violations of human rights in cuba - · violations of human rights in cuba july, 2015...

Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 1 Violations of Human Rights in Cuba July, 2015 The following report compiles information of Cubans arbitrarily arrested and/or detained, harassed, attacked, and faced acts of repudiation* by the Cuban government in the month of July, 2015. This information is based on the monthly report published by the Comisión Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliación Nacional (Cuban NGO specializing in Human Rights as well as other sources in the island). *Acts of Repudiation are physical and/or verbal aggression mobs organized by State Security (Cuba’s political police). At least 674 arrests for political reasons in July.

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  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 1

    Violations of Human Rights in Cuba

    July, 2015

    The following report compiles information of Cubans arbitrarily arrested and/or detained, harassed, attacked, and faced acts of

    repudiation* by the Cuban government in the month of July, 2015. This information is based on the monthly report published by the

    Comisin Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliacin Nacional (Cuban NGO specializing in Human Rights as well as other

    sources in the island).

    *Acts of Repudiation are physical and/or verbal aggression mobs organized by State Security (Cubas political police).

    At least 674 arrests for political reasons in July.

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 2

    Date Incident Location

    Victims Incident Type Source of




    Granma Augusto Cabrera,Dianelis

    Martnez, Alexander Cabrera

    Gonzlez, Nelson Mojena Labrada,

    Liuvi Mojena Labrada, Norberto

    Mojena Labrada, Yilian Sosa

    (Partido 30 de noviembre Frank


    Detained 10-12 hours by police

    agents for honoring Pais.

    Roberto Valdivia

    07/02/15 Guantnamo Leinier Cruz Salfrn

    (Unin Patritica de Cubas)

    Detained by political police for 6

    hours to punish his dissident


    Fernando Vzquez

    07/02/15 Maceo,


    Misael Can Velzquez, Geikel

    Tamayo Rivero, Dinza Gainza Mor (Frente Nacional Resistencia OZT)

    Detained 3 hours by political

    police because of their

    involvement in dissident activities.

    Fernando Vzquez

    07/02/15 Crdenas,


    Francisco Daz Tamar, Juan Carlos

    Paso Gonzlez, Jorge Lus Paso

    Gonzlez, Pedro Lus Pereira Acosta,

    Toms Pea Lima, Nivardo Casel

    Gonzlez, Eduardo Pacheco Ortz,

    Alicia Farias Segura, Saima Lamas

    Varzola, Evelyn Pacheco Lamas,

    Elizabeth Pacheco Lamas, Tatiana

    Garca, Reinaldo Segura Gonzlez

    (Partido para la Democracia Pedro Lus Boitel)

    Detained 20 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    traveling to Varadero.

    Ivn Hernndez


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 3

    07/02/15 Crdenas, Matanzas Alain Veguera Piedra, Yunier Valido

    (Cuidadanos) Detained 20 hours by political police to prevent them from

    traveling to Varadero.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/02/15 Guantnamo Miguel ngel Lpez Herrera

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    07/03/15 Camagey Orlando Gmez Hechevarra

    (Frente Nacional Resistencia OZT)

    Detained 9 hours by political

    police for traveling to Havana.

    Fernando Vzquez

    07/04/15 Aguada de



    Dany Miranda Gil, Raime Acosta


    (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Detained 14-20 hours by political

    police for being suspects of

    hanging anti-government posters.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/05/15 Holgun Arelis Palacio Alcina, Maylin

    RicardoGngora, Ada Iris Miranda

    Leyva,Darelis Pupo Blanco, Ana

    IrisMezerenes Snchez, Yanelis

    PichardoSnchez, Nelda Molina

    Leyva, EmilceCspedes Estrada,

    Mayra GngoraPupo, Daimaris

    Corrales Pia, Rosa Escalona

    Gmez, Ramn Zamora

    Rodrguez, Lzaro Otamendi

    Garca,Roberto Gonzlez

    Hernndez, Yoel Ordez Gorotiza

    (Damas de Blanco y


    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    07/05/15 Aguada de



    Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramrez,

    Roberto Garca Lpez, Jos Alberto

    Castro, Yanier Menndez

    (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin

    Detained 3-15 hours by political

    plice to keep them from attending

    Sunday mass and showing support

    to the Ladies in White.

    Ivn Hernndez Carrillo

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 4

    y Reconciliacin)

    07/05/15 Aguada de Pasajeros, Cienfuegos

    Olga Renova Veiga, Madeln Garca Molina, Yaima Ulloa de la Torre,

    Miladys Espino Daz, Niurvis de la Rosa Hernndez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 3 hours by political

    plice to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/05/15 Crdenas,


    Leticia Ramos Herrera, Marisol

    Fernandez Socorro

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 2 hours and later

    watched by political police to

    prevent them from traveling to

    Aguada de Pasajeros and

    participating in Sunday mass.

    Ivn Hernndez Carrillo

    07/05/15 Aguada de



    Yaniel Menndez Daz, Brbaro de la Nuez Ramrez, Yasel Alonso

    Armenteros, Joel Ramrez Pea, Oslendy Garca Espino, Emetrio

    Garca Moreira, Juan Carlos Villegas Amador, Jose Alberto Castro

    Rodrguez, Roberto Garca Lpez, Asnaldo Moreira Rodrguez, Dany Miranda Gil, Yoel Rodrguez Prez,

    Yasniel Bolaos Nez. (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin y


    Harassed by political police for

    about 3 hours to prevent them

    from attending Sunday mass.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/05/15 La Habana Dunia Medina Moreno, Yeniset Amore Aguilera, Norma Cruz Casas,

    Brbara Aguilera Garca, Mayeln

    Santiesteban Lpez, Hayde

    Gallardo Salazar, Danaisis Muz

    Lpez, Mayeln Pea Bullan, Maiden

    Maidique Cruz

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 5

    07/05/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez, Zodrelis Turruella Poncio, Lismeiris

    Quintana, vila, Yamil Garro

    Alfonso, Joisy Jaramillo Snchez, Gladys Capote Roque, Daisis Artiles

    del Sol, Yamil

    Naranjo Figueredo, DellicGonzlez

    Dorrego, Xiomara de las Mercedes

    Cruz Miranda, Roxilene Sotolongo

    Cruz, Nieves Caridad Matamoros,

    Julia Herrera Roque, Margarita

    Barbena Caldern, Lisset Naranjo

    Girn, Yurleany Tamayo Martnez,

    Lzara Gleisys Acosta Toscano,

    Eralidis Frmeta Polanco, Lzara

    Mara Dorrego Guzmn, Caridad

    Ramrez Utria, Aliuska Gmez Garca,

    Ada Mara Lpez Canino, Yamil

    Bargs Hurtado, Yaqueln Boni

    Hechavarra, Adelma Guerra Ricardo,

    Ivn Moralobos Melo, Luisa Ramona

    Kindeln, Yusleidis Girn Ortiz,

    Maylen Gonzlez Gonzlez,Deisy

    Coello Basulto, Tamara Rodrguez

    Quesada, Cecilia Guerra Alfonso,

    Zenaida Hidalgo Cedeo,

    Dayane Ortiz Hernndez, Ivn de las

    Mercedes Lazo Abreu, Lourdes

    Esquivel Vieito, Zenaida Hidalgo

    Cedeo, Ivn Lemus Fonseca, Odalis

    Mrida Perdomo, Olaida del Castillo

    Trujillo, Mirenia Henry Garca, Milvia

    Narcisa Aguilera Lanz, Sarah Prez

    Pedroso, Eugenia Daz Hernndez,

    Mara Milin Pedroso, Ana Iris

    Miranda Leyva

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police for demanding respect for

    human rights and freedom for all

    political prisoners.

    Bertha Soler

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 6

    (Damas de Blanco)

    07/05/15 La Habana Hugo Damin Prieto Blanco, Lzaro Mendoza Garca, Antonio Gonzlez

    Rodiles, Jos Daz Silva, Vladimir

    Turr Pez, Jos Antonio Pompa

    Lpez, Juan Lamas Martnez, Leudis

    Reyes Cuza, Reinor Figueredo

    Castellano, Ricardo Luna Rodrguez,

    Francisco Garca Puniel, Livn Gmez

    Castillo, Lzaro Jos de la Noval,

    ngel Figueredo Castellano, Reinier

    Figueredo Gallardo, Reinaldo

    Rodrguez Hernndez, Ral Borges

    lvarez, Julio Antonio Guzmn,

    Reinier Wilson Castellano, Jos

    Antonio Mereira Laffita, Andrs

    Avelino Domnguez Beltrn, Rolando

    Reyes Rabanal, Luis Enrique Lpez

    Torres, Claudio Fuentes, Heriberto

    Pons, Osvaldo Moralobos, Denis

    Manuel Gonzlez, Pavel Herrera

    Hernndez, Rubn Daro Garca Artes,

    Luis Leondan Marn Aguilar, Arturo

    Rojas, Luis Mario Muguelcia Moreira,

    Alejandro Uranga, Behiker Ordoez

    Guilarte, Iris Tamara Prez Aguilera,

    Damaris Moya Portier, Jorge Luis

    Prez Garca Antnez, Luis Andrs

    Domnguez Sardias, Ivn Fernndez

    Depreste, Ciro Alexis Casanova Prez

    Miguel Borroto

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 7

    07/05/15 La Habana Eugenio Hernndez Hernndez, Maribel Hernndez Gil, Mario

    Alberto Hernndez Leyva, Daniel

    Alfaro Fras,

    Detained 5 hours for showing

    support to the Ladies in White

    Bertha Soler

    Sandalio Mejas Zulueta, Osvaldo Mendoza Ferriol, Cervilio Villegas

    Marrero, ngel Moya Acosta,


    Yuri Valle Roca, Aurelio Gonzlez

    Blanco, Egberto ngel Escobedo

    Morales, Jorge Luis Surez Varona,

    Boris Gonzlez Arena, Ramn

    Alejandro Muz Gonzlez, Manuel

    Velzquez Licea, Ernesto Travieso

    (Different Organizations)

    07/06/15 Parque Central, La Habana

    Carlos Manuel Figueroa lvarez,

    Lzaro Kessell Marruecos

    (Movimiento Antorcha Martiana)

    Detained 7 hours by political

    plice for speaking to tourists

    about the human rights violations

    committed by the government.

    Ivn Hernndez Carrillo

    07/06/15 Santa Isabel de las Lajas,


    Jean Miguel Duarte Vzquez

    (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Detained 1 hours by political

    police and threatened because of

    his dissident activities.

