt1^ A v

K*K\". Ju.SIAH SWBKT.'li. U.. lliiii l r i

KK\. SIAH S B K T . l . U.. lliiiniATK, Vi:tu.i.\r, wrll«.: " If Hot I'l.irm [ Imii'ht 'if you InAtUMi-l n-t. i. u »i.i-i-lm>'ii '>r tin,— m,i!iiir.irinr^il !>y you. >»n <1«- rviiin['i.tliil.vl r-.miii.-ii.!>tU>u l'»i Iliu

^ ^ ^ W ^ O i ' l . V IO (ViitH, l»'liwnf.iiiil.ni.l.illi!*!ury'ii. ' tr.ivi'N In KIIMP* nyt'.IS THM1TV

" ^ ^ ' ' 1Vi.\ii;iiV/iii:H,vit'rii/Vvasiiiiisi.iii,''!v! J.™"

SHIPPTNGTNFORMITIORC-'iT* III suii'liii^ for ono or more ol my Cfk'I-nitcl iiislnuiu'iits, [tlt'iiso

write your order something iil'tur Mm rijllowtim I'*orin:

leiist! sliip .ono of your.".,'..",......fstyUi'N*6.',........ .to—

Name in full Pust (Hike Adilre-s

County .State

Nearest Freight Oflico On whut U'liHroad

By following llie above Form you will save us imicli lima ainl ln>ul>!u


Lnbor iind ^[aturtnl is advancing, J'rices tor iniiHiCTl instrumcnU c.innever be lower, A l

Washington, New Jersey



Wash Avenue\< ^<^^ J

Popper Tot,

Baked Uoatis, l'iokleil Tongue,

lqil Eggs. _._ ..;, -:.MBOI: S'tenk,

Sanliiica, Lobsters, Sal.non,

Ciihiicil Cliickon and Turkvy,

h.cnsof Wii-ihlniflon INK) vlclniiv Ui;it lie lincncil 11 FllWr.HI.Asa IlliSTAUItANT kntiwthu (J)TV KBsTAUKAST, ul Uio nbi<y« iirimc

nce.T Mcjiln can be li»d :il nil li

lK |isr'A splutuikl T>1IIIIIC Itooni lor I.iul!u» nndtnilfinct, un Hroi DiH.r,(37~ Tho rujUiirmit wll! lit1 •omtHCU'rt l»y Mr.titlt>. 1'cr^ou uml Mr. Jiitiu Utiiiii^iivull

JUU.N .ifuMNSAVKM., I»ro|i'r

PATENTS.l'ATIIS'I'.S" limcilioil niiiin fuVciilW.i." Xti "

.Vlli trncVs I•('€'•* In Ai lv i iuco . (>ur lluiisowin i-sTiliiMitd lu- l!-iill. Wu Ulu U.WEATd, millubmiit TKAUK .VAItKS, DKiilUX l'.Vl'E.N i'a, £c,

. -INVENTORS,' •dvsci l;iibii nt it. lor oiir iiniuion »» in isiltfinabil- -fly. So .Uturiwy'x l-Vu.i ituli'Hi i ' a t eu iisNcciiri'il. Our Honk til* liw.rnciiontf, etc.,

- S. A A JP.,L ACJE Y,,, I'ATKN'l' A'l'TORXfiYS,

Pensions.ll ulsitilnl SnliKuM. mid iiulrJ ut <Ucuw<\ i-o].ix wtmiUuil Irom OIIULUIIICHK- uf *i>rv|L-« lu

ATIIIV :irt: t:niill.(l tu rU.VKlOXN. , \ors tilluwwl tutor . I n l y 1, 1880, Suiultor lull lnauin:iU)::a . lu all -kludi .of Sul.,.-

dicr* cl:ilms." " ' ' " ' '"



EqnnVinT(iunHlyi'oftnTrosdo,iitid only half thi• co,->ii""u«. liotiica•&ccnu.--riulBM i.vii;£."=^^

tcileves'llsitdaeh'tf; Toolhncho, Eitmcho./Sorout, Woto Bloca, BlcctUiiK Lnncf, rnlnfnl Meo-;-whl:iiB-J.cthin(ij' Kcrlnnm '• " " —

ele. CnrejOruiwcK.gcaldiVBnr.,., ..„ - ,matiem, Krynlpcla*. Vurlcoift Vclnf, ncj?,-ljti«( * -^ ^ T p i m ^ S . ; U NI V^nSAlU^IJ KM K D ^ ^ t t ^ U ^

• B yonrdntfiglftbaa to tgb t itbstoJiini^ordcrH: