visual c++/net. Классика программирования. Степаненко О.Е

Visual C++.NET Классика программирования Под ред. О. Е. Степаненко Москва «Научная книга» • Киев «Букинист» 2010

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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Visual C++.NET

. . .


32.973-01 681.3.06


. . 79 Visual C++.NET. .: - : , .; -

, 2010. 768 .

ISBN 978-5-9315-0003-5

Visual C++.NET. , - , , . ++, - . ++ . , - , , Internet.


Visual C++.NET

25.01.2010. 70 00 1/16. . 500 . . . . 48. 2-1458

"" .

ISBN 978-5-9315-0003-5 (.) " ", 2010

1 0


.NET. Visual Studio.NET Visual Studio.NET /1



1. VISUAL C++.NET 14

MICROSOFT VISUAL S T U D I O . N E T 14 Visual Studio.NET. 15

VISUAL S T U D I O . N E T 16 16


17 19

Solution Explorer Class View 23 23

: 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 7

II. ++ 28

3. ++ 29

C + + 2 9 + + 3 3

33 34 36 : 37 38 39 43 48 new delete 49

5 2


4. ++ 54

5 4 5 5 5 7 6 0

60 66 67

- 6 7 6 9

THIS 7 1

7 2

7 4

5. - ++ 76

- ( ) 7 6

78 79


Class View 82 8 3

86 87

8 9

6. , 90

9 0 - 92 95 96

9 9 100 102 107


7. ++ 109

109 112

112 114 116


8. 119


Catch- 123

4 Visual ++.NET.

? 124 126

WIN32-HCKJ1I04EI1 128 1 3 2

. .... 134

9. 135

135 136

136 138 141

142 155

155 Ini tlnstance 157


10. 162

162 163 164 164 ScratchBook /72 ScratchBook /75 ScratchBook /76

187 My Scribe - 188 MyScribe 191


11. 203

2 0 3 2 0 7

Remove All 208 Undo 209

2 1 0 SCRATCHBOOK 211 2 2 4

12. - 226

- SCRATCHBOOK 2 2 6 File 226 227 ScratchBook 232

- MYSCRIBE 2 4 5


246 246 MyScribe 247 - 258

2 5 9

13. 260

2 6 0 260 262

2 6 6 2 6 7 SCRATCHBOOK 2 7 2 2 8 8

14. 290

SCRATCHBOOK 2 9 0 291 292 293 300


15. 322

3 2 2 FontView 323 Text Properties 323 329 331 MFC- 331 Text Properties 334 ! 339 FontView 344

3 6 0 361

Tab View 365 3 8 0 381

16. 382

DIALOGVIEW 3 8 2 DialogView 382 383 DialogView 387

FORMVIEW 3 9 3 FormView 394

6 Visual ++.NET.

FormView.... 399 4 1 0

17. 411

4 1 1 MYSCRIBE 4 1 2

412 4 1 5 MYSCRIBE 416 4 2 8

18. / 430

4 3 0 431 Font 435 445 Ini tlnstance 447

447 WM_KEYDOWN. 447 WM_CHAR 452

4 5 3 FONTINFO 4 5 5 4 7 3

19. 475

4 7 5 4 7 6 4 8 2 4 8 5

485 FractalView 490 501

SCRATCHBOOK 5 0 8 512 ScratchBook 526

5 5 6

20. 557

5 5 7 558 559 561

5 6 3 Pa t11 564 Bi tBl t 565 StretchBl t 568

5 6 9



ChessBoard. 573 5 8 3

21. 585

5 8 5

5 8 8

559 590 OnDraw 594


6 2 6

22. 628

6 2 8 630 630 MFC- 632

6 3 2

634 IMPFRACTAL 6 3 7

ImpFractal 641 6 5 2

23. 654

6 5 4 } 6 5 7 6 5 9 6 6 0 6 6 1

662 663 671 675

6 7 6

24. - VISUAL ++ 678

, 6 7 8 - EXPSERVER 6 8 0

- 681 - 685 ExpServer 690


710 713 ExpContainer 713 ExpContainer 715

: 7 3 3

8 Visual ++.NET.


ACTIVEX- 7 3 4

735 ActiveX. 737 ActiveX. 740 ActiveX 740 ActiveX- 740 ActiveXControl 741

- ACTIVEX- 7 4 9 ActiveXContainer 750

7 5 5



, Visual ++ -

, -. ' , . Visual ++ .NET, Visual Studio.NET, - . ( - ), ActiveX Internet, , .

- Visual ++ - , . , . , - . - . - , Visual ++, , , , .

Visual Studio.NET

.NET Microsoft.NET - , , ,

, Internet, Web- Web- (Web-). Web- Web- ( Internet-), Web- - ( XML SOAP).

.NET- MSIL (Microsoft Intennediate Language) .NET Framework, CLR (Common Language Runtime) .NET Wramework Class Library. CLR pea- " " MSIL , , - , . .NET Framework , .NET-. Windows Form ( ), Web Forms (- Web- Web- ASP.NET), XML Iritemet- (FTP, HTTP, SMTP, SOAP), ADO.NET ( -) . .NET Framework , (assembly), /+ CLR COM Interop, - .NET .NET- . .NET Windows, .N- . , Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

.NET Framework , Microsoft (www. m i c r o s o f t . com/ n e t / d o w n l o a d s . asp).


10 Visual ++.NET.

Visual Studio.NET , Visual Studio.NET ,

. , ,

Web-, Visual C++.NET - ATL Server Library Managed Extension. , Web- . , Visual Studio.NET .

- , - Visual Studio 6 , Microsoft , . Visual Studio .NET 20 , , .

, - , .

. , , .

Internet, Visual Studio.NET - Microsoft, , - .

Visual Studio.NET Visual Studio.NET - Professional, Enterprise Developer Enterprise

Architect. Enterprise- , - .NET Enterprise Servers (Developer - , a Architect - ). Visual Studio.NET Enterprise Architect - - 5 CD.

Visual Studio 5/6 Visual Studio.NET , Visual Studio.NET

, .. Internet-, , , , Visual Studio - . - , Visual Studio.NET . , , - Visual Studio.NET Visual Studio 5/6 , , , . Visual Studio.NET , Microsoft , Visual Studio , . -, ( & & ). , ( , .), , , - , , . .NET, ActiveX. , , Visual Studio, Windows- Visual Studio.NET , : - , , , -, . , , .NET. , Web- .NET-, -. , Web-. Visual Studio.NET. Web-


. , Web-, , . .

Visual Studio.NET, - . , Web- ATL Server Library Managed Extensions.

. Visual Studio.NET , . Visual ++ 6 Visual ++.NET - , Managed Extensions. , Visual C++.NET "" , .NET Framework . Visual C++.NET - . Microsoft Visual C++.NET "" . .NET - . Managed Extensions , , .NET-, MSIL. , - , .NET-, , , .

(. 1 2) Visual ++. .

Visual ++. - Developer Studio. Developer Studio , , .

(. 3 8) ++, ++. - MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes).

(. 9 25) - . - Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 . , Developer Studio - , , Application Wizard, . . III - Windows, , , , (multiple document interface - MDI), , -, OLE ( ). ActiveX - , Microsoft OLE.


Windows. , - . ++ . , , : " " ("The Programming Language") (Kemighan) (Ritchie) " " (": A Reference Manual") (Harbison) (Steele).

12 Visual ++.NET.


Visual ++.NET Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Visual C++.NET

Visual C++.NET

Microsoft Visual ++.NET Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Visual ++, . Visual -t-.NET Visual Studio.NET .NET Frameworks , .

Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Visual ++.NET ,

Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP ( Visual Sludio.NET).

: - 96 Windows 2000 Professional, 192 Windows 2000

Server ( 128 Professional, 256 Server); - Pentium II 400 ( Pentium III 650); ( ) - 500 , 2.5 ,


Visual Studio.NET 4- CD 1 DVD. 1. setup.exe -

. 2. -

. -Windows Component Update. Windows , Visual Studio.NET. -, .

3. , .

4. ( ) , . , , , ( , Automatically Log On).

5. - Visual Studio.NET. ,

14 I. Microsoft Visual ++.NET

, . () Continue. , /, Visual Studio.NET. - . Visual Studio.NET. - .

f ig Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 7.0 Professional Setup - Options Page

Microsoft* VisualStudio.NET

Select i tems to install

B0 Visual Studio.NET Professional Edition 1:1 H \ i j language Tools

0 *}Visual Baric.NET X Visual C++.NET

Vif-ual C#.NET Lil-'Htfej-NnT Frumrwork SDK i:i) 0 ! J Crystal Report* for Visual Sludio.NET Tools for Redistributing Apps 0 j Server Components H v ^ M S D N Documentation

. - 0 ^ Visual Basic documentation ; X Visual C# Documentation . V i s u a l ++ Documentation i 0>;^.NET Frsmei/Wi'l Documentation ! Platform 5DK Documentation ^ 0 ^ Additional M5DN Documentation ; V i s u a l Studio Tods Documentation

Visual Studio Documentation

Rf f t to i - De fau l t

Unleash the power of .NET

Feature properties

l ^ u a l S t i i d i c m e t i

Narrirt | Visual Studio.NET Pi of;.ion.i! Fdition

* || D:'iiUseis\mol)iavko\vs.nel\ | 5 Pequii xl I fill .97 MR

Feature description Installs sriterpr

out of tools that help you de si soluMons. d


Space allocation


S h o w / H i d e thr ives

Used Space (. . "stdafx.h" ! include "iostream.h"

-har name[16];

voici main() I

cout Name = "hello"; // PNode->Value = 1; PNode->Next = 0;

, 0. , .

