vojtech rodl and andrzej rucinski · 1995. 8. 4. · 918 vojtech rodl and andrzej rucinski the...

JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 8, Number 4, October 1995 THRESHOLD FUNCTIONS FOR RAMSEY PROPERTIES VOJTECH RODL AND ANDRZEJ RUCINSKI 1. INTRODUCTION Ramsey type problems have played an important role in the development of combinatorial mathematics. Although the classical Ramsey results do not involve explicitly random structures, the proofs are often based on the use of probabilistic techniques. In this paper we study Ramsey type questions from the point of view of random graphs and give a complete solution to a problem initiated in [LRV 92] (see also [FR 86], [RR 94], and [RR 93]). Our result can be formulated as follows. Let F -+ (G), mean that for every coloring of the edges of a graph F with r colors there is in F a subgraph isomorphic to G whose edges are all colored by the same color. Call graphs F with the above property (G, r)-Ramsey. One could think that there cannot be too many sparse (G, r)-Ramsey graphs. We shall show that there is quite a low threshold on the number of edges, above which almost all graphs are (G, r)-Ramsey. More precisely, for positive integers nand N, and a graph G, let g;; N be the family of all (<y) graphs on the vertex set [n] = {I, 2, ... , n} and with N edges, and let .9I G ,,(n, N) be the set of those graphs from g;;,N which are (G, r)-Ramsey. Let, for a graph G on at least three vertices, (2) e - 1 mG = max H , v H - 2 where e G and vG stand for the number of edges and vertices of a graph G. A star forest is a graph every connected component of which is a star. Theorem 1. For all integers r ?: 2 and for every graph G which is not a star forest there exist constants c and C such that 1 . I.9I G ,,(n, N)I _ {o if N < cn 2 - 1 / mg > , 1m I c;r I - . (2) n-oo In,N 1 if N > Cn 2 - 1 / mG If G is a star forest with maximum degree d?: 1 then the threshold for the above Ramsey property coincides, by The Pigeon-Hole Principle, with that for Received by the editors September 15, 1993 and, in revised form, May 20,1994. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary OSC80; Secondary OSC55. The first author was supported by NSF grant DUS-9011850. The second author is on leave from the Department of Discrete Mathematics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, and was supported by KBN grant 2 10879101. @1995 American Mathematical Society 917 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use

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    Ramsey type problems have played an important role in the development of combinatorial mathematics. Although the classical Ramsey results do not involve explicitly random structures, the proofs are often based on the use of probabilistic techniques. In this paper we study Ramsey type questions from the point of view of random graphs and give a complete solution to a problem initiated in [LRV 92] (see also [FR 86], [RR 94], and [RR 93]).

    Our result can be formulated as follows. Let F -+ (G), mean that for every coloring of the edges of a graph F with r colors there is in F a subgraph isomorphic to G whose edges are all colored by the same color. Call graphs F with the above property (G, r)-Ramsey. One could think that there cannot be too many sparse (G, r)-Ramsey graphs. We shall show that there is quite a low threshold on the number of edges, above which almost all graphs are (G, r)-Ramsey.

    More precisely, for positive integers nand N, and a graph G, let g;; N be the family of all ( , 1m I c;r I - . (2) n-oo In,N 1 if N > Cn 2- 1/ mG •

    If G is a star forest with maximum degree d?: 1 then the threshold for the above Ramsey property coincides, by The Pigeon-Hole Principle, with that for

    Received by the editors September 15, 1993 and, in revised form, May 20,1994. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary OSC80; Secondary OSC55. The first author was supported by NSF grant DUS-9011850. The second author is on leave from

    the Department of Discrete Mathematics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, and was supported by KBN grant 2 10879101.

    @1995 American Mathematical Society


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    the appearance of vertices of degree r( d - 1) + 1 . This threshold was already found in [ER 60] to be n 1- r(L 1)

    Theorem I consists, in fact, of two separate statements to which we shall be referring to as the O-statement and the I-statement, according to the value of the limit. In case G = K 3 , r = 2, the I-statement has been already proved by Frankl and Rodl in [FR 86]. It was then reproved, along with the corresponding O-statement, by Luczak, RuciIiski, and Voigt in [LRV 92]. This case was also considered by Erdos, S6s, and Spencer (personal communication). Recently we have proved that for G = K3 the threshold does not vary with the increase of the number of colors ([RR 94]). As we now see it is true for all graphs except for star forests.

    We now state as a corollary two most prominent cases of Theorem 1. Let Kk and Ck denote the complete graph and the cycle on k vertices.

    Corollary 1. For all r ~ 2 and all k ~ 3 there exist constants c and C such that

    . I9PK ,(n, N)I {O ifN < cntfr, hm k' = 2k n->oo 1.9,;,NI 1 if N > Cn k+1 ,

    and . 19Pc ,,(n, N)I {O if N < cn 6 , hm k = k

    n->oo 1.9,;,NI 1 if N > Cn~. The above results have an obvious enumerative flavour. Namely, Theorem I

    says that almost all graphs with n vertices and N edges are (G, r )-Ramsey as 2 l/m(2) soon as N is bigger than Cn - G, and that almost no graphs are such when

    the number of edges drops just by a multiplicative constant. This sharp thresh-old behaviour is a typical feature of random graphs and, indeed, the family .9,; N can be viewed as a uniform space of random graphs, where each graph is

    , (n) -I assigned the same probability ('k) . Since" F --+ (G) r ., is a monotone graph property, the existence of a threshold follows from [BT 87]. The fact that the threshold occurs at n2- I / mg) is not accidental. This quantity ensures that, for each H S;;; G, e H > 0, the expected number of copies of H in a graph drawn at random from the family .9,;, N is at least as big as the number of edges N , or on a more local scale, the expected number of copies of H containing a fixed edge is at least a constant. Intuitively, this seems to be a necessary condition for the property" F --+ (G), "to hold for almost all graphs. Here we have analogy with the result from [LRV 92] establishing n2- 1/ mg) , m~) = maxHCG v >2 v e~l ' as

    - • H H the threshold for the corresponding property when, instead of edges, the vertices are colored. In that case, the expected number of copies of each H S;;; G is at least of order n, the number of vertices in the random graph.

    The I-statement of Theorem 1, or rather its strengthening proved in Section 3, implies the existence of locally sparse Ramsey graphs. Let, for a family of graphs 7f', !T orb(7f') denote the family of all graphs with no subgraph

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    isomorphic to a member of ?t'. Let .?t;(2) (G) denote the family of all graphs H with v H :5 t which satisfy the inequality m~) > mg) . Corollary 2. For all r, G and t there exist graphs F = F(r, G, t) such that F ~ (G), and FE gr orb (.?t;(2) (G» .

