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Vurderte eksamenssvar i SPR3008 Internasjonal engelsk, eksamen v år 2015 Eksamenssvara er frå eksamen våren 2015. finn du eksamensrettleiing med kjenneteikn på måloppnåing * førebuing til eksamen eksamensoppgåver * Karakterane er grunngjevne ut frå kjenneteikn på måloppnåing i eksamensrettleiinga. Elevsvar med vurdering og grunngjeving for karakter (Klikk for å få fram ei einskild vurdering eller eit einskilt elevsvar) Eksempel på karakter 2 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 2 Eksamenssvaret s.6 Eksempel på karakter 3 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 10 Eksamenssvaret s. 14 Eksempel på karakter 4 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 17 Eksamenssvaret s. 21 Eksempel på karakter 5 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 26 Eksamenssvaret s. 30 Eksempel på karakter 6 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 34 Eksamenssvaret s. 37

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Vurderte eksamenssvar i SPR3008 Internasjonal engelsk, eksamen vår 2015 Eksamenssvara er frå eksamen våren 2015.

På finn du • eksamensrettleiing med kjenneteikn på måloppnåing *• førebuing til eksamen• eksamensoppgåver

* Karakterane er grunngjevne ut frå kjenneteikn på måloppnåing ieksamensrettleiinga.

Elevsvar med vurdering og grunngjeving for karakter (Klikk for å få fram ei einskild vurdering eller eit einskilt elevsvar)

Eksempel på karakter 2 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 2 Eksamenssvaret s. 6

Eksempel på karakter 3 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 10 Eksamenssvaret s. 14

Eksempel på karakter 4 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 17 Eksamenssvaret s. 21

Eksempel på karakter 5 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 26 Eksamenssvaret s. 30

Eksempel på karakter 6 Grunngjeving for karakter s. 34

Eksamenssvaret s. 37

Page 2: Vurderte eksamenssvar i SPR3008 Internasjonal engelsk ... · Vurderte eksamenssvar i SPR3008 Internasjonal engelsk, eksamen v år 2015 . Eksamenssvara er frå eksamen våren 2015

Task 1

Short answer. Answer both 1a and 1b.


Read the text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” below. Point out some of the language features and literary devices used in the text and explain their effect. Use examples from the text in your answer.

Come to the Institute of International Studies

Interested in what’s happening to the world? Then we’re the school for you! It has been said that if the human race is wiped out in the next 50 years it will not be because of disease or an asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations. In a world where thousands of threatening nuclear weapons exist and more countries are trying to acquire them, where terrorist strikes come without warning and thousands die each day from poverty caused by the way the international system operates, we need to know about and understand international relations. The study of international relations is absolutely vital if we want to protect the world we live in.

This is what makes international relations such an exciting and interesting – not to mention important – subject to study. While you may think this is a subject you already know something about, you don’t know the half of it!

You might buy fairtrade and you might eschew fast food. You might care for the environment. You might care about the poor. But do you know enough to really make good choices? Can you convert your care into positive action? Can we stop poverty everywhere? The ideas about international relations that you have today are like the small fish a good angler will throw back into the water, saving them to fatten for another day. At the Institute of International Studies we are the sea of knowledge. Here you will come to drink deep from the well of experience and expertise we have to offer. Where the international news tells you about events, we’ll analyse them. Where people spontaneously react to an incident, you’ll learn to make informed decisions. Where other people will think, you will know. Put simply, the international relations course is about war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and change.

Courses in international relations look behind the headlines to the key players in world politics, asking penetrating questions and demanding viable solutions. Your application or interview for an international relations degree will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your curiosity and concern about global affairs. We’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting career.



State in your own words what interests you the most about this international relations course and why.

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SPR3008 Internasjonal engelsk, eksamen vår 2015Eksempel på karakter 2

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Using texts 1 and 2 and the statistics in Appendix 2, discuss the global challenge of people smuggling.

SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2 Page 1 of 2

Text 1

The smuggling of migrants is a truly global concern. Profit-seeking criminals smuggle migrants across borders and between continents. There is no other way to look at this than that it is a criminal act. Smugglers take advantage of the large number of migrants willing to take risks in search of a better life when they cannot access legal channels of migration.

Text 2

Many politicians try to score points by jumping on the anti-people-smuggler bandwagon without thinking about the many different types of human tragedies behind the people who are willing to be smuggled.

For example, what experience of the hardships of life do some of these stuffy-shirted politicians have? What do these privileged gentlemen know about the harsh realities of life? Have they been starving? Have they been unjustly imprisoned? Have they experienced war first-hand?

A refugee

Some basic facts about a crime related to people smuggling

• Slavery: forced to work without pay under threat of violence and unable to walk away• 27 million slaves in the world today• Slavery is not legal anywhere but happens everywhere• We can end slavery in our lifetime. Everyone has a role to play – government,

business, international organizations, consumers, YOU

From, accessed 29/01/15

Money generated each year from people smuggling

Number of children involved in human trafficking

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SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2 Page 2 of 2

Country of origin of victims

Worldwide human trafficking statistics – what happens to them?

Source: U.S. DHHS U.S. Doj: Free The Slaves, accessed 20/01/2015









Domestic Servitude

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Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse

Innhold 1a. Oppgavesvaret består i stor grad av oppsummering av innholdet i den vedlagte teksten i stedet for å analysere språklige virkemidler. Svaret er derfor noe på siden av oppgaven.

1b. Innholdet i oppgavesvaret avslører manglende kompetanse i å drøfte internasjonale utfordringer. Den vedlagte teksten er ikke referert til.

2d. Oppgavesvaret inneholder lite faglig innsikt og ser i stor grad bort fra det vedlagte materialet, men har til dels relevant innhold. Diskusjonen skifter fokus og sklir over til å dreie seg om flerkulturelle samfunn i stedet for å drøfte menneskesmugling, og svaret er derfor noe på siden av oppgaven. Svaret mangler sammenhengende argumentasjon.

Tekststruktur 1a, 1b og 2d. Tekststrukturen i svarene er enkel. Tekstene viser at eleven kommuniserer med en viss tilpasning til kommunikasjonssituasjonen. Språket i svarene er noe for muntlig og uformelt i forhold til den valgte teksttypen.

Språk Språket i eksamenssvaret i sin helhet har en del formelle svakheter i forhold til formuleringer, ordbøyning og setningsstruktur, men er i stor grad godt.

Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven

• Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget.

Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter

Tekstene i eksamenssvaret viser ujevn kompetanse. Innholdet er stort sett på siden av oppgaven mens språket kommuniserer godt til tross for noen unøyaktigheter. Eksamenssvaret grenser samlet sett opp mot ”nokså god” kompetanse, og kunne ha fått karakteren 3 hvis det hadde vært mer innholdsmessig relevant og fokusert på oppgaveordlyden og det vedlagte materialet.

Eksamenssvaret viser lav kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 2.

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Eksempel på karakter 2

Task 1a:

The text starts with catching your interest by mentioning different global challenges, and

how the study of international relations can protect the world we live in. This paragraph

catches ones interest quickly and the text points towards the reader and how you can help

make a difference.

The second paragraph tells you that this subject isn’t all about reading and studying, but

exciting and interesting. It also tells you there is more to learn even though you may think

you already know most of it already, there is always more knowledge and this course will

help you learn these things.

The third paragraph plays on your emotions at first, questioning how the reader helps those

living in poverty and what you actually do to help them. Then they throw a clever pun at you

making you realize that there is plenty to learn from this course. The text tells you concretely

what you will learn and what you will be able to do after you have completed the course.

When you read the last sentence you`ll really see yourself doing what is right in the future,

and how this career will be able to form your life into something positive, not only for

yourself, but for everyone else living poorly around the world.

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Task 1b:

One of the main reasons this international relation interests me is that one person can make

a huge difference, you will be able to see how the world really works and how you can

change it.

Even though this is the main reason this subject interests me, the third paragraph really

struck me, it made me really think about how I am helping people in poverty, or living

through natural disasters etcetera and I really feel like helping and I really want to know


I never really knew what the topics would be about when I saw the headline, I wasn’t

skeptical, quite the opposite actually, but I was pleasantly surprised when I found that we`ll

be looking at the main talking points around the world. I`ll say without embarrassment that I

knew next to nothing about these different topics, because of that this subject seems

considerably more interesting. I have the opportunity to learn new things and start helping

the worldwide society.

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Task 2D:

The not so important global challenge, Smuggling

Smuggling is a global challenge that may doesn’t get the attention it deserves, millions of

people are being smuggled every year and the conditions they have to put up with we can

only imagine. There are many different global challenges, and maybe some of them are

more severe than the others, but most of them deserve an equal amount of attention, but

the western civilization ignores the issue, and looks down upon the immigrants who seek

freedom and the opportunity for a new beginning. We only see criminals getting into our

country illegally, not as humans beings.

Some of those who seek freedom achieve the exact opposite. Almost half of the humans

being smuggled are put into work without pay under threat of violence and being unable to

walk away, aka slavery. Slavery is illegal all over the world, and it is not allowed in any kind of

form or way. Even though there has been major improvements in the amounts of people in

slavery these last couple of centuries there are still 27 million slaves in the world today. This

statistic is concerning and we have to help end slavery once and for all. If we realized this

issue as what it really is the politicians would jump all over it, and the western civilization will

eventually help.

Smuggling is a profitable way of earning extreme amounts of money; these people take

advantage of the millions of migrants willing to take risks in search of a better life when

there is no opportunity for them to access the legal channels of migration. The considerable

amount of people they are smuggling have no rights, the moment they enter the smugglers

care they are considered as an object and is being looked at as amounts of money, not

human beings. This is unfair, a few hundred men earning millions by running an illegal

operation, it`s easy for them. They run into few, if no obstacles through making their way to

the very top of the money mountain they have built, and once they are at the very top it`s

almost impossible to stop them.

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Most of our western cities are considered to be multicultural, and having multiple different

kinds of societies and cultures. I`ll gladly say that without people migrating from other

countries our western countries would’ve been very square and boring. Some of these

migrants came into the country legally and some came to our country illegally, what I’m

saying is that without these migrants our society as we know it wouldn’t be as elevated as it

is. Our multicultural brand is a brand worth having, it is appealing for other migrants and

brings along thousands of people wanting to join in the fun, having a home, away from

home. One could live in a big city and still feel as if it their home because there are so many

there who have lived besides their culture, and have continued living it in the big cities.

The fact that most of the population in the western civilization ignores that millions of

people are being smuggled through boarders and whatever else the problem may be is

dehumanizing. We look down upon those who have gone through hell to only be able to live

in a country where they have the opportunity to live a decent life. Sometimes the western

civilization disgusts me, we live in a bubble, and that bubble will never pop because we are

too afraid too realize that everything isn’t about us and our tiny problems. There is a whole

world out there living in despair and misery, but the bubble will not pop and therefore we

will not unravel the truth about our world, yet.

Sources: Appendix 2 exam sheet

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Task 1

Short answer. Answer both 1a and 1b.


Read the text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” below. Point out some of the language features and literary devices used in the text and explain their effect. Use examples from the text in your answer.

Come to the Institute of International Studies

Interested in what’s happening to the world? Then we’re the school for you! It has been said that if the human race is wiped out in the next 50 years it will not be because of disease or an asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations. In a world where thousands of threatening nuclear weapons exist and more countries are trying to acquire them, where terrorist strikes come without warning and thousands die each day from poverty caused by the way the international system operates, we need to know about and understand international relations. The study of international relations is absolutely vital if we want to protect the world we live in.

This is what makes international relations such an exciting and interesting – not to mention important – subject to study. While you may think this is a subject you already know something about, you don’t know the half of it!

You might buy fairtrade and you might eschew fast food. You might care for the environment. You might care about the poor. But do you know enough to really make good choices? Can you convert your care into positive action? Can we stop poverty everywhere? The ideas about international relations that you have today are like the small fish a good angler will throw back into the water, saving them to fatten for another day. At the Institute of International Studies we are the sea of knowledge. Here you will come to drink deep from the well of experience and expertise we have to offer. Where the international news tells you about events, we’ll analyse them. Where people spontaneously react to an incident, you’ll learn to make informed decisions. Where other people will think, you will know. Put simply, the international relations course is about war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and change.

Courses in international relations look behind the headlines to the key players in world politics, asking penetrating questions and demanding viable solutions. Your application or interview for an international relations degree will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your curiosity and concern about global affairs. We’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting career.



State in your own words what interests you the most about this international relations course and why.

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Using texts 1 and 2 and the statistics in Appendix 2, discuss the global challenge of people smuggling.

SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2 Page 1 of 2

Text 1

The smuggling of migrants is a truly global concern. Profit-seeking criminals smuggle migrants across borders and between continents. There is no other way to look at this than that it is a criminal act. Smugglers take advantage of the large number of migrants willing to take risks in search of a better life when they cannot access legal channels of migration.

