washington may 16 1900 hurt explosion jj irom herbert … · the evening tbies washington wednesday...

THE EVENING TBIES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY MAY 16 1900 r 2 I Filipinos Reported to Be Steadily Gaining Ground 3Icn Supplies nnd Arms lull Into leMnly llutolicrcd by IiixurRciitM A- M AmbniicnUc the Rood to NEW YORK May Evening World today publishes tho following cor- respondence Manila Feb 10 Tho Eillpinos winning They are bettIng us where ve have possession arid are inflicting horrible revenge About the first of January it was said that the armed and organized insurrec- tions were practically at an end and that therefore the troops would have to deal only with guerrilla bands and outlaws Yet in the last forty days the American forces here have lost more men more arms end more supplies in socalled pacified dis- tricts than during any previous period of likelengthslnce the insurrection began la the first three months of fighting wo lost more men by death and wounds but tho number of men captured arms taken and supplies that have fallen into the insurgents have been far great- er in the last mon h than ever before A list of our losses by bolomen and ambushes in the occupied districts since January 1 is ratter startling On January 2 Private Kane while walking between Bacoor and Las Plans was hacked to death by three amigos whom he overtook on the road The day before Private Carter of the Twentyfirst Infantry was killed On January 7 Private Crisp was killed at Bautesta and on January 9 four soldiers were attacked near Omni and one was boloed to death in plain view of the other three On January 12 a sailor from thR United States cruiser New Orleans was found chopped to death in Manila by bolo men while on January 13 Lieutenant Stockley was capturod near Taliaay and has not been heard of since Lieutenant Ralston of the Thirtieth In fantry on January 22 started out from Santo Tomas with fifty men and twenty one ponies loaded with two days mUons for the First Battalion of that regiment No flankers were out for 2000 American soldiers under General Schwan had pass ed over ths same road only the day before One of Lieutenant Geigers Jlacabebe Scouts was leading and the column was marching leisurely along not suspecting- an ambush There were no signs of insur- gents Suddenly like a lightning bolt from a clear sky a murderous volley was poured into them and four men fell to the ground A fire was then being delivered from the front and rear as well as from both sides Man after man was going down Lieuten ant Ralston left the pack train to look out for itself and dived into the brush on the right side of the road where he at once formed a skirmish line But the fire was too heavy for them and tho number of casualties was growing rapidly Ten men were already down and as it became ap- parent that their little force was over- whelmingly outnumbered the lieutenant began a slow retreat fighting back as they went Ralston caked if they had all the dead and wounded with them and one of the soldiers said that Joe Burns was still Be- hind Then they heard Burns calling to them My God Im getting cut up Help Help An Insurgent had run up and was starting to bolo the fallen man Some of the soldiers gritted their teeth and started back to rescue their comrade Through an opening in the brush they could see the insurgent driving his bolo into Burns body Halt a dozen rifles went to their shoulders and the insurgent bo lomau was riddled with bullets This volley started the Insurgent fire anew and a fiercer fire than over was driven Into the group of Americana Two more men went down There was no chance sow to recover Burns body for ex posure on the opn roadway meant certain death So the retreat was renewed leer IBFK the dead and some of the wounded on the field The morale of the army is in a bad way Soldiers are depressed men of the Thirtieth were killed in one ambush and forty wounded of whom twelve are in the hands of the enemy This was the most disastrous ambush or the month On the 29th though an outpost of the Fortyfirst was killed at his post near San Juan Del Monte which is In the heart of our possessions here On the night of Jan tiary 21 two soldiers who were sleeping within our lines at Panique were boloed to death and on the same date occurred the tragic Subie ambush in which Lieuten- ant Schenck and a scouting party of forty men were attacked Schenck and four men wero instantly killed and six were woundcd one mortally On February 1 a patrol consisting of a corporal ami four men of the Fortyfirst Regiment started out from Mabalacat to patrol the railway They were evidently captured for not a trace has seen of theta since The next night another patrol similarly constituted started on the same duty and they managed to get back with a loss of only one killed Eleven men including Sergeant Wallace on February 5 went from Manila to Oranl just across the bay They were detailed to take a bull team with supplies to a garrison of soldiers near Oranl and on landing struck off along the country road At a lonely part of the road they wore ambushed and in an instant five men were killed and one mortally wounded Two were captured and two native bull drivers were also killed The three re HEAVY AMERIGAN LOSSES the Ueheb lInndtSohIlerM Mere of Troopll- u Santo roziu 16The re harrIs been 11 Eigh- teen ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ i Wonder What Merts Will Say Today- tVedncsdny Conceded that our special are not proached by any tailoring concern in any city Our offer- ings are preemi nent Its ape bargainsand of- ferings ¬ ¬ ¬ come close to the heart of all men who appreciate tho purchasing price of a Three days Wednesday nnd Thursday will we bring to you pricesaving epoch No 4 for May May Js truly proving a harvesting time for economically in- clined men Real value True Bluo Serge The 13 Mertz kind for 2 days suit to order MerfzMertz Betteryet Tailoring 906 and 908 F Street T GQdny 966 ¬ malnlng soldiers barely escaped with their lives leaving the bodies of the dead and wounded to the mercies of the enemy THfl SAMAS ENGAGEMENT A Detnlled Report lleoolvea Irom General MncArtliur The War Department this morning re- ceived the following cablegram from Gen- eral MncArthur dated at Manila May 16 WI Jh reference to your telegram of 14th the rumored engagement in Samar reported in tho cablegram of General Otis May 4 nas been confirmed by reports re- cently received from Henry T Allen For tythlrd Regiment U S Volunteer In fantTy commanding Samar Island that the the detachment of thirtyone men sta- tioned at Calublg was attacked April 15 by 600 men with 2CO rifles and one cannon Our men were quartered in a convent which was fired next day by burning hemp thrown from an adjoining church The detachment attempted to escape by the river The men getting into a boat were killed the remaining men entrenched themselves near tho river and held out two days longer facing the most adverse circumstances until rescued by Lieutenant Sweeney and ten men over 200 of the at tacking party many of them reported as having come from Luzon Island are re- ported killed and wounded Lieutenant Sweeney reports the streets to be covered with dead Insurgents Dustin L George William J Hall Corporals Herbert H Edwards John F J Hamilton cook Bar- ton E Hess Musician Burton R Wagner privates Trefllio Pomelow Otto B Loose Stephen Apperti Joseph Noel John E Ralph H Zim Edward Braman Chester A Conklin Walter E Collins Jo seph J Korina Henry Dumas Philip Sal Ing and George A Slack all of Company H Fortythird Regiment U S V Wounded Privates Lester Ruchworth Harry C Lee Michael J Faron James H Clancy Company H Fortythird U S V Infantry Corporal White Company F Fortythird Volunteer Infantry A copy of Henry T Allens report vas forwarded by mall yesterday The Iloilo Panay cable is broken by an earthquake and it is difficult to procure more definite information ARRIVAL OF THE THOMAS Brigadier General Scliirau Among the Trminport IaitMciiKcrc SAN FRANCISCO Cal May 16 The transport Thomas arrived yesterday after- a run of twentynine days from Manila It brought nineteen officers thirtythree sick soldiers fortythree discharged sol dlere seven Insane patients two prisoners and the bodies of ten soldiers who died in the Philippines Among the passengers Is Brig Gen Theo Schwair INSPECTOR OF PLUMBING The Duties of the Ofllce Set Forth by Attorney Duvall Recently a report made to the Health Officer by the Sanitary Inspector concerning the inspection of premises 344 E Street southwest in which it was stated that a defective closet existed in the yard The reference of the report to the Inspec- tor of Plumbing Mr Charles B Be II was suggested Mr Ball returned the report with the statement that in the absence of r com plaint or an affidavit his office did vt feel justified in serving a notice in the case The matter was thereupon