i lifetime of thechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1902-11... · tile evening tbies...

TilE EVENING TBIES WASHINGTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11 1902 6 R Report on the Union Station Project Th November of the North cast Washington CU en Amoetation was held last sight IK the Northeast Temple Evan H Tucker preMUiag A report on the proposed Unto Station by W J Frizzell was read and diseaseed- Mr Frizzell exiled attention to the re- cent transfers of property IB the vi- cinity of the railroad as an indication that the station will be built there and not In South Washington as many prefer be said The standing committees were named Their chairmen are as follows Execu- tive committee Evan H Tucker com- mittee on proposed legielatton IIvan H Tucker committee on steam railroads W J Frlzell committee cs streets avenues and SowerliuM committee on water light and sewers A H F committee OB menu and appointment of A 0 Nash coirraittee en public J parks and spaces W 1 Lan commit tee on schools F D Foster committee- on sanitary affairs Dr Starr Parsons committee on public conveyance Jerone B Burke committee on police sad lire departments Dr L D VaKer WEATHER INDICATIONS Cloudy and cooler tonight Wcdaos day rain light to fresh northeasterly winds CONDITION OIF THE WATER Temperature and eondition of the wa ater at S a m Great Falls Tempera- ture 55 condition 20 reser i voir Temperature S3 condition at north connection IS condition at sot h connection 7 Georgetown distributing reservoir Tempruure 54 condition at influent gatehouse S condition at efflu- ent gatehouse 9 Washington city res- ervoir Temperature 54 In- fluent 36 condition at emuent 36 THE SUN Sun rises 637 am Sun seta 4 il pm I TIDE TABLE High tide 886 pm tide 18M and 1040 pm STREET LIGHTING Lamps lighted today 641 pm Lamps out tbmorrdw 536 am AMUSEMENTS National A coders Magdalen even Ine Columbia Jefferaci de Angelis even- ing Chasca Polite vaudeville afternoon and evening Lafayette Al II Wilson ovonlng Academy The Fatal Wedding afternoon and evening Empire The Girl in Blue afternoon and evening Kernans Rose Sydells afternoon and evening FOURYEAROLD BOY KICKED BY A MULE While in front of 1099 Second Street northeast yesterday afternoon James Blush aged four years was kick ed in the face by a mule He was re- moved to the Emergency Hospital PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY FILED- A petition in Voluntary bankruptcy was tIled yesterday n the District branch of the Supreme Court of the Dis trict by Nolan Clemens Co who con duct a dairy business at 122 D Street southeast The liabilities of the firm are listed at 5220892 and the assets at 94075 SUIT ON A BOND Proceedings were filed in the Supreme Court of the District by J Edward Chapman against the City Trust SuTe Deposit and Sure y Company of Philadelphia to recover 08228 alleged to be due on a bond FLAGMAN FALLS FROM TRAIN Flagman Harry Anderson fell fram a moving train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway at F and First Streets yesterday His rigat shoulder dislocated SUCCESSFUL HUNTING TRIP John T Ferguson William RiekeUs and Edward Ferguson have returned from a huntine trip Ia Virginia where 120 quail The hunters report an dunce of game in flue condition all through the lower part of the State LECTURE ON PLATO Prof William Macon Coleman will give rn introductory lecture en Platos Re- public at the meeting of the Society for Philosophical Inquiry Columbian Uni- versity this afternoon at 418 oclock The lecture will be open to the public OVERHEAD WIRE PERMITS The Chesapeake and Potomac Tele phone Company has been granted per mission to string temporary overhead cables in a number of blocks in the northwest until it have completed Its underground conduits In squares TOY PISTOL FOR WEAPON Sarah Lyles lored aged fourteen years and Jerome Ieyor white aged twelve years bad an altercation at Tenth and M Streets northwest last night and Meyer struck the girl on the head with a toy pietoL TIM slight wound was dressed at the Homeopathic Hospital Stepped Against a Hot Stove A child of Mrs Cewxe T Ben waw his rind Saturday ROC hack stepped bark pint a hot stows which Umuui him cvcrely Tot child w ia great agooy and mother could e xotftfeM to cxifjr him that she tad a bate irf tirlato Doha te she tIM hc would try it In lea than half an hour after ft the child jj two aril known reddest of K M mpecially valuable tar bom rut brulaai nu For sale by Henry Wholenale Retail and aN Jackson Splint Coal 700 Anthracite eeal at reaMaahtc ftttfs S S Daish Sons Coal and Firewood 07 0 t aw NORTHEAST CITIZENS COMMITTEES NAMEO alloys Holsters assess I r I Dale rlla I 31 Lm and Low H playing terday was bagged fourteen turkeys and abu fri tint tIM DtNOD ic a will r Pain all iainwout and Il U1d meeting s appropria- tions condition at d I north- east they wild i ball these his R lien Pal err gaits emi p and in leas weeks was ra Baits Is aetbeptte Wins vase t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < ERRS AFTER LIFETIME OF RECTITUDESk- ipped a Day and Almost Disarranged District Records May Be a Sign COURT CLOCK Tfe g 4 clock wafen stands o the mantelpiece la the o of the of the Supreme Court HNS District and has chronicled the faithfully for the past thlrtyelcht years and seventeen doss end also pointed out day month last Monday skipped a flay and very nearly cawoel a mixing of the dates of the legal ward of the Dis- trict The vtMrabte dial line bees the charge of AssrsurU Clerk of Court R Jonathan Meigs Mr Meigs began kin service in the Supreme Court of the Dis- trict a little more than a year before the timepiece was coiled on to record the proper time for the opening sail closing of the clerks office Brick Saturday of 197S weeks which have passed since the clock was placed in the clerks