    In particular, this means that there exist (G, r)-Ramsey graphs F such that the corresponding hypergraph, whose vertices are edges of F and whose edges are copies of G in F , contains no ·short cycles. A construction of such graphs can be deduced from a more general result of Nesetnl and Rodl [NR 89).

    Also, we shed more light on the existence of Kk+1-free (Kk , r)-Ramsey graphs. It was Folkman who first constructed such a graph for r = 2 [Fo 70) and Ne§etnl and Rodl [NR 76) for r> 2. The constructions were difficult and of enormous size, and, perhaps, made everyone believe that such graphs are very rare. However, it follows from the stronger version of the I-statement proved in Section 3 (Theorem 3), that almost all Kk+l-free graphs with Cn*' edges are (Kk , r)-Ramsey. For details on locally sparse Ramsey graphs see Section 4.

    Before we tum to the proofs, let us introduce the alternative, and in many respects equivalent, model of a random graph.

    Let the random graph K(n, p) be the outcome of the following probabil-ity experiment. For every 2-element subset of [n] = {I, 2, ... , n}, make it an edge of K(n, p) with probability p = p(n), where all m decisions are mutually independent. The main difference between this model of a random graph, called sometimes the binomial model, and the uniform model described before, is that the space K(n, p) consists of all 2m graphs on n vertices and the number of edges is not fixed but it is, in fact, a random variable with the binomial distribution Bi«(~), p). As far as the thresholds for Ramsey prop-erties are concerned the two random graph models are equivalent (see [Bo 85] and Section 2 below for the relevant equivalence theorems) and our Theorem 1 can be now restated as follows.

    Theorem 1'. For all integers r ~ 2 and for every graph G which is not a star forest there exist constants c and C such that

    lim Prob(K(n, p) ~ (G),) = 0 ifp < cn- G(2; { 1/m(2)

    n-oo 1 ifp> Cn- 1/mG •

    In fact, in Section 3 we choose to prove Theorem l' rather than Theorem I. The reason is that the binomial model K(n, p) provides independence of the occurrences of disjoint subsets of edges, a: feature we will be frequently relying on in our proof.

    It is well known (see for instance [GRS 90)) that for every graph G there is a graph H such that for every r-coloring of the edges of H there is a monochromatic induced copy of G in H. Hence the induced version of the I-statement of Theorem l' follows immediately for p = constant from the fact that K (n , p) contains almost surely an induced copy of every graph H. In Section 3 we prove a strengthening of Theorem I' which, in particular, claims

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    that there are not one but many monochromatic copies of G; more precisely, a fraction of the expectation J1. of the number of copies of G in K (n , p) become monochromatic in every coloring. As the number of noninduced copies of G is 0(J1.) if p = 0(1), this allows us to derive the following induced version of our result.

    Corollary 3. For all integers r ~ 2 and for every graph G there is a constant 1/ (2) C such that if p > en - rnG then for every r-coloring of the edges of K (n , p)

    there is a monochromatic induced copy of G. The proof of the O-statement of Theorem I' appeared in [RR 93]. In Section

    3 of this paper the I-statement will be proved. Section 2 contains some prelimi-nary results, whereas in Section 4 we present the corollaries about locally sparse Ramsey graphs. Finally, in Section 5 we indicate how our method of proof can be used to obtain the following threshold result about van der Waerden prop-erties of random subsets of integers. For integers k ~ 2 and r ~ 3, and for a set F ~ [n] we write F ---t (k), if every r-coloring of F results in at least one monochromatic k-term arithmetic progression. For 0 < N < n, let [n]N stand for the random subset of [n] picked from all N-element subsets of [n] with uniform distribution.

    Theorem 2. For all k ~ 3 and r ~ 2 there exist constants c and C such that k-2

    if N < cnk-i , k-2 lim Prob([n]N ---t (k),) = { 0 n-+oo 1 ifN>Cnk-i.

    2. PRELIMINARIES In this section we collect some probabilistic and graph theoretic tools, and

    we prove a couple of lemmas to be used in the proof.

    Doole's inequality. For any sequence of events Al ' A2 , ••• defined on the same probability space, P(UAn) ::; EP(An).

    Markov's inequality. For a nonnegative random variable X , and a positive con-stant a, P(X ~ a) ::; ~Exp(X). In particular, for a nonnegative integer-valued random variable X, P(X > 0) ::; Exp(X) . Chernoff's inequality. For a random variable X with the binomial distribution Bi(n, p), and for every e > 0,

    P(IX I ) -CHERNOFF(Il)np - np > enp < e , where CHERNOFF(e) = min{ -log(ell(I + e)-(l+£)), !e2}. Janson's inequality [Ja 90]. Let {J;liEF be a collection of independent 0-1 random variables, {F (a)} OlEA - a family of subsets of F, 101 = fl;EF(Q) Ji ' and S = EQEA 101 • (To better accommodate this stream of definitions, think of F as the edge set of an n-vertex complete graph and of A as an index set of all (~) triangles there. If Ji indicates the presence of the i th edge with probability p , then S is the number of triangles in K (n , p) .)

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    Then, for every e > 0,

    { (eExp(S))2 } P(S~ (l-e)Exp(S)) ~exp -22:'"" E (I I) L.,F(a)nF(p)-;6.0 xp a P

    FKG inequality. In the same setting as above, if SI and S2 are both nonin-creasing or both nondecreasing functions of the random vector {Ji } iEF then EXP(SI S2) 2: Exp(SI )EXP(S2)' In particular,

    peS = 0) = Exp (II (1 - fa)) 2: II (1 - Exp(f,J) aEA aEA

    > ex {_ Exp(S) } '. - P 1 - maxaEA Exp(la)

    Equivalence of random graphs. It costs nothing to have a general setting here. Let F be a set with M elements, 0 < p < 1, 0 ~ N ~ M. A random set Fp is obtained from F by independent inclusion of elements, each with probability p. A random set FN is an N-element subset of F selected uniformly over all (~) N-element subsets of F. If F is the edge set of a complete graph on n vertices, then we adopt the standard notation K (n , p) and K (n, N) , respec-tively. Also, for A c [n J, K (A , p) is the random graph K (n , p) restricted to A.

    For a family (1' of subsets of F , by the law of total probability,

    (1) ~ (M) k M-k P(Fp E (1') = L..P(Fk E (1') k p (1- p) , k=O

    from which Pittel's inequality follows:

    (2) P(FN E (1') ~ 3VNP(FK E (1') . M

    We say that family c1 is increasing if whenever A ~ B, A E c1 implies that B E c1. It follows from (1) and Chernoff's inequality that if tf is increasing, Mp(l - p) ~ 00, and P(Fp E tf) ~ 1, then P(Fl2PMJ E c1) ~ 1 while if P(Fp E tf) ~ 0, then P(FltPMJ E c1) ~ O.