Text 2

Many politicians try to score points by jumping on the anti-people-smuggler bandwagon without thinking about the many different types of human tragedies behind the people who are willing to be smuggled.

For example, what experience of the hardships of life do some of these stuffy-shirted politicians have? What do these privileged gentlemen know about the harsh realities of life? Have they been starving? Have they been unjustly imprisoned? Have they experienced war first-hand?

A refugee

Some basic facts about a crime related to people smuggling

• Slavery: forced to work without pay under threat of violence and unable to walk away• 27 million slaves in the world today• Slavery is not legal anywhere but happens everywhere• We can end slavery in our lifetime. Everyone has a role to play – government,

business, international organizations, consumers, YOU

From, accessed 29/01/15

Money generated each year from people smuggling

Number of children involved in human trafficking

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SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2 Page 2 of 2

Country of origin of victims

Worldwide human trafficking statistics – what happens to them?

Source: U.S. DHHS U.S. Doj: Free The Slaves, accessed 20/01/2015









Domestic Servitude

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Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse

Innhold 1a. Oppgavesvaret er relevant, og gir noen eksempler på språklige virkemidler og deres påvirkning, men noen av forklaringene er upresise.

1b. Innholdet i oppgavesvaret er relevant, men lite konkret.

2d. Oppgavesvaret inneholder en del innsikt og faglig refleksjon, men argumentasjonen bygger i relativt liten grad på det vedlagte materialet. Drøftingen fremstår som overflatisk i sin helhet.

Tekststruktur 1a og 1b. Tekststrukturen i svarene er rimelig logisk, men i svar på 1a kunne eksemplene på språklige virkemidlene ha blitt organisert på en mer logisk måte. 2d. Teksten har en kommunikasjonstilpasset struktur med en rimelig god indre sammenheng, er tydelig og har en bra innledning og klar avslutning.

Språk Språket i tekstene kommuniserer godt, men det forekommer en del formelle svakheter i forhold til ordbøyning og setningsstruktur.

Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven

• Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget.

Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter

Tekstene i eksamenssvaret har relevant innhold men mangler tydelig fokus i argumentasjonen. Formelle og strukturelle svakheter gjør at svaret samlet sett er nærmere «nokså god» enn «god» kompetanse.

Eksamenssvaret i sin helhet viser nokså god kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 3.

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International English, written

Task 1

a) The text, “Come to the Institute of International Studies”, includes many examples

of language features and literary devices. They all have the intention to have an

effect on the reader, and they accomplish this in many different ways.

In the first paragraph, there is an example of a metaphor, “If the human race is

wiped out (…)”. The author compares the humanity with something that can

vanish as easy as a pencil line from a paper. This has the effect of making the

reader aware that the author sees the event as unlikely, and that him or her

essentially has the purpose of promoting a point.

Further down in the text, there is an example of repetition. “You might buy

fairtrade (…). You might care for the environment. You might care about the

poor”. This has the effect off emphasizing the idea being repeated, that the reader

can have an idea of contributing in the society, but that it is maybe not enough.

There is also an example of a simile in the text. “The ideas about international

relations that you have today are like the small fish a good angler will throw back

into the water (…). The writer is comparing the readers’ ideas about international

relations with a small, harmless fish. This has the effect of underlining that the

reader has too insufficient knowledge of the terrible things that are happening in

the world.

The text concludes with the metaphor “We’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the

road to a positive future and interesting”. This has a clear effect of highlighting

that the Institute of International Studies is going to facilitate the students’ way to

success, and help them achieve what they want with their life.

b) My experiences are that it is difficult to see the world from above. Each country is

somehow related to the other ones. Some nations have created good

relationships, while there arises war between other ones. Countless of conflicts

Eksempel på karakter 3

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International English, written

and negotiations are taking place at the same time, and I can never know too

much about them.

This international relation course seems to have the knowledge to easier let me

understand the overview of all the different international relations. It interests

me to be able to see the world from a wider perspective, and from there be able

to draw conclusions to why the international relations are built as they are. I

think that the Institute of International Studies have got the expertise to help me

with that.

Task 2d – A Helping Hand

People smuggling has grown to be a worldwide industry. Hundred thousands of people

are trafficked across boarders every year, and many of them for the similar reasons. The

United Nations is strong opponents of human smuggling and refers to it as “a truly

global concern”. At the same time, many refugees express that the journey has been vital

to their quality of life and valuable at an indescribable level. That leads us to a question.

Does the people smuggling industry strengthen the exploitation of innocent people, or is

it a helping hand for people in need?

The people smuggling industry does not only contravene the laws of migration, but also

many of the human rights. The price for being smuggled is often a cost that can take

several years with constant hard working to earn. Most smuggled people are

transported in narrow vans or containers with limited access to oxygen, few or no meal

services, and in unsanitary conditions. Many of them got great expectations of a better

life with the opportunity to work, earn money and provide their family. Unfortunately

this is usually not what awaits them. The majority of the smuggled people are arriving in

the country with a little or no amount of money. They do not know how to initialize in

the society are struggling to provide themselves. Worldwide human trafficking statistics

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International English, written

shows that nearly half the amount of people that has been smuggled ends up as

prostitutes. Only 5% get a job in a factory.

On the other hand, the refugees put a lot of effort in leaving their home country even

though they have to leave behind family, belongings and childhood memories. The

majority origins of the victims are Africa and Asia which both are continents affected by

conflicts and natural disasters. These tragedies affect the all over living standards in the

countries, and makes many forced to leave behind what is valuable for them.

Nevertheless, the smuggled people can achieve a better life in the country they have

travelled to. Even the opportunity to earn money on prostitution in a foreign country

can be a better life for the refugees in comparison to their old living conditions.

The people smuggling industry is a disputed topic. In many ways it contradicts the value

of a human life, but can also strengthen a persons’ quality in living. It may be wrong to

break laws, but there is nothing wrong with helping a person in need.

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Task 1

Short answer. Answer both 1a and 1b.


Read the text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” below. Point out some of the language features and literary devices used in the text and explain their effect. Use examples from the text in your answer.

Come to the Institute of International Studies

Interested in what’s happening to the world? Then we’re the school for you! It has been said that if the human race is wiped out in the next 50 years it will not be because of disease or an asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations. In a world where thousands of threatening nuclear weapons exist and more countries are trying to acquire them, where terrorist strikes come without warning and thousands die each day from poverty caused by the way the international system operates, we need to know about and understand international relations. The study of international relations is absolutely vital if we want to protect the world we live in.