office Mr wound SUSPECT COLE RECOVERING FROM FEVER Not to Be Taken to Hospital as His Attorney Is Satisfied With His Jail Surroundings Attorney John W Patterson left city for Philadelphia this morning action looking to the release of Rich- ard Colo the alleged murderer erf Mrs Ada Gilbert Dennis through habeas cor- pus will be takes until he returns Cole who was stricken with typhoid the day after his arrest continues- to improve and Mr Patterson Battened with his clients surroundings at the make BOJ further effort to have hint removed to a hospital Dr Shute the jail physician has given Cole very of ogre and Is of the opinion that he M now oa the road to speedy recovery Cole stanehly denies that he knows anything about the murder of Mrs Den- nis CARRIED TO COURT ON A STRETCHER TO TESTIFY Virgil Poling was carried to the City Hall yesterday on a stretcher to testify in his suit against tae Capital Traction Company to recover M M as damages for personal injuries Mr Poling was injured while attempting to board a Capital Traction car at the corner of1 M and Seventh Streets June 1 ISM His hip was dislocated and his injury re- sulted In a permanent affliction BAKING COMPANY INCORPORATED- The Keystone Home Baking Company with an authorized capital stock of 10 006 was organized yesterday and a certificate of its incorporation put on SUe In the ogee of the Recorder of Deeds for- th District It is stated however that the company will be commenced with a capital of 5000 The corporators are George C Boynton Meredith A Jenkins Nathaniel Pate Muses Rose and Arthur E Sumner t ef ilk M- Ute felg has DENNIS Jail has tetermlRed to t In n D S aid Clerk tiara spe- cial this and- o ever istrict the le ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ It with H key which he secrete M one knows where except himself On Saturday November 1 Mr Melss as has been his custom for more than a third ef a century wound the clock At the setae time he noticed that the proper day of the month was pointed long indicator which revolves j the face of timepiece The Saturday afternoon that all was well It was ROt so however for when be to the office on Monday morning to his surprise he discovered that the fnibtful timepiece had skipped a day and that instead of registering Monday S the indicator pointed to day November 4 The mystery of the sudden idiosyncrasy- has Rot been fathomed A careful exam- ination of the works does not reveal anything wrong with them There are those that suggest a sign in the slip ef the aged time recorder BARBERS PLEA FAILED TO WIN JUDGES SYMPATHY Samuel Beasley Sent to the Work house for Demanding Money for Samuel Beasley a barber hobbled to the witness stand on crutches in the PelieeCourt today to answer to a charge ef vagrancy James W Radrllffe the auctioneer was complaining witness He said fleas loy approached him on the Avenue last night and demanded mosey to get a drink of whisky and said that if he did not get it there would be a whole lot of trouble Boasley who is about thlrtyyears of age declared that he remembered noth- ing of the alleged occurrence He said he was sot drunk but that he had been irt bed for a month recently with a brekon leg and that he had become a victim of flighty spells He pleaded for leniency on the ground that he had a wife and baby to support who had but scant provision since he had been crippled and who sorely needed the little he could earn Judge Beady Seed him 1 and sent him tff the work- house for thirty days because h r could not PST PROPOSALS FOR NEW SEWAGE PUMP STATION Advertisements have been placed in the newspapers of several by the District Commissioners asking pre pot or the construction of the sew age pumping station to be erected at the foot of New Jersey Avenue south east The bids will be opened at December 15 The pumping station is intended to raise the sewage of the city about tventyone feet and discharge it into an outfall sewer which will carry it under the Anacostia River to Maga- zine Point on the Potomac Sewage will be conducted to the pumping station gravity through the Intercepting and trunk sewers many of which are al ready constructed About three years will be required to complete the building which will cost about 500000 I I lest the clerk went to his satielled OR u Whisky cities soot b I keep the rover vet- eran home re- turned No- vember 3ies re- ceived ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PLAN GALA FUNCTION Will Give Historical and Ball I A fortncomiHf society event of great interest which lets received the eatha tile Americas Revolution the Spanish War Veterans and other patriotic or- ganisation was favorably considered by the officers of the District Minute Men at a meeting last night at their head- quarters 33 Pennsylvania Avenue northwest The details of the proposed elaborate function wore set forth by Col M A Winter commanding the First Regi- ment of Minute Men who said in part Plans are now in course of prepara- tion for presenting in Washington dur- ing the coming winter a grand colonial military spectacular pa- geant and ball to be gives for the bene- fit of the equipment und of the First Regiment District of Columbia Minute- Men To insure for this event a greater KHceoee than anything of a like ever undertaken in this community ever received it is proposed to la site each of the patriotic organization of the District to appoint a given num- ber of their members to act with the oMeers of the Minute Men in forming a committee of say use hundred per- sons who will take charge of and responsible for the properly carrying out of the plans here Inaugurated and that may hereafter be agreed series of tableaux will also be among the features WORK BEGUN ON JERUSALEM COLORED BAPTIST CHURCH Work has begun on the erection of the Jerusalem Baptist Church colored OB the south side of