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McPHERSON ADWC'S 1.ROGW IS MUCH ENJOYFJ> Male Q.artet Pruenta Li1ht ' ProSram. Partly In c-tume TUESDAY , DEC. 7, 1926 NININGER Will TELL I IUSKl<ll>I l' l.A\' 1'h" McPbe.NH>b College. i..1tlio OF CARJ.SBAD . CAVERN S.turda.1 n11lu, n.t o: JG, ,m" btH1r 81mpbonr Orcibeatra broaduted wlllcl1 wlll ucomniod•tq both the pruariuu (rom •t.atlon KPH, Wlch· - -- l t1Qwn IOf:' n lieuplo t ho r.olleKO Ha, Ian S.turdJl.T 11lght.. Thti 11thuUo McPberaon'1 Exper t Geoloai•t flltule. nu.. ah, 1 1111.nhn ot A1c11ben0n la: tbo W'U UJled •hti Will Lecture On Recent ' '#"Ill mt!OI Ibo JlntllltcrtW ur,.d tbo orche.tra lhe 5le.: clob a.nd Trip t nant tr om WtC'bUa 011 tho r;ollf'IV tho Mc Pherson people wbo atco-- ,;rmna.atum noor. Kr. R.u}tl Aud· paulM tbt!a:& to Wichita . l..IWI'-""' \tkww of "4' 1 Uf"rim'- Hn i.wcy! --.., 1• 8-.rauie--1.lri. wU.h Uahr lbe direct.Joa of 2;rot ... hr Sl10W11. .• Uh Rt':if. a.a T$or, b 9-lJllaadl.. l>aU, the Qr dintra llRJC Tu PubUe ru!':. we.II. aolo aad numbt.n1 -- al for• ·anl •l •"1'9ddl e u· rh :treU. wllh Tbe Aduac Mafe Qu.ariet. u.oder Wl!nJ aplendldly rcndtred. tbe "T11e C11r1•b•d Ca,. er":a.. J:! U1$ a.u l'n•l•lln rot.-ord In bl.I work wllll 1utapfcoa of Red ,pa.lh· Horaer &l ed club, C10nd11:et.ed br &t lp P euner, n bJcc t ut lccttm: i 'ill 'hkb wltl \ Ki Uw l'llhl h t1'11h at C(ttt\cr: L7ceom Bureau, 0J1tertalnod n o111d He..zel S«it t, by Ymf(ftt$0r lL H. Mu- ,uul J, IJl'own, lil. hd OrilT)' Dunham. er o•d oC Jovera w. •bn flll,.d thu l!I AH wJ lh ICOOd Juli.King In lhc .\tl"f"'lw r M) n Colll!'li\Q . Wldillft •hth .ilAr, kn Mtlbodlat £Ptey$11 chu . rcb of Mrr11ni tbo uumber of ro. . cli ttt1<1I 1141x1 MOudt1f f'\'(•1l_ lng1 I)t•- hl1;lt idi ooi mttn, Kt i:"ua.rdlih wm f'htrlOn. )- W e dn<1•dn.:· r.clYe tl, " co11.11Jderabl4 r rtt .l l(• i11ud · U, under a11t1pku11.()f Lh., lllll Ull iuima ultt til'O'lll•, ntrbt.. Tllis ptQgram wat lha ave· I C'U.Ctt . wall,ten1oc fa." h)t·:tl C oundl. I ond or Ute Lr Ceum· Cour1te , l' rof(!.ljlit0r will .gh'1• tt Tbo qqHtd fl,..t,.. m•rctbod Q1' t.ho DEL£GATf.s TO ATIEND . m11ru eJClltOd fld rt.WlOW 1;).J5L UPPERC.LASSMEN GJV£ 11 t..p to tuu i;:o elun 1 e. Whth t rtra..r '1 true-I trnd l-il tho I IDEA Of BONO YSTEM llO Ptbed" lbe.y P. Yfft •group of MILWAIJKEE M£mNG 1r4.! •l. lluuth W .f"lt than b-. J)tevlonalr RS beaoUfuJ and lJ'plQal Scot • been tlJu prl VllCoBC! of lbe 11:t udc'Dl3 11.h Ion and folk so .ng-s. 'Tht. r Im· - - a nd c ll t rolll: lu hear . Tlte. ur Whuh -.. nl" llt•nuHirlatluu nt Wut"k· ltatad tbe State.h brog'dtc and attt"l!U .. , . .. Un 1 u1• Wiii f'oHr l kl . lf'l. "'" l «eunt • Ill IJt: COllCt! tned with I uhlUI) ur tb-C . 4;"tn b flnul• weU, U .,Uey tlutlr IQ Wlnttt U>llfcr-- wbll Slnlager ca:Us ur '"" "l ... llo• •ofees anli 1flltqret tha Jorau• Utl .. ,....., In W'*"9osic moat bqau1tfu1 •OOL In r1ra. __ rolllc.lllni buoy.U,ey or tb . o. fU1b· , -- ••oarl•b&ld Caw-era.'' He wtu aJto Sowu 1.:ucrr et1 0na •l•ll•ll1:'9 buo Ti.!.n C!Utu m a'U.dmc-nhl lt1rmu ror I.ha i:hurcb '' ' 1000. t'OlllD 4 .-i nk rron1 1110 ll'lra1 clplec Vo u1b l' o11nrtlktn held Mempl1h1, 1'.,ttneMo.,, l lot, wOrl1 1·1.!nd iu11l t•ommontH ' t'n ci h1l11ol by Jltor M. ti . Nininger. The lh1r1h•D bf llh t .. ,,o .. k•r' a m::irb wa" thrit It It tar ttuiW a mau le- .J horolc, •»ff dr!alh at lhtt 11U1ko 'nr tn a laadt. The.It toY-eh ' 1tadltfoo of Lehman. or ahuw a 1rca1. numlK'r o r p1c.ta.ret: o f . 1,traa d U•<'C(l{I from a numb\or of theu Jove soa p •t-Dt LhrlU.1 o f Jot l ocal \. bit. c. A., a iid l ta.Akll n fhl11 . Y b! ch la rr.·e ta re:u ::tlo u. wrlllen b1 Junior and 11-h• ll tiol cuodem11 F f . 1 1 bl t d el r lletHll wtll htt o.dmllli cl free ancl , t.b•' Tim 1n•nvrn1 9r th"' ltt buL thc,u •h•lt ••• tllrla1• u lJle a:amo pielodlout •lraln• /(.i,.t. udmlwai lon rnr to-wnstlcoulo wm ho lndlCnt o lhM 111c.i. J'tud;anta of thlB Jn- t1111lri, rOutl ll du11l Conrcr·c:n(:.0 wh.leli wlll ho ·he ld und COJl(ff, lllulluu 110 not lot.I tlmt ft.Ii gre8t a ur.-Tlwu 1 it1•1l llUl d(IHUll'DCllll let r ·, thi s lme In rull O ooemtw1· ta hl Junuar)· l 1.'l · rim. 11m1.11t..ltr :.r wurk h1 dono undor tbQ 11h11lt. ,.an a to Bulletin Board · 1v.- Tbu11 ahl ll 1101 11euhl. A•utCao "cl&"1e.' ' This wJ t ot- lhr fle 11uc.tent reorell'Dtoth c• •ad Mi.:P'• Tryout this ' :::; .. t::: o•cDlna boctanlng at G: :JO ' work In lhu Junior rollt!Jo!" Af· routh bl rldh:ulhaa •• •Dd pla.Dlatlo.n melod.Jts. • J'oba L.. Hort. ii.d•l90t' to tbt!' mn ' l' o' cloU. UrmaUve rctpUQ lot.allod oalr abr tJ o A, br queae.bloc b• .. . a ¥,c_ Do-.111. -. . ... .,. . MWW'IC'.:l aUo• + wUI •1-- •t.t.Dd.- tbk ;.J _J)j,.J:l,Uf&J1t lhl_ 1pe•k ln cbp- pt)r Hf ctal .- lunu., br tllfJP1'41:91l.. ' cl 1o m o rraw of 1ho uprt'uSoa• wer• .KpU..-e. '°la.. br apoi-rh1JC tJ l'9- •11alc:al mo ·aolo1:11u. and n! ad- W'tau 1r IAdlet' O:,hilto Tr roul weci. In auwtr 10· tl l• quMtion. "Wfll Lb.a ,;let, b J'a.D.,.,-ta1 at .... l .. "Wbk:b The fln.:t. bonur i.ylllbm work tn tho .oal or col· • lntpl)' abu• .a.a tiat -=ad• .Ct"UTL <:tlAl'Kt, M be. bl Jda.1" •' ptir ceal roied "Ye.a". h•U1 trlt.UOO •ho ti whlt a Pli®.I •ot:O. •·•tr . Drown Thu t.hft!'e. altitude$ lb. at domhllll t d I tlt k o e. m P flltld forcr ncr (Cini "No'', dro 11nln1I u4 Lile Old Dq_lc-ll. Clock" -.._. ox• U1e llf o or e"err good -wer.i 'vu llutt u •r. Vt. - Tb1Ju tlll•IL nut ahoDUtl t.rUUALla&IY tuna)-, wblle "Tho qt. d l.M:U 1t•d lo .lf')Pday hr Dr. St11dont. nic:-ct Wed· One. n()UrH ble s•11er•I Olllnhm Murr or llhu iter fUUlht .. fit:ift ,f mor1' M:irloue nUmbe-r. Rudyard WU) 'f pure ontl d(lito. ror Uicrc cnn lhut1(1 proto111HI H1lnl'•· Una'• trrte. ''Tl ie Hymn Ac- be uu 1• len11 11, an uue. le!4lt1 lwch ·. Jtto fo .JM•r Nl11h•K1Jr bl(l c ltto r0<1111. II niliu' •uem q llbcr urti l 1Jt1 deep for Lboo. lloo .