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  • 8/7/2019 Vocablary Sheet Assignment



    Vocabulary assignment for level six

    S.No Vocabulary Grammer Meaning Sentence

    1 Abandon Verb Leave without Planning, Quit

    2 Keen Adjective Sharp

    3 Jealous Adjective envious of someone else's possessions

    4 Tact Noun Ability to say right thing

    5 Oath Noun Promise that somethng is true

    6 Vacant Adjective Empty, not filled

    7 Hardship Noun something that is hard to bear, dificulty

    8 Gallant Brave, Showing respect for women

    9 Data Noun Facts, Information

    10 Unaccustomed Adjective Not Used to something,

    11 Bachelor Noun A Man who has not married

    12 Qualify Verb Become fit, Show that you are able

    13 Tempt Verb Try to get someone to get something

    14 Frigid Adjective Very Cold

    15 Wager Noun/Verb Bet

    16 Recline Verb Lie down, Stretch out

    17 Shriek Verb/ Noun a screaming cry or sound

    18 Dismal Adjective Dark and depressing

    19 Corpse Noun A dead body

    20 Numb Without the power of feeling

    21 Peril Noun/ Verb Danger

    22 Sinister Adjective Evil, Dishonest, Frightening

    23 Conceal Verb Hide

    He could not Abandon his friend who was hurt in battle

    The Dogs have a Keen sense of smell

    Although he is rich, I m not Jealous of him

    She never hurts anyone's feelings because she always uses Tact

    I took an Oath to tell always truth

    He sat on Vacant seat

    Unless you face Hardship, you can not bocome champion

    Adjective/Noun/ Verb

    He is so Gallant that he always gives his seat to woman

    The Data about the robery was given to FIA

    He was Unaccustomed to Sibi heat

    Before the wedding, all his Bachelour friends had a party

    I am trying to Qualify for the job that is now vacant

    Your offer of a job Tempts me greatly

    Snowfall makes the weatherFrigid

    I usually avoid Wager

    I like to Recline infront of Television set

    With a loud Shriekshe fled from the kitchen

    The flight was delayed due to Dismal weather

    The Corpse was laid to rest in the vacant coffin


    The doctor declared him Numb after checking

    There is great Peril in trying to climb the mountain

    I was frightened by the Sinister shadow at the bottom of thestairs

    He could not Conceal his love for her

  • 8/7/2019 Vocablary Sheet Assignment


    24 Inhabit Verb Live in

    25 Expensive Adjective Costly, High-priced

    26 Typical Adjective Usual,

    27 Minimum The lowest amount

    28 Scarce Hard to get, Rare

    29 Annual Occurring once every year.

    30 Essential Necessary, Very important

    31 Persuade Verb Make willing,

    32 Nave Adjective Lacking experience, wisdom

    33 Visible Able to be seen

    34 Blend Verb/ Noun Mix together thoroughly, A mixture

    35 Wholesale Less then retail in price

    36 Devise Verb/ Noun Invent, Think out

    37 Vapor Noun Fog, Mist

    38 Eliminate Verb Get rid of, Remove. Omit

    39 Villain Noun a very wicked person

    40 Dense Adjective Closely Packed together, Thick

    41 Utilize Verb Make use of

    42 Humid Adjective Moist, Damp

    43 Theory Noun

    44 Descend Verb Move downwards The pilot thinking his plane was in peril Descend quickly

    45 Circulate Verb

    46 Enormous Adjective Extremely large, Huge

    He was allowed to Inhabit in vacant apartment

    Gold is much less Espensive then diamonds

    The horse ran its Typical race


    The adults need a Minimum of six hours sleep


    How Scarce are good teachers?


    The Annual Covocattion of University was postporned


    It is Essential that we follow our Religon

    He knows the tact to Persuade his audience

    To me this is politically Naive in the extreme


    The ship was barely Visible through the dense fog

    The colour of rainbow Blend into one another



    By buying things in Wholesale we can save our money

    He Devised a scheme for entering the bank at night

    He has gathered data on the amount ofVapor rising from theswamp

    When the railroad tracks are raised, the danger of crosing willbe Eliminated

    The Villain concealed the corpse in the celler

    The Dense leaves on the trees let in a minimum of sunlight

    No one seems willing to Utilize his skills in Pakistam

    Most people believe that ocean air is quite Humid

    Explaination based on thought,Observation

    His Theory was taken in Guinise Book of world record

    Go arround, Go from place to place orperson to person

    The media Ciculates information in seconds

    The basketball player was Enormous he could practically dropthe ball through the hoop

