vocab ap sem 2

AP English Vocabulary: Semester 2 O’Connor The following 36 words are literary terms defined in the glossary of  Adventures in E nglish   Literature . 1. allegory 2. alliteration 3. antithesis 4. apostrophe 5. aside 6. assonance 7. blank verse 8. caesura 9. comedy 10. consonance 11. couplet 12. diction 13. dramatic monologue 14. elegy 15. epic 16. hyperbole 17. iambic pentameter 18. irony 19. metaphor 20. neoclassicism 21. octave 22. ode 23. paradox 24. pastoral 25. personification 26. rhyme 27. romanticism 28. satire 29. scansion 30. soliloquy 31. sonnet 32. symbol 33. terza rima 34. tone 35. tragedy 36. villanelle Pride and Prejudice : these 40 words appear in the text on the pages indicated.  37. affectation, p.1 5: false impre ssion to appear of higher s tanding; striv ing after artificial appearance and manners. 38. ostentati on, p. 15: showing off, vain-glorio us display. 39. ductility, P. 16: easily molded or influenced.

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AP English Vocabulary: Semester 2O’Connor 

The following 36 words are literary terms defined in the glossary of  Adventures in English  Literature.

1. allegory2. alliteration3. antithesis4. apostrophe5. aside6. assonance7. blank verse8. caesura9. comedy10. consonance11. couplet

12. diction13. dramatic monologue14. elegy15. epic16. hyperbole17. iambic pentameter 18. irony19. metaphor 20. neoclassicism21. octave22. ode

23. paradox24. pastoral25. personification26. rhyme27. romanticism28. satire29. scansion30. soliloquy31. sonnet32. symbol33. terza rima34. tone35. tragedy36. villanelle

Pride and Prejudice: these 40 words appear in the text on the pages indicated. 37. affectation, p.15: false impression to appear of higher standing; striving after artificial appearance and manners.38. ostentation, p. 15: showing off, vain-glorious display.39. ductility, P. 16: easily molded or influenced.

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40. mortify, p. 19: humiliate, shock and embarrass.41. self-complacency, p. 19: satisfaction with oneself.42. superciliousness, p. 19: haughty, proud indifference, snubbing or looking down onothers.43. impertinent, p. 20: saucy, rude, impudent, insolent.44. pedantic, p. 23: focused on trivial details of learning, making a parade of one'slearning to impress.45. complaisance, p. 24: willing compliance, cheerfully obliging.46. arch (adj.) p. 24: cunning, sly, roguish, mischievous.47. insipid, p. 25: without flavor, dull, tasteless, not interesting.48. stricture , p. 25: adverse criticism, censure.49. intrepid , p. 25: not alarmed, bold, fearless, dauntless.50. composure, p. 25: calmness, tranquillity, self-possession.51. entailed, p. 25: in law, to limit the inheritance ofproperty to a specific line of heirsin such a way that it can never be transferred.52. default, p. 25: failure to do something when required.53. prognostics, p. 28: omen, forecast, prediction.

54. indolent, p. 31: disliking and avoiding work: lazy.55. decorum , p. 32: propriety and good taste in behavior.56. approbation, p. 45: approval.57. implacable, p. 51: relentless, not to be appeased, inexorable.58. laconic, p. 53: expressing much in a few words; pithy, concise.59. rail (v.), p. 54: to use bitter and abusive language.60. iniquitous, p.54: wicked, unjust.61. patronage, p. 55: support, favor, encouragement, given by a sponsor.62. pompous, p. 56: exaggerated stateliness, pretentious self-importance.63. servility, p. 56: cringing humility, humble, yielding or submissive like a slave.64. precipitate, p. 57: done very rashly and hastily, impetuous, headstrong; to throw