    For the sake of self-containment we now state three celebrated theorems from graph theory in a form suitable for us.

    Ramsey's Theorem, 1930. For all choices of positive integers r, kl ' " . , kr' there exists a smallest integer R = R(k l ' ••• , k r ) such that if the edges of the complete graph Kn with n 2: R are partitioned into r classes, [n]2 = EI U'" U E r , then for some i E [r}, E j contains a complete subgraph Kk . 0


    Turan's Theorem, 1941. If a graph on n vertices contains more than (1- i )n2 /2 edges, then it contains a complete subgraph Kk+I' 0

    For a graph r = (V, E) and two disjoint subsets of its vertices A, B we set e(A, B) for the number of edges of r with one endpoint in A and one in B,

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    and the density of the pair A, B in r is defined as e(A, B)

    dr(A, B) = IAIIBI .

    Let r l , '" ,r, be graphs on the same vertex set V. The pair A, B is called e-regular if for all X ~ A and Y ~ B, IXI? elAI, IYI? elBI ,

    Idr(X, Y) - dr(A, B)I < e I I

    for all i E [r]. A partition V = Co u ... U Ct is e-regular if ICol ~ el VI, all C I ' ... ,Ct have the same cardinality, and at least (1 - e) (~) pairs Ci , Cj , 1 ~ i < j ~ t , are e-regular. The following is a modification of the result from [Sz 78 ], the proof of which follows the lines of the original proof of Szemeredi and therefore is omitted. Szemeredi's Regularity Lemma, 1978. For all positive numbers e, r, and m there exist numbers N = N(e, m) and M = M(e, m) such that for every choice of r graphs r l , ... , r, on the same set V of at least N vertices there is an e-regular partition V = Co U ... U Ct with m < t < M . 0

    Note that the common cardinality x of the sets C1 , ••• , Ct satisfies

    (3) (1 - e) I~I < x < 1:1 . Now we shall use some of the above collected tools to prove a few lemmas. For a graph r, the density of r is defined as

    IE(r)1 d(r) = (IVr)I)'

    A graph r is called (p, d)-dense if for every subset V ~ V(r), with IVI ? plV(r)I, the density of the subgraph of r induced by V satisfies (4) d(r[V]) ? d . Observe that to claim that r is (p, d)-dense it is enough to check whether (4) holds for subsets V with IVI = r plV(r)ll = v. Indeed, then for any U with lUI = u ? v + 1 , we have

    IE(r[U])I ? d (~) (ig) = d (~) . This is because there are exactly (~) v-element subsets of U, each containing at least d (~) edges, and each edge is counted exactly (~::::~) times.

    Lemma 1. For all r, p' , d there exist p, no' 11 such that if r is a (p, d)-dense graph on n ? no vertices and E(r) = El u· .. U E" then there exists s E [r] and V ~ V(r), IVI ? lin, for which the subgraph of r restricted to the vertices of V and to the edges of Es ' rs[V] , is (p', 2i,)-dense. Proof. If p' > 1 , there is nothing to prove. Assume thus that p' ~ 1 . Set

    (5) k= r~l ' 1= r2;51 '

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  • (6)


    m = R(k, I, ... , I) , '--' ,


    where R(k, I, ... ,I) is the Ramsey number introduced in the statement of '--' ,

    Ramsey's Theorem above,

    (7) . {I d I} e = mm 201' 100r' 2m ' (8) p = k(1 - e) ,

    M 1(I-e)

    11= M ' and { 20M} no = max N, 1 _ e '

    where M = M(e, 2m) and N = N(e, 2m) are the constants from Szemeredi's Regularity Lemma.

    Let r be a (p, d)-dense graph on vertex set V, I VI = n 2: no' and let r i = r[Ei ], i = 1 , ... , r, where E(r) = EI U ... U E, is a partition of the edge set of r. By Szemeredi's Regularity Lemma there exists an e-regular partition V = Co U C1 U ... U Ct with respect to r " ... , r, , with 2m < t < M.

    As at least (I - e)(~) ~ (1 - ~)~ pairs (Ci , C) are e-regular, it follows by Turan's Theorem that there are m sets, C1 , •.• , Cm say, such that all (';) pairs are e-regular.

    Consider the (r + 1 )-coloring of [m]2 , 2 em] =DoUD, U···UD" where

    (9) if d d(Ci' C)

    IVI=rplVll=rplxl~ (/T+l)px.

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    Since by (8) we have x ~ (ljJ)n ~ 20 and also p' :::; 1 ,the R-H-S above can further be bounded from above by 3.lx leading to

    (10) IV'I:::; 3.lx . By the remark made after the definiton of (p, d)-dense graphs, it is enough to show that d(A') ~ 2i, ' where A' = rslV']. Set Xi = 1V' n Cil, i = I, ... , I. Then, due to (10), we infer that


    Let V' = V" U VIII be a partition, where V" = Uj : x.


    2(1~1) . By the fact that our graph is (p, d)-dense, either x < pn or 2(1~1) > d, implying x :5 !(n + 1). As P < !, we conclude that there are at least ~ vertices of degree at least d2n. Let v be one such vertex and let Nv be its neighborhood. The graph Nv is a (p', d)-dense graph on at least n~ vertices, and by our induction assumption contains at least c~(~n)k-I subgraphs Kk_1 • As each of these subgraphs together with vertex v forms a copy of K k , we conclude that there are at least i!(n - l)c~(~n)k-1 = 2co(n - l)nk- 1 ~ conk subgraphs Kk altogether. (The factor of t is due to the fact that for each copy of K k the vertex v can be chosen in up to k ways.) 0

    Both Lemmas 3 and 4 below are stated for random subsets rather than graphs. Such a general setting will be appreciated only when we get to the discussion of van der Waerden properties of random sets of integers in Section 5. For a family ~ and an integer k, let ~k be the family

    {A: foral1B~A, IBI:5k, A\BE~}. Note that ~k is increasing if ~ is such. Let -,~ denote the negation of ~ . Lemma 3. Let F be a set with M elements, 0 < p < 1 , and c and d satisfy (13) d(1 +log2e-Iog2d) < c (note that the L-H- S approaches 0 as 0 -+ 0). Then for any increasing family ~ of subsets of F andfor 0 < k:5 dMpj2, if (14) -cMp P(F(1-3)p E -4) < 2 then, for M p large enough,

    ""') -c'Mp (15) P(Fp E -,r,zk < 2 ,

    where c' = ! min(~, (log2 e)CHERNOFF(oj2». Proof. Applying (1), Chernoff's inequality, and the fact that property decreasing, we have

    ( 16)

    P(Fp E -4k):5 L P(Ft E -'~k)(~)pt(l- p)M-t It-Mpl


    By Pittel's inequality (2),

    P(Fto E -.~) :5 3"; Mp P(F(l-tS)p E~) , which together with (13), (14), and (16)-(18) completes the proof. 0