  • 8/7/2019 Vocablary Sheet Assignment


    47 Predict Verb Tell beforehand

    48 Vanish Verb Disappear suddenly and completely

    49 Rural Adjective In the Country

    50 Tradition Noun Beliefs, Opinions

    51 Burden Noun/ Verb A Load, Load heavily

    52 Campus Noun

    53 Majority Noun The larger Nimber, More than half

    54 Assemble Verb Gather together, Bring together

    55 Explore Verb Look into closely, Examine

    56 Topic Noun

    57 Debate Noun/ Verb

    58 Evade Verb Get away from by trickery or cleverness59 Probe Noun/ Verb Investigation, Examine thoroughly

    60 Reform Verb/ Noun Improve by removing faults

    61 Approach Verb/ Noun come near or nearer to in distance

    62 Detect Verb find out, discover

    63 Defect Noun fault, that which is wrong

    64 Employee Noun a person who works for pay

    65 Neglect Verb/ Noun give too little care or attention to

    66 Deceive Verb

    67 Undoubtedly Adverb certainly, beyond doubt

    68 Popular Adjective liked or admired by many people

    69 Thorough Adjective complete with regard to every detail

    70 Client Noun customer

    71 Comprehensive Adjective covering completely

    72 Defraud Verb take money, right away by cheating

    Weathermen can Predict the weather correctly most of the time

    The dianasours are Vanished from earth

    Rural ares are not densely Populated

    All religons have different beliefs and Traditions

    He carried the Burden throughout his college career

    the grounds and buildings of a university orcollege

    The Campus was designed to cogregate all the students

    The Majority of people wanted him to be president

    The guests began to Assemble for thanksgiving dinner

    His report Explored the essential reason for the crime

    Subject that people think, Write, or talkabout

    The speaker;s main Topic was how to eliminate hunger

    A discussion in which reasons for andagainst something are brought out

    The Debate between two students was heated

    He tried to Evade the topic by changing the subjectThe doctorProbed the patient

    His speech was Reformed

    He could Approach the problem from all angles

    It was Detected from her voice that she was frightened

    Thus, affected men do not transmit the genetic Defect

    The Employee went on strike for higher wages

    You can norNeglect the importance of water

    Make somone believe as true something

    that is fault, misleadHe Deceived him by pretending to be his friend

    Undoubtedly She was a good debator

    His work made him Popular

    The police made a Thorough search of the house after thecrime had been reported

    Come join our growing family of satisfied Clients andprofessionals

    After a Comprehensive exam, his doctor said he is in goodcondition

    He saved so much amount by Defrauding his partner

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    73 Postpone Verb delay, put off to a latter time