referred to the Attorney for the District for an opinion- in the matter The opinion was to the Commissioners yesterday- It appears that it is the custom of the office of the Inspector of Plumbing not to make inspections upon reports by the Health Officer such action being based upon an opinion of a former Attorney for the District Mr Duvall quotes rom an act of Congress approved April 23 1S32 authorizing the formation of the office of plumbing Inspector It would appear says Mr Duvall to be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing under the direction tf the Commissioners first to inspect all houses when In the course of erection sec ond at time during reasonable hours under the direction of the Commissioners- on the application of the owner or occu pant or the conplaint under oath any reputable citizen to Inspect any house in the District and examine the plumbing and third generally to see that the regulations provided for are fully observed and I am of the opinion he continues that It Is the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing whenever informed of the exis- tence of unsanitary or imperfect plumbing and wholly irrespective of whem or how or by whom informed to Inspect the al leged defective plumbing and if found de fective to take such articn as may be necessary to secure compliance with the plumbing regulations If the present east as reported by the Sanitary Inspector de- velops the violation of any plumbing regu- lation made then it would appear to be the duty of the Inspector of Plumbing to take action as this would fall within his obli gation to see that the regulations are fully observed and enforced I do not consider that the opinion ren dered by the former Attorney has any ap- plication to the matter now under con- sideration BURROWS DAMAGE SUIT Rcvcmnl of Judgment Asked In the Dour Case A LeftwIch Sinclair Assistant Attor ney for the District Commissioner has filed a motion for judgement nctwth standing the verdict for the plain in the case of Marion V Burrow against the District and also a motion for a new trial The court is asked to order judgement for the District on the ground that it is not liable for the acts negligence or misconduct of its agents the Poundmastcr or assistants- In the case in question Burrows sued the District for 300 claimed as damages for the seizure and killing of a dog belong ing to the plaintiff The jury which heard the testimony rendered a verdict awarding Burrows 60 damages PATSY MANNS BONE MILL The Enterprise Called to the Notice of the Grand Jury The manner in which the enterprise commonly known as the Patsy Mann bone mill on the Potomac River near Gtcsboro Point ia conducted has been called to the attention of tho grand Jury and a number ot persons have testified concerning the mutter The Investigation it is under stood Is the result ot a visit of one of the officials connected with the Health Department to the bone mill and the neighborhood Previous to this however numerous complaints were made to the Commission- ers about tho mill and requests made that the plant should be removed to some point farther away so that the people in Its present vicinity would not be annoyed by the disagreeable odors which arise from the mill and are wafted about the neigh- borhood by the winds The present loca- tion of the bone mill ia said to be partic- ularly annoying to the residents of Glen boro and Congress Heights Italian Chamber Prorogued ROME May Chamber of Dept Uea has been prorogued and elections or- dered to be held from June 3 to June 10 Mnnculnr Rheumatism Cured For the relief sad cure of muscular Chamberlains Pate Balm tin become faroej One application relieves the pain Mr tt Whtsfcr of N Y in speaking of this say Durinc the winter of 1696 I was to lame in my joints in fact Jill over body I could hardly bobble around wise I bought a bottle ot Chamberlains rain Cilm From lint applica lion I began to pet welt and was cured and lure worked all the year Pain Balm Is for sale by Henry Evans wholesale cd and all druggists KilledSergeants Kuhn f o drainage and ventilation of sewers ant tilt 16The that tile rt retail infan- try was forward- ed say en- forced roeunai a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Louis and Herbert Maliby the Vic thus of an Experiment Were Working on a Mysterious Machine When Without Warning the GnNoIliic Tank Huratu The Serious But Not Gountder to lie of n Fatal Character Louis Campbell Maltby fortyfour years old a modelmaker med his son Herbert Louis Maltby an apt entice sixteen years old were seriously Injured by an explosion- in a front room on the second Soar of the machine shop of Sutherland Carr at 1202 D Street northvest at 1110 oclock this morning The xplosioa It is said was due to an excess 0 pressure on a gal- vanized Iron tank containing a mixture of gasoline gas and compressed air The tank was blown to fragments Louis Maltby was lifted bodily several feet into the air and hurled over a lathe dropping in the midst of a mass of debris and nmcuincry several feet away Herbert Maltby was thrown ten feet against a door Both are seriously though not dangerously injured The damage which was confined to the room in which the explosion occurred was comparatively slight considering the force ot the explosion Immediately after the explosion the members of No 1 Chemical Engine Com- pany which adjoins the machine shop went to the assistance of the injured Malt bys Both father and son were sent to the Emergency Hospital where an exami- nation revealed the extent of their inju- ries Louis Maltby was the more seriously hurt His face and head were lacerated and his eyes damaged Both arms were bruised and lacerated and the right leg was bruised and cut There were in ad- dition numerous bruises about his body The right arm of Herbert Maltby was badly bruised his face was scratched and his hair slightly scorched The eyes of both father and son were injured It is feared the Eight of both may be impaired After the eyes bad been treated and ban- daged and the injuries dressed the patients were placed in a ward The MaUbys who live at ISIS Ninth Street northwest are In the employ of CapL L N Lewis of the Bureau of Ord nance of the War Department His office is located in the Lemon Building Captain Lewis is the inventor of an explosive en- gine and it was on the perfection of a model of it that the Maltbys were working when the explosion occurred Louis Malt by has been in the employ of Captain Lew- Is for about a year though he has been engaged at the D Street building for only a month the experimenting shop having been locate there early In April Accord ing to Louis Maltby he built the modol ot the engine under the direction of Captain Lewis When completed the little engine did not accomplish all that was expected and experiments were made almost daily to increase its efficiency and to remedy de- fects in construction The engine got its power from the tank containing the gasoline gas and com pressed air The tank was an ordinary galvanized Iron water boiler such as is generally attached to a kitchen Its capacity was about six cubic feet and the pressure on it at the time of the explosion was about thirtyfive pounds The Malt bys claimed that they haG no warning of the explosion and were busy watching the operation of the engine when they were knocked over The force of the shifted every belt In the room from pulleys of the various lathes etc which were used In making model parts The noise of the explosion could be heard for many squares and attracted a large crowd Those first on the scene saw Herbert Maltby heroically assisting his more Injured father down the stairs from the shop to the office of Sutherland Carr Herbert was the first to recover from the shook of the explosion He rush ed to the room door and opening it to ad mit air went to the assistance of his fath er who was lying stunned on the floor The father was barely able to limp down I the stairs and would have fallen had it not been for willing arms that assisted Herbert Maltby with his birden Mr Sutherland of the firm of Sutherland Carr was the first to reach the room in which the Maltbys worked The room was thick with dust and the fumes of the escaping gases On the floor near the south wall was seen the twtatei and wrench ed boiler while everywhere was confusion A large hole In the ceiling Indicated the force of the explosion Mr Sutherland stated that he had no knowl- edge of what was going OD in the room He had rented it to Captain Lewis with the machinery It contained for experi mental and construction purposes Every thing about the occupants of the place was secretive and Mr Sutherland understood that an Invention or discovery was being perfected He knew nothing of the meth- ods employed by his tenants It was said by persons about the place that the engine on which the Maltbys were working was for a locomobile MUST PAY The