warhammer army books - … · why tilea tilea was once a powerful an land. in the glory days of...


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Page 1: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Page 2: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it
Page 3: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it
Page 4: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it
Page 5: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it
Page 6: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


kislev 9


army 42

Page 7: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Why TileaTilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it

was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south

bretonnia. it was ancient to tracing it’s origins back to the city

of tylos and like tylos it came to pass and again like tylos the

force of destruction was the Tileans themselves. On the 2501st year

since the founding of tylos the city of Luccini was founded. It

gained land from the south and, most importantly, the north. This

put it in contact with the rapidly advancing imperial Reman

armies. On an unbroken plain the armies of tilea and remas

clashed. On that unbroken plain a battle, the meley of which was

roomerd to extend by miles on either side, had its ooutcome

desided. It is said sometimes that it lasted fro 4 days and 4 nights

such was the size and the simple will to win on either side. But in

the end with heavy losses on both sides the remans had not fought

a single major set battle for more then 100 years. They lost. That is

the date given for the beginning of the collapse of the reman

empire. 13 IC. Some people argue it was inevitable from the beginning

others say it was not inevitable even then. But one thing lead to

another and the remans were left with bearly more lands then

they started with. The fractured and devided tilea was considerd

easy meat by dark elves and the tomb kings when they ravaged the

coasts of tilea in 450 – 475 T destroying sastaro and pillaging most

of the other principalities. Then new attakers came from a

different direction entirely when a small WAAAAGH comes across

the mountains to Tilea's east. Then in 978 IC (3478T) just as the tileans

had begun to recover from the orc waaargh the estalians

attacked tobaro. The mess caused by the green skin incursions was

such that tobaro was not able to be reclaimed for of years but in

997 IC (3497 T) the forces of miragliano equipped with newly invented

muskets crossed the tilean sea and reclaims tobaro for the tileans

but in 1017T tilea comes under a different form of attack again this

time from norse raiders who had set up a base on Sartosa. In 3600T

the last supposed ruler of tilea dies with tilea becoming (and still

is) a supposed republic.

Page 8: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it
Page 9: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it




Tilean hires

the majority

of it’s armies it

prides it’s self

on having the

worlds oldest

regular army

and other

elite forces

such as the

tilean lions.

In stark

contrast to

that is there

development of

theories on the

use of black



along side

infantry. There

is also there

use of one-of-




made by

Leonardo de


Page 10: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Tilean equipmentTilean flint locked pistol

Tilea invented the pistol and still has more

advanced pistols then the rest of the world.

range strength Special rules

15” 4 Quick to fire

armour piercing (1)

multiple shots (2)

stand and fire

Brace of Tilean flint locked pistols

To many people the

range strength Special rules

15” 4 Quick to fire

armour piercing (1)

multiple shots (3)

stand and fire

Page 11: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it





Page 12: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

tilea’s leaders

may fight to

defend their

home land or

for wealth,

riches and


Page 13: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

General of

Tileatilea’ s generals are well versed in the

combined use of black powder, Pikemen and

cavalry. Tilea never developed horseback

knights and therefore the cavalry they use

are relatively un-armored. While sword

melee cavalry is common most are either

equipped with both pistol and sword or just

a pistol making them somewhat akin to

empire pistoliers. pikemen are unit’s that

engage the enemy in long range melee

trying to take the opponents out before

they get in range. They are best deployed in

large numbers to take maximum advantage

out of there extra range. Tilea, despite the

musket superseding the aquebus, still prefers

the aquebus making there units more mobile

on the battle field.

A general of tilea is a standard tilean


Page 14: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

General of


General of tilea 85 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type


of tilea

4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 9 Infantry



Hand weapon

Medium armour

Special rules:

Grand Master of

warA standard tilean unit

within 18” may make a

standard move in the

shooting phase at

anytime as long as it is

not being shot at. It may

not ru7n, march or

charge (though it may

move into base contact).

It may not do this if it

has run this turn and if

engaged in close combat

it must take a leadership

test for each model but

they get a -1 bonus to

there role for each rank

they are away from the



May take one of the following

Additional hand weapon...3 points

lance………………………………......3 points

great weapon…………………….6 points

halberd………………………………3 points

pistol………………………...…...........3 points

tilean pistol……………………….5 points

May take one of the following

bow………………………………..…….3 points

handgun……………………….........3 points

May replace medium armour with

heavy armour………………........3 points

plate armour………………........9 points

May take one of the following

shield…………………………..............3 points

May be mounted on

warhorse…………………………..18 points

-Which may take barding..6 points

pegasus…………………………...….45 points

May take magical item

worth up to………………......100 points

Page 15: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Borgio the

besiegerBorgio the besieger is an expert at tactics and siege tactics

in particular he is also the ruler of miragliano. He has

defeated almost every general in tilea and in the old world

in general. He has an entry in the book of grudges 20 pages

long and has suffered more assassination attempts then

there are assassins in miragliano. Though he likes

leonardo’s war machines, as borgio has no time for

anything other then war meaning he and Leonardo see eye

to eye increasingly less often.

He is also notoriously difficult to kill, with the ability to

regenerate flesh and a master of the art of siege warfare.

He carries a mace made out of a cannon ball which failed to

piece his amour at the siege of Remas and ended embedded into

his breastplate. He regarded it as a lucky talisman and had it

made into a mace which he has named the mace of might.

He wears amour made out of bronze statues from the city

of tylos that where dredged out of the blighted mashes

and melted down into this suit of amour. Who knows what

gods or magic are forged into this amour but it stopped the

cannon ball that hit him in Remas and has served him well

since and as borgio once remarked “it works so i’m not

replacing it.” it is called the amour of brazen brass.

He also wears a grotesque helmet made out of a monsters

head (which he has not so subtly named monster mask. it’s

origins are lost in the midst of borgio’s campaigning

history but it’s certainly more then enough to cause fear in

any normal opponent.

Borgio the besieger is a miragliaon tilean selection.

Page 16: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Borgio the


Borgio the besieger 280 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Borgio the


4 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 9 cavalry


Magical items:

Mace of might (magic


On a 6 to hit the strength

of this attack is 10.

Armour of brazen brass

(magic armour)

Grants a 3+ armour save

and a 5+ ward save

Monstrous mask (magic


causes fear and gives the

owner a +1 armour save


Special rules:

Regeneration 6+

Charismatic leader

If he is your

general His

inspiring presence

range is 6” more

then normal.

Master of siege


An army may

include one more

cannon then usual



Barged warhorse

Page 17: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


belladonnaLucrezzia belladonna is probably the most

terrifying person in all of tilea to get in

the way of. she is the most beautiful and dangerous woman in

all of tilea and possibly the old world though many an

unfortunate bretonnia knight has begged to differ over the

first one. Her husbands for some reason keep on dying in nasty

incidents involving poison shortly after upsetting her. She is

also princess of Pavona a out-of-the-way principality and

Since Lucrezzia has taken over in all but name it has gained

the title perfido or treacherous Through her actions.