    74 Consent Noun/ Verb agree, give permision or approval

    75 Massive Adjective big and heavy, bulky

    76 Capsule Noun a small case or covering

    77 Preserve Verb/ Noun keep safe, protect

    78 Denounce Verb condemn in public

    79 Unique Adjective being the only one of its kind

    80 Torrent Noun rushing stream, flood

    81 Resent Verb feel injured or angreed at (something)

    82 Molest Verb Disturb

    83 Gloomy Adjective dark, dim , in low spirits

    84 Unforeseen Adjective not known beforehand, unexpected

    85 Exaggerate Verb/ Noun make something greater than it is, overstate

    86 Amateur

    87 Mediocre Adjective neither good nor bad, average

    88 Variety Noun a number of different things

    89 Valid Adjective supported by facts or authority, true

    90 Survive Verb live longet than, remain alive

    91 Weird mysterious, unearthly

    92 Prominent Adjective wel-known, important

    93 Security Noun felling or condition of being safe

    94 Bulky Adjective taking up much space, large

    95 Reluctant Adjective unwilling

    96 Obvious Adjective easily seen or understood, plain

    97 Vicinity Noun neighborhood

    The Inaguration cermoney of the mall was Postporned

    He would not Consent to let our plan

    From kifting weights, he had developed Massive arm muscles

    He explored the space Capsule for secial equipments

    The farmers feel that their rural homes should be Preserved

    Some people Denounce the government for probing into theirpersonel Lives

    The inventer developed a Unique method of making ice cream

    A massive rain was coming down in Torrents

    The earthquake victim Resented the poor emergency care

    Lifeguards warned the man not to Molest any of the swimmers

    My cousin was Gloomy because his best friend had moved

    awayWe had some Unforeseen problems with the new engine

    The bookkeeperExaggerated her importance to the company


    a person who does something for pleasure,not for money

    Eventhough he was not a professional the Amateurphotographer entered the contest

    The Movie was not a great one it was Mediocre

    The show featured a Variety of entertainment

    The witness neglected to give Valid answers to the Judge's

    questionSome people believe that only the strongest should Survive


    She looked Weird with that horrible makeup on her face

    He is a Prominent businessman

    When the president travels strict Security measures are taken

    The massive dest was quite Bulky and imposible to carry

    I was Reluctant to give up the security of my family life

    The detective missed the clue because it was not Obvious

    The torrent of rain felt only in ourVicinity

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    98 Century Noun 100 years

    99 Rage Noun/ Verb voilent anger

    100 Document Noun

    101 Conclude Verb end, finish, decide

    102 Undeniable Adjective unable to be denied or disputed

    103 Resist Verb act against, oppose

    104 Lack Noun/Verb deficiency of something

    105 Ignore Verb pay no attention to, disregard

    106 Challenge Noun/ Verb call to a fight to decide who is superior

    107 Miniature Adjective represent on a small scale

    108 Source Noun/ Verb

    109 Excel Verb be better than, do better than

    110 Feminine Adjective of womens or girls

    111 Mount Verb/ Noun get up on

    112 Compete Verb be a rival

    113 Dread

    114 Masculine Adjective of man , male

    115 Menace Noun/Verb threat

    116 Tendency Noun movement in a certain direction

    117 Underestimate Verb/ Noun set too low a value, amount or rate

    118 Victorious Adjective having won a victory, conquering

    119 Numerous Adjective several



    easily bent

    Many prominent men have been born in this Century

    Her bad manners sent her mother into a Rage

    a piece of written, printed, or electronicmatter that provides information orevidence, record in written

    The Documents of ancient rome have survived many centuries

    Most people are happy when they Conclude their work for the

    dayIt is Undeniable that most professionals can beat any amateur

    When you are tired it is hard to Resisit staying in bed all day

    Your daily diet should not Lackfruits and vegetables

    His mistakes were Ignoredby the family

    No one bothered to Challange the Prominent lawer

    He wanted a Miniature sports car for his birthday

    a place, person, or thing from whichsomething originates

    The speech was a valid Source of information

    Because he was so small, he could not Excel in sportsPlaying with dolls is tradionally a Faminine pastime butattitudes are changing

    She was ten years old before her parents finaly let her Mount ahorse

    She was challanged to Compete for the tennis title

    Verb/ Noun/Adjective

    look forward to with fear, causing greatfear

    I Dread going into that deserted house

    The boy became more Masculine as he got old

    The torrents of rain were a Menace to the farmer's crops

    His Tendency was to work hard in the morning and then to takeit easy in the afternoon

    The modest man used to Underestimate his own strength

    The amateur tennis player completed many matches withoutbeing Victorious

    The debator used Numerous documents to back up hisstatements

    Being Flexible is far better than being stubborn

  • 8/7/2019 Vocablary Sheet Assignment


    121 Evidence Noun/ Verb

    122 Solitary alone, single, only

    123 Vision Noun/Verb power of seing, sense of sight


    Frequent hapenning often125 Glimpse Noun/ Verb quick view

    126 Recent Adjective done, made or occuring not long ago

    127 Decade Noun ten years

    128 Hesitate Verb fail to act quickly

    129 Absurd Adjective foolish

    130 Conflict Noun/ Verb disagreement

    131 Minority Noun smaller number or part, less then half132 Fiction Noun that which is imaginated or made up

    133 Ignite Verb set on fire

    134 Abolish Verb put an end to

    135 Urban Adjective relating to a town or city

    136 Population Noun people of a city or country

    137 Frank Noun

    138 Pollute Verb make dirty

    139 Reveal Verb make known

    140 Prohibit Verb forbid by law or authourity

    141 Urgent Adjective demanding immediate action or attention

    142 Adequate Adjective as much as in needed

    143 Decrease Verb/ Noun make or bocome less

    144 Audible Adjective able to be heard

    that which makes clear the truth orfalsehood of something

    Our teacher ignored the Evidence that she had cheated on thetest


    There was only a Solotary man on the beach

    He had the Vision that some day there would be peace on earth


    Verb She is a Frequent contributor to her school conferencesNo one has ever had even a Glimpse of the future