• " Oru .1 mu11.l du l rightly •·hh ono' 11 lhmt ,. ,, r rllJ' Wllh yean / l'be 'f'Oicd or!d- four m1 t1 br o thtJ l nt. lhua ln4_ lllling In done'• o'e.lutlc. thnlll toly •hf'l bc•n1Jr ,,.uun would wllt uoth 1 nuuu.I all tbl bletn.ded -well end lbelr ael ec t.l o n1 e YCl t)'llY lhtt llablb of kin "" 4 I t'nr In 10 IAfln.a: lb ou r WtTe •eU Ptteeatetl. Somb o! the In unl1 aDPtMDCHJf tn ma.n ·e life. 1UUo uac at work t• reQulred. vu.-;.:i::.u 1ltt:IF ot li&hL numben. A llllh t tbau l uok '*pua yuulb u more varlatlo• taela.cllag more bca•» I inc t u «JDlt'tbute l.O -..o •I < ••uld ltn o _,, •l .. mv. 1 It 1 "1 What You Foraet that Mak.ea YOU Wise '""" 111 0 ""d •••i•u•, 10 ' Th• ban &.Dd nnt 0 1au.11l rw. aiembeit lll1t tb• ••TO oatat•1tdlAc In lbelr cau.llu• llt fl' araal m and Mr. ¥cDo.oaJd'• ' -r"- (1 Klloo J cu hu ttr knnwltt1l C<t 1010 tho Jiea.dt or Ibo 1• lg11Ulttd her wlllln1ul .. N to 1W1rry, a. r,y mowoumunt. , Lbo •re tbut a ho.:I nlne-tcDl b& ur the 1 f.'':l:, tel '" a,l1lnat.H lo .itli_t1 Dom.ui't<i11 Qf •ludtinthi!.\'& rorgotu.u why •M 1 nt1.>· ·•ll 1Jt.1r t=Orll o( t!Julr 1lutnb e:r M.13 worklr1a ll\l)n wuultJ l>O oOlb· hi birth hY b<l.YI Ca:na.da, aa d. tbe uame of thl•; nlU• • fn cl)lltUJtt. tt· Lb e)' Jtnow lt tu ;lrnr • , i ti urts buon be I ng th«:iY hod 11ut. )'i;L _ t::J1t:;11tm t l1frl f. A11d thou "halt letal or.sanlu.Uoa:. A,danat. li bul. Wh)' Uu .•r we r<t hure In fin.I f1>rtr· 1l.a- for pupll, 'rhltL.)'•tlvo tJnl'lnO(lni; ftBUOrlll>ttr l l HU Jlnd Lho word C.1uda bt.dnnud_... pla eci. No doubt " n1uulM:-r or JIM• rid 1ou lcuuw -.· b•t Uikt meau to would bu dlr uc11t11 thlJ work or nno ---,- ,,. -_ " 1 ;"' w.J -;;::-- ..._. 1 1 •ntl hu.wu wnnth l'rcd their fo nd t ho khl f-Hu 1y hiu.,.lf lio ld thc 'r r-alrtK,nl ti:r 111 ul au •ulo nuuibnttk. LEA.08 !!iTlil,KNT'l' , !•Uprln1• wer11 lo! all c·r o wn i.• 11 11 . Thb SQ<:h:tr for Ui ,, Twu1y l11 111lnt11M would W Y. \\', lUUI t•m'.NiHAMI , JOl.'liT ett."\.Ull i• I VY- CJ" mid-tiD Cltc.r rada Vre YNU.hW or Cr u" llT tu Anlmala or IJWlndlftUJ IWNal t (a r-mor1. P'h'e. "l ' tt ... .: au: OP 0 UIV '" tbe jolDl- p:raJ4! r \\ '«I aud11 eTellln&'. Q(lwma,o (\ ClftlJbulNd lbe lilea II Wtl woali lbe OU:itr ""'-"'°• ci m11.u. Ural of aJ1 cet blll pnlal or •.&ow. we an ot tei1 DTOH to c:ru- kbo 0U11,.::-1 we G'1 c.ot ctentaA-d •• do not kaow l b.«!! •Ddet17t..- , Prlu..tplq lb•• So•era lbtlr uYe:s. It •e woul<I •l · temDt ttJ . IUlder:ltl.a.,d the per .. Mo, tr w• w.oold lli:_at .Aet 'hla p-0tnt or Y1tw 01" bl1 butfook ujton 111 tbe or cdti: Ytt woaU:1 tluo U.&l u ,,_ .... d.ot:aa the lblL b.f' •.W"u4 wou:W aoL blm: •• woa.ld .._ tllat bl• 110'-•t ot .... .. ate dlil& Ula OD..17 io•lca.I tlt.Jq 1ba1 .. . 111 .......... ...... . ('a.tdlll, UJ Lb• reporl 1 Sodal WttJfa,.., o.., icn llbuuJd • ould bu hq ldlrt&' h• a .- 111d t:t •l l\lrYC-)' al 11,.L o.t Ut h 1 lhr"..-l e: nfn1 .111lt uatron and T•N wrlf nt woald rewrd Jn Uilf do w-uUo ttal p.crJocl (;f lM ta-1t ,.- oar tllue a re two n:uc1u dr .. or o l ho : rbl htreu or r .bl11 gr eat tol be ev- oo u. l)f tbtr tl.- o llandrctd and w. t '. A. muctu Tu(lfd ay mo l brM. Ir 10.11 ec>a111 llO •t •ll. ruonwu lUt. per uDL of lb,. an equal ouml .. r ur arU..ia w11uld Ibo 1ptr1t ur 1h laJr wu uod fo r m.o.-\ 1tad eii1.1 ln «tll"'• " · 1:tudeat• at INSt lrutbful. for dr•w lllu.i1ra d oo1 • Dd ttrloon:. fa r &.h"me If) T•r lur Mlq C>t-r l"t!"Oi am b.11. h .II() ldeti wb•t lhe1 wotllC tbe ftM;11.J 11$r . Tb'1N ,..oald be no p ropr l1 1t t 1u 1 bt1 approac:bJq: • r or lb• or uafntAJ do wtu•u uMt of rerhaPIJ • rotttrJ' •' r li;ilblna: •lorlea.- no mu Jn tlOJJh 4H: Oun •fl• o::a f-C.lf lbelr lite wark; Uf· lbtire- lJ ho po for 'tbe en· Cf<•u .e. tho world I• ra.. tbome. "Ot Vin1" rrom J.bU tffU tt.•t -.a.rbe.Te bcuu.H a.umber pe--r whit(! formt aal uu llan,k• , oe> me: -_L mar· "'The f"rc 1rilie 1 ·i" •» lJ'e h:erq: •nd the. n.un. a llifti g tu.· thtt farm a.rid b11la-4' .,..orld .Cli.t: b kt ;u-. no JtWl!lry aloros, no c.tces. no The f'Ht1il.h1dor or i1111 d' au num1l.r 4eiJr e. rur oa t.tatm fl•fl Fu1n out ot hol t11M, or any rorrn of Jndu1nn wat cumpr-l111H of r e10lnr1 •Ad• 'Mtuoatl<m,, t..hM may be- •fOIT hundr&J atudenla e.nttfr 01e le&h woulil bo t.:1<ci11 IP h•l}O by tbet •I . e. Mt"ChJli&n rod Thoro artt r, w J1>ob lleld (jt ctiemh1tr1 .. The l.wuutt c-h.,tnltlt, uul chey no doubt el)umhtfCl1 "h1 M•rrl &JO a r1 a1, "" roJle.a milde' me eo1ntf ' , "I nurnben 1ni.i-t1d w e11Pt;:• l.n com· woul ,d h• -ti no If l)lt! P•hlfnK.M' Uutb Ho ban a paulOn tor tnuJ . ... " l.ntd .tnerci al 1trt , I•"<· Jc>urnatiuri, uui,... tDll'f't hautl 'i to baUd a plM:llt!d tho 1ruui; whh il plaao m •• llttd t •anted to com!' . 1.n1bow/ ' iu •. lllhh tlle c\liachtn1. and ttie mb· bu•1a"• .. ctton h Would bi tome- ".Lua&Apl111I b otntur "• ... h:": : .,,"d"uu ur tTb lelteJ" rN.1Gn- * au doa1H "''" w"r t llfftd uP alld ot.oed h1 • """° t ba1 t•two hu1tdr"4 aatl •li:h•T Yaatrt"lll A..Couri.tna-." latHdtd. r0r t be o· I UcUtkt u. •llla1t1 Wi ed &lld o "- Kb.wt •vuld bo•lau bim lac ot ...... _). ('(lat_e:r •ad e,.....,. .._adf'al mYcb be '14 H'f'•t 1et •ta work n&nr-nft JlcP'Hno• CoU... ..._.... Tit• •..UO.a ... a.HM. - \\'hat do I •t. dl09t.n 1.Jle e:ltaalJoa doH-; •ta ,_._ tlle campn •I to-u , .. l••Hd •• d• whu TDIL •ft' 011L .--o.t4 bf\ rn1-iea.H1 ll•moroq. Of lw It tKt bWt •h•r •JI tilat •'<lliU: to*7 ,_. -Wink.a ••tft' ot tldlt10lf.. YJt1y...ia._ peor c:nl of tk p0,•ta11UD ot tl'I"• we de.tit• •hr .,.,.,,, are IJ1 toldMU'" .W G.allLC.,d la lh lM at•dn.ta b&Yt!: woafll U-n ••o- hu•dred .eb;JlllT n.lok ot nw lf tbte-Y •h1t1 f'Jo- r ed tht •Ml"'•• ,.._ a.&Pt.. d«.li.4 u. 1n·ore:ea1Qu1Jy tt'&dl-orL A.I ouly one ct.r1 au <a.rr'-d o•l their amt;JtJou! lla11b111t.u OP*,. Com .. .,.