This is what makes international relations such an exciting and interesting – not to mention important – subject to study. While you may think this is a subject you already know something about, you don’t know the half of it!

You might buy fairtrade and you might eschew fast food. You might care for the environment. You might care about the poor. But do you know enough to really make good choices? Can you convert your care into positive action? Can we stop poverty everywhere? The ideas about international relations that you have today are like the small fish a good angler will throw back into the water, saving them to fatten for another day. At the Institute of International Studies we are the sea of knowledge. Here you will come to drink deep from the well of experience and expertise we have to offer. Where the international news tells you about events, we’ll analyse them. Where people spontaneously react to an incident, you’ll learn to make informed decisions. Where other people will think, you will know. Put simply, the international relations course is about war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and change.

Courses in international relations look behind the headlines to the key players in world politics, asking penetrating questions and demanding viable solutions. Your application or interview for an international relations degree will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your curiosity and concern about global affairs. We’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting career.



State in your own words what interests you the most about this international relations course and why.

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Using texts 1 and 2 and the statistics in Appendix 2, discuss the global challenge of people smuggling.

SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2

Page 1 of 2

Text 1

The smuggling of migrants is a truly global concern. Profit-seeking criminals smuggle migrants across borders and between continents. There is no other way to look at this than that it is a criminal act. Smugglers take advantage of the large number of migrants willing to take risks in search of a better life when they cannot access legal channels of migration.

Text 2

Many politicians try to score points by jumping on the anti-people-smuggler bandwagon without thinking about the many different types of human tragedies behind the people who are willing to be smuggled.

For example, what experience of the hardships of life do some of these stuffy-shirted politicians have? What do these privileged gentlemen know about the harsh realities of life? Have they been starving? Have they been unjustly imprisoned? Have they experienced war first-hand?

A refugee

Some basic facts about a crime related to people smuggling • Slavery: forced to work without pay under threat of violence and unable to walk away • 27 million slaves in the world today • Slavery is not legal anywhere but happens everywhere • We can end slavery in our lifetime. Everyone has a role to play – government,

business, international organizations, consumers, YOU From, accessed 29/01/15

Money generated each year from people smuggling

Number of children involved in human trafficking

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SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2 Page 2 of 2

Country of origin of victims

Worldwide human trafficking statistics – what happens to them?

Source: U.S. DHHS U.S. Doj: Free The Slaves, accessed 20/01/2015









Domestic Servitude

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Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse

Innhold 1a. Oppgavesvaret er relevant, og viser gir korrekte eksempler på språklige virkemidler og deres påvirkning. Svaret viser at eleven i noen grad mestrer terminologi for språkanalyse.

1b. Innholdet i oppgavesvaret er relevant og selvstendig.

2d. Oppgavesvaret inneholder en del innsikt og faglig refleksjon, men mangler ordentlig, sammenhengende argumentasjon.

Tekststruktur 1a og 1b. Tekststrukturen i svarene er rimelig logisk. 2d. Teksten har en kommunikasjonstilpasset struktur med en rimelig god indre sammenheng til tross for noen gjentakelser som fører til mindre effektiv fremdrift.

Språk Språket i svarene kommuniserer godt, men det forekommer en del formelle svakheter i forhold til ortografi og ordbøyning.

Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven

• Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget.

Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter

Tekstene i eksamenssvaret har relevant innhold, men mangler tydelig og sammenhengende argumentasjon, spesielt 2d. Språklige og strukturelle svakheter gjør at svaret samlet sett er nærmere «god» enn «meget god» kompetanse.

Eksamenssvaret i sin helhet viser god kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 4.

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Task 1


To begin with, the message in the text “Come to the Institute on International Studies” is

already clear in the headline. The first paragraph begins with the two short sentences;

“Interested in what’s happening to the world? Then we’re the school for you!” The author of

the text uses both contractions and exclamation mark in the short sentences, which makes it

informal. As a result, it feels more like a dialogue between the author and the reader. In

contrast, the following sentences in the paragraph are quite long, compared to the first two,

and underlines the importance of international relations by describing it as “vital” for the

world. In addition, the short paragraph, following the first one, uses adjectives like “exiting,”

“interesting” and “important” while adding that “you don’t know the half of it!” which is

supposed to make it sound like much more than you already think.

In comparison to the first two paragraphs, the third one is more like a speech. The author is

now moving from the funny and interesting dialogue over to a more dramatic tone. For

instance, the author use repetition parallelism two times in the paragraph, which is supposed

to make a feeling of tension and rhythm. We see repetition parallelism in the three short

sentences in the beginning but also in the end of the third paragraph: “Where the international

news tells you about events, we’ll analyse them. Where people spontaneously react to an

incident, you’ll learn to make informed decisions. Where other etc.” The writer of the text

also uses parallelism in the last sentence by summing up different types of themes that you

will learn about in the international relations course.

Finally, there is also many metaphors in the text. For example, the author describes

International studies as “the sea of knowledge,” and by studying this, you are able to “drink

deep from the well of experience.” In addition, the text close with a metaphor: “We’ll put you

in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting career,” which sums up the

message in the text. The text uses long sentences sometimes to make the text slow down and

to make an elaboration on a point, while other times there is only short sentences or

paragraphs to catch the reader’s attention and make it more dramatic or interesting.

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The text about the International relations course made me interested with the first sentence;

“Interested in what’s happening in the world?” By reading the text, I understood that

international relations is an interesting and important subject, at least according to the writer

of the text. Admittedly, by studying the subject International English, I understood that there

is a greater importance to English as a language then I could ever imagine. Themes like war

and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty caught my attention as well. As a

Norwegian, I experience the world and its conflicts trough a screen. After spending time in

front of this screen, the rest of the world becomes another planet or a place that do not exist

for me. I do not want to become indifferent to the world outside my own country and ignore

everything that does not happen to me. This course seems to be a way of understanding more

of the world in its entirety. Yes, I am interested in what that is happening in the world, and it

seems to be a course that can change a person and his or her way of viewing the world.

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Task 2d

Modern-day slave trade

Slavery is still happening in the world. Today there is 27 million slaves in the world, which

are normal people with families, who believes in a better life. Bought and sold, these people

are doing work that only comforts profit-seeking criminals. For instance, people that might

already have difficulties or bad circumstances believing they have a better chance in another

country. However, these people might not have access to the legal channels of migration, and

are therefore under the necessity of smuggling. Nevertheless, these smugglers take advantage

of the hope that makes millions of people willing to risk smuggling in to another country.