    Recent studies have shown that the cost of living has gone uprapidly

    I have a vision that this Decade will be better than the last one

    If you have any question dont Hesitate to ask

    People used to think it was an Absurd idea that human beingscould ever fly

    The Conflict was over the high cost of bread

    Only a Minority of the senators were against welfareHe has won several awards for short prose Fiction

    One match can Ignite an entire forest

    Some citizens believe that we will never be able to Abolish war

    I plan to exchange my Urban location for a rural one

    China has the largest Population of any country

    free in expressing one's real thoughts,opinios, or feelings

    Never underestimate the value of being Frankwith one another

    The atlantic ocean is in danger of becoming Polluted

    In the comics superman neverReveals his true identity

    Smoking is Prohibited in the medical building

    When he heard the Urgent cry for help the lifeguard did nothesitate

    They needed an Adequate supply of water to last for the entiretrip through the desert

    The landlord promised to Decrease ou rent

    In an Audible whisper she called for my attention

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    145 Journalist Noun

    146 Famine Noun starvation, great shortage

    147 Revive Verb bring back or come back to life

    148 Commence Verb begin. Start

    149 Observant quick to notice, watchful

    150 Identify Verb prove to be the same

    151 Migrate Verb move from one place to another

    152 Vessel Noun a ship, a hollow container

    153 Persist Verb

    154 Hazy Adjective misty, smoky, unclear

    155 Gleam Verb/ Noun a flash or beam of light

    156 Editor Noun person who prepares a publication

    157 Unruly Adjective lawless

    158 Rival Noun/ Verb

    159 Violent Adjective acting or done with strong, rough force

    160 Brutal Adjective cruel

    161 Opponent Noun struggling or speaking against another

    162 Brawl Noun/ Verb a noisy quarrel or fight, take part in a brawl

    163 Duplicate exact copy, repeat exactly

    164 Vicious Adjective evil, wicked,

    165 Whirling Noun

    a person who writes for newspapers ormagazines or prepares news to bebroadcast on radio or television

    A Journalist must have a comprehensive knowledge of the citywhere he or she works

    There has been a Famine of good writing in the last decades

    They were trying to Revive interest in old movies

    The Meeting was arranged to Commence at noon

    Adjective/Noun He was Observant of all the rules of his religion

    Exercises should be Identified that will produce the desireddevelopment

    Much of our population is constantly Migrating to other areasof the country

    Many people claim to have seen a ghostly Vessel sailingthrough the fog

    continue firmly, refuse to stop or bechanged

    The travelers were stupid to Persist in eating the food after theywere told it was spoiled

    Hazy weather kept the pilot from seeing the airfield clearly

    We could tell he was happy by the brigh Gleam in his eyes

    The student was proud to be the Editor of the schoolnewspaper

    He was thrown out of school because of his Unruly behavior

    person who wants and tries to get the samething as another

    The experienced chess player tried to keep Rival guessing

    Voilentbehavior is prohibited on school grounds

    When some animals are not fed on time they become veryBrutal

    He was a bitterOpponent of costly urban reform

    They had a Brawl over who was a better swimmer


    We Duplicated the document so that everyone had a copy tostudy

    The Vicious lion attacked the lost child in the forest

    turning or swinging round and round,


    The ball was hit so hard that it went Whirling down the field

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    166 Underdog Noun one who is expected to lose

    167 Thrust Verb/ Noun push with force, asudden or violent attack

    168 Bewildered Adjective confused completely, puzzled

    169 Expand Verb increase in size, enlarge

    170 Alter Verb make different, change

    171 Mature fullu grown or developed

    172 Sacred Adjective worthy of respect, holy

    173 Revise Verb change, alter, bring up to date

    174 Pledge Noun/ Verb Promise, Undertaking

    175 Casual not calling attention to itself

    176 Pursue Verb follow, proceed along

    177 Unanimous Adjective in complete agreement

    178 Fortunate Adjective having good luck, lucky

    179 Pioneer Noun/ Verb

    180 Innovative Adjective fresh, clever, having new ideas

    181 Slender Adjective long an thin, limited, slight

    182 Surpass Verb do better than, excel

    183 Vast very great, enormous

    184 Doubt Noun/ Verb not believe, feel uncertain about

    185 Capacity Noun amount of room or space inside

    I always feel sorry for the Underdog in a streat fight

    The Magician Thrust his hand into his hat and out came arabbit

    The boy was Bewilderedby the fact that his parents hadabondaned him

    We will Expand our business as soon as we locate a new


    The Pilot had to Alter his course when he ran into bad weather


    Only through Mature study habits can a person hope to gainknowledge

    In a single movement everything that sciene held Scaredsuddenly turned on its head