P Street near Twenty sixth Street The edifice will be two stories and the auditorium will be twen ty by seventy feet The builder is G E Adams FIRST BRONZE MEDAL ISSUED This morning the Bureau of Navigation sent out the first of the bronze medals of honor issued for the Wee Indies campaign of the Spanish war The re- cipient was Joseph B Hidinger of No 3 South Gilmore Street Baltimore He was formerly an enlisted man on the In- diana but has since left the service WILL OF HENRY BROCK Hoary Brock by his will dated Janu- ary M I860 directs the executors to con- vert his property into renal and divide the proceeds equally among his children and his sisterinlaw German in Five Weeks Haupta- Owre el lessons 1030 a 430 and S p in Kverbody invited tomorrow Can register for trial week Winder Block Great Football Match at Norfolk on Saturday Xr 1C between of Georgetown and North Carolina Norfolk and WaabittgtOB Steamboat Co will sell special round trip ticket for strainer Icartog FYidT 880 p m good returning Saturday or Sunday night at 3 for round trip Fw staterooms poor 2290 I DISTRICT MINUTE MEN Military I slaatie or the hail be IJL and i iatersemeet Dsugktera et histori- cal charac- ter open A Universities ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Bargain Story at a Glance WE WILL TRUST YOU ASK FOR PRIZE STICKERS i p- Fj PRICES Tell the f t I TI f It r 1 lb ill l l l1S l lb ll f easa ts l 1 < t t f t Solid Oak Toilet if like cut French plate mIrror well made A bargaIn l f 350 Q lei EQ- llft t fft1 fll- cl 1l- 14i l t- r t Table exact t ly seat Z l f l SOlid Oak Dresser cut und well con structed French bevel plate glass solid bargaIn ever offered 698 i Prt exactly tike finely finished brasshandlcs Great- est f f t f Just recelvtd a lot of Bedroom Suites and we need route Well show a line I f 3plecc oak best and well finished f 1375 lill 1 a I I- it y 4 d I- Afl Aii l l suffer construction Jfi t tt i ll- iti Fine Tuttted Velour Couch good i sprIngs and well made Our price 648 1 it- iij Large line iji- OJ Best rude OJ Our PrIce ii- Ii 398 aL dJ I l9- r lP r r l 011 Heaters tb i it l1C I J I I Solid Oak Sideboard swell drawers French bevel glass trimmings A good aet t A t- 1t rs9i fine article Only 1375 Iij 4iJ i j iii- i i tii Tills good substantial i DinIngRoom Chili r Ii brace arm fancy turned spindle back Just like cur dJ I 65c ii- Ai lb- t 1l li l k b 7 Kf ao i M AY R FORMERLY s II MAYER PETTIT- P d 465467 SEVENTH STREET 1 aa icl i fat I81 lit co i fit ld 9 1dd- a LEAGUE OPENS SEASON AT TAKOIA CLUB Business Men Defeat Home Team 2 Games in 3 The Takoma Park and South Washing- ton Vans teams opened the District Amateur Howling League nle c hip rente en the Takoma alleys last Blghi the Business Men winning by two games In three cad with a total score of 2222 to 2W The Takoma team is playing Its flrst season and nearly all of Its players are sew at the game se that the capture of one of the three and the total score ef over 298 wac considered a- very good showing One or two of the men give promise of excellent work Tl Business Men were handicapped by the lees of two of their best men left week of the game was as follows Ttkema Past Fit Stcend Time Total fenrfc m 14 1st fMc m m- rw s Gsa Ml- Admaw Jftt W 14 44- Totxlt 718 Rut Me Fits Samuel Third Total IK M 154 4W FwftW 1 Un 141 4t7- MO M7 MS 4 sot 44O- Taiafc J T 77 731 i S The game was the nrst championship contest played en the Takoraa alleys which has bees installed by the Club only a few mouths It was the opinion of a number of the experts who witnessed the game that the alleys would be faster if steel pin spots were need instead f wooden spots A large audience of club members and friends Including many women the game The applause was liberal far both sides INTERIOR WINS AT BOWLING The Interior team won three games from the Census men last night In the Departmental League bowling contest METROPOLITANS WIN Two of three games bowled lout nltt by the Metropolitan and City sad Suburban oven for the Railway Relief Association championship were woo by Eczema No Cure No Pay Your druggist win refund your moaey if PA2O OINTMENT to errs Ringworm Tet liken and Sores and aos a the face a d alt skin diseases 50 Coil 700 Anthracite coal at reaaooable prices S S Daish Sons Ccii and Firewood 1207 G t nee MMMKHMMHWh- Mi In doubt buy at Home Herrmann Crocker Department Our stock of Dinner Tea Toilet Seta etc on tains every grade and itTle- ut inipvrtHi and J mestu- narts patterns and deigns of the most exquisite work luansliip beautiful and decorations SPECIAL Pull 100pie e Dinner Set pretty ahape handsomely decor 7 DO Pretty Imported Din- ner yet IIS pieces nkely- stuped very handsome blue and green and W decora Aft 10 Toilet Set ertra large piers nicely def rai and O- Terr ahaped 95 HE CASH OR CREDIT Complete Home Furnishers HOUSE HERRMANN Seventh and Eye Its V W- i Spaldings j Football j Goods 1- If rou play loot at all Ton i want i Football and the i best ToRtery i J gpaWinffa Kood lead we sell them f- TAPPANCOi339FSt DONT ACCEPT THE SUIT it pleatds vu A Kelli M rtliant T il r U for WarBeld Sirap- t n will n t hermit a dissatisfied tmtomer in- lrve liw i la 605 THIRTEENTH STREET IF NEED A TONIC I BOWLING I n ReM chant 1 The 45i It n11 M 4t1 112 ttt5 ingot heeded titled Awld w lie Take a the rails ter n II I II II II II taste- ful II S II Y Pry Il s f- all I T I t I I nIl YOU I games score r ate see 1L tf e ie1l game g tat SW Atenfbaag 1s1 lea fide witness- ed the 3lets 044 ta Block coos Jackson Splint g e eta Sets Pretty www awr t t r l t the Best y dew title year oaths I t ¬ ¬ < < USE OUR WINES I We only Wteec Their Tonic Properties are wonderful Port Sherry Catawba St SIC at- l urt Sherry AngeiJc- alluicatel 19 yean old LM gal We at sell Pure IS I tars EUGENE SCHWAB eta Fib St S E Phone M 6TS A I S KANN