headlong, cause to happen before expected.65. asperity, p. 57: harshness or sharpness of temper.66. propitious, p. 52: favorably inclined or disposed; auspicious.67. discretion, p. 58: having a judicious reserve in speech and behavior.68. disinterested, p. 61: impartial.69. candor, p. 176: frankness, sincerity, straightforwardness.70. obeisance, p. 178: a gesture, as a bow, expressing respectand deference.71. upbraid, p. 180: to reprove sharply; to scold, chide vehemently.72. volatility, p. 195: evaporating readily; changeable.73. volubility, p. 196: garrulous; effusion of ready, fluent speech.74. reprehensible, p. 200: deserving of rebuke or censure; blameworthy75. querulous, p. 201: complaining, fretting.76. diffidence, p. 220: a modest or timid nature; bashfulness.

The following words can be used about the characters in Pride and Prejudice.Elizabeth77. offended: feeling resentment and vexation because of a violation of what is proper or fitting. Synonym: insulted.78. affronted: treated with insolence and contempt, especially to one’s face.

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79. abused: injured by maltreatment; assailed by contemptuous, insulting words.Synonym: reviled, mistreated.80. distraught: anxious, harried, crazed. Synonym: agitated.81. unruffled: calm, not agitated. Synonym: serene, composed, imperturbable, cool.82. forward: impudent, bold, fresh. Synonym: shameless, offensive.Darcy83. entitlement: feeling that one has proper grounds for claiming something.84. self -exculpation: to clear oneself from allege fault or blame.85. dispassionate: unaffected by emotion or bias; impartial, calm. Synonym: objective,equitable.86. judicious: exhibiting sound reasoning based on good sense. Synonym: sensible.87. ambivalent: having mutually conflicting feelings or thoughts, such as love and hatetogether, about some person, object or idea.Jane88. assuaging: making less severe or burdensome. Synonym: alleviating.Mrs. Bennet89. reiteration: saying or doing over again or repeatedly, sometimes with wearying

effect.90. loquacious: very talkative. Synonym: voluble, glib.91. incoherent: unable to think or express one’s thought in a clear or orderly manner,inharmonious. Synonym: disordered.Caroline Bingley92. disingenuous: not straightforward, crafty. Synonym: scheming.93. instigator: one who stirs up, foments, and goads trouble. Synonym: provocateur.94. covert: concealed, hidden. Synonym: clandestine, surreptitious, furtive.Mr. Collins95. affirmative: positively declaring something as valid or confirmed. Synonym:assertion, avowal.

96. subservience: obsequious servility: in a subordinate place or function. Synonym:submissiveness, truckling.97. bombastic: pompous, extravagant inflation of style in speech or writing. Synonym:grandiloquent.98. obsequious: full of servile compliance, easily controlled. Synonym: fawning.99. expatiate: to speak or write at length on a subject. Synonym: dilate.100. valiant: boldness and courage. Synonym: stouthearted.101. presumptuous: excessively confident: Synonym: arrogant.Mr. Wickham102. beguiling: deluding, cheating, diverting, by cunning and craft. Synonym: betraying,duping.103. duplicitous: deliberately deceptive in behavior or speech. Synonym: double-dealing.104. opportunistic: taking advantage of any opportunity to achieve a self-interested end,usually with little or no regard for moral principles. Synonym: manipulative.105. defamation: uttering malicious statements injurious to the reputation or well-beingof a person; slander or libel. Synonym: calumny.106. divulge: to disclose a secret. Synonym: impart.107. aggrieved: distressed, offended, treated wrongly. Synonym: afflicted.

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108. specious: seemingly fair, attractive, sound or true, but actually not so. Synonym:deceptive.Lydia109. pragmatic: dealing with actual occurrences, active rather than contemplative,concerned with practical outcomes.110. gullible: easily deceived or duped. Synonym: credulous.111. provocative: inciting, stimulating. Synonym: arousing.Lady Catherine112. indignation: anger aroused by something felt to be unjust, unworthy, or mean.Synonym: wrath.113. arrogance: exaggerated sense of one’s own worth or importance with anoverbearing manner. Synonym: hauteur.114. peremptory: not admitting denial, expressing command, offensively self-assured.Synonym: imperious, imperative, dictatorial.115. contumely: rudeness or contempt in behavior or speech. Synonym: insolence.116. embittered: made resentful and hostile. Synonym: rancorous.