She often uses her paid assassin to infiltrate

rich husband of royal

blood wanted for

Lucrezzia belladonna

After her last husband

Poggio has succumb to a

nasty case of wine

poisoning Lucrezzia is

looking for a new

husband. As she has

already had 7 so She is

has much experience in

taking care of them.

Long live princess Lucrezzia

And long live her new husband

(not that that’s going to happen)

~poster from Pavona

the enemy camp before the

battle to poison some of her

opponents and also carries a

poisoned dagger for self

defense and off-the-cuff

assassinations. Another of

the things she will do to

help an army is to give out a

potion to make members of

that army stronger but

there is always the risk she

has confused or confused

the potion with poison. She

will kiss the weapon of her

favorite champion the poison

in her lipstick making even

the tiniest scratch fatal and

her stunning beauty or more

likely no one wanting to

risk upsetting her has

rallied many a fleeing unit.

Lucrezzia belladonna is a Pavona tilean selection.

Page 18: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


belladonnaLucrezzia belladonna 375 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 4 3 3 4 3 4 1 8 Cavalry



Barbed warhorse

poisend items:

Poisoned stiletto

The stiletto dagger gives her an

additional attack and makes all of

her attacks have the poisoned

attacks special rules

Phial of poison

Nominate 1d3 enemy characters,

that are not daemons, undead,

forest spirits or immune to poison,

at the begging of the battle. Roll

1d6 for each of them on a 4+ they

suffer 1 wound

Potion of Pravona

At the start of a battle Lucrezzia

can give this potion to any one

character, unit champion or herself

roll 1d6. on a 3+ you can add 1 to

that number of characteristics but

you can never improve the

leadership and/or improve any

characteristic by more then one

with this ability. On a 1 or a 2 they

suffer 1 wound if this kills them

then they count as a casualty for

all intents and purposes.


Lucrezzia belladonna

is a level 4 magician

who can take spells

from the lores of

death and shadow

Special rules:

Master of intrigue

one unit of duellists

or Pravonian assassins

may scout.

Stunning buetey

any unit within 8” re-

rolls failed rally tests.

lucrezzia’s kiss

At the beginning of

the battle select One

character to gain the

killing blow special


Page 19: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Lorenzo Lupo

Lorenzo Lupo is a traditionalist who wants to bring

back the Luccini Empire. He claims to be descended from

the original rulers of Luccini; a state which is proud of

its imperial past and is the only state in tilea with any

degree of political stability. In fact it is remarkably

politically stable with a royal family dating back to

2501T. Most people think he is eccentric but he is has

remarkable general ship skills and had a reputation for

being bold and decisive meaning that most people set

aside his bizarre customs and think more about his

fighting skills which are remarkable.

His reputation is also as a mighty athlete who

regularly runs across his country, swims the tilean sea

and wrestles with ogres and sometimes even giants are

fell by his weapons-less combat prowess.

He is also a great collector of antiques particular

those used for fighting like a sword belonging to his

ancestor Lucan that cuts through armour with

spectacular ease.

Another of his large and often useful armoury is his

shield which was found in the temple of myrmidia in the

city of Luccini and is dated back to around 2500T. It is a

dazzling sight to behold blinding the enemy and often

incapacitating infantry.

his most treasured artefact is luccina’s ring which has

a magical ability to stir courage into fleeing troops.

Lorenzo Lupo is a Luccini tilean selection.

Page 20: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


LupoLorenzo Lupo 275 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9 Infantry



Medium armour

Magical items:

Sword of Lucan

(magic weapon)

Ignores armour


Shield of myrmidia

(magic armour)

all models in base

contact with him

lose 1 attack

Ring of Luccina

(enchanted item)

Bound spell (power

level 3) contains

the spell of the


Special rules:

Drill master

He and any unit he joins

may re-roll failed test to

rally, march, reform and

redirect charges.

Fights on foot

In no circumstance can

he be mounted but adds +1

to the combat resolution

of any unit he joins if he

is in the fighting rank

Mighty athlete

At the beginning of the

battle roll 1d6. on a 1-2 he

has +1 toughness on a 3-4

he has +1 attack and on a

5-6 he has +1 strength

Page 21: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


ColomboIn by gone days Marco Colombo was a great estalian explorer

but as of recent years he has been getting to sick to travel

the great ocean.

Instead he has fallen to statecraft after the people of

Trantio gave him the right to govern their kingdom. His

people have a fondness for him that is unusual amongst the

rulers that have taken over nations in Tilea's fast moving

political scene.

He has a unusually long life span some say he is over 1000T old

but since he has spent most of his life moving from place to

place he is possibly the only person who knows

He always carries with him a gourd of cactus juice which he

calls Lustrian wine which although not at all potent to

lizerdmen is stronger then dwarf vodka to humans..

When he was in Lustria he was given a strange gem (which he

calls the gem of Lustria) (amongst offer treasures) he does not

know what is does but as it reminds him of his friend

Stok’kuur. Little does he know that the gem magically

protects his lie allowing him to live to the age he has..

His offer magical item is a map he found for sale at a market

in araby while the map it’s self was uninteresting (actually if

anything it was more faded and inaccurate then the offers)

but on the revers their was an ancient script written in the

long forgotten language of Khemri (long forgotten to

anyone living anyway) this is theorised to have helped him

home his language skills

The one item he carries that is not magical is his high powered

sea telescope which he can attach to his crossbow to get a

batter look at the battle and even be able to pick out

individual champions in their units.

Marco Colombo is a Trantio tilean selection.

Page 22: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


ColomboMarco Colombo 245 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 5 6 4 4 3 6 4 9 Infantry



light armour

Hand weapon


Navigation telescope

Grants Marco the sniper

special rule and no enemy

scouts may be deployed with 24”

Special rules:


He may re-

roll failed

to hit rolls

with missile


Magical items:

Gem of Lustria (talisman)

Grants a 4+ ward save

Gourd of Lustrian wine (enchanted item)

if he choses to drink this he gains +1D3 strength

until the start of the next movement phase

Scroll of Araby (arcane item)

He may declare that he is going to use the scroll

of Araby to save against the damage of a spell

each turn granting a 4+ ward save. Note he may

use this item despite not being a wizard.

Page 23: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Tilean lord

magicianTilea has a wide range of magicians

following lores in a similar way to imperial

magicians with secret societies forming

orders. These societies meet once a year in a

capital of a magic permitting tilean

principality, republic or kingdom. Magicians

are not contacted often as they have a

tendency to decide which side to fight on

themselves regardless of the amount of

money on offer. This is compounded by the

fact that some nations do not use wizards

at all.

A tilean lord magician is a standard tilean

selection But may not be taken by Remas and


Page 24: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Tilean lord


Tilean lord magician 165 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Tilean lord

magician4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8 Infantry



Hand weapon


A tilean lord

magician is a

level 3 wizard

and may pick

spells from any

of the lores of



May be upgraded to

level 4 wizard……...............................35 points

May be mounted on

warhorse…………………………..……18 points

-which may take barding…...…6 points

pegasus……………………………….........45 points

Griffin (beasts society only)..150 points

May take magical item

worth up to………………….……..100 points

Page 25: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


CohortesAs a Reman arm marches into battle

Trebunus Cohortes will try to win the favor

of the people by completing brave military

deeds. They do not sit in the proper chain of

command but overlook the actions of the

commander making sure they conform with

the intrests of the government.