    The original motivation for Janson's inequality was a search for an exponen-tial bound for the lower tail of the asymptotic distribution of the number XG of copies of a given graph G in the random graph K(n, p). It follows that

    P(XG :5 (1 - e)Exp(XG)) :5 exp{ -c(G)cPn(G)} , where cPn(G) = minHCG e >0 Exp(XH ) • When p is at least of the order of - • H

    II (2) magnitude of n- mG ,then cPn(G) = EXP(XK ) = (~)p. In general, there is no

    2 corresponding upper tail bound of the same magnitude. To avoid this difficulty we shall use the following result which is of some independent interest. Lemma 4. Let F be a set with M elements, 0 < p < I, k and s are integers, and let .!7 be a family of s-element subsets of F. Let oN be the event that there exists E ~ Fp' IEI:5 k, such that the set Fp \ E contains at most 2J.l = 21.!7lp s sets from .!7. Then

    P(-..N) < 2-kls . Proof. Let Z be the number of " = r k / s l-element sequences of disjont sets from .!7 in Fp. If the event oN does not hold, then Z ~ (2J.lt . On the other hand, Exp(Z) :5 1.!7IIC pSIC = J.lIC and by Markov's inequality

    P(-.oN) < P(Z > (211)") < Exp(Z) < 2-IC < 2-kls . 0 - -,... - (2J.lt -

    3. MAIN PROOF In this section a strong generalization of the I-statement of Theorem I' will

    be proved. Recall that for a graph G with at least three vertices

    m (2) = max e H - I G H


    Theorem 3. For every graph G with at least one edge, for all integers r ~ 1 and all numbers 0 < d ~ 1, there exist positive numbers e, a , b, C, and no such that if

    (i) n > no' (ii) F is an (e, d)-dense graph with n vertices, and

    1/ (2) (iii) p> Cn- mG , then, setting I = an VG peG,

    P (Fp :i (G);) > 1 - 2-beFP • The proof is by double induction on eG and r. For graphs G with one edge

    the statement is an immediate consequence of Chemofrs inequality. In the case r = 1 we use Janson's inequality. Let S be the number of copies of G in Fp. We shall now apply Janson's inequality to S with e = .1, say. By Lemma 2 there are at least convG nested copies G' of G in F. Let us associate with each of them a 0-1 random variable / G' , equal to 1 if G' is present in Fp and to 0 otherwise. Then Exp(S) = Exp('LJG,) ~ convGpeG and

    ~ ~ E (/ / ) ~ 2vG-vK 2eG-eK ~ ~ xp GJ Gil ~ L- n p , G'nG"~0 K~G

    as there are no more than n2VG-VK pairs of copies of G in F which intersect on a s~buaph isomorphic to K. By the definition of m~), nVKpeK ~ n2p,


    provided p ~ n- l / mG , giving the bound 2vG 2eG

    ~ ~ E (/ / ) < ~ 2vG-vK 2eG-eK < 2eGn P L.-J ~ xp G' Gil - ~ n p - 2 GJnG"~0 K


    where a will be given by (32). Note that we have ( 18") p < PI + P2 . Throughout the proof we will be assuming that p is smaller than an arbitrarily small constant. We may do so, since for p constant our Theorem 3 follows easily from Chernofrs inequality and Lemmas 1 and 2. .

    After the first round. is completed, we ask the enemy to color the edges of Fpl (coloring h). An edge of E(F) \ E(Fp) is said to close a copy of H if together they form a copy of G. For 1 :::; s :::; r, we call an edge s-rich if it closes Q(nVG-2p~G-l) nested monochromatic copies of H colored by color s. (All Q 's and a's will be replaced by concrete constants later in the proof.) Let ~ be the graph of all s-rich edges of E(F) \ E(Fpl ) and let r = r! u ... U ~ . We want to apply Lemma I to graph r with parameters r, do, and p' = e(G, r-l, ~), where do> 0 is a suitably chosen constant and e(G, r-l, ~) is determined by Theorem 3 applied with r - 1 colors. In order to be able to apply Lemma I to r, we must show, however, that r satisfies the assumptions of Lemma 1, which will be taken care of in the following Claim. Claim. For some p = p(r, do, p') > 0 (very small but independent from n) and for n sufficiently large, the graph r has, with high probability, the property that every pn-element subset of vertices spans at least do (P2n) edges for a suitably chosen do, i.e. r is (p, dol-dense.

    Hence the graph r satisfies the assumptions of Lemma I and consequently there exists a subset V c V(r) = [n], IVI ~ vn, and s E [r] such that the graph B = ~[V] is (p', d~)-dense, where d~ = ~. (Compare Fact (a) later in the proof.)

    Now the second round of generating Fp takes place and we just focus on the random graph Bp2 = ~[V]P2 . As p' = e(G, r - 1, d~), we may apply our induction assumption for r-l colors. Thus, by THEOREM( G, r-l , d~ ) com-bined with Lemma 3, we get that, with high probability, Bp2 has the property that if colored by r colors with one of the colors appearing not too extensively, there will be Q«vn)vGp;G) monochromatic nested copies of G in one of the r - 1 remaining colors. Finally, we ask the enemy to complete the coloring h by extending it to all edges of Fp (coloring n). If she (w.1.o.g. we may assume that the enemy is a female) uses color s on a small enough fraction of all 9(n2p2) edges of Bp , then at least Q«vn)vGP;G) nested monochromatic copies of G will appear in one of the remaining r - 1 colors. If, on the other hand, she uses color s Q(n2p2) times, then recall that each edge of r:r :::> Bp2 closes Q(nvG-2p~G-l) nested monochromatic copies of H colored by color s. This way we obtain Q(nvGP2p~G-I) = Q(nvGpeG) nested s-colored copies of G.

    Since the outcome of the second round must be successful no matter how the enemy colored the edges emerging from the first round, the probability of failure in the second round must be much smaller than the reciprocal of the number of all possible r-colorings h of the edges of Fpl ' which with very high

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    probability is less than rn PI • This is taken care of by choosing P2 sufficiently bigger than PI.