Opinion of Attorney Dnvnll lie An opinion concerning the application of W H Singleton registrar of the vestry of the parish of St Michael and All Angels for the cancellation of the special assess- ment against the church property for pav- ing Virginia Avenue was received yester- day by the Commissioners Mr Duvall says he Is of the opinion that parsonage property Is not exempt under existing law from the payment of general taxes It appears that the only special as- sessment standing against the property is for sidewalk In front of the west part 158 and upon this part of the lot the parsonage stands As this property Is not church property Attorney Duvall says it is not exempt from taxation and the application should be refused MYERS DIES NEXT MONDAY A New York Murderer In Terror at the Thought of IHntli NEW TORK May Johnson of Sing Sing prison on Monday will Fritz Myers in the electric chair Myers crime is the murder of Policemen Smith whom be shot while the policeman was placing Him under arrest for robbing poor boxes of a city church Up to three weeks ego Myers main- tained that he would prefer death in tile chair to his continued incareration in the deathhouse but after Warden Johnson in formed him that his lawyers were unsuc cessful In his behalf he has changed hU mind He Is now filled with terror Myers cell Is across the corridor from that of Richard B Molinoux The latter knows that the hour for Myers execution has been set An Mornlnc Blaze A local alarm of fire brought Jfo 10 Engine Company into service at an early Twur liiis morn- ing for a fire at the coal yard of John Miller at the corner cf Eighth and K streets northeast r spark from a passing Baltimore and Ohio en gins The damage resulting was slight TRY ALLENS FOOTEASE- A powder to bs kakea Into the sheer Yonr feet feel swollen nenrdus and hot and pet tired easily II you hue smarting feet or tight shoes Aliens FootEase It cools the feet makes walking Cures swollen sweating feet In growing nails blisters sod Tlous spots Be corns and bunions of alT and gives rest and comfort Try U today Sold by all druggists and shoe tons for SIc Trial FREE Address Allen S OlBsted Z Roy HURT BY AN EXPLOSION ed expo on I I seri- ously one TAX n 16Warden Early The 1re aid to hue n by cod N Y In- juries range the rmnrdlnsm Pnrsonnjrc o lot there- fore exe- cute I heed pack- age ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = 4 Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh Street Make a Special Day of Thursday This Week The anti ends nrcnccnmnlutlnf v rapidly vrhnt bet ter tellx of n stores ljnnynesu And no me very important fea- tures are coming fur Friday that trc shall take an extra day thin week tomorrow to Ret out the remnant lots We dont know when before the offerings have been fio ninny nod BO attractive tad the pressure of Imperative clear once hn twisted the regular price all out of proportion Its a tiny for everybody to conic here fur aoiuethluK that everybody iruutu lit sure to be found at one counter or another I r JJ HH II I- J I ofi f f I olds t t 1 J 1 J i f I- J i t i 1 4Lk a ¬ ¬ = + + + + ± ± Ladies Suits Waists and Skirts 11 Ladies Wool Suits Tightfitting and Coat shapes regular 10 Suits CO AO 110 Ladles Percale Shirt Waists the last of a big COo value lot good patterns and perfect OCC fitting 31 Pampas Linen Dress Q9C Skirts worth JL25 Muslin Underwear and Wrappers 23 Lawn and Percale Wrap FJQC- pcrs worth 1 for 19 pairs Ladies Cambric lace trimmed scattering OQC sizes worth G6c for 27 Ladies Cambric Corset Covers trimmed with lace worth OCC- 33c for 51 Ladles Cambric Gowns Draw ers and Short Shirts trio CA med with lace worth SI for Infants Wear 23 Infants Lawn Caps trimmed with lace worth The for Infants Lawn Dresses to at ages 2 3 and 4 years worth 75c for 1 Infants Sun Bonnet worth 65c for 14 Infants Pique Reefers in variety of colorings worth 2 for Mens Womens and Chil Wrens Shoes Ladles VIcl Kid Bcyclo Boots with cloth tops regular price has been 249 Of course size broken 0 173 pairs Misses Tan and Black VIcl Kid Lace and Suitor Shoes with spring heels regular prices have been J143 5L7 C1 JIUJ Lot cf aiena Tan Lace Sioea and Oxfords handsewed welt and knob by lasts worth up to 333 fO a pair JtiOJ- S pair Childrens and Misses Tauand Black Oxford and Strap Slippers regular prices JQC have been 1 to L50 a pair Mens Furnishings Fane Striped Hose in sizoa 10 12 and 11 only worth 2 c 1 pair for 37 pieces Mens Nainsook Shirts and Drawers broken sizes and a little soiled worth 5c a gar 1 AC mont for Broken sizes Mens Blue and Pink Balbriggan Shirts and Draw OOC ers worth 5c a garment Madras Negligee Shirts with high turndown collar attached slight- ly soiled by handling worth A CC J15 for Broken lot of Madras Negligee Shirts each with separate Q7C Cuffs to match werth SOc Boys Suits 23 Boys Short Pants Suits In Brownie sailor and novelty styles plain ned fancy mixtures sizes 3 JL to 8 years worth JUO 3 for JlJ Goods JL 75 2 yards and 35 inches wide spring rollers slightly soil- ed reduced front 2ic and 58c 1 to 1 White Iron Bed elaborately with brass size REDUCED 52250 to IJJU 1 Imitation Mahogany Bed elsie trimmed with brass size T 4 C REDUCED from 2250 to IJJU- Y 6 All Ironframe Bed Springs V with tine woven wire slight T ly imperfect REDUCED 7C 3 from 250 to J1 J Millinery 3 Trimmed Hats 3 in black and 1 each in brown and navy blue with fancy straw brims full crown of Panama straw taffeta bow and steel buckle ornamentation l tO worth l9S 130 One each Blue Heliotrope White Black and Pink Hobbs worth 298 for lUU of Roses Violets Foliage and Odds and Ends of other Flow- ers worth 45c and C5c a 1 AC bunch Choice Ribbons Small lot of Fancy Taffeta Rib bons in corded and hemstitched ef fects what shades there are are deelrable worth 19 a 1 QC yard for 18 yards of inch wide Plaid as have CC log at 12 J2c a yard Laces Blade Silk Cbantilly Lace worth 25c a yard Only 18 yards AC left v 13 yards Cream Venlse Lace IS incises wide for yokes and sleeves Worth 6Sc a yard for 50 Point dEsprit Lace C REDUCED from OC 15c a yard to Wash Short lengths to ISo a yard Dimity and Pique usa y i C ble lengths however for Remnants of loc to 20c a yard Madras and Cheviots lengths 7iC sufficient for waists Odds and ends of Huck Tow CC els worth up to 12 12c for Odd lot of Alllinen Satin Damask Doylles worth L25 and JL50 CAC a dozen for 6 StationeryA- rmy and Xavy Pencil Tab 1C lets vcorth 5c for Pickmeup Packages of 60 sheets or Paper and 50 Envel EC- opes worth 10c v f ± Eton T r t tar- E of I x i 15 c u- T 3 r 48C u u 49- cJ a 99C T 1 30palrs r i and L9S i i a I I I I J = fur F J Upholster lon t triM I from J t i t J Hat I J 2 12 bee I 1 25C J jars J GoOds 1 t f J lor- I I I I I I 1 I II 1 1 i Draw- er VJ 4 x j 5 i I C- are I Ties fiC- a u a J t I t 1 i und 7C i 4 I i I U- S 1 l 14 1 5 4 7 I 4 l I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + + + + + = + + = + + + + ± + ± ± ± + + + ± + Housefurnishings 12 Japanned root good size painted in t CC worth 23c for 10 Jardinieres rustle pat- terns desirable size worth fCu- 25c for 25 Pastry Boards clear choice of two sizes 30e lot L assorted colors lOc size for 25 boxes Tar Camphor worth 5c for v 5 Tin Toilet highly consists of three pieces foot tub jar and carrier worth OflC 125 for 5 Stead Raisers made of block tin 14quart size with cover OQC worth 69c for 15 Screen Doors solid hardwood light oak finish fancy OQC panel design worth 1 49 for Embroideries Short lengths of Edgings and In- serting of various widths and pat some of them may be a little worth 1212c to iSo a yard for 2 Short lOiodi Floune 3 SSc values for Ll Short lengths of InsertlngB and good patterns usable of iSo 20c and 26c I AC grades for n Ladies 35 pairs Btack IH sizes 5 12 and 5 24 only worth 7 c OOC a pair for tJ Lot of 48 pairs Ladles Kid Gloves in Taa Mode Red and Brown in these only 512 6 C 12 and 7 worth 79c a pair OQC for Picture Department 9 chloe In white frames worth 1 7CC for 4 Pictures In gilt frames with heavy bras corners are cJightly twice LTS JU root In gilt frames with heavy CftC card worth 150 for u Silks Skirt and Waist Lengths ot Plaid Striped a d Brocaded Silks that have been setting up to Small tot of Embroidered Taffeta Silks In a variety of the latest i to J 2y rd of Foulard Silks colorings and patterns of the s sa reduced from S9c and n 2S a yard Now chtice JQC for Jewelry Broken lot of Brooches and Cuff Buttons gold plated enamel- ed and Sterling SUrer werth i A- C26cfor Odds sad ends of Jeweled Hat OC Pins reduced from 5c to Lorgnette Chains with slides and hearts and Me for Pearl Waist that are 1 AC worth ISo for Pick Holders with Sterling Talcum Jars with Sterling Silver Salve Jars with enamel tops 2 c 1 C and 29c values for choice at Leather Goods Ladies Loather odds and of several lots CC Choice Combination Pocketbooks IflC ChoIce Chatelaines OCC worth 50c for Odds and ends