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Male Q.artet Pruenta Li1ht ' ProSram. Partly In


TUESDAY, DEC. 7, 1926

Ll:M'l·~~\'Ml'.~.'.~~:.?'"OAl'_(lAHT~ NININGER Will TELL -· I IUSKl<ll>I l' l.A\' ~A~CllO..\_".,=

1'h" McPbe.NH>b College. i..1tlio OF CARJ.SBAD .CAVERN S.turda.1 n11lu, n.t o :JG, ,m" btH1r 81mpbonr Orcibeatra broadu• ted • wlllcl1 wlll ucomniod•tq both the pruariuu (rom •t.atlon KPH, Wlch· - -- • l t1Qwn IOf:'n lieuplo t ho r.olleKO Ha, Ian S.turdJl.T 11lght.. Thti 11thuUo McPberaon'1 Expert Geoloai•t ah,1 1111.nhn ot A1c11ben0n la: tbo Hol~l W'U UJled •hti Will Lecture On Recent ' '#"Ill mt!OI Ibo Jlntlllt crtW ur,.d tbo orche.tra lhe 5le.: clob a.nd Trip tnant trom WtC'bUa 011 tho r;ollf'IV tho Mc Pherson people wbo atcom· -- ,;rmna.atum noor.

Kr. lild~Wd'• ~ R.u}tl Aud· paulM tbt!a:& to Wichita. l..IWI'-""' \ tkww of "4'1Uf"rim'- Hni.wcy! --.., 1• 8-.rauie--1.lri. wU.h Uahr lbe direct.Joa of l'rol'.~ 2;rot ... ~\'Ill hr Sl10W11. T~t,t U.k~• . • Uh i~eto Rt':if. a.a

T$or, b 9-lJllaadl.. l>aU, the Qrdintra a!:qalu~ l lRJC Tu PubUe ;:hb:l!:np::;:..1:!.~~.:::.'~ ru!':. we.II. &b~ aolo aad c!u~l numbt.n1 -- a l for•·anl•l •"1'9ddle u·rh:treU. wllh

Tbe Aduac Mafe Qu.ariet. u.oder Wl!nJ aplendldly rcndtred. ~nd tbe "T11e C11r1•b•d Ca,.er":a.. J:! U1$ a.u l'n• l•lln rot.-ord In bl.I work wllll 1utapfcoa of Red,pa.lh· Horaer &led club, C10nd11:et.ed br &t lp Peuner , n bJcct u t Uu~ lccttm:i 'ill' h k b wltl \ Ki Uw l'llhlh t1'11h 'Pln1t~•• at C(ttt\cr: L7ceom Bureau, 0J1tertalnod n o111d .neeotupan~d b~ He..zel S«itt , Ot'IJ~rntl by Ym f(ftt$0r lL H. Mu- ,uul J , IJl'own, lil.hd OrilT)' Dunham. ero•d oC Jovera w.•b n flll,.d thu l!IAH wJ lh ICOOd b~rm!)ny. Juli.King ln~er In lhc .\tl"f"'lw r M)n Colll!'li\Q . W ldillft •hth .ilAr, kn AU·Amcrl~n Mtlbodlat £Ptey$11 chu.rcb of Me· rr11ni tbo uumber of tt.•le~ri1m• ro. .clittt1 <1I 1141x1 MOudt1f f'\'(•1l_lng1 I)t•- hl1;lt idiooi mttn, Kt i:"ua.rdlih wm f'htrlOn. ~an )- W edn<1•dn.:· r.clYetl, " co11.11Jderabl4 r rtt.l l(• i11ud· tt.lm~l)l' U , unde r Hu~ a11t1pku11.()f Lh., lllll Ull iuima ultt til'O'lll•, • ntrbt.. Tllis ptQgram wat lha ave· IC'U.Ctt. wall,ten1oc fa." h)t·:tl Stud~tll Coundl. I ond or Ute LrCeum· Cour1te •~rim~~ , l' rof(!.ljlit0r Nlntng~r will .gh'1• tt

Tbo qqHtd fl,..t,.. m•rctbod Q1' t.ho DEL£GATf.s TO ATIEND . m11ru eJClltOdfld rt.WlOW (1~ nu~ 1;).J5L UPPERC.LASSMEN GJV£ 11t..p to tuu Sc:ot~h i;:oelun1e. Whtht rtra..r '1 true-I trnd ~arch l-il tho I IDEA Of BONO YSTEM llO Ptbed" lbe.y P.Yfft •group of MILWAIJKEE M£mNG 1r4.!•l. lluuth W.f"lt than b-. J)tevlonalr RS q'a&t.a.t~ beaoUfuJ and lJ'plQal Scot • ~ been tlJu prlVllCoBC! of lbe 11:tudc'Dl3 11.h Ion and folk 'Tht.r Im· - - a nd c llt rolll: lu hear. Tlte. tl:H)~I ur" llt•nuHirlatluu nt Wut"k· ltatad tbe State.h brog'dtc and attt"l!U .. , ... Un1u1• Wiii ~ f'oHr lkl.lf'l."'" th~ l«eunt • Ill IJt: COllCt!tned with I uhlUI) ur tb-C. 4;"tn b flnul• weU, U .,Uey tn.j~led tlutlr ~C•lh'e. IQ Wlnttt U>llfcr-- wbll Pror~qr Slnlager ca:Us ur '"""l ... llo• •ofees anli 1flltqret tha Jorau• Utl .. ,....., In W'*"9osic moat bqau1tfu1 •OOL In r1ra. __

rolllc.lllni buoy.U,ey or tb.o. fU1b· , -- ••o arl•b&ld Caw-era.'' He wtu aJto Sowu 1.:ucrret10na •l•ll•ll1:'9 buo

T i.!.n C!Utum a'U.dmc-nhl lt1rmu

ror I.ha i:hurcb ' ' ' 1000. t'OlllD 4 .-ink ~•ulllna rron1 1110 ll'lra1 clplec Vo u1b l'o11nrtlktn held Mempl1h1, 1'.,ttneMo.,, No•~mbor l lot, wOrl1 1·1.!nd iu11l t•ommontH ' t'n Wtidn~~lh\)''s cih1l11ol by Jltor M. ti. Nininger.