    The dictionary was Revised and the published in a moreexpensive edition

    When his mother died of cancer the young doctor decided toPledge his life to finding a cure for it


    The relaxed friends spoke in a Casual manner as they talked onthe street

    Always Pursue what is good, nobel and beautiful

    Public opinion has been virtually Unanimous on the subject

    He was Fortunate to have such good friends

    one who goes first or prepares a way forothers

    His grandfather was a Pioneer in the field of sports medicine

    Everyone approved of his Innovative proposalThere was only a Slender chance that you could conceal thetruth

    The Machine of the twentieth century surely Surpass those ofearlier times


    Vast differences between the two sides were made clear in thedebate

    We do not Doubt that the tradition of marrige will continue

    The jar was filled to Capacity

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    186 Penetrate Verb get into or through, especially with force

    187 Pierce Verb go into, go through, penetrate

    188 Accurate Adjective correct in all details

    189 Microscope Noun

    190 Grateful Adjective felling gratitude, thankful

    191 Cautious Adjective very careful, never taking chances

    192 Confident sure, certain

    193 Appeal Verb/ Noun attraction, to urge

    194 Addict Noun one who can not break away any habit

    195 Wary Adjective

    196 Aware Adjective knowing, realizing

    197 Misfortune Noun bad luck

    198 Avoid Verb keep away from

    199 Wretched Adjective very unsatisfactory, miserable

    200 Keg Noun

    201 Nourish Verb make or keep alive and well, with food

    202 Harsh Adjective rough to touch, taste, eye or ear, sharp

    203 Quantity Noun a certain amount or number

    204 Opt Verb chose or favor, select

    205 Tragedy Noun a very sad or terible happening

    206 Pedestrian

    207 Glance Verb to look at quickly, a quick look

    The thieves Penetrated the bank's security and stole the money

    I tried to ignore his bad violin playing but the sound wasPiercing

    The map he drew of our neighborhood was not very Accurate

    an optical instrument for viewing verysmall objects

    The Microscope used by the scientist is very expensive

    The child was Grateful that he got the present he asked for

    Be Cautious when you choose your opponenet


    We were all very Cinfident that She would pass her exams

    Rock' n roll music does not Appeal to me

    Every year around 160 people die from herion Addiction

    cautious about possible dangers orproblems

    Living in a polluted city makes you Wary of the air you breathe

    The only way to gain knowledge is to be Aware of everythingarround you

    I had a Misfortune of working for a greedy man

    Sometimes it is best to Avoid being nice to strangers

    I feel Wretched after a night when I have scarcely slept

    small barrel, usualy holding less than tengallons

    Go in and get the otherKeg and throw it to the boxes

    It was easy to detect that the skinny boy was not wellNourished

    The Harsh smoke from the fireplace burned my eyees

    Who believes Quantity is better then quality

    If I had to Opt for a new carrer it would be medical

    When someone you love dies it is a Tragedy


    person who goes on foot, walker,Uninspired

    I don't doubt that a Pedestrian can get places faster than a car

    I took one Glance at the wretched animal and turned away

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    208 Budget

    209 Nimble Adjective active and sure footed, quick moving

    210 Manipulate Verb handle or treat skillfully

    211 Reckless Adjective careless, wild

    212 Horrid Adjective terrible, frightful

    213 Rave Verb/ Noun talk wildly

    214 Economical Adjective not wasting time or money

    215 Lubricate Verb

    216 Ingenious Adjective having great mental ability, clever

    217 Harvest Noun/ Verb the process or period of gathering in crops

    218 Abundant Adjective plentiful

    219 Uneasy Adjective anxious or uncomfortable

    220 Calculate Verb determine mathematically

    221 Absorb Verb soak up (liquid or another substance)

    222 Estimate Verb/ Noun an approximate calculation or judgement

    223 Morsel Noun a small piece of food; a mouthful

    224 Quota Noun

    225 Threat Noun the possibility of trouble or danger

    226 Ban Verb/ Noun officially or legally prohibit.

    227 Panic Noun/ Verb sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety

    228 Appropriate suitable; proper

    229 Emerge Verb move out of something and become visible

    Noun/ Verb/Adjective

    an estimate of income and expenditure fora set period of time, allow a certain amountin Budget, Inexpensive