The following 20 words can be used about the poetry by John Donne.“A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”117. assertive: confident, positive expression on one’s position and ideas.118. argumentative: given to, seeking to engage in, disputations to demonstrate the truthor falsehood of something.119. imploring: appealing to and pleading for urgently. Synonym: beseeching.120. confident: having assurance or certainty, as of success. Synonym: self- assured.“Holy Sonnet 4”121. resonant: a quality of intense, prolonged sound122. resounding: making a loud, long full sound. Synonym: reverberating.123. rhetorical: concerned primarily with style and effect; showy, elaborate.

124. imperious: regal, domineering, overbearing, urgent, pressing. Synonym: dictatorial.125. humble: aware of one’s shortcomings; modest, showing deferential respect.Synonym: unpretentious.126. penitent:: humbled by guilt and repentant for one’s sins. Synonym: contrite.127. beseeching: urgently and earnestly requesting. Synonym: imploring.“Holy Sonnet 6”128. contemptuous: treating with reproachful disdain, as for something vile or dishonorable. Synonym: scornful.129. mocking: treating with scorn or contempt. Synonym: ridicule.130. defiant: resolutely resisting an opposing force or authority. Synonym: challenging.131. serene: unruffled, dignified. Synonym: tranquil.“Holy Sonnet 10”132. paradoxical: a situation seemingly contradictory but containing a deeper truth.133. yearning: filled with strong, deep longing.“Meditation 17”134. speculative: contemplative consideration of some subject, conjectural in naturerather than pragmatic or positive.135. empathic: having intimate understanding so that one has a conscious involvement,akin to vicarious identification, in the thoughts, feeling, and motives of another.Synonym: pity, compassion, sympathy.

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136. representative: a person or thing serving as an example or type for others of the sameclassification; a typical instance.

The following 13 words are taken from the text of A Portrait of the Artist As AYoung Man

137. heresy 79: an opinion or doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs,especially dissention from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed believer or  baptized church member.138. contrition 135: repentance for sin with a sincere desire to amend.139. litany 135: a liturgical prayer consisting of phrases recited by a leader alternatingwith responses by the congregation; any repetitive or incantatory recital.140. appease 208: to placate, relieve, bring peace to. Synonym: soothe.141. synthesis 213: the combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherentwhole.142. tenuous 224: weak, unsubstantial, thin, of little significance. Synonym: flimsy.143. augur 225: a religious official in ancient Rome who foretold events by observing andinterpreting signs and omens, Synonym: seer, prophet.

144. kinetic 205: having to do with motion.145. stasis 213: a condition of balance among various forces: Synonym: motionlessness.146. aesthetic 213: pertaining to the sense of the beautiful; a doctrine whereby artists areheld to be free of any obligation or responsibility other than that of striving for beauty.147. lambent 232: flickering lightly and gently over a surface; flitting over subjects witheffortless brilliance. Synonym: luminous.148. artificer 253: an inventor, adept at designing and constructing; a skilled craftsmanand maker.149. conscience 253: in context, means 1) consciousness or awareness of one’s ownsituation, existence, sensations, and thoughts, and 2)awareness of the distinction betweenright and wrong in regard to one’s own conduct and conformity to one’s sense of right


The following 44 words are words that can be applied to the tone and experience of 

the characters in Portrait.Section 1: Stephen:150. intimidated: discouraged or inhibited as if by threats. Synonym: menaced.151.detached: free from emotional, intellectual, social or other involvement. Synonym:disinterested.152. anxious: worried, strained, uneasy about some uncertain event or matter. Synonym:apprehensive.153. avoidance: staying clear of, keeping away from. Synonym: shunning.154. reflective. Careful consideration; concentration of the mind. Synonym:introspective.155. prestigious: prominent, influential status achieved through success, renown, or wealth.156. euphemistic: substituting inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit.Mr. Casey:157. sarcastic: sharply mocking and contemptuous. Synonym: sardonic.158. propitiate: to soothe, appease. Synonym: conciliate.