PNode = new Node; if (PNode = 0)

// ... else

// PNode ... . 8. , new,

d e l e t e , . , , , :

delete PChar; delete Pint; delete PDouble; delete PNode;

, d e l e t e . 0 d e l e t e ( 0 ).

50 II. ++

, -, new. . , , . , new, delete. new delete , . malloc, . malloc, new - . . 4, - new , (.. , ). delete ( ). new delete , . . 6. new delete .

new : (.. );

( "[]"). : , , .


void Func (int Size) { char *String = new char [25]; int *ArrayInt = new int [Size]; double *ArrayDouble; ArrayDouble = new double [32];

I I . . . }

, new . , delete "[]", , , . , , , -:

delete [] String; delete [] Arraylnt; delete [] ArrayDouble;

new , - 0. new - (, c h a r ) :

char *PChar = new char ('a'); // char 'a' int *PInt = new int (3); // int 3

(, ) . NodeA , new .

// 25 // 'Size'

// 32 //

3. ++ 4 * 51

struct Node { char *String; int Value; Node *Next; } ;

void Func () { Node NodeA = {"hello", 1, 0);

Node *PNode = new Node (NodeA); }

new . , new. (. 4) ( ) , , new .


, ++, :

++ ++ ( ), , ++, , , ++ . ++. , , , , ++. ++.

- ++ "//".

++ , . .

. , - , "::" .

Mine-. , i n l i n e , - ( ) .

. . , .

-. & , . , .

-. , c o n s t . c o n s t ,

52 II. ++

" ". , c o n s t , , . . , . , , . , , .

. , ++ new d e l e t e . , ++. .

3. ++ 53





++. , ++. , - , , (, , ). , (, ; , ; , ; , ). . - .

++ ,

, --, . ++ . -. , , , :

struct Rectangle { int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

} ;

. Line - - , , -, , . - in .

void DrawRectangle (struct Rectangle *Rect) { Line (Rect->Left, Rect.->Top, Rect->Right, Rect->Top) ;

54 II. ++

Line (Rect->Right, Rect->Top, Rect->Right, Rect->Bottom); Line (Rect->Right, Rect->Bottom, Rect->Left, Rect->Bottom); Line (Rect->Left, Rect->Bottom, Rect->Left, Rect->Top);


, Rectangle, DrawRectangle.

struct Rectangle Rect = (25, 25, 100, 100); DrawRectangle (ScRect) ;

, ++ , , . ++ - :

class CRectangle { int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

void Draw (void) { Line (Left, Top, Right, Top); Line (Right, Top, Right, Bottom); Line (Right, Bottom, Left, Bottom); Line (Left, Bottom, Left, Top); }

} ;

, - ( ). , , - . - - Left, , Right Bottom, - - Draw. : - , , .


, .

struct Rectangle { int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

} ;

, ,

struct Rectangle Rect; , CRec t ang l e , , .

, . , -

4. ++ 55

CRectangle Rect; & CRectangle,

( - ). . Rect CRectangle . , , (, , - ). , , .

, , ++ new. , , .

CRectangle *PRect = new CRectangle; , d e l e t e

( . 3).

delete *PRect; c l a s s . ++

, , . .

- - . , . Rectangle , , - , (jmvate) ( , ). , - . , Draw - Top, Left, Right Bottom, Draw - - . * , main, - - Draw . , - public, ( ), ( , ). , Rectangle . , ( , ).

class CRectangle { public:

int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

void Draw (void) { Line (Left, Top, Right, Top); Line (Right, Top, Right, Bottom); Line (Right, Bottom, Left, Bottom); Line (Left, Bottom, Left, Top); }

} ;

56 II. ++

CRectangle , ".",

CRectangle Rect; // CRectangle

Rect.Left = 5; Rect.Top = 10; Rect.Right = 100; Rect.Bottom = 150;

// - //

Rect.Draw (); // , new,

- . :

CRectangle *PRect = new CRectangle;

PRect->Left = 5; PRect->Top = 10; PRect->Right = 100; PRect->Bottom = 150;

PRect->Draw ();

, , ( ). Rectangle , -. CRectangle - , - ( Draw), - (Left, Top, Right Bottom), .

class CRectangle { private:

void Draw (void) { Line (Left, Top, Right, Top); Line (Right, Top, Right, Bottom); Line (Right, Bottom, Left, Bottom); Line (Left, Bottom, Left, Top); }

- . private - , , . public, , private , ,

int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;


4. ++ 57

. , Left, Top, Right Bottom , Draw . : private , . private . ++ - protected. "" . 5.

, , Rectangle.

void main () { CRectangle Rect; Rect.Left = 5; Rect.Top = 10; Rect.Right = 100; Rect.Bottom = 150; Rect.Draw (); }

// CRectangle // : // // /'/ ( )

-, . - -, -. public Rectangle, .

int R, int ) void SetCoord (int L, int T, { L = min ( max (0,L) T = min ( max (0,T) R = min ( max (0,R) = min ( max (0,B) R = max (R,L); = max (, T) ;


25) 80)


Left = L; Top = T; Right = R; Bottom = B; }

: , , SetCoord , , - . max min ++. - Stdlib.h. CRectangle , :

void main () { I I . . . CRectangle Rect;

Rect.SetCoord (25,25,100,100);

Rec t.Draw ();

/ / . . . } ;

// // //

58 II. ++

-, . p u b l i c .

void GetCoord (int L, int T, int R, int B) { *L = Left; *T = Top; *R = Right; *B = Bottom; }

Rectangle, - SetCoord GetCoord. , - SetCoord GetCoord Rectangle ( ) , - .

#include class Rectangle { private:

int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

public: void Draw (void) {

Line (Left, Top, Right, Top); Line (Right, Top, Right, Bottom); Line (Right, Bottom, Left, Bottom); Line (Left, Bottom, Left, Top); } void GetCoord (int *L, int *T, int *R, int *B) { *L = Left; *T = Top; *R = Right; *B = Bottom; }

void SetCoord (int L, int T, int R, int B) { L = min ( max (0,L), 80); T - min ( max (0,T), 25); R = min ( max (0,R), 80); = min ( max (0,), 25); R = max (R,L); = (,T); Left = L; Top = T; Right = R; Bottom = B; }

} ;


4. ++ 59

, -, .

, . , , ( , -). : CRectangle . - :

private: int Left; int Top; int Width; int Height;

, SetCoord GetCoord , - , Rectangle. (, , - .)

- :




- - SetCoord. , -. . - , . , . , void ( ). ( ). , CRectangle , -:

class CRectangle { private:

int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

public: // :

60 II. ++

CRectangle (int L, int T, int R, int B) { SetCoord (L, T, R, B); }

// - ... };

- public. ( , protected, . 5.) , . CRectangle .

CRectangle Rect (25,25,100,100); , R e c t a n g l e -

( , ""). void main () { CRectangle Rect (25,25,100,100); //

// Rect.Draw (); // }

, new. new , new , , m a l l o c .

CRectangle *PRect = new CRectangle (25,25,100,100);


-, , . , CRectangle , - 0. , , , (. . 3 " ").

class CRectangle { private:

int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom; ,

public: CRectangle () { Left = Top = Right = Bottom = 0; }

// - ... } ;

4. ++ 61

, - . , , - - . , - , . ( ), , - .

CRectangle Rect; ,

. , , .

CRectangle Rect (); // , // CRectangle

- , , R e c t . . 6 , ( " ").

- ,

( , . 3). , - - . . ) . , C R e c t a n g l e , - .

class CRectangle { private:

int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

public: // : CRectangle () { Left = Top = Right - Bottom = 0; }

// : CRectangle (int L, irt T, int R, int 8) { SetCoord (L, T, R, B); }

// - };

C R e c t a n g l e .

62 II. ++

void main () { // : CRectangle Recti; // : CRectangle Rect2 (25, 25, 100, 100); I I . . . }

, . , , , // . -, (. ).

- - const

(. . 3). , const , , . :

class CTest { public:

int A; int B; CTest (int AVal, int BVal); { A = AVal; = BVal; }

} ; , -.


const CTest Test (1, 2); - const Test. =3; // : -

// const

const. , CRectangle. const CRectangle Rect (5, 5, 25, 25); ,

- GetCoord CRectangle -, const. - -, - const.

int L, , R, ; Rect.GetCoord (&L, &T, &R, &B); //

, -, . GetCoord const,

4. ++ 63

const. const GetCoord , . -. , .

class CRectangle { I I . . . void GetCoord (int WL6 int *T6 int *R, int *B) const { *L = Left; *T = Top; *R = Right; *B = Bottom; }

I I . . . } ;

GetCoord const CRectangle. const CRectangle Rec: (5, 5, 25, 25); int L, T, R, B; Rect.GetCoord (&L, &T, &R, &B); // : GetCoord

// const - Draw const, -

. , const -, , const. , const , CRectangle: : SetCoord.

- , ,

-. -, -, .

class { private:

int N = 0; // const int CInt = 5; // int ScRInt = N; //

// ... } ;

, - . , , CRectangle -, . , , , . , ++ , , , . . , - . . ,

64 II. ++

, , , - .

class { private:

int N; const int CInt; int ScRInt ; //

public: (int Parm) : N (Parm), CInt (5), Rlnt (N) { // ... }

I I . . . } ;

, N C I n t 5, - R l n t - N :

CObject (0); , , . .

