vyf annual report 2010 - 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


    A word from our Charity Trustee Chair

    Hi . Myname is Jane Hutt and I a m the Assembl y Member

    for Labour in the Vale of Glamorgan but I am also

    the Chair pers on of the Vale You th Forum.

    In Ma rch 2011, the Vale Youth Forum burst back into life

    a t the Vale of Glamorgan Ci vi c Offices Corporate Suite to

    celebra te young people from a cross the Vale of

    Glamorgan coming together to officially launch the all

    new Vale Youth Forum.

    In 2010 the Vale You th Forum sprang back into a ction due to funding being se cured for a tempora ry co-

    ordina tor. Following a se ries of events held in venues in the Vale la te last year, a number of young people

    we re nominated a nd elected as new members of the Forum. They came from School Coun cils, Voluntary

    and S tatutory Youth Groups, Vale People Fi rst, Youth Offending Prevention and from many a reas a round

    the Vale including St. Athan , Wi ck, Cowbri dge, Barry and Penarth to name a few!

    The launch i tself was a b rilliant reminder of how powerful a young persons voice can be, speaking up for

    wha t they belie ve in and stand for. Eve ry VYF member took to the s tand, to tell the audience who they

    we re, wha t they s tood for a nd the difference they would like to make for and on behalf of the young

    people of the Vale of Glamorgan. Vale Youth Forum members will get involved in local you th poli ti cs,

    young people's ri ghts , and have chosen a number of things to focus on i n sub groups such as bull ying, lack

    of you th fa cili ties, press and media and a nything that a nnoys us. These young people reall y were the s ta rs

    of the ceremony!

    The young people con tinue to volunteer their valuable time every month to ensure the views o f the young

    people they represent count and are heard by local de cision makers , organisations and groups as well as

    young people throughou t the county.

  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


    A year in the life of the Vale Youth Forum

    The Vale Youth Forum entered 2010/11 with a BANG!!

    September 2010 saw our AGM. We had high hopes and aspira tions ...... and we ha ve met and exceeded

    our dreams !

    The AGM was held in the Vale of Glamorgan Ma yors Pa rlour. It was an eve ning of celebra tion of the

    a chievements of local Young People bu talso a celebra tion of confi rma tion of funding for the Vale You th

    Forum to employ i ts very own co-ordinator!

    Assembly cabinet member and long time supporte r and Trustee of the Vale Youth Forum Jane Hutt AM,

    opened the AGM with an inspiring speech on the Welsh Assembly Government Pa rti cipa tion for Children

    and Young People, which focuses on children and young people Ha ving a Voice Ha ving a Choi ce.

    The Leader of the Council and fellow Trustee of the Vale Youth Forum Cll r Gordon Kemp followed on from

    this speech by ou tlining the Vale of Glamorgan Council s Pa rti cipation Stra tegy for children and young

    people for the Vale of Glamorgan. The Vale of Glamorgan Council a re certainly very much in fa vou r of the

    Ha vi ng a Voice Ha vi ng a Choice for children and young people in the Vale.

    The evening also saw presenta tions from the new young persons website, soon to be launched throughout

    the Vale of Glamorgan, called Swoosh, as well as the Peered Up Vale Youth Mentoring Team.

    Chai r of the Youth Forum Tra cey Downes quotes By far the evenings s ta ra ttra ctions were the Young

    People s presenta tions. From presenta tions of the work of the Gibbonsdown Youth Forum, the Penarth

    Youth Acti on, Pena rth You th Projects Voice management group , the Child rens Commissioner Advis ory

    Group and the Vale Funky Dragon representa ti ve, i tall added up to an evening of i nforma tion and

    entertainment! Now wi th the funding se cured to employ a VYF Co-ordina tor we a re looking to the future

    with even more opti mismand looking forward to even more you th parti cipation in the Vale of Glamorgan.

    The cherry on the cake was the help, suppo rt and buffet provi ded by the Vale of Glamorgan Ma yor Cll r

    Emlyn Williams. Quo te Tra cey Downes Chair VYF a veri table feast to add to the celebra tions my

    sincere thanks to the VoG Ma yor Cll r Eml yn Williams and to Ca rol Alexander for their help an d support for

    hosting a wonderful evening.

    Pictured are the young people that

    volunteer w ith the Vale Youth Forum

    celebrating w ith Jane Hutt AM, Cllr

    Gordon Kemp (Leader of the Vale of

    Glamorgan Council), Tracey Dow nes

    (Vale Youth Forum Coordinator) and

    Keith Tow ler (Childrens

    Commissioner for Wales)

  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


    On the Campaign Trail ...............

    The VYF hos ted e vents throughout October and November 2010, to b ring the VYF to the Young People o f

    the Vale of Glamorgan. The events aimed to explain to young people who we a re, what we do and aimed

    to encoura ge young people and youth workers to take away VYF Election Pa cks.