SONS CO THE BUSY CORNER AIMS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE LEAST MONEY A Reciprocity Treaty Has been in for yeprs at Corner n since we be- gan business We do nor expert and never hav patronage unless we give you something u return Ow pan of the treaty is the selling of reliable merchandise only at the lowest margin of proftt and you give this your indorsement by your generous patronage Tints both satisfied We offer these extra values fcr tomorrow Modish Silk and Cloth Waists Where yow desire a new Silk or Cloth Waist visit exr W fet Depart- ment on the wooed floor Here you are sure to fad Just what you west fa the correct material sawn II I the Bus be supported by YOW e- Ire r G6 99 i vogue tart ever stele ¬ ¬ Block Peau de Sol and Taffeta Silk Waists also a few light shades elaborately tucked and hemstitched frost back and sleeves r f r New flack Taffeta Silk Waists made of the heat quality taffeta silk entire front trimmed with broad stitched pleats the latest duchess front and finished on both sides with rows of tiDe tailor stitching and Mack silk buttons The bark and sleeves are tucked and the latest style stock and cuffs complete this pretty waist Lined throughout with good perealiae xes te 44 Worth 6 A lead- er at Allwool Flannel Waists prettily tucked ass stitched in red navy cadet blue tan and black at French Flannel Waists material hemstitched ass pleated full blouse treat colors of red navy cadet blue and f f black Specially I sIzes up to WMth- 4ie A leader at 3 Q5 1 00 made 1 Sizes no to H priced att 42 S All sizes pecially priced e t- one a < ¬ > gjj Used Pianos PIANO 1 r Brother SANDERS STAYMAN CO 33 F STREET x w WEBER PIANO MAKEUOOM Brewmf Golden for 1 jj uniettereo uprida 1 1 rRtIO 1 UI i I for Beer laMella hop I h i BARBAINa lfaeretrt- v riao S1m rc Piarw- ywart idO SMtn Puew 15 Phone East 4art twttin et- Mishtegloa a Beer Delivered irons ° = + = ° CO S KAhN SODS 1 7 French Fi aB l W teta mode with t tacks to the and tucked back rhwk M frost tailor stitched with fancy steel in color r Hgt nine red navy ronortm ass T French Ptonn l Waists made with the new round yoke effect trimmed wttk rows f nwntitcning tile en tire Metnw te pleated and stitched and the beck is trimmed to match dressy waists and are shown in colors of cream light blue navy red reseda J r cad black Spe Kfll dally priced at Vlm Preach Flannel Waists made yoke effect trimmed with narrow black and white eordlns end fancy buttons to match nnished with style pointed stock and cuffs TIM colors are cream tan reseda tan ass Mack These are rj r te very latest Ul effects Special tft Waist Dept S ood I breed best new 2 00 I are All silk made tile Poor Arhiahd battens Mack Specially priced at 4 I These very sizes a lat- est 1 ¬ A Tapestry Sale of Importance We have secured entire sample of Tapestry from one ef the beet known importers and Jobbers in New York So low was the price agreed upon that this manufacturer forbids ns to nee his nante SuQee It te say that these are beet quality Tapestries and include rery Imaginable material known to the foreign and domestic markets fixru lowest price weave te the best Damask and Silk Breeatelle Most o pieces are such as used by drummers to display the patterns and some few are 1 fe yard wide enoegh to apholotor a back of a chair We have divided the purchase isle Cve lets as fellows I Sofa Cushion Tops 21inch square to brecateHe Mercerized Bag dad Tapestry Price Lengths cl yaris ever 560 different styles and 2 Rjl different fabrics ef Tapestry and Yeleers te be said at P I Lengths of Ife yards each o Braesdeg SAlt Brocateiles f French Goblin Silk Damask Persian ass Oriental Tapestry to be sold for Lengths of 1 i sad IV yards ef almost everything Domestic Glazed Ceitou and Mercerized Tapestry te be sold at v Cushion Tops of Velour Derby Bagflad Ramie Satte tears and Mercerized Tapestry 24 in es sojsar Thon pleflW can aloe be used for back of chairs Price Upholstery Dept Third floor 600 Dinner Sets for 398 Only 50 of these Superior Porcelain Dinner Seta in the new Priaeess shape comprising 160 pieces for the dinner tea and breakfast table as fol- lows 12 large plates 12 mediumsized plates 12 soup plates 12 fruit sau- cers 12 individual butters 12 cups 12 saucers 2 covered dishes 1 uncovered dish 2 meat dishes 1 gravy boat 1 pickle tea bowl and 1 butter dish This set is which should be its price As a big leader in our Housefurnishing Department tomorrow we shall sell it at Housefurnishing floor Open a Charge Account at Castelbergs Watch Headquarters The watches we sell can be relied on for absolute accuracy A man with a Castelberg watch in his pocket feels better with the world for having a friend he can depend on Every Watch We Sell Is a Bargainw- hen its price is compared with what outer jewelers have to ask for timepieces of like quality Between oar two Houses we sell store watches titan six ordinary houses We bwy theist six times better Well dfceownt the usual cost of the watch by about 25 per omit every tipte Get the oilier jewelers prices liken ceine t ws and prove the statement for yourself Cr dk costs notfciag estrm Tine ienns- SIO worth for Sis worth for 25 worth for S5O worth for S75 worth for SIOO worth for 75c a week Si OO a week SIOO a week SI 5O a week S2OO a week Washingtons Leading Jewelers 935 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE the lute yard lengths lengthsJust 59C 2 00 tit I 2 gc dish 1 sugar 1 cream jag 1 meat of 3 98 DeptThird f SOc a week Castel bergs I I the these in 1tf and Derlt seek s Sadie a bowl worth every 5 a r ¬ ¬ ¬ = > the best value lot the Shoe FRIEDLANDER BRO Cor 9th and E Sts N W FOOD CHOPPER Gem Food per for ataking or OriMUng Meat Special pric I 2 Mens H 9 G a Sausages eec 80WE Hardware Sore nil ST flVEROATSI saI money Our Great i Sargent r y Ses 5fd NINTH =

