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Scramble for Africa Callanan Middle School Patterson The purpose of this lesson cycle is allow students to connect the colonization of Africa to modern day issues in the region. Students will play a game similar to Risk where they will conquer territory with the objective of securing resources for their country. Students begin to understand the ramifications of their actions by examining a short story. Day 1 Learning Target – I will learn how to play an academic game. Warm Up – Before airplanes, how did country’s move armies around the world? South American Example -starting colonies, expanding colonies, writing slips, display large game board, counting the winners Students should read their description card for Africa, write their first round bid. Label climate and mark India on resource map Resources/Materials/Extension Day 2 Learning Target – I will play an academic game to… Warm Up – In this game, why do different countries have Play Scramble for Africa Game* -If time allows, start reflection. Resources/Materials/Extension *Reassure students that it is okay to be confused. Ask Traci to help with Blocks 3, 5, 6. Make sure to discuss hand gesture. *Instead of having students come up and color the different parts of Africa. Have them just submit a bid slip after the timer. The teacher can go through and mark off the territory conquered. Figure out how rolling 1

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Scramble for Africa Callanan Middle SchoolPatterson

The purpose of this lesson cycle is allow students to connect the colonization of Africa to modern day issues in the region. Students will play a game similar to Risk where they will conquer territory with the objective of securing resources for their country. Students begin to understand the ramifications of their actions by examining a short story.

Day 1Learning Target – I will learn how to play an academic game.

Warm Up – Before airplanes, how did country’s move armies around the world?South American Example-starting colonies, expanding colonies, writing slips, display large game board, counting the winners

Students should read their description card for Africa, write their first round bid.

Label climate and mark India on resource map


Day 2Learning Target – I will play an academic game to…

Warm Up – In this game, why do different countries havePlay Scramble for Africa Game*-If time allows, start reflection.

Resources/Materials/Extension*Reassure students that it is okay to be confused. Ask Traci to help with Blocks 3, 5, 6. Make sure to discuss hand gesture.

*Instead of having students come up and color the different parts of Africa. Have them just submit a bid slip after the timer. The teacher can go through and mark off the territory conquered. Figure out how rolling dice will work. Make sure to have the colors displayed for each group/country.

Day 3 Learning Target – I will reflect on the real life implications of the academic game we played.

Warm Up – Who won the game yesterday?*Scramble for Africa ReflectionCultural Diffusion Map (W)


Scramble for Africa Lesson Cycle Visuals (W)*Who won the Scramble for Africa? Who lost in the Scramble for Africa?


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Logic Flow: This is a really interesting warm up. Students will usually claim that their group “won” the game and the European country that has the least amount of color on the map as the one who lost. Try and direct their answers about who lost to the people living in Africa. If a European country “lost,” it meant they didn’t get to steal resources but their country still existed but when Africa lost in real life it meant they were conquered by a foreign power.

At the start of the period, pass out cards to each student. Face cards are natural resources to survive. Red hearts and black clubs don’t get along. Have tables look at their cards. How many tables have everything they need to be successful? How could Mr. Patterson have changed what he did in order for this to go better? That would have been more work for Mr. Patterson. It also means that I can use different parts of the table against each other. Make connections to the colonization of Africa. This part of the warm up should be saved for the coup de’tat map

Display the ethnic boundary map of Africa for the back of the sheet. Explain that each circle represents a different group of people. When European countries divided up Africa they drew borders through these nations leading to problems that exist to this day (sometimes cutting off villages from water supplies).

Day 4Learning Target – I will create a thematic map that will allow us to make inferences about the long term impact on colonization.

Warm Up – Students analyze cartoon, show you are going through and using parts of the cartoon. Show how to circle and cite. Students don’t need to, they will practice in a couple of days.Make sure to go over student movement, sharpening pencils, etc…

Cultural Diffusion Map (W)-Have writing prompt and video ready in OneNote for students that finish early.


Day 5Learning Target – I will create a thematic map to make inferences about the long term impact of colonization.

Warm Up – Make sure to go over student movement, sharpening pencils, etc…

Cultural Diffusion Map (W)-When students start to finish, lead discussion with prompts from the first page. Take pictures/Office Lens, upload to display. Have writing prompt ready in the back or on OneNote.

Introduce vocabulary of cultural diffusion.

Resources/Materials/ExtensionCartoon extension?Poster/example of cultural diffusionSporcle Africa quizzes


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Day 6Learning Target – I will visualize plot elements from a narrative. Or text evidence reword

Warm Up –The Invaders (W) Story will need to be annotated. Make sure to label document A. See Invaders Questions (W)

-Read short story out loud. Make sure to preface the story by telling student to think of an image while I read. Have a five minute window where students sketch what they thought of without talking.