    The only thing growing in the Pakistan is the defense Budget

    The bike is surprisingly Nimble through tight corners too

    Scientists must know how to Manipulate their microscope

    The Reckless smoker ignited the entire forest

    Journalist reported that the dropping the bomb was a Horrid act

    If you continue to Rave about the play everyone will think youare a relative of the author

    I find it Economical to shop in the large supermarkets

    apply oil or grease to (an engine orcomponent) to minimize friction

    A large quantity of grease is needed to Lubricate an airplaneengine

    The brilliant investigator found an Ingenious answer to theproblem

    If the Harvest is poor there is always the possibility of a famine

    you should always make sure that you have an Abundant suplyof petrol for a long trip

    The treasurer was Uneasy about the company's budget

    We Calculated all the figures and come to one solid answer

    The rain was Absorbed into the concrete when it was dry

    How much do you Estimate that house is worth?

    Every Morsel the cook prepared was tasty

    a share of something that one is entitled toreceive

    Every user has been alloted a Quota depending on their courserequirements

    The Threat of snow caused us to change our holiday plans

    The committee recommended that we Ban all dangerous foods

    When you are in trouble the worst thing to do is to Panic


    After some Appropriate prayes the dinner was served

    A new star has just Emerged from the rock music world

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    230 Jagged Adjective with rough, sharp points protruding

    231 Linger Verb unwilling to leave

    232 Ambush Noun/ Verb

    233 Crafty Adjective cunning or deceitful


    Defiant Adjective open resistance; bold disobedience235 Vigor Noun physical strength and good health

    236 Perish Verb suffer complete ruin or destruction

    237 Fragile Adjective easily broken or damaged

    238 Captive

    239 Prosper Verb make successful

    240 Devour Verb eat hungrily or quickly

    241 Plea Noun

    242 Weary tired, causing tiredness,

    243 Collide Verb hit by accident when moving

    244 Confirm Verb state with assurance that something is true

    245 Verify Verb

    246 Anticipate Verb be aware of and prepare for (a future event)

    247 Dilemma Noun

    248 Detour Noun/ Verb a roundabot way , Take a detour


    Merit Noun/ Verb excellence; worth, be worthy of

    The Jagged edge of that sheet of metal is very dangerous

    I like to Linger on untill everyone else has left the theater

    a surprise attack by people lying in wait ina concealed position

    You are to set an Ambush behind the city

    The bank teller's Crafty plan to steal a million dollars did notsucceed

    My parents taught me not to be Defiant of authorityOr answer each and every round with new Vigor and ultimatewill to win

    If we do not do something about pollution we may Perish fromthe earth

    The expensive glassware is very Fragile


    a person who has been taken prisoner orconfined

    We were held Captive by the sinister enemy for ten days

    Business persons can Prosper if they are honest with their

    customersI can Devour a steak in two minutes when I am hungry

    a request made in an urgent and emotionalmanner

    The judge listened to the burglar's Plea of not guilty


    We were all very Weary after the long trip

    The runner and the catcher were about to Collide at home plate

    Years of research Confirmed the theory that smoking isharmful

    make sure or demonstrate that (something)is true, accurate, or justified

    Can you Verify that this is your handwriting?

    We Anticipate a panic if the news is revealed to the public

    a situation in which a difficult choice has tobe made between two or more alternatives

    When you run a compay you have at least one new Dilemmaevery day to solve

    I took a Detour to avoid trafic

    There is Merit in being a good listener

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    250 Transmit Verb communicate, broadcast

    251 Relieve Verb reduce the pain off, replace, make less

    252 Baffle Adjective be to hard to understand or solve

    253 Annals Plural Noun historical records

    254 Unanimity Noun complete agreement


    Magnitude Noun great size, extent, or importance256 Decimate Verb kill or destroy a large proportion of

