volume 50 issue 4

Cirkling: Winter Edition Volume 50 Issue 4 December 2014 Contents Blast From the Past 1-3 Ingisht Recap 4-5 From Our Subregion F Trustee 6-7 Governor’s Page 8 From the Editor’s Desk 9 Garden Division Recap 10 Stockton Service-a-thon 11 Metro Division Recap 12 Upcoming Events 13 Blast from the Past: Remembering some of New Jersey Circle K’s past District Conventions In my 3 years as a CKI member, I attended 3 DCONs. When I first started attending Stockton Circle K meetings, I just wanted to do some community service. I did not expect to be going to conventions and get- ting so involved. Then, fortunately for me, Melinda Graff (who is current- ly working her butt off to plan this years DCON) convinced me to come with her to our first DCON. Let me tell you, I did not expect to have as much fun as I did. First of all, it was Disney themed, so how great is that!? Not only was I able to meet Circle Kers from schools around the state, but I also grew closer to the amazing group of Stockton Circle Kers who attended. I created lasting friendships while learning about how the organization is run at a higher level. I admired the members who ran for district board positions and could never imagine myself speaking in front of such a large group. I went to workshops where I learned how to juggle and about our service initiatives. I made some of my favorite memories at the dance and the diner afterword.

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Page 1: Volume 50 Issue 4

Cirkling: Winter Edition

Volume 50 Issue 4 December 2014


Blast From the Past 1-3

Ingisht Recap 4-5

From Our Subregion F Trustee 6-7

Governor’s Page 8

From the Editor’s Desk 9

Garden Division Recap 10

Stockton Service-a-thon 11

Metro Division Recap 12

Upcoming Events 13

Blast from the Past:

Remembering some of New Jersey Circle K’s past District Conventions

In my 3 years as a CKI member, I attended 3 DCONs. When I first

started attending Stockton Circle K meetings, I just wanted to do some

community service. I did not expect to be going to conventions and get-

ting so involved. Then, fortunately for me, Melinda Graff (who is current-

ly working her butt off to plan this years DCON) convinced me to come

with her to our first DCON. Let me tell you, I did not expect to have as

much fun as I did. First of all, it was Disney themed, so how great is

that!? Not only was I able to meet Circle Kers from schools around the

state, but I also grew closer to the amazing group of Stockton Circle Kers

who attended. I created lasting friendships while learning about how the

organization is run at a higher level. I admired the members who ran for

district board positions and could never imagine myself speaking in front

of such a large group. I went to workshops where I learned how to juggle

and about our service initiatives. I made some of my favorite memories at

the dance and the diner afterword.

Page 2: Volume 50 Issue 4

I saw my second and third DCONs in different perspectives.

Stockton was the host club for DCON 2013 so I had my first expe-

riences helping to plan our superhero themed convention. I had so

much fun there that I decided to join the district board the subse-

quent year. DCON 2014, the 50th ever and my last DCON, was com-

pletely different from my first. I conquered one of my greatest

fears and spoke in front of a large crowd of friends, fellow CKI

members, Kiwanians, and alumni. It was all very exciting but sad at

the same time because I knew I would no longer be able to attend

DCON as a member of CKI. To any members on the fence about

attending this year, if you take anything away from this, please

please please attend DCON. You will not regret it!

-Olivia Pereira

District Convention (DCON) is an experience different than IN-

SIGHT. While both having a focus on serving I feel that INSIGHT

focuses more on fellowship while DCON focuses more on leadership.

For those of you who attending INSIGHT, DCON is a different ex-

perience. You will still meet members from all over the district, but

the environment changes, as this is when you elect your board for the upcoming service year. DCON 2014 was the first time

I was able to attend the full weekend and this was also when I ran for my current position in NJCKI as District Secretary.

My perspective of the weekend varied slightly from a member attending who was not running for a position on the District

board; however, it was an experience just as rewarding. Throughout the weekend I was anxious and preoccupied with my

speeches during causing and worried about what questions everyone would have for me. I can clearly remember walking into

my first causing session with a stomach in knots and jittery hands, I took a deep breath and began my speech. Then before

I knew it I had gotten through the speech and went through all the points I wanted to make;

Blast from the Past Cont.

Contents Cont.

