vol. no. md., bing crosby fools gossips · 2019. 7. 17. · columbia chain during the fifteen -...

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    THE: WALLS HAVE EANJ DESPITE all those Columbia press releases which tell y -on that Fred

    Waring is stick -waving those Roxy Theatre airings, discount it. cause Fred has refused to tie himself to the microphone unless

    he's paid extra for it, and since there has been no more dough forthcoming, Mister Waring has said "no-go" . . . Rudy Vallee just purchased a spacious Maine homestead where he plans to relax and quit worrying about radio scriveners and Broadway chiselers . . . That Guy Lombardo crew will mask their names and go commercial on Satty eve- nings at 7:30 ... That was Ilarriet Lake. the "Eyerybody's Welcome" stunner, snuggled so close to Mickey Bloom, the Camel tooter, at Jacques Renard opening.

    If it's any interest to you at all. CBS employs two Sherlocks to patrol its corridors at night to protect this and that office ... Life's little ironies:

    A year ago, when Bing Crosby was Am- bassador Hotelíng on the West Coast, he was known as the husband of Dixie Lee. the Fox flicker star. Today, headlined across the front of the Trans Lux Theatre. reads, "Mrs. Bing Crosby does an imper- sonation of her husband ... George Olsen is hot on the trail of that fountain pen account, which Willie and Eugene Howard auditioned for and failed to secure last week.


    Hooray! At last the Whiteman con- cert for the unemployed musíkers is set! And best of all they've promised us faith- fully they won't change the date or place again. It'll be held on Sunday afternoon, not night, February 28.

    :x * *

    HARRIET LAKE Bill Paley is trying to buy back those CBS stocks which Paramount-Publix con- trols ... Abe Lyman gets a letter which

    reads: "Dear Mr. Lyman, I love your programs and your music and I think Walter Winchell is marvelous."

    * * *

    Jacques Renard, who recently debuted in a New York nite spot, will be out of it within a fortnight! ... Russ Columbo is outside looking in at that spacious Waldorf room, because he refused to make music there unless he could mike from there, too ... Upon receiving notice from the NBC powers -that -be, that he no -could -do, he promptly told them where they could get off, and tended in his resignation.

    ** Lebert Lombardo, the trumpet tooter of that band of many brothers,

    returned Monday from a vacationing in Cuba, with a tan that would make you and you envious ... Within three weeks, news will reach you of three of the largest air offerings taking to the road to show the out-of- towners just what they look like . . . Kate Smith, as you know, leaves New York February 6 for a week's staging in Washington and then re- turns to New York for a week and then out again to Cleveland, Chicago. Cincinnati and so on.

    * * *

    Announcers who would like to tie up with a large Western air castle, should get in touch with Ted Husing at the Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madison ave- nue. No personal calls will be answered. Only letters. Tell your experience, age and salary desired.

    a: :r *

    The A. L. Alexanders, he's WMCA chief word gabber, have kissed and made up . . . Those injuries to Mrs. Freddie Rich's head, will cost the Madison Square Garden Corporation ten grand, and even then they'll be getting off cheap. as the scars from the wounds will be permanent on the gorgeous Mrs. Rich's head ... The NBC's effort to build Jack Whiting, the musicomedian, into an air -headliner, flop- ped just like Prohibition.

    *.. *

    What a laugh. Both Sandy Sannella and Howard Lanin have been telling the radio scriveners that they have that Whitman candy account all sewed up . . . Whitman, however, claims that they have no knowledge of the entire affair, and deny even any thoughts of going on the air ... As far as this scrivener is concerned, a round of hefty applause goes to Little Jack Little, who keeps us more than entertained when he radios and to Mort Downey for his splendid presentation of "Trees," which is dif- ferent! ... And to Ray Perkins, the comiker, for his very funny radio gags.

    :ñyrr : . . P,'

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    CATHERINE RENWICK Catherine Renwick ís one of radio's most versatile actresses. She is

    one of the more popular NBC's dramatic stars, and is heard on many of their programs, sometimes playing four or five roles on one broadcast.

    New Radio Series Origin and history of girls'

    names, discussed by Charles B. Dris- coll, author and editor. with a musi- cal background by Andy Sannella and a sixteen -piece orchestra, will mark the broadcasts of The Frigi- daríans, which began over the WJZ NBC network Monday, February 1, at 9:30 P. M.

    Driscoll, who will talk about four feminine names every Monday and Wednesday, is well-known as a writer of romantic tales. He has made an extensive study of 's om- en's names and the famous charact- ers who bore them.

    He will tell the origin of the names, relate bits of interesting in- formation about them, and what they have stood for in different lands at various periods of history. He also will trace briefly the careers of historical characters who bore the names.

    Mayor MATT T i PkINS


    "BF.:\1. FOLKS'


    Every t 5:00 to 5:30 E.S.T. Sunday ( 4:00 to 4:30 C.S.T.

    sponsored by



    Columbia Alumni Dinner Broadcast

    The Butler Anniversary Dinner, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, in New York Cíty, which will be one of sixty dinners to be held the same evening by the Alumni Federation of Columbia University in honor of Nicholas Murray Butler. Presi- dent of Columbia University, will be broadcast over the WABC-CBS network at 1 I :15 P. M., Thursday, February 11.

    More than 2,000 graduates of Columbia University are expected to attend the Butler Anniversary Dinner, which will be part of the general celebration throughout the world to be known as "Round -the - World -Night." Those attending the functions will join in paying tribute to Dr. Butler, who this year will celebrate his thirtieth anniver- sary as president of the university, the fiftieth anniversary of his gradu- ation from Columbia and the seventieth anniversary of his birth.

    Those who will speak over the Columbia chain during the fifteen - minute broadcast will be Dr. Butler, John Erskine, Professor of English at Columbia and a well-known writer, and Benjamin M. Cardozo, Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals of New York State. - Seth Parker To Make Broadway Appearance

    Seth Parker and His Jonesport Neighbors are to visit Bro idway.

    The radio interpreters d' Down East rural life, who arc rounding out a "get acquainted" vaudeville tour of the United States and Can- ada, will give two performances at the Cort Theatre, each on Sunday, February 7 and 14, at 3 P. M. The original radio cast, a presentation of the NBC Artists Service, will be making its first stage appearance in New York.

    Phillips Lord, originator of Seth Parker, will recreate for the theater audience the semi -religious gather- ings and hymn songs depicted in the radio sketches, Sunday Night at Seth Parker's, which have been a weekly feature over NBC net- works for the last three years.


    The country is amply provided with fairly good five -cent cigars, so we'll have to look around for another "greatest need."

    My guess is that, aside from a depression cure, the thing America craves imps at the moment is some kind of drastic action about radio theme songs.

    Not that they're at all necessary. But if we must have them, why not dig up a few new ones occasionally?

    * * *

    Take "The Perfect Song," for instance. That's the cedes Amos 'n' Andy 312 times a year-and 313 times from perfect, as you must admit, and when you hear don't you listen any more?) you begin to pick as badly as A. 3 A. need some publicity re- juvenation, wouldn't it be smart if they should hold a national contest for the selec- tion of a new ditty?

    Then there's Kate Smith's frequent struggles with the mountain - climbing moon. Pretty once, but done to tatters, and at best a Hill Billy piece. It's the same moon, however, that Morton Downey places every week -night in Carolina, though he once favored Indiana with it. Shall we ever survive this lunar era, I wonder?

    Clap your mitts for George Olsen, who has given up his old time chu-chu theme to freshen up his broadcasts-but don't ap- plaud too loudly, for this new one is lunar also-"Rock-a-Bye Moon."

    * *

    They tell me that Paul Whiteman is on his annual hunt for new talent. While he's traveling, maybe he can discover a few new themes for fellow -artists. But what puzzles me about Paul is, when he finds new talent-what becomes of it? Did he make a star out of Jane Froman, or did he drop her? He dropped her. Did he do anything about Mildred Bailey, who is a million dollars' worth of voice? He didn't. If Paul had allowed it, Mildred today might be the Kate Smith of the NBC. You don't have to hunt for talent in the radio world. It comes knocking at the front door. Which reminds me that one network gave auditions to 250 applicants for announcers' jobs in 1 931 , and out of the crop hired only ten.

    * *

    Every year some Senator or other jumps up on the rostrum and demands an inquiry into the commercial evils of radio. If you don't know the Senatorial idea of radio's commercial evils, I'll tell you: Too much advertising in ratio to the educational and cultural activities of broad- casting. This season, two Senators arc complaining to the Federal Corn- mission-Couzens and Dill.

    But radio programs will continue to be commercial. Radio will con- tinue to advertise in spite of all investigations; there'll be no government

    subsidy of radio in America, And radio never will become so philanthropic that its education service will supersede its commer- rialism.

    Gr:c)RGi: Oist.i\


    one this

    it the bad

    that pre- year. It's far

    every night (or And, spots.


    The facts are that radio is essentially commercial; its principal function is to en- tertain. It is no more a philanthropy than a newspaper, or a book: It lives on adver- tising, and heaven help us if we had to lis- ten to unsponsored, government programs as our unfortunate relatives in England do.

    So we're to have another Guy Lom- bardo program! Babo (cleansing product) is sponsoring the orchestra for a Saturday night series of broadcasts, time 7:30 o'clock. And it'll be from the Roosevelt Grill. Lom- bardo's name won't be broadcast, because his other sponsor (Robert Burns cigars) won't permit it.

    Colonel Stoopnagle and Bud (The Gloom Chasers) have tied up with another

    sponsor. Ivory Soap, whose makers also sponsor East and Dumke, on the NBC, will air the Columbia fun -makers, probably four times a week, from WABC.

    And there are reports that Nat Brusiloff will get two new com- mercials. He's now doing La Palína and Old Dutch. Funny thing about Brusiloff! When he was a Columbia artist-that is, when he was a member of the artist bureau-he was given the cream of Columbia com- mercials. Then he went to free lancing; he wouldn't sign exclusively with CBS because he didn't feel that he should be paying commissions to the bureau for outside bookings. And since he has been footloose, durned few CBS offers have been made to him.

  • /-

    BABES IN RADIO=LAND The children of radio -land, those happy-go-lucky "kids" whose versatility, pep and ability does so much to brighten up the radio spectrum: here have their innings. Singing, dancing, mimicry or just plain "actin'," they fill a definite place in every broadcasting station's plans, and do it well.

    THE sense of mimicry so firmly set in the n tke-up of every child is nowhere more plainly to be seen than in the realm of radio. Yet the child performers of the air are not, in the last analysis, mere mimics; they have an individuality of their own. They work as

    hard to put a program across as do their elders; enjoy their microphone appearances as much; and in many cases draw down a pay check not ashamed to stand up for comparison with the average adult performer.

    Among the youngsters better known to the radio audience is Baby Rose Marie, NBC's youngest contracted star. Eight years old, just about knee high to a duck, Marie is acclaimed (a grown-up word) as the cur- rent child prodigy not only of radio but of stage and screen as well. But she doesn't act ít.

    Her father. Frank Curley, and well known to Broadway a few years ago, has seen to it that his baby doesn't grow up a spoiled child. Rose Marie is still a real little girl, obedient, happy, and at the moment ex- tremely proud of her spelling lessons from Broadway's ever-present edu- cators, the electric signs.

    Not content with mere acting. twelve -year -old Peter Donald reg- ularly announces all but the commercial announcements on the Kre-Mel Gang programs heard Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons over the WABC-CBS chain. He started in on the stage, and his clippings now fill a scrapbook which would please many a grown-up.

    Another NBC youngster is Walter Campbell Tetley, the "Wee Sir Harry Lauder" of radio and vaudeville. Frequently heard on the WJZ-NBC "Childrens' Hour" broadcast every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock and on the "Lady Next Door" period every week- day afternoon, Walter is not only a singer but a rare mimic as well.

    His title was given him by no less an authority than Sír Walter himself, who met his young imitator two years ago while on a tour of the United States. He began to sing while still in kinder- garten, just to "oblige" a teacher. Now he sings and in his own word has been "monkeys, elephants, calves and lots of other things besides."

    Appearing with Walter on the "Lady Next Door" program is Clementine Torrella, chosen as the "Princess" of the New York Radio Show two years ago. This young senorita's education has been a va- ried one, and she speaks French, Italian, Spanish and English equally well, while her Latin ancestry is proven by the ability with which she handles the guitar.

    Two years ago Donald Hughes began his radio work in the "Moun- tainville Sketches," then broadcast over WABC by a local sponsor. February third he celebrated his first year over the NBC networks. for last year at that time he began his work in "Daddy and Rollo. - Among his regular radio appear- ances now arc the True Story, Mal - tine Story and Socony programs and while Donald doesn't alwa,-

    (Turn to Page 191 .

    tr. °4"ni, y,,:" ,

  • 'editor's Mail Box fa

    A column devoted to answers to queries from readers pertaining to radio, radio artists and kindred sub- jecI. Address the Editor's Mail Bo.-, Radio Guide, 520 W. Pratt St., Baltimore, Md.

    George L. Smith-The part. of Singin' Sam on the CBS Barbasol program is played by Harry Fran- kel.

    Mary Gould-Kate Smith can be reached by addressing her in care of Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madison Avenue, New York City. Would suggest that you write to her personally for a reply to your question.

    Marie Rambeau-Jane and Ted Carter of the NBC Rinso Talkies program, arc played by Elsie Hitz and Ned Weaver.

    : .. Scibbyscobby-Just as soon as

    there is a `spot' for him, Will Os- borne will go back on the Columbia air waves. No, he is not hard to get along with-quite the opposite. Very quiet and easy-going.

    Robert Waitt-George Hicks, the NBC announcer, was born in Taco- ma, Washington, on August 26, 1905.

    "Duco" Robertson-Yes, your radio idol is married and lives hap- pily in the Bronx.

    Bliss Eve-Raymond Knight, who plays the part of Tony on the NBC "Raising Junior" program, is about thirty-five years old. He is married.

    Adelaide Mossop-A picture of Fred Feible appeared in the New York Edition of the RADIO GUIDE for December 5, 1931. V,Trite to the New York offices, 475 Fifth Avenue, to obtain a copy.

    Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McCullough -A picture of Arthur Tracy ap- peared ín the New York Edition of the RADIO GUIDE for Novem- ber 7, 1931. Write to the New York offices to obtain a copy. See address above.

    J.A.K.-Ray Knight plays the parts of "Tony," "Jasper" and "Uncle Aurelius," and "Joan and Kenneth Lee" are played by Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Dixon, Jr., on the NBC program "Raising Junior."

    J. D. Towmey-A short sketch " and picture of Vaughn de Leath

    appeared in the issue of RADIO GUIDE for January 21.

    Radio Guide Fan-Mildred Bail- ey is not a member of the colored race.

    Vera-The part of Lillian's fa- ther. on the CBS "Love Story" pro- gram. was played by Wilmer Wal- ter.

    E. H. Fischer-We cannot locate Roy Ingram for you. Have you heard him on the air from some out-of-town station?

    J. LeP. P.-Past issues of RADIO GUIDE can be purchased. Send

    Vice -President Curtis Brought. Four Men Along For "Protection" At Women's Dinner


    Little incidents occur in broad- casts which are not written in the continuity for the event and they usually prove quite amusing.

    Take, for example, the one re- cently during the broadcast by WJSV of the annual dinner of the District of Columbia Women's Bar Association.

    It was being held at the Willard Hotel and Vice -President Charles Curtis was the guest of honor. He was guest of honor in every sense of the word for he was the only member of iris sex invited.

    The ladies had arranged to have it an affair purely for their own sex and when it was planned to broadcast the doings they made sure of this by inviting Peggy Clarke of WJSV to act as announcer. The Vice -President was the only excep- tion.

    In writing up her continuity for the event the genial Peggy built it around the fact that Mr. Curtis was the only man present. Then came the moment for Peggy to open the broadcast and present Mr. Curtis to the audience.

    Imagine her consternation when she glanced about. and saw four men present besides the Vice-Pres-


    ident. There was nothing to do but lay aside her continuity and make her announcements im- promptu. This she did with her usual wit, explaining to the radio audience that the event of the four added males had somewhat upset her plans.

    Mr. Curtis was standing at her side and when he heard her story to the audience he provided the highlight of the evening. He step- ped from his dignified role of Vice - President of the United States to that of a mere man and. exhibited some of his famous wit when he leaned towards the microphone and said to the invisible audience:

    "Ladies and gentlemen, I brought these four men along with me for protection."

    After speeches were over and the broadcast had been brought to a successful conclusion he stopped long enough to pose for a photo- graph with Peggy.

    This photograph, which Peggy loaned to the RADO GUIDE, will always be cherished by her as a momento of the time when the Vice -President of the United States almost upset her equanimity by bringing four guests to a dinner.

    amount covering the number of issues you wish to procure, men- tioning dates, to the editorial offi- ces. A picture and history of Frank Knight appeared in the issue of Jan- uary 21, and a picture of Mary and Bob (Nora Sterling and Cecil Sec - rest) , appeared in the issue of De- cember 24, Cleve Robbins, of NBC "Moonshine and Honeysuckle" and the Fuller Brushman are one and the same person-Allen Joclyn. A character sketch of him appeared in the Baltimore issue of January 30.

    F. Deltman-The last air ap- pearance of David Mendoza, was on the NBC "Jack Frost Melody" program. We cannot locate him now. Norman Brokenshire will soon be appearing on CBS programs again.

    Plays Bachelor Part Although he takes the part of

    the cheery old bachelor, Uncle Jer- ry, in Lucky Kids program over Columbia, Hugh Aspinwall is a very recent bridegroom. He took the step a week ago with Miss Mar- guerite Widder. of Milwaukee. It was a radio romance, starting back in the days when Hugh was an an- nouncer in the Wisconsin city. He will continue to play the bachelor role on the juvenile program each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. from 5:45 to 6:00 P. M.

    Get "Coast to Coast" or NO COST 1 ololone, a new

    All wave Turner, brings in dozens of distant stations with doubted volume and clarity. Easily at.

    (ached. Write Imperial Lain. 8951 Coke Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo., for Free Sample Unit Otter.

    Radio Guide Entered as second-class matter December

    8, 1931, at the post office at Baltimore, Mary- land, under the Act of March 3, 1819.

    u-o RADIO GUIDE, Inc.

    520 W. Pratt St., Baltimore Md. Telephone Plaza 4316 oo

    ' LEONARD HOROWITZ, Publisher JAMES F. MILNER. Managing Editor oo Address all communications and make all

    remittances to

    RADIO GUIDE, Inc. 520 W. Pratt St., Baltimore Md.

    o-o Copyright 1931 by RADIO GUIDE, Inc

    o o

    Single Copies, Five Cents Two Dollars and Fitly Cents per Year


    Wolfe 4.480

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  • f


    1510.\ L -Tone I'ictut'es N BC II EA F -.Melody Hour NBC WA BC -Mooting Musicale -Emery Deutsch's

    (Ire hestra CBS N'.1% -'Pone Pictures NBC

    9:00 A. 31. 11.11A L-('hild to n's Program NBC WC A (I-I,i tul o' 31a ke 13el ieve-Children's

    1'laylet CBS 11' I' It It-'1'he I-allalleers-Quartet with Instru-

    mental Trio NBC IV E .1 I' -The t la Iladeers NBC 11'.1 III' -Land O' Make Believe -Children's

    Playlet ('BS -C'hildren's Program NBC

    9:30 .5. .91. {W F' B I1.-31:11 y Eaton, violinist NBC IV EA I'-NDcy Eaton. violinist NBC

    9:45 A. N. 11' I Iti!-St l l:lets NBC IV E.1 I' -The Slit rlulels-Ensemble NBC

    10:60 A. 31. 11'12.\ 1, -String Quayle, . WI'.51)-Colombia Church of the Air CBS 11í'1t3!-3forning 310lodies N" EBB -Southland Sketches -Southerners Male

    luuarlel kith Levee Band NIJC BE .5E -Southland Sketches NBC I5.\It('-('olumbia Church el the Air 0115

    -(Iracta's Mexican Marimba Typica NB('

    10:30 ,1. 31. W11.5 1, -Fiddlers 'Three NBC 11'(' .5 0 -Community Center Faculty :Recital

    C' BS IV(' 1391 -The Watch 'l'otver Program, Judge

    .1. F. itulhcrtord W F' 131t-I'lyde Doerr's Saxophone Octet NBC 1I' E.1 1,-1'lyde I (nom's Saxophone Octet N IVA 1íf-Communit\ ('enter Faculty :Recital

    'IIS 11.1% -The Fiddlers Three N 1'C

    10:45 A. 31. 1t It .\ 1,-Tho i:ahitno e.uns III' ism -musical WIZ -A Song for Today NBC

    10:50 .5. 31. 11('.\1I -Services (Dint 'Third Church of

    Christ Scientist 11:00 .'u. 31.

    IWRItIt--i'nivcrsity Baptist Church Si twee., IV(' 1331-\Vesbninsl3 r Presbyterian Church

    Services 1111.\ 1-Nea polio nt (lays N BC 1'.1191'-I tarn and H:u'd:u't's Children Hour

    CBS 1W.1% -The :Russian Singers -Mixed Chorus

    NFIC 11:30 A. 31.

    1í'13.1 T -Library of ('ingress Musicale N IIC I1' EA F' -Major Ilowc's Capitol Family NBC

    12:09 Noon WI'.5111 '-Voice of St. Louis CBS 113.9% -Library of Congress Musicale N L'C

    12:15 1'. 31. IV I' II It -Cents el Melody K1' \0 -Voice of SI. Louis (MS

    12:30 P. 31. IVY lIB-Tales of the Emerald Isle-Ti'anta

    NBC 9'B.\ T -Balkan Mountain Men -Male Chorus

    NBC IVC.50-International Broadcast ('BS 11 (' 11.91-Kuven's Furniture 'Musicale II F:.\ I' -'I :des of the Emerald Isle -Drama

    N 1W WA BC -1 nternational Broadcast CBS WIZ -Balkan 3lounlain Men NBC

    12:45 P. 31. 111{:11. -The 'Romany Trail - Elsa Bakloi'

    sOI(t'a n0 1íC AO -The Street Singer - Arline- Tracy

    C 13S WA BC -The Street Singer -Arthur Tracy

    C BS 1:00 P. 31.

    IWI',111-1-n..lc Ed and Ills Family CircIc- Songs and Philosophy by henry Ed \Varner

    111'It31-_\Ibert Holloway's Saxophone Quintet 1W 1ltlt-Waldorf-Astoria Organ Recital NBC 11' 1..1 1 -Troika hells NBC IV \ BC -Cathedral Service CBS WIZ -Sentinels o the Republic NBC

    1:15 P. 31. IV BA (-Symphonic Hour -Walter Damrosch,

    conductor NBC WIZ -Symphonic I tour -Walter Damrosch,

    conductor NBC 1:30 P. B.

    WCA 0 -Watch Tower Service 1`(' 1131 -Regal Shop Stylists WI.'B It -Park wood Memorial Park Orchestra WE A I' -The Silver Flute NI IC

    1:45 P. 31. 1V(;A0-Venida program -Emery Deutsch's

    Ensemble CBS IWC.\ F -Old Company's Progr:un-American

    Singers N IIC IVA BC -Venida I'rograin-Emery- Deutsch's

    Orchestra (.'I:S 2:00 P. 11.

    1W1'.5 0 -Pastorale -Mixed Quartet CBS 131;1131 -The Virginians 11' 1 111t -Elizabeth I 'shier, Soprano IV.'. 11C-h'astorale CBS

    2:15 P. 91. 1'11A 1-((lympic Winter Games NBC 13E1110 -Sunday Bright Spots -Mariners 'Trio

    with .lack .Pettis' Orchestra NBC IVE.%I'-Sunday Bright Spet-Muiners Trio

    NBC WIZ -Olympic Winter (lames NBC

    2:30 1'. 31. IVC'.1Il-Coluntbia C'luu'ch of the Air CBS 1I B.\ I, -feast Foannrs-Herbie Kay's Or.

    chesfra NBC 11(' 1131-17ug:ubh Variety Boy's -Leo Bate-

    man and .lack :Rohr \W F 11 It-3loonsltine and .1loueysuckle - Dra-

    matic skit N IIC 15 h:1 F -Moonshine and l Ioneysuclae-Drama

    N I t(' BC-('ulumbia Church of the Air CBS

    11'.1% -Yeast Foanters-Herbie Bay's Or- chestra N IIC

    3:00 P. M. IVIl.11.-National Youth Conference NBC 1W1' 1131-1 Iloofer's Orchestra 11' I' 1110 -Wayne Iiing's orchestra NBC 1VC.\(I-New York Philharmonic Symphony

    Orchestra C I IS WE A P -Wayne King's Orchestra NBC . 511{1(' -New Yuri: Philharmonic Symphony

    Orchestra CBS 11'.1% -National Youth Conference NBC -

    3:30 P. 31. W11.5 1 -Swill Garden Party NBC 11I? Il It -Dr. S. 1':n'kes Cadman -Talks and

    music NBC' W E.1 F -Dr. S. i'ai lcs Cadman NBC 1VJZ -The Swift Carden Party NBC

    4:00 P. 31. 5111 3 I, -Cook's Travelogue NBC 151'.10 -Father Coughlin from Shrine of Little

    Flower, I ictroit 93(' 1131 -Church of .Jesus Christ Latter Day

    Saints Services IV F 11 It-Intern:11i. mal Broadcast from Ger-

    many NBC WR.1 F-Waldorf.\storia Organ Recital NBC N'.1'/. -Travelogue NBC

    4:15 1'. 31. 1511.1 (-Tenor solos by .John Fogarty NBC 1VIZ -Wandering Around Little O!' Broad

    way NBC 4:30 P. 31.

    91:19,'. 1.-Dicken's :Memories N13(: 51'1' 1931 -.Jenkins and t-:ostlel Orchestra 9F It Ii -Davey Tree Program NBC 1VE.1 F' -Davey 'Tree Program NBC 1W.1% -'1'.. he announced NBC

    5:00 I'. H. 117::\T, -National \"esp,r.s-Dr. Harry Emer-

    son Fosdick NBC 150:\0 -Real folks -Sponsored by Log Cabin

    Syrup CBS

    WVC113t-.Jehovah's Witnesses IV V 110 -Real Folks -Sponsored by Log Cab-

    in Syrup CBS WIZ -National Vespers -Dr. Harry E. Fos-

    dick NBC 5:30 P. 31.

    W11.5L-Simoniz Guardsmen NBC 13C' 50-111ue Coal Radio Revue - Mystery

    Drama C bS SIC 11.31 -Songs by Dick Purcell IV l ll It -General Electric Program NBC W t 1 -General F.Icc'lric Program NBC 15.1I1í' -Blue Coal Radio Revue CBS 11.1% -Simonir. Goa rdsnten-Harry Kogen's

    Orchestra NBC 5:45 1'. 91.

    13(1133I -Four I harmony Boys 6:00 P. .31.

    WWI L-Wheatena Serial - :Raising Junior NBC

    11(.1131-1'ulais d'Or Orchestra R 1,1111 -Catholic I'rogr:tun NBC

    1 -Catholic Services N 1IC IVJZ -\Vheatena I'rogr:tot-Raising Junior

    3: 15 P. 31. WIZ -Veronica Wiggins. contralto NBC 11'13.\L -Artist Recital -Violin and 1'i:uto Se

    lections 6:30 1'. 31.

    13F lilt -''Our American Schools" NBC IV It.\I.-The Cosmopolitans NBC 11'0.\(1 -Rice Bakery Program -.Tack Leder

    errs Orchestra WC BM -Oriole Department Store Entertainers R1í AI'-Gduc


    WNW ~4t:.a.

    `* M

    w .; 1 :ár,;8 3.4.'.. ; r This group of prominent physicians gathered in

    WBAL's broadcasting studios recently to inaugurate the new health program which is a regular Tuesday evening feature from WBAL. Following are the med- ical officials who made up this group: Standing (left to right)

    Dr. V. L. Ellicott, Dr. William H. F. Warthen, Dr. Llewellys Lord, Dr. J. H. Mason Knox, Dr. J.

    e - ti _. +,W,IiY " . a--.



    W. Mountin, Dr. Huntington Williams and Fred- erick R. Huber, direitor of WBAL. Seated (left to 'right) Dr. C. Hampson Jones, Dr. William H. Welch, Mayor Howard W. Jackson, Dr. Robert H. Riley and Dr. Thomas Cullen. These health programs are five minute talks given by physicians of Balti- more on various topics beneficial in improving the health of the community.

    Irvin Cobb In New Broadcast Series

    Irvin S. Cobb, American humor- ist, will bring his stories, genial wit and southern drawl to the Armour program ín one of his infrequent radio appearances, for a limited en- gagement beginning Friday night, February 5. The program is heard at 9:30 P. M. over WJZ-NBC net- work.

    Cobb's humor made such a smash- ing hit with Armour program list- eners last winter that he was fin- ally persuaded by the National Broadcasting Company to return this winter for a series of at least ten broadcasts, to be heard each Friday night from 9:30 to 10 P .M.

    He will draw on his wealth of stories, observations, anecdotes and experiences for his microphone chats.

    Cobb will be heard with the Armour orchestra, under the direc- tion of Roy Shields, Fireside Sing- ers, male quartet, and Edna Kellogg, soprano.

    Known universally for his maga- zine stories, books and plays, Cobb is an example of the small town boy who made good. Beginning as a cub reporter in his home town of Paducah, Ky., he became editor of the Paducah News when he was but nineteen years old. Metropolitan journalism lured him, but it was not until 1904, four years after his marriage to Laura Spencer Baker of Savannah, Ga., that he took his savings of $200 and hit for New York.

    Les Timmons, Tenor




    Quite a busy fellow, this Les Timmons, young Baltimore tenor. Each night he warbles his tunes for the benefit of WCBM's audience and for the patrons of the Nutty Nite Club as a member of Ted El- more's Orchestra. Then each day just past noon he goes on the air from the station's studios as a mem- ber of Ted Elmore's Trío. Les has been singing over the air now for more than a year. He ís a Baltimor- ean.

    Greely Said "Go Wesi" Samuel Stern Carne East

    That very succinct bit of advice which one famous Horace Greely "once upon a time" gave to a young man about going west, may have been all right but Samuel Maurice Stern, staff cellist at WBAL, has his doubts about it. You see, Stern did just the opposite. He came East.

    Kansas City, Mo... that's where Samuel Maurice Stern was born and part of his boyhood he spent on a large farm in Kansas where he did the chores which usually fall to the lot of the boy on the farm.

    However, his musical talent soon began asserting itself and the now popular radio cellist knew instinc- tively that music, and not farming. was his real calling. So he saved his pennies and his nickles until he had enough to take him to Chicago where he found a good music teach- er and got his preliminary musical training.

    Joining various muscial groups, he traveled through the Middle West, working his way gradually Eastward.

    Coming to Baltimore, he at once arranged to continue his musical studies at the Peabody Conservatory of Music where he studied w.th Bart Wirtz. He has also studied with 1.eo Schulz, of New York, and with Stephen Deak, the Hungarian cellist.

    Stern joined the staff of WBAL over six years ago and is heard reg- ularly with the Calvertons, the WBAL String Quartet, the WBAL Trio, the Romany Trail and other studio groups of entertainers. H: also frequently appears as a soloist and does 'considerable obligato work.

    New Series -Began January 25 In a recent issue of RADIO

    Guide it was -announced that a new. program series from WFBR known as "On The Leyte," was scheduled to Begin on February 25. It should have been January 25. The series began on that date and bids fair to become one of the station's most popular features.

    Vsíts Family Each \Week The Rev. W. W. Cooke. direc-

    tor of the Gospel Crusaders, visits his family in Wilmington each Tuesday.

    WEEK FERáaiARY 6


    RATE 5 11,1 1`6 IN PERSON




    ' ' hie



    + +



    5:30 to

    6:30 + +

    coai Revue,




    P.M. +


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    6:45 1. 711. WEAF-Tower Health Exercises NBC

    7:00 \. 31. ' W'C 10 -Early Risers Musical Clock WC BM -Morning Melodies WF RIt-Time Service Program

    7:30 1. M. WBAL-A Song for Today NBC WC BM -May Co.'s Mary Ann Kiddie Klub WABC-Organ Revielle CBS W.1Z -A song for today NBC

    7:45 A. 31. WBAI-Cream of Wheat Program -Jolly Bill

    and Jane NBC WC 50 -Kiddie Club WJZ -Cream of \\'heat Program -Jolly Bill

    and Jane NBC 8:00 A. M.

    W It XL -On the 3:15 -Comedy and Songs NBC WC 1 0 -Paul Billotti's Orchestra IVCBM-Jack Bohr. pianist WEIti1-Quaker Early Birds - Gene and

    Glenn NBC WEAF-Quaker Early Birds -Gene and

    Glenn NBC WA BC -Salon Musicale -Emery Deutsch's

    Orchestra CBS WJZ -On the 8:15 NBC

    8:15 1. M. WBAL-Phil Cook, the Quaker Man NBC WEB B -Morning Devotions NBC WC1111-Morning Glories WEAF-Morning Devotions NBC WJZ -Phil Cook the Quaker Man NBC

    8:30 A. 31. WBAL-Sunbirds-Sting Ensemble NBC W I?B It -Cheerio NBC W'F.AF-Cheerio NBC WA BC -La Monica at the Organ CBS WJZ -The Sunbirds-Sting Ensemble NBC

    8:45 A. M. WBAL-John Fogarty, tenor solos NBC WCAO-Old Dutch Girl -Newsy Jingles CBS WC BM -News Flashes WA BC -Old Dutch Girl -Newsy Jingles CBS WJZ -John Fogarty, tenor NBC

    9:00 A. M. WBAL-The Laugh Club -Ton: Brennie NBC WCAO-Gypsy Music Makers -String Ensem-

    ble CBS WCBM-Musical Gems WF B 11 -Time Service Program continued 1VABC-Gypsy Music Makers -Emery Deut-

    sch's Orchestra CBS WJZ -The Laugh Club -Ton: Brennie NBC

    9:15 A. M. WBAT.-Shopping with Nancy Turner WFBR-Olympic Bob Sled Races NBC WCI8M-Gospel Crusaders Cheer Program WEAF-Olympic Winter Games NBC WJZ -Everyday Beauty NBC

    9:30 A. M. WBAL-Montgomery Ward Program -Irma

    Glen, organist NBC WCAO-Tony's Scrapbook -Readings by Tony

    Worts CBS WEAF-Vocal Art Quartet NBC WABC-Tony's Scrapbook -Readings by Tony

    Wons CBS WJZ -Montgomery Ward Program -Irma

    Glen, organist NBC 9:45 A. M.

    WBAL-Olympic Bob Sled Races NBC WC 1O -Back Stage in Radio CBS WCBM-Waves of Melody WFBIB-Piano Moods -Chester LaRue Mahl WEAF-A. & P. Program -Food Talk by

    Colonel Goodbody NBC W IBC -Back Stage in Radio CBS WJZ -Olympic Winter Games NBC

    10:00 A. M. WCAO-Marmola Program WFBR-Boswell Sisters WCBM-Varieties IVEAF-Mrs. Blakes Radio Column -Sisters

    of the Skillet NBC WABC-Radio Homemakers Program -Ida

    Bailey Allen CBS 10:15 A. M.

    WEBS -Home Topics Club W'CAO-String and Novelty Orchestra CBS W'EA F-Ceresota Four Program -Health

    Talk by Rr. Royal S. Copeland NBC WAIIC-Sweet and Hot -Emery Deutsch's

    Orchestra CBS 10:30 A. M.

    WIIAL-A. &. P. Program -Food Talk by Colonel Goodbody NBC

    WCBM-Merchants' Air Review WFBR-Irresistible Imps WEAF-Breen and de Rose NBC WJZ -A. and P. Program -Food talk by

    Colonel Goodbody NBC 10:45 A. M.

    WBAL-Consolaries - Irma Glen, organist NBC

    WCAO-Madison Singers CBS WFBR-Ruth Blake, pianologue WEAF-Kay Reid, contralto NBC WABC-The Madison Singers CBS WJ'% -Consolaires-Irma Glen, o ganist

    NBC 11:00 A. M.

    WBAL-Airs. A. M. Goudiss-Household talk NBC

    WCB3[-Heart and Home Service WCAO-Radio Home Makers Program CBS WFBR-Sonata Recital -Violin and piano se-

    lections NBC WFLtF-Sonata Recital NBC WABC-Musical Alphabet CBS WJ7, -Housekeeping talk by Mrs. A. M. Gou-

    diss NBC 11:15 A. M.

    WBAL-Noon-Time Tunes WJZ -Singing Strings -Walter Blaufuss, di-

    rector NBC 11:30 A. M.

    WBAL-Rogers Musical Trio NBC WFBR-Hugo Mariani's Marionettes NBC WCAO-Melody Parade CBS

    WC 1131 -Air Forum WFAF-l-fugo Mariani's Marionettes NBC WA BC -Melody Parade -Emery Deutsch's

    Orchestra CBS WiZ -Rogers Musical Trio NBC

    11:45 A. N. WC IBM -LeRoy McKnew, pianist WBAL-Noon-Time Tunes WCAO-Tenor Solos -Ben Alley CBS WA IBC -Ben Alley, tenor CBS 11.12 -Jill and Judy NBC

    12:00 Noon WC 1131 -Club Lido Orchestra WFBIt-General Electric Program NBC W'CAO-Charles Boulanger's Orchestra CBS 1V1í.\1. The 3lerrie-Men NBC MBA F -General Electric Program NBC IVA BC -Charles Boulanger's Orchestra CBS W.iZ -The Merrie-men Male Quartet NBC

    12:15 P. B. W11 1L-Dramatic skit with Pal Barnes NBC WEB It -Variety interlude WEAL' -The Real George Washington NBC WIZ -Pat Barnes -Impersonations NBC

    12:25 I'. M. WCAO-.Johnson's Radio Guide

    12:30 P. 31. 11'IS \L -National Farm and Home Hour NBC WCAO-Uncle Olie's Kre-í\lel Gang WCI1M-Howard's String Trio IVEAF-Black and Gold Room Orchestra

    NBC WA BC -Columbia Revue -Emery

    Orchestra CBS WJZ -National farm and Home hour NBC

    12:45 P. 31. WCAO-Columbia Revue -Emery Deutsch's

    Orchestra CBS 1:00 P. 31.

    WCBM-Ted Elmore's Collegians WEItlt-Lord Baltimore Hotel Orchestra IVCAO-George Hall's Hotel Taft Orchestra

    CBS WE \ I' -Market and Weather Reports NBC

    1:15 P. M. WEAF-Larry Funk's Orchestra NBC WABC-George Hall's Hotel Taft Orchestra



    1:30 P. 3I. WIB.-VI.-The Arundels {ICAO -Ritz Carlton Orchestra CBS WFBit-Celestial Restaurant Orchestra WEAF-'the Venetians NBC WA BC -Armand Vecsey's Ritz Orchestra

    CBS 11JZ -Don Bestor's Orchestra NBC

    2:00 P. M. WC 10 -Ann Leaf at the Organ CBS WIIAL-Linn and Abner NBC Wr1111-League of American Penwomen Pro-

    gram WEAF-To Be Announced WABC-Victory Luncheon Women's National

    Prohibition Reform CBS WJZ -Food talk by Mrs. Julian Heath NBC

    2:15 P. 31. IV 'BR -Classic Quarter Hour WBAL-Radio Troubadours NBC WEAL' -The Nomads NBC

    2:20 1'. 31. WJZ -Radio Troubadours -Harold Stokes'

    Orchestra NBC 2:30 P. M.

    W C AO -American School of the Air CBS 1111.1L -Walter DeLillo, violinist W I- Itlt-Afternoon Musicale WA BC -American School of the .\ir CBS 11.IZ -Current Art Exhibitions -Lyle Hardy

    NBC 2:45 P. 31.

    SIB 1L-Smackouts NBC WEAF-Henrietta Schumann, pianist NBC 11,12 -"Smack-outs" NBC

    3:00 P. M. 1111.11. -United States Marine Band NBC 5(1 IIR-Woman's Radio Review NBC W(' -\0 -The Four Eton Boys CBS IV EA L'-\Vornens Radio Review NBC IVA IBC -Four Eton Boys -Novelty 1-Iale Quar-

    tet CBS IVJZ -United dates 3larine Band NBC

    3:15 P. 31. IVC.1 O -Columbia Salon Orchestra - Emery

    Deutsch, conductor CBS WA BC -Columbia Salon Orchestra CBS

    3:30 P. 31. W('AO-Sam Prager, pianist CBS WA BC -Sant Prager, pianist CBS

    3:45 1'. 31. WCAO-Vassar Glee Club CBS WAIIC-Vassar Glee Club CBS

    4:00 P. 31. WF11R-Pop Concert NBC WBAL-Talk by Emily Post NBC 1VCAO-Ross Gorman 's Orchestra CBS WEAF-Pop Concert NBC WA BC -Ross Gorman's Biltmore Orchestra

    CBS WJ7, -Talk by Emily Post NBC

    4:15 I'. 31. WBAL-Charles Schuerman's Orchestra

    NBC \I.1Z -Charles Schuerman's Orchestra

    NBC 4:30 1'. III.

    111'ItIt-The Lady Next Door NBC WC 1O -National Student Federation of Amer-

    ica Program CBS WEAF-The Lady Next Door NBC WA IBC -National Student Federation of \mert-

    ica Program CBS 4:45 1'. M.

    IVB.1 L -Colorado Cowboys -hill -billy songs NBC

    WFBB-Resume of Olympic Winter Games NBC

    W'lA F -Olympic Winter Games NBC WJZ -Colorado Cowboys -Hillbilly Songs


    5:00 P. M. WCAO-Sutton Club Orchestra CBS W71.5L-Glen Sisters -Vocal duo NBC WFltlt-Police Alarms -Evening Variely WEAL' -Talk by Frances Bowdon NBC WA BC -Sutton Club Orchestra CBS

    5:15 P. M. WE 5 L-Stvanee Serenaders - Harold Stokes'

    Orchestra NBC 1VFBIt-General Mills Program-Skippy NBC WEAF-General Mills Program-Skippy NBC

    -Swanee Serenaders NBC 5:30 P. 31.

    WBAL-The Singing Lady NBC \VCAO-To be announced 11(I11)1 -Rhythm and Harmony t\'F It lt-Bolden Moments -Dr. La Borwlt 1VE-1 F -Sweetheart Program -Beauty Talk

    by Ruth Jordan NBC IVJZ -The Singing Lady NBC

    5:35 P. 3f. 11FBR-Evening Variely Program

    5:45 P. 31. \ICAO -Wrigley Program -The Lone Wolf

    Tribe CBS WBAL-Wander Program - Little Orphan

    -tunic--Children's Playlet NBC WFBR-Russ Columbo's Orchestra NBC IVEAF-Russ Columbo's Orchestra NBC WA BC -The Lone Wolf Tribe CBS IVJZ -Wander Program - Little Orphan

    Annie NBC 6:00 P. 31.

    WFBR-Celestial Restaurant Orchestra WBAL-Wheatena Serial - Raising Junior

    NBC WCAO-The Globe Trotter -News reports WCBM-Palais d'Or Orchestra W'FAF-Waldorf Astoria Sert Room Orches-

    tra NBC W' 1BC-Current Events by II. V. Kaltenborn

    CBS IVJZ -Wheatena Program -Raising Junior

    NBC 6:15 P. M.

    WBAL-Paradise of Song -Elizabeth Lennox, contralto NBC

    WCAO--The Lighted Window by Dr. Black- welder

    WABC-Vaughn de Leath with Shapiro and Shelter CBS

    WJZ -Paradise of Song -Elizabeth Lennox, contralto NBC

    6:30 P. 31. W'FBB-International Broadcast from Geneva

    NBC WBAL-Royal Vagabonds NBC WC 1O -Amoco Program -The Motoring Min-

    istel and Frances Marion WCBM-Songs by LeRoy Riser IVEAF-International Broadcast from Geneva

    NBC IV1BC-George hall's Ilotel Taft Orchestra

    CBS WJZ -The Royal Vagabonds NBC

    6:45 1'. M. {ICAO -Songs by Arthur Jarrett CBS W('B3[-Sports Scrapbook -Lee Davis WEAL -Literary Digest Topics in Brief -

    Lowell Thomas NBC WFBR-Swill and Co. Program -The Stebbins

    Boys NBC WEAF-Swift Program -The Stebbins Boys

    NBC WABC,--Arthur Jarrett with Freddie Rich's

    Orchestra CES WJZ -Literary Digest Topics in Brief -

    Lowell Thomas NBC 7:00 P. 31.

    WBAL-The Pepsodent Program -Amos 'n' Andy NBC

    i WCAO-Wrigley Program-Myrt and Marge CBS

    WCB\I-Trianon Orchestra 1VFIIR-Vermont Lumberjacks -Male Quar-

    tet NBC IVF.A1'-Vermont Lumberjacks -Male Quar-

    tet NBC W' IBC -Wrigley Program-Myrt and Marge

    CBS 11JZ -Petrsodent Program -Amos 'n' Andy

    NBC 7:15 P. 31.

    WB 1L-Tastyeast .Jesters -Pep, Vim and Vigor NBC

    WC 1O -Cremo prersents Bing Crosby CBS IV 11111 -The Campbell Orchestra NBC IV 13:\ F -Campbell Orchestra NBC WABC-Cremo presents Bing Crosby CBS IVJZ -Tastyeast Jesters - Pep, Vim and

    Vigor NBC 7:30 P. 31.

    WB 1L -Sam Felice Serenade NBC 1VCA0-Pompeian Make -Up Box - Boswell

    Sisters CBS WC1131-Valley Inn Orchestra WI'Bit-Prince Albert Quarter -Hour - Alice

    Joy and Paul Van Loan's Orchestra NBC

    WE 1F -Prince Albert -Alice Joy and Paul Van Loan's Orchestra NBC

    WABC-Pompeian Make -Up -Boswell Sisters CBS

    IVJZ -San Felice Serenade NBC 7:45 P. M.

    WEAL -Waves of Melody - Victor Arden':; Orchestra NBC

    WCA0-The Camel Quarter -Hour - Morton Downey, Tony Wons and Jacques Renard's Orchesra CBS

    WFBR-Russ Cullen's Music WEAF-The Goldbergs-Comedy Skit NBC WA BC -Camel Quarter -Hour - \I or ton

    Downey, Tony Wons, Jacques Ren- ard's Orchestra CBS

    IVJZ -Waves of Melody -Victor Arden's Or- chestra NBC

    8:00 P. 31. WEAL -The Contented Program, with the

    Fireside Singers NBC IVC 10-Linit Program -The Bath Club with

    Margaret Santry CBS WCB3I-Who's Who -Gustav Bisgyer

    WFBR-Golden Crown Syrup Program -"On the Levee" -

    15EAF Soconyland Sketches -Drama NBC WABC-Linit Program -The Bath Club, with

    Margaret Santry CBS WJZ -The Contended Program -Vocal and

    instrumental selections NBC 8:15 P. 31.

    WCAO-Singin' Sam, the Barbasol Man CBS 11C1131 -City Snickers WA BC-Singin' Sam, the Barbasol alau CBS

    8:30 P. M. 11B XL -Death Valley Days -Dramatic pro-

    gram -Orchestra NBC WCAO-La Patina presents Kate Smith CBS 1501131-11arold Stepteau's Orchestra 1V'FBR-The Voice of Firestone -Lawrence

    Tibbett NBC IVEAF-Voice of Firestone -Lawrence Tib-

    belt NBC WABC-La Patina presents Kale Smith CBS WJZ -Death \ alley Days -Drama NBC

    8:45 P. 31. WC.1O-Colonel and Budd CBS W 1BC-Colonel and Budd CBS

    9:00 1'. 31. WBAL-Maytag Program -Wanderer's Quar-

    tet NBC WCAO-Vapex Program -Mills Bros. CBS WFBR-The Regal Program - Orchestral

    music {ICBM -Studio Program IVEAF-A. & P. Gypsies -Harry Horlick's

    Orchestra NBC. W.1 BC-Vapex presents the Mills Brothers

    CBS WJZ -Maytag Orchestra -Wanderers Qua

    let NBC 9:15 P. 31.

    WFBR-Unguenline Program 1VCA0-Frostilla Broadcast Rehearsals Cl WABC-Frostilla Broadcast Rehearsal CI

    9:30 P .31. WBAL-The Story of Women's Names ND WC 10-Bourjois-Evening in Paris CBS WCBM-Eddie Kiluran's Orchestra WFBR-Parade of the States -Louisiana NB W'EA F -Parade of the States -Louisiana NB WABC-Bourjois-An Evening in Paris CF WIZ -'The Story of Women's Names" NB

    9:45 P. 31. WIIAL-Piccadilly Circus NBC IVJZ -Picadilly Circus NBC

    10:00 P. 31. WCBM-Club Reno Orchestra WCAO-Robert Burns Panatela Program

    Guy Lombardo's Orchestra CBS WFBR-Spotlight Review NBC WBAL-"With Canada's Mounted" -Stories

    the Royal Canadian Police - Spor sored by Canada Dry Ginger Alt Inc. NBC

    WI. A F -National Radio Forum NBC IV SEC -Robert Burns Panatela Program -

    Guy Lombardo's Orchestra CBS WJZ -"With Canada's Mounted" -Stories o

    Royal Canadian Police -Sponsored b; Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc. NBC

    10:30 1'. 31. WBAL-Archer Gibson Ensemble -Solos ant

    organ recital NBC WCAO-Chesterfield Program - Alexande:

    Gray and Nat Shilkrets Orchestra CBS

    WCBM-Nutty Nile Club Orchestra WFBR-Mr. Bones and Company - Minstrel

    Show NBC WEAF-MI'. Bones and Company NBC WA BC-Chesterfield Program - Alexander

    Gray and Nat Shilkret's Orchestra CBS

    WJZ -Arthur Gibson's Ensemble NBC 10:45 I'. 31.

    WCAO-The Street Singer - Arthur Tracy CBS

    WA BC -The Street Singer -Arthur Tracy CBS

    11:00 P. 31. WEAL -Slumber Music - Ludwig Laurier's

    String Ensemble NBC WCAO-Carol Kelly's Orchestra ISC 1131 -Club Lido Orchestra 11FItit-Celestial Restaurant Orchestra IVEAF-Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra NBC WA BC -Don Redman's Connie Inn Orches-

    tra CBS 1IJZ -Ludwig Laurier's String Ensemble

    NBC 11:15 1'. 31.

    W'CAO-Toscha Seidel and Concert Orches- tra CBS

    WA BC-Toscha Seidel, violinist CBS 11:30 P. M.

    WIIAL-Don Pedro's Orchestra NBC 1ICA0-Enric Madriguera's Orchestra CBS 1V 1' It It -Sherry's Orchestra IS(' 1131 -New Club Ritz Orchestra

    11' E I F -Jesse Crawford, Poet of the Organ NBC

    WABC-Enric Madriguera's Biltmore Orches- tra CBS

    WJZ -Don Pedro's Orchestra NBC 11:45 P. 31.

    WEAF-Cotton Club Orchestra NBC 12:00 Midnight

    IVCB31-Club Madrid Orchestra WE F -Earl I line's Orchestra NBC IVA BC -Ben Bernie's Orchestra CBS WIZ -Piano \foods -Lee Sims and Ito May

    Bailey NBC 12:15 A. M.

    WIZ -Peter Van Steedan's Orchestra NBC 12:30 A. 31.

    WC BM-CottonClub Orchestra W E 1 F -Carl Moore's Orchestra NBC WA BC -Noble dtssle's Park Central Orches-

    tra CBS 1:00 A.M.

    WA BC -Cafe de La Paix Orchestra CBS 1:30 A. M.

    WA BC -Roseland Ballroom Orchestra CBS

  • /NB:OI..IT. CONTRACT BRIDGE Editor's Note: Mrs. Alexander Randall, who each Friday afternoon at 9:30 o'clock

    gives a talk on contract bridge from WFBR, has graciously contributed the following as her bit towards keeping alive that terrible hand-to-hand conflict-no pun meant- which is sweeping the nation. Mrs. Randall's background makes her an ideal person to discuss bridge for she recently returned winner in several Philadelphia and New York tournaments under the auspices of the American Bridge League. Besides she is on the advisory council of the official system of contract. Your editor must, perforce, remain neutral in this great struggle, for his wife is an advocate of the official system and his mother-in-law swears by Culbertson. Therefore we play pinochle.

    It has been my good fortune to have had the opportunity to study and receive certificates for teaching in both the official system. and the ap- proach - forcing system of Ely Culbertson. I feel there is no choice as to which sys- tem is more ad- vantageous. Cer- tainly the offic- ial system is more 'simple and di- rect, and informs the partner by its b i d s, exactly what one holds in his hand.

    In the general strength required for a minimum suit bid of one, the methods are about identical. in the choice be- tween declara- tions, however, they are very dif- ferent. The of- ficial system al- lows an optional bid between suit and no trump where strength for both is- held, whereas the approach -forcing no trump is never bid except when there is no biddable suit.

    . For another example, original suit bids of two are entirely differ- ent. In the approach forcing meth- od they indicate a hand of tre- mendous high card strength, rang- ing from 4 1-2 to 5 1-2 honor tricks, depending on the distribu- tion of the thirteen cards held. The partner must keep the bidding open until game contract ís reached.

    This type of hand is so rare that the opening bid is usually one even on quite powerful hands. The two bid by this system occurs about once in every hundred deals, and cer- tainly is not worth the effort to learn, when you so seldom are fortunate enough to have it dealt to you.

    Since the one bid, therefore, can range clear up to almost enough to


    make game, partners may raise and find either a minimum. hand or a maximum hand, and is in the dark as to what the partner actually holds. This involves a certain

    amount of risk and does not give the partner a very comfort- able feeling.

    The official system has no such wide range for its one bids which reach to only a moderate amount of of strength. On hands with a minimum hold- ing we bid one; on hands fairly close to game strength we bid two. which part- ner may pass, holding a worth- less hand. A three bid shows real strength, and the partner now knows what strength the de-

    clarer has, according to a one bid, a two bid or a three bid. Also, in dealing a hundred hands the invita- tional two bid occurs about once in every ten deals, and often effectively shuts out mere nuisance overcalls by the opponents.

    Is it not better, therefore, to in- form the partner the true holding of the hands as long as the part- nership exists, rather than possibly deceive each other, in order to de- ceive the opposing side?

    Would you honestly in a busi- ness proposition .outwit your part- ner to entrap your enemies? No. you would not!

    The same holds true ín bridge- you are striving and working for the ultimate game and rubber to- gether and to beat the other side, and it certainly can only be done when two partners work in com- plete harmony, with an under- standing of the bids, when playing contract bridge.

    WCBM Begins A New Drama Series By Alliance Players

    WCBM began a new series of short dramatic sketches called the "Alliance Playshop" on Wednesday January 27, at 9:00 P. M. A one act play was presented especially ar- ranged for broadcast purposes by the Alliance players. Samuel H. Feld- stein is the director of the Alliance players.

    The play presented on Wednesday evening was the "Rehearsal." The players were members of the Ríshon Club which recently won the dra- matic contest at the Jewish Educa- tional Alliance.

    Dedicated Program To Invalid A few days after Uncle Olie's

    Gang had dedicated one of their programs to young Harry Tremper, an enthusiastic letter of appreciation was received from the twelve -year - old boy, who has been resting in the Reconstruction Hospital at Haverstraw, N. Y., for more than a year. The young invalid de- clared that the fifteen minutes dur- ing which the program was heard will remain among the happiest ín his life.

    Musicians Are Commuters The Rambling Síx Dance Or-

    chestra commutes from Annapolis to Baltimore daily, and present a special program over WCBM as well as at the Cocoanut Groves. .

    Elizabeth Bílson Says She Accuíred

    Ability "Naturally" A radio singer who got her voice

    "just naturally" is Elizabeth Bíl- son, staff soprano at WBAL.

    Seen in the broadcasting studios just after she had appeared on WBAL's own studio features, Mrs. Bilson was prevailed upon to tell "something about herself."

    During the course of conversa- tion it was learned that Mrs. Bil- son (many of you no doubt remem-


    ber her as Elizabeth Stillman who did lots of singing around town) has been singing ever since she was six years old.

    "It was natural for me to have a voice as my father had a rich bar- itone voice which gave him quite a reputation as a church soloist and minstrel singer," she said.

    "Just when did you start to sing?" she was asked.

    "Oh, I began singing at the age of six: in fact, I was quite in de- mand because of my voice and a good memory. Then, at the age of fifteen I started my musical educa - cation and when I was sixteen years old, I was a church so!o st," was the reply.

    More questions netted us the in- formation that she held that post for several years, then for three sea- sons she appeared professionally with an opera company that played here in one of the theaters.

    Mrs. Bílson is ín constant de- mand for concert and recital work and ís soloist at Emmanuel P. E. Church.


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    6:45 A.M. 1\'li 1F -Tower Health Exercises NBC

    7:00 1.31. WC A 0 -Early Risers Musical Clock WCI331-Morning Melodies WFBE-Time Service Program

    7:30 A. M. WEAL -A Song for Today NBC WGJ131-\Iay Co.'s Mary Ann Kiddie Klub 11.1Z -A Song for Today NBC

    7:45 A. M. WI3:1L-Cream of Wheat Program -Jolly Bill

    and .kale NBC IVCA0-Kiddie Club WA IBC -Organ Reveille CBS WIZ -Cream of Wheat Program -Jolly Bill

    and Jane NBC 8:00 A. M.

    1113AL-On the 8:15 -Comedy and Songs NBC WCA 0 -Paul Billotti's Orchestra WC I131 -.Itch Bohr, pianist WFlilt-Quaker Early Birds -Gene and Glenn

    NBC 1VF.AF-Quaker Early Birds -Gene and

    Glenn NBC WA BC -Salon Musical -Vincent Sorey's Or-

    chestra CBS WJZ -On the 8:15 NBC

    8:15 A. N. WBAL-Phil Cook, the Quaker Man NBC 1VF131{-Morning Devotions NBC ' WEA I' -Morning Devotion NBC WIZ -Phil Cook the Quaker Man NBC

    8:30 A. III. WBAL-Sunbirds-String Ensemble NBC WillIt-Cheerio NBC WEAF-Cheerio NBC WA BC -La Monica at the Organ CBS WJZ -Sunbirds-String Ensemble NBC

    8:45 A. N. WISAL-John Fogarty, tenor NBC 11(2101 -News Flashes WABC-Character Songs by Artells Dick-

    son CBS IVJZ -John Fogarty, tenor NBC

    9:00 A. 31. 1113A L -The Laugh Club -Tom Brennie NBC 11'CAO-1 iano Pictures -Piano team CBS WC 11M-Musical Gems

    V I'Jtlt-Title Service Program -Continued WEA E -Morning Glee Club NBC WA BC -Piano Pictures CBS 11,1Z -The Laugh Club -Tom Brennie NBC

    9:15 A. M. WC831-Health talk WEAL -Lady Bugs -Piano duo NBC W I' It It -Knox Gelatine Program NBC WCAO-Mélody Parade -Vincent Sorey's Or-

    chestra CBS \VEAF-Knox Gelatine Program NBC WA 13C -Melody Parade -Vincent Sorey's Or-

    chestra CBS WJZ -Lady Bugs -Piano duo NBC

    9:30 A. 31. W'ItAL-Montgomery Ward Program -Irma

    Glen, organist NBC WCA 0 -Tony's Scrapbook -Readings by Tony

    IVons CBS WFIBB-Olympic Bob Sled Races NBC \ICBM -LeRoy McKnew, pianist WEAF-Olympic Winter Games NBC WA BC -Tony's Scrapbook -Readings by Tony

    Wons CBS WJZ -Montgomery Ward Program -Irma

    Glen, Organist NBC 9:45 A. M.

    1111.1L -Olympic Bob Sled Races NBC WCAO-Helen Board, soprano CBS VCllll-Waves of Melody WFlltt-Piano Moods WEAF-A. & P. Program -Food Talk by

    Colonel Goodbody NBC IV 11SC-Helen Board, soprano CBS WJZ -Olympic Winter Games NBC

    10:00 A. 111. IVCAO-Oxol Trio --Grant, Graham and

    Couglin CBS WCIIM-Merchants' Air Review W EBB -Boswell Sisters WEA F -Mrs. Blake's Radio Column -Sisters

    of the Skillet NBC WAJIC-Oxol Trio -Grant, Graham and Cough-

    lin CBS 10:15 A. M.

    WCAO-United States Navy Band CBS W EIS Il-Walter Gorski, accordonist WEAF-Breen and de Rose NBC WA BC -United States Navy Band CBS

    10:30 A. M. WBAL-A. &. P. Program - Food

    Colonel Goodbody NBC W 1'Bll-Classic Quarter -Hour WEA F -Cindy and Sam NBC 11,12 -A. and P. Program -Food talk by

    Colonel Goodbody NBC 10:45 A N.

    WBAL-R. B. Davis Program - Mystery Chef NBC

    IVFit11-Rumford Radio School of Cookery WEAF-Big Ben's Dream Drama NBC 11.1'/. -P,. B. Davis Program -The Mystery

    Chef NBC 11:00 A. N.

    WBAL-household talk by Mrs. A. M. Goudiss NBC

    \I'C13M-Heart and Horne Service 11 1'Blt-Child health Talk NBC WEA F -Talk by Katherine Lenroot NBC 11-.17, -Forecast School of Cookery NBC

    11:15 A. M. IVBA L -Rhythm Ramblers - Harold Stokes'

    Orchestra NBC WCAO-The Ambassadors CBS WFBR-Radio Household Institute -Drama

    NBC WEAF-Radio Household Institute NBC WABC-The Ambassadors CBS W'JZ -Rhythm Ramblers -Harold Stokes'

    Orchestra NBC

    talk by

    11:30 A. N. WB 1L -Through the Looking -Glass -Beauty

    talk NBC 11CA0-Talk by Senator Arthur Capper CBS WC 1331-C real Scott's Entertainers WFBB-Hugo 3lariani's Marionettes NBC WEA 1'-1 logo Mariani's Marionettes NBC WA BC -Talk by Senator Arthur Capper CBS WJZ -Through the Looking Glass -Beauty

    talk NBC 11:45 A. N.

    IV AL -Jill and Judy NBC W'CA 0 -Tenor Solos -Ben Alley CBS WC I33I-varieties WA BC -Ben Alley, tenor CBS 11JZ -Jill and Judy NBC

    12:00 Noon IVBAL-The Merrie-men Quartet NBC W'C ItM-Palais d'Or Orchestra WEBS It -G eneral Electric Program NBC WCAO-Charles Boulanger's Orchestra CBS WEA I -General Electric Program NBC WA IIC-Charles Boulanger's Orchestra CBS WJZ -The Merrie-men Male Quartet NBC

    12:15 P. 31. WBA L -Pat Barnes in person -Imperson-

    ations NBC WFISIE-Variety Interlude WEAF-'the Real George Washington NBC WJ'!, -Pat Barnes -Impersonations NBC

    12:25 P. M. W'CA 0 -Johnson's Radio Guide

    12:30 P. M. IV'1SAL-National Farm and Home Hour NBC WC 1131-Howard's String Trio 11C 1.0 -Columbia Revue - Vincent Sorey's

    Orchestra CBS WEAF-Black and Gold Room Orchestra

    NBC WABC-Columbia Revue -Vincent Sorey's

    Orchestra CBS WJZ -National Farm and Home Hour NBC

    8:00 P. 31. WCA0-George Hall's Hotel 'Taft Orchestra

    CBS WCBM-'Ted Elntore's Collegians W1'Blt-Lord Baltimore Ilolel Orchestra WEAF-Market and Weather Reports NBC WABC-George Hall's 1 -Hotel Taft Orchestra

    CBS 1:15 1'. 31.

    WE 1E -Classic Varieties NBC 1:30 P. N.

    IVBAL-Dot: Pedro's Orchestra NBC WCAO-Savoy Plaza Orchestra -String En-

    semble CBS WEER -Celestial Restaurant Orchestra 11C B31-Club Lido Orchestra WEAF-Hotel New Yorker Concert Orches-

    tra NBC WABC-Meyer Davis' Savoy Plaza Orchestra

    CBS WJZ -Don Pedro's Orchestra NBC

    2:00 P. 31. 11'CÁ0 -Songs by Aunt Jemina CBS WEAL -Food talks by Mrs. J. Heath NBC WEB It -Merry Madcaps NBC WEAF-The Merry Madcaps NBC WABC-Songs by Aunt Jemima CBS WJZ -Food talk by Mrs. Julian Heath NBC

    2:15 P. N. WBAL-Weather Report NBC WCAO-Columbia Salon Orchestra -Emery

    Deutsch, conductor CBS WA BC -Columbia Salon Orchestra CBS WJZ -Weather Reports NBC

    2:20 1'. 31. WEAL -Bernice Yanacek, pianist NBC \V'JL -Bernice Yanacek, pianist NBC

    2:30 P. 31. WCAO-American School of the Air CBS W1tAL-Lecture by Gladys M. Petch NBC W'1'Itit-Ruth Sauerevein, soprano WEA F -Dorothy Daubel, pianist NBC WAI3C-American School of the fir CBS W.IZ -Talk by Gladys M. Petch NBC

    2:45 1'. M. WE It It -Talk by Al Martin W'1SA7 -Smackouts NBC W'11AF-"The March of Science" NBC WJZ - 'Smack -outs" NBC

    3:00 P. M. WFBIt-Woman's Radio Review NBC W13AL-Music in the Air - Piano Lessons

    NBC WCAO-Amt Leaf at the Organ CBS WEA I -Womens Radio :Review NBC WABC-Ann Leaf at the Organ CBS WJZ -Music in the air -Piano lessons NBC

    3:30 P. N. W'IIAi,-Hello Marie -Comedy Skit NBC WC 1O -Musical Americana CBS WABC-Musical Americana CBS WJZ -Hello Marie -Comedy skit NBC

    3:45 P. 31. WE IL -United States Army Band NBC WY/ -United States Army Band NBC

    4:00 1'.. 3I. ' IVFBR-Afternoon Melodies W 3 IL -Salon Music by the Calvertons WC IO-I:hythnt Kings CBS W 1:A F -Talk by Vida Ravensct'oft Sutton

    NBC WA BC -Rhythm Kings -Fred Berren's Or-

    chestra CBS 4:15 P. N.

    WCA0-The Funnyboners-Comedy and songs CBS

    WEAL -Book talk by Dr. Edward L. Isreal WA BC -The Funnyboners - Comedy and

    Songs CBS 11JZ -Marmon Tabernacle Choir and Or-

    gan NBC 4:30 P. M.

    WCAO-George Ilull's Hotel Taft Orchestra CBS

    WFBR-The Lady Next Door -Children's Program NBC

    WEAL -Sol Sax, pianist 11 EAF-The Lady Next Door NBC WABC-George Hall's Hotel Taft Orchestra

    CBS 4:45 P. M.

    WEAL -Talk by Alyce Lytle, Supervisor Home Service Bureau, Gas Co.

    WFBJI-Travel talk WI'.AF-Olympic Winter Games NBC 11.12 -Dramatic talk by Montrose J. Moses

    NEC 5:00 P. N.

    WBAL-Maltine Story Program -Children's Drama NBC

    11'F IIR-Police Alarms -Evening Variety WCA 0 -Sleepy Time Gal CBS BEA F -Talk by Frances Bowdon NBC 11.1Z -Maltine Story -Children's Program

    NBC 5:15 1'. M.

    WC I 0 -Meet the Artist -Bob Taplinger inter- views a radio personality CBS

    IVFIIIt-General Mills Program-Skippy NBC %VEA F -General Mills Program-Skippy NBC IV 1í3C -.Meet the Artist -Bob Taplinger In-

    terviews a Radio Personality CBS 5:30 1'. 31.

    111 ISlt-Elvening Variety Program 11'lí 1L -The Singing Lady NBC IVCAO-Sally Sam, the Sailor CBS 11('B31 -Rhythm and Harmony WE IF -South Sea Islanders NBC WA BC -Salty Sam the Sailor CBS WJZ -The Singing Lady NBC

    5:45 P. M. WB AL -wander Program -Little Orphan An-

    nie -Children's Playlet NBC IV'CAO-Bill Schudt's Going to Press CBS IVC101-Lost and Found WJZ -Wander Program - Little Orphan

    Annie NBC WABC-Bill Schudt's Going to Press CBS

    6:011 P. N. WBAL-IVheatena Serial -Raising Junior NBC WCA 0 -The Globe Trotter -News reports I1CI33I-Talk by Joseph Rosenthal WFBB-Celestial Restaurant Orchestra WEAF-Waldorf-Astoria Sert Room Orches-

    tra NC WABC-Arthur Jarrett and Freddie Rich's

    Orchestra CBS WJZ -IV'heatena Program -Raising Junior

    NBC 6:15 P. 31.

    WEAL -Health talk WCAO-Reis and Dunn CBS WCJSM-Try-Me Movie Contest WABC-Reis and Dunn CBS WJZ -ltameses Program -Piano duo NBC

    6:20 P. N. WBAL-At the Console

    6:30 1'. 31. WFBII-International Broadcast from Geneva

    NBC WCAO-Hygrade Sylvania Program - Mark

    \Varnow's Orchestra CBS WCBM-Musical Trio WEAF-International Broadcast from Geneva

    NBC WABC-The Sylvanians CBS WJZ -Ray Perkins, the Old Topper NBC

    6:45 1'. M. WBAL-Literary Digest Topics in Brief -

    Lowell Thomas NBC WFBII-Swift and Co. Program -The Stebbins

    Boys NBC WCEM-Sports Scrapbook -Lee Davis WCAO-frank Stretz Orchestra CBS 11E 1F -Swift Program -The Stebbins Boys

    NBC WABC-Frank Stretz Orchestra CBS IVJZ -Literary Digest Topic in Brief -

    Lowell Thomas NBC 7:00 P. M.

    WEAL-Pepsodent Program -Amos 'n' Andy NBC

    WCAO-Wrigley Program-Myrt and Marge CBS

    W'FBR-Lord Baltimore Hotel Orchestra WCB3I-Aviation-Musical Program WEAF-Mid-Week Federation Hymn Sing

    NBC IYABC-Wrigley Program-Myrt and Marge

    CBS WJZ -Pepsodent Program -Amos 'n' Andy

    NBC 7:15 1'. M.

    IVB 1L -Golden Crown Syrup Serenaders WCAO-Cremo presents Bing Crosby CBS 11C1331 -Regal Shop Stylists WEB It -The Campbell Orchestra NBC W EA F -Campbell Orchestra NBC IVA 13C -Cremo presents Bing Crosby CBS WJZ -Just Willie -Fred Hall's Orchestra

    NBC 7:30 1'. M.

    WFBR-Prince Albert Quarter -Hour -Alice Joy and Paul Van Loan's Orches- tra NBC

    IVBAL-Peabody Conservatory Program WC 10-Kaltenborn Edits the News CBS W'EA1'-Prince Albert Quarter Hour -Alice

    Joy and Paul Van Loan's Orches t'a NBC

    IYABC-Kaltenborn Edits the News CBS 1VJZ -Tito Coral, South American Singer

    NBC 7:45 1'. 3I.

    WC 1331 -Timely Topics WCAO-The C:unel Quarter -Hour - Morton

    Downey, Tony Wons and Jacques Renard's Orchestra CBS

    WFItlt-Soprano solos -Louise Walker WEAL -Back of the News in Washington

    NBC WEAF-The Rise of the Goldbergs-Comedy

    Skit NBC IYABC-The Camel Quarter -Hour -Morton

    Downey, Tony Woos and Jacques Renard's Orchestra CBS

    WJZ -Back of the News in Washington NBC 8:00 1'. M.

    WBAL-Your Government and Mine WCAO-Linit Program -The Bath Club with

    Margaret Santry CBS WCBM-Shadows and Sunbeams WFBB-To he announced WEAF-Blackstone Plantation -Julia Sander-

    son and Frank Crumit NBC WABC-Linft Prograitt-The Bath Club with

    Margaret Santry CBS WJZ Voters' Service Program NBC

    8:15 I'. 31. WC 10 -Sterling Products Program -Abe Ly-

    ttan's Band CBS WABC-Sterling Products Program -Abe Ly-

    man's Band CBS 8:30 1'. 1,1.

    WISAL-Around the Melodeon 110A 0 -La Patina presents Kate Smitb CBS W'F It Il-True Story Program NBC WEAF-True Story Program NBC WA 11C -La Patina presents Kate Smith CBS 1VJZ -Heel Hugger Harmonies -Male Quar-

    tet NBC 8:45 P. 31.

    1VCA0-La Gerardine Program with Ed Sullivan CBS

    WABC-Gerardine Program -Ed Sullivan CBS

    IVJZ -Sisters of the Skillet NBC 9:00 P. M.

    WBAL-Household Finance Program NBC W'C.I0-Ben Bernie's Elite Ribbon Orchestra

    CBS WFBIt-Regal Inspirational Program W'CEM-L-'ohemian Novelty Orchestra WEAF-McKesson Musical Magazine -Core

    cert Orchestra NBC WAEC-Ben Bernie's Blue Ribbon Orches.

    tra CBS . WJZ -The Household Finance Program

    NBC 9:15 P. 31.

    IVFBB-Law Forum by Eli Baer 9:30 P. 31.

    11C1331 -wrestling Matches Wk'Jii-Fuller Brush Man NBC WEAL -Great Personalities by Frazier Hunt

    NBC 1VCAO-Eno Crime Club CBS 11 'EAF-The Fuller Brush Man NBC W ABC -Eno Crime Club CBS IVJZ -Great Personalities by Frazier Hunt

    NBC 10:00 P. M.

    W'CAO-The Shadow -Mystery Drama CBS WEAL -International Conscience Brand Pro-

    gram WFBR-Lucky Strike Orchestra -Walter Win.

    ohell NBC WE 1F -Lucky Strike Orchestra -Walter Win-

    chell 'NBC WA BC -The Shadow -Mystery Drama CBS 11JZ -Russ Columbo's Orchestra NBC

    10:15 P. M. WJZ -Bavarian Peasant Band NBC

    10:30 1'. 31. WE 1L-Supersuds Girls -Clara, Lu and Em

    -Comedy Gossip NBC WC 1O -Chesterfield Program - Alexander

    Gray with Nat Shilkret's Orchestra CBS

    IVCBM-Nulty Nile Club Orchesua WABC-Chesterfield Program - Alexander

    Gray and Nat Shilkret's Orchestra CBS

    11JZ -Clara, Lu and Em, the Supersuds Girls NBC

    10:45 P. 31. 11C 10 -Jack Miller's Orchestra CBS W'l3AL-Paris Night Life NBC WABC-Jack Miller's Orchestra CBS IVJZ -Paris Night Life NBC

    11:00 P. M. 11BAL-The Marylanders W'CAO-Carol Kelly's Orchestra IV'C133I-Club Lido Orchestra W1'BJt-Sherry's Orchestra WE IF -Songs by Marion Harris NBC IVA BC-Enric Madriguera's Biltntore Orches-

    tra CBS WJZ -Ludwig Laurier's String Ensemble

    NBC 11:15 1'. 31.

    W'CAO-Howard Barlow's Symphony Orches- tra CBS

    WEAF-Jesse Crawford, Poet of the Organ NBC

    WABC-Howard Barlow's Columbia Sym- phony Orchestra

    11:30chest 1'. M.CBS WE:1L-Tito Coral, South American Singer

    NBC W'CAO-George Olsen's Orchestra CBS VVFBit-Jack Denny's Orchestra NBC WCBM-Club Reno Orchestra WEAF-Jack Denny's Orchestra NBC WA BC -George Olsen's Orchestra CBS IV'JZ -Dream Pictures -Archer Gibson,

    organist NB 11:45C 1'. M.

    WBAL-Dream Pictures - Archer Gibson, organist NBC

    12:00 blidaight IV'CJtyl-Club Madrid Orchestra 11'EA1'-Ralph Kirbery, the Dream Singer

    NBC \VABC-Gus Arnheim's Orchestra CBS IVJZ -Piano Moods -Lee Sims and Ito May

    Bailey NBC 12:05 A. 31.

    WEAF-Rudy Vallee's Orchestra NBC 12:15 A. 31.

    113'/. -Charles Agnew's Orchestra NBC 12:30 A. 31.

    W'C1130-New Club Ritz Orchestra Ill -'AF -Seymour Unions Orchestra NBC WA BC -Cafe de La Pale Orchestra CBS

    1:00 A. 31. WCIt31-Cotlmt Club Orchestra WABC-Fred Martin's Bossert Hotel Or-

    chestra CBS 1:30 A. 31.

    WABC-Roseland Ballroom Orchestra CBS



    TONIGHT WBAL '7:15-7:30

    Two VoiceL.Two. Piano Harmony

    ;10 -

  • DIXONS' 'RAISING JR." AT HOME 0 Just four years ago this week he went exactly twenty-four hours without food, and that was not a lean year. This year he finds himself one of radio's most popular writers, co-stars with his wife in his own radio sketch, and gets just as much kick out of life as possible.

    // NOT more than three minutes to spare-in a tough spot-took

    me ten minutes to get in, and it'll take as long to get out-a fifteen -minute parking space it ís. Glad to tell you what I

    can-shoot!" Thus Peter Dixon, ex -sea cook; ex -press agent; ex -newspaper man;

    ex a whole lot of things, and at present "Kenneth Lee" of the Raising Junior program, broadcast every evening except Wednesday at 6 o'clock: over the WJZ-NBC chain. Pete writes all the "shows" on his own orig- inal ideas, does some of the continuities as well, and, with his wife, Aline Berry, is in every broadcast.

    Pete-every one calls him that-takes but a short time to give a vivid picture of life as ít seems to him, and here it is, in as nearly his own words as possible.

    "Home life? Parcheesi and Russian Bank sessions ... Bridge oc- casionally, but hot much. Both fond of anchovies, artichokes and broccoli . Aline really likes spinach, and does not eat it as an example to the child. Books everywhere you go . . . bookcases all filled up long ago.

    "Aline kids husband about fondness for adventure stories .. . he sees her fondnesss for movie fan mag's and lets ít go at that . She has no use for women's clubs Both go to theater a lot . .. never plan a night out ... they just hap- pen, and then both stay up all night. She's a swell cook, but not fond of doing ít ... Never travel with any particular crowd and feel real friends can he counted on the fingers ... "

    He's learned a lot, this lad from the sagebrush, since he hit the big town. Grew up ín Brownsville Texas, educated there and there- abouts, went to sea as second cook on a tanker between Tampico and Gulf ports i Came to New York more than/four years ago, took a whirl at newspaper work, was a press agent, then joined the staff of the NBC as a press representa- tive (there is a difference, really) , ;aw what made a script tick, and wrote a weekly series, "The Cub Reporter."

    A quick glance from the win- dow showed the car still ín that fifteen -minute parking space, min- Itz. };



    The Dixon's still "honeymooning"

    s s

    "Oh for the life of a sailer," says Pete, who goes in deep for the sea and the ships.

    us any chalk marks on the top, and Pete resumed.

    "Aline would like to be a tragediene ... her husband a comedian ... First im- promptu appearance at a night club . . . people threw pennies at him . . . and he was chided because he didn't pick them up. Married six years ... Oldest boy not quite five ... David ... Because they liked the name . . . Youngest ís Peter . . . Five months old and known as Wee Peter for short ... Wee Tuppenny Tinker just for no reason at all.

    "Most severe critic is David ... Startled fond parents by remarking he preferred Lowell Thomas ... Esteem recovered when an airplane was brought into the script. Go in for gardening in a big way on a small plot ... Live in Douglaston ... Mrs. D. handles the sloop like a seasoned skipper ... Both swim ... Like dancing together and dance at home more than a little .. Most unmusical couple on the air . . . Carrying a tune beyond them, but both have leanings to musical comedy careers . . .Mrs. D. rather careful in money mat- ters, luckily. Pete doesn't give a whoop

    . He lets her sign the checks and kids about his allowance . . . Plans for future somewhat hazy ... Dreams of a house and ten acres somewhere near the water and saddle horses ... Man and wife very cer- tain radio is very uncertain and that they may be out of work and wondering where the next job is coming from in immediate



    Upper Right-Mr. and Mrs. Dixon hold- ing David, the family's severest critic.

    Below-Pete Dixon holding "Wee Peter," the honest -to -goodness junior.

    future ... Get a huge kick out of fan mail And enjoy all the praise and compliments that come their way.

    "Never quarrel audibly . . . If there is a disagreement, both become mute for an hour . . . Then one or the other suggests that, after all, what's the use of getting all upset about such a little thing . . . It works. Undecided about another young- s'er ... Disappointed David when last baby tu-ned out to be a brother ... Dave prompt- ly resumed prayers for a sister . . . This faith embarrassing at times . . . So he tells the neighbors, at least.

    "Give very few parties . . . Big ones when and if . . . Like to crowd the 'cell' with guests . . . Home informal . . . Nc 'suites' allowed . . . Few old prints and really good oils . .. Bits of brass and pot- tery from the East Side ... Flowers every- where except when too costly . . . Fire usually.

    Dixon turned to the window again, saw a mounted policeman looking the cars over, and bolted.

    "Bye! My life in New York has been a vacuum. surrounded by lean periods . . . Now I'm in the icing on the sandwich .. . It's great . . "

    Peter, Aline, David and "Junior," the whole Dixon family, ín fact. What with the sloop, the large garden on the small plot, the home and the youngsters, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon find themselves just as happy as can be-and as busy.


    WEAF-Tower Health Exercises NBC 7:00 A. M.

    WCAO-Early Risers Musical Clock 'VCB31-Morning Melodies WFBR-Tinte Service Program

    7:3C A. M. WBAL-A Song for Today NBC WCB.M-May Co.'s Mary Ann Kiddie Klub WA BC -Organ Reveille CBS WJZ -A Song for Today NBC

    7:45 A. M. WEAL -Cream of Wheat Program -Jolly Bill

    and Jane NBC W'C:1O-Kiddie Club WJZ -Cream of Wheat Program -Jolly Bill

    and Jane NBC 8:03 A. 11.

    {1'iBA L -On the S :15 --Comedy and Songs NBC W'CAO-Paul Billotti's Orchestra WC 1131 -Jack Rohr, pianist WFBit-Quaker Early Birds - Gene and

    Glenn NBC WE A F -Quaker Early Birds -G ene and

    Glenn NBC WA BC -Salon Musicale -0 invent Sorey's Or-

    chestra CBS WJZ. -On the 8:15 NBC

    8:15 A. N. W( BE -Morning Glories WIT IL -Phil Cook, the Quaker Man NBC W'F II It -Morning Devotions NBC WE 1F -Morning Devotions NBC WJZ -Phil Cook the Quaker Man NBC

    8:30 A. 31. WB:1 L-Sunbirds-String Ensemble NBC WE BB -Cheerio - Inspirational talks and

    music NBC WE A F -Cheerio NBC . WA BC -La Monica at the Organ CBS WIZ. Sunbirds-String Ensemble NBC

    8:45 A. 11. {VIAL -Vocal Recital NBC W"CAO-Old Dutch Girl -Newsy Jingles CBS WC13.1.-News Flashes WA BC --Old Dutch Girl -Newsy Jingles CBS IVJZ -John Fogarty, Tenor NBC

    9:00 A. M. W71.\ L -The Laugh Club -Tom Brennie NBC W'C'A0-31"lody Magic -Vincent Sorey's Or-

    chestra CBS WCBM-Musical Gems W1 -'1B11 -Time Service program continued 1V1 -..\V -.Morning Glee Club NBC WA BC -Melody Magic -Vincent Sorey's Or-

    chestra CBS WJZ -The Laugh Club -Tom Brennie NBC

    9:15 A. 1f. {VBA1,-Shopping with Nancy Turner W E Is It -Continental Trio WCI:1(-Gospel Crusader Cheer Program W'EAF-Ceresota Flour Program -Health

    talk by Dr. Royal S. Copeland NBC IV.iZ -Lady Bugs -Piano Duo NBC

    9:30 A. M. WB.1L-Montgomery Ward Program - Irma

    Glen, organist NBC WC AO -Tony's Scrapbook -Readings by Tony

    Wons CBS WE I: It -Olympic Winter Gaines NBC W'EA F -Olympic Winter Games NBC I1'.\ 11C -Tony's Scrapbook -Readings by Tony

    Wons CBS WJZ -Montgomery Ward Program - Irma

    Glen, organist NBC 9:45 A. 31.

    11'10AL-:Miracle:; of Magnolia -Negro Mono- logue NBC

    WCAO-Songs by Elizabeth Barthell CBS WC 1131 -Tuneful Tunes WE It it -Boswell Sisters WE:1 F -A. & P. Program -Food Talk by

    Colonel Goodbody NBC ' IV NBC -Songs by Elizabeth Barthel] CBS IVJZ -Miracles of Magnolia -Negro Ddama

    NBC 10:00 A. M.

    {ZEAL -United States Navy Band NBC 11C_I0-Oxol 'Trio - Grant, Graham and

    Coughlin CBS WC11:1-Home Makers Round Table IVF1311-Piano Moods WE.1 F -Mrs. Blake's Radio Column -Sisters

    of the Skillet NBC 1VABC-Oxol Trio - Grant, Craham and

    Coughlin CBS IVJ!. -United States Navy Band NBC

    10:15 A. 31. WCAO-Melody Parade - Vincent Sorey's

    Orchestra CBS WFBIB-Jane Grant's Steero Program NBC IIEAF-Jane Grant's Steero Program NBC IV\13C-Melody Parade -Vincent Sorey's Or-

    chestra CRS 10:30 A. M.

    WISAL-A. and 1'. Program -Food talk by Colonel Goodbody NBC

    WC BM -Frank Perrita, organist IIEBB-Wildroot Chat NBC W'EA F-Wildroot Chat -Elizabeth May NBC IVJZ, -A. and P. Program -Food talk by

    Colonel Goodbdy NBC 10:45 A. M.

    W'BA L -Musical Program WC 1 0 -The Four Clubmen - Male Quartet

    CBS II EBB -Betty Crocker -Cooking talk NBC WEAL -Cooking Talk by Betty Crocker

    NBC WA BC -The Four Clubmen -Male Quartet

    CBS IVJZ -Consolaires-Irma Glen, organist

    NBC 11:00 A. M.

    {yCA 0-Semlar Products Program - Beauty talk by Nell Vinick CBS

    WI4AI -Forecast School of Cookery -Mrs. A. M. Goudiss NBC

    WORM -Heart and home Service. WEltB-Keeping up with Daughter -Dramatic

    skit NBC WEAF-Keeping Up with Daughter NBC IV OIIC-Beauty talk by Nell Vinick CBS IVJZ -Forecast School of Cookery NBC

    11:15 A. 31. WCA0-R.. B. Davis Program -The Mystery

    Chet CBS W IS A L -Noon -Time Tunes WEBlt-Radio Household Institute Program

    NBC WEAF-Radio Household Institute NBC N' 1BC-R. B. Davis Program -The Mystery

    Chef CBS WJZ -Singing Strings -Walter Blautuss, di-

    rector NBC 11:30 A. 11.

    WCAO-Morning Minstrels Program CBS IVC.ifM-Merchants' Air Review W'EBIt-Hugo Mariani's Marionettes NBC WEAF-Hugo Mariani's Marionettes NBC W'.1BC-Morning Minstrels CBS

    11:45 A. W11.1L-Sweetheart Program -Beauty talk by

    Ruth Jortlan NBC WC 10 -'tenor solos -Ben Alley CBS IV IBC -Ben Alley, tenor CBS WJZ Sweetheart Program -Beauty talk

    by Ruth Jordan NBC 12:00 Noon

    W1IAL-Noon-Time Tunes W'CAO-Charles Boulanger's Orchestra CBS WCISM-Palais d'Or Orchestra WFltlt-General Electric Program NBC NEAF-General Electric Program NBC 1111íC -Charles Boulanger's Orchestra CBS IVJZ -The Merrie-3len Male Quartet NBC

    12:15 P. M. %IBAL-Dramatic skit with Pat Barnes NBC WEBIt-Variety Interlude WEAI.-The Real George Washington NBC WJZ -Pat Barnes -Impersonations NBC

    12:25 P. 31. WC 00 -Johnson's Radio Guide

    12:30 1'. M. WCAO-Uncle Olie's Kre-Mel Gang CBS 11'1í,1L -National Farm and Hume Hour NBC WC 1131 -Howard's String Trio ITFBIt-Lord Baltimore Hotel Orchestra WE 1F -Black and Gold Room Orchestra

    NBC W'ABC-Columbia Revue -Emery Deutsch's

    Orchestra CBS WJZ, -National Farm and Home Hour NBC

    12:45 P. 31. WC.0O-Columbia Revue -Emery Deutsch's

    Orchestra CBS 1.:00 1'. 11.

    WC .10-George Hall's Hotel Taft Orchestra CBS

    ITCBM-Ted Eltnore's_ Collegians W'h'IIIt-Advertising Club Luncheon W"E \E -Market and Weather Reports NBC WABC-George Ilall's Ilolel Taft Orchestra

    CBS 1:15 P.M.

    WE 1F -Larry Funk's Orchestra NBC 1:30 P. M.

    II'11.0L-The Arundels WC 10 -Ritz Carlton Hotel Orchestra CBS WEBIt-Celestial Restaurant Orchestra WC BM -Club Lido Orchesra WA BC -Armand Vecsey's Orchestra CBS WJ'/, -Don Pedro's Orchestra NBC

    2:00 I'. 11. WI- BR -Afternoon Musical TIE I1, -Lunn and Abner NBC W'CA0-Songs by Aunt Jendna CBS WRAF-'' Vocational Opportunities" - Ralph

    Baker NBC II ABC -Songs by Aunt Jemima CBS IVJZ -Food talk by Mrs. Julian Heath NBC

    2:15 1'. M. WB,\L-Radio Troubadours NBC we 00 ---.Ann Leaf at the Organ CBS W EA F -Golden C ems NBC WA IOC-Ann Leaf at the Organ CBS W.IZ. -Weather Ilelxtrts NBC

    2:20 P. 31. WJZ -Radio Troubadours-Ilarold Stokes'

    Orchestra NBC 2:30 1'. M.

    IVISAL-Fashion talk by Molly Gibbons NBC {ICAO -American School of the Air CBS IIF1tIt-Nat Shilkret's Orchestra 11'.11íC -Science talk by Sir Oliver Lodge

    CBS WJZ -Fashion talk by Molly Gibbons NBC

    2:45 1'. 111. WIIAL-Smackouts NBC W'.IZ -"Smack-outs" NBC

    3:00 1'. 31. OFBIt-Women's Radio Review NBC IV 11.0L -Organ Melodies -Irma Glen NBC W'CAO-Affiliated Products Program -Edna

    Wallace Hopper CBS WVE:AF-Women's Radio Review NBC 1V, ISC-Edna Wallace Hopper Program CBS IVJZ -Organ Melodies by Irma Glen NBC

    3:15 1'. 11. 1, -Travel talk by Worthington Ilollyday

    {IC.10-The Four Eton Boys -Male Quartet CBS

    WA BC -The Four Eton Boys -Novelly Male Quartet CBS

    WJZ -Talk by Mrs. William K. Vanderbilt NBC

    3:30 P. M. W B,1 L -Imam Baum, soprano IVA BC -Columbia Salon Orchestra CBS WJ7, -hello Marie -Comedy Skit NBC WC 10 -Columbia Salon Orchesra - Emery

    Deutsch, conductor CBS 3:45 P. 31.

    WB 1L-1Ihythmic Serenade-Ilarold Stokes' Orchestra

    WJZ -Rhythmic Serenade-Ilarold Stokes' Orchestra NBC

    4:00 P. 31. W F B B -The Pilgrims NBC 11lí,\L-Pacific Vagabonds NBC WCAO-United States Navy Band CBS WE OF -The Piigrams-Mixed Chorus NBC IV \BC -United States Navy Band CBS WJZ -Pacific Vagabonds NBC

    4:30 P. 31. .. 'WEAL -Eastman School Symphony Orchestra

    NBC WEBR-The Lady Next Door NBC

    W'EA F -The Lady Next Door NBC WJZ -Eastman School Symphony Orchestra

    NBC 4:45 P. 31.

    WF B It -Boys Scouts Program W'EAF-Olympic Winter Gaines NBC

    5:00 P. 30. Wit 1I, -Glenn Sisters NBC WC 1O -Songs by Kathryn Parsons CBS W'EBIt-Police Alarms 11'1?AF-Talk by Frances Bowden NBC WABC-Kathryn Parsons, "The Girl of Yes-

    terday" CBS IVJZ -The Glenn Sisters --Comedy duo NBC

    5:15 P. 31. 11'B IL -Health talk by Malley R. Sherris

    NBC INC 10 -Ross Gormant's Orchestra CBS WI:Blt-General Mills Program-Skippy NBC WEAF-General \lilts Program-Skippy NBC 1V.11tC-Ross Gorman's Bilnnore Orchestra

    CBS WJZ -Calsodent Program -Mouth Health

    talk NBC 5:30 P. M.

    SIBAI,-The Singing Lady NBC ITC.\0-Salty Sant. the Sailor CBS \ICBBM1-Rhythm Slid Harmony 1V1'BI(-Dr. La L'orwit WEAF-Charles Gilbert Spross, pianist NBC WAIICSatty Sam the Sailor CBS IVJZ -The tinging Lady NBC

    5:35 1'. 31. WEBB-Evening Variety Program

    5:45 1. 111. WIIAL-Wander Program -Little Orphan An-

    nie -Children's Playlet NBC IVCAO-Wrigley Program -The Lone Wolf

    Tribe CBS \VC1131-Lost ;unit Found DEAF -Florence Wighunan, harpist NBC IV 113C -The Lone Wolf Tribe CBS IVJZ -The \Vander Program - Little Or-

    phan Annie NBC 6:00 P. M.

    WEBIt-Celestial Restaurant Orchestra W11.1L-Music Treasure Pox NBC 1VCA0-The Globe Trotter -News Reports WC 1131 -Baltimore Advertisers' 'Trio DEAF -Waldorf-Astoria Sert Room Orches-

    tra NBC ISABC-International Broadcast from Geneva

    CBS %VJZ -The Music Treasure Box NBC

    6:15 1'. 31. WE .1L-Rameses Program -Songs and Music

    NBC IICA0-Easter Loan Co. Program -The

    Home Town Philosopher IVABC-Harold Stern's St. Moritz Orchestra

    CBS IVJZ -iBtuteses Program -Piano duo NBC

    6:30 1'. 31. W'BAL-Royal Vagabonds NBC WC AU -Amoco Program -The Motoring Miu-

    istrel and Frances Marion WCBM-Songs by Audrey Ley WFltlt-James J. Corbett -Talk on Fights

    and Fit;titers W-EAF-International Broadcast from Geneva

    NBC IVJZ -The Royal Vagabond NBC

    6:45 P. M. . W'BAL-Literary Digest Topics in Brief -

    Lowell Thomas NBC WVCAO-Songs by Arthur Jarrett CBS WC 1031 Sports Scrapbook -Lee Davis 1VFBlt-Swift Program - The Stebbins Boys

    NBC SVEAF-'The Swift Program -The Stebbins

    Boys NBC WA BC -Songs by Arthur Jarret CBS W'JZ -Literary Digest 'Topics in Brief -

    Lowell Thomas NBC 7:00 1'. 1I.

    WEAL -The Pepsodeut Program -Amos 'n' Andy NBC

    WCA0-Wrigley Program!-Jlyrt and Marge C L'S

    WCIl:I-Jerome Washington, pianist WFltlt-Russ Cullen's Music STABC-Wrigley Program-.\Iyrl and Marge

    CBS W'EAF-To Be Announced NBC IVJZ -Pepsodent Program -Amos 'n' Andy

    NBC 1:15 P. M.

    SVC1131-Varieties B'ItAL-Sundial Bonnie Laddies NBC WCAO-Cremo presents Bing Crosby CBS IS EBB -The Campbell Orchestra NBC BRA F -Campbell Orchestra NBC B 1 BC -Cremo presents Bing Crosby CBS 11'JZ Sundial Bonnie Laddies-Vocal trio

    NBC 7:30 P. M.

    SIB 1L -Tito Coral, South American baritone NBC

    W'CAO-Ponpelan Make -Up Box - Boswell Sisters CBS

    WFBB-Prince Albert Quarter -Hour -Alice Joy and Pa