*Pose the questions below.

If students finish early, have them continue to work on their sketch.

Resources/Materials/ExtensionTED talksPolitical Cartoon

*The short story called the Invaders uses mystery to build suspense. What clues does the author provide that helps us understand who the invaders are? How do we know that the invaders aren’t aliens? Give students questions to mark on their sheets but don’t have them write anything down. They are just annotating or making up their paper. Make sure to show example. Explain what annotating means!

Day 7Learning Target – I will use text evidence to add strength to my writing.

Warm Up – Why do readers annotate or mark what they read?Have students work in groups to answer the corresponding questions. Make sure to reinforce proper headings.

Invaders Questions (W)-painting/sketching, reread for specific requirements, post those accordingly. Possibly ask them to incorporate a line of text

Resources/Materials/Extension-Water colors/poster paper

Day 8Learning Target – I will create a visual representation

Warm Up – Proper citation of political cartoonThe Invaders (W)-painting/sketching,

-Have students include written element for

Resources/Materials/ExtensionMan vs. Wild Zimbabwe?Analyzing Political Cartoon-Circle symbols and number, staple to warm up


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painting.John Greene Video*-post in OneNote, handwrite out

John Green Video – LinkImperialism & Colonialism are SynonymsInclude transcript with notes

3:30-8:301. Reasons for Europeans Colonizing Africa2. Why were Europeans so successful at taking over different parts of the world?

3. 8:30 to endHow did Europeans control/rule their territory?_________________________________________________________________________________________Extension/Lyrics

Flocabulary Video – Link Show students the imperialism video on Flocabulary and print off lyrics to the song for groups to examine. Have the students identify inventions/reasons why Europeans were able to colonize Africa and what motivated them to do so in the first place. Log [email protected]__________________________________________________________________________________________Decide, should I move this part to later and start with the Coup map? It could fit in at the end CNI.Connect European countries that conquered parts of Africa, do project about the transition from Colonization to Nationalism


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Imperialism Video

Directions: Using your phone or a computer, watch the video at the link below. After watching it all the way through once, go back and answer the questions below. You don’t need to write in complete sentences. In this video, John Green uses the word Imperialism. Imperialism and colonialism are synonyms and are usually interchangeable.

Link: http://bit.ly/1EVTd2e

Time Questions3:30-8:30 1. What did European countries want to colonize Africa?

2. What allowed Europeans to successfully colonize Africa?8:30 to end 3. Describe how the Europeans controlled/ruled their territory.

Directions: Once Mr. Patterson has signed off on your answers, start watching the documentary below. You should go back and add to your answers from the first video. Please skip 6:10 to 7:30.

Link: http://bit.ly/1LawuR1

Imperialism VideoDirections: Using your phone or a computer, watch the video at the link below. After watching it all the way through once, go back and answer the questions below. You don’t need to write in complete sentences. In this video, John Green uses the word Imperialism. Imperialism and colonialism are synonyms and are usually interchangeable.

Link: http://bit.ly/1EVTd2e

Time Questions3:30-8:30 1. What did European countries want to colonize Africa?

2. What allowed Europeans to successfully colonize Africa?8:30 to end 3. Describe how the Europeans controlled/ruled their territory.

Directions: Once Mr. Patterson has signed off on your answers, start watching the documentary below. You should go back and add to your answers from the first video. Please skip 6:10 to 7:30.

Link: http://bit.ly/1LawuR1


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Block: Central Idea of Cartoon


Directions: Carefully examine the political cartoon in front of you. Circle the parts of the cartoon that you looked at to help you understand its meaning, then number the circles to show the reader your thinking.

Topic 2 3 4

Summary of Source

Demonstrates the ability to use evidence to identify the main idea.

Demonstrates the ability to describe specific evidence and determine the main idea(s) of a source by providing an accurate summary.

In addition to the level 3, the response demonstrates the ability to analyze the historical significance of the source as related to the concept(s).

1. Identify the central idea of the cartoon. Hints: think about what the title for this source could be or think about what you would search on Google to find this source on the internet. One sentence maximum.


2. What details does the author provide to develop the central idea of this cartoon? How do these details help “prove” the authors point/central idea? Provide text/picture evidence in your response.


3. Why is the central idea of this cartoon important to how the past has shaped modern Africa? Use evidence and analysis to support your conclusion.



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SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA SIMULATION – Class CopyDirections: Between the years 1500 and 1945, European countries used Africa’s natural resources to become extremely powerful. This simulation is going to reenact this conquest of Africa. Your mission today is to carry out your country’s goals of taking over Africa. This European conquest of Africa has become known as the great “Scramble for Africa.”