Club Officer Spotlight: VP’s 14-16

Kiwanis Spotlight: Mickey Cohen 17

Contacts 18

Page 3: Volume 50 Issue 4

however, this was followed by questions that caused another round of nerves to hit. Once I was asked my first question I put

together my thoughts and was able to give an answer that was concise

and explained my viewpoint. While at first running for a position on the

District board seemed to be quiet overwhelming my DCON weekend run-

ning and being elected was a thrilling experience. It was a new experience

for me, which I turned out to greatly enjoy. Through caucusing and want-

ing everyone to get to know who I was I was able to meet people from all

over the district and make new friends. I was lucky and made it to our

district’s golden DCON and partook in celebrating 50 great years we’ve

had. Looking back I can only wish that I was able to attend the full week-

end of DCON in the two years prior that I missed out on. From the work-

shop I attended to work on public speaking to practicing those skills

while giving my speeches running for District Secretary every moment

was great. You get closer to members of your own club while making

friends from schools all over the state and already knowing you have

something in common (being members of Circle K International). DCON is a time to learn something new; I learned I’m better

at public speaking than I give myself credit for; and share memories with amazing people that you will surely remember for

years from now.

-Rena Patel DCON, for me, was always the business in the front to the party in the back that is INSIGHT. It was a time to look across

from you and see a hundred other college individuals all using their right to vote, caucus, and elect positions. Also, it is a

crowning celebration of the year at hand, the culmination of a year worth of work that came in went in an instance. If you’re

going to come to DCON, great, I’ll happily see you there. If you aren’t coming, or are on the fence, let me be clear to you, this

is one of two times in your life where you get to do several things:

1. Practice being at a professional convention, a wholly invaluable experience that you will continuously draw from for years to


2. Come get professionally developed at some of the various workshop offerings (yours truly may run a session!)

3. Exercise your right to vote! Be a part of shaping and changing the future of your organization! Take ownership!

It is a terrific time, and worth it. Hope to see you all there!

-Brian Pluchino

Blast from the Past Cont.

Page 4: Volume 50 Issue 4

The beginning of November brought the New Jersey District to Camp Mason in Hardwick for our fall retreat. Jurassic IN-

SIGHT kicked off on Friday night with some fun activities that really let all the attendees get to know their teammates.

The 75 attendees were divided into dinosaur themed “Tour Groups” that they would be spending time with throughout the

weekend. The relaxing night ended with a bonfire by the cabins, but then it was time to rest up and prepare for the Satur-

day’s full schedule.

After breakfast on Saturday, the teams split off and headed up to the low ropes course to be led by some of Camp

Mason’s highly capable staff. We all broke off and spent about two and a half hours going through various elements in the

course. We got backed up at Traffic Jam and took on The Wall. The course was challenging and pushed each member to try

something new or scary. We all got out in time to relax before the next activity. Lunch was followed by the taking of group

pictures and the main event: the Jurassic Park Scavenger Hunt. Each team was required to complete the seven challenges

located throughout the camp as quickly as possible. Teams had to dig for fossils, untie their human knot, and complete a

three legged race, and much more. It was a lot of fun for me to watch everyone searching for the activities and then work-

ing together to complete each task.

There was just enough time to do some service as well! It would not be a Circle K event if we did not do some sort of

service while there. We participated in a variety of projects from raking leaves to painting benches. The camp staff was

extremely appreciative of everything that we did while there! We really got a lot done to help the camp out.

After dinner, we had the last activity for the teams to complete: the Final Exhibit. The game, Best Game, got every-

one out of their seats and involved in the different challenges. Each team would send up a representative to participate in

the challenge not knowing what they would have to do.

Insight Recap

Page 5: Volume 50 Issue 4

Participants had to compete in a crab walk races, see who had the largest hand, jump the highest, and we even had a dino

dance battle to break a tie!

The winners of the Jurassic Scavenger Hunt, Team Brontosaurus, were announced at the Great Hall Speakout. The

winning team got a cool commemorative pin, designed by our Technology Chair Kerrin, as a prize! That also gave members

the opportunity to share any upcoming events or announcements with the district as a whole. The Candlelight Ceremony was

a touching moment for everyone to reflect on the weekend and their time with Circle K. The night ended in celebration at

the dance. The host club, Rowan, kicked some serious dino booty with their amazing decorations and attention to detail.