    Details. Let us first recall that we are proving Theorem 3 by double induction on eG - the number of edges of G, and on r - the number of colors, and that we have already verified both initial cases, i.e. cases eG = I, r arbitrary, and r = 1, eG arbitrary. Setting H = G-{,,} = (V(G), E(G)\{,,}) we will further assume the validity of two instances of Theorem 3: THEOREM( H, r, d ) and THEOREM( G, r - 1 , d~). We begin with fixing all the constants to come. An unpatient reader is advised to skip this part at the first reading and go directly to the paragraph following formula (35). Let b(H, r, d) be determined through our THEOREM( H, r, d). Setting

    (19) c=c l =b(H,r,d)(I-t5I )

    we choose t51 to satisfy (13). Cho,?se 0 < y < 1 to satisfy e 2 2 2 (20G-2)

    (20) (a(H, r, d)(1 - t51) H) (I - y/2) > 3(1 - Y)VG2 2 • We also set

    (21) and


    (22) p' = e(G, r - 1 , d~) , the latter through our THEOREM( G, r - 1 , d~). Furthermore, let

    (23) p = p(r, do, p'), no(r, do, p') and v = v(r, do, p') be determined by Lemma 1 and set








    e = e(G, r, d) = pe(H, r, d) .

    bl = ~ min{b(H, r, d)(1 - t51)/2, (log2 e)CHERNOFF(t51/2)} ,

    t5 _(20-2) b2 = 4e1 2 2 ,


    b3 = ~ min{b l , b2 , CHERNOFF(I)},

    Furthermore, let t52 satisfy (13) with C = b( G, r - 1 , d~)( 1 - t52). Set

    (29) b4 = ~min{b(G, r-I, d~)(I-t52)/2, (log2e)CHERNOFF(t52/2)}

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    (30) b" = b dOll2 = b d~ 2

    4 80r 4 4 II • Finally, take

    (31) b = beG, r, d) = blll/(o:+ 1) and bill = min(o:b'/2, b"/4) , where


    Let (33)

    {II, , *} no(G, r, d) = max pn0(H, r, d), ;no(G, r-I, do), no(r, do, p), n , where n * guarantees that all not otherwise justified inequalities hold. Let (34) C(G, r, d) = max{(l + l/o:)C" (I +0:)C2} , where


    Finally, let

    a(G, r, d) = min { a(G, r - 1 , d~)(l - 02)eGlIvG (I ! 0: fG , (35) 0 d' 2 eG-' }

    ~ (H d)(1 _ 0 )eG-1 VG-2-:--0:_~ 4rv2 a ,r, ,P (I +o:)eG .


    Now the conditional argument can be described as follows. Let .N be the event that there is an r-coloring h : E(Fp» - [r] with less than anvGpeG nested monochromatic copies of G in each color.

    For a copy H' of H in F, let C/(H') be the set of all edges " E F such that H'U{,,} is isomorphic to G. Given an r-coloring h : E(Fp) - [r], define the auxiliary graphs (36) r~ = {" E E(F) \E(Fp) : I{H' ~ Fpl : "E c/(H') and h(H') = i}1 > z} ,

    i = I , ... , r , where (36')

    Let g be the event that for every h : E(Fpl ) - [r] there exists an S E [r] and a set V c V(F) = [n], I VI > lin, II defined by (23), such that the graph r:r[V]

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    is (p', d~)-dense and that IE(Fp) I < n2pI. Conditioning on Fpl and fixing h, let .Nh be the event that there is an extension of h, h: E(Fp) --+ [r], i.e. h = h when restricted to E(Fpl ) , such that for each color s E [r] there are less than anvGpeG monochromatic nested copies of G in color s. Then, by the law of total probability,

    (37) P(.9I) ~ P(-,~) + E P(.9I1 Fpl = K)P(Fpl = K), KE$

    and by Boole's inequality

    (38) P(.9f I Fpl = K) = P (y.Nh I Fpl = K) ~ r n2PI P(.9Iho I Fpl = K) (the summation is taken over all r-colorings h of the edges of Fpl = K; ho maximizes the conditional probability). Hence, all we need to prove are the two following facts:

    Fact (a). P(~) > 1 - rb' n2PI , where b' is defined by (28). Fact (b). For every K E ~ and for every r-coloring h of the edges of K,

    ~2 . P(.Nh I Fp. = K) ~ r n P2 , where b" is defined by (30).

    Indeed, if both (a) and (b) are true, then, by (18'), (32), (37), (38) b' 2 2 b" 2 b' 2 • b" 2 (31) 2b'" 2 P(.9f) ~ r n PI + rn Pl2- n P2 ~ 2- an P2 + 2-1 n P2 ~ 2(2- n P2) .

    By (33), n > n* and by p ~ (a + 1)p2 we conclude that ", 2 bill 2 b 2

    P(.9I) ~ 2(2-2b n P2) ~ r n P2 ~ r n P . Proofof(a). Let us fix a set A c V(F) = [n] of size IAI = r pnl ,with p defined by (23). Since F is (8, d)-dense, F[A] , the subgraph of F induced by A, is (~ , d)-dense, and hence, by (24), it is also (t(H, r, d), d)-dense. Moreover, due to (18'), (18"), and (34), we have

    a _1/m(2) -1/m(2) (1 - al)PI ~ (1 - al) a + I P ~ C(H, r, d)(pn) G .~ C(H, r, d)(pn) H

    and, by (33), I V(F[A])I = pn ~ no(H, r, d) .

    Thus we may apply THEOREM( H , r, d ), concluding that

    P (F[A] ~ (H)2) > 1 _ 2-CIMPI (I-J.)PI .A': r '


    where (39) c1 is given by (19), and

    (39') d(P2n) ~ M = IE(F[ADI ~ (P2n).

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    Now by Lemma 3 with C = ci defined in (19) and with k = ~MpI' we derive that

    (40) P (F[A]p ~ (H);) > 1 _ 2-bIMPI , 1 Aj,[AI

    where bl is defined by (25). Let !T = {TI' ... , ~} be the family of all pairwise nonisomorphic graphs

    which are unions of two copies of H, say HI U H2 , such that for some edge CVa - 2) " , HI +" and H2 +" are isomorphic to G. Note that t ~ 2 2 • As we are

    heading toward an application of Lemma 4, let us focus on a particular T E !T and find an upper bound on the expected number J.lT of the copies of Tin F[A]PI . Trivially, the number NT of copies of T in F[A] is not greater than (pn)VT and consequently, setting T = HI U H2 and / = HI n H2 ' (41)

    We claim that v e ( )2 (42) (pn) 'PI' ~ pn .

    To see this, choose" E C/(HI)nC/(H2) and set J = / +" = (V(l) , E(/)U{,,}). (Note that J c G.) There is nothing to prove when E(J) = {'O, since then e[ = 0, VI = 2 and both sides of (42) coincide. Otherwise, i.e. if V J ~ 3, we have ~,=~ ~ m~) and, as by (34) P ~ (1 + ~)(pn)-I/mg) and by (l8')


    PI ~ a~IP ,we infer that e e -I (2-v 2-v PI' =PI' ~ pn) J = (pn) 1,

    which proves (42). Set

    (42') v=vG =vH ande=eG =eH +l, for convenience. Inequalities (41) and (42) imply together that

    2v-2 2e-2 J.lT ~ (pn) PI .