The lh1r1h•D bf llht .. ,,o .. k•r'a m::irb wa" thrit It It tar ttuiW a mau le- fn~a .J horolc, •»ff dr!alh at lhtt 11U1ko 'nr tn a

laadt. The.It toY-eh' 1tadltfoo of H•"~1 ~· Lehman.•I o r ahuw a 1rca1. numlK'r or p1c.ta.ret: o f . 1,traa d U•<'C(l{I from a numb\or of theu Jove soap •t-Dt LhrlU.1 o f Jot tb~ local \. bit. c. A., a iid l ta.Akll n fhl11 . uv-~m Y b!ch la rr.·e mtl~ ta re:u::tlou. wrllle n b1 Junior and tl~n~ •~-Thon 11-h• ll tiol cuodem11

~§;:f ;~:.:~~~ ~1~~.~~~ Ff ~~~z~s~~b~~t~~:fi~3 :~:~:~ ,~~~:~:;· ·=~·:-=·:~;~=~:'. I~:~:~!;·;:~~:'. ~:::::r:..~: ·~= 11.-~7.~~~~.::::~~:.~:.:~!:~·.:·: . 1 1 bl t del r lletHll wtll htt o.dmllli•cl free ancl, t.b•' Tim 1n•nvrn1 wn~ 9r th"' r~nctlon~ ltt buL thc,u •h•lt •••

tllrla1• u lJle a:amo pielodlout •lraln• /(.i,.t. :~.l~l~ut;':,/'.t:Mtbe ~~~~:ttl A~: udmlwailon rnr to-wnstlcoulo wm ho lndlCnto lhM 111c.i. J'tud;anta of thlB Jn- IJ~d t11• 11lri, rOutlll

r~;::~ ~tt::~r~'~:~:f:1t,m:b0;"~,111r• d u11l Conrcr·c:n(:.0 wh.leli wlll ho ·he ld lhlrly~th'iJ und twttlll)'~flve. COJl(ff, • lllulluu 110 not lot.I tlmt ft.Ii gre8t a ur.-Tlwu 1it1•1l llUl d(IHUll'DCllll

let·, this i·lme In rull Oooemtw1· ta hl Junuar)· l 1.'l ·rim. 11m1.11t..ltr :.r wurk h1 dono undor tbQ .~:~:~n:~1~01~~~t: 11h11l t. ,.an

~~:1\:.'1! b;:::~~ondo:r° a •m!:t'~~: ._.fl~:::c:1:~~1\:8e ttn~utlll~d to Bulletin Board · :;;o:;,~l~;·.1:: w:::o~~hc~1~:u11:~~ 1v.-Tbu11 ahl ll 1101 11euhl. b~t A•utCao "cl&"1e.'' This wJ tot- lhrfle 11uc.tent reorell'Dtot h c• •ad Mi.:P'• l>eb~ue Tryout this ~~ci:.~1:,~t~~,~~~~ 1~~ ' :::; ~;•l~~ ,~~-;~:~ :,~~~~"~:~ c~::~bl~• ~:~~:r.::~e:~ b:e~:o .. ~~:.::;: ::~ ~-~~ ::.~::~ t::: ;!~~; o•cDlna boctanlng at G: :JO ' work In lhu Junior rollt!Jo!" Af· routh bl r ldh:ulhaa •• •Dd pla.Dlatlo.n melod.Jts. • J'oba L.. Hort. ii.d•l90t' to tbt!' mn 'l' o 'cloU. UrmaUve rctpUQ lot.allod oalr abr tJoA, br queae.bloc b• ~U. ... a ¥,c_Do-.111. -. . ... .,.. MWW'IC'.:laUo • + wUI •1-- •t.t.Dd.- tbk ;.J _J)j,.J:l,Uf&• J1tlhl_1pe•k ln cb• p- pt)r ~a1, •~Ht ptnel~ .four Hf ctal • .- lunu., br tllfJP1'41:91l.. '

cl 1o mo rraw o f 1ho uprt'uSoa• wer• .KpU..-e. '°la.. br apoi-rh1JC tJ l'9-~J9 •11alc:al mo·aolo1:11u. and • n!ad- W'tau1r eou~n1tna... IAdlet' O:,hilto Trroul weci. In auwtr 10· tll• quMtion. "Wfll Lb.a ,;let, b J'a.D.,.,-ta1 at .... l .. "Wbk:b we~ ~dlcl The fln.:t. bonur i.ylllbm work tn tho .oalo r col· • lntpl)' ~UM abu• ~ue .a.a ~aJDoruu. tiat -=ad• .Ct"UTL AJ)UHSS~ <:tlAl'Kt, n~·r ;'"':Jn~. M be. bl Jda.1" •' ptir ceal roied "Ye.a". h•U1 trlt.UOO •ho "'~ ti whlt a Pli®.I • ot:O. •·•tr. Drown Thu t.hft!'e. altitude$ domhllllt d I tlt k o •rt~e ~ e.m ~ P flltld fo rcr ncr (Cini "No' ' , dro11nln1I u4 Lile Old Dq_lc-ll. Clock" -.._. ox• U1e llfo or e"err good -we r.i 'vu llutt u •r. Vt.- Tb1Ju tlll•IL nut ahoDUtl t.rUUALla&IY tuna)-, wblle "Tho qt. d l.M:U1t•d lo ~ha~I .lf')Pday hr Dr. St11dont. Mlnlti~nc nic:-ct Wed· One. n()UrH ble s•11er•I Olllnhm Murr or llhuiter fUUlht


::·: :;~.~:;·~~:'.. ~·:,~ ~. ~:~~·; .. ~·:::: ;~fi~::~~!~.:-u w;;··~~.:~ fit:ift,f t~:·~Jr~lcc;~~ :~[~:~ii :~;.:;~~~~:::~:;:. ~~~·:~~:~ . mor1' M:irloue nUmbe-r. Rudyard 1{1p~ WU)'f pure ontl d(lito. ror Uicrc cnn lhut1 (1 proto111HI H1lnl'•· Una'• trrte. ''Tlie Hymn Beror~ Ac- be uu 1•len11 ~ul 11, an uue.le!4lt1 lwch·. Jtto fo.JM•r Nl11h•K1Jr gfv~s bl(l c ltto r0<1111. II niliu' •uem qllbcr urti l1Jt1 deep for Lboo.

lloo .• " Oru.1 mu11.l d u l rightly • ·hh ono'11 ~c:;~rtlM~::1~:~•rl;~::1n~or=~n~ :•:1~1ll~~C:~1::C1 r:~;:i:ru:!1'1:~· lh~~'u;~ lhmt ,., , r rllJ' Wllh yean / l'be 'f'Oicd or!d- four m1 t1 bro thtJlnt. lhua ln4_lllling In done'• o'e.lutlc. thnlll toly •h f'l bc•n1Jr ,,.uun would wllt uoth1nuuu.I all tbl

bletn.ded -well end lbelr aelect.lo n1 e YClt)'• llY JU~ lhtt llablb of kin ""4 I t'nr In 10 IAfln.a: lbou r

WtTe •eU Ptteeatetl. Somb o! the :~=~~~,;~f:~:::0~0;t~t:d:,::,1'r::r;~ di!::d:r~.,:~1:.:1, ~!~tr~" In ~;::0 .u~::;:~or ::~::.::th.~ =~~~n~~~ unl1 U1r~1t. ~::1~~::C.ue co"::!:'Bt:~m! 1::~ a DPtMDCHJf tn ma.n·e life. 1UUouac at work t• reQulred. vu.-;.:i::.u .:":;~tJ:~uua~= 1ltt:IF ot li&hL numben. A llllht tbau luok '*pua yuulb u more varlatlo• taela.cllag more bca•» I inc llnt~ tu «JDlt'tbute l.O

-..o•I< ••uld ltno _,, • •l .. mv. 1 It 1"1 What You Foraet that Mak.ea YOU Wise '""" 1110 ""d •••i•u•, 10' Th• ban &.Dd nnt ~nOJ' "Ok~· 0 1au.11l rw.aiembeit lll1t tb•

••TO oatat•1tdlAc In lbelr cau.llu• ,..,..-~tutlu11..11. lltfl' araal m and Mr. ¥cDo.oaJd'• mobotu11.1~ '-r"-(1 KllooJ cu hu ~dnnccd ttr knnwltt1l C<t 1010 tho Jiea.dt or Ibo 1•lg11Ulttd her wlllln1ul .. N to 1W1rry, a.r,y mowoumunt., Lbo •re

:(~-;:;:~ t~Jl:::~l~~L ~J~~\l•~~ ijlU~$b tbut a ho.:I n lne-tcDlb& ur the :nmti;;~1:~~11r:.~1~1;,.u:: .~~! ~:~r~:~-e::~ :1~::10 117:1~~~11~~0:.:t~~i ~~~~el~ o~'~.1~; ~~:1:~~~. 4~:, 1~1:?., 1f.'':l:, • tel'" a,l1lnat.H lo .itli_t1 Dom.ui't<i11 Qf •ludtint• hi!.\'& rorgotu.u w hy •M1 nt1.>··•ll 1Jt.1r t=Orll o ( t!Julr 1lutnbe:r M.13 worklr1a ll\l)n wuultJ l>O doln~ oOlb· brou~ht h i birth hY b<l.YI •

Ca:na.da, a a d. tbe uame of thl• ; nlU• • 11~ fn cl)lltUJtt. '~'' ~·· tt· Lbe)' Jtnow ·iehr>~ lt•tu;lrnr• , i tiurts wn~ buon be Ing hv~111w th«:iY hod 11ut. )'i;L _t::J1t:;11tm t l1frl f. A11d thou "halt letal or.sanlu.Uoa:. A,danat. li bul. Wh)' Uu.•r wer<t h ure In th~ fin.I f1>rtr·1l.a- 11rol~t111i}r8 for cn~ry pupll, 11rOft:-awlo1~ 'rhltL.)'•tlvo tJnl'lnO(lni; ftBUOrlll>ttr l lHU J~UJI Jlnd Lho word C.1uda 1pralh~d bt.dnnud_... plaeci. No doubt " n1uulM:-r or JIM• • rid 1ou lcuuw -.·b•t Uikt meau to would bu dlruc11t11 thlJ work or nno ---,-,,.-_" 1;"'w.J -;;::--..._.