of Pocketbook and Belt Initials large and small size worth 23c to 49c Choice 1 AC for Wool Dress Goods Short lengths in Henriettas Serges Cheviots Homespuns and Silk and Wool Kovelties 3 to 7 yard of goods that have up to 59c a OCC 4 pieces Black Silk and Wool Cre pan In small figure and stripe patterns regular price l a LUC yard for A single piece ot 50Inch All Wool Cheviot for separate skirts suits worth OQC 5c a yard for Linings Remnants of Moire Antique for lining the thin materials Light Blue Pink Nile Red etc worth 19c a yard for IU- 38Inch Mercerized Italian Cloth in Whits Cream and high fQC colors worth 30c a yard mar Imitation of Hair elsa J 4 AT log worth ISo a yard for Notions Military Abdominal Hose Supporters worth 35c a pair for n Velvet and Felt Combination Skirt worth 7c a yard for Fancy Silk Hose Supporters in and stripes worth ICC for Novelty Lace Braids used for crocheting worth ISc a 1 Jt piece for Toilet Goods Oakleys Priscllla Toilet Soap OC- 8c sire for Borax l4Ib aise Oakleys Soaps Florida Water Violet Water and Magnolia Blossom I9e size cakes for Oakleys Carboiina Tar Soap lOc cakes for J Tbs I f woo uu 5C o c T Sets u i J I tern sUe j m j leg C o Edging T Glove f J T sizes 34 1 Picture I I frame I T I i of and He I I mat I 39t i t ngvUes 69C to u lengtH I t I I 1 I worth 19C I Set f Tot Power I J Bet fe- nds es i T oT remnants f Back T color n T Cloth durable for X 23C Facing 2C plaid H Crt 2C gc J 5C L side 1 1 50 cans RadyMixed Paints Japan- ned I frames A f j toga I t 1 1 A scratched Pictures War Naval ESe yard 4 Frensh reducrd j Irons L3 yad I boat U 25c 15 j I I A A iv I yard 1 4 tic 4 IU 1 4 j J 1 L L L i 4 ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + + = + + + + + + + = + + + + + + + + = ± + I Youve Only a Few Days Lefti- n in which to get your house in proper trim for the Shrincr visitors Anyway whether you are enter- taining or not you dont want to miss the special bar p we are quoting this week for they are the best g saw IJefrigeraiors Mattings Ice Porch Baby Carriages Go Carts Rattan Fur niturc Cots Iron Beds Box Couches etc etc I House Herrmann- I 901 903 Seventh St i Cor of I Eye St gins Chest Roc- ker l xx I 444 4x 4 4 < < > > < > < > < < > < < < < < A Good Thing for You A mill suffers from an ailment common to manufacturers this sea- son overproduction Result we acquire 500 Piece of high grade Blue Serge and Striped Flannel Suitings at a fraction of their actual value Its sew up to us to push this good along so we make the price to yourS measure J 550 As other tailors and clothiers are using particular fabrics in their Its Up to You Samples and SelfMeasurement Plank mailed free 941 Pa Ave N W Open Saturday Evenings Try Stephens Liniment The greaVst sore cure on earth Cure sores eo your borsii while tfc r are at work Prrpuri mac sold by E S Stephen 1M IHaJ Br rcr Hd DC b J S K lm 7th and F ate w sad featofs generally iaritac s THE KIDNEYS are seneca of the system TTarners Safe Oars them open and free sad SCOTTS EMULSION with HypophwpUtes is three as effective u Oil SOc sad 1 McMUNNS ELIXIR OF OPIUM Ua e the Drug ly which IU InJnr loin rcmorvd vL0o rtluiSU- Bcdieiaal properties retained It ponesoa- n the sediare anodyne and antiipannodla powers cC Opium but produces co dcttoeu ot ttonuch no GO ccsttrtncat no headache la acute nervous disorders it u as Invaluable remedy and is recommend td Ly but physIcians E ccnwesalrr HOTEL GERARD Uh Street sear Broadway Kevr Tort ABSOLUTELY FIRErROOF Modern and Lmuricm in All Its Appointments CSMRALLY LOCATED COOL AND COMFORTABLE IS SUMMER American Under new J B HAMBLEVS SONS Proprietors MAO Avon Inn and Cottages AVON IT J Most select retort oa the New Jersey Coast Send for particulars aplt o J3m FLETCHER LYXCHOn Sunday May 13 1500 at t M rr ClmrcJt Alexandria Va CHARLES II FLETCHER to MARY T LYNCh both f- WashSrgton D C ll DIED OLDEXOn Tuesday May 15 lt 0 at 915 a m after a short fllnosj HOWARD W beloved son of Frederick and Amanda clrren nd elev o months Howard goodbye dariinz one last embrace Ob cruel late two souls to sever Yet in this hearts sacred place Thou thou alone dwell forever BY HIS DEVOTED SISTERS Funeral trait the resident 403 Eighth Street sotjthtr t ned these to ion Thursday May 17 at 3 p m Relatives inviteo t attend It ting Suit i I the t j Im- H T T ties t pmt j FERRET 1nnIED OLE mat au- dI EI iT Sold Sea Teetb sad Ie are ow A Judd the keeps seen resteres health the are the lbs York HOTELS ted European Pise management e years ¬ < OFFICE OF TIlE COMMISSIONERS D a WASh 1NGTOX D C MAY T MOa Sated pw- poxais wiU be r elT d at affiee- OfLOCK M JUNE S lam Asphalt raviae MocLs to the Distfit Otent Sfxiiflcatiras bbok form f pf pori sad aN- trTaNirjr iulornntioo awy lie wt at at tfefc IL JS F MACFARLAXD JCHX W KOSS- LAXSIXG IL BEACH OMMIMMOWR D a OFFICE OF TilE COMMISSIOXERS a WASH IXGTON D C MAY 7 MMl SertM M pouts will be ttceivtd at tld oflee- OTLOCK VL JlXE 2 W tor- Hed Sewer Bricks to the District ef weary iafermatten ra o ee IL B F MACFARLAND JOHK W SKiffS LANSING U BEACH Cimimtuinrn D C OFFICE OF TIlE COMiIISSH XERS D CL WASiT- INGTOK D O MAY 7 H S ed pro pants vill be received at ISle setS IS- OCLOCK M JirXK 2 fr IK fetrafefctes Portland CenottS- fMctJicadpca Maak him ot prop aW all tMtt ry nB H n may be ofctoiatJ at tMi See IL B F MACqMtLVXO JOHN W BOSS LANSING IL BEACH D a- MtttxS THE COMMISSIONERS D a WASH D C MAT 7 MXO i4 fI- ttriU irill be received at tfcts osx until t- OCLOCK M JUNE 2 MOT far temttWa- K t ril Oieent to the District ot- ry information eCSee IL B Y MACFARLAND JOHN W R SS LANSING IL BEACII OoBQBtew ers D C OFFICE OF TIlE COMMISSIONERS D O WASW- IXCTON D C SItU 7 1S90L Seaferf B- Mpols be at Urfj OCLOCK M JfNE- Crante CteWa to the District ot CiUaaiia- tmtf be OM UM at tail o r II B F MACf A8LAXB JOHN W J S6- LXNSIXO IL BEACH Ornnrnrinraa D O WASHINGTON BARRACES D CL MAY 3 VOS Sealed proposals in triplicate will be receiv- ed hire witfl NOON MAY 17TH 1000 far CM- stractiEC brick slaMs here UaMcd Stales re- ierres right to accept or reject any ot aH pi M- ale r ay pert tbere f InfanntSmi cd ea Enrefafxs sMW be mAKS 1- Tr f aMressW to E S BENTON Q M mja Z SO OFFICE OF COMMISSIONERS OF TUB DIS- TRICT WASlilCmK MAY IS 1W SEALED PROPOSALS ea K5ed ru d- Iroposak will be received at this MSer i tH- SATCRDAY MAY If itO to sell to the Dvtriec- ot Columbia C hn4r 4 cwbtc vatS i clues Mrd store c for cndiap the W Beach Each bid BMK be a- vick a oithttd cheek Sue e9 a a guano that the hitder will eater isle roatatart if hot hid should be accepted The aod HMt oVS ftJ stows at the said Beach at Met iiiafa aod the ffriote eat el Beach chaH Aay further wfomMiM StakeS mtf be- obtafeed at that aOc The steM to vehxt sad aHimS M reanred H RF MACFARLAXI JOltS W BOSS LANSING H BEACH C iocen ot the District ot Cofambia DEPOT QUARTERMASTERS WASHIXC TON D C MAY 14 J SCALED PaX- rOSALS triplicate will he reertved hcve year endue JWK 3 IMi forage straw aod bras laloraatJoH fanhhed o aat Hcatxm U ic serves sight to reject or accept or all pocals or part Ewdapes cooAaaaha- cruapaak shMibi be narked Pioaoiati Jar PHSC WASHINGTON D C MAY I- Srm Scaled triolicatc M be received here natil NOON JUNE M W leastheMcc HI shed at this past U S reserve y part thereat lajomutten tannahii appiicatioB Earctopes eoa jini c propostU- shovld be iajdorrcJ Proposal for kagthtaiac gas shed E BENTON Q M SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE Owing to cbaBgias drivers 1 am unable to reach my trade not proper directions wilt my trade send me postal card DEXTER LAUNDRY 1195 E at nw mylS2t EDUCATIONAL ENABLE Open aE summer SHORTHAND Day and night sessions SCHOOL Pupils cater cay time COO V St Xvr Uoderate apSOtLon J TT A Tvt TTTT Undertaker Livery JS2 Penn Are aw Kathtnctoa D CL Spotless That is the way well scad your BLANKETS anti CURTAINS home A good heesewife would not think ol pickiic these Ihwcs away without they were tberooghiy cleaned It keeps off the maths A knew in one would not think of stadias any- where but to STEAM j LAUNDRY Corner Sixth and C Sts N T DENTISTRYN- O CHARGE for Painless Extraction when teeth eec or dcred FULL SET TTF crARANTEE A FIT OR NO PAY CcZA fl up SUrer FUlinjs SOn up Cold Crown S3 to 3 Washinctoa Dental Parlors 7th and ste PIES 1 1 D l 0 8 T at e OFF e a 1 W D apt TiE e Hi- D tin say P JUNE T TtE Q BARRACKS tim rtgt te or rrjrtt any or alt ell So having I tennis UNDERTAKERS WIT sand OlM I i1 Phone 1S5 I 1 COMPOUND a S PROPOSALS this wyIS4texStt uM SpeciSeausna best aiaiaed tMi to the District Oabka CmI- utadqni Weak tens prpal K may eba1as a144tesSu will received iMi 2 ises Sc Spetifratissa st at peepeesi a ll- evsrp feM Stable lIes Bath eelS lu ssylit OFFICE Sc aitf- f 51 14 ItOh for Iehiag 4iic Sisal S say pee say three Etc addruesd IL II- y1l1h117u51i S 5 airept peeeea1s- 0T myIS1617SjeLS I Sj 5 Felliage myiDiocrn CELERY > > < ¬ ¬ > < < = = ¬ =