    On the other hand, setting kt = ~Mpi (recall that I!TI = t), and b2 as in (26), we have ~ ~ b2MPI' for any T E !T. Hence, by Lemma 4, applied

    T additively to the families .9'T of all copies of T E!T in F , and with k = kt and s = eT , we conclude that, with probability at least

    (43) k

    1- L 2-~ ~ 1 - t2-b2MPI TE!T

    there exists a set EA ~ E(F[A]p) ' lEAl ~ k = !OIMP I ' such that the graph R = F[A] - EA contains at most 2t(pn)2V-2p~e-2 subgraphs isomorphic to PI

    f CiT • 2 2v-2 2e-2 . H H f . f H . members 0 J ,I.e. at most t(pn) PI paIrS I' 2 0 copies 0 m R satisfy C/(HI) n C/(H2) =1= 0.

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    Let h : E(Fp ,) -4 [r] be anr-coloring of the edges of Fp ,. Still focusing on a particular set A, by (40), with probability at least 1 - rb,Mp, there is a color S E [r] such that at least I nested copies of H in F[A]p, - EA are monochromatic in color s. Let, for every i E E(F[A]), Xi be the number of monochromatic copies H' of H in R colored by color s for which i E cl(H') . Then, combining (40) and (43), using (39'), with probability at least


    (45) and

    (46) (~I) + ... + (Xl) < 2tv2(pn/v-2p~-2 hold. Note that I was defined by (39) and, as \cl(H) \ ~ m - (e - 1) < v 2 , the factor v 2 takes care of possible duplications. Inequalities (45) and (46) will soon imply that there should be many terms among Xi's not smaller than, say, half of the average. Let us order them from low to high, XI ~ X 2 :5 ... ~ xM ' and choose y to satisfy (20) . Set io = LyMJ and suppose that

    I (47) Xio < 2M . Then by (45) and (47),

    (48) M

    L xi>l-i02~~I(I-Y/2). i=io+1

    Moreover, by the Schwarz (or Jensen) inequality and by (48),

    ~ (Xi) > (M _ i ) (11:~) > (~x/ > P(l - ~)2 . ~ 2 - 0 2 - 3(M - io) 3(M - io) , 1=10+ 1

    which contradicts (46) by (20). Hence (47) is false and consequently, using (39') ,

    I X >···>x. >-M - - '0 - 2M '

    i.e. there are at least


    edges 17 E E(F[A]) , each belonging to cl(H') for at least Ide-I v-2 e-I (50) 2M~a(H,r, )(1-°1) (pn) PI =Z

    (same Z as in (36')) nested monochromatic copies H' of H in F[A]p, colored by s. Also, by Chernoifs inequality, with probability at least

    (50') 1 _ 2-CHERNOFF(I)Mp, > 1 _ 2-CHERNOFF(I)d(~n)p, - ,

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    (51 )

    holds. By (44) and (50') we infer that inequalities (49), (50), and (51) hold true, with probability at least

    1- (p:) [2-dble:)PI +t2-db2e;)PI +2-CHERNOFF(I)de;)PI] > 1 _ ( n ) 2-b3(pn/PI -. pn '


    for every pn-vertex subset of A c [n] = V(F), where b3 is defined by (27). Of course, the color s varies from set to set. To single out a "majority" color, we need to apply Lemma 1 to the graph r = U;=1 r;;, with r;; defined (cf. (36» as the graph of all edges of F which were not picked in the first round and belong to cl(H') for at least z monochromatic (in color s) copies H' of H in Fp, . By (49} .... ( 52), with probability at least 1 - (p~) T b3(pn)2PI , r has at least

    d(1 - y)(P2n) - 2 (P2n)PI > do ( p2n) edges in each pn-vertex induced subgraph, where do is defined by (21). This is true by our assumption that p is smaller than any constant. In short, r is (p, do)-dense. We apply Lemma I with inputs r, do ' and p' defined by (22) to the partition E(r) = El U ... U Er , where Ei = E(r~), and as a result we obtain the existence of an index s E [r] and a subset V of V(r), I VI ::::: I/n , such that the graph B = r;;[V] = (V, Es n [V]2) is (p', d~)-dense (here 1/ IS defined by (23) and d~ by (21». Summarizing, with probability at least

    1 - 2-b3(pn) PI > 1 _ 2 n2-b3 (pn) PI > 1 _ 2-b n PI (n) 2 2'2 pn '

    where b' is defined by (28), the graph B is (p', d~)-dense and, by (51), IE(Fp,)1 < n2pl. (The second bound on probability follows immediately from n > n* in the case when mg) > 1. When mg) = 1, i.e. when G is a forest, we use that part of (34) which says that C1 ::::: b:p2 .) This completes the proof of Fact (a). Proofof(b). To prove statement (b) we condition on the outcome of round 1, i.e. we fix Fp, satisfying property ~ , and we also fix a coloring h : E(Fp, ) -t [r], which according to property ~ yields a color s and a set V c V(F) = [n], WI ::::: I/n , such that the graph B = r;;[V] is (p', d~)-dense.

    By inequalities (33) and (34), nand P2 are big enough so that we may apply THEOREM( G, r - 1 , d~) to the random graph B(l-02)PZ' where 02 satisfies (13) with c2 = b(G, r - 1, d~)(1 - °2 ). As a result we obtain, setting l' = a(G, r - 1, d~)(1 - 02)e(l/n)vp;,

    P (B o-J' (G)2 ) > 1 _ 2-c2eBP2 • (1-02 )P2 .AI r-I


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    This, by Lemma 3 with k replaced by k' = ~eBP2' implies that

    P (B k'-d' (G)2 ) > 1- 2-b4eBP2 > 1- 2-b"n2p2 P2.IIIiJ r-I '

    where b4 and b" are defined by (29) and (30). Here we use the estimate

    (53) d' (vn) d' (vn)2 eB ~ 0 2 ~ 0 4 .


    Now let h : E(Fp) ~ [r] be any extension of h. Let y be the number of edges of Bp2 colored by h with color s. If y < k' then there will be at least I' nested monochromatic copies of G in one of the colors different from s. If, on the other hand, y ~ k' , then, as each of the edges of Bp closes at least z

    . 2 nested monochromatic copies of H colored by h with color s, there will be at least J4. nested monochromatic copies of G colored by color s, where z

    v is as in (50). Note that, by (53), k' ~ ~d~(V;)2p2' and thus, by (35), (IS') and the fact that P < PI + P2 ' there is, one way or another, a color i E [r], so that there are at least

    . {I' k'z} min 'v 2 ~ min {a(G, r - 1, d~)(1 - (2)eGvvG(P2!P{G ,

    02d~:2 a(H, r, d)(1 _ tJI{G- I pVG-2(PdP{G-l(p2!p)}nVGpeG 8vG

    ~ min {a(G, r - 1, d~)(1 - (2)eGvvG (1 ~ 0:) eG , 2 Ov (H d)(l _ s )eG-I vG-2 0: vG eG o d' 2 eG-I }

    2 a , r, u, p (1 )e n P SVG + 0: G = a(G, r, d)nvGpeG

    monochromatic copies of G colored by color i.