1•1 • ntl hu.wu wnnthl'rcd w~r their fond t ho khlf-Hu1y hiu.,.lf lio ld thc'r r-alrtK,nlti:r 111ul au •ulo nuuibnttk.

UO•'JL-'\.~ LEA.08 !!iTlil,KNT'l' , !•U•prln1• wer11 lo! allc·r l1 1~Jt._ own i.• 11 11. Thb SQ<:h:tr for Ui,, Twu1y l11111lnt11M ru~u would W Y. \\', lUUI t•m'.NiHAMI , JOl.'liT ett."\.Ull ~'Tl~G i• I VY-CJ" mid-tiD Cltc.r • rada Vre YNU.hW or Cru" llT tu Anlmala or IJWlndlftUJ IWN alt (a r-mor1. P'h'e. "l' tt ... .:au: OP 0 UIV

'" tbe jolDl- p:raJ4!r m_•·UAJ~ \\'«I

aud11 eTellln&'. ~feMOr Q(lwma,o (\ ClftlJbulNd lbe lilea II Wtl

woali lbe OU:itr ""'-"'°• • ci m11.u. Ural of aJ1 cet blll pnlal or •.&ow. we an ottei1 DTOH to c:ru­kbo 0U11,.::-1 ~\lie we G'1 c.ot "u-11~ ctentaA-d Lb~, ~ala • • do not kaow lb.«!! •Ddet17t..- ,Prlu..tplq lb•• So•era lbtlr uYe:s. It •e woul<I •l· temDt ttJ . IUlder:ltl.a.,d the per .. Mo, tr w• w.oold lli:_at .Aet 'hla p-0tnt or Y1tw 01" bl1 butfook ujton Uh~ 111 tbe .-&Jori~ or cdti: Ytt woaU:1 tluo U.&l u ,,_ .... d.ot:aa the ~' lblL b.f' •.W"u4 wou:W aoL blm: • • woa.ld .._ tllat bl• 110'-•t ot .... .. ate dlil& Ula OD..17 io•lca.I tlt.Jq 1ba1 ... 111 .......... ...... .

('a.tdlll, ~\ci.-c>rdlDI UJ Lb• reporl mtt..d~ 1 Sodal WttJfa,.., o..,_aub.aticn llbuuJd • ould bu hq ldlrt&' r~H1lilu•

h• a .-111dt:t•l l\lrYC-)' a l 11,.L o.t f~bi Uth 1 lhr"..-le:nfn1 .111ltuatron and ~nJcQ!ll. • T•N wrlf• nt woald rewrd Jn Uilf do w-uUo ttal p.crJocl (;f lM ta-1t ,.-oar tllue a re two n:uc1u d r .. oro l ho: rblhtreu or r.bl11 great tom· l be ev-oo u. l)f tbtr tl.-o llandrctd and w. t '. A. muctu Tu(lfda y mo l brM . Ir 10.11 ec>a111 llO ---~a • t •ll. ruonwu lUt . s1..-1~n per uDL of lb,. an equa l ouml .. r ur arU..ia w11uld Ibo 1ptr1t ur 1h laJr wu uod • fo r m.o.-\ 1ta deii1.1 ~ ln «tll"'• " · 1:tudeat• ·~ at INSt lrutbful. for dr•w lllu.i1rad oo1 • Dd ttrloon:. fa r &.h"me If) .\drUtt~ T•r lur Mlq 11HJ~tut.e11 toru·flv-~ C>t-r l"t!"Oi a m th~,,- b.11.h .II() ldeti wb•t lhe1 wotllC tbe ftM;11.J 11$r. Tb'1N ,..oald be no proprl1 1tt 1u 1bt1 approac:bJq: • ror lb• ru~ or uafntAJ do wtu•u uMt of co11~r;ie. r erhaPIJ • rotttrJ' • ' r li;ilblna: •lorlea.- no mu ~;1n Jn tlOJJh4H:Oun •fl•o::a f-C.lf lbelr lite wark ; Uf· lbtire- lJ ho po for tb~in. 'tbe en· lh~a.4rt!I Cf<•u .e. tho world I• ra.. tbome. "OtVin1" rrom J.bU

tffU ~ tt.•t -.a.r• be.Te bcuu.H th~)" ~Deilnl a.umber af'~en pe--r ~-=-nt., whit(! formtaal uu llan,k• , oe> me:-_L mar· "'The f"rc1rilie1·i" •» rva.d~ lJ'e h:erq: •nd the. n.un.a lliftig •tu.· thtt farm a.rid b11• la-4' .,..orld .Cli.t:b kt;u-. no JtWl!lry aloros, no c.tces. no The f'Ht1il.h1dor or i1111

d' au num1l.r IUi:Y~ • 4eiJr e. rur oa t.tatm fl•fl ~, ~at. Fu1n out ot holt11M, or any rorrn of Jndu1nn un~ wat cumpr-l111H of re10lnr1 •Ad• 'Mtuoatl<m,, wh•let-~r t..hM may be- •fOIT hundr&J atudenla e.nttfr 01e le&• h woulil bo t .:1<ci11 IP h•l}O by tbet •I.e. Berni~• Mt"ChJli&n rod • Thoro artt • r, w D(b~r, rea.on.w J1>ob lleld (jt ctiemh1tr1 .. The rettudolct~ l.wuutt c-h.,tnltlt, uul chey no doubt el)umhtfC l1 "h1 M•rrl&JO a r1 a1, "" roJle.a milde' me eo1ntf ' , "I nurnben 1ni.i-t1d w e11Pt;:• l.n com· woul,d h• -ti no l•bC,f•~orr. If l)lt! P•hlfnK.M' Uutb Ho ban a paulOn tor tnuJ .... " l.ntd •~n1 .tnercial 1trt, I•"<· Jc>urnatiuri, uui,... tDll'f't hautl'i tb~uld d~ld'• to baUd a plM:llt!d tho 1ruui; whh il plaao m •• llttd t •anted to com!'. 1.n1bow/ ' iu •. lllhhtlle c\liachtn1. and ttie mb· bu•1a"• .. ctton h Would bi tome- ".Lua&Apl111I b otntur• "• ...


th'::~~-~: h:":: ~=~:.: 'tilZ\~ • .,,"d"uu ur M~t~.,w~a ev1~ !'::u'::~:.,°'b•w1~::U:.r'!;:V.te:.J:!! !:i,.~~:J~:P!::::P~:'.~Z:r:.-tTb• lelteJ" rN.1Gn- '''"~:a * au doa1H "''" w"rt llfftd uP alld ot.oed h1 • """° t ba1 t•• two hu1tdr"4 aatl •li:h•T Yaatrt"lll A..Couri.tna-." •~.~ latHdtd. r0r t be· I UcUtktu. •llla1t1 W ied &lldo"- Kb.wt m1~1 •vuld bo•lau bim "° lac ot ......_). ('(lat_e:r •ad e,.....,. .._adf'al ,.a1~ mYcb be "°'14 H'f'•t 1et •ta work

n&nr-nft JlcP'Hno• CoU... ..._.... Tit• •..UO.a ... a.HM. - \\'hat do I •t. dl09t.n pror~o. 1.Jle e:ltaalJoa doH-; •ta ,_._ tlle campn •I to-u , .. l••Hd •• d• whu TDIL •ft' 011L .--o.t4 bf\ rn1-iea.H1 ll•moroq. Of lw It tKt bWt •h•r •JI tilat ~-­•'<lliU: to*7 ,_. -Wink.a ••tft' ot tldlt10lf.. YJt1y...ia._ peor c:nl of tk p0,•ta11UD ot tl'I"• lnaDd~. we de.tit• Iv~ •hr .,.,.,,, are IJ1 tol• dMU'" .W ~ G.allLC.,d la lh lM ~114!•• at•dn.ta b&Yt!: woafll U-n ••o- hu•dred .eb;JlllT ,,.,..,.~ n.lok ot nw d~Ut.r- lf tbte-Y •h1t1 f'• Jo-r ed tht •Ml"'••• ,.._ a.&Pt.. d«.li.4 u. 1n·ore:ea1Qu1Jy .P~I tt'&dl-orL A.I ouly one ct.r1 au <a.rr'-d o•l their amt;JtJou! lla11b111t.u OP*,. Com .. .,.

Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF!~ator ~=====~=====~ McPHERSON CO~ ADWC'S 1.ROGW IS MUCH ENJOYFJ> Male Q.artet Pruenta Li1ht


m~r 8ptrtator

• &rnot'f!d u to00Dd dau matter

~oTnm~r H. u11. rit thei ...&uou1~ •t J"hl!nnn. J{n.n&n.1. ~Jnll<-r tbtt act or ~Morr:h :t.. Litt1. ·

itarY1t1 C. raal L. Dlelit n orn('r · M •. tebr · Rohetr1 a Pnkttl

Ufo!P:OflTAUS'J flarnly J1>hn Jone• L. Lavell,. 8a71or laabe-1 ElteltbGn 1'.al Ulldeutarr t.awniD~f! ~l•na

Anni IA1rui:~1 o . Wlruuo n CAJ\11(!,r QH.-er lken~rrr


Oo yon know lhH l.boAti 1w-o Wt'f'b It ha11 bt"eoll Hl!tCotUd lbat lht •Ill • lao """" qulll! ra{JliJlyt a;M-. he Kfveu.. t·n.nar.~r •II~ Jn nrdflr

ikJ >'OU k111·1w llu1t therlf< Qr fl nnly thfll 1hA matron 1111ty ho anre lh<t tou,. ,.chool Wll6kM lui thu flrfilt ~fl<o ·&irl• ar6 acuua.1ly ,1n lbe Hbrnry 111• Mt!i'h1i e~d" a nd the rlnnJ.!1 wlll be iJllt ia.O or being e.l.Mwhere. W e mlihl 1:1pon n.s! Vlllahcen lbe dlmc.l pUae commlUM

Do 1011 knnw 1hg,1 tbf" we('t pre· ti.•L lbc.e nau&blt 1trb1 who •f'• t.ftdlng a rrd 1h.- W'Nik rnHnWlni; n 11l1ppln1' off u.~der lho pre.Mu\. •P· h4'11<.1ny JJl>Jt.IQll, 1iU:.N)h1Jn,,; 10 th! tom would ff~d llttl(I mnro.._d lftltUIU'

------------- law• or (ttltit'e&llorto1 JH!;YCboJuscr. nri, h1 t'1vudlng thiis #U(U(~ilUUl rull~•· Tlflo!HltA\ ', DRC'. ':, J U20 nr lltlle \'l\hn! w ihe •tt1d~11l! whlrh oJrnr an I• ra1t h t r a.1:rlle ldita.

• 1'.Ml;. V. n~.·-·~Du.\neP '41tnagcr P$ul 1luteblnaon--Au l. 801. MJ1".

C":barl,...11 Oh1h-. ... ClrculaUon lfanl\gnr

T Ht: HA fOro:SmCH \\'HOLt:

ThC'I ;i:un 11hone In thet 11outhern p&:rl of t htt We.i1h1rn. 111.r. • ireot',

=-~1J :::':~:n:!:!:'. ~~~. e:I~~


iu!~~~ ~:: l~~~::rl~~::b ~I~~

Do rou knaw lhll.l on@ nHer ae­tompllsb.M: _. much during the ChrJnma. n catton as It h• hit sood h1t~ntlon1'

.·.na_-do )'nu know ·thft.l IL mltr:bt noL be a bad Ide& for mo•t of ua I'> pl. 10 worJr. r l1thl now!

...... ANT1·T0 1JA('("1) ASS-0- 223 N. Maio

Hawle7 Hardware Company Ph-• 24

forth from day to da.y, We a:•ctat..r only a pua_t·,: t.tteptue!I!. T1o.r tMtu•bt.1 ,.._. by u tt tiler wort aerel Util!l.ha.& slu'-9, :\la.a.J,. or11 ldul COJn.• lo .out mhHh 11od wl! lM!MDll. tht1111 to·, p-trh.ap1. J)ui CYH, .. •111 tbe.7 d~rt.

(fl~\Tl(lS HOllUH MEJ:Tl'XG

WUh Ohrkunaa oaly eightHn w d•YJ away auT.lhOM .• an eie ror i lu.11tnot• wm be wrl Un~ a long l11t ,• of their good deed1 to aend to t'be : rolb. ••llf••'•••••••·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

w6R:R TO WO'ld) ILU.tA,R Otta~;. tbouahc. mt by wUb lltU•

Jm.Pf'811oa.. W e K al'ffl1 noUee the. .Udo•• that Ct.1.t, n trom th gtor .. loua lrutb. • hu 1uddtot1 u the lclea •llPll lf:llO obfrt'°n, "'• rntl10

~ ~:u~~t.~ -:, 1.~Ls~-:.!:~: ,..... e.cb •malt "'9oqlll Meo•• • u .... •mbl~m or t.H whole. th• ••re m4.1alfte1t10b of tl•• s;lorh~u1 tnatl• •"ell palate ~ ' "11-"blthnatu.n. wttll au:alUed. ud .bea\ltUul U • ........ , .

The Aatl.Tobltt0 ~1aUoo. or Youn (or klq ••&ellc •nlll lj(tPht:non College bttld a mMtlng ol .obrl11m.a..-...nd Sa.a.ta Claus. It.a meJiibc r• o n Thun<tay, J)eccimbcr "- -.l'Ob. ~. >

Dr. l.. F. Quantn.. PllY8KlUlll aod 8UllGIOll

om..Boen: 10 ta 1-1 A.. ~r a to t P. II .

10 to 11 A. M. I to I P. M.

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF!~ator ~=====~=====~ McPHERSON CO~ ADWC'S 1.ROGW IS MUCH ENJOYFJ> Male Q.artet Pruenta Li1ht

'TUllDA Y, D&C. 7, , ..

0.INIM s,,ift• - lTWX ~":'ARR (11\'J(,'t

A ttrtM• .. ::;-1. a tarp New ~ ,_ ,,_; o.J

y.,. ...... u.n.., ................. I --............ . .. ~... J... ..... .... •kile Rlll • .ro•lll.. ..... ,.. ..... _.. Ml •t a ............ t'tUU~ U..1 1'• salll lo tlt.9 .,_.,.. ef .................. r..s.•t.c , ... ~ llUM d;lld.f'f!a! ""Of ndi ... ~

Don .-:U& n.dLo-,.. ....... M•1· t-hlado.111.. ..

._. • ..., •• Jut ""'Ud "'°' U•rrr"".,,·rn-,,._ au.n 110l chm rut afOU)' 1i.t , ...., et •H"• .,.._.. ,..U. ti ~ wk hd tod.91 .... ..,. aata,..• , .... b odlier ~ ....

A-4 a.)' ....., .... n1eiil .. , - , H• ... --17 m.or. ......_ la b

'9 • ..Mi.• •U.-.-IO•I ~T sfaL "' • f o.. f't..a. b,...iu ... .-..,_. \\ llat ~ et•·•-' dW la "tla. ..,OIY'O•t•r rN n.t•• ...U. M.!f'ret b~ dOe. optr•l1. f'9ll•UW.. • •• w.dlHl•C , ... UT !t'rfTT' q;-a ..... •Id lnt• llt •IUI ....... ...,... ..,.1a • ..,.. bi pealplu tbal -,Oal lll &aetll ..._. .... te t.M M••I• of 1""' acnlc:lit l.ato baut"'9 aM ~·· .... t•C •• Ill• .. • ~••• ta llMft b; ao 11o,.... Ohl -.u. ..,__. tanotk!. •••T fN• '-k1' ._.. 01• lotl'IDO'U. aM old .-.11orl&h arow .. 1 ttrltaft. 4r1fl•I t)lf'• al a"'°11t 1h~ s:lu or rouctii a)JU.l.b

f'flrHtbh Pl'f'•vre I • hlJ iadu1trta1 dowta e.-en from lhf' da)"ll oC tttl,..._l •Ht to ht'tir 1h11 crulruc- ,t..a:& Adam anto t.bh1 dar . whl•U" lllrv•ah tb• 1lrf -Jtehtttt'd.

~ mi1lo•l of 1he t1ritt auas:a : • .,...latOt, twlnkht, tint• a11r. How' I • o•dftr )'h11. 1ou •~ 0 1• aMve: lh& w orhl hl•h 1..-ou.1 a tllaotnhd hi tho l'k)'."