. - - . , , , -. , CContainer - CEmbedded, - CContainer. - , - , (: ). , .

class CEmbedded { I I . . .

public: CEmbedded (int Parml, int Parm2) {

// . . . }

... } ; class CContainer { private:

CEmbedded Embedded; public:

CContainer (int PI, int P2, int P3) : Embedded (PI, P2) { // ... }

. . . } ;

4. ++ 5 _ 2-1458 65

, , (. . 5).

++ -, -

. - ( vo id) . . , CMessage, :

-CMessage () { // ... }

, . , (CMessage) , .


class CMessage { private:

char *Buffer; //

public: CMessage () { Buffer = new char ( '\0'); //

// }

-CMessage () // { delete [] Buffer; // }

void Display () { // Buffer ... }

void Set (char *String) // { delete [] Buffer; Buffer = new char [strlen (String) + 1] strcpy (Buffer, String); }

} ;

66 II. ++

, - .


(. . ). main ( WinMain , Windows), - .

(.. ). , , - , (.. ).

static . -, , - .

new . , - delete. , . , (CRectangle -

, ).

CRectangle RectTable [10]; .

CRectangle *RectTable = new CRectangle [10];

. , " (, ). - , . - , - .

. ( ), , (. . 6 " ").

. new, , . , delete "[ ]". "[ ]" , .

delete [] RectTable;

- - , , -

. - , .

class CRectangle { private:

4. ++ 5 _ 2-1458 67

int Left; int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

public: CRectangle (); CRectangle (int L, int T, int R, int B); void Draw (void); void GetCoord (int VL, int *T, int *R, int *B) ; void SetCoord (int L, int T, int R, int 8);

} ; - -

"::", . #include

CRectangle::CRectangle () { Left - Top = Right = Bottom = 0; }

CRectangle::CRectangle (int L, int T, int R, int B) { SetCoord (L,T,R,); }

void CRectangle::Draw (void) { Line (Left, Top, Right, Top); Line (Right, Top, Right, Bottom); Line (Right, Bottom, Left, Bottom) ; Line (Left, Bottcm, Left, Top); } ,

void CRectangle::GetCoord (int *L, int *T, int *R, int *B) { *L = Left; *T = Top; *R = Right; *B = Bottom; }

void CRectangle::SetCoord (int L, int T, int R, int B) { L = min ( max (0,L), 80) T = min ( max (0,T), 25) R = min ( max (0,R), 80) = min ( max (0,B), 25) R = max (R, L) ; = max (,T) ; Left = L; Top = T; Right = R; Bottom = B; }

, } , , . inline- (. - inline- . 3). ,

68 II. ++

, - . , CRrectangle GetCoord ( ) , Draw SetCoord (

) - . CRectangle - 4.1 4.2. , , , inline, . 3. , CRectangle: : GetCoord CRectangle, :

void inline GetCoord (int *L, int *T, int *R, int *B); :

void inline CRectangle::GetCoord (int *L, int *T, int *R, int *B) { *L = Left; *T = Top; *R = Right; *B = Bottom; }

-. ,

++, - ( .h). - , . , -. - . 3, .

-. -, -, , . (, . Visual ++). , " " (symbol redefinition).

4.1 4.2 CRectangle. CRectangle CRect.h ( ), -, , - CRect.cpp ( ). CRectangle , Line . CRect.h , CRectangle ( CRect.cpp!), CRect.cpp .

4.1 // CRect.h: CRectangle

class CRectangle { private:

int Left;

4. ++ 69

int Top; int Right; int Bottom;

public: CRectangle () {

Left = Top = Right = Bottom = 0; } CRectangle (int L, int T, int R, int B) {

SetCoord (L, T, R, B); } void Draw (void); void GetCoord (int *L, int *T, int *R, int *B)

{ *L = Left; *T = Top; *R = Right; *B = Bottom; }

void SetCoord (int L, irit: T, int R, int B) ; } ;

4.2 // CRect.cpp:

#include "crect.h" #include

void Line (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2); void CRectangle::Draw (void) {

Line (Left, Top, Right, Top); Line (Right, Top, Right, Bottom); Line (Right, Bottom, Left, Bottom); Line (Left, Bottom, Lef:, Top); }

void CRectangle::SetCoord (int L, int T, int R, int B) { L = min ( max (0,L), 80); T = min ( max (0,T), 25); R = min ( max (0,R), 80); = min ( max (0,B), 25); R = max (R,L); , = max (,T) ; Left = L; Top = T; Right = R; Bottom = B; }

70 II. ++

this - , ,

. , - . , , CTest N, N Testl, - *PTest2, :

CTest Testl; CTest *PTest2 = new CTest; I I . . . cout , .

, , - -, "::"

int N = 0; // N

class CTest

4. ++ 71

{ public:

int N; //- N

int Demo () { cout Draw();

, CRectangle Draw

CRectangle *PRect; CRectangle Rect; I I . . .

PRect = &Rect; PRect->Draw ( );

Draw CBlock. CRectangle *PRect; CBlock Block; // . . . PRect = &Block; PRect->Draw( );

, ( ) . , , ( ) . . (, .) , , . - - , .

- . - . , , . -

PRect->Draw( ); , . , PRect .

, . , , , . , ,

5. - ++ 85

(CRectangle, CBlock CRoundBlock), . CBlock CRoundBlock CRectangle, CRectangle:

const int MAXFIGS = ICO; CRectangle *PFigure [MAXFIGS]; int Count = 0; I I . . . II : PFigure [Count++] = now CBlock (10, 15, 25, 30, 5); // ... // : PFigure [Count++] = new CRectangle(5, 8, 19, 23); . . . II : PFigure [Count++] = new CRoundBlock(27, 33, 43, 56, 10, 5);

. Draw , - , Draw. , CRectangle , , . , RECT, BLOCK ROUNDBLOCK .

// : class CRectangle {

// ... public:

int: Type; // ; // , : // RECT, BLOCK, ROUNDBLOCK

} ,

Draw. , case switch (, ).

// ; : for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i) switch (PFigure [i]->Type) { case RECT: PFigure [i]->Drav(); break;

case BLOCK: ((CBlock *)PFigure [i])->Draw(); break;

case ROUNDBLOCK: ((CRoundBlock *)PFigure [i])->Draw(); break;


86 II. ++

, Draw , virtual CRectangle. - . . . , .

for (int i = 0; i < Count; ++i) PFigure [i]->Draw();

, , . , , , - , . ScratchBook, III , .

, . , , .

class CMessageBox { protected: char *Message; virtual void DrawBackground (int L, int T, int R, int B) ; //

public: CMessageBox() { Message = new char ( ' \0 ' ); }

-CMessageBox ( ) { delete [] Message; }

void Display ( ) { DrawBackground (0, 0, 35, 25); // ... }

void Set (char *Msg); } ;

- Set , Display . : Display , - DrawBackground . , . DrawBackground . , , . DrawBackground . , CMessageBox , DrawBackground, , -- CMessageBox. , CMessageBox

5. - ++ 87

CMyMessageBox. : DrawBackground , :

class CMyMessageBox: public CMessageBox { protected: virtual void DrawBackground (int L, int T, int R, int B) { // ... }

} ; .

CMyMessageBox MyMessageBox; MyMessageBox. Set ("hello") ; MyMessageBox.Display ();

DrawBackground , CMessageBox ( , , ) ( ). , MFC, , , MFC- .

, -

, . - , - ? : - this. , Display CMessageBox \*: :

class CMessageBox { // public: void Display ( ) { this->DrawBackground (0, 0, 35, 25); I I . . . }

// ... } ;

, DrawBackground , Display DrawBackground CMessageBox ( this CMessageBox). DrawBackground , DrawBackground . , Display CMyMessageBox, DrawBackground, CMyMessageBox.

88 II. ++

CMyMessageBox MyMessagBox; I I . . . MyMessageBox.Display ();

, ,

() . . . , ,

. , - . . - . (-) , .

. , .

. p r o t e c t e d , , .

( ) , . , .

. -. v i r t u a l , , , . - . . , ( ) . , , - .

5. - ++ 89



. (overloading) ++, . :

(copy constructor), ;

(conversion constructor), .

++ -

. , int , "+" double - . ++ . . , CCurrency, . CCurrency , .

class CCurrency { private:

long Dollars; int Cents;

public: CCurrency () {

Dollars = Cents = 0; } CCurrency (long Dol, int Cen) {

SetAmount (Dol, Cen); } void GetAmount (lone *PDol, int *PCen) {

*PDol = Dollars; *PCen = Cents; }

90 II. ++

void PrintAmount () { cout.fill('0'); cout.width (1); cout -> 0 [] new delete

, . , . , . , , . . , - .

// CCurrency: CCurrency operator- () // - ()

+ - * / *= /= %=

>= && II ++

6. , 95

{ return CCurrency (-Dollars, Cents); }

, , . , D o l l a r s . , -5,75$ -5 Dol l a r s +75 C e n t s .

// : CCurrency operator- (CCurrency &Curr) {

return CCurrency (-Zurr.Dollars, Curr.Cents); }

(,"++") . . .

MFC III . i o s t r e a m (, - ) .