    4. LocALLY SPARSE RAMSEY GRAPHS By locally sparse Ramsey graphs we mean Ramsey graphs with no small and

    dense subgraphs. The first question about the existence of such graphs was raised by Erdos and Hajnal [EH 67] when they asked for K6-free (K3' 2)-Ramsey graphs, i.e. graphs F such that F ~ (K3)r but K6 ~ F. Graham [Gr 6S] found the smallest graph with this property which has eight vertices and later Irving [Ir 73] constructed a Ks-free (K3' 2)-Ramsey graph on 18 vertices. In 1970 Folkman [Fo 70] constructed for each k an enormous Kk+l-free (Kk' 2)-Ramsey graph. The existence of such graphs for arbitrary number of colors r was later established by Nesetnl and Rodl [NR 76].

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    What does our Theorem 3 tell about the existence of sparse Ramsey graphs? Let J!" be a family of graphs. We say that F E g-orb(Jf') if no subgraph

    of F is isomorphic to a member of Jf'. Let ~(G), r,(I)(G), and r,(2)(G) be the families of all graphs H with

    (2) (I) (2) (2) (2) . ( ) vH ~ t and m H > mG ' mJ/ ~ mG ,and mH > mG , respectIvely. Part c of Corollary 4 below implies Corollary 2 stated in the Introduction.

    2 1/m(2) Corollary 4. Let r ~ 2 and let G be a graph with a cycle, N = en - G, where C is as in Theorem 3. Furthermore let t > 0 and let .9,;, N be as in the Introduction.

    (a) almost all FE .9,;,N belong to g-orb(2;(G» and are (G, r)-Ramsey, (b) almost all F E .9,;,N which belong to g-orb(~(1)(G») are (G, r)-

    Ramsey, (c) almost all F E .9,;, N contain a subgraph F' C F which belongs to

    g-orb(~(2)(G») and is (G, r)-Ramsey.

    Remark. In part (a) of Corollary 4 we can replace the family K,(G) by the family of all graphs H, vH 2: t, such that m H ~ mg) , but then it remains true only for a positive fraction of graphs F E .9,;, N' This is because, for H with m H = mg) , a positive fraction of all (W) graphs are H-free and (G, r)-Ramsey. This follows from the fact that then 0 < lim P(K(n, N) n ...... oo 1> H) < 1 (see [Ru 90]). Statement (b) implies that there are as many as (1 + o( 1» (W)e -9(n) (G, r)-Ramsey graphs with N edges and without a sub-graph isom~rphic to a member of K,(l) .

    Proof. (a) Let X H denote the number of copies of H in K (n, N) and let X = EHEK. X H' Then, by Markov's inequality


    P(K(n, N) f/. 9f orb (K,(G))) = P(X > 0) :$ Exp(X) = 0(1) ,

    whereas, by Theorem 1, P(K(n, N) -+ (G),) -+ 1 as n -+ 00. (b) Setting p = m(I + e), by the FKG inequality, for every HE K,(l)(G),

    e (n) V e P(K(n, p) 1> H) ~ (1 - pH)"B ~ exp{ -O(n Hp Hn ~ exp{-O(nn .

    Again by the FKG inequality, using the fact that t and thus also IK,(I)(G)I do not depend on n, (54) P(K(n,p)E9forb(K,(l\G»)) ~ IT P(K(n,p)1>H)~exp{-O(n)},


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    as VH - -% :$ I. Moreover, by (1) and by Chemotrs inequality, mG

    P (K(n, p) E 9'" orb (,r,(I) (G) )) :$ I: p(K(n,M)Eg-orb(~(I)(G»)) (~)pM(I_p)m-M



    all of them for stimulating discussions and, in addition, Paul Erdos for pointing out the paper of Vamavides.

    For integers k ~ 3 and r ~ 2, and for a set F ~ [n], we write F -t (k), if every r-coloring of F results in at least one monochromatic k-term arithmetic progression (APk in short). Recall that for 0 < p < 1, Fp stands for a random subset of F obtained by independent inclusion of each element with probability p. The theorem below is the binomial version of Theorem 2 stated in the Introduction.

    Theorem 2'. For all k ~ 3 and r ~ 2 there exist constants c and C such that

    lim P([n]p -t (k),) = { 0 n-+oo 1

    I ifp < cn-k=T , I

    ifp> Cn-k=T .

    In outlining the proof we shall focus on the I-statement only, which, as in case of graphs, must be first significantly strengthened.

    We say that an APk is t-nested in F if it constitutes the initial segment of an APk+t belonging to F . The proof is based on double induction on k and r , and the following strengthening is needed for the induction step.

    Theorem 4. For all integers k ~ 2, r ~ 1 , and t ~ 0, and jor all real numbers o < d < 1, there exist positive numbers a, b, C , and no such that if n > no' F ~ [n], IFI > dn, and p > Cn - k~l then, with probability at least 1 - r bnp , every r-coloring oj Fp results in at least an2pk monochromatic t-nested in F APk's.

    In the proof of Theorem 3 in Section 3 we needed the notion of (p, d)-dense graphs, mainly because for graphs, being just dense does not necessarily imply the existence of many copies of a given graph. Consequently, Lemma I was vital to us. Working with integers rather than with graphs puts us in a more comfortable position, since dense subsets of integers contain, roughly, as many APk 's as the set of all integers does. This follows quite easily from Szemeredi's density version of van der Waerden's Theorem [Sz 75]. For k = 3 the next lemma was first proved by Vamavides [Va 59].

    Lemma 5. For every k ~ 3 and jor every d > 0 there exist no and ~ > 0 such that every set F ~ [n] ,IFI > dn, n > no' contains at least ~n2 APk 'so 0

    Thus, the quantity an2p k appearing in Theorem 4 is a positive fraction of the expected number of APk 's in Fp'

    Now we may start our inductive proof.

    Case r = I, k arbitrary. By Lemma 5, there are at least ~n2 APk+t 's in F, yielding at least ~n2 I-nested APk 'so By Janson's inequality, with probability at least I - 2-bnp , at least an2pk of them will be present in Fp' for some a, b > O. Since only one color is used, they all are bound to be monochromatic. Case k = 2, r arbitrary. Here we run induction on r. Assuming r ~ 2, we generate Fp in two rounds, as we did for graphs, i.e. Fp = Fpl U Fp2 '

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    P = PI + Pz - PIPz' PI' P2 of the same order of magnitude as p, but Pz sufficiently larger than PI .