    Manolo Sarduy

    07/07/15 La Fortuna, Boyeros

    Agustn Figueroa Galindo, Jos

    Elas Gonzlez Agero, Carlos

    Manuel Pupo Rodrguez, Alexis

    Hernndez Caizares, Rolando

    Reyes Rabanal, Edilberto Pons

    Ruz, Oslaida del

    Castillo, Osvaldo Moralobos

    (Partido Unin por Cuba Libre)

    Detained 5 hours inside a plice

    car and later abandoned miles

    from their original location to

    prevent them from holding a


    Carlos Manuel Pupo

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 8

    07/07/15 Bataban, Mayabeque

    Beheir Ordez Guilarte, Luis

    Mario Moqueira Morera

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained for hours by political

    police for attending Sunday mass

    and supporting the Ladies in


    Rolando Reyes


    07/07/15 Bataban, Mayabeque

    Manuel Velzquez Licea

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 7 hours by political

    police for demanding the release

    of dissidents detained for attending

    Sunday mass.

    Rolando Reyes


    07/07/15 Manzanillo, Granma

    Yoandri Gutirrez Vargas

    (Impacto Juvenil Martiano) Detained 4 hours by political

    police for being involved with

    dissident activities. His belongings

    were burned and he was


    Arturo Acosta

    07/08/15 Camagey Ramn Vasallo Marrero, Dorico Alexander Snchez, Fernando

    Guerra Vzquez

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police for placing anti-government


    Fernando Vzquez

    07/08/15 Santa Clara, Villa Clara

    Toni Colina Mrquez

    (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    for peacefully protesting in public.

    Manolo Sarduy

    07/08/15 Manicaragua,

    Villa Clara

    Jos Leyva Daz

    (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Detained 3 hours by political

    police for peacefully protesting in


    Manolo Sarduy

    07/08/15 Manat, Las


    Yasmany Ovalde Len

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba) Detained 12 hours by 3 political

    police agents for expressing his

    opinion about the new US-Cuba


    Yasmany Ovalde Len

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 9

    07/08/15 Parque Central,

    La Habana

    Carlos Amauri Caldern, Isan


    Luna y Alexander Allan Rodrguez

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained by political police for

    their involvement in dissident


    Arcelio Molina

    07/09/15 Centro Habana, La Habana

    Leudis Reyes Cuza

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT)

    Detained 7 hours by political

    police for expressing in public his

    support for the Ladies in White

    and for demanding freedom for all

    political prisoners.

    Hugo Damin Prieto


    07/09/15 Arroyo Naranjo,

    La Habana

    Eduardo Ramos Balaguer, Reinier

    Villegas Prez, Fernando Novoa


    (Fundacin Frank Pas)

    Detained and questioned for 2-4

    hours by political police agents in

    regards to their involvement in

    dissident activities.

    Gerardo Lazcano,

    Augusto Guerra


    07/10/15 Crdenas Leticia Ramos Herrera, Rudel

    Montes de Oca Quesada

    (Dama de Blanco, Partido por la

    Democracia Pedro Lus Boitel)

    Detained 7 hours by political

    police. They were questioned and

    the police tried confiscating the

    cellphones they had received in

    Miami in May 2015.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/11/15 Caimito,


    Oilyn Hernndez Rodrguez,

    Oledaisys Hernndez Rodrguez

    (Damas de Blanco, and a friend)

    Detained for hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending mass.

    Oilyn Hernndez



    Jagey Grande,


    Mercedes Estrada Marcos, Edelvys

    Granda Prez, Dagoberto Santana

    Marichal, Armando Trujillo

    (Proyecto Millo Ochoa Jagey


    Detained 4-24 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    traveling to Havana and attending


    Flix Navarro


    07/11/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Toni Colina Mrquez, Ramn

    Armenteros Prez, Santiago Lpez

    Morales, Yuset Garca lvarez,

    Yoel Bravo Lpez

    (Frente Resistencia Cvica OZT)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    to prevent them from attending


    Manolo Sarduy

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 10

    07/11/15 Parque Central,

    La Habana

    Ernesto Ortega Sarduy

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba) Detained by political police

    because of his dissident activities.

    Arcelio Molina

    07/12/15 Holgun Mayln Ricardo Gngora, Niurka

    Cruz Cruz

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    07/12/15 Bayamo Yudisbel Rosell Mojena, Ivania

    Rodrguez Rodrguez, Nidia

    Rodrguez Santiesteban

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    07/12/15 Aguada de



    Leticia Ramos Herrera, Maricel

    Fernndez Socorro, Tania

    Echevarra Menndez, Niurvis la

    Rosa Hernndez, Olga Relova

    Vega, Miladis Espinosa, Yaima

    Ulloa, Yudania Rodrguez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/12/15 Aguada de



    Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramrez,

    Brbaro de la Nuez Ramrez, Emilio

    Garca Moreira, Yasmiel Mndez

    Daz, Jos Alberto Castro Rodrguez,

    Dany Miranda Gil, Juan Carlos

    Villegas Maduro, Orlendy Garca

    Espino, Yoel Ramrez Pea, Arnaldo

    Morera Rodrguez, Orlando Jerz

    (Movimiento Ciudadano Reflexin y


    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/12/15 Caimito,


    Oilyn Hernndez Rodrguez, Rosa

    Mara Rodrguez Molina

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 9 hours by political

    police and later abandoned miles

    away from their original location

    to prevent them from attending

    Sunday mass in Havana.

    Oilyn Hernndez


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 11

    07/12/15 Pinar del Ro Olga Lidia Torres, Amparo

    Milagros, Yuliet Margarita

    Rodrguez, Raquel Rodrguez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    07/12/15 Santiago de Cuba Duniela Verdecia Matos, Santa Fernndez Daz, Bismaika Amelo

    Jardines, Marina Paz Labaceno,

    Reina Luisa Rodrguez Caada

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler Fernndez

    07/12/15 Palma Soriano, Santiago de Cuba

    Denia Fernndez Rey, Magda

    Mendoza Daz, Marielis Manzano

    Carballo, Olga Lidia La O Figueredo,

    Yuneisis Amaya Arias, Mara Lorena

    Gondres de la Rosa, Elsa Lisis Isaac

    Reyes, Mara Caridad Dobarro Dinza

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler Fernndez

    07/12/15 La Habana Hugo Damin Prieto Blanco, Lzar

    Mendoza Garca, Henry Rey

    Rodrguez, Jos Daz Silva,

    Vladimir Turr Pez, Jos Antonio

    Pompa Lpez, Juan Lamas

    Martnez, Lus Andrs Domnguez

    Sardia, Reinor Figueredo

    Castellano, Ricardo Luna

    Rodrguez, Francisco Garca

    Puniel, Livn Gmez Castillo,

    Lzaro Jos de

    la Noval, ngel Figueredo

    Castellano, Reinier Figueredo

    Gallardo, Reinaldo

    Rodrguez Hernndez, Daniel

    Alfaro Fras, Lzaro Yuri Valle

    Roca, Reinier Wilson Castellano,

    Jos Antonio Moreira Laffita,

    Detained 6-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 12

    Lzaro de la Noval

    Usint, Saqueo Bez Guerrero, Luis

    Enrique Martnez, Yelkis Puig

    Rodrguez, Jorge Luis Romero

    Becerra, Mario Alberto Hernndez

    Leyva, Pavel Herrera Hernndez,

    Sandalio Mejas Zulueta, Yulexis

    Despaigne Puig, Servilio Villegas

    Marrero, Damaris Moya Portielles,

    Miguel Borroto, Edelvis Granda

    Prez, Dagoberto Santana Marichal,

    ArmandoTrujillo Gonzlez, Lzaro

    Keisel Barreto, Eriberto Pons

    (Different organizations)

    07/12/15 La Habana Guillermo Manuel Garca Velazco,

    Marcelino Abreu Bonora, Luis

    Enrique Lpez Torres, Ciro Alexis

    Casanova Prez, Yaite Cruz Sosa,

    Iris Tamara Prez Aguilera, Julio

    Antonio Ferrer Tamayo, ngel

    Moya Acosta, Carlos Manuel Figueroa lvarez, Egberto

    ngel Escobedo Morales, Alexis

    Hernndez Caizares, Degnis

    Gonzlez Rodrguez, Jorge Luis

    Garca Prez, Ral Borges lvarez,

    Ignacio Gonzlez Vidal, Rolando

    Reyes Rabanal, Nelson Pascual

    Rodrguez, Mximo Rodrguez

    Paseiro, Claudio Fuentes, Lzaro

    Fresneda Fernndez, Agustn Lpez

    Canino, Pedro Fontanar Miranda,

    Vctor Marcos Valds Sandido,

    Detained 6-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 13

    Tania Bruguera

    (Different organizations)

    07/12/15 La Habana Lismeiris Quintana vila, Norma


    Casas, Mayeln Santiesteban Lpez,

    Eralidis Frmeta Polanco, Danaisis

    Muz Lpez, Eugenia Daz

    Hernndez, Maiden Maidique Cruz,

    Mirtha Ricardo Tornet, Olayda del

    Castillo Trujillo,Caridad Ramrez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass

    Bertha Soler


    07/12/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez, Zodrelis

    Turruella Poncio, Mara Cristina

    Labrada Varona, Anay Penalba

    Subit, Joisy Jaramillo Snchez,

    Kirenia Daz Argelles, Daisis

    Artiles del Sol, Yamilet Naranjo

    Figueredo, Dellice

    Gonzlez Dorrego, Xiomara de las

    Mercedes Cruz Miranda, Roxilene

    Sotolongo Cruz, Virgen Coello

    Basulto, Julia Herrera Roque,

    Margarita Barbena Caldern, Lisset

    Naranjo Girn, Ada Mara Lpez

    Canino, Yamil Bargs Hurtado,

    Yaqueln Boni Hechevarra,

    Adelma Guerra Ricardo, Ivn

    Moralobos Melo, Deisy Coello

    Basulto, Tamara Rodrguez

    Quesada, Cecilia Guerra

    Alfonso, Zenaida Hidalgo Cedeo,

    Dayane Ortiz Hernndez, Aliuska

    Gmez Garca, Ivn Lemus

    Detained 6-8 hours for protesting

    and demanding freedom of all

    political prisoners and respect for

    human rights.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 14

    Fonseca, Mirenia Henry Garca,

    Milvia Narcisa Aguilera Lanz,

    Yolanda Santana Ayala, Mayeln

    Pea Bullan, Mara de

    los ngeles Rojas Pereira, Arelis

    Blanco Coello, Mara Josefa Acn

    Sardia, Igdaris Yamina Prez

    Ponciano, Adisnidia Dallet

    Urgelles, Lucinda Gonzlez G

    (Damas de Blanco)

    07/13/15 Manicaragua,

    Villa Clara

    Jos Leyva Daz

    (Frente Resistencia Cvica OZT)

    Detained 6 hours for protesting in

    public and demand freedom for all

    political prisoners and respect for

    human rights.