, ++,

. - -. ,

CCurrency Money1 (12, 95); CCurrency Money2; Money2 =-- Moneyl;

Moneyl. Dollars Money2 . Dollars, a Moneyl. Cents - Money2 . Cents ( ). , .

CCurrency Money (85, 2 3); // Money.PrintAmount ; // Money = CCurrency (24, 65);//

// //

. . , CMessage:

# i n c l u d e < s t r i n g . h > # i n c l u d e < i o s t r e a m . h > class CMessage { private: char ^Buffer; //

public: CMessage()

96 II. ++

{ Buffer = new char('\0'); //

// Buffer }

-CMessage() { delete[]Buffer; // }

void Display() { cout ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();

return TRUE; }

// CAboutDlg , App About class CAboutDlg : public CDialog { public:



10. 13 2-1458 193

// enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };

protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV

// protected:


CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD) { }

void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);


BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAboutDlg, CDialog) END_ME S SAGE_MAP() // void CMyScribeApp::OnAppAbout() {

CAboutDlg aboutDlg; aboutDlg.DoModal();


// CMyScribeApp

10.11 // MyScribeDoc.h : CMyScribeDoc / /

ttpragma once class CMyScribeDoc : public CDocument { protected: //

CMyScribeDoc() ; DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMyScribeDoc)

// public: // public: //

public: virtual BOOL OnNewDocument(); virtual void Serialize (CArchiveSt ar) ;

194 III.

// public:

virtual -CMyScribeDoc() ; #ifdef _DEBUG

virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContextb dc) const;


protected: // protected:


10.12 // MyScribeDoc. : CMyScribeDoc / /

#include "stdafx.h" #include "MyScribe.h"

#include "MyScribeDoc.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; #endif

// CMyScribeDoc



// / CMyScribeDoc

CMyScribeDoc::CMyScribeDoc() { // TODO:


CMyScribeDoc::-CMyScribeDoc() { }

BOOL CMyScribeDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())

return FALSE;


10. 13 2-1458


// TODO: // (SDI- // )

return TRUE; }

// CMyScribeDoc

void CMyScribeDoc::Serialize(CArchiveb ar) { // CEditView , // ((CEditView*)m_viewList.GetHead())->SerializeRaw(ar);


// CMyScribeDoc

#ifdef _DEBUG void CMyScribeDoc : :.AssertValid () const {

CDocument::AssertValid(); }

void CMyScribeDoc ::Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CDocument::Dump(dc);

} #endif //_DEBUG

// CMyScribeDoc

10.13 // MyScribeView.h : CMyScribeView //

V ttpragma once

class CMyScribeView : public CEditView { protected: //

CMyScribeView(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMyScribeView)

// public:

CMyScribeDoc* GetDocument() const;

// ' public:

// public:

virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);

196 III.

protected: virtual BOOL OnPreparePrinting(CPrintlnfo* plnfo); virtual void OnBeginPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintlnfo* plnfo) virtual void OnEndPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintlnfo* plnfo);

// public:

virtual -CMyScribeView(); ttifdef _DEBUG

virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;



// protected:


#ifndef _DEBUG // MyScribeView. inline CMyScribeDoc* CMyScribeView::GetDocument() const

{ return (CMyScribeDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif

10.14 // MyScribeView. : CMyScribeView / /

ttinclude "stdafx.h" #include "MyScribe.h"

ttinclude "MyScribeDoc.h" #include "MyScribeView.h"

ttifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW ttundef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif

// CMyScribeView



CEditView::OnFilePrintPreview) END_MESSAGE_MAP()

// / CMyScribeView

10. 197

CMyScribeView::CMyScribeView() {

// TODO:


CMyScribeView::-CMyScribeView() { }

BOOL CMyScribeView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) {

// TODO: , // cs

BOOL bPreCreated = CEditView::PreCreateWindow(cs); cs . style c= - (ES_AUTOHSCROLL | WSJHSCROLL) ; //

return bPreCreated; }

// CMyScribeView

BOOL CMyScribeView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintlnfo* plnfo) {

// CEditView return CEditView::OnPreparePrinting(plnfo);


void CMyScribeView::OnBeginPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintlnfo* plnfo) {

// CEditView CEditView::OnBeginPrinting(pDC, plnfo);


void CMyScribeView::OnEndPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintlnfo* plnfo) {

// CEditView CEditView::OnEndPrinting(pDC, plnfo);


// CMyScribeView

#ifdef _DEBUG void CMyScribeView::As^ertValid() const {

CEditView::AssertValid(); }

void CMyScribeView: : Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const {

CEditView::Dump(dc); }

198 III.

CMyScribeDoc* CMyScribeView::GetDocument() const // ( ) {

ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyScribeDoc))); return (CMyScribeDoc*)m_pDocument;

} #endif //JDEBUG // CMyScribeView

10.15 // MainFrm.h : CMainFrame //

#pragma once class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd {

protected: // CMainFrame(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMainFrame)

// public:

// public: // public:

virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); // public:

virtual -CMainFrame(); #ifdef _DEBUG

virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const;

ttendif protected: //

CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar; CToolBar m_wndToolBar;

// protected:

afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()

} ;

10.16 // MainFrm.cpp : CMainFrame ttinclude "stdafx.h" ttinclude "MyScribe.h"

10. 199

ttinclude "MainFrm.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif

// CMainFrame





} ;

// / CMainFrame CMainFrame::CMainFrame() {

// TODO: }

CMainFrame::-CMainFrame() { }

int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)

return -1; if ( !m_wndToolBar. CreateEx (this , TBSTYLE_FLAT, WS_CHILD | WSJVISl'feLE


TRACEO("Failed to create toolbar\n"); return -1; //

// }

if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) || !m_wndStatusBar.Setlndicators(indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT)))

{ TRACEO("Failed to create status bar\n"); return -1; //


200 III.

// TODO: , , // m_wndToolBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); DockControlBar(&m_wndToolBar);

return 0; }

BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { if( !CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) )

return FALSE; // TODO: , // cs

return TRUE; }

// CMainFrame

#ifdef _DEBUG void CMainFrame::AssertValid() const {

CFrameWnd::AssertValid(); }

void CMainFrame :: Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CFrameWnd::Dump(dc);


#endif //_DEBUG

// CMainFrame


ScratchBook CView. , , . MyScribe CEditView, , .

MFC- . - , .

. . , , , WM_LBUTTONDOWN. , - Properties, WM_LBUTTONDOWN , . - , .

10. 201

PreCreateWindow , , CView, . CREATESTRUCT, PreCreateWindow .

Windows. Application Wizard (, , ). , .

202 III.



MFC ( ), : ; ; , .

, ( , ) , -. ScratchBook, , : , . , ,

. OnDraw ,

, . ScratchBook , .

, Edit Undo Remove . , . Undo , a Remove All - . - , , . 12.

Application Wizard . ScratchBook, . ScratchBook (. . 10), .


ScratchBook . . ScratchBookDoc.h CScratchBookDoc CLine. _1 m_Yl CLine , _2 m_Y2 - . CLine

11. 203

Draw . COb j ect ( -, ).

class CLine : public CObject { protected: int m_Xl, m_Yl, m_X2, m_Y2;

public: CLine (int XI, int Yl# int X2, int Y2) {

m _1 = XI; _Yl = Yl; _2 = 2;

m _Y2 = Y2; }

void Draw (CDC *PDC); >;

CScratchBookDoc , , . m_LineArray - MFC- CTypedPtrArray (. . 7.) CTypedPtrArray , , (CObArray CPtrArray). , . , m_LineArray , CI ine CObArray.

class CScratchBookDoc : public CDocument { protected: CTypedPtrArraycCOhArray, CLine*> m_LineArray;

public: void AddLine (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2); CLine *GetLine (int Index); int GetNumLines ();

protected: // CScratchBookDoc(); DECLARE_.DYNCREATE (CScratchBookDoc)

CObArray ( MFC). CObArray COb j ect ( , COb j ect) , . COb j ect - MFC-, . - CObArray ScratchBook CTypedPtrArray, - CLine. , . CTypedPtrArray ( MFC-) MFC Afxtempl.h. StdAfx.h (

204 III.

), ScratchBook. StdAfx.h . , , , , , . .

#include // MFC- Internet // Explorer 4 Common Controls

# i fnde f _AFX_NO_AFXCMN_SU P PORT #include // MFC- Windows

// Common Controls #endif // _AFX_NO_AFXCMN_SU PPORT #include

CLine, , ScratchBook m_LineArray. AddLine, GetLine GetNumLines , m_LineArray. m_LineArray , .

CLine: :Draw ScratchBookDoc.cpp. Draw CDC - MoveTo LineTo (. . 10), , . , AddLine, GetLine GetNumLines CScratchBookDoc.

// CScratchBookDoc

void CLine::Draw (CDC *PDC) { PDC->MoveTo (m_Xl, m_Yl); PDC->LineTo (mX2, m_Y2);

} void CScratchBookDoc::AddLine (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2) { CLine *PLine = new CLine (XI, Yl, X2, Y2); m_LineArray.Add (PLine);


CLine ^CScratchBookDoc::GetLine (int Index) { if (Index < 0 || Index > m_LineArray.GetUpperBound ())

return 0; return m_LineArray.GetAt (index);


int CScratchBookDoc::GetNumLines () { return m_LinaArray.GetSize ();


AddLine CLine Add , CLine, m_LineArray. , m_LineArray, . 0, - 1 .. GetLine , .