Ami lltt! 11me h1 1ht1 ver'11teolt.r or lhe tHhlHt414:

'"t"Ot"'W..t'ale, ('ar ... ( AIA, dlmlnallve. •h•ll•r ort.t

How 1nu•llt • bl• to 111t1 "'f'Mlt 1~e 111uaMndO•ll problem or 1hr ex· l•tfnr.1

t>;l•Ht•d 10 Htlli H lmm .. ••rab1i •\!lo1a•tt I• ''" llllaJtaille ...,,.IN of ~ a,.._,.•tlr I• •

IX.-Tbo• aha.It not •lW'•k 11~1t•ll",.. anti nep.tlom at au tloara uou1 T011t11! Thon shalt tnlltc'~ thlae afUrm•· llon1 many and 1h1 neg11iv10:1 tc w. Thou •halt challf!n1111:'c h im to •do more oft en than l hou thalt "''' ualo blm "Don'I." T'boa t!lalt be 1-lad for h& Jor. Illa play, a.nd bt1 atJ.ndonmnt to tbe aplrlt or happfnMt and thou •b•lt proYtde • rnr bl.I aoctal and hb rttf'e'aUoa1I flfL

X - Aad nrlly I.Ito• altall ttlMmkr

l'at all )'OtUb IJI IMJt 0 n11nlaa l eteeeeeeeeeeeeee•eeeeeeeee•••••••eete••••••ille-eeee Yoal b !" •

Tiki• ... u ,.._ ..... ,,;, = c:!t+·u~ents! , .. ,. ...... •~f'I ·-·'= ~. ..... ........ .. , ... t .. ,..., . .. ....

ap' ....... -.1lea a t llJI f'PIT\t fta1'" l l ..... , .. f'alW •• ..... ,,.,... . ........ .,,...... . Hall•••'-• J .. tta T..._ ~tt ,...., • .._" at. tMt ,_,h, W l-.te.rt ... N"C-M~ •17· .... 11'1 .. ..,.. ... a.. ...

. : : : . . . . :

We UIT)' a rlf>• line of s;enbo' rurm..hln1:11 "" etaru. 11.., irlov.,,., et• .. and abo a fine line ol ladon •hot'• &11d ho,.,

~led your ~t h•re ~Core 1oln11 horn~.

Guarantee CJothinr & Shoe Co . . ................................................... ..... ,T. • M ah 1U1 .. •f'"4 ... flolr-1• •Ui owa •a,. AM It "'- • ..,. of •on"• • eot I• 1;---------------------

\ lllJ" lnfiU.HI 9014-..-....... ..,.r o Cll•l'U or t.U1-tnt. u ll OIHt'• • .,. •11d tbt ,...,,a. ... 004I .,.. , ,....... \ta .... .

..... ••41 0-4 ... • ...... . \'o•lb or '°•C •H Nld • ••o old .. ,. "'\\'1•1 >'" nnt 'hat I

tnUlll bt •buut mr V•thl'r'11 bu,..

tn,.1111lh Alid tu- '*' i'lf II-boll It

la ba. OWQ ,,_.,,

Bay ln McPbenon I YWT h:tWtWta &ra liltr"Ted a.t lf'J" a 11-e IU11ta1-. W'•

lin·l\O J'O• to la._tlplt o•t .PtOflt ...... rtec ..,&a•

Tiie F-... Alliance Insurance,. ....... _....,.._ :!'.----W eol Silk and Wool Hose

Now In

In Plain Colors and Sport Hoee $1.00 to $1.95

The Ellis Shoe Store

Christmas Shopping Do it Now- ATOid the Raah

,.,,._N.kalar dlff"'t ... fro• l=========..,....=,.,,..----......,,,....------­IH lftrt4HOU ol••"I • e M'•

ll=~Jl•c I• lllJ daUUa1 ud ·==·········· .. ·····T···h·e···s·~;;;n··:,··:·,················ You will find most app...,prial• irirt.-ror ~.-uybody­


... .,,.._utt.t• .n1tn~ • y• u tt'J"llt•nl ... .,... ... . , .... • Ch . =~~.,-::ii::: .. ·i:: :: ~ nstmas

Bixby, Lindsay l>nap Jewe.lry

.............. h ............. ,~ . l•mie .. ttr ... .., .. ,.., 1 o • b most wonderfully "xpreMed by both the ... n.

timmb! and dmgll3 or our . .....•............................................ ~ ~ W e Carry the Very Beat Quality '

brU• wtt•I• tbf' ~• .... of

'"'" •--• • latc.UertHI ft••• b7 lb • M ., 0.• Nan"Mt lH"m nr... .... , ... Christmas Cards

Onler you"' now from our llne--low In prl•e. but high In quality.

' The McPl.erion Daily Republican

. . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .. . .

I , rw. .. ,.,...,.. <'ollf'f.'! "••flit l• •••

dlUO• t o 1lla'ftn1 P•bll ..... lb6 AU­Ahuerlran tlmllh 1trothff'I J'ootb._,t ~lt•en a'ld 11:n A11•AD'HITlnn M•vle FoalbaU IHID of ltU ..... •l"lfl°' lO t•t •• All·AIMrk•• A.alJol TNra Hd u All·Aft\atlta• Aa(nmo-. hlle l!!lnu.

The Worl4 ~ ..........•.•...... -...•............................. : : ==================-----~-------- ••....•.•••.•••••.•••••••••.•.•.•.•..•••••••••••••••

Qu thM Nalloo'• Anlmal Team 11ro •••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~'· 'onnd 11 rouvlt of ~mb1, • 1l11er, :. • •

w01' · • R••n ....... i i:-.... ••d • : r'\......,. "Chns0 tmaa Aaaortme•t Crabb, wbll1t on tho Automobll11 • VUr . II &1 .. t• we rt•d of Na1b, 19at h .rd. :

~~!'.e~lo!:~m~;nl~o;:~:~::· I~=~~ : b.tll:er. :

: . . waa chosen with ulmoal care t his year -,

Come in and let uo show you eomo new Item•.

Altnen-Lovett Drug Co .

-Curtis Motor .Company

P"-810 •

Llncoln-F o r J --f'ordOOft


314- 18 "1'1. Mala

u .. -iy ..,.um. Ford parta. fl I• uh1' that thr .. 1enttallon• of

DtOPlt MtlOI al • "°9rdla.C Ma .. w UI •™•" a ra~ tfhlli •ram • I• ,,,.... .... :

: ····················································· !!~~====~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~::~~

--~ -

u:gf YOU FORGET A llttJe f4""4Jt~•'Ot ao• wtu . ... ,.. ..... .....,, ...... 1 , ..

.. rr,,_,... a.ut ,_,._ o,.,. ,..r CHRISTMAS GREE<TINCS

'"' nw ... ,,.. u. . ... , ~··•· -1i-...-'7

THEO. HARMS Printinc €ompany

Christmas Shoppers Gilb ebooen from our opl~ndldl7 Rlec:ttd flock II.le of anivenal appeal, and S1H'O to pltue. V mt our •tore and malce you ... tectlont early.

Books Biblt11


Watt:.bt11 Sllnnnno

Clocl<A Fountain Pent.

Richard Miller

For Best Grades Of Boilding llalu!al and Coal on

Lake Superior Lumber Co. Pi-.40

""" ..................................................... . : : If You Appreciate !

Cl&tft JilUter. c.tlfo .. A&e.t. J Jer .o. S'·tt-- : e

'-----------'ll~====~=~ .... ~·~~-~-~-~==~~~~=~1 : Quality, Service and Fair'Pricee i I: : you will eventually buy £ ,................ . . ··········d·~········································: i at I

Onioa-: Sbbp i Photo Frames i : Golden Rule C9. : : for every purpOM!. A new lo't jQt rec~lved. i =••••••••••••••••••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••=

... frisbCandy i W atker Studio ~ ····················~·······························: : ••••.••••••••••.•.••.....••••.•.•••••.•.•.•.•.••••• : E. R. But"kbolder Lbr. Co. i :

~ ~ ......... ~ ...........................•................ ....... Book Store. i · Pwitaa Cafe S

: nee.a...~ : _,.. _ : llMIY_ F.-.. Herw •

_......,. - -,.t I QloalilJ' + s.nioo : _ _,.... __ , . . ... ~~~~----~--11 •• .. ••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••·

: i

We would appreciate some of your businemJ in r ood Building Material and CoaL ..................................................