    Manolo Sarduy

    07/14/15 Aguada de



    Juan Alberto de la Nuez Ramrez

    (Movimiento Ciudadano Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Detained 3 hours by political

    police, accused of being a

    delinquent and threatened with

    prison time.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/14/15 Santa Clara Villa


    Yusel Garca lvarez,Yoel Bravo

    (Frente Resistencia Cvica OZT)

    Detained 3 hours by political

    police because of his involvement

    in dissident activities.

    Manolo Sarduy

    07/15/15 Guantnamo Francisco Manzanet Ortz

    (Movimiento Reconciliacin y Paz

    Juan Pablo)

    Detained 24 hours by political

    police for peacefully protesting in


    Arturo Acosta

    07/15/15 Guantnamo Niober Garca Fournier, Damin

    Rodrguez Mejas, Ramn Olivares

    Abello, Yanelis Salazar Toledano

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained 72 hours by political

    police for handing out pamphlets

    on the street.

    Arturo Acosta

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 15

    07/16/15 San Miguel del

    Padrn, La


    Yanisel Boza Garrido, Yaneisy

    Herrera Cabrales, Yurineisy

    Alemn Ferrera, Yunieski Gainza,

    Raisel Rivero Rodrguez, Lzaro

    Yosvany Montesinos Hernndez,

    Ariosbel Castillo Villalba, Yoelkis

    Boza Garrido, Ronny Games Luna,

    Kessell Rodrguez Rodrguez,

    Yordanka Weelk Balquineris,

    Carlos Manuel Hernndez Jimnez

    (Comisin de ayuda presos

    polticos y familiares)

    Detained 4-14 hours by political

    police as a punishment for prevent

    an act of repudiation to take place

    outside the house of a dissident.

    Yanisel Boza Garrido

    07/16/15 San Miguel del

    Padrn, La


    Isaura Weelk Balquineris

    (Comisin de ayuda presos

    polticos y familiares)

    Suffered an act of repudiation in

    front of her house.

    Yanisel Boza Garrido

    07/16/15 La Habana Reinaldo Rodrguez Hernndez

    (Frente Accin Cvica OZT)

    Detained 72 hours by political

    police on his way to visit a

    dissident that was detained.

    Hugo Damin Prieto


    07/16/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Yoel Hernndez Jimnez, Luis

    Dionisio Rodrguez Len

    (Coalicin Central Opositora)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    and questioned about anti-

    government posters.

    Damaris Moya


    07/17/15 Placetas, Santa


    Jorge Lus Garca Prez, Iris Tamara

    Prez Aguilera

    (Frente Resistencia Cvica OZT)

    Suffered an act of repudiation for

    solidarizing with the Ladies in


    Ivn Hernndez


    07/17/15 Trinidad, Sancti


    Manuel Gonzlez Gonzlez

    (Confederacin de Trabajadores

    Independientes de Cuba)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police because of his involvement

    in dissident activities.

    Ivn Hernndez


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 16

    07/17/15 Villa Clara Joel Vzquez Ruz

    (Movimiento Cubano Reflexin y


    Detained 16 hours by political

    police for peacefully protesting in


    Manolo Sarduy

    07/18/15 Trinidad, Sancti


    Osvaldo Arcis Hernndez

    (Confederacin de Trabajadores

    Independientes de Cuba)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police and threatened with being

    jailed if he persists with his

    dissident activities.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/19/15 Aguada de



    Yabel Ramrez Pea, Daney

    Miranda Daz, Juan Carlos Villegas

    Amador, Caridad Herminia

    Quiones Lpez, Cirilo Quiones

    Lpez, Brbaro de la

    Nuez Ramrez, Yamil Menndez,

    Jose Alberto Castro Rodrguez,

    Orlendy Garca Espino

    (Movimiento Ciudadano Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Suffered an act of repudiation for

    2 hours as a punishment for their

    involvement in dissident activities.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/19/15 San Antonio de

    los Baos,


    Daniel Alfaro Fras

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT)

    His home was searched by the

    police under the pretext of Daniel

    holding illegal propaganda against

    the government.

    Hugo Damin Prieto


    07/19/15 La Habana Lzaro Mendoza Garca, Lus

    Andrs Domnguez Sardias,

    Andrs Abelino Domnguez

    Beltrn, Ricardo Luna

    Rodrguez, Livn Gmez Castillo,

    Francisco Garca Punier, Reinier

    Wilson Caballeros, Lzaro Jos de

    la Noval Usn, Hugo Damin Prieto

    Blanco, Enrique Lpez Torres,

    Vladimir Turr Pez, Leudis Reyes

    Detained by the political police

    and taken to different police units

    to prevent them from attending

    Sunday mass.

    Hugo Damin Prieto


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 17

    Cuza y Jos Antonio Pompa Lpez

    (Frente Accin Cvica OZT)

    07/19/15 Holgun Daimaris Morales Pia, Gliseris

    Pia Gonzlez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    07/19/15 La Habana Mayeln Pea Bullan, Mara Rosa Rodrguez Molina, Mirtha Ricardo

    Tornet, Olayda del Castillo Trujillo,

    Caridad Ramrez Utria, Haydee

    Gallardo Salazar

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler Fernndez

    07/19/15 Aguada de



    Miladis Espinosa Daz, Yaima Ulloa de la Torre, Niurbis de la Rosa Hernndez (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 3 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler Fernndez

    07/19/15 Guantnamo Esther Carroman Candon, Yurima

    Prez, Mariuska Lpez Roja (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    07/19/15 La Habana Hugo Damin Prieto Blanco, Lzaro Mendoza Garca, Leudis Reyes Cuza,

    Andrs Avelino Domnguez Beltrn,

    Vladimir Turr Pez, Jos Antonio

    Pompa Lpez, Luis Enrique Lpez

    Torres, Luis Andrs Domnguez

    Sardias, Reinor Figueredo Gallardo,

    Ricardo Luna Rodrguez, Francisco

    Garca Puniel, Livn Gmez Castillo,

    Lzaro Jos de la Noval Usin, ngel

    Figueredo Castellano, Reinier

    Figueredo Gallardo, Degnis Miguel

    Detained 6 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 18

    Gonzlez, Daniel Alfaro Fras, Lzaro

    Yuri Valle Roca, Reinier Wilson

    Castellano, Osvaldo Moralobos, Ren

    Ricardo, Yegar Manuel Velzquez

    Licea, Luis Mario Mugueira Moreira,

    Behikis Ordez Quilate, Heriberto,

    Sandalio Mejas Zulueta

    (Different organizations)

    07/19/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez, Zodreli

    Turruella Poncio, Mara Cristina

    Labrada Varona, Rosalina Visiedo

    Gmez, Lismeiris Quintana vila,

    Eugenia Daz Hernndez, Daisis

    Artiles del Sol, Yamile Naranjo

    Figueredo, Martha Belkis

    Gonzlez, Yamil Garro Alfonso,

    Roxilene Sotolongo Cruz, Virgen

    Cuello Basulto, Julia Herrera,

    Margarita Barbena Caldern,

    Soraya Milans Guerra, Ada Mara

    Lpez Canino, Nieves Caridad

    Matamoros,Yaqueln Boni Hechevarra, Danaisis Muz Lpez,

    Ivn Moralobos Melo, Deisy Cuello

    Basulto, Lzara Gleisys Acosta

    Toscano, Cecilia Guerra Alfonso, Iris

    Llerandi Kindeln, Dayane Ortiz

    Hernndez, Aliuska Gmez Garca,

    Ivn Lemus Fonseca, Mirenia Henry

    Garca, Arelis Blanco Cuello, Mara

    Josefa Acn Sardia, Igdaris Yamina

    Prez Ponciano, Adisnidia Dallet

    Urgelles, Lucinda Gonzlez Gmez,

    Sarah Prez Pedroso, Mara Cristina

    Hernndez Gaviln, Mara Milin

    Detained 6 hours by the political

    police for peacefully demanding

    freedom for all political prisoners

    and in favor of human rights.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 19

    Perdomo, Gladys Capote Roque y Ivn

    de las Mercedes Lazo Abreu (Damas de Blanco)

    07/19/15 La Habana Jos Daz Silva, Servilio Villegas

    Marrero, Jos Antonio Moreira


    Ciro Alexis Casanova Prez, Mario

    Alberto Hernndez Leyva, Pavel

    Herrera Hernndez, Miguel Alberto

    Ulloa Ginard, ngel Moya Acosta,

    Ivn Fernndez Depreste, Egberto

    ngel Escobedo Morales, Alexis

    Hernndez Caizales, Maribel

    Hernndez Gil, Jorge Luis Garca

    Prez, Dayane Estrada Marcos,

    Edelvis Granda Prez, Rolando

    Reyes Rabanal, Gorki guila,

    Miguel Borroto, Claudio

    Fuentes, Antonio Gonzlez Rodiles,

    Agustn Lpez Canino, Osvaldo

    Mendoza Ferrio, Ailer Gonzlez,

    Francisco Javier Alce Abreu,

    Humberto Viel Marn, Saqueo Pez

    Guerrero, Laritza Cabrera Calistre,

    Yaima Castell Soler, Maidelys

    Herrera, Ariel Gonzlez Cueva

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 6 hours by political

    police for solidarizing with the

    Ladies in White during mass.

    Bertha Soler


    07/20/15 Villa Clara Joel Bravo Lpez

    (Movimiento Cubano Reflexin)

    Detained 24 hours by political

    police because of his dissident


    Manolo Sarduy

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 20

    07/22/15 Crdenas,


    Eduardo Pacheco Ortz

    (Partido por la Democracia Pedro

    Lus Boitel)

    Detained by political police and

    questioned about his involvement

    with dissidents.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/23/15 Las Caas,


    Martha Snchez Gonzlez

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    and threatened because she is

    presumed to have done graffiti on

    public streets.

    Yuniel Blanco


    07/23/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Damaris Moya Portilles

    (Coalicin Central Opositora)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police. She was beat, and offended

    with racists jokes by police agents.

    Damaris Moya


    07/25/15 Autopista de

    Pinar del Ro

    Jos Daz Silva, Mario Alberto

    Hernndez Leiva

    (Movimiento de Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent him from

    meeting with other dissidents.