11. 205

. GetUpperBound CObArray , .. . GetLine GetAt CTypedPtrArray CLine.

- GetNumLines - CLine, m_LineArray. GetSize CObArray. AddLine, GetLine GetNumLines - (. ).

(. . 10), , OnLButtonUp , ScratchBookView.cpp, - . GetDocument AddLine, .

void CScratchBookView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: // if (m_Dragging) { m_Dragging = 0; ::ReleaseCapture (); ::ClipCursor (NULL); CClientDC ClientDC (this); ClientDC.SetROP2 (R2_NOT); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); ClientDC.LineTo (m_Point01d); ClientDC.SetROP2 (R2_COPYPEN); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); ClientDC.LineTo (point);

CScratchBookDoc* PDoc = GetDocument(); PDoc -> AddLine (m_PointOrigin.x,

m_PointOrigin.y, point.x, point.);


CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }

: , . , , .

, OnDraw . , , , . . 13 , OnDraw . OnDraw, Application Wizard, - . , , ScratchBookView.cpp CScratchBookView: :OnDraw. - CScratchBookDoc: : GetNumLines, , .

206 III.

CScratchBookDoc: : GetLine, CLine, CLine: : Draw.

// CScratchBookView

void CScratchBookView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CScratchBookDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);

/ / T O D O :

int Index = Doc->GetNumLines (); while (Index--) pDoc->GetLine (Index)->Draw(pDC);


. Edit, . Remove All Undo . Edit ScratchBook, Resource View . , , Menu IDR_MAINFRAME.

Properties. Caption &Edit. Edit. - . . - Edit , File View.

Edit ( ) , Properties . ID ID_EDIT_UNDO, Caption - &Undo\tCtrl+Z. Undo - Ctrl+Z, Application Wizard . , Undo Alt+Backspace, . Edit Undo. ^ Edit ( Undo) Properties Separator. Undo . - Edit, ID ID_EDIT_CLEAR_ALL, Caption - & Remove All. Remove All. Edit .

, Save All File Save All Standard. , (, ). .

11. 207

Remove All ,

Remove All: 1. Resource View, -

, Visual Studio Undo Remove All Edit ( ). 2. Class View. CScratchBookDoc


3. Properties. - Remove All COMMAND ( , - UPDATE_COMMAND_UI - ). , , , " " . 10.

4. . DeleteContents . UpdateAllViews CDocument -. (. . 13) UpdateAll Views .

void CScratchBookDoc::7633() { // TODO: DeleteContents (); UpdateAllViews (0) ;


5. UPDATE_COMMAND_UI, , Remove All ( Edit). , , . Remove All , , , . . 1 ...4 , UPDATE_COMMAND_UI. Visual Studio .

6. . CCmdUI. MFC-, . Enable CCmdUI. Remove All, . ( ) . , , .

void CScratchBookDoc::OnUpdate57633(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { //-TODO: pCmdUI->Enable (m_LineArray.GetSize );


, . Visual Studio. , , Resource View .

208 III.

CCmdUI , :

Enable. , Enable TRUE. FALSE .

virtual void Enable (BOOL bOn = TRUE); SetCheck. SetCheck 1,

, 0, . , - - (, ), , ( ).

virtual void SetCheck (int nCheck = 1); SetRadio. ( -

) (), TRUE SetRadio. FALSE . virtual void SetRadio (BOOL bOn = TRUE);

SetText. , SetText, IpszText ( ). , , SetText Undo Undo Delete.

virtual void SetText (LPCTSTR IpszText); UDAT_OMMAND_UI

, (. . 14). CCmdUI. .

Undo , ,

Undo. Remove All. , Visual Studio Undo. Visual Studio . - . Undo , . GetUpperBound CObArray. CLine CtypedPtr-Array: : GetAt, delete. , , - UpdateAllViews, CScratchBookView: : OnDraw. OnDraw , - .

void CScratchBookDoc::On57643() { // TODO: int Index = mLinaArray.GetUpperBound (); if (Index > -1) {

delete m_LineArray.GetAt (Index); m_IiineArray. RemoveAt (Index) ;

11. 1 4 - 2 - 1 4 5 8


} U&dateAllViews (0);


Undo , Remove . . Undo .

void CScratchBookDoc::OnUpdate57643(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { // TODO: pCmdUI->Enable (mJOineArray.GetSize ());


Undo Ctrl+Z. Ctrl+Z, Undo. OnUpdate , , , . OnUpdate , . , , , .

File New, OnFileNew CWinApp MFC

CDocument: :DeleteContents . ScratchBook . , - , -. MFC. DeleteContents, Class View. 1. View Class View. 2. Class View CScratchBookDoc

Properties. 3. Properties Events (). , ,

DeleteContents, ( ).

4. DeleteContents, Visual Studio ScratchBook-Doc.cpp, , . , - DeleteContents, CObArray GetSize, CLine, m_LineArray. CTypedPtrArray: : GetAt , delete CLine ( CLine new). , , m_LineArray, RemoveAll CObArray.

210 III.

void CScratchBookDoc::DeleteContents() { // TODO: // int Index = m_LineArray.GetSize (); while (Index)

delete m_LineArray.GetAt (Index); m_LineArray.RemoveAl1 (); CDocument::DeleteContents();


MFC DeleteContents ( ) OnDraw. OnDraw , . New .

ScratchBook (11.111.8)

ScratchBook, . , Application Wizard, , .

11.1 II ScratchBook.h : ScratchBook II ttpragma once

#ifndef AFXWIN_H terror include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH


ttinclude "reso

urce.h" //

// CScratchBookApp: // ScratchBook. II

class CScratchBookApp : public CWinApp { public:


// public:

virtual BOOL Initlnstance();

// afx_msg void OnAppAbout(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()

} ;

11. 14 * 211

11.2 // ScratchBook. : / /

#include "stdafx.h" ttinclude "ScratchBook.h" ttinclude "MainFrm.h"

ttinclude "ScratchBookDoc.h" ttinclude "ScratchBookView.h"

ttifdef _DEBUG ttdefine new DEBUG_NEW ttundef THIS_fILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif

// CScratchBookApp



// CScratchBookApp

CScratchBookApp::CScratchBookApp() {

// TODO: // // Initlnstance


// CScratchBookApp

CScratchBookApp theApp;

// CScratchBookApp

BOOL CScratchBookApp::Initlnstance() {


// . // - // // , // , // . // ,

212 III.

// TODO: - , // , SetRegistryKey(_("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications")); LoadStdProfileSettings(4); //

// INI- ( MRU) // . // , // CSingleDocTemplate* pDocTemplate; pDocTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate(


// SDI- RUNTIME_CLASS(CScratchBookView));

AddDocTemplate(pDocTemplate); // // , DDE, CCommandLinelnfo cmdlnfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdlnfo); // , . // FALSE, // /RegServer, /Register, /Unregserver /Unregister. if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdlnfo))

return FALSE; // m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();

return TRUE; }

// CAboutDlg , About

class CAboutDlg : public CDialog { public:


// enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };

protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV

// protected:


CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD) { }

11. 213

void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);



// void CScratchBookApp::OnAppAbout() {

CAboutDlg aboutDlg; aboutDlg. DoModal () ;


// CScratchBookApp

11.3 // ScratchBookDoc.h : CScratchBookDoc / /

#pragma once

class CLine : public CObject { protected:

int m_Xl, m_Yl, m_X2, m_Y2;

public: CLine (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2) {

m_Xl = XI; m_Yl = Yl; _2 = X2; m_Y2 = Y2; }

void Draw (CDC *PDC); } ;

class CScratchBookDoc : public CDocument { protected:

CTypedPtrArray m_LineArray;

public: void AddLine (int Xl, int Yl, int X2, int Y2); CLine *GetLine (int Index); int GetNumLines ();

protected: // CScratchBookDoc(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CScratchBookDoc)


214 III.


// public:

// public: virtual BOOL OnNewDocument(); virtual void Serialize (CArchive&c ar) ;

// public:

virtual -CScratchBookDoc(); #ifdef _DEBUG

virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;

#endif protected: // protected:


virtual void DeleteContents(); afx_msg void On57633(); afx_msg void OnUpdate57633(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void On57643(); afx_msg void OnUpdate57643(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);

} ;

11.4 // ScratchBookDoc.cpp : CScratchBookDoc / /

#include "stdafx.h" ttinclude "ScratchBook.h" #include "ScratchBookDoc.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif // CScratchBookDoc IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScratchBookDoc, CDocument) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScratchBookDoc, CDocument)

ON_COMMAND(57633, On57633) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(57633, OnUpdate57633) ON_COMMAND(57643, On57643) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(57643, OnUpdate57643)


11. 215

// / CScratchBookDoc

CScratchBookDoc::CScratchBookDoc() { // TODO:


CScratchBookDoc::-CScratchBookDoc() { }

BOOL CScratchBookDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())

return FALSE;

// TODO: // (SDI- // )

return TRUE; }

// CScratchBookDoc

void CScratchBookDoc:: Serialize (CArchiveSc ar) { if (ar.IsStoringO ) {

// TODO: } else {

// TODO: }


// CScratchBookDoc

#ifdef _DEBUG void CScratchBookDoc::AssertValid() const {

CDocument::AssertValid() ; }

void CScratchBookDoc ::Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CDocument::Dump(dc);


#endif //_DEBUG

// CScratchBookDoc

void CLine::Praw (CDC *PDC)

216 III.

{ PDC->MoveTo (m_Xl, m_Yl); PDC->LineTo (m_X2, m_Y2);


void CScratchBookDoc::AddLine (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2) { CLine *PLine = new CLine (XI, Yl, X2, Y2); m_LineArray.Add (PLine);


CLine *CScratchBookDoc::GetLine (int Index) { if (Index < 0 C| Index > m_LineArray.GetUpperBound ())

return 0; return m_LineArray.GetAt (Index);


int CScratchBookDoc::GetNumLines () { return m_LineArray.GetSize ();


void CScratchBookDoc::DeleteContents() { // TODO: //

int Index = m_LineArray.GetSize (); while (Index--)

delete m_LineArray.GetAt (Index); m_LineArray.RemoveAl1 () ;

CDocument::DeleteContents(); }

void CScratchBookDoc::On57633() { // TODO: DeleteContents (); UpdateAllViews (0);


void CScratchBookDoc::OnUpdate57633(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { .

// TODO:

pCmdUI->Enable (m_LineArray.GetSize ()); } void CScratchBookDoc::On57643() {

// TODO: int Index = m_LineArray.GetUpperBound (); if (Index > -1) {

delete m_LineArray.GetAt (Index);

11. 217

m_LineArray.RemoveAt (Index); } UpdateAllViews (0) ;


void CScratchBookDoc::OnUpdate57643(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { // TODC: pCmdUI->Enable (m_LineArray.GetSize );


11.5 // ScratchBookView.h : CScratchBookView / /

#pragma once

class CScratchBookView : public CView { protected:

CString m_ClassName; int m_Dragging; * HCURSOR m_HCross; CPoint m_PointOld; CPoint m_PointOrigin;

protected: // CScratchBookView(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CScratchBookView)

// public:

CScratchBookDoc* GetDocument() const;

// public:

// public: virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); //

virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); protected:

// public:

virtual -CScratchBookView(); #ifdef _DEBUG

virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const;



218 III.

// protected:


afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

} ;

ttifndef _DEBUG // ScratchBookView.cpp inline CScratchBookDoc* CScratchBookView::GetDocument() const

{ return (CScratchBookDoc*)m_pDocument; } ttendif

11.6 // ScratchBookView.cpp : CScratchBookView //

#include "stdafx.h" #include "ScratchBook.h"

#include "ScratchBookDoc.h" #include "ScratchBookView.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ;


// CScratchBookView




// / CScratchBookView


// TODO:

m_Dragging = 0; m__HCross = AfxGetApp ()->LoadStandardCursor (IDC_CROSS) ; }

CScratchBookView::-CScratchBookView() { }

11. 219

BOOL CScratchBookView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: , // cs

m_ClassName = AfxRegisterWndClass (CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW, // , // (HBRUSH) ::GetStockObj ect (WHITE_BRUSH),

// 0); //

cs.IpszClass = m_ClassName;

return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); }

// CScratchBookView

void CScratchBookView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) {

CScratchBookDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); AS SERT_VALID(pDoc) ;

// TODO:

int Index = pDoc->GetNumLines (); while (Index--)

pDoc->GetLine (Index)->Draw(pDC); }

// CScratchBookView

#ifdef JDEBUG void CScratchBookView::AssertValid() const {

CView::AssertValid() ; }

void CScratchBookView: : Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CView::Dump(dc) ;


CScratchBookDoc* CScratchBookView::GetDocument() const // {

ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CScratchBookDoc))); return (CScratchBookDoc*)m_pDocument;

} #endif //_DEBUG

// CScratchBookView

void CScratchBookView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)

220 III.

{ //- TODO: //

m_PointOrigin = point; m_PointOld = point; SetCapture (); m_Dragging = 1; RECT Rect; GetClientRect (&Rect); ClientToScreen (&Rect); ::ClipCursor (&Rect);

CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); }

void CScratchBookView: :OnLButtonUp (UINT nFlags, CPoint point). { // TODO: // if (m_Dragging) { m_Dragging = 0; ::ReleaseCapture (); ::ClipCursor (NULL); CClientDC ClientDC (this); ClientDC.SetROP2 (R2_NOT); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); ClientDC.LineTo (m_PointOld); ClientDC.SetROP2 (R2_COPYPEN); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); ClientDC.LineTo (point);

CScratchBookDoc* PDoc = GetDocument(); PDoc -> AddLine (m_PointOrigin.x,

m_PointOrigin.y, point.x, point.y);


CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }

void CScratchBookView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: //

::SetCursor (m_HCross);

if (m_Dragging) { CClientDC ClientDC (this); ClientDC.SetROP2 (R2_NOT); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); ClientDC.LineTo (m_PointOld); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin);

11. 221

ClientDC.LineTo (point); m_PointOld = point;


CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);

11.7 // MainFrm.h : CMainFrame / /

ttpragma once class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd {

protected: // CMainFrame () ; DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMainFrame)

// public:

// public:

// public:

virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);

// public:

virtual -CMainFrame(); #ifdef _DEBUG

virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;


protected: // CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar; CToolBar m_wndToolBar;

// protected:

afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()

} ;

11.8 // MainFrm.cpp : CMainFrame / /

#include "stdafx.h" #include "ScratchBook.h"

222 III.

#include "MainFrm.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; #endif

// CMainFrame





} ;

// / CMainFrame

CMainFrame::CMainFrame() { // TODO:


CMainFrame::-CMainFrame() { }

int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)

return -1;


TRACEO("Failed to create toolbar\n"); return -1; //


if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) || !m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT)))

{ TRACEO("Failed to create status bar\n"); return -1; //


11. 223

// TODC: , , // m_wndToolBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); DockControlBar(&m_wndToolBar);

return 0; }

BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { if( !CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) )

return FALSE; // TODO: , // cs

return TRUE; }

// CMainFrame

#ifdef _DEBUG void CMainFrame::AssertValid() const {

CFrameWnd::AssertValid(); }

void CMainFrame::Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CFrameWnd::Dump(dc);


#endif //_DEBUG

// CMainFrame

( ) -

, , - .

. , , , (, CLine ScratchBook). , MFC. , MFC- CObArray , , ( , CObj e c t ) . MFC- CTypedPtrArray, CObArray, - . ScratchBook m_LineArray. CLine.

224 III.

. . AddLine, GetLine GetNumLines. , . , OnDraw , .

. , , , Undo Remove All Edit, . , Class View Properties.


11. 1 5 - 2 - 1 4 5 8 225

12 - - ScratchBook

- MyScribe


. - ScratchBook MyScribe , File (New, Open..., Save Save As...). , drag-and-drop, , Windows Explorer .

- ScratchBook ScratchBook Open..., Save Save As..., ,

. , (. . 10 11), .

File Visual Studio ScratchBook, Resource View

. , , IDR_MAINFRAME. File. New File ( , ) - :

Open... ID_FILE_OPEN &0pen...\tCtrl+0. Save ID_FILE_SAVE &Save\tCtrl+S. Save As... ID_FILE_SAVE_AS Save &As... .

Recent File ID_FILE_MRU_FILE1 Recent File. , MFC Recent File . MFC File . Application Wizard 4. MFC (ScratchBook.ini) Windows, , - , .

"" , Application Wizard . . 10 , , ScratchBook . .

(string) , , Open Save As.

226 III.

Developer Studio, String Table ResourceView. IDR_MAINFRAME. Application Wizard , ScratchBook. , Properties. Caption . Enter. , .

"ScratchBook\n\nScratchBook\nScratchBook Files (*.drw) \n.drw\nScratchBook.Document\nScratchBook Documentn

"ScratchBook Files ( * . drw) " , Files of type ( Save as type) Open ( Save As) .

"(.drw)" . - ScratchBook , Open Save As . - Save As.

, , . Application Wizard - Document Template Strings, .

New, Open..., Save Save As... ,

MFC. . MFC File . New OnFileNew CWinApp (

ScratchBook). DeleteContents (. . 11) , .

Open... OnFileOpen CWinApp. Open. Open, OnFileOpen , Serialize (CScratchBookDoc: :Serialize). Serialize . OnFileOpen .

S e r i a l i z e , Open.

Save OnFileSave CDocument ( ScratchBook), OnFileSaveAs CDocument - Save As... , OnFileSaveAs OnFileSave Save As, - . , CScratchBookDoc : : Serialize . . , File name Save As , "Untitled" (.drw ScratchBook).

12. - 15 *


, Windows NT/2000/XP . , , Stdlib.h: __, _MAX_DRIVE, _MAX_DIR, _MAX_FNAME __. Windows 98, , 255 .

/ Application Wizard, ScratchBook, ScratchBookDoc.cpp

Serialize . . MFC Serialize - CArchive. CArchive, - / . , , MFC- CObject. (.. Save Save As...) IsStoring CArchive TRUE, (.. Open... File) IsStoring FALSE.

ScratchBook m_LineArray, CLine. m_LineArray - Serialize ( CObArray), CLine, . CScratchBookDoc: : Serialize , CObArray: : Serialize: .

// CScratchBookDoc

void CScratchBookDoc::Serialize(CArchiveb ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) {

// TODO: m_LineArray. Serialize (ar);

} else {

// TODO: m_LineArray.Serialize(ar);

} }

CLine CObArray: : Serialize Serialize , -' . CObArray: :Serialize , (CLine) . Serialize .