How do you win- There are no set amount of winners for this simulation/game. Each group/country has different objectives for what they want in Africa. Groups will be graded on how closely they stick to their role card missions, along with the quality of teamwork that they exhibit throughout the simulation. Just like in real life some countries are more powerful than others at the start of the game.

General Rules-Starting a Colony– Draw a dot with your color the size of a penny where you want to start a colony. A country’s new colony must be started with an edge to an ocean or a sea.

Extending a Colony- Extend your territory by tracing a penny in previously unclaimed area of Africa; one of the penny’s edges needs to touch an already claimed area.

Natural Resources- are things that are naturally occurring in the world valuable to human society. Europeans take the natural resources back home so they can become rich.

Ordering your Armies- As leaders of your countries you need to explain what you want your armies to do. In order for your generals to carry out your orders they need two things:

1. You will need a map of Africa that marks the new territory you want captured.2. The second thing you will need is a note card that explains what modern country you want to colonize and why.

Game LengthThe Scramble for Africa lasts at least three rounds.

Round Order1. Review round information.2. Write a proposal on what your country would like to do on a notecard and why. Explain not only what areas you want to control but also why you chose that area. 3. Territories are taken4. New round begins

Country ColorsBritain-pinkFrance-yellowBelgium-brownSpain-greenGermany-blueItaly-redPortugal-purple


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Britain (Pink)Country Description___________________________________________________________________Britain-1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to conquer andEuropean countries are uninterested in African colonies at this time. The power of theOttoman Empire (north coast of Africa) and Ethiopia make those areas unavailable for European attacks.

You have little interest in Africa itself because your primary concern is for your American colonies and your trade with India. You see Africa at this time as a trade route to India and as a source for slaves to work on sugar, cotton and tobacco plantations in the Americas. Use a world map and as a group and look at what areas of Africa are the most important to control if you’re interested in controlling trade to Asia. All European countries wouldn’t mind controlling gold and diamonds deposits.

Round 1______________________________________________________________________________1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to take and European countries are not really interested in Africa. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Britain - You have little interest in Africa itself because your primary concern is for your American colonies and your trade with India. You see Africa as a trade route to India and as a source for slaves to work on sugar, cotton and tobacco plantations in the Americas. Start 2 colonies.

Round 2______________________________________________________________________________1815 to 1875 Africa continues to have many powerful kingdoms but European countries only need to control the coastline and rivers to have trade access to the natural resources of the interior. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Britain – Your economy is growing rapidly and you start to realize the Africa is very rich. You also have worldwide trade networks and you want to protect your trade routes to Asia. Since you want to avoid diplomatic tension or war in Europe, you will not take territory too close to that of another European country. Your best bet is to focus on Southern Africa where you can get both gold and cattle to make your country rich. Start another colony and/or expand your colonies by three penny lengths.

Round 3______________________________________________________________________________1875 to 1895 New inventions have allowed European countries to become extremely powerful compared to African kingdoms. There are no restrictions on available territory. Grab as much of Africa as you can.

Britain - Whoa! Where did these newcomers come from that are taking up all this territory? If we don't act fast they will take the territory we want, this could eventually lead to war. Try and connect your colonies, this will allow us to defend our territories. You want to secure the Suez Canal route to India so you take over Egypt. Color Egypt red. Also, expand all of your colonies by three penny lengths if possible.


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France (Yellow)Country Description___________________________________________________________________France-1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to conquer andEuropean countries are uninterested in African colonies at this time. The power of theOttoman Empire (north coast of Africa) and Ethiopia make those areas unavailable for European attacks.

You have little interest in Africa itself because your primary concern is for your colonies and your trade with China. You see Africa at this time as a trade route to India and as a source for slaves to work on sugar, cotton and tobacco plantations in the Americas. Use a world map and as a group and look at what areas of Africa are the most important to control if you’re interested in controlling trade to Asia. All European countries wouldn’t mind controlling gold and diamonds deposits.

Round 1______________________________________________________________________________1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to take and European countries are not really interested in Africa. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

France - You have little interest in Africa itself because your primary concern is for your American colonies and your trade with Vietnam. You see Africa as a trade route to India and as a source for slaves to work on sugar, cotton and tobacco plantations in the Americas. Start 2 colonies.

Round 2______________________________________________________________________________1815 to 1875 Africa continues to have many powerful kingdoms but European countries only need to control the coastline and rivers to have trade access to the natural resources of the interior.