Today, many people are not aware of the large income of people smuggling every year, or the

circumstances they meet during and after the trafficking. The rest of the world need to

understand the great number and danger of human trafficking.

It is hard to hear the voice of a person caught in the web of trafficking. For instance, a woman

from East Africa ended up working as a domestic slave in the Seattle suburbs, without

knowing someone had bought and sold her. In contrast to other stories of smuggling, the

wealthy woman that she worked for was the one that tricked her. Expecting a boarding school

for her children and a well-paid job, she met a rather disappointing life in the U.S. She lost her

identity, worked 100 hours a week as a domestic slave and received 70 dollars every month.

“I was responsible for everything, except only their body they washed by themselves.” She

said herself. Luckily, she got contact with an immigration attorney, and the woman that

tricked her met charges. However, by reading this story, we understand that smuggling is not

just happening in the poor streets, it can be unseen in your own neighbourhood. About 38% of

people being trafficked has their origin in Africa, while 26% in Europe and 31% in Asia,

according to Appendix 2. Smuggling is a risk people all over the world might be willing to

take, although it is a crime. Nevertheless, most of these people are not aware of the dangers

and tragedies that hides behind the risk of smuggling.

The results caused by human smuggling is not always the happy life they expected. For

instance, Edwin Canilang, a young Filipino, once realised he had been sold. Someone

promised him a good life in Canada with good wages and a steady job. Instead, he was forced

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to dug ditches every day without payment and live in a basement where he shared a bed with

four other men. As mentioned earlier, there is 27 million slaves in the world today because of

human smuggling, but there is also other types of work. According to the percentages given

by “free the slaves” (p.11,) 46% of humans being trafficked worldwide end up in prostitution

communities. In addition, 27% end up in domestic servitude while smaller numbers work in

factories or with agriculture. These people loses their identity and taken advantage of by

criminals making money in the shadows. Unfortunately, criminals earn billions on smuggling

people, bought and sold like products, which they do not pay taxes for. Owning to this, there

are people all over the world treated like nothing, sold like property and treated like animals.

What happened to the value of humans?

People smuggling is an insult to human rights. We look back at the slave history and the time

of apartheid with disgust. In addition, racism, slavery and generally viewing a person as less

then yourselves is unacceptable. For instance, the president that forbid slavery in the U.S,

Abraham Lincoln, is today viewed as one of the greatest presidents leading the U.S. Today we

are supposed to view all people as equal even if they have another skin colour, language or

country. Unfortunately, 1.2 million children is trafficked every year. That is to say, children

like your siblings or cousins starting their life in factories, prostitution or slavery. Children

that believes in a better future with education and a safe home. Children that is forced with

violence and threats to work for the rest of their life. What makes these children different

from the ones in your own neighbourhood? Coincidence or luck? Choice or force? Most of

the people smuggling is people tricked to believe they have made the right choice.

The people that is smuggled is regular people just like you. For instance, as a person living in

Norway, understand the circumstances and reality happening outside our country can be hard.

We read about poverty, difficult choices and abuse every day, but it is not something we can

understand by experience. We know that injustice happens in the world every day, but we

believe that it is something beyond our power. However, we do not have to be in someone

else’s shoes to understand that slavery and human smuggling is wrong. Human smuggling is

something that happens in the shadows where it is hard to hear the scream of help. We need to

take a stand for people like us selves, and understand that all people has the same value,

although they are born with different possibilities.

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Sources: The story about the woman trafficked to the U.S and Edwin Canilang –

“trafficking: two stories,” Access – international English, p. 187. Author: John

Anthony, Richard Burgess and Robert Mikkelsen.

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Task 1

Short answer. Answer both 1a and 1b.


Read the text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” below. Point out some of the language features and literary devices used in the text and explain their effect. Use examples from the text in your answer.

Come to the Institute of International Studies

Interested in what’s happening to the world? Then we’re the school for you! It has been said that if the human race is wiped out in the next 50 years it will not be because of disease or an asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations. In a world where thousands of threatening nuclear weapons exist and more countries are trying to acquire them, where terrorist strikes come without warning and thousands die each day from poverty caused by the way the international system operates, we need to know about and understand international relations. The study of international relations is absolutely vital if we want to protect the world we live in.

This is what makes international relations such an exciting and interesting – not to mention important – subject to study. While you may think this is a subject you already know something about, you don’t know the half of it!

You might buy fairtrade and you might eschew fast food. You might care for the environment. You might care about the poor. But do you know enough to really make good choices? Can you convert your care into positive action? Can we stop poverty everywhere? The ideas about international relations that you have today are like the small fish a good angler will throw back into the water, saving them to fatten for another day. At the Institute of International Studies we are the sea of knowledge. Here you will come to drink deep from the well of experience and expertise we have to offer. Where the international news tells you about events, we’ll analyse them. Where people spontaneously react to an incident, you’ll learn to make informed decisions. Where other people will think, you will know. Put simply, the international relations course is about war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and change.

Courses in international relations look behind the headlines to the key players in world politics, asking penetrating questions and demanding viable solutions. Your application or interview for an international relations degree will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your curiosity and concern about global affairs. We’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting career.



State in your own words what interests you the most about this international relations course and why.

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Using texts 1 and 2 and the statistics in Appendix 2, discuss the global challenge of people smuggling.

SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2

Page 1 of 2

Text 1

The smuggling of migrants is a truly global concern. Profit-seeking criminals smuggle migrants across borders and between continents. There is no other way to look at this than that it is a criminal act. Smugglers take advantage of the large number of migrants willing to take risks in search of a better life when they cannot access legal channels of migration.

Text 2

Many politicians try to score points by jumping on the anti-people-smuggler bandwagon without thinking about the many different types of human tragedies behind the people who are willing to be smuggled.

For example, what experience of the hardships of life do some of these stuffy-shirted politicians have? What do these privileged gentlemen know about the harsh realities of life? Have they been starving? Have they been unjustly imprisoned? Have they experienced war first-hand?

A refugee

Some basic facts about a crime related to people smuggling • Slavery: forced to work without pay under threat of violence and unable to walk away • 27 million slaves in the world today • Slavery is not legal anywhere but happens everywhere • We can end slavery in our lifetime. Everyone has a role to play – government,

business, international organizations, consumers, YOU From, accessed 29/01/15

Money generated each year from people smuggling

Number of children involved in human trafficking

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SPR3008 V2015 Appendix 2 Page 2 of 2

Country of origin of victims

Worldwide human trafficking statistics – what happens to them?