228 III.

. CObArray: : Serialize ( ) .


class CLine : public CObject { protected: int m_Xl, m_Yl, m_X2, m_Y2; CLine () {} DECIARE_SERIAL (CLine)

public: ScratchBookDoc.cpp IMPLEMENT_SERIAL

CLine: : Draw. , IMPLEMENT_SERIAL, - , - . - , - ( -1 ( )). , , . . ScratchBook 1. .

// CScratchBookDoc

IMPLEMENT_SERIAL (CLine, CObject, 1) void CLine::Draw (CDC *PDC)

Cline CLine Serialize, CObArray: : Serialize . - Serialize ScratchBookDoc.h public CLine.

public: CLine (int XI", int Yl, int X2, int Y2) {

_ _1 = XI _ _Yl = Yl _ _2 = 2 _ .Y2 = Y2 }

void Draw (CDC *PDC); virtual void Serialize (CArchive bar);


ScratchBookDoc.cpp CLine: : Draw Serialize. , CLine: : Serialize, . Serialize CLine -. CArchive.

12. - 229

void CLine::Draw (CDC *PDC) { PDC->MoveTo (m_Xl, m_Yl); PDC->LineTo (m_X2, m_Y2);


void CLine::Serialize (CArchive bar) { if (ar.IsStoring())

ar m_Yl >> m_X2 >> m_Y2; }

, , . Serialize, . - , . , , , .

, , - Serialize .

, , Serialize CArchive .

drw- Windows ,

ScratchBook (.. .drw), Windows Explorer ( , ). EnableShellOpen RegisterShellFileTypes CWinApp Initlnstance ScratchBook.cpp. Windows ScratchBook (.drw) ( , ). , :

, drw-, ScratchBook;

drw- ScratchBook, , .

EnableShellOpen RegisterShellFileTypes AddDocTemplate, , - ( IDR_MAINFRAME) .


EnableShellOpen (); RegisterShellFileTypes (); // // , DDE, CCommandLinelnfo cmdlrillo;

230 III.

"drag-and-drop" , Windows

( Explorer , , ) . ScratchBook CWnd: :DragAcceptFiles . Initlnstance ScratchBook.cpp UpdateWindow. m_pMainWnd ( CWinThread, CWinApp), . Initlnstance DragAcceptFiles. P roces sShe l lCommand , m_pMainWnd.

m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();

m_pMainWhd->DragAcceptFiles (); return TRUE;

, .. DragAcceptFiles ( ) MFC , CArchive Serial i ze..

, , CDocument

. MFC DeleteContents , . MFC DeleteContents , . TRUE ( ), . CDocument FALSE, . TRUE CDocument: : SetModif iedFlag. TRUE, ( SetModif iedFlag TRUE). FALSE, ( CDocument). AddLine Remove All Undo ScratchBookDoc.cpp SetModif iedFlag.

void CScratchBookDoc: .-AddLine (int Xl, int Yl, int X2, int Y2) { CLine *PLine = new CLine (XI, Yl, X2, Y2); m_LineArray.Add (PLine); SetModifiedFlag( );

} void CScratchBookDoc::On57633() { // TODO: DeleteContents (); UpdateAllViews (0); SetModifiedFlag ( );


12. - 231

void CScratchBookDoc::On57643() { // TODO: int Index = m_LineArray.GetUpperBound (); if (Index > -1) {

delete m_LineArray.GetAt (Index); m._LineArray .RemoveAt (Index);

} UpdateAllViews (0); SetModifiedFlag ();


ScratchBook , (12.1 - 12.8)


12.1 // ScratchBook.h : ScratchBook // ttpragma once

ttifndef AFXWIN_H terror include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH


#include "resource.h" //

// CScratchBookApp: // ScratchBook. // class CScratchBookApp : public CWinApp { public: CScratchBookApp();

// public: virtual BOOL Initlnstance();

// afx__msg void OnAppAbout () ; DECLARE JMES SAGE_MAP()

} ;

12.2 // ScratchBook. : //

ttinclude "stdafx.h" ttinclude "ScratchBook.h"

232 III.

ttinclude "MainFrm.h"

ttinclude "ScratchBookDoc.h" ttinclude "ScratchBookView.h"

ttifdef _DEBUG ttdefine new DEBUG_NEW ttundef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif

// CScratchBookApp



// CScratchBookApp

CScratchBookApp::CScratchBookApp(). { // TODO: // // Initlnstance


// CScratchBookApp

CScratchBookApp theApp;

// CScratchBookApp

BOOL CScratchBookApp::Initlnstance() { CWinApp::Initlnstance();

// . // - // // , // , // . // , //. . . // TODO: - , // , SetRegistryKey(_("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications")); LoadStdProfileSettings(4); //

// INI- ( MRU) // . // , // CSingleDocTemplate* pDocTemplate;

12. - 233

pDocTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate( IDR_MAINFRAME, RUNTIME_CLASS(CScratchBookDoc), RUNTIME_CLASS(CMainFrame), //

// SDI- RUNTIME_CLASS(CScratchBookView));

AddDocTemplate(pDocTemplate) ;

EnableShe11Open (); RegisterShellFileTypes ();

// // , DDE, CCommandLinelnfo cmdlnfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdlnfo) ; // , . // FALSE, // /RegServer, /Register, /Unregserver /Unregister. if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdlnfo))

return FALSE; // // m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow() ;

m_pMainWnd->DragAcceptFiles ();

return TRUE; }

// C7\boutDlg , App About

class CAboutDlg : public CDialog { public: CAboutDlg();

// enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };

protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV

// protected: DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()

} ; CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD) { }

void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);


234 III.


// void CScratchBookApp::OnAppAbout() { CAboutDlg aboutDlg; aboutDlg. DoModal () ;


// CScratchBookApp

12.3 // ScratchBookDoc.h : CScratchBookDoc //

ttpragma once

class CLine : public CObject { protected: int m_Xl, m_Yl, m_X2, m_Y2; CLine () {} DECLARE_SERIAL (CLine)

public: CLine (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2) {

m_ _X1 = XI m_ _Y1 = Yl m_ _X2 = X2 m_Y2 = Y2; }

void Draw (CDC *PDC); virtual void Serialize (CArchive &ar);

} ;

class CScratchBookDoc : public CDocument { protected: CTypedPtrArray m_LineArray;

public: void AddLine (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2); CLine *GetLine (int Index); int GetNumLines ();

protected: // CScratchBookDoc(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CScratchBookDoc)

// public:

12. - 235

// public:

// public: virtual BOOL OnNewDocument(); virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);

// public: virtual -CScratchBookDoc();

#ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContextb dc) const;



// protected: DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()

public: virtual void DeleteContents(); afx_msg void On57633(); afx_msg void OnUpdate57633(CCmdUI *pCmdUI); afx_msg void On57643(); afx_msg void OnUpdate57643(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);


12.4 // ScratchBookDoc.cpp : CScratchBookDoc //

#include "stdafx.h" #include "ScratchBook.h"

#include "ScratchBookDoc.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; #endif

// CScratchBookDoc

IMPLEMENT._DYNCREATE (CScratchBookDoc, CDocument)

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScratchBookDoc, CDoc\^ent) ON_COMMAND(57633, On57633) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(57633, OnUpdate57633) ON_COMMAND(57643, On57643) ON_U P DATE_C OMMAND_UI(57643, OnUpdate57643)


236 III.

// / CScratchBookDoc

CScratchBookDoc::CScratchBookDoc() { // TODO:


CScratchBookDoc::-CScratchBookDoc() { }

BOOL CScratchBookDoc::OnNewDocument() { if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())

return FALSE;

// TODO: // (SDI- // )

return TRUE; }

// CScratchBookDoc

void CScratchBookDoc:: Serialize (CArchiveSc ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) {

// TODO: m_LineArray.Serialize(ar);

} else {

// TODO: m_LineArray.Serialize(ar);

} }

// CScratchBookDoc

#ifdef _DEBUG void CScratchBookDoc::AssertValid() const { CDocument::AssertValid() ;


void CScratchBookDoc ::Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CDocument::Dump(dc) ;

} #endif //_DEBUG

12. - 237

// CScratchBookDoc


void CLine::Draw (CDC *PDC) { PDC->MoveTo (m_Xl, m_Yl); PDC->LineTo (m_X2, m_Y2);


void CLine::Serialize (CArchive &ar) { if (ar.IsStoring())

ar m_Xl m_Yl m_X2 m_Y2 ; else

ar m_Xl m_Yl m_X2 m_Y2 ; }

void CScratchBookDoc:-.AddLine (int XI, int Yl, int X2, int Y2) { .CLine *PLine = new CLine (XI, Yl, X2, Y2); m_LineArray.Add (PLine); SetModi f iedFlag( );


CLine *CSc:ratchBookDoc::GetLine (int Index) { if (Index < 0 || Index > m_LineArray.GetUpperBound ())

return 0; return rn_LineArray. GetAt (Index);


int CScratchBookDoc::GetNumLines () { return m_LineArray.GetSize ();

} void CScratchBookDoc::DeleteContents() { // TODO: // int Index = m_LineArray.GetSize (); while (Index--)

delete m_LineArray.GetAt (Index); m_LineArray.RemoveAl1 ();

CDocument::DeleteContents(); }

void CScratchBookDoc::On57633() { // TODO: DeleteContents (); UpdateAllVi ews (0); SetModifiedFlag ( );