They really embraced the theme in everything they did!

Sunday morning, we gathered at the main hall to say goodbye to the friends we had made and take a quick look back

at the weekend. Kerrin created an amazing video with pictures and videos from the weekend to remind us of all the fun we

had. The event ended with members being able to dump “Dino Snot” onto their board member of choice for a small fee. The

money we raised went to the Eliminate project, but I cannot say that the Dino Snot was something I want dumped on me


All in all, the weekend was a roaring success and everyone enjoyed their time adventuring through the woods in

North Jersey. I hope that everyone reading this will join us at District Convention in March and at all the other district

events until then!

-Melinda Graff

Insight Recap Cont.

Page 6: Volume 50 Issue 4

Budget Report with Editor Max Hirsch

Happy Holidays New Jersey!

The holiday season is here and I encourage you and your clubs to take advantage of the service opportunities that come along

with it. Now is the time to hold a toy drive, collect food for your local food pantries (do it for the Ronald McDonald House!), vol-

unteer at holiday parties (potentially at the Ronald McDonald House), or gift wrap at Barnes and Noble. For those of you who

don’t know me, my name is Kelly Chan and I am currently serving as the 2014-2015 Subregion F Trustee as well as the CKI Kiwa-

nis Family Relations Chair. I am a speech-language pathology graduate student at St. John’s University in the New York District

and I hope to pursue a career working with children with developmental delays. Oh and if you couldn’t tell, my favorite service

project is Ronald McDonald House and I want to visit as many different houses as possible (I’ve been to 12 so far). Thus, I hope

to join you in one of your events soon!

My role is to serve as the liaison from the international level to the district level to the following districts: Eastern Canada,

Capital, New England, New Jersey, and New York. My goals focus around streamlining communication and increasing transparen-

cy. I have been sending out biweekly e-mails to each district board and all members that have expressed interested via e-mail.

If you are interested in joining the mailing list, feel free contact me! I have also been maintaining our CKI Subregion F Face-

book group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/4974883501/) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/CKISubregionF).

Additionally, I’ve been doing lots of traveling. I had the chance to meet many of you at your K-Family picnic, K-Family bowling,

and more recently, Rutger’s Eliminate Around the World. I’ve also had the chance to work very closely with your district board,

attending many of their board meetings and I can honestly say that the New Jersey District never ceases to amaze me. I love

your strength in K-Family Relations and encourage you to share your K-Family stories, quotes, photos, videos, advice, and passion

with all of CKI through K-Family Kronicles, the official CKI K-Family Blog (http://ckikfam.tumblr.com).

From Our Subregion F Trustee

Page 7: Volume 50 Issue 4


2015 Subregion F Trustee as well as the CKI Kiwa-

language pathology graduate student at St. John’s University in the New York District


. I’ve also had the chance to work very closely with your district board,


In fact, working with each district within Subregion F has given me a whole new appreciation of what we do. In the past 5

months I’ve been able to get to know and visit each district. I got to help Eastern Canada collaborate with New York to plan

Buffalo International Day of Service, in efforts to unify the two districts. I’ve also been able to join them for their newly es-

tablished President’s Council meetings. I joined the New England District for their empowerment themed Fall Conference and

left truly inspired. I had the chance to serve as a team leader at Capital’s Fall Membership Rally and to participate in their K-

Family Weekend. I also had the chance to serve as a team leader at New York’s fall conference (New York Speaking) and at

their District Large Scale Service Project.

I am looking forward to meeting those of you who I have yet to meet (possibly at Ronald McDonald House!). Please feel free to

reach out to me via e-mail at [email protected] or call/text me at 718-757-5687 with further questions, help searching for

resources, or to simply start a conversation.

Yours in Service, Leadership, and Fellowship,

Kelly Chan

2014-2015 Subregion F Trustee

From Our Subregion F Trustee Cont.

Page 8: Volume 50 Issue 4

The Governor’s Page!

Happy Holidays, NJCKI!

Thank you once again for joining us at our Jurassic INSIGHT, attending our numerous Ronald McDonald House

events, fundraising for The Eliminate Project, and serving your campuses and communities on a daily basis! To

me, each and every one of our members is a role model. It is not common these days to see such selfless indi-

viduals go above and beyond the call of duty, and take so much time to help the world in any way that they can.

