warhorse pride 22

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  • 8/9/2019 Warhorse Pride 22


    August 19, 2Issue 22erving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

    gunnery, 1st PL moved to Pinon Canyon conduct the breaching operations in suppoo 2nd Battalion, 8th In antry Regimentsdeliberate attack. Te rest o Company Ctrained on engineer quali cation tables atFort Carson in order to certi y the engineto breach obstacles with live explosives. Tengineers are emplacing and breaching obcles, digging ghting positions or troopsarmor, and emplacing mine elds to validatheir mission essential tasks in FOS.

    Headquarters and Headquarters roop(HH ) Headhunters established the brigtactical operation center to command andcontrol the battalions training at Pinon Cayon and Fort Carson. Tey also establishedadministrative command and control node

    the cantonment area to maintain accountabity o personnel movement, and to coordinwith MEDEVAC, the re department andrange control. Tey provided command andcontrol or the Observerc ontrollers, oppo

    orce and contracted roleplayers supportiin the brigade exercise.

    Te training at Pinon Canyon was anexceptional event that brought our battaliotogether and united the Warhorse Brigadeacross all elements. Our Soldiers develop vital skills that will enable them to executFSO and these skil ls and con dence trans

    to COIN phase o training.Warhorse Rampage was a success and Lestar Soldiers are now postured and prepato move to the next phase o training.

    I want to takemoment toxpress my priden the Lonestaramily as weome to the end

    our Phase Iull Spectrum

    Operationsraining. Next,he Battalion

    will shi itsocus to counter

    nsurgency opera-ions. Our Pinon Canyon exercise, as part o

    Warhorse Rampage, was the pinnacle event

    or the Lonestar Battalion to deploy, validateur previous training, and work collectively s a team.

    At Pinon Canyon, the battalion broughtogether all o our assets and enablers to work s a team in support o the brigade. For thisxercise, the battalion deployed indepen-ently to ocus on collective training at Pinon

    Canyon and conduct operations in a Fullpectrum Operations (FSO) ght.

    Headquarters and Headquarters Company HHC) Hellraiser established a detaineeolding area, conducted base de ense opera-

    ions, executed Raven ight operations, smallrms ranges, MEDEVAC training, weaponsntelligence team analysis, and daily convoy ogistics patrols. An opposing orce and local

    national role players providedrealistic scenarios or the

    company to react to. Te training providedstress ul situations that our Soldiers wouldexperience in a FSO ght and prepared them

    or uture operations.Company A Stalker provided the intel-

    ligence eed to the brigade with the Fusion,Signal Intelligence, and Human IntelligencePlatoons. HUMIN and SIGIN teams alsosupported company team situational trainingexercise lanes, as the maneuver units learnedto incorporate intelligence enablers into theirmissions. Te in antry and armor company teams provided security and sa ety or HU-MIN and SIGIN to conduct the intelli-gence analysis or the unit. Tese enablers are

    a critical part o our battalion and they gather valuable intelligence or the maneuveringunits in order to allow them to nd, x anddestroy the enemy.

    Company B Bulldogs provided continu-ous communications across the brigades areao operations. wo distant RE RANS sitessupported the long range FM communica-tions which enabled command and control o the exercise. Te Joint Network Node, Line o Sight, and Enterprise Network Managementteams provided tactical internet and riendly

    orce tracking (FBCB2) in rastructure to all

    elements in the brigade.Company C Cobra executed Bradley gunnery with 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalary Reg., at Fort Carson. Immediately ollowing

    Lt. Col. Patrick Stevenson, commander2nd Special Troops Battalion

    Commanders Corner

    Inside the Warhorse Pride

    3-16 Page 2 1-10 STBPage 2 Page

  • 8/9/2019 Warhorse Pride 22


    Warhorse Prideage 2 August 19, 2Issue 22

    2000 lbs of

    recovereda/c parts

    900 lbsCargo Net

    Kit BagsHoist

    Fuel Probe

    LoweringCargo Net

    on 70degreeslope

    Soldiers rom Battery B, 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd

    Brigade Combat eam, 4th In antry Division, 10th Special Forces Group and 16Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) conducted a parts recovery op-eration or Aircra 378, July 28-29.

    Tey were recovering a MH60 Special Operations Aircra that went down oveMount Massive during a training exercise, just west o Leadville, Colo.

    Soldiers ew rom Fort Carson to Leadville in a MH-47 Chinook helicopter,their mission took two days to complete and they cleared approximately 2000pounds o debris.

    Te operation was cleared by Lt. Col. James Yount, chie o operations and plaor 4th In . Div. and Fort Carson, and a Colorado state park ranger.

    Te debris is being transported to the 10th SFG (A) and rom there the 160thSOAR will coordiante ground transportation to Fort Campbell, Ky.

    Public a airs representatives rom 4th In . Div. and 10th SFG(A) held a press

    con erence in Leadville to address the community about maintaining the Armysresponsibility to the environment and the citizens o Leadville.

    3-16 conducts Mt Massiverecovery operationStory by 2nd Lt. Ian Faison, photos by 2nd Lt. Erick Balish3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment

    Crazy Troop completesgunnery qualifcations

    tory by 1st Lt. William Morganst Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment

    roop C Crazy roopers rom 1st Squad-on, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 4th In antry

    Division completed their gunnery quali ca-on course on Aug 1. Te course lasted or 12ays and they conducted Gunnery ables 2, 3,, 6, and 12 in order to quali y their Bradley ighting Vehicles and HUMVEES.

    Hours o hard work and dedication wentoward mission accomplishment and Crazy roop emerged rom gunnery quali cation atronger and more e ective combat unit.

    Gunnery began with dry re rehearsals andrew drills at able 2.

    Te Bradley crews worked the kinks outnd amiliarized themselves with their vehicle

    lat orms. A er two days o dry re rehearsalst able 2, Crazy roop mounted up and occu-ied able 3 (the rst live re range).

    At able 3, Crazy roop used their 25mmun and 7.62mm machine gun to engageargets and practice their overall accuracy andrew drills.

    Following able 3, the Crazy roopersmounted up again and moved to able 5,which was a pre-quali cation range.

    At able 6, the Crazy roopers engagedop-up and moving targets rom de ensivend o ensive positions.

    When the smoke cleared, it was Crazy 56earning the coveted op Gun award, com-manded by 1L Hurricane Michael Hannawith Sta Sgt. ed Moore as his gunner and

    P c. Brian weed driving the track. Tey dis-tinguished their track by shooting 928/1000on able 6, outgunning all other tracks.

    Following able 6, the Crazy roopersmoved out to occupy Forward Operating BaseBison and conduct able 12 to round up theentire eld exercise.

    able 12 proved to be one o the most de-manding tables, not only technically but alsophysically.

    able 12 consisted o both day and nightoperations, deploying a complete and e ec-tive cavalry troop combined arms orce in

    their troops area o operation, consisting o :Bradleys, HUMVEES, indirect re support ,supply, maintenance assets, medical supportand a troop command post.

    able 12 proved to be a great success,along with the entire gunnery quali cation.

    Every single crew developed and re nedtheir cavalry skills over the 12 day exer-cise, returning with soaring con dence andstrengthened bonds within the troop.

    Crazy roop 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg., nowseeks to continue training and move orwardwhile mastering their cavalry skills.

  • 8/9/2019 Warhorse Pride 22
