vs. an inside look at regulating emissions … inside look at regulating emissions from the u.s....


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Potential Vernal Pool

NHESP Estimated Habitatof Rare Wildlife





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My Background

• University of California @ Davis – Undergrad– B.A.S. Chemistry & Communications

• University of California @ Riverside – Grad– Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry

• Individual particles size & chemical composition (SPMS)• Combustion Source Emissions

– Cars/Trucks/Biomass/Coal

• Ambient Air Quality Studies

• Now – Air Quality Consulting

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Epsilon Associates, Inc.

• Located in Maynard, MA (near Boston)• Environmental Consulting Firm• Staff of ~45 Employees• Air Quality

– Engineers / Scientists / Meteorologist

• Water / Soil– Engineers / Environmental Scientists

• GIS (Geographic Information Systems)• Historical Preservation

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Epsilon’s Air Quality Services

• Air Quality Modeling• CALPUFF Modeling• Air Pollution Control (BACT,

MACT, LAER)• Air Quality Monitoring• Air Plan Preparation• PSD Permits• Title V Operating Permits• Noise Monitoring/Modeling• Emission Inventories• Compliance/Due Diligence• Emissions Offsets/Credits

• Overall CEMS Management• CEMS/DAHS Audits• CEMS Training• Monitoring Plan Development• QA/QC Plan Development• State/Federal Report

Preparation– EDR– EEMPR

• Provide Regulatory Support w/ CEMS Modifications

• Re-/Certification Applications• Provide Regulatory Support &


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My Job• Assist Clients (the Energy Industry) in Meeting State and

Federal Air Quality Regulations • Source of Regulatory Support & Guidance • DAHS Optimization / Configuration

– Remote Access

• Site-visits (Quarterly)• Everchanging Technology & Regulations

– Instruments, Monitoring Equipment, Troubleshooting, Computers, Software, Regs…

• Assist Clients w/ Problems @ Hand– Reporting Issues / Compliance Issues / Permit Mods / Training…– Keeps My Job Interesting

• Very Technical• Telecommute

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Our Main CEMS Clients• Mid to Large Combustion Units

– Universities (MIT, someday UW?)– Industry (NECCO, Gillette, Munksjo)– Trigen Energy – Steam Generation– Exelon– FPL– WPS– Boston Generating– Suez Energy

Electric Generation

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Florida Power & Light Facilities

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Combustion Units

• Boiler – Is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated under pressure to produce steam

• Combustion Turbine (CT) – Internal combustion consisting essentially of an air compressor, combustion chamber and turbine wheel that is turned by expanding products of combustion

• Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) –Generates steam by use of exhaust heat from a CT and can be fired with duct burners

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Hydrocarbons(Organic Molecules - C, H)

Natural GasRefinery Gas

No. 2 – No. 6 Fuel OilsCoal

Petroleum CokeTires

FUELCH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O + HEAT


LEFTOVERSAir Pollution


Trace MetalsFlyash


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Some More Definitions• Simple Cycle

– Typically a combustion turbine that produces electricity only– Least efficient of the three processes– Typically peaking facilities (plants on standby)

• Cogeneration – Simultaneous generation of electricity and useful thermal energy

(multiple types of energy) from a single fuel source– Thermal energy (steam) can also be used for heating/cooling/ process

purposes– CT/HRSG

• Combined Cycle– CT/HRSG coupled w/ Steam Turbine to produce electricity very


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Simple Cycle Power Plant

• Simple Cycle• Peaking Facility• 62 MW• Near N.Y.C

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60 MW = How Many Incandescent Light Bulbs?

60 Watts

60 Megawatts

That’s ~1,000,000



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~15 Watts

~60 MW

60 MW = How Many CFBs(Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs)?

That’s ~4,000,000


Who says we can’t help withthe energy problem?

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Why Do We Need Air Quality Regulations?

• To Protect Us– Minimize Adverse Health Effects

• respiratory problems, asthma, premature mortality

• To Protect the Environment– Minimize Visibility Degradation– Minimize Atmospheric Deposition

• acidifies surface waters & damages forest ecosystems & soils

• To Protect the World– Air Quality is Not Just a Local Problem– Pollution can be transported thousands of miles– Climate Change

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What Are the Main Current Air Quality Standards/Regulations?

• NAAQS• Code of Federal Regulations


– Cap & Trade Programs www.epa.gov/airmarkets/index.html

• Acid Rain Program (SO2) – Began 1995• NOx Budget Program (NOx) – Began 1999

– Other Regs• New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)• Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)• New Source Review (NSR)

• State Regulations (WA Dept. of Ecology)– (WAC) www.ecy.wa.gov/laws-rules/ecywac.html

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Fluctuation in 2006 NOx Allowance$

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What Are Other Near Future Air Quality Regulations?

• Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)– Goal: Further reduce SO2 & NOx to meet NAAQS by lowering caps of

Acid Rain & NOx Budget Programswww.epa.gov/interstateairquality/

• Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR)– Goal: To reduce Hg utility emissions from 48 tpy to 15 tpy, a reduction of

nearly 70 %. www.epa.gov/air/mercuryrule/index.htm

• Cap & Trade Programs• Clean Air Visibility Rule (CAVR - BART)

– Goal: To restore visibility in America's National Parks and Wilderness Areas www.epa.gov/oar/visibility/index.html

• All Passed in 2005 & Will Require Compliance in 2009– States are drafting regulations now

• EPA is also Revamping Reporting Structure• CO2 Regulations are on the Horizon

www.rggi.org/ & www.chicagoclimatex.com/

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States Affected by CAIR


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Who Are the Regulators?EPA Regions


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Who Are the Regulators?WA Dept. Of Ecology


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How Do Sources Quantify Emissions & Show Compliance with Limits?