A Trebunus Cohortes is a Reman tilean


Page 26: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Trebunus cohortes 110 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 6 3 4 4 3 6 5 9 Infantry



Hand weapon

Medium armour


May be armed with one of the


spear......................................................3 points

Lance.....................................................4 points

May be mounted on


points -Which may take

barding…...…............4 points

May take tilean magical items

worth up to………………….……..........100


May carry

Legionery shield....................................3


Special rues:

Granter of


Enermy Units

within 18” of



sufure a +1

penelty to

there flea rolls

but friendly

units may not


Page 27: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Orencal of

the godsCaling down the wrath of the reman gods

oracles of the gods are more reliable then

wizards as they will always figh on the

reman side. Also they are not loners meeting

in secrate socitys instead the head of the

reman religion is a legitemte post in the

reman government controling much

respect and awe.

A orecal of the gods is a reman tilean


Page 28: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Oracle of

the gods

Oracle of the gods 165 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Oracle of

the gods

4 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 8 Infantry



Hand weapon


A tilean lord

magician is a

level 3 wizard

and may pick

spells from any

of the lores of



May be upgraded to

level 4 wizard……...............................45 points

May be mounted on

warhorse…………………………..……15 points

-which may take barding…...…6 points

pegasus……………………………….........45 points

May take tilean magical items

(except for weapons and armour)

worth up to.………………………..100 points

Page 29: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


In times of emergency the consolsof the

reman republic will lead one or maore

leagions. This is wher the buck truly stops

and wher the power eventulay lies. In fact

the role of consol is not only that of

suprene comander of the legons but is the

highest political office in the renan


A consol is a Reman tilean selection.

Page 30: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


consol 85 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

consol 4 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 Infantry



Hand weapon



May be armed with one of the


spear......................................................3 points

Lance.....................................................6 points

Bow......................................................10 points

May be mounted on

warhorse………………………..…….....15 points

peagusus.…...….........................................50 points

War chariot.......................................100 points

May take magical items

worth up to………………….……..........100


May carry

shield.....................................................3 points

May wear

light aourmour.......................................3


Medium aoumour...................................6


Special rues:

Leader of remas

Add 1 to the

combat result of

any unit with in

30” of the consol.

In addition to

this they gain a -

2 bonos on there

leadership tests.

This is in addition

to any bonoses

they may get

from a consol

being the leader

of your army

Page 31: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


In times of emergancy the consolsof the

reman republic will lead one or maore

leagions. This is wher the buck truly stops

and wher the power eventulay lies. In fact

the role of consol is not only that of

suprene comander of the legons but is the

highest political office in the renan


A consol is a Reman tilean selection.

Page 32: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


tribune 150 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

consol 4 6 3 4 4 3 6 4 9 Infantry



Hand weapon




Throwing spear


May be armed with one of the


spear.....................................................3 points

Lance...................................................6 points

Bow......................................................10 points

May be mounted on

warhorse………………..…….....15 points

pegasus.……………........................50 points

May take magical items

worth up to……………........100 points

Special rues:

Granter of mercy

Enermy Units

within 18” of

trebunus cohortes

sufure a +1 penelty

to there flea rolls

but friendly units

may not pursue.

Page 33: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

High priest

of remasOracles of the gods need to be interpreted

feed and controlled add in regular

worship, special events, its political

influence and so on then you end up with a

pretty large organization and this means

that the priests require high priests to

oversee them.

A high priest of Remas is a Reman tilean


Page 34: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

High priest

of remas

High priest of remas 175 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

High priest

of Remas

4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8 Infantry



Hand weapon


A high priest of

remas is a level 3

wizard and may

pick spells from

any of the lores

of magic.


May be upgraded to

level 4 wizard……...............................35 points

May be mounted on

warhorse…………………………..……18 points

pegasus……………………………….........45 points

May take magical item

worth up to………………….……..100 points

Page 35: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Generaltilea’ s generals are well versed in the

combined use of black powder, Pikemen and

cavalry. Tilea never developed horseback

knights and therefore the cavalry they use

are relatively un-armored. While sword

melee cavalry is common most are either

equipped with both pistol and sword or just

a pistol making them somewhat akin to

empire pistoleiers. pikemen are unit’s that

engage the enemy in long range melee

trying to take the opponents out bethore

they get in range. They are best deployed in

large numbers to take maximum advantage

out of there extra range. Tilea, despite the

musket superseding the aquebus, still prefers

the aquebus making there units more mobile

on the battle field.

Mercenary generals are just generals that

are employed to lead mercenary armies

A general of tilea is a mercenary tilean


Page 36: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


GeneralMercenary general 90 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9 Infantry



Hand weapon

Special rules:

Grand Master

of war

A mercenary

tilean unit

within 18” may

make a standard

move in the

shooting phase

at anytime as

long as it is not

being shot at.


May take one of the following

morning star…………………………..3 points

halberd…………………………..………..6 points

May take one of the following

longbow………………….……………....15 points

crossbow…………………………………15 points

tilean pistol………………..……........16 points

brace of tilean pistols……….....32 points

May wear

light armour……………………........3 points

medium armour……………………..9 points

May take one of the following

shield………………………………..............3 points

May be mounted on

warhorse………………………………..15 points

-which may take barding……...6 points

pegasus……………………………………50 points

If he is mounted he may take

spear………………………………………….3 points

lance…………………………………...……6 points

Page 37: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


wizard lordTilea has a wide range of magicians

following lores in a similar way to imperial

magicians with secret societies forming

orders. These societies meet once a year in a

capital of a magic permitting tilean

principality, republic or kingdom. Magicians

are not contacted often as they have a

tendency to decide which side to fight on

themselves regardless of the amount of

money on offer. This is compounded by the

fact that some nations do not use wizards

at all. Hireling wizards are wizards who

hire themselves out making them more

reliable to contact.

A hireling wizard is a mercenary tilean

selection But may not be taken by Remas and


Page 38: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


wizard lord

Hireling wizard 175 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 8 Infantry



Hand weapon


A tilean lord

magician is a

level 3 wizard

and may pick

spells from any

of the lores of



May be upgraded to

level 4 wizard……...............................35 points

May be mounted on

warhorse…………………………..……15 points

-which may take barding…...…6 points

pegasus………………………………........50 points

Page 39: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Page 40: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Tilea has a wide

range of heroes

to fight for

your army

Page 41: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Reman legions are to big to be commanded

by one person and so they are divided up

into cohorts which are further divided up

into centuries and both cohorts and

centuries are commanded by a centurion

Reman tilean selection.

A centurion

As we made camp on the banks of the river tiber I

stopped in at my old friend Agrippa cantilius

coliases tent. He had just turned 40 and was 4

years off the end of his term of service and was

looking to be promoted to a 1st class centurion.

The fool had had big ideas about going into the

legions and had signed up at 19. the fool he was

going to take another term. But he had learnt a

lot in the 21 years he had been in the legions.