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Page 1: WASHINGTON MAY 16 1900 HURT EXPLOSION JJ Irom Herbert … · THE EVENING TBIES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY MAY 16 1900 r 2 I Filipinos Reported to Be Steadily Gaining Ground 3Icn Supplies




Filipinos Reported to Be SteadilyGaining Ground

3Icn Supplies nnd Arms lull Into

leMnly llutolicrcd by IiixurRciitM A-

M AmbniicnUcthe Rood to

NEW YORK May EveningWorld today publishes tho following cor-respondence

Manila Feb 10 Tho Eillpinoswinning They are bettIng us where vehave possession arid are inflicting horriblerevenge

About the first of January it was saidthat the armed and organized insurrec-tions were practically at an end and thattherefore the troops would have to dealonly with guerrilla bands and outlaws Yetin the last forty days the American forceshere have lost more men more arms endmore supplies in socalled pacified dis-

tricts than during any previous period oflikelengthslnce the insurrection began

la the first three months of fightingwo lost more men by death and woundsbut tho number of men captured armstaken and supplies that have fallen intothe insurgents have been far great-er in the last mon h than ever before

A list of our losses by bolomen andambushes in the occupied districts sinceJanuary 1 is ratter startling On January2 Private Kane while walking betweenBacoor and Las Plans was hacked to deathby three amigos whom he overtook on theroad The day before Private Carter ofthe Twentyfirst Infantry was killed OnJanuary 7 Private Crisp was killed atBautesta and on January 9 four soldierswere attacked near Omni and one wasboloed to death in plain view of the otherthree On January 12 a sailor from thRUnited States cruiser New Orleans wasfound chopped to death in Manila by bolomen while on January 13 LieutenantStockley was capturod near Taliaay andhas not been heard of since

Lieutenant Ralston of the Thirtieth Infantry on January 22 started out fromSanto Tomas with fifty men and twentyone ponies loaded with two days mUonsfor the First Battalion of that regimentNo flankers were out for 2000 Americansoldiers under General Schwan had passed over ths same road only the day beforeOne of Lieutenant Geigers JlacabebeScouts was leading and the column wasmarching leisurely along not suspecting-an ambush There were no signs of insur-gents

Suddenly like a lightning bolt from aclear sky a murderous volley was pouredinto them and four men fell to the groundA fire was then being delivered from thefront and rear as well as from both sidesMan after man was going down Lieutenant Ralston left the pack train to look outfor itself and dived into the brush on theright side of the road where he at onceformed a skirmish line But the fire wastoo heavy for them and tho number ofcasualties was growing rapidly Ten menwere already down and as it became ap-parent that their little force was over-whelmingly outnumbered the lieutenantbegan a slow retreat fighting back as theywent

Ralston caked if they had all the deadand wounded with them and one of thesoldiers said that Joe Burns was still Be-hind Then they heard Burns calling tothem My God Im getting cut up HelpHelp An Insurgent had run up and wasstarting to bolo the fallen man

Some of the soldiers gritted their teethand started back to rescue their comradeThrough an opening in the brush theycould see the insurgent driving his bolointo Burns body Halt a dozen rifles wentto their shoulders and the insurgent bolomau was riddled with bullets

This volley started the Insurgent fireanew and a fiercer fire than over wasdriven Into the group of Americana Twomore men went down There was nochance sow to recover Burns body for exposure on the opn roadway meant certaindeath So the retreat was renewed leerIBFK the dead and some of the wounded onthe field The morale of the army is in abad way Soldiers are depressed

men of the Thirtieth were killed inone ambush and forty wounded of whomtwelve are in the hands of the enemyThis was the most disastrous ambush orthe month

On the 29th though an outpost of theFortyfirst was killed at his post near SanJuan Del Monte which is In the heart ofour possessions here On the night of Jantiary 21 two soldiers who were sleepingwithin our lines at Panique were boloedto death and on the same date occurredthe tragic Subie ambush in which Lieuten-ant Schenck and a scouting party of fortymen were attacked Schenck and fourmen wero instantly killed and six werewoundcd one mortally On February 1 apatrol consisting of a corporal ami fourmen of the Fortyfirst Regiment startedout from Mabalacat to patrol the railwayThey were evidently captured for not atrace has seen of theta since

The next night another patrol similarlyconstituted started on the same duty andthey managed to get back with a loss ofonly one killed Eleven men includingSergeant Wallace on February 5 wentfrom Manila to Oranl just across the bayThey were detailed to take a bull teamwith supplies to a garrison of soldiers nearOranl and on landing struck off along thecountry road At a lonely part of the roadthey wore ambushed and in an instant fivemen were killed and one mortally woundedTwo were captured and two native bulldrivers were also killed The three re


the Ueheb lInndtSohIlerM Mere

of Troopll-u Santo roziu





















Wonder What MertsWill Say



Concededthat our special

are notproached by anytailoring concern inany city Our offer-

ings are preeminent








come close to theheart of all men who appreciate thopurchasing price of a Three days

Wednesday nnd Thursdaywill we bring to you pricesaving epochNo 4 for May May Js truly proving aharvesting time for economically in-

clined men Real value True BluoSerge The 13 Mertz kind for 2 dayssuit to order

MerfzMertzBetteryet Tailoring

906 and 908 F Street

T GQdny



malnlng soldiers barely escaped with theirlives leaving the bodies of the dead andwounded to the mercies of the enemy


A Detnlled Report lleoolvea IromGeneral MncArtliur

The War Department this morning re-

ceived the following cablegram from Gen-

eral MncArthur dated at Manila May 16WI Jh reference to your telegram of

14th the rumored engagement in Samarreported in tho cablegram of General OtisMay 4 nas been confirmed by reports re-cently received from Henry T Allen Fortythlrd Regiment U S Volunteer InfantTy commanding Samar Island that thethe detachment of thirtyone men sta-tioned at Calublg was attacked April 15by 600 men with 2CO rifles and one cannonOur men were quartered in a conventwhich was fired next day by burning hempthrown from an adjoining church Thedetachment attempted to escape by theriver The men getting into a boat werekilled the remaining men entrenchedthemselves near tho river and held outtwo days longer facing the most adversecircumstances until rescued by LieutenantSweeney and ten men over 200 of the attacking party many of them reported ashaving come from Luzon Island are re-ported killed and wounded LieutenantSweeney reports the streets to be coveredwith dead Insurgents

Dustin L GeorgeWilliam J Hall Corporals Herbert HEdwards John F J Hamilton cook Bar-ton E Hess Musician Burton R Wagnerprivates Trefllio Pomelow Otto B LooseStephen Apperti Joseph Noel John E

Ralph H Zim Edward BramanChester A Conklin Walter E Collins Joseph J Korina Henry Dumas Philip SalIng and George A Slack all of CompanyH Fortythird Regiment U S V

Wounded Privates Lester RuchworthHarry C Lee Michael J Faron James HClancy Company H Fortythird U S VInfantry Corporal White Company FFortythird Volunteer Infantry

A copy of Henry T Allens report vasforwarded by mall yesterday The IloiloPanay cable is broken by an earthquake

and it is difficult to procure more definiteinformation

ARRIVAL OF THE THOMASBrigadier General Scliirau Among

the Trminport IaitMciiKcrcSAN FRANCISCO Cal May 16 The

transport Thomas arrived yesterday after-a run of twentynine days from Manila

It brought nineteen officers thirtythreesick soldiers fortythree discharged soldlere seven Insane patients two prisonersand the bodies of ten soldiers who died inthe Philippines Among the passengers IsBrig Gen Theo Schwair


The Duties of the Ofllce Set Forth byAttorney Duvall

Recently a report made to theHealth Officer by the Sanitary Inspectorconcerning the inspection of premises 344E Street southwest in which it was statedthat a defective closet existed in the yardThe reference of the report to the Inspec-tor of Plumbing Mr Charles B Be II wassuggested