Source: U.S. DHHS U.S. Doj: Free The Slaves, accessed 20/01/2015









Domestic Servitude

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Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse

Innhold 1a. Oppgavesvaret er modent, relevant og fyldig, og svaret gir flere eksempler på språklige virkemidler og deres påvirkning med forklaringer. Svaret viser at eleven mestrer terminologi for språkanalyse.

1b. Innholdet i oppgavesvaret er relevant, men noe for generalisert.

2d. Oppgavesvaret inneholder en del innsikt og selvstendig faglig refleksjon og har sammenhengende argumentasjon. Det vedlagte materialet er utnyttet bra.

Tekststruktur 1a,1b og 2d. Tekststrukturen i svarene er logisk med god innledning og avslutning. Det er effektiv fremdrift i tekstene med god tekstbinding.

Språk Språket i svarene er nyansert, idiomatisk og variert, men noen unøyaktigheter forekommer.

Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven

• Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget. • Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget. • Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget. • Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget. • Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget. • Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget.

Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter

Tekstene i eksamenssvaret har relevant, innsiktsfullt faglig innhold og en tydelig, sammenhengende argumentasjon. Kildehenvisninger er gjennomgående brukt på en korrekt og hensiktsmessig måte. Besvarelsen i sin helhet viser høy kompetanse og god skriveferdighet.

Eksamenssvaret i sin helhet viser meget god kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 5.

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Internasjonal engelsk

Task 1a

Come to the Institute of International Studies

The text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” could be considered an

article or a brochure from a magazine written in order to persuade the reader the

importance of international relations and to attend the school being promoted.

Numerous times the author attempts to gain the reader’s attention by asking

questions such as: “But do you know enough to really make good choices? Can

you convert your care into positive action? Can we stop poverty everywhere”

(Text 1)? Using these questions, the reader begins to question themselves and the

knowledge they have on the subject, which causes the reader to gain interest. The

writing style is relaxed and informal, creating a more personalized text. For

example, the author uses personal pronouns when stating, “While you may think

this is a subject you already know something about, you don’t know the half of it”

(Text 1)! In a formal text the author avoids using personal pronouns, but by

addressing the reader directly, the language of the text becomes informal.

The author also uses different literary devices in order to create a more

interesting text. For example, it states, “The ideas about international relations

that you have today are like the small fish a good angler will throw back into the

water, saving them to fatten for another day” (Text 1). This simile reveals to the

reader how small the understanding of international relations is by comparing

the reader’s knowledge to that of a small fish. Another example of literary devices

is when the author states, “At the Institute of International Studies we are the

sea of knowledge. Here you will come to drink deep from the well of experience

and expertise we have to offer” (Text 1). The author uses a metaphor by stating

that the institution is a sea, revealing how well educated and knowledgeable the

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school is. Furthermore, the reader receives a mental image through the

descriptions of students drinking from the well of knowledge. Also, when writing,

“We’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting

career,” (Task 1) the writer creates a picture revealing the possibilities that a

student can have by joining the institution. All these different literary devices

effect the text by allowing the reader to understand the information through

different methods and create a clear representation of the institution that the

writer is advocating.



Task 1b

The topic that interests me most from the text, “Come to the Institute of

International Studies” was the courses that were available at the school. The

writer states that the international relations course would involve topics, “about

war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and change”

(Text 1). These topics have always held my interest and the fact that the

institution offered a course that focused solely on these issues and their

connection appealed to me. It is important that people understand global affairs

and their influence upon each other. Not enough people truly understand

important issues and are ignorant to what is happening all over the world, which

is wrong. Through this course, it is possible to gain valuable information about

relevant topics that influence people all over the world. I not only want to learn

about what is happening in the world, but to receive an in depth understanding

of the global issues at hand.

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Task 2d

The global challenge of human trafficking has been on the rise and is an issue

that needs to be attended to. Many people underestimate the magnitude of

human trafficking, which is a problem because in order to solve this issue, people

need to be informed.

Although human trafficking happens all over the world, there are some areas

with a greater percentage of victims than others. For example, statistics from

Appendix 2 show that 38 percent of the slaves originated from Africa along with

31 percent from Asia. Europe is not far behind with 26 percent and 5 percent

from other various regions. With such large numbers all over the world, it is

obvious that this is a global issue that needs to be fixed through the cooperation

between nations.

People generally view people smuggling in a negative way, which is

understandable. However, there are many who believe their only solution to their

problems is to immigrate illegally into another country. From the point of view of

a refugee from Text 2, the reader is able to see human trafficking through a

different perspective. The refugee questions, “Have they been starving? Have

they been unjustly imprisoned? Have they experienced war first-hand” (Text 2)?

This quote from the refugee shines a more positive light on human trafficking

and even causes the reader to sympathize with the immigrants who take huge

risks in hopes of a better life. For them illegal immigration is the only answer,

the only hope they have of a better life.

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However, one can begin to question whether the lives of these illegal immigrants

are any better than before. According to Appendix 2, statistics state that 46

percent of the immigrants who illegally enter a country are forced into

prostitution and 12 percent in domestic servitude. Furthermore, slavery, forced

labour without pay, is closely related to people smuggling and in the world today,

there are 27 million slaves. So many people are smuggled to other countries

expecting to start over and have a better life, only to be completely wrong.

Those who mainly benefit from human trafficking are the profit-seeking

criminals who smuggle the immigrants. Stated in Text 1, smugglers take

advantage of migrants desperate to start a new life and reap the benefits.

According to Appendix 2, the amount of money produced each year from human

trafficking is 25,894,000,000 euros. As a result of being so profitable, people

smuggling has grown and is much more difficult to control.

It is possible to put an end to human trafficking. Although there are millions of

people who are in slavery with high percentages of victims forced into labour,

through cooperation, it is possible. There are different roles that play key factors

in the elimination of people smuggling, such as: government, business,

international organizations and consumers. The most important factor, however,

is to be informed and understand the situation at hand and together this global

issue can finally be resolved.


httP://, accessed 29/01/15

U.S. DHHS U.S. Doj: Free the Slaves, accessed 20/01/2015

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Task 1

Short answer. Answer both 1a and 1b.


Read the text “Come to the Institute of International Studies” below. Point out some of the language features and literary devices used in the text and explain their effect. Use examples from the text in your answer.

Come to the Institute of International Studies

Interested in what’s happening to the world? Then we’re the school for you! It has been said that if the human race is wiped out in the next 50 years it will not be because of disease or an asteroid hitting the earth, but because of foreign policy and international relations. In a world where thousands of threatening nuclear weapons exist and more countries are trying to acquire them, where terrorist strikes come without warning and thousands die each day from poverty caused by the way the international system operates, we need to know about and understand international relations. The study of international relations is absolutely vital if we want to protect the world we live in.