Actually he had learnt quite a lot in his first 10.

that’s why i recommended him for promotion to

centurion as soon as he turned 30.

as a tribune i can assure you… a book of short

stories by governor Marcus pupius remus

Chaptur VII that crossing the tiber is never a

good idea

Page 42: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


centurion 55 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

centurion 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Infantry



Hand weapon

Throwing spear


May be armed with one of the


spear......................................................4 points

Lance.....................................................2 points

additional hand weapon……2 points

May be armed with one of the


Bow......................................................6 points

May be armoured with one of the


light armour………………………….2 points

medium armour………………...……4 points

May be armoured with one of the


shield………………………………………..2 points

May be mounted on

warhorse………………………..…….....15 points

pegasus.…...………………........................50 points

May take magical items

worth up to…………….……..........50 points

Special rues:

Leader of a


Any unit with

in 10“ gets an


attack for evry

5 us in the unit,

+1d2-1 to their

battle result

and a -1 bonus

to any

leadership test

they may have

to take.

Page 43: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Priest of

RemasFor regular rituals priests are often

required but that doesn't mean that they

can’t be used to fight in battles.

I fact there is a long history of fighting

battles with priests and harnessing their

magical potential for other purposes.

Reman tilean selection.

The siege of Remas

In 2050T Remas's empire had collapsed and it lay besieged by

the empire of Luccini. Their were not enough forces to

defeat the besieging Luccinians and so everyone expected

them to beg terms with the besieging Luccinians or to

turn to the dark gods. The Luccinians commanders mind

was made-up when a month into the siege 2 figures rode

out of the gate and he smiled and remarked to himself

that victory was only a minute and a score meters away

as he ordered his archers not to shoot. When they got

with in earshot he souted “have you come to surrender”

and when he heard the reply “no. we have come to kill

you” he simply laughed and said “come to my command

tent and i will make your visit worth while.” a few

moments later a fireball of vast proporstions lept from

one of the remans’ hand and incinerated him in a few

moments. Then the battle began.

titus livius’ son publius livius’ the fall of remas.

Page 44: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Priest of


priest of Remas 60 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Priest of


4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 Infantry



Hand weapon


May be upgraded to

level 2 wizard………….35 points

May be mounted on

warhorse……….…….....10 points

May take magical items

worth up to………......50 points


The priest of

Remas is a level

1 magician able

to choose spells

from any lore

of magic

Page 45: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Captain of

tileatilea’s generals accept that they can not

control their whole army and so delegate

control of some of their army to a captain.

Despite Their captains are well picked they

do not know quite how they will act until

they turn up in battle. Some maybe rash even

trechorus while others

A captain of tilea is a standard tilean


Page 46: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Captain of


Captain of tilea 55 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Captain of


4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Infantry



Hand weapon

Medium armour


May take one of the following

Additional hand weapon...2 points

Lance………………………………......4 points

Great weapon…………………….4 points

Halberd………………………………4 points

pistol………………………...…...........4 points

Tilean pistol………………………6 points

May take one of the following

bow………………………………..…….3 points

Handgun……………………….........5 points

May replace medium armour with

Heavy armour………………........2 points

Plate armour………………........6 points

May take one of the following

Shield…………………………..............2 points

May be mounted on

warhorse…………………………..12 points

-Which may take barding..4 points

pegasus…………………………...….45 points

May take magical item

Worth up to………………..........50 points

Special rules:

Un-known character

At the start of a battle roll d6

On a 1


this is treated as rash young

noble except if this model can

ever charge the general he


On a 2-3

Rash young youth

If this model can join a unit in

the movement phase he must

and if he can ever charge the

opponent he must but units

with in 12”take leadership tests

on his leadership.

On a 4-5

A haret of love

Gains the tribunes granter of

mercy special rule.

On a 6

Genius in the making

Gains the tilean generals

grand master of war special


Page 47: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


magicianMagicians have to work their way up to

becoming lord magicians and some do not

reach that rank.

While they are working their way up they

are known simply as magicians.

A tilean magician is a standard tilean

selection but may not be taken by a

miragliano army.

Page 48: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Tilean magician 65 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 Infantry



Hand weapon


May be upgraded to

level 2 wizard………….35 points

May be mounted on

Warhorse……….…….......12 points

-which may be upgraded to

-have barding…………..6 points

May take magical items

Worth up to……………50 points


A tilean

magician is a

level 1


who can

choose spells

from any of

the lores of


Page 49: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


wizardHireling wizards are renegades from the

collages of magic who have fallen for the

lure of money and been tempted to go to

tilea to work for the highest bidder. They

are mysterious and considered

untrustworthy by the Tileans and are

despised by the empire. Many are not allowed

back into the empire after selling themselves

and their magical powers out and none are

ever accepted back into the collages of


A captain of tilea is a standard tilean

selection but may not be taken by a

miragliano army.

Page 50: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Hireling wizard 60 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 Infantry



Hand weapon


May be upgraded to

level 2 wizard………….35 points

May be mounted on

Warhorse……….…….......10 points


A hireling

wizard is a

level 1


who can

choose spells

from any of

the lores of


Page 51: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


captainMercenary captains are expert leaders of

men, roguish and often loved by their


A mercenary captain is a mercenary tilean


The mercenary captainAnd as the regiment I was in and the Etruscan Phalanx moved in

to fight each offer and an ominess silence settled over the battle

field. then a voice called out “you have crossed into the territory

of the principality of Trantio with an army and have set about

attacking its cities and for that violation of our hard earnt

territories alone i will kill you. face me so we can fight this out.”

and so i replied “you have seized this territory from the reman

empire unjustly and unfairly. You have taken advantage of the

ancient Etruscan league exit clause to justify a desiccation that

has no place in our glorious empire and so I accept your

challenge.” as i stepped forwards i survived my challenger; he

looked about 30 and carried a massive sword and wore cloths

that looked like they were from southern bretonnia. it was only

later I learnt that although he was Etruscan by nationality he

had signed up to one of the new fangled mercenary armies that

now dotted tilea like flies around a carcase feeding on it’s

internal strife. He raised his sword but I easily dodged the blow

sticking at him under his guard but my sword only cut his cloth

clothing revelling bear metal. “you cheat” i cried but he just

hefted his sword again and in horrified amazement he swung

again at my throat. I tried to dodge but my legs stayed glued to

the spot.

as a tribune i can assure you… a book of short stories by

governor Marcus pupius remus

Chaptur VII that crossing the tiber is never a good idea

Page 52: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Mercenary captain 50 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8 Infantry



Hand weapon


May take one of the following

additional hand weapon……………...4 points

great weapon………………………...………..4 points

Morning star…………………………………..2 points

Halberd…………………………..………………...4 points

May take one of the following

longbow……...……………...…………..............10 points

crossbow…………..………......…………….......10 points

Tilean Pistol….……..........................................10 points

Brace of tilean pistols…………………..15 points

May wear

light armour…………......................................2 points

medium armour…………………………......4 points

May take one of the following

Shield………………………………...........................2 points

May be mounted on

Warhorse……………………………………......10 points

-Which may take barding……...............4 points

Pegasus……………………………………………50 points

If he is mounted he may take

Spear………………………………………………….2 points

Lance…………………………………………...……4 points

Special rules

Rash young


If this model

can join a unit

in the


phase he must

and if he can

ever charge

the opponent

he must but

units with in


leadership tests

on his


Page 53: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


The paymaster is the keeper of a mercenary

armies coffers and so he is a very popular

person and any enemy who dears kill him

will be hated by all the mercenary units in

the army.