    257 Decade Noun a period of ten years

    258 Ambivalent Adjective

    259 Dilemma Noun

    260 Trilogy Noun

    261 Monopoly Noun the exclusive possession or control

    262 Disintegrate Verb break up into small parts

    263 Integrity Noun

    264 Trivial Adjective of little value or importance

    265 Perennial Adjective occuring again and again

    266 Magnanimous Adjective generous or forgiving

    267 Monarchy Noun A state rule by king or queen or emperor268 Duplicity Noun deceitfulness, double dealings

    269 Verify Verb

    270 Creed Noun a system of religious belief; a faith

    271 Defiant Adjective open resistance; bold disobedience

    272 Fidelity Noun continuing loyalty to a person

    273 Destitute Adjective extremely poor

    The first time a message was Transmitted over a telegraph wasin 1840

    The peace agreement Relieved us of the Threat of an attack

    We were Baffled as to who murdered the wretched old man

    The Annals of antient times were lost

    Few political issues receive Unanimity of opinion

    It is difficult to imagine the Magnitude of the universeStarvation Decimated the ship's crew

    The last Decade will be remembered due to Suicide bombers

    having mixed feelings or opinions aboutsomething or someone

    He was Amibivalent about difficult but valuable course

    a situation in which a difficult choice has tobe made between two or more alternatives

    In a lot of moral Dilemmas I happily say " money isn'teverything "

    a group of three related novels, plays,

    films, etc

    I began to read this Trilogy in year 6, when my teacher

    recommended it to meSome states have a Monopoly on the sale of liquor

    The aspirin Disintigrated when we put it in the glass of water

    the quality of having strong moralprinciples

    A person ofIntegrity would never cheat on an examination

    It was a Trivial task for the experienced electrition to install thenew plug

    Traffic control is a Perennial problem in modern cities

    Sharon was Magnanimous toward her defeated tennis rival

    Morocco is MonarchyI was hurt by the Duplicity of the friend who cheated on me

    make sure or demonstrate that (something)is true, accurate, or justified

    People often use a dictionary to Verify a word's meaning

    The basic Creed is solvation of humanity

    Defiant people demonstrated against the military government

    The guiding principle is strict Fidelity to what Newton actuallywrote

    The Destitute mother could not afford to feed her two childern

  • 8/7/2019 Vocablary Sheet Assignment


    274 Nonchalant Adjective Carefree

    275 Deviation Noun To vary from path, course or norm


    277 Clich Noun an overuse expression

    278 Concur Verb agree

    279 Bravado Noun boldness intended to impress or intimidate

    280 Discord Noun/ Verb lack of agreement or harmony, Disagree

    281 Contemporary

    282 Compatible Adjective well matched

    283 Disreputable Adjective not respectable

    284 Gregarious Adjective fond of company; sociable

    285 Sparse Adjective thinly scattered or disributed, meager

    286 Collaborate Verb work jointly on an activity or project

    287 Synthesis Noun something made from combined parts

    288 Zenith Noun the highest point, pinnacle

    289 Congregate Verb gather into a crowd or mass

    290 Disparity Noun inequality, diffrence

    291 Charismatic

    292 Segregate Verb/ Noun to separate

    Maria's Nonchalant attitude toward paying bills ruined herredit rating

    My fatherDeviation from low-cholestrol diet endagered hishealth

    Tongue in cheek(Idiom)


    Without realy meaning something,Jokingly

    Mom made a Tongue-in-cheekthreat to force children who leftdirty clothes on the floor

    An example of a Clich often used in sports is "no pain nogain"

    The court of appeals Concurred with the decision of thedistrict court

    In a show ofBravado the teenager challenged the famousgunslinger to a shootout

    According to experts money is the most common cause ofDiscord in marriage


    Living , Occuring, A person lives another


    Thomas jefferson was a Contemporary of alexander hamilton

    My new printer was not Compatible with my old computer

    The student was so Disreputable that we thought he was abegger

    Since thelma was Gregarious she loved to talk to the clientswhile she styled their hair

    Golillas are now Sparse in africa

    Occasionally we Collaborate with researchers who are able tomake a contribution to our costs

    They may have helped protein Synthesis in a couple of keyways

    Then after passing Zenith, they made an astounding maneuver

    Children Congregated in schoolyard during the recess

    The survey also revealed a Disparity in the level of increase inearnings on the previous year