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Page 1: I LIFETIME OF THEchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024441/1902-11... · TilE EVENING TBIES WASHINGTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 11 1902 6 R Report on the Union Station Project Th November




Report on the Union StationProject

Th November of the Northcast Washington CU en Amoetationwas held last sight IK the NortheastTemple Evan H Tucker preMUiag Areport on the proposed Unto Station byW J Frizzell was read and diseaseed-Mr Frizzell exiled attention to the re-

cent transfers of property IB the vi-

cinity of the railroad as an indicationthat the station will be built there andnot In South Washington as many preferbe said

The standing committees were namedTheir chairmen are as follows Execu-tive committee Evan H Tucker com-mittee on proposed legielatton IIvan HTucker committee on steam railroadsW J Frlzell committee cs streetsavenues and SowerliuMcommittee on water light and sewersA H F committee OB

menu and appointment ofA 0 Nash coirraittee en public

J parks and spaces W 1 Lan committee on schools F D Foster committee-on sanitary affairs Dr Starr Parsonscommittee on public conveyance JeroneB Burke committee on police sad liredepartments Dr L D VaKer


Cloudy and cooler tonight Wcdaosday rain light to fresh northeasterlywinds

CONDITION OIF THE WATERTemperature and eondition of the wa

ater at S a m Great Falls Tempera-ture 55 condition 20 reser

i voir Temperature S3 condition atnorth connection IS condition at sot hconnection 7 Georgetown distributingreservoir Tempruure 54 condition atinfluent gatehouse S condition at efflu-ent gatehouse 9 Washington city res-ervoir Temperature 54 In-fluent 36 condition at emuent 36

THE SUNSun rises 637 am Sun seta 4 il pm I

TIDE TABLEHigh tide 886 pm

tide 18M and 1040 pm

STREET LIGHTINGLamps lighted today 641 pmLamps out tbmorrdw 536 am

AMUSEMENTSNational A coders Magdalen even

IneColumbia Jefferaci de Angelis even-

ingChasca Polite vaudeville afternoon

and eveningLafayette Al II Wilson ovonlngAcademy The Fatal Wedding

afternoon and eveningEmpire The Girl in Blue afternoon

and eveningKernans Rose Sydells afternoon and



KICKED BY A MULEWhile in front of 1099 Second

Street northeast yesterday afternoonJames Blush aged four years was kicked in the face by a mule He was re-

moved to the Emergency Hospital

PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY FILED-A petition in Voluntary bankruptcy

was tIled yesterday n the Districtbranch of the Supreme Court of the District by Nolan Clemens Co who conduct a dairy business at 122 D Streetsoutheast The liabilities of the firm arelisted at 5220892 and the assets at


SUIT ON A BONDProceedings were filed in the Supreme

Court of the District by JEdward Chapman against the City TrustSuTe Deposit and Sure y Company ofPhiladelphia to recover 08228 allegedto be due on a bond

FLAGMAN FALLS FROM TRAINFlagman Harry Anderson fell fram a

moving train on the Baltimore and OhioRailway at F and First Streets

yesterday His rigat shoulderdislocated

SUCCESSFUL HUNTING TRIPJohn T Ferguson William RiekeUs

and Edward Ferguson have returnedfrom a huntine trip Ia Virginia where

120 quail The hunters report andunce of game in flue condition allthrough the lower part of the State

LECTURE ON PLATOProf William Macon Coleman will give

rn introductory lecture en Platos Re-public at the meeting of the Society forPhilosophical Inquiry Columbian Uni-versity this afternoon at 418 oclockThe lecture will be open to the public

OVERHEAD WIRE PERMITSThe Chesapeake and Potomac Tele

phone Company has been granted permission to string temporary overheadcables in a number of blocks in thenorthwest until it have completedIts underground conduits Insquares

TOY PISTOL FOR WEAPONSarah Lyles lored aged fourteen

years and Jerome Ieyor white agedtwelve years bad an altercation atTenth and M Streets northwest lastnight and Meyer struck the girl on thehead with a toy pietoL TIM slightwound was dressed at the HomeopathicHospital

Stepped Against a Hot StoveA child of Mrs Cewxe T Ben waw

his rind Saturday ROC hack steppedbark pint a hot stows which Umuui himcvcrely Tot child w ia great agooy and

mother could e xotftfeM to cxifjr himthat she tad a bate irf

tirlato Doha te she tIMhc would try it In lea than half an hourafter ft the child

jj two arilknown reddest of K M

mpecially valuable tar bom rut brulaai nuFor sale by Henry Wholenale

Retail and aN

Jackson Splint Coal 700Anthracite eeal at reaMaahtc ftttfs

S S Daish SonsCoal and Firewood 07 0 t aw




Holsters assess



Dale rlla


31 Lm andLow





bagged fourteen turkeys andabu



DtNOD ic a willr Pain all iainwout and




condition at




they wild



hisR lienPal

err gaits emip and in leas weeks was

raBaits Is aetbeptte

Wins vase
























ipped a Day and Almost Disarranged District RecordsMay Be a Sign


Tfe g 4 clock wafen stands o themantelpiece la the o of the ofthe Supreme Court HNS District andhas chronicled the faithfully for thepast thlrtyelcht years and seventeendoss end also pointed out day

month last Monday skipped a flayand very nearly cawoel a mixing of thedates of the legal ward of the Dis-trict

The vtMrabte dial line bees thecharge of AssrsurU Clerk of Court

R Jonathan Meigs Mr Meigs began kinservice in the Supreme Court of the Dis-trict a little more than a year beforethe timepiece was coiled on to recordthe proper time for the opening sailclosing of the clerks office

Brick Saturday of 197S weeks whichhave passed since the clock was placedin the clerks office Mr wound


Not to Be Taken to Hospital as HisAttorney Is Satisfied With His

Jail Surroundings

Attorney John W Patterson leftcity for Philadelphia this morning

action looking to the release of Rich-ard Colo the alleged murderer erf MrsAda Gilbert Dennis through habeas cor-pus will be takes until he returns

Cole who was stricken with typhoidthe day after his arrest continues-

to improve and Mr Patterson Battenedwith his clients surroundings at the

make BOJ

further effort to have hint removed to ahospital Dr Shute the jail physicianhas given Cole very of ogre andIs of the opinion that he M now oa theroad to speedy recovery

Cole stanehly denies that he knowsanything about the murder of Mrs Den-nis


STRETCHER TO TESTIFYVirgil Poling was carried to the City

Hall yesterday on a stretcher to testifyin his suit against tae Capital TractionCompany to recover M M as damagesfor personal injuries Mr Poling wasinjured while attempting to board aCapital Traction car at the corner of1M and Seventh Streets June 1 ISM Hiship was dislocated and his injury re-sulted In a permanent affliction

BAKING COMPANY INCORPORATED-The Keystone Home Baking Company

with an authorized capital stock of10 006 was organized yesterday and a

certificate of its incorporation put on SUeIn the ogee of the Recorder of Deeds for-th District It is stated however thatthe company will be commenced with acapital of 5000 The corporators areGeorge C Boynton Meredith A JenkinsNathaniel Pate Muses Rose and ArthurE Sumner



ilk M-


felg has


Jail has tetermlRed to













the le








It with H key which he secrete Mone knows where except himself

On Saturday November 1 MrMelss as has been his custom for morethan a third ef a century wound theclock At the setae time he noticed thatthe proper day of the month was pointed

long indicator which revolvesj the face of timepiece The

Saturday afternoon that all was well Itwas ROt so however for when be

to the office on Monday morningto his surprise he discovered that thefnibtful timepiece had skipped a day andthat instead of registering Monday

S the indicator pointed today November 4

The mystery of the sudden idiosyncrasy-has Rot been fathomed A careful exam-ination of the works does not revealanything wrong with them There arethose that suggest a sign in the slipef the aged time recorder



Samuel Beasley Sent to the Workhouse for Demanding Money for

Samuel Beasley a barber hobbled tothe witness stand on crutches in thePelieeCourt today to answer to a chargeef vagrancy

James W Radrllffe the auctioneerwas complaining witness He said fleasloy approached him on the Avenue lastnight and demanded mosey to get adrink of whisky and said that if he didnot get it there would be a whole lotof trouble

Boasley who is about thlrtyyears ofage declared that he remembered noth-ing of the alleged occurrence He saidhe was sot drunk but that he had beenirt bed for a month recently with abrekon leg and that he had become avictim of flighty spells He pleaded forleniency on the ground that he had awife and baby to support who had

but scant provision since he hadbeen crippled and who sorely neededthe little he could earn Judge BeadySeed him 1 and sent him tff the work-house for thirty days because h r couldnot PST


Advertisements have been placed inthe newspapers of several by theDistrict Commissioners asking prepot or the construction of the sewage pumping station to be erected atthe foot of New Jersey Avenue southeast The bids will be opened atDecember 15 The pumping station isintended to raise the sewage of the cityabout tventyone feet and discharge itinto an outfall sewer which will carryit under the Anacostia River to Maga-zine Point on the Potomac Sewage willbe conducted to the pumping stationgravity through the Intercepting andtrunk sewers many of which are already constructed

About three years will be required tocomplete the building which will costabout 500000




theclerk went to his satielled OR








therover vet-eran home




vember 3ies














Will Give Historical andBall

IA fortncomiHf society event of great

interest which lets received the eatha

tile Americas Revolution the SpanishWar Veterans and other patriotic or-ganisation was favorably considered bythe officers of the District Minute Menat a meeting last night at their head-quarters 33 Pennsylvania Avenuenorthwest

The details of the proposed elaboratefunction wore set forth by Col M AWinter commanding the First Regi-ment of Minute Men who said in part

Plans are now in course of prepara-tion for presenting in Washington dur-ing the coming winter a grand

colonial military spectacular pa-

geant and ball to be gives for the bene-fit of the equipment und of the FirstRegiment District of Columbia Minute-Men

To insure for this event a greaterKHceoee than anything of a like

ever undertaken in this communityever received it is proposed to la

site each of the patriotic organizationof the District to appoint a given num-ber of their members to act with theoMeers of the Minute Men in forminga committee of say use hundred per-sons who will take charge of andresponsible for the properly carryingout of the plans here Inaugurated andthat may hereafter be agreed

series of tableaux will also beamong the features


Work has begun on the erection of theJerusalem Baptist Church colored OB

the south side of P Street near Twentysixth Street The edifice will be twostories and the auditorium will be twenty by seventy feet The builder is GE Adams