A mercenary captain is a mercenary tilean


Page 54: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


paymaster 55 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

paymaster 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8 Infantry



Hand weapon


May take one of the following

additional hand weapon……………...4 points

great weapon………………………...………..4 points

Morning star…………………………………..2 points

Halberd…………………………..………………...4 points

May take one of the following

longbow……...……………...…………..............10 points

crossbow…………..………......…………….......10 points

Tilean Pistol….……..........................................10 points

Brace of tilean pistols…………………..15 points

May wear

light armour…………......................................2 points

medium armour…………………………......4 points

May take one of the following

Shield………………………………...........................2 points

May be mounted on

Warhorse……………………………………......10 points

-Which may take barding……...............4 points

Pegasus……………………………………………50 points

If he is mounted he may take

Spear………………………………………………….2 points

Lance…………………………………………...……4 points

Special rules


A mercenary

tilean army must

include one and

only one



that paymaster

will act as the

forces standard

bearer except if

any enemy unit

takes the battle

standard all

mercenary units

must pass a panic

test but then all

units gain hatred

of the unit that

killed the


Page 55: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


assassinAssassination is a ever popular way of

disposing with opponents in tilea and many

a person has got on the wrong side of a

powerful prince only to find themselves

dead. Lucrezzia belladonna is notorious for

killing (usually in nasty incident’s

involving poison) anyone and everyone who

got in her way meaning she is currently on

her 7th husband. But most assassins merely

rely on fear to make there way in the world

only assassinating when it becomes

appsalotly neecisiery.

A mercenary captain is a standared tilean


Page 56: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Master assassin 55 points

profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 6 6 4 4 2 7 3 8 Infantry



Hand weapon

Light armour


May take one of the following

Additional hand weapon..2 points

light crossbow………………….5 points

pistol…………………………………..5 points

tilean pistol………………………7 points

throwing weapons…………...2 points

May take one of the following

killing blow…………………….20 points

poisoned attacks……………..10 points

May take Magical items

worth up to…………………….50 points

Special rules

Always strikes first

A killer not a


A assassin may

never be your

general and no

units may ever

test on his



But may not

deploy in a unit

of fliers

Page 57: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Leonardo de

miraglianoLeonardo de miragliaon is a painter, inventor, mathematician,

astronomer and general all round genius

He comes from humble origins managing to with the aid of his family

collect enough money to get an aprentiship in a school of engineers

Shortly afterwards the school was asked to make plans for

extending the city and Leonardo was asked to draw these plans.

When prince Cosimo came to look at his work and found Leonardo in

the middle of making the plans. He recognised him for a genius at

once and gave him his own workshop, pay and instructions to come

up with as many useful inventions as possible with no time


Leonardo after 3 years (most of which time he spent making designs

for leaning towers) came to prince Cosimo with the master plan to

re-design and expand the city and the walls. The prince was

astonished finding him even more clever then he had thought before

and sent him off to the empire.

The empire at that time was run by Magnus the pious who instantly

recognised Leonardo's genius and told him to found the imperial

school of engineers. but he didn’t limit his genius their and also

invented the steam tank, the Helblaster and the Helstorm.

When he returned to tilea he was sad to find that his old

principality had been conquered by Borgio the besieger, a man single

mindedely obsessed with war. And so now he has gone else where in

the old world to plot.

He carries with him a number of scientific items to help him with his

work. Like the sphere of alcamy and the prism of power.

The sphere of alcamy is a bronze orb in which he has mixed a potent

explosive powder. If it hits anything fast enough it will crack open

and the powder will explode on contact with the air

The prism of power disperses electro-magnetic radiation flowing over

the battle field dispersing some of the winds of magic.

he will also advise war machines and ranged units where to shoot

and survey maps of the battle field with the general looking for

pieces of terrain to help them get close to the enemy un-detected.

Marco Colombo is a miragliano tilean selection.

Page 58: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Leonardo de

miraglianoLeonardo de miragliano 100 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Leonardo de


4 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 9 Infantry


Hand weaponSpecial rules:


If he is with in

3” of a war

machine it may

re-roll 1

artillery or

scatter dice a


If he is in a

ranged unit it

may add 1 to its

to hit rolls

And a core

unit may gain

the ambushers

special rule

Scientific items:

Sphere of alcamy

Place a small blast template

with the centre hole no

more then 6” away. roll to

hit as with a normal missile

weapons then everyone

under the template takes a

strength 3 hit with the

armour piercing (2) special

rule. This weapon has the

quick to fire special rule..

Prism of power

you may remove 1D3 power dice

from your opponent's power


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Page 60: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Tilean troops

are money

loving but well


Page 61: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Pikemen are the mainstay of any tilean army

sporting oversized spears which can fight

from incredible distances.

The idea of the pike came from a tactic used

by tilean knights in a tournament to stave

off bretonnia territorial ambitions. The

tilean knights added a foot to their lances

allowing them to defeat the bretonnia

knights and stave off bretonnia territorial

desires but also started a race in tilea to

make the biggest pikes.

Miragliano was first lengfining their spears

by ½ a foot but Trantio responded by

lengthening their's by a whole foot. Remas

already had phalanxes but immediately

began increasing their numbers. This effect

rippled down tilea and soon every nation

was sporting Pikemen as the bulk of their


Pikemen are a standard tilean selection.

Page 62: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Pikemen (unit size 10+) 7 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Pikemen 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry

Sergeant 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 Infantry

(unit size 10+)


Hand weapon


Light armour


May take

sergeant…….......................…..10 points

standard barea………….10 points

musician………………………..5 points

All models May take

shield………........1 points per model

Page 63: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Often a tilean army will find they need

light infantry and swordsmen are that

light infantry.

They are often not reputable coming from

bandits, renegades and just about anyone

else who will join tilean armies.

swordsmen are a standard tilean selection.

Page 64: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Swordsmen 5 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

swordsmen 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 Infantry

Duellist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Infantry

(unit size 10+)Equipment:

Hand weapon



May take

duellist..……............................................................…..10 points

standard barea…………………………..……….10 points

musician………………………..,………………………..5 points

All models May exchange their

shields for additional hand weapons……..free

All modles may take

light armour………………………………………….1 point

Page 65: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Arbalesters are the most common ranged

troops; hefting a heavy crossbow or

arbalest and shooting from a behind a

special shield which they prop in front of


arbalesters are a standard tilean selection.

Page 66: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Arbalesters 9 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

arbalesters 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry

marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry

(unit size 10+)Equipment:

Hand weapon


Light armour


May take

marksman.…….......................................................…..10 points

standard barea…………………………..……….10 points

musician………………………..,………………………..5 points

All models May take

a pavise………………………..,…..…1.5 points per model

Page 67: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Heavy cavalry

Young nobles and troops on the tilean path

to knight hood often serve as heavy cavalry

in tilean armies.