France - You are experiencing the Industrial Revolution so you are now more interested in Africa for its natural resources and as a place to establish settlements. You also have worldwide trade networks and you want to protect your trade routes to Asia. Since you want to avoid diplomatic tension or war in Europe, you will not take territory too close to that of another European country. Since France is more interested in European affairs, her territory should come primarily in the northern half of Africa. Start another colony and/or expand your colonies by three penny lengths.

Round 3______________________________________________________________________________1875 to 1895 New inventions have allowed European countries to become extremely powerful compared to African kingdoms. There are no restrictions on available territory. Grab as much of Africa as you can.

France - Whoa! Where did these newcomers come from that are taking up all this territory? If we don't act fast they will take the territory we want, this could eventually lead to war. Try and connect our colonies, this will allow us to defend our territories.

Expand all of your colonies by three penny lengths, if possible.


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Belgium (Brown)Country Description___________________________________________________________________Belgium-1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to conquer andEuropean countries are uninterested in African colonies at this time. The power of theOttoman Empire (north coast of Africa) and Ethiopia make those areas unavailable for European attacks.

All European countries wouldn’t mind controlling gold and diamonds deposits. Belgium is interested in controlling tropical rainforests for the wood and other natural resources. Use page 17 to look at the climates of Africa.

Round 1______________________________________________________________________________1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to take and European countries are not really interested in Africa. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Start 1 colony if you roll a 3 or higher on a die

Round 2______________________________________________________________________________1815 to 1875 Africa continues to have many powerful kingdoms but European countries only need to control the coastline and rivers to have trade access to the natural resources of the interior. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

At this point in history your country does not feel that claiming territories in Africa is a high priority. You may only start or expand a colony if you roll a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 on a die.

Round 3______________________________________________________________________________1875 to 1895 New inventions have allowed European countries to become extremely powerful compared to African kingdoms. There are no restrictions on available territory. Grab as much of Africa as you can.

You came into the race late because you are a small country which only got its independence in 1830. However, you are highly industrialized and desirous of African natural resources.

Expand one colonies by two penny lengths if possible.


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Spain (Green)

Country Description___________________________________________________________________Spain-1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to conquer andEuropean countries are uninterested in African colonies at this time. The power of theOttoman Empire (north coast of Africa) and Ethiopia make those areas unavailable for European attacks.

Interested in foodstuffs, ceramics, glass, and controlling land with Mediterranean Climate. Use page 17 to research which parts of Africa have a Mediterranean Climate. All European countries wouldn’t mind controlling gold and diamonds deposits.

Round 1______________________________________________________________________________1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to take and European countries are not really interested in Africa. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Spain- At this point in history your country does not feel that claiming territories in Africa is a high priority. You may only start a colony if roll a 4, 5 or 6 on a die.

Round 2______________________________________________________________________________1815 to 1875 Africa continues to have many powerful kingdoms but European countries only need to control the coastline and rivers to have trade access to the natural resources of the interior. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Spain- At this point in history your country does not feel that claiming territories in Africa is a high priority. You may only start or expand a colony if you roll a 2,3, 4, 5 or 6 on a die.

Round 3______________________________________________________________________________1875 to 1895 New inventions have allowed European countries to become extremely powerful compared to African kingdoms. There are no restrictions on available territory. Grab as much of Africa as you can.

Spain - You have come to Africa later than the other major colonizers because you have spent most of your earlier efforts in Central and South America. You are a weak country which is primarily interested in areas that would be close to Spain aka North Africa. No restrictions on available territory.

Start a colony and expand it by one penny spaces.


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Germany (Blue)

Country Description___________________________________________________________________Germany-1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to conquer andEuropean countries are uninterested in African colonies at this time. The power of theOttoman Empire (north coast of Africa) and Ethiopia make those areas unavailable for European attacks.

Germany is interested in raising and importing cattle. All European countries wouldn’t mind controlling gold and diamonds deposits.

Round 1______________________________________________________________________________1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to take and European countries are not really interested in Africa. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Germany- At this point in history your country does not feel that claiming territories in Africa is a high priority. You may only start a colony if roll a 3, 4, 5 or 6 on a die.

Round 2______________________________________________________________________________1815 to 1875 Africa continues to have many powerful kingdoms but European countries only need to control the coastline and rivers to have trade access to the natural resources of the interior. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Germany- At this point in history your country does not feel that claiming territories in Africa is a high priority. You may only start or expand a colony if you roll a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 on a die.

Round 3______________________________________________________________________________1875 to 1895 New inventions have allowed European countries to become extremely powerful compared to African kingdoms. There are no restrictions on available territory. Grab as much of Africa as you can.

Germany - You came into the game late because you were not even a unified country until1871. You have emerged as the major military power in Europe, you are very strong and you are interested in developing your world trade. You desire African colonies for their natural resources and for ports that will support your trade. You had better act fast.