Mr Ball returned the report with thestatement that in the absence of r complaint or an affidavit his office did vt feeljustified in serving a notice in the caseThe matter was thereupon referred to theAttorney for the District for an opinion-in the matter The opinion was

to the Commissioners yesterday-It appears that it is the custom of the

office of the Inspector of Plumbing not tomake inspections upon reports by theHealth Officer such action being basedupon an opinion of a former Attorney forthe District Mr Duvall quotes rom anact of Congress approved April 23 1S32authorizing the formation of the office ofplumbing Inspector It would appearsays Mr Duvall to be the duty of theInspector of Plumbing under the directiontf the Commissioners first to inspect allhouses when In the course of erection second at time during reasonable hoursunder the direction of the Commissioners-on the application of the owner or occupant or the conplaint under oath anyreputable citizen to Inspect any house inthe District and examine the plumbing and

third generally to see that the regulationsprovided for are fully observed and

I am of the opinion he continuesthat It Is the duty of the Inspector of

Plumbing whenever informed of the exis-tence of unsanitary or imperfect plumbingand wholly irrespective of whem or howor by whom informed to Inspect the alleged defective plumbing and if found defective to take such articn as may benecessary to secure compliance with theplumbing regulations If the present eastas reported by the Sanitary Inspector de-velops the violation of any plumbing regu-lation made then it would appear to be theduty of the Inspector of Plumbing to takeaction as this would fall within his obligation to see that the regulations arefully observed and enforced

I do not consider that the opinion rendered by the former Attorney has any ap-

plication to the matter now under con-sideration


Rcvcmnl of Judgment Asked In theDour Case

A LeftwIch Sinclair Assistant Attorney for the District Commissioner hasfiled a motion for judgement nctwthstanding the verdict for the plain

in the case of Marion V Burrowagainst the District and also a motionfor a new trial The court is asked toorder judgement for the District on theground that it is not liable for the actsnegligence or misconduct of its agentsthe Poundmastcr or assistants-

In the case in question Burrows suedthe District for 300 claimed as damagesfor the seizure and killing of a dog belonging to the plaintiff The jury which heardthe testimony rendered a verdict awardingBurrows 60 damages


The Enterprise Called to the Noticeof the Grand Jury

The manner in which the enterprisecommonly known as the Patsy Mann bonemill on the Potomac River near GtcsboroPoint ia conducted has been called to theattention of tho grand Jury and a numberot persons have testified concerning themutter The Investigation it is understood Is the result ot a visit of one ofthe officials connected with the HealthDepartment to the bone mill and theneighborhood

Previous to this however numerouscomplaints were made to the Commission-ers about tho mill and requests made thatthe plant should be removed to some pointfarther away so that the people in Itspresent vicinity would not be annoyed bythe disagreeable odors which arise fromthe mill and are wafted about the neigh-borhood by the winds The present loca-tion of the bone mill ia said to be partic-ularly annoying to the residents of Glenboro and Congress Heights

Italian Chamber ProroguedROME May Chamber of Dept

Uea has been prorogued and elections or-

dered to be held from June 3 to June 10

Mnnculnr Rheumatism CuredFor the relief sad cure of muscular

Chamberlains Pate Balm tin become faroejOne application relieves the pain Mr tt Whtsfcrof N Y in speaking of this say

Durinc the winter of 1696 I was to lame in myjoints in fact Jill over body I couldhardly bobble around wise I bought a bottle otChamberlains rain Cilm From lint applicalion I began to pet welt and was cured andlure worked all the year Pain BalmIs for sale by Henry Evans wholesale cdand all druggists





drainage and ventilation of sewers ant












roeunai a
































Louis and Herbert Maliby the Victhus of an Experiment

Were Working on a MysteriousMachine When Without Warningthe GnNoIliic Tank Huratu The

Serious But Not Gountderto lie of n Fatal Character

Louis Campbell Maltby fortyfour yearsold a modelmaker med his son HerbertLouis Maltby an apt entice sixteen yearsold were seriously Injured by an explosion-in a front room on the second Soar of themachine shop of Sutherland Carr at1202 D Street northvest at 1110 oclockthis morning The xplosioa It is saidwas due to an excess 0 pressure on a gal-

vanized Iron tank containing a mixture ofgasoline gas and compressed air The tankwas blown to fragments Louis Maltbywas lifted bodily several feet into the airand hurled over a lathe dropping in themidst of a mass of debris and nmcuincryseveral feet away Herbert Maltby wasthrown ten feet against a door Both areseriously though not dangerously injuredThe damage which was confined to theroom in which the explosion occurred wascomparatively slight considering the forceot the explosion

Immediately after the explosion themembers of No 1 Chemical Engine Com-pany which adjoins the machine shopwent to the assistance of the injured Maltbys Both father and son were sent tothe Emergency Hospital where an exami-nation revealed the extent of their inju-ries Louis Maltby was the more seriouslyhurt His face and head were laceratedand his eyes damaged Both arms werebruised and lacerated and the right legwas bruised and cut There were in ad-dition numerous bruises about his body

The right arm of Herbert Maltby wasbadly bruised his face was scratched andhis hair slightly scorched The eyes ofboth father and son were injured It isfeared the Eight of both may be impairedAfter the eyes bad been treated and ban-daged and the injuries dressed the patientswere placed in a ward

The MaUbys who live at ISIS NinthStreet northwest are In the employ ofCapL L N Lewis of the Bureau of Ordnance of the War Department His officeis located in the Lemon Building CaptainLewis is the inventor of an explosive en-gine and it was on the perfection of amodel of it that the Maltbys were workingwhen the explosion occurred Louis Maltby has been in the employ of Captain Lew-Is for about a year though he has beenengaged at the D Street building for onlya month the experimenting shop havingbeen locate there early In April According to Louis Maltby he built the modol otthe engine under the direction of CaptainLewis When completed the little enginedid not accomplish all that was expectedand experiments were made almost daily toincrease its efficiency and to remedy de-fects in construction

The engine got its power from the tankcontaining the gasoline gas and compressed air The tank was an ordinarygalvanized Iron water boiler such as isgenerally attached to a kitchen Itscapacity was about six cubic feet and thepressure on it at the time of the explosionwas about thirtyfive pounds The Maltbys claimed that they haG no warning ofthe explosion and were busy watching theoperation of the engine when they wereknocked over The force of theshifted every belt In the room frompulleys of the various lathes etc whichwere used In making model parts Thenoise of the explosion could be heard formany squares and attracted a large crowd

Those first on the scene saw HerbertMaltby heroically assisting his more

Injured father down the stairs fromthe shop to the office of SutherlandCarr Herbert was the first to recoverfrom the shook of the explosion He rushed to the room door and opening it to admit air went to the assistance of his father who was lying stunned on the floorThe father was barely able to limp down

I the stairs and would have fallen had itnot been for willing arms that assistedHerbert Maltby with his birden

Mr Sutherland of the firm of SutherlandCarr was the first to reach the

room in which the Maltbys worked Theroom was thick with dust and the fumes ofthe escaping gases On the floor near thesouth wall was seen the twtatei and wrenched boiler while everywhere was confusionA large hole In the ceiling Indicatedthe force of the explosion MrSutherland stated that he had no knowl-edge of what was going OD in the roomHe had rented it to Captain Lewis withthe machinery It contained for experimental and construction purposes Everything about the occupants of the place wassecretive and Mr Sutherland understoodthat an Invention or discovery was beingperfected He knew nothing of the meth-ods employed by his tenants

It was said by persons about the placethat the engine on which the Maltbys wereworking was for a locomobile


The Opinion of Attorney Dnvnll lie

An opinion concerning the application ofW H Singleton registrar of the vestry ofthe parish of St Michael and All Angelsfor the cancellation of the special assess-ment against the church property for pav-ing Virginia Avenue was received yester-day by the Commissioners

Mr Duvall says he Is of the opinion thatparsonage property Is not exempt underexisting law from the payment of generaltaxes It appears that the only special as-sessment standing against the property isfor sidewalk In front of the west part

158 and upon this part of the lot theparsonage stands

As this property Is not church propertyAttorney Duvall says it is not exempt fromtaxation and the application should

be refused


A New York Murderer In Terror atthe Thought of IHntli

NEW TORK May Johnsonof Sing Sing prison on Monday will

Fritz Myers in the electric chairMyers crime is the murder of PolicemenSmith whom be shot while the policemanwas placing Him under arrest for robbingpoor boxes of a city church

Up to three weeks ego Myers main-tained that he would prefer death in tilechair to his continued incareration in thedeathhouse but after Warden Johnson informed him that his lawyers were unsuccessful In his behalf he has changed hUmind He Is now filled with terror