The main benefit of heavy cavalry is that

they are cheaper then knights due to not

having plate amour.

They are also fater while still having a

devistationg charge which makes them

veryuseful on the battle firld

Heavy cavaley are a standard tilean


Page 68: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Heavy cavalry

Arbalesters 18 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

rider 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Cavalry

Cavalier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 Cavalry

(unit size 5+)

warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 -


Medium armour


Hand weapon



May take

cavalier.…….............................................................…..14 points

standard barea…………………………..……….14 points

musician………………………..,…………………….....7 points


barded warhorse

Page 69: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


PikemenThe mercenary rmies of tilea employ the best

they can get their hands on and often

when that comes to Pikemen the best come

from a small group of human tribes in the

Mercenary Pikemen are a mercenary tilean


Page 70: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Pikemen 10 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 Infantry

(unit size 10+)


Hand weapon

mercenary Pike

Light armour


All models May take

medium armour..............................1 points per model

Page 71: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


CrossbowmenCrossbowmen are the main ranged unit in

mercenary armies. They are often chosen

from human nations in tilea, estalia and the

border princes and are considered by most

generals as untrustworthy. They are often

used in boarding combats by Tileans and

estalians of all sorts (and probably border

princes too but such cases have not been

recorded.) due to their small easily

maneuverable crossbows.

Crossbowmen are a mercenary tilean


Page 72: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



crossbowmen 7 points

Profile MWS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

crossbowmen 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Infantry

(unit size 10+)Equipment:

Hand weapon

Light crossbow

Page 73: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Duelists have a slightly better reputation

then swordsmen not to mention sword skill.

the system of duels settling vendettas that

prevails over estalia also prevails over much

of tilea with the exception of Remas (always

an exception to the tilean norm), Verezzo

(where it was band after the revolution.)

and the more traditional parts of Luccini

and the more advanced parts of miragliano.

duelists are a mercenary tilean selection.

Page 74: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


duellist 8 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Duellist 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 7 Infantry

(unit size 5+)


Hand weapon

Light armour

Special rules:



All models May take

throwing weapons…………….2 points per model

All models May take one of the following

additional hand weapons...2 points per model

bucklers………………………………..1 points per model

pistol………………………………….…4 points per model

Page 75: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Heavy cavalryMercenary armies accept the sons of nobles

from the empire, bretonnia, estalian, tilea

and occasionally Kislev who have a

reputation for swift maneuvers. Mercenary

armies use this heavy cavalry for breaking

through enemy ranks and attacking them

from behind.

Mercenary heavy cavalry are a mercenary

tilean selection.

Page 76: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Heavy cavalry

Heavy cavalry 18 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

rider 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 Cavalry

(unit size 5+)

warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 -


Medium armour


Hand weapon



May take

barding....…….............................................................….2 points


barded warhorse

Page 77: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


light cavalrylight cavalry are hard to find as to get

good ones you have to go to the corners of

the western human world. Up to the north

kislevite winged lancers are a perfect

choice. Closer to tilea, but across a violent

sea full of hideous monstrosities, are the

riders of the desert sands of Araby.

These precious forces are none the less

worth there cost as they can be extremely

useful when conducting hit and run

attacks such as the speedy destruction of an

enemy supply line or taking advantage of

careless enemy deployment of a war machine

or a quick attack on the enemy flank to

place the army in disarray, the uses are


Mercenary light cavalry are a mercenary

tilean selection.

Page 78: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


light cavalry

Heavy cavalry 18 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

horseman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Cavalry

(unit size 5+)

warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5 -


Hand weapon

Special rules:

Fast cavalry


May take

spear.…….....…….............................................................…1 points

May take one of the following

Bow4 points



Page 79: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


legionariesDue to their many adaptions over the years

Reman legions are just as effective as they

were thousands of years ago.

Reman legionaries are a Reman tilean


Page 80: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



Reman legionaries 11 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

legionair 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 infantry

(unit size 10+)

Optio 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 infantry


Hand weapon


Light armour



May take

spear.…….....…….............................................................…1 points

May take one of the following

Bow4 points

Spedial rules:

Tortoise formation

When not in close combat in

the move phase (but this does

not count as a move or a

reform) any legionary unit

may form the tortoise

formation. This gives the unit

+1 against all non-melay

attacks when attacked this

unit will reform out of

tortoise automatically.

Page 81: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Although somewhat uncommon the remans

use archers called sagittarii rather then

anything more frequently found tilea.

Almost uniquely these utilize the standard

bow rather then the crossbow giving them a

much higher rate of fire.

sagittarii are mainly mercenaries. But some

come from inside of the city state and all

are employed by the tilean army And so have

an increased loyalty to the state of Remas.

sagittarii are a Reman tilean selection.

Page 82: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Reman legionaries 11 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

legionair 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 infantry

(unit size 10+)

Optio 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 infantry


Hand weapon


Light armour



May take

spear.…….....…….............................................................…1 points

May take one of the following

Bow4 points

Spedial rules:

Tortoise formation

When not in close combat in

the move phase (but this does

not count as a move or a

reform) any legionary unit

may form the tortoise

formation. This gives the unit

+1 against all non-melay

attacks when attacked this

unit will reform out of

tortoise automatically.

Page 83: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Many rair,

special and

bizar troops

can be found in

the land of


Page 84: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


robotsleonardo’s famed robots were one of his

first inventions. Suits of plate amour with

contraptions that moved them inside, they

trudged slowly on to the battle field their

swords by their side.

Their slow mechanical advance has been

known to break enemy unit’s before they

have even been engaged but if the enemy

stays on that battle field their fate is much


They are torn apart by invincible

swordsmen. Smashed to the floor by

unrelenting iron. They are trampled across

by beings not capable of pity or mercy.

These are unrelenting killers. They bring

death upon their opponents. They are the

height of miragliaon battle science. They

are undefeatable. Almost.

leonardo’s robots are a miragliaon tilean


Page 85: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it



leonardo’s robots 10 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

robot 2 2 2 4 4 1 3 1 7 infantry

(unit size 5+)


Hand weapon

Plate armour


may take great weapons……………………..3pts

Special rules:


We are not human

A unit of robots may never for any reason test

on another unit’s leadership or benefit from

any kind of weapons skill, ballistic skill or

leadership buff. They are also they count as

automatically passing any kind of magical

leadership test they are forced to face.

Slow and steady

This unit may not charge, run or march but

may move into melee combat without

charging (ignoring the usual 1” rule)

Robot terror

If a robot males as single full move without

turning towards a unit that was within 6” of

the robots when they began to move then that

unit must pass a leadership test. Additionally

once a enemy unit has been defeated by robots

this range is increased to 12”

Page 86: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


musketmenFor an age the people of miragliano have been using aquebusiers to

deter and defeat estalian conquistadors.

They date back to around 3500T when the prince of miragliaon was

asked to help clear of the invading estalian. The estalian had

relied upon a tactic that up to that time had been unknown to

the Tileans of relying on devastating charges by super heavy


Unfortunately for the estalians the people of miragliano are

habitual tinkerers and when initial expeditions reported that the

crossbows utilized by the Tileans were not effective against the

conquistadors of estalia they started developing new weapons.