This is what makes international relations such an exciting and interesting – not to mention important – subject to study. While you may think this is a subject you already know something about, you don’t know the half of it!

You might buy fairtrade and you might eschew fast food. You might care for the environment. You might care about the poor. But do you know enough to really make good choices? Can you convert your care into positive action? Can we stop poverty everywhere? The ideas about international relations that you have today are like the small fish a good angler will throw back into the water, saving them to fatten for another day. At the Institute of International Studies we are the sea of knowledge. Here you will come to drink deep from the well of experience and expertise we have to offer. Where the international news tells you about events, we’ll analyse them. Where people spontaneously react to an incident, you’ll learn to make informed decisions. Where other people will think, you will know. Put simply, the international relations course is about war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and change.

Courses in international relations look behind the headlines to the key players in world politics, asking penetrating questions and demanding viable solutions. Your application or interview for an international relations degree will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your curiosity and concern about global affairs. We’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting career.



State in your own words what interests you the most about this international relations course and why.

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Using the two cartoons and the examples of media coverage in texts 1 and 2 in the box below, discuss what effect the English-language media coverage of the Ebola epidemic has had. Picture 1 Picture 2

Media coverage Text 1 Lawmakers and infectious disease experts are examining whether terrorists could use Ebola to deliberately infect and wreak psychological havoc on an unsuspecting population. “If you want to do the equivalent of a dirty bomb all you need is a bag of [vomit],” said Dr. Ryan Hall, a forensic psychologist who has written about psychological trauma associated with bioterrorism. Media coverage Text 2 A common feature of Ebola epidemics is stigma. Sufferers and survivors are often stigmatised by the community, and so too are hospital workers. Western medical staff were viewed with suspicion, and sometimes suspected of bringing the disease. Hospitals, often ill-prepared to deal with Ebola, have played a role as amplifiers of epidemics in the past. Many victims since 1976 have been healthcare workers. This gave rise to rumours.

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Beskrivelser av vist kompetanse

Innhold 1a. Oppgavesvaret er modent, relevant og fyldig, og eleven analyserer språklige virkemidler og deres påvirkning med gode forklaringer og flere eksempler. Svaret viser at eleven mestrer terminologi for språkanalyse.

1b. Innholdet i oppgavesvaret er relevant og viser høy grad av faglig innsikt, modenhet og selvstendighet.

2c. Oppgavesvaret er fyldig og inneholder mye innsikt og selvstendig faglig refleksjon. Svaret har sammenhengende og velbegrunnet argumentasjon. Det vedlagte materialet er utnyttet bra.

Tekststruktur 1a,1b og 2c. Teksten i svarene er logisk strukturert med god indre sammenheng og en god innledning og avslutning. Det er effektiv fremdrift i tekstene til tross for at svarene er relativt lange.

Språk Språket i svarene er nyansert, idiomatisk og variert.

Beskrivelser av karakterer i forskrift til opplæringsloven

• Karakteren 6 uttrykkjer at eleven har framifrå kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 5 uttrykkjer at eleven har mykje god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 4 uttrykkjer at eleven har god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 3 uttrykkjer at eleven har nokså god kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 2 uttrykkjer at eleven har låg kompetanse i faget.• Karakteren 1 uttrykkjer at eleven har svært låg kompetanse i faget.

Oppsummering av samlet kompetanse og karakter

Tekstene i eksamenssvaret har relevant, innsiktsfullt faglig innhold og tydelig, sammenhengende og velbegrunnet argumentasjon. Språket er avansert og presist med svært få feil. Besvarelsen i sin helhet viser svært høy kompetanse og god skriveferdighet.

Eksamenssvaret i sin helhet viser fremragende kompetanse og er samlet vurdert til karakter 6.

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International English Exam 03.06.2015

Task 1a

As far as academic advertising goes, Come to the Institute of International Studies is a rather

informal text, as evident even by its title – a friendly invitation. Through the use of

incomplete sentences like “Interested in what’s happening to the world?”, which are more

typical of casual, spoken English rather than a formal text, the author of the text creates a

more relaxed tone. The text is also filled with rhetorical questions (“Can you convert your

care into positive action?”) and promises of knowledge and understanding (“Where other

people will think, you will know.”), making the tone of the text inviting and inspiring.

However, by utilizing a varied vocabulary and a wide array of literary devices, the

professionalism of the text is not lost.

One such literary device is the use of similes and metaphors. The author of the text writes,

“The ideas about international relations that you have today are like the small fish a good

angler will throw back into the water, saving them to fatten for another day.” Continuing this

metaphor, the institute describes itself as “the sea of knowledge”. By using this metaphor of a

vast, undrainable sea, the institute wishes to give the impression that they are an unlimited

source of knowledge and expertise, ready for you to profit from and “fatten in” if you just

apply to their international relations degree.

Repetition is another literary device found in this text. “Where the international news tells you

about events, we’ll analyze them. …Where other people will think, you will know”. By

repeating this structure of “where x… you’ll…”, the advertisement tries to convince that your

understanding of the world around you will be improved greatly after studying at this institute.

It might even come off as a bit condescending, as it compares the experience and knowledge

of the pupils and teachers at the institute with the ignorance of “other people”: “Where people

spontaneously react to an incident, you’ll learn to make informed decisions”.

Finally, the text displays a clever use of symbols as it concludes with the sentence: “We’ll put

you in the driver’s seat on the road to a positive future and interesting career”. By using the

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symbol of the driver’s seat, the text appeals to the future-oriented, independent soon-to-be

students who like the idea of being in charge of their own future, and, to a certain degree, the

future of the world. There is also a sense of change and evolution in the text, from the small

fish left to fatten in the sea of knowledge, to the responsible, experienced student who is put

in the driver’s seat on the road to a better future. To convince the reader that they themselves

will undergo such a prosperous evolution of their own understanding and independence if

they apply at the Institute of International Studies is likely the major motive of this text.

Task 1b

The sentence that caught my attention in this text, was “Put simply, the international relations

course is about war and peace, conflict and cooperation, wealth and poverty, power and

change”. It highlighted how versatile and broad this subject is, and how vital it is to

understand it. Due to the wide spectrum of different issues and conflicts this subject touches

upon, the course will appeal to many different people. The combination of the importance of

the course and the variety is what interested me the most. It seemed like a subject which

would feel meaningful to study, and would stay interesting due to the many different aspects

of the subject.