    Jos Daz Silva

    07/25/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Serafn Morn Santer, Miguel

    Lpez Santer, Lzaro Kessell

    Barruecos, Dennis Miguel

    Gonzlez Rodrguez,

    Carlos Manuel Figueroa lvarez

    (Movimiento de Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 5-8 hours for

    participating in a meeting of their

    dissident organization.

    Jos Daz Silva

    07/25/15 Cuatro Caminos,

    La Habana

    Carlos Manuel Figueroa lvarez

    (Movimiento de Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 15 hours by political

    police for being a dissident.

    Carlos Manuel


    07/25/15 La Lisa, La


    Luis Enrique Labrador Daz,

    Walfrido Rodrguez Piloto

    (La Fuerza de la Verdad)

    Detained 6-20 hours for being

    suspects of hanging anti-

    government posters.

    Juan Goberna

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 21

    07/26/15 Crdenas,


    Cira Vega de la F, Odalys

    Hernndez , Katiuska Rodrguez

    Rivero, Leticia Ramos Herrera,

    Amanda Rosa Herrera Rodrguez,

    Hortensia Alfonso, Yamira

    Senda Ruiz

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    for attending Sunday mass.

    Ivn Hernndez


    07/26/15 La Habana Yurimeisy Alemn Ferrer, Yaneisy Herrera Cabrales, Yunieski Gainza

    Acosta, Rebeca Rojas Ulln,

    Yanisel Boza Garrido, Yoelvis

    Boza Garrido, Ronny Gmez Luna,

    Ariobel Castillo, Ariobel Castillo

    (Movimiento Luchadores por la


    Detained 28 hours by political

    police for writing on a bed sheet

    messages demanding respect for

    human rights and protesting with


    Yanisel Boza Garrido

    07/26/15 Palma Soriano,

    Santiago de Cuba

    Mara Luisa Rodrguez Portales,

    Deilenis Rosabal Acosta,

    Yanisleidys Peralta lvarez,

    Eduviges Isaac Rodrguez, Marielis

    Manzano Carballo, Mara Lina

    Perdomo Durn, Yuneisis Amaya

    Arias, Olga Lidia La O Figueredo,

    Yanet Figueredo Cruz, Elia Letsi

    Isaac Reyes, Onelis Caldern

    Alvarado, Martha Onelvis Mendoza

    Daz y Denia Fernndez Rey

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Denia Fernndez Rey


    07/26/15 Holgun Maylin Ricardo Gngora,Daimaris

    Morales Pia

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acost

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 22

    07/26/15 Aguada de



    Olga Relova Vega, Yaima Ulloa de

    la Torre, Niurbis de la Rosa

    Hernndez,Yudania Rodrguez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    07/26/15 La Habana Oyln Hernndez, MaraRosa

    Molina, Mirtha Ricardo Tornet,

    Olayda del Castillo Trujillo,

    Caridad Ramrez Utria, Maylen

    Gonzlez Gonzlez, Mayeln

    Santiesteban Lpez, Martha Belkis,

    Sarah Prez, Mirenia Henry Garca

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    07/26/15 La Habana Jos Daz Silva, Mario Alberto

    Hernndez, Leudis Reyes Cuza,

    Andrs Avelino Domnguez

    Beltrn, Henry Rey Rodrguez, Jos

    Antonio Pompa Lpez, Luis

    Enrique Lpez Torres, Luis Andrs

    Domnguez Sardias, Jos Laffita

    Moreira, Ricardo Luna Rodrguez,

    Francisco Garca Puniel, Servilio

    Villegas Marrero, Lzaro Jos de la

    Noval, Sandalio Mejas Zulueta

    Agustn Lpez Canino, Juan Lamas

    Martnez, Daniel Alfaro Fras,

    Lzaro Yuri Valle Roca,

    Reinaldo Rodrguez Hernndez,

    Osvaldo Moralobos, Zaqueo Bez

    Guerrero, Carlos Manuel Figueroa,

    Behikis Ordez Quilate, Heriberto

    Pons, Seiler Crdova Estrada,

    Wilberto Parada Miln, Roberto

    Hernndez Barrios, Nilfre de la

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 23

    Caridad Reyes, Amed Santiago

    Hernndez, Yaquelin Herrera

    Morales, Yasmani Barroso

    (Different organizations)

    07/26/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez, Zodrelis

    Turruella Poncio, Mara Cristina

    Labrada, Xiomara de las Mercedes

    Cruz Miranda, Lismeiris Quintana

    vila, Joisi Jaramillo Snchez,

    Daisi Artiles del Sol, Yamile

    Naranjo Figueredo, Zenaida

    Hidalgo Cedeo,

    Yamil Garro Alfonso, Roxilene

    Sotolongo Cruz, Dellice Gonzlez

    Dorrego, Julia Herrera Roque,

    Adelma Guerra Ricardo, Lzara

    Mara Dorrego Guzmn, Ada Mara

    Lpez Canino, Nieves Caridad

    Matamoros Gonzlez,

    Yaqueln Boni Hechevarria, Anai

    Penalba Subit, Ivn Moralobos

    Melo, Milvia Narcisa Aguilera

    Lanz, Lzara Gleisys Acosta,

    Cecilia Guerra Alfonso, Iris

    Llerandi Kindeln, Dayane Ortz

    Hernndez, Aliuska Gmez Garca,

    Ivn Lemus Fonseca, Kirenia Daz

    Argelles, Arelis Blanco Cuello,

    Mara Josefa Acn Sardias,

    Haydee Gallardo Salazar, Virgen

    Cuello Basulto, Lucinda Gonzlez,

    Gmez, Mayeln Pea Bulln,

    Mara Caridad Hernndez, Mara

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police for holding their Sunday

    peaceful march demanding

    freedom for all political prisoners

    and respect for human rights.

    Some were physically hurt.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 24

    Milin Perdomo, Gladys Capote

    Roque, Ivn de las Mercedes Lazo,

    Alina de la Caridad Garca, Deisi

    Cuello Basulto

    (Damas de Blanco)

    07/26/15 La Habana Hugo Damin Prieto Blanco,


    Mendoza Garca, Miguel Guerra

    Hasti, Nelson Pascual Rodrguez,

    ngel Luis Daz Ferao, Pavel


    Hernndez, Ral Borges lvarez,

    ngel Moya Acosta, Egberto

    Escobedo Morales, Luis Mario

    Muguelcia, Yoandra Seiva Morales,

    Ariel Gonzlez Cuevas, Manuel

    Velzquez Licea, Carlos Tamayo

    Fras, Rolando Reyes Rabanal,

    ngel Figueredo Castelln, Claudio

    fuentes, Antonio Gonzlez Rodiles,

    Osvaldo Mendoza Ferriol, Ailer

    Gonzlez Mena, Humberto Viel

    Marn, Zaqueo Bez Guerrero

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police for solidarizing with the

    Ladies in White during mass.

    Bertha Soler


    07/27/15 Parque Central,

    La Habana

    Reinier Rodrguez Mendoza

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained because of his dissident


    Arcelio Molina

    07/28/15 La Habana Sarah Prez Pedroso, Reinaldo

    Rodrguez Hernndez

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    as a punishment for demanding

    information about his detained


    Hugo Damin Prieto

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 25

    07/28/15 Centro Habana,

    La Habana

    Jos Antonio Pompa, Leudis Reyes

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT)

    Detained 8 hours by political

    police because of their dissident


    Hugo Damin Prieto

    07/28/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Guillermo Farias Hernndez,

    Rolando Ferrer Espinosa, Jorge

    Artles Montier, Omar Nez

    Espinosa, Dayam Villavicencio

    Hernndez, Jos Lino Asencio

    (Foro Antitotalitario Unido)

    Detained 2-8 hours by political

    police for protesting outside the

    municipal office of the

    Department of Health.

    Ramn Jimnez


    07/29/15 Ciego de vila Roberto Valdivia Hernndez

    (Partido 30 de Noviembre Frank


    Detained 18 hours by the political


    Roberto Valdivia

    07/30/15 Aguada de



    Emilio Garca Moreira

    (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police because of his dissident


    Ivn Hernndez


    07/30/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Lzaro Yuri Valle Roca, Yasel

    Rivero Boni

    (Periodistas Independientes)

    Detained by political police for 5

    hours for taking pictures of a

    fallen wall.

    Lzaro Yuri Valle



    Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 26

    Violations of Human Rights in Cuba

    August, 2015

    The following report compiles information of Cubans arbitrarily arrested and/or detained, harassed, attacked, and faced acts of

    repudiation* by the Cuban government in the month of August, 2015. This information is based on the monthly report published by

    the Comisin Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliacin Nacional (Cuban NGO specializing in Human Rights as well as other

    sources in the island).

    *Acts of Repudiation are physical and/or verbal aggression mobs organized by State Security (Cubas political police).

    At least 768 arrests for political reasons in July.

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 27

    Date Incident Location

    Victims Incident Type Source of



    Centro Habana, La

    Habana Rosario Morales la Rosa, Leonor

    Reinot Borges, Zahra Castro

    Casals, Margarita Daz Rodrguez,

    Anai Porro Cutio, Luz Marina

    Parada Licea, Crispina Duquezne

    Surez, Raquel Castillo Urquiza,

    Melkis Faure Hechavarra,

    Moraima Rodrguez Batista,

    Zulema Las Sangrioni, Nancy

    Ramona Zamora Paz, Lidia Esther

    Romeu Rojas, Mercedes Gonzlez

    Herrera, Yanelis Ferra Hernndez,

    Yohana de la Cruz Garca

    (Movimiento Damas de Blanco

    Laura Polln)

    Detained 6 hours by political

    police for attending Sunday mass.

    Rosario Morales La


    08/02/15 Holgun Mailin Ricardo Gngora, Ana Iris

    Miranda Leiva, Darelis Pupo

    Blanco, Niurka Cruz Cruz

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    08/02/15 Bayamo Ivania Rodrguez, Xiomara Montes

    de Oca Mediacejas

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    08/02/15 La Habana Lzaro Yuri Vall, Eralidis Frmeta


    (Dama de Blanco y Periodista


    Harassed 8 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Lzaro Yuri Valle


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 28

    08/02/15 La Habana Oyln Hernndez Rodrguez, Mara

    Rosa Rodrguez Molina, Brbara Aguilar Garca, Eralidis Frmeta

    Polanco, Mayeln Pea Bullan, Ada

    Mara Lpez Canino

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 1-5 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    08/02/15 Aguada de



    Niurbis de la Rosa Hernndez,

    Yaima Ulloa de la Torre, Olga

    Reloba Vega

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 1-5 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    08/02/15 La Habana Jos Daz Silva, Mario Alberto

    Hernndez, Leudis Reyes Cuza,

    Andrs Avelino Domnguez, Henri

    Rey Rodrguez, Jos Antonio

    Pompa Lpez, Luis Enrique Lpez

    Torres, Luis Andrs Domnguez,

    Hugo Damin Prieto Blanco,

    Ricardo Luna Rodrguez, Francisco

    Garca Puniel, Juan Gonzlez

    Febles, Rolando Reyes Rabanal,

    Rubn Daro Garca Artes, Agustn

    Lpez Canino, Juan Lamas

    Martnez, Daniel Alfaro Fras,

    Lzaro Yuri Valle Roca, Reinaldo

    Rodrguez Hernndez, ngel

    Figueredo Castelln, Zaqueo Bez

    Guerrero, Nenys Miguel

    Hernndez, Nelson Gonzlez

    Bernia, Vladimir Turr Pez,

    Lzaro Mendoza Garca, Pavel

    Herrera Hernndez , Livn Gmez

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 6-7 hours by the political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 29

    08/02/15 La Habana Lzaro de la Noval Usin, Mximo

    Rodrguez Pasiero, Eugenio

    Hernndez Hernndez, Sergio

    Maikel Dupn Prieto, Wilberto

    Parada Miln, Miguel Borroto,

    Ral Borges lvarez, ngel Moya

    Acosta, Servilio Villegas Marrero,

    Egberto Escobedo Morales, Rodny

    Gmez Luna, Rebeca Roja Ullan,

    Ariel Gonzlez Cuevas, Yoeldis

    Bouza Garrido, La Villares,

    Osvaldo Mendoza Ferriol y Alexis

    Prez Lezcano

    (Different Organizations)

    Detained 6-7 hours by political

    police for solidarizing with the

    Ladies in White during Sunday


    Bertha Soler Fernndez

    08/02/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez, Zodrelis

    Turruella Poncio, Mara Cristina

    Labrada Varona, Xiomara de las

    Mercedes Cruz, Lismeiris Quintana

    vila, Joisi Jaramillo Snchez,

    Daisi Artiles del Sol, Yamil

    Naranjo Figueredo, Zenaida

    Hidalgo Cedeo, Yamil Garro

    Alfonso, Roxilene Sotolongo Cruz,

    Martha Belkis Rodrguez, Julia

    Herrera Roque, Yamil Barges

    Hurtado, Daisy Coello Basulto,

    Maylen Gonzlez Gonzlez, Nieves

    Caridad Matamoros, YaquelnBoni

    Hechevarra, AnayPenalbaSubit,

    Ivn Moralobos Melo, Milvia

    Narcisa Aguilera, Danaisys Munz

    Lpez, Cecilia Guerra Alfonso,

    Mayeln Santiesteban Lpez,

    Detained 6-7 hours by political

    police for peacefully protesting

    and demanding freedom for all

    political prisoners and respect for

    human rights.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 30

    Eugenia Daz Hernndez, Aliuska

    Gmez Garca, Ivn Lemus,

    Fonseca, Kirenia Daz Argelles,

    Arelis Blanco Coello, Mara Josefa

    Acn Sardia, Haydee Gallardo

    Salazar, Virgen Coello Basulto,

    Lucinda Gonzlez Gmez, Mirtha

    Ricardo Tornet, Mara Cristina

    Hernndez, Soraya Milans Guerra,

    Gladys Capote Roque, Ivn de las

    Mercedes Alina de la Caridad Lanz

    (Damas de Blanco)

    08/03/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Lzaro Rolando Kessell Barruecos,

    Julio Antonio Ferrer Tamayo

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    for taking pictures of a partially

    collapsed home.

    Carlos Manuel Figueroa

    08/05/15 Alamar, La Habana Maikel Daz Roque, Ivn Lascaiba Hernndez

    (Impacto Juvenil PRC)

    Suffered an act of repudiation for

    hanging posters on the balcony

    with pro-human rights messages.

    Maikel Daz Roque

    08/05/15 Pinar del Ro Ral Lus Risco Prez (Periodista Independiente)

    Detained 3 hours by political

    police for handing out brochures

    of Panorama Pinareo.

    Ral Lus Risco Prez

    08/05/15 Centro Habana, La


    Carlos Manuel Figueroa lvarez, Sandalio Mejas Zulueta, Mario

    Alberto Hernndez Leiva, Osvaldo Mendoza Ferrer, Yoandry Echevarra

    (Movimiento Opositores por una Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 2-8-33 hours for handing

    out flyers demanding freedom for

    all Cubans.

    Jos Daz Silva

    08/06/15 Habana del Este, La Habana

    Maikel Daz Roque, Miguel Alberto

    Ulloa Ginart, Ernesto Tamayo

    (Impacto Juvenil PRC)

    Detained 2-81 hours for their pro-

    freedom activities.

    Ernesto Tamayo

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 31

    08/06/15 Aguada de Pasajeros, Cienfuegos

    Dany Miranda Gil

    (Movimiento Ciudadano Reflexin y


    Detained 29 hours by political

    police and threatened.

    Ivn Hernndez Carillo

    08/06/15 Pinar del Rio Ral Lus Risco Prez (Instituto Cubano por la Libertad de

    Expresin y Prensa)

    Detained and questioned for 2

    hours by the political police.

    Ral Lus Risco Prez

    08/07/15 La Habana Ral Borges lvarez, Yamil Borges Hurtado

    (Partido Democrtico Cubano

    Dama de Blanco)

    Detained by the political police at

    the airport to prevent them from

    welcoming the dissidents that were

    arriving from the US.

    Ral Borges lvarez

    08/07/15 La Habana Jos Daz Silva, Mario Alberto Hernndez Leiva, Denny Miguel

    Gonzlez Garca, Humberto Viel

    Marn, Sandalio Mejas Zulueta,

    Osvaldo Mendoza Ferrior, Reinaldo

    Abreu Alfonso

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 6-96 hours by the

    political police to prevent them

    from welcoming the dissidents that

    were arriving from the US.

    Jos Daz Silva

    08/07/15 Boyeros, La Habana

    Eduardo Ramos Balaguer, Augusto

    Guerra Mrquez ,Ubaldo Herrera

    Lzaro Julin Garca, Osvaldo

    Moralobos Labrada, Israel Reyes

    Montero, Yosvani Martnez Lemus,

    Idania Gonzlez Yez, Ramn

    Mora Hernndez, Concepcin

    Hernndez Barbn, Ren Ricardo

    Valds, Lazara Santos, Rolando

    Yuset Prez Morera, Guillermo

    Rodrguez Crdenas, Emilio

    Rodrguez Otero, Gladys Capote

    Roque, Nieves de la Caridad

    Matamoros, Jimmy Enrique Torres,

    Detained by political police and

    driven miles away from the city to

    prevent them from attending a


    Agustn Figueroa


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 32

    Miguel ngel Tirador, Niola

    Camila Araujo, ngel Fleites

    (Partido Unin por Cuba Libre)

    08/07/15 Centro Habana, La Habana

    Mara Nlida Lpez Bez

    (Federacin Latinoamericana de

    Mujeres Rurales)

    Harassed and threatened because

    of her activism in favor of human

    rights and freedom for all political


    Juan Goberna


    08/08/15 La Habana Rolando Reyes Rabanal (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 18 hours by political

    police to prevent him from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Rolando Reyes


    08/08/15 Pinar del Rio Yelkis Puig Rodrguez, Jorge Luis

    Romero, Alexis Blanco

    (Partido Unin Democrtica


    Detained 24 hours by political

    police for solidarizing with

    FLAMUR in their campaign

    against violence.

    Ral Lus Risco Prez

    08/08/15 Trinidad, Sancti


    Alexander Isidoro Dueas Ortega

    (Confederacin de Trabajadores

    Independientes de Cuba)

    Detained 31 hours by political

    police for being suspect of hanging

    pro-dissidence posters.

    Ivn Hernndez


    08/08/15 Santa Isabel de las

    Lajas, Cienfuegos

    Elosa Veloz Becerra, Jorge Luis

    Oliver Daz

    (Movimiento Cubano Reflexin)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police for protesting in public

    against the government.

    Manolo Sarduy

    08/08/15 Centro Habana, La Habana

    Mara Nlida Lpez Bez

    (Federacin latinoamericana de

    mujeres rurales)

    Harassed and threatened because

    of her activism in favor of human

    rights and freedom for all political


    Arturo Acosta

    08/09/15 Holgun Carmen Charpe Fay, Marexy

    Lausau Tamayo, Ramn Zamora

    (Damas de Blanco and friends)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent her from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 33

    08/09/15 Bayamo Xiomara Montes de Oca

    Mediacejas, Ivania Rodrguez

    Rodrguez, Yamilet Aliaga Rivas,

    Agueda Molina Vargas, Yoannia

    Jorge Medina, Maidelis Medina

    Snchez, Yudisbel Rosell Mojena

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent her from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    08/09/15 Pinar del Rio Yuliet Margarita Rodrguez

    (Damas de Blanco) Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Magaly Norvis

    08/09/15 La Habana Mirtha Ricardo Tornet, Roxilene

    Sotolongo Abreu, Dayanne Ortiz

    Hernndez, Mayeln Santiesteban ,

    Brbara Aguilar Sardia, Sarah

    Prez Pedroso, Maiden Maidique

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Magaly Norvis

    08/09/15 La Habana Ariel Gonzlez Cuevas, Lzaro

    Yuri Valle Roca, Agustn Lpez

    Canino, Jos Daz Silva, Leonit

    Carbonel, Luis Enrique Lpez

    Torres, Lzaro Jos de la Noval

    Usin, Ricardo Luna, Reinier

    Wilson, Daniel Alfaro Fras, Luis

    Andrs Avelino Domnguez,

    Andrs Avelino Domnguez,

    Francisco Garca Punier, Vladimir

    Turr Pez, Lzaro Mendoza

    Garca, Livn Gmez, Hugo

    Damin Prieto Blanco y Ramn

    Zamora Rodrguez

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Magaly Norvis

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 34

    08/09/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez , Zodrelis

    Turruella Poncio, Xiomara de las

    Mercedes Cruz, Joisi Jaramillo

    Snchez, Daisi Artiles del Sol,

    Yamil Naranjo Figueredo, Yamil

    Garro Alfonso, Dellice Gonzlez

    Dorrego, Julia Herrera Roque,

    Lzara Mara Dorrego Guzmn,

    Ada Mara Lpez Canino, Yaquelin

    Boni Hechevarra, Anai Penalba

    Subit, Cecilia Guerra Alonso ,Ivn

    Lemus Fonseca, Kirenia Daz

    Fonseca ,Arelis Blanco Coello,

    Mara Josefa Acn Sardia ,Virgen

    Coello Basulto, Mara Caridad

    Hernndez Gaviln, Mara Milian

    Pedroso, Ivn de las Mercedes

    Lazo, Alina de la Caridad Lanz

    ,Deisi Coello Basulto, Margarita

    Barbena, Maylen Gonzlez

    Gonzlez, Mara Cristina Labrada

    Varona, Eugenia Daz Hernndez,

    Zenaida Hidalgo, Tamara

    Rodrguez, Adelma Guerra

    Ricardo, Yamil Borge, Lismeiris

    Quintana vila, Lisett, Eralidis

    Frmeta Polanco, Aliuska Gmez

    Garca, Yolanda Santana, Yusleidys

    Bolero Concepcin, Danaisis

    Muoz, Ivn Moralobos Melo

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 5 hours and hurt by the

    political police for peacefully

    marching in favor of human rights

    and demanding the freedom of all

    political prisoners.

    Magaly Norvis

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 35

    08/09/15 La Habana Pavel Herrera Hernndez, ngel

    Moya Acosta, Mario Alberto,

    Alberto Hernndez Caizares, Jos

    Antonio Morera Laffita, Egberto

    Escobedo Morales, Miguel Borroto,

    Claudio Fuentes Madn, Gorki

    guila Carrasco, Ronny Gmez

    Luna, Guillermo Garca Velzquez,

    Brbaro Alexis Smil Ortega, Lzaro

    Kessell Barruecos, Reinaldo

    Rodrguez Hernndez, Rubn Daro

    Garca, Boris Gonzlez Arena,

    Ailer Mara Gonzlez, Leudis

    Reyes Cuza, Jos Antonio Pompa

    Lpez, Juan Lamas Martnez, Ral

    Borges lvarez, Rebeca Rojas

    Ulln, Yenisel Bouza, Yunieski

    Gainza Acosta, Yurineisis Alemn

    Ferrera, Camilo Ernesto Olivera,

    Pedro Fontanar, Ariel Castillo

    Soler, ngel Santiesteban Prats,

    Grisel Rivero Boza, Roberto

    Hernndez Barrio, Lisandra

    Zamadrit Godnez, Jorge Luis

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police as a punishment for

    solidarizing with the Ladies in

    White during Sunday mass.

    Magalis Norvis

    08/09/15 Centro

    Habana, La Habana

    Mara Nlida Lpez Bez

    (Federacin Latinoamericana de

    Mujeres Rurales-FLAMUR)

    Harassed and threatened because

    of her involvement with dissidents

    and her activism.

    Juan Goberna


    08/10/15 Manicaragua, Villa


    Jos Leyva Daz

    (Movimiento Cubano Reflexin) Detained 3 hours by political

    police for demanding the freedom

    for a dissident.

    Manolo Sarduy

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 36

    08/10/15 Camagey Vladimir Osorio, Conrado Galindo

    (Instituto Cubano por la Libertad

    de Expresin y Prensa)

    Detained 5 days by the political

    police under espionage


    Ral Lus Risco Prez

    08/11/15 Virgen del Camino,

    La Habana

    Juan Lamas Martnez

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police because of his activism.

    Juan Lamas Martnez

    08/12/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Yoandry Echevarra Meja,

    Mileidis Torres Concepcin

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica y Ciudadana)

    Detained 26 hours by political

    police for filming an anti-

    government protest on the street.

    Yoandry Echevarra

    Mejas, Sandalio

    Mejas Zulueta

    08/13/15 San Antonio de los

    Baos, Artemisa

    Daniel Alfaro Fras

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT)

    Detained 12 hours by agents for

    being a suspect of hanging anti-

    government posters on public


    Hugo Damin Prieto

    08/13/15 Parque Central, La


    Carlos Manuel Figueroa lvarez

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 33 hours for being a

    suspect of anti-government

    activities on the birthday of

    General Fidel Castro.

    Carlos Manuel


    08/13/15 Parque Central, La


    Serafn Mora Santiago, Silverio

    Portal Contreras

    (Movimiento Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Harassed by political police for

    holding pro-freedom activities on

    General Fidel Castros birthday.

    Serafn Mora

    Santiago, Silverio

    Portal Contreras

    08/13/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Roberto Hernndez Barrios,

    Wilberto Parada Miln

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained 13 hours by political

    police for holding pro-freedom

    activities on General Fidel

    Castros birthday.

    Roberto Hernndez


    08/13/15 Santa Cruz del Sur,


    Emilio Rivera Surez, Guillermo

    Rodrguez Rodrguez

    (Partido Independiente

    Democrtico Cubano)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police because of their pro-

    freedom activism.

    Fernando Vzquez


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 37

    08/14/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Roberto Hernndez Barrios,

    Wilberto Parada Miln

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Harassed and threatened if they

    left their home to protest against

    the opening of the American

    embassy in Cuba.

    Roberto Hernndez


    08/14/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Yasser Rivero Boni, Vicente

    Rodrguez Hernndez

    (Activistas Independientes)

    Suffered an act of repudiation and

    later were detained 2-5 hours by

    the political police for being a

    public threat on the day of John

    Kerrys trip around the area.

    Yaqueln Boni

    08/16/15 Guantnamo Bartolo Cantillo Romero, Manuel

    de Jess Albera Odelin, Marco

    Antonio Morn Pelegrin, Gastn

    Gngora Torres, Santiago Cutio

    Aguilera, Henry Couto Guzmn,

    Roelvis Cuba Send, Yohandri

    Beltrn Gamboa, Redesneldo

    Snchez Lpez, Johannes Arce

    Sarmiento, Alexis Aguilar Silveira

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained 8 hours by political

    police for peacefully protesting at

    a public street in Havana.

    Arturo Acosta

    08/16/15 Santiago de Cuba Iriades Fernndez Aguilera, Ovidio

    Martin Castellanos, Wilber

    Fernndez Cuza, Brbaro Rensoler

    Verdecia, Fernando Vzquez

    Guerra, Dorico Alexander Snchez,

    Onel Npoles Fernndez, Roberto

    Gonzlez Feria, Lorenzo Malez

    Isaac, David Fernndez Cardoso,

    Evelio Fernndez Salazar, Goarth

    Cruz Zamora, Eduardo Fernndez

    Cardoso, Leonel Rodrguez Daz,

    Yoel Fernndez Cardoso, Luis

    Edwin Ramos, Ricardo Guzmn

    Calzado, Evangelino Rodrguez

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 38

    Salcedo, Pedro Martnez Macaut,

    Omar Sayut Saquechel, Emislo

    Moran Snchez, Carlos Oliva

    Riber, Edonis Garcs Rodrguez,

    Zenaida Ramos Santana, Magalis

    Riva flecha, Ernesto Oliva Torres,

    Ricardo Jimnez Snchez, Miraida

    Martin Caldern, Lisandra Robert

    Salazar, Ernesto Riber Gascn,

    Yusmila Miranda, Alexis

    Rodrguez, Chacn, Reinaldo

    Martnez Sonet, Jess Snchez

    Romero, Alexei Pcora Rabel,

    Esmeralda Cabrera Puente, Lzaro

    Romero Hurtado, Alexei Vargas

    Martn, Diango Vargas Martn,

    Biango Vargas Martn, Miraida

    Cal, Hctor Velzquez Gmez,

    Jos Nez Paumier, Al Rodrguez

    Ramos, Lisandra Riberas

    Rodrguez, Doraisa Correoso Pozo,

    Yordenia Preval Hierrezuelo,

    Maikol Mediacejas Ramos,

    Yordanis Chvez Roll, Jess

    Duputei Ferrer, David Cisneros

    Castellanos, Evelio Snchez

    Labrada, Fernando Gonzlez

    Vaillant, Samuel Leblanc Pavn,

    Yander Martnez Snchez, Anbal

    Ribeaux Noa, Franklin lvarez

    Fernndez, Lzaro Chacn, Alexis

    Martnez Vaillant, Andy Prada

    Ortega, Yamilet Snchez

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 39

    Rodrguez, Jos Castillo Ros,

    Rafael Molina Rodrguez

    (Different organizations)

    08/16/15 Palma Soriano,

    Santiago de Cuba

    Yordanka Montalbn, Yohandri

    Bentez Guazo, Isolina Reyes

    Consuegra, Elina Isaac Luna, Onay

    Vzquez Aranda, Yanet Daz

    Santiago, Roberto Ayala Galindo,

    Yordanis Munz Guerrero, Anelis

    Cutio Galn, Gilberto Hernndez

    la O, Roberto Almaguer Gonzlez,

    Jos Enrique lvarez Santiago,

    Equizander Bentez Moya, Luis

    Manuel Medina, Guerra, Yaniset

    Reina Reyes, Mercedes Moya

    Isaac, Rosa Mara Santana, Yaima

    Dinza Rodrguez, Ramn Frank

    Daz, Mariolvis Delgado Romero,

    Pedro Campa Almenares, Vctor

    Campa Almenares, Enmanuel

    Coln, Jos Antonio Blanco Ruiz,

    Rulizn Ramrez Rodrguez,

    Yoannis Isaguirre Hernndez,

    Ovidio Martnez, Laudelino

    Martnez Mendoza, Daineris Moya

    Garca, Alexei Serrano vila,

    Yusmari Garca Rusindo,

    Yulixander Caldern Alvarado,

    Lzaro Ramos Alcntara

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 40

    08/16/15 Julio Antonio

    Mella, Santiago de


    Oria Casanova Marrero, Yoanna

    Quesada Masalobo, Yasmani

    Magaa Daz, Roberto Perdomo

    Fuentes, Abraham Cabrera Torres,

    Maidolis Oliva Perdomo, Graciela

    Domnguez Girn, Rubn Alvarado

    Reyes, Moraima Daz Prez,

    Mileidis Maceo Quiones, Manuel

    Prez Surez, Kenia Ramos Surez,

    Rubislandis vila, Julio Csar

    Salazar, Amauri Abelenda

    Hierrezuelo, Yuselin Ferrera

    Espinosa, Roiln lvarez Rensoler,

    Manuel Prez Surez, Rubn Torres

    Saiz, Alberto Chirino Leyva

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 6-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    08/16/15 Holgun Niurka Cruz Cruz