The miragliaons had only started using gun powder in the late

900’s but like the progressive people they were the miragliaons tried

all of the tools at their disposal before the finally came across it.

Until this point gunpowder had only been used as a for of

explosive used in arrows but it turned out when placed in an

enclosed tube it was very good at propelling metal balls.

The estalians also discovered this to their horror when the

Tileans reclaimed killing many experienced and powerful estalian


This (despite reason claims to the contery) predates Leonardo da

miragliano and so he could not have been involved

Miragliaon aquebuisers are a miragliaon

tilean selection.

Page 87: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


musketmenMiragliaon musketmen 10 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

musketman 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 infantry

(unit size 5+)


Hand weapon

Light armour



Page 88: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Of course the Tileans occasionally need

long range support but in a greater form

then their cannons can provide. And so they

turn to a variant of the musket the


The aquebus is a long ranged amour piercing

weapon developed by the miragliaons but

was so effective against heavy cavalry that

they were deployed across tilea.

By about 1500T they had become a common

weapon across tilea and were considered an

integral part of tilean warfare. However

due to the demand that is placed for such a

weapon and the fact that almost only

miragliano produces them means that there

is always a limit to the amount that can be

deployed on the battle filed.

aquebusiers are a standard tilean selection.

Page 89: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


aquebusiers 9 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

aquebiser 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 infantry

(unit size 10-20)

marksman 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 champion


Hand weapon


Special rules



may upgrade 1 aquebiser to marksman…...10pts

Page 90: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


guardsUnlike the republics of Remas and Verezzo the

political scene in the principalities of tilea is

infinitely more complex with a bubbling stew of

plots, coups, counter-coups, schemes, counter-

plots and all sorts of other plans that a skaven

would be proud of.

This is why any good tilean prince has guards.

There are many different words for these well

disciplined melee troops, fir example in Pavona

(were they are utilized extensively) they are

called the principality guards of the most noble

principality Pravona (but are normally just

called unlukies), but most simply call them


They are elite and reliable house hold troops

that normally take the place of line breakers in

tilean doctrine but they are extremely versatile

being well disciplined and will take any place in

the battle filed with relish in particular they

make good linch-pin and line holding troops

and are good at guarding critical objectives.

aquebusiers are a standard tilean selection but

may not be taken by Reman or Verezzoan tilean


Page 91: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


guardsPrincipality guards 8 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Guard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 infantry

(unit size 5+)

sergeant 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 champion


Hand weapon


Medium armour

Special rules



May upgrade

1 guard to sergeant……………………...……+12 points

1 guard to standard barer……………….+12 points

1 guard to musician……………………………+6 points

May take

shields…………………………………...+1 point per model

magical standard worth up to……….50 points

Page 92: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


guardsThis is not to say the=at the republics of

Verezzo and Remas do not find need for

troops to guard their government only that

these troops are kept at arms length from

their leaders.

In fact the Reman republic has suffered coups

before and so it has made extra measures to

insure the neutrality of their guards. The

guards of Remas are governed exclusively by

their own laws. These mainly represent the

laws of tilea but they are held in separate

courts and with the judge and jury being

drawn from (and only from) the republican


To prevent from coups from popular military

leaders the republican guards are placed

entirely outside of the cursus honorum and

to prevent the leaders of Remas from being

killed by their own guards selection processes

are extremely rigorous with many checks

and counter checks of a guards loyalty.

Republican guards are a Reman or Verezzoan

tilean selection.

Page 93: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


guardsrepublican guards 8 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Guard 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 infantry

(unit size 5+)

sergeant 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 champion


Hand weapon


Medium armour

Special rules



May upgrade

1 guard to sergeant……………………...……+12 points

1 guard to standard barer……………….+12 points

1 guard to musician……………………………+6 points

May take

shields…………………………………...+1 point per model

magical standard worth up to……….50 points

Page 94: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


At some point in the long fogoten past not

long after the invension of the musket by

miragliaons a miragliaon got over exited

and attempted to aply the principle of

gunpowder weapons to troops on horse back.

He developed a short range black powder

weapon that was easy to fire on horse back.

Unfotunatly these black powder weapons

were unreliable and under powerd.

This lead to a revelosion in tilean pistol

design as pistols became more and more

Republican guards are a standard tilean


Page 95: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Pistoliers 18 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Pistolier 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 infantry

(unit size 5+)

cavalier 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 champion

warhorse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 5 mount


Hand weapon


light armour

Special rules



May upgrade

1 pistolier to cavalier……..……..……...……..+7 points

1 pistolier to musician……………...…………+7 points

Page 96: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


cannonsLike the estalians the Tileans use a light

weight cannons for fighting orcs in the

heavily hilly east of the country and in the

west to deter the forces of estalia from

lunching another attack into tilea.

Tilean gallies also use light cannons almost

always over their larger brothers. This is as

the gallies are almost entirely bank upon

bank of oars geared for speed and battle with

minute amounts of space being spare from the

age old designs that predate cannons

Republican guards are a standard tilean


Page 97: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


cannonsLight cannons 40 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type



- - - 7 7 3 - - - Bolt thrower

(unit size 1-2)

crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 War machine

crew (3 per

war machine



Hand weapon

Special rules

Light cannon

Multiple wounds (1d3)

range 48”

Ignores armour saves

Page 98: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


To do

Republican guards are a standard tilean


the fortifications of miragliano were all that stood

between the ravening horde of orcs that had pillaged it’s

way across the miragliaon countryside and the brave

defenders of the city of miragliano. About 25,000 orcs

faced 1,000 defenders. The orcs deployed their few siege

weapons 100 yards from the wall in their mad rush

towards the wall but they found the wall impossible to

level ladders upon and then cannons roared out of

consield gunslits. 1000s of orcs died in the firt blast

alone an athect that rippled through the orcs causing

many of them to retreet but out into more cannons arc

of fire. They were torn apart byy blast after blast after

blast and by the end of the day the land around

miragliano was 2meters higher with the corpses of dead


~how to use your cannons : case study miragliano

Page 99: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


cannons 80 points

Profile M WS BS S T WI A LD Troop type

cannon - - - 10 7 3 - - - cannon

(unit size 1)

crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 War machine

crew (3)



Hand weapon

Special rules

Light cannon

Multiple wounds (1D6/1d3)

range 48”

Page 100: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Dwarfs are cursed with a lust for gold and

not adverse to fighting especially against

Greenskins and so it is not uncommon for a

young dwarf to chose to spend a life

wreaking havoc against the people that

caused their race so much devastation rather

then chipping it out of the rock face.

This is good news for mercenary generals as

these hardy elite warriors provided a helpful

alternative to large blocks of troops and are

the well trained force needed to hold or

break a line.

Republican guards are a mercenary tilean


Page 101: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


dwarfs 7 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Guard 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 infantry

(unit size 10+)


Hand weapon

light armour

Special rules

Slow and steady

Dwarfs flee and pursue 2D6-1”

Ancient grudges

Dwarfs hate any models from the orcs and

goblin army book and can march even when

within 8” of any enemy units.