    We all worked ha rd .......... but we had a lot of fun!!!

    December 2011

    On December the 16th

    2010 a t Sta tion 20 The Vale You th Forum was reborn!

    Elected Members decided the direction of the new Vale Youth Forum.

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    January, 2011

    Young people had decided that they would like to lea rn Communi ca tion techni ques and Keep Yourself Safe


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    March 2011

    Jess and Tra ce y a ttended a PSE day about Pa rti cipati on at Bryn Hafren raising the profile of the VYF within

    the yea r 9 age group. The VYF held a consul ta tion wi th young people about the Integra ted Communi ty

    Stra tegy and recorded their views .

    March 2011 Vale Youth Forum Launch

    Who would have thought i t? .... Keith Towle r the Childrens Commissioner for Wales doing the Banana

    Dance a t the Vale Youth Forum Launch 2011, just one of many highlights at this uplifting, powerful and


    Pictured above is Tracey Dow nes (Vale Youth Forum Co-

    ordinator) w ith Keith Tow ler (Childrens Commissioner f or Wales)

    being taught the Banana Dance by Jess Peters (Vale Youth Forum

    young persons Chair and Sw oosh Reporter)

    Keith Towler

    (Childrens Commissioner for Wales)

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    And the action continues into 2011/12

    April 2011

    Consul ta tion time, and the chance to wea r the new t shirts and hooded swea tshirts the Forum had decided

    upon. The VYF members ha ve their say on the Vale of Glamorgan Dra ft Communi ty Stra tegy 2011 -2021.

    April 2011

  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


    The VYF members meeting was held on the 7th

    April and the 27th

    April during Easter break a t the Fire

    Sta tion where our Chair and Vice Chai r were offi ciall y voted in!

    May / June 2011

    Acting Co-ordina tor Tra cey was invited to be a speaker for the VYF a t the Communities Fi rs t AGMand to

    introduce the Gibbonsdown a nd Cou rt Youth Forum. The Vale Youth Forum worked wi th the

    Gi bbonsdown a nd Cou rt Youth Forum on the Iolo Pa rk Regenera tion. Workshops took place a round Peer

    Pressure and Al cohol and Smoking with 11 14 yr olds a nd the designs were included in the wall a rt.

    Tom (minute taker)

    Jess (Chair),

    Candy (Vice Chair)

    Laura (Treasurer)

  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


    July & August 2011

    Thanks to a successful funding bid by Vale Centre for Voluntary Servi ces to the Vale of Glamorgan Council s

    Voluntary Acti on Scheme, VCVS was able to se cure funding for a coordinator for the Vale Youth Forum.This funding ca me into effect on 1

    stApril 2011, and the pos t was cove red tempora ril y by Tra cey Downes

    whilst the recruitment and selecti on got underwa y.

    The young members go t bus y deciding what skills, qualities and experience they wanted from thei r new


    Young people had training and went on to inte rvie w the prospecti ve ca ndidates for the new role.

  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011


    September 2011 - New Beginnings

    Vale Youth Forum Recruits New Coordinator

    The new Vale Youth Fo rum Co-ordina tor Helena Jones joined the chari ty in Sep tember 2011.

    Helena got strai ght to wo rk visi ting youth groups and s chool councils to recruit new VYF young members.

    The fi rs t VYF young peoples meeting was in September and looked a t the skills required to be a good rep.The forum members then listened to a nd voted for their regional Funky Dragon representa ti ve. Ea ch local

    authori ty a rea is alloca ted four representati ves to voice the issues of young people a ta national level a t

    the Funk y Dragon Childrens Pa rliament.

    October 2011 - Funky Dragon AGM & Residential

    In partnership with Bridgend Youth Fo rum the new Vale of Glamorgan Funky Dra gon Reps were taken to

    the Funky Dra gon AGM and Residential in Llangra nnog over the October half term and they had a great


    Well done to Jess Pe ters who is now one of just two under 16 members of the Funky Dra gon ma nagement

    committee! Good Luck Jess!

    Looking Ahead

    The Vale Youth Forum will continue to look into Young People s issues and help young people to have a sa y

    in the decisions that a ffe ct them. In the November VYF meeting the young people have chosen to:

    1. Meet the planning depa rtment of the Vale of Glamorgan to ha ve their sa y over the planning

    appli ca tion for a new entertainment complex in Ba rry Island.

    2. Campaign for better / safer access along country roads for young people in Rural Vale.

    3. Work on a Sus tainable Development and Climate change project with Funky Dra gon .

    4. Link their volunteeri ng work a t VYF to the Duke of Edinburgh Awa rd Scheme.

    5. Work on increasing a ccess for all young people to the DofE expedition section.

    6. Investi ga te the closure of the Bryn Hafren After School Club .

    7. Work on developing a Young People and Health Servi ces Project.

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  • 8/3/2019 VYF Annual Report 2010 - 2011