    (Dama de Blanco)

    Detained by political police for 4

    hours to prevent her from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acosta

    08/16/15 La Habana Lzara Brbara Sendia Recalde,

    Mayeln Pea Bulln, Mirtha

    Ricardo Tornet, Matrha Belkis

    Rodrguez Gonzlez, Mayeln

    Santiesteban Lpez, Kirenia Daz

    Argelles, Oyln Hernndez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 5-6 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    08/16/15 La Habana Manuel Velzquez Licea, Hugo

    Damin Prieto Blanco, Vladimir

    Turr Pez, Andrs Avelino

    Domnguez Beltrn, Henri Rey

    Rodrguez, Luis Mario Muguelcia

    Moreira, Luis Enrique Lpez

    Detained 5-8 hours to prevent

    them from attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 41

    Torres, Pavel Herrera Hernndez,

    Ariel Gonzlez Cuevas, Ricardo

    Luna Rodrguez, Francisco Garca

    Punier, Servilio Villegas Marrero,

    Lzaro Jos de la Noval Usin,

    Reinaldo Rodrguez Hernndez,

    Agustn Lpez Canino, Lzaro

    Mendoza Garca, Daniel Alfaro

    Fras, Jos Antonio Pompa Lpez,

    Livn Gmez Castillo, ngel

    Figueredo Castelln, Reinier

    Figueredo Gallardo, Dehiker

    Ordez Guilarte, Osvaldo

    Mendoza Ferriol, Francisco Lzaro

    Concepcin, Rolando Urgedo, Juan

    Lamas Martnez, Alexis Lescayo,

    Juan Gonzlez Febles, Nelson

    Pascual Rodrguez, Nelson

    Gonzlez Bernia

    (Different organizations)

    08/16/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez, Zodrelis

    Turruella Poncio, Haydee Gallardo

    Salazar, Luisa Toscano Kindeln,

    Lismeiris Quintana vila, Joisi

    Jaramillo Snchez, Daisi Artiles del

    Sol, Yamile Naranjo Figueredo,

    Zenaida Hidalgo Cedeo, Yamil

    Garro Alfonso, Nieves Caridad

    Matamoros, Milvia Narcisa

    Aguilera Lanz, Lucinda Gonzlez

    Gmez, Julia Herrera Roque,

    Lzara Mara Dorrego Guzmn,

    Ada Mara Lpez Canino, Dayanne

    Detained 5-6 hours by the political

    police for peacefully protesting

    and demanding the freedom of all

    political prisoners and in favor of

    human rights.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 42

    Ortiz Hernndez, Yaquelin Boni

    Hechevarria, Anai Penalba Subit,

    Gladys Capote Roque, Igdaris

    Yaima Ponciano, Olga Lidia Torres

    Iglesias, Cecilia Guerra Alfonso,

    Mara de los ngeles Rojas, Raquel

    Rodrguez Morejn, Aliuska

    Gmez Garca, Ivn Lemus

    Fonseca, Arelis Blanco Coello,

    Mara Josefa Acn Sardia, Virgen

    Coello Basulto, Yamile Bargs

    Hurtado, Mara Caridad Hernndez

    Gaviln, Yolanda Santana Ayala,

    Deisi Coello Basulto, Mailn

    Gonzlez Gonzlez, Danaisis

    Muz Lpez, Eugenia Daz

    (Damas de Blanco)

    08/16/15 La Habana Jorge Luis Garca Prez, Brbaro

    Alexei Smith Ortega, Lzaro

    Fresneda Fernndez, Ciro Alexis

    Casanova Prez, Mario

    AlbertoHernndez Leyva, Jos

    Daz Silva, Rolando Reyes

    Rabanal, ngel Moya Acosta,

    Yurineisis Alemn Ferrer, Luis

    Andrs Domnguez Sardia, Leudis

    Reyes Cuza, Lzaro Kessell

    Barruecos, Rubn Daro Garca

    Artes, Eugenio Hernndez

    Hernndez, Degnis Gonzlez

    Rodrguez, Livn Serafn Mora,

    Claudio Fuentes Madn, Antonio

    Gonzlez Rodiles, Juan Carlos

    Detained 5-8 hours by political

    police for solidarizing with the

    Ladies in White during Sunday


    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 43

    Velzquez Osoria, Paulo Enrique

    Camero, Arturo Rojas, Luis Jess

    Gutirrez, Roberto Hernndez

    Barrios, Miguel Borroto Vzquez,

    Rodny Gmez, Rebeca Rojas

    (Different organizations)

    08/16/15 Puerto Padre, Las


    Alfredo Santana, Yamil Surez Mora,

    Reinaldo Ortiz Mariaumi Anat, David

    Gonzales Prez, Fernando Pea

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 6-8 hours by the political

    police for solidarizing with those

    arbitrarily detained in Havana.

    Arturo Acosta

    08/18/15 Camagey Misael Can Velzquez

    (Frente Nacional Resistencia

    Cvica OZT)

    Detained 2 hours by the political

    police after being hurt by an agent.

    The police said he was criticizing

    the government.

    Fernando Vzquez


    08/18/15 Santa Isabel de las

    Lajas, Cienfuegos

    Jorge Luis Oliver Daz

    (Movimiento Cubano Reflexin)

    Physically hurt by the political

    police for his involvement in

    dissident activities.

    Manolo Sarduy

    08/19/15 Pinar del Rio Ral Lus Risco Prez

    (Instituto Cubano por la Libertad

    de Expresin y Prensa)

    Detained 1 hour by political

    police. His ID was confiscated.

    Ral Lus Risco Prez

    08/19/15 Lawton, La Habana Roberto de Jess Guerra, Elio

    Delgado, Magalis Norvis Otero

    (Hablemos Press, Dama de Blanco)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    as a punishment for his

    involvement in dissident activities.

    Roberto de Jess

    Guerra Prez

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 44

    08/20/15 Guantnamo Yaremis Rodrguez Matos,

    Yorosilaidys Speek Molina,

    Serlenis Barroso Rodrguez,

    Margiolis Planas Calderin, Eladis

    Fabier Durn, Laudelina Caballeros

    Chacn, Mareisis Columbi Lpez,

    Celina Osoria Claro, Niober Garca

    Founier y Francisco Osoria Claro

    (Damas de Blanco and friends)

    Detained 6 hours by political

    police for supporting the Ladies in


    Arturo Acosta

    08/20/15 Pinar del Rio Ral Lus Risco Prez

    (Instituto Cubano por la Libertad

    de Expresin y Prensa)

    Taken to the police unit and

    interrogated for 3 hours about his

    meeting in Puerto Rico.

    Ral Lus Risco Prez

    08/20/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Marcelino Abreu Bonora

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT) Beat by police agents dressed as

    civilians who told him they had

    orders to beat him up again if he

    approached Plaza Ernesto


    Marcelino Abreu Bonora

    08/20/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Toni Colina Mrquez (Movimiento Juventud Despierta)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police for peacefully protesting on

    the street.

    Manolo Sarduy

    08/20/15 Cienfuegos Jorge Luis Oliver, Elosa Velz

    Becerra, Jean Michel Duarte

    Vzquez, Lourdes Armenteros

    (Movimiento Cubano Reflexin)

    Held at the police unit for 3 hours

    because of their anti-government


    Manolo Sarduy

    08/21/15 La Habana Alexis Gmez Rodrguez (Confederacin de Trabajadores

    Independientes de Cuba)

    Detained 15 hours by the political

    police for practicing civil

    disobedience on the streets.

    Ivn Hernndez


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 45

    08/25/15 Cuatro Caminos,

    La Habana

    Carlos Manuel Figueroa lvarez

    (Movimiento de Opositores por una

    Nueva Repblica)

    Detained 15 hours by political

    police for being a dissident.

    08/25/15 La Lisa, La


    Luis Enrique Labrador Daz,

    Walfrido Rodrguez Piloto

    (La Fuerza de la Verdad)

    Detained 6-20 hours for being

    suspects of hanging anti-

    government posters.

    Juan Goberna

    08/26/15 Crdenas,


    Cira Vega de la F, Odalys

    Hernndez , Katiuska Rodrguez

    Rivero, Leticia Ramos Herrera,

    Amanda Rosa Herrera Rodrguez,

    Hortensia Alfonso, Yamira

    Senda Ruiz

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    for attending Sunday mass.

    Ivn Hernndez


    08/26/15 La Habana Yurimeisy Alemn Ferrer, Yaneisy Herrera Cabrales, Yunieski Gainza

    Acosta, Rebeca Rojas Ulln,

    Yanisel Boza Garrido, Yoelvis

    Boza Garrido, Ronny Gmez Luna,

    Ariobel Castillo, Ariobel Castillo

    (Movimiento Luchadores por la


    Detained 28 hours by political

    police for writing on a bed sheet

    messages demanding respect for

    human rights and protesting with


    Yanisel Boza Garrido

    08/26/15 Palma Soriano,

    Santiago de Cuba

    Mara Luisa Rodrguez Portales,

    Deilenis Rosabal Acosta,

    Yanisleidys Peralta lvarez,

    Eduviges Isaac Rodrguez, Marielis

    Manzano Carballo, Mara Lina

    Perdomo Durn, Yuneisis Amaya

    Arias, Olga Lidia La O Figueredo,

    Yanet Figueredo Cruz, Elia Letsi

    Isaac Reyes, Onelis Caldern

    Alvarado, Martha Onelvis Mendoza

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Denia Fernndez Rey


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 46

    Daz y Denia Fernndez Rey

    (Damas de Blanco)

    08/26/15 Holgun Maylin Ricardo Gngora,Daimaris

    Morales Pia

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Arturo Acost

    08/26/15 Aguada de



    Olga Relova Vega, Yaima Ulloa de

    la Torre, Niurbis de la Rosa

    Hernndez,Yudania Rodrguez

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    08/26/15 La Habana Oyln Hernndez, MaraRosa

    Molina, Mirtha Ricardo Tornet,

    Olayda del Castillo Trujillo,

    Caridad Ramrez Utria, Maylen

    Gonzlez Gonzlez, Mayeln

    Santiesteban Lpez, Martha Belkis,

    Sarah Prez, Mirenia Henry Garca

    (Damas de Blanco)

