washington behavioral expectations

Behavioral Expectations

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Page 1: Washington behavioral expectations

Behavioral Expectations

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sBy: Kailyn, Marcela and ANdrew

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Be Safe● Walk to and from the restrooms.● Report problems; sink ,walls,

floors, or toilets.● One person to a stall.

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Be Responsible● Use the bathroom and then leave and

return to your classroom promptly.● Flush toilet and wash your hands.● Conserve supplies (toilet paper, water,

soap) and help keep the bathroom clean.

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Be Respectful● Give people

privacy.● Wait your turn

to use the restroom or sink.

● Use a quiet voice.

● Keep your feet and hands to self.

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Multi-Purpose Room

By: Jennifer Velasquez and Maria Santana

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Be Safe

● Walk when entering and exiting the building.

● Keep hands and feet to yourself while sitting.

● Follow directions of all adults.

● Sit quietly and respectfully.

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● Keep personal belongings to your self.

● Keep the room clean.

● Follow directions.

Be Responsible

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Be Respectful

● Pay attention during the entire presentation

● Applaud appropriately.

● Refrain from disruptive comments or gestures.

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CafeteriaBy: Angela Estrada and Mercedes


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Be Safe ● Always walk to and from the

lunch area. ● Sit at your assigned table.● Keep food to yourself.

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Be Responsible● Wait patiently in line until you’re

served. ● Clean up all trash when you're

done eating.● Stay seated until dismissed.

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● Use appropriate tone of voice.

● Follow all directions from supervisors.

● Respect other’s personal space.

Be Respectful

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Hallways, Walkways and

StairwaysBy: Anthony Cisneros and Joshua


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Be Safe

● Walk down the center of the hallways and walkways.

● Walk up and down stairs holding the handrail, always using the right hand side.

● Watch for opening doors.

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Be Responsible

● Enjoy the bulletin boards and respect work of others.

● Stay out of hallways unless you need to be there.

● Help keep the hallways clean.

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Be Respectful

● Use quiet voices while walking down the hallways.

● Hold the door for people behind you.

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PlaygroundBy: Julie and Emily

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Be Safe

● Stay in design area.● Walk to the play area

and to line-up.● Keep hands and feet

to yourself.● Freeze at the whistle.

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Be Respectful

● Always share equipment.● Play fairly and wait for your

turn.● Always follow supervisor’s

directions.● Respect other’s personal

space.● REMEMBER... everyone can


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Be Responsible

● Use the bathroom and get water before the freeze whistle.

● Follow the rules of the game.● Report any problems to an adult.

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Completing Home

Assignments By: Angela Estrada

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Be Responsible● Completing


● Online programs

● Reading for 20 minutes

Reading Log



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All websites can be found on our school website.