Expand all your colonies by two penny lengths if possible.


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Italy (Red)

Country Description___________________________________________________________________Italy-1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to conquer andEuropean countries are uninterested in African colonies at this time. The power of theOttoman Empire (north coast of Africa) and Ethiopia make those areas unavailable for European attacks.

Italy is interested in ceramics, glasses, textiles, and cattle. All European countries wouldn’t mind controlling gold and diamonds deposits.

Round 1______________________________________________________________________________1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to take and European countries are not really interested in Africa. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Italy- At this point in history your country does not feel that claiming territories in Africa is a high priority. You may only start a colony if you roll a 5 or a 6 on a die

Round 2______________________________________________________________________________1815 to 1875 Africa continues to have many powerful kingdoms but European countries only need to control the coastline and rivers to have trade access to the natural resources of the interior. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Italy- At this point in history your country does not feel that claiming territories in Africa is a high priority. You may only start or expand a colony if you roll a 4, 5 or 6 on a die.

Round 3______________________________________________________________________________1875 to 1895 New inventions have allowed European countries to become extremely powerful compared to African kingdoms. There are no restrictions on available territory. Grab as much of Africa as you can.

Italy - You come into the race last and have to take what is left.

Start a colony and/or expand it by three penny spaces.


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Portugal (Purple)

Country Description___________________________________________________________________Portugal-1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to conquer andEuropean countries are uninterested in African colonies at this time. The power of theOttoman Empire (north coast of Africa) and Ethiopia make those areas unavailable for European attacks.

You are the first to explore the coast of Africa. You have little interest in Africa itself because your main priority is to trade with Asia. Therefore, you are looking for port locations which will allow your ships to stop before moving on to Asia.

Use a world map and as a group and look at what areas of Africa are the most important to control if you’re interested in controlling trade to Asia. All European countries wouldn’t mind controlling gold and diamonds deposits.

Round 1______________________________________________________________________________1500 to 1815 Africa has many powerful kingdoms that would be difficult to take and European countries are not really interested in Africa. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Portugal - You are the first to explore the coast of Africa. You have little interest in Africa itself because your major interest is trade with Asia. Therefore, you are looking for port locations which will allow your ships traveling around Africa to Asia.

Start 2 colonies /ports.

Round 2______________________________________________________________________________1815 to 1875 Africa continues to have many powerful kingdoms but European countries only need to control the coastline and rivers to have trade access to the natural resources of the interior. Due to these kingdoms you are unable to attack the North Coast of Africa and Ethiopia.

Portugal - You are becoming more interested in trade with Africans so you expand your influence around your ports.

Start a port/ colony and expand it by one penny length.

Round 3______________________________________________________________________________1875 to 1895 New inventions have allowed European countries to become extremely powerful compared to African kingdoms. There are no restrictions on available territory. Grab as much of Africa as you can.

Portugal - You come into the race late and have to take what is left.

Start a colony and/or expand it by three penny spaces.


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Block: Scramble for Africa Reflection


Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences unless it says “list.” When you use an underline word please mark it with a highlighter. In this reflection, the game that we played last time we had class was called the “Scramble for Africa.”

1. What natural resources did your country want to get out of Africa?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. List the number and type of resources that your country controlled at the end of the game.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Did your country win or lose the “Scramble for Africa?” Explain your answer; remember each country wanted to get different natural resources out of Africa, so there can be multiple winners.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. How did your group decide to what part of Africa to colonize?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. What do you think group did well during the “Scramble for Africa?”


6. If we played this game again, what would your group do differently?



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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. How can Mr. Patterson make “Scramble for Africa” better?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Using page 56 in your red Africa textbook, what was the Scramble for Africa? Include the definition of colonize and provide text evidence in your response.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Referencing the map on page 55 in your red Africa book, how close was our class map to the one in the book?

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. If the European countries were only interested in stealing natural resources, how do you predict the Europeans would treat the native Africans?


11. According to the map on page 55, which two European countries controlled the most territory in Africa?



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______________________________________________________________12. Compare the maps on Africa on page 55 and 228, do you notice any similarities? Provide an explanation of

your thinking. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13. The tribal map that Mr. Patterson has put on your table shows the parts of Africa that have the same language and culture. Make an inference, when the Europeans created the borders of modern African countries, did they think about grouping together people who were similar? How might this be a problem?


14. Your answer to this question needs to be in paragraph form. According to the map on page 55, what two countries were not yet ruled by Europeans by 1900? Using your phone/computer, explain why these two countries were not colonized. Your answer must include text evidence.