    Quality of leadership that attracts other, Aperson who claims divine inspiration

    He is so Charismatic; he has got such a great sense of humor

    In some religious traditions men are Segregated from women

    during prayer services

  • 8/7/2019 Vocablary Sheet Assignment


    293 Adroit Adjective clever or skilful

    294 Aficionado Noun follower, admirer, fan

    295 Altruistic Adjective unselfish, selfless

    296 Ascetic avoiding and giving up pleasures

    297 Capricious Adjective unpredictable

    298 Cosmopolitan having a world view, international

    299 Disdain Noun/ Verb to treat somebody unworthy

    300 Fraternal Adjective Friendly, Brotherhood

    301 Gullible Adjective easily cheated person

    302 Hypocritical Adjective

    303 Intrepid Adjective fearless or adventurous

    304 Venerable Adjective

    305 Affluent Adjective wealthy, prosperous

    306 Alien a foreigner, strange

    307 Amicable Adjective friendly, peaceful308 Astute Adjective having good judgement

    309 Candid Adjective honest in giving opinions

    310 Dogmatic Adjective arrogant in belief,

    311 Exuberant Adjective lively and cheerful

    312 Frugal Adjective Economica, attempting to save money

    313 Gauche Adjective unsophisticated and socially awkward

    The Adroit politician avoided answering several embarrasingquestions

    The football Aficionado watched two games every Sunday

    The Altruistic doctor willingly treated patients who could notafford to pay


    The Ascetic women lived alone in a room furnished with only a

    bedThe teenager's Capricious behavior was the first sign of herdrug addiction


    Los Angeles has a Cosmopolitan population

    If you Disdain a student infront of audionce he became defiant

    Yet these Fraternal delegates saw nothing, heard nothing,knew nothing

    Levels of knowledge were low and people said they feltGullible

    a person who say something and dosomething else

    Nobody liked him because of his Hypocritical nature

    You can't be an Intrepid adventure all the time!

    accorded great respect because of age,wisdom, or character

    And so I hold the stated position as it is, because it belongs tomen who are highly Venerable

    Affluent people can afford many vocations


    She was Alien to her kind nature

    The United states maintain Amicable relationship with Iceland

    People who take out these loans are not financially Astute

    My mother's Candid opinion of my new dress hurt my feelings

    Workers found it hard to suggest new ideas to theirDogmaticboss

    Fans applauded the Exuberant cheerleaders

    The Frugal homemaker carefully shopped for low-cost food

    Our cousin was so Gauche that he licked his fingers at a formaldinner

  • 8/7/2019 Vocablary Sheet Assignment


    314 Novice Noun Beginer, a new situation

    315 Renegade outlaw, rule breaker, Bocome a renegade

    316 Stoic numb, emotionless

    317 Consumer Noun a buyer

    318 Supplant Verb to change to replace

    319 Defer Verb put off to a later time; postpone

    320 Epitomize Verb historical sign, symbol

    321 Reactionary repeal, envy, A reactionary person

    322 Chaos Noun complete disorder and confusion

    323 Apprehend Verb arrest (someone) for a crime

    324 Catastrophe Noun an event causing great damage or suffering

    325 Radical favouring great change

    326 Liberal equal, a person of liberal views

    327 Corroborate Verb to confirm

    328 Accord Verb/ Noun

    329 Ludicrous Adjective rediculous, foolish

    330 Entrepreneurial Adjective a person who orginize a business

    331 Thrive Verb to prosper, flourish

    332 Intervention Noun to interfare

    Novice programmers are often baffled by the type errormessages


    The army offered a reward for the capture of the Renegade


    The Stioc child remained still and silent during the painfulmedical treatment

    Shop owner try to please Consummers

    In the future electric lights have Supplanted oil lamps andcandlelight

    The application was subsequently Deferred due to a lack oftime

    He Epitomizes everything that a spiritual leader should be


    In their nationalism they encompass virtually all Reactionaryideology

    A power failure left the city in Chaos

    The police Apprehended the escaped convicts

    The ten year civil war a Catastrophe for the economy of thesmall country


    China went through a Redical social revolution during the1950s and 1960s


    The bedrock value on which classical Liberals ought to rest isfreedom

    Five evewitnesses Corroborated the police report

    give or grant someone, agreement,harmony

    We are in Accord with your proposal to increase money foreducation

    There is nothing shocking in this slightly Ludicrous event

    My friend was Entrepreneurial he started his busniess from afrom a level

    Many atheletes Thrive on competition

    Belgium also wanted to make all subsequent Interventions onbehalf of the Fifteen