When I look at the accomplishments our district has made, it truly makes me feel honored to be a member of

this mighty organization.

While it is important to celebrate the accomplishments we have made, it is also just as necessary to think

about the future. Think of just one way that you can add the element of service into your winter break! Brain-

storm ways that your CKI club can make a difference during the spring semester. Now is the time to plan for

the months ahead, especially if your club plans on holding any large-scale events. Also, don’t forget that the

New Jersey District’s 51st Annual District Convention is happening from March 20-22, and we also have the

events of Winter Social and our District Large-Scale Service Project coming your way!

As always, if you have any ideas, questions, comments, or concerns, please do not forget that the New Jersey

District Board is here to serve you! Many resources are available to all CKI members– all you have to do is ask

for them! :)

The Governor’s Page

Page 9: Volume 50 Issue 4

From the Editor’s Desk

Hello New Jersey District! As finals are slowly creeping up on us, I just want to remind you all to eat

healthy, get plenty of rest, and take some time to relax! It’s important to

not only give back, but to keep yourself healthy so you can reach your full

potential! I’m looking forward to seeing you all at District Convention. En-

joy your winter break!

From the Editor’s Desk

Page 10: Volume 50 Issue 4

About the Tomorrow Fund

Rowan: Rowan has been partaking in a wide array of service projects that include volunteering at Glassboro

Public Library, cooking meals at the Ronald McDonald House and Cathedral Kitchen in Camden, and hosting

food drives for families in need during this holiday season. The club recently hosted insight and had a record

number of attendees at the event. Rowan also welcomed two new junior members, Matthew and Justin, twin

boys of their advisor Christina Lukac.

ACCC: ACCC recently hosted a UNICEF bake sale and raised over $200. They have recently been volunteering

at a center called Branches, which provides free meals to the community. New officers, including a treasurer

and secretary were recently elected as well.

Garden Division Recap: Lieutenant Governor Molly Olcese

Page 11: Volume 50 Issue 4

About the Tomorrow Fund Cont.

Service – A – Thon is a Stockton Circle K event in which there is a weekend full of service projects both

on campus and off campus. The weekend began Friday night in which nine students went to the Ronald McDon-

ald House in Camden to assist Rowan Circle K in serving dinner to families who have children in Cooper Hospital.

We played board games and created crafts with the kids currently residing there. Meanwhile, in Atlantic City,

five Circle K’ers served dinner to the homeless at the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. When both events were

finished, the Circle K’ers were invited back to Stockton to partake in the first on campus service project; cre-

ating blankets for a local animal shelter.

We began Saturday morning by going to the All Breeds Horse Rescue. Eight Circle K’ers helped out to

clean up the horse farm. We also had the chance to brush and feed the horses! Following the horse rescue, we

headed back to our next service event. There was about four Circle K’ers and two Cedar Creek Key Club high

school students. At the on campus event, we created stuffed Olaf’s and elephants to give to the kids at the

Ronald McDonald House. After a long day of service events, we treated ourselves to a night of fun! We attend-

ed Play in Day at Rowan Community College, in which students were given 24 hours, to write, direct, and act in a

play. There were even Stockton students who acted, directed or wrote a play. It really was a great way to un-


We began our last and final day of Service – A – Thon by cleaning Circle K’s Adopt Road. We also re-

ceived a lot help from Rowan Circle K! Afterwards, we finished up the weekend with our last on campus service

event. There were about 15 students who were made up of Rowan Circle K, Stockton Circle K, and Egg Harbor

Township Key Club. We continued to make stuffed animals, coloring

books, and wreaths for the Ronald McDonald House as well as fin-

ished up blankets for the local animal shelter. Overall, the weekend

was a great success!

-Gabriella Navarro

Stockton’s Community Service Chair

Stockton Service-A-Thon

Page 12: Volume 50 Issue 4

Club Officer Spotlight: Our Scary Good Secretaries

Metro Division Recap: Lieutenant Governor Victoria Dayton

Drew hosted an open mic night to benefit the Eliminate Project on November 24th. This was the second

event they hosted this semester to help end the fight against Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus and it was a great

success! Way to go Drew!