Myers cell Is across the corridor fromthat of Richard B Molinoux The latterknows that the hour for Myers executionhas been set

An Mornlnc BlazeA local alarm of fire brought Jfo 10 Engine

Company into service at an early Twur liiis morn-ing for a fire at the coal yard of John Miller atthe corner cf Eighth and K streets northeast

r sparkfrom a passing Baltimore and Ohio engins The damage resulting was slight

TRY ALLENS FOOTEASE-A powder to bs kakea Into the sheer Yonr

feet feel swollen nenrdus and hot and pet tiredeasily II you hue smarting feet or tight shoes

Aliens FootEase It cools the feet makeswalking Cures swollen sweating feet Ingrowing nails blisters sod Tlous spots Be

corns and bunions of alT and givesrest and comfort Try U today Sold by alldruggists and shoe tons for SIc Trial

FREE Address Allen S OlBsted Z Roy



expo on









The 1re aid to hue n by






rmnrdlnsm Pnrsonnjrc

































4 Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh Street

Make a Special Day ofThursday This Week

The anti ends nrcnccnmnlutlnf v rapidly vrhnt better tellx of n stores ljnnynesu And no me very important fea-tures are coming fur Friday that trc shall take an extra daythin week tomorrow to Ret out the remnant lots

We dont know when before the offerings have been fioninny nod BO attractive tad the pressure of Imperative clearonce hn twisted the regular price all out of proportion

Its a tiny for everybody to conic here fur aoiuethluK thateverybody iruutu lit sure to be found at one counter or another




J Iofi ff I

olds tt1 J1

J if I-J i














Ladies Suits Waists andSkirts

11 Ladies Wool SuitsTightfitting and Coatshapes regular 10 Suits CO AO

110 Ladles Percale Shirt Waiststhe last of a big COo valuelot good patterns and perfect OCCfitting

31 Pampas Linen Dress Q9CSkirts worth JL25

Muslin Underwear andWrappers

23 Lawn and Percale Wrap FJQC-pcrs worth 1 for

19 pairs Ladies Cambriclace trimmed scattering OQC

sizes worth G6c for27 Ladies Cambric Corset Covers

trimmed with lace worth OCC-33c for

51 Ladles Cambric Gowns Drawers and Short Shirts trio CAmed with lace worth SI for

Infants Wear23 Infants Lawn Caps

trimmed with lace worth Thefor

Infants Lawn Dresses toat ages 2 3 and 4 yearsworth 75c for

1 Infants Sun Bonnetworth 65c for

14 Infants Pique Reefers invariety of colorings worth

2 for

Mens Womens and ChilWrens Shoes

Ladles VIcl Kid BcycloBoots with cloth tops regular pricehas been 249 Of course size

broken 0173 pairs Misses Tan and Black

VIcl Kid Lace and Suitor Shoeswith spring heels regularprices have been J143 5L7 C1

JIUJLot cf aiena Tan Lace Sioea and

Oxfords handsewed welt and knobby lasts worth up to 333 fOa pair JtiOJ-

S pair Childrens and MissesTauand Black Oxford andStrap Slippers regular prices JQChave been 1 to L50 a pair

Mens FurnishingsFane Striped Hose in sizoa

10 12 and 11 only worth 2 c 1pair for37 pieces Mens Nainsook Shirts

and Drawers broken sizes and alittle soiled worth 5c a gar 1 ACmont for

Broken sizes Mens Blue and PinkBalbriggan Shirts and Draw OOCers worth 5c a garment

Madras Negligee Shirts with highturndown collar attached slight-ly soiled by handling worth A CCJ15 for

Broken lot of Madras NegligeeShirts each with separate Q7CCuffs to match werth SOc

Boys Suits23 Boys Short Pants Suits In

Brownie sailor and novelty stylesplain ned fancy mixtures sizes 3

JL to 8 years worth JUO3 for JlJ

GoodsJL 75 2 yards

and 35 inches widespring rollers slightly soil-ed reduced front 2ic and 58c 1to

1 White Iron Bed elaboratelywith brass size


1 Imitation Mahogany Bed elsietrimmed with brass size

T 4 C REDUCED from2250 to IJJU-

Y 6 All Ironframe Bed SpringsV with tine woven wire slightT ly imperfect REDUCED 7C3 from 250 to J1 J

Millinery3 Trimmed Hats 3 in black and 1

each in brown and navy blue withfancy straw brims full crown ofPanama straw taffeta bow andsteel buckle ornamentation l tOworth l9S 130

One each Blue Heliotrope WhiteBlack and Pink Hobbs

worth 298 for lUUof Roses Violets Foliage and

Odds and Ends of other Flow-ers worth 45c and C5c a 1 ACbunch Choice

RibbonsSmall lot of Fancy Taffeta Rib

bons in corded and hemstitched effects what shades there areare deelrable worth 19 a 1 QCyard for

18 yards of inch wide Plaidas have CC

log at 12 J2c a yard

LacesBlade Silk Cbantilly Lace worth

25c a yard Only 18 yards ACleft v

13 yards Cream Venlse Lace ISincises wide for yokes andsleeves Worth 6Sc a yard for

50 Point dEsprit Lace C

REDUCED from OC15c a yard to

WashShort lengths to ISo a

yard Dimity and Pique usa y i Cble lengths however for

Remnants of loc to 20c a yardMadras and Cheviots lengths 7iCsufficient for waists

Odds and ends of Huck Tow CCels worth up to 12 12c for

Odd lot of Alllinen Satin DamaskDoylles worth L25 and JL50 CACa dozen for 6

StationeryA-rmy and Xavy Pencil Tab 1C

lets vcorth 5c forPickmeup Packages of 60

sheets or Paper and 50 Envel EC-opes worth 10c v








15 cu-

T 3

r 48Cu u49-cJ

a 99CT1



and L9S







ttriMI from



itJ Hat


2 12bee



J jars




I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1







iI C-




fiC-a u

a J













15 4

7 I 4




































Housefurnishings12 Japanned root good

size painted in t CCworth 23c for

10 Jardinieres rustle pat-terns desirable size worth fCu-25c for

25 Pastry Boards clearchoice of two sizes30e lot L

assorted colors lOc size for25 boxes Tar Camphor worth

5c for v5 Tin Toilet highly

consists of three pieces foottub jar and carrier worth OflC125 for

5 Stead Raisers made of blocktin 14quart size with cover OQCworth 69c for

15 Screen Doors solid hardwoodlight oak finish fancy OQC

panel design worth 1 49 for

EmbroideriesShort lengths of Edgings and In-

serting of various widths and patsome of them may be

a little worth1212c to iSo a yard for 2

Short lOiodi Floune3 SSc values

for LlShort lengths of InsertlngB and

good patterns usableof iSo 20c and 26c I AC

grades for n

Ladies35 pairs Btack IH sizes

5 12 and 5 24 only worth 7 c OOCa pair for tJ

Lot of 48 pairs Ladles Kid Glovesin Taa Mode Red and Brown inthese only 512 6C 12 and 7 worth 79c a pair OQCfor

Picture Department9 chloe In white

frames worth 1 7CCfor

4 Pictures In gilt frames withheavy bras corners arecJightlytwice LTS JU

root In gilt frames with heavy CftCcard worth 150 for u

SilksSkirt and Waist Lengths ot Plaid

Striped a d Brocaded Silks thathave been setting up to

Small tot of Embroidered TaffetaSilks In a variety of the latest

i to J 2y rd of FoulardSilks colorings and patternsof the s s a reduced from S9cand n 2S a yard Now chtice JQCfor

JewelryBroken lot of Brooches and Cuff

Buttons gold plated enamel-ed and Sterling SUrer werth i A-C26cfor

Odds sad ends of Jeweled Hat OCPins reduced from 5c to

Lorgnette Chains withslides and heartsand Me for

Pearl Waist that are 1 AC

worth ISo forPick Holders with Sterling

Talcum Jarswith Sterling Silver SalveJars with enamel tops 2 c 1 C

and 29c values for choice at

Leather GoodsLadies Loather odds and

of several lots CCChoice

Combination Pocketbooks IflCChoIce

Chatelaines OCCworth 50c for

Odds and ends of Pocketbook andBelt Initials large and small sizeworth 23c to 49c Choice 1 ACfor

Wool Dress GoodsShort lengths in Henriettas

Serges Cheviots Homespuns andSilk and Wool Kovelties 3 to 7yard of goods thathave up to 59c a OCC

4 pieces Black Silk and Wool Crepan In small figure and stripepatterns regular price l a LUCyard for

A single piece ot 50Inch AllWool Cheviot for separateskirts suits worth OQC5c a yard for