238 III.

void CScratchBookDoc::OnUpdate57633(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { // TODO:

pCmdUI->Enable (m_LineArray.GetSize ()); }

void CScratchBookDoc::On57643() { / / T O D O :

int Index = m_LineArray.GetUpperBound (); if (Index > -1) {

delete m_LineArray.GetAt (Index); m_LineArray.RemoveAt (Index);

} UpdateAllViews (0) ; SetModifiedFlag ();


void CScratchBookDoc::OnUpdate57643(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { // TODO: pCmdUI->Enable (m_LineArray.GetSize );


12.5 // ScratchBookView.h : CScratchBookView //

#pragma once

class CScratchBookView : public CView { protected: CString m_ClassName; int m_Dragging; HCURSOR m_HCross; CPoint m_PointOld; CPoint m_PointOrigin;

protected: // CScratchBookView(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CScratchBookView)

// public: CScratchBookDoc* GetDocument() const;

// public:


12. - 239

public: virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC) ; //

virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow (CREATESTRUCTSc cs); protected:

// public: virtual -CScratchBookView();

ttifdef DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const;



// protected: DECLARE_ME S SAGE_MAP()

public: afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

} ;

ttifndef _DEBUG // ScratchBookView.cpp inline CScratchBookDoc* CScratchBookView::GetDocument() const

{ return (CScratchBookDoc*)m_j?Document; } #endif

12.6 // ScratchBookView.cpp : CScratchBookView / /

#include "stdafx.h" #include "ScratchBook.h"

ttinclude "ScratchBookDoc.h" ttinclude "ScratchBookView.h"

ttifdef _DEBUG ttdefine new DEBUG_NEW ttundef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif

// CScratchBookView




240 III.

// / CScratchBookView

CScratchBookView::CScratchBookView() { // TODO:

m_Dragging = 0; m_HCross = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor (IDC_CROSS); ) CScratchBookView::-CScratchBookView() { }

BOOL CScratchBookView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: , // cs

m_ClassName = AfxRegisterWndClass (S_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW, // 0, // (HBRUSH) ::GetStockObj ect (WHITE_BRUSH),

// 0); //

cs.IpszClass = m_ClassName;

return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); }

// CScratchBookView

void CScratchBookView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { CScratchBookDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);

// TODO:

int Index = pDoc->GetNumLines (); while (Index--)

pDoc->GetLine (Index)->Draw(pDC); }

// CScratchBookView

#ifdef _DEBUG void CScratchBookView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid();


void CScratchBookView: :Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CView: :Dump(dc) ;


12. - 1 6 - 2 - 1 4 5 8 241

CScratchBookDoc* CScratchBookView::GetDocument() const // { ASSERT(m_pDocument->

IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CScratchBookDoc))); return (CScratchBookDoc *)m_pDocument;

} ttendif //_DEBUG

// CScratchBookView

void CScratchBookView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: //

m_Point:Origin = point; m_Point:Old = point; SetCapt.ure () ; m_Dragging = 1; RECT Rect; GetClientRect (&Rect); ClientToScreen (ScRect) ; ::ClipCursor (&Rect);

CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); }

void CScratchBookView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: // if (m_Dragging) { m_Dragging = 0; ::ReleaseCapture (); ::ClipCursor (NULL); CClientDC ClientDC (this); ClientDC.SetROP2 (R2_NOT); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); lientDC.LineTo (m_PointOld); ClientDC.SetROP2 (R2_COPYPEN); ClientlDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin) ; CIientDC.LineTo (point);

CScratchBookDoc* PDoc = GetDocument(); PDoc -> AddLine (m_PointOrigin.x,

m_PointOrigin.y, point.x, point.y);


CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }

void CScratchBookView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {

242 III.

// TODO: //

::SetCursor (m_HCross);

if (m_Dragging) { CClientDC ClientDC (this); ClientDC.SetR0P2 (R2_N0T); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); ClientDC.LineTo (m_PointOld); ClientDC.MoveTo (m_PointOrigin); ClientDC.LineTo (point); m_PointOld = point;


CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }

12.7 // MainFrm.h : CMainFrame //

#pragma once class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd {

protected: // CMainFrame(); DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMainFrame)

// public:

// public:

// public: virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);

// public: virtual -CMainFrame();

#ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;


protected: // CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar; CToolBar m_wndToolBar;

// protected:

12. - 16* 243

afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT LpCreateStruct); DECLARE_ME S SAGE_MAP()

} ;

12.8 // MainFrm.cpp : CMainFrame //

ttinclude "stdafx.h" ttinclude "ScratchBook.h"

ttinclude "MainFrm.h"

ttifdef _DEBUG ttdefine new DEBUG_NEW ttundef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif

/ / CMainFrame





} ;

// / CMainFrame ,

CMainFrame::CMainFrame() { // TODO:


CMainFrame::-CMainFrame(} { }

int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)

return -1;


244 III.

TRACEO("Failed to create toolbar\n"); return -1; ' //

// }

if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this) || !m_wndStatusBar.Setlndicators(indicators, sizeof'(indicators) /sizeof (UINT) ) )

{ TRACEO("Failed to create status bar\n"); r e t u r n - 1 ; / /

} // TODO: , , // m_wndToolBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); DockControlBar(&m_wndToolBar);

return 0; }

BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCTb cs) { i f( !CFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs) )

return FALSE; // TODO: , // cs

return TRUE; }

// CMainFrame

#ifdef _DEBUG void CMainFrame::AssertValid() const { CFrameWnd: : AssertValid () .;


void CMainFrame::Dump (CDumpContextSc dc) const { CFrameWnd::Dump(dc);


#endif //_DEBUG

// CMainFrame

- MyScribe MyScribe New, Open..., Save, Save As..., ,

. , -(. . 10), .

12. - 245

Visual Studio MyScribe, Resource View

. , , IDR_MAINFRAME. File. File ( , ) :

New ID_FILE_NEW &New\ tctr 1+N. Open... ID_FILE_OPEN &0pen...\tCtrl+0. Save ID_FILE_SAVE &Save\tCtrl+S. Save As... ID_FILE_SAVE_AS Save &As...


Recent File ID__FILE_MRU_FILE1 Recent File. .txt,

IDR_MAINFRAME, , ScratchBook ( " File" ). Caption :

"MyScribe\n\nMyScribe\nMyScribe Files (*.txt)\n.txt XnMyScribe.DocumentNnMyScribe Document"


CMyScribeDoc. MFC , . , Class View Properties (. " " . 11). DeleteContents, MyScribeDoc.cpp, , . CEditView EDIT. , , ( ). , . CEditView, - .

, DeleteContents GetFirstViewPosition GetNextView CDocument . . 13, -. . GetFirstViewPosition ( MyScribe). GetNextView Pos Pos , ( ). GetNextView Pos.

// CMyScribeDoc

void CMyScribeDoc::DeleteContents() { // TODO: //

246 III.

POSITION Pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); CEditView *PCEditView = (CEditView *)GetNextView (Pos); if (PCEditView)

PCEdi tView-> SetWindowText (""); CDocument::DeleteContents();


GetNextView , DeleteContents CWnd: : SetWindowText, , . GetNextView , DeleteContents . MFC , DeleteContents. GetNextView , , DeleteContents .

. 50 . CEditView . , .

"drag-and-drop", Initlnstance MyScribe.cpp DragAcceptFiles.

// // m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow(); m_pMainWnd->DragAcceptFiles(); return TRUE;

MyScribe ( ScratchBook) , CEditView. MyScribe Serialize , CEditView Application Wizard Serialize. SerializeRaw CEditView, , . .

MyScribe , (12.912.16)


12.9 // MyScribe.h : MyScribe // #pragma once

ttifndef AFXWIN_H_ terror include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH


#include "resource.h" //

12. - 247

// CMyScribeApp: // MyScribe. //

class CMyScribeApp : public CWinApp { public: CMyScribeApp();

// public: virtual BOOL Initlnstance();

// afx_msg void OnAppAbout(); DECLARE_MES SAGE_MAP()

} ;

12.10 // MyScribe. : . //

#include "stdafx.h" ttinclude "MyScribe.h" ttinclude "MainFrm.h"

ttinclude "MyScribeDoc.h" ttinclude "MyScribeView.h"

ttifdef _DEBUG ttdefine new DEBUG_NEW ttundef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = FILE ; ttendif

/ CMyScribeApp



// CMyScribeApp

CMyScribeApp::CMyScribeApp() { // TODO: // // Initlnstance


248 III.

// CMyScribeApp

CMyScribeApp theApp;

// CMyScribeApp

BOOL CMyScribeApp::Initlnstance() { CWinApp::Initlnstance();

// . // - // // , // , // . // , // . // TODO: - , // , SetRegistryKey(_("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications")); LoadStdProfileSettings(4); //

// INI- ( MRU) // . // , // CSingleDocTemplate* pDocTemplate; pDocTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate(



AddDocTemplate(pDocTemplate); // // , DDE, CCommandLinelnfo cmdlnfo; ParseCommandLine(cmdlnfo); // , . // FALSE, // /RegServer, /Register, /Unregserver /Unregister. if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdlnfo))

return FALSE; // // m_pMa inWnd-> ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow(); m_pMainWnd->DragAcceptFiles(); return TRUE;


// CAboutDlg , App About

class CAboutDlg : public CDialog

12. - 249

{ public: CAboutDlg();

// enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };

protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV