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Dante159. irreconcilable: unable to be settled or resolved, as a dispute, or reestablished, as afriendship.160. blasphemy: any contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God.161. insolent: presumptuous and insulting in manner of speech. Synonym: arrogant.162. belligerent: marked by hostile or aggressive behavior. Synonym: pugnacious,contentious.The Caning Incident163. tentative: uncertain. Synonym: provisional164. excoriating: strongly blaming, criticizing, censuring, severely denouncing.Synonym: upbraiding.165. indecisive: hesitant, not definite. Synonym: vacillating.166. integrity: adherence to a strong moral code of behavior; steadfast to truth, purpose,responsibility and trust. Synonym: probity.Section2167. constrained: compelled by physical, moral or circumstantial force; forced, unnatural,confined. Synonym: restrained.

168. distinguished: eminent and recognized; dignified. Synonym: renowned.169. inebriated: exhilarated or stupefied with alcohol. Synonym: intoxicated.170. congenial: having the same tastes, habits, or temperament, agreeable. Synonym:sympathetic.171. salacious: morbidly stimulating to lust. Synonym: lecherous, bawdy.172. provocative: inciting, stimulating. Synonym: arousing.173. obsessed: harassed or beset as by an evil spirit. Synonym: haunted.Section 3174. implacable: incapable of being soothed, appeased, altered, or turned aside.Synonym: inexorable.175. stunned: dazed or rendered senseless, as by a physical or emotional blow. Synonym:

stupefied.Section 4176. vigilance: on the alert; acutely perceptive. Synonym: watchful.177. persevering: holding to an arduous course of action, belief or purpose without givingway. Synonym: steadfast.178. stoical: seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pain (or joy, grief, or pleasure).Synonym: impassive.179. demurring: expressing tentative opposition or expression of doubt that may delayultimate decision.180. ardent: strong enthusiasm and devotion; glowing desire. Synonym: zealous.181.. ecstatic: feeling exalted, intense joy. Synonym: euphoric.182. decorous: conforming to proper social behavior. Synonym: courteous.183. reserved: keeping one’s feelings, thoughts, or affairs to oneself: self-restrained.Synonym: reticenceSection 5184. rebuffing: bluntly or abruptly repulsing or refusing. Synonym: snubbing.185. agitated: upset, disturbed. Synonym: perturbed186. obdurate: hardened against good or moral influence; stubbornly impenitent.Synonym: intractable.187. enigmatic: obscure, puzzling, ambiguous. Synonym: inexplicable.

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188. filial: conscious of one’s obligations as and befitting a son or daughter.189. cynical: scornful of the motives or virtue of others; bitterly mocking. Synonym:sneering.190. curt: terse, concise, or rudely brief or abrupt. Synonym: blunt.191. inchoate: just beginning, immature, imperfect. Synonym: incipient.192. articulate: speaking in clear, expressive language.193. poised: stable, balanced, composed. Synonym: assured.

The following 7 words come from poetry in Adventures in English Literature. Thewords can be found on the pages indicated.194. 238 profanation: debasement, violation of that which is holy195. 238 sublunary: beneath the sphere of the moon, and therefore subject toconstant change and imperfection.196 240 agues: fevers, with chills or shivering.197.. 241 enthrall: to hold spellbound, charm: or to enslave.198. 241 viceroy: deputy.199. 246 imp: in falconry, the grafting of feathers onto a falcon's damaged wing to

help it fly.200. 247 the palm, the oak, or bays: crowns of victory for athletes, statesmen, and poets, respectively.