• CEMS - Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems– State/Federal Regulations Require Power

Plants/Industrial Facilities to Continuously Self Monitor Pollutants

– Operating Permits – Restrict Air Emissions– NOx/CO/SO2/Opacity…– Hg (soon)– Sample Inlet/Heated Umbilical/Sample

Conditioner/Analyzers/Fuel Meters/DAHS

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Combined Cycle Power Plant

750 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant in PA near Philly

CEMS Sampling &Exhaust TestingPlatform ~120ft

Heat RecoverySteam Generator

Exhaust Stack 275ft

CombustionTurbine 1

Steam Turbine

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CEMS Schematic

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DAHS• Data Acquisition and

Handling System• Repository for…

– CEMS historical data– QA data

• Used to Generate State/Federal Quarterly/Annual Reports

• Remote Access

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The Energy Industry Self Reports

• Every Facility is Required to Submit Emissions Reports• Federal Reporting

– Quarterly EDR / EEMPRs– Semi-/Annual Title V Air Permit Compliance Certifications

• State Reporting– Quarterly EEMPRs– Annual Emissions Statements

• Can Lead to Enforcement Through– EPA/State Audit – Find noncompliance w/ permit– Excessive Emissions / CEMS Downtime

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Why Trust Emissions Data from Industry?

• Required CEMS QA/QC Program – Daily Calibrations on all Analyzers– Quarterly 3-pt Calibration– Annual RATA

• Compare facility CEMS to third party CEMS

– Facility penalized for excessive CEMS downtime• Acid Rain/NOx Budget (more allowances)• States Discretion (minimum data availability – NOV)

• State/Federal Gov’t Discretion to Audit Facility– Public complaints– Poor EEMPRs

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Pollution Control Devices /Add-On Controls

• NOx - SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)• CO - Oxidation Catalyst• SO2 – Dry/Wet Scrubbers• PM – Baghouse, Electrostatic Precipitator,

Cyclone Separator, Wet Scrubbers

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NOx Control Technologies

• Low Nitrogen Content Fuels ( Fuel Bound NOx)• Water/Steam Injection ( Thermal NOx) • Low NOx Burners/Combustors • SCR – Selective Catalytic Reduction

4NO(g) + 4NH3(g) + O2(g) 4N2(g) + 6H2O(g)

• SNCR – Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction


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• Particulate Control Device• Similar in concept to a giant multiple bag vacuum cleaner• Exhaust passes though cloth filter bags that collect particles • Clean (shake or blow air)• Expensive to operate• High removal efficiency

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Pollution Control Devices


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“REAL” Pollution Controls• Renewable Energy

– any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of energy, as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric power, that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel

– Dr. Dan’s Biofuel www.fuelwerks.com/

– Wind www.roaring40s.com.au www.awea.org/

– Wind/Solar www.fplenergy.com/

• Alternative Energy– energy, as solar, wind, or nuclear energy, that can replace or supplement traditional

fossil-fuel sources, as coal, oil, and natural gas

• Increase Energy Efficiency– Power Plants to Energy Star Appliances

• Energy Decentralization– Minimize Losses Through Energy Distribution– Residential Wind Turbines / Solar Panels

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Solar Energy Implementation Alameda County

2.3 MW solar array will save $700,000 annuallyUW Pgm on the Environment – Hunter Lovins – Natural Capitalism - depts.washington.edu/poeweb/

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Solar Energy Implementation 1 MW on a Roof

Program on the Environment – Hunter Lovins – Natural Capitalism - depts.washington.edu/poeweb/

• Shenzhen Southern China• Soccer Stadium in Germany

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Solar Energy ImplementationCal State East Bay


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INNOVATION / SCIENCE FICTION?Some of the Many Future Energy Alternatives

• CO2 Sequestration – Zero Emissions Power Plant (ZEPP)www.aip.org/tip/INPHFA/vol-10/iss-5/p20.pdf www.fossil.energy.gov/ DOE - FUTUREGEN

• CO2 Capture– Extract atmospheric CO2 (David Keith – U.Calgary)www.ucalgary.ca/~keith/index.html

• A Hydrogen Economy (Small/Efficient Fuel Cells)• Green Fuels Technology

– Uses photosynthesis to grow algae, capture CO2 and produce high-energy biomass


• Solar Towerswww.enviromission.com.au/

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EnviroMission’s 50 MW Solar Tower

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EnviroMission’s 50 MW Solar Tower

August 2006 Business 2.0

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The Stabilization Wedges

• Steve Pacala & Robert Socolow @ Princeton -Science Paper www.princeton.edu/~cmi/resources/CMI_Resources_new_files/


• Condensed Movie Version www.princeton.edu/~cmi/resources/CMI_Resources_new_files/CMI_Stab_Wedges_Movie.swf

• Basic idea is to flatten CO2 levels by offsetting near future CO2 emissions increases (energy increases) with technologies that exist today.

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The Future of The Energy Industry• Tighter Regulations are Inevitable• Cleaner Power Plant Technologies

– “Hybrid” combustion technologies• Coal gasification…

– CO2 Sequestration• Cleaner / Renewable Fuels

– Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel - EPA• 1993 5,000ppm to 500ppm• 2006 500ppm to 15ppm

– Biodiesel• Most Importantly

– Renewable Energy Alternatives• Solar, Wind, Hydro, Fuel Cells,…

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The Future of The Energy Industry?