LiningsRemnants of Moire Antique for

lining the thin materialsLight Blue Pink NileRed etc worth 19c a yardfor IU-

38Inch Mercerized Italian Clothin Whits Cream and high fQCcolors worth 30c a yard mar

Imitation of Hair elsaJ 4 AT

log worth ISo a yard for

NotionsMilitary Abdominal Hose

Supporters worth 35c a pairfor n

Velvet and Felt CombinationSkirt worth 7c a yardfor

Fancy Silk Hose Supportersin and stripes worth ICC

forNovelty Lace Braids used

for crocheting worth ISc a 1 Jtpiece for

Toilet GoodsOakleys Priscllla Toilet Soap OC-

8c sire forBorax l4Ib aise

Oakleys Soaps Florida WaterViolet Water and MagnoliaBlossom I9e size cakes for

Oakleys Carboiina Tar SoaplOc cakes for

JTbs I


woo uu5C o



u iJI

tern sUe jm

jleg C


TGlove f


sizes 341


Iframe IT I

i of and HeII


I39t it

ngvUes 69Cto ulengtH


t I


Iworth 19C


Set fTot Power


Bet fe-

nds es





Back T




Clothdurable for


Facing 2C

plaid H

Crt 2C

gc J5C


side 1


50 cans RadyMixed Paints

Japan-ned I

frames A









Pictures War Naval



Frensh reducrd jIrons L3 yad I













tic 4I U




































I Youve Only aFew Days Lefti-

nin which to get your house in proper trim for theShrincr visitors Anyway whether you are enter-

taining or not you dont want to miss the special barp we are quoting this week for they are the bestg saw

IJefrigeraiors Mattings Ice PorchBaby Carriages Go Carts Rattan Fur

niturc Cots Iron Beds Box Couches etc etc

I House Herrmann-I 901 903 Seventh Sti Cor of I Eye St


Chest Roc-


l xx


444 4x 4 4


< >


< >

< >


< >

< < <<


A Good Thingfor You

A mill suffers from an ailmentcommon to manufacturers this sea-son overproduction Result weacquire

500 Pieceof high grade

Blue Sergeand

Striped FlannelSuitings

at a fraction of their actual valueIts sew up to us to push this

good along so we make theprice to yourS measure

J 550As other tailors and clothiers are

using particular fabrics intheir

Its Up to YouSamples and SelfMeasurement

Plank mailed free

941 Pa Ave N WOpen Saturday Evenings

Try Stephens LinimentThe greaVst sore cure on earth Cure sores eoyour borsii while tfc r are at work Prrpuri macsold by E S Stephen 1M IHaJ Br rcr HdDC b J S K lm

7th and F ate w sadfeatofs generally iaritac s

THE KIDNEYSare seneca of the system TTarners Safe Oars

them open and free sad

SCOTTS EMULSIONwith HypophwpUtes is three as effectiveu Oil SOc sad 1

McMUNNSELIXIR OF OPIUMU a e the Drug ly which IU InJnrloin rcmorvd vL0o rtluiSU-Bcdieiaal properties retained It ponesoa-n the sediare anodyne and antiipannodla

powers cC Opium but produces co dcttoeu otttonuch no GO ccsttrtncat no

headache la acute nervous disorders it u asInvaluable remedy and is recommend td Lybut physIcians



HOTEL GERARDUh Street sear Broadway Kevr Tort


Modern and Lmuricm in All Its AppointmentsCSMRALLY LOCATED


AmericanUnder new



Avon Inn and CottagesAVON IT J

Most select retort oa the New Jersey CoastSend for particulars aplt o J3m

FLETCHER LYXCHOn Sunday May 13 1500

at t M rr ClmrcJt Alexandria Va CHARLESII FLETCHER to MARY T LYNCh both f-

WashSrgton D C llDIED

OLDEXOn Tuesday May 15 lt 0 at 915a m after a short fllnosj HOWARD W

beloved son of Frederick and Amandaclrren nd elev o months

Howard goodbye dariinz one last embraceOb cruel late two souls to sever

Yet in this hearts sacred placeThou thou alone dwell forever


Funeral trait the resident 403 Eighth Streetsotjthtr t ned these to ionThursday May 17 at 3 p m Relatives

inviteo t attend It







ties t









EI iTSold Sea Teetb sad Ie

are ow A Judd

thekeeps seen resteres health






ted European Pisemanagement






poxais wiU be r elT d at affiee-OfLOCK M JUNE S lamAsphalt raviae MocLs to the Distfit OtentSfxiiflcatiras bbok form f pf pori sad aN-

trTaNirjr iulornntioo awy lie wt at at tfefcIL JS F MACFARLAXD JCHX W KOSS-


IXGTON D C MAY 7 MMl SertM Mpouts will be ttceivtd at tld oflee-OTLOCK VL JlXE 2 W tor-Hed Sewer Bricks to the District ef

weary iafermatten rao ee IL B F MACFARLAND JOHK W SKiffSLANSING U BEACH Cimimtuinrn D C


pants vill be received at ISle setS IS-OCLOCK M JirXK 2 fr IK fetrafefctesPortland CenottS-fMctJicadpca Maak him ot prop aW alltMtt ry nB H n may be ofctoiatJ at tMiSee IL B F MACqMtLVXO JOHN W BOSS



ttriU irill be received at tfcts osx until t-OCLOCK M JUNE 2 MOT far temttWa-K t ril Oieent to the District ot-



Mpols be at UrfjOCLOCK M JfNE-Crante CteWa to the District ot CiUaaiia-

tmtf be OM UM at tailo r II B F MACf A8LAXB JOHN W J S6-


WASHINGTON BARRACES D CL MAY 3 VOSSealed proposals in triplicate will be receiv-

ed hire witfl NOON MAY 17TH 1000 far CM-stractiEC brick slaMs here UaMcd Stales re-

ierres right to accept or reject any ot aH pi M-ale r a y pert tbere f InfanntSmicd ea Enrefafxs sMW be mAKS 1-

Tr f aMressW to E SBENTON Q M mja Z SO



Iroposak will be received at this MSer i tH-

SATCRDAY MAY If itO to sell to the Dvtriec-ot Columbia C hn4r 4 cwbtc vatS i cluesMrd store c for cndiap the W

Beach Each bid BMK be a-

vick a oithttd cheek Sue e9 a a guano thatthe hitder will eater isle roatatart if hot hidshould be accepted The aod HMt oVS ftJ

stows at the said Beach at Met iiiafa aodthe ffriote eat el Beach chaHAay further wfomMiM StakeS mtf be-

obtafeed at that aOc The steM to vehxtsad aHimS M reanred H R F MACFARLAXIJOltS W BOSS LANSING H BEACH Ciocen ot the District ot Cofambia


rOSALS triplicate will he reertved hcve

year endue JWK 3 IMi forage straw aod braslaloraatJoH fanhhed o aat Hcatxm U icserves sight to reject or accept or allpocals or part Ewdapes cooAaaaha-cruapaak shMibi be narked Pioaoiati Jar PHSC

WASHINGTON D C MAY I-Srm Scaled triolicatc M be

received here natil NOON JUNE M W

leastheMcc HI shed at this past U S reserve

y part thereat lajomutten tannahiiappiicatioB Earctopes eoa jini c propostU-shovld be iajdorrcJ Proposal for kagthtaiac gasshed E BENTON Q M


SPECIAL NOTICE Owing to cbaBgiasdrivers 1 am unable to reach my trade

not proper directions wilt mytrade send me postal card DEXTERLAUNDRY 1195 E at nw mylS2t


ENABLE Open aE summerSHORTHAND Day and night sessions

SCHOOL Pupils cater cay timeCOO V St Xvr Uoderate



Undertaker LiveryJS2 Penn Are aw Kathtnctoa D CL

SpotlessThat is the way well scad your BLANKETSanti CURTAINS home A good heesewifewould not think ol pickiic these Ihwcsaway without they were tberooghiycleaned It keeps off the maths A knewin one would not think of stadias any-

where but to


Corner Sixth and C Sts N T


Painless Extractionwhen teeth eec ordcred


CcZA fl up SUrer FUlinjs SOn upCold Crown S3 to 3

Washinctoa Dental Parlors 7th and ste


1 1


l08T at



e a











rtgt te or rrjrtt any or altell







OlMI i1

Phone 1S5










SpeciSeausna bestaiaiaed tMi

to the District Oabka

CmI-utadqni Weak tens prpal K

may eba1as


will received iMi2 ises Sc

Spetifratissa st at peepeesi a ll-








Sc aitf-f 51 14 ItOh for Iehiag 4iic Sisal

Ssay pee

say threeEtc addruesd IL II-



5airept peeeea1s-















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