May take

great weapons……………..……...+2 point per model

crossbow…………………………….+5 points per model

medium armour…………………..+1 point per model

shield………………...…………………..+1 point per model

Page 102: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


maraudersDwarfs are cursed with a lust for gold and

not adverse to fighting especially against

Greenskins and so it is not uncommon for a

young dwarf to chose to spend a life

wreaking havoc against the people that

caused their race so much devastation rather

then chipping it out of the rock face.

This is good news for mercenary generals as

these hardy elite warriors provided a helpful

alternative to large blocks of troops and are

the well trained force needed to hold or

break a line.

Republican guards are a mercenary tilean


A Norse long ship has passed down the Riek

passed the council of the empire. Violent and

with a reputation for heavy drinking the

electors still watched the long ship go


~an article in the dragon’s eye

Page 103: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


maraudersNorse marauds 7 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

marauda 3 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 infantry

(unit size 10+)


Hand weapon

light armour

Special rules



May take one of the following

great weapons……………..……...+2 point per model

flails……………………………………+1 points per model

Additional hand weapons...+2 point per model

May take

shield………………...…………………..+1 point per model

Page 104: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


bodyguardDwarfs are cursed with a lust for gold and

not adverse to fighting especially against

Greenskins and so it is not uncommon for a

young dwarf to chose to spend a life

wreaking havoc against the people that

caused their race so much devastation rather

then chipping it out of the rock face.

This is good news for mercenary generals as

these hardy elite warriors provided a helpful

alternative to large blocks of troops and are

the well trained force needed to hold or

break a line.

Republican guards are a mercenary tilean


A Norse long ship has passed down the Riek

passed the council of the empire. Violent and

with a reputation for heavy drinking the

electors still watched the long ship go


~an article in the dragon’s eye

Page 105: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


bodyguardNorse marauds 7 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

bodyguard 3 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7 infantry

(unit size 10+)


Hand weapon


light armour

Special rules

We guard the master

You may include up to one bodyguard per

paymaster and while the paymaster is in the

unit the unit gains the stubborn special rule,


May take

medium armour…………………..+1 point per model

Page 106: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Dwarfs are cursed with a lust for gold and

not adverse to fighting especially against

Greenskins and so it is not uncommon for a

young dwarf to chose to spend a life

wreaking havoc against the people that

caused their race so much devastation rather

then chipping it out of the rock face.

This is good news for mercenary generals as

these hardy elite warriors provided a helpful

alternative to large blocks of troops and are

the well trained force needed to hold or

break a line.

Republican guards are a mercenary tilean


A Norse long ship has passed down the Riek

passed the council of the empire. Violent and

with a reputation for heavy drinking the

electors still watched the long ship go


~an article in the dragon’s eye

Page 107: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Halflings 6 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Halfling 4 2 4 2 2 1 5 1 8 infantry

(unit size 10+)


Hand weapon


Special rules

Woodland wanderers

Do not suffer movement penalties for being

in woodland.


May swap their bows for

spears, light armour and shields……………...free

Page 108: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Dwarfs are cursed with a lust for gold and

not adverse to fighting especially against

Greenskins and so it is not uncommon for a

young dwarf to chose to spend a life

wreaking havoc against the people that

caused their race so much devastation rather

then chipping it out of the rock face.

This is good news for mercenary generals as

these hardy elite warriors provided a helpful

alternative to large blocks of troops and are

the well trained force needed to hold or

break a line.

Republican guards are a mercenary tilean


A Norse long ship has passed down the Riek

passed the council of the empire. Violent and

with a reputation for heavy drinking the

electors still watched the long ship go


~an article in the dragon’s eye

Page 109: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Halflings 35 points

Profile M WS BS S T W I A LD Troop type

Halfling 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7 Monstrous


(unit size 3+)Equipment:

Hand weapon

Special rules

Cause fear


May take

additional hand weapon…………………..+6 points

great weapon……………………………………….+6 points

light armour……………………………………….+3 points

Page 110: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

Many rair,

special and

bizar troops

can be found in

the land of


Page 111: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Dwarfs are cursed with a lust for gold and

not adverse to fighting especially against

Greenskins and so it is not uncommon for a

young dwarf to chose to spend a life

wreaking havoc against the people that

caused their race so much devastation rather

then chipping it out of the rock face.

This is good news for mercenary generals as

these hardy elite warriors provided a helpful

alternative to large blocks of troops and are

the well trained force needed to hold or

break a line.

Republican guards are a mercenary tilean


A Norse long ship has passed down the Riek

passed the council of the empire. Violent and

with a reputation for heavy drinking the

electors still watched the long ship go


~an article in the dragon’s eye

Page 112: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


Special rules


This unit is identical to one unit in another

army book.

Page 113: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


To do

Republican guards are a standard tilean


the fortifications of miragliano were all that stood

between the ravening horde of orcs that had pillaged it’s

way across the miragliaon countryside and the brave

defenders of the city of miragliano. About 25,000 orcs

faced 1,000 defenders. The orcs deployed their few siege

weapons 100 yards from the wall in their mad rush

towards the wall but they found the wall impossible to

level ladders upon and then cannons roared out of

consield gunslits. 1000s of orcs died in the firt blast

alone an athect that rippled through the orcs causing

many of them to retreet but out into more cannons arc

of fire. They were torn apart byy blast after blast after

blast and by the end of the day the land around

miragliano was 2meters higher with the corpses of dead


~how to use your cannons : case study miragliano

Page 114: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


cannons 85 points

Profile M WS BS S T WI A LD Troop type

cannon - - - 10 7 3 - - - cannon

(unit size 1)

crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 War machine

crew (3)



Hand weapon

Special rules

Light cannon

Multiple wounds (1D6/1d3)

range 48”

Page 115: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


hot-potsTo do

Republican guards are a mercenary tilean


the fortifications of miragliano were all that stood

between the ravening horde of orcs that had pillaged it’s

way across the miragliaon countryside and the brave

defenders of the city of miragliano. About 25,000 orcs

faced 1,000 defenders. The orcs deployed their few siege

weapons 100 yards from the wall in their mad rush

towards the wall but they found the wall impossible to

level ladders upon and then cannons roared out of

consield gunslits. 1000s of orcs died in the firt blast

alone an athect that rippled through the orcs causing

many of them to retreet but out into more cannons arc

of fire. They were torn apart byy blast after blast after

blast and by the end of the day the land around

miragliano was 2meters higher with the corpses of dead


~how to use your cannons : case study miragliano

Page 116: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it


hot-potscannons 50 points

Profile M WS BS S T WI A LD Troop type

Hot-pot - - - 3/


4 2 - - - Stone


(unit size 1)

crew 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 War machine

crew (3)



Hand weapon

Special rules


Multiple wounds (1/1d3)

range 36”

No armour saves allowed

Page 117: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

man’o’war ships

Page 118: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it
Page 119: WARHAMMER ARMY BOOKS - … · Why Tilea Tilea was once a powerful an land. In the glory days of Remas it was united from the source of the tibre all the way to south bretonnia. it

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