FIRST BRONZE MEDAL ISSUEDThis morning the Bureau of Navigation

sent out the first of the bronze medalsof honor issued for the Wee Indiescampaign of the Spanish war The re-cipient was Joseph B Hidinger of No 3South Gilmore Street Baltimore Hewas formerly an enlisted man on the In-diana but has since left the service

WILL OF HENRY BROCKHoary Brock by his will dated Janu-

ary M I860 directs the executors to con-vert his property into renal and dividethe proceeds equally among his childrenand his sisterinlaw

German in Five Weeks Haupta-Owre el lessons 1030 a 430 and S p inKverbody invited tomorrow Canregister for trial week Winder Block

Great Football Match at Norfolkon Saturday Xr 1C between ofGeorgetown and North Carolina Norfolk andWaabittgtOB Steamboat Co will sell specialround trip ticket for strainer Icartog FYidT880 p m good returning Saturday or Sundaynight at 3 for round trip Fw staterooms

poor 2290




slaatie or the






iatersemeet Dsugktera et



















Bargain Storyat a Glance




PRICES Tell thef



It r



l l l1S

l lbllf

easa ts l





tSolid Oak Toilet

if like cut French plate mIrrorwell made A bargaIn

lf 350Q






1l-14il t-

r t Table exact

t lyseatZ

lf l

SOlid Oak Dressercut und well constructed French bevel plateglass solid

bargaIn ever offered




exactly tikefinely finished

brasshandlcs Great-est




Just recelvtd a lot of Bedroom Suitesand we need route Well show a line


f 3plecc oak best andwell finished

f 1375




I I-

it y 4




l l suffer constructionJfittt

i ll-

itiFine Tuttted Velour Couch good isprIngs and well made Our price



Large line iji-


Best rude OJ

Our PrIce ii-Ii

398aL dJ






011 Heaterstb

i it






Solid Oak Sideboard swelldrawers French bevel glass

trimmings A good




1t rs9i

fine articleOnly




i jiii-

i itii

Tills good substantial iDinIngRoom Chili r Iibrace arm fancy turnedspindle back Just likecur dJ

I65c ii-Ai








7 Kf aoi


P d465467 SEVENTH STREET1 aa

icl ifat I81

lit co ifit ld

9 1dd-




Business Men Defeat HomeTeam 2 Games in 3

The Takoma Park and South Washing-ton Vans teams opened theDistrict Amateur Howling Leaguenle c hip rente en the Takoma alleyslast Blghi the Business Men winningby two games In three cad with a totalscore of 2222 to 2W

The Takoma team is playing Its flrstseason and nearly all of Its players aresew at the game se that the capture ofone of the three and the totalscore ef over 298 wac considered a-

very good showing One or two of themen give promise of excellent work

Tl Business Men were handicappedby the lees of two of their best menleft week

of the game was as followsTtkema Past Fit Stcend Time Total

fenrfc m 14 1stfMc m m-rw sGsa Ml-

Admaw Jftt W 14 44-

Totxlt 718

Rut Me Fits Samuel Third TotalIK M 154 4W

FwftW 1 Un 141 4t7-MO M7 MS 4

sot 44O-

Taiafc J T 77 731 i S

The game was the nrst championshipcontest played en the Takoraa alleyswhich has bees installed by theClub only a few mouths It was theopinion of a number of the expertswho witnessed the game that the alleyswould be faster if steel pin spotswere need instead f wooden spots

A large audience of club members andfriends Including many women

the game The applause was liberalfar both sides

INTERIOR WINS AT BOWLINGThe Interior team won three games

from the Census men last night In theDepartmental League bowling contest

METROPOLITANS WINTwo of three games bowled lout

nltt by the Metropolitan and City sadSuburban oven for the Railway ReliefAssociation championship were woo by

Eczema No Cure No PayYour druggist win refund your moaey if

PA2O OINTMENT to errs Ringworm Tetliken and Sores and

aos a the face a d alt skin diseases 50

Coil 700Anthracite coal at reaaooable prices

S S Daish SonsCcii and Firewood 1207 G t nee

MMMKHMMHWh-Mi In doubt buy at

Home Herrmann

Crocker Department

Our stock of DinnerTea Toilet Seta etc

on tains every grade and itTle-ut inipvrtHi and J mestu-narts patterns and deignsof the most exquisite workluansliip beautiful and

decorationsSPECIAL Pull 100pie e

Dinner Set pretty ahapehandsomely decor 7 DO

Pretty Imported Din-ner yet IIS pieces nkely-stuped very handsome blueand green and

W decora Aft10Toilet Set ertra

large piers nicely defrai and O-

Terrahaped 95 HE


Complete Home Furnishers

HOUSE HERRMANNSeventh and Eye Its V W-

i Spaldings j

Football j

Goods 1-

If rou play lootat all Ton i

want iFootball and the ibest ToRtery i

J gpaWinffa Koodlead we sell them f-


DONT ACCEPT THE SUITit pleatds vu A Kelli M rtliant

T il r U for WarBeld Sirap-t n will n t hermit a dissatisfied tmtomer in-

lrve liw i la





n ReMchant




It n11 M 4t1112 ttt5

ingot heeded titled


Take a





IIIIII taste-



II Y Pry













ate see


tf e ie1lgame


Atenfbaag 1s1 lea fide




044 ta Block


Jackson Splint





www awrt


rl t the Best


titleyear oaths








We only WteecTheir Tonic Properties are

wonderfulPort Sherry Catawba

St SIC at-l urt Sherry AngeiJc-

alluicatel 19 yean old LMgal We at

sell Pure







A Reciprocity TreatyHas been in for yeprs at Corner n since we be-gan business We do nor expert and never havpatronage unless we give you something u return Ow pan of the treatyis the selling of reliable merchandise only at the lowest margin of profttand you give this your indorsement by your generous patronage Tints

both satisfied We offer these extra values fcr tomorrow

Modish Silk and Cloth WaistsWhere yow desire a new Silk or Cloth Waist visit exr W fet Depart-

ment on the wooed floor Here you are sure to fad Just what you west fathe correct material sawn



the Busbe supported by YOW



G6 99

ivogue tart ever




Block Peau de Sol and TaffetaSilk Waists also a few light shadeselaborately tucked and hemstitchedfrost back and sleeves r f r