Caldwell will be hosting a bake sale on Thursday, December 4th to benefit Children's Charities. Best of luck

with those sweet holiday treats!

Caldwell also won the school spirit award at this year's Insight. Great job Caldwell and thanks for coming out

to get to know your fellow Circle K'ers! Enjoy your time with Freshie!

At 4 P.M on December 13th, the New Jersey District of Key Club International will be hosting a volleyball

tournament at Livingston High School. The cost of entry will be $5 at the door and food will be provided. While we

are not able to participate in the tournament all are encouraged to attend and support not only the Eliminate Pro-

ject but also our fellow K-Family members.

Page 13: Volume 50 Issue 4

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Volleyball


14 15 16 Hanukkah 17Hanukkah 18 Hanukkah 19 Hanukkah 20 Hanukkah

21 Hanukkah 22 Hanukkah 23 Hanukkah 24 Hanukkah 25 Christmas 26 27

28 29 30 31

December 2014

Volleyball Tournament– Support the New Jersey District of Key Club International and attend

their Volleyball Tournament for the Eliminate Project! The tournament is at 4 P.M on Saturday,

December 13th, and will take place at Livingston High School! Entry cost is $5, and food will be


Page 14: Volume 50 Issue 4

Club Officer Spotlight: Our Scary Good Secretaries

Club Officer Spotlight Our Vice Presidents!

Circle K is all about the people. And community service unites all of

us. It's why I love being co-VP. You get to meet and collaborate with

your wonderful committee chairs to work towards volunteering goals.

You are always emailing, Facebooking and communicating with your

club and you become very close with the members. So its social and

its service-the best combination ever!

-Kelly Krickus TCNJ Co-Vice President

Page 15: Volume 50 Issue 4

Eliminate Club Officer Spotlight Cont.

Page 16: Volume 50 Issue 4

Club Officer Spotlight: Our Scary Good Secretaries

Club Officer Spotlight Cont.

Hi everyone!

My name's Yunjung Hong aka Yunie, and I am the Vice

President of Rider University Circle K International! I have

been a part of the Kiwanis Family for 6 years, and love

everything about it. I want to continue being a part of Ki-

wanis because of all the service they do. It truly makes me

feel good about myself knowing I am helping out the com-

munity. I love being VP because my executive board is

amazing and my President is even more amazing. I enjoy

giving her a helping hand with anything she needs! I am a

super outgoing person, always have a good time, and have

so much love for Circle K!

Page 17: Volume 50 Issue 4

Eliminate Cont.


Greetings New Jersey District of Circle K International. I am Mickey Cohen and I became member of the Kiwanis

family in 1989 when I joined the Circle K Club of Ocean County College. Two months after becoming a member, I

was appointed to chair the NJ District K-Family Relations committee. The following year I was elected NJ Dis-

trict Treasurer. After graduating, I went on to a technical school and left the K-Family. I returned to the K-Family

in 2009 as a charter member of the Kiwanis Club of New Jersey Young Professionals which has been renamed to

the Kiwanis Club of Bordentown where I am a past Club President. A couple of my favorite service projects are col-

lecting food for the St. Mary’s food pantry and preparing meals for the residents of Ronald McDonald House. In

December of 2011, I was selected to serve as Assistant District Administrator (Financial Councilor) to the NJ Dis-

trict of Circle K international District Board. I have been married for 12 years to my wife, Rutgers CKI past Presi-

dent, Rachel and we reside in Howell, NJ. I have been employed by McGraw Hill Financial for over 13 year as the

Sr. Support Specialist with McGraw Hill Construction. When not working or serving the community, I enjoy reading,

computers, traveling, listening to music and riding my mountain bike around Allaire State Park where I have been

known to bounce off a tree or two. Lastly I am proud to serve as District Administrator of the mighty New Jersey

District of Circle K International.

Kiwanis Spotlight District Administrator Mickey Cohen

Page 18: Volume 50 Issue 4

Contact the District Board

[email protected]


Dawn Kreder

District Governor

[email protected]


Max Hirsch

District Treasurer

[email protected]


Rena Patel

District Secretary

[email protected]


Rachael Stieg

District Editor

Contact the District Board