“Courses in international relations look behind the headlines to the key players in world

politics, asking penetrating questions and demanding viable solutions.” This sentence

introduced another side of the course which interested me – critical thinking. To be able to

look at the facts, and make up one’s own, qualified opinion, instead of having to rely on an

intermediary, such as a newspaper or a news channel, to interpret it. This is connected with

the symbolic value of the last sentence in the text (“we’ll put you in the driver’s seat on the

road to a positive future and interesting career”) – independence. To be able and qualified to

understand, interpret and manage the world around me on one’s own, seems to me like a

meaningful and interesting quality, which the Institute of International Studies is able to


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Task 2c

Racism, Hysteria - Merely Human?

In late 2014, an Ebola outbreak second to none in recorded history reached its peak in West

Africa, primarily in the states of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The fear surrounding the

epidemic, however, reached out from West Africa into all corners of the world, as healthcare

workers were infected with the virus and flown back to their home countries to be treated,

bringing the sickness back home with them. Western media slowly shifted their focus from

the course of the disease in Africa to the white, western healthcare workers who tragically

were infected by the very virus they were fighting against. This western-centered coverage

was perceived by some as reflecting a skewed, faulty and maybe even racist media. In

addition comes the question of the fear and hysteria which came as a result of the news

coverage. However, no matter how undesirable and imperfect this media coverage appears

when analyzed through the glasses of hindsight wisdom, it can certainly be explained by, and

maybe even justified by human nature and instinct. The question remains – do we need to

change our approach to covering international crises such as the recent Ebola outbreak? Are

we satisfied with this instinct-driven, “merely human” approach to media coverage?

In between rows of dying black patients, stands two journalists, focusing all of their attention

on the sole patient with the same pale complexion as themselves. His thin body bent in

devilish angles, the white patient is experiencing the same anguish as all the other patients, yet

he is the only one to be highlighted by the journalists. The caricature from the Independent

paints a striking picture of just what was wrong with the western media’s coverage of the

Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Moral-wise, that is. Seen from a psychological perspective,

however, taking human nature into account, is it not expected and natural?

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It is indisputable that there is objectively nothing graver about a sick white person than there

is about a black person with the same illness. However, to be objective and not influenced by

emotions is an ideal which is not inherently human. To watch out for and care for our own is

an instinct which is deeply rooted in us humans, and it is considered a positive trait in most

situations. Yet, at times where our subconscious distinction of “our own” and others is no

longer based on values of friendship and family, but rather something superficial as ethnicity

or skin color, most would consider this natural instinct as immoral and racist, demonstrated by

the aforementioned caricature. Looking at the media coverage of the Ebola outbreak from this

perspective, it is more understandable, and maybe even justified.

Continuing this thought of using human nature to explain the media coverage of the Ebola

outbreak in West Africa, one must also touch upon the natural curiosity of humans. We are

curious about the morbid. From a fictional detective unraveling the secrets of a murder, to the

very real news report about a ferry sinking somewhere out on the ocean, we are interested in

suffering, like a train wreck you just can’t take your eyes off of. Evolutionary, it does not take

a lot of creativity to imagine that a person with detailed knowledge about what’s dangerous

will be better equipped for facing the world, but the morality of it is an entirely different issue.

An issue brought to light by the epidemic in West Africa.

What then, about the excessive fear, bordering to hysteria, which followed the intensive news

coverage of the situation in West Africa and the perceived possibility of the virus spreading to

the rest of the world? The researchers had discovered no vaccine, and keeping this in mind

while watching the suffering faces of children, women and men dying on the TV-screen

shocked people around the globe. The panic reached its peak as western health workers were

infected and brought back to their home countries in quick succession – suddenly the virus

was not contained in Africa any longer, but existed in places such as Spain, Norway and the

United States. As illustrated in Picture 2 – the two orange-clad health workers quarantining a

terrified girl over the confusion of the words “Library” and “Liberia” – the fear was

completely out of proportion with the actual gravity of the situation in these places. Despite

the widespread fear, time has shown that this would not spread the virus further, and the

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situation in West Africa has been, if not yet stabilized, bettered. This excessive and ultimately

useless panic was partly due to an ill-prepared media.

Media coverage such as the example from Fox News is part of the reason why the fear in safe

places such as the United States was allowed to grow disproportionally large, despite the best

efforts to inform the public about the actual circumstances and risks from health institutions

and governments. The short excerpt is full of key words and sentences written to create

sensation and, ultimately, panic: “terrorists”, “bioterrorism”, “wreak psychological havoc on

an unsuspecting population”, and the quote from Dr. Ryan Hall, explaining the ease of which

all of the above can be achieved with: “If you want to do the equivalent of a dirty bomb all

you need is a bag of [vomit]”. This kind of coverage is driven by human instinct, not objective

thought. It gives the readers what they want, but not necessarily what’s best for them. This is

of course connected to the ideals of Fox News – they believe in the intelligence of the masses

– and naturally, they are a private organization which is dependent on providing content

which will urge people to buy their products. The example from BBC on the other hand, is an

example of media coverage driven by thought. It shifts the focus on another aspect of the

outbreak which needs attention, namely the stigmatization of sufferers and survivors of Ebola,

while sticking to facts instead of speculation, for example by specifying that it was discussing

rumors (“This gave rise to rumours”). If the entirety of western media was determined to

stick to the facts and avoid speculation and fearmongering, much of the panic and chaos

following the outbreak might have been avoided.

What has been the effect of the media coverage of the Ebola epidemic? Primarily it has

pointed out that there is no widespread consensus on how to cover international crises in the

media. Should the media reflect what the viewers want? Human nature is a factor which

makes the media a platform for discussion about moral and ethical values. As demonstrated

by the reaction to the Ebola outbreak, there is always a morbid, human desire to vicariously

witness all the world has to offer on suffering, despair and hopelessness. The question of what

we really care about also arises – are we really concerned about human suffering on a general

level when a single white patient receives more media attention than the thousand black

patients knocking on the door of the hospital in which he is currently being treated? Should

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the news only be a way of answering to these manifestations of “unfiltered” human instinct,

or should it instead provide news in a thoughtful, objective manner, hopefully resulting in the

avoiding of public fear and chaos? In that case, who should be in charge of the decision of

what can and what cannot be printed or aired? These questions represent a fallacy of western

media made obvious by the coverage of the Ebola epidemic, and they are in need of urgent

consideration. We are merely human, but perhaps we should hold our media to a higher

standard than we currently do.

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