New flack Taffeta Silk Waistsmade of the heat quality taffeta silkentire front trimmed with broadstitched pleats the latest duchessfront and finished on both sides withrows of tiDe tailor stitching and Macksilk buttons The bark and sleevesare tucked and the latest style stockand cuffs complete this pretty waistLined throughout with goodperealiae xes te44 Worth 6 A lead-er at

Allwool Flannel Waists prettilytucked ass stitched in red navycadet blue tan and black

atFrench Flannel Waists

material hemstitched asspleated full blouse treat colors ofred navy cadet blue and f fblackSpecially


sIzes up to WMth-4ie A leader at

3 Q5

1 00made

1Sizes no to Hpriced att


All sizes pecially pricede







gjj UsedPianos

PIANO 1 r Brother




for 1 jj uniettereo



1 rRtIO1


for Beer laMella hopI



BARBAINa lfaeretrt-v riao

S1m rc Piarw-

ywart idO

SMtn Puew 15

Phone East 4art twttin et-Mishtegloa

a BeerDelivered






French Fi aB l W teta mode witht tacks to the and tuckedback rhwk M frost tailorstitched with fancy steel

in color r Hgt ninered navy ronortm ass T

French Ptonn l Waists made withthe new round yoke effect trimmedwttk rows f nwntitcning tile entire Metnw te pleated and stitchedand the beck is trimmed to match

dressy waists andare shown in colors of cream lightblue navy red reseda J rcad black Spe Kflldally priced at Vlm

Preach Flannel Waists made yokeeffect trimmed with narrow blackand white eordlns end fancybuttons to match nnished with

style pointed stock and cuffsTIM colors are cream tan resedatan ass Mack These are rj r

te very latest Uleffects Special tftWaist Dept S ood

I breed bestnew

2 00





made tile



Mack Specially pricedat


These very





A Tapestry Sale of ImportanceWe have secured entire sample of Tapestry from one ef the beet

known importers and Jobbers in New York So low was the price agreed uponthat this manufacturer forbids ns to nee his nante SuQee It te say that theseare beet quality Tapestries and include rery Imaginable material known tothe foreign and domestic markets fixru lowest price weave te the bestDamask and Silk Breeatelle Most o pieces aresuch as used by drummers to display the patterns and some few are 1 fe yardwide enoegh to apholotor a back of a chair

We have divided the purchase isle Cve lets as fellowsI

Sofa Cushion Tops 21inch square to brecateHe Mercerized Bagdad Tapestry Price

Lengths cl yaris ever 560 different styles and 2 Rjldifferent fabrics ef Tapestry and Yeleers te be said at P I

Lengths of Ife yards each o Braesdeg SAlt Brocateiles fFrench Goblin Silk Damask Persian ass Oriental Tapestry tobe sold for

Lengths of 1 i sad IV yards ef almost everything DomesticGlazed Ceitou and Mercerized Tapestry te be sold at v

Cushion Tops of Velour Derby Bagflad Ramie Satte tears andMercerized Tapestry 24 in es sojsar Thon pleflW can aloe be usedfor back of chairs Price

Upholstery Dept Third floor

600 Dinner Sets for 398Only 50 of these Superior Porcelain Dinner Seta in the new Priaeess

shape comprising 160 pieces for the dinner tea and breakfast table as fol-lows 12 large plates 12 mediumsized plates 12 soup plates 12 fruit sau-cers 12 individual butters 12 cups 12 saucers 2 covered dishes 1 uncovereddish 2 meat dishes 1 gravy boat 1 pickletea bowl and 1 butter dish This set iswhich should be its price As a big leader in our HousefurnishingDepartment tomorrow we shall sell it at

Housefurnishing floor

Open a Charge Account at Castelbergs

Watch HeadquartersThe watches we sell can be relied on

for absolute accuracy A man with aCastelberg watch in his pocket feelsbetter with the world for having a friendhe can depend on

Every Watch We Sell Is a Bargainw-

hen its price is compared with what outer jewelers haveto ask for timepieces of like quality Between oar twoHouses we sell store watches titan six ordinary houses Webwy theist six times better Well dfceownt the usual costof the watch by about 25 per omit every tipte Get theoilier jewelers prices liken ceine t ws and prove thestatement for yourself

Cr dk costs notfciag estrm Tine ienns-

SIO worth forSis worth for

25 worth forS5O worth forS75 worth forSIOO worth for

75c a weekSi OO a weekSIOO a weekSI 5O a week

S2OO a week

Washingtons Leading Jewelers935 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE

the lute

yard lengths



2 00tit


2 gc

dish 1 sugar 1 cream jag 1meat of

3 98DeptThird


SOc a week


thethese in 1tf

and Derlt




bowlworth every 5








the best valuelot the


Cor 9th and E Sts N W


Gem Foodper for ataking orOriMUng Meat Special pric


2 MensH

9 Ga



80WE Hardware Sorenil ST

flVEROATSI saImoney



Sargent r

y Ses5fd NINTH