    Detained 6 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


    08/26/15 La Habana Jos Daz Silva, Mario Alberto

    Hernndez, Leudis Reyes Cuza,

    Andrs Avelino Domnguez

    Beltrn, Henry Rey Rodrguez, Jos

    Antonio Pompa Lpez, Luis

    Enrique Lpez Torres, Luis Andrs

    Domnguez Sardias, Jos Laffita

    Moreira, Ricardo Luna Rodrguez,

    Francisco Garca Puniel, Servilio

    Villegas Marrero, Lzaro Jos de la

    Noval, Sandalio Mejas Zulueta

    Agustn Lpez Canino, Juan Lamas

    Martnez, Daniel Alfaro Fras,

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police to prevent them from

    attending Sunday mass.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 47

    Lzaro Yuri Valle Roca,

    Reinaldo Rodrguez Hernndez,

    Osvaldo Moralobos, Zaqueo Bez

    Guerrero, Carlos Manuel Figueroa,

    Behikis Ordez Quilate, Heriberto

    Pons, Seiler Crdova Estrada,

    Wilberto Parada Miln, Roberto

    Hernndez Barrios, Nilfre de la

    Caridad Reyes, Amed Santiago

    Hernndez, Yaquelin Herrera

    Morales, Yasmani Barroso

    (Different organizations)

    08/26/15 La Habana Bertha Soler Fernndez, Zodrelis

    Turruella Poncio, Mara Cristina

    Labrada, Xiomara de las Mercedes

    Cruz Miranda, Lismeiris Quintana

    vila, Joisi Jaramillo Snchez,

    Daisi Artiles del Sol, Yamile

    Naranjo Figueredo, Zenaida

    Hidalgo Cedeo,

    Yamil Garro Alfonso, Roxilene

    Sotolongo Cruz, Dellice Gonzlez

    Dorrego, Julia Herrera Roque,

    Adelma Guerra Ricardo, Lzara

    Mara Dorrego Guzmn, Ada Mara

    Lpez Canino, Nieves Caridad

    Matamoros Gonzlez,

    Yaqueln Boni Hechevarria, Anai

    Penalba Subit, Ivn Moralobos

    Melo, Milvia Narcisa Aguilera

    Lanz, Lzara Gleisys Acosta,

    Cecilia Guerra Alfonso, Iris

    Llerandi Kindeln, Dayane Ortz

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police for holding their Sunday

    peaceful march demanding

    freedom for all political prisoners

    and respect for human rights.

    Some were physically hurt.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 48

    Hernndez, Aliuska Gmez Garca,

    Ivn Lemus Fonseca, Kirenia Daz

    Argelles, Arelis Blanco Cuello,

    Mara Josefa Acn Sardias,

    Haydee Gallardo Salazar, Virgen

    Cuello Basulto, Lucinda Gonzlez,

    Gmez, Mayeln Pea Bulln,

    Mara Caridad Hernndez, Mara

    Milin Perdomo, Gladys Capote

    Roque, Ivn de las Mercedes Lazo,

    Alina de la Caridad Garca, Deisi

    Cuello Basulto

    (Damas de Blanco)

    08/26/15 La Habana Hugo Damin Prieto Blanco,


    Mendoza Garca, Miguel Guerra

    Hasti, Nelson Pascual Rodrguez,

    ngel Luis Daz Ferao, Pavel


    Hernndez, Ral Borges lvarez,

    ngel Moya Acosta, Egberto

    Escobedo Morales, Luis Mario

    Muguelcia, Yoandra Seiva Morales,

    Ariel Gonzlez Cuevas, Manuel

    Velzquez Licea, Carlos Tamayo

    Fras, Rolando Reyes Rabanal,

    ngel Figueredo Castelln, Claudio

    fuentes, Antonio Gonzlez Rodiles,

    Osvaldo Mendoza Ferriol, Ailer

    Gonzlez Mena, Humberto Viel

    Marn, Zaqueo Bez Guerrero

    (Different organizations)

    Detained 6-8 hours by political

    police for solidarizing with the

    Ladies in White during mass.

    Bertha Soler


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 49

    08/27/15 Parque Central,

    La Habana

    Reinier Rodrguez Mendoza

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained because of his dissident


    Arcelio Molina

    08/28/15 La Habana Sarah Prez Pedroso, Reinaldo

    Rodrguez Hernndez

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT)

    Detained 1 hour by political police

    as a punishment for demanding

    information about his detained


    Hugo Damin Prieto

    08/28/15 Centro Habana,

    La Habana

    Jos Antonio Pompa, Leudis Reyes

    (Frente de Accin Cvica OZT)

    Detained 8 hours by political

    police because of their dissident


    Hugo Damin Prieto

    08/28/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Guillermo Farias Hernndez,

    Rolando Ferrer Espinosa, Jorge

    Artles Montier, Omar Nez

    Espinosa, Dayam Villavicencio

    Hernndez, Jos Lino Asencio

    (Foro Antitotalitario Unido)

    Detained 2-8 hours by political

    police for protesting outside the

    municipal office of the

    Department of Health.

    Ramn Jimnez


    08/29/15 Ciego de vila Roberto Valdivia Hernndez

    (Partido 30 de Noviembre Frank


    Detained 18 hours by the political


    Roberto Valdivia

    08/30/15 Aguada de



    Emilio Garca Moreira

    (Movimiento Ciudadanos Reflexin

    y Reconciliacin)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police because of his dissident


    Ivn Hernndez


    08/30/15 Habana Vieja, La


    Lzaro Yuri Valle Roca, Yasel

    Rivero Boni

    (Periodistas Independientes)

    Detained by political police for 5

    hours for taking pictures of a

    fallen wall.

    Lzaro Yuri Valle


  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 50

    Violations of Human Rights in Cuba

    September, 2015

    The following report compiles information of Cubans arbitrarily arrested and/or detained, harassed, attacked, and faced acts of

    repudiation* by the Cuban government in the month of September, 2015. This information is based on the monthly report published

    by the Comisin Cubana de Derechos Humanos y Reconciliacin Nacional (Cuban NGO specializing in Human Rights as well as

    other sources in the island).

    *Acts of Repudiation are physical and/or verbal aggression mobs organized by State Security (Cubas political police).

    At least 882 arrests for political reasons in July.

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 51

    Date Incident Location

    Victims Incident Type Source of



    Plaza Jos Mart,

    La Habana Mara Nlida Lpez Bez

    (Federacin Latinoamericanas de

    Mujeres Rurales)

    Detained 4 hours because of her

    dissident activities.

    Juan Goberna


    Pinar del Rio Alberto Rodrguez Seruto, Leudis

    Esmero Lago, Dina Caridad Len

    Valladares, Leodn Surez

    Quiones, Michael Valladares Cal

    (Partido Republicano Cubano)

    Forced outside the Cathedral by

    the Bishop for demanding freedom

    of all political prisoners and

    respect for human rights. They

    were later detained for 2 hours.

    Maikel Norton



    Guantnamo Yudier Blanco Pacheco

    (Impacto Juvenil Repblicano) Detained 4 hours by political

    police because of his dissident


    Arturo Acosta

    09/02/15 Las Tunas Yohandri Gutirrez Vargas

    (Impacto Juvenil Martiano) Detained 2 hours by political

    police because of his dissident


    Arturo Acosta

    09/02/15 Camajuan, Villa

    Clara Orlando Triana Gonzales, Damaris

    Hidalgo Garca

    (Movimiento Cubano Reflexin)

    Detained 3-24 hours by political

    police for hanging posters with

    pro-freedom messages on the


    Manolo Sarduy

    09/02/15 Santa Clara , Villa


    Yoandi Valds Herrera, Yoanki

    Ruiz Garca, Luis Navarro Blanco,

    Yuset Garca lvarez

    (Movimiento Juventud Despierta-

    Movimiento Cubano Reflexin)

    Detained 5 hours by political

    police for solidarizing with

    dissidents detained in Camajuani.

    Manolo Sarduy

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 52

    09/02/15 Santa Clara , Villa


    Yuriet Pedroso Gonzlez, Lester

    Castillo Rodrguez, Orestes

    Machado Caldern, Yoe

    HernndezJimnez, Luis Dionisio

    Rodrguez Len, Marcelino Abreu

    Bonora, Mildrey Agero Torres,

    Leidys Contreras Ruiz, Yandy

    Martn Peraza

    (Coalicin Central Opositora)

    Forced out of church by the priest

    because they were demanding

    freedom of all political prisoners

    and respect for human rights. They

    were detained for 6 hours.

    Yandy Martn Peraza

    09/02/15 Centro Habana, La


    Felipe Carrera Hernndez

    (Confederacin de Trabajadores

    Independientes de Cuba)

    Warned by police that he could not

    attend the Popes mass. He was

    detained 1 hour.

    Ivn Hernndez


    09/02/15 Los Palacios, Pinar

    del Rio

    Maikel Norton Cordero

    (Independent journalist)

    Detained 2 hours by political

    police to prevent him from

    attending mass at the Catedral San

    Carlos in Pinar del Rio.

    Maikel Norton


    09/03/15 Santa Clara, Villa


    Orestes Machado Caldern,

    Mildrey Agero Torres, Leidys

    Contreras Ruiz, Yoel Hernndez

    Jimnez, Andrea Jimnez

    Prez, Mavis Gonzlez Tpanes,

    Yuriet Pedroso Gonzlez, Yuneiby

    Pedroso Gonzlez, Rodolfo Esnilda

    Prez Bentez, Landileisys

    Gonzlez Conlledo, Cintia Cuellar

    Chvez, Fredesmn Daz Curbelo,

    Giraldo Villavicencio Jura Jura,

    Luis Csar Chirino Ynez, Maira

    Conyedo Garca, Brbara Nez

    Vzquez, Dalia Pedraza Daz,

    Iraida Julia Prez Gonzlez,

    Lester Castillo Rodrguez

    Marcelino Abreu Bonora, Luis

    Detained by special forces 11-13

    hours for protesting inside a

    church and demaning respect for

    human rights and freedom for all

    political prisoners.

    Yandy Martn Peraza

  • Institute for Cuban & Cuban-American Studies, University of Miami 53

    Dionisio Rodrguez

    Len, Yandy Martn Peraza

    (Coalicin Central Opositora)

    09/03/15 Camagey Misael Can Velzquez, Javier Joss

    Varona, Yosvany Seplveda

    (Frente Nacional de Resistencia

    Cvica OZT)

    Detained 4 hours by political

    police because of their

    involvement in dissident activities.

    Fernando Vzquez


    09/03/15 Guantnamo Niorvis Rivera Guerra, Roelvis

    Cuba Send

    (Unin Patritica de Cuba)

    Detained 6 hours by political

    police for being a suspect of

    hanging anti-government posters

    on the streets.

    Arturo Acosta