    By Lemma 5, there are at least on2 APt+2 's in F. Denote by As(v, u) the APs whose first element is v and the difference is u. For v E F set N(v) = {v + u : A t+2(v, u) ~ F}, i.e. N(v) is the set of all second elements of the APt+2 's of F originating at v. Now, let F' = {v : IN(v)l;::: !on}. Then

    ~ I , 1 2 ~ jN(v)1 < "20nIF \ F I::::; "20n


    and hence ~VEF' IN(v)1 > !onz . As IN(v)1 < n for every v E F, we infer that IF'I ;::: !on. By Chernoff's inequality, IF;II = 8(npl ) with probability I - e-8(np1). (Note that np, may be 0(1).) For an r-coloring of F;I' let B be the largest color class (say, red). Set N'(v) = N(v) \ F;I and consider the bipartite graph ~ with vertex classes Band U VEB N' (v) and with edge set {{ v , w} : WEN' (v)}. Again by averaging, there is a set D ~ UVEB N' (v) such that IDI = S(n) and each WED has degree deg.56'(w) = S(np l ).

    Now, we expose F \ Fpl with probability Pz (second round) and focus on Dp2 only. With probability 1 - e -8(np2 ) , IDp21 = 8(nP2)' Let e > 0 be a sufficiently small constant. If at least enpz elements of D are colored red

    P2 then, by the definition of D and ~ , we obtain 9(n2pz) red t-nested APz's (pairs). If red is used less than enpz times then, combining Lemma 3 with our induction assumption for r - 1 colors (in the same manner as we did for graphs), gives, with probability at least 1 - e -8(np2 ) , at least an2p; t-nested pairs in one of the other colors.

    Case k ;::: 3, r arbitrary. Here we basically follow the steps of case k = 2, but instead of the two rather simple averagings, we apply the more sophisticated argument, very similar to that from the proof of Fact (a) in Section 3.

    We aim to obtain, with probability I_e-8 (nPI ) ,a set D ~ F\Fpl ' IDI > on, such that each wED is the k th element of e(np~-I) t-nested APk 's, whose first k - 1 elements belong to Fpl and are all red.

    By the induction assumption we know that with probability at least 1-e-8 (np 1) , for every r-coloring of F(I_J)PI there are e(n2p~-I) (t + I)-nested monochromatic APk _ 1 's (say, red). By Lemma 3, it is also true for Fpl ' even after deleting up to ~npi elements from F . We do need to delete them

    PI in order to make, via Lemma 4, the number of pairs of intersecting (t + 1)-nested APk _ 1 's in Fpl smaller than their doubled expectation. Here we care for intersections occurring at the nested parts. Now, an averaging argument parallel to that in Section 3 (compare the text between formulas (43)-(50)) gives the existence of the required set D. Finally, we expose D with probability Pz and complete the proof as in case k = 2 .

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    Sparse van der Waerden sets. Theorem 4 has interesting consequences concern-ing "locally sparse" van der Waerden sets. The following has been constructively proved in [Sp 75] and [NR 76a].

    Theorem ([Sp 75],[NR 76a]). For all k and r there exists a set So/integers such that S contains no APk+1 while S - (k),.

    k-2 Setting N =cn k=I and applying the FKG inequality, formula (1), Cher-

    noff's inequality, and monotonicity (as in the proof of Corollary 4(b» we infer

    that there are at least e -o(n~::::) (~) N-element subsets of [n] containing no APk+ 1. Thus, using equivalence between uniform and binomial models, we infer from Theorem 4 the following.

    Corollary 6. For every k and r, there exists a constant C such that almost all k-2

    Cn k=!-element subsets S ~ [n] which contain no APk+l satisfy S - (k),.

    In [Sp 75] it was also conjectured that the above theorem can be further extended as follows: For all k, I, r there exists a set S S;;; [n] with the property that the k-uni/orm hypergraph ~ with vertex set S and edge set {A : A S;;; S , A is APk } has

    (1) chromatic number X(~) > r, (2) no cycle o/Iength j = 2,3, ... , I.

    The existence of such sets was established in [Ro 90] and [NR 90] by con-structive means. Our Theorem 4 implies the existence of such an S as well.

    I Taking p = C n - k=! , the expected number of cycles of length at most I in the hypergraph based on the APk 's of [n]p is at most

    I L O(ni p(k-l)i) + O(n~) = O(n~::::) . j=3

    (The sum stands for the cycles of length j.~ 3; the second term takes care of all 2-cycles.) But Theorem 4 and Lemma 3 imply jointly that Fp ' even after

    k-2 deleting up to t5np = 9(nk=!) elements, contains many monochromatic APk's for every r-coloring. To obtain the required set S we destroy all short cycles

    k-3 of :g by deleting no more than (log n)n k=! elements from Fp.

    Let us note that the existence of a set S with properties (1) and (2) yields also an example of arbitrarily large sets S such that S - (k)r but T f+ (k), for any proper subset T S;;; S . The existence of such sets S was established in [GN 86] (cf. [Gr 83]).


    We would like to thank Joel Spencer for his interest in our work, his support and encouragment. We are very grateful to Alan Frieze for checking our proof in great detail.

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  • [Bo 81]

    [Bo 85] [BT 87] [EH 67] [ER 60]

    [Fo 70]

    [PR 86]

    [Gr 68]

    [Gr 83]

    [GN 86]



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    ABSTRACT. Probabilistic methods have been used to approach many problems of Ramsey theory. In this paper we study Ramsey type questions from the point of view of random structures.

    Let K(n, N) be the random graph chosen uniformly from among all graphs with n vertices and N edges. For a fixed graph G and an integer r we address the question what is the minimum N = N (G, r, n) such that the random graph K(n, N) contains, almost surely, a monochromatic copy of G in every r-coloring of its edges ( K(n, N) -+ (G), , in short).

    We find a graph parameter )I = )Ie G) yielding

    { 0 if N < cn1 , llli.~ Prob(K(n, N) -+ (G),) = I if N > Cn1 ,

    for some c, C > o. We use this to derive a number of consequences that deal with the existence of sparse Ramsey graphs. For example we show that for all r ~ 2 and k ~ 3 there exists C > 0 such that almost all graphs H with n vertices and cntfi edges which are Kk+l-free, satisfy H -+ (Kk),.

    We also apply our method to the problem of finding the smallest N = N(k, r, n) guaranteeing thatalmost all sequences I $ a l < a2 < ... < aN $ n contain an arithmetic progression of length k in every r-coloring, and show

    k-2 that N = 6( n k=T) is the threshold.


    E-mail address: rodlOmathcs. emory. edu E-mail address:rucinskiClvm.amu.edu.pl

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