.,...... 16

Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF!~ator ~=====~=====~ McPHERSON CO~ ADWC'S 1.ROGW IS MUCH ENJOYFJ> Male Q.artet Pruenta Li1ht


ATJUAi.710 01Qit(>S8'1RWIONI Satan 'blm~H ll• d been Jo,..lled a1 ~·sJe.lDp o.a tbee., lllll• dame, b&N Jr-------------------------" AT OTtu.."11 UXl\'JSIUilTl:V.S tJ1a bl,1 •pr.Aker ' ()t the. e•enln1, ~ur. or nMk aed •D ... tbo •1.~o;"

other l/u1itnl'JJ1t1 prevf[tlfed.,. lite pres· With the ~Jt•d down. 1Ukett bo1~. Tbe'YUll~ daf ••• lhe Idea o t Milic h, enc-e at 1btt: Mg anow, 1.Mlalc ulebra· and lht lhtn. tn.a.sp&rtint1clothr.:S;

It ••• a'ftat. day ot tbf" eDtlrt. 1-kul,. PlnallT Mt1'CU.ry, the r.oub et! With Ut1 preuy•m&d&--vD fuo. aod roo1ball .euon: Ute or tbta t.b:e Dl•dl: Mua.d p Yil: • rou:tos tbJ bobbed bitr'a Jaaat)' srue; rear wu then to be obnd. •Po&et"b.' Tb•n the nJY~ •11.N op- W IU• tbr tt!'d -Upa reddeae4 more

The 11qud of lhteno Ual.-thlllt ened. the ll<tu(d carbon IJ(OJ:ld• abol • 1th tbJ Up atlck from the • tore, 'IJ'llf la •h• nlnlt or hwtlth and phft· t)ll.t wflh • Ji)1lT and C!ll:tl&Dd"'1 #0 ' With Ill m.1 hea.rc.. t glH thee JO)', lf"OI cou<ltuo n. Tht1· rt;1allted llnt t taph1ly thnL 4 J1ugc •M"" bank w.u Thank tba J.ord 1 wn11 born a boy."' I.IP abo'IO; .. p{)W~rful f (M l&W1'ht..~ ft>rin~1. A lff UUl' • q t tho wlld211t tJtt-nt. al.o In l)t'rfcc:l trim and whh I Jnuon11 ~ullud 4.>Ul lLff!' tbln taJlic lteadlln"• )'ou n~•cr -.e: a mucb beH•r·, t«Ord, ((Ir 1\Dd eai:b itrunluc tbe. 1.aU a t 11.t..._ .FR£.SfUU\ . .,.,. LA\tDa Kl.1'l'"'OizY the. Cel~U.11 (1Je1CD had nOL u nit 1one la rmnl of bllit. bt,;an a .,ar . iJ(tPUIJ AT CLASS MltCTL~G lvst a wto11v guoe tblJ ''uon. dance arooad 1he .no• bnk, whk:h

I Tb~ 7ter prevk)ua, ffl"' \\lblte· •·~11-nl!lh fro1c1 lhem wllh 111 trlg'ld

roi><:<l 1Jquct of Celtmtln.I Urilv~t11lty ,,.,.,_.... Thn t1otMU.f I.el llxn1fl fiend· lmd plu(:td Uut oval ·ne::>ul~ u• the! Yell• 10 c(lnvlnce tb~nuHth'ait llt'ld goAI Una or tbo Olafl1.ll9 tour tlmH other• lhoy enjoyed thf> lnten•~ and lh• wbolt aq:regatktn from JtT or lha 41uow bank'• cbld.,

)1ruv\aee o( l at.emo tad •affered ;U~r • lonllf •bile the .now baak lfU.lle kt>f.nly tbtr. OV4!r'!IDlhOJ dt.. T:t.Dbh~. 11:a .. 1nc onty c:iiiptf C'JllD· k•I. dera, Mrld wa.rmth. And tbu en.

ThJa yuu l1uwev11r, th~)' wart' d r .. (htHila!ltl~ 1lcmmur w eni''liotno, tear· t('rm1fi·ed to exblb.ll u. su 11ttr lo r nbU· Ii!~ Qt lb() (t.mtllct or tho eneulog lty a t l~ut b1 ho lding lh f' Whht11 10 dar, lb& .-re• t allliunl t h•J11l r of t.lla

.,,,.If' . , 1 . .. . I

• • mall •«Jta, lboagb th~T llld tint Idea ur M1u·f:h. 11.aucr ll:tai. lbc)' .:ollld 'll"lb. Tber re!allud t.o, tbll. the In tho October numli<!r of the Sd­dU.hoHcal lt"'m would tll't!d thtt ('ncu .'lu•'11 l.dt~r ~·t' find t bh1 •tale­.-uppor"l or uv~ry detpon o( th1} 11n'n·· 01e..o1: "'r11aro I• u htr50 bod of !nee. orncl 1nu,•h tlrit.hU11la!:lm would pu re r_:118o m KUii• nc11r Dcnlh V1llley, l,Jo necmuuirr. AC\..'Otdlngly, u11der Call11Jral4."'

1bc leaden1b1p of h&1:on. lbttJr ('hter we lbOSl(thl It •ould b(o rouud le:ade-r, the t;lut colhtctcd 90me.•htire nt"u •here. a huge. pll• of llquld carbon dfo'-ldt"

ta.Dk$ and wait.I'd. 1;:===========;1 On thft ftVtt of the ld~11 ot March.

06J:On Invoked n huge multHude l.o llUcutJ l hti krll•L • now h .Dlt «iltibrll· tton. Wh• n. thtl demonla.I hu11 hi.I uti'mblfd. OaJl;on begu a 1tt.rl~ o f barn.Hutti. Aanong the u'IMl df1· 1.ln~;bibed •PHliler• or tba ewentQg Wero l)o.i;tur ftlulc) fl.lld U~'1 1Ulilll.I.

'rhe tor~llor we,. lhl! oi 11edlr;.11l advt~­c:r or th(! lnfe-rno; th"- 1u1 old • tat of I.he Unh"cr.IO'. Alr.

The McPheraon & Citizens

State Bank of McPloen-, ~

'c..,.t&I ... d Bmplu, etllO.llOO

The pfoobJem oC the 1tudt?nt J1 our cbanco to apptr tho· "Ooh1oo

t Uule.u



Odorluu Ort CJtttulo1

Okerlind and A1pe1ren .Joh.ll \ Vhlt'1te<".1c, Collc•Jln Ac11al

I' When Downtown Do Not I

Forcet the ·


Snyder Candy Company

Sho'w you a real line of Christmas C~dies.

Values tha"t mean big savings for Xmas

Gift Givers

New Chr!stmna Hats Scnr.fs - Feuther Boas

Hand mnde fancy wor k, pil­low cases luncheon sets. handkerchiefs, center pieces, coat nnd dress flowers, etc.

Shop Early

Matthewa Millinery


Royal Barber Shop Wilber Barber Shop I 109 So..U. Mala


• J . Ed Gustafson """' .....

Watche~. Jewelry, Rings Bracelets, etc.

Watch Repairing

111 North Mam Street


Made to Order

Orie J. Abel

At Ar.tShop


enney ... o. • DEPARTMENT STORES

119 North Main McPher-...on, Kana.

Men' sDressShirts '.At Our Low Priu of

Sigh couat Per­ a nd 01be r good c.1otht. Fine pauc.rna. of which ..,..e. huo 1akcn the

:,::~srfro~u !,ft1~ • Made ewer 011r

!f.rgc p:Utcm, "b'" ,... ished 4:1-·lnc.h chut co s ize t4, other s iz.cs ia ptooortioJJ. E:ac:h s l.n cui 1cpa·

~~=~:· .!~oi!~c;!~ elbow space..

Others at. $1.49 and '$1.98

McPhers!)t( CoUege Students We always ai>preciate your pat ronngo.


Green Electric Shop Exerything Muaical Baldwin Mu1lc Store

Prompt Service. Phone 299.

~O,OOO_Wheelbarrows in one hand Ca1'rf all oleculcal lln&i.

107 SO.ulb Malo.

or oOd Eata -M

l>ouclaa Chocolatu -Echo ReataUTant S Headqu.rter •

Carl M.-Anderaon Ju-with..,.,,;..,,

pi.- 145.

Duc:kwall's Variety .... 5 and 10 Cent

Store• 'WO CJt.rr1 • Uule \lC ;m:ieylbtnc.

Tl'T 1ul rtnt.

lhWiell'a Dnaa Store I Wiii,_.. al.0<0la~ M•rth J 1'Ullhufl\.a. l'ecaa ,Rollo. I Al...,. ''!''·

ROBB STUDIO tor lln1.t PllDtoxraphy aull Kodo.k


l U i.:; l'\ortb Malo

Students! Your patronage will be

appreciated I

The Home State Bank

N- Popular Mualc aacl p~~

Baad lutrameau ucl Accetnrin

F ........ Muaic 8-M

- ILUllW.&O'n()Jf 69.4 ton wNitq ..,...,..1. lDW'all

ln4 ~ 11Dflft to- . Md'IUCllllOIJ ll1'SAJI LAIJJfDRI(

W• l1H tlott Wat4r t


A button is pressed. An electric motor goes to work, followed by aootherandstill others until twenty sections of a belt conveyor four miles long:are in operation! Through an abandoned mine runs giant wheelbarrow carrying niM thousand tons of coal per day in a steady stream from the mil;lers to the coal barges on the Monon­gahela River. Onem:µi contr?ls it with no more effort or concern than pressing a switch button. ·Electricity pushes it

Not-only conv,,yor belts of all sizes, shapes and kinds, but also hoists, tractors, cranes, elevators, stackers, locomotives, and other material-hand.ting equipment have gaineq flexibility, dependability, ~ease"ofcontrol throut;h electric motorization.

Moving things in one way or another is tJl& educated man's worlc in life.Ana electricity, ever at his command, is moving,more ~d still more of the thingff which move this new world of ours.

GENERAL ELECTRIC elll 8 &AL IL8 C 'l' & IC CO MPANY, ICBIN&C'l' A